#Golf Ball Retriever Sports Direct
idiotwithanipad · 4 months
The Return Of The Rat (Pt1)
Amy (My OC) finds out about a new guest at the hotel who has no right to come back, especially after what his past self had tried to do, and what he lied about. Along the way, discovering new, frightening things about herself.
TW: Mention of choking to death, Swearing
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“He’s got no chance! D’you see the way he swung that Putter?” The head in Amy’s hands laughed. They had found a surprising amount of hilarity in watching the living visitors play golf on the green. Although, judging them would probably be the appropriate term for what they were doing. 
Only last week, the Tudor had made their bond official, and, with the aid of his only living friend, Alison Cooper, had asked for her help in signing an adoption certificate declaring the young girl his daughter in the noble name of Bone. 
But the plan had been lopsided; the girl had spent every moment of her afterlife in the company of the Tudor since her second week of death, and the separation leading up to the day of the adoption was difficult for the both of them. 
While Amy held nothing against her friends for claiming that they had no idea what had become of Humphrey the entire day before the adoption, she decided to distance herself from them for the following week, save for Humphrey and a special woodland dwelling friend of hers now put to slumber by the Waning Moon. 
They watched as the golf balls flew overhead and glistened in the sun, rolling through the manicured grass and coming to a halt. 
"See! I told you he wouldn't manage it!" Humphrey blurted. 
Amy stomped her four inch platform into the grass and growled, although she still held an amused smile on her face. 
"Fuck it!"
The head in Amy's hands chortled. Amy paced over the grass towards where the ball had landed. It had rolled only a few feet away from the hole. 
"That's close enough to be considered a win, come on! I called it! I said he'd get close! " She barked, waving her hand down at the hole, clutching Humphrey's head under her arm. 
"The rules are the rules, that's six points for me and two for you..." The head snided playfully. 
"Two and a half for how close the damn thing is!?" Amy bargained. 
"Nope" Humphrey said, emphasising the 'P'.
"Nah, c'mon!"
The head merely chuckled and waggled his brows. 
"Best of ten then?!" Amy hounded, regathering his head in both hands before her stomach so he could watch as the living player retrieved the ball. 
Humphrey hummed for a moment and flicked his eyes up. 
"... Alright, best of ten"
The whole morning the two had spent watching the golfers. Amy wasn't a sports fan, even when alive, but she'd be lying if she said she didn't enjoy placing silly bets on who would win or lose with the Tudor. The day had been hot, the sun had burned many skins and caused the elderly to retreat back inside. A trundling drone had distracted Amy, even through the constant clamp of hear headphones stuck forever over her ears. 
She turned away from the golfers and faced the driveway. A small gazebo was erected, and beneath it was a table containing some plastic cups and some sort of machine. One that Amy recognised all too well. 
"No way!" Amy gasped. 
"What?" Humphrey asked, trying to flick his eyes in the direction he assumed she looked. 
"It's a slush puppy machine!" Amy smiled, already taking Humphrey and heading over to the table. 
Sheltered beneath the gazebo offered an ample opportunity for them to read all the flavours listed. 
"What are these, then?" Humphrey asked, his brow furrowing in confusion at the churning tubs of coloured ice. 
Amy practically salivated. 
"I fucking loved these things! They're these drinks, you- I dunno, blend down ice in this syrup and it's the dog's bollocks!" Amy beamed, her eyes gazing at her favourite two flavours; Cherry and Sour Apple. 
Humphrey clicked his tongue and averted his eyes upwards towards Amy. Amy paused; remembering then that Humphrey wasn't entirely used most to her vulgar language. He could handle a few f bombs and such, but some words, such as the one she threw out just then made his metaphorical gut clench. 
" .. Sorry. It's just been ages since I've seen these things!" Amy sounded like she was holding back her excitement. Humphrey's eyes scanned the labels beneath the machine. 
"Strawberry, Blue Raspberry, Cherry, Sour Apple- ooh, lots of choices then?" He mused, his tongue flicking out to lick at his lip briefly. 
"Yeah, they're so good! Especially in summer, I guess that's why it's here. I heard on the TV that there's a heatwave" Amy said, matter-of-factly. Not that the weather had any effectiveness on the dead anymore. 
"I dunno about you, but if I could pick one, I'd have to go for the Strawberry" Humphrey said, raising his eyebrows at the churning tub of red bliss. 
Amy rose an eyebrow. 
"Well, I recall trying a strawberry as a boy, I enjoyed them then. As for the others, I can't quite remember what Cherry tastes like, I don't remember Apples being sour and Blue Raspberry... Well that's just not factual" Humphrey said, his eyes bulging at the thought of somewhere in the world, a plantation of blue raspberries growing. 
Amy chuckled and swayed slightly in the shade of the gazebo, delighting in the artificial fruity scent that the drinks gave off. Humphrey perked up. 
"You could've made one out of those Monsters you like!" 
Amy straightened. 
"Funny enough, I actually tried that once. Didn't end well. When I blended it up, it got too fizzy and kinda- exploded on me... I managed to try some though, watered down Monster... Not great" Amy said, recalling the embarrassing memory. 
Humphrey remembered seeing a blender once; he thanked his lucky stars that they didn't exist back in his time, he just KNEW that they'd be used as a torture device. 
"You could have a Wine flavoured one?" Amy suggested, sounding like a child off in a fantasy land where anything came in every flavour possible. Humphrey smiled. 
"That would've been nice. Mostly only royalty had ice houses back in my time, so ice was a rarity unless it was the dead of winter or a special occasion. My father was lucky in that regard, really. He had one at Richmond"
The pair fluttered around the slushies for a while longer, Amy began introducing Humphrey to the combinations people would mix, and that only made him want to taste them more. They didn't even notice the new flurry of cars which pulled into the lot, or the passenger which stepped out of a car, who regarded the place with a sense of familiarity. A deep dread. A nagging sensation of... guilt? Fear? Like a moment of judgement was at hand. Like he had the nerve and the unmitigated gall to show his rat face here again. 
After tiring of the golfers and fawning over the cold drinks, Amy and Humphrey retired back inside as the clock struck six. Although the rest of their ghostly crew gathered in the Higham Suite every night for film club, Amy and Humphrey took refuge in the room where Amy had met her fizzy, caffeine choking demise. 
A permanently locked and shady room in the East Wing, the same room in which Fanny would reenact her own death every night. The room had been left unbookable after Amy's death; as far as the hotel staff and owners knew, Amy's was the first death to happen inside the walls during the time the hotel had been in business. They probably should've done more homework and put two and two together on who those old oil paintings where of and they they still remained. 
The room was still and quiet, save for the sound of the TV in the next room over. Amy sat herself cross legged on the bed, the sheets not moving an inch at the contact. Humphrey's head lie on it's side in front of her, his eyes flicking over to the door, keeping his eyes peeled for a certain someone or something. Amy's brow creased, a question she'd been wanting to ask all week finally breached the surface and came into the light. 
"Yeah, Poppet?" He said, eyes flicking back up to her. 
Amy stuffed her hands inside her front hoodie pocket and stared down at the untouched sheets. 
"You know the other day when I couldn't find you? The day you-" Amy shrugged and gave a half smile, nodding her head over to the bedside table where her adoption certificate sat in its frame where Alison had left it, after a little bargaining with the man at reception to allow her access to the room. 
Humphrey blinked and smiled back at the framed document. 
"Well- where you okay?" Amy asked. 
The question puzzled the Tudor. 
"Course I was. Well- I heard you cryin'  and I wanted to drop the idea all together and go show you I was alright" Humphrey spoke. 
"You weren't laughing at me or anything, where you?" Amy asked, blinking in shame for making such a fuss. 
"You 'avin' a laugh? I could barely take it! The only thing that stopped me was hearing Silver talking to you. She always makes things better" Humphrey assured, his brow creasing at the thought of Amy assuming he'd taken joy out of her torment. 
"I guess it worked out alright, though?" Amy smiled. She tried to suppress the powerful yawn that slipped between her lips, but Humphrey spotted it. 
"Come on, get some sleep, you haven't slept all week. I'll still be 'ere when you wake up, Poppet" Humphrey blinked. 
No matter how many times Amy protested and claimed that she wasn't tired, Humphrey could tell it was a bold faced lie. Amy finally conceded and carried Humphrey's head over to a soft armchair by the window, his frequent sleeping place. She placed him onto the soft cushion gently and trundled back over to the bed. As soon as she curled up on her side, pulled her hood over her head and nestled into the pillow, she was practically out like a light. 
For about an hour, Humphrey felt like he could drop off any moment as well, but a certain someone that he had been keeping himself awake for entered the room through the wall. They shuffled and bumbled blindly, their arms braced out ahead of them as if blindfolded, but their eyes did work; they were staring right at themself. 
Humphrey watched as his detached body approached the bed and took a seat on the edge by Amy's feet. It seemed to twist it's upper body towards the sleeping girl to 'look' at her. It's clumsy, searching hand carefully came up to feel around gently for Amy's head still tucked away beneath the hood. It came to a slow stop when it found it's target and stroked softly, before it reached behind itself and pulled the thick layers of it's cloak over her body like a blanket. 
Humphrey smiled and finally let his heavy eyes drift shut, secure in the knowledge that this was his sentient body's way of letting his adopted daughter know that they would both still be there when she awoke. 
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solargolfnet · 1 year
Harnessing the Power of the Sun: The Solar Golf Net Revolution
As society shifts towards sustainable energy solutions, solar technology continues to find innovative applications across various industries. In recent years, the world of golf has embraced this green revolution with the emergence of Solar Golf Nets. Combining renewable energy and sport, these high-tech nets are transforming the golfing experience, promoting environmental consciousness, and enhancing golfers' skills. This article explores the concept, benefits, and future potential of Solar Golf Nets.
What is a Solar Golf Net?
A Solar Golf Net is a technologically advanced golf training equipment integrated with solar panels. The net itself serves as a conventional golf practice net, allowing players to practice their swings and improve accuracy. What sets it apart is the incorporation of solar panels on its surface, capturing sunlight and converting it into usable electricity. This clean energy powers the golf net's internal systems and can also be utilized to charge electric golf carts or supply energy to nearby facilities.
How Solar Golf Nets Work
The technology behind Solar Golf Nets is based on photovoltaics. Solar panels, made up of semiconductor materials, capture photons from sunlight and convert them into direct current (DC) electricity. An inverter then converts this DC electricity into alternating current (AC), making it suitable for powering various electrical components.
In a Solar Golf Net, the energy generated from the solar panels can be utilized in multiple ways. Firstly, the net's integrated ball-return system can be powered, automatically collecting and reloading golf balls for continuous practice sessions. Secondly, LED lights can be integrated into the net, allowing golfers to practice during low-light conditions or at night, further optimizing their training schedule. Thirdly, excess electricity can be stored in batteries for later use or fed back into the grid, contributing to the overall renewable energy capacity of the facility.
Harnessing the Power of the Sun: The Solar Golf Net Revolution
Sustainable Energy Source: Solar Golf Nets harness clean, renewable energy, reducing the reliance on traditional fossil fuels. By utilizing the power of the sun, golf courses can decrease their carbon footprint and contribute to a greener environment.
Cost Savings: While the initial investment in Solar Golf Nets may be higher compared to conventional nets, the long-term benefits are significant. Golf courses can save on electricity bills as they generate their own power. Additionally, if they generate surplus electricity, they may earn revenue by selling it back to the grid.
Enhanced Player Experience: With the integration of LED lights, players can extend their practice sessions into the evening. Moreover, the automatic ball-return system eliminates the need for constant ball retrieval, enhancing the overall training experience.
Education and Awareness: Solar Golf Nets can serve as educational tools, raising awareness among golfers and visitors about the importance of sustainable energy and environmental stewardship.
Brand Image and Marketing: Golf courses embracing solar technology can differentiate themselves as eco-friendly establishments, attracting environmentally conscious golfers and positive media attention.
Challenges and Future Prospects
Despite the numerous advantages, Solar Golf Nets face some challenges. The initial investment may deter some golf course owners, especially those who have recently invested in traditional nets. Furthermore, the efficiency of solar panels may be affected by inclement weather or geographic location, potentially limiting power generation.
However, advancements in solar technology and economies of scale are continuously driving down costs, making Solar Golf Nets more accessible. Additionally, research is ongoing to improve the efficiency of solar panels, allowing them to capture more sunlight even under less favorable conditions. As solar technology continues to evolve, the integration of energy storage solutions like advanced batteries may become more feasible. These batteries could store excess energy during sunny periods, ensuring a stable power supply even during low-light conditions or at night.
Solar Golf Nets represent a fusion of sports and sustainability, revolutionizing the golfing experience. Harnessing the sun's power, Protecting Solar Panels  these innovative nets offer golf courses a chance to become pioneers in sustainable practices while providing players with enhanced training facilities. Despite the challenges, the increasing interest in renewable energy and the growth of solar technology make Solar Golf Nets a promising development for the future of both golf and environmental conservation. As we move towards a greener world, the Solar Golf Net stands as a shining example of sustainable progress in sports.
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jimmydemaret · 4 years
Golf Claw - 24 Piece Display
Golf Claw – 24 Piece Display
Check out 24 Golf Ball Retriever. Golf Claw – 24 Piece Display. 24 Golf Ball Retriever – Now Lowest Price Latest Designs 24 Golf Ball Retriever, Golf Claw – 24 Piece Display. USD$84.99   Golf Claw – 24 Piece Display Shop for Best Price. Golf Claw – 24 Piece Display This season’s Top selling prodcuts related to 24 Golf Ball Retriever,  Check Search index for more relevant products. Selection…
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tessisawriter · 5 years
Omg I need a 94 for Mat where the reader is at top golf with Barz and Auston, like last night!!
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A/N: I replaced M*tthews with a fictional OC who happens to be a hockey player.
Warnings: Suggestive language if you squint
Word Count: 1.4k
You were glad you accompanied Mat on his trip to Arizona to visit Declan Levy.
Mat and Declan had known each other since they were teenagers, both having played for the Seattle Thunderbirds in the WHL. You liked Declan, too; he had a similar sense of humor to your own and never failed to make you laugh. So when Mat asked you to come with him to Arizona, you were happy to oblige. It also didn’t hurt that Mat promised to take you to the Grand Canyon afterwards.
Earlier that evening, you and Mat had dinner with the Levy family. You immediately felt at home with them. Declan’s mom, Alicia, was so sweet, but you also admired how she could get him and his twin sister, Jenny, under control after speaking only a few words. Jenny was hilarious, and you barely managed to stop laughing when she chirped her brother at the dinner table.
Now, you were at Topgolf with Mat and Declan. While you liked other sports besides hockey, especially tennis, you knew nothing about golf and had no interest in learning anything about it. You were perfectly content to stand there and watch Mat and Declan make complete fools of themselves.
“Are you ready to watch me dominate the golf course, babe?” Mat said as you were walking to the golf course, snaking his arm around your waist and kissing your earlobe.
“Jesus, Mat, you’re so competitive,” you managed to say through a fit of laughter.
“I’ve got to show you that I’m the best,” Mat replied. That comment seemed a little odd to you, but you just shoved him playfully before pulling him back to you for a kiss.
“All right, lovebirds, I’m going first,” Declan shouted, “Let’s gooooo!”
You laughed as Declan ran to the booth to get some golf clubs and golf balls. “He’s hilarious,” you said.
“The funniest,” Mat replied. His tone was off again, but he started tickling you on either side of your waist.
“Oh my God, Mat, stop!” you squealed through peals of laughter.
“What’s the magic word?” Mat said.
“Please, please!” You couldn’t stop giggling, and he finally let you go, but not before kissing you again.
“Come on, you two, I need an audience!” Declan shouted, interrupting the moment.
“Coming!” you shouted back, and you and Mat walked over to the golf course.
While Declan retrieved a golf ball from the bucket, Mat pulled his phone out of his pocket.
“What are you doing?” you asked.
“I have to get this on video,” Mat whispered, and then said loud enough for Declan to hear, “You’re on camera, loser!”
“Who are you calling a loser?” Declan chuckled. “Because it can’t be me. My golf skills are unparalleled.”
“You’ve got to walk the walk, Levy,” Mat laughed, and then he hit the record button on his phone.
The minute Declan swung the golf club, Mat broke out into a fit of laughter. You loved Mat’s laugh; it was contagious and endearing at the same time.
“I love your laugh,” you thought. Mat turned to you with a twinkle in his eyes, and you realized that you said it out loud.
“You love my laugh, eh?” Mat said, flashing his trademark grin in your direction.
“Yeah, I do,” you replied.
Mat was about to kiss you before Declan ruined the moment, again. “Come on, Barzal, time to put your money where your mouth is,” he said.
“Oh, I will,” Mat shot back, putting on his game face.
Mat grabbed another golf club and golf ball and positioned himself near the ball while Declan came over to stand next to you. He pulled out his phone and gasped when he read the screen.
“You put the video on your Insta story?” Declan called over to Mat.
“Of course,” Mat said, chuckling. “We’ve got to give the people what they want.”
“Oh, you’re asking for it, Barzal,” he shouted, laughing. He pulled up the camera app on his phone and started videotaping Mat.
Mat swung the golf club, but he hit the ball a little too hard. You watched as the ball disappeared somewhere on the other side of the golf course.
“Uh oh,” Declan managed to choke out through laughter.
“Where did it even go?” you asked, referring to the ball.
“Outer space,” he joked while presumably putting the video online, and he started to laugh even harder. You couldn’t help it; you laughed, too.
“What’s so funny?” Mat asked as he walked back over to you and Declan.
“Nothing,” you and Declan said simultaneously. Mat raised an eyebrow but let it go. An awkward silence ensued until Declan broke it.
“Hey,” he said, “You should have a go at it, Y/N.”
“What?” you said, shocked. “I know nothing about golf, much less how to swing a golf club.”
“I’ll help you,” Declan said, “Pleeeeassse.”
“All right, all right, I’ll do it,” you gave in.
“Let’s do this, then!” Declan cheered, and the two of you walked over to the spot where Mat had been.
“Okay, so you’re going to hold your golf club like this,” he said, demonstrating the grip. “And stand like this,” he positioned his feet on the grass.
“Got it,” you replied, and he handed you the golf club. You tried your best to replicate the grip and stance, but you could tell you were doing it wrong.
“This isn’t right, is it?” you said.
“It’s close, but here, let me show you how to do it,” Declan closed the distance between the two of you. “Put your left hand here,” he took your hand and put it in the correct position. “And your right one there,” he did the same with the other hand.
“It feels awkward holding it like this,” you whined, and Declan laughed.
“It might feel awkward, but it doesn’t look awkward,” he replied.
Ever since you had known Declan, you knew he was naturally flirtatious, so you chose to ignore his comment and focused on swinging the golf club. The ball went flying through the air in the same direction Mat’s golf ball did before.
“Mat, did you see that?” you said, turning around to look at your boyfriend. “It went where yours did.”
Mat’s face was stony, and he didn’t respond.
“Mat, what’s going on?” you asked, walking over to him.
“Nothing, I’m fine,” he said, grabbing your hand.
Sensing that Mat was not fine, you turned your head in Declan’s direction and said, “We’ll be right back, we’re just going to get some water.”
“Take your time,” he said as you and Mat walked away from the golf course.
Once you were far enough away, you said to Mat, “I know you, you’re not fine. What’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong?” Mat parroted back, incredulous. “What’s wrong? Seriously? Declan has been flirting with you all day and you’ve been flirting back!”
“I was not flirting back!” You found it shocking that your boyfriend thought you were flirting with Declan. You were just friends, that’s all. Couldn’t Mat see that he was the one you loved?
“You were just now,” Mat said.
“What, by letting him help me adjust my grip on the golf club? That wasn’t flirting; that was letting him help me because I’ve never played golf!”
“But he was flirting with you!”
“He flirts with everyone, you know that. There’s a difference, and besides, I don’t care what he does because I love you,” you said.
“I love you, too,” Mat said, and he leaned down to kiss you. When you came up for air, you smiled at him, and he smiled back.
“Come on, let’s go back to the golf course,” Mat said, and he grabbed your hand again.
The two of you walked in comfortable silence until you broke it right before reaching the golf course: “Why were you so bothered by Declan today? You’ve never had a problem with his flirtatious nature before.”
“I don’t know, I guess I blew it out of proportion,” Mat replied, but you could tell he was lying.
“Wait a minute…were you jealous?”
“No,” Mat blurted out too quickly. You gave him a knowing look and he cracked. “Okay, maybe I was a bit jealous.”
You laughed. “Seriously, though? I know girls love him, but he’s not my type.”
“Hey!” Declan said, pretending that he was offended. You started laughing, and Mat joined in, acting like his old self again.
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papermoonloveslucy · 7 years
S5;E5 ~ October 9, 1972
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Directed by Coby Ruskin ~ Written by Bob O'Brien
While Craig is home from college and playing tennis, he is eyed by quarterback Joe Namath for his potential as a football player. First, however, they have to convince Lucy to give permission for Craig to play the dangerous sport.  
Regular Cast
Lucille Ball (Lucy Carter), Gale Gordon (Harrison Otis Carter), Lucie Arnaz (Kim Carter)
Guest Cast
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Desi Arnaz Jr. (Craig Cartrer) is the real-life son of Lucille Ball. His 1953 birth was worked into the plot of “I Love Lucy” although Desi Jr. never played the role of Little Ricky Ricardo. He did, however, appear on the final half-hour episode of the series “The Ricardos Dedicate a Statue” (ILL S6;E27) in a crowd scene. He was occasionally seen as Billy Simmons and other minor characters on “The Lucy Show.”  At the time of filming “Here’s Lucy” he was part of the band Dino Desi and Billy along with Dean Martin Jr. and Billy Hinsche. Arnaz was married to actress Linda Purl from 1980 until 1981. In 1987, Arnaz married Amy Laura Bargiel. They lived in Boulder City, Nevada, with their daughter, and own the Boulder Theatre, a cinema converted into a theatre and home to the Boulder City Ballet Company. Amy died in 2005 after a long battle with cancer. Desi Arnaz has a daughter, Julia.
This is Craig's first appearance since the end of season 3 in February 1971.
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Joe Namath (Himself) born in 1943, Joe Namath was a record-setting and award-winning professional football player.  His career on the gridiron began in 1965 with the Jets and ended 1977 with the Rams. Nicknamed ‘Broadway Joe’, he also was an actor doing stage, screen, and television commercials.  He hosted “The Joe Namath Show” (1969) and other television shows.  Namath appeared in summer stock productions of Damn Yankees, Fiddler on the Roof, and Lil' Abner, and finally legitimized his nickname as a cast replacement in a New York revival of The Caine Mutiny Court Martial in 1983.  
Bob Harks (Joe Namath’s Stand-In, uncredited) was seen in the background of Mame (1974). In 1970 he popped up on his first television show and was seen in more than a dozen episodes of “Here's Lucy.” He died at age 83 in 2010.
Namath tells Lucy his friends call him ‘Joseph’. Lucy says the papers call him ‘Broadway Joe.’  
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Dick Patterson (Coach Hennessy) made his Broadway debut in David Merrick’s Vintage ‘60, and appeared in The Billy Barnes People, the national touring company of Bye Bye Birdie, and opposite Carol Burnett in Fade Out, Fade In. His last musical was Smile, a spoof of beauty pageants. He was seen in “Lucy Helps Danny Thomas” (TLS S4;E7). This is the third of his four appearances on “Here’s Lucy.”  
Coach Hennessy was teammates and roommates with Joe Namath at the University of Alabama.
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Kenny Endoso (Jimmy) was a Hawaiian-born actor and stunt performer whose career began in 1967 and racked up hundreds of credits.  He died in 2010.  
The voice of the TV announcer and the other college football players (including one named Murphy) are uncredited.
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This episode was inspired by Lucille Ball's appearance with Joe Namath on “The Super Comedy Bowl,” a TV special aired the night before the January 1971 Super Bowl game, although the segment was taped on November 23, 1970. In the sketch, Lucille Ball played an ER nurse who 'manhandles' football player Joe Namath after an accident. The sketch was written by Arnold Kane, who remembers in his book, My Meteoric Rise to Obscurity: 
“Lucy was a comedy genius. Namath was naturally frightened and nervous about doing comedy but the thought of working with Lucy scared the crap out of him.” 
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A year later, Lucie Arnaz appeared on the second “Super Comedy Bowl” special, which was taped on November 22, 1971 and aired January 12, 1972. Lucie's comedy partner was football great Bubba Smith.
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On the episode's DVD introduction and in The Lucy Book by Geoffrey Mark Fidelman, Desi Arnaz Jr. said: 
"I came back to the show after not being heard from for two years. I'm sure for some of the viewers it was like, 'Craig? Craig who?'  I was hardly ever referred to in the show once I was gone." 
Arnaz is right to say that for the first part of season 4 his absence went unexplained.  He was finally mentioned in “Lucy's Bonus Bounces” (S4;E16), and several more times for the rest of season 4.
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Coincidentally, “Here's Lucy's” main competition during the 1972-73 season was “Monday Night Football” on ABC TV. The night this episode first aired the Oakland Raiders bested the Houston Oilers 34 to 0.  
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This episode aired on Columbus Day 1972.  This was only the second time in US history that the federal holiday was celebrated on a Monday.  Before 1971, the holiday was celebrated on October 12, no matter which day it fell on.  Lucy Carter spoke about Christopher Columbus during the Secretary Beautiful Contest in “Lucy Competes with Carol Burnett” (S2;E24). 
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Namath put on his NY Jets uniform for publicity photos, but he never wears the famous #12 jersey during the actual episode. 
This episode is the fifth installment in the longest story arc (Lucy’s broken leg) of the series. This storyline was dictated by the fact that Lucille Ball actually broke her leg skiing, necessitating scripts for the first half of season five be tailored to her being in a cast. 
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After the show was over, Namath sent Lucille Ball an autographed football.
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In real life, Desi Arnaz Jr. was an avid tennis player, so writer Bob O'Brien included that into the script.
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At the end of scene two, Namath vows to get Lucy to give Craig permission to play or he'll give her his mink coat! Joe Namath had long worn fur, even on the bench.  Lucille Ball was also a fan of furs - especially mink.  In 2014 Namath caused an internet stir when he appeared at the Super Bowl game wearing a fur jacket.
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Harry says back when he was playing college football for State he was known as “Twinkle Toes Carter.” In the stage musical about college life in “Lucy, the Co-Ed” (S3;E6), Harry plays a football player for Bullwinkle University nicknamed ‘Crazy Hips.’  Two episodes later, in “Lucy's Wedding Party” (S3;E8), we again hear of Harry's football career at Bullwinkle State (BS).
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Lucy and Namath watch “The National Football League's Salute to the Quarterback” on her TV.  
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Actual clips of Namath on the field for the New York Jets (#12) are featured. Namath is delighted, but Lucy cringes at the physical violence.  
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For the final scene on the field. Lucy's golf cart wheelchair is back – this time without the canopy that Harry destroyed at the end of “Harrison Carter, Male Nurse” (S5;E3).  
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Namath tells Craig that he should give up football and join some rock group. This is an inside joke referring to Desi Arnaz Jr.'s own rock group with Dino Martin and Billy Hinsche called Dino Desi & Billy.
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When Harry dresses up in his college duds in “Lucy's Wedding Party” (S3;E8), Lucy tells him that he looks as handsome as Joe Namath!  
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Nearly a decade earlier to the day, Desi Arnaz Jr. played pee-wee football... 
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and Lucie Arnaz looked on from the sidelines in a October 1962 episode of “The Lucy Show” where Lucy Carmichael referees her son Jerry’s game.
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Professional sports figures that have played themselves on “Lucy” sitcoms:
Jockey Johnny Longden - “I Love Lucy”
Golfer F.G. Bo Wininger - “The Lucy Show”
Baseball Player Jimmy Piersall (above) - “The Lucy Show”
Golfer Jimmy Demaret - “I Love Lucy” and “The Lucy Show”
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Football players Johnny Unitas, Jim Brown, and Jimmy Phillips were all mentioned (but not seen) in “Lucy is a Referee” (TLS S1;E3) in 1962. In his high school football uniform, Craig was compared by Kim to football player Y.A. Tittle in “Lucy the Fixer” (S1;E14).
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Character Consistency!  We learned that Craig played High School football in 1969's “Lucy the Fixer” (S1;E14).  It is never mentioned here.  Lucy's over-reaction to the dangers of the sport in this episode, three years later, would surely have been tempered by past experience.
Oops! When Harry goes to sit down next to Lucy, he accidentally knocks the chair cushion to the floor and must retrieve it before sitting.  This is the second time this has happened to Gale Gordon.
One Hand Clapping!  After Craig's blustery exit speech in the first scene, exactly one person in the studio audience gives Desi Arnaz Jr. a round of applause. Ouch!
Age Check! Although the Coach and Namath were supposedly roommates and teammates at college, Dick Patterson (Coach Hennessy) is actually 14 years older than Namath. 
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“Lucy and Joe Namath” rates 2 Paper Hearts out of 5 
Yes, it is good to see Desi Arnaz Jr. again, but I wish it was in a better episode. With “Monday Night Football” as new competition for Lucy, what could be better than a celebrity football player - and Namath fit the bill perfectly.  Besides being contrived, there’s not much funny here.  
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jimmydemaret · 4 years
kaveno Portable Telescopic Golf Ball Retriever Pick Up Scoop Stainless Steel Shaft Tool (Light Weight Only 6.6 Oz)
kaveno Portable Telescopic Golf Ball Retriever Pick Up Scoop Stainless Steel Shaft Tool (Light Weight Only 6.6 Oz)
Custom Ball Retriever Golf. kaveno Portable Telescopic Golf Ball Retriever Pick Up Scoop Stainless Steel Shaft Tool (Light Weight Only 6.6 Oz).
Ball Retriever Golf – Shop for Promo Price [price_with_discount]
Discounted Ball Retriever Golf, kaveno Portable Telescopic Golf Ball Retriever Pick Up Scoop Stainless Steel Shaft Tool (Light Weight Only 6.6 Oz).
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kaveno Portable…
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lewishamledger · 5 years
Our ’Enry
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In an interview in 1977, the great Sir Henry Cooper remarked: “You only get out of life what you put into it. I earned my living as a boxer, but you can still conduct yourself in a gentlemanly way.”
These words serve as an apt introduction to a man whose fists may have wrought violence and destruction across 55 professional boxing contests, but whose geniality and warmth of personality endeared him to the nation.
Lambeth-born and Bellingham raised, Henry was that rare commodity – a boxer who was not only admired, but also genuinely loved. Across the 300 or more years that the sport of boxing has held a significant position within the collective British imagination, arguably no pugilist has been as widely and intensely loved as “our ’Enry”.
When he died on May 1, 2011 the country was deprived of one of its great post-war heroes – a man for whom the respected television commentator John Rawling coined the perfect epitaph: “He was a good boxer, but an outstanding man.”
The only boxer to ever be knighted – in recognition of his charitable work as much as his sporting prowess – Henry’s popularity traversed boundaries of class, age and gender.
To paraphrase Rudyard Kipling’s If, he was as comfortable displaying the “common touch”, pouring pints for punters at the Fellowship Inn in Bellingham, as he was “walking with kings” while dining at Buckingham Palace.
Henry was a staunch royalist – who had a portrait of the Queen Mother on his wall – and was at the same time suspicious of jingoism and avowedly opposed to racism in any form, as evidenced by his advocacy of the Anti- Nazi League, a group formed in 1977 to counter the rise of the far right.
Born in 1934, Henry and his identical twin brother George, as well as his older brother Bernard, were initially raised by parents Henry and Lily in Camberwell, but in 1939 they moved to a council house in Bellingham on Farmstead Road.
After brief spells in Sussex and Gloucestershire when they were evacuated – during which time their Bellingham home was hit by a German parachute mine – the Cooper brothers returned to south London in 1941.
Henry stayed on Farmstead Road with his parents until 1960, when he married his beloved Italian wife Albina. “It was a tight community,” he later said of his formative Bellingham years. “We all pulled together.”
Henry and George attended Athelney Road school and outside of school hours supported the family finances any way they could. Paper rounds, wood chopping and selling balls retrieved from the local golf course were among the innovative enterprises that put extra pennies in the collective kitty.
Henry and George’s entry into boxing came aged nine, courtesy of a neighbour who spotted their physical prowess and directed them to Bellingham Boxing Club.
Henry, naturally left-handed, nevertheless fought in the orthodox fashion and assembled an impressive amateur record for Eltham Boxing Club, winning 73 of 84 contests and competing at the 1952 Olympics.
Henry and George turned professional in 1954 under the management of the wily Jim Wicks. Although George would not ultimately match his brother’s fistic achievements, the two men were always extremely close.
“The only time we parted was when I got married,” Henry later recalled. “Even then, George came to live [with me] at Wembley until he was married.
“We went to school together, we went boxing together, we were together in the army. We look alike, we think alike, in temperament we’re similar and often we catch ourselves repeating each other’s remarks.”
Henry’s boxing career advanced quickly, and although he lost challenges for the Commonwealth, British and European titles in 1957, a famous victory against highly rated American Zora Folley the following year was the precursor to a points victory against British and Commonwealth champion Brian London at Earl’s Court in 1959.
Henry went on to successfully defend his British and Commonwealth titles on numerous occasions, earning a contest against one of the rising stars of world boxing in 1963 – a loudmouthed and undefeated 21-year-old American named Cassius Clay.
Rather than prepare for the fight in his usual environs of the Thomas A Becket pub on the Old Kent Road, Henry moved his training base to the Fellowship Inn in Bellingham, where the ballroom was converted into a makeshift gymnasium.
The influential American magazine Sports Illustrated reported: “For weeks he [Henry] lived at the Fellowship, taking his meals there, training in the back room when a wedding reception or tea party did not interfere.”
On an unforgettable night at Wembley Stadium, Henry’s preparations at the Fellowship almost paid off. His famed left hook smashed Clay to the canvas in the final seconds of round four – a moment that remains one of the most iconic in British boxing history.
For a few seconds a famous Cooper victory looked assured, but Clay recovered his footing – barely – and then in the interval before the following round his senses also returned, via a helping hand from some illegal smelling salts administered by his corner.
Henry was stopped while still on his feet in round five after suffering a terrible cut, with Clay labelling him “the toughest fighter I’ve ever met”. As for Henry, the magnanimous way he reacted to unfortunate defeat was typical of his generosity of spirit.
For the next few years he reigned supreme in Britain while Clay – who later renamed himself Muhammad Ali – went on to become champion of the world.
Ali granted Henry a rematch for the world title in 1966, in front of 46,000 fans at Arsenal’s Highbury stadium. Once again, Henry’s tendency to cut around the eyes proved his undoing as the referee stopped the fight in Ali’s favour in round six.
Henry subsequently added the European crown to his British and Commonwealth belts, before controversially losing all three titles in his final fight against Joe Bugner, a decision rendered by referee Harry Gibbs that was greeted with disbelief and catcalls by the fans.
In retirement, Henry, the first man to be twice named BBC Sports Personality of the Year, was much in demand as an after-dinner speaker, expert summariser and television personality – roles he fulfilled with distinction and integrity.
However, it was his more low profile – and unpaid – engagements at local boys’ clubs, sports clubs and boxing gyms that gave him the most pleasure.
When he died in 2011, a few days shy of his 77th birthday, old rival turned great friend Muhammad Ali was among those to pay tribute to a man whose prominence in British sporting folklore is assured.
“I am at a loss for words over the death of my friend, Henry Cooper,” Ali said. “Henry always had a smile for me; a warm and embracing smile. It was always a pleasure being in Henry’s company. I will miss my old friend. He was a great fighter and a gentleman.”
Above: Henry Cooper at the Fellowship Inn.  
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smithjeffrey2 · 6 years
Post Mortem
Game App Icon
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Mini Golf Extreme!
This game’s genres will include: 3D, Sports, & RTS.
Android systems version 20 or newer.
 Revenue model
This game features in-app purchasing for currency and advertisements for multiple methods of revenue generation.
Development tools/Language
The language used to build this game is C#. The tools used to create the game is the Unity game engine.
 Game audience
This game is intended for all audiences. The targeted audience is sports fans and players under the age of 25.
Jeffrey Smith
·         Designer
·         Developer
·         Voice Actor
·         Creator
Smith, J. (2018) Mini Golf Extreme! Retrieved from: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Fullsail.Capstone.JeffreySmith
 Sound Bite
Travel often? Bored at the office? Alone or with some friends? Play mini golf anywhere you go!
Executive Summary
This game uses the gyroscope and accelerometer to allow the player to play mini golf on a mobile device. The player will use a golf club attached to the viewpoint of the device screen and control it with the accelerometer and gyroscope sensors. There are three unique methods of control to play each level. After level completion, the player is rewarded with in-game currency to spend at the player-store for customization. There are multiple courses to play on, and each map will be unlocked when they complete the map prior.
The inspiration behind this game came from a local mini-golf course that unfortunately had to close its doors permanently. I no longer had a way to play mini golf in a meaningful way. This game sought to change that. I wanted mini golf fans from around the world to be able to play even if they can’t physically. I did not want location or funding to hinder the ability to play when they wanted to.
 Capstone Game Scope
Broken into sections, the scope of this game is as follows. To start, the core features needed to be created and adjusted to work correctly. The primary feature for this game is the player controller. The controller needed to feel appropriate for the gameplay to be meaningful for mini golf. Being able to swing the device around and hit the ball was the intended outcome. In order to achieve this, the gyroscope of the mobile device was used to move around the club. The second controller used the accelerometer to get the tilt of the device. This controlled the location and direction of the ball and course controls.
The secondary feature was the camera. It was important to get the right viewpoint for each controller. Without the right viewpoint, the game would not capture the correct aspect of the gameplay. When the club was being controlled, the gyroscope also controlled where the camera would point. This was, so the player always had the club within view of the screen. When the ball and course were being controlled, it was important to disconnect the camera and allow it to follow the ball through scripting.
After the two core functionalities were made, the rest of the game could be developed. This would include the course layouts, the user interface, the scoring system, the multiplayer mode, and the player-store. The gameplay had to be perfect before moving forward on any other aspect because it is the sole reason behind the game. Without the gameplay being perfect, nothing else in the game would matter.
  Demo Screencast:
  The Critique: What went right
Design & Aesthetics
This game was being designed with the thought that mostly kids would be playing. I did not want anything to be overly confusing or misleading for the player. I created the user interface to be very straight forward. I am not an artist, but I knew a colorful theme and interface artwork would do well for this game.
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I also designed the course layouts to be fun and challenging. None of them are too difficult to beat so the player does not become frustrated with the game. Each course has its own unique layout to mimic what the player would see at a real mini golf course. I built them with the thought in mind, so nothing was overtly wacky or out of tune with a physical possibility.
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Project Management
Project management came down to scheduling each week’s goals. I mapped out exactly what aspect of the game needed to be completed and by when. Each major feature was given its own week to be completed by, so I could focus on that development process. I also planned features in a unique order so that nothing had to be revisited. When I was building the features, I would also try to take some finished work from them to apply to new features such as the user interface.
During the development, I wasted no time to work on future goals when there was time available. I pushed to finish my goals early in the week to allow myself more time for testing. When I was able to finish goals early, I started work for the next week's goals. Being ahead of schedule was always a priority for me because I never knew if something would come up that could slow me down.
During development, I had to focus on core priorities first. These were the features that must be in the game in order for it to be a game. As mentioned above, each week held different goals that needed to be met in order to finish the game on time. Much time was spent working out the coding for each feature. All of the programming code had to correctly function with each of the goals moving forward each week.
As I built each feature, I had to keep in mind the next programming goal in mind. I had to build the scoring system first. This system had to be built to be ready for implementing the reward system. After the currency reward system was made, I had built the player-store with the currency system tied in.
Testing was done at the end of each week. This allowed me time to finish the new feature goal and test it with everything else added prior. The testing took place within the game engine and on multiple mobile devices. Each device was unique in manufacturer and size. This allowed me to see the user interface scaling issues when the screen was large and when it was small.
Testing was also done using real players each week. After each milestone was finished, I would ask people to play the game and to focus more on the new content. This process helped me to understand where I was going right and where I went wrong.
  The Critique: What went wrong
Design & Aesthetics
Seeing as I am not an artist, I had to work with what I was able to get. I was not able to build assets that I needed. I was also unfamiliar with how to build terrains. The terrain that is in each level was not as aesthetically pleasing as I hoped for. The tools in the game engine make it easy to build terrains but not to an extent I was intending for or knew how to use.
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The sound is also a big part of the game that could have used more attention. Included in the game were background music, sound effects, and voice acting. But, there was not enough variation as I had hoped for. All the music and sound in the game had to be purchased. I am not a sound designer, so I was limited to what I could purchase.
 Project Management
The timeline management for this project faced a setback early on in development. As this was not planned, it set the other priorities back a week. I had to work more hours than expected to bring the project back on track. This was done by working on the new feature and that week’s goal, simultaneously.
During the development of the timeline, I underestimated the amount of time required to build each course. The art assets I acquired for the course were all modular, but the amount of time required to build and make everything perfect for a ball to roll seamlessly was more time consuming than anticipated.
During development, I had a setback early on in the process. I discovered that one of my core features was not going to work as intended. I had to remove that from the game and rethink a new feature that could replace it. I then needed to design and create that feature as soon as possible to not get a setback in my development timeline.
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After this setback was corrected and a new feature had been set in place, I was able to move forward with the rest of the game unhindered. Each feature thereafter was able to be finished on time or early. Having that kind of setback so early in the development process helped me to realize that time was of the essence. I did not want any future development to be slowed down, so I pushed for extra time each week.
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Testing was a big factor that was not fully taken into account when building the timeline. I had not anticipated the true amount needed for each week's feature. I planned each feature for the week with only the build time in mind. I did plan for testing on the last day of the week, but at most times, this was not enough.
Another factor that was not taken into account was the player testing. When I had players try the game, they would provide great feedback. For instance, in the game, there was a penalty for restarting the game to try again. Players would simply leave the game entirely and re-enter to avoid the penalty. As this was not the intended outcome, the penalty was removed.
The goal of this project was to create something new that has not been made before. I wanted to put my programming skills to the test and expand my knowledge at the same time. The initial goal was to use augmented reality to place a mini-golf course in the player's surroundings. After I found that this feature was not possible, I needed to figure out a new way to create something new, but no longer use augmented reality.
After some developing and testing, I found that the goal to create something new was still achievable without the use of augmented reality. I spent some time reviewing the current mini-golf games on the market and noticed a trend of the same type of controller. The controller used by those games were a simple click, hold, and drag to hit the ball. I wanted to create something more meaningful to the game that allowed the players more control. I wanted to give the feeling of actually playing mini-golf back to the players.
The feature controller I created was a club that uses the device's gyroscope to allow the player to actually swing the device. As if the device was the club itself, players could swing and hit the ball around a course. This was the goal I sought to create. Knowing that this new feature was going to take time for players to be comfortable with it, I added two new methods of control that they might be more familiar with.
In summary, I was able to create a game of mini-golf as I desired it to be. The game has been played by many friends and family. Each had said that the new feature controller brought back memories from when they played the physical game as a child. The feedback on the game has been positive. This project has been a great learning experience and a great accumulation of time, learning, and expansion of my mobile gaming knowledge within the degree process.
Smith, J. (Feb 15, 2019) Game Images. Created on (Feb 20, 2019) by: Smith, J.
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yeskhanzadame11 · 5 years
The Right Golf Ball for You
Golf balls are available in many exceptional manufacturers and brands. A few of the different sorts encompass -piece, three-piece, various compressions, severs cover materials, and dozens of different dimple styles. The plethora of differing varieties of balls and the handfuls of manufacturers in the marketplace makes choosing one very tough. Which one is the great? The solution is simple - all and none. Let me provide an explanation for: it makes definitely no difference which kind or logo of ball you operate, the critical thing is that you pick one and use it exclusively.
For years I actually have stated that the maximum essential consideration in golfing is consistency, and this applies to your golfing golf equipment, your swing, and most significantly the ball you operate. Every one of a kind kind or brand of ball will experience and react in a different way whilst you strike it generating varying trajectories, distance, spin quotes, and so on. If you constantly switch from one emblem/type of ball to every other, or heaven forbid you pull out a water ball at some point of a spherical, you're getting rid of consistency out of your game. This might be most vital when you are on or across the inexperienced. No two brands/varieties of balls will experience or roll the equal and there is virtually no way to broaden a regular chipping or putting stroke if there's no consistency as to the golf ball you operate. My recommendation is to select a emblem/type of golfing ball that feels good to you and then stick with it. Personally, when I receive free sleeves of balls at golf outings or once I get containers of golfing balls as Christmas presents I just re-gift them.
After you decide which type/logo of golf ball to use there are a pair of things that you could do with the ball with a purpose to routinely put off a few strokes from your sport.
1. Check for roundness.
2. Determine the center of gravity of the ball.
Most golf stores promote a roundness gauge that is not anything extra than a square piece of metallic that has a hole cut inside the middle slightly larger than the diameter of a golfing ball. You location the ball in the gauge and then rotate it to check if the ball is out of round. I will tell you from non-public experience that at least one new golfing ball out of twenty might be out of round. Also, most golf balls, will go out of round after best 8 or nine holes. You can consider how a ball out of spherical will have an effect on your placing.
The weight of a golfing ball is in no way focused and the ball will usually be heavier on one side than the other. This approach that after the ball flies thru the air or rolls throughout the green it will have a tendency to transport within the direction of its weight mass, both to the right or left. If you have got ever hit a perfect instantly-in putt and the ball actions to the proper or left by the point it receives to the cup then you definitely realize what I am talking about. Again, most golf stores sell a machine referred to as a "Check-Go" or similar item for approximately $25 that you can use to decide the middle of gravity of a golfing ball. It looks like a small can with a round plastic cap on top. You take away the cap and location the golfing ball on a holder this is located on the pinnacle of the can. After changing the cap you press a button and the ball holder starts to spin very unexpectedly which forces the heavier portion of the ball to the out of doors because of centrifugal force. By making a mark on the pinnacle of the ball you could now determine the right alignment in your putt or tee shot via having the mark face toward you in the course of your stroke. This aligns the heavy part of the ball so that when it rolls or spins it is going stop-over-cease and does now not have an effect on a proper or left break.
Another factor that no longer simplest has to do with this subject however path etiquette as properly, throw your ball retriever inside the trash (my brother-in-law has needed to have his ball retriever re-gripped twice). Not best does it infuriate the group behind you when the spherical of golf has was a fishing journey, however a golfing ball that has been sitting at the lowest of a pond for any length of time is completely nugatory. This also applies to the ones golfers who discover a few balls at the edge of the woods after which turn the spherical of golfing into an Easter egg hunt, the ball is nugatory and next time simply live domestic.
About the Author:
David Lake is the founder and President of 1 Iron Golf, Inc. His e-book: "One Iron Golf System", added golfers to the benefits of single-duration sets of golf clubs over conventional sets. Over the past fifteen years David has been featured in numerous golfing magazine articles and golfing media interviews detailing the advantages of his One Iron Golf System of unmarried-duration play.
To discover the benefits of the One Iron Golf System please go to us through clicking on the following link: https://golfiya.com/
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sportsmaniausa0 · 5 years
Golf - Some Collateral Benefits Of The Game
In previous writing, I stated that I had been playing golf for about thirty years or so. For the first thirteen years of the thirty, I had played the game but in no way realized the collateral benefits blessings to be derived from the sport. I used to reach on the golfing route, set up my bag and clubs on the golfing cart, and proceed to go out at the course and beat that little white ball around till it was given into the intended hollow. Golf become supposed to be a fun and beautiful experience, now not one of frustration or anger because the ball did no longer respond to every whim and command. For the brand new or starting golfer, who has not experienced the roller coaster journey of emotions and frustrations that you may come upon during a spherical of golfing, don't be disheartened, you soon will. That is until you employ the right mindset right from the beginning and do not take the sport too critically.
I planned my first golfing experience in April of 1990 and determined to go to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina "The Golf Capital Of The World". My experience on that journey and the next trips gave me a whole new outlook on the game. I guess you can say it turned into a Turning Point in my belief of what golfing became virtually all approximately. You can think about it as just a recreation like I did for the first thirteen years playing, or you may realize and revel in the greater difficult to understand collateral blessings of the sport. What are those benefits, you ask? Take the time to "Stop And Smell The Roses".
What do I suggest via that? Most golf courses are designed utilizing the natural beauty of the encompassing terrain as a backdrop. Besides the splendor of the direction itself, you could frequently see nature at its excellent. When I started out traveling Myrtle Beach and ultimately Florida, the wildlife and surrounding fauna and flowers become remarkable. Not to say the massive sprawling Elms, Oaks and Magnificent Cypress Trees and Palms, whose mere presence and appearance exuded a climate of an exhilarating and sometimes special nature. Speaking of Nature, there were many a morning that I have ventured out onto a course handiest to come upon an own family of deer meandering throughout the golf green or grazing in the brush adjacent any unique golf hollow. Some of my maximum memorable studies, in which I even have encountered nature at its satisfactory, were at Pawleys Plantation ( near Pawleys Island - South a part of the Grand Strand and a Jack Nicklaus layout ), The Witch ( off of Route 544 south of 501), and Oyster Bay ( Located in North Carolina ).
The first time I visited The Witch ( early 1990's), it was an eerie but exhilarating experience. I usually agenda the tee time early, around 7:00am, so we will play 36 holes if we are so select. When we arrived at the course, we signed in on the pro save, noticed the starter and have been sent out to the primary tee. The first tee is a superb distance from the clubhouse, which using the way it is built inside the shape of a witch's hat. A short while later we arrived at a secluded area at the primary tee. It becomes before sunrise and I would wager approximately 440 yards or so far from the clubhouse. There changed into a misty fog hovering over the floor anywhere. It covered the cart paths and the golf path, that delivered an eerie but suitable ambiance to the putting of The Witch.
The route changed into named, "The Witch" - how a great deal extra appropriate are you able to get? Once the sun rose and the fog burned off, the route lower back to its regular splendor and persona. On the next hole, we had been greeted by way of an alligator trying to make some unsuspecting bird his prey. I wager the fowl changed into flying too low over one of the ponds wherein the gator lived and he becomes seeking out breakfast however fortuitously for the bird, he was given away. I even have seen as a minimum a dozen or more gators in my final 18 years or so touring Myrtle Beach and Florida. Most of the time the gator might be resting peacefully along facet the golf hollow sunning themselves. Even though the gator regarded to be drowsing, I could not propose retrieving a golf ball that could have come within close proximity to them.
Although I handiest noted three guides as my maximum memorable studies, almost every route has so much to offer inside the manner of natural splendor and the natural world, not to mention the intrinsic splendor of the golf course itself. Many golfing guides offer homes to many varied varieties of wildlife, which includes families of turtles, geese, geese, etc abounding in their ponds and guy made and herbal lakes and streams alike. Swans, Ospreys, Egrets, Eagles, Falcons, Hawks and such a lot of other species of birds too numerous to mention additionally abound around the publications in the temperate southern weather of Myrtle Beach and Florida. Since vacationing in Myrtle Beach for almost 18 years in the past I even have loved the enjoy of golf a lot greater.
The game of golf in itself is a remarkable experience but coupled with the splendor of nature and the associated natural world and flowers that abound on most courses, it presents and unbeatable aggregate for enjoying the game. While gambling a recreation that I enjoy extra than another on the earth, the exhilaration and experience are now magnified regularly for the reason that I even have discovered to "Stop And Smell The Roses" for the duration of the course of my round. We all need to play nicely however the enjoyment of the entire golfing enjoy needs to be your first precedence and no longer simply what you score on your card. Take a tip from me - the subsequent time you are on a golfing journey or visiting your nearby route, "Stop And Smell The Roses". It will add a special angle to the sport that you can have by no means realized or preferred before.
I would really like to say some other, possibly, the greater important collateral gain of the sport. Golf can be a frustrating and beautiful experience in equal time. One of the holes you can play nicely, after which wonder what transpired on the following while you double bogey or worse? It's the nature of the beast. When I am having a terrible day at the golf route I remember an ebook given to me that taught me some very vital elements of the game.
Golf can be a game of enlightenment approximately your self and about life. I experience pressured to endorse the aforementioned ebook that I became given as a birthday gift by using my sister and mom approximately a yr ago. It is called "Golf For Enlightenment" The Seven Lessons Of Life via Deepak Chopra. I had heard of Mr. Chopra before but I am an avid fan of his now. If you're taking this truly nonsecular adventure with Adam and Leela, Mr. Chopra's characters inside the ebook, you may be amazed to see how playing the game of golf ought to relate to the sport of lifestyles itself.
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blockheadbrands · 5 years
Golfing High: Tips For Toking Up And Teeing Off
Jason Wilson of High Times Reports:
Pot and golf make for a great pairing. If you’d like an elevated experience in your next round, check out our tips for toking up and teeing off.
While attitudes about marijuana are shifting as more and more states recognize its myriad benefits, there are still plenty of obstacles for tokers—particularly those who wish to consume cannabis while on the golf course. While alcohol is popular and widely imbibed when golfing, cannabis has yet to be accepted by the sport. In fact, enemies of pot inhabit the links all around the country. From antiquated clubhouse rules to overzealous prohibitionists, there’s a lot to consider before teeing off high. If you’d like to play a more elevated game without ruffling any polo shirts in the process, here’s what you need to know.
Knowing how you respond to the psychoactive compounds in marijuana is critical to having a good time when the round comes. New or casual consumers overdoing it with a heavy dose could be in for an incredibly unpleasant ordeal. The most common effects from over-consumption are confusion, paranoia, increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure and difficulty with motor control. Add in an obligation to hit a tiny ball in a specific direction for a specific distance within a reasonable amount of time, and you have a near-impossible task. Figuring out a dosage and method of ingestion that works for you, prior to the round, will help you stay cool at the tee box.
Forms of Ingestion
The least-detectable and longest-lasting form of marijuana ingestion also carries the most risk for adverse effects. You don’t need to look too long on the internet to find edibles-misadventure stories ranging from heavy couchlock to time/space distortions for hours at a time. Many of these tales begin with cookies or brownies made by some generous friend or some misconception about how much of a store-bought 100-milligram candy or chocolate to eat. The rule is to allow time for the compounds to enter your bloodstream so you can feel the full effect, which can take anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours and can last for more than five hours.
How to golf on edibles: Know your dosage and consume the treat about 30 minutes before your tee time. This will allow you to get saddled up at the pro shop and two or three holes out before the full effects are felt, which, with the right dosage, will be gradual, enjoyable and just about over by the time you reach the 19th hole. Have something in your stomach prior to eating the edible to lengthen and soften the high.
Pros: Undetectable, long-lasting.
Cons: Care needed when dosing, difficult to adjust dose mid-round.
Vape Cartridges/Concentrates
Vape pens are another hard-to-detect method that carry the added benefit of allowing the user to regulate their dose while playing. Vaping is convenient, portable and stealthy (most pens are generally indistinguishable from nicotine vaporizers). Regulation is key and, unlike with edibles, entirely possible during play. If too much concentrate is consumed and the user starts to feel too stoned, they can simply sit out a hole or two to “respond to a work email” or “deal with some family stuff” while the high dissipates. The biggest drawback to vapes is the price. A quality vape pen typically costs over $100, and the cartridges are extra (and hard to come by in illegal states). But if you have the option and don’t mind spending the extra cash, this is the way to go for a convenient and carefree under-the-influence golfing experience.
How to golf with vape pens: Charge the device, fill the unit and consume at your leisure.
Pros: Hard to detect, allows for regulating dosage.
Cons: Price, availability.
The most common and celebrated form of marijuana consumption is also the most restrictive, wasteful and time-consuming use of the plant on the golf course.
Even to the uninitiated, a burning joint or blunt has a distinct smell that is easily identifiable and, depending on what kind of people you’re paired with or playing near, might be a source of contention, particularly if you’re in a state with criminal repercussions for possession and/or public consumption.
The most damning argument against combustion on the course, though, is wind. Depending on the quality of your roll, there’s a chance that a blunt lit at the tee box will be half gone by the time you get to the fairway, with only a quarter of its smoke passing through your lungs. Even on windless days, a moving cart will eat a fatty, and soon you’re left with a nub you can’t remember spending enough time with. Additionally, rain and course sprinklers are problematic. After all, a water-dampened doob will take a few hours to dry out and be useless for the remainder of the round.
Lastly, combustion takes some time to get going and to stamp out neatly. When it’s your turn to swing and you have to select a club, find and put on the glove, and choose direction and shot shape, that loss of time can lead to rushing, which is no help to either your high or your game.
While there’s a lot working against recommending combustion, it would be irresponsible to ignore its draw. For many, there’s nothing quite as enjoyable as smoking a joint!
How to golf with combustion: Don’t use pipes, bowls or bongs. Nothing gives you away faster than brightly colored ceramic under an overturned fist thumbing at the sparkwheel. The one exception to this rule is the one-hitter/dugout combo. With a combination of stealth and speed of use, the one-hitter has an edge over its counterparts in public consumption. If you’re determined to use a bong on the links, do so when you have the place to yourself.
Try to manage time, as some moments are better to spark up in than others. For instance, after hitting your ball and putting it in good position, you’ll likely have a chance to toke. Your group will have to hit, find their balls and hit the second shot before you, leaving several minutes for some puffing. Remember to look for moments in which indulging won’t slow play.
Protect the smokables from water. Until it’s time to light one up, keep the joint or blunt in a waterproof package. Sandwich baggies work well in a pinch, but for fuller protection, plastic snap-lid containers are ideal.
Play with a group of friends for a stress-free round. Like-minded, pot-friendly buddies not only make the experience fuller and more enjoyable, but they’ll also watch your back.
Manage the burn of your smokes. A good rule to follow is that if it’s lit, it’s being smoked. I have a tendency to let a burning joint or blunt sit between my fingers while I take my time with it, but doing so on the course is extra wasteful. If it’s lit, it should be getting smoked. If you want a break from it, put it out neatly.
Observe the wind. If in close proximity to unfamiliar players, lighting up is still a possibility. All that’s required is self-awareness. Feel the wind direction, position yourself downwind from the players and light up while staying vigilant for changing wind direction. People are generally focused on other things during a round and, unless you draw attention to yourself, will likely ignore whatever it is you’re doing in their periphery.
Pros: Cheap, cool, effective.
Cons: Smokes itself, easily detectable, damaged by wetness.
Smoking With Strangers
Although golfing high with friends is great, sometimes the lone wolf in us wants that solitary experience. You look for tee-time vacancies on the course’s webpage, call the pro shop to confirm a start at a slow time and arrive to a nearly empty parking lot with a smile on your face and weed in your bag. You walk in, pay, grab your starter ticket and turn to leave only to hear, “By the way, you’ll be playing with [some square who is also pissed about having to play with somebody else].”
“I’d rather play by myself,” you protest.
“Sorry,” says the clerk. “Two asses in every cart.” His off-color candor doesn’t lighten the reality of your crumbling plan. He puts a radio to his mouth and lets the starter know someone is on the way. The guy you’re paired with is 80. He’s got a military insignia on his hat, a blue-line flag on his shirt and dark shades.
“You like taking your time,” he says without turning toward you. “Typical.”
“Nice to meet you too,” you say reflexively as he slams on the gas before you can fully sit down. Your afternoon of ease and elevation has become a generational pissing match, and you’re filled with regret. But you know what? You’re a goddamn trooper. You’re not going to let some old codger ruin your day in the sun. You’re going to smoke that weed in your bag, and you’re going to get away with it. Here’s how.
Keep smokes hidden but accessible. While the pack holding the supply of good stuff should be kept in your bag, the blunt you’re smoking should be on you—unseen but easy to retrieve. You want immediate access when an opportunity presents itself. Pockets are not ideal unless you have a plastic snap-lid container to protect them from crumbling. My preference is to keep my smoke wedged between my hat and ear. Another possibility is in your sock if you’re rocking shin-climbers. Feel free to get creative here.
Walk out to your ball. Insist on your partner pulling up to their ball while you walk out to yours. Not only will this satisfy any need for one-upmanship they might possess, it will also give you plenty of time and distance to spend with your smokes. Stay aware of where they’re at and, when you hear the cart approaching, tap out your smoke and put it back in its hiding spot. Much of this technique depends on ball placement off the tee, but it can be modified to fit the situation. If your partner outdrives you, hit your second shot, grab the club for your third and say you’ll walk up as they’re hitting their second. If you outdrive them, grab your club for the next shot and walk out if the difference in distance isn’t too great. If you hit a bad shot that would require some looking through rough, great! Grab a few clubs from your bag that might be useful, insist that they go hit their shot and light it up when they drive away.
Greens get it done. When it’s time to chip and putt, players generally have a fair amount of space between them. Take your time assessing the lie, scrutinize the hills and valleys of the putting surface, take some deliberate and thoughtful practice swings, and puff that spliff the entire time. If your partner is trying to rush you, ignore them. Assessing the shot is vital to hitting a good one, ultimately taking less time.
For those in the know, golf and marijuana are a mighty duo. Independently, they relax, comfort and remind us there’s more to life than what occupies our day-to-day experience. Together, they can make an already enjoyable experience an absolute escape and pleasure, if done with care and consideration. Take these tips and swing away.
Originally published in the October, 2019 issue of High Times magazine. Subscribe right here.
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jimmydemaret · 4 years
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rdgpcg · 5 years
Saturday I competed at Kinetic Multisport’s Diamond In the Rough triathlon. It had been a couple years since I raced this event in Perryville. In fact, the last couple times I had done the olympic event when it was still run by Piranha Sports. Under my new race planning strategy, I watched the weather and signed up at the last minute on Wednesday  . . the very last day you could register. Race day conditions didn’t disappoint. It was a cool 68 degrees when I arrived at Perryville Community Park and the temperature never got out of the low 80s. The humidity stayed low as well. It turned into a perfect race day.
Perryville Community Park really is a diamond in the rough.
  I had decided on the sprint rather than the olympic distance this year because frankly it just sounded like more fun and I do this for fun. I don’t need to tack on mileage so someone is impressed with how far I can go. I’ve left that ridiculous worry behind. With only an 8 mile bike leg, the sprint this year was short even for a sprint. It was appealing to me because it removes any and all race strategy. Just go like the hammers of hell and breathe later! No need to watch power, no need to save something for the run. Just go!
I arrived in ample time to grab my packet, setup transition and mill about prior to the start. I love pre-race especially at a triathlon. It is always fun to listen to chatter and talk to other athletes from all walks of life. It turns out many of those racing were deep in the heart of their Kinetic Multisport seasons with a deep commitment to doing as many races as they could. Kinetic has a good thing going. With more than two dozen races in 5 states, they offer many perks to those competing throughout the season. The vast majority of their races are olympic and sprint distances with a few long course events mixed in here and there. This is a nice contrast to the Ironman organization which seems to target the extreme end of the sport.
Pre-race at Diamond in the Rough.
Kinetic has greatly simplified Diamond in the Rough. The olympic swim is two laps of the sprint course and the olympic run is two laps of the run course. The bike remains different but this makes both race logistics and navigation much simpler.
I was in the black-capped swim wave, also known as the old farts swim wave, which started precisely at 8:04 a.m. Diamond in the Rough is in in-water start. Once in the water and warmed up, you can either tread water, hold on to the pier, or just move inshore a bit and stand in the muddy bottom that is the Chesapeake bay. I chose the latter. The starter gave a good countdown and I simply made my way toward the start buoy as we got close to the gun.
DIR Swim
The triathlon swim is a funny thing. It used to be something I dreaded because of the inevitable swim panic. I guess I am traumatized for life because I still get a sense of dread at the start worrying about panicking. Nobody likes to panic. Nothing good ever came after the phrase “I panicked!”.
Fortunately not me in the swim anymore.
But I didn’t panic. In fact, it’s been a long time since I’ve panicked on the swim. These days, I start out with a workman-like mentality and focus on the first buoy, navigating through people, and waiting for my heart rate to come up. Eventually, I focus on my stroke and get into some sort of fun rhythm. (A really inappropriate joke leaps to mind but this is a family blog.) Before I know it, I am disappointed the swim is over and I have to start doing something hard. Such was the case at Diamond in the Rough. Apparently last year the tide was strong (or as strong as it can be on the Chesapeake) and it really slowed the swim. This didn’t happen this year although I did manage to swim most of the second half next to someone else in my wave whom I collided with multiple times. I’m not sure which one of us wasn’t swimming straight but we managed to do so most of the way in.
The swim at DIR (I’m not typing “Diamond in the Rough” anymore. Okay, I did there but now I’m just doing DIR) . . . the swim requires the use of a pier and some added metal steps to get in and out of the water. The pier also has several flights of steps to get up and down from the park. Admittedly, this kind of sucks after the swim but mostly because if any number of athletes come out of the water together it gets a bit congested. Apparently, I whacked my right shin on the steps somewhere because when I got back to transition to get ready for the bike, my shin was bleeding profusely. “Hmm. That’ll look pretty badass in the race photos.*” Otherwise I didn’t notice much around transition like how many bikes were still in my area, or how slow I was.
Trying to avoid scalpels.
In case my dermatologist is reading this, I did take the time to spray down with sun screen again before heading out on the bike.
  Swim: 16:03
T1: 1:13
The bike was just fun! The DIR olympic course is known for its hills especially the giant climb coming out of Port Deposit but this part of Maryland jams a few hills into the short sprint course too. The four mile out and back is basically a mile in and out of the park then 3 miles down and up hills. Apparently there were some treacherous spots as I saw at least one broken collarbone and at two cases of serious road rash. Fortunately, I just looked like I had serious injury as blood flowed freely down my shin into my cycling shoes. Otherwise I essentially just turned the pedals as hard as I could. By cycling standards, I’m really not all that fast but it was still a good time.
The short sprint course had no shortage of descending and climbing.
I’m always impressed by guys and gals that come off the bike via the flying dismount. When done properly, it is elegant, graceful, and speedy. When done improperly . . . well I mentioned there was a broken collarbone right? At age 53 I have no need to learn to master the flying mount or dismount. You break things other than the collarbone with a failed flying mount.
As it was I clomped my way up and down the hill between transition and mount/dismount in my bike shoes with Look cleats. For those that are not cyclists, picture running with a half a golf ball glued to the bottom of your shoes.
Bike: 26:26
T2 was a time-killing debacle. When I racked my bike I bumped the bike next to me and knocked it off the bar. This is amazing to me because in T1 my bike always seems to be magnetically attached to the bar. My bike neighbor had precariously hung their bike and faced it the wrong direction. I hadn’t really bumped it that hard. I managed to catch it before it fell but now found myself holding two bikes and not running.
Properly racked bikes.
I felt like yelling “TIME OUT” but that doesn’t work in triathlon. Time dragged as I re-hung both bikes. And then I had to put on socks. I learned the hard way in preparation for the French Creek triathlon not to try to run barefoot with my custom insoles. This leads to a massive blister so I sat on the ground, wiped my feet off and donned socks and running shoes. At least I had added lace locks to my Hoka’s so I could pull them on fast. All of this took so long I felt it was a shame I didn’t bring along a neck tie for a more formal look on the run.
T2: 1:45
On the run, I mostly passed people. It is hard to tell but there were probably some olympic athletes on the course by then as well since the olympic distance started first. Still, the vast majority of folks were sprinters and the run course wasn’t packed when I was on it. I did get passed by one younger gentleman early on. He was running really well.
My lace-locked equipped Hokas.
My friend Susanne would be proud of me for the finish. Throughout the run I had picked off one runner at a time. There was one gentleman I made up no ground on until the last few hundred yards. About 300 yards out from the finish he slowed stretching a leg. Weakness! The predator in me pounced and I accelerated. I was within a few yards of him as we neared the finish chute and I saw 50 something written on his calf. My age group! I blew past him and sprinted down the chute. He gave chase but I kept my advantage across the line. This would prove important.
I am disappointed overall with my run at DIR. I don’t know if I didn’t really have a tough enough mental game, had not done enough speedwork, or just don’t know what a good 5K pace is these days. I think all of the above. I haven’t done a transition run all year except for the French Creek triathlon, there has been a minimum amount of speedwork, and I haven’t out and out raced a standalone 5K in years. I think I need to add all these to my “to do” list. Granted, I was out to have fun at DIR but there is no reason not to try to be as competitive as I could. The run has always been my thing. I placed 6th overall in the run but I still feel like it wasn’t all that well executed and could have been faster.
Run: 23:33
Post-race I collapsed in the grass under a shady tree for a bit and sucked down a bottle of water. I then went to the scoring tent and printed my result. 1:09 and first in age group! Awesome! I went into transition, packed up my T area and grabbed my phone. I had a text from Kinetic Multisport with my result that showed 3rd place age group. Huh!? How could that be!? We all started at the same time. It isn’t like someone faster could have finished later. I went back to the scoring tent and re-printed my result. 3rd place age group. I retrieved my earlier printout and compared. Aha! My category changed. I was 1st place in 50-54 but 3rd place overall masters. This is better so I got advanced to a better category thanks to my sprint down the chute. The gentleman who passed me early in the run was 2nd overall masters. 1st place went to a gentleman I didn’t see anywhere on the course. He was a Kinetic staff member and at the podium had on civilian shorts, a Kinetic staff shirt, and hadn’t looked like he raced. It seemed odd, but hey . . it’s their party.
Well, there it is. A pretty boring race write-up if ever there was one. It gives me an idea for something a bit more thought provoking but for now let’s just say I am still enjoying short course racing far more than I ever enjoyed long course. I think I’ll stay here for a while.
* Imagine if you will a picture of me on the podium. I had handed my phone to someone to take a picture and in so doing managed to turn on some sort of thing on the camera that made all the pictures look like this:
I think I enabled the cataract filter on my iPhone camera.
Assuming the race photographer doesn’t require a kidney and an organ to be named later I may purchase a couple pics from them and post later.
      Sprinting Again Saturday I competed at Kinetic Multisport's Diamond In the Rough triathlon. It had been a couple years since I…
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mathiassendam1-blog · 5 years
Get Better At Hockey By Simply Following These Pointers!
Football is entertaining to perform for any individual and everyone. Folks of all ages or sex enjoy playing this exciting activity. Demonstrate your friends your techniques once you play football with them yet again. You may be asking yourself, what movements? Read on to understand the best way to accomplish these goes. Dribble the ball appropriately. As opposed to utilizing your palm to dribble concentrate on with your fingertips. Dribbling using this method boosts your soccer ball control considerably. Also, dribble away from to the side instead of in front. The ball need to bounce no greater than your midsection. Beauty Advice That You Need To Simply Know out, not lower. In case you have the golf ball, make sure you make positive changes to path commonly. The entire judge is open to you, and it is essential to make the most of that fact. As you relocate to the right or even the still left, make sure you shift weight appropriately to get the easiest practical experience shifting with all the tennis ball. Help it become your primary goal to dribble well with each of both hands. You'll clearly begin with your most robust palm when discovering, but if you wish to enjoy hockey nicely, you'll need to learn how to switch it. Fantastic Promotion Recommendations That Can Help Your Wallet can keep yourself involving the golf ball plus your opponent, whatever the direction. Work with versatility. Flexibility is extremely important in the course of football. Dribbling In Sectors? Utilize These Tips To Boost Your Basketball Expertise! is because you may have to extend to grab a tennis ball that is with the atmosphere. Furthermore, elevated overall flexibility assists shield your ligament and joints from your injury induced during this speedy actively playing sports activity. Do flexibility workouts frequently and try to expand before commencing any game. It is important to stay focused during the activity. In the event you miss out on a try, remember to brush it away and continue with the online game. However, you might feel terrible about absent a shot, it is important to regain your concentrate easily and continue on. Do not forget that the specialists skip shots. Make sure to observe expert games to discover some great suggestions to further improve your online game. Watch some online games in the media, view video clips of skilled online games, and go to some games. You'll see that each and every person has a ability that they are great at. Select a move which you like and begin rehearsing it. Be careful not to traveling when dribbling the hockey. Touring develops when you practice lots of actions in between dribbles. It's more than likely to occur when increasing for a picture. Just one single additional step will mean the real difference between a rating and a turn over, so process snapping shots as much as you can. When dealing with senior high school baseball participants, be sure that they get ample sleeping every single night. The routines concerned for hockey players are pretty stressful. For this reason it is crucial that they can get adequate relaxation to ensure that their bodies can retrieve. They must try to sleep about 7 several hours each night. In case you have a young child having indicated desire for learning to be a basketball person in senior high school, make certain he trains his primary muscles. Demonstrate to them the best way to exercise their hips, spine and abdominal muscles. The central hyperlinks the upper and lower extremities and with no powerful one particular, their sporting overall performance will probably be limited. In case your primary is reliable, you will get better energy with your hip and legs. It will help with quickly working and high moving. These guidelines can help you improve your basketball abilities. Anyone can amaze your pals with all the secrets and techniques that you've discovered. Do not forget that baseball ought to always be enjoyable. Profitable or dropping, you'll have a great time.
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rimadas1-blog · 6 years
Golfing playing Aids for Seniors
with regards to activities that sell a lifetime full of fitness, activity, and social interaction, few sports can compare with golfing. it's no wonder that extra than 1 / 4 of yank golfers are over the age of 50. thanks to the ever-broadening subject of assistive era, a extensive variety of golf aids for seniors enable players of all ages to continuing enjoying the sport so long as they care to.
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even though it's been said that "golfing is 90 percent intellectual and 10 percent bodily," the truth is that the game can present bodily demanding situations to many gamers who are past a certain age. Of the extra than seven million American golfers over 50, about four million enjoy problems with their knees, hips, or back. upload to that the fact that a third of all players will experience a golf-related damage, and that "10 percent" turns into a considerably more challenge. that is in which assistive golfing aids can help.
whether inside the form of a faraway control golfing caddy to permit for a greater comfy heart-healthy walk of the path, or one of the many golfing gambling aids that deal with the difficulty of repetitive bending and stooping during exercise and play, golfing aids for retirees are designed to support gamers in their golf sport without discomfort, no matter bodily disability or age-related challenges.
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driving in a cart might make the ride from tee field to green pass quicker, but it diminishes the cardiovascular advantages of the game. if your doctor gives you the pass-in advance to stroll the course, your fine guess is to put money into an assistive tool so as to make the job easier, like an electric golf caddy. This allows you to obtain the health advantages of taking walks the direction with out handling the uphill and downhill struggles with a push- or pull-cart, or incurring the potentially injurious results of hauling your 30- to 40-pound bag.
every other form of assistive playing aids designed to help senior golfers are those which might be supposed to take the wear-and-tear out of repetitive bending and stooping. Flexibility decreases as we age, and extra than 1/2 of golfers over age 50 experience issues with their lower backs, hips, and knees. Adaptive golf playing aids could make greater secure for folks who are already dealing with those physical issues, and that they also can assist save you joint-associated or lumbar injuries from taking place in the first place.
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a number of merchandise (which includes magnet sets that can help you select up converted or magnetic ball markers with your putter that has been organized with a stick-on magnet) contain adapting your modern-day device to deal with this need, whereas different products (like a multi-purposeful club-like equipment that could position and retrieve balls and tees, select up the flag stick, position and pick up ball markers and balls, restore ball marks and turf divots, and keep your more golf equipment) come ready-made for this motive. because these aids reduce or get rid of the bend-and-stoop of the sport, they will let you cognizance on your sport - and the accelerated awareness is probably to result in the muscle movement memory that permit you to hone your stroke and enhance your game.
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many of those aids observe size parameters that lead them to suited in all elements of the route or riding variety, extending their benefits during practice and play. In reality, pretty some of the goods designed to assist seniors also are attractive to more youthful humans with disabilities, as well as able-bodied people who admire the various blessings they offer.
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mychargeback-blog · 6 years
MyChargeBack.com Says Bans on Binary Options Ads Alone Won’t Work
Binary options scams are an online scourge. Innocent investors have lost billions of dollars because of them. But when Facebook and Google announced earlier this year that they would ban binary options ads, the first thing I thought of was cigarettes.
The now near global ban on cigarette advertising didn’t stop people from smoking. Nor did it even stop cigarette advertising. It just re-directed it.
True, the highway billboards, newspaper ads and radio and TV commercials featuring the Marlboro Man are long gone. But savvy Marlboro marketers kept his macho memory alive through its partnerships with the McLaren and Ferrari racing teams, by participating in prestigious motorcycle competitions, and even by sponsoring badminton tournaments. These high-profile events attract widespread media coverage. Instead of investing in ads, Marlboro invested in sports and stayed in the newspapers and on radio and TV as a result.
Moreover, Marlboro began licensing the use of its logo on lighters and ashtrays, which can then be handed out for free as a type of loyalty award Licensing has also spilled over into a wide variety of consumer products items that have a universal appeal like sunglasses, watches, windbreakers, belt buckles, T-shirts, coffee mugs, bottle openers, key chains, poker dice, golf balls, even sleeping bags. Their proliferation throughout the country keeps the Marlboro brand in the public’s consciousness.
These alternative marketing solutions have been so successful that a survey conducted in 2017 — 46 years after the U.S. ban on cigarette bans took affect — ranked Marlboro in tenth place among the 100 most successful brands in the U.S. In comparison, Coca-Cola was number 12, Starbucks 18, Nike 22, Budweiser 24, and Walmart 26. And unlike Marlboro, all of those companies are free to advertise as much as they want, wherever they want, whenever they want.
All of which brings us back to the Facebook and Google bans on binary options ads.
It’s not surprising that while Facebook now bans cigarette ads, innumerable photos of Marlboros appear on a seemingly endless number of Facebook pages, especially those maintained by small businesses that sell cigarettes. And while Google now bans cigarette ads, a search for “Marlboro cigarettes online” yields (as of this writing) 130,000 results. A search for “buy Marlboro cigarettes” yields over 70,000 pages.
The crooks who operate binary options sites will just as easily slip through the cracks as well.
So are binary options advertisements useless? No, but they’re no panacea. They must be accompanied by coordinated international action. The (temporary, three-month) prohibition imposed by the European Securities & Markets Authority (ESMA) on the marketing, distribution or sale of binary options to retail investors, which went into effect on July 2, and restrictions on the marketing, distribution or sale of contracts for difference (CFDs) to retail investors, which will come into effect on August 1, are an important beginning. Hopefully, they will be extended permanently.
The only countries to ban binary options entirely are Belgium and France (both of which are EU members), Canada and Israel. In the U.S., binary options brokers must be licensed by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), which so far has licensed only three of them.
But legislation is no panacea either. Recent research conducted by MyChargeBack.com, the New York-based international fund recovery firm that has retrieved more than $5 million for victims of binary options, forex, CFD, and cryptocurrency scams, reveals that most binary options operators have already purged the term from their sites. Instead they have re-branded themselves as forex and CFD dealers. Now that the clock is ticking before EU restrictions on forex and CFDs take effect, some former binary options sites now claim they are offering “banking” services, knowing that description will allow them to evade the censors.
So while bans are welcome, they cannot succeed on their own. The one missing element in the strategy is making the scammers pay. If sufficient numbers of online scammers are forced to forfeit the money they stole their business model will collapse.
This is why it is critical for victims of binary options and other online scams to file requests for service-related chargebacks. The daunting challenge is that many victims do not even know the possibility for doing so exists, and even if they do it can be a complicated process. Complicating matters is that many banks are unfamiliar with service-related chargebacks as well. Of course, as more and more victims file for chargebacks the more quickly the banks will learn and adapt. And when the scammers’ banks see that they’re having to repay more and more victims, the more anxious they’ll be cut off the scammers’ access to credit cards and drop them as clients.
Follow the money.
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