#Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women's Anger
inkcurlsandknives · 1 year
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Quotes / women who grieve are women who rage. Society makes no space for angry women. Cannibalizing ourselves trying to make pain into something more palatable
Good and Mad: the Revolutionary Power of Women's Anger
Kate Hodges Warriors Witches Women: Mythology's Fiercest Females
Not That Bad: Dispatches from Rape culture
Saints of Storm and Sorrow
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monriatitans · 2 years
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WOMEN'S HISTORY MONTH QUOTE 11 OF 12 Friday, March 24, 2023
"Black women have long been the backbone of our political progressive past: the strategists and protesters and organizers and volunteers, the women who've gotten out the vote and licked the envelopes, pioneered the thinking that led to the revolutions. Yet they've been only barely represented in leadership of the political parties they've bolstered, their policy priorities have often gone unaddressed and unrecognized; their participation has long been taken for granted. And when white women have caught up to where black women have been for a long time, the work of the black women has often been appropriated, ignored, and uncredited by those with greater economic, cultural, and racial advantage." - Rebecca Traister, Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women's Anger
Check out The National Women’s History Alliance for educational resources! The image was made with and, initially, shared via the Quotes Creator App to Instagram; check it out here! Interested in seeing where the quote came from? If so, click here!
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books-in-media · 3 years
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Emma Watson, (Instagram, October 30, 2018)
—Eloquent Rage: A Black Feminist Discovers Her Superpower, Brittney Cooper (2018)
—Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches, Audre Lorde (1984)
—Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women's Anger, Rebecca Traister (2018)
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hysterikas · 4 years
“How do you save people who don’t think very much is wrong?” Irin had inquired of Dworkin. Dworkin’s response had been prophetic. “That’s where first-person testimony of women has been so important,” she’d said. “Because the mainstream will say ‘Oh, that doesn’t happen,’ and then a group of women will say, ‘Well, it happened to me.’” Yeah. Me too.
Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women’s Anger, Rebecca Traister
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gorgonapologist · 3 years
The furious female is, we are told to this day, in innumerable ways, both subtle and stark, a perversion of both nature and our social norms. She is ugly, emotional, out of control, sick, unhappy, unpleasant to be around, unpersuasive, irrational, crazy, infantile. Above all, she must not be heard.
Rebecca Traister, Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women’s Anger
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leveloneandup · 2 years
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re—inc All The Rage Moodboard 1
“anger is often an exuberant expression. It is the force that injects energy, intensity, and urgency into battles that must be intense and urgent if they are to be won. More broadly, we must come to recognize our own rage as valid, as rational, and not as what we’re told it is: ugly, hysterical, marginal, laughable.” — Rebecca Traister, Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women’s Anger
09.20.22 | 9PM EDT
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wildwomynmagic · 3 years
“In her book Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women’s Anger, Rebecca Traister challenges her readers to Google the name of any powerful woman in politics—particularly those who challenge white male power and authority—to find a cache of images of that woman yelling angrily. “The best way to discredit these women, to make them look unattractive, is to capture an image of them screaming,” she writes. “The act of a woman opening her mouth with volume and assured force, often in complaint, is coded in our minds as ugly.” It’s not surprising that angry women, when they do appear in Western art history, often take the form of goddesses or monsters: harpies and witches, Medusa and the Sphinx.”
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Authors will be revealed next week!  For now all fics are anonymous.  Treats can be posted through author reveals on 2/21.  We will post an updated masterpost at that time.
To Find Your Kiss collection on AO3 | Treats Masterpost
- Reap the Stars for abbytheatre08
The prompt: After Ben's death, Rey goes mad and turns to the dark side. Only Ben's not dead anymore. ----------------------- She is consuming fire, magnificent in her rage. She will burn the galaxy to its foundations, until the ashes rain down and pile high as mountains. She will gather them into bouquets and scatter them like petals upon his grave.
He will be remembered, and they will not.
Call him The Light Bearer and Joy Giver. Call him He Who Loved and Laid Down His Life. Call him Ben.
- we are question marks that hang above the endless unexplained for AlwaysEverlark
The first time she walked into his club, she was looking for a job. Kylo took one look at her—the stubborn pout of her lip, the determined glint in her eyes, the ruddy glow of her face where the sun had kissed it—and swallowed a lump in his throat that was shaped like the words you’re too good for this place.
They needed a singer. Kira Johnson could hold a tune, knew the old standards, and had a knockout pair of tits to boot. A few slinky ballgowns and a touch of lipstick, and she’d more than do the trick of distracting suckers long enough to part them from their money.
The club solely needed to break even; anything they made on top of the Syndicate’s cut was gravy, and Kylo Ren had been lining his pockets with his own take for long enough that he could see Kira for the lump of clay that she was: rough-hewn, misshapen, but soft and supple and sure to curve under his touch.
- Eighty Bucks Says Sweetheart for Amoreusou
Ben likes puzzles. Rey needs help with a bunch of them. Good thing it's a slow day at the office.
- Seldom Visions for Andrina_Nightshade
After visiting an old Sith temple, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren has fallen into a deep sleep when he pricks his finger on the point of a red crystal. Rey become is the first to find him, but his rescuer isn't just any general or pilot, it's the woman he shares a soul with, who haunts his waking hours, who still sees him even in his sleep.
- The Dyad for aneighthdomain
Based of the Prompt: Groundhog Day scenario. Ben and Rey keep getting sent back to the first time they met and no matter what they do, Ben always dies so they stop trying to change events and just live a life time in the year between and couple of weeks and run away together.
- Saudade: The Love That Remains for AnneAnna
- The Delegation for aNerdObsessed
A humanitarian delegation from Naboo arrives at Niima Outpost. Rey is skeptical, to say the least.
- i don't want you like a best friend for anopendoor
It’s not like she hadn’t seen this coming—Rose told her weeks ago that he was invited. It was an inevitability Rey was always going to have to face, she just didn’t think that Rose would be so merciful as to also give every guest a plus one.
But Rey can’t really be upset—and she is totally, unequivocally not upset—that Ben's bringing someone because, well.
She is, too.
- Love is Weakness for bittersnake
“He’s someone I found on my recent trip to Corellia,” Rey replies placidly, her face practiced in its boredom. “It doesn’t mean anything.”
“Love is weakness,” her grandfather reminds her, the way he has for years. It’s why he doesn’t love her. He will not be weak. It’s why she doesn’t love him, either.
- in sickness and in health (with health being less likely) for BlueButterflyKisses
Deciding to spend the rest of their lives together is the easy part for both Rey and Ben; the trouble is in how to propose.
- Snowed In for Blueyedgurl
Never in her wildest dreams did Rey Johnson think she would ever get to meet her favorite other Kylo Ren. She also would have never entertained the idea of the scenario she found herself in. How did a hike in the woods lead to a snowstorm and taking shelter in a remote cabin in the woods? The idea was so ridiculous but had become reality. Stuck inside with a handsome stranger surrounded by a winter storm, Rey wonders what will happen with no power and only one bed. Will they be polite co-habitants stuck in a strange set of circumstances or is there room for something more?
- Curses, Comforts and Capybaras for Bombastique
Arrogant CEO bites off more than he can chew when he angers a witch... And suddenly finds himself transformed into a capybara. Can kindhearted wildlife rehabber Rey Niima help him break the curse?
- To Heal a Broken Soul for Cat2000
Ben survives the fallout of Exegol, but his connection to the physical world is in danger. Rey tends to him as she searched for a way to heal him.
- holding me like water in your hands for Ceallaigh
After Hux finds out Ben killed Snoke, Hux encases Ben in Carbonite. Rey refuses to let Ben stay frozen forever so she mounts a rescue.
- Like a Thief in the Night for chagrins
Their bond won't let them be alone. At least this time it's the middle of the night and they can't get into a shouting match.
- The Chance for Crysania
When Rey and Ben, long time co-workers who have never been able to admit their feelings to each other, go on a weekend retreat to work on a movie adaptation script together, a Nor’easter leaves them snowed in. On Valentine’s Day.
- Awake for cuddlesome
Something inside him is awake, and something inside her is about to wake up.
An alternate interrogation scene.
- darkness rises, and light to meet it for czechia
After the throne room, Jedi Ben Solo and Kira Ren meet again a year later.
- Not Quite a Fairytale for DarkMage13
Rey lets a stranger use the phone of the café she works at late one night. It changes the whole course of her life.
- You Won't Escape Me ('Cause I Set You Free) for DoorKeeper9
- The Canvas of Your Skin for darlingreadsalot
She was incapable of touching him without drawing blood, it seemed. Lines like vermillion paint streaked where her fingers sketched down the contours of his face, his back, and now his chest.
In which a Force bond is splintered, a resurrection goes wrong, a kiss is forgotten, and two almost-lovers avoid speaking for the better half of a year.
- Fleeing the Storm for driverfever
As the granddaughter of an merciless aristocrat, Rey’s life hangs on a thread at the hands of the French Revolutionaries. When her childhood friend, Ben, offers to platonically marry her in order to take her to his home in England to safety, she has no choice but to accept.
But her suitor and revolutionary Hux won’t give her up so easily. Hounded by revolutionaries and falling in love, Rey and Ben must use all their wits to flee Paris and make it to England.
- Equal Measure for dustoftheancients
When Princess Rey of Coruscant calls upon the cursed Sir Kylo Ren to help her escape her grandfather the emperor’s political machinations, she discovers freedom in the ancient familial magic that binds them together.
- Benimina Solo's Late On-Set Force Ability for Evangel10n
Benimina Solo has never, not even once, had an ounce of Force Sensitivity. She's done a great deal to move on with her life after failing out of her uncle's Jedi training school. So when Rey Palpatine comes into her life and suddenly everything changes, she's not a happy camper.
- Splatter for expendable
“You’re Palpatine’s girl,” he says coldly.
“His chief of staff, yes.” Rey’s eyes narrow. “And you have your hand on my ass, Kylo. Kindly take it off.”
“Or what?”
AKA powerful corporate rivals Kylo and Rey put the hate in love/hate.
- The Haunted Mirror for FangirlintheForest
When Rey travels to UK to attend the reading of his grandfather will, a grandfather she didn't know existed until that very moment, she finds a house, and a old story that will haunt her...
- i'm your secretary for firelord65
Kaydel pressed her lips together in a thin line, passing a pile of datapads over the desk. “I don’t know what that pretentious nerf herder has put into your brain, but these are tales of the key roles women have played in past rebellions.” She stood, tapping the pile. “They’re great reads,” she added, with a pointed raise of her eyebrow.
- and they danced across the sky for flipflop_diva
When he was still a child, he constantly watched the blue butterflies as they danced in the sky.
They seemed to be calling him, aiding him each instance that icy-cold darkness flowed through his very veins. The magnificent creatures saved him from the voices. They drowned out the incessant chatter in his head. Temporarily cleared away all the anger. During those brief respites, watching those blue wings flutter in the sky, Ben felt free.
But that’s another life. Another world. Another time. Another, another, another.
And Kylo's no longer a child.
No. He welcomes the darkness now. Embraces it.
- Finding The Answer for FrenchMartiniPlease
Rey pines for Ben Solo…so why does her soulmate mark always drain of colour whenever she gets close to him?
- Almost Unforgettable for HopeRebel
The woman in the mirror has blood on her clothes, cash in her bag, and a letter from her husband telling her it's better to forget. Well, he got his wish. She forgot everything-- including her name. And she wasn't the only one afflicted.
It'll take the combined efforts of gumshoes, a flatfoot, a washed-up Hollywood starlet, and more to get to the bottom of this bad business. In the end, these things always come back to the beginning.
- The Curl of a Sigh for irridesca
During the last song in Maxine’s set, a song she announces is called “Soul Companion,” Ben heads back out to the lobby to look for Rey. He finds her not with his eyes but with one broad shoulder, when he bumps into her and knocks her gig bag out of her hands and onto the plush carpet.
- and they were roommates for Lady_of_Haven
When Ben loses a bet to his roommate, Rey, he has to eat her out for 30 days.
- torn away from you (my heart is broken) for lakerose
The Force binds more than minds.
- If You Take Me for literallynoonecares
She sighed wistfully as she watched her two friends lean in toward each other as they danced, their lips meeting and melding together as they seemed to become one person instead of two separate beings. She had seen them kiss so many times, but this kiss … it was special.“I just want someone to kiss me like that,” she mused softly to herself, her eyes not leaving her friends.“I could make that happen if you wanted.”
- 3 Days in Vienna for Like_A_Dove
Kylo Ren, trained mercenary Alpha assassin, is on a mission—assassinate Chancellor Palpatine and bring his underground authoritarian regime to an end. It’s what the First Order demands, for the better of society.
It should be an easy task. He’s been getting close to the Chancellor and his cronies for years. So how is it that the unexpected appearance of an Omega, with a seemingly similar mission—and a wholly inconveniencing scent—become a distraction he hadn’t accounted for?
- Confidence and Desire for LittleLostStar
“Stay afraid, but do it anyway. What’s important is the action. You don’t have to wait to be confident. Just do it and eventually, the confidence will follow.” - Carrie Fisher
- Love brightens even the most monstrous parts of ourselves for LRRH17
No one knows since when the giant, black bear has lived in the forest near Theed. Many stories about the origin of Kylo Ren circulate in the small village. After Rey has run away from Jakku, and arrived in Theed she has heard them all of, but has never actually meet the creature. This changes when her and her friends get attacked by bandits on their way back from Otoh Gunga.
- Your Sweetness Comes With Sugar on the Side for Lutrosis
Rey's daughter loses her mother as she wanders around the Supermarket. Ben finds her and the two connect over both being Type 1 diabetics. They find Rey, and Ben and Rey are instantly smitten. As they date and fall in love they discover that Jade and Ben are connected more than they thought and healing is brought to the Solo/Skywalker clan.
- Allegories, or Allusions to Real Life for maq_moon
“Boys, please stop arguing.” Rose rubbed her temples. “Poe, we get it, you’re childhood best buddies, you’ve got a better grasp on his character than some rando of a rando you met at a party. Finn, for fuck’s sake, we’ve been working with Ben for months. I’m pretty sure if he’s a serial killer or whatever, it would have come out by now.” Finn sat back in his seat, grumbling. “Not how serial killers work.” Rey was going to have a headache if this continued any longer, so she lied through her teeth at the reality of a new player joining their D&D party. "He seems nice." She didn’t trust a single inch of skin on that man. "I'm sure it'll be fine."
- A Mad Man, with a Box for MBlair
Rey and Ben meet, move in together, get engaged, and marry.
- Invite the Wild In for midwinterspring
Kylo Ren, the mysterious senator who appeared from out of the deserts of Jakku and somehow brought them back to life, has spent a long and unproductive session on Hosnian Prime. Now, it's time to go home. After all, there's someone waiting for him and so much for them to do together.
(The ancient Sith had some interesting rituals.)
- Purim Party for MissCoppelia
Rey goes back to visit her foster mother for a Purim celebration. She meets Ben Solo who's visiting his parents, who are friends with her foster mother. They have an attraction to each other right away, but try to play it cool.
- The Banished Heart for misszeldasayre
On Rey of Niima’s nineteenth name day, Jakku gains a new wizard.
Jakku is a withering outpost of the kingdom, and its people hope the new wizard - the mysterious Kylo Ren - will bring them the rains the land needs to heal. Rey is a lonely, clanless girl living in Niima, and she has a secret. One she hopes the wizard will be able to help her with too.
- The Smuggler's Bride for MyJediLife
Miss Rey Nemo is the new mistress of Manor Takodana, left to her by the late Lord Skywalker. When a strange man named Kylo Ren appears on her doorstep, she decides to hire him as her new groundskeeper. As Rey faces sinister threats and secrets are revealed, Kylo Ren may be the only person who can save her.
- Annabel Lee for myownlittleinfinity
Rey keeps finding these ... notes in her locker. She doesn't quite get them. They seem like love notes, but she doesn't know who they could be from. Meanwhile she's paired up with Ben Solo (who hates her despite her gigantic crush on him) for this English assignment. Who knows how THIS will go.
- with my body i thee worship for niennathegrey
Miss Rey Nemo is the new mistress of Manor Takodana, left to her by the late Lord Skywalker. When a strange man named Kylo Ren appears on her doorstep, she decides to hire him as her new groundskeeper. As Rey faces sinister threats and secrets are revealed, Kylo Ren may be the only person who can save her.
- the losing game for no_big_deal
Sith Princess Rey Palpatine is given a peculiar gift for her Life Day: a Jedi. Not only that, one who is boorish, spirited, and stubborn. But, he presents an opportunity: one that could liberate her from a life under the thumb of her grandfather. She has seven weeks to change his heart before all her freedom is taken from her - forever.
- standing right in front of you for notkellymarie
When Senator Solo's engagement is pushed forward, he and his Jedi bodyguard, Rey, travel to Naboo alone for the announcement ball. The pair despise each other, constantly bickering and disagreeing with each other, which makes spending extensive amounts of time alone together all that more difficult. Until of course, one of them breaks...
- the good, the bad, and the smuggling for OccasionallyCreative
Ben Solo is a seasoned smuggler. And he’s not bad at it, either. But when bounty hunter Rey offers him a temporary partnership he can’t refuse, Ben will find himself pushed to the limits of his skill, patience, and resourcefulness on a job that’s dangerous enough to be his last.
It’s like his dad used to say: bounty hunters are nothing but trouble, kid.
- Whatever our souls are made of...his and mine are the same for Padawan_Writer
Ben and Rey meet only after Kylo has defected from the First Order and returned to the Resistance and his mother. Will the dyad still find a way to be?
- They say that only the dead have seen the end of war for politicalpadmé
“He traded his life for mine,” Rey choked, stomping back and forth in front of him so fast he could barely keep track of her. “He died. He died so I didn’t have to—and it’s not—it’s—after everything he’s gone through—it’s not fair.” Tears were running down her cheeks now, and Poe wanted to do nothing more than hug her, but there was nothing he could say—nothing she would want to hear. Poe remembered all the people he’d lost, all the times he had raged and screamed and cried about the unfairness of it all. “Leia sacrificed herself to bring him back,” Rey declared suddenly, ceasing her constant pacing around the fire as she looked straight at him. “And he sacrificed himself for me—and now no one’s going to know. All he’ll be remembered as is Kylo Ren, but he was—he was so much more.” She exhaled with a shudder and whispered, “He was a part of me, and I—I don’t feel whole without him.” ~
A Force Ghost Ben/Rey love story, with a side of rebuilding the galaxy.
- Cicatrix for Priestly
Getting cut up by Rey on Starkiller awakens something in Kylo.
- I Will Always Be With You for Prix
But she wouldn’t be able to hide her pregnancy for much longer. She was starting to show, and her friends would start asking questions. She would have to give them answers, some of them would not understand, and none of them would accept.
She carried his child. The tiny spark of light woven with darkness, just like her. Just like his father.
The world has gone dark More times than you Or your mother Or your grandmother Can remember. And every hurricane That was meant to be The end of it all Had instead ended In sunshine again.
So believe me When I say; You will survive this And the next one too.
World’s End—Nikita Gill
- all my daydreams are disasters for QueenOfCarrotFlowers
During her search for the infamous Luke Skywalker — the man who predicted a devastating earthquake in New Madrid, Missouri — Rey finds herself entangled in Luke’s family history and with his brooding nephew, Ben Solo.
- on what ground I was founded (when I first saw you) for redbelles
Kylo dreams of Rey after the Battle of Crait. And the yearning is mutual...
Some Force Bond dream smut inspired by "Shrike" and "NFWMB" by Hozier.
- Last Summer for Reykenobi68
Rey had started to get used to Ben not living next door anymore by the time the holidays came around. Then he's back for the holidays. Rey is really expecting things to go wrong after the way he left at the end of the summer. ut is it really going to be that bad.
- The Long Way Home for reylotrash711
In the aftermath of Exegol, Ben and Rey are divided by misunderstandings.  It will take time and danger for them to work things out.
- Under the moonlight for shariling
I don't know why I followed you here. She wanted to reply. Maybe because you're so tall I couldn't help but notice you. Maybe it's because of your hair or the way you move, or maybe it's because of that kind of melancholic look in your eyes. There is something about you that I find terribly attractive and I don’t know what it is: maybe the moon or the alcohol or the wolf I have met before infected me with some strange parasite and now I am hopelessly attracted to dogs, I do not know. She could have said one of these things, any of them, instead she said: “I've never bitten anyone before, and I want you to be my first.”
- Fallen for shipperofdarkness
Prompt: Devil!Ben and Angel!Rey or Angel!Ben and Devil!Rey. How do these two on completely opposite sides fall in love and defy worlds to be together?
- come away with me for silentfleur
Rey owns a tinker shop, but her life changes when she meets Ben Solo and is cursed by a witch. Not necessarily in that order.
- A Picture of Me Without You for SpaceWaffleHouseTM
"I suppose I'd somehow struggle through / But I'd hate to picture myself without you."
It's impossible not to have a soulmark. It's not a big deal, not in the lax and gin-soaked speakeasies of 1920s Manhattan, but it's still a heavy weight to bear, as Ben Solo and Rey find out side by side.
- Lips Raw With Love for stellardarlings
Their kiss on Exegol wasn't their first kiss...
Nor would it be their last.
- Everyone Makes Divine Mistakes for Takekurabehime
Jedi Knight Ben Solo is sent to Naboo on an errand of mercy (and to visit his grandparents). He arrives in springtime; but will he be able to complete his mission without finding himself distracted and bewildered when love and intrigue waft through the fragrant air?
- Glitter & Gold for TearoomSaloon
Rey is lead singer in an up-and-coming glam metal band. They've finally got steady performances, but that means playing at the same club as the Knights of Ren, whose lead singer definitely isn't interested in any competition.
- To kiss like lovers do for the-reylo-void (Anysia)
Ben and Rey spend their formative years growing up together in Medieval Scotland and it looks like they will end up together. Circumstances intervene and Rey loses her chance to be with him. Devastated, she carries on until the day clan Ren attacks Castle Jakku lead by the notorious killer Kylo Ren.
- Snow Turns To Rain for thehobbem
For a moment, he wanted to ask what she meant, but if he was being completely honest, he already knew.  He asked himself that same question over the years, and none more often than tonight, since seeing her again.  Was leaving worth it?  Was going their separate ways worth leaving each other?
 “I’m not sure,” he said finally, shaking his head.  “I’m happy...” he said, and she tensed a little, so he continued, “with my work.  I’m glad I’m doing what I love, but....”
 “But it wasn’t the only thing I loved.”
- Change the Dance for theresonatinglight
- Meet Me in the Woods for thewayofthetrashcompactor (BriarLily)
“What do you mean no one goes in there?” A chuckle. “It’s haunted. People see all sorts of weird things in there and some don’t ever come out. You’re better off living with your curiosity.” Rey wakes in a shadowy forest with no memory of where she came from, only her name. With the help of the resident guardian she takes a journey to figure out her past, and maybe even discover her future.
- permanent calligraphy (your name on me forever) for Thursdaygirl
As they continue to work together, two things become clear. One: Ben Solo is an enigma. He’s preppy yet humble, privileged yet introspective. He’s the opposite of lazy; she kicks herself every day for assuming otherwise. And two: Ben Solo will never love her.
- show me the stars. for tmwillson3
“I don’t hate Christmas, I just don’t love it the way you do.” Lifting his head, he pulls a face, loosening up a tangled ornament of a poodle with pink, curly fluff. Rey snatches it from him possessively, tossing it back to the cart. “No one loves it the way you do, to be fair.”
“Now that’s the truth,” says Poe, who Finn invited about half an hour ago to keep him company.
“People have bad taste, I don’t know what to say.” Huffing, Rey scrolls through her phone with more intent. “Neither of you are helping me, anyway.”
“What’s the problem?” says Poe.
“Rey thinks her hot neighbor hates her —”
“He does hate me.”
“ — When really he’s been flirting with her for the past, oh I don’t know, how long have you lived there?”
- I realized that I need you, I wondered if I could come home for VR_Trakowski
Rey is doing exploration work for the Resistance, searching for force sensitive planets so any force sensitives that they find have a place to train.
One day, midflight she finds a slip of paper with the elegant scrawling words of the ones that came before. The ones that she found when Ben still roamed the galaxy.
When she lands on a dark and barren planet she is forced to face the feelings she thought she buried.
- Shadows of the Moon for walkingsaladshooter
The hallways got darker, the corridors grew longer. Shadows stretched across the walls. The ghosts of Breha Manor grew each night.
Rey clutched her necklace. Ben met her gaze.
And every night, there was weeping.
- show the way (the world could be) for writergenie
In the aftermath of the Battle of Crait, Rey struggles to find her place among the Resistance. However, her lingering Force bond with Kylo— Ben— whatever name he calls himself— complicates things, blurring the line between friend and foe.
When the tension threatens to boil over and a desperate plan goes awry, Rey begins to wonder whether there really is a line between light and dark after all.
(Stars do burn brightest in the blackness of space.)
- why don't we go (somewhere only we know) for XarisEirene
The bond snaps back into place, even stronger than before. He is here. With Rey, yes, but with Luke - Luke, who is looking at them now with that same dangerous glint in his eye that haunts Ben’s dreams.
- renewed, transfigured, in another pattern for yodalorian
Rey mourns on Tatooine while Ben is stuck in the World Between Worlds. But neither of them are alone, and blue butterflies light a path back to each other.
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random-bookquotes · 3 years
This book is about how anger works for men in ways that it does not for women, how men like both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders can wage yelling campaigns and be credited with understanding—and compellingly channeling—the rage felt by their supporters while their female opponents can be jeered and mocked as shrill for speaking too loudly or forcefully into a microphone.
Rebecca Traister, Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women's Anger
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2020 reading roundup
feat: every book I read this year!
Favorite fiction:
Witchmark (C.L. Polk) 
Kindred (Octavia E. Butler) 
Fledgling (Octavia E. Butler)
The Killing Moon (N.K. Jemisin)
The Shadowed Sun (N.K. Jemisin) 
Circe (Madeline Miller) 
Freshwater (Akwaeke Emezi) 
The House in the Cerulean Sea (T.J. Klune) 
My Sister, the Serial Killer (Oyinkan Braithwaite) 
The Affair of the Mysterious Letter (Alexis Hall) 
Gideon the Ninth (Tamsyn Muir) 
The Traitor Baru Cormorant (Seth Dickinson)
Further fun/fabulous/fruity fiction:
The Beautiful Ones (Silvia Moreno-Garcia)
Stormsong (C.L. Polk)
The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives In Your Home (Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor)  
Rat Queens, vol. 1-4 (Kurtis J. Wiebe)
The Deep (Rivers Solomon)  
The Song of Achilles (Madeline Miller) 
Gods of Jade and Shadow (Silvia Moreno-Garcia) 
Books that left me furious at death for taking Octavia Butler before she could write another sequel and tell us just what the hell Earthseed was getting up to out there in space:
Parable of the Talents (Octavia E. Butler)
Books that gave me a new appreciation for the short story as an art form:
Falling In Love with Hominids (Nalo Hopkinson)
Books that I didn’t get into right away but then they REALLY picked up and by the time the Big Reveal happened I was screaming like a howler monkey and feeling like a fool for not catching on sooner:
The City We Became (N.K. Jemisin)
Novellas that made me cry in record time, which is entirely unsurprising given the author:
To Be Taught, If Fortune (Becky Chambers) 
Books that frankly took me by surprise and made me think I should be reading more horror, or at least more Stephen Graham Jones:
The Only Good Indians (Stephen Graham Jones) 
Sequels that were good but also made my head hurt because Jesus Christ, oh my god, WHAT is going on:
Harrow the Ninth (Tamsyn Muir)
Books that I LIKED but wanted to like more than I actually did:
The Taste of Marrow (Sarah Gailey)
The Ballad of Black Tom (Victor LaValle) 
In the Vanishers’ Palace (Aliette de Bodard) 
Upright Women Wanted (Sarah Gailey)
The Devourers (Indra Das) 
Sister Mine (Nalo Hopkinson) 
Mexican Gothic (Silvia Moreno-Garcia) 
Axiom’s End (Lindsay Ellis)
Totally respectable literary fiction that I cannot in good conscience lump into literally any other category:
Real Life (Brandon Taylor)
It was fine and I feel bad for not having anything particularly positive or negative or interesting at all to say about it, but it really and truly was just kind of alright:
My Lady’s Choosing: An Interactive Romance Novel (Kitty Curran and Larissa Zageris)
Favorite nonfiction:
In the Dream House (Carmen Maria Machado)
How We Fight for Our Lives (Saeed Jones)
An Autobiography (Angela Y. Davis)
Feed (Tommy Pico)
Ace: What Aseuxality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex (Angela Chen)
Black Women, Black Love: America’s War on African American Marriage (Dianne M. Stewart)
Heavy: An American Memoir (Kiese Laymon)
Notable nifty nonfictions: 
The Dark Fantastic: Race and Imagination from Harry Potter to the Hunger Games (Ebony Elizabeth Thomas) 
Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs? Big Questions from Tiny Mortals About Death (Caitlin Doughty)
So You Want to Talk About Race (Ijeoma Oluo)
A Curious History of Sex (Kate Lister)
Republic of Lies: American Conspiracy Theorists and Their Surprising Rise to Power (Anna Merlan) 
Pleasure in the News: African American Readership and Sexuality in the Black Press (Kim T. Gallon) 
Hood Feminism: Notes from the Women White Feminists Forgot (Mikki Kendall) 
Eloquent Rage: A Black Feminist Discovers Her Superpower (Brittney Cooper) 
The Tragedy of Heterosexuality (Jane Ward)
Other people’s lives that I happily devoured:
Dear America: Notes From an Undocumented Citizen (Jose Antonio Vargas)  
Wow, No Thank You (Samantha Irby)  
I’m Afraid of Men (Vivek Shraya)
The Collected Schizophrenias: Essays (Esmé Weijun Wang) 
Uncomfortable Labels: My Life as a Gay Autistic Trans Woman (Laura Kate Dale) 
Brown Girl Dreaming (Jacqueline Woodson)
When They Call You A Terrorist: A Black Lives Matter Memoir (Patrisse Khan-Cullors) 
Poetry & personal essays that I wanted to Get but didn’t quite:
Homie (Danez Smith)
Something That May Shock and Discredit You (Daniel M. Lavery)  
More Than Organs (Kay Ulanday Barrett) 
Junk (Tommy Pico)
Nonfiction that was interesting but also incomprehensible in many places because I don’t have a degree in biology, which I guess is my bad:
Dr. Tatiana’s Sex Advice to All Creation (Olivia Judson) 
Nonfiction that was interesting but also felt lacking in its analysis, perhaps as an inevitable side effect of trying to publish it quickly enough to stay topical:
Rage Becomes Her: The Power of Women’s Anger (Soraya Chemaly) 
Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women’s Anger (Rebecca Traister)
Sweet graphic novels:
The Prince and the Dressmaker (Jen Wang) 
Shadow of the Batgirl (Sarah Kuhn)
Books that are significant for various reasons and good to read but sort of felt like homework:
Stone Butch Blues (Leslie Feinberg) 
Are Prisons Obsolete? (Angela Y. Davis)
Books I reread during quarantine even though I am not generally much of a rereader:
Her Body and Other Parties (Carmen Maria Machado)
Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen) 
A Small Place (Jamaica Kincaid)
Books that weren’t really for me but probably would have rocked my socks if I read them when I was like 14:
Internment (Samira Ahmed) 
The Seven Necessary Sins for Women and Girls (Mona Eltahawy) 
Periods Gone Public: Taking a Stand for Menstrual Equity (Jennifer Weiss-Wolf) 
The Bone Witch (Rin Chupeco) 
Pet (Akwaeke Emezi) 
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oceanstone · 3 years
Nonfiction Books about Gender
The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir
The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan
Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women's Anger by Rebecca Traister
Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism by Kristen Ghossee
Women Don’t Owe You Pretty by Florence Given
Gender Trouble by Judith Butler
Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence by Adrienne Rich
Women, Race, and Class by Angela Y. Davis
Woman's consciousness, man's world by Sheila Rowbotham
Gynecology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism by Mary Daly
We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Preliminary Materials for a Theory of the Young-Girl by Tiqqun
Gendered Voices, Feminist Visions Ed. Susan Shaw
The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf
Men Who Hate Women: From Incels to Pickup Artists, the Truth about Extreme Misogyny and how it Affects Us All by Laura Bates
Foucault, Femininity, and the Modernization of Patriarchal Power by Sandra Bartky
Text Me When You Get Home: The Evolution and Triumph of Modern Female Friendship by Kayleen Schaefer
Flesh Wounds: The Culture of Cosmetic Surgery by Virginia Blum
Dead Blondes and Bad Mothers by Jude Doyle
White Feminism: From the Suffragettes to Influencers and Who they Leave Behind by Koa Beck
Women Who Run with the Wolves by Clarissa Estes
Justice, Gender, and the Family by Susan Moller Okin
Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado-Perez
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monriatitans · 2 years
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WOMEN'S HISTORY MONTH QUOTE 3 OF 3 Wednesday, March 1, 2023
"On some level, if not intellectual then animal, there has always been an understanding of the power of women's anger: that as an oppressed majority in the United States, women have long had within them the potential to rise up in fury, to take over a country in which they've never really been offered their fair or representative stake. Perhaps the reason that women's anger is so broadly denigrated—treated as so ugly, so alienating, and so irrational—is because we have known all along that with it came the explosive power to upturn the very systems that have sought to contain it. What becomes clear, when we look to the past with an eye to the future, is that the discouragement of women's anger—via silencing, erasure, and repression—stems from the correct understanding of those in power that in the fury of women lies the power to change the world." - Rebecca Traister, Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women's Anger
Check out The National Women’s History Alliance for educational resources! The image was made with and, initially, shared via the Quotes Creator App to Instagram; check it out here! Interested in seeing where the quote came from? If so, click here!
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books-in-media · 3 years
Masterlist of books mentioned & read by Emma Watson
—Ain’t I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism, bell hooks (1981)
—All About Love: New Visions, bell hooks (1999)
—Bad Feminist, Roxane Gay (2014)
—Black on Both Sides: A Racial History of Trans Identity, C. Riley Snorton (2017)
—Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants, Robin Wall Kimmerer (2013)
—Bridge to the Soul: Journeys Into the Music and Silence of the Heart, Rumi (2007)
—Conscious Business: How to Build Value Through Values, Fred Kofman (2005)
—Eloquent Rage: A Black Feminist Discovers Her Superpower, Brittney Cooper (2018)
—Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars: A Dangerous Trans Girl’s Confabulous Memoir, Kai Cheng Thom (2016)
—Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women’s Anger, Rebecca Traister (2018)
—Half the Sky: Turning Oppression Into Opportunity for Women Worldwide, Nicholas D. Kristof, Sheryl WuDunn (2008)
—Heart Berries, Terese Marie Mailhot (2018)
—Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow , Yuval Noah Harari (2015)
—Hope Not Fear, Hassan Akkad (2021)
—How to Be a Woman, Caitlin Moran (2011)
—Hunger Makes Me a Modern Girl, Carrie Brownstein (2015)
—Little Women, Louisa May Alcott (1869)
—Milk and Honey, Rupi Kaur (2014)
—Mom & Me & Mom, Maya Angelou (2013) (X), (X)
—Moranifesto, Caitlin Moran (2016)
—My Life On The Road, Gloria Steinem (2015) (X)
—Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions, Gloria Steinem (1983)
—Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good, Adrienne Maree Brown (2019)
—Redefining Realness: My Path to Womanhood, Identity, Love & So Much More, Janet Mock (2014)
—Sex and World Peace, Valerie M. Hudson, Bonnie Ballif-Spanvill, Mary Caprioli, Chad F. Emmett (2012)
—Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches, Audre Lorde (1984)
—Stitched Up: The Anti-Capitalist Book of Fashion, Tansy E. Hoskins (2014)
—The Argonauts, Maggie Nelson (2015)
—The Complete Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi (2003) (X)
—The Five Minute Journal: A Happier You in 5 Minutes a Day, Alex Ikonn, U.J. Ramdas (2013)
—The Mother of All Questions, Rebecca Solnit (2017)
—The Power of Women: A Doctor’s Journey of Hope and Healing, Denis Mukwege (2021)
—The Things I Would Tell You: British Muslim Women Write, Sabrina Mahfouz (Editor) (2017)
—The Vagina Monologues, Eve Ensler (1996)
—This is Going to Hurt: Secret Diaries of a Junior Doctor, Adam Kay (2017)
—Untamed, Glennon Doyle (2020)
—We Will Not Cancel Us: And Other Dreams of Transformative Justice, Adrienne Maree Brown (2020)
—Who Cares Wins: Reasons For Optimism in Our Changing World, Lily Cole (2020)
—Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race, Reni Eddo-Lodge (2017) (X)
—Why We Swim, Bonnie Tsui (2020)
—Women Who Run With The Wolves: Contacting the Power of the Wild Woman, Clarissa Pinkola Estés (1992) (X)
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hysterikas · 4 years
At one of the only other comparable protests of a presidential inauguration, held at the height of the New Left, to protest the swearing-in of Richard Nixon in 1969, women in the movement had fought for space for two speakers, Marilyn Salzman Webb and Shulamith Firestone. As soon as Webb had begun to speak about abortion, childcare, and how men on the left treated women, the booing from the male crowd had drowned her out; Webb has recalled that “people were yelling ‘Take her off the stage and fuck her!’ and ‘Fuck her down a dark alley!’” She left the stage crying, and decades later she told the historian Annelise Orleck that that was when she knew that women “couldn’t build a coalition with the left; women’s liberation was going to be its own movement.” Firestone, who’d also been unable to give her speech in the face of booing from her ideological brethren, wrote more bluntly after the event: “Fuck off Left! We’re starting our own movement.”
Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women’s Anger, Rebecca Traister
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onebluebookworm · 3 years
Women’s History Month 2022 - March 5
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Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women’s Anger - Rebecca Traister
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Tagged by @hood-ex! Hi!!! Thanks!!!
fav colour: Purple! Any shade really but I love a good almost plum.
last song: 99 Revolutions by Green Day because I’ve been in a weird mood where I either listen to punk & alt rock or I listen to weird indie pop & folk. No in between.  
last movie: The Betty White documentary that’s on netflix lol. It’s very wholesome. If that doesn’t count then I rewatched Shazam! the other day cause I am trash and it is amazing. 
watching: New Girl! My mom and I started it a couple weeks ago and I’m HOOKED. We’re on season 6 or 7 rn and I love it. I’m also working thru His Dark Materials cause I loved those books as a kid and it’s been really well adapted so far. 
reading: lol uh... Conventionally Yours by Annabeth Albert, Race and the Makings of American Political Science by Jessica Blatt, Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women’s Anger by Rebecca Traister, Alice by Heart by Steven Sater, and the original Hellblazer run (I’m up to issue 89!) and probs a couple others cause I shuffle through and between stuff. 
sweet, spicy, or savory: Sweet! I have an absolutely terrible sweet tooth. Like. It’s so bad. But I am a fairly picky eater so even with my sweet tooth there’s things I just won’t eat. 
tea or coffee: Tea cause coffee makes me so jittery it’s just crazy. I like floofy drinks cause sweet tooth lol but the cafe folks at my bookstore job all know that I get an iced chai latte and that’s it lol. 
Tagging: @rum-on-fire @silv3rclouds-with-graylining @radioactivepigeons @jemsjadependant and @wordshakerofgallifrey
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