#Good luck buddy
skycowboys · 2 months
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Jufly days 26 - "Turbulence"
Brake check!!
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emo-batboy · 2 years
A Wild Battinson (Social Media AU)
Part 14 (Masterlist)
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(Part 15)
(Yes, I did spend two days writing a cute six-part storyline. You’re welcome. Also, I’m pretty sure I’m just going to update these fics on Sunday—Thursday now. Except for this Friday. Because of the storyline.)
@bruciemilf HELLO!!!!
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para-dots · 2 months
The Council Will Now Decide Your Fate..
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viric-dreams · 4 months
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Perhaps it was hubristic to spend that much time in parabola and assume that nothing would come of it. You'd escaped once. And your profession as a silverer had granted you easy access in and out ever since. You never seemed to give much thought to what that might mean for your reflection. And here is usually the point where some arrogant Londoner impatiently corrects you, insisting that you're the reflection. As if these things aren't relative.
Your reflection has no thoughts left to give, but the serpents that puppet its body seem to have been busy. Foolish to believe a Fingerking when they say you're below their interest. It's clear now that they've been watching, waiting for the right moment to make their escape. There's only room for one on the far side of the mirror, after all. You may have beaten them through this time, but they're waiting and they're patient. It's become too risky to cross over again. You seem to be stuck on this side of the mirror for now. At least until you can figure out a plan.
You hope your plants are doing well under the cosmogone sun. They'll be on their own for a while.
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merrysithmas · 5 months
i live for the idea that when zuko ages he doesn't magically gain the comforting coherent wisdom of iroh but keeps giving the most nonsensical advice (take a bite of the silver sandwich, look inside yourself to find your other self) to his child and grandchildren but with more and more emboldened and unhinged confidence the older he gets
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oacest · 1 month
can yall believe that liam started writing noel the soppiest begging lovesongs in 2017 to woo his crusty ass and never stopped and that shit actually WORKED
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stars-n-spice · 1 month
TBB s/o Headcanon:
Why do I feel like once the members of the Bad Batch get significant others, Crosshair is always in the background of their dates in Sniper mode like ready to pull the trigger if anything goes wrong?
I can see him definitely tailing his brothers and spying on their dates through his scope because he's protective like that.
He probably also takes Omega with him and they'll spy on their brothers to see what's going on.
Especially with TechPhee, Crosshair is always looking out for his twin and he and Wrecker are always in the background of all of Tech and Phee's dates.
I think he also keeps a close eye on Echo as well, even if he knows Echo can handle himself. However, it's probably only because he holds Echo is such high regards as an older brother that he feels the need to spy on him.
Then with Hunter and Wrecker he's just watching to see if they make fools of themselves (and they usually do) when they're out on dates with their partners.
When Crosshair ends up with a significant other his siblings are protective as HELL over him.
Yeah it's karma for all the times he was spying on them and would scare dates off, but it's also because he's the baby brother so they're all going to look out for him (even if he can handle his own).
So they're constantly tailing him on dates, threatening and intimidating his dates, and so on.
He pretends to hate it, of course, but it's not all that bad.
Catch him being like, "You want to cheat on me?? Well, these are my siblings. Good luck."
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auroramoon-draws16 · 1 year
Okay, so not a crossover, buuuut….
Reverse time travel Assassin’s Creed AU
Instead of Desmond, it’s one or a few of the ancestors coming to the modern day
Why?? Isu bullshit probably
Is Desmond alive??? Maybe
Okay I’ve only seen a few fics of this idea and I want more, I’m a greedy bitch, so gimme
I just want some Assassin family bonding because Desmond’s family consists of one pretty shit dad, a couple friends he’s known for a handful of months, and a son he never knew about. Give my boy some form of happiness you cowardly fucks. (Pointed at Ubisoft, not y’all)
Or some romance with said ancestors, because I know how some of y’all (cough Teacup 👀 cough) are. (Not complaining, just saying, lmao)
Hell, you can throw in some more of the protagonists of the games for more chaos. Y’know, like the Fryes, Arno, etc.
Have fun with this, give me some out-of-their-time-period murder birds. Make ‘em curious and confused, throw some technology and food they’ve never seen before, give them access to the internet. I wanna see some drama.
Great talk team, lets go!
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dribs-and-drabbles · 1 year
Hey besties.
This is a friendly reminder before tomorrow to
never trust a Thai trailer
especially an Aof Thai trailer.
And especially an Aof Bad Buddy Thai trailer.
You have been warned.
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0-0baybay0-0 · 1 month
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my friends getting a binder so....
(@genderlesgremlin )
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3lliesan · 1 month
I just realized that sbg!Ace is essentially Floyd 2.0, just not sea creature, 100% human... kinda...
Eh, good luck to NRC! :D
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humblemooncat · 8 months
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Drow Durge run is a go.
I needed a file for when I just want to be a dirty crime boy. His name is Dirge, since he doesn't think anyone's going to believe his name is "The Dark Urge", and it seems fitting being both a bard and the last thing most beings see/hear. <3
He's a Bardlock, and a shitty little man. Now Nox has a friend. I seem to have a Look for my evil boys.
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sputnikodin · 7 months
passed two guys drinking on a stoop and heard one of them start going "that's gotta be a woman right? that's gotta be a woman right?"
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forwardlion · 7 months
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@fullintenticns asked: "Let me go." - Rand
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it is admirable really, how much he tried for authority in his voice. he's grown so much over these last few months and honestly, she deserves some of the credit for it. every day she saw more of Lews in this little shepherd, he was young she had to remember that but he could have been so easily molded into who he had been before. Neither Ishamael or that aes sedai got that.
she took a long sip of her red wine, gaze lifted to him for the first time. " the door is unlocked, you COULD have stepped outside if you really wanted to, Rand." she not so shamelessly let her eyes run over his muscular form, giving an amused smile.
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pokeprism · 10 months
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What's love if it's not true?
Sentimental details below the cut.
My dog, Merlin, was euthanized just yesterday (December 1st, 2023), and it was the first time I was able to sit in on that procedure. He was in my house since 2017, and he was suffering from a malignant tumour that formed between his right sinus and the roof of his mouth on November 14th, 2023.
Here's a picture of him from July 2022.
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And him comforting Wash, my other dog, from May 2023.
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I'll miss Merlin, but he's in a better place now.
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cityandking · 10 months
fun just-resurrected-from-three-years-at-war-in-the-abyss things:
zoning out sometimes, just a little
a new and troubling impulse to resolve situations with violence when you wouldn't have before
just this endless exhaustion that doesn't really come from anywhere and doesn't go anywhere and hangs on you all the time. a kind of tired that lives in your soul
your body isn't quite the same size or shape as you remember. you aren't quite as quick or ready to respond to threats as you used to be.
everything is, in turns, too sluggish and too dim or too sharp and too bright
a constant feeling of being uncalibrated
you came back because you had work left to do but you have no idea what might come after that and you want to lie down for an age just thinking about it
you were at war for three years and you remember all of it
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