#Good-Bye Emmanuelle
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Charlotte Alexandra (22) Good-Bye, Emmanuelle (1977)
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cherryc1nnam0n · 2 years
Thank you for calling...
Chapter 1: "New card"
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Chapter summary: Eddie calls everyday for as long as he needs to until he hears you talking to him, how long can he play coy until you catch his drift?
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He had been going at it for some hours now, calling and calling until he would hear your sweet voice on the line
Name after name he wrote down and counted how many times they had answered his call, he had a patron figured out
From Ashley to Tony, Joe, Luke, Emmanuel, Kendall, Amy, no one was you...
But he wouldn't give up that easily... He kept trying, even if he just needed to get a new card he wouldn't accept anyone else, only you...
Hell he had even started praying for you to answer this call, it rang and suddenly...
"Good morning and thank your for calling National Bank, my name is Y/n, who do I have the pleasure of assisting?"
His heart skipped eight beats at once, it was you!
"You have the pleasure of assisting Eddie Munson" he replied smugly
You on the other line, copied his Social Security Number into a note pad and then into the system, rolling your eyes playfully, it's him again you thiught
"...Hi Mr. Munson, how are you doing today?" You said while the system loaded his information, then selected his checking account and checked for blocks or holds, nothing, great
"I'm doing better now that I listen to you sweetheart" he said with relief
"That's sweet, and how can I help you?"
"You see, I've been calling all morning and no one seems to understand my problem"
You felt sweat form in your back, when customers said that it was something really bad, so you went into the notes of his profile, no red flags, no notes that should concern you, only lots of notes saying that he hung up when they did the opening message
So that is his problem you had figured out, his problem was everyone else not being you
You recognized your note from last time
Authenticated manually, DOB, SSN, CVV2. Card activation.
"Tell me about it Mr. Munson"
"Okay first, call me Eddie you're like my age I feel old, second, I need a new card" he felt ashamed of saying it now "You see uhm, I accidentally sat on it and it broke, can you help me sweetheart?"
You could almost laugh but kept it in "Of course uhm Eddie I can help you with that" you hesitated on calling him his real name, not really used to doing that with your customers
"Thanks sweetheart" He loves that nickname huh
"Of course, would you be able to tell me the last four digits of the card?"
9527 read the system
"Uhm lemme see if I can figure them out... It's seems like they are 95 is that a 2? And a 7 yeah"
"Thank you" you selected the card and went to the menu to flag it as damages and get him a new one "Can you please confirm me your full address?"
"Ooooh, she knows where I live" he teased "It's 1764 trailer 8 Trailer Park Hawkins, Indiana 75765"
You read it with him and it was the right address, nodding happily you proceeded with the last step
"Would you like to keep the same PIN or a new one?"
"I'll keep this one"
"Okay it will get to you in 5-7 business days okay?"
"Yes ma'am" he teased again
"Great, now that is done, anything else I can do for you?"
"I think that's it sweetheart, can you stay and have a chat w'me?"
"If it's related to your account then yes"
"You got me there, I guess that's the end for me talking to you" he said it sadly
"Sadly yeah, but before you leave, I wanted to tell you..."
His heart was thumping
"That you should be receiving an email with a survey and if you fill it out it would help me a lot, I remind you my name is Y/n and thank you for being a valued customer for National Bank, have a beautiful day Eddie"
His face fell at that, but the way you said his name made him smile again
"I'll give you a ten hun, you're the best"
"Awe thank you"
"Hopefully we talk again soon"
"I hope so Eddie, goodbye"
"Bye sweetheart"
You did something that messes up your metrics, putting a code that is called After Call Work, it messes you up but it's worth it for digging into Eddie's profile
He opened his account a few months ago, got a new card and a new PIN, then after he talked with you (based on your note) he started calling every day, and all the notes read something similar
Cx hung up while I was talking
Cx hung up doing opening
Cx hung up
Cx disconnected call
Cx cut me off when doing opening and hung up
Then you wrote what you did
Cx came low risk authenticated from IVR, card was damaged so reissued new one, same PIN, standard delivery
You sighed and then got yourself on ready again to take more calls
This is gonna be a long day...
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twoidiotwriters1 · 7 months
The Curse of Oenone (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: The siblings are fighting again! We love to see it! -Danny Words: 2,174 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'Look After You' -by The Fray
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XXIII: You're Not Just Wrong, You're Stupid
Ephialtes bursts into Greek fire flames the moment she gets out of reach. Ara crawls out from her hiding spot to see what Percy and Jason did to the other giant: They trapped him in the lake, unable to reform.
Ara walks up to the boys and checks to see if they're injured. "Well done, you two."
"Same," Jason nods. "You look tired."
"Oh, I'm extremely nauseous," Ara smiles.
Hedge's cheerful screaming makes them look up at the ship and Ara's happy to see Leo, Hazel, and Frank are all on board. Percy looks back at Baccus. "Well? Was that entertaining enough for you, you wine-breathed little—"
"No need for that." The god shows up at their side making Ara jump. "I have decided you are worthy partners for this combat."
"Partners?" Jason scowls. "You did nothing!"
Bacchus ignores them and walks up to Otis first, hitting his head with the pinecone of his staff and dissolving the giant into gold dust. Then he walks over to Ephialtes, who is too disoriented and hurt to fight back.
Baccus raises his staff and the ghosts around the arena incite him to kill the giant, to which he pleasantly complies by lightly touching Ephialtes's nose with the tip of the pinecone.
"Amazing," Ara says dryly.
"That, my friends, is a show!" The god states proudly. "And of course I did something. I killed two giants!"
"We're so thankful," Ara continues with the sarcasm. "Overcome with glee."
"Well," Bacchus smiles. "That was fun. You have my permission to continue your voyage."
"Your permission?" Percy scowls.
"Yes. Although your voyage may be a little harder than you expect, son of Neptune."
"Poseidon," Percy replies out of habit. "What do you mean about my voyage?"
"You might try the parking lot behind the Emmanuel Building," the god smirks. "Best place to break through. Now, good-bye, my friends. And, ah, good luck with that other little matter."
He glances at Ara before disappearing in a grape-smelling purple cloud. Jason rushes over to Piper and Nico, who are making their way to them.
"Was that Dionysus?" Hedge asks them. "I love that guy!"
Ara wants to say a few things that are very unlovable about the guy, but Leo tackles her in a bear hug before she can. "Oh gods, I thought I would never see you again!"
"You're alive!" Percy exclaims when Hazel and Frank approach. "The giants said you were captured. What happened?"
"What?" Ara asks again, looking at her boyfriend.
"Oh, just another brilliant plan by Leo Valdez," he says. "You'd be amazed what you can do with an Archimedes sphere, a girl who can sense stuff underground, and a weasel."
"I was the weasel," Frank sighs.
"What?" Ara repeats a third time. "I'm sorry—what?"
"Basically," Leo keeps his arm around her. "I activated a hydraulic screw with the Archimedes device—which is going to be awesome once I install it in the ship, by the way. Hazel sensed the easiest path to drill to the surface. We made a tunnel big enough for a weasel, and Frank climbed up with a simple transmitter that I slapped together. After that, it was just a matter of hacking into Coach Hedge's favorite satellite channels and telling him to bring the ship around to rescue us. After he got us, finding you was easy, thanks to that godly light show at the Colosseum."
"You're so smart," Ara replies with a mix of adoration and hurt. She's gonna miss him.
Leo smiles at her. "I do my best, doll."
"Where's Annabeth?" Percy asks anxiously.
Leo makes a face. "Yeah, about that... She's still in trouble, we think. Hurt, broken leg, maybe—at least according to this vision Gaea showed us. Rescuing her is our next stop."
Ara's glad she got to see everyone again one last time, but now comes the not-fun part of this quest.
"Tell me about the vision," Percy urges Leo. "Tell me everything."
"Let's talk on board," Hazel glances down nervously at the disintegrating planks below their feet. "We'd better take off while we still can." 
Ara walks forward but Leo doesn't let go of her, and it's not like he hasn't been clingy before, but he keeps looking at her as if fearing she'll vanish. 
"Leo," she asks, feeling the waves of anxiety coming from him. "What happened?"
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"You used the fortune cookie?" Ara whispers with apprehension.
Leo glances at her with a pout then goes back to his monitor. "The other option was dying, so you see why I had no choice."
Ara hopes he's joking, but even then she can't laugh. "You're not being funny."
"Don't make me feel worse," he looks up again with desperation.
Ara feels guilty, Leo probably wasn't meant to die today, but if he's willing to make such a huge sacrifice just to be reunited with her... ironically, that makes Leo a threat to their survival.
She loves him to pieces, and she'd love to have more time with him, but not at the expense of others, and not to the extent he wants. It's alarming, she's realizing just now that perhaps diving head-first into this relationship wasn't the right call at all.
"You saved us from the giants, but you using the fortune cookie feels like a confirmation of something terrible... Of one of my nightmares."
Leo stays still and looks into her eyes, so unlike him. "That doesn't sound good."
Ara can't cut the line that ties them together, but she can stretch it to stop the sparks that ignite malign fires every time they get too close. She regrets giving in so easily when she met him. 
The girl lowers her voice, looking over Leo's shoulder to make sure Frank isn't listening. "Listen, about my prophecy—"
Frank interrupts them. "I think I found it!"
"There it is!" Leo's focus returns to the quest as he leads the ship to the new coordinates. "Frank, you're amazing! I'm setting course."
"I just read the name off the screen. Some Chinese tourist marked it on Google Maps," Frank shrugs humbly.
"He reads Chinese." Leo informs them with a huge smile.
"Just a tiny bit," Frank clarifies.
"How cool is that?" Leo insists.
Ara watches the boys carefully, it seems these few quests together were exactly what they needed to make peace, and now Leo is even hyping Frank up.
"Guys," Hazel says. "I hate to interrupt your admiration session, but you should hear this."
She helps Nico to his feet, and he starts talking fraily. "Thank you. I'd given up hope."
His eyes are fixed on Ara and Percy, both with the same scowl. "You knew about the two camps all along," Percy points out. "You could have told me who I was the first day I arrived at Camp Jupiter, but you didn't."
Nico's shoulders fall in shame. "Percy, I'm sorry. I discovered Camp Jupiter last year. My dad led me there, though I wasn't sure why. He told me the gods had kept the camps separate for centuries and that I couldn't tell anyone. The time wasn't right. But he said it would be important for me to know..."
He has a coughing fit and Hazel keeps him upright, which Ara hates, because now she doesn't have the heart to be mean to him. "Well, good for you for being an obedient son..." she mumbles grumpily.
"I—I thought Dad meant because of Hazel," Nico continues weakly. "I'd need a safe place to take her. But now... I think he wanted me to know about both camps so I'd understand how important your quest was, and so I'd search for the Doors of Death."
"Did you find the doors?" Percy inquires.
Nico makes a face. "I was a fool. I thought I could go anywhere in the Underworld, but I walked right into Gaea's trap. I might as well have tried running from a black hole."
"Um... What kind of black hole are you talking about?" Frank hesitates.
"Tartarus," Ara says. "He got dragged into Tartarus, the absolute idiot. You could've asked me to go with you—"
"You wouldn't have listened," he says resentfully.
Ara wants to argue, but Nico's not wrong. She would've thought it was an impossible quest, and she would've tried to find an easier, faster solution. But after all she's heard and seen, she knows there is none.
"Nico told me that the Doors of Death have two sides," Hazel adds. "One in the mortal world, one in the Underworld. The mortal side of the portal is in Greece. It's heavily guarded by Gaea's forces. That's where they brought Nico back into the upper world. Then they transported him to Rome."
"Where exactly in Greece is this doorway?" Piper asks.
"The House of Hades," Nico replies. "It's an underground temple in Epirus. I can mark it on a map. The mortal side isn't the problem, though..."
"Tartarus is," Percy replies with a grim expression. "The deepest part of the Underworld."
"They pulled me into the pit, Percy," Nico tries to be strong, but the memories overwhelm him. "The things I saw down there..."
"No mortal has ever been to Tartarus," Hazel gives her brother a worried glance. "At least, no one has ever gone in and returned alive. It's the maximum-security prison of Hades, where the old Titans and the other enemies of the gods are bound. It's where all monsters go when they die on the earth. It's... well, no one knows exactly what it's like."
"Now I understand why Hades hasn't been able to close the doors," Nico leans into his sword when Hazel hands it back. "Even the gods don't go into Tartarus. Even the god of death, Thanatos himself, wouldn't go near that place."
Leo frowns. "So let me guess. We'll have to go there."
"It's impossible," Nico winces. "I'm the son of Hades, and even I barely survived. Gaea's forces overwhelmed me instantly. They're so powerful down there... no demigod would stand a chance. I almost went insane."
"Then we'll sail for Epirus," Percy concludes. "We'll just close the gates on this side."
"I wish it were that easy," Nico responds. "The doors would have to be controlled on both sides to be closed. It's like a double seal. Maybe, just maybe, all seven of you working together could defeat Gaea's forces on the mortal side, at the House of Hades. But unless you had a team fighting simultaneously on the Tartarus side, a team powerful enough to defeat a legion of monsters in their home territory—"
Ara feels her temperature drop even though it's a summer day. This is how she'll die, jumping into the pit even if it costs her everything. She'll meet Mike's fate, trying to stop the monsters from reaching her loved ones. It's a fitting death, it might be the end of her prophecy, and Leo's curse.
"There has to be a way," Jason presses.
"I've got a plan," Ara blurts out.
"What?" Percy scowls. "We just found out about all this."
"I already knew it," she admits. "I've been having dreams, and they all relate to this. I've made my choice, it's all sorted out."
"Wait a minute," Leo intervenes, making a time-out gesture. "Ara, what do you mean?"
She tries to look less frightened than she is. Everything is calculated, she convinces herself, Ara can't let Leo or Percy mess with it, it could ruin their chances. "It's the fortune cookie. It has to be me, I can't let any of you be the answer."
"Ara, you suck at planning," Percy reminds her. "Don't try anything without consulting us first."
"I'm the General," Ara changes the subject knowing it'll shift the attention away from her. "Besides, Annabeth's in danger, why don't you focus on that?"
Percy walks over to the handrail to peer down. "We'll figure out the Tartarus problem later—Is that the Emmanuel Building?"
"Bacchus said something about the parking lot in back? Well, there it is," Leo points, still eyeing Ara with worry. "What now?"
"We have to get her out," Percy replies like it's obvious.
"Well, yeah," Leo tilts his head. "But, uh... There's a parking lot in the way."
Percy and Ara share a look. "Bacchus said something about breaking through..."
"Coach?" Ara says. "Charge the ballista."
He gives them a devilish grin. "I thought you'd never ask."
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 Ara has filled her T-Rex bag with all the good stuff: First-aid kit, nectar, ambrosia, and even two packs of food. It isn't enough, but it's all she can carry in her stupid bag. She's taking the T-Rex because it's been with her longer than the Octopi, so it feels like a good luck charm. She's put Lily's dagger in it as well, she'll need it if she wants to survive.
They bust open the parking lot ground and she takes cover near the control boards, nudging Leo's arm. "If Annabeth found the statue, you have to bring it into the ship!"
"Got it! Don't do anything rash while I'm at it!" Leo replies quickly. "I don't care what Nemesis says, she can't have you!"
"This is bigger than us!" she presses. "Percy will take Annabeth, and I'll do the rest. You, Jason, and Frank take the statue—the last lines of my prophecy, Leo..." She makes a face. "I don't have enough time to explain, you have to trust me!"
He isn't happy about it, but they have no time to argue. "Just come back to me, Arae."
She pulls him in for a quick kiss. "Good luck."
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Next Chapter –>
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frevandrest · 2 years
do u have any info on Thèrése Gellé and SJ's relationship?
I have all the info there is! Which... is not much. What we know is that something likely did exist in terms of a romantic relationship in their teens (and maybe later, but that one is not proven). Some things could be extrapolated from little that we know, but we have only a few facts. What we know is the following:
Thérèse Gellé was born in 1766 in Blérancourt, as an illegitimate child of a local merchantess and a powerful royal notary Gellé. She was legitimized at 12, when her parents married each other.
SJ moved to Blérancourt at the age of 9. Thérèse was 10. We don't know when they met but since this was a super small community, I assume they knew each other (or at least, knew of each other) as kids.
At some point during their teen years, they seemed to have started a romantic relationship. There are no concrete sources for it except that it’s generally accepted that it happened. What we know is that in December 1785, they were godparents to a child in the village. Some historians see this as a sign that they were seen as a future married couple and chosen together because of this. I am not sure how sound this theory is, but I do think it’s interesting that they were chosen together.  Interestingly, most of the proof/sources for the relationship come from SJ’s early writing (namely, Organt and Arlequin-Diogène). While Thérèse is not mentioned by name, the context and certain (auto)biographical details that appear in these works strongly point out that the main female characters were based on her. (If anyone wants me to talk about what SJ’s writing (potentially) says of Thérèse and/or their relationship, I’d love to do that - I just have to do it in a different post because this one is getting super long). According to some, SJ asked Gellé for a permission to marry Thérèse and was refused. Not sure if this is true, but since SJ was 18 at the time and still in school, AND not particularly rich, it’s not surprising that Gellé wanted a more “prosperous” option for his daughter. 
Which brings us to 25 July 1786. While SJ was away at the boarding school,  Thérèse married Emmanuel Thorin, a young notary from a rich family. Historians agree that this marriage (done seemingly in a hurry) was specifically to prevent SJ from marrying her.
SJ graduated and returned from school a few weeks later, and he lost it. Reportedly, he had a huge fight with his mother (for not telling him that Thérèse was getting married? For not presenting him as a good option to Gellé?) Soon after, in early September 1786, he took that infamous silver and ran away to Paris. (I assume this episode is familiar. It resulted with his mother putting him in the correctional house where he stayed for six months, until early 1787). 
We don’t know what - if anything - happened between SJ and Thérèse after these events. What we do know is that the Revolution started and Gellé was a royalist who tried to stop revolutionary efforts in the village (he was the one who outed SJ as being too young to be elected for the Legislative Assembly in 1791). So yes, there was a lot of animosity between SJ and Gellé on the political grounds, but we don’t know anything about Thérèse during these years or how she might have reacted to all of this. 
But there is a significant event in summer 1793. On the 7th anniversary of her marriage, Thérèse left Thorin and went to Paris. She stayed in a hotel very close to SJ’s place. We know this because SJ’s friend, Victor Thuillier, wrote a much-quoted letter about it. In the letter, he informs SJ that the village believes that SJ had kidnapped Thérèse (not against her will?) and also gives SJ Thérèse’s address in Paris. To which SJ replied basically: “I have no idea what you’re talking about. Tell everyone (in the village) that it’s not true. I am very busy, bye”. (Not direct quotes - you can read more in the link above, though not sure if it’s the best way to translate these letters). 
Historians are divided over what happened. Those who are sympathetic towards SJ want to defend him against accusations of having an affair with a married woman, so they trust his word on it. Those unsympathetic towards SJ generally think that he lied and that he was totally behind Thérèse’s escape to Paris. But what I am more concerned about is how things worked form Thérèse’s POV. She left her husband, AND the village thought that it was because of SJ. This ruined her reputation beyond repair. Even if she did not cheat on Thorin, she was the one who was seen as leaving. 
As for SJ, nobody really talks about a possibility that he did help her, but not necessarily as a lover but as a friend - he wrote so much about protecting women from abuse and unwanted marriages that it wouldn’t be so impossible that he helped a childhood friend (tbh, it would be more shitty if he refused after writing so much about helping women). As for the affair... We don’t have any proof either way (except his reply to Thuillier). I disagree with historians who claim that “SJ would never”, because most of his writings actually point out that he was fine with women performing marital infidelity and the like. But this is not a proof either. So we just don’t know. 
Thérèse and Thorin had a divorce hearing in September 1793. Historians point out that the reason for the divorce they listed was not adultery, but Thorin didn’t seem to ask for a no-fault, mutual decision divorce either. He seemed to ask or a divorce based on the fact that she left him. In the hearing, Thérèse said that the divorce was mutually desired and she seemed to have asked for her dowry back. Their divorce was decided then, but they had to wait for about 11 months for it to become legal. They were legally divorced in July 1794 (18 days before Thermidor). 
That is basically it. We have no idea if SJ and Thérèse had any contact or what she did between this divorce hearing and Thermidor. We do know that she was kind of shunned in the village, while Thorin remarried and had children. Thérèse died in 1806, at the age of 39. 
There is one thing, written by SJ near Thermidor, that some people argue could be related to Thérèse, but there is absolutely no proof of it: that strange “story” about a lovers’ misunderstanding. It was the last item written in the notebook found on SJ during Thermidor, and it is super unusual because he left no other writing of this kind, but it’s impossible to say whether it has anything to do with  Thérèse or not.
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Hi, it’s me, Fanfic Anon #2. Happy weekend everyone! This is inspired by the new Le Point article (Thank you for posting it, along with all the other magazine articles you’ve posted, EMT. You are the best!!).
“Are you sure you don’t mind keeping the kids overnight?” Tiphaine checked one last time before leaving them with their grandparents after dinner. “I know things have been crazy busy for you two lately, and I don’t want them to intrude on any of the time you do get together, maman.”
“First of all, we’re fine,” Brigitte reassured her daughter. “We did ten years only seeing each other on the weekends, 6 whole months with him on a different continent, so while I don’t like it when he’s away, we’ve been separated by far worse than a two day summit in Brussels.” She paused and turned her gaze lovingly towards her husband who was currently giving their youngest grandchild a piggy back ride in the yard just outside the back doors of La Lanterne, while his older sister was playing with Nemo, all three of them with the biggest smiles on their faces, their laughing joy contagious. “Second,” she continued, drawing her daughter’s attention to the sight in front of them, “look at him. Look at them. How could I ever put an end to that?”
“Mamie! Look!” the little one called out, trying to draw his grandmother’s attention.
“Be careful!” She called back, always the worrier.
“Can you come play now?” her granddaughter looked up from a now napping Nemo, bored now that her playmate had now moved on.
“Let me say goodbye to your mother, and I’ll be right there,” she smiled at her, before turning to Tiphaine, “come pick them up mid-morning tomorrow. Have a good night, my darling.”
“Bye, maman,” she said, hugging her as she left before yelling out, “bye Manu!” laughing as he didn’t respond, too engrossed in what he was doing.
“Now,” Brigitte said turning towards her granddaughter, “what do you want to do? Boys versus girls maybe?”
“Let’s go see what the boys thinks about that,” she winked, reaching out her hand to help her up from the ground to walk towards the rest of their family.
A couple of hours later, after they managed to successfully put to bed their exhausted grandchildren, Emmanuel cuddled up to his wife on the couch, wrapping her tightly in his arms as he balanced her in his lap. “What did Tiphaine want?” he asked after a minute.
“Ahh, so you did notice,” she teased.
“I always notice you,” he answered seriously.
Blushing, she told him, “she wanted to make sure it was okay to leave the kids. She was worried it would cut too much into our ‘alone time.’”
“What did you tell her?” he inquired, now a little nervous about the answer. He knew that they had both been crazy busy this past month, she with the pièces jaunes campaign, he with a couple of trips and conferences, but they had also made an effort to spend as much time together as they could, even if date night this week had to be canceled at the last minute. He knew how frightened she was about this potentially being the last of their “good years” together (while he knows she fears the future, understandable given all the harsh losses she has suffered, he still refused to believe his strong, healthy, happy, beautiful wife wasn’t going to live forever) being taken up by this job, so he had doubled down on making time together his priority, even if they weren’t going out as much as they used to. But if their daughter was worried, that implied Brigitte had said something about it, he thought to himself. He couldn’t let her down.
“I told her we were fine,” she said lovingly, trying to reassure him, feeling how nervous he was by how quickly his hold around her became rigid. “Because we are fine. Sure, we’ve been a couple of very busy people lately, and sure, you’ve been gone a little, but we’ve gone far longer without each other. I don’t like it when you’re not with me, but you always come home.”
“I will always come home to you,” he vowed.
“I know, chéri, besides,” she trailed off with a smile.
“Besides, I looked over at you in that moment and I saw you playing with them and I thought to myself how could I deny you all that joy just for a couple of extra hours alone with you? And, selfishly, I love seeing you with our grandchildren.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah,” she confirmed. “Seeing you in protective, loving grandfather mode, it’s very sexy.”
He laughed heartily at that, before kissing that spot on her neck he knows makes her knees week, smiling triumphantly at her quiet moan. “Well, if you think you could keep it down, do you want to continue this conversation in the bedroom?”
“Speak for yourself,” she replied, getting out of his lap and holding her hand out for him to take, giggling like naughty children as they raced towards their final destination.
Hellooo fanfic Anon #2! ❤️
Manu and his grandkids is just something irresistibly adorable 🥰
Conversation... right, let’s call it that 🤭 Careful careful guys, the kids are around, just behave... 😏😏
Thank you so much, fanfic Anon #2! ❤️❤️❤️
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julio-viernes · 6 months
El maestro de la guitarra Chet Atkins tiene LP tributo en el centenario de su nacimiento, "We Still Can’t Say Good Bye: A Musicians’ Tribute to Chet Atkins" (19 de abril, Morningstar Music) con la participación de Eric Clapton, Vince Gill, James Taylor y Alison Krauss, entre otros. "Mr. Guitar" por Tommy Emmanuel C.G.P. & Michael Cleveland es el primer aperitivo servido.
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insidethestardc · 11 months
Micah Parsons provides fodder for Monday morning quarterback The good thing about the Cowboys having a bye week? We don’t have to worry about dissecting a loss. The bad thing? Trying to figure out what to write about since there isn’t a game to talk about... #DallasCowboys
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liopleurodean · 1 year
Season 10, Episode 20: Angel Heart
Isn't that the Novak house?
This must be a flashback
Poor Amelia
Oh no
A dream?
So the mom is alive
That's freaky
She's definitely not
One of her happiest moments
Poor guy
She's looking for mom
Fair point
She's the furthest thing from a girl scout
She never gave a last name
At least he called
Oh, Cas
Dad mode™
Sounds like fun
You were hurt!
I'm sure it was
They want to help
He did it for you, Claire
He didn't help much
Oh boy
Wait a second. Give or take, two years ago she might've been on the trail of Emmanuel.
Um. Bye Dean
Escape artist
She doesn't like you, Cas
Dean can be scary
Dean, you need to chill a little
Oh, Dean does NOT like those
I'm sure
Hah! If it was Roy, I'd laugh
And that's not concerning at all
This is weird
I don't believe him
But you're getting it anyway
Makes sense
He didn't know his mom
I'm pretty sure I've heard this out of context and I thought it was post-Amara, but he's literally just talking about time travel 😭😭😭
That wouldn't stop Sam
I'm sure
An angel?
Hey, remember when Sam ragged on Dean for credit card scams? Yeah, me too
Okay fair
What was he taking from Amelia? It almost looked like grace
And Dean was with him 😭 can you imagine Dean Winchester in a Hot Topic
It's cute!
It wasn't Dean
Slammed his face into a table, though
He didn't kill the guy, though
You've probably heard of Eric Clapton, but if you haven't, he's known for Knockin' on Heaven's Door, I Shot the Sheriff, and Layla (as part of Derek and the Dominos). Jimmy Page is the guitarist and founder of Led Zeppelin.
Nice, Dean
Angel blade, definitely
Of course
It's not that simple
He's a loose cannon
Daddy-daughter date!
Claire is more antagonistic
I mean. True.
That's true
Cas... that's a loaded question
Sam is right on this one, but it's hard
Bill Murray is awesome
Come on, Claire
How can you know if you like it or not if you haven't seen it?
He's so dramatic
Ok, boomer
Happy Gilmore.
Sylvester Stallone face
The mini-golf is rare
I love the side-by-side
That was unfortunate
Also Cas was a jerk back then
Several times over
That's good to know, I guess
I have no clue what's happening
So like... an archangel?
*insert Michael joke here*
Depends on the angel
There's Amelia
Not exactly
Oh boy
Poor girl
Dean, maybe the lore is both. They prey on some and help others
That's fantastic
Wouldn't be the evilest angel out there
No promises
Thanks, Cas
That angel was doing some messed up stuff
That's so sad
Jimmy's been gone for a long time
Speaking of Claire...
Oh, Amelia
Wake up, Sam
Dean was right!
That's horrifying
Not for the humans
There's the sword
Evidently not
You kind of screwed up there, buddy
Baby's first hunt!
Two years
Family reunion!
Protect your mom
Of course
Where did he go?
Enough with the jump scares!
Apparently not
That's suspicious
Oh no
I don't think it is
Oh no...
Cas to the rescue
This is going great
Um. Bad idea
He's mopping the floor with them
There's no saving her
Oh, Claire...
She's in her real heaven now
The light is beautiful
Oh, Jimmy...
This is so sad, but so sweet
Wayward sisters!!!
Heck yeah!
I think Jody has it handled
Aw, he got her a birthday gift!
That's sweet
Worth a shot
Dude. Throw away the wrapping paper
He's not even 40
She didn't know better
I hope so
Oh, Dean...
This is cute
Of course
Somewhere between
0 notes
maisondrew · 2 years
You’ve been on my mind lately. I think it started when i went to the club with ivan. he sat next to me and asked me how ive been, and put his arm around me and just showed mad love "yo im really glad you're here, we havent chilled in a minute". he said. Sybyr played earlier today and it hit. I think tonight is the night i finally get the chance to grieve you.
Music was our bond since the moment we met. “Je suis le noir le plus blanc que tu vas rencontrer”. When i found out you listened to metal in grade 10. Shameless in your identity and your taste in music is what i loved about you. Putting me on ferg, uzi and even tried to put me on korean pop. When you hit me and martin up to hangout in the summer, there was a part of me that dreaded it. When i left emmanuel i felt as though i made sure to remove myself from anyone there and went as far as dissociating from the identity i had there. Kept in touch with the ones i truly had love for and moved on. Seeing you meant i had to tap into that identity. Martin and i dont even fuck with each other like that anymore. The day came and martin ghosted, i pulled through. I hadnt seen you in years. You asked me to call jaya, and i did. We spent time in the parkinglot talking about life, music and the men we chose to be. You pulled up in a white beamer. You were level headed but i could tell you were happy about the car. kept emphasizing how it meant nothing to you. “I stay out of trouble. Mes amis font des bhays, moi j’vais au travail, et je rentre chez moi, je veux rien savoir.” I think that line of yours echoes through my conscious the loudest. “Je veux bouger au ouest, c’est calm ici”.
On the night Wednesday, August 10th, i was riding my motorcycle to the old port. The sun was setting and the sky was magnificent, but i couldnt shake this feeling in my stomach. The entropy in the air was strong, why does it feel like my clock is holding on by a thread? I was particularly paranoid and i couldn't comprehend why. My sixth sense was feeling particularly hazy. “is this how i go? will it be a pothole or an accident? am i gonna get drunk tn and drive into a lightpole?” I was playing eeny meeny miny moe, which one of these cars is going to projectile me on the otherside of the highway? I felt death lingering around me until i made it to the club that night. A fight broke out, and my boy got involved, so i got involved, is this it? collateral in a fight? but no, i was okay.
It was jeffs story that i saw first in the morning. “What the fuck does he know about you, why the fuck would he post that?” i messaged him, that shit wasnt funny, i was heated at 9 am. I checked cobis story, and texted jaya right away, l kept refreshing my phone while driving to work. This cant be real. But it was. The only time adulthood escapism was of any service; i was in brampton while people walked your vigil. I felt like i didnt show up for you the way you showed up for me in the west. When i came back i made sure to go to your funeral. I went alone on my bike. Found a seat and witnessed people speak on your name. Your family, your friends, and your mother. Your strong spirited mother. It was all still surreal. At your burial i was accompanied by some familiar faces, which made me feel some comfort. Your mom left fast. I wanted to stay as long as i could so i did. People came to you to say their good bye. I shied away, i didnt wanna front on anyone. One of your boys played uzi, the track you showed me in highschool. Eventually when people moved away, ivan put his arm around me and said: “come, we need to say good bye” ivan, devin, crystel and i came to see you. I put my hand on your casket and i prayed.
I prayed you found the quiet you looked for. I apologized for not putting effort to see you when i could have. And i thanked you for the music. I thanked you for the time, and thanked you for coming to see me and keeping in touch. You were always so big yet so gentle. I was far from being your closest friend, but the little bit of mutual love and respect we had for each other was enough to have me aching writing to you now. I know its meek, but i hope it is strong enough to travel to you. you really broke my heart. May your soul travel in music forever.
long live jaystarz.
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manysubitles · 2 years
Genre: Drama, Romance
Cast: Sylvia Kristel, Umberto Orsini, Jean-Pierre Bouvier
Emmanuelle and her architect husband continue their amoral lifestyle in the Seychelles. But when a casual dilliance between her and a film director starts to turn serious her husband shows very traditional signs of jealousy.
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Sorry for being so late.... :(
Top 10 May.
1. Spirited Away (Hayao Miyazaki, 2001) (R) 2. And Life Goes On… (Abbas Kiarostami, 1992) 3. Good Bye, Dragon Inn (Tsai Ming-liang, 2003) 4. Les choses qu'on dit, les choses qu'on fait (Emmanuel Mouret, 2020) 5. Pather Panchali (Satyajit Ray, 1955) 6. A Question of Silence (Marleen Gorris, 1982) 7. Japanese Girls at the Harbor (Hiroshi Shimizu, 1933) 8. The Last Days of Disco (Whit Stillman, 1998) 9. La diosa arrodillada (Roberto Gavaldón, 1947) 10. Les Photos d'Alix (Jean Eustache, 1980)
(My list on Letterboxd -click here-)
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aquariumdrunkard · 3 years
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The Aquarium Drunkard Show: SIRIUS/XMU (7pm PDT, Channel 35)
Sliding off the coast of California — the Aquarium Drunkard Show on SIRIUS/XMU, channel 35. 7pm Pacific, Wednesdays. No static at all.
Intro ++ Ngozi Family – Kumanda Kwa Bambo Wanda ++ Cisneros And Garza Group – I’m A Man ++ Ify Jerry Crusade – Everybody Likes Something Good ++ Los Issufu and His Moslems – Kana Soro ++ Whitefield Brothers – Joyful Exaltation ++ Gene Boyd – Thought Of You Today ++ Little Sister – Stanga ++ Dwight Sykes – Bye ++ Jingo – Keep Holding On (Part 2) ++ Unique Madoo – Call Me Nobody Else ++ Trinidad and Tobago Steel all Stars – Do your Thing ++ Rikki Ililonga – Sansa Kuwa ++ The Zion Travellers – The Blood ++ Lee “Scratch” Perry – Paraíso Islámico ++ Harry Mudie – Heavy Duty Dub ++ Nino Nardini, Eddie Warner & Roger Roger – Shut Up ++ The Black Beats – The Mod Trade ++ Atomic Forest – Obsession ’77 (Slow) ++ Stone Coal White – You Know ++ Serge Gainsbourg – Panpan Cucul ++ Bernard Estady – Cha Tatch Ka ++ Benny Soebardja & Lizard – Candle Light ++ Brigitte Fontaine & Areski – Petit Sapin ++ Eduardo Mateo – Niña ++ Emmanuel Brun – La Voix Psychédélique ++ Rikki Ililonga, Musi-O-Tonga – Sheebeen Queen ++ The Equatics – Merry Go Round ++ The Sha La Das – Open My Eyes ++ Jason Joshua & The Beholders – Can’t Keep A Good Man Down ++ Sugar Candy Mountain – 666 ++ Menahan Street Band – Dust To Dust ++ Antena – Camino Del Sol ++ Sessa – Grandeza ++ Monster Rally – Animals ++ Javelin – Tell Me What Will It Be? ++ Surprise Chef – All News Is Good News ++ Abdou El Omari – Fatine ++ PAINT – Ta Fardah (instrumental)
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youllneverknowrac · 4 years
Oscar Diaz-Intoxicated
For @gisellyt
“Y/N, you need to drink some water.” You hear your best friend, Rosa, say from beside you. The two of you sitting in the corner section you guys had rented for the night. You had decided to have a girls night with your group of friends and after being at the club for a few hours you were way past drunk.
“Yeah, try to sober up some.” You other friend adds encouragingly,”It’s almost closing time and we have to go home.”
“Fuuuuuck water and fuck home.” You slur as you stand to your feet, your vision blurry,”I want to danceeee. Let’s dance you boring bitches.”
“I’m calling Oscar.” Another one of your friends say quietly so you can’t hear, going through your purse and grabbing your phone as you make your way to the dance floor.
“I Love this song!” You squeal, making friends with some blonde girl who was equally as drunk as you were. Your girlfriends making sure to keep an eye on you as they sit around the table.
“We should get a shot!” The new girl-Ashley?- says into your ear as you both dance together.
“B-52?!” You suggest
“Yummy! Yes!” She agrees and takes your hand, dragging you to the bar. You both clumsily climb onto the stools and grab the bar tenders attention.
“Hello, hi.” You smile and order the shots once he comes over,”Keep them coming.”
“Y/N. Don’t you think you’ve had enough?” The familiar voice of your friend says as she grips your arm.
“I think you’ve had not enough.” You giggle,”Drink with us, I got shots!”
“Shots, shots, shots!” Hannah? sings from beside you
“You don’t need any more alcohol.” Rosa groans, the bartender sliding the two tiny glasses over as you hand over the cash.
“Buzzkill.” You mutter as you quickly down it, turning to look at Nicole? who just slammed hers down as well.
“There you are.” A girl who looks exactly like your new friend sighs in relief,”Let’s go Jane, now.” She demands, grabbing her and pulling her away.
“Bye!” She calls out drunkenly, giving you a wave as she disappears into the crowd.
“Awe, I’m gonna miss her.” You pout before shrugging and ordering another shot.
“Nope, cancel that.” Rosa says and forcefully pushes you to your feet,”We’re going outside. Some fresh air will do you good.”
“No!” You complain every step of the way, the rest of your friends joining you outside as well. Each of them getting their own Uber until it was just you and Rosa left outside.
“Let’s go back in. They don’t close for like another thirty minutes.” You pout, lightly stomping your foot,”I don’t want to be outside.”
“Stop!” Rosa laughs, keeping a tight hold on you as you try to pull away.
“I got it from here. Thanks for waiting for me.” You hear your boyfriend say from behind you, his grip replacing hers.
“No problem, ella simplemente no dejaba de tomar.” She explains,”I’ll call her tomorrow, you should get her home.”
“Yeah.” He agrees with a nod,”You need me to drop you off?”
“No, it’s okay. I got a Uber.” She declines as you try to turn around to actually look at Oscar.
“Everybody stop grabbing me.” You say and pull yourself away him, nearly tripping off the curb.
“Get your ass in the car.” Oscar says, ignoring your request as he helps you balance yourself before pushing you inside his car and slamming the door shut,”Bye.” He tells your best friend, going to his side and sliding in.
“I thought you said one drink?” He asks as he starts the engine
“I thought you said one drink.” You copy his voice with a eye roll
“Are you gonna have a attitude?”
“I don’t know? Am I?” You say, turning your head to look at him,”I didn’t want to leave.”
“You can barley stand up, you don’t need to be at no club when you’re that drunk.”
“Whatever...loser.” You say amusingly,”Oscar’s a loser, Oscar’s a loser, a loser.” You sing
“This is why I don’t like when you go out with your friends. You get too wasted and then I have to take care of you.” He sighs, keeping his eyes in the road
“If you don’t want to take care of me then I’ll leave.” You offer,”I’ll go, you’ll never see me again. I’ll roll out of the car right now.”
“Shut yo dramatic ass up.” Oscar smacks, a small smirk forming on his lips a moment later.
“So mean to me. I just wanted to have a good time...girls just wanna have fun.” You say and lean towards the radio, connecting your phone to the gigged up old style radio with the cord,”This ones for you.” You say, the music blasting and Oscar instantly recognizing the song.
“Change this shit.”
You Ignore him and scoot closer, your two fingers pressing against his temple roughly,”Punch you in the face, muthafucka I knock ya teeth out
Every time I come through, I got my heat out
If you want smoke, ain't nothin' we gotta speak 'bout.” You shout into his ear, Oscar’s jaw clenching as he endures your scratchy voice,”I'ma start G-checking all you fuckin' clowns
One question, are you fuckin' down?
Wrong answer, here's a hunnid rounds.” You continue, acting as if you’ve had a gun in your hand before you get a bright idea,”Oscar?” You ask sweetly
“What?” He grits out through his teeth
“Do you have your gun?”
“What? Of course I do, why?” He asks, glancing over at you with a perplexed look.
“Let me play with it, it goes with the song. I wanna feel like a gangster.” You explain, your words sounding reasonable in your head.
Oscar doesn’t reply, instead he breaks out in laughter. His hand smacking the side of the wheel,”Fuck no! Play? Estas loca o que?” He wheezes
“Whatever, I’ll buy my own.” You say, scooting away from him and ripping your phone off of the cord,”A pink one. So don’t piss me off or I’m going to shoot you with it, cause I’m a OG.” You giggle
“Shoot me? Is that right?” Oscar laughs,”You wouldn’t. You’d miss me too much.”
“I would.” You smile,”I guess a pistol whip would have to do.”
“You know your mouth gets real reckless when you drink. Like you got no fucking filter.”
“Well if you wouldn’t baby me and make me come home, I wouldn’t be acting like this.” You tell him, reaching over and taking his hand off of the wheel so you can hold it,”But I know how you can make it up to me.”
“Hm, and how would that be?” Oscar asks, bringing his other hand up to take over the wheel.
“Tacos.” You smile,”And I’ll be the best girlfriend over.”
“Tacos? You’re gonna puke.”
“Pretty positive I’m already going to do that.” You laugh,”I’m so hungry, I’m going to starve.”
“Hay comida en la casa.”
“Okay mom.” You say as you play with his fingers,”But I don’t want food at the house...please papi. You know you want some too.”
“If I go, will you stop talking?” He asks teasingly
“No, but I’ll be very happy. You want me to be happy right? I’ll even get out and order them, I can do that. I think.”
“Fuck it, fine.” He sighs, making a detour and driving to the taco truck that was just outside of your neighborhood.
“Yay.” You smile, leaning over to kiss his cheek,”I love you.”
“Me or the tacos?”
He shakes his head, bringing your entangled hands up to press a kiss to your hand,”I’m the only person who will ever put up with your shit, don’t forget that.”
“Like I’m not the only person who would put up with yours? We were made for each other.”
“Tú lo sabes.” He grins, the rest of the car ride being filled with more playful banter and the occasional song performance from you. Oscar pulls into the lot where the familiar truck is stationed and parks a few feet away.
“Pastor right?” You ask him
“Yeah, get me four.”
“Excuse me?” You cough holding your hand out,”Money?”
He scoffs and digs into his pocket, pulling out a 20,”Go.”
“Thanks.” You grin and get out of the car, taking each step carefully,”Hi Emmanuel, hows your night.” You grin to the older Hispanic guy that has been in the community forever.
“Not as good as yours.” He chuckles as he takes in your appearance,”Tell me Mija what can I get for you.”
“Four of pastor and then three of barbacoa.” You answer with ease,”Could I also get a corona?”
“You got it, dame cinco minutos.” He informs before pushing away from the side window and getting your order together.
You walk back to the car, going over to the drivers side, the window already down as Oscar smokes,”Five minutes.” You say
“Aight.” Oscar nods, inhaling smoke before letting it blow out through his nose.
“Let’s go out together next time.” You suggest, leaning through the window,”We haven’t gone out in a while.”
“Maybe, if you really want too.”
“I do. I like when we go out together.” You smile,”Next week?”
“Sure mami, if nothing comes up.”
“Can’t wait.” You say happily, stretching your neck to give Oscar a quick kiss,”Thank you.” You laugh as you take the rest of the joint from him, moving away from the window as you smoke.
“Ladrona.” He jokes, a yawn escaping his mouth after since it was the middle of the night.
“It’s not stealing when I’m your girl.” You retort, taking the final hit before tossing it into the gravel.
“Nah, it’s still stealing.”
“Oh shhh.” You say exaggeratedly, blowing him a kiss after. You don’t wait for him to reply as you stagger back to the taco truck to wait out the last few minutes.
“Ten even, I put some salsa and extra onion in the bag for you.” Emmanuel says when he opens the window back up.
“Thank you, it’s smells amazing like always.” You grin and pay him before grabbing the change and beer in one hand, the plastic bag in the other,”Bye!” You shout out over your shoulder as you walk back to the car. Oscar leans over to push open the door, letting you slide.
“You got a beer? Seriously?” He asks as he takes the bag from you, digging through it and pulling out his order.
“Sure did.” You reply, twisting the cap off and taking a swing,”Ah refreshing.”
“Borracha.” He calls out before taking a bite of his taco.
“Funny, coming from a borracho.” You smirk, placing the beverage in between you guys so you could eat.
He flips you off with his free hand, eating more of his food before taking his own sip of the beer. Oscar eating like a normal person where as you moaned in delight with every single bite.
“Those were the best tacos ever.” You groan in satisfaction, Oscar gathering all the trash into the plastic bag,”Food is always better after a night out.”
“I agree with that.” He says before climbing out of the car to throw away the trash, the beer making you get the hiccups,”Let’s go home.” He sighs when he gets back in,”You’re gonna feel like shit tomorrow.”
“Good thing I have you to take care of me.” You smile, snuggling into his side and Oscar wrapping his arm around your shoulder as you feel your body wanting to fall asleep.
“Always.” He chuckles, driving towards the neighborhood slowly,”I’ll make you some hangover menudo for the morning.”
“Mhm I love you.” You yawn, your eyes closing.
“Love you mami.” He reply’s, letting you doze off. Whenever he reaches the house, knowing that he would not be able to wake you up, he carefully pulls you out and carry’s you bridal style into the house. He groans as he sets you down in the bed, taking your shoes off before covering you up with the thick blanket. Laying down next to you and rubbing his eyes, already knowing that you were going to be a pain in his ass tomorrow when you woke up. Which turned out to be only a few short houses later when you woke him up by running to the toilet to empty your stomach.
“See? You don’t need to be going out with your friends.” He smirks, kneeling down next to you as he rubs your back.
“Shut up.” You cough, more vomit spewing from you seconds later,”I’m never drinking again.” You whine, Oscar keeping his mouth shut and helping you get through the first meltdown of the day. Just like he always did.
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miguelmarias · 4 years
TOP 2020
 A)    Great movies made since 2015 seen for the first time in 2020: 
Buoyancy(Freedom;Rodd Rathjen, 2019)
Les choses qu’on dit, les choses qu’on fait(Emmanuel Mouret, 2020)
L’Île au trésor(Guillaume Brac, 2018)
Le Sel des larmes(Philippe Garrel, 2019/20)
Ghawre Bairey Aaj(Home and the World;Aparna Sen, 2019)
Undine(Christian Petzold, 2020)
Happī awā(Happy Hour;Hamaguchi Ryūsuke, 2015)
Netemo Sametemo(Asako I & II;Hamaguchi Ryūsuke, 2018)
Adolescentes(Sébastien Lifshitz, 2013-9/20)
Family Romance, LLC.(Werner Herzog, 2019)
Demain et tous les autres jours(Noémie Lvovsky, 2017)
Gamak Ghar(Achal Mishra, 2019)
Lunana:A Yak in the Classroom(Pawo Choyning Dorji, 2019)
Semina il vento(Sow the Wind;Danilo Caputo, 2020)
Objector(Molly Stuart, 2019)
La France contre les robots(Jean-Marie Straub, 2020)
Paris Calligrammes(Ulrike Ottinger, 2019/20)
Un film dramatique(Éric Baudelaire, 2019)
 B)    Great movies made before 2015 seen for the first time in 2020: 
Là-Haut, un Roi au-dessus des nuages(Pierre Schoendoerffer, 2003)
Pangarap ng Puso(Demons/Whispers of the Demon/Hope of the Heart;Mario O’Hara, 2000)
Les Films rêvés(Eric Pauwels, 2009)
La vida en rojo(Andrés Linares, 2007/8)
Come Next Spring(R.G. Springsteen, 1955/6)
Song of Surrender(Mitchell Leisen, 1948/9)
Adventure in Manhattan(Edward Ludwig, 1936)
Strannaia zhenshchina(A Strange Woman;Iuli Raízman, 1978)
Chastnaia zhízn(Private Life;Iuli Raízman, 1982)
Málva(Vladimir Braun, 1956/7)
Zhila-byla devochka(Once There Was a Girl;Viktor Eisimont, 1944)
The Unknown Man(Richard Thorpe, 1951)
Aisai Monogatari(Story of a Beloved Wife;Shindō Kaneto, 1951)
Practically Yours(Mitchell Leisen, 1944)
A Summer Storm(Robert Wise, 1999/2000)
Lettre d’un cinéaste à sa fille(Eric Pauwels, 2000)
Sombra verde(Untouched;Roberto Gavaldón, 1954)
Fantasma d’amore(Dino Risi, 1981)
Adieu, Mascotte(Das Modell vom Montparnasse;Wilhelm Thiele, 1929)
Mori no kajiya(The Blacksmith of the Forest;Shimizu Hiroshi, 1928/9;fragment)
Zwischen Gestern und Morgen(Between Yesterday and Tomorrow;Harald Braun, 1947)
Last Holiday(Henry Cass, 1950)
Dialogue d’ombres(Danièle Huillet & Jean-Marie Straub, 1954-2013)
Out-Takes from the Life of a Happy Man(Jonas Mekas, 2012)
Nice Time(Claude Goretta & Alain Tanner, 1957)
Aloma of the South Seas(Alfred Santell, 1941)
A Feather in Her Hat(Alfred Santell, 1935)
La Danseuse Orchidée(Léonce Perret, 1928)
Underground(Vincent Sherman, 1941)
Time Out(in Twilight Zone-The Movie)(John Landis, 1983)
Lackawanna Blues(George C. Wolfe, 2005)
Janie(Michael Curtiz, 1944)
Dernier Amour(Léonce Perret, 2016)
Jeunes Filles en détresse(Georg Wilhelm Pabst, 1939)
Kisapmata(Blink of an Eye;Mike De Leon, 1981)
La Dernière Lettre(Frederick Wiseman, 2002)
The Lady of the Dig-Out(W.S. Van Dyke II, 1918)
Their Own Desire(E.Mason Hopper, 1929)
 C)    Very good movies made since 2015 seen for the first time in 2020: 
Zumiriki(Oskar Alegria, 2019)
Atlantique(Mati Diop, 2019)
J’accuse(An Officier and A Spy;Roman Polanski, 2019)
Richard Jewell(Clint Eastwood, 2019)
Alice et le Maire(Nicolas Pariser, 2019)
Contes de Juillet(July Tales;Guillaume Brac, 2017)
Dark Waters(Todd Haynes, 2019)
Ofrenda a la tormenta(Fernando González Molina, 2020)
Nomad:In the Footsteps of Bruce Chatwin(Werner Herzog, 2019)
Into the Inferno(Werner Herzog, 2016)
The Zookeeper’s Wife(Niki Caro, 2017)
Journal de septembre(Eric Pauwels, 2019)
La Deuxième Nuit(Eric Pauwels, 2016)
Kaze no denwa(Voices in the Wind;Suwa Nobuhiro, 2019/20)
Da 5 Bloods(Spike Lee, 2020)
Izaokas(Isaac;Jurgis Matulevičius, 2019)
A Metamorfose dos Pássaros(Catarina Vasconcelos, 2020)
Tabi no Owari Sekai no Hajimari(To the Ends of the Earth;Kurosawa Kiyoshi, 2019)
La Nuit d’avant(Pablo García Canga, 2019)
My Mexican Bretzel(Nuria Giménez, 2018-9)
Domangchin yeoja(The Woman Who Ran;Hong Sang-soo, 2019/20)
Öndög(Wang Quanan, 2019)
Hatsukoi(First Love;Miike Takashi, 1959)
Million raz pogivaet odin Cheloviek(One man dies a million times;Jessica Oreck, 2018/9)
The Two Popes(Fernando Meirelles, 2019)
Félicité(Alain Gomis, 2016/7)
Salt and Fire(Werner Herzog, 2016)
Ni de lian(Your Face;Tsai Ming-liang, 2018)
Qi qiu(Balloon;Pema Tseden, 2019)
River Silence(Rogério Soares, 2019)
Charlie’s Angels(Elizabeth Banks, 2019)
La boda de Rosa(Iciar Bollain, 2020)
Guerra(War;José Oliveira & Marta Ramos, 2020)
My Thoughts Are Silent/Moyi dumky tykhi(Antonio Lukich, 2019)
Namo(The Alien;Nader Saeivar;co-script-Jafar Panahi, 2020)
Los silencios(The Silences;Beatriz Seigner, 2018)
Terminal Sud(Rabah Ameur-Zaïmeche, 2019)
Tu mérites un amour(You Deserve a Lover;Hafsia Herzi, 2019)
Les Misérables(Ladj Ly, 2019)
Padre no hay más que uno(Santiago Segura, 2019)
Honeyland(Tamara Kotovska & Ljubomir Stefanov, 2019)
Izbrisana(Erased;Miha Mazzini & Dusan Joksimovic, 2018)
This Is Not A Burial, It’s A Resurrection(Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese, 2019)
Primero Enero(Darío Mascambroni, 2016)
Lahi, Hayop(Pan, Genus/Genus Pan;Lav Diaz, 2020)
 D)    Very good movies made before 2015 seen for the first time in 2020: 
Topaze(Marcel Pagnol, 1936)
The SIGN OF THE RAM(John Sturges, 1947/8)
Abandoned(Joseph M. Newman, 1949)
Bewitched(Arch Oboler, 1944/5)
La Femme du Bout du Monde((Jean Epstein, 1937)
The Outcast(William Witney, 1954)
Saadia(Albert Lewin, 1953)
Un monde sans femmes(Guillaume Brac, 2011)
Dishonored Lady(Robert Stevenson, 1947)
Always Goodbye(Signey Lanfield, 1938)
A Blueprint for Murder(Andrew L. Stone, 1953)
Bedevilled(Mitchell Leisen, 1955)
That Forsyte Woman(Compton Bennett, 1949)
The Miracle(Irving Rapper, 1959)
The Madonna’s Secret(Wilhelm Thiele, 1946)
The Town That Dreaded Sundown(Charles B. Pierce, 1976)
Grayeagle(Charles B. Pierce, 1977)
Barricade(Peter Godfrey, 1949/50)
Tomorrow is Forever(Irving Pichel, 1945/6)
David Harum(James Cruze, 1934)
The Vanquished(Edward Ludwig, 1953)
Keisatsukan(Uchida Tomu, 1933)
...Enfants des courants d’air(Édouard Luntz, 1959, short)
The Winds of Autumn(Charles B. Pierce, 1976)
Suddenly It’s Spring(Mitchell Leisen, 1946)
Uchūjin Tōkyō ni arawaru(Warning from Space;Shima Kōji, 1956)
Swiss Family Robinson(Edward Ludwig, 1940)
Ludwig der Zweite, König von Bayern(Wilhelm Dieterle, 1930)
Faithless(Harry Beaumont, 1932)
Botan-dorō(Peony Lanterns;Yamamoto Satsuo, 1968)
Ginza 24 chou(Tales of Ginza;Kawashima Yūzō, 1955)
Goodbye Again(Michael Curtiz, 1933)
Lines of White on a Sullen Sea(D.W. Griffith, 1909)
You Gotta Stay Happy(H.C. Potter, 1948)
Cave of Forgotten Dreams(Werner Herzog, 2010)
Riff-Raff(Ted Tetzlaff, 1947)
The Moon is Down(Irving Pichel, 1943)
The Bride Wore Boots(Irving Pichel, 1946)
Adventures in Silverado(Phil Karlson, 1948)
The Stolen Ranch(William Wyler, 1926)
Congo Maisie(H.C. Potter, 1940)
Marcides(Mercedes;Yousry Nasrallah, 1993)
Hell’s Five Hours(Jack L. Copeland, 1958)
Daniel(in Stimulantia;Ingmar Bergman, 1967)
Diên Biên Phú(Pierre Schoendoerffer, 1992)
Canyon River(Cattle King;Harmon Jones, 1956)
Dos Basuras(Kurt Land, 1958)
Smart Girls Don’t Talk(Richard L. Bare, 1948)
The Big Shakedown(John Francis Dillon, 1933/4)
Corvette K-225(Richard Rosson;p.,collab.Howard Hawks, 1943)
The Gay Deception(William Wyler, 1935)
The Invisible Woman(A.Edward Sutherland, 1940)
Rage in Heaven(W.S. Van Dyke II;collab.Robert B. Sinclair,Richard Thorpe, 1941)
Wild Side(Sébastien Lifshitz, 2004)
I bambini e noi(Luigi Comencini, 1970//7)
The House Across The Street(Richard L. Bare, 1948/9)
The Doughgirls(James V. Kern, 1944)
The Love Trap(William Wyler, 1929)
Torch Song(Charles Walters, 1953)
The Meanest Man in the World(Sidney Lanfield, 1942/3)
Cole Younger, Gunfighter(R.G. Springsteen, 1958)
Ballerine(Gustav Machatý, 1936)
Via Mala(Josef von Báky, 1945//8)
Sky Giant(Lew Landers, 1938)
Les Invisibles(Sébastien Lifshitz, 2012)
Promène toi donc tout nu(Emmanuel Mouret, 1998)
A Story for the Modlins(Una historia para los Modlin;Sergio Oksman, 2012)
Something in the Wind(Irving Pichel, 1947)
Spoveď(Confession;Pavol Skýkova, 1968)
Guilty Hands(W.S. Van Dyke II;collab.Lionel Barrymore, 1931)
Atto di accusa(Giacomo Gentilomo, 1950)
Suspense(Frank Tuttle, 1956)
This Is The Night(Frank Tuttle, 1932)
Escape in the Fog(Oscar ‘Budd’ Boetticher,Jr., 1945)
The Price of Fear(Abner Biberman, 1956)
Happy People:A Year in the Taiga(Werner Herzog, 2010)
Urok(The Lesson;Kristina Grozeva & Petar Valchanov, 2014)
Le Naufragé(Guillaume Brac, 2009)
Lili Marlen(Peter Mihálik;script.Dušan Hanák, 1970;short)
Deseo(Antonio Zavala Kugler, 2013)
  E)     Great movies that improved by new watchings: 
Shanghai Express(Josef von Sternberg, 1932)
The Best Years of Our Lives(William Wyler, 1946)
Till We Meet Again(Frank Borzage, 1944)
Man’s Favorite Sport?(Howard Hawks, 1963/4)
Along The Great Divide(Raoul Walsh, 1951)
Hondo(John V. Farrow, 1953)
Where The Sidewalk Ends(Otto Preminger, 1950)
Mrs. Miniver(William Wyler, 1942)
Driftwood(Allan Dwan, 1947)
‘Good-bye, My Lady’(William A. Wellman, 1956)
Touch of Evil(Preview version, 1975;not later ‘improvements’)(Orson Welles, 1958)
Le Crabe-Tambour(Pierre Schoendoerffer, 1977)
Unfinished Business(Gregory LaCava, 1941)
Madigan(Don Siegel, 1968)
Big Business(James Wesley Horne;s.Leo McCarey, 1929)
Putting Pants on Philip(Clyde A. Bruckman;s.Leo McCarey, 1927)
The Runner Stumbles(Stanley Kramer, 1979)
Yushima no Shiraume(Romance at Yushima;Kinugasa Teinosukē, 1955)
David Harum(Allan Dwan, 1915)
The Virginian(Cecil B. DeMille, 1914)
Island in the Sky(William A. Wellman, 1953)
All About Eve(Joseph L. Mankiewicz, 1950)
L’Eclisse(Michelangelo Antonioni, 1962)
The Roaring Twenties(Raoul Walsh, 1939)
The Plainsman(Cecil B. DeMille, 1936)
JLG/JLG-Autoportrait de décembre(Jean-Luc Godard, 1994)
‘Je vous salue, Marie’(Hail Mary;Jean-Luc Godard, 1984)
La Roue(Abel Gance, 1923)
They All Laughed(Peter Bogdanovich, 1981)
Innocent Blood(John Landis, 1992)
An American Werewolf in London(John Landis, 1981)
The Thing Called Love(Peter Bogdanovich, 1993)
Into the Night(John Landis, 1985)
The File On Thelma Jordon(Thelma Jordon;Robert Siodmak, 1949)
The Little American(Cecil B. DeMille, 1917)
In Our Time(Vincent Sherman, 1944)
The Hunters(Dick Powell, 1958)
Phase IV(Saul Bass, 1974)
L’Honneur d’un Capitaine(Pierre Schoendoerffer, 1982)
Backfire(Vincent Sherman, 1948//50)
Five(Arch Oboler, 1951)
Somewhere in the Night(Joseph L. Mankiewiz, 1946)
A Man Alone(Ray Milland, 1955)
Die Geiger von Florez(Paul Czinner, 1926)
Living on Velvet(Frank Borzage, 1934/5)
La Recta provincia(Raúl Ruiz, 2007//15)
La Noche de enfrente(Raúl Ruiz, 2012)
Carrie(Sister Carrie;William Wyler, 1951/2)
The Spiral Staircase(Robert Siodmak, 1945/6)
The Paradine Case(Alfred Hitchcock, 1947)
L’Amore(Una voce umana+Il Miracolo)(Roberto Rossellini, 1947/8)
The Heiress(William Wyler, 1949)
 F)     Very good movies watched again 
Bluebeard’s 10 Honeymoons(W.Lee Wilder, 1960)
The Five Pennies(Melville Shavelson, 1958)
Take a Letter, Darling(Mitchell Leisen, 1942)
Escape(Joseph L. Mankiewicz, 1948)
Appassionatamente(Giacomo Gentilomo, 1954)
Así como habían sido(Trío)(Andrés Linares, 1986/7)
San Antone(Joseph Kane, 1953)
The High and the Mighty(William A. Wellman, 1954)
Taki no Shiraito(The Water Magician;Mizoguchi Kenji, 1933)
The Web(Michael Gordon, 1947)
The Buccaneer(Anthony Quinn;s.Cecil B. DeMille, 1958)
The Buccaneer(Cecil B. DeMille, 1938)
Desire Me(uncredited:George Cukor/Jack Conway/Mervyn LeRoy/Victor Saville, 1946)
Flaxy Martin(Richard L. Bare, 1948/9)
Swing High, Swing Low(Mitchell Leien, 1937)
Death Takes A Holiday(Mitchell Leisen, 1934)
Irene(Herbert Wilcox, 1940)
Beloved Enemy(H.C. Potter, 1936)
The Cowboy and the Lady(H.C. Potter, 1938)
Der Golem, wie er in die Welt kam(Paul Wegener, 1920)
Mia madre(Nanni Moretti, 2015)
Hell On Frisco Bay(Frank Tuttle, 1955)
Stormy Weather(Andrew L. Stone, 1943)
The Milky Way(Leo McCarey;w.Harold Lloyd, 1936)
Pietà per chi cade(Mario Costa, 1954)
Repeat Performance(Alfred L. Werker, 1947)
Das indische Grabmal:1.Die Sendung des Yoghi,2.Der Tiger von Eschnapur(Joe May, 1921)
Julie(Andrew L. Stone, 1956)
The Member of the Wedding(Fred Zinnemann, 1953)
Winterset(Alfred Santell, 1936)
The Right to Romance(Alfred Santell, 1933)
As Young as You Feel(Harmon Jones, 1951)
You’ll Never Get Rich(Sidney Lanfield, 1941)
The Woman Accused(Paul Sloane, 1933)
Foma Gordeiev(Mark Donskoí, 1959)
The Parent Trap(David Swift, 1961)
High Wall(Curtis Bernhardt, 1947)
Mr. Lucky(H.C. Potter, 1943)
Un Marido de Ida y Vuelta(Luis Lucia, 1957)
The Safecracker(Ray Milland, 1957/8)
She’s Funny That Way(Peter Bogdanovich, 2014)
Oh...Rosalinda!!(Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger, 1955)
Caribbean(Edward Ludwig, 1952)
Harper(The Moving Target;Jack Smight, 1966)
For You I Die(John Reinhardt, 1947)
Crashing Hollywood(Lew Landers, 1937/8)
Le Souvenir d’un avenir(Chris. Marker & Yannick Bellon, 2001)
Susan Slept Here(Frank Tashlin, 1954)
Bishkanyar Deshot(In the Land of Poison Women;Manju Borah, 2019)
Pollyanna(David Swift, 1960)
A Tale of Two Cities(Jack Conway;collab.Val Lewton & Jacques Tourneur, 1935)
Café Society(Woody Allen, 2016)
Shadow on the Wall(Patrick Jackson, 1949/50)
Tonnerre(Guillaume Brac, 2013)
Le Jouet criminel(Adolfo G. Arrieta, 1969)
‘Once more, with feeling!’(Stanley Donen, 1959)
The Shopworn Angel(H.C. Potter, 1938)
The Absent Minded Professor(Robert Stevenson, 1961)
Gavaznha(The Deer;Masud Kimiai, 1974)
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A mood.
(Also known as “Take me back to Bregançon”)
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Fremain (companion piece to this)
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