#Goodbye my love
f1enthusiast · 2 years
We have been, we been everywhere
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To the stars and back again, yes my friend
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We have seen, we've seen everything
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But will I ever see you again, my old friend?
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Friends 'til the end....
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alisonwritesimagines · 11 months
Not my hunter D-90 😭😭😭 I will never forgive whoever decided to write him off after not giving him enough screen time
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tetrakys · 2 years
The episode was beautiful and romantic, I'm so happy we got to marry Lys but right now I'm also sad that his story is over for good 😭💕😭💔
His last words in game are "I'm the happiest man in the world, Candy"
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I'm so glad we got our happily ever after 🤧🤧💕
I'm gonna miss you my sweet prince 🥺💝
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starberryroad · 10 months
I have a messgae for the people
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Alright yall now that I've read the last chapter I've taken my time to process it I'm subjecting you all to my final words on my glorious blue eyed king
This was a character whose birth changed the world. When he was a baby had a multimillion dollar bounty on his head, grew up in harsh conditions, constantly training, wasn't allowed to have his parents around, who are still alive and never got to be with. Grew up constantly having to train, would run away from home just so that he could do normal things. Forced the clan to let him go to jujutsu tech because he was sick of their shit. Made one friend and one friend only, who turned around betrayed and abandoned him, left him behind to carry the burden of being the strongest alone, would push himself to the brink every single day. All for the world who didn't know him, and for the people who did know him only saw him as a tool. Took in two kids to raise. one of which got sick, possessed, and died and never got to acknowledge any of it himself because, it all happened before he was released from the prison realm. Then the other kid only ever saw him as a benefactor, despite the fact that he raised him since the age of 6. Everyone else around him, couldn't stand him, did not care about him, only saw him as the strongest, as a weapon and he knew that. He truly had no one, he was lonely, lost his humanity, even questioning himself who he was. And the only one who truly did care died, he had to kill him. He was tired, he was ready to let go, he was done being Gojo the strongest. Then along came the main villain, who he had the time of his life fighting with, and at the very end of it all, it's the villain alone who fully acknowledged Satoru Gojo as a person. Respected him and fulfilled his final wish of not being forgotten. Letting him die with a smile. Satoru was a beautifully written character who, in the words of Kaneki "his story was truly a tragedy". In my final stages of grief and with this new found acceptance, I hope Satoru is finally at peace with himself, and the one who he cares for the most. To follow the words of Sukuna, 'You did well Satoru Gojo. I won't forget you for as long as I live.'
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jugacolours · 2 months
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punkrockmixtapes · 2 months
The Stiffs - goodbye my love
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gluqueo18 · 2 months
Al final después de tanto aguantar te deje ir y no sentí dolor, no sentí lo que creí que sentiría... será que me tomé tanto tiempo para dejarte ir? Será que pasé por ese duelo del que tanto me hablaron? Te dejé ir y antes de hacerlo creé en mi mente tus reacciones indiferentes hacia mis palabras, practiqué nuestro diálogo, tenía respuestas a tus supuestas preguntas y me preparaba en como actuar si tan solo elegías irte, pensaba en cuál sería el mejor lugar para culminar esa historia que tantas risas y llantos trajo a nuestras vidas, más que todo a la mía o eso pensaba... hasta que te ví aquella tarde friolenta, no sentí alegría, ni pena al verte... pero tú y tu mirada irradiaba felicidad, un brillo particular, te lanzaste hacia mí y me abrazaste pero yo seguía sin sentir algo... Tú querías pasar más tiempo conmigo y yo no sabía cómo decirte que quería terminar, fuimos por un café y sin dar más vueltas al asunto te dije que no quería continuar, me miraste y sonriendo dijiste que seguro estaba bromeando y sinceramente no me esperaba esa reacción ¿Por qué reaccionaste así? Me sentí como la malvada del cuento pero recordé todo lo que pasamos, las noches llenas de lágrimas, aquellos momentos en los que me invadía la ansiedad y con firmeza me despedí de tí y de todo lo que habíamos construido hasta el momento...Te deseo lo mejor y sabes que siempre fue así.
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@on-my-vigilante-shit are you….. flirting w me 😏😏
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cristalbeesnow · 1 year
in any case I had the flashback of Kaz and Jordie... ok very short I would have liked more obviously but they were very good!!!! I hope that, if they ever do another project only on Six of Crows, that they show the story of these two brothers again, even if we would have other actors... a crazy idea would be that, in the possible new Six of Crows, they would put as new kaz the young kaz.. after all he is growing and I don't see it as a very close project, assuming that Netflix doesn't give this story a chance (I see it as tough) or that the project never starts... we'll see. .. (ok I considered six of crows as a goner and shadow and bones as deceased... it was nice while it lasted.... but I'm not the only one to have lost all hope I see... no one talks about it anymore)
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spiritsong · 1 year
the way I'm uninstalling early access in the final 13 minutes, oop-
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tornskinpoetry · 1 year
“I didn’t love you. I couldn’t love you. I didn’t know you.
I knew you. I’d met you. For two years. On and off. But I didn’t know you.
There were moments I thought I loved you. I thought it was a crush. Maybe it could be more.
I could text you while heart broken from whatever new guy I’d been with and you’d come right over. I could just want company and you’d always be there but we never actually talked.
You sent me the photos from your family trip. It threw me so off guard. We never talked. Why now? The beginning of the end for us.
I should have known then. But I didn’t want to see what would make this hard. Now you’re gone and I didn’t get my closure.
I wish I had gotten to love you. But now you’re off. Gone to you’re new adventure. To be the amazing person I saw in you but could never love.”
To the boy who was there for me whenever I needed him: I love you Luc thank you for everything, for the experiments, for the learning about who I am, and for teaching me what I love about myself// What I want to say {m.a}
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vdeligmia · 2 years
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I guess I really have to say goodbye to you now.
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rei-the-head-shaker · 2 years
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gluqueo18 · 1 year
Perdón, todavía te quiero 😔 pero también gracias por alejarte, yo no lo hubiera podido hacer 💔
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