#Goodnight Kiss
shakespearian-love · 1 month
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Goodnight kisses with you ❦
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sunriseabram · 6 months
Andrew kisses Neil's forehead. I do not take criticism.
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gameraboy2 · 1 year
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"Goodnight Kiss" Saturday Evening Post, July 28, 1962 Cover illustration by Amos Sewell
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tickety-boooo · 28 days
Good Omens Poetry: Aug-Kissed 12
It's the final prompt for @aug-kissed: Goodnight Kiss! I wrote a sonnet for this one and I'm really happy with how it turned out! And I'm proud of myself for completing the entire month and exploring a new art form!
My Dearest, now it's time to say good night Your handmade sun is setting in the sky Shopkeepers closing doors with dwindling light And people rushing home with weary sigh The ducks have even waddled off to bed Beneath the mother wing they sweetly rest Now come with me upstairs and lay your head Upon your pillow, or upon my chest With yellow eyes and vibrant auburn hair Your features in the moonlight look divine The universe has heard my angel's prayer A demon for to love and to call mine A ritual that always gives me bliss Anointing you with true love's good night kiss
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Blake and or weiss meet yang/rubys parents for the first time. Was thinking something similar to the goodnight kiss story, but do what you want lol. I ain't gonna force you to do anything.
Hey, @chaosbloot! I think I got something for this.
Goodnight Kiss in Vacuo pt. 2
Shade Academy
Blake: (tossing and turning in bed) Can't sleep... (glances at the door to the bedroom and bites her lip as she watches shadows pass underneath the door) No. No. It's too soon for that. We didn't even technically share a bed at Jaune's house in the Ever After.
Yang: (muffled laughter on the other side of the door along with two other voices)
Blake: But it was nice being so close.... (remembers the warm, floaty feeling she got from sleeping within close proximity to Yang)
Blake's Heart: (butterflies and warmth and floaty feeling with warm fuzzies) Go get our girl already!!!
Blake: Okay. Okay. Okay. I'll go ask. (Takes a deep breath and peeks out the door into the little dormatory common room)
Yang: (wheezing with laughter) No way! Qrow, you never told us that you wore the school skirt for a week when you were a student!
Qrow: Your dad told me it was a kilt!
Raven: Don't put all the blame on Tai, Qrow. Summer played along with it.
Qrow: You're just mad that my legs looked better than yours in that skirt.
Raven: Hardly the case now. I don't think those pasty white legs of yours have seen the light of day since then.
Yang: (laughing so hard she's crying silently and goes to wipe a tear when she notices Blake standing in the doorway) Hey, babe! Sorry, are we keeping you up?
Blake: Oh! No. Not at all. I just noticed that it was getting late and you hadn't come- GONE! Hadn't gone... to bed.
Raven & Qrow: (arch an eyebrow with a smirk at the slip and glance at each other)
Yang: (oblivious) I'll go to bed here in a minute. I was catching up with Qrow and hearing how Raven came around to help.
Raven: (gives Qrow a look of: "Can you believe this kid?")
Qrow: (exchanges with a look of: "She has Tai's obliviousness and your romance disasterdom. What do you expect?")
Raven: (rolls her eyes and stares pointedly at Blake) Hey, if you want to sleep with Yang, you're better off asking her directly instead of beating around the bush.
Blake: (blushes and steam billows out of her ears)
Yang: (blushes and sits ramrod straight) U-Uh... Blake?
Blake: Yes!
Yang: Did you... want to share a bed?
Blake: (ears flicker as her eyes flit between everyone in the room) I... wouldn't be opposed....
Qrow: Do you want to sleep with my niece or not?
Blake: Not like that!!! (Balks) Not yet anyway!!! (Gags at her words) I MEAN!!! YES!!! I would like to share a bed with Yang! (Turns to Yang) When are you coming to bed?!
Yang: (a flustered and blushing mess) I'll be there in five minutes!
Blake: Okay!
Yang: Okay!
Blake: I love you!
Yang: I love you too!
Blake: (stomps over to Yang in embarrassment, kisses her cheek, and sprints back into her bedroom)
Yang: (eyes flicking between red and lilac from embarrassment)
Raven: You were right. I do like her. I was a little worried after spying around post fall of Beacon.
Qrow: Told you. (Drinks his decaf coffee) Better get going, Firecracker. Your lady awaits.
Yang: (stammers and sputters) Right! Uh! Goodnight! (Trips over the chair as she rushes to the bedroom)
Raven: (sips her tea after the door slams closed) I give them six months before they're talking about marriage.
Qrow: I'll see your six months and put my money on our little Firecracker asking.
Raven: Please. That little shadow is clearly a woman who knows what she wants. My money is on the Faunus.
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lickthecowhappy · 28 days
Aug-Kissed 2024 - Kiss Goodnight
This is the final prompt for Aug-Kissed 2024. I hope you enjoyed all my smoochy submissions!
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Chocolate Kiss | Aug-Kissed 2024 Repository
to my heart and soul’s delight your lips are soft and feather light upon the smile you’ve made so bright you place a simple kiss goodnight
your lips are soft and feather light and choose to rest on mine despite the unkind words which may alight  when my tense mind is full of fright
upon the smile you've made so bright a song of praise do you invite your soothing words will ever smite the worried frown you overwrite 
you place a simple kiss goodnight and a fire in me does ignite  my kiss back is so impolite you snort and smirk and snuff the light
Chocolate Kiss | Aug-Kissed 2024 Repository
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@aug-kissed @goodomensafterdark
This poem is also available on AO3.
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xthemandylorianx · 1 year
Mutuals I'm giving you all a kiss goodnight😚
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littlemagicalstardust · 2 months
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Shhh! Jervis put Orange to sleep and got him comfy with a pillow and blanket and ended with giving him a quick kiss!
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jussttine · 1 year
Aaaaahhhhhh ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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@wwwvalentinew on Insta
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vera-king-hrfl · 4 months
Whew, I've been riding the struggle bus with this one. I'm such a drama queen omg. It's not easy to write something without smut or violence. But I think I got it. This is the first part of Goodnight Kiss, my sweet little story about Cal.
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You stand on the second floor, peeking over the railing into the main sales floor of Sorcerous Sundries, watching the girl. She’s so pretty, you think, so kind and generous. She’s currently chatting with your brother, Rolan, reminiscing about their past adventures, from the little snatches of conversation you catch from your perch above them. They laugh together at something he’d said, and you feel your own lips twitch in response. It is nice to see Rolan happy. He’d been so shattered for so long that having him be able to recover some of his old cheer is really heartening, but you finds yourself wishing that you could make her laugh like that. Your face heats, thinking of it, you being as charming and handsome as Rolan, that maybe she could like you, but then squash that ambition. Rolan is older, more experienced, and far more attractive. You force down the little pang of jealousy and turn, flinching when you see Lia, your sister, standing behind you with her arms crossed and a grin on her face.
“Whatcha doin’ Caaaaal?” Her expression says that she knows perfectly well what you were doing.
“Um… nothing. Just seeing if Rolan needed any help. But it’s slow today so I think I’ll go and…”
But she stops you with a giggle. “You were mooning over Tav again, weren’t you? Honestly it’s getting tiresome, my brother. Maybe one day, you’ll actually go and talk to her.”
As usual, she’s not making any effort to be discreet, and you growl, pushing her away from the railing, glancing down to see if the half-elf or the tiefling had heard her. They don’t seem to have noticed anything, thank the gods. “Shhhh keep your voice down. That’s ridiculous. I’m not mooning. Besides. She likes Rolan.”
She pokes you in the ribs and you grunt, scowling, but she does lower the volume, a little bit, “you don’t fool me. I’ve known you since you were born. And she does not like Rolan. Not like that, anyway. He doesn’t like her in that way either. They’re just friends. I was coming to tell you what I found out, but I thought it would be more fun to watch you act like an idiot for a while.” Now she retreats, grabbing your hand and pulling you into the office at the top of the stairs, closing the door behind you. She’s bursting with a secret, obviously.
You snort, grateful for the change of subject. “If being nosy was a crime, they’d never let you out of the dungeon. What have you been up to?” You know her, too. She isn’t much older than you, and had gotten you in trouble plenty of times in your childhood, dragging you with her to spy on stuff the two of you  weren’t supposed to know about.
Lia puts a hand to her chest, feigning offense, “I wasn’t ‘up to’ anything how dare you? It was an accident,” she can’t hold it, though, and giggles again, “well, this time anyway. Do you want to know, or not?”
You shrug, trying to look uninterested. “You seem to want to tell me, but I’m not as interested in prying into people’s personal lives as you are.” You know she won’t be able to keep whatever it was to herself, though, so you just wait, letting her draw out the suspense as long as she wants.
Finally, she can’t take it anymore, and whispers, “Rolan has a lover.” Then she claps her hand over her mouth to stifle yet another violent giggle.
Your eyes go wide, “really? How did you find that out? Who is it? Anybody we know?” You stop yourself when she looks smug, twisting your mouth. She got you again.
Lia tosses her hair and looks down her nose at you, an interesting feat for someone who’s head is at the level of your eyes. “Oh, so now you’re interested. It is someone we know, and maybe I’ll tell you if you ask me nicely.” She sticks her tongue out at you.
You shake your head, trying to think of who it could be. Not Tav; she’d already told you that. You feel a bit of relief at that knowledge. Not that you had a chance anyway, but seeing her with your handsome, talented, important brother would have stung. “You’re such a child.” You sigh. “Fine, will you pretty please tell me who my brother is sleeping with and I can’t believe I’m asking that. I’m as bad as you.”
“Ha! No you’re not. Not as good as me, either.” She lowers her voice again. “I was walking home from Figaro’s, I wanted a new dress but he’s too expensive, was going to try Carm’s… you know, I don’t know why I even bother. It’s not like I have anyone to impress, but maybe if I can get you fixed up too then I’ll have time to find someone of my own.”
You endure her prattling until the last bit, then choke, “don’t you dare! My love life is none of your business. Neither is Rolan’s. This is nuts, tell me or don’t, but I got stuff to do, so…”
“It’s Dammon,” She interrupts, and you actually gasp. She grins, “yup, I was passing the forge and I saw them inside. It’s a little dark in there but I’m pretty sure they were kissing. Isn’t that sweet? Dammon is so handsome and nice.”
You recover and chuckle. “Nice is one word for it. The guy has been making the rounds since we got out of Avernus. I think that place broke him a bit. Hells, I hope Rolan knows what he’s doing.” You pause, “Dammon, really…”
She shrugs, “well, maybe they’re just casual. Or maybe Dammon got it out of his system and is ready for something real. I know he’s been a bit of a libertine lately, but I’m just happy Rolan is getting laid. His attitude has certainly improved.”
You recall the laughter in the shop today, and realize that, yes, your brother has been a bit less grouchy recently. You think that if anyone could affect him like that, the handsome blacksmith certainly could. Dammon is a gorgeous, muscular tiefling with bright blue eyes and a big smile. When his long, blond hair is down, he looks like the paintings they do for the inner plates of romance novels. You feel kind of disgruntled again, thinking about how good-looking everyone seems to be compared to you. Rolan, Dammon, even old Zevlor had been getting some attention since he joined the City Watch. Not you, though. There was only one person you were interested in, and the Hero of Baldur’s Gate wasn’t going to look at you twice.
You’re starting to answer her when the door bangs open, making Lia squeak and you jump. “What are you doing in my office?” It’s Rolan, and he seems just as surprised as you are.
You both fumble for a second, trying to think of a reason, but Lia is faster, “nothing. Just talking.” You groan inwardly. There’s no way he’s going to accept that. Rolan is rather protective of his privacy at the best of times. With good reason, as you and Lia always manage to intrude upon it.
But he doesn’t seem as annoyed today. He just shrugs, “well, get out. I’m closing up a little early today. I need to finish some paperwork and then I’m going out.”
He moves past you toward his desk, and you grin at Lia while she wiggles her eyebrows at you behind his back. “Where ya going?”
He grunts, not turning, “not that it’s any of your business, but I have a meeting. A… um… new supplier, for the enchanted armor I want to carry.”
“Anyone we know?” You smirk at his back, and Lia covers her mouth.
He rounds on you then, and you both try to smooth the mirth from your faces. “No, now will you get lost? You both have the rest of the day off. Begone!” He shoos you out and slams the door, and you feel the ward tingle into place.
You make it back down to the shop floor before both of you burst out laughing, trying to muffle the sounds of your hilarity with your hands as you head for the door. Once outside, you lock it with your key and you both turn to head down the stairs. Distracted by Lia’s continued babbling, you round the next corner a bit too sharply and run smack into a petite girl, knocking her onto her bottom on the cobbles. You are reaching out to help her up, stammering an apology, when you recognize the greenish, freckled face, the tumble of chestnut hair. You flinch, accidentally releasing your grip on her hand, and she bumps down again with a squeak.
“HI, Tav!” Lia says, brightly, waving down at her with a huge grin. The little green lady looks up and waves back, laughing.
“HI Lia, hi Cal. Fancy running into you like this.” You feel your face flame and stoop again to lift her from the street, then gather the books she’s dropped, hoping desperately that you haven’t damaged anything. One lies open, and you catch sight of one of those plates you’d been annoying yourself about earlier. Tav was reading a romantic story, and the picture of the man on the well-thumbed page doesn’t look like Dammon. In fact… the dark-haired tiefling looks a little bit like you.
You snap the book closed and hand it to her, trying to smile. “Sorry about that. Clumsy.”
She chuckles again, smiling up at you. You have the presence of mind to hope she can’t hear the way your heart speeds up when you meet her golden eyes. Tav is half human and half wood-elf, her coloration unlike anything you’ve ever seen, and you have no idea of her age, but she appears no older than you or Lia. You realize that you’re staring, and clear your throat, pretending to be interested in the sky.
“Don’t mention it, Cal. Nothing is broken. Besides, it’s nice to be knocked down by someone a lot cuter than the bugbears and ogres I used to have to manage. That was almost like a handshake. How have you been?” You look back at her, trying to find something interesting or clever to say, but you are drawing a blank.
Lia comes to your rescue with a smirk, “You’ll have to forgive my brother. Our parents used up all of the brain genes on me. Wasn’t much left for Cal. We’ve been good. It’s nice living in a big fancy tower with a big fancy wizard for a brother. How about you? Where have you been staying?”
Tav smiles at you again, and you twitch your lips in what you hope isn’t a horrendous grimace, before she addresses Lia. “I have a little house of my own, over near the central wall. Not much, but it’s cozy. After what happened, the Patriars tried to get me to come and live in the Upper City, can you believe that? I don’t have time for those snobs. But it is a little lonely. I don’t get many visitors, so often I just wander around and read. I had my nose in a book just then, wasn’t paying attention to where I was going. So it’s my fault, too, Cal. But at the moment, I’m going to the Elfsong for dinner. Would you two like to join me?”
You open your mouth, but nothing comes out, so you snap it shut and look at Lia. She rolls her eyes at you and then turns back to Tav. “We’d love to, right Cal?”
Your sister elbows you, and you grunt, but are finally able to answer. “Um, yeah. That would be… good.” You wince inside yourself. You do sound like an idiot, you think. The women start off down the street, and you trail behind, trying not to watch the way Tav’s hips sway under the thin linen dress. You are counting in your head. Ten words. You’d managed to say ten words to her. One of them had been “um”, and all of them had been stupid. You had bowled her over in the street like a clumsy oaf. The woman of your dreams, and you couldn’t even manage to talk to her properly. You wanted to impress her, make her laugh, but you can barely speak in her presence, and you wonder why it seems so easy for everyone else.
When you reach the Tavern the three of you take a table near the wall, and you congratulate yourself when you manage to pull out her chair without bungling it. Then you sit down facing the room, rather than her face, so you don’t have to feel those beautiful eyes on you the whole time. You don’t think you’d be able to handle that just now. Tav and Lia order food and drink, but you just pick at it, listening to the women chat. The conversation is casual, easy, and you join in occasionally, but are mostly just content to enjoy the pretty sound of feminine voices relating amusing stories.
Eventually, Lia comes around to books. Your sister likes to read similar stories, and you perk up a bit, interested to hear a little about Tav’s taste in fiction.
“What is the one you were reading when we bumped into you?” Lia asks, and Tav sighs.
“Oh, it’s all very dramatic and pretentious. It’s about an Elf who falls in love with a tiefling, and they have a lot of dark and nasty adventures trying to be together. There are the usual dragons and devils and evil spells. It’s hardly literature, but it is certainly a page-turner. It reminds me of Zevlor and that High Elf he’s dating in the Upper City. Some really weird, intense people.”
Lia giggles, “sounds right up my street. And Zevlor is shockingly intense. A noble Elvish lady is perfect for him. I haven’t met her yet but I’m sure she’s terrifying.”
Tav grins. “Terrifyingly beautiful. But she’s actually a lot nicer than you’d think, once you get over the shock of her appearance. And obviously she has good taste if she likes tieflings. Would you like to borrow the book when I’m finished with it?”
Lia squeals with pleasure, and you laugh. “Might be a challenge. My sister usually likes them short and spicy.” Tav and Lia giggle along with you, and you feel a warm tingle of pride. You did it. You made her laugh. The night goes a bit more easily after that, if too quickly, and soon it is getting dark. Tav starts to gather her things. She and Lia are saying their goodbyes, settling the tab, when Lia makes a show of looking out of the large, open front door.
“You know, it’s pretty dark out tonight, Tav. Are you going to be alright walking home? There may be footpads.”
Tav snorts a little, raising a hand and letting a little flicker of light dance along her fingers, “I may not be the most controlled of sorcerers, but I can still hit them with a color spray and run.”
But Lia is shaking her head, “I know you’re tough, but I will still worry. I have to go back to the tower, but I would feel better if you would let Cal walk you home.”
You choke on the last sip of your ale, and cover it by coughing. “Went down the wrong way.” You, walking her home? The two of you, alone in the street, at night? You don’t know if you can handle that. Part of you hopes she refuses, but another part… you look up at her and see a strange color creep up her cheeks, a faint bloom of rusty orange, and she drops her eyes with a smile.
“Thank you Lia, but I think I will ask him myself. Cal?” She meets your eyes again, and you swallow. “would you mind?” Suddenly, she looks… almost shy.
You sputter for a second, but then nod and get to your feet. “Of course. I mean, no, I don’t mind… if you want me to. Can I carry your books?”
“Then that’s settled. Good. I’ll see you back home later, Cal.” Lia hugs Tav, then turns and exits the building, leaving you alone with her.
You stand there for a minute, stunned, as she looks at you. Lia doesn’t have anything she needs to do in the tower tonight. She’s trying to set you up. Finally you take a deep breath and smile. “Shall we?” She nods and hands you the books, which you tuck into one arm, and follows you then, out onto the street.
You walk in silence for a while, trying to think of something interesting to say. But you don’t think you’re very interesting at all, so you just let the quieting city breathe around you, simply enjoying the warmth of her presence. She smells nice too, when the wind catches her hair. Fresh grass and rain water, undertone of ozone. She walks close enough to almost be touching your free arm, and her hand brushes yours on occasion, sending lovely tingles down your spine. To any observer, it would almost look like you’re together. You let yourself imagine what that might be like. If this were a date. Maybe she would agree to go out with you. You should ask her.
But you’re at her house before you realize, before you can build up your courage, and she stops, standing in front of you, pretty yellow eyes gazing up at you in the darkness. You hand her the books and she still doesn’t move or speak. “Well…” You finally manage to drag some words out of yourself. “I had a nice time. Um… thanks for letting me walk you home.”
She dimples, “and thank you for carrying my books.” She hesitates, and bites her lip. “Well… goodnight Cal. Um… maybe we can do it again sometime.” Then she turns, fumbles with her keys, and disappears into the little house.
You blow out a breath and turn back down the empty street, cursing yourself under your breath. Stupid. Coward. You should have asked her out. Should have talked more. Should have at least said goodnight properly. But all you had been able to think of when she looked up at you like that was how much you wanted to kiss her. She certainly wouldn’t have let you, probably would have hit you in the face with that spell. But it’s nice to fantasize, anyway. Her lips looked so soft…
You arrive back at the tower, let yourself in, and drag your feet up the stairs. You’re approaching your room, slinking as quietly as possible, but Lia still hears you coming and pops her head out of her own room as you open your door. She pushes past you, grinning, and plops down on your bed, crossing her legs. “Well?”
You kick off your shoes and flop next to her on your back. “Well what?”
“What happened, silly? What did you talk about? Did you ask her out? I made it really easy for you, don’t tell me you bungled it.”
You sigh and close your eyes. “I bungled it. I couldn’t think of anything to say. What do I say to someone like that? She’s a sorcerer, a hero. She fought devils and mindflayers and a giant evil brain. What have I ever done that’s interesting? Besides let her save me from cultists. I’m not good enough for her.”
Lia shifts, and you grunt when she socks you in the stomach. “Doofus. You are so good enough. I wouldn’t have done that if I didn’t think you had a shot. She likes you, I can tell. And she said you were cute. Maybe she has bad taste, but she does think so. Did you really walk all the way to her house without saying anything?”
You reach up and yank a lock of her hair, and she squeaks, growling at you, but her eyes are laughing. “Stop teasing me. I’m not in the mood. Tav was just being nice. She’s nice to everyone.”
Lia chortles, “not everyone, Cal. Have you forgotten how many people she’s killed? But she did save us. Because she likes us. She likes you. You just have to get your act together and talk to her. Like a normal person and not a lunatic. She might get the idea that you don’t like her.”
You groan and throw your arm over your eyes. It was entirely possible that you had given her that impression. You had been so nervous that you hadn’t been able to talk. She might read that as disinterest. “Go away, I’m tired.”
She rises, looking down at you for a minute. “Fine. But think about it. You are interesting when you are interested. Think about stuff to say. Rehearse some topics. Or ask someone else for advice if you don’t want it from your big sister. Rolan could help; he knows her a little better than we do.”
“Rolan is an idiot too. I’m sure he wasn’t the one who initiated the thing with Dammon.” Besides, asking your older brother for relationship advice sounded like a good way for him to pay you back for all the teasing. He’d just laugh at you for being weird.
Lia just shrugs and then leaves. You roll over onto your face, thinking. You do need to talk to someone. Just not a member of your chaotic family. You consider as the night wears on, finally falling asleep in your clothes, thinking about her lovely eyes.
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jhsharman · 6 months
"Nice Night"
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danielstalter · 1 month
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In my six years of reading and reviewing Fear Street books, I have seen a wide range of quality. There have been some fantastic reads, and there have been some real clunkers. I really want to write a balanced review of Goodnight Kiss 2, but everything about it felt phoned-in. It was almost like the plot felt like an afterthought. It didn’t help that the lead character, Billy, was a complete idiot. He spent the book hellbent on getting revenge on the vampires without once ever coming up with a coherent plan for doing so. Having him as the only POV character got really tedious. There were some good ideas at play, but they all felt squandered. The twist at the end felt equal parts lazy and cruel. There is a nostalgic part of me that remembers loving this book in fifth grade. That part of me has been trying to find some positive things to say. The best that I can come up with is that at least the vampires didn’t go overboard with referring to blood as “nectar” like they did in the fist Goodnight Kiss. I wish the book had focused on an entirely different narrative for Billy, which is to say I wish this had been an entirely different book. In the end, Goodnight Kiss 2 was as tedious to read as it has been to review.
Full review with spoilers and spite over on my website blog: https://www.danstalter.com/goodnight-kiss-2/
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etherealpapercut · 2 years
goodnight kiss
pairings: gn!reader x mcu peter parker
genre: fluff
word count: ~240. another cute’n’tiny oneshot.
summary: the title speaks for itself. established relationship or soft launch idk
a/n: someone give me a goodnight kiss please i need 😫 
Peter walks you to the bottom of the stairs from his quarters in the Stark Tower. You know it’s far too late to be visiting him in his rooms, and it’s far too late to be up. You’re already in your pyjamas. 
Silence encases you in the building and the two of you dare not make a single sound. You might wake someone.
But it’s time for you to part from him. You’ll see Peter again in the morning. He’ll never be far if you need him in the night. That’s the glory of living in a huge complex with many others.
“Goodnight, love,” Peter says.
“Goodnight, sweetheart,” you reply. Peter smiles at you. his eyes threaten to close from drowswiness and so he turns away. He’s escorted you as far to your quarters as he’s allowed.
You grab for his sleeve. 
Don’t leave me yet, you think.
“You know, Pete,” you whisper, “I’ve never had a goodnight kiss before.”
Something far behind his eyes lights up.
Peter says not a word but he does cup a hand over your cheek.
“Will you give me a goodnight kiss?” you ask.
“As you wish,” he says softly.
You receive a kiss from him. It’s light and quick, but you can still feel the ardency of it.
“Sweet dreams. I love you.” Peter whispers in your ear. 
“Sleep tight. I love you.” Comes your response.
It's far too cold tonight to give up any warmth.
And yet you part, for the night.
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THE SIGN (2023)
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February Kiss Art Challenge Day 10: Laughter
Just a little good night kiss before going out on patrol.
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woterh · 2 years
Happy 4 Years babe.
I've been pondering my relationship tonight, and how I wish people would write love letters again. The ones with like those cute little stamps and the photo of your honey with their scent sprayed on there. And so I wrote this little love letter of sorts. Its kinda cheesy and probably too personal to share on the internet, but my heart is full and bursting at the moment and need to share it.
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To my Dearest,
I love you.
I love your smile, and although you cant always see it because of an unruly beard,i love those little dimples that accompany it. I know you hate your teeth, but I love when I see them because that means you were so happy or bursting with laughter you couldn't hide them.
I love that gleam in your eye when you said something and you are waiting for me to laugh. And when you hold your chest if you're being sly and silly.
I love your dopey ears, and playing with them when I sit next to you. I dont play with animals, but I image that is the same comfort I would feel playing with a floppy set of dog ears. Its childish I know, but I love it all the same.
I love holding your hand. I love how my hand fits in yours. I like how you are shy about holding it in public, I think its cute your social anxiety. Even if sometimes i wish you would try a little more to put yourself out there. Call me a masochist, but I love that little bit of panic in your eyes when something unexpected happens, but I love even more when I see a moment later you adjusting and overcoming your fears.
You are so brave. I don't always see it because the same things that scare you don't scare me. But know you are strong.
I grew up moving all the time, I grew up never knowing what was going to happen next, and did not have a lot of social stability because you would meet someone, become friends, and then they would leave you a couple months later. I think because of that you learn to make friendships faster, you learn to just put yourself out there, You form bonds quickly because if you didn't you would spend the next 20 years alone. You learn to just do it, Or else it just wouldn't happen. You go on a trip without notice to another country--or else you wouldn't get to go again. You get on that train--even though you cant understand any of the languages people are speaking or signs posted. You Just paint that room -- Even if you are leaving in a couple months and will have to put it back together, or else it would never feel like your home.
I say all this to say, you grew up different than me. I cant imagine having a friendship for years, I can't imagine living next to your cousins or aunts or uncles. I cant imagine staying somewhere for more than 3 years. And so I forget. I forget you were brave. I forget you left what was a certainty in your life. You left the view you woke up to for the last 30 something years. You left what family you had to come live with me, to be by my side. To do new things with me even though I know you hate new things that don't involve eating. You were brave, because I know you were terrified. And you did it anyways. you did it for me. And I love you for it. I wont pretend I don't wish you didn't come sooner, but I am happy you came all the same. And forgive me the moments when I forget that.
There are so many little things you do for me I'm sure you think I take for granted. I want you to know they do matter, and even if its not in the moment I think back and it makes me love you more.
I love that you bring me flowers as a sweet surprise, and always ask if i need something when you go into any store.
We stop for gas and you offer me a drink, even if we are close to home.
You pump the gas so I can stay in the seat. You take the trash from the doors and throw away old receipts in the cupholders. You always make sure there is air in the tires, and when I go to work my fuel tank is always full.
You carry the groceries for me up our stairs, the bags pilled high in your arms. And boxes balanced on top. And if I have to carry something, you give me the lightest bag of bread or chips.
You carry my work bag for me. And when you pick me up, I like that you will bring me lotion because you know my hands get dry.
When I'm cold you give me your jacket, even though I didn't listen to you to bring my own.
I love how you always text me from work to make sure I've eaten. Or how before you are done you offer to give me your staff meal even if i don't always want it. And if I don't answer your text right away about it, you still try to bring me something you know I like.
I love how you sing to yourself when you are cooking. I love how you always check the recipe over and over. Even though you already know how to make it, you still check because you still worry you missed a step.
I adore how you wash my dishes. That means so much to me you will never know. How you fill my water tank in the fridge with filtered water even though you solely drink from the tap. I love how you take out the trash, and I especially love how you now put a trash bag in the bin after.
I thought it was funny when you took your hunting knife with you to throw away the garbage because a raccoon jumped out of the dumpster. And since then you haven't taken the trash out once the sun goes down.
I love how you bring me water when I'm thirsty because I don't want to move. I love how you scratch my ankles when they itch so I don't have to bend to reach.
I love how you check your posture anytime you pass a reflection, or give a little smolder when you like what you see looking back. I love watching your confidence grow, and seeing your past self heal.
I love that when our dryer broke, you would carry my laundry to go dry it at the mat.
I love that I can hear you snoring in the other room, it sounds funny but I like to know you are breathing.
I love laying on your when we watch TV. The way it feels to rest my head on your chest. The way it feels when I can hear our heart beats synchronize.
I love that you work hard. I love that people at your job can depend on you. I think it's amazing you will work a 100 hour work period and not say a thing. You work so hard and you deserve so much more. I hate they don't pay you what you are worth. I hate that we don't have more time together. And I hate that I don't always have the patience or willpower to let you rest when you need it.
I love that you go to the gym. I love that you care about health, and want a lifestyle that will serve our bodies. I sometimes think your priorities are not where they should be, and I don't always agree with your methods. But I'm glad you are conscious of your health nonetheless. I want you to be around forever.
I love that you are a dreamer. Sometimes it's frustrating, and sometimes it's wonderful. Im glad you have ambitions. I just wish there was more follow through. But I think it's admirable you want to reinvent yourself. Please just stay close enough for me to reach as well. I want to help push you forward, but don't let me fall behind.
I love your humor. Sometimes its not the right moment, and you are not always great at reading the room. But you always manage to make me smile. And more times than not you have turned my foul feelings around and made me laugh instead.
I love that I can lean on you. There have been moments where I felt like a computer jamming up. Or felt so stressed I was frozen. And you were there. You cleaned my room for me. You ordered take out. Gave me laundry to fold so I didn't feel like I wasn't helping. You knew that was all I could handle, and you didn't make me feel small. I loved that.
You always tell me it will be okay. Sometimes it's frustrating when it feels like you are not paying attention to our problems in life, or our financial situation. But there are lots of moments when your calm demeanor cancels out the overwhelming static in my brain.
I love your voice. I make fun of you sometimes. The way you say certain words with your accent, or how you pretend you invented a new word that in fact is not. But your voice brings me comfort and it was one of the first things I fell in love with. And I wish I could hear it more.
I love when I cook for you, and the way you verbally say mmm or yum when you eat it. I love how you praise my cooking. You make me feel so loved when you do that. It makes me feel valuable, and like I can pay you back for always washing my dishes and living with my mess.
I know you love me. Please forgive me in my moments of doubt, the moments I question your sincerity because of my own insecurities. Yes, there are times when you don't show me love the way I need. There are times I feel neglected and unheard. But there are times I don't love you the way you need. Moments when you need space and support, but I poke and tear down.
You can be so stubborn sometimes, so quick to go on defense instead of listening. You stick to your guns, even if you agree with me mid fight. It feels like you are a brick wall sometimes. But, you are never too proud to apologize. Most instances you are the first one to do so. The first one to try and stop the fight. The one who wont leave until we have worked through it. The one who doesn't walk away. You always stay, even if I have to walk away I'm so emotional , you are there when I come back. And you never shame me for doing so, even if I'm the one in the wrong.
Sometimes things are hard, there are times I question. Times where I wonder if things would be easier some other way, Or with someone else. You have seen me at my lowest, and loved me even there. Have met me there and sat there until I was ready to get back up.
Yes, I wish we were rich. I wish we didn't spend so much money on doordash. I wish we had another car. I wish you spent less time on your phone. But despite all the bad we have shared together, we have shared so much good. We have grown together, and we have overcome together. Sometimes it does feel as though we are still in our trials area of life, but I am glad I'm going through it with you.
I could never leave you, you are the one I love. All of these things I've mentioned and there are still so many more reasons I love you. Some I might never share, but are still imprinted in my heart. I love you. And I chose you, to stay by your side, because you have stayed by mine.
Thank you my one and only.
With everything I am,
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