#Gotta Get My Cheevo
gaydelgard · 2 months
im gonna replay time catcher first obviously
ill probly start w onyx+tallis cause i havent done that route at all yet
then replay luciens route since i saved over it to romance vesper
then i will do shens route again bc this was the final nail in the coffin for my alt account i want to have everything be on my main
then ill do 3 new saves for dls i always said i would never romance vlad or leo unless i could play both their routes at the same time so i wouldnt make myself too sad
and i gotta move my sandra save file over from the old account
and then theres heavens secret. gonna do two new saves for that. which is only so i can play 2 three more times lol (my current save is for mimi <3 and obviously i would never dump her for someone else in 2 this requires fresh clean saves. but i wanted to play thru for malbonte for story reasonsss for the third installment and i was planning to save over my old profile where i romanced hunger to do that but now i dont have to. so one save file for my boy hunger. and then the third ones for war i wanna see that play out)
2 for h&hw (rj and sunny, im already romancing phoebe and chand on my first save. ty h&hw for inventing polyamory)
2 more saves for theodora (before i did yoke antonio and jamie this time i wanna go lawrence charlotte and. hmm. havent decided for s3. and then i wanted to romance john again i just like his route and that was on my old account)
3 more for psi
a lot of these replays will get me some cheevos too
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wanderingnewbie · 6 years
Presenting the second horniest man
Streams Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Some Saturdays at https://www.twitch.tv/wanderingnewbie
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vespertine-legacy · 3 years
I jumped in on a Birth Week raid for Vi (her birthday is Saturday, and some folks wanted to see how many raids her friends can do with her this week to celebrate), and everyone was like “yeah, let’s do something NiM, it’ll be awesome!” But Vi just wanted to do SM Eternity Vault to finish out the quest for the mount.
We ended up being slightly undermanned, because even though there were 16 people in voice when it was first announced that it was time to form up for the first Birth Week raid, when it was decided that it was just going to be SM, several folks were like “ooh, no, I’ve gotta be somewhere else...” (even though, ostensibly, the idea was to do whatever raids Vi wants to do, but what do I know).
Anyway, there was a sorc in group who kept pulling me if I pulled threat (really fucking annoying, since I was on a melee toon, especially annoying while we were doing the pylons, because it takes Eleison 1-2 hits to kill any of the enemies that pop up there, acklays notwithstanding, but if she gets pulled back to 30m, she can’t do shit), and then he nearly killed me while we were jumping down the falling platforms during the Soa fight by waiting as close to the very top as he could until right before that platform was going to disappear, pulling me, and then Force Speeding down to the group (when I’m sure he saw that I had already used my phantom stride to leap to one of the energy sources on my way down, so I had to run down, racing platforms that were about to fall, with no heals, and end up at the bottom with almost no health. (I probably would have found that interaction hilarious if it had been done by someone I knew and was friendly with, but as it stands, I was a little miffed, because it did not feel like a good-natured assassination attempt).
But! Fun was had, Vi got a speeder, Xerik got a cheevo (he apparently is missing several 16m sm cheevs, because that’s what happens when you focus on NiM raiding and your friends look down on SM, I guess).
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tearasshouse · 4 years
Mostly vidya ramblings pt 3C
Previous post here.
Right, software time. A cursory glance at my PSN Profile will show that I’ve met my personal quota of getting the platinum in at least 10 PlayStation titles over the year, with a few PC titles sprinkled in for good measure since hey, I have access to a Windows machine again (though it’s not exactly a games machine, unless your definition of a “gaming rig” is something with a 15W Core i3 and modest laptop Radeon graphics). While I didn’t start out meaning to rank these games, I find I have a tendency to do so anyway and while I’m certainly not saying these games are outright bad, they were absolutely lower on the rung, so I’ve dubbed this part “C” (again, no disrespect to the devs or any who rate these games higher than I do; these are just my personal assessments). These are OK games.
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The Darkness 2 (Steam)
Enjoyable, somewhat! I put this down like, ages ago when I picked it up for a song on PC, feeling it was too basic and uh “console shootery” at the time. Often times, having restrictions placed upon something can net great results, and hamstrung as I am by my less-capable hardware, I’ve only been picking up Steam games that could run on lower end hardware, or anything released prior to say, 2015. Surprisingly this runs at something stupid like 200 FPS on my machine with V-Sync off and all settings on High at 1080p, so go figure. Anyway, it’s a short and enjoyable shooter. I don’t know anything about the comics upon which the game(s) are based, but Jackie is a likeable character, the Darkness powers are fun enough, the locations are varied, the supporting cast surprisingly interesting and the plot was actually pretty cool too, with a major sequel hook that we’ll probably never get. 
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Ori & The Blind Forest (Steam)
It sorta hovers a bit below 60fps while running at 1080p, but it’s all just a bit reductive when one spends more time looking at the framerate counter than playing a game, no? The blessing and curse of PC gaming I suppose. Anyway, as a Metroidvania the game is a bit annoying. As a piece of interactive fiction, it’s too saccharine and feels like a B-tier Dreamworks production for children which, I suppose shouldn’t be a knock against the game but I have to say --  wasn’t my cup of tea. Reminds me a bit of Child of Light by Ubisoft -- gorgeous to look at, benign if not frustrating to play (those escape sequences can piss off), and young gamers would probably find more to like in the...emotional tidbits than most adults.
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Crysis 2 (Steam)
So apparently this got delisted off Steam but now it’s back up or something with EA deciding to put their back catalog on the platform or something? Anyway, like this list implies, Crysis 2 is an okay game, nothing more and nothing less. The nanosuit energy depletes a bit too quick for my liking, and you’re really made to feel like a badass only some of the times, in quick and short bursts, not unlike BJ in the new Wolfenstein games by MachineGames (any more prolonged exposure to hitscan weapons and other bullshit will quickly send you to the loading screen). Thing is, I don’t want to feel like a badass only some of the time? I mean, you put a ripped supersoldier type doing the Badass Looking Back At the Viewer Pose on the cover and I expect to be able to do certain things without stopping for a breather every 20 seconds, ya know? If you’re going to give me the power fantasy, commit to it. Or, find ways to keep the flow up and reward mastery to make players earn said fantasy (something the new DOOMs  have done and why those have been so successful). I certainly don’t envy game devs for having to balance this shit, but id Software showed you one way of how you might do that while the Crysis games and those of their ilk just feel slow and unrewarding. 
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Quantum Break (Steam)
Really surprised I was able to get this running on my PC but hey, it runs on the Xbox One so how hard could it be? I dearly love Remedy’s games, even if they’re a bit straightforward at times and you get the feeling they’d rather be in the business of non-interactive fiction than games making at times. Well here is a TV show hybrid! Made exclusively in partnership with Microsoft as part of their TV & STREAMING, TV & STREAMING, SPORTS & STREAMING strategy of the 2010s. I didn’t care for the plot, nor the endless email / audiobook / loredumps scattered around, nor the characters, any of it. I will say the final stage with the super high tech offices was a delight (boy wouldn’t I love to live the corpo life in such beautiful, clean office environs). Lance Reddick was a treat as always. Peter “Littlefinger” Baelish shows up to do a thing. Yeah, it’s a Remedy joint through and through. 2019′s Control was such a highlight for me that I’ll take any kind of prototype-y take on it (and QB certainly feels like a rougher, worse version of Control, at least mechanically).
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Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs / Dear Esther: Landmark Edition (Steam)
These titles were certainly...things that I installed onto my PC and sat through... Yes. Look, I’m not one to dog on walking simulators, and I know the devs have faced tough times recently but I still feel these are acquired tastes and could be appreciably improved in too many ways to name. Of the two, Dear Esther is the one I’d rec because at least that one was quite pleasant to meander around in while Amnesia left me disappointed that I’d wasted my time, physically sick with its subpar performance and muddy graphics, flaccid with its stodgy plot and left absolutely disappointed that I’d wasted my time on such a bizarre and confusing payoff towards the end. Chinese Room, I mean this in the most constructive way possible: maybe try a different type of game next time.
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Return to Castle Wolfenstein (GOG)
I remember putting in some decent time into the DEMO version of RtCW’s MP mode, being amazed at the time by the particle effects, with child-me just running around the D-Day map with the flamethrower out. Anyway, years later and I finally played the SP campaign. It’s maybe better than Allied Assault’s? It feels more consistently entertaining anyway. Hell I think I like these boomer shooters better than MachineGames’ recent efforts (which isn’t saying a whole lot because I find those games just merely okay). I promise you I’m not just being a crotchety old fart.
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Ys: Memories of Celceta (PS Vita)
I’d been playing through this over the spring on my Vita TV, before it bit the dust eventually and I’ve been meaning to go back and wrap up the cheevos. I was a bit lukewarm with Oath in Felghana (my first Ys), but could definitely see the appeal in the series, as boss rush games aren’t really my cup of tea (ie. it’s the journey and not the destination of say, a Souls game that is the meat for me). Definitely a game that would benefit from a 60fps refresh and cleaner graphics than what the Vita can provide. I’ve already got a copy of Ys 8 in shrink wrap and have my eyes set on emulating Ys Seven or grabbing the GOG version. A game where action is king and story or character development is secondary; I would prefer more of the latter to make this more of a JRPG and less of a “predominantly Japanese action game with superficial RPG elements”.
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Catherine: Full Body (PS4)
I paid $70 for this on day one and I’ve gotta say... should’ve waited for the price drop. I’m a somewhat lapsed Atlus mark, and I still hold the original Persona 5 as my no. 1 in the PS4′s lineup (with Dragon Quest XI possibly being a tie), yet I bought this knowing it wouldn’t really be for me. Why? High difficulty in a genre I don’t play, like at all, a relatively short clear time (in itself not an issue and frankly welcome these days HOWEVER...), and a somewhat unsatisfying payoff despite being a supernatural romance thriller. I bought this as seed money for Atlus’s P.Studio/Studio Zero, in the hopes that Project Re: Fantasy will knock my socks off just like the latter day Persona games have. Because in spite of the contents not really appealing to me, it’s still supremely well made, and it’s not everyday that games like these get made, so there you go. Look, if I could go back in time and put this money towards 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim, I probably would, but then the Catherine steelbook is ever so pretty... 
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Tearaway Unfolded (PS4)
The OG game is one of the most charming little 3D platformer/collect-a-thons out there, and as far as children’s games (or er, “games that also appeal to children”) go, more of these and less of those please (your Child of Lights and Oris). I’d go as far as to say the OG version is better than the PS4 version, though the PS4 version is also quite good. Really, if I wasn’t going for that stupid Misplaced Gopher trophy, this would probably be an easy shoe-in for the B-tier list, but I place this demotion firmly at Media.Molecule’s feet. That cheevo is cursed.
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The Missing: JJ Macfield and the Island of Memories (PS4)
I’d almost forgotten about this! If that doesn’t qualify for making the C-tier list then I don’t know what else does. I only know of Swery65′s qualities through osmosis, having watched the 2BF’s legendary LP of Deadly Premonition and the gone-too-soon D4: Dark Dreams Don’t Die. He’s an interesting person with interesting ideas but crucially, as a game dev, his output is just... kinda mediocre? If not outright bad? Case in point with this game. It looks and runs like garbo; it plays like garbo; the character designs are cute; the dialogue is pretty good; there is a wonderful and gradual “twist” to the main character that was super spoiled for me when people were discussing and promoting it (like, that is my bad, but also internet discourse on any kind of entertainment media is just *fucked*); there’s a lot of semi-colons in this sentence so I’ll stop here. 
And the balls to charge like, what, $40+ for the game on PSN?? I’d gotten it for way less on a sale but in a day and age when $1 could buy you 3 months of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate and MS might also throw in a curio like this in there just to fill in the gaps, it makes you wonder if these kinds of games can ever turn a profit, especially when the end product is this jank. And these are commercial goods, make no mistake, any aspirations to being an art piece or social critique notwithstanding, so that also brings to the fore the whole aspect of pricing games, relative value, production and marketing costs, blah blah.
IF you like something different, can appreciate games made on a shoestring budget with arguably bad gameplay and technical deficiencies, but has...heart? Then look no further to the output of this man. The most C-worthy of all the titles listed here. 
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maxknightley · 7 years
Been trying to roleplay a bit more in CK2 (while still, y’know, not making terrible decisions constantly, bc I gotta get them cheevos)
this has placed me in an interesting position, a secret cult of vikings has tried to convert two of my kings. both have been Sympathetic To Pagans, but the previous one spent all his free time hanging out with monks and gathering relics, while the current one is basically a closet atheist and is mainly looking things in terms of “it’d be a real waste of a theologically unified realm and a bunch of Christian relics if I were to convert, tbh.”
as a result, I’ve taken the strategy of “look for apostates, but rather than burning them, just throw them in house arrest and demand they pay me money to leave.” which works well enough, but also, there’s one guy who I’ve arrested and ransomed like three times so far.
this game is v. fun.
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raptorix · 7 years
A recent DAI post made me want to finish my Lavellan play through of DAI. Take a break from MEA and try and get cheevos finished for the XBone version of DAI. (I imported my 360 saves but that didn't transfer cheevos) So now I gotta get used to gameplay on DAI again. Using the A button to activate things instead of holding Y, lol!
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wanderingnewbie · 6 years
Cheevo Acheevoed
Streams Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Some Saturdays at https://www.twitch.tv/wanderingnewbie
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wanderingnewbie · 6 years
Blink and you'll miss it
Streams Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Some Saturdays at https://www.twitch.tv/wanderingnewbie
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wanderingnewbie · 6 years
Apparently this is the hardest part so all up hill from here
Streams Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Some Saturdays at https://www.twitch.tv/wanderingnewbie
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wanderingnewbie · 6 years
Time for hardest Boss
Streams Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Some Saturdays at https://www.twitch.tv/wanderingnewbie
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wanderingnewbie · 6 years
Problems for Business Boy Kiryu
Streams Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Some Saturdays at https://www.twitch.tv/wanderingnewbie
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wanderingnewbie · 6 years
With way more money than before
Streams Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Some Saturdays at https://www.twitch.tv/wanderingnewbie
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wanderingnewbie · 7 years
Streams Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Some Saturdays at https://www.twitch.tv/wanderingnewbie
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wanderingnewbie · 7 years
Streams Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Some Saturdays at https://www.twitch.tv/wanderingnewbie
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wanderingnewbie · 7 years
I seriously did not see that commander there
Streams Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Some Saturdays at https://www.twitch.tv/wanderingnewbie
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wanderingnewbie · 5 years
I'm Free
Streams Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Some Saturdays at https://www.twitch.tv/wanderingnewbie
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