pointmannews · 1 year
30 Best Thankful Bible Verses
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ispiritualist · 1 year
Unlocking the Joy: The Art of Expressing Gratitude
How do you express your gratitude?
I started writing a gratitude journal on a very regular basis in March 2020. Two of my friends helped me with my rewirement exercise where in we wrote gratitude notes every day till it became a habit. This was a part of my The science of well-being course. But that’s about the gratitude journal. The feeling of gratitude is something we all experience at various stages in our life and all of us…
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unhappy-sometimes · 1 month
Hello there!
I really enjoy your sxf comic 🥰🥰🥰
It always brighten my day.
Hope you have a wonderful day ahead!
idk how to convey my overwhelming graitude when people say such kind things to me so i’ll just draw you a picture of yor fireman carrying loid
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bosses-stay-flawless · 8 months
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First thought this morning #Graitude
Went to bed late
Awakened Great and
Soul Full
No swiping off my plate
I already ate
Can’t duplicate or replicate
My motivation
Not a game of give-n-take
Or give or take
Whatever the case may be
You be you and I BE ME
For that I woke up #grateful
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lazy-kitsune · 2 years
I am grateful for the opportunities that come my way because it has allowed me to meet new people and get out of my comfort zone.
I am grateful to get into a program that is promising because all my peers and teachers are supportive.
I am grateful for my glasses and contacts because they allow me to see.
I am grateful to have my condo because it is cute and cozy.
I am grateful for my car because it allows me to get to places conveniently.
I am grateful for my jobs because they allow me income and freedom.
I am grateful for money because it allows me to have freedom.
I am grateful for my beauty because I take care of myself.
I am grateful for my body because I am strong
I am grateful for my mind because I am smart, curious an creative.
I am grateful for my determination and ambition because it gets me motivated.
I am grateful for the people in my life because they love me.
I am grateful for the internet for inspiration.
I am grateful for food because it tastes so wonderful.
I am grateful for my amazing doctors who are compassionate and kind because it makes a difference.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
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dksw0rld · 3 years
Gratitude Is A Daily Practice
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Good morning lovelies! I am so excited to introduce my 120 page daily gratitude journal to you!! 
I created this book not for the profit but because I felt like people needed a more affordable option to help them get started with practicing gratitude daily. I have found that practicing gratitude daily has made a profound difference in my life.
Finding gratitude in every day is proven to attract more positivity into your life. Even on our worst days there is always something to be grateful for. It helps lift your mood, it reminds you of your blessings, it helps you find more beauty around you, all of which raises your vibration and attracts more like to you!
This journal also features prompts to aid in your journey of self discovery which also has huge, life changing benefits!
So, make the plunge, purchase this journal or hey, if you find a better option for you, purchase that journal and let’s embark on practicing daily gratitude together!
If you do feel called to purchase, it is for sale on Amazon now! Any support is of course extremely appreciated!
Here is the link for purchase: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09WQ9M1RL#detailBullets_feature_div
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icreatewhatibelieve · 3 years
We can cultivate gratitude instead of focusing on the negative, because focusing neurotically on problems will not solve them. Complaining and struggling will only create more difficulty.
Raven Digitalis
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Sometimes God doesn’t change your situation because He is trying to change your heart.
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hileywwe · 4 years
Let's help this girl get to drama school! Gofundme ❤️😍
Whatever you are able to give please do and if not then share 😘😘. She's phenomenal and would appreciate it greatly x
REPOST https://gf.me/u/ydskuy
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craigtowens · 5 years
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“You can never thank Me too much or too frequently for grace.” —Jesus (in Sarah Young’s Jesus Always)
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lioninsunheart · 6 years
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“I do not write about love as if I have invented it. I write about love because thoughts of you inspire self-forgetfulness. And because writing about you gives birth to a star. These stars sit inside me where there was once darkness.” 
― Kamand Kojouri
(photo by Izabela)
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Source: https://bit.ly/2SQBYuY
Video: https://bit.ly/2Ea97JZ
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He has reasons to be wrathful towards me, instead he is beyond merciful. #Graitude
He has told me many things, wisdom is the greatest teacher. Some were harsh truths others were a delight to my soul.
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shaykhpod-blog · 3 years
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“Then We revived you after your death that perhaps you would be grateful.” Chapter 2 Al Baqarah 56.
 In a Hadith found in Jami At Tirmidhi, number 1954, the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, advised that whoever is not grateful to people cannot be grateful to Allah, the Exalted.
Even though there is no doubt that the source of all blessings is none other than Allah, the Exalted, none the less showing gratitude to people is an important aspect of Islam. This is because Allah, the Exalted, sometimes uses a person as a means to help others such as one’s parents. As the means has been created and used by Allah, the Exalted, being grateful to them is in fact being grateful to Allah, the Exalted. Therefore, muslims must show good character and always show appreciation for any aid or support they receive from others irrespective of its size. They should show gratitude to Allah, the Exalted, by using the blessing according  to His commands as He is the source of the blessing and show gratitude to the person as they are the means which was created and chosen by Allah, the Exalted. A muslim should show gratitude verbally to people and practically by repaying their act of kindness according to their means even if it is only a supplication on their behalf. This has been advised in a Hadith found in Imam Bukhari's, Adab Al Mufrad, number 216.
 The person who does not show gratitude to people cannot show true gratitude to Allah, the Exalted, and therefore they will not be given an increase in blessings. Chapter 14 Ibrahim, verse 7:
 “And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, 'If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]…”
 If a muslim desires an increase in blessings they must fulfill both aspects of gratitude namely, to Allah, the Exalted, and to people.
   PodTafseer: Al-Baqarah - Part 135: https://youtu.be/BceXegfEQnE
PodTafseer: Al-Baqarah - Part 135: https://fb.watch/5VKUV9brsi/
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icreatewhatibelieve · 3 years
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I am so truly grateful for all the people who have helped me to become the person I am today.
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michaelbogild · 3 years
Each moment requires an immense inner sensitiveness that only compassion, meditation, and gratitude can cultivate in us.
Sympathize with and try to lessen the suffering of others, find the silent and boundless awareness within, and give thanks to the universe for everything that you have been blessed with.
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