#Grand Kalle
cowbrains · 6 months
Mayele mabe (1958-1960) - Grand Kalle Et l’African Jazz
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fybr · 2 years
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Rebels Rewatch: "Through Imperial Eyes"
Spy antics, infiltrations, and endless stress holy crap.
Obligatory live reaction version. Be forewarned there's a lot of incoherent screaming in that one.
IIRC from the Rebels Recon for this episode they had briefly considered doing the whole episode as a POV shot from Kallus, which would have been cool and interesting and very artistic as a narrative decision but which they probably realized very quickly would have been a crapton of work they'd never finish on time.
So a bit of a compromise with this opening shot here, still getting across the pun, as we are literally looking through an Imperial's eyes.
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Poor man looks exhausted.
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They still haven't started strip mining the planet surface just yet. That wouldn't happen until right when the factories were ramping up production in preparation to start shoving TIE Defenders off the line.
So Thrawn literally had his funding pulled last minute. No wonder he was so cranky in the finale lol.
Lyste has put the light carrier on full red alert for a stolen shuttle. Not the first time he'll be flaunting his authority this episode.
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Hi Ezra!
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Straining the limits of Kallus' poker face already lol.
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Love this little uncertain look before he takes the opportunity to sass that Stormtrooper.
Troopers once again just bullying around a teenager for no reason. Ezra's literally their favorite target for this, even when the others have gotten captured they aren't manhandled nearly as much.
I mean, not that I'm complaining or anything...
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I do remember thinking that this seemed a rather dangerous course of action, and it's a bit at odds with the events of "The Antilles Extraction". Despite Ezra's reassurances to Kallus that most troopers don't actually know what he looks like now, he still has a pretty recognizable face. That was why they sent in Sabine the last time.
Buuuuuuuut Sabine's not here anymore. And they can't exactly send in the aliens of the group either. Rex and Kanan could have infiltrated by themselves though. So why exactly is Ezra sent in alone with just Chopper and AP-5 as backup?
He must have insisted on being involved in the extraction plot, like he couldn't have been for Skystrike, for the same irrational emotional reasons--because his sense of hyper-responsibility means that he will deliberately take on the most danger in order to prevent any potential harm or hurt coming to the people he cares about. It has to be him, because if he takes all the risks, no one else has to, and no one else will get hurt.
This loops back into his guilt over Malachor. Ezra's been projecting his shame and fears about Maul, about his failure there, onto everything else. He's still a bit prickly and suspicious towards Kallus several times this episode, not willing to trust so easily again and repeat his mistakes.
"I have to do this, I have to destroy the Sith and fix my mess, I have to protect my friends." Ezra's been trying to take on way more than he can actually handle, and it's gotten him in trouble multiple times this season. At Reklam, when he leaves himself for the last to get out and winds up stranded and plummeting to his doom. In the krykna cave, when he insists on going in alone without Kanan and nearly gets mulched. On Dathomir, when he nearly winds up possessed by Nightsister spirits, just to get a hint at the "key to destroy the Sith".
And here, where things very nearly go completely pear-shaped due to Thrawn unexpectedly turning up, and Lyste hoping to present Ezra as a bid for the Grand Admiral's favor.
I'll talk more about this character arc, as I've said, in "Twin Suns" when we get to the end of it.
For now let me just enjoy the hysterical strain in Kallus's voice as he bitches about being rescued. David Oyelowo does "shrill and full of stress" really well.
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I love this expression so much, he cannot comprehend the Rebels risking so much just for him it's so sweet.
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Despite his complaining, Ezra looks very ready to maybe trust Kallus, look at this face.
Feigning prisoner mistreatment shouldn't have worked as well as it did but lajhafksfjhkjh this is the Empire.
Thrawn conveniently turning up right when the Rebels have made a move again. It's uncanny how the man can do this. It never felt like normal narrative contrivance it always held just a bit of uncertainty and paranoia about it all.
So yeah ONE THING THIS EPISODE DOES REALLY REALLY WELL IS AMP UP THAT SUSPENSE AND TENSION. I was so anxious watching this the first time, pins and needles, it was effective but horrible.
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Ezra with that brief fearful flash of, "Ohhhhh crap, we did not plan for this."
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Knew from the moment we panned down to Ezra's helmet on the floor there with that brief music box snippet of Thrawn's theme that it would come into play.
Ezra's hidden cheeky smiles at AP-5. <3
And a nice little callback to "A Princess On Lothal".
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See, this is what I'm talking about there's literally no reason to smack his head here, they're just being petty and mean.
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Love the subtle worry in Kanan's eyes here. <3
Hi Brunsen! Hi Titus! Hi Slavin!
This moment here in front of the door serves two purposes effortlessly. First, it lets Lyste kick the dog by pulling a Karen on this poor guard, so we're not as sad when he's framed for the Fulcrum deal later. (Though I was still a little bit sad, he was pitiful and didn't deserve that.) Second, it establishes the obstacle we're going to have to overcome later.
....All right, fine, the Thrawn girlies can have one cap.
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I'm pretty sure this music cue is a carryover from TCW.
God the fondness and admiration in Kallus' voice at seeing Yularen, ouch. This is a man he used to look up to and now he's betraying everything his old mentor stood for.
Right, so obviously showing them the map was a ploy, but it's wonderfully clever of him. Thrawn likes to throw curveballs at his opponents to see how they react and adapt. He develops the same kind of villainous respect for Kallus that he has for Hera, though more to do with how Kallus outmaneuvered him in the mind game and spy espionage thing.
Kinda dig that Pryce wasn't in the previous meetings because her loyalty is without question.
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Also yes, I do crack!ship it a little bit.
Oh hey, the moment that inspired my "Mirrorverse" AU!
Will never not laugh at Kallus' tired, "Please stop that." at Ezra on the ceiling of the cell.
It's kind of astonishing how good Ezra looks in Imperial outfits. Really too bad his interactions with Kallus are limited because they bounce off each other in one of the most interesting and entertaining ways.
"Oh good, the thankless job." AP-5 is the best and I will hear no slander.
I was... unclear on how exactly the decoy planet was supposed to have fooled Thrawn. Still am, a bit. Surely the man has a photographic memory, right?
But then maybe that was one of the things that pinged him as being too clever for Lyste to have done.
Hilarious that Kallus managed to pull a Stealth Hi Bye on a Jedi.
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This scene is so well done in the tension department. The cloying silence. Thrawn calmly walking in to check the map. The sudden attack from the sentries with a flare of dramatic music. Ezra feeling like he's just barely hidden out of sight behind the retaining wall. (Once again, symbolically using Sabine's artwork as a shield, I mean what?)
And props to Thrawn, he does really well surviving against his own sentry droids. I'm down with letting the man have a little physical combat to show off his athletic prowess. As a treat.
And I dig that the override code is his bodyguard's name. :)
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This expression is delightfully chilling. The man is seething.
Another episode which does a good job handling Kanan's blindness, Kanan has to ask for clarification on what Rex is "Woah"ing over and he doesn't recognize Pryce by voice so he doesn't know not to try the Mind Trick on her.
And again, the competence of other Imperials increases dramatically with Thrawn merely present. Yularen immediately finds a shuttle asking to dock right after an assassination attempt fishy. Pryce tries to arrest them immediately and recognizes the attempt at a Jedi Mind trick. Thrawn makes people smarter just by being in the room.
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My girlboss just straight up Thunderdome-ing it with Rex here. I love that she's so physically tough and brutal. <3
Lyste still would have gotten in trouble for stunning Pryce here, just saying. That bit of idiocy is all on him.
Awww a snippet of the "Shenanigans" cue!
Like I said, Lyste is kind of pitiable here. I wonder if they ever let him go, at least for the "treasonous spy" thing.
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Kallus you're playing it up just a little too much here, my love.
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Gods, it's just instantaneous, all he has to do is look at the helmet for a second and he recognizes, "That's Sabine Wren's work."
And then immediately draws the line from "Sabine Wren painted this helmet." to "Clearly it was done for Ezra Bridger to wear."????
See, even Thrawn can tell how close they are and how important they are to each other. He must have noticed from, idk, security holos or something that Ezra likes to wear things that Sabine's painted for him.
Thrawn sounds really smug here, I think he'd long suspected Kallus for Fulcrum and is gleeful at being right.
He's such an arrogant prick. "That's why you've been deceived." oh shut up you pompous ass just because you're super smart doesn't mean you need to be condescending about it.
And the "Thrawn's Web" organs to close us out. Nice.
*points inarticulately*
This episode! Many much good! Stress! Espionage! Cat and mouse mind games! Ezra peril! Did I mention the stress?
Hhhhhnnnnnghhh I love this one so much, it's my favorite of the season, just barely eeking out "Twin Suns".
It's all hits from here, baby. (Maybe? I don't actually remember "Double Agent Droid" that well I don't rewatch it often. We'll see.)
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what are mr plant and mr ice based on !!
Xelzern was quite literally based on the Zelda (also in other series) trope of Really Big Plant Monster Boss. Kalle Demos, Diababa, the other babas in general, etc. ....and also Audrey II. then i decided to make his head more like a huge flower, giving him a lionlike appearance to make him seem more grand and imposing.
ok. so in Twilight Princess, there is this dungeon that's a big ol abandoned mansion in the middle of the frozen mountains. in this mansion, there's these skeletal ice guys who patrol around. i decided to take one and make it a cool developed dragon ice guy.
i also threw in some owlish details to give him the air of Watching and Observing. then i decided, hey, he's cold! Give Him Clothes. so then i gave him clothes.
both of them were initially made to fill that elemental trope found commonly in video games, using commonly used design conventions and remixed into my own thing
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Ya son 3 años desde el estallido social del 18 de octubre del 2019, tres años llenos de rabia, pena, desmoralización, en donde evidentemente no hay ningún sabor de victoria, pero tampoco de derrota.
El 18 de octubre es el hecho histórico en chile más grande desde el punto de vista de la cantidad de gente a nivel nacional que se arrojo a las calles al calor de la lucha popular subversiva y a las asambleas de carácter horizontal y democrático directo, situación que tuvo a lxs poderosxs cagados de miedo, al ver el caos, la violencia del combate callejero, en donde hubieron saqueos y reparto, de sabotajes a los bancos, atentados a la policía y recuperación de la propiedad privada.
Sin embargo, también estuvo lleno de amigxs, hermanxs, padres, madres, hijxs y cercanxs muertxs, mutiladxs y presxs.... Y por ellxs no olvidados ni perdonamos y por sobretodo odiamos a lxs culpables y a quienes los tienen en impunidad.
La enseñanza de octubre es la de, la lucha popular y la organización de los territorios es el único camino para alcanzar la dignidad, y por sobretodo, que la vía institucional ha fracasado, lo que demostró la derrota del progresismo en el plebiscito y las presidenciales, que hoy solo muestran su verdadero rostro elitista y paternalista, que solo buscan cuidar y humanizar el capitalismo y dejar impunes a lxs violadores de derechos humanos.
Septiembre es memoria y octubre es nuestro
Octubre fue, es y seguirá siendo violento, y siempre será octubre en nuestrxs corazones negros y caóticos.
Ni perdón ni olvido por les caides
Presxs a la kalle, ni culpables ni inocentes, ENEMIGXS DEL ESTADO.
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memorimae · 1 year
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King Kalle ‘Lee’ Crystal, Royal Sovereign of Candia
Rainbow Sherbert Monk (Drunken Master) - Level 5
No-time King, Part-time Warrior, Full-time Slut
In an event that reshaped the world, the ruler of Candia (older brother to Lee) King Scotch Crystal was killed in a catastrophe only two weeks after his grand marriage to the ruler of Fructerra, King Pomegrana Uvano.
The truth of that day, The Mentos Mori, is unknown but Kalle, only 16, was left to take his brothers crown and a Candian wife, appeasing his court away from war with Fructerra.
It worked well until it didn’t. Five years into his married rule something snapped and the King broke down piece by piece until all that remained was a husk of a man too concerned with parties and orgies to care for his kingdom.
Little has changed in the 12 years since - a pathetic king hiding behind his castle walls and claiming every one of his wife’s golden victories as his own - too afraid of the world to live in truth.
What is he so afraid of, anyway?
Character Playlist
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harumi-web · 2 years
Poderia fazer um mood da Yunjin - Le sserafim, por favor??? Desde já agradeço
Oiie, Kalle. Sei que a ask já tem um grande tempinho, mas não tive coragem de a apagar...aqui o moodboard da Yunjin, espero que goste. Kissus da Harumi! ♡
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spiiriit-nam · 2 years
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klogggzz · 2 years
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You Know That You Always Kan Kall.. Kat Possible🧡✨
🦠🐀~ @fluid.sl | “Shego Set & Rufus Plush” (Available @ The Grand)💚✨
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Fluid Mainstore🏪: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Redwood/98/57/3667
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theart2rock · 6 months
Tungsten unterzeichnen bei Reigning Phoenix Music und kündigen Album an
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Tungsten unterschreibt bei Reigning Phoenix Music und kündigt neues Album "The Grand Inferno" und digitale Single "Walborg" an. Die schwedische Power Metal Band Tungsten macht einen aufregenden Schritt in ihrer Karriere und unterschreibt bei Reigning Phoenix Music (RPM). Die Gruppe entstand 2016 als Projekt des ehemaligen Hammerfall-Schlagzeugers Anders Johansson und seiner beiden talentierten Söhne und hat sich in der Zwischenzeit eine beeindruckende Präsenz in der Metalszene erspielt. Das mit Spannung erwartete vierte Studioalbum von Tungsten mit dem Titel "The Grand Inferno" wird das erste sein, das über RPM veröffentlicht wird. Das Album wird 2024 erscheinen und verspricht eine kraftvolle Mischung aus dynamischer Instrumentierung und fesselnden Melodien, die den unverkennbaren Sound des Quartetts widerspiegeln. Schlagzeuger Anders Johansson freut sich sehr über die Zusammenarbeit: "Reigning Phoenix Music mag ein neues Label sein, aber die Leute bei RPM gehören zu den erfahrensten in der Branche. Wir freuen uns wirklich darauf, zu sehen, was wir gemeinsam erreichen können". RPM-Labelstratege Nils Wasko sagt: "Ich bin begeistert, dass Tungsten Reigning Phoenix Music für ihre nächste Karrierestufe gewählt haben. Das RPM-Team und ich könnten nicht aufgeregter sein, mit Tungsten zusammenzuarbeiten, die Menschen mit ihrer Musik zu begeistern und einen neuen Fußabdruck in der Welt der eingängigen Power-Metal-Songs zu hinterlassen. Das neue Album wird für sie ein großer Schritt nach vorne sein und wir können es kaum erwarten, eine Single nach der anderen herauszubringen". Tungsten Fans dürfen gespannt sein, was diese kraftvolle Liaison aus Talent und der Unterstützung von RPM für die Zukunft bereithält. Das neue Album wird zweifellos die Metal-Landschaft mit seiner Energie und Innovation bereichern, und die erste digitale Single, "Walborg", wird bereits am 5. April 2024 erhältlich sein. Festivals 2024: 04. – 06.07.2024 SE Borlänge – Alive Festival 11. – 13.07.2024 SE Svedala – SommarRock 01. – 03.08.2024 SE Rejmyre – Skogsröjet Line-up: Mike Andersson – Vocals Niklas “Nick” Johansson – Guitars, backing vocals Karl “Kalle” Johansson – Bass, keyboards, screams Anders Johansson – Drums Weblinks: www.tungstenofficial.net www.facebook.com/tungstenband Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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esther-library · 7 months
Conversas e Chá
Zven, preciso lhe pedir desculpas. O plano de aula estava completamente desatualizado, uma verdadeira bagunça, fiz uma atualização. [Entrega um plano de aula cheio de assuntos que deixam bem claro que o Cinábrio e a Essência podem trabalhar juntos]
Pega os papéis, dando uma olhada. “Estava pensando em trazer algum exemplo prático, talvez…” Percebeu do que se tratava o plano de aula. “Os alunos parecem não ter tanto interesse na matéria em geral, acha que isso pode funcionar?”
Bem, é uma tentativa. Indiquei alguns documentários sobre o assunto e podcasts também [Sorriu] Talvez se conseguirmos separar alguns artefatos para usarem na sala, algo do tipo. Por quê? Algo te incomoda?
“Documentários podem ajudar.” Assentiu. “Pensei nisso, levei algumas coisas na aula passada. Talvez leve de novo. E, bem, só me incomoda a matéria em si.”
Algum motivo específico para tamanho incomodo? Garanto que o conteúdo está bem atualizado, escrevi eu mesma alguma das bibliografias que usei.
Ah, não, não. Não é por conta do conteúdo, Esther. Só acho que eu seria de melhor uso em outra matéria, e não tratando do uso de cinábrio, entende?
Você nunca foi muito fã, né? Bem, temos que trabalhar com o que temos.... Se pudesse escolher, daria aula de quê?
Parou para pensar. “Acho que me diverti mais na aula de magia musical.” Deu de ombros. “Aceitei o trabalho por que Yanvis quer continuar a reforçar a política Imperial, você sabe.”
Sim, a bendita política imperial que coloca o cinábrio como a salvação do mundo [Esther suspirou] Uma grande... Besteira. Digamos assim. Mas não sou eu quem digo, é claro.
“Isso também. Yanvis está totalmente perdido com isso. Não pensa nas consequências. Não pensa em nada. Fomos avisados, Esther. A magia natural deixará de existir. Mas uma pessoa que força a outra a abdicar de seus dons naturais e aceitar o cinábrio como uma salvação já está perdida demais.”
O que mais me magoa nisso tudo, é que o cinábrio é uma ideia super interessante. Os avanços tecnológicos que tivemos ao longo dos anos são uma prova perfeita disso, a democratização do acesso à magia. É incrível. Porém, foi totalmente desvirtuado. A sua exploração atingiu níveis não sustentáveis, é ridículo.
“Penso diferente, mas não faz muita diferença. Hoje em dia tudo se faz com cinábrio, e o estrago já está feito.” Suspirou. “Soube da nevasca que tiveram de enfrentar, por exemplo.”
Nem me lembre. Dias tenebrosos, tivemos que pedir ajuda aos alunos, já que o Glorioso Império estava ocupado demais e aparentemente somos competentes... Como você disse antes, não somos uma escola, não é? [alfinetou servindo uma xícara de chá para Zven] De qualquer modo, ganhei uma medalha. Quantas temos agora?
“Nossa, é exatamente isso. Somos escoteiros, não um exército.” Revirou os olhos, também pegando um biscoito e dando uma mordida. “Sendo sincero, espero que Magnus consiga construir um futuro além de Yanvis, e que seja um governador melhor.” Admitiu. “Ah, bem, Till e eu estamos sempre conversando. Kalle está em viagem, mas manda notícias. Suki, por outro lado...” Suspirou, dando de ombros. “Você sabe, coisas de casamento.”
[Esther literalmente ficou olhando para a cara dele esperando ele se tocar do fato que ela não só nunca namorou, como também é arromântica] Sei?
“Ah!” Percebeu o olhar, as bochechas rosando de leve. “Me desculpe por ser insensível.” Bebeu um gole do chá. “Susanne tem um tipo de ideia sobre mim que não é realmente o que sou. E depois de três décadas de casamento, pensei que já tivesse compreendido.”
Ah, continua traindo suas namoradas? Achei que tivesse superado essa fase. Depois que aquela ruivinha espalhou aquelas fotos suas pelo dormitório. Lembra disso?
"Lembro” Ergueu uma sobrancelha.“E quase fui parar na detenção pela brincadeira de mau gosto. Eu nunca menti pra ninguém” deu de ombros, ”e Susanne me conhecia bem antes de se casar comigo” Deu uma olhada para a xícara de chá, suspirando. "Acho que nunca deveria ter me casado”
"Então se separe. Dê uma daquelas desculpas típicas de "infelizmente o trabalho me toma muito tempo” ou “o império precisa de mim”, algo assim. Já ouvimos tantas dessas de outros colegas. Alguns usaram mais de uma vez até
“Eu já tentei! Ela não quer. Primeiro aceita, depois muda de ideia. Quer continuar, corre pra Bellona e pede pra me convencer.” Passou uma mão pelo rosto, respirando fundo. “Envolveu Yanvis da última vez, e eu recebi o sermão de como um divórcio mancharia a imagem do Império. Acredita nisso?”
[Esther riu, que uma gargalhada, mas se conteve um pouco] Velho amigo, velho amigo, acredito em cada palavra... O que torna tudo mais ridículo ainda. Sendo assim, a traía mesmo. Aparentemente na cabeça cisheteromasculina de nosso Sr. império, divorciar é pior que tu ser pego traindo ela. Então vai fundo!! [Fez um joinha]
Acabou rindo junto, chacoalhando a cabeça. “É tudo uma grande busca pela imagem de perfeição. A propaganda de margarina. E é claro que uma traição é melhor que um divórcio. Ou você acha mesmo que Yanvis é fiel?” Revirou os olhos. “A diferença entre nós dois é que eu admito.”
Pela Essência, Zven, ele não é fiel nem a ele mesmo! [Riu dando de ombros e se ajeitou na cadeira se aproximando e abaixando o tom um pouco] Sabia que eu ainda desconfio daquele boato de quando a gente era aluno? De que ele tinha sido pego sendo muito muito muito amigo daquele guarda carequinha. O que sumiu depois.
Se aproximou um pouco mais quando ela abaixou o tom, mas logo começou a rir. “Esther, se soubesse das conversas que acontecem na residência Imperial, não teria dúvidas.” Respondeu, espelhando o tom mais baixo. “É tudo sempre assim, não? Uma imagem externa, e os ‘demônios’ pessoais que devem ser combatidos, mas que no final, sempre ganham.”
[Riu se ajeitando na cadeira] Faria até sentido, já que ele nunca implicou com nossos alunos mais queer... [Ouviu o som da campanhia do balcão e sorriu] Acredito que precisarei voltar ao trabalho agora. Foi um prazer conversar contigo, Zven. Venha mais vezes, sim?
“Volto para te perturbar outras vezes, fique tranquila.” Brincou, se levantando. “Boa tarde, Esther. Até mais.”
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photos-car · 8 months
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rallytimeofficial · 11 months
Per Pirelli e Terenzio Testoni bisogna porre grande attenzione alle condizioni meteo del Rally del Giappone
🔴 🔴 Per Pirelli e Terenzio Testoni bisogna porre grande attenzione alle condizioni meteo del Rally del Giappone
L’ottava edizione del Rally del Giappone, che presenta qualche novità nel format rispetto allo scorso anno, chiude un campionato mondiale che già nelle due precedenti gare aveva dato i suoi responsi con l’incoronazione di Kalle Rovanpera e Toyota, come campioni 2023 dei piloti e dei costruttori. Ma il rally di casa del team giapponese avrà sicuramente delle storie da raccontare, fosse solo per le…
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24-role-0301-x · 1 year
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this is 
federal bureau of investigations
windows 95 att pac ll are computer modem diagrams 
life is goodfellow 1 599
look att sgt ed eyes
its cool man got red bottoms on 
element dental konroe star t i5 919 
beverly al kapone 5pts doo gang 
anastasia montgomery re wards 
sgt ed rr bottoms 
that water tower design ls what you would kall llaaks 
greeka beverly kerage hils bentwater 1959
homelss has ingredients 
aer you still ln time [ das hourly wages ] 
lf so
what ls your projekted wage increase over the next 5 years 
lf the answer ls nino brown 
francoiswiss armani klo ck   
a singl shirt here kan go for 100 grand att 
bentwater konroe 
[ you prolly just wanna be backstage at a show
telling everybody you know si guerilla maab ] 
is allgreen maab 
lscobaltsready ls copasteady 
the havana cuban cigars fidel checos guavara chicos 
chicos means cigar 
ci guerilla maab sold coke here ln the fubu ciguerilla 05 box 
sussigkeit red was willy wonka 90212
the beverly chaicaglo
beverly hills new york new york 
beverly deshaun coleman 
the dollars ln the ocee plastic
belonged to the short mini film club just down the way
horse man pictures
which was some type of 1991 adult entertainment club
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SUUUPPPPPppPPpppPPPP H0MEZZ n THEYZ N ITZ N HE HIMZ.. dissh week has been SPRING BREAK n it GOTzz meh missin vanessa hudgenzz N moi 12 YR OLD SPIRAL / ADDICTION when Her sMHExyy nudes got l33ked . but als0 that era cuz obvvv. i DO NOT mean 2 sound lik a pervert butt my best fwend defzz has been dressin ALOT lik minni3 m0use but the sexy version w n0 gloves n no bra no panties n Holes EXposed. ... . . .
i luv having SHARED SOCIAL ANXIETY b4 a bday partyyyY so we all sit on thA Stoop A Block away from the actual club venuee the bdAY partyzz at n do K n contemplate the nxt step /nxtt club hOp n blah blah blah wee wanna avoid takin a car w some randozz at tha other 1 cuz meh. SHARED SOCIAL ANXIETY... WE R ALL CONNECTED IN THE URETHA OF A UNIVERSAL VAGINA MONOLOGUE ... speaking of Daatttt i LUV POETRY READINGZZ at my grASSy KNOLL w sexy weed tht i KANT smoke cuz thts GONNA GIBB MEH AN ANXIETY ATTACK but dere is DEFZZ sum sexy moss from KATE MOSS QUEEN.. n being fahsionablyy l8 to it cuz u were lowkeY maybE highkey having sex for the 5th time in a row in just a day . I LOVE RICE WITH PIGEON PEAZ. N SPAM. ;D
iyam running out of KEWPIE MAYONAOUSE n i am ALSO running out of moi h0use in the name of FAMILY N FRIENDSHIP N COMMUNITYYyyy JUST 2 Make Sure I show support down tha bl0ck to moi fwenddd speakin at purgatory n when i runningg up tha stairs they hear moi runningg up tha stairss in moi platformzz n tell every1 on stage they hear meh by my loud big shoes cuz moi shoes r as big as the size of moi COCK 8=D . n i unintentionally meet someone moi partner asked out on a date twice n got NO both of those timez.. ;]
i luv GOIN ALL DA WAY TO STATEN ISLAND 2 C INDONESIAN BAND PLAY DRUMZ WITH SWISS CHEEZE SYMBALSS. ;] dating a pisces is cray cuz they cRY rite when they wake up n rite after sexx n rite when u mak them coffee in da morningzz cuz they r BBYZZZZZZZ ;D
gODDDD I RLY WANNA TRAVEL ALREADYY N MAKE UP MOI MIND AB MOI CAREERR CUZZ honestly GETTIN BANNED OFF LEX TWO DAYZZ AGO WUZ KINDA THA PEAK OF MOI EXISTENCE . I Hav nVr gotten bANNED b4 but i mean tha last 2-3 reports i had on mOI account were COMPLetely normal in moi opinion i dink it defzz just wuz lik a miscommunication ab mEH wanting to throw handzz n fight this stupid bitch from henrietta hudson , explaining dat i YAM da plug with a sweet potato yam emoji , n als0 wanting 2 start a support group kalled TboyHorsedicktrauma support group 101 . iDK why ppl think im such a threat. i just look mean but im uwu BABY AF...
i luvv plannin 2 fuck at a public playground n then moi planzz fallin thru cus there 2 many KIDDOZZ out so i buy 8 dollarr cup of coffee then uber 2 moi best fwendzz rooftop to just hav seggs there in a slutty sailor outfit . ;] i THINK moi heart is also growing more n more for kuromi as i accumulate more n more thingzz of her now esp cuz i hav a baby wipe make up wipe case of HEr, more socks , a sweater hand made of her face via eyelits n safety pinzz n spikes n studzz n i actually realized i DO likee working in an office w 3 earth signs n a dog n 1 of those earth signs is also a life coach who also speaks ab body positivity [ always makes comments ab my 'petite frame and long legs'] but fat shames herself n shelly duvall n also spendzz alot of time investigating if ariana grande is actually anoreixicc. MUYYY INTERESANTEEEE N TRIGGERING LOL ;D
ITS ALMOST MERCURYRETROGRADE N I HOPE MY EX'S CUM BACK 2 MEH . WELL NOT AL LLL. just one that blocked meh in january thtt wusnt rly moi ex just a situationship that actually damaged my mental health a lot N HAD meh Convinecdd I HAD a p3RSONAality disorder but nO im just chariasmatic n LIke to feed into my partners keyboard typing fast kink.
I WISH I CULD FALL INTO A PUDDLE N NVR HAV TO GET UPP CUZ IM SO TIRED N SLEEPYY N BORED CUZ IM COMIN OFF OF A MDMA MOLLYYYYYYYY I SHULDNT HAV TAKEN I SHULD HAV KEPT CUZ IM SELLIN DEM N U DONT GET HI OFF UR OWN SUPPLY DATZ WHUT IT SAYS IN CRACK AMENDMENTZZ 101 ;[ i h8 being financially abused n then crying ab it while eating chiggen skewerzz n pad thai at klom klorm. i luv being a brat n also singing rly rly rly rly rly rly rly loud in my bedroom floor while making the bushwick version of goodnite moon w patchwork quilt fleece tht keeps faling aaprt actually cuz i didnt hav anymore glue sticks for the hot glu gun then it just rly all fell apart n it looked ugly n defz wuz not tha type of gift i wanted 2 giv out n also hav it b seen as something i believ kan be representative at all of moi as an artist or somethang. ;[
i stg if moi crushess dont get back 2 meh in a more timely mannner n actually wanna go on datez then ima hit up the trak teeam that came over the other week 2 Tylerz n ask them to take off their shirts for meh while they sweat in their david bowie clown make up n then talk ab giving each other orgiezz n accusing meh of being a lesbian which is not an accusation at AALLLLZZZZ.
im NOT CUNT AS MUCH AS I WANT 2 B CUZ IM INSECURE N SAD N KIND OF LIK THE EQUIVALENT TO A JELO GELATIN . BUT i luv u all n i need hugs cuz this mdma made meh throw up after seeing a musician at SOBS play the flute . im sad af but at least i took slutty pix in applebeezz N made a bonfire after asking strangerzz 4 they fire starter with puppydogeyezz n a pudding cup.!!:3
luv u
rennyxcx [ like charli but renny bc im obsessed n my hyperfixation on unlock it by charlixcx has been an autistic obsession the last 4 months also with soundcloud . DUH ]
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creatiview · 2 years
[ad_1] Chris Eubank Jr does have a rematch clause to force a second fight with Liam Smith.But his team will use their full allotment of time to decide on the Brighton star's next move. A rematch with Smith is expected to take place eventually, but it will not necessarily be Eubank's next fight, promoter Kalle Sauerland tells Sky Sports. Please use Chrome browser for a more accessible video player Watch back Chris Eubank Jr vs Liam Smith, with an explosive support cast, in slow motion "I've told Ben [Shalom, Smith's promoter] we will be using the full time to consider our options," Sauerland of Wasserman Boxing said."We haven't had much communication on it and we certainly haven't given any indication that we're going to be exercising the rematch clause. Is it an interesting option? Absolutely. But is it the best option? We've got a few more weeks to think. "He's having much deserved downtime with the family at the moment. If you look at it in the grand scheme of things it [the final decision] is going to be quite soon - but just a few more weeks." The immediate rematch is one of Eubank's options, but not his only option. Please use Chrome browser for a more accessible video player A look back at how one of the sport's most intense rivalries culminated in an unforgettable victory for Liam Smith over Chris Eubank Jr Sauerland continued: "Rushed decisions in boxing are the worst decisions. It's all about when it makes sense. Ultimately it has to be the right move for Junior. He's also at a pivotal stage of his career. Yes it's a setback, it's a massive setback when you lose a big fight. But is it a setback that he can come back from? Absolutely. That's what's exciting about boxing."A claim that an elbow allegedly landed on Eubank during the fight has been under discussion."We are still considering the situation regarding use of the elbows," Sauerland said. Please use Chrome browser for a more accessible video player Chris Eubank Jr's promotional team are considering an appeal to the British Boxing Board of Control over an alleged elbow from Liam Smith in his stoppage win "That's not sour grapes because really you appeal for a rematch. We don't need to appeal for a rematch. We have a rematch if we want to use a rematch clause if that's the best option for Junior, which we are still assessing."However to the critics you need to go to Specsavers if you can't see elbows in the combination," he continued."That's not a criticism of Liam Smith. It was in a flurry of punches. To miss and catch someone with an elbow, which is what happened, that's as clear as day and night and I challenge anyone to show me that an elbow didn't land."But that's not to take anything away from Liam. It was a great victory for him and it was his night. That's nothing to do with trying to have sour grapes here. It's just that we represent Chris Eubank Jr. The fact that an elbow landed, I don't think anyone can question." Please use Chrome browser for a more accessible video player
Watch unseen footage of Liam Smith's sensational stoppage victory over Chris Eubank Jr in Manchester at the weekend The rematch does remain high on the agenda, the issue will be the timing of it."It would be different it had been a one-sided beat down. It wasn't. Chris was up a round on my card," Sauerland said."He just came off a very good third round. The first round he probably just edged. The second round was Liam, the third round was Chris', a very clear round and then he caught one. It happens. That's boxing. Can he do it again? I'd like to see that. A lot of people would like to see that. "The rematch is a fight that will happen. The question is when it will happen. There are several options open to Junior. It will absolutely happen in time. I'm sure Liam wants the rematch to show that it wasn't just a lucky punch. Or a lucky elbow, nudge, nudge, wink, wink!" [ad_2] Source link
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