#Grassroots movements
omegaphilosophia · 2 months
The Philosophy of Punk
The philosophy of punk is a distinctive blend of cultural rebellion, DIY ethos, and anti-establishment attitudes. Emerging from the punk rock music scene in the 1970s, punk philosophy has since evolved into a broader subcultural movement that encompasses music, fashion, art, and social commentary. Here's an exploration of the core tenets and influences of punk philosophy:
1. DIY Ethic
At the heart of punk philosophy is the "Do It Yourself" (DIY) ethic. Punk advocates self-sufficiency and creativity without reliance on mainstream institutions or commercial interests. This ethos encourages individuals to create their own music, art, and fashion, often using limited resources. It fosters a sense of empowerment and community, as punks produce and distribute their own records, zines, and merchandise.
2. Anti-Establishment and Rebellion
Punk philosophy is deeply rooted in anti-establishment sentiments. It rejects conventional norms, authority, and societal expectations. Punk often criticizes political systems, corporate greed, and social inequalities. This rebellious stance is reflected in the raw and confrontational style of punk music and the provocative nature of punk fashion, which frequently includes ripped clothing, bold hairstyles, and symbolic accessories like safety pins and leather jackets.
3. Individualism and Authenticity
Punk values individualism and authenticity, championing the idea of being true to oneself. It opposes conformity and encourages people to express their unique identities and beliefs. This focus on personal authenticity often translates into a rejection of polished, commercialized aesthetics in favor of raw, unfiltered expression.
4. Anarchy and Libertarianism
Many punk subcultures are influenced by anarchist and libertarian ideologies. Punk philosophy often promotes the idea of a society without hierarchical structures or authoritarian control. Anarcho-punk, a subgenre of punk, explicitly incorporates anarchist principles, advocating for direct action, mutual aid, and community-based alternatives to state power.
5. Social and Political Activism
Punk philosophy is not only about music and fashion but also about activism and social change. Punk bands and communities frequently address issues such as anti-racism, gender equality, LGBTQ+ rights, and environmentalism. Punk's activist spirit is evident in its support for grassroots movements, protests, and various forms of direct action.
6. Cultural Innovation and Subversion
Punk is known for its cultural innovation and subversion. It challenges mainstream cultural standards and pushes the boundaries of artistic expression. Punk art, music, and literature often employ satire, irony, and shock value to critique societal norms and provoke thought.
The philosophy of punk is a multifaceted and dynamic ideology that encompasses a wide range of attitudes and practices. At its core, punk is about rejecting conformity, embracing individuality, and striving for authenticity. It promotes a DIY ethic, challenges authority, and seeks to create a more just and equitable society through activism and direct action. Punk's enduring influence can be seen in various cultural and social movements, making it a vital and vibrant part of contemporary philosophy and culture.
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wachinyeya · 8 months
How one neighborhood in Colombia is tackling climate change at the community level https://one.npr.org/i/1228839451:1228839452
In Colombia's second-largest city, rainy season floods and dry season fires are now a fact of life. As reporter Jorge Valencia found, local residents are grappling with those and other effects of climate change by taking matters into their own hands.
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thepeopleinpower · 8 months
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-> available in the app store
-> available in the play store
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tmarshconnors · 1 month
"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part! You can't even passively take part! And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels ... upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop! And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!"
Mario Savio (December 8, 1942 – November 6, 1996) was an American activist and a key member of the Berkeley Free Speech Movement.
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worldwatcher3072 · 1 year
"We The People" Are Supposed To Have The Power, But Do We Really?
As Americans, we are taught from a young age that we live in a democracy where "we the people" have the power to elect our leaders and shape the policies that govern our lives. But recent events have raised questions about whether that power truly resides with the people or if it has been usurped by wealthy interests and political elites.
The rise of Super PACs and dark money in politics has allowed corporations and wealthy donors to wield enormous influence over our elected officials and the policy decisions they make. The Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court in 2010 opened the floodgates for unlimited corporate spending in our elections, effectively giving corporations the same rights as individual citizens when it comes to political speech.
As a result, we have seen the rise of a political class that is more responsive to the interests of big donors than to the needs of ordinary citizens. This has fueled widespread cynicism and distrust in our political system, as many people feel like their voices are not being heard and their votes do not matter.
But there are signs of hope. Grassroots movements like Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, and the Women's March have mobilized millions of people to demand change and hold our leaders accountable. These movements have demonstrated the power of ordinary citizens to effect change and challenge the status quo.
The upcoming elections will be a test of whether the power truly resides with the people or if it has been completely captured by special interests. We must continue to demand transparency, accountability, and a level playing field for all citizens in our democracy. Only then can we truly say that we the people have the power to shape our collective future.
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felixwylde · 1 year
What's better to admire than money?
I mean, why money? Money’s just a symbol of power; it’s not the power itself. We kinda rely on it, but we’re still around even when we’re broke.The weird thing about money worship is that it’s not really about what you can buy; it’s treated like some sort of deity.If money were a god, what would it offer? Would it give us fame, fortune, happiness, or just some peace of mind?Are rich folks…
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acehpungo · 1 year
Empowering Citizen Engagement: The Importance of Active Participation in Politics
Phasellus vel ante mi. Aliquam sit amet velit tortor. Fusce efficitur diam sit amet mauris consequat, vel vestibulum est gravida. Praesent lacinia velit nec arcu aliquam euismod at at dolor. Vivamus efficitur pellentesque nulla et vestibulum. Praesent at luctus nulla, eget convallis nunc. Mauris a dolor dictum, sagittis elit non, hendrerit felis. In non pharetra risus. Proin tincidunt felis et…
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dominozee · 1 year
True American History
The Battle of Athens, Tennessee, also known as the McMinn County War, was a political and social conflict that occurred on August 1-2, 1946. The event was a result of widespread corruption and voter intimidation during the 1946 elections in McMinn County, which resulted in a military-style rebellion by local World War II veterans against the local government. Background: In the early 20th…
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etz-ashashiyot · 5 months
Friendly reminder that A Land for All is an excellent organization that is still, even now, working to create an equitable resolution to the conflict. Please check them out:
I also strongly recommend reading through their full proposal here.
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dailyanarchistposts · 3 months
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“We are being led to our slaughter. This has been theorized in a thousand ways, described in environmental, social, and political terms, it has been prophesied, abstracted, and narrated in real time, and still we are unsure of what to do with it. The underlying point is that the progress of society has nothing to offer us and everything to take away. Often it feels like we are giving it away without a fight: when we sell our time for money, allow our passions to be commodified, invest ourselves in the betterment of society, or sustain ourselves on the spoils of ecological destruction, we openly (though not consensually) participate in our own destruction.” — Serafinski, Blessed is the Flame, An introduction to concentration camp resistance and anarcho-nihilism
Civilizations’ death culture of accumulation, exploitation and consumerism, at whatever the cost is at its final stages spreading war and ecocide to every corner of the globe.
It has turned individuals into consumerist herds of wage slaves making us all addicted to some degree or other waiting for the false promises that will never be delivered for most.
How many individuals do actually want to work? I know I don’t. How many actually find pleasure in it having to repeat day after day, after day? Or have to give up on achieving their dreams, or sell themselves in the hope of reaching them?
This is the culture which creates the conditions of refugees fleeing the carnage of war having to walk across a continent to find safety, a better life for themselves and their family all the while begrudging fools would rather see them drown in the medaterian sea along with their children on dinghies so packed with desperate individuals it sinks.
While taking part in solidarity projects I’ve seen mothers in France having to live in muddy fields infested with rats, flimsy tents as protection from the elements. Small groups huddle around fires trying to catch some heat. Babies cries can be heard across the camp. I’ve seen the muddy swamp-like trails that weave through the refugee camp full of rat footprints and urine which appear each morning after the night’s darkness has gone. The very same conditions a 100 years earlier, as the first world war raged on, in the exact same location individuals from lower classes fought it out, blowing each other to smiderians all so wealthier classes could expand their riches!
This is the same culture which creates the conditions for a homeless crisis and makes it socially acceptable for individuals to be left to freeze to death on streets in shop doorways in Dublin’s city centre. I’ve seen the tent cities, the ques of soup kitchens, the desperate.
Society finds this all morally acceptable.The contradiction of civilization couldn’t be any clearer, on the one hand there is riches and wealth beyond beleaf and on the other hand there is poverty and exploitation inflicted beyond comprehension. This is the land of despair, cruelty, and greed.
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vibinwiththefrogs · 1 year
I would really like somehow someway to put my education in agriculture towards a social movement -- in food sovereignty and sustainable systems, and things like that. But honestly I have no clue how to do so. Where I am agriculture is very dominated by more privileged white farmers that can afford technological and chemical solutions to problems, and so conventional ag is the dominant system. Everything I've read thus far makes it sound like the only way to influence that group of people is to establish a farm myself and have them come around eventually by proving I'm not insane (and proving that I make a profit), which would require personal capital that I simply don't have and couldn't get for years (if even, in this economy). There is a city nearby but it doesn't have an urban agriculture movement like a lot of major cities do, as far as I'm aware at least.
Idk, I've been spending a lot of time frustrated at the existing possibilities of what I can do where I am with my degree, that maybe I haven't been thinking and learning outside the box enough. I think I'm going to move towards learning more about grassroots movements and organizations and being a good community member. I feel that might reveal a door I can't see right now.
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junawer · 4 months
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🔴Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (RNN): — The BDS National Committee's Statement on Armed Resistance Contradicts Our People's Legitimacy in Practicing Resistance and Ignores Consensus
We have followed the stance presented in the statement (https://bdsmovement.net/Supporting-Student-Led-Solidarity-Mobilizations-In-Their-Demands) by the "BDS National Committee" (BNC), (https://web.archive.org/web/20221103111937/https://jisrcollective.com/pages/a-tactic-not-a-trademark.html) issued in English, regarding the required stance on armed resistance by solidarity movements with our people.
We in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine reject the call made in the statement and appreciate all the positions, forces, and individuals expressing their support for Palestinian resistance in facing the genocidal and colonial zionist war.
The Front considers that clearly expressing support for our people's right in Gaza does not contradict the call to end the genocide and support resistance in all its forms, including revolutionary armed struggle.
The Front noted that boycott committees spread worldwide, especially in Europe and the Americas, are a broad movement involving all Palestinian institutions, supporters of the Palestinian people, and solidarity committees. They are not linked to the BNC in Ramallah and do not take orders or decisions from it.
The Front emphasized that the justifications of the BNC in Ramallah and its call for silence on armed resistance in Western countries are inaccurate positions and far from reality, because the Palestinian presence and solidarity movements with the Palestinian people are all targeted by the allies of the zionist entity, accused of "anti-Semitism" regardless of whether they adopt this slogan or that.
The Front concluded its statement by noting that attempts by some parties to neutralize the adherence to the slogan of armed resistance weaken the Palestinian national struggle and the legitimacy of armed resistance fighting on the soil of the homeland. It ignores the support and consensus of millions of supporters worldwide for this struggle, method, and slogan. Palestinian armed resistance and resistance factions in the region have become an icon and source of inspiration for all free people globally. The slogan "From the river to the sea… Palestine will be free" has become the central slogan echoed by revolutionaries worldwide.
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Central Media Department May 16, 2024
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All Jisr Collective articles: https://web.archive.org/web/20220928215639mp_/https://jisrcollective.com/index.html
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praxis-newsletter · 5 months
Please share far and wide.
This linktree contains a Google doc with a wide array of resources and other information to help people in Palestine. Boosting the visibility of individual campaigns is always helpful, that said sharing Operation Olive Branch provides visibility for all the campaigns and more.
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andromedasummer · 2 years
can one of you f1 girlies become a journalist and interview the drivers who refused to take a knee because they wanted to fight racism in a different way/disagreed with how blm went about seeking justice and ask them, now that nearly 3 years have passed since the may protests, what steps they've taken to educate themselves on racism? what actions they've taken to improve things for people of colour within formula one/motorsports as a whole? or how they've gone about promoting racial equity in their own country?
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alwaysbewoke · 7 months
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dotshaft · 1 year
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This is pretty indicative of the general sentiment in the notes of that post.
Congrats you've got the same take as anti-vaxxers
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