#Greatly enhances your look on life
worldwhampion · 1 year
Unhinged null discussion 2023 event
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we have roasted the the LIVING SHIT out of null on discord
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scorpihoe1111 · 7 months
💔Chiron In the Houses💔
Chiron in your chart can tell you which part of your life is a touchy subject for you. Depending on the house it’s in, it can reveal the themes of your life that may have affected you greatly, or an area in your life that you may be insecure about.
Chiron in the 1H🧍🏼‍♀️
Something you may have struggled with through out your life is your appearance/self esteem. Those with this placement may have been bullied for their looks or something about them physically has been commented on/brought attention to plenty of times. The type of person to invest in plastic surgery they may not even need, or lose/gain a few extra pounds when their body is fine as it is. This placement, ironically enough; is found in people who overdo themselves with enhancements/plastic surgery/makeup etc even when it’s unnecessary. Prone to facial/body dysmorphia. What I find interesting however is that this placement usually naturally glows up at some point in their life as they get older, but the scars still remain; so they usually can continue being insecure for a long time and/or can seem to accept or believe any compliments given to them until they heal.
Chiron in the 2H💴
Similar to chiron in the 1H, this placement struggles with self worth/self esteem to a heightened degree, however instead of stemming from appearance it stems more so from financial instability/self worth in general. This placement could have grew up in a financially unstable environment and family where money wasn’t always present, and their needs were barely met; let alone their wants. These are the people who didn’t grow up with the latest video game, the newest car, the nicest house, expensive clothes/shoes. These were the people who had or barely had enough to get by growing up. Growing up they could have been surrounded by people who had more than them, or at least had more basic necessities than they did which in turn caused them to get judged or bullied. This is a placement that people are looked down upon for not having/affording nice things. This placement usually makes one an extremely hard worker growing up so they can have everything they didn’t have when young and not have to deal with it again. Without healing this wound however, these people could be prone to growing up superficial and judgmental just like their bullies in youth. They can start judging others who have less than them, and assessing others worth by what they have materially; because this is how they were treated growing up.
Chiron in the 3H🧠
These people could have struggled in school and may have been held back in grades. A slow learner, to say the least. They may have had a hard time learning and/or dropped out of high school or college. These people also may struggle with speech difficulties, could have grew up with a stutter or wasn’t able to speak/process things properly throughout their childhood and they could have been bullied for this. They could have been made to feel “stupid”, “slow” or “dumb” to their peers or family. They also may have simply grew up naive or very child like, maybe even sheltered and people could have traumatized them once they discovered the real world. This placement could also NOT get along with their siblings. People with this placement I know have been taunted, mistreated, or on the receiving end of jealousy by siblings both in childhood and adulthood.
Chiron in the 4H🏠 TW: ABUSE
These people could have had a very negative upbringing or family life. Home life was unstable, the father or mother could have not been very involved. I’ve noticed people with these placements could have been physically, emotionally or even sexually abused at home. Could have had a step parent that was abusive or one or both of the parents could have passed away. Some people with this placement could have been in foster care and/or traveled house to house to live with relatives/others who will take them in. They could of grew up with a lot of fighting in the house, I also noticed people with this placement could of had a parent that had an affair and this could of changed the whole trajectory of the home. If no abuse, then these people could have also been heavily mistreated or neglected in their family and almost treated like a stranger, and very outcasted within their family as well. These are the people who usually move out as soon as they can as they grow up and cut all contact immediately from family. Family could used the individual for personal gain. The family could have been extremely toxic, misogynistic, racist, overtly religious and/or diagnosed with mental illnesses such as NPD.
Chiron in the 5H🧑🏻‍🍼
These people struggle to be themselves and step outside the box. This placement is one where you’re afraid to accept any praise, as you feel you’re undeserving. These people usually feel like they’re not supposed to be happy or have nice things. They could have grew up with a negative, bitter family who influenced them to be overly humble to the point of self hatred. These were the people where the family could have threw things that they do for them in their face, even those it was basic necessities. “I put a roof over your head and food in your mouth!” this placement could of grew up feeling like they owe their parents something for bare minimum treatment. These people weren’t allowed to express themselves, to be themselves or to make their own decisions growing up. They were almost always practically controlled by their parents into being their personal robot. They feel guilty for enjoying themselves, loving themselves, having a good time or even just being happy. This is the ultimate placement that’s giving “If I can’t, why should you”. Not that it’s their fault, but I’ve never met a person with this placement who wasn’t the ultimate party pooper. Without healing, these people could grow up to become judgmental and bitter towards those who are living their best life. They could also struggle with fertility issues as well.
Chiron in the 6H🖊️
I feel like this placement is ridiculously hard on themselves no matter what they achieve in life. These are the people who I can honestly say are over givers, yet they feel like they’re still not giving enough. They could have struggled with keeping a set routine for themselves or even practicing basic hygiene growing up. But this is because this placement is a placement where nobody taught them anything that they know, they had to learn everything on their own. These people could be called lazy for wanting to take a simple break. Their lives usually revolve around work or doing their job. They can also be the type of people who is always trying to make everyone else happy except for themselves. I usually see people with this placement get taken advantage of because of their overly giving and forgiving nature. The reason these people are the way they are is because they grew up in a household that never gave them anything they have. They always felt like they had to prove themselves to others that they’re worthy of basic human decency. They do their best to help and do nice things for others because they were practically on their own soon as they came out of the womb. :(
Chiron in the 7H👩‍❤️‍👨
Oh boy, this placement is harsh. Those with Chiron in the 7H are people who have been deeply traumatized by love/relationships. These people usually end up with really bad partners who end up cheating, using, degrading and/or abusing them. I find this placement similar to Saturn in the 7H, however Chiron here is way more intense. These people feel like they keep going through the same cycle over and over in regards to love. They could have been traumatized by multiple relationships but the people I’ve met with this placement usually have that 1 relationship that changed their whole outlook on love in general. This is somebody who’s went through so many manipulative mind games in love that they start to lose hope. Once healed however, those with this placement end up becoming very mature and healthy individuals in regards to love and relationships. These people usually find “the one” once they start healing from the trauma of this placement. If unhealed, Relationships/marriage to people with this placement slowly start to lose its appeal once they get older because they put it in their mind that every man/woman is the same. Unfortunately, people who have been disappointed enough times with this placement start to turn so bitter that they become a misandrist/misogynist at some point in time. That’s why it’s important to heal if you have this placement, because it’s a harsh one that really starts to affect the mind internally.
Part 2 is on its way ☺️
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shurisgf · 3 months
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ೃ⁀➷ SUMMARY; in which , armando gets a tattoo of your name on his chest. | FEAT. Armando Aretas x POC!fem!reader | TROPE established relationship| FORMAT oneshot | GENRE fluff | WARNINGS none | NOTES sb told me to turn my idea into a oneshot , so here it is !
🎧 for an enhanced experience , listen to Best Part — H.E.R
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Armando had been gone most of the day. His excuse was saying that he was busy doing work at the station, when in reality, he was at the tattoo shop. Getting a tattoo of your name above his heart, because you always told him that your heart would forever and always belong to him. He wanted to get the tattoo as a sign of commitment to you and as a promise that he wears your heart on his chest, and would never intentionally cause you any harm. You are the love of his life, and he might not be as good at showing it or expressing his feelings in an articulate way, but this he knew he could do.
Arriving home, he found you in the bedroom all cuddled up in bed, watching some movie you’d put on.
“Hi baby,” You paused your movie, sitting up in bed, opening your arms signaling to him that you wanted a hug. He smiled at you as soon as he saw you, walking over to where you were and giving you a hug. He then picked you up from the bed and held you up, his hands just under your ass.
“I have a surprise for you beautiful,” He started, putting you down, holding your hand as he walked towards the bathroom. He began to take off his shirt, and you looked at him sideways.
“This is your big surprise…?” You questioned him, he laughed at your confused expression in the mirror. Once his shirt was off you saw his chest wrapped in cling film, wondering what it was. “Ven a quitarlo.” His face filled with excitement, knowing that you would love what he’d done. You walked over as he made room for you to stand in front of him by the counter. Your left hand rested on his bare chest, while your right gently peeled back the film on his chest.
Pulling back the film, your mouth dropped. Seeing your name on his chest placed above his heart. With a tiny crown above the last letter of your name. “Baby,” your eyes welled with tears, and Armando immediately comforted you knowing how much this meant to both you and him. “Shh, don’t cry babe,” He laughed a bit, loving the fact that you loved his new tattoo. “You always say your heart belongs to me, ahora lo mio te pertenece.” He placed a soft kiss on your forehead, whispering, “I love you.”
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Ven a quitarlo — Come pull it off.
Ahora lo mio te pertenece — Now mine belongs to you.
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©2024 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — SHURI'S GF. Do not modify, repost, plagiarize, translate or claim any work posted on this blog without my permission !
TAGLIST; @ghettogirly @milliumizoomi @armandosbabymama @dyttomori @yeahnohoneybye @omg-mymelaninisbeautiful @nuggetnat888
reblogs are greatly appreciated !
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icanseethefuture333 · 7 months
PAC: How you will blossom in life & as an individual 🌺
"A flower that blooms in adversity, is the most rare and beautiful of all..." - Mulan
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Pile 1:
Shufflemancy -
Moonlight Sunrise by Twice
Spring Is Coming With A Strawberry In The Mouth by Caroline Polachek
Fashion by Kamaiyah
Success, Patience, Acceptance, Abundance, Knight of Cups, The Hierophant, Four of Wands, & The World
Bottom of my tarot deck was the world and bottom of my oracle deck was abundance. So it seems that prosperity is right around the corner for you, pile 1! You are going to be entering a period of abundance and the universe will provide clarity and wisdom for you for this spring. I heard "The world is yours", so I feel that through life experiences, you will blossom and grow as a person. You are going to come in contact with a divine counterpart and it will feel almost too good to be true. I almost wrote "gold" so something about them shines the light in you. I also interpret this as embracing all aspects of love, such as allowing yourself to receive it (either from yourself or from others) as well as giving love. People could tell you that you're glowing more and overall your essence and appearance will become very radiant. It is possible that the person, or even people, that you will meet are going to highlight your best attributes. You will be able to be yourself around others and your true self will be greatly admired. I also see that your beauty and personal style will be very eye catching. You could learn to dress for your body type or you will try a new makeup look that enhance your features. Your individuality could be valued and admired by others, the glimmer in your eyes as you talk about your hopes, dreams, goals, or even what makes you happy would really be noticeable. For some of you, you could fall in love, while for others, you will make a friend, perhaps its both. Everything you ever waited and wanted for in life is going to happen to you. In life, you were someone who was always patient and observant of others, but the desires you seek is now time for you to have a turn to experience. You are learning to hoist your sails and steer the ship, instead of going against the water's current. You will be proud of how far you've come and will be able to celebrate your accomplishments soon! You could also be invited to parties or social events where your will get to make connections with others. Fixed energy (Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, especially Taurus) is prominent in this pile, so it is likely you are going to attract opportunities for money as well that could provide you with a sense of confidence, mental clarity, emotional security, and financial stability. The message for you pile 1, is that "you deserve it". You are deserving love, happiness, and abundance. Be sure not to block your blessings by focusing on your insecurities, accept what you cannot change. Find the beauty in the present and what surrounds you.
Pile 2:
Shufflemancy -
Mango Butter by Durand Bernarr
Link Up by Tinashe
Surrender, Friendship, Trust, Change, Seven of Cups, The High Priestess, The Emperor, & Knight of Pentacles
Forming a bond with others and allowing others to help you on your journey, pile 2, will you help blossom as an individual. You are a confident individual who knows their worth and you have a good head on your shoulders, but there is this aspect of constantly needing to be independent that is stunting your growth. Hyper-independence will not get you anywhere in life, it will only add to your stress and frustration. While you are someone who is successful in your endeavors, you do not allow yourself to trust in others. You could have possibly been raised with the mindset of "hustle culture" or could go by the saying I've been "grindin' all my life". Most people who reached to the top didn't do it all by themself. Whenever someone accepts an award, there are people that they have to thank for their contribution to their work. Whether that was a album, a film, a book, etc. It takes a team effort to get the end result. So you can be the star of the movie, you can be the main character, but watching a film that involves only one person doesn't really make sense. Unless this is the movie "Castaway", then you are going to need to have people in your life to help elevate you as a person. You have to be willing to learn the lessons necessary for your character development. Trust others could be something that is difficult for you but you know that you are smart, pile 2. If someone does not seem like a good apple, you are not obligated by any means to stay friends with them. The universe asks you to surrender and let go of the need to control everything, allow situations to unfold unnaturally. As much as we want life to be peaceful and never have to deal with negativity. It's not realistic, life is balanced, it has its ups and downs - good and bad. You need a friend who will help relieve that stress you are feeling in the moment. Learn to relax and unwind, you don't need to be strong all the time. You will blossom in life and as a person when you embrace having fun, letting your hair down, and being carefree.
Pile 3:
Shufflemancy -
Rocky by SAAY
Let Out The Beast by EXO
You Don't Understand by Gramatik
Freedom, Loneliness, Death, Failure, Five of Wands, Ace of Pentacles, Three of Cups, & Ace of Swords
Oh boy, are you in your angst era, pile 3? You could feel misunderstood and attacked by others. Growing up, it is possible that others would put you down and make you feel less about yourself. A select few of you have experienced bullying, some of you are dealing with unreasonable classmates or coworkers, while for others, your parents or family members were the first bullies you had. Whatever the case may be - you do not need to fight with these people anymore. You are free to walk away from at any given moment. I know that sounds easier said done but it is time for you stop letting people walk over you. This also may sound harsh but you have to get over this victim mindset as well. You are awesome person, pile 3, but holding onto grudges and toxic situations is not going to help you. You will blossom as a individual when you just stop giving a fuck about what these people have said or done to you. Do what you have to do to release the pent up emotions and say your piece then move on. Some of you, need to let someone have it. As in cuss them out for their mistreatment and put that asshole in their place. You don't have to let people get the best of you but you do need to set boundaries with people and know when to say "enough is enough". You are too nice to others and being cool, calm, and collected is not going to fix your problems. I see you are going to feel so relieved after you do this and a weight will be lifted off of your shoulders once you finally confront these issues. I also see that your feelings of loneliness and not being able to "fit" in or make connections with people will not concern you anymore. Your confidence is going to transform tremendously and I honestly am loving this for you, pile 3! I see that you could get the promotion you should have had a long time ago, get the grade you wanted in class, etc. Regardless of what it is, your hard work is going to be acknowledged and rewarded. I also believe you will find some sort of remedy in your relationships and people will start to really cherish you and will treat you with the respect you deserve. Some of you could go to counseling and therapy as well that will provide you with the tools necessary to resolve past trauma. Pile 3, you are going to be able to find your voice again and realize your thoughts and ideas should be heard, they no longer have to be dismissed anymore.
Pile 4:
Shufflemancy -
Godspeed by Frank Ocean
Found Love by Sofya Wang
Ribs by Lorde
Forgiveness, Indecision, Worry, Gratitude, The Star, Eight of Swords, Ten of Cups, & Five of Cups (reversed)
I feel you are missing someone or something, pile 4. There is this nostalgic and dreamy energy that you have. It feels bittersweet and for the season of spring, you could be reminiscing on your past. Perhaps you are remembering memories of someone that was dear to you. Some of you could have experienced the loss of a loved one or there is a distance between you and a place, person, etc. This is causing you to feel worried about your future and ponder about if you have made the right decisions in life. I feel that in order for you to blossom in life, you will have to experience "growing pains". This feels like a coming of age story or wishing to regain your innocence and youth. No matter how old you are, as long as you are living at this very moment, you can do anything you set your mind to. Whether you are an adolescent, someone in their 30s, or even middle aged. You have a great life ahead of you but you will not be able to see this bright future of yours if you do not put yourself out there and at least try. Our memories can be great but also painful but we look to those moments for strength for when we need to realize how far we have come. Instead of feeling remorse about your past decisions or worrying about what's going to happen, find the beauty of the unknown. Practice gratitude and appreciate everything that brought you to this very moment. If you cannot forgive others, forgive yourself my love, forgive yourself for your past mistakes. You do not need to harbor these heavy feelings anymore. There are happy times and joyous moments with loved ones going to come to you seen, as soon as you reflect upon your beliefs. Journaling and practicing affirmations will help you navigate these feelings and build self esteem. This is a period of healing, pile 4. Please hold on just a little bit longer and have faith that things will get better!
Pile 5:
Shufflemancy -
Cigar by HA:TFELT
Mizu by Sophia Black
Kerosene by Crystal Castles
Peace, Self Esteem, Service, Happiness, The Temperance, Queen of Cups, Three of Wands, & The Fool
I remember a quote by Bruce Lee where he said "To be like water, my friend" and I believe that means to just go with the flow in life. If try to force things and it does not work, just try another way. It's pointless to get upset about your way of doing things isn't working, try another way! Instead of being stubborn, you can have endless opportunities to use your creative thinking skills to make your life easier and better. I believe for spring you should do some spring cleaning, whether is cleaning your home, saging your room, or going to a river to take a dip in the water. Now would be a good time to bask in the fruits of your labor and enjoy the fruition of things unfolding. To blossom at this point in your life, you need to take things slow, and appreciate what beauty is in your surroundings. You could start noticing things you never have before. Like "Oh I never knew I had this beautiful tree in my neighborhood!" or "Wow I didn't know this great restaurant was right around the corner of my home!". Just allow yourself to explore your options and not think about what needs to be perfect. This is going to be a period of happiness, peace, and relaxation for you. I overall see that you need to rest and make time to enjoy going out or even make your home a beautiful place. You need to Marie Kondo your life, pile 5! Do what it is you need to unwind from all the stress. Be generous and practice some self care. Go to a spa, get a massage, redecorate your home, drink tea, read a book, take a bath with salts or bath bombs, etc. These activities will help put you at ease and give you the time to think about what you like to do with your life. I see that you will travel, take trips, and focus on self love this spring. You are going to be your own best friend and put yourself for once instead of always being at service to others.
Pile 6:
Shufflemancy -
Dusk by Chelsea Wolfe
Happy Without Me by Chloe x Halle ft. Joey Bada$$
You Should Be Here by Kehlani
Pride, Growth, Purpose, Adversity, Queen of Pentacles, Four of Swords, Knight of Wands, & Ten of Wands
I believe you are being prideful and refusing to make a decision regarding a situation, pile 6. You need to face the music about your actions and what is holding you back. This could be pertaining to a relationship that is not helping you elevate yourself in life. Whether this is a ex, current partner, a situationship, etc. This on and off relationship, that you refuse to accept needs to end, is going to continue to drain you of your time and energy. If you are not seeing someone, then there are codependency issues that you need to understand where it comes. You could have this vice that you are very attached to and without it - you become sick, depressed, and unstable. You do not need anyone or anything to make you feel validated and worthy. You are an amazing person but no one can make you see that but you. You cannot want to get better if you keep depending on materialistic things or the feeble words of others to boost your self esteem. No one needs to have a purpose in life to deserve to have a wonderful life. Your purpose is being here. Destiny, fate, or karma cannot define your self worth and affect what choices you decide to make. Take back your power today and stop looking for other people or the universe to be the voice of reason you need. You have a choice and you can do whatever you wish with that said choice. Life can be challenging and there are bumps in the road but pile 6, you will feel so proud of yourself when you overcome the trials and the tribulations. You will blossom as an individual once you learn to dust the dirt off your shoulder and understand that no matter what happens you will be okay because you have yourself.
Pile 7:
Shufflemancy -
Call For Help by Pearly Drops
I know I'm Funny Haha by Faye Webster
Growing by JGrrey
Perseverance, Relationships, Humor, Grief, Ten of Swords, The Magician (Reversed), Four of Cups, & The Tower
Pile 7, I feel that you are someone who is considered to be all "peaches and sunshine". You naturally have a positive disposition about life and could use humor as a way to elevate the mood. You are a bright source of light for others in this world. You are someone people can go to when they are feeling down and troubled and that is a very beautiful thing. The downside to this, pile 7, is that you are experiencing your own troubles and hardships that no one can see. I don't believe you discuss with others about the grief you have experienced despite having loved ones you have a great connection with. To blossom as an individual, pile 7, you need to embrace being open with others and understand that you are still lovable if you are not always happy. You have a gorgeous smile and when you use it to mask your pain, it becomes a concern. You don't have to handle it all by yourself. Call a friend or a family member to talk about everything you've been dealing with, you could see people will understand or care more than you may realize. Yes other people could be dealing with something in life but it is possible to check on someone as well and make sure they're okay. You are not a burden and you are loved. I also interpret this as you needing to call and check on someone close to you. Whether that's a old friend, your parents, your siblings, or someone you have grown distant from. This could be someone you've known since childhood because I smelled crayons and heard "green eggs and ham". I believe this could also mean you need to reconnect with your inner child. You may not believe in things that a child believes anymore such as magic, fairytales, and mythical creatures. It is okay to engage in fantasies every once in a while, for those sweet, innocent moments helps get away from the world during trouble times. Look at pictures of you when you were young, visit your childhood home, eat a snack you used to loved as a kid, go to a park, watch cartoons, or buy yourself some coloring pencils, markers, toys, etc. Just do an activity that allows you to spend time with your inner child and have fun! In your youth, or growing up, some of you may have struggled with acne but for the month of spring I see that your skin will really start to clear up! For some of you, Melanie Martinez and Tierra Whack's music could be significant. You may have had a phase where you were a big fan of these artists or you should get into their music for it may pertain to your situation. Their song "copy cat" is a message for some of you. Your blossoming period could be uncomfortable in some aspects, pile 7. You may end a friendship with someone or feel the need to move on from what it is not serving you. This change in your life will help you find your way back to yourself. You could have felt disconnected or confused about what is your true identity. Once you shed other's expectations and desires on who you should be, you will be able to experience to true joy. Your spring blessing is to be able to feel secure and comfortable with you really are.
Pile 8:
Shufflemancy -
Let Go by Frou Frou
Freefall by KATRANADA ft. Durand Bernarr
Doctor, My Eyes by Khamari
Judgment, Health, Imagination, Balance, The Hermit, The Empress, Five of Cups, & Death
You are being called to take a leap of faith, pile 8. Freefall into this new period in your life and allow you to see the wonders of life. Have faith and trust that the universe to always catch you. Release your need to judge and constantly criticizing your or other people's imperfections. You are the most prosperous in life when you just let go of the bullshit. You have to be able to realize there is abundance even if you do not see it yet. This is a funny example but I remembered the meme of the girl rapping "but did you die tho?". You could be someone who is considered to be "melodramatic" (real) and act as if the world is ending just because of a minor inconvenience. You are here, what are you going to do about it? Are you gonna cry over spilled milk or continue to push on and do something that makes you happy. Find a balance in expressing certain emotions before you react. You will blossom as an individual when you learn to practice emotional intelligence and know that you are always going to be okay in the end. Have the mindset of "Asked me how I'm doing? I'm blessed, yes." I wrote this at 111 so that angel number is a sign for you to pay attention to your thoughts at this time and instead focus on your manifestations babe! I feel like your guides wish to tell you to stop acting bratty like they adore you but you have your moments where you let your emotions get the best of you and you start to act really spoiled. I'm hearing the lyrics "Good karma, that's my aesthetic, keep my conscious clear that's why i'm so magnetic" and I believe that is all I can reveal to you, pile 8. You already know what desires you seek and how to bring it into fruition, just make sure you stay humble and stop reacting to things that are pointless and won't pertain to you in the next 24 hours. Make sure to get a health check up as well this spring, your eye health could need to be examined or you may need to look into getting glasses or contacts.
Pile 9:
Shufflemancy -
Changing Seasons from the Persona 5 soundtrack
Bluetooth by Piri & Tommy
Borderline by SUNMI
Doubt, Empathy, Fear, Regret, The Moon, The Hanged Man, Page of Cups, & Five of Swords
I feel that this is pile is interested in Y2K, gaming, and technology. You could be more of a hands on person and enjoy objects that allow you to touch, mold, or shape things with your hands. Some of you could be neurodivergent and enjoy using tools that allow you to stim whether that is slime, clay, ceramics, etc. You are really good with your hands and solving things with technology. You could also have a future career in fields such as STEM, video game design, gaming, music production, computer programmer, etc. You are someone who has their unique way of thinking and this is intriguing to others. Your features could be very physically cute as well. This could be weird to say but to people they think of you as a tomodachi, they just want to put you in their pocket, and carry you around. People desire to take care of you. You may think your quirks are considered unlikeable but this is not true. You may not be everyone's cup of tea but there are plenty of people who find you beautiful, pile 9. I feel that there is someone who may even have a crush on you. You could feel things more intensely than others and could deal with feelings of anxiety. You may have trouble sleeping at night due to racing thoughts, thinking of past regrets, and feeling guilty for things that you have done. Pile 9, you have to let go these thoughts and realize that it is just a thought. I am remembering the song "Here Comes A Thought" from Steven Universe. You do not have to suffer because you have troubling thoughts or a mental condition that causes you to be different than others. You may think you are doing others a favor by keeping away and staying in isolation, but it is doing you more harm than good in the end. You may also feel stuck and that you won't be able to get your current circumstances but that is just an illusion. The doubts, the thoughts, the circumstances is all an facade. You can get past this and you can fall in love, make friends, or pursue your dreams exactly the way you are. You do not need to be like anyone else but you. You will blossom, pile 9, once you embrace your remarkable qualities and also your flaws. No one is perfect and just because you have either a condition or personality that may not click with everyone else, it does not mean you cannot be happy, successful, and accepted by others. This spring, you should turn over a new leaf for yourself. Try to start with small goals and take your time. I wish you the best of luck :)!
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vivmaek · 8 months
Transits that Enhance Beauty & Attraction
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✰ my masterlist
❦ Venus Hours
Click here to calculate planetary hours. I use planetary hours more so as a life hack, it's not something I would go out of my way to plan my days around. But, Venus hours are definitely worth being taken advantage of. All activities related to beauty, love, and the arts will have an especially heightened effect when occurring during Venus hours. Plan dates during these hours, and partake in beauty routines. Taking selfies and posting them during a Venus hour might result in heightened attention. 
❦ Fridays
There's a reason why this is everyone's favorite day of the week. This is the perfect time to engage in pursuits of pleasure. Connecting with people comes easier on Fridays which is why it’s so favorable for social activities. Making an effort to relax is essential. Go shopping so you can buy yourself something beautiful. Eat good food, put effort into your appearance, and listen to music that makes you ponder about love. Wear pink or green if you can. 
❦ Venus in the First House
People genuinely look GOOD when Venus is transiting through their first house. It is also natural for people to make adjustments to their appearance during this time frame, and it always serves them well in the end. When Venus is in your first house, you can look forward to a month full of good hair days and clear skin. That alone is usually all it takes to greatly boost one's confidence. Attracting attention, especially the romantic kind, also occurs during this transit. I always have encounters that leave me feeling really good about my appearance when Venus is in my first house. 
❦ Neptune in the First House
Getting in touch with yourself allows for your inner beauty to radiate outwards, which is oftentimes the result of this transit. The most beautiful people you know are also always the kindest. Acting on compassion will enhance how attractive you appear to others. An air of mystery tends to hang around people when Neptune is transiting through their first house. It is common to have people yearning and fantasizing about you during this transit. 
❦ Venus in the Fifth House
This transit brings a lot of fun into my life. There's always an uptake in invites to social engagements, and I’ve had lots of flings and short term relationships begin under this transit. I also tend to discover a lot of new music when Venus transits through my fifth house. My only advice for this time frame is to take full advantage of it! I think leaning into the spontaneity of this transit results in a carefree attitude. You won’t be caught up in appearances because you’ll be having too much fun to really care. 
❦ Neptune in the Tenth House
I’m not going to get into all the situations that may occur during this transit. Neptune transiting through the tenth house doesn’t have much to do with physical beauty and attractiveness. But, it is a good time to try and capture photographs of yourself. You’ll look especially good on camera. 
❧ Sun Conjunct / Sextile / Trine Sun
During these transits, people often find themselves feeling lively and rejuvenated. A general sense of excitement and love of life is felt quite deeply. This type of energy brings out the best in people and they glow from the inside out. An excellent time to throw parties and host celebrations. 
❧ Sun Conjunct / Sextile / Trine Ascendant
You’ll be hard to miss with the transitioning sun positively aspecting your natal ascendant. The people you encounter during this time will find you especially attractive and will feel energized by your presence. Job interviews and first impressions are favorable under this transit. 
❧ Moon Conjunct / Sextile / Trine Mars
Getting in touch with your sexual desires is common with these transits. Lots of passionate feelings arise. Insecurities are unlikely to hold you back, you’ll feel sexy and attractive. Being direct about your feelings will result in positive encounters. 
❧ Venus Conjunct / Sextile / Trine Sun
It doesn’t take much for you to feel good when these transits are occurring. You’ll feel beautiful and will receive more attention due to this. Go out and have fun. Spend money. Be affectionate with your friends and loved ones. 
❧ Venus Conjunct / Sextile / Trine Moon
A sense of security is generated through these transits. You’ll feel charismatic and easy-going. Emotional harmony is reached and affectionate feelings will be increased. Whatever has been causing you stress will dissipate for the time being and your physical appearance will reflect this. Sexual attractiveness is heightened and you’ll find it easy to connect with the more sensual aspects of life. This is an especially favorable time for haircuts.
❧ Venus Conjunct / Sextile / Trine Venus
You’ll be feeling downright gorgeous and will feel a great need to invest in your appearance. The clothing you buy during this time will be in alignment with your style. You might find yourself experiencing a streak of good luck. It seems as though everything comes easy to you when these transits are occurring. People will be especially kind and affectionate towards you, you’ll have many positive social interactions. Focus on the aspects of life that bring you peace during this time so you can use them again when life becomes more chaotic.  
❧ Venus Conjunct / Sextile / Trine Ascendant
The only downside that occurs with these transits is having to deal with a sense of laziness. You’ll want to forget all about your responsibilities. Luckily, you’ll be very well received and can get away with more than you normally would under ordinary circumstances. You’ll find yourself stuck, staring into the mirror because you look THAT good. You might catch yourself constantly making adjustments to your appearance. Warmth and affection will follow you throughout daily life. This would be a good time to take a vacation. 
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glitcheemisc · 9 months
I play Baldur's Gate 1 like it's a visual novel and you should try too
Hi, fellow BG3 players who didn't played the two first games yet !
I know Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 seem a bit austere today, with difficult encounters at every corner, only portraits and tiny sprites to visualize how your character and companions look like, the more complicated AD&D 2nd edition rules, the confusing fights...
But first, if you play on easy mode, you can progress even with the worst build ever. It's like a story mode, and you have nothing to prove to 50-ish dudes who play D&D since the beginning. This game has tons of areas to explore and side-stories to discover, and life is too short to be annihilated by any group of gnolls.
There is 25 recruitable companions (29 in the enhanced edition), It's a lot and you cannot recruit everyone, they will chose to follow you or not based on your aligment. So your adventure can greatly change based on what companions are on your team.
The basics you loved in BG3 were already there in BG1 : the charismatic characters, funny and well-written dialogs, the exploration, the choices you can make, the feeling of playing a D&D game on your computer. It just looks, well, more retro.
And for the last part, if you don't have enough of this, I highly suggest you to install the BG1 NPC project mod. It adds more party banters, more dialogs, more companions quests, it makes your companions reacts at what happens, and you can send the recruited companions to an inn to change your team if needed ! Also it's translated in several languages. So now I play BG1 exploring everywhere and listening to Minsc telling Boo bedtime stories and it's wonderful. You can find the mod and all the steps to install it here
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ataraxiaspainting · 8 months
Heyy!! I don’t know if you still do Chrollo fics , but if you’re doing recommendations/commissions , can you make something like where the readers like “do you think you’ll kill for me one day?” and he’s like “yes. of course I will my darling” ?? It’s based off a sound I heard somewhere .. I think the song is called “I want it all” by Lana del ray. Thank you!! 🫶
damn he really would say that huh?
Bad Habit.
Yan Chrollo x F Reader.
Synopsis: “Where there is carnage, there is beauty.”
Warnings: Yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, general anxiety and uneasiness, references to disturbing works of art (Saturn Devouring His Son, The Nightmare, Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan), manipulation, and talks of violence.
Word Count: 900.
There are as many things people can see as beautiful as there are shades of light shining through a prism.
Spectrums are quite common along with comparison and placement. It varies greatly from person to person, their preferences and their life experiences and their joys, and their fears.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, yes, but the eye of the beholder is also the window to their soul, to their psychological responses and traumas and memories of a past that would rather either be forgotten or worshiped. Every soul is different, and there is beauty in that. So, why do you find the heart and soul of Chrollo Lucilfer, whom many would call beautiful if they never knew him for what he truly is, so, so simply lovely? It does not have to do with his mannerisms or his confidence or his knowledge of virtually everything in this world, you concluded one day, after receiving yet another call from him, with him, as always, asking general questions like if you miss him and such. It is because he is the only thing I can cling to that will stay here, with me.
You cling onto him like a lost puppy, yearning for any sort of affection they can get no matter the cost. You did that when he first transported you from one place to another with hardly regarding any words from you on the matter. You do that now, in this art museum, full of unfamiliar faces and unfamiliar artwork and unfamiliar architecture. You missed home, back then. You still do now, and Chrollo still does not care one bit.
His hand is like a cuff, his arm like a chain, as he walks with you from one room to the next. But, still, it is the only thing that keeps you from falling apart.
So, like a sort of dance, you two move in sync. It is up to Chrollo as to if or when you will stop. It is never up to you, after all.
Does Chrollo enhance the horrific allure of these paintings, or does he once again bring all the attention to himself?
“Mythology often comes from our own woes.” He says, pointing upward, slowly, to Cronos’s eyes, which are bloodshot and large and dark. “A popular theory was that Goya was representing an oppressive government through Kronos, and the son that was prophesized to kill him as an adult represented the people who had started to revolt. But others don’t see it that way, oddly enough.”
You don’t respond, you simply look at the beheaded infant, which looks so soft and so rotten at the same time, with blood and deskinned chewed flesh running down his neck. He fits into his father’s hands perfectly, like he was made to be eaten.
“While most incubi are written and drawn as physically attractive creatures, this one in particular looks more akin to a gargoyle than that of a man.” He hums, and you can feel his hand wrap more tightly around yours. Not so much in a strangling, hurtful way, but rather just in a sort of reminderful way. “Maybe Fuseli was trying to make sure that the point of what the incubus really is is sent across to the viewers?”
With not a single word coming out of your mouth, a sure sign that you are zoning out his words, he squeezes a bit tighter to get your attention back where he wants it to be.
“What do you think, beloved?”
Once again, instead of answering, you choose to remain silent and focus your attention on other things. So, you look around. To the floor. To your high heels. Everything else, anything else. Only silence remains for a few more moments, but when the silence is not enjoyed any longer with another increase in his grip, you decide to answer before you get yourself into trouble.
“...I… I think that maybe it deals with sleep paralysis.”
Chrollo widens his eyes and smirks, and from those actions alone you know you have created a believable lie and concept that is sure to be amusing to him.
You’re forgiven.
“Historians say that the son’s death was the point of no return for Ivan.” A cradling of the arms and a Cat’s Cradle are the same; they both trap those within them.
Eyes are still eyes, whether they are real or not. Ivan the Terrible’s show a thousand tragedies and a thousand other faces his destiny could have worn, if he pushed the other one aside, if he had the strength to.
“Just like how Ivan was his son’s undoing, his son was also his.”
“...Would you ever kill for me?”
Violence is often not the only path Chrollo can choose to take. His words can be another, albeit that road will be much longer, and less smooth.
Who knows what he will choose when the hour of the heist comes to fruition when the art can finally be grasped and never let go of?
Which path do you prefer?
Which path does he prefer?
Do you prefer to be threatened with sweet honey that sticks to your skin or is so hot that it burns it?
“Of course, my dear.”
What you find grotesque, like the way the topic of violence is spoken so naturally from you and him, Chrollo always seems to find beautiful, like the way your moving lips are so lush.
Paintings are often just a reflection of how the world is, after all.
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candycandy00 · 1 year
Pick Me Up - A Gojo x Reader x Geto Halloween Fanfic Part 1
Gojo and Geto are two serial killers who enjoy seducing their victims before killing them. Every year on Halloween they have a friendly competition, and this year the target they both choose is you.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
The first two parts will be fairly short and just serve to set up the way these two operate. The third part starts the “main part”. Any feedback or comments are greatly appreciated! Divider by @violetbudd
Smut. 18+. Fem Readers. Implied death/blood/gore (“offscreen” for now). Consensual sex. Gojo and Geto are both bisexual. First part is Gojo x Reader only. Geto will be the focus of part 2.
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Unbelievable. You left your house with nearly a full tank of gas. Now, just thirty minutes later, your car is running on fumes on the darkest, loneliest highway in the area. You even double checked when you stopped at that gas station just outside of town to grab snacks. 
You’re on your way to one of several Halloween parties taking place this weekend in the days leading up to the actual holiday. This one was supposed to be one of the best, out on the old Johnson farm. 
But now you find yourself forced to pull over on the side of the road because your stupid car is out of gas. Must be a leak, you figure as you cut the engine and grab your phone from the passenger seat. You groan when you realize there’s no service. Of course not. You’re out in the boonies. 
With an annoyed sigh you climb out of your car and hold your phone in the air, trying to catch a bar or two. No luck. Glancing at your car, you wonder if you could actually see gas leaking from the bottom if you look. But you don’t want to ruin your sexy Little Red Riding Hood costume. The skirt is so short and so tight that you don’t think it’s physically possible to squat down in it. 
You walk a few steps away, still holding your phone up, still hoping for a signal. This is the last place you want to be stranded. Over the past two weeks, four different women close to your age have been found murdered along this road. Their deaths were gruesome, violent, and bloody. Two of them had their guts ripped completely out. The other two had apparently been skinned alive. Someone leaked a crime scene photo online and you saw it without meaning to. You couldn’t eat for two days after that. 
So when you hear the sound of an approaching vehicle slowing down, you feel a mix of fear and relief. It could be someone who could help you. It could be a crazed serial killer. 
You turn to look back toward your car, and your heart feels like it freezes in place when you see the rusty white van with blacked out windows pulling over. It might as well have had a huge sign on the side that said “Axe Murderer Inside!”
The thought crosses your mind to just run. But then you remember you’re wearing stiletto heels and an outfit that would be practically impossible to run in. Plus, whoever this is obviously saw you and are in a working vehicle. Running would do you absolutely no good. 
You walk slowly back to your car, and as you start to pass by the van, the window rolls down on the passenger side. You nervously glance inside. Leaning across from the driver’s seat is a man wearing dark sunglasses. His hair is snowy white, styled in that way that looks slightly messy but was clearly done on purpose. He has a young, incredibly handsome face, and when he pulls his sunglasses down to look at you, he has the most breathtaking blue eyes you’ve ever seen in your life. 
“Need some help, sweetheart?”
You can’t help blushing a little as you notice those gorgeous eyes moving up and down your figure. Your skimpy costume covers very little, and definitely enhances what it does cover. 
“I ran out of gas,” you tell him. “I think I have a leak.”
“Want me to take a look?” he asks, a friendly smile on his face. 
“Sure, if you don’t mind.”
He cuts the van’s engine and gets out. When he walks around to your side of the van and you get a full view of him, you feel yourself clamping your thighs together. 
Oh fuck, he’s hot. Like, really really hot. 
He’s tall enough to tower over you, and his loose black jacket does little to conceal how his toned body moves under his clothes. When he steps closer, you can smell expensive cologne, and when he squats down beside your car, his thighs spreading apart, you have to fight the urge to insert yourself right between his legs. 
The man bends his head down and looks under your car, holding his shades in his hand. “I don’t see anything. Are you sure you didn’t forget to gas up?”
“I’m sure,” you tell him. 
He stands back up and comes to stand right in front of you, his height dwarfing yours. “I can give you a lift. Where are you headed?”
“Oh, could I just borrow your phone?” you ask with a smile. “I can get a friend to pick me up.” 
“No service out here, sweetheart, but I’d be happy to take you wherever you want.”
You stare at him, weighing your options. You know it’s dangerous to get in a vehicle with a strange man at night. Especially one in a van like this, on a road where women are turning up murdered. But hot damn he’s gorgeous! The thought of being in an enclosed space with him is soaking your tiny thong panties. 
Fuck it. I’m taking my chances. 
“Do you know where the old Johnson farm is?” you ask him. 
He grins. “Sure do. Hop in.”
He opens the passenger side door for you and even helps you climb in. Like a gentleman. You wonder if this gentleman knows how badly you want to suck his dick as you slide into the seat. 
As the two of you drive toward the Johnson farm, your mind races for ideas on how you could get him to join you at the party. Your friends will be so jealous if you show up with a snack like him on your arm. You watch him as he drives, admiring his large but elegant looking hands on the steering wheel, imagining them grabbing your ass. 
He glances sideways at you. “So what’s going on at the farm tonight?”
“A Halloween party,” you answer. 
“That explains the outfit then,” he says with a laugh, his eyes roaming over you again. 
You cross and uncross your legs, trying to draw attention to your bare thighs. “You can come too if you want. It’s open invitation.”
He gives you a look that makes you melt, a knowing look, as if he can read your mind. “I’ll think about it,” he says, his eyes torn between the road and your legs. 
You settle into the seat, subtly letting your legs spread slightly apart. There’s enough room for him to put his hand up your skirt. You hope he’s thinking about that. 
The night outside the van window zips past you, and as you look out, you realize he’s missed the turn off to get to the farm. “Hey,” you say suddenly, “you missed the turn.”
He doesn’t slow down at all, but glances at you and asks, “I did? Are you sure?”
“Yeah, it was back there on the right.”
He doesn’t reply to you. Instead, he pulls off the road and drives down a dirt path, lined on either side with trees. You feel your heart pounding when he stops the van in a dark and empty place. 
He gives you a sultry sidelong look, his beautiful eyes seeming to glow in the darkness of the van. “Do you really wanna go to some stupid Halloween party?” he asks. “Or do you wanna get fucked in the back of my van?”
The brief spike of fear you felt when he parked instantly vanishes. You suddenly lean forward and kiss him, practically crawling across the seat. He kisses you back, his lips soft but crushing, his tongue in your mouth, the taste of him sweet. 
After a moment he pulls away and looks you in the eyes. “Want me to rearrange your insides?”
“Fuck, yes, please!” you breathe out. “I want you inside me!”
He runs his tongue across your lips and grins. “Oh I’ll be inside you alright.”
Minutes later, you’re in the back of his van, your micro mini skirt hiked up around your waist and your corset style top untied halfway down, allowing your breasts to spill out. The back of the van is big enough for you to stand up straight, but the insanely sexy stranger has to hunker down a bit to fit. 
You watch with almost unbearable anticipation as he opens his black pants and pulls his cock out. It’s rock hard, and fucking enormous. You’ve had plenty of dick in your life, but this one might be a challenge. 
A challenge you’re excited to accept. 
Soon enough he has you pinned underneath him, the two of you on the floor of the van, his mouth on your neck, one hand in your hair and the other bracing himself as he thrusts into you with wild abandon. 
He’s good. Almost too good. You’ve never been fucked so hard or so deep in your life, and you wonder how the hell you’re supposed to be satisfied with any other guy from now on. 
You don’t even know this man’s name, but you think you’re in love. 
He draws back to sit up on his knees, pulling your hips into his lap and fucking you from a slightly different angle, one that lets him go even deeper. You moan loudly, arching your back as his thumb strokes your clit. You’ve never felt more incredible than you do right now, cumming on a stranger’s massive cock in the back of a van. 
A few more thrusts later, you feel his grip on your hips tighten as his cock twitches inside you. 
You look up at him sharply. “Hey, don’t cum inside-“
“Too late,” he says as you feel him shoot a huge load directly into you. It feels fucking fantastic, but you’re not looking to get pregnant, and you wish he would have asked first. Oh well. What’s done is done. 
He slowly pulls out, and you lie back, catching your breath and giving him a perfect view of his cum leaking out of your pussy. Guys love that sort of thing, or so you’ve heard. You raise your head slightly to look a him, and those crystal blue eyes are indeed staring at your body. But there’s a strange look on his face. It’s not the expected desire or lust, but something else. Something frightening. 
He turns and begins rummaging through a box near the back. When he faces you again, he’s holding a rough-looking rope in one hand and a large shiny knife in the other. 
He grins at you. “I satisfied your hunger. Now you can satisfy mine.”
You start to get up, even though your legs are numb, but he quickly jumps down and uses his knees to press you to the floor. 
“What the fuck are you doing?!” you scream, struggling against his weight. 
He’s already wrapping the rope around your wrists, pulled above your head. “We’re gonna have fun all night long, Little Red Riding Hood,” he says with a devious, slightly unhinged smile. “The big bad wolf is here to gobble you up!”
The knife in his hand glints in the dim interior light of the van as he brings it closer to your body, then uses it to cut away the clothing that had bunched up around your waist. His hand rubs over your stomach, pressing slightly into the soft flesh. 
“I’m gonna dig around a bit in here,” he says, and all you can do is scream incoherently as he begins his grisly work. 
Tag List:
@loyal-to-my-dilf @unearthlydream @noodlejitsu @itzmeme 
If you’d like to be tagged in future parts, please comment to let me know! You must be an adult to be tagged!
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mirai-e-jump · 6 months
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Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger FLT | Pamphlet ft. Main Cast Messages & Takano Minato Interview (pages and translations below, LONG POST)
Publication: mid March 2024
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Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger FLT (act.1)
The story of the Royal Sentai ended with the defeat of the Uchu King Dagded Dujardin. That's how it was supposed to go, but…
Soon after, there was alittle incident. Make no mistake, Chikyu is also at risk. But, it's hopelessly stupid and ridiculous, and will definitely cause a big commotion. An inconceivable comedy. We'd be happy if it makes you laugh.
The kings have gathered for the "Six Kingdom Summit" to decide who's most suitable for the "face" of the new banknotes, but for some reason, the "story" takes an unexpected turn…..
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Sakai Taisei (Gira Husty/KuwagataOhger) "I'm going to rule the world!"
The king of Shugoddam, the largest country in Chikyu, and the one where the guardian god resides. He transforms into KuwagataOhger. He grew up in an orphanage in Shugoddam's castle town, but it later turned out that he was the younger brother of the (then) king, Racules. However, his true identity is a life form created by the Uchu King Dagded. His ability to communicate with the Shugods and his immortal body were inherited from Dagded.
"Looking back, say a few words for the character you spent a year playing!" I feel like I've also grown after being moved by Gira's feelings for others!! Thank you Gira Husty!
"Out of all 50 episodes, which one was the most memorable?" It's episode 49! It was cool to see everyone working together to take down Dagded! Don't mess with Racules's little brother! Stuff like that was good!
"Sakai Taisei's "confidential episode" that he can only talk about now!" I was given the OK for a take in episode 48 where my pants zipper was wide open! When I checked, it was well hidden. Thank goodness~💦
"Please show us your enthusiasm for the Final Live Tour!" This will be the culmination of King-Ohger, and it may be the last time we'll be able to meet everyone! Let's enjoy it as much as we can!
"A message to the fans who have supported you over the past year!" Thank you for your support over the past year! The warmth and energy I felt when meeting everyone at these events was truly encouraging! It would make me happy if you continue to love Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger from now on! See you later ^_^
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Watanabe Aoto (Yanma Gast/TomboOhger) "I'm on top!"
The king of N'kosopa, the country of technology. He transforms into TomboOhger. N'kosopa's national power, which was once a satellite state of Shugoddam, has been greatly enhanced by technological innovations. Although he himself is a top class engineer, he was originally born in a slum and is considered an "upstart" He's got a bad mouth and says "octomush" and "slack jawed tanuki" on a daily basis.
"Looking back, say a few words for the character you spent a year playing!" Thank you Yanma Gast.
"Out of all 50 episodes, which one was the most memorable?" I have fond memories of episode 2, which was shot on location during the cold season, and was created together with the extras who applied to be in the show.
"Watanabe Aoto's "confidential episode" that he can only talk about now!" Halfway through my nose wouldn't stop running, so I was given multiple "runny nose NG" cuts.
"Please show us your enthusiasm for the Final Live Tour!" With the story that everyone's put together in their minds, we'll beat things down with guts and brains until the very end.
"A message to the fans who have supported you over the past year!" Thank you for your support over the past year. The story ends here, but I'd be happy if you remember us again someday and come visit us here in Chikyu to play. And with that, until we meet again!!
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Murakami Erica (Hymeno Ran/KamakiriOhger) "I'll do as I please and follow my own path!"
The queen of Ishabana, the country of fine art and medicine. Having lost her parents in the "Wrath of God," she became king at a young age. She transforms into KamakiriOhger. She loves beautiful and cute things, and will always get what she likes by any means necessary. However, on the other hand, she's also a passionate doctor who has no hesitation in "saving someone's life."
"Looking back, say a few words for the character you spent a year playing!" I'd be happy if many people were "saved" by Hymeno's strength!
"Out of all 50 episodes, which one was the most memorable?" It's episode 28, where the kings swap bodies! In any case, we had fun and I think we saw the depth of each other's roles!
"Murakami Erica's "confidential episode" that she can only talk about now!" I brought my own bento to maintain my health and stay in shape, and yet……the famous tokusatsu "popeye onigiri," I never got to try it!!! (laughs)
"Please show us your enthusiasm for the Final Live Tour!" I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone who supported King-Ohger in all the regions around the country! Let's have lots of fun together 💛
"A message to the fans who have supported you over the past year!" Thank you for your support of King-Ohger over the past year! Even though the broadcast is over, I hope that this production will live on in everyone's hearts. Take care~💛💛💛
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Hirakawa Yuzuki (Rita Kaniska/PapillonOhger) "Remain immovable"
The king of Gokkan, the country of ice and snow. They also serve as the Chief Judge of the International Court of Justice, which protects the neutrality of the world. Because of their position, not only do they always keep their facial expressions hidden, they rarely show emotion, but when they're at a loss, they sometimes makes strange noises. They're of few words, and never speak in public about anything unnecessary. The only thing they can make an exception for is their plushie of the animated character "Moffun." They transform into PapillonOhger.
"Looking back, say a few words for the character you spent a year playing!" It was difficult, but it was really fun to perform!
"Out of all 50 episodes, which one was the most memorable?" It's episode 5, "The King of Winter is Coming." It was my first trial scene, and it was a very important part of the story, so I clearly remember being very nervous during filming. It was really embarrassing when I said "death penalty" to Gira in the scene where I should've said "not guilty"……It's a fond memory now (laughs).
"Hirakawa Yuzuki's "confidential episode" that she can only talk about now!" To be honest, I'm not good with early mornings, I'm always in high spirits, but in the morning I'm about 2 beats behind in my reactions…(laughs).
"Please show us your enthusiasm for the Final Live Tour!" I'd like to express my gratitude to everyone who's supported King-Ohger!! Definitely look forward to it :) I'm also looking forward to meeting everyone! I also want to eat lots of tasty food~! (laughs).
"A message to the fans who have supported you over the past year!" To everyone who's supported Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger over the past year, thank you so much. Everyone's messages of support and the power you gave me at these events kept me going until the end. I'd be very happy if this production remains in everyone's hearts even after the broadcast is over. King-Ohger is the best!! Thank you!!!
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Kaku So (Kaguragi Dybowski/HachiOhger) "By any means necessary!"
The lord of Toufu, the country of agriculture. He transforms into HachiOhger. He's always humble and polite in tone, but the theatrics of his words and actions tend to stick out, so he's what you'd call a "trickster." He's "two faced" and will lie with ease in order to achieve his goals, but he's also willing to take the initiative to sweat and dirty his hands by "tainting them pitch black" in order to protect the lives of his people.
"Looking back, say a few words for the character you spent a year playing!" You're so cool Kaguragi! Just like you, I'll live big so that I can protect what's important to me!
"Out of all 50 episodes, which one was the most memorable?" It's episode 37!! Interacting with the former lord Iroki was fun to perform, and it was cool as Kaguragi too!!
"Kaku So's "confidential episode" that he can only talk about now!" Around the time the script was being finished, I avoided doing muscle training because I figured Kaguragi would be more of a brainy character, but then I thought a powerful character would be more interesting, and so I enjoyed my muscle training life.
"Please show us your enthusiasm for the Final Live Tour!" At last, the final stage! We'll all do our best to bring out the charm of King-Ohger without fail. Please enjoy it until the very last moment!
"A message to the fans who have supported you over the past year!" Thank you very much for your support so far. Without everyone's warm support, I wouldn't have been able to make it through this past year at full power! There's no doubt, King-Ohger has become an irreplaceable and important work in my life! I hope this production will remain in everyone's hearts for a long time!
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Ikeda Masashi (Jeramie Brasieri/Spider Kumonos) "I rule over all and decide the fate of the world."
A man born between his father, the sixth hero that saved mankind 2,000 years ago, and his mother Nephila, a Bugnarak. His real name is Jeramie Idmonarak Ne Brasieri. He transforms into Spider Kumonos. As a "storyteller," he has long passed down the history of Chikyu, but finally realized his purpose when he showed up to stop the war between humans and Bugnarak.
"Looking back, say a few words for the character you spent a year playing!" I'm happy that I encountered Jeramie, and that he was loved and accepted.
"Out of all 50 episodes, which one was the most memorable?" The first six person Royal Arms transformation. It's the best part about Sentai heroes, and I remember getting goosebumps the moment I saw the image of those six.
"Ikeda Masashi's "confidential episode" that he can only talk about now!" I spilled coffee on my pure white costume.
"Please show us your enthusiasm for the Final Live Tour!" We'll do our best to make it enjoyable for everyone.
"A message to the fans who have supported you over the past year!" King-Ohger wouldn't have been possible without everyone who has supported us. Thank you for all the love! May it continue to remain in everyone's memories. Thank you for the past year!!
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Yano Masato (Racules Husty/OhkuwagataOhger) "May the blessings of the Shugod's be upon these warriors!"
The former king of Shugoddam. He inherited the throne from his father, Causus Husty. He believed that it wouldn't be easy to protect Chikyu from the threat of the Uchu King Dagded, and while acting like a selfish and reckless tyrant himself, his intent was to earn Dagded's trust and patiently wait for his chance to prevail. He transforms into OhkuwagataOhger. He joins forces with the Royal Sentai in the final battle.
"Looking back, say a few words for the character you spent a year playing!" I'm happy that I was able to play Racules!
"Out of all 50 episodes, which one was the most memorable?" For me, I have memories from every episode, including the ones I didn't appear in, but I'll never forget (the performance of) Sakai-kun fighting during filming of the first episode.
"Yano Masato's "confidential episode" that he can only talk about now!" Starting from the second chapter, my body had gotten so big that my costume became abit too tight (laughs).
"Please show us your enthusiasm for the Final Live Tour!" We'll do our very best to entertain everyone!
"A message to the fans who have supported you over the past year!" King-Ohger was really deep, huh? ^_^ I was very happy to be involved in this production! I think I made it through this past year due to everyone's support. From now on, it would make me happy if it continues to live on in everyone's hearts forever!
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Friends of the King-Ohgers
Shugoddam Douga: He was the retainer and right hand man for Racules, and was in charge of Shugoddam's "military" affairs. Although he tried to find employment in the other countries, he eventually returned to Shugoddam and became the retainer to the new king, Gira. His personality is always serious. Kogane & Boone: A young girl and boy who love Gira, and who lived with Gira in an orphanage in Shugoddam's castle town. Goroge: In a way, he's a prominent figure, who for better or for worse, is someone who expresses his honest thoughts through words and actions when a major incident occurs.
N'kosopa Shiokara: Yanma's retainer who has deep respect for him. Originally a criminal in an organization that circulated counterfeit money in N'kosopa, he was reformed after meeting Yanma. He took on a supportive position for Yanma, who believes that technology can change the future. Akka, Usuba & Mayuta: These three are citizens of N'kosopa, who along with Shiokara, were once involved in the circulation of counterfeit money. After meeting Yanma, they were reformed like Shiokara. Their relationship with Shiokara hasn't changed since then.
Ishabana Sebastian: Hymeno's retainer. He's actually 25 years old, but when he became Hymeno's butler, he was given special makeup to give him an older appearance, and his name was changed from his real name, Romane Dearborn. Originally, he was the heir to a ducal family that has existed in Ishabana for 1,000 years. Elegance Moun: The chief physician of Ishabana. As her name suggests, she has an elegant appearance, but shows no compromise in her work (medical care), and acts with a strong will and sound judgment. Hymeno also places deep trust in her. Cleo Urbanus: The head maid who serves Hymeno…..which she is, but she has great physical strength and is also good at martial arts. In order to save Hymeno and the others, she once confronted a group of Sanagim and fought them off. In the final battle, she fought bravely alongside Kuroda and the others.
Gokkan Morphonia: Rita's retainer. She's a lazy person, and would rather not work if she can help it, but she does her job well. She's also the person who best understands the pain of loneliness that Rita carries. As a "child of criminals," she has mixed feelings about her position as a candidate to succeed Rita.
Toufu Kuroda: Kaguragi's retainer. Because of his position, he's usually quiet, but when he speaks, he has a smooth voice. His appearance is that of a so called "Kuroko," but the cloth that covers his face has a smile drawn on it. There are other Kuroko's who work at Takitate Castle, but Kuroda is thought to be their leader. Suzume Dybowski: Kaguragi's younger sister whom he dotes on. She calls him "big brother." She was in poor health as a child. She lived in Shugoddam as a "hostage" for the reconstruction of Toufu, but when she realized Racules's "objective," she chose to live as his willing accomplice.
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Earth Empire Bugnarak An evil kingdom ruled by Desnarak VIII. After the overthrow of Desnarak VIII, it was reborn as the "Inbetween Land Bugnarak." Although it was once destroyed by the Uchu King Dagded, efforts to rebuild were continued in secret with Jeramie at the forefront.
Desnarak VIII: Ruler of the Bugnarak. Possessing the characteristics of an earthworm, he obtains nutrients from the soil and transforms them into his own energy. He met his end after being betrayed by Prime Minister Kamejim, but emerged from the Land of Death in the final battle. He worked together with the Royal Sentai and sent Kamejim to the Land of the Dead. Kamejim: Although he was the Prime Minister who served Desnarak VIII, he was actually the mastermind behind the battle between humans and Bugnarak, and was "Kamejim of Vanity" of the Uchu Five Jesters, who infiltrated Chikyu under the orders of Dagded. After that, he resumed his activities as Kamejim Unka. Daigorg: General of the Bugnarak who possesses the characteristics of a horned dung beetle. A hero to the Bugnarak, he contributed greatly to the unification of the underground world. He was revived through the technology of Shugoddam, but was defeated in a fierce battle with King Caucasuskabuto. Gerojim: A monster possessing the characteristics of a mayfly. By applying light refraction, he can mimic the appearance of a human. After being saved by Jeramie, he became loyal to him, and soon after was active as Jeramie's retainer, who had become the king of the "Inbetween Land Bugnarak."
Uchu Five Jesters A group of aliens led by the Uchu King Dagded. Up until now, they've led different species on numerous planets to conflict and destruction. With their sights set on Chikyu as their next target, they first attacked the Inbetween Land Bugnarak, and then launched a full scale attack to destroy all living beings on Chikyu.
Dagded Dujardin: The creator of all insect life forms. He has an invulnerable body that's immune to all attacks, and because of this, he always has time to speak and act in a way that belittles his opponents. For him, the destruction of other life forms is merely a form of "tidying up." Goma Rosalia: One of the Uchu Five Jesters known as "Goma of Suspicion." He possesses the characteristics of a longhorn beetle. He has the ability to swap any concept, from human minds to matter, and has swapped the bodies of the kings of six kingdoms. He unexpectedly died in battle after being brainwashed by Hilbill. Hilbil Leech: One of the Uchu Five Jesters known as "Hilbill of Enticement." She brainwashed the king's retainers and citizens, turning the human race on Chikyu into mobs. Finally, she brainwashed (it's implied) herself to become a giant in order to corner the King-Ohgers, but was ultimately defeated. Minongan Moth: One of the Uchu Five Jesters known as "Minongan of Concealment." Just as he looks, he's a "power fighter," with high offensive and defensive power. Angered by the defeat of Hilbil, he challenged the Royal Sentai to a battle in order to give him what he craved, but was defeated by the combined power of Kaguragi and Rita's "King's Proof." Grodie Leucodium: One of the Uchu Five Jesters known as "Grodie of Tranquility" He's the one responsible for causing the "Wrath of God." In order to defeat this "living corpse," the Royal Sentai implemented a strategy to bring him back to life. Grodie tried to bring upon the "Wrath of God" again, but was dealt the final blow.
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"Thank you for your support over the past year"
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Main Screenwriter Takano Minato Interview
"By the time this article is published, Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger's broadcast will have already finished airing. At this point (at the time of this interview), the writing process of the script may still be fresh in your mind, but how do you feel after writing a year long drama series?"
Takano: I'm clumsy by nature, so all I've been thinking about for the past year was "King-Ohger." I was just concentrating on the production. It's not an exaggeration to say that I was risking my life. That's why I feel so much attachment to it. In reality, I had to immediately start working on "King-Ohger VS Donbrothers" right after I finished the script for the final episode, so I didn't feel a sense of freedom (laughs), but I did feel a sense of accomplishment that I had made it to the end.
"So far, you've participated in the Kamen Rider series as one offs, but King-Ohger was the first time you participated in the Super Sentai series. Furthermore, it was the position of Main Writer……"
Takano: Toei's Producer Omori Takahito, who I worked with on "Kamen Rider Ex-Aid" and "Kamen Rider Zero-One," called me through his office, where I remember immediately saying, "I'll do it!" (laughs). For me, the most significant thing I had done before King-Ohger was the hour long drama "Shinhannin Flag," which ran for two quarters (half a year). That production was an original project for TV, it wasn't an adaptation, and one hour a month for half a year is about the same as 30 minutes a month over one year, right? I think I was lucky in terms of timing, as I was able to build such a track record.
"There were many challenging factors to the production of King-Ohger."
Takano: The first thing Omori-san told me was the concept of the project, "Everyone is part of the Royal Sentai. Furthermore, all of them are the strongest." Then, a switch was flipped and I thought, "Interesting!" We decided to have a brainstorming session, and on that day, I had created and submitted a complete set of ideas for the worldview of King-Ohger, the image for each country, character settings, and the overall series structure. At that point, I had already included the story surrounding the Uchu King and Racules. Looking back, it was like I had put everything I liked and had accumulated since childhood into it. For the main characters, with the exception of Gira, everything I wrote at the time went almost unchanged.
"What do you mean when you say accumulated?"
Takano: In the household I grew up in, TV and video games were prohibited when I was young, but because of my parents work, I was surrounded by children's literature, picture books, and the shonen manga that my father loved. I grew up devouring a variety of stories, so I was lucky to come across a project that allowed me to make use of that. I think that's why I was able to make it through the past year even though it was my first challenge in the Super Sentai series.
"You've created a magnificent worldview, but how did you feel when you first saw the completed footage?"
Takano: I was surprised. This was the first time for Toei to introduce virtual production in full, so I started writing the script early on, but then Omori-san told me, "You've written so much, but it may be impossible (to visualize it as imagined)." Here too I was like, "Well, you may be right……" And to be honest, I was also worried about how it would turn out. Over time, I wondered if he would eventually say something like, "We can't do this anymore, so let's stop." But, then I saw the footage, and those worries were blown away. Rather, I thought this would allow me to further expand my image. The CG assets (background materials) from each country were also excellent, which further increased my motivation.
"We were told by Director Kamihoriuchi Kazuya, who was the Main Director of the show, that the more Takano-san pushes himself, the better the script gets."
Takano: (laughs). He'd say things like……"Takamina, you only start scratching your head when you're getting serious." When I'm worried, I seem to scratch unconsciously. I think the first time I became numb to that person (Director Kamihoriuchi) was when we were finalizing the script for episodes 1 and 2, and there was a moment when the meeting stalled. At such times, because of my position, the Screenwriter often plays the role of communicator or someone who summarizes everyone's opinions, but when I tried to do so, he firmly said, "No, let's just think about making it interesting right now." That attitude had remained constant throughout. He's very particular about "creating interesting productions." When it comes to scripts, I stick to every last line until the very last minute before the submission deadline. Instead of motivating me, he just lets me write it until the end. It wasn't an easy task, but I could feel that it had become more interesting as I was revising it, and the Director was able to add the finishing touches to make it even better. I think that his uncompromising attitude had a great impact on the production. Just once, I'd like to see the Director make a movie with a budget of atleast 10 billion. I think he could make something amazing.
"Takano-san also visited the filming set as much as possible."
Takano: I myself used to have a theater company, and I just love the current state of creative production. I would look at the set with a feeling of respect, but it was also beyond my imagination. No one ever really talks about it, but everyone's passionate about it, they're all passionate about making something as "interesting as possible." Everything was so ingenious down to the finest detail, that it makes you think, "They'd really go this far?" So, no matter which episode you watch, it's already multiple times more interesting than the draft of the script. It was truly a rewarding job as a Screenwriter. It's not exactly Jeramie, but I included some "between the lines" in the script to think about. There was never a time when I thought, "This is wrong!" when looking at the footage created by those on set. It was more like, "Eh? You picked up on this here too?" I thought they were an amazing team, and I was again reminded of the beauty of "working together to create a work of art." I'll never forget the many warm words of encouragement I received from the staff on site.
"What do you think of the cast? Despite the large number of characters that appeared, we think that all of them became very lovable."
Takano: They were wonderful. What can be said in general is that everyone loved and nurtured their roles above all else. This is true not only for the main six, but also for Racules's Yano-san, and for everyone else who played a part as the retainers……It's all thanks to the cast that the roles expanded beyond what I originally had in mind. I used to do theater, so by getting to know them, I wanted to write scripts that brought out the best in the people performing them. So, when I went to the set, I actively talked to the cast. To give an example, when I asked Watanabe Aoto-kun, who plays Yanma, "Do you have any stories you want to do?," he said, "I've got alot" and he offered lots of ideas. Among them was a story about Yanma giving up everything for Shiokara, and I thought, "That might be good!" I expanded on it and wrote episode 35, "Don't Cry Slack Jawed Tanuki." Another thing was Rita's Hirakawa Yuzuki-chan, who said she wanted to "show her face," so I thought I'd write something with that.
"The enemy was changed from the Earth Empire Bugnarak in the first half, to the Uchu Five Jesters in the second half."
Takano: I also love villains, and even when I watch "Batman," I get emotionally invested with the Joker, so I was very particular about the evil setting. As for the Uchu King Dagded, I wanted him to be absolutely evil, so I decided not to explore any positive aspects of him. The Bugnarak arc was calculated backward from the Uchu Five Jesters arc, but I didn't want it to be a predictable development, so I put alot of thought into the order in which the monsters (Kaijim) would appear. It makes sense that Iragajim (episode 22) and Zarigajim (episode 24) appear at the end of the Bugnarak arc. Since Iragajim can steal Shugod Souls from the Shugods, which Bugnarak need to become gigantic, it was necessary to have him. And since Zarigajim was sent for the plan to destroy Chikyu, his appearance was timed that way. After that, there's the Uchu Five Jesters arc, and once again, all my favorite voice actors were cast (laughs), so I didn't want them to say anything meaningless, even if it was just one line of dialogue…..I was really happy because my favorite elements were included here as well (laughs).
"Please tell us how the final episode was created."
Takano: One climax was the story of Racules (episodes 42 and 43). There has always been some debate about how to conclude Racules, and one possible direction was to have him die, but if he died, he would become a hero. I felt that Racules, as a criminal, needed to pay for his past crimes, which is why it took the form you've all seen. In the following episodes, I again thought, "I'm not sure what I should write," but I decided to work on what I hadn't written yet by that point, and carefully complete them one by one. And so, episode 45 was about Kaguragi and Rita. I originally conceived Kaguragi and Rita as paired characters, but I wanted to rework that part of the story and include the issue of successors, which is inevitable in a story about kings. Then, episode 46 was about Hymeno and Jeramie. While also telling the story of their parents, I dealt with the issue of "life," as it's something those two have in common. Then, episode 47 is the reckoning of the "Wrath of God." The remaining three scripts were episode 48 to the final episode, which of course will be the story of defeating Dagded, but when it came time to decide what to do after that, Director Kamihoriuchi said, "Let's bring out everyone."
"Especially around episodes 49 and 50 (the final episode), the "Characters" section of the script was amazing."
Takano: The last three scripts were written as a way of "giving back" to various people. Even if it was just one word, I tried to write dialogue that would make all the cast members think, "I'm really glad to have been apart of this production." I felt the same way about the viewers, and I wanted to make them feel happy and enjoy watching King-Ohger all the way through to the end. It felt like I was writing a letter of gratitude to all of them.
"Being in charge of a one year drama series for the first time, especially a Sunday morning children's program, was there anything that you were careful about or anything you noticed?"
Takano: Since I don't have a family yet, I did some research with family members I know, but it seems that in reality, it's not easy to have the whole family sitting calmly in front of the TV the whole time during Sunday mornings. However, on the other hand, Toei's Super Sentai series and Kamen Rider series are among the few programs today that are mainly for children, but are also watched by their parents, so the idea was to create something that would be "interesting" to all audiences. So, of course I worked really hard on the aspect of it being a serial drama, but I also tried to include elements that could be enjoyed even if you watch only that episode during the weekly broadcasts. It was difficult to find a balance between it being worth watching as a serial drama and being interesting as a stand alone drama. The range of what I want to show is infinite, but that doesn't mean I should settle for the greatest common denominator, and I wanted to deliver something that was by no means mediocre. That's something I've always been aware of.
"Especially in the second half, we feel that this goal became more apparent. Dagded and the Five Jesters are so unique……(laughs). Normally, when a strong enemy appears, the story tends to go in a more serious and dark direction, but because the main enemy is a guy like that, the visuals of the strategies that are carried out can become funny. We're sure it would be easier to adjust the overall "taste" though."
Takano: I thought it was important to make a topic of conversation in that way, such as "the episode where the characters swap bodies" or, "the episode when the kings become children." No matter how exciting the main story may be, it's difficult to attract new viewers if it becomes contained, right? In recent years, I often see headlines like, "XX and XX have finally teamed up, and XX has been activated!" in online news articles, but for those who haven't seen it yet, It's just a bunch of words they don't understand (laughs). Instead, for example, using words like "trial by combat" or chosing a generic expression such as "sibling confrontation"……I was also particular about that. Then, as I mentioned earlier, there's the awareness of the target audience, which is family. Depending on their age, some children will enjoy different parts from their parents, so I was hoping that they would atleast find a character that they liked or that they could empathize with. If such a character exists, it's a reason to continue watching the show. I thought about this too, but I don't think it would have worked without the efforts of each of the cast members. For example, Douga-san was in a position where it was difficult to make him seem human, but I was inspired by Morioka Yutaka-san's performance, and later ended up writing the story about him looking for a job (laughs). Really, if I talk about each of these things one by one there is no end to it, and I feel that King-Ohger was a production that everyone worked on with a positive and pure passion.
"And finally, the story that'll be performed at the Final Live Tour is also written by Takano-san. We heard that the actual writing is still in the works….."
Takano: Since it's a stage play, It feels abit like I've returned home (laughs). However, since then, I've had the opportunity to write many scripts for movies and TV dramas and gained alot of experience, so I'd like to write what I can write because of who I am now, and what I write is because I'm in the world of King-Ohger. One thing I intentionally avoided in the TV series is that because they're kings, I basically didn't let them make choices like doing something in exchange for their lives. However, now that the kings have bonded with each other, I wonder if such a story is possible. Also, since it's a special stage performance, I'm thinking of ways to involve the audience as well. I hope that visitors who come to the venue will also become residents of "Chikyu" and participate in the story……Some completely different ideas are being thrown around, so I don't know what will happen yet (laughs), but I'll do my best to make sure you enjoy the stage version of King-Ohger as well!
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Staff Comments on episodes Main Writer Takano, Producer Kuji Producer Omori, Assistant Producer Takahashi Main Director Kamihoriuchi
Episode 1 Racules's favorite Takano-san's comment: Gira's a character who uses villainous language. I was really worried at whether he'd be liked or not. And then, what Director Kamihoriuchi and Sakai-kun created was that 30 seconds of silence. I was sure that it would be an impactful moment. I could feel the care and passion of all the people involved from every corner of the picture, and I was shaking with happiness knowing that I was going to work with such wonderful people on this production for a year.
Episode 2 Yanma's favorite
Episode 3 Takano-san's comment: A beautiful and glittering princess, and a strong and noble queen. Cute and cool coexisting. There was no need to give up on either. She won't flatter anyone. Still, she wants to protect and be protected, love and be loved. She'll make it all happen. Living selfishly. The character of Hymeno-sama was also the "prayer" for the girls who watched the show.
Episode 5 Rita's favorite Takano-san's comment: It was an unexpected challenge to put judgment in a children's program, but I remember how relieved I felt when we received the positive response. It was also a pleasant miscalculation to find that Rita-sama stuck with adults who have gone through the hardships of society.
Episode 10 Takano-san's comment: I really wrote this with the intention of it being the final episode. I wrote the opening remarks for Legend King-Ohgers descent first, and then wrote everything backwards from there. Thankfully, the response I received was good, but at the same time, I was cursed to go all out on writing opening remarks each time.
Episode 12 Takano-san's comment: It was reeeeeeally tough! Jeramie was difficult! We were all trying to figure out what to and what not to do, but Director Kamihoriuchi turned it all around in the end, and we ended up with the best Jeramie and story! We had to revise the entire script, which I had written up to about 20 episodes at that point, but it was alright!
Kuji-san's comment: The composition, dialogue, action and music…it's a good feeling to feel the bold yet subtle professionalism in every scene. Even reading between the lines was enjoyable, and I become excited no matter how many times I watch it.
Episode 14 Jeramie's favorite
Episode 19 Takano-san's comment: When the relentless and coldhearted Producer Omori said to me, "I want the words Ohsama Sentai to have significance," a "Huh?" flew out of my lips. It took me a whole day to get to the point where I could read "kotozama" (strange) as "kotosama." As a result, I'm really glad I went through all that trouble.
Episode 26 Takano-san's comment: I've loved villains since I was a kid. The true value of a villain is at the end of their life. I loved Desnarak-sama so much that I cried while writing it. It made me really happy when Producer Omori, who shows almost no emotion said, "I cried when I read your script."
Episode 27 Takano-san's comment: Even though it had been decided from the beginning that Dagded would appear, to the viewers, it was the sudden appearance of an unknown character. Furthermore, I had been begging with "Ishida Akira-san will work best," so when it really happened, I wrote the story as if I was put my life on the line. Thanks to the overwhelming visuals and great work done by Director Kamihoriuchi and the CG team, this was an appropriate opening for the new chapter.
Episode 29 Omori-san's comment: With the start of the second chapter, I think the arrangement of this episode, after the completely serious episode 27, and episode 28, which ignored everything and was comical, was actually key for the second half of the series. The unique coolness of Jeramie and his bond with the other kings was shown through a perfect balance of script and direction.
Episode 30 Hymeno's favorite
Episode 32-33 Omori-san's comment: I won't hide it, Ryusei-san was the first one to be given the OK for his appearance. These episodes were made possible because he was already scheduled to appear in the V-Cinext, so I think that's why everyone else also appeared.
Episode 33 Kuji-san's comment: The power of the Great and Mighty Lizards (Kyoryugers), whose bravery has increased over the past 10 years was amazing, but I realized that the charm of the kings is brought out even more when there are strong characters next to them. In any case, it was an extravagant episode.
Episode 35 Takano-san's comment: Aoto-kun said to me, "I want to do a story where I have to give up everything to protect just one person, Shiokara!" This episode was made possible thanks to Chiwata-kun's efforts to develop his character of Shiokara on set and his increasing popularity. I thought this was the best part of working together to create a long story. The last scene made me cry so much that it took me a while to write it.
Episode 37 Kaguragi's favorite Takano-san's comment: It's under the pretense of…a surprise performance by a married couple, but it was a profound human drama, and a dialogue heavy one. Honestly speaking, I thought it is insane to attempt through acting. It wouldn't have been possible if Kaku-san wasn't Kaguragi. I think this is one of those episodes that pushed the limits of morning tokusatsu programs for children.
Episode 38 Takano-san's comment: "I want to do something silly" is what I used to say when writing King-Ohger. It was also a phrase to keep my sanity in check, because if I was too serious, I'd lose sight of its essence as a children's show. This was the culmination of that. The argument of, "Why idols?" was one of the most serious topics that Producer Omori and Director Kamihoriuchi had ever had. Being silly must be taken seriously.
Episode 39 Takahashi-san's comment: The high level action was something that only King-Ohger can create. I think the action scene against Goma was an unprecedented challenge for a Japanese live action drama. I rewatched the 1 minute and 10 seconds of action countless times.
Episode 40 Omori-san's comment: This is the episode where we find out that Gira was born from the Uchu King. You may not have noticed it much, but even when depicting heavier themes, I made it a rule to "always end with a victory or them standing." Even if there's a wall, kings are the ones who always stand up.
Episode 41 Takahashi-san's comment: This is the episode where Racules shows his "real face" for the first time. The line from Racules became the subtitle of the episode. It's not an exaggeration to say that 40 episodes had been accumulated for this single line, so it was the ultimate "catharsis" for me when I heard it. Yano-san's performance was also wonderful.
Episode 42 Takano-san's comment: Although the truth about Racules had been decided before I wrote the first episode, the most important thing I kept thinking about was how to reveal it. I was on a walk while I was thinking about episode 8, when it came to me and I cried. I was absolutely determined that I would not die until I wrote this episode.
Episode 49 Gira's favorite Kamihoriuchi's comment: This is the "culmination" episode of King-Ohger, where the staff and cast were giving it their all.
Episode 50 Takano-san's comment: Episodes 48-50, those three episodes were written as a long final episode. It's a conclusion that couldn't have been written without a buildup, so I wrote this as a gift of gratitude to the cast, staff and viewers. I worked on the manuscript with Producer Omori and Director Kamihoriuchi until morning, and the selfie I took with the big smile on my face while shouting, "I did it!" is my treasure.
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Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger: Ancient Alphabetical Reference Table
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117 notes · View notes
animeyanderelover · 2 years
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Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusions, stalking, clinginess, jealousy, aggressive behavior, manipulation, controlling behavior, isolation, gaslighting, abduction, death
Yandere Demon Slayer Hc’s
Kamado Tanjiro
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❤️Caring, protective, nurturing. It might be no surprise that Tanjiro manages to worm his way into your heart and the heart of your family and friends thanks to his honest and compassionate nature. He’s always willing to help you with whatever you need and you find him often going the extra mile for you where he persistently insists that you don’t have to feel like you owe him anything since he loves helping you and will do it for free. Tanjiro certainly belongs on the more obsessed spectrum, comes to visit you whenever he can and recalls details about you most people wouldn’t bother to remember about you. Gifts you give him as a sign of gratitude and appreciation are greatly treasured by him but honestly, you could gift this boy a rock and he’d still love it since it’s from you. If it’s something small, he’ll carry it around everywhere with him as his personal lucky charm and destroying whatever you gave him is one of the few times Tanjiro will be genuinely angry.
❤️As already mentioned, Tanjiro is protective of his darling and his past has played a strong part into this. Frail health has taken his father from him and demons have taken almost the entire rest of his family from him and Tanjiro wouldn’t want to lose you too. He always looks out for your health and makes sure that you eat, drink and sleep enough and if he realizes, most likely due to his enhanced smell, that you’re unhappy or stressed because of something, he’ll insist stubbornly to assist you in any way he can so you can rest better. Demons are currently his biggest fear though so if he catches even a faint scent of them in the region where you live, he will grow a bit paranoid and beg you to not leave the house after the sun has set. Not until someone from the Demon Slayers has taken care of the man-eating demon at least. The existence of demons is a terrifying knowledge and if you’re yet unaware of it, Tanjiro will keep quiet about it for a while just to keep your image of the world intact. He’s terrible at lying though, especially to you so if you ever confront him about it due to the strange accidents and his fitting behavior, he’ll most likely end up admitting the truth to you.
❤️He’s patient, he’s considerate and Tanjiro also wants his darling to be happy. It would genuinely upset him to restrict his darling in their daily life, especially since he knows that cancelling their freedom would mean dulling their happiness and he couldn’t bear that. If his darling is happy, Tanjiro is happy too. Honestly, I feel like thanks to his sense of smell he might genuinely sniff out who has a crush on you or even loves you in which case you catch him being a bit more awkward, especially if you like the person a lot too. Unable to openly express it yet, Tanjiro swallows his jealousy for the moment though although it’s likely that he’ll admit his emotions later on. You most likely already know how he feels about you since he’s always keen on expressing his fondness and adoration for you. You catch him blurting out something to the other person the moment they act really affectionate and touchy, something that even catches him off guard.
❤️Tanjiro is usually a kind soul but he has been shown hating certain traits in people that manage to elicit an annoyed or even infuriated reaction out of him. He dislikes cowardice or overly barbaric behavior and responds accordingly. Since he is pretty hyper-focused on his darling, their health and happiness he is triggered the moment someone openly interferes with that and puts his darling under stress. It’s one thing doing it without knowing in which case Tanjiro will step in for his s/o and explain the situation but it’s another thing doing it without caring for you or with the intention of tormenting you. It’s one of the times where the thread of Tanjiro’s kindness just snaps and he reveals the brooding anger and resentment he often hides deep inside of him ever since Muzan attacked his family. He wouldn’t kill a human unless they commit a hideous crime due to his belief that those who have committed evil should be killed without mercy. A mindset he usually reserves for demons but transfers to humans if he should ever encounter someone like that due to you. Even his empathy for demons has never stopped him from beheading them and that stays true and strengthens after he falls in love with his darling.
❤️I do think that Tanjiro is aware enough to know that with certain actions he would harm you more than he would help you. He’s probably the type who is able to justify a good bunch of his behavior due to his overprotective side and also since he genuinely does things because he thinks that it will help you, kidnapping would mean caging you in though. He’d most likely feel to guilty to ever do that, not to mention that it would cause him to feel terribly about himself. That being said, if your life is at risk, he won’t hesitate to lock you away somewhere he hopes to be able to keep you safe and he’s especially frantic if you’ve been hurt already. Such restrictions don’t last long though, at least until the danger is over and your wounds have healed enough. Leaving him doesn’t have to necessarily end in an abduction but you’ll find Tanjiro certainly not leaving your life fully either as he lingers around.
❤️He wants to introduce Nezuko to you and she most likely wants to meet you too since her brother often tells her about you. He’s scared though that you might be afraid of his sister since she’s a demon. Inosuke and Zenitsu are bound to find out after a while too, Zenitsu with his enhanced hearing is able to hear quite literally Tanjiro’s heart going crazy in his chest when he sees you. Both are deep down happy for him but obviously express it in their own unique ways, Zenitsu probably at first in a fit of jealousy since he’s still single. If you live in the city you would rather keep Tanjiro close by your side since he grew up in the country and is almost all the time completely overwhelmed with all the lights and inventions he’s never seen before in his life. Househusband potential, every time you take him home with you, he’s guaranteed to either clean the house for you, fix something or just cook for you and he enjoys doing it for you.
Hashibira Inosuke
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🐗He’s been raised in the wildness so you can expect Inosuke to be terribly oblivious to the wrongness of his own obsession once he actually realizes that his feelings for you go deeper. Surely he loves having you around, gets irritated when he doesn’t know where you are, gets mad when someone else tries to consume your time and goes beyond and even further so you praise him since it makes his abdomen tingle but it’s not anything more than that, right? Tanjiro and Zenitsu probably try to teach him what he feels but initially he doesn’t pay them much mind since love is a foreign word for him to grasp yet. It isn’t until he nearly lost his darling, be that in the literal sense or because of an admirer they also like a lot, does he finally begin to understand how much he wants his darling. Unable to know how to deal with it, he acts even more short-tempered and aggressive around others as he starts seeing anyone as a possible rival except your own family. He’s delusional due to his misconception of how love should work and also terribly possessive over you.
🐗Once Inosuke has come to understand that you are like the missing half of his heart, he instantly starts seeking you out even more intensely than he did before. There’s this primal fear that anything could happen if he isn’t with you or that someone else might try to gain your affection so he always tries to be with you. He’s not even bothering to stalk you and let’s be honest, he wouldn’t be even half-decent in it either. No, instead he’s loud and causes multiple heads to turn to your direction as he becomes incredibly clingy. You better keep a close eye on him or otherwise he will provoke someone and get into a conflict, even if this is initially not his intention. Inosuke is essentially your personal guardboar at one point and he calls himself quite often your personal protector with a puffed out chest. All his confident talk outside though, Inosuke is genuinely worried for his darling, especially since demons are everywhere. He seems to think that he’s best suited to protect you though which leads to him rejecting anyone else helping you and also seems to tie into his delusions since he justifies his whole clingy behavior with the fact that he has to protect you.
🐗Considering that he was raised by boars, Inosuke interprets things a lot more different than those who have been raised in the human society so he doesn’t even know what the concept jealousy truly means. He’s defending what’s most precious to him in his eyes, from dangers and love rivals alike. He runs highly on jealousy though as one glance can be enough to set him off and have him shouting at someone and challenging them to a fight to settle things in the only manner he has learned. He has a superiority complex in some ways as he tends to overestimate his abilities. His darling probably has to explain to him what the word jealousy even means and even then he will strongly deny this word being used for him since he connects it with insecurities to not be able to defend and protect his love. His jealousy is as obvious as it can get though with his aggressive shouting and the annoyed feeling in his chest when his darling compliments and praises someone else. Inosuke has things he just isn’t skilled in and the way he was raised is mostly to blame but his pride would never take that so he’s relentless to challenge anyone to a duel to show that he’s better, to prove to you that he’s the best to keep you safe.
🐗He’s bound to stand out due to his aggressive and loud way of behaving and it definitely has happened more than just once that he scared someone away thanks to his antics. This overall aggression doesn’t imply that Inosuke is someone to hurt just anyone though. With time, although with difficulties, he learns to warm up more to other people and acknowledge others besides him. His possessive and jealous side never fades though nor does his confident and aggressive side, he’s as attached as ever. Despite being a hothead though, Inosuke is perceptive when it comes to picking up people with bad intentions or not, especially when it comes to the people you see in your daily life. Demons are never really a problem and Inosuke also keeps vengeful grudges when it comes to humans who have wronged you in which case he doesn’t believe them to deserve mercy and will be convinced that his violent ways of dealing with such people is justified.
🐗It’s not uncommon that Inosuke drags you away whenever he seems fit for multiple reasons. Either he wants to be a show-off and wants your praise, because you’ve spent too much time with someone else or because of some other petty reason. He isn’t even afraid to just break into your own house and act like it’s his own too which probably is true in his own mind. Generally speaking though Inosuke is capable of locking his darling away and that is also partially because he doesn’t know that it’s wrong. It’s never forever though since he lacks the proper skills to take fully care of you. Cases of him locking his darling away happen during times of danger where he just wants his s/o out of danger or when they try to cut ties with him which he eventually realizes and which strikes his possessive side horribly. He isn’t able to understand why you would want to leave him either, his whole behavior isn’t anything suspicious in his own mind.
🐗With no knowledge of what personal boundaries are, Inosuke touches his darling on numerous occasions. He’s quite rough with everything at the beginning and might hurt you by accident at times when he grabs you too harshly or pulls you back to his side. Some of the affection you show him, he probably doesn’t even realize as such due to his upbringing. It needs patience and time to really be able to keep up with Inosuke thanks to his impulsive, loud and aggressive ways but what is undeniable is that Inosuke holds a deep affection for you. He knows your name after all and doesn’t constantly call you by the wrong name. He always tells you about things he did and expects you to praise him for it. A bit nicer when his own friends are around his darling though if they stare at his s/o too long, Inosuke tends to get the wrong idea again which ends in the typical aggressive provocation of his for a fight. His darling is the only one who can keep some level of control over him but only a bit.
Tomioka Giyu
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🌊Giyu has never been exceptionally talented when it comes to interacting with other people as he is stoic and a man of few words. He’s someone who keeps his distance and this reason alone already sets him up as the silent stalker of his darling. Something he is quite talented in so you probably never notice that there is a young man following you around. Besides his reserved nature, Giyu has other reasons to stay away from you though. He’s perceptive of his own emotions and figures out his crush before it spirals down into an obsession. He’s ashamed of letting his emotions escalate into the more obsessive spectrum, doesn’t want to face you. Partially you also just make him too flustered as his emotions for you are strong enough to throw him out of his composure and Giyu doesn’t want you to know about his growing feelings. To top it all, Giyu sort of fears that he somehow might drag you into danger if he were to stay with you. He’s a Demon Slayer, he risks his life killing demons and wants to keep you out of a world you probably don’t even know exists. He’s lost so many important people in his life after all, he doesn’t want to lose you.
🌊He doesn’t think of himself too highly either, is even quite insecure since he doesn’t know if his darling would even like someone like him as he recalls Shinobu’s teasing about nobody liking him and it suddenly gets to him. Giyu stays for such a long time just in the shadows of your life, silently yearning for someone he believes he shouldn’t have as there is no guarantee that he might even live a long life and additionally thinks is far too good for him. Yet every smile you give him when you see him or thoughtful gesture you do for the quiet male haunts him as his emotions silently wail out for him to do something. He spends days on end contemplating his problems alone as he doesn’t want anyone else to know about it. He knows they’ll find out eventually but it’s too early for him yet. The decision to stay is made when he has realized that you genuinely want him in your life and the wavering thought, more like slightly desperate hope, that he might still be deserving of something in his life.
🌊Giyu is one of those people who many have a hard time reading and when it comes to jealousy, that’s no different. His face just rarely changes, if at all. I do think that Giyu is someone who doesn’t hold jealousy in a very high regard since it causes people to not think logically and instead let their mind get clouded by their possessive feelings. The Hashira doesn’t want to act that way around his darling and frankly spoken, he doesn’t consider himself worthy either. Insecurities do get the better of him but he often blames it on himself for not being able, or rather be too afraid and ashamed, to act on his own feelings. He stuffs all possible jealousy down as good as he can and chooses silent suffering instead. Even in a relationship he will never show his jealousy openly but you do realize the way his blue eyes constantly wander back and forth between you and your companion before going back to look at you. After a while he completely avoids looking at all to not make it unnecessarily hard for himself. You can expect Giyu to keep on glancing at you for the rest of the day though because even though he isn’t admitting it loudly, he silently craves some validation in form of affection.
🌊I believe that there’s going to be an increase in Giyu’s protective behavior and that is because he unravels with more time with what his darling provides him and what they actually mean to him. Giyu’s trust and honestly is not easy to earn, not with someone as stoic and silent as him, someone who shows his emotions to only few people. Once you have carefully and slowly peeled off the layers of him, Giyu finds himself relying a lot on you. You’re basically his emotional support pillar, when he has a problem or something deeply bothers him, he often visits you to gain tranquility as your presence alone is peaceful and the affection and words of affirmation you give him soothe his soul. Because of this reliance on you, one that might sometimes dangerously border the line of co-dependence, his obsession worsens. He’s keeping most of the time his composure and is by no means violent but he hates people who don’t know their own limitations and don’t respect your limits either and makes sure to let them know about their inconsiderate actions. If someone harms his loved one, Giyu’s masks cracks though and he expresses rage.
🌊He’s respecting his s/o too much for any low actions like abduction and he’s deep down also frightened to his core that his darling might end up loathing him. Even if this reaction makes perfect sense in his head when he thinks about it, something about it disturbs him deeply and that might just be the result of the strong emotional reliance he has on you. As someone with a high sense of moral and justice the drastic measurement of an abduction seems and feels wrong in every way so the chances are low for Giyu to cut off your freedom, especially since he never knows if he’s even going to come back from a very dangerous mission. In case Giyu feels like your relationship with him is at stake, he finds himself often going with a mix of manipulation and sabotage, in drastic cases of you getting injured or a demon haunting your village at night with a spontaneous move of his. Only temporarily of course, only until Giyu has removed any demon and has cooled off his overprotective side enough to let you go back.
🌊Give this man some appreciation and validation because despite his lack of words, Giyu is in desperate need of it. He has a strong inferiority complex and, to make matters worse, survivor guilt so he often doubts himself. His darling on the other hand shows him affection and lets him know that he’s worth it in their eyes and he can’t even begin to express how grateful he is. His overall lack of skills in expressing himself vocally does fill him with guilt, not to mention that he can’t handle too much physical affection either, especially in public. He gets flustered far too easy, even if only a tinge of pink on his cheeks might give him away after his stoic mask slowly slips away. Giyu is big in gift-giving as a way to compensate for his lack of affection in other areas. From kimonos and haoris to hair ornaments to more thoughtful things like your favorite flowers and meals. With the affection you give him, Giyu truly isn’t picky either. Hearing you saying that you love him and want him fills him with indescribable happiness but really just anything to let him know that you adore and love him makes him want to protect someone as precious as you even more.
Rengoku Kyojuro
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🔥Kyojuro is someone who his darling might struggle with mainly because he is so cheerful and eccentric to the point it’s almost painful. It’s not like the male Hashira is someone who lets himself get easily dragged down if you’re a bit freaked out by him. Because, for better or worse, Kyojuro has a damaging delusional streak going on. He tends to make assumptions quickly but that isn’t what makes him such a delusional guy. It’s rather his almost unshakable belief that his darling and him are some sort of soulmates and that his hard work to woo them will pay off at one point in time. His delusions might also be tied into the fact that his s/o might neither be someone who fights demons nor even knows about their existence. His philosophy is that the strong ones have to protect the weak ones and despite all the praise and encouraging words the man gives you, at the end of the day he still deems you, even if subconsciously, as someone he has to protect since you wouldn’t last against a demon.
🔥You might believe that he is from honest nature but Rengoku is actually more manipulative than probably even he realizes. This is to blame once again on his conviction that everything he does, he does for you. He is pure of heart and genuinely thinks that what he does, he does to ensure that you’re happy and healthy. The problem is that he’s almost deaf to your own little protests whenever he dominates your life and makes decisions for you and at one point you simply stop complaining and swallow all down. He can’t be reasoned with or at least only hardly and surely someone like Rengoku really only wants the best for you, right? Whether Rengoku or even you realize it, due to him dominating your life so greatly and always insisting that he helps you with everything he can, he pushes you into relying on him until running to him in search of advice and protection has become a dangerous habit of yours. Kyojuro on the other hand notices that you rely on him and takes it the wrong way which only results in him being even more with you since you always search for him when something pops up.
🔥He’s amiable but problems can pop up since you definitely aren’t the only one who tends to be overwhelmed with his antics. Despite of that his honest and pure nature makes it hard to not like him. Rengoku respects family a lot, his own and the one of his darling too since they took care of them and raised them to the best they could. He goes actively out of his way to get on good terms with people you call precious in your life. Not for any manipulative reasons but more because he sincerely wants to befriend those who are people you love and who have helped you through hardships in your life. He’s charismatic and his courtship makes it obvious in what relationship you two are as of now and where it’s probably headed. That alone makes most back away, additionally Rengoku’s antics might be, as already mentioned, a bit tiring. If someone still tries during the stages of courtship, he gets quite fierce but not in an aggressive way but more in a ‘the better may win’ way, although thanks to his delusional streak he is confident that his effort will pay off. In an established relationship on the other hand he steps up quickly and puts his foot down since his darling is already his.
🔥He detests demons as most Hashira do although he has shown understanding with Nezuko due to her defending innocent people. Demons are never a big problem and with humans Kyojuro is more lenient. Given his large protective streak though, he is quick to put people into their place if they wrong you in any way and demands almost all the time that they apologize to you. Worst is that he’s so persistent with it in a way that borders the line of creepy and scary. If his morals happen to clash with those who cause you the trouble, his friendliness leaves him for a bit although his boasting words and eccentric behavior stays intact although there’s a hint of something more creepy now. You definitely don’t want to harm Kyojuro’s s/o though since he’s ready to go through hell and back to ensure their safety.
🔥Strangely enough the man with a straightforward and pure heart is the one who almost pushes you into a forced life with him. Kyojuro leads you on in your life, he is always there to care for you and dote on you that even you don’t know anymore what the true relationship between you two is. Everyone else on the other hand already sees Rengoku as your affectionate and caring husband and the Fire Hashira never claims those statement as wrong. This only causes you to get stuck deeper into the predicament and the more you struggle, the deeper you seem to sink. You’re not surprised when Kyojuro asks you one day to live with him with promises of only loving you and providing for you. You might hesitate, you might even reject and he would accept after questioning you why you don’t want to but this only saves you temporarily. The question is out now after all, he will ask you again soon and you better be careful to not deny him for too long.
🔥The man is like a small flame entering your life and spending you warmth, comfort and protection. His obsession fuels his flames though until the fire he is becomes too much for you to handle and engulfs your life almost completely. You probably know that you’ve grown too dependent on the man who might by now already be your husband but you also have forgotten how to be without him. He would never understand your reasons even if you would decide to leave him, he doesn’t see this relationship as indirectly toxic as you do. Instead he would brush it off as you not feeling well or something else bothering you in which case he would try to soothe you and push you into relying on him even more. Kyojuro showers his s/o in his love and affection, often buys them sweet little gifts and gives them long and big hugs. He introduces you relatively early to his family and whilst Shinjuro doesn’t care greatly for you, Senjuro quickly grows to adore you.
Kibutsuji Muzan
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🩸An inflated ego and delusion of his own self-worth have resulted into Muzan seeing himself as a natural disaster, as almost perfect if it wouldn’t be for his inability to walk through sunlight. This twisted view of his own worth coupled with the low opinion he has on everyone else leads him to the brink of a rage rampage when he notices that he, the king of demons, has fallen for an itty bitty mortal human. It infuriates him, hurts his ego as he can’t believe that he would ever sink so lowly. The blame lies never in him though, instead Muzan makes you to the scapegoat of all his ire and frustration, plots the most gruesome deaths only for them to stay on his mind and never be put into action. Something holds the man back, controls him almost and this sensation of weakness, of a human having control over him to such an extent, has Muzan spiraling down into another silent rage. His mood is terrible and the smallest thing could set him off at any moment. He loathes the thought of not being in control as he desires to take it back from you and instead have you submitting to him.
🩸You’re a possession of Muzan which means that he expects others to know not to touch and also expects you to know who you belong to. Obviously you’re never made an equal but instead seen as a precious little human pet he happens to fancy, something you should be grateful for in his mind. You’re secluded and isolated as he wants to be the only one to see you and intends to push you with isolation into despair and submission. You know firsthand how cruel and manipulative he is as he can essentially switch back and forth between being a cold-blooded and callous man who torments you, removes everyone you have ever loved from the living to have you pay for any disobedience and disrespect to a sweeter and more doting man who coaxes you into giving up and accepting your new role. After all he only rewards good behavior. He has long given up on morals and rightful acting as he only acts on his own selfish desires so even if he can assume from your reaction that you’re utterly terrified of him, he couldn’t care less and on the worst days he’ll treat your anxiety and fear like a nuisance as he has neither the motivation nor the patience to care for your own irrelevant feelings.
🩸Now how can you make him jealous if you only have him to be with? Do you even dare to make Kibutsuji Muzan himself jealous? Only if you’re prepared for the consequences, my dear. With no remorse and consideration whatsoever, the only thing you can expect is that a head will very soon roll on the ground and a irked Muzan confronting you and punishing you for your naïve and stupid behavior. There’s nothing to gain from this petty action, not if Muzan is the one terribly obsessed with you. He has acquired the admiration and fear of all of his subordinates and his darling won’t be any exception. They’ll learn to submit, to lower their head and gaze at him as if he’s the incarnation of god himself. If there’s anyone who lingers on your mind and encourages your rebellious action, Muzan will be sure to serve you their severed limbs as a cruel reminder that you have nothing to hope for anymore. You’re his, silly thing. Just accept that or you’ll be submitted to his anger.
🩸All too unwilling to dirty his own hands and often not even considering the act of murdering a human as worth a second of his time, Muzan has demons bowing down to him and following his every demand. One snip of his fingers and they’ll be there for him to follow his every command. He’s all too clear to you about being ready to punish everyone you love if you make even one tiny mistake, will even drag innocent people into your problems. He torments you with the lives he takes as he always blames you for the death of everyone, presents you with the humans who will have to pay for your mistakes to the point where you’re on your knees and beg him for mercy only to witness another human being slaughtered. Life besides his own matters not to Muzan as he views it as insignificant, you make up a small exception. You have all reasons to be terrified, my dear. If you aren’t careful, you’ll have no one left to return to besides Muzan.
🩸Thousands of years has he wandered through the land, has worked on his ambitions to be perfect. You should believe that the art of patience should be essentially integrated into Muzan yet this is new. This strange feeling blossoming deep inside his heart with roots drilling through his being too deeply to ever remove is new. He doesn’t know what he should do with you as he can’t kill you for you clutch his heart too tightly in your own hands. He strives to win back the control and dominance you took from him and keep you under control by having you submit to him. Once Muzan has begrudgingly realized that for the first time in his life he longs for something else besides immortality and perfection, for someone, he becomes insatiably greedy and incredibly impatient. Your abduction is the start of hell for you as you are thrown into a world you probably never knew about before with a man who claims you to be his secret treasure from now on.
🩸You’re the demon king’s well-hidden secret. Every demon who finds out about you will be immediately slaughtered and the small exception might be the group of the Upper Moons but even they will be harshly punished if they dare to take a look at you. I imagine that darling is utterly terrified as they have no idea where they even are and every step they take through the strange rooms only seems to bring them back where they started. There are luxuries you have access to the moment you start pleasing your captor with your well-behaved words and actions. Life is easier for you that way as you are showered with riches and jewels although you will never get your freedom or the right to be seen as equal back. You shouldn’t even dare to suggest such a ridiculous and outrageous thing in front of Muzan. Have you forgotten who is standing in front of you? He becomes more tender-hearted if you stay docile and obedient but never forget that his love for you won’t stop him from punishing you or let mistakes of you slide. Don’t get ahead of yourself, darling. He won’t ever allow himself to give you so much control over him.
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thewertsearch · 6 months
TG: just one question TG: and please just drop your fucking justice riddles and be honest TG: do i ever make the god tier […] GC: V3RY W3LL, 1 W1LL STOP TORM3NT1NG YOU D4V3 GC: NO, YOU DONT
It seems increasingly clear that John will be the only member of his team to bear the mantle of godhood. We still don't really know what boons this grants you, but I can make some educated guesses.
I assume, at least, that your aspect powers are greatly enhanced, and you gain more conscious control over then. For John, this will mean full command over The Windy Thing, which was incredible enough to start with. He has the potential to be a serious powerhouse.
What would a God Tiered Dave look like, though? He hasn't displayed any aspect abilities yet, as all of his time shenanigans have been the result of alchemy. It's possible he'll simply unlock time travel without the turntables, but that's a little boring. There's a whole world of other time manipulation abilities out there, and I hope he'll be able to broaden his repertoire eventually.
The trolls streamrolled their entire session without the God Tiers - which is kind of weird, when you think about it. If you can trivialize the game with alchemy and Echeladder levels alone, what are the God Tiers even for? They're starting to seem like overkill.
I suspect, then, that they're intended to be used in the postgame.
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Even before ascending, John was able to create hurricanes on the scale of cities. As he is now, I wouldn't be surprised if he could affect the weather of an entire planet at once - which is something a God Tiered player may have reason to do, after entering their new universe.
Yup - it's the old 'Sburb is for terraforming' theory again, on a much grander scale this time. The God Tiers might just be for sculpting planets.
You need your dream self in order to ascend, which explains why John's the only one who pulled it off. Jade's is already dead, and Rose is planning on sacrificing hers to the Tumor. Dave's the only other person who could do it, but we now know that he won't.
Come to think of it, Jade might actually have a shot, since her dead Dream Self is a candidate for prototyping. The problem is that if Dream Jade comes back to life, she might not be a Dream Self anymore. Trying to perform the God Tier ritual with a sprite is exactly the sort of rule-bending that got them into this mess in the first place.
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Hell, Terezi forewarned us against exactly this scenario!
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elexaria · 7 months
teenage! brother’s best friend! johnny and simon ⁉️
you aren’t fond of secondary school for the most part. it wouldn’t be half as bad if you could hang out with si and johnny, but they’re two years above you. year nine is the worst year for you so far, and year eleven seems rocky for both johnny and simon. its safe to say that tensions are a little high.
you take a seat outside during lunch, nestled up in the crook of the playground that faces the muga— it lets you pry into what the boys get up to when you’re not around.
it’s weird watching simon’s social life, when he’s not having to hide you under his wing like the protective big brother he is. he’s still stoney faced but… he seems a lot more boisterous and talkative, that’s for sure. he seems to take football with the lads pretty seriously, talking strats with his team before the next kickoff. a couple of them shoot glances at each other behind his back, finding humour in how into the game he is.
and then there’s johnny, talking absolute shite on the pitch, unable to stop waffling between his powerful lunges towards the pitch. he’s halfway through a rant about his recent grade in religious studies when he completely misses the goal. the majority of his team are groaning, meanwhile he’s still pensive and wound up about his grades. how has he managed to get a D in religious studies, he’s a catholic for fucks sake!
besides, you know that football isn’t really johnny’s thing. he’s more of a rugby lad, which simon likes to tease him about.
“oh yeah? i think you’re just lookin’ for an excuse to be surrounded by big sweaty men, ‘ent you, johnny boy?”
“shite off, monsi. yer just jealous ye don’t get tae see me all sexy like on the pitch, aye?”
(admittedly, you do have to give credit to johnny where it was due, he did look sexy when playing rugby. you and simon once went to one of his practice matches and simon was baffled when he turned to face you and you were all red faced.)
you eat your sandwich while continuing to observe the boys, feeling a pang of gratitude for having them in your life. they were good lads, especially simon. and when your small group of friends finally escaped their detention and made their way to your little alcove in the playground, your appreciation for the boys was greatly enhanced when they all started to fuss over them. well, kind of. any gross lovey dovey shit over simon was unappreciated.
“guys, gross. that’s my brother you’re talking about!”
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mathmodder · 5 months
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Get Wild & Ocean Life Test Phase Version 2.0
Hello, nature lovers and marine life enthusiasts! I'm excited to share with you the new testing version of GetWildMOD & OceanLifeMOD, bringing some significant updates.
What's New:
In this version, we've achieved a 100% optimization of the spawners. Now, you'll see animals appearing in a much more optimized way, and the exciting news is, it now works with Smooth Patch!!! No more CAS problems and lag. Of course, I still need to make some small adjustments, but if everything goes well this month, the mod will be released!!!
How to Test:
Remove Previous Versions: As this is a new release, it's crucial to delete all files from the previous testing version to ensure the proper functioning of this update.
Optional Addon: Replace Enhanced Butterflies Mod: If you have my Enhanced Butterflies mod installed, replace the files "Butterflies Merge 1 (Math Mod)", "Butterflies Merge 2 (Math Mod)", and "Glowy Butterfly (Math Mod)" with these three addon files: "Butterflies Merge 1 (GetWildMod Addon Math Mod)", "Butterflies Merge 2 (GetWildMod Addon Math Mod)", and "Glowy Butterfly (GetWildMod Addon Math Mod)".
Optinal Addon: Install Additional Files: Install the "Falling Leaves 1 (Math Mod)", "Falling Leaves 2 (Math Mod)", "Fog Merge (Math Mod)", and "Wind (Math Mod)" if you don't have them yet from the Enhanced Butterflies mod or other mods that I've made that include these same files.
Important Note:
Please be aware that this is a testing release. If you encounter any issues or have feedback to share, I would greatly appreciate your contribution to improving this experience for everyone. Chat with me on Tumblr or Patreon!
This is just the beginning of an exciting journey to bring life to our virtual worlds. I'm eagerly looking forward to hearing about your experiences and seeing how this addition transforms your adventures!
Download the new testing version of GetWildMOD & OceanLifeMOD on Patreon! Math Modder | The Sims 3 Mods and MO-MO-MORE! | Patreon
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Fake dating with Reo would entail…
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… Reo who is fed up with all the tabloids speculating about his private life; as a world class striker and only heir to Mikage Corporation, he is one of the most coveted bachelors out there a fact greatly enhanced by his good looks; article after article portraying a new apparent sighting of an alleged fling week after week
… you, the barista at his regular coffee shop, dreaming of a brighter future where you could live comfortably without working your ass off, the person who could make his order just the way he liked it and always graced him with a genuine smile instead of falling all over themselves in his presence like others
… Reo who is already dreading the end of the year sports gala, undoubtedly flooded with reporters and paparazzi just waiting to tear into the latest gossip or scandal like starving hyenas; after always showing up on his own the last years -and with the current rumors floating around- he knows he has to put an end to this
… you who is more than just speechless when the Reo Mikage pulls you aside and asks you to accompany him as his date to the event in exchange for a handsome sum of money; you’re not a person in the public eye, you’re no one from his personal life and you’re not the kind of person Reo would fall for, he’s sure of it
… Reo who takes you shopping, making the shop assistant bring evening wear after evening wear until he finds one he deems fit to stand next to him on the red carpet, completing the look with the fitting shoes and accessories, swiping his card without blinking an eye
… you, whose eyes nearly roll out of your head as you catch a glimpse of the price tags, only to go completely slack jawed when he invites you to his house -which is more of a mansion anyway- to discuss your dating history in case somebody asks
… Reo who can’t tear his eyes away from your smile when you laugh at one of his sarcastic statements and who blames it on the emptying wine bottle on the table between you
… you whose face heats up as you avert your eyes when you find his gaze already on you instead of on his tablet and who blames their racing heart on the glass in front of you
… Reo who picks you up the day of the gala, gently fixing your necklace and straightening your attire, cupping your face and making you meet his bright eyes as he notices you nervously fiddling with your hands
… you who gives him a reassuring smile, telling him that everything will be fine, it’s only for a couple of hours, right? before getting into the back of the black car on wobbly legs, door held open for you by the driver
… Reo who gives the cameras a stunning smile as he exits the far side of the car, waving to the crowd who fully expects him to walk up the stairs in front of him on his own instead of striding over to the other door
… you who timidly takes the hand offered to you as the crowd goes wild, grateful to Reo for linking your arms as you’re blinded by the flashing lights, trying to put on a confident smile
… Reo whose stomach churns at the way you’re laughing with his teammates and friends at the table, irritated and confused by his own feelings; who turns his head as you show that pretty smile to Isagi of all people
… you who notices the way Reo seems to be brooding but assumes it’s because of boredom with the gala, squeezing his arm and offering an encouraging grin as if to say ‘only a few more hours’ despite the way your chest tightens at the thought
… Reo who offers you to stay at his house for the night to shelter you from the countless tabloids and to make your story more believable; who quickly takes a hold of your arm and pulls you closer to him as you say goodbye to your new acquaintances
… you who shyly asks to borrow his clothes because you don’t have any spare clothes at his house, finding an odd sense of comfort in the scent of the borrowed body wash and comfortable fabric after an exhausting night of socialising and public appearances
… Reo whose breath hitches as he stops scrolling through social media -your [faked] relationship being the biggest talk online- as you gingerly step into his living room, draped in his shirt and shorts and who invites you to watch a movie with him before he can stop himself
… you who settles on the opposite end of his luxurious couch, humming along to whatever movie Reo picked, trying to keep your heavy eyes open
… Reo who slightly jumps at the weight slumping against his shoulder as he notices the way both of you had seemingly inched closer to each other and who couldn’t find it in himself to push you off of him but does adjust your position to be more comfortable; who, for a second, contemplates taking you to his room instead of the guest bed as your rhythmic breathing lulls him to drowsiness as well
… you who wakes up in the guest bedroom the next morning and feels somewhat defeated despite this being exactly what was agreed upon; who pulls themselves out of bed and follows the smell of coffee into the kitchen only to find Reo already making breakfast
… Reo who greets you with a genuine smile as he tells you to take a seat and perfectly plates the eggs and bacon for both of you; who is torn from his thoughts about asking you to play along for a little longer -to keep up appearances- as his phone goes off
… you whose eyes widen as Reo reads out the message of his parents, inviting him and his partner to a dinner to get to know each other
… Reo who leaves out the part about his parents actually telling him to come alone and to break this relationship off in favour of an engagement with the heir of another big business corporation
… Reo who already plans to show up to said dinner with you on his arm and a sparkling ring on your finger
… all pretend, of course
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yes, this is a personal attack against @pricelesstecrs
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magickkate · 2 months
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Today, let's look into three essential practices in witchcraft: cleansing, uncrossing, and banishing. Understanding these differences can enhance your spellwork and help you achieve more precise outcomes. So, grab your favorite herbal tea, and let's explore these concepts together!
Purpose: Removing negative energy and restoring balance.
When to Use: Before rituals, after intense emotional experiences, when feeling energetically heavy, or to maintain a positive atmosphere.
Smoke Cleansing: Use ethically sourced herbs like lavender, rosemary, or mugwort. Avoid palo santo and white sage due to their cultural significance and environmental concerns.
Sound Cleansing: Bells, singing bowls, or clapping hands can break up stagnant energy.
Water Cleansing: Spritzing charged water or using a cleansing bath with salt and herbs.
Crystal Cleansing: Selenite and clear quartz are great for absorbing negative energy.
Example: Before starting a ritual, you might walk around your space with a lavender bundle, allowing the smoke to cleanse any residual negativity and create a sacred space for your work.
Purpose: Breaking hexes, curses, or unwanted magical influences.
When to Use: When you suspect someone has cast a negative spell on you, or you’re experiencing bad luck or unexplained misfortune.
Herbal Baths: Use a mixture of hyssop, rue, and salt in a bath to cleanse yourself of crossed conditions.
Candle Work: Light a black candle dressed with uncrossing oil, focusing on breaking any negative influences.
Spells: Recite uncrossing prayers or chants while performing your chosen method.
Example: If you feel that someone has cast a hex on you, you might prepare a bath with hyssop and salt, soaking while visualizing the negative energy dissolving away.
Purpose: Expelling unwanted entities, energies, or people from your life.
When to Use: When dealing with persistent negative forces, toxic relationships, or unwanted spirits.
Banishing Spells: Write the name or description of what you want to banish on paper and burn it while chanting your intention.
Salt Circles: Create a circle of salt around the area you wish to protect, effectively keeping unwanted energies out.
Herbs and Crystals: Use protective herbs like garlic and basil or crystals like black tourmaline and obsidian.
Example: To banish a toxic person from your life, write their name on a piece of paper, anoint it with banishing oil, and burn it while stating your intention to remove their influence from your life.
Key Differences
Cleansing focuses on removing general negative energy and maintaining a balanced atmosphere.
Uncrossing specifically targets breaking curses, hexes, or other intentional magical attacks.
Banishing is about expelling specific unwanted energies, entities, or individuals.
Understanding these distinctions can greatly enhance your magical practice, helping you choose the right method for the right situation. Remember, your intention and focus are the most powerful tools in any of these practices.
Blessed be!
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harvestmoss · 12 days
🌹 Love & Sex Magic Basics
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Some good knowledge to have in the back of the mind when performing love and sex magic, alone or with others, yourself or for others. Sex and love magic often work together.
As always, I do not want minors on these posts, this is an 18+ only post.
Blog post include...
TIME - The best times to cast love and sex magic.
SPACE - The best places to performance.
TOOLS - Great talismans and objects to have near you when performing.
COLOURS - Best colours to use.
NUMBERS - Numbers use and to invoke.
WATERS - Spell waters to use for enhancements.
OILS - Spell oils best suited for love and sex magic.
BOTANICALS & APHRODISIACS - Flowers, herbs, foods, etc. These are the botanicals to use for love and sex magic, especially the aphrodisiac ones.
NOTES - Extra good knowledge to know when performing love and sex spells.
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🌑 New Moon: The new moon is associated with our shadow self. Due to history and religion, we often associate sex and desires with our shadow self, something kind of unacceptable. It's such a primal human feeling, lust. So sex magic benefits from the New Moon greatly.
🌒 Waxing: The moon is getting bigger and brighter. Creating an ideal phase for magic around growth. Say you're in a relationship already, you'd want it to grow better and stronger, this is an ideal time to add extra passion into your sex life too.
🌕 Full Moon: Everything is full and intense on the Full Moon. Generally, all spells are enhanced during Full Moon, so you may cast sex magic here to enhance them. See what works best for you whenever it is the Full Moon or New Moon.
♀️ Friday: These are the best days for love and sex magic. This day is in honour of Venus. But you may also know it as the day of Aphrodite, Freya, and Oshun. Generally, love spirits are most powerful during Fridays.
🕒 The Clock: Typically, daylight brings abundance, growth, and positive influences. Night brings out the shadow self, intuition and emotional self. You could prepare spells in the daylight and performe them during night. See what works best for you. I wouldn't worry too much about the exact clock.
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🛏️ The Bedroom: The bedroom is home to the bed, a place we spend roughly ⅓ of our lives in. I believe it oozes with great magical threshold and potential. It's the home to our subconscious mind and desires. A bed is also where we typically perform pleasurable acts. Performaning sex magic in the bedroom is more potent than that of the living room.
🛁 The Bathroom: Not the place we typically have acts of pleasure, but it is a place we're often bare and naked in. we take baths, or get ready and make sure we looks alright, make sure we smell good, some do their makeup here, so on and so forth. I often perform glamour magic in the bathroom, and if you do glamour magic in conjunction with sex magic, your sex magic has a greater chance of success. Glamour magic is about attraction, and sex magic is specifically attracting pleasure. Think of them as collaborative partners occasionally.
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🌿 Priapic Wand: A wand with a phallic object attached to the end, usual that of an acorn or pinecone. Mainly used to encourage the growth of Spring and is a symbol of Imbolc and Beltane. You may attache ribbons and bells to it as well.
🌿 Mermaid Wand: Mermaids or sirens are said to have lured sailors into the sea with their beauty and sexual nature. A mermaid wand is simply a piece of driftwood.
🌿 Copper Wand: Copper holds romance and feminine energy, so copper wands are often used in love spells, tope it with a rose quartz to enhance the powers.
🦢 Swan/Rooster Feathers: Swans are often a romantic symbol of grace and beauty, we often see swans in artworks being their iconic heart symbol together, they're also a bird that mates for life. Roosters on the other hand help ward off evil and are a symbol of male energy. I see rooster feathers often used in love magic, perhaps because the rooster is such a lady's man?
🔧 Iron: Representing primal male power. Iron helps invoke sexual desire and remedy lack of libido. Iron is also hard, stiff, and endures a lot. So we're hoping that it's magical properties will tranfer through to the spells. Soaking iron in water and using that water to bath your man, specifically the part that's actually useful about us, will enhance us to perform better.
🕯️ Candles: Candles are already used in every spell there is, I'm mainly placing it here since I've found that when you involve another person and light their name on fire it invoke passion and sexual drive.
💕 Adult Toys: I suggest having literal symbols of sex near you or being used when performing sex magic. Even greater if you have one specifically for the use of these rituals. Similarly, having pornography to stimulate you is favoured, or a partner.
🐎 Horseshoes or Horse Symbols: Horseshoes are often associated with luck and protection. But can also be a powerful love talisman. Horse shoes incorporate iron (as discussed above), the shape of a horse shoe is reminiscens a cresent moon, often associated with female energy, and it may also be associated with the symbol of double horns which is a symbol of the female genitalia (Statues showing off the vulva frightened off ghosts because the vulva is a symbol of life and ghosts are dead). The symbol of a horse adds additonal meaning, especially that of a stallion, being that of powerful virile animals. If you were to hammer a nail through a horseshoe, well, isn't that obvious why?
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🍎 Red: A primary colour, red is associated with life and passion in many cultures. Red is connected to the body through health, sex, lust, love, romance, passion, confidence.
🍊 Orange: Symbolising connections in our life. It has associations with power, vitality, energy, growth, success, and ambitions. Great colour to use when you're already in a relationship.
💗 Pink: Often a feminine colour, therefore, it represents those quirks and stereotypes. Unconditional love, playfulness, love, gentleness, beauty, feelings. It's also the lesser colour of red, so if you'd want more intimate sex rather than rough, I recommended pink.
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2️⃣ Two (2): For obvious reasons, it is the number of unity, of harmony.
5️⃣ Five (5): I have heard to invoke the power of Oshun (Orisha of Love), you should use the number five.
6️⃣ Six (6): To invoke the power of Aphrodite (Lady of Love), use the number six.
8️⃣ Eight (8): To invoke the power of Inanna-Ishtar (Queen of Heaven), use the number eight. Eight is also the number associated with eternity and infinity if you lay it down, so use it to keep a relationship and sex life intact.
🔢 Numerology: Generally, lesser numbers are beginnings and bigger numbers are endings. So use lesser numbers to start a passionate life and bigger numbers to have greater orgasms, etc. See what works best for you.
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🕊️ Angel's Water: This water began as a complexation remedy in the sixtheenth-century before slowly becoming a love potion. It's name is a reference to the Angels that seduced the daughters of man in the Book of Genesis. It's also known as Aphrodite Water with it's main ingredient being Myrtle, which is said is what Aphrodite was covered in when she emerged from the ocean.
💞 Florida Water: Originally marketed as a cologne. Florida Water has attractive qualities due to it's scent with rosemary and citrus aspects. IT draws in luck, fantastic energies, and happiness.
🌹 Rose Water: Roses are often associated with love and romance, especially the red variant. Rose Water, or any flower water for that matter, are often used in love spells and beauty spells.
🍷 May Wine: Ritual potion for Midsummer’s Eve and Walpurgis Night. Some of my potions require mixing ingredients into a wine, and I choose May Wine, if I don't have that, red wine is fine.
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💖 Love Oil: Used for love and sex spells, as well as being used for attraction.
💘 Come To Me Lover Oil: Consider this a deluxe version of Love Oil. Perfect for sex magic and attraction of people, used mainly for specific purposes, such as drawing in a specific kind of sex life or person.
🐈 Black Cat Oil: Break bad spells and hexes, attract positive attention, especially that of the opposite gender. Depending on what oil base you choose, jojoba or castor oil for protection and almond oil for love spells.
🌿 Cleopatra Oil: Captures the true essence of legendary Egyptian queen, Cleopatra. Used for glamor spells, love and sex magic.
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💐 Botanicals: Basil, carrots, catnip, chamomile, cardamom, coriander, cubeb, gardenia, grains of paradise, hibiscus, hyacinth, iris, jasmine, lady’s mantle, lavender, lovage, mint, onion, orchid, poppy, rose, rosemary, saint john’s wort, southernwood, strawberries, thyme, tormentil, vervain.
Botanicals associated with romance and sex and/or can enhance your love and sex spells.
🍾 Aphrodisiacs: Caviar, champagne, chocolate, coriander, apricots, peaches, cherries, grapes, figs, pomegranates, garlic, hibiscus tea, honey, hot peppers, mint, onions, radishes, saffron, shellfish, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, sushi, vanilla, tomato.
Ingredients in which have shown to have aphrodisiac effects, some more than others.
☁️ Myrrh and Frankincense: They may not be obvious, with their religious background and association. However, they were burned in ancient Egypt, and myrrh was associated with Isis, the goddess of fertility, and frankincense with that of Rah. The lunar and sun goddess and god. Burn together with a partner or burn myrrh if you're more fem leaning and frankincense if you're mask leaning. Burn myrrh if you're attracting a woman and burn frankincense if you're attracting a man. What if you're nonbinary or the partner is? Burn both.
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Some extra good things to note before, during, and after performing love and sex spells.
Bathing your hands in Rose Water to enhance spells before performing - You may also use thyme.
Performing naked for sex magic increases the chances of success. Alternatively, clothing that makes you feel sexy.
Wearing a red ribbon around your waist for sexual seduction enhancement. You may use red string and incorporate knot magic, or a red gather belt, or regular belt. Something red around your waist, essentially.
In sex magic, you'll want to stir counter-clockwise. This is to invoke passion and vigour in your sex life. While clockwise is the opposite and lessens the libido. You may also think of it as counter-clockwise for deviance and clockwise for "vanilla".
Stir near your thighs and genitals to enhance success and better sex.
Stir near your heart for romantic love.
The hair off of someone's head is often used in love spells to draw them near you and make them love you. However, if you acquire their pubic hair, more sexual and aroused feelings will be invoked.
Use your sexual bodily fluids to charge and enchant sigils and other objects.
Use menstrual blood to enhance love spells. Are you someone who do not bleed like me? Worry not! Prick your ring finger, preferably that of the left (unless you're married, then that of the right) and the blood will have a similar effect to that of menstrual blood.
Are your love spells not working on your lover? Acquire a piece of their hair and let gentle water drip on ti it continually and the resistance should wear off. Sometimes your lover may even be cursed with lack of sexual performances, so bathing in iron would help or eating any of the aphrodisiac ingredients would help too.
It helps to be in the mindset when performing love and sex spells, so being aroused and excited for sex spells helps them perform better. Being in a romantic mood helps for love spells, so feed yourself well with cherries, peaches, and chocolate. As well as having your favourite adult toys out when doing sex magic or also warming yourself up and then performing sex magic.
That should be it, go out and have lots of good sex and love!
Excuse grammar mistake and spelling errors, English is not my first language.
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