#GreedFall De Sardet
karritakar · 6 months
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Constantin d'Orsay and Hildegarda De Sardet
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blackstaff-blast · 8 months
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My De Sardet boy as portrait practice <3 he's actually so similar to Constantin i am losing my mind
let's scream greedfall together
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mmigrainee · 1 year
I don't really have the opportunity to draw for myself rn, I have a lot to draw for other people this month
But I still decided to quickly paint this doodle at least
I have a lot of feelings about these two.....
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marlo-z · 2 years
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de sardet from greedfall
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kashkadavr · 2 years
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Commission for  @steastorch
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charmcity-jess · 2 years
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Here, have some GreedFall
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sweet-excellency · 6 months
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My De Sardet and some pretty Ai generated pictures 😊
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Whumpcember #11
Greedfall - #11 - Clothing that doesn’t fit
“You must remain calm,” Kurt reminded Constantin, for what felt like the millionth time.
“I am aware,” Constantin said tightly, his posture rigid. “You’ll forgive me if it’s hard to contain my anger when these brutes have held my cousin prisoner for nearly three weeks.”
Vasco couldn’t help but wince at the reminder. De Sardet had gone missing a few weeks ago, and the next day, a note appeared. He’d been taken as a political prisoner, under false charges of conspiracy.
Constantin had worked tirelessly to arrange for his release, finally striking a deal that achieved it. They were waiting for his arrival now. 
“There,” one of Constantin’s guards said, pointing. “They’re arriving.”
Kurt took up a protective position next to Constantin. Constantin was just barely clinging to his composure, and Vasco wasn’t faring much better.
“I understand, Constantin,” Kurt said, quietly. “But we’ll have him back shortly. Leave the revenge for later. This needs to be about ensuring things go smoothly so we can get him back and tended to by a doctor. Brace yourself, because I’m sure he’s not unharmed.”
Vasco closed his eyes briefly, taking a deep breath. Of course they’d all known De Sardet likely wasn’t being treated well during his time as a prisoner. But to be reminded that they were about to see it for the first time struck him harder than he’d anticipated.
A cart pulled up, something on the back of it covered by a dark cloth thrown over it. Vasco resisted the urge to shoot the bastards, knowing very well what was under that cloth, but settled for touching his guns as a reminder he was here if anything went wrong during this exchange.
“Gentlemen,” Constantin said, his voice cold but passably formal. “All conditions for the exchange have been met.” He gestured to a guard, who brought forward a prisoner they were exchanging for De Sardet. “We will release him into your custody once we see Legate De Sardet.” 
The men yanked the cloth off. Beneath it laid a cage, with a figure crumpled inside. Kurt subtly grabbed at Constantin’s wrist and gave it a rough squeeze to keep him from yelling.
They opened the cage as the guards moved forward with their prisoner. The men pulled a weak De Sardet from the cage and exchanged him for the prisoner.
Kurt and Vasco hurried forward to support De Sardet. Vasco’s heart broke; it had been only a few weeks, and yet De Sardet’s clothes hung off his alarmingly skinny frame. His skin burned with fever and he had bruises and cuts along his body.
They held him upright until the wagon was back out of sight. As soon as it turned around a curve and left their sight, Constantin was moving.
He caught De Sardet by the arms, inspecting him. “Oh, my dear cousin. We’ve got a doctor waiting to tend to you. Hang on a little longer. You’re safe now.”
De Sardet reached out for Constantin. “Always trusted…you’d…get me back.”
Constantin embraced his cousin, eyes pained. “Always, cousin. We all know you’ve done the same for me a thousand times over.”
De Sardet hugged him back, burying his face in Constantin’s shoulder, a rare display of weakness. He’d done it to Vasco so few times in all their days together. It was how he sought comfort when he was overwhelmed. 
Constantin held him tightly, protectively. “It’s alright. It’s alright. You’re safe.” 
But something like this left scars on the inside as well as the outside. Constantin slowly released De Sardet to order about their transportation. Vasco stepped up next to De Sardet, slowly taking his hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“Would you like me to stay with you tonight, Tempest?” he asked quietly.
De Sardet hesitated only a moment before leaning against Vasco. “Yes. Thank you.”
Because he’d need that protection to feel safe again. Vasco let De Sardet lean against him until Constantin returned.
“Come,” he said to De Sardet, striving for his usual cheerfulness. “We’ll get you to the doctor and then let you rest. And I’ll have your favorite meal made when you wake up.” He moved to help De Sardet walk, but De Sardet winced as Constantin accidentally touched a tender bruise. “Oh, curse it, I’m sorry, cousin.”
“No, it’s not your fault. It’s just…there are a lot of…of…” His voice choked and he cleared it, looking away. “I’ll be alright.”
And then he and Constantin were embracing again, tighter than before. Vasco stepped back to give them privacy as they whispered comfort to each other, De Sardet trying to assure Constantin that he was back, and Constantin trying to reassure De Sardet that he was safe.
It would take so much more than words to heal their wounds from this ordeal. Vasco could only watch helplessly, having never known the kind of brotherly love they shared so deeply as to suffer together. He only hoped they both managed through this alright in the end.
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wolf-girld · 1 year
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Lillian de Sardet for Amidas💙
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draconicocelot · 2 years
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Introducing my beloved Eleanor de Sardet ✨💚
Age: 30
Height: 5’4”
Partner: Kurt
Description: A very stern yet reliable leader who believes in peace between all sanctions. She takes her role as legate with full effort, helping to settle disputes and trying to achieve equality for all. She also takes her role as Constantin’s best friend very seriously, willing to do whatever it takes to keep him safe. She ends up saving him by the games end, getting closer and closer to the cure with each progression of peace on the island. All the while she achieves this with her love (Kurt) by her side.
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karritakar · 2 years
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Greedfall posting? In 2023? Yes.
So it's been two years, since I last played this! :((
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reichenbachfalle · 1 year
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mmigrainee · 1 year
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dentdechien · 7 months
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They’re a set do not separate thank u
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am-i-dead · 7 months
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one for the greedfall ppl
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inky-does-art · 3 months
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Cropped version of my art trade with the sweetest @merruschka Kurt and Jeanne are having a spicy private moment in the woods ☺️
Full pic (cw: nudity, suggestive) here on twt
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