#Grusha info
crushed-ice · 1 year
Building my Grusha a pokemon team based on my favorite ice types + reasonings/relations to their character!
Possible lead #1: Abomasnow
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Abomasnow is the perfect pokemon to start with, able to set up snow warning and then start tanking hits from strong starters. With grass knot it can easily take down heavier pokemon, and giving it an icy rock can make that hail last longer to milk the benefits. If bred properly, it can also learn leech seed and deal chip damage to the max, knocking out it's attacker from beyond the grave even if they're a fire type.
On the character end of the spectrum, there's not too much to say. Personality wise Abomasnow can be fairly closed off and not that affectionate, more into battling and competition, but will still protect it's loved ones with everything it's got. Grusha's very competitive and protective of the ones he holds close.
Possible lead #2: Froslass
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As a lead, Froslass is great for setting up spikes and stealth rock to deal some hefty damage before the turns even start. It's defense isn't the best, meaning it's only use is likely to set things up, but it's ability snow cloak can do wonders if Abomasnow comes first. It'll be able to set everything up to the fullest most of the time, due to it's high speed and evasion from snow cloak. It has some strong moves, like ice beam or shadow ball, which can be great for knocking down a pokemon or two, and helps against any potential fighting types on the enemy team.
Personality wise, Froslass is more reserved and elegant, avoiding as much contact with others as possible and doing everything in the name of beauty and power. It's a protector, mostly of itself, but also of it's loved ones. I can see Froslass performing at the Paldean Ice Festival with Grusha, in beautifully crafted outfits to match each other. Froslass would be another protectee into protector case, starting out as a lonely snorunt on Grusha's team who's constantly afraid of the other members due to it's late start on Grusha's team, turning into a gorgeous and vengeful pokemon hell bent on keeping the team from harm while preserving it's looks.
Middle pokemon #1: Walrein
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One pokemon able to benefit from the snow warning put out by Abomasnow is Walrein, with the ability Ice Body and able to learn aqua ring it can takw hits and then heal them right back up. Give it some leftovers and you've got a hard to kill auto-heal pokemon. With fairly balanced stats it can go either way with physical or special attack, and having the water typing drops it's fire weakness, making it the perfect pokemon to throw out if Abomasnow gets taken out by a fire type.
Walrein is definitely a pokemon Grusha would have had for a while, possibly even his starter Pokemon. As a spheal they would've been best friends, an adorable round pokemon who loves their trainer and an affectionate but shy little kid who spends all his time with his pokemon? A perfect match. Walrein still doesn't realize how big it is after evolution, or if it does it doesn't let on that it does, and still tries to lay on top of Grusha sometimes. They've always slept in the same bed since Grusha was little, the coldness of the Pokemon's skin comforting to Grusha. He's always enjoyed the cold as he drifted off to sleep. Now, the bed has to be way bigger, but they make it work, still as close as can be. Best friends forever :>
Middle pokemon #2: Mamoswine
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Offensively, Mamoswine is insane with attack. It is a heavy hitter with some very powerful typing, giving it STAB for ground moves such as Bulldoze and High Horsepower. It also has snow cloak, raising it's evasion, which can cover up it's surprisingly lackluster defense stats, while still having high hp. Another possible ability, thick fat, is incredibly useful, making ice and fire moves deal half of their regular damage. It's a hard-to-hurt heavy hitter, perfect to dish out some damage and kills in the midst of a battle.
Mamoswine is another potential first pokemon for Grusha, a Swinub being affectionate but shy and a bit of a scaredy-cat would be perfect for Grusha. Giving him someone to protect at an early age, which would be wear his naturally protective nature comes from, while also giving him someone to talk to. They wouldn't need anybody else, doing everything together. When evolving, Mamoswine is still just as affectionate, constantly giving Grusha rides everywhere and taking a turn as the protector, making sure Grusha is safe at all costs. They'd be best buddies, and sometimes Grusha would fall asleep on Mamoswine's back. The warm and fluffy fur is so comforting that sometimes it's hard to stay awake...
Middle pokemon #3: Cetitan
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Cetitan is a crazy tank with some attack to back it up, it's ability slush rush helping it out immensely in the speed department during hail setups from Abomasnow. It can be a bulky physical sweeper who outspeeds everything during slush rush, ice Spinner able to knock away any possible terrain effects that could interfere while still being a strong move.
In terms of personality, Cetitan is one of Grusha's newer pokemon. It was very friendly and upbeat as a Cetoddle, but upon evolution it grew much more hardened and competitive. It trains constantly, feeding into Grusha's thirst for battle and victory. They bond over training, their synergy is insane for the newest addition to the team.
Middle pokemon #4: Baxcalibur
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Getting rid of the fire weakness altogether, Baxcalibur is a strong pokemon all around. It's ability, Thermal Exchange, prevents detrimental burns and increases attack with each fire type attack it tanks, it's hp helping it withstand more. It's already incredibly high attack, adding on Thermal Exchange, can plow through teams in an instant, and having Dragon type STAB moves helps with popular pokemon such as Dragapult.
Personality wise I can't actually think of anything, Baxcalibur just seems more like a soulless killer to me for some reason. It's the transfer hire, only there to work and then go home. It doesn't make friends with the rest of the team, or Grusha, obeying in battle and then returning to it's PokeBall. No matter how much Grusha tries to bond, it simply prefers to completely separate it's work and life.
Ace: Weavile
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At first glance it doesn't seem like the best option for an ace, but Grusha knows what he's doing. It's great speed and attack stats keep it ahead of the game, aiming for a finishing move is no issue with this pokemon. With pressure, it can take down slower or less offensive pokemon, and it's dark typing helps out immensely against the many different powerful psychic types in the competitive scene.
When we get down to how it interacts with the rest of the team, Weavile is a prankster by nature. While competitive, Grusha also has a fairly humourous side, loving a practical joke or two every chance he can get. The two of them get into all sorts of shenanigans in Glaseado, then disappear into the night and act like they never heard a thing about anything. What? Food dye in the spa? Who could've done that? Aside from pranks, the two of them would get along wonderfully, both of them very talkative. Start up a conversation with the two and leave for a few hours, come back and chances are they're still discussing. They have moved on to a completely unrelated topic somehow, but are still talking with the same excited energy nonetheless. Weavile's tried to wingman for Grusha, but all of it's attempts have gone rather poorly, mostly pranking Grusha's love interests until they leave and then getting upset when they don't take it as a sign of affection. Weavile's stopped trying to wingman at this point, but their battle synergy is still incredibly obvious. He's closer to Weavile than any other pokemon on his team, even his starter.
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shiftperception · 10 months
top 10 IcarusxGrusha moments
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this is it ⬇️
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I can die in peace. We did it.
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this man’s always complaining about the cold so we gave him a larvesta to keep him warm. and yes. it is the firstborn child of Icarus’ signature volcarona that I bred just for this moment. if you even care.
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crossroadsofchaos · 4 months
Retired Leaders AU Info Masterpost
Figured I'd compile basic info about this AU into one big post.
It's a "Good Uncle" kind of AU, where Belos is a better person. He actually tried to unite the realms, because he believed it would be beneficial for both, but it was doomed from the start and went horribly wrong. He has publicly admitted to and apologized for his wrongdoings and resigned from his position, and the Coven System was abolished. His family occupied leadership positions within his Coven and also left those roles behind, hence the AU's title.
I refer to the family as the Wolf Fam. It consists of Belos, Steven, Hunter and Kiki, along with their palismen. They all live together in a newly built house.
This isn't a list of all characters that exist, just the Wolf Fam and a handful of others, mostly OCs.
Belos Wittebane (he/him; mid 410s): Former Lord of the Boiling Isles; now a palisman carver; husband of Steven.
Steven Bellamy (he/him; 53 y/o): Husband of Belos; former Head of the Lord's Coven; now a P.E. teacher at Hexside.
Hunter Wittebane (he/him; 17 y/o): Nephew of Belos, raised by him and Steven; former Golden Guard; now mainly focused on pursuing his interest in engineering and tech.
Kikimora Volk (she/her; mid 20s): A sort of adopted daughter to Belos and Steven and adopted sister to Hunter; former Secretary; now works at a history museum.
Crescent (they/them): A floating snow leopard palisman belonging to Belos.
Ash (he/him, they/them): A dark gray wolf palisman belonging to Steven.
Waffles (she/her, they/them): A winged red wolf palisman belonging to Hunter.
Grusha (she/her): A spotted hyena palisman belonging to Kiki.
Jasper Tholomule (he/him; 44 y/o): Younger half-brother of Steven; father of Matt; husband of Cass.
Cassidy "Cass" Tholomule (they/them, she/her; 44 y/o): Spouse of Jasper; stepparent of Matt.
Matthew "Matt" Tholomule (he/him; 13 y/o): Biological son of Jasper and stepson of Cass; nephew of Steven.
Leslie Bellamy (she/her; 80s): Mother of Steven and Jasper; grandmother of Matt; wife of Opal.
Opal Bellamy (she/her; 80s): Wife of Leslie; stepmother of Steven and biological mother of Jasper; grandmother of Matt.
Ren Kanemaru (they/them; 53 y/o): Steven's childhood friend; former scout.
Valerie "Val" Durand (she/her; 54 y/o): Best friend of Steven and Ren, who they met after joining the Lord's Coven; former scout.
Petra Barany (she/her; mid 20s): Best friend and former assistant of Kiki.
That's about enough I think, I won't be including the rest here. One thing to note is that the Collector doesn't exist in this version.
And you may have also noticed that "Steve" is a little different. I created this version back when we only had one scene with Steve and had no idea he was going to get a face reveal and more canon info, and I just chose not to change the name after that happened. So Steve technically exists, but it's not canon Steve. They do have some similarities though.
Back in the 1600s, Philip did not kill Caleb, and reluctantly gave the Boiling Isles a chance. Though resisting it at every turn, he ultimately fell in love with it. He developed the belief that uniting the two realms would be beneficial for both, combining the less dangerous climate of Earth with the more open and progressive culture of the Isles. After Caleb died in an accident during the search for one of the ingredients for the portal door, Philip only became more committed to the idea.
He began to do extensive research into magic, digging for as much information as he could find, which included looking into lost and forbidden magic. The latter is how he discovered both Grimwalkers and a way to extend one's life by consuming palismen. As he formed a coherent plan for how to enact his goal, he began trying out his messaging on small groups of witches to see what works, as well as testing out Coven sigils on the earliest ones until they worked as intended. He also took the name Belos and began to wear a mask.
Slightly over 50 years ago he took power as the Lord of the Boiling Isles, becoming the chief religious figure and a sort of constitutional monarch, with his fourth Grimwalker nephew, Anthony, by his side as the Golden Guard. There was an elected government responsible for things like deciding on budgets and passing legislation unrelated to the Coven System, however Belos had ultimate authority and could override any decision. He largely stayed out of their affairs unless he thought what they were doing would undermine his ultimate goal.
However, his plan to unite the realms was doomed from the start. When he attempted to do it on the Day of Unity, it went horribly wrong and shattered his hopes. The Unification Spell didn't work and was simply draining people of magic. It ended abruptly once Belos's staff, through which the spell was channeled, exploded. He, Hunter and the Hexsquad barely escaped the blast by leaving through the portal door. They ended up stuck in the Human Realm for a time, before finding the same way back as they did in canon.
Belos publicly admitted that he had lied about speaking to the Titan, and that the plan to unite the realms was his own doomed idea. He apologized and resigned, with Steven, Hunter and Kiki following him. The Coven System was abolished, and the Isles became more of an actual democracy, without a single individual with ultimate authority being able to override the decisions of the elected government, which also became more transparent.
Belos helped with restoration efforts where damage had been caused on the Day of Unity, and he later took up palisman carving and caring for palismen in general to make up for consuming them to extend his own life. He also released many palismen souls that were previously trapped inside him, and is now aging at a more regular pace. Though some remain, in part because they have fused with his curse - he was cursed long ago, in a similar way to Eda, and his curse is a wolfcat. Both conditions have physically affected him, giving him scars, catlike pupils, sharp fangs, ability to purr, and making him much bigger than he was originally.
spirituality on the Isles
Belos didn't invent a religion from scratch, but rather built on and expanded - or, to put it more harshly, exploited - already existing spiritual beliefs related to the Titan in order to achieve his goal of uniting the realms.
Before Belos, the Titan was rarely (if ever) viewed as a higher authority who, through messengers, gave witches rules to live by. He was mainly seen and respected as the origin of the Isles and all life on it. People thanked him for their existence, their magic, their harvests, etc. and payed tribute to him, but that was largely it. The prevalence of spirituality/religion has gone down over time.
Belos's rise to power with the claim of him being "the Titan's messenger" caused a resurgence of spirituality/religiosity, with him being seen as the authority on the matter by his followers. It has declined again once it was revealed that he hadn't actually spoken to the Titan.
They were in frequent use by ancient witches, in part due to them having weaker natural magic and having to rely more on magical tools than modern witches. Over time, they fell out of common use and were limited to specific spiritual/religious rituals, and then only became more rare over time.
Disabled witches who had weak or no natural magic would simply rely on their staffs, due to which they wouldn't rediscover glyphs out of necessity. On top of that, when knowledge of glyphs was still more common, it may have been taboo to use them for non-spiritual/religious purposes.
There have been a number of different Coven systems throughout history. Some Covens were based around familial ties, some were based around what kinds of magic people specialized in, some were simply regional, etc. Though sigils had not been used before, and it was possible to move between Covens, with the level of difficulty depending on the type of Covens in question. Whether it was legal to be Covenless may have varied as well, with it being illegal in some places at some points in time. When Belos rose to power, he chose to use the specialization-based model of Covens to sort people into.
With Belos's system gone, the concept of Covens wasn't completely abandoned, but rather became non-official and based on voluntary participation, as opposed to a legally mandated system that also restricted what types of magic people could use.
the structure of Belos's government
As mentioned previously, it was a sort of constitutional monarchy. Belos was the Lord of the Boiling Isles, it's main religious figure and ultimate authority, but there was an elected government, responsible for things like budgets and passing legislation. Belos could override any decision they made.
The Head Witches of the main nine Covens were originally appointed by Belos alone, but after Terra turned out to be a disastrous choice and had to be pushed out, he handed the appointment process over to the elected government, and would now simply confirm or deny their appointments. Those officials could be bribed, though, to appoint someone who shouldn't necessarily hold a position of power, like Adrian. Belos tried to keep an eye on such issues - or more so tasked others with doing so, but some still slipped through.
The Lord's Coven was a separate branch of government, entirely under Belos's control, though he tended to be somewhat reclusive, so day-to-day coordination and such was largely handled by other high-ranking members of the Coven.
The top leadership originally consisted of three positions: the Lord (Belos), the Secretary (first Winston, later Kiki) and the Golden Guard (first Anthony, later Hunter). The third position was later split into two, the Golden Guard and the Head of the Lord's Coven (first Lilith, later Steven), with the latter taking on some of the former's responsibilities, which allowed Belos to keep Hunter in the castle more for his safety.
The Lord's Coven was the Isles' military, and they performed other tasks and missions for Belos as well, such as finding abandoned palismen for him to consume as "medicine" - something he agreed was unfortunate, and claimed he was looking for an alternative to - and searching for Titan's Blood. Regular law enforcement was typically done by members of other Covens, though some scouts, mostly newer ones, could get the assignment. Usually, experienced scouts were only brought in for emergencies, or to deal with particularly powerful criminals.
the basilisks
The basilisks were not tortured and were generally treated better than in canon, but they were made to do things they didn't like, and were still kept in captivity, in part out of concern that they'd start attacking people if released out in the wild, and they were unhappy with their lives, so they still escaped.
The basilisk that attacked the schools in season 1 had always had behavior problems, possibly a combination of being the earliest and thus least correctly created, as well as being mishandled by those responsible for their care. They have since been treated, and are no longer dangerous.
Vee had complicated feelings about Belos, but was not terrified of him when she saw him in the Human Realm, especially once he made it clear he had no intention of forcing her to return to captivity.
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blueberry-lavender · 2 years
omg hi! may i request grusha x reader hcs? maybe something where the reader tries taking cute couple selfies/pictures with him and he acts like he hates it but later has one of those pictures as his phone wallpaper :( <3
Grusha x Reader - Lock Screen
A/N - Thank you for the request Anon! He's so pretty. Enjoy!
Info: light arguing, fluff, established relationship, gender-neutral reader, heart-wrenching emotions
❄"Stay still!" You laughed at your partner.
❄You two were out on one of the many snowy slopes in the city. Grusha had been excited for the past two days to hike up it with his snowboard and spend that time with you.
❄Even though his injury made him retire, he can still do easy slopes. Not many tricks, just going down.
❄Grusha is a bit of a tsundere show-off, so he'd already be salty over the fact he can't go all out like he used to.
❄You knew this, it's part of what makes him so loveable. Still, even when he's being a brat, there are some moments you wanna capture
❄While hiking up the trail, you two were laughing more often than normal, being silly.
❄So, you pulled out your phone and started sneakily recording. You could've sworn he saw, so you just continued to take videos when something funny happened.
❄You guys got to the top, and no one was on that particular slope that afternoon. Grusha had gone up and down the unofficial snowboarding hill several times per hour, while you only went like... twice maybe lol
❄It was more fun to sit on the top and play with your pokemon and make lunch than it was to freeze down a hill at 20mph and then hike all the way up again because there isn't a ski lift at every hill in the outskirts of town.
❄Still, it was getting later, the sun had maybe a half-hour left. Now is when you thought it would be nice to take a photo with him being fully aware about it.
❄There was a space next to him, and he was facing the warm glow of the sunset. You kind of ran and slid next to him, making him laugh at you.
❄"Woah, chill! Goin' a little fast there, huh?"
❄"Yeah, well, I kinda like being next to you. Now, come here!" You pulled him over to you and already had your phone on the camera.
❄(Well, his phone, because it was the one that wasn't dead lmao)
❄The glow of the sun made you two look absolutely stunning, especially him. You took 2 pictures quickly, and then he started being snappy.
❄"Ugh. Why are you doing this?" he started pulling away.
❄"Because!" you turned your head quickly towards him, "I think it's cute! Come on, please?"
❄He kept growling and groaning under his breath, but you kept taking selfies with him. The last one, you turned your head and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
❄You both then packed up and went home; him teasing you the whole way down.
❄A couple weeks had passed, and you were walking around his house absent-mindedly. You then had a question on what the odds of finding a shiny were because let's be honest, only psychos know that number off the top of their head. its me im the psycho
❄You found his phone before yours, and you knew he didn't mind, so you turned it on. While hitting the power button on his phone, a familiar image popped up.
❄The last one you took together when you went snowboarding.
❄You were touched by this, almost crying. But then you remembered how snide he was about the photos and decided to go tease him.
❄"Hey? Grusha?" You stood in his doorway while looking at his phone like you had never seen it before
❄"Hmm?" He looked up at you from his bed, unaware.
❄"What's this?" You walked up to him, sitting on the edge and holding his phone in front of his face.
❄"...My lock screen." he was quiet.
❄"Mhm. What's on your lock screen?"
❄"A beautiful photo of my gorgeous partner that I'm so lucky to be with and who I love very much." he responded without skipping a beat, looking into your eyes as he said it.
❄I guess it's true that fiery emotions lie underneath an icy shell. <3
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amelikos · 5 hours
Some character notes and episode notes for HZ066, writing them down for future reference.
The episode starts with the trio at school. The Terastal course is over, so Clavell announces that the students will have a final friendly tournament, which will be the last opportunity for those who failed the course to use Terastal before giving back their orb. Afterwards, Liko, Roy and Dot watch the tournament before Nemo joins them. Dot is contacted by Botan who tells her to meet up with her at the infirmary. Botan tells Dot that something is happening and Dot catches on that the school is being hacked. Botan suspects Agate because she looked into her and found out that she is from an organization called the Explorers. Dot tells her everything she knows about the Explorers and they decide to look for Agate to stop her (Agate is stealing data from the principal's computer and connects to it from a different place). Dot calls Liko and Roy to ask for their help, and they split to look for Agate. Roy eventually finds Sango. Liko comes across a security guard and his Pokemon who have been affected by a salt move, so she suspects that Onyx is on the move too and follows her hunch (and lets Tebrim heal the guard and his Pokemon).
Afterwards, Liko, Roy and Dot all deal with an Explorers character. Dot eventually finds Agate and tries to stop her from stealing the data and have Kanuchan break the computer that Agate was using, but to no avail since Agate managed to transfer the data she needed. She eventually escaped using her Natio's Teleport.
Meanwhile, Roy battles Sango (Hogator vs Onigohri). They were going to battle in an art class room but Roy stopped himself from using Flamethrower since he didn't want to burn up the students' art (which reminded me of HZ011 when he was about to use Flamethrower in Oliva's forest but Liko stopped him from doing so.. now Roy is paying attention to his surroundings enough to stop himself etc). Roy brings the battle outside so both him and Sango can battle to their hearts' content. He eventually wins the battle btw, and Sango didn't want to end on a loss and wanted to keep battling.
On the other hand, Liko faces Onyx (Nyarote vs Kyojiohn). Grusha was in the surroundings and also came across the man who was hurt by Salt Cure and follows Tebrim afterwards so he got to watch Liko's battle. Onyx just wanted to do his job at first, but saw an opportunity to steal Terapagos, so he asked Liko to hand him over. Liko challenged him to a battle to protect Terapagos. Onyx uses Terastal and gains the upper hand for a moment. Grusha almost intervened at that moment, but Tebrim reacted (and almost looked like she was saying that he should watch over Liko..) and Grusha stopped himself and kept on watching Liko. Liko decided to use Terastal to protect the school and Terapagos and eventually won against Onyx. He accepted his defeat and told her his name before leaving.
Tebrim and Arukujira meet up with Liko after her battle, and Grusha follows. Liko gets nervous because she knew that Grusha saw her break the rules and use Terastal. He told her to meet her in the principal's office, and she thinks she is going to get in trouble. Liko apologizes for her actions at the principal's office, but Grusha tells her he is the one who should apologize and admits that he misjudged her strength. He got to see that when she fights on someone's behalf, her true strength shines through. She produced results, so he tells her that she passed her implementation test. Liko asks if it's okay, and Clavell has no issue with it since Grusha acknowledged her and Omodaka says her skills are worthy of a Terastal Orb. Liko thanks them all.
Afterwards, Dot is shown on the phone with Botan. She tells her that the Explorers escaped and took the info on Terapagos with them. Botan says that they got proof that Agate was the intruder, and that they kept the school damage to a minimum, and that the tournament didn't get called off, so she thanks Dot (and seems shy doing so, and Dot is also a bit embarassed accepting her gratitude).
At the end, Liko joins Roy and Dot who congratulate her for passing her test. They are happy they are all going to be able to use Terastal from now on. Kihada comes across them and tells Liko and Roy about the matchups for the upcoming battles in the tournament, and Liko and Roy learn that they are going to be each other's opponent.
Overall, loved this episode. I liked that Liko's implementation test was intertwined with the overarching plot and built up on it. Failing her test against Grusha, meeting Amethio and wavering against him when he used Terastal which Amethio noticed and pointed out, resolving not to give up after her talk with Amethio, which led to her fully accepting her loss and deciding that she was not going to let it stop her, which strengthened her desire to protect even more, which led to her knowingly breaking the rule (because she did what she had to do), which made Grusha and Onyx acknowledge her (and even Amethio prior to that episode acknowledged her!), etc. It's just neat writing all around, and I love it all.
I also love that Liko's implementation test showed in full display that Liko growing stronger is linked, narratively, to the Explorers. Which is something I kept writing about for a while now, but this chapter showed it even more. Sango was there when Liko was about to pass her basics test. They made a point to have Sango around to compete with Liko before having her battle with Kaede. And the implementation test, as well. Amethio was there to encourage Liko after her loss and Liko took his words to heart. And Onyx was the one to push her to break the rules, which is ultimately what made Grusha acknowledge Liko and make her pass, etc etc.
I also like that they kept the nuance about Liko's implementation test with Grusha. I'm glad that this didn't necessitate a rematch with him, but rather Grusha acknowledging her in another setting (which showed Liko's true strength, as she shines more when she protects those she loves) and showed that Liko was able to meet his criteria too.. I'm satisfied with it and these whole string of recent episodes gave me something to think about. Grusha definitely grew into one of my favorite game characters that was implemented into the anime. He is strict but not a bad guy, and I liked that he apologized to Liko. He was definitely smiling when he said "you pass" at the end, but we didn't get to see his smile... tragic.
Liko was absolutely the coolest when she battled (Onyx was very cool too, loved the scene when he told Liko his name and told her to remember it), she is so resourceful and Nyarote is so great too... something I like about Liko's battles is that I really feel like she is into it? I liked the scene when she was shown out of breath after the battle ended, like she really gave it her all and it really feels like battles are not something that only the Pokemon participates in, but the trainer does too... I think this shows a lot through Liko's battles because she feels wholly invested in them.
Anyway, I loved everything else too. Dot and Botan's friendship, the way Dot immediately relies on her friends, etc. Seeing more of Agate in action is so nice too (and her personality shines through too, she has a kind of taunting side when she has the upper hand which is so cool to see since she is so composed usually), her having a Natio is certainly curious because that's a Pokemon said to be able to see both the past and future. With the whole focus on the past with Lucius's story (and the SV games deal with past/future too...)... The PR account posted about Agate having a Natio and hinted that she might be a Psychic type user, so I'm looking forward to knowing who is her third Pokemon (here).
Also thought it was neat that while Liko and Roy won their battles against Onyx and Sango, Agate managed to successfuly steal the data so the Explorers still get something on their side and they are not coming back empty-handed. They are competent!
Sango was also a delight as usual in this episode, and I really feel like her VA is getting more expressive through her acting... I love when Sango gets angry and her line deliveries are great. (And I lost it when Onyx casually came to pick her up at the end before leaving, like okay man we get it you care about her and will never leave her behind, and you'll always be willing to put up with her complaining etc. Idk how they manage to be the cutest, but somehow they are.)
Anyway, this was just a great ep all around and it didn't feel crowded. Ep written by Naruki Nagakawa btw, who was also the one who wrote ep 56 (Chili vs Liko). Liko's growth as a character and how it gets expressed through battles as a vehicle being handled by very specific writers, etc.
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grushasgods · 13 days
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welcome to my craft!
hello! i’m grusha, i go by they/she/he pronouns and i am a witch on the path of slavic paganism. i am 19 and studying to become a cultural anthropologist with a specialty in slavic studies. i want to use this blog to clear the misinformation surrounding slavic paganism and provide reliable sources on the mythology and pantheon. i follow from @lesbianhuoqing.
open for more info!
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who are the deities you work with?
i work primarily with Morana, the slavic goddess of winter, death, and agriculture. as for any other deities, i also worship Devana, west slavic goddess of the Moon and Dodola, slavic goddess of rain.
do you support rodnovery/slavic native faith?
no, and i have a detailed post in progress that will be linked here on why.
is slavic paganism a welcome place for white supremacists?
i would like to make it very clear that this practice has no room for hate, which is a primary reason i do not support rodnovery. a detailed post about the association between white supremacy and slavic pagans will be made and linked here.
how do you conduct your personal practice?
i am an eclectic witch! i like to combine different forms of practice, such as green, kitchen, divination, and traditional worship to make my own form of magick.
are you wiccan/wiccan adjacent?
no, i don’t personally like wiccan practice and i ask that if you are wiccan to please not interact. this is a safe space for baneful and love magick users.
is slavic paganism a closed practice?
no, i firmly believe that anyone may practice slavic paganism.
other info
this blog is majority minor-friendly, if any post has nsft topics it will be marked as such. i ask that you do not follow if you are an ed or sh account, someone who judges others practices (this does not include people who believe that you should not practice from a closed practice that you are not invited to practice from), lgbtq+phobic, racist or xenophobic, or wiccan as my content is not made for you. please keep in mind that this is not a fandom blog. i will do personal readings at some point, but at this point in time i will do stack reading posts.
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mikkimikkidrawings · 3 months
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mpreg Grusha x OC commission
My commissions n are still open and ON PROMO ! They are on promo until July the 15th and you can have the promo as soon as you ask for the com !
My commission info are on my pinned post
Enjoy !
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saaltskies · 26 days
so my headcanon was wrong i thought it was the left knee but it's the right leg and looks like the injury might not be his knee and be further down
also he can still snowboard he just can't do the stuff he used to and can't compete i did wonder
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glaseados-icy-grasp · 4 months
Introductory Post
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Hey. I'm Grusha, leader of Glaseado Gym and ice-type trainer. I also happen to be an alter in a plural system. Looking to carve out my own individual space and "finally put myself out there" per the nagging of my fellow system members.
Further info and blog-centered stuff under the cut.
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Personal Info
I use he/him pronouns, but I'm not too particular about it.
Gay and demisexual/romantic
Mentally in my late 20's. The body is a young adult, but I don't want to share the particular range.
Protector & cohost
I tend to speak very coldly and seem detached. I'm not mad or upset, it's just the way I type. Let me know if you need tone tags or clarification.
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Blog/Interaction Info
System blog is the-hive-court. Likes, follows, and so on come from bitter--unicorns.
I don't really see the point in having a DNI, but we use the block button liberally. Just be cordial and we'll probably be fine.
Don't talk about syscourse with me. It's exhausting, I don't want to hear it from either side. Whatever personal stance you have is fine by me, just don't make it my problem.
Feel free to go on like/reblog sprees, send messages and asks, so on. It doesn't annoy me, no need to worry.
Especially looking to interact with other Gym Leaders and/or people from Paldea, as well as any other Pokémon fictives. It gets lonely up here on the mountain.
Always down to talk about source. Ask me source questions.
Pretty sure that's about it. Thanks for stopping by.
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pokepollsters · 1 year
Best Pokémon Gym Leader Tournament- Stats Breakdown!
After a long two and a half months of voting, the tournament is over and I have some data to share!
A quick note- none of these stats include the preliminary round, which had its own post here!
Click the read more for the full stats- it's gonna be a long one.
Across the whole tournament, 13,981 votes were cast over 32 different matches. That's an average of 437 votes per match!
For individual Gym Leaders, let's first look at total votes (alongside average votes per match- and position based on average).
Elesa- 1723 (345 average- 1st)
Larry- 1404 (281 average- 3rd)
Piers- 1326 (265 average- 4th)
Allister- 1251 (250 average- 6th)
Roxie- 659 (220 average- 10th)
Flannery- 628 (209 average- 12th)
Misty- 588 (196 average- 15th)
Erika- 568 (189 average- 16th)
Nessa- 488 (244 average- 7th)
Cheren- 472 (236 average- 8th)
Grusha- 454 (227 average- 9th)
Ryme- 435 (218 average- 11th)
Valerie- 413 (207 average- 13th)
Roxanne- 410 (205 average- 14th)
Brassius- 328 (164 average- 20th)
Jasmine- 318 (159 average- 21st)
Skyla- 304 (304 average- 2nd)
Wallace- 261 (261 average- 5th)
Gardenia- 176 (176 average- 17th)
Volkner and Fantine- 172 (172 average- 18th)
Clair- 171 (171 average- 19th)
Olympia- 147 (147 average- 22nd)
Kabu- 141 (141 average- 23rd)
Clemont- 137 (137 average- 24th)
Blue- 135 (135 average- 25th)
Sabrina- 129 (129 average- 26th)
Morty- 120 (120 average- 27th)
Falkner- 116 (116 average- 28th)
Korrina- 113 (113 average- 29th)
Tate & Liza- 112 (112 average- 30th)
Candice- 110 (110 average- 31st)
Then we can look at the rankings based on average % across each match.
Elesa- 61.6%
Grusha- 57.1%
Piers- 57%
Larry- 56.8%
Allister- 56.5%
Roxie- 56.1%
Ryme- 55.3%
Flannery- 54%
Roxanne- 51.2%
Erika and Skyla- 49.8%
Misty and Gardenia- 49.3%
Nessa and Fantina- 48%
Cheren- 47.3%
Wallace- 47%
Clair- 46.2%
Valerie- 44.3%
Jasmine- 44%
Brassius- 42.8%
Blue- 42.6%
Volkner- 42.4%
Sabrina- 39.8%
Kabu- 37.9%
Olympia- 36.2%
Clemont- 36%
Falkner- 35.8%
Korrina- 32.2%
Morty and Tate & Liza- 30.8%
Candice- 28.9%
So while there is some variation, when it comes to the top spot, Elesa absolutely earned it by every metric!
Let's look at some stats for individual matches next.
The match with the most votes was Round 4: Match 2 (Elesa vs Piers)! It was a very tight race, and as I mentioned at the time, the most passionate that the tags have ever gotten on this blog! And just like with the Type Tournament- the finals was the second most popular poll with 693 votes.
On the flipside, the least voted on match was Round 1: Match 15 (Misty vs Blue). Clearly the Kanto fans didn't find that particular poll!
What about margins? Well the biggest percentage margin was a whopping 42.2% in Round 1: Match 12 (Grusha vs Candice) which translated to a 161 vote difference. On the other hand, I will never forget the wild ride that was Round 1: Match 6! It was a margin of just 0.4%, or only 2 votes!
The most votes earned in a single match was when Elesa won 401 votes in Round 2: Match 7 (Elesa vs Valerie)- the least was Candice's tiny 110 votes in the aforementioned Round 1: Match 12.
Finally- let's see how the regions stacked up. Who's contestants did best as a whole? These are the regional totals (and percentage of all votes cast).
Galar- 22.9% (3206 votes)
Unova- 22.6% (3157 votes)
Paldea- 18.8% (2622 votes)
Kanto- 10.2% (1420 votes)
Hoenn- 10.1% (1411 votes)
Kalos- 5.8% (810 votes)
Johto- 5.2% (725 votes)
Sinnoh- 4.5% (630 votes)
Or in chart form:
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Galar may not have taken home gold, but its leaders collectively won more votes than any other region, and that's a victory in and of itself. Poor Sinnoh on the other hand, is stuck at the bottom.
And that's everything I wanted to share about the Best Pokémon Gym Leader Tournament! It's been such a long journey it feels so surreal that it's over, but thank you for making this possible with your votes. Stay tuned for more polls and info on coming tournaments in the next few days.
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micro-zen · 1 year
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Looking for some Oc interactions for these two 💔💔 they both are very friendly ❤️. I also have other ocs from other regions too if ya don’t got SV ocs💅 idk private message or reply here?? Idk how tumblr works exactly 😭
-Some basic info-
Anna is the older sister of the Gym Leader, Grusha. A former professional figure skater, she now enjoys retirement and is often seen watching her younger brother's gym battles. She speaks fondly of Grusha and, much to his embarrassment, refers to him as being her "baby brother."
Vera is a student at Blueberry Academy and despite their focus on Pokémon battles, she has shown to be average in said talent. Her focus is more towards researching and she is an assistant to Briar. She is a big fan of Gordie and often asks her cousin, Allister, for his autographs or to buy merchandise exclusive to Galar.
My other ocs are down there in my toyhouse ❤️
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glasedo-peak · 1 year
grusha, he/him, glasedo gym leader. the league told me to make a blog for some reason
(OOC info under the cut!)
Hello, my name’s Buffy! My other PKMNIRL accounts are @rotom-catalogue, @the-lady-swift and @hykix, and my main is @bitterbuffy! Mod is an adult!
Blog is usually no stakes, but any events will be tagged accordingly. Grusha’s only current connection is being friends with @rotom-catalogue’s Keigan.
Grusha’s Pokemon so far are just his rematch team, but this will be updated if anything happens.
Enjoy •<•)👍
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ilsanslut · 1 year
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𖥻 info: vampiie aka sukunas cumslut and ryusei's aspiring b/himbo g/bf. 22. pan. gender-fluid. she/he/they. virgo. est. adhd.
𖥻 fandoms: blue lock. jujutsu kaisen. tokyo revengers. dragon ball. attack on titan. demon slayer. haikyuu. spy x family. my hero academia. hunter x hunter. genshin impact. pokemon. apex legends. overwatch. dead by daylight. my hero academia. honkai star rail. kpop. resident evil.
𖥻 socisls: c.ai. tiktok. (coming soon)
credit to @.cafekitsune for 'support' banners used in fics.
𖥻 my hunnies:
𖥻 blue lock: SHIDOU RYUSEI. bachira meguru. kunigami rensuke. michael kaiser. nagi seishiro. 𖥻 jujutsu kaisen: SUKUNA. FUSHIGURO TOJI. itadori yuji. okkotsu yuta. 𖥻 tokyo revengers: BAJI KEISUKE. RINDOU HAITANI. sanzu haruchiyo. KAWATA NAHOYA. imaushi wakasa. 𖥻 dragon ball: zamasu/black goku. BROLY. future trunks. goku. 𖥻 attack on titan: eren jaeger. reiner braun. erwin smith. connie springer. 𖥻 demon slayer: akaza. DOUMA. muzan. GYUTARO. kamado nezuko. rengoku kyojuro. KANROJI MISTURI. uzui suma. uzui tengen. 𖥻 haikyuu: MIYA OSAMU. TSUKISHIMA KEI. kozume kenma. KYOUTANI KENTAROU. IWAIZUMI HAJIME. BOKUTOU KENTAROU. TENDOU SATORI. ushijima wakatoshi. sakusa kiyoomi. rintarou suna. 𖥻 spy x family: YOR FORGER. LOID FORGER. 𖥻 my hero academia: VLAD KING. ENDEAVOR. ASHIDO MINA. BAKUGOU KATSUKI. KUROIRO SHIHAI. HADOU NEJIRE. TOMURA SHIGARAKI. dabi. shindo yo. shinsou hitoshi. utsushimi camie. MIRUKO. lady nagant. TOGA HIMIKO. hawks. 𖥻 hunter x hunter: PORTOR FEITAN. LUCILFER CHROLLO. zoldyck killua. murasaki shizuku. UVOGIN. 𖥻 genshin impact: ARATAKI ITTO. CHILDE. ZHONGLI. DILUC RAGNVINDR. KAEYA ALBERICH. wanderer. RAIDEN EI. yae miko. NEUVILLETTE. WRIOTHESLEY. xinyan. KLEE. YAOYAO. xiao. SHENHE. 𖥻 pokemon: MIMIKYU. SYLVEON. INCINEROAR. palkia. giratina. TINKATON. HATTERENE. arven. grusha. professor toro. professor kukui. leon. milo. RAIHAN. NESSA. 𖥻 apex legends: LOBA. WATTSON. LIFELINE. REVENANT. octane. MIRAGE. BLOODHOUND. fuse. maggie. catalyst. 𖥻 overwatch: RAMATTRA. GENJI SHIMADA. COLE CASSIDY. dva. zarya. reinhardt. ORISA. JUNKER QUEEN. WIDOWMAKER. REAPER. lifeweaver. baptiste. mercy. DOOMFIST. moira. ana. echo. SOJOURN. 𖥻 dead by daylight: GHOSTFACE. FENG MIN. michael myers. huntress. doctorr. THE LEGION. SPIRIT. ONI. TRICKSTER. nea karlsson. vittorio toscano. 𖥻 resident evil: LEON KENNEDY. CARLOS OLIVEIRA. NEMESIS. ADA WONG. albert wesker. jill valentine. ALCINA DIMITRESCU. tyrant. SHEVA ALOMAR. 𖥻 honkai star rail: HOOK. DAN HENG. BLADE. JING YUAN. BAILU. tingyun. kafka. SVAROG. clara. NATASHA. SERVAL. SAMPO. gepard. PELA. 𖥻 kpop: BTS. ATEEZ. TWICE. GIDLE. SEO SOOJIN. blackpink. itzy. STRAY KIDS. red velvet. aespa. LES SSERAFIM. newjeans.
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blueberry-lavender · 2 years
Hello!! Are requests open? If so, how would Grusha interact with children? Maybe thinking about starting a family..? If stuff like this makes you uncomfortable, I’m sorry!
Grusha x Reader - Children
A/N: So cute! Interesting prompt I was excited to write for. There are two sections, pre and post accident. Enjoy!
Info: sweetness, nothing other than the mention of kids, stuck-up Grusha pre-accident
❄He would most likely consider it.
❄His career was booming, why would he want to have kids?
❄It's not like he hates them or anything, he's just busy
❄If his partner wanted to have children, he would negotiate hard not to
❄He would interact with his fans who are children fine, he kind of likes having those kids look up to him
❄Totally up for posing with kids for photos and stuff
❄Would be in a rush to get to the rest of the crowd. It's not like their gonna remember, right?
❄Overall okay with kids, as long as their not his own
❄Is okay with the idea
❄Now that his only job is being a gym leader, he feels better about having a child.
❄He would only want one or two, not a large family.
❄Still, he'd want to wait until his partner was ready
❄If you don't want to have kids, end of conversation
❄Very understanding either way
❄Interacting with kids, he's a lot better
❄He'll actually talk with them, figure out their personality, and be a nice person
❄He might be a little cold (haha) to people, but he's not gonna act that way to children who have no intentions to come off a certain way
(Yes, I know some kids are mean, but that's really a result of how they're raised. Also, have you seen a mean kid in Paldea?)
❄Still will take photos, but won't be in such a rush to get going.
❄Overall, it just depends on what time you catch him.
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ask-zerotrio · 8 months
Wait! Since Clavell is a Selkie, Turo is a Vampire, Sada is a Werewolf and their son, Arven is a Vamp/Werewolf hybrid. What about the others? Like Owlman!Larry, Snowman!Grusha, Dragon!Hassell, Cu-Sith!Penny, Werecoyote!Nemona, Ryuou (Dragon King/Nagaraja)!Carmine and Kieran, Peri(s)!Tulip, Witch!Ryme, Yaksha!Geeta, Kitsune!Raifort, Alraune!Brassius, etc?
In my RP groups with some other sada/turo ask blogs, monster AU has indeed resulted in the others becoming monsters too. Hassel is a dragon, Brassius a Hamadryad etc.
The whole RP was really wild haha, with heaps of multiverse crossovers😂 all sort of canonised by canon (The DLC's info on how time works etc.)
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cametek · 2 years
My personal opinion on Pokemon Scarlet Violet
While I'm trying my best to avoid spoilers, it might contain some info that you might not know yet - please be sure
Visual : Definitely unpolished and unoptimized. The game runs at 3FPS the whole time, sometimes the camera behaves weird, and some objects have kinda glitchy motion that are absolutely visible even from far.
Gameplay : Despite the visual issues - it's insanely fun. Though sometimes we can find glitches or minor issues, fortunately they are all not fatal or major problems to progress the story (as I understand the glitch hunting scene correctly). There are a lot of things you can do, exploration, taking a detour, or just catching Pokemon, all of them are wild. Usually I stop playing after beating the champion, but it's not the case for SV somehow. Though it would be super awesome if the game runs at least stable 30 FPS constantly though. Also Terastal gives it a lot more depth to the battle and the raid mechanics. It's a very simple but crazy idea without exaggerating. Unfortunately we still feel the Terastal raid battle is also not polished while we definitely enjoy the raid with friends or with random people, I just believe they will improve it more in future.
UI / Mechanic : Okay - Meh. Some are cool - like scrolling text is much faster compared to the old titles, it even allows us to completely skip some dialogues that we often read frequently - but some are definitely with space to improve, like the map or the bag. I believe there is nothing really game-breaking, that's at least good and probably they paid the effort to patch out.
Characters : Absolutely wild. Since this is just a personal note, I'm sure I'm just saying my personal favorite - they are all super unique and vivid. I can talk forever about them. Ortega, Grusha, Rika - who hates Rika, Iono - yeah I know some people hate her, I don't actively like her either but we definitely feel like she's a new breeze to the world of Pokemon so yeah I take it - actually all the team star leaders and gym leaders are super cool, I need to appreciate all the designers working on creating them. I really really wish we could meet all of them after beating them since they were toooooo adorable to just fight and bye. Especially the elite four - once you beat the elite four, you can't re-match them for good. Yeah... Rika...
New Pokemon : like how could they think it was a good idea to add just flamingos???? I mean it's funny so I love it though. You might feel some Pokemon are disappointing, like Dudunsparce, or Flamigo, I have no argument with that. But otherwise I feel they are crazy and broken in a good way, like we got chilli pepper, twin-headed chilli pepper, bread-puppy, earthworm, just a rock salt - I couldn't stop making the pog face after finding that tiny mushroom-ish pokemon that I ran into was just a tiny rock salt crystal - tumbleweed, a chibi megaman, two megamans that have flame and sword respectively, and a flamingo. How?? Let me repeat it - I absolutely love these crazy new Pokemon ideas, they make the adventure much more fun to try to find and catch a new one.
Music : Fantastic. I definitely want to point out the elite four music issue - the background music for the elite four battles can be stuck at the intro loop forever and it doesn't progress the music somehow, unless you restart the game. That's... probably one the worst audio glitches, feeling as a composer. Since it is one of the climaxes of the game... Let's forget the bug since I remembered to restart my console before meeting Rika. They are absolutely fantastic. Some tracks even seamlessly continue between the exploration and the battle phase, it makes me - wow. Plus Toby Fox made a lot of more bangers, it would be a spoiler so I don't wanna talk in depth here though - they make me absolutely hype. I'm sure for music - it's easier to understand it by listening, not talking, so yeah I recommend you to check some tracks from it. Oh please be careful the Ed Sheeran jumpscare (I love the song tho).
Story : Holy Dudunsparce. Not gonna lie, this is the first time that one of the main series of Pokemon titles made me cry through the story. Even twice! They really tried and it worked. I mean I know it's kinda cheap, straightforward and very simple because it's Pokemon which has the largest diversity of players, some are not familiar with playing games, or some are literally children, like 6 yo (right?). But dang that was something.
Overall : I think other people already said it, but - it's the most broken pokemon but so far the most fun pokemon at the same time. That's crazy.
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