#Guerin Green
travelbinge · 2 years
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By Michel Guérin
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themightyif · 2 years
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Minneapolis Dining Room
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pastelwitchling · 11 months
              Michael woke up to Alex coughing. He groggily reached for Alex’s side of the bed, and was not surprised to find it empty. He pushed himself out of bed, instinctively reaching for a pair of sweats and slipping his feet into the fuzzy slippers Alex had gotten him and insisted he wear during cold nights.
              This was not the first night Michael had woken up to Alex sick in another room, but it definitely didn’t do anything to help his mood that his husband was hiding himself away when he needed Michael’s comfort.
              Michael leaned a shoulder against the open archway to the living room, arms crossed as he watched Alex hunched over his laptop, lit with blue light and sniffling, a cup of tea at his bedside. Liz had insisted that Alex take to wearing blue-light glasses, and so Michael, as frustrated as he was, couldn’t help but stare, a smirk tugging at his lips. Even when Alex was pissing him off, he was hot as hell doing it.
              Damn it.
              “You plan on staring at me all night?” Alex said, his headphones apparently doing nothing to deter his usual military intuition.
              “I’m trying to burn holes into your head,” Michael said, eyes narrowing. “Can you feel it?”
              “Kind of,” Alex’s smirked. His voice cracked and his words broke into a cough at the end. The cough didn’t stop, and Michael’s face fell as he quickly closed the distance between them, taking Alex’s side and rubbing the space between his shoulder blades.
              “Breathe,” he murmured, pulling Alex in against him, one hand on his back and the other rubbing his arm. He pressed his lips to Alex’s temple. “Breathe, baby.”
              Alex took a rattling breath, then a second. It cracked Michael’s heart, but he kept a steady hold on him. Alex’s face was flushed, his brows pinched, his eyes half-lidded, and Michael knew at once that he’d been up coughing his lungs out for hours.
              When he seemed finally able to take a few deep breaths, Michael said, “Will you be okay for a second?”
              Alex sniffled, and Michael could hear the runny nose. He didn’t seem to want to bother with pretending he was fine, or maybe he was just afraid he’d cough if he talked again, because he just nodded. Michael kissed his temple again, fixed the blanket around Alex’s shoulders, and started heating water with his mind before he even made it into the kitchen.
              He grimaced at the sound of Alex’s rattling breaths and his attempts not to cough again, and was back at his side in an instant, handing Alex a mug of his favorite jasmine green tea. Alex took a few, tiny sips, and wiped the exhaustion from his eyes with his forearm.
              “I’m okay,” he murmured.
              Michael sighed, still rubbing Alex’s back, encouraging him to take another sip. “Come on, baby,” he nudged the mug again to his lips. “While it’s still hot.”
              Alex hummed, taking another sip.
              Michael watched him for any sign of discomfort, pain. Aside from the small pinch in Alex’s brows, his breathing was getting better, and when he heaved a long sigh, Michael felt finally able to relax. He shut his eyes, leaning in until his forehead was against Alex’s temple, listening to his steady breaths.
              “Why didn’t you wake me?” he whispered.
              “Guerin,” Alex chuckled, “it’s the flu. It’s going to suck for a while, I can’t keep you up with me.”
              “Why not?” he demanded.
              Alex smiled and shook his head. “You ever think you worry a little too much about me? You know I’m an ex-Air Force captain, right?”
              “I don’t care,” Michael said honestly against Alex’s shoulder. “When I’m around, you’re just my husband.”
              He scoffed, his grin widening. “Just your husband?”
              “Just my husband,” Michael agreed. “Just the love of my life. Just my everything.” He ran a hand through Alex’s hair, and Alex’s eyes fluttered as he leaned into the touch like he’d secretly been desperate for it. “And it’s my job to take care of you, Manes.”
              Alex’s smile softened and he tilted until he was leaning against Michael’s side, his head on Michael’s shoulder, still sniffling. Whatever effort he’d apparently been putting into sitting upright was gone now, his weight heavy and cool against Michael. Michael wrapped an arm around him to keep him there.
              After a long minute, Alex murmured, “Hey, Guerin?”
              “Yeah, baby?”
              He sighed shakily. “My head’s killing me.”
              Michael smiled softly, and used his powers to set Alex’s laptop aside. “Okay. You want to let me up just long enough to get you some painkillers?”
              In response, Alex merely groaned and hugged Michael’s waist, clearly unwilling to move again for the rest of the night. Michael chuckled and pulled them both back to rest against the couch, Alex’s head nestled against the crook of his neck as the bottle of pills came floating in from the lit hallway.
              “I can work with that, too.”
*** Thought I already posted this. Oops. Happy malex Monday ❤️
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dailyanarchistposts · 7 months
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Recommended Reading
Errico Malatesta, At the Cafe: Conversations on Anarchism. London: Freedom Press, 2005.
The Dark Star Collective, Quiet Rumours: An Anarcha-Feminist Reader. Oakland: AK Press, 2002.
CrimethInc., Days of War, Nights of Love. CrimethInc. 2002.
Daniel Guerin, Anarchism: From Theory to Practice. New York: Monthly Review, 1996.
bell hooks, Ain’t I a Woman? Black women and feminism. Boston: South End Press, 1981.
Mitchell Verter and Chaz Bufe, eds. Dreams of Freedom: A Ricardo Flores Magon Reader. Oakland: AK Press, 2005.
Derrick Jensen, A Culture of Make Believe. White River Junction, Vermont: Chelsea Green, 2004.
Vine Deloria, Jr. Custer Died for Your Sins: an Indian Manifesto. New York: Macmillan, 1969.
Ward Churchill, From a Native Son: Selected Essays on Indigenism 1985–1995, Cambridge: South End Press, 1999; or his interview on Indigenism and Anarchism in the journal Upping the Anti.
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dragonbinx · 1 year
Silent Night
Part of my Christmas series from last winter.  Posted on on Ao3 here.
Series: Roswell, New Mexico
Ship: Malex
Characters: Alex Guerin, Michael Guerin
The only lights still on in the Guerin’s house were the ones on the Christmas tree by the time Alex came home. It was almost midnight, so that wasn’t surprising. Michael had tried to stay up every night that Alex had been late the last week and a half, but he hadn’t made it the night before, and it looked like he hadn’t lasted tonight, either.
Limping a little, his leg sore from being on his feet too much, Alex made his way into the living room and saw Michael slumped over on the coach. Apparently he hadn’t given up on waiting for him, but sleep had taken him anyway. On the coffee table was a pile of wrapping paper and a nicely if not entirely neatly wrapped gift. Which also wasn’t surprising, because recently Michael had been way more enthusiastic about the holidays than Alex had ever seen him before.
Their first Christmas as a couple hadn’t been too long after they’d gotten back together, and they hadn’t made a big deal of it. Alex had put up his artificial tree with the ornaments he’d gotten twelve to a box at HomeGoods. They’d exchanged gifts on Christmas morning before going over to Isobel’s for an early dinner. Then they’d returned to Alex’s and had enthusiastic holiday sex, and Michael hadn’t gone back to the Airstream for four days.
This year, Michael had apparently gotten into the whole thing. He’d gotten a real tree, for starters, and he had made ornaments with some spare alien glass and turquoise to mix in with Alex’ generic ones. He’d put multi-colored lights outside and rigged them on a timer, and they twinkled, a beautiful welcome every night Alex had come home late. He’d gotten a sprig of mistletoe and put it up in a different place every morning, stopping Alex in whatever random spot in the house it was that day with a smug grin and waggling eyebrows; and Alex always rolled his eyes and then kissed him anyway.
He was also making some side dishes to bring to Isobel’s this year, and had pestered their friends to plan a get together for Christmas Eve, too. And now here he was, asleep next to a Christmas present.
Alex gingerly sat down on the coffee table and pushed the curls out of Michael’s eyes. His face was peaceful - no, more than that, he was happy. Up close, there was an unmistakable tilt to the corners of his mouth. He was smiling in his sleep.
Alex looked down at the gift next to him. The wrapping was a little off, the corners of one side kinda pointy, the cut of the paper lopsided under the tape. And there was extra paper scattered around, partially folded and torn, like Michael had tried more than once to wrap it right. The tag said ‘Alex’, written in green ink in Michael’s handwriting.
Neither of them had really had holidays of any kind growing up. Maybe Michael’s sudden Christmas obsession was because his of his own deprived childhood and having something more than an Airstream to decorate. But looking at the present that Michael had worked so hard to get right, Alex thought maybe it was about him. Or possibly about them. About trying to make their first Christmas as husbands, as a family, special for Alex.
He leaned over and kissed Michael lightly on the forehead, then pulled the throw blanket off the arm of the coach and laid it over him.
As quietly as he could, he fixed himself a quick sandwich, then limped into their bedroom to take off his prosthetic. A longer than usual hot shower and some clean clothes later, and Alex finally felt his stressful day falling away. He was ready to start spending the holidays with his husband.
Something that would happen sooner than expected, as Michael had apparently moved while he was in the shower from being passed out on the coach to being passed out in their bed. Alex smiled fondly as he pulled back the sheets and blankets and slipped in next to him.
“Mmm, Alex.”
He looked over in surprise at his husband, who still appeared asleep. “Michael?”
A single eye dragged open. “Missed you,” Michael mumbled.
“I know, I’m sorry,” Alex soothed, reached out to rub Michael’s arm. “But I finished the project I’ve been working on tonight. So I can take off work until after New Year’s.”
The other eye opened, and a wide smile slowly overtook Michael’s face. “Really?”
“Really. I wanted to surprise you. I probably should have told you, though, I didn’t expect it to take this long.”
“S’okay. It’s a good surprise.” Michael scooted closer, laying his head on Alex’s shoulder and throwing his arm across his stomach. “Can’t wait for Christmas. First time.”
“Me, too.” He wrapped an arm around Michael’s shoulders and pulled him as close as he could. “You made me excited about it.”
“Awww,” Michael cooed sleepily, pressing a sloppy kiss to Alex’s shoulder, both his eyes closed again. “Same, baby.”
“Okay, time to sleep,” Alex said, both because Michael was mostly there already, and also because he couldn’t handle many more big emotions this late at night. “Goodnight, Michael.”
“M’rry Christmas, Alex.”
He laughed, snuggling further into his pillow and his husband at the same time. “Not for another couple days. But sure. Merry Christmas.”
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eireemee · 6 months
The Land of Six Kingdoms
(From top right moving clockwise) The Rowe Kingdom, The Blanco Kingdom, Green Castle in Dream Forest, Queen Sollohah of the Siren Isles, High Elves at Dragon Stone
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The six kingdoms make up to the cyberpunk/fantasy world of Dystopian Scramble.
The Kingdom of Rowe is the largest kingdom and spans across Strangerville proper and valley, Techno City, the town of Evergreen Harbor and parts of the Barren.
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These modern citizens believe in embracing both the advancement of technology and the power of the occult. King Alejandro Rowe II welcomes all, no matter their background. During the decade of his reign, many refugees have settled within the borders of the kingdom. Outside of the barren, the king is well liked by his people for his tolerance. But some do question whether his motives are actually pure.
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Ava Delaney, a small town sim moves from Evergreen Harbor to Strangerville Valley in order to the join the Rowe Arm forces. She has dreams of seeing the world. But life on her own is a little bit tougher than she expected.
The Blanco Kingdom is ruled by King Davion Blanco and his heir and nephew, Duke Wyndell Blanco.
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King Davion Blanco's great grandfather was a distant cousin of the Rowe Family bloodline. After being banished from the Rowe Kingdom for attempting to overthrow the sitting king, King Daunte (then Baron Daunte) journeyed west with his followers and settled in the long abandoned frontier town of Moonwood Mills. He soon learned the town was not abandoned but actually was overrun by packs of werewolves who lived under the mountain and in the tunnels under the town.
A bloody war ensued between the human settlers and the packs. It seemed the humans had no chance against the veracity of the wolves. However, the tide did turn when King Daunte made a pact with a powerful dark witch.
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The werewolf packs were massacred to near extinction, and the few survivors escaped to take refuge in other more welcoming kingdoms. Only the most dangerous wolves still live deep in the surrounding forests.
After winning a war against the powerful werewolf packs and their long alliance with the dark witch/necromancer, Baroness Melisandre, many wonder if the Blancos are still human themselves.
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Green Castle in Dream Forest is ruled by Princess Lilliana Wood and her younger brother and heir, Prince Terran Wood. Their half brother Prince Leaveye Wood also lives nearby in his flying steam engine with his shadow guard and travel companion, Ryah Oakensteel. Dream forest is one of the three magical outlands. It is also the only place you may spot an elusive unicorn outside of sylvan glade.
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Green Castle has the strongest ties to the magical realm. Their warriors are fearsome, and their magic is very powerful.
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They have no interests outside of their forest and only seek to protect it. But the High Elves and their dragon fire are always a looming threat. So, they may be convinced to seek an alliance with another powerful kingdom.
Siren Isles is ruled by Queen Sollohah Orchano, whose siren song is the most powerful in the six kingdoms.
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Queen Sollohah rules alone from Sea Stone Castle and will not allow any mermaid to enter the magical hall, not even her sister, out of fear that someone may steal her power. Mermaids and kelpies are free spirits who love to travel the world, fall in love, and very rarely marry. She has two children with Chief Taku who is chief of a nearby island village. As a merman, he is constantly attempting to get her to settle down with him, but Queen Sollohah is too busy with millions of subjects under the sea.
The High Elven Kingdom of Taratosa is ruled by King Elvenore Guerin and his dragon riders.
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King Elvenore's younger brother is Prince Elvon the famous dragon knight and he has two daughters, Princess Nollette and Princess Avorra. He also has a younger half-brother, Prince Arrant (who no one ever mentions).
The larger adult Guerin dragons are sometimes spotted flying around Dragon Stone Castle's turrets, but the family keeps the younger and much smaller dragons close at hand.
The Guerin family has a strong alliance with the Russo Family, one of the oldest human bloodlines in the six kingdoms. Most Russo descendants are easily identifiable by their flaming red locks. They once ruled Taratosa before the dragon riders descended and burned their kingdom to cinders.
Duke Lionel Russo attempted to reach for more power by marrying King Alejandro Rowe's sister, Dutchess Annabelle, tying the Russo bloodline to the Rowe Kingdom. However, in the process he broke his long engagement to King Elvenore's awkward youngest daughter.
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The Taratosa kingdom has recently announced Princess Avorra's engagement to Duke Wyndell Blanco. The news has shook the entire six kingdoms.
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The sixth and final kingdom was overthrown by rebels and now lays in ruins. The free desert people are still fighting to stay free, as both the Rowe and the Blanco Kingdoms have interests in the barren. It is still not clear what sparked their intertest but there are visible traces of the strange visitors who may have created the infamous Cybernetix...
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let's get into it... next
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Tagged by the wonderful @theawkwardterrier 🥰
rules: tag nine people you want to get to know better
three ships: Steve Rogers/Peggy Carter; Catherine Rollins/Steve McGarrett; Aleksander Morozova/Alina Starkov
(I chose various fandoms, because if I went along with what first came to my mind it would be all about Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter in different dynamics)
first ship: I think my first big, otp kind of ship was Liz Parker/Michael Guerin from Roswell. A rarepair, lol Very telling of my future preferences.
fave color: green
last song: ”Unholy” by Sam Smith and Kim Petras, as it’s constantly being played on the radio lately
last movie in the theater: Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania
last show: Watched the first episode of third season of The Mandalorian today!
currently watching: Great Australian Bake Off
currently reading: “Sydonia” by Elżbieta Cherezińska
currently working on: Reviving my plants, because for some reason they decided to be little bitches. Creativity-wise, I’m writing here and there.
current obsession: none?
I’m tagging: @formerlyir, @littlereyofsunlight, @bonusholegent, @captainjimothycarter, @teaandatale, @cafecitowriter, @lunetta-suzie-jewel, @margaretacarter, @doctorhelena
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
In Port-au-Prince you cannot see the boundaries, but you must know where they are. Your life may depend on it. Competing gangs are carving up the Haitian capital, kidnapping, raping, and killing at will. They demarcate their territory in blood. Cross from one gang's turf to another, and you may not make it back.
Those who live here carry a mental map, dividing this teeming city into green, yellow, and red zones. Green means gang free, yellow can be safe today and deadly tomorrow, and red is a no-go area. The green area is shrinking as heavily armed gangs tighten their grip.
Armed groups control - and terrorise - at least 60% of the capital and its surroundings, according to Haitian human rights groups. They encircle the city, controlling roads in and out. And the UN says the gangs killed almost 1,000 people here between January and June of this year.
This report contains content which some readers may find upsetting, including sexual violence
Port-au-Prince is nestled between green hillsides and the blue waters of the Caribbean. It is blanketed by heat and neglect. The rubbish is knee-deep in places - a putrid monument to a crumbling state. There is no head of state (the last one was killed in office), no functioning parliament (gangs control the area around it) and the US-backed prime minister, Ariel Henry, is unelected and deeply unpopular.
In effect the state is missing in action, as the people suffer overlapping crises. Almost half the population - 4.7 million Haitians - are facing acute hunger. In the capital around 20,000 people are facing famine-like conditions, according to the UN. This is a first for the Americas. Cholera has made a deadly comeback. But armed gangs are the greatest plague.
They set the clock here. Morning rush hour - between 06:00 and 09:00 - is peak kidnapping time. Many are snatched from the streets on their way to work. Others are targeted in the evening rush hour - from 15:00 to 18:00.
About 50 of the staff at our downtown hotel live in because it's too dangerous for them to go home. Few here go out after dark. The manager says he never leaves the building.
Kidnapping is a growth industry. There were 1,107 reported cases between January and October of this year, according to the UN. For some gangs it's a major income stream. Ransoms can run from $200 (£164) to $1m (£819,740). Most victims come back alive - if the ransom is paid - but they are made to suffer.
"Men are beaten and burned with materials like melted plastic," says Gedeon Jean, of Haiti's Centre for Analysis and Research in Human Rights. "Women and girls are subject to gang rape. This situation spurs relatives to find money to pay the ransom. Sometimes kidnappers call the relatives so they can hear the rape being carried out on the phone."
Morning in Delmas
We travel around by armoured car. Normally that's reserved for frontlines in warzones like Ukraine, but it's necessary in Port-au-Prince to ward off kidnappers. It is a protection that many here can't afford. It's the poorest country in the Western hemisphere, prone to both natural and political disasters.
Kidnappers belong to competing gangs - which are mainly grouped into two large coalitions - G9 and G-Pep.
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amiwritesthings · 2 years
Ten Characters, Ten Fandoms, Ten Tags
tagged by @decadent-prince
thank you matt, i was just thinking about this today lol
so, meet my blorbos (in no particular order)
Kelly Severide - Chicago Fire
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2. Charley Bordelon-West, Queen Sugar
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3. Michael Guerin - Roswell, New Mexico
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4. Miguel Galindo - Mayans MC
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5. Andy McNally - Rookie Blue
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6. Cristina Yang - Grey's Anatomy
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7. Danny Green - The Last Ship
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8. JD Richter - Extant
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9. Elijah Mikaelson - The Originals
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10. Johnny Tuturro - Graceland
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no pressure tagging @ohagony @nohomemovie @corpsedean @hswrites @theangiediary @writethelifeyouwant @wheresurmoose @blueabsinthe18 @horrorshow @chinabluee
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gaymasonjar · 2 years
Will You Meet Me In The Middle?
Preview of Chapter 5: Fall For You
 “Seriously? All white? This is a magnet for stains”, Michael stated as he adjusted his sweater in the mirror.
 “It’s not ALL white. You have lime green socks on”, Alex informed him as he put on a white baseball cap. “Besides, you’re allowed your hat.”
 “Why must you give me logic?”
 “Because someone has to”, Alex hugged Michael from behind, resting his chin on his shoulder.
 Michael chuckled and stared at their reflection. Alex and Michael were wearing matching white sweatshirts. The day of their wedding was printed on the back:      ‘Mr. and Mr. Guerin. September 5th, 2022. Roswell, NM’     . Before they had left, Isobel had given them a honeymoon present of custom-made clothing. It was hilarious but also very sweet. Alex couldn’t argue that it was in bad taste. It felt great being able to be out and loud about being married to the man he loved.
 “We should head downstairs soon. The photographer is picking us up.”
“Oh really”, Michael questioned. “Just how fancy is this supposed to be?” “Well, she has a better ride for our pictures. Not that I hate your truck.”
 “Listen I know it’s old, but that truck has been with me a long time.”
 “I know”, Alex reassured as he lead Michael out of their room. “But I think you’ll like what I picked out.”
 “Guess I’ll just have to take your word for it.”
 “I guess so.”
 Michael smirked, pinning Alex to the wall of the elevator to steal a kiss. Alex cupped his face back to return it.  The couple only separated when the elevator doors opened again. They headed out through the lobby and towards the parking lot. A woman in leather pants and a blue crop top was leaning against a bright yellow vehicle. It was a 1975 convertible FIAT124 Spider; completely restored.
 “Oh hell yes”, Michael grinned excitedly.
 The photographer looked up, as she finished tying up her green and black hair in a ponytail. “You must be Mr. and Mr. Guerin!”
 “That’s us”, Alex confirmed.
 “Ready to roll? I’ve got a bunch of great locations in mind for pictures.”
 “Please tell me I get to drive this thing at least once today”, Michael nearly begged.
 She laughed and nodded, “Session includes you in the driver seat.”
 “That’s awesome.”
 “I’m Dawn by the way.”
 “Michael”, he shook her hand. “And this beautiful man is my husband Alex.”
 “Great to finally meet you both.” She opened the passenger door of the car for them, “Shall we?”
 They all piled into the car. Dawn drove them off into the heart of downtown. There was a large, old cathedral towering over the rest of the buildings. Dawn picked the side street behind it where there was plenty of shade. She jumped out, allowing Michael to scoot over. She pulled out her camera from the trunk and adjusted the lens.
 “Alright, try to act natural. Focus more on each other than me. I’m here to capture the moments of you two just being you.”
 “Easier said than done”, Michael muttered.
 “Hey”, Alex grabbed his chin. “Just focus on me.”
 “Easier done than said”, he smirked.
 The clicking of the camera sounded off from nearby as Dawn snapped some pictures. “See? You guys are naturals at this! Oh, I almost forgot something.”
 Rounding the back of the car again, Dawn attached the ‘Just Married’ sign to the trunk of the car and two strings of empty Mountain Dew cans. Alex took his hat off to steal Michael’s. He tilted it up some, finding it a bit too big for his own head. Michael chuckled at the motion.
 “We’ll get pictures with the sign in a bit. Just be cute and gay.”
 Michael glanced over at the camera as it clicked a few more times. He snagged his hat back, using it as a shield as he kissed Alex behind the cover. Alex smiled against his lips. The camera continued clicking away as they continued to try different poses. At one point Alex traded the cowboy hat for his baseball cap and dragged Michael outside of the car. They used the sign prop to show off as they really got into it. Michael sat back on the trunk. He dragged Alex by the hips to sit with him.
 Alex laughed, “Who knew you were such a showoff.”
 “Oh please, I get to embarrass you all the time now with no consequences”, Michael nuzzled his cheek.
 “Oh god”, Alex groaned but leaned into his husband’s embrace regardless.
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Read more on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45325099/chapters/114530731
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onward--upward · 2 years
If you're still doing fanfic writer asks, 🎁 🦋 💭 and 💌! Thank you mwah! 🥰
HELLO frida beloved!! thank u for the ask, mwah!!
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
always! here is a nice long snippet featuring nurse!eddie my beloved
“Trying to run out without saying goodbye?” Eddie leans one elbow on the desk, looking up at Buck with a grin. It’s crazy how much this man pushes every one of Buck’s buttons, attraction-wise. Like – Buck is a young, attractive guy with a healthy libido. He has, in the past, been called easy. It’s not exactly difficult for him to find someone he’s attracted to.
Eddie feels different, somehow. Buck isn’t sure how, yet, but he’s mildly terrified to find out.
“I was going to look for you, but I figured, y’know, you’re working.”
Eddie grins. “Not anymore.”
“Headed home to Christopher?” Buck asks, shuffling the paper as well as he can, clunky and awkward.
“Yeah.” Eddie is eyeing his hand where he’s awkwardly gripping the pen against the thick cast that covers his palm. Buck is expecting some quip about the pink of it all, because Eddie, in all his neutral tones and earthy greens, probably has opinions on it. But instead he sighs and says, “Look, Buck, just let me do it.”
Buck’s eyebrows fly up on his forehead. “Do what?” he asks.
“The paperwork,” Eddie says, holding one hand out expectantly. When Buck doesn’t move, he beckons impatiently with his fingertips.
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
evan buckley my beloved. i really enjoy writing him at the moment! but also i’ve been having lots of fun writing michael guerin from roswell new mexico, his dialogue is so fun to come up with
💭 What inspires you and your writing?
god i don’t know. lots of things! a lot of the time i get inspired by other media (for example, i recently watched palm springs, and now i have a document in my writing folder called ‘notes on a hypothetical palm springs au’ because i love that premise and i think it could be fun)
💌 Is there a favorite trope you like to write?
hmm i don’t know! i honestly think like across different fandoms i tend to try to write soulmate au’s a lot, i love that trope. (stitch my soul is the first one i’ve ever finished tho)
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longliverockback · 14 days
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Frank Zappa Apostrophe (’) [50th Anniversary Super Deluxe Edition Box Set] 2024 Zappa ————————————————— Tracks CD One: Original 1974 Album – 2024 Remaster + Album Session Bonus Tracks 01. Don’t Eat the Yellow Snow 02. Nanook Rubs It 03. St. Alfonzo’s Pancake Breakfast 04. Father O’Blivion 05. Cosmik Debris 06. Excentrifugal Forz 07. Apostrophe 08. Uncle Remus 09. Stink-Foot 10. Don’t Eat the Yellow Snow [basic tracks / alternate take] 11. Nanook Rubs It [basic track / outtake] 12. Nanook Rubs It [session outtake] 13. Cosmik Debris [basic tracks – take 3] 14. Excentrifugal Forz [mix outtake] 15. Apostrophe [mix outtake] 16. Uncle Remus [mix outtake] 17. Apostrophe [unedited master / 2024 mix] 18. Uncle Remus [piano and vocal mix 2024]
Tracks CD Two: Bonus Concert 1 – Colorado Springs, CO 1974 01. Show start • Band intros 02. Village of the Sun 03. Echidna’s Arf (of You) 04. Don’t You Ever Wash That Thing? 05. Babbette 06. Approximate 07. Cosmik Debris 08. Pygmy Twylyte 09. The Idiot Bastard Son 10. Cheepnis 11. Montana 12. Dupree’s Paradise intro
Tracks CD Three: Bonus Concert 1 – Colorado Springs, CO 1974 [continued] 01. Dupree’s Paradise 02. Is There Anything Good Inside of You? 03. Florentine Pogen 04. Kung Fu 05. Penguin in Bondage 06. T’Mershi Duween 07. The Dog Breath Variations 08. Uncle Meat 09. RDNZL 10. Medley: King Kong • Chunga’s Revenge • Son of Mr. Green Genes
Tracks CD Four: Early 1974 Bonus Live Track + Bonus Concert #2 – Dayton, Ohio, Hara Arena 20 November, 1974 01. Tush Tush Tush (a Token of My Extreme) 02. Stink-Foot 03. RDNZL 04. Village of the Sun 05. Echidna’s Arf (of You) 06. Don’t You Ever Wash That Thing? 07. Penguin in Bondage 08. T’Mershi Duween 09. The Dog Breath Variations 10. Uncle Meat 11. Building a Girl
Tracks CD Five: Dayton, Ohio, Hara Arena 20 November, 1974 [continued] 01. Dinah-Moe Humm 02. Camarillo Brillo 03. Pygmy Twylyte 04. Room Service 05. Tush Tush Tush (End Vamp) 06. Don’t Eat the Yellow Snow 07. Nanook Rubs It 08. St. Alfonzo’s Pancake Breakfast 09. Father O’Blivion 10. Apostrophe TV Ad 11. Don’t Eat the Yellow Snow [single edit] 12. Goteborg GTR 13. Approximate 14. …the poodle bites…
Tracks Blu-ray: 2024 Stereo Remaster + Dolby Atmos Mix + 1974 Quad Mix 01. Don’t Eat the Yellow Snow 02. Nanook Rubs It 03. St. Alfonzo’s Pancake Breakfast 04. Father O’Blivion 05. Cosmik Debris 06. Excentrifugal Forz 07. Apostrophe 08. Uncle Remus 09. Stink-Foot —————————————————
Jack Bruce
George Duke
Aynsley Dunbar
Tony Duran
Alex Dmochowski
Bruce Fowler
Tom Fowler
Jim Gordon
Johnny Guerin
Ralph Humphrey
Jean-Luc Ponty
Ian Underwood
Ruth Underwood
Frank Zappa
* Long Live Rock Archive
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Intro Post
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═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╗ ❧ name: Payton 🪲🐞 ➺pronouns: She/Her ❧ orientation: Not straight ❧ pets: 2 Dogs(Enzo and Porter) *:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:* ❧ hobbies: guitar, listing to music, drawing, making bracelets, skateboarding, hockey, reading ➺ likes: FOOD, Music, art, Matthew Daddario, Jake Gyllenhaal, Michelle Williams, youtube, video essays, Adventure time, Ludwig, shlatt, sharks, video games, Midwest emo, Dad rock, jen lindly, Alec lightwood, michael guerin,cowgirls,cowboys, Garfeild, *:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*
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❧ Favorite Movies: Lego batman, brokeback mountain, fight club, dead poets society,
➺ favorite artists: The front bottoms, Korn, Limp Bizkit, Pierce the veil, La Dispute, Shauna Dean Cokeland, Jeff Buckley, Pavement, Creed, Zach Bryan, Pearl Jam, MCR, seether, Merchant ships, bob dylan, descendents, queen, frank ocean, blur, car seat headrest, twenty one pilots, nana grizol, static-X, frank turner, taking back sunday
❧ favorite color: GREEN ➺ favorite foods: Chicken pot pie, popcorn ❧ favorite drink: Dr pepper, Apple juice, root beer ➺ favorite show: ShadowHunters, Adventure Time, everything sucks, shameless, Stranger things, South park ❧ favorite book: On This Earth Were Briefly Gorgeous By Ocean Vuong, Shadow Hunters TMI ➺ favorite game: stardew valley, minecraft and skate 3
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pastelwitchling · 2 years
If you’re still taking prompts can I please request anything involving Malex and Sanders..? Because Sanders is just the best and he’s so happy that Michael is happy! I feel like he and Alex would get along really well and team up to give Michael grief hahahaha this is a very vague prompt but there’s that Sanders gif set going around and it’s giving me all the feels 💛💛💛
When Alex got a knock at his door, he hadn’t expected to find none other than Sanders on the other side. He stilled, hand falling slowly off the doorknob. He didn’t know why he was shocked to see Sanders, but he thought he understood his own anxiety about being alone with the old man. This was, after all, as close to Michael’s father as anybody had ever been.
“Er, hello, sir,” Alex said at once.
Sanders raised a white brow and scoffed. “‘Sir.’ Boy, you really are military.”
“Ex,” Alex confirmed and stepped back. “Please, come in.”
“No, no, I, uh,” Sanders looked down at himself. “I just got back from the junkyard, I’m—I’m covered in grease—”
“Please,” Alex insisted, and his lips quirked into half a smile. “Unless you’ve forgotten, my husband’s a mechanic.”
Sanders looked down, away, and Alex understood how he could be uncomfortable. He himself didn’t really know how to react to a family member that wasn’t actively trying to kill him.
“Yeah, well,” Sanders cleared his throat, accepted Alex’s offer with a nod, and walked in past him. “I just realized I never gave you a wedding present,” he said when they got to the living room, and offered Alex the gift-wrapped box he’d been holding. “I know it ain’t much, but I think you could get some real use out of that.”
“Wow, thanks,” Alex said, albeit awkward himself. “You really didn’t have to.”
Sanders waved off his gratitude and gestured at the gift. “Go head, open it.”
So Alex did. It looked like a vase. With gears.
“Uh,” Sanders started, “it—it’s a—”
“Self-gardening mechanism,” Alex smiled. “Thank you, sir. I don’t have the green thumb Michael does, now I finally have a way to save the flowers he gets me.”
Sanders blinked, startled, and smirked. “You know your stuff, huh?”
“Michael loves everything to do with plants,” he shrugged. “I’m a quick study.”
He stared. “You really love ‘im, don’t you?”
“Always have,” Alex said. He looked down at his new gift, clearly made with a lot of care and detail. “I . . . I think I know why you’re really here too.” At Sanders’s confused look, Alex smiled sadly. “I know you probably don’t love the way I treated Michael at the beginning of our relationship. I . . . put him through a lot—”
“And he put you through a lot,” Sanders said, frowning. “Son, I ain’t heartless. I love that boy, and for the most part he’s a genius, but he can be a real dumbass when it comes to what means most to him. Which is why he talks back to me,” he said with a fatherly edge, then softened, “and hurts you so much.”
Alex started to shake his head. “H-He doesn’t—”
“Don’t you start now,” he heaved a sigh. “Where is the dumbass anyway?”
Alex couldn’t help but smile. Maybe it was because he knew Sanders meant it with an exasperated fondness. Maybe because Sanders was giving him permission to be angry and sad with the man he loved. Or maybe it was because no one had ever stood up for him and for it to come from Michael’s father felt like a kind pat on the head.
It’s okay to be upset, I’m giving you permission to be upset, he seemed to be saying.
“He’s getting some work done with Max and Isobel,” Alex said. “Something about Max’s work in Oasis.”
Sanders scowled. “And you’re not in on it?”
Alex fidgeted. “I, uh, overdid myself a bit at Deep Sky. I’m on Guerin’s version of a recommended house arrest. He’ll fill me in when he gets back.”
“Ah,” he nodded, “so you nearly worked yourself into a grave again, and Michael freaked out and forced you to rest, huh?”
“You’re pretty good at picking up on our dynamic, I see,” Alex tried for an amused smile, and went to set the vase on the kitchen counter.
Sanders said nothing as Alex busied himself with placing the sunflowers Michael had brought him just yesterday inside the new contraption. He watched as the gears turned and water filtered through from somewhere inside the vase. He smiled to himself. He’d seen every evil machine there was to see, he’d seen alien magic put to dark use. There was something refreshing about watching the workings of such a simple and good invention.
“You don’t owe anyone an apology, son,” Sanders said suddenly. His voice was softer than Alex knew it capable of being. “You ain’t your father and Michael knows that.” He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Despite what the beginning of your relationship looked like. He loves you, and he don’t need you to hurt yourself to prove you love him back.”
Alex kept his eyes on the sunflowers for a moment longer, then he looked to the vase. Then he smiled over his shoulder at Sanders. “He’s really lucky to have you, Walt.”
Sanders blinked, then looked away. He cleared his throat again. “Yeah, well. Mm.”
With a pat to Alex’s shoulder, Sanders turned to leave. Alex didn’t move away from the kitchen counter even as he promised Sanders that they’d come over tomorrow night for dinner. He didn’t move even as he watched Sanders head out. If he had, if he’d been proud enough of himself or believed enough of what Sanders had told him to see him out, he might’ve seen Sanders pull out his phone. He might’ve seen him text Michael with a smirk at his lips. He might’ve realized how honest Sanders had been with him.
But he hadn’t. Instead, he stood there, only able to hope that he meant as much to Michael as Sanders made him out to. In that same moment, Michael checked a text he’d just gotten from his father.
You’re luckier than you know, kid.
And then maybe it wouldn’t have surprised Alex at all that Michael had smiled at the words, knowing exactly what Sanders meant.
Happy Malex Monday ❤
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Un Disco per la Pausa Pranzo no. 13 - 3 Ottobre 2017 - Frank Zappa - Hot rats - 1969
Peaches en regalia
Willie the pimp
Son of Mr. Green Genes
Little umbrellas
The Gumbo Variations
It must be a camel
Canzone preferita: Peaches en regalia
Frank Zappa: Chitarre - Basso all'ottava - Percussioni
Ian Underwood: Pianoforte - Organo - Flauto Traverso - Sassofoni - Clarinetti
Captain Beefheart: Voce (2)
Max Bennett: Basso elettrico (2-6)
Shuggie Otis: Basso elettrico (1)
John Guerin: Batteria (2, 4 e 6)
Paul Humphrey: Batteria (3 e 5)
Ron Selico: Batteria (1)
Don "Sugarcane" Harris: Violino (2 e 5)
Jean-Luc Ponty: Violino (6)
Lowell George: Chitarra ritmica
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jdardan1 · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Wm Guerin & Co Limoges France Green Medallion Rim 9.5” Dinner Plates – Set of 3.
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