#Gwen deserves better then Morgana spread the word
chappellcastiel · 9 months
Needed more female character interaction in Merlin bc I need my wlw ships and the only popular one is Morgana and Gwen but I can’t ship them because Morgana killed her brother and tortured her in a tower and Gwen deserves better😤
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allyecrivaine · 3 years
okay writing in the tags in the last post i reblogged got me riled up! i’m here to talk about the ending of BBC Merlin bc i’m still angsty about it
spoilers below cut
i know this is definitely a common and shared sentiment, but the ending felt so rushed and i wish they had spent some more time with it. and spread it out over one or two additional episodes.
morgana’s death being so anticlimactic and sudden, with no real dialogue about it besides arthur praising merlin...please! omfg!! morgana did become evil but she was SUCH an intriguing character and she deserved a more substantial death scene. she should have had dialogue with merlin as she was dying. (i love what that last post said about her saying how upset she was that merlin didn’t tell her he had magic in the first place...just getting the final words out there). instead, she just dies without a real final word and that’s that. morgana was a fascinating character and her depth really could have been explored in some way in a real death scene - if she expressed any regret, any sadness, loneliness, who knows. anything would have been cool to see there and it’s upsetting that she didn’t get much.
and onto Arthur... 
I think his actual death was done pretty well, thanking Merlin was really sweet, but I WISH so badly that his journey with Merlin was split over two episodes. they really rushed Arthur from fearing Merlin, to understanding his power, to realizing that he’s still the same friend as before. that should have been developed over a longer period of time so we could at least get more of a look at Arthur seeing Merlin’s magic and appreciating it.
anyway! after arthur’s death...
i know that Merlin hitched a ride with Kilgarrah to the Lake of Avalon so that he could see Arthur off into the lake, and he was in a rush (not to be morbid, but probably just before Arthur started......decaying...I’m not sure how far he was from Camelot that he couldn’t bring him back quickly enough but I digress) but at that point i wish he wasn’t still scared to use his magic in Camelot. Arthur was dead, Gwen pretty much knew Merlin was a sorcerer, and I don’t think she would have punished him for using magic or being a dragonlord (if he’d come into Camelot via Kilgarrah lol). I can understand if he was just so used to hiding his magic that he didn’t want to expose himself fully yet...but damn, burying Arthur even without Gwen around? 
and speaking of Gwen in relation to Arthur’s death, I really wish we got to see more of her reaction when she found out about what happened. First of all, her reaction to Arthur’s death - Angel Coulby is a GREAT actor and when she had to be sad in scenes, it was gut wrenching. she did an amazing job portraying grief and I would’ve loved to see how she did that for Arthur. Second of all, her reaction to Merlin trying to save Arthur, to Merlin being a sorcerer...I’m not sure if Gwen would have been more nervous around Merlin or if she would have been totally accepting right away, but I feel like it would be awesome to see her kindness towards Merlin (as a friend AND as the Queen). her gratitude towards him trying to save Arthur from dying was probably enormous and I wish we got to see that.
also! let’s talk about GWAINE ! I can safely say that after Arthur, Gwaine was probably Merlin’s best friend in Camelot, or at least one of them. It would have been a great (but sad) scene to see Merlin learning of Gwaine’s death, seeing Gwaine get a memorial service and his fellow knights mourning him...i wish his death was acknowledged besides the small scene with Percival. 
idk if anyone agrees or disagrees with certain parts of this, but wouldn’t it have been so much better to see these deaths and aftermaths explored over a few more episodes? is it just me? or did i miss this exact discussion in 2012 when the merlin fandom was super strong??
anyway.., those r just my thoughts
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scoooby · 4 years
The Reason to Live (is to Die For This)
Read on AO3
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Beta: @tenderlyannoyinglight
Word count: 6.3k
Trigger warning: descriptions of pain, death and violence.
Relationship: Merlin/Arthur *if you don't like merthur it can be taken as gen if you skip the last hundred words
"I don't want to leave him. He thinks. I can't.
It shouldn't be the first thing he thinks of. He should be thinking of his mother, Gaius, Gwen. He should be thinking of how Kilgharrah had said he was an immortal, but Kilgharrah is also a big lying liar who lies, so he shouldn't have believed him. But he doesn't think of any of those things, after ten years of sacrificing, his brain is wired to think of Arthur, only of him."
In which Merlin is stabbed instead of Arthur. Oops.
Merlin doesn't know where the blood came from, flowing down and not stopping. There's so much of it staining the ground and his clothes, forming a puddle, he feels dizzy and nauseous looking at it. It's been almost ten years, but the sight of injury still repulses him. It scares him even more because he can't find its source. No, it terrifies him. Whose blood is it? Where is he, exactly? But he tries not to dwell on it and wonders where Arthur is. Wasn't he just here? Silly Arthur, always disappearing.
He giggles, then sobers up. He has more important things to worry about. Like the blood. Blood is so red. Like strawberries. He wishes he could make strawberries right now, Freya likes them. Speaking of which, he should probably talk to her soon.
He touches his hand to his abdomen, startled when he feels something wet and sticky. Oh.
It's his blood. He's been maimed. He's the one dying.
I don't want to leave him. He thinks. I can't .
It shouldn't be the first thing he thinks of, and he should be thinking of his mother, Gaius, Gwen. He should be thinking of how Kilgharrah had said he was an immortal, but Kilgharrah is also a big lying liar who lies, so he shouldn't have believed him.  But he doesn't think of any of those things, after ten years of sacrificing, his brain is wired to think of Arthur, only of him.
It shouldn’t be. He should be more carefree and alive and happy, like he is now. And he’s so happy.
He distantly hears a thud behind him, as if something heavy, clad in metal, had fallen.  Swords are made of metal. So is armour. Stupid armour. It takes so fucking long to put armour on Arthur.
He feels hysteria rise up in his throat, he feels like laughing, He doesn’t know why. He’s been stabbed, he should care more. But those thoughts don’t even hit him. He wants to run, to jump. He could fly, like Kilgharrah. Or Aithusa. Can Aithusa fly? He would have to ask Morgana.
But Morgana doesn’t like him.
Maybe Balinor would know when dragons start to fly. He knows a lot, right?
Oh, but he can’t. Balinor is dead. Balinor is extremely dead and rotting. Hunith would be sad if she found out, he doesn’t want her to be sad. She deserves the world. He won’t tell her.
“Don’t worry,” he coos, even though there’s no one there. “I won’t tell.”
He tries to get up, but his knees are weak. He doesn't know why his ears have started to ring. Hhhhh. Hhh. That’s all he hears. It sounds weird. Weird. Weirdweirdweirdweirdweird. What a word, All words should be like it.
Everything is just a blob of grey and black. All he sees is a spinning world and green spots in the corner of his vision. He doesn’t mind, he likes green. He tries to say something, to scream maybe, yet all that comes out is a small, meagre groan.
He feels his eyes closing- And that's it. That's all there is-numbness, and then nothing.
Arthur is not ashamed to admit that he killed Mordred. The knight almost killed Merlin and dared to smile after doing so. Arthur couldn't just let him get away with it, no matter how much it pained him. Guilt doesn’t even come to mind. Mordred isn’t worth it - he tells himself as he walks, knees shaking, towards his manservant's body laying still on the ground.
He's bleeding at an alarming rate. His eyes are closed; his face deathly pale. Arthur doesn't bother with modesty as he rips the stupid brown jacket off (one would think he would come into battle wearing proper armor, at least). He had imagined doing it many times before, in entirely different circumstances, maybe with a bed underneath them.
Merlin torso is littered with scars as wood is with lines. Most of them are healed, so that only white lines are painting Merlin’s pale skin, while others are red, but still no cause for intervention. An enormous hole inflicted near his lungs, however does. Arthur’s not new to blood or injuries, but looking at this one does make him wanna vomit.
He stops, unsure of what to do. His hands hover over the body. What can he do, dammit? He knows first aid, Gaius taught him some when he was little. Nothing has ever come  close or as grave as to this. He has been taught to call for the help of nurses, never to do it himself. He has to stop the bleeding, but how ? He's supposed to tie something around it; he remembers that much at least. He looks towards Merlin's face, exhausted and un-moving, a red cloth loosely tied around his neck. All he has to do to stop the blood temporarily, until he delivers Merlin to safe, more medically trained hands, is to tie the stupid red neckerchief around and hope for it to be the right thing.
He prays as he puts it around the gash. He's not entirely sure who he's praying to. It’s an unconscious reflex to beg for health. To be able to say it is someone else's fault, because he knows it's his. He should never have let Merlin come in front of him; let the sword pierce him. Damn him; damn Merlin; damn Mordred; damn the War; damn Morgana; damn everything.
It sickens him, all of it. This cave, this life. The air is dirty. The metallic smell of blood engulfing everything and making it its own. Throwing up would sound like a good idea if Arthur didn’t have more pressing matter at hand.
The air also smells of disappointment. What is he even doing? He's just two years into his reign, the army is practically gone. So many knights are dying in his name, right now,  with their belief in him. And now Merlin is going to die too.
No. Merlin can't die, I won't allow it. His resolve hardens as he picks him up in his arms, Merlin’s head on his shoulder, back bent so gravity can keep the blood inside. and carries him through the mass of dead bodies. Arthur places him on the horse and climbs on behind him, arms on the reins and still supporting Merlin’s head.
It's a long ride home. You have to make it. For him. Is the only thought he clings to.
The aftermath of the war lingers everywhere. Bodies within quarter of a mile of another, their sunken eyes staring at them as the ride past.
No one stops them, too busy focusing on their own injured. Arthur's head is down to not see them. They probably hate him. With all of his being, he agrees.
Morgana, from an early age, showed to be better fitted for the crown. Might have even made Camelot a better place, once upon a time, in a time long gone.
Now they're both just as terrible and ill-fitted for his home.
He tries not to think of her, it’s too painful. So, he focuses on saving Merlin again. Merlin. His best friend, who he had always hoped would become something more. His rock, the only one he could trust. Something he has proved over and over again, but something he had realised only during his father's funeral.
Uther’s death is a recent memory. Arthur had cried until there were no tears left to shed over anyone else after. Not out of love or grievance. His father’s love for him was long gone before he himself was. But because the moment Uther’s life ended, Arthur’s reign began and the feeling of no support or companionship with it. Morgana was gone. Ygraine had never been there to begin with, and the overwhelming responsibility hit him- hard . He had felt so alone. There was no one there for him. No one cared.
Then Merlin had placed a hand on his shoulder, whispered to him, told him he was going to be a great king and that he was sorry. As if Merlin was at fault. As if he wasn't the only reason Arthur was still standing.
It made him see more clearly that he might not ruin the kingdom- his kingdom. A spark of heat, mixed with joy and sorrow ignited like wildfire spread all over his chest, then back, arms and legs followed soon, and finally his face; he returned Merlin’s sentiment with a warm smile.
Maybe that's when he had fallen in love, or when he had realized that Merlin was the only one he could trust. He's still not sure which one it was, maybe the love had come slowly, or maybe, and just the seed had been planted back then, or maybe it had come fact and crashing.
And now he was going to be gone too. Arthur sighs, his eyes drooping from a week of no sleep. Everyone leaves. They always leave. Maybe he still had some tears left.
The dark is disorienting. Is he sleeping? Is he even alive? He has to be, he has to make sure Arthur gets back home.
"Emrys," he hears someone say. No, not someone- Morgana. Her voice is unmistakable, ragged and sickly sweet at the same time. She had always been like that, even before, a dizzying array of opposites.
"Witch," he whispers. "Why have you brought me here?"
The smugness in her voice is apparent, "That's very hypocritical of you, isn't it? After all, you're magical too. More than me, even." She didn't answer his question. "All alone now, aren’t you? No one to save you." He shakes his head; how did he manage to get here? The last thing he was doing was shouting at Arthur to bring him along ("I always thought you were the bravest man I knew." “That’s not fair.") Arthur's face had been so disappointed, and it had broken Merlin's heart. But if the war was still going on, then no one would be coming for him. He will have to get out of this by himself.
"What. Do. You. Want." He grits out, he doesn't have the patience, nor the time for this, he has to help them. The knights are strong, but even the strongest of human kind wouln’t last long against an immortal army. He has to be there with them, to help them, to keep them alive. No matter how much his words hurt, Merlin will still save them, because that is what he does.
She laughs. " You."
"I don't have time for games, leave me be."- turning his head around trying to locate Morgana’s voice; the darkness, the nothingness, hasn’t changed.
"Oh, but why would I do that?" Her cold hands are taking hold of his chin, nails digging into his face. She's right in front of him. Her silky dress pooling onto his feet, the edges of her dirty hair grazing his arms. "I have you right where I want you, no one is going to come to save you. I only need one thing from you." She pauses, her fingers snap; there are fires surrounding them in a circle. He struggles against the bonds of rope he didn't realize were tied onto him, but it's of no use.
She’s clearer now, seen better days too. Bags under her crazed eyes, a ragged and torn black gown, a cloak is gracing her hunched back. Frankly, it looks like she hasn’t taken a bath in months. She doesn’t even resemble the Morgana he used to know, the compassionate and cunning one.
This is his creation; he is the reason she is like this. He never should have listened to the fucking dragon, he should have told her about his magic, maybe things would be different then.
"I won't do anything for you,” he hisses. “I would rather die.”
“Oh, you will.” She says it like it’s a fact as if it’s inevitable that he will die soon, and a tremor goes from his head to his toes in a matter of a second. He’s supposed to be immortal, supposed to live for a long, long time. He’s not scared of dying, he supposes. He’s scared of what will happen afterwards. “And it will hurt, I can tell you that, it will hurt so much.” She inches even closer, impossibly so. “But that won’t be the worst part, no. The worst part will be that no one will care . Arthur won’t care. No matter what you have done for him, he won’t even notice you’re gone.”
He’s silent as her words sink in. Sow themselves into his brain, into his heart, tries to convince himself it’s not true.
“Arthur won’t rescue you. You need his help, but he doesn’t have your back. He’s not even looking for you. If you’re drowning, if you’re about to crack, will he even care?” Something on his face makes her look smug like she’s already won. “Face it, Merlin.” That’s the first time she’s called him Merlin and not Emrys since she found out. “You don’t matter to him. He thinks you’re disposable, But I know better.”
Merlin looks up at her. "You're sick," he spits, although it sounds small, unsure. "He would look for me. I know he would." The statement is more for himself than her.
She gives a small, cruel smile as if to convey to him how pathetic he is. “All I need you to do,” she continues, “is to tell me where you are once this ends.”
He's about to ask her what she means, when the fires go out and it all turns dark again.
He stops in the forest, to rest, though he's not sure if Merlin will even survive by the end of it. He lays him down against a rock and lights a fire. He has to make something to feed them, or they'll die of starvation before Morgana's knights get to them. He surveys the clearing they're in, and he's about to walk towards what he is almost sure is an edible plant (emphasis on the almost, kings don't always learn about herbs), when he hears Merlin whispers. He snaps back, his eyes are open, a once tantalizing clear blue now murky and grey.
"Arthur" he murmurs. "Art- I-"
He holds up a hand "I'm here Merlin," he says. "I'm here but don't speak, you need to preserve your energy."
He doesn't listen. "I-I need to tell you something and," he gasps, trying to breathe, "and I need you to listen without interrupting."
Arthur wants to tell him whatever he needs to say probably isn't as important as his life, but the look on his face tells him that it might be.
Merlin shudders, clearly exhausted. "I ha-have magic," he rasps. Arthur's mind goes blank. It's a joke, it has to be. Merlin can't have betrayed him too. He takes a step toward him, to reach out maybe, but thinks better of it.
"Stop being silly," he commands, but it comes out shaky.
Merlin eyes seem wet. When he opens his mouth to speak, all that comes out is a bare whisper, "I ne-needed to tell you. In, in case, I-I, uh, die."
"You can't die." He clasps Merlin shoulder this time, leaning down. "But stop delusioning yourself Merlin. You don't have magic, I would know." It's not real, he would've been able to tell. This can't be true, it can't.
"And I use it for you," he continues, seeing his expression. "Only-only for you."
"Shut up," Arthur whispers. Merlin flinches back. "Shut up, shut up, shut up."
"I-," he starts, but he cuts him off.
"Do not speak to me."
Arthur looks at him, something rising in his throat. He thought it would be bile, but it's laughter. Of course, of course, the only person he trusts has magic.
He stands up and walks away, until he's sure Merlin won't be able to see him.
Merlin’s heart sinks as he stares at Arthur’s back, she was right. He told him about his magic, and now he was leaving him to die in a forest, never mind the reason he was dying was that he had taken a sword for Arthur. Never mind that he had spent a decade protecting him, trying to stop hundreds of people from killing someone he himself hadn’t particularly cared for at the beginning. Never mind the fact that he had sacrificed so much, just so he could be comfortable living in a castle built on the sins of his father and the corpses of magic users. Ten years, all down the drain. Merlin wants to laugh, of course, it comes done to this. To Arthur abandoning him because he told him something he didn’t want to hear. Fuck him, fuck the pendragons. Couldn’t let him die in peace.
He stews in it for a while, too tired to cry. Too sick of everything to even care anymore. He won’t tell her though; couldn’t let it all go to waste. She’ll find out anyway, he knows, she has her sources.
Yet, he has more important things to focus on, Arthur will either come back, or he won’t. But his wound stays. The giddiness is gone, replaced with something else. Something warm, like a fire in his stomach.
He presses down on his abdomen.  as he sighs sharply through his nose, it helps with the increasing pain, stabbing his bone and overtaking his senses.
His lungs struggle to breathe, it feels as if they’re filling with water as he drowns; his whole body burns as his back arches and writhes. It’s like there’s thousands of needles being pushed into him from everywhere, as if the needles had been pulled out from a fire before being inserted into him- red hot and painful, so painful. He wants to stand up, to run and jump into a lake, but his legs feel like jelly, he can’t move. It hurts so much. He hears distant echoes of screams; they’re probably coming from him.  And just like that, it starts to ebb. The needles being pulled out hurts more, but the small burns they leave behind are definitely better than it was before. He slumps down against a tree, numb.
He feels his eyes droop. His pain is still shooting through his body, but at least he has some time before he has to feel it again.
He wakes up again in some time, not sure when. It doesn't hurt as much as it did before. He’s just tired. He lays there for what feels like hours, but the sun hasn’t even set, so it was probably a few minutes.
To his immense surprise, he comes back. Arthur… comes back.
"Come back to finish the job, huh?" Merlin snarls, refusing to believe that maybe he came back to help him because he cared for him. It's too good to be true. Arthur is compassionate and he is kind, but not to magic users. "One stab wound wasn't enough for you?"
Arthur's already been saved from the imminent death of his which has been prophesied for a few centuries already, Merlin no longer has to worry, and he doesn't want to either. If this is his reward, to be called a coward, to be ignored and hut out, what everything had been leading up to, he might as well have died years ago. He used to wake up with only Arthur in mind, He loved him, still does. He’s not going to go out any other way.
He was the reason he lived, and he is the reason Merlin is going to die.
Arthur recoils in shock, his mouth is hanging open a little.
Good , Merlin thinks, he needs a wake-up call.
"What?" He asks.
Merlin hopes his expression can convey his feelings and how unamused he is because his throat is clogged up and he's too exhausted to say a word more. He may be a warlock, but it doesn’t change the fact that he is in unbearable pain.
Arthur looks at him as if he's grown a second head. "You- you thought I was going to kill you?"
There's no reply. Arthur comes forward, stops when he sees how scared the other man becomes. He sits down onto the cold, hard ground. "Merlin," he says softly, "I, I'm angry at you, I'm not going to lie, but I would never, never kill you. I- how could you even-" he trails off, he kicks some dirt glumly. "Just, we’ll talk about this when we're back home, okay? When you're better."
Arthur doesn't know how Merlin could think that. He would never- he didn’t even imagine doing anything other than demoting him, at most. He feels betrayed, and he feels let down. But this is Merlin. If he practiced magic, there must have been a good reason.
Fuck. Has he been that bad of a friend? Has he been so distant that Merlin thought Arthur was going to kill him? He knows he should be angrier, and just a few hours ago, he was. He was ready to yell and to scream and to rage, but then he thought of Morgana. About how he used to love her, and how she changed when he turned her away, He doesn’t want the same to happen to Merlin, doesn’t want him to change too. If Merlin dies because Arthur abandons him, he will never forgive himself.
So, as he snuffs out the fire and tries to cover up his tracks, because he knows Morgana will be looking for them, he doesn’t say anything. When he picks Merlin up and places him on the horse, he tries to be as gentle as he can. When he squeezes Merlin's hand in what he hopes is comforting, he just hopes Merlin doesn’t hate him completely.  
Merlin floats in and out of consciousness for what he thinks is a day, but he can’t be sure. When he first wakes up, he’s trotting along on a horse, Arthur behind him, and then he’s in front of a fire, sitting on the ground, then the horse again. Once, he wakes up to strangled screams, but he’s not sure what was going on. He’s too scared to ask. The fifth time he wakes up, however, it’s different. It’s not a coincidence, it’s on purpose, Arthur is shaking him awake. He makes out that they are next to the lake, where he has sent away so many corpses already.
It's calm and serene, obvious to all that is happening around it.
“Wha-” he starts to say blearily, he knows they haven’t reached Camelot yet, so what is going on?
Arthur silences him by placing a hand on his mouth. “We’ve got company,” he whispers. Merlin stiffens up, never a good thing. Not when you’re trekking through the woods, your companion and you both in bad conditions, both starving, one run through with a sword. Not when your companion is the ruler of kingdom which has war being waged against it.
“Arthur,” he says, his voice still sounding heavy and drowsy.
“What?” His mouth feels swollen, and he is incredibly tired, but he can tell he’s agitated, so he doesn't beat around. “Use the sword."
He looks surprised, the expression he hates. The one he uses whenever he realises that he underestimates everyone around him. "I think I know how to use a sword better than you do, Mer lin."
"I mean, don't use your old sword, use Excalibur. It can kill anything. " Saying even this much feels like he just ran from Ealdor to Camelot without break, but he manages.
He opens his mouth to reply, but then his eyes widen. "Did you hear that?" His voice is low but urgent. Merlin blinks, he didn't hear anything other than the wind and- oh, he hears it now. There's distant screaming, coming from a woman from what it sounds like. It's barely noticeable, but the sounds of footsteps and something heavy being dragged on the forest floor towards them is much, much louder.
They exchange glances, only for a second. Merlin gestures towards the sword and Arthur nods, not questioning him for once.
Merlin tries to speak, he wants to help, but his throat is becoming clogged, and his vision is becoming blurry and- I am not going to survive. He thinks, before his eyes roll back into his head, and he passes out once more.
Arthur does not dare to say anything, or to do anything, other than stay frozen in his spot, sword in hand.
The noises are coming closer and closer. The screams have subsided now, but the steps have not. He knows he should highball out of there, but he has a feeling that whatever is coming their way cannot be outrun, and 50% of his lessons in swordplay focuses only on telling him to follow his gut.  
"Emrys," says a voice. He inhales sharply, he recognizes that voice; knows it better than he has any right too.
"Morgana," he breathes.
She pouts, looking disappointed. "Seems like our Emrys isn't awake. Shame, I wanted him to see you die." She says it casually, as if she tells her once-brother that she’s going to kill him every day.
He reminds himself - this is not his sister, not the woman he grew up with. If he doesn’t kill her, she will kill him. And she will take his kingdom.
But he never meant for them to get caught up in this, he had to control himself. He can’t rush to hug her or stab her. He can see a flicker of what she used to be, the brave, young woman. He needs her to hold onto that. If she doesn’t, he will have to do it. And he really, really doesn’t want to.
But as she lunges at him, the flicker ebbs out. She has slipped through his hands, and she has changed. She has been carried away by the waves of sorcery, and it has ruined her. He remembers her being his hero when they were young, when they used to sneak out of the castle to look at the stars. Her arguing with Uther over whether it was right to commit genocide, the irony of which has stuck with him. Her teaching him to use the sword, having already mastered it herself. Her forcing him to make friends with Gwen, who grew to become his ex-lover and best friend and surrogate queen. The memories keep on coming, and they don't stop. But she, like everyone else, changed. No matter what time, she is different now. It will never come back. He wants to go back, when they were innocent and naive, when everything was left for them to discover.
But he can’t.
So he fights back instead.
It's all he can do to make his hands steady as his blade sinks into her stomach, as he buries it deeper and deeper until it comes out on the other side. She looks surprised, then grim. She'll be alive for a few days, at most, a few minutes, at best.
But he can't bear to leave her suffering, alive but dying, tortured. So, he stabs her again, this time aiming for the heart, and again. And again. And again. When he is sure that she's dead, he stops, sliding onto his knees. He glares at the sword in contempt. He killed her; he killed his sister.
No .
He killed the woman who wanted to burn his kingdom to the ground. He had no other choice.
But what sort of person is he? He's killed both his knight and his former sister on the same day, with the same sword.
He grips it harder, then looks at the lake. He needs to get rid of it, that's what he needs to do. No one can find out what happened today, he can't let them. He raises it and throws it in. He had thought it would land on the banks, considering how heavy it is, but it doesn't. Instead, the sword flies out of his grip, and cuts through the air, towards the lake. He swears he can see a hand reaching out of the water to catch it, but it's probably a trick of the light.
He turns to her body laid on the ground, eyes open and unblinking, mouth looking as if gasping for breath, cloak sprawled around her like wings. She's dead.
Somehow, he knows if he had used the other sword, she would not be; he knows enough about magic to realise that the high priestess cannot be taken down by a normal weapon.
But Excalibur was not normal, was it? Just another thing to add to his list of questions.
It takes him thirty more minutes to dispose of her body in the lake, staring as it sinks deeper into the water. He doesn't look away, no. He deserves this. He has to remember, and he will.
He doesn't move for a long, long time. Only goes so when he realizes that, although she is dead, Merlin is not yet. Arthur intends to keep it that way. He turns his back on her. Every step drains him, but he does it.
He can't be left alone again.  
It takes them two more days to arrive in Camelot. All of it passes in awkward silence, with Merlin getting paler and paler with every passing second. Arthur doesn’t say anything out loud, but his mind is racing. He doesn’t think of them. He can’t. So he focuses on magic instead. He’s not sure if he trusts magic fully, even now, but maybe he should be more open-minded. Maybe he should give it a chance. Maybe it'll be different than it was with Morga- her.
When he arrives, it is completely different to what he had expected. There are mourners, of course. People in white, downcast expressions, closed windows, doors painted black. But there are also red banners hanging everywhere, citizens cheering as he rides past, ignoring Merlin behind him. Cries of "she is dead" and "the war is over". People are grieving, and there are those celebrating. He doesn't ask how they know of her death, he doesn't want to know. They tell him anyway. Apparently, the army stopped attacking, all of a sudden. They had cried, and shouted, and had turned back. It is unclear why, but Arthur knows he is the reason. Morgana dying at his hands is the reason.
Some help him get to Gaius', seeing how unamused he looks. They clear out the road, offer them water. Arthur is grateful for them, glad that at least some of his people acknowledged the dying man and had tried to help.
The physician is busy when he throws the door open, Merlin in tow. There are many, many people here. All with varying degrees of injuries. Arthur can’t bear to look at them. It’s his fault. It’s all his fault. So he ignores them, marches up to him.
“He’s- he’s been stabbed,” he chokes out.
Gaius’ eyes widen, and he rushes to follow Arthur. He lays Merlin out on one of the few empty beds, his body sprawls out on it. It’s sickening to look at as if he’s dead already.
He sets to work immediately, ordering Arthur to fetch herbs and vials and all sorts of things he doesn’t know the uses of. The people around them stare at him blankly, as if they know he’s the king, but they don’t fully recognise him.
He knows when he is not needed anymore, and backs away to watch. It's odd, and it feels so wrong. It's wrong to watch as Merlin is cut open and healed. Like he's invading his privacy. Merlin deserves better than to be put on a show in front of so many people.
He does try to help. Tries to tell as many people as he can to move to the castle, where he is sure more doctors would be willing to help, but some are in too bad of a condition to be moved as they are tended to by nurses. So he elects to focus on his friend instead.
Gaius' hands have always been steady, for as long had Arthur had known him. He cuts open bodies without worry, without even flinching. Which is not the case today, he notices. No, his hands are shaking. Not much as to be obvious, but he's known the man for far too long to not be able to tell when he's scared.
He thinks Merlin is going to die .
Arthur recoils violently. He doesn't know where the thought came from, because it's not true. It can’t be.
Merlin is going to survive. He tells himself.
Merlin. Is. Going. To. Survive.
He repeats under his breath, rocking himself back and forth on his heels until he almost believes it. He has to.
He's not sure where the time has passed, because Gaius is in front of him all of a sudden but Arthur remembers him standing over the table just seconds ago.
Gaius shakes his head and it takes a few minutes for it to register in his mind. Arthur can't be looking at him, and his heartbreaking face. Just like him, Gaius' only support was Merlin. Was. Not is, was. Merlin is barely dead, and Arthur is already starting to think of him as a memory.
The physician knows what it feels like, but Arthur doesn't care.
"You should've done better," he hisses. He doesn't regret it. Doesn’t regret causing the shock he’s caused Gaius. But it's his fault too. He's the one Merlin took a sword for. But he needs to blame someone else. Because he doesn't want to think of the implications of Merlin dying at his hands. Gaius looks at him as if he is about to break, so Arthur walks away. From him, towards the corpse. He can't bear to face another person he's hurt.
It can't be true. There's got to be something he can do, something. He can't die, he can’t fucking die. Not when there's not much left to say. Not when they've just won. It's supposed to be a thing to celebrate, a war ending, he can't mourn. He can't give a speech to his kingdom which wasn't written by his best friend. Can't lose him. He doesn't think he'll be able to live without him.
He doesn't want to. He won't.
Merlin looks too much at peace, content in a way Arthur hasn't seen him in a long time. His long lashes casting shadows onto his freckled skin, his lips are twisted into a scowl, but he is at peace. He still looks the same, though. Beautiful and striking. Arthur's rock.
And dead.
Arthur’s hands move at their own accord, to stroke the side of his face. A sob escapes him before he can stop it, pushing through his throat. His people need assurance, and him crying like a bloody fool won't help. But that's the last thing on his mind. All he knows is Merlin is dead.
He isn’t able to stop staring, can't help wondering what he will do now. Whether the body will be burned or buried. He will be given a hero's funeral, it's no less than he deserves. He will be clothed in Camelot’s colours, or maybe his Ealdor's. Hunith would know better.
Oh lord, Hunith. She will have to find out through a letter. No. Arthur will have to go to tell her. He can't let her go through it alone.
He's about to turn away, to tell someone to help him move the body when his lips move.
Merlin's mouth opens, just a little bit, but enough to tell that he's alive.
Arthur feels a shock go through him. It was just an illusion.
"Merlin?" he asks. It can't be true, no matter how much he wants it to be. It was probably a trick of the light, but that can't be right. Because Merlin's eyes are opening and he's staring at him and some colour is returning to his cheeks and oh-
This the man he loves. And he waking up.
"Ar- Arth," he begins but Arthur shushes him. He’s alive, he’s speaking. He doesn’t know how, but it’s real. It’s actually real.
"I'm here," he assures him "I'm here." He shocks even himself as he leans down to kiss him. He's even more surprised when Merlin kisses him back. It only lasts a second before he pulls back, but he just kissed Merlin. It was rough, it wasn't perfect. But he's breathing. They're both here. He can't ask for more.
"Wha- what was," he exhales through his nose, as if speaking taxes him, "that for?"
"I wanted to," he says, shrugging, still not over the euphoria. He just lost him, he’s never going to again. The least he can do is not hide from the truth. "And, I, I also kind of love you. Like, I’m in love with you."
His eyes widen a fraction, but Arthur can tell he’s too tired to question it further.
He wants to say more, he has so many questions as to how he's still breathing, when he started practicing magic, why, but he doesn’t. He has time, they have all the time in the world.
He turns his back, yelling for Gaius. The physician shows up immediately, face lighting up when he takes in the sight of his son very much not-dead.
"We'll figure it out," he says, though he's not sure he heard him over the noise. "We'll figure it out." He grins. Yeah, they'll figure it out.
He swears, Merlin is beaming right back at him.
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by thewayaround
He whispered an incantation and they both watched a green flower bud appear in her palm. Slowly it grew larger and changed from green to yellow to a red so dark it looked as though the flower had been dipped in blood. As the petals spread and the bud bloomed, a small, violet butterfly no bigger than a coin came from the middle of it, hovering over Morgana’s hand. “Magic can be beautiful,” Merlin whispered as Morgana stared at the butterfly. It rose to a point where it was right in front of her face, hovered there for a moment, then moved again to perch on the end of her nose, its wings fluttering softly. From where he sat in front of her Merlin chuckled. “It has a mind of its own, magic.” Morgana laughed softly as the butterfly flew from her nose and around her head before moving towards the window, vanishing into the night as it flew through the broken glass.
Words: 11660, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Merlin (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Morgana (Merlin), Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Gwen (Merlin), Gaius (Merlin), Uther Pendragon (Merlin)
Relationships: Merlin & Morgana (Merlin), Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Gwen/Morgana (Merlin)
Additional Tags: POV Morgana (Merlin), Good Morgana (Merlin), Awesome Morgana (Merlin), Arthur Finds Out About Merlin’s Magic (Merlin), Uther Finds Out About Merlin's Magic (Merlin), Gwen is an actual angel, and morgana loves her, Uther is an asshole but Morgana owns his ass so that's fine, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Protective Morgana, basically i love morgana, And she deserved better
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merlin gets jealous of arthur’s infatuation with gwen, arthur somehow figures it out and confesses that he feigned feelings for gwen to help her & morgana cover up their relationship, & he admits that he loves merlin and its cute and everyones happy
—love love love. also, Uther exists only in mentions for plot progression and in no other capacity in this happy gay Camelot of our creation—
Merlin is usually not a jealous person, he isn’t. He’s a romantic! He believes in love and happy endings and… princes in shining armor…
But come on, really? This was the third feast this month where Arthur had spent the whole time hanging all over Gwen. He assigned her personally to wait on the high table with Merlin and then didn’t even let Merlin get in a word edgewise the whole evening. No more Merlin leaning down to whisper a joke in his ear about Sir Chevalier’s ridiculous hat or Lady Rune’s constant one-sided flirtation with Leon. Arthur spent the whole time calling Gwen back to talk to him, a hand on her waist, a laugh on his tongue, fingers shyly reaching up to brush a curl away from her face.
And really, he should be happy for them. They were obviously (very obviously) smitten with each other. But didn’t he deserve a happy ending too?
One day, it all became too much. Arthur and the nights were having a laugh in the armory, Merlin tucked in a corner reattaching one of Arthur’s leather straps to his armor.Gwen knocked lightly on the door, entering at a warm wave from Arthur. “A letter for you, sire.” she murmured with a small smile. Arthur took the letter, a smirk spreading across his face when he read the sender.
“What is it, my lord?” Asked one of the newer knights. “A suitor, perhaps?”
Arthur laughed. “It is indeed, Phillip. An old friend with which I had a few memorable nights, years ago. It seems she would like to see if the old spark is still there.”
“What are you waiting for?” Phillip blurted out incredulously. Leon knocked his shoulder against the young man to quiet him.
Arthur laughed. “I must confess, these days…” his eyes wandered to Gwen where she stood transfixed in the doorway. “My heart belongs to another.”
Soon the others left, the excitement of the letter over. Arthur remained in what Merlin could only assume was a lovestruck stupor, because he stared silently as Merlin finished stitching the strap. With those stupid royal blue (pun intended) eyes staring at him, he couldn’t help but fumble with the patchwork.
“Merlin,” Arthur began quietly in the silence of the armory, “is everything… are you okay?”
Merlin shrugged far too aggressively to put off any ‘okay’ vibes. “Why do you care? Shouldn’t you be off watching Gwen dust Morgana’s hairbrush or something?”
A silence as Arthur opened and shut his mouth like a fish out of water. “Excuse me?”
Merlin groaned at the princely tone of his voice. He huffed and stood up, letting the armor clang slightly as it fell over. That could wait until tomorrow.
He tried to storm past Arthur, but the prince grabbed his arm too tightly for him to get away. “Merlin. What are you talking about?”
“Oh don’t be a prat. I get it, okay? Gwen is very beautiful and funny and kind and wise. I just think you could be a bit less obvious about it, is all!”
Arthur stared. “Gwen… is all of those things. But Merlin, I… you don’t… Gwen-“ he stopped, apparently deciding this train of thought was getting him nowhere. Merlin was impatient.
“Gwen and Morgana… are together.”
Now it was Merlin’s turn to stare.
“Gwen and Morgana came to me, last month. Morgana had sensed suspicion from Uther about the nature of their relationship, and they needed my help. I pretended to be interested in Gwen in order to throw Uther off track.”
Merlin punched him. Shouldn’t have, really, it was just an impulse. There was no blood, if that makes it better? He immediately regretted it, apologizing over and over as he grabbed at Arthur’s hands clamped over his injured nose. But Arthur was laughing. Doubling over, swatting at Merlin, tears in his eyes, laughing.
“What in the hella are you laughing about, arsehole?” Merlin went from apologetic to sassy in well, normal timing for him.
Arthur finally straightened up and grinned, placing a hand on Merlin’s cheek. “You’re jealous, Merlin. And I’m absolutely in love with you.”
He leaned in and pecked Merlin on the lips before his blush could fade. Merlin returned the favor and put an additional kiss on Arthur’s slightly swelling nose. He grabbed Arthur’s hand and started to lead him away. “Let’s go get Gwen to get some salve for that. And Morgana. I have some words to say to the both of them, gay wads.”
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lunalockser · 7 years
An Act of Trust
“We’re never so vulnerable than when we trust someone - but paradoxically, if we cannot trust, neither can we find love or joy.” Walter Anderson. Two weeks after the season 3 finale, Merlin gets a chance to make one of the biggest decisions of his life; whether or not to trust Gwaine. Reveal fic. Merwaine.
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Hey, Puddin’s. Long time no see right? Well, do not despair! I come with a change in fandom today. Welcome to my first Merlin story. Ironically, this is also my first m/m story. I hope you enjoy!
Shoutout to @here–be-nerds , who beta read this for me as my older sister is not in Merlin fandom yet.
Cover Image belongs to @grumpycakes on Tumblr and can be found here
Two weeks have passed since Morgana failed to take over the thrown; two weeks since the King had retreated to his room and refused to leave, mourning over the loss and betrayal of his daughter; two weeks since the prince begun acting as Regent, doing his best to run the kingdom.
Two weeks since the prince had knighted four commoners.
Smiling at the success of his friends, Merlin watched as they scurried about the armory, preparing for another day of training.
The new knights had adjusted well.
Lancelot was proud of himself, declaring that he would continue to prove himself and to protect Camelot with honor.
Percival, while originally everyone’s proposing favorite due to his size, quickly proved he was more than just brute strength but was a gentle soul, a loyal companion, and a comforter as well.
Elyan had sworn to be the brother that Gwen deserved, and the knight that Arthur trusted he could be.
And Gwaine, Merlin smiled, was doing better than anyone had thought.
Merlin had been shocked, at first, when Gwaine had agreed to kneel at the Prince’s feet and be knighted. If he hadn’t known better, Merlin would believe that he had done it to avoid being rude.
Then, surprising the warlock further, Gwaine had stayed after the battle, training to defend Camelot and helping in the rebuilding.
He was not complaining though; he enjoyed the little amount of time they were able to spend together. Gwaine never failed to make Merlin comfortable, and Merlin found that their conversations were like breathing. He could relax and be himself, and the new knight never made him feel judged.
The raven-haired servant smiled as he watched the brunet jest with Lancelot. He trusted Gwaine, which was rare for Merlin.
He often felt wary of those closest to him. Gaius and his mother’s advice were laced with fear. He feared they, at times, simply would rather him stay safe at home, while he needed to be out helping people.
Kilgharrah was known to use him to his advantage. Though the dragon was his greatest ally, he knew the creature cared more about the future and destiny than he did the warlock. He was a pawn of fate in the dragon’s eyes.
Even with Arthur, the threat of being revealed clouded that relationship. He knew the young prince cared for him, but did not know for certain how he would react to learning of his friend’s magic, so Merlin remained untrusting still.
But with Gwaine everything was different. The vagabond did not expect anything from Merlin but a smile, a laugh. He understood that Merlin needed to help others and did not expect him to fall back and retreat to the sidelines.
A clap to the back startled him from his thoughts. He turned towards the scent of ale. “Merlin! Just the man I wanted to talk to!”
“Aren’t I always,” the manservant teased.
The chuckle Gwaine gave warmed his heart. “So what is it you wanted to discuss?”
“Just simply wanting to catch up, it feels that we’ve not spoken in ages.”
“We just spoke the other day.”
“But that was just a moment, we haven’t spent any quality relaxing time since our return.”
“Then tonight, come visit me in Gaius’ chambers.”
“Well, I have missed your bed.”
Merlin blushed at the cheeky joke, ears flushed. Gwaine chuckled, swung his arm around the taller man’s shoulders in a one-armed hug, before parting to train.
Arthur barked for Merlin to do his chores, and Merlin’s day was suddenly hectic again.
The moon had graced the sky for some time when the servant had finally finished his duties. His long legs raced back to Gaius’s chambers, berating himself for being late to meet Gwaine.
When he arrived, the drunkard knight was engaged in light humor with the old man. Their plates sat empty in front of them; Merlin noticed a tray of food laid on the table and a bottle of wine was opened.
“Ah! Look who came home,” the elderly physician called. Gwaine’s smile at Merlin’s arrival almost prompted another blush. “Well, I’ll guess I’ll leave the festivities to the young folk then.”
Each man said goodnight, watching as Gaius pulled his sheet around his bed. The two remaining grabbed the trays, heading to Merlin’s room to avoid disturbing the man’s sleep.
“Sorry I’m so late Gwaine, Arthur had me running ‘round the whole castle today.” Merlin panted, still working to catch his breath from the sprint. His whole being was tired, and he hadn’t had a proper lunch that day.
“Don’t worry mate, I had nothing else planned for the night.” Noticing Merlin’s state, Gwaine internally snarled at the fact that Merlin would rather worry about offending him then take some time to relax. But Gwaine knew that was just how the man was. He held the world on his shoulders, even when it deserved to be thrown and shattered on the ground. Merlin was just a good person. He just needed someone to look after him. And Gwaine knew that responsibility fell to him, though it was less a responsibility and more of a pleasure.
“Here, I bought some dinner down for us, there should be plenty left, and some wine too. You look famished.” Merlin’s grateful smile did not go unnoticed by the knight, and he basked in the joy he brought the boy.
The lanky wizard sat at the table, preparing himself a decent plate. “Thank you, I needed something to eat. The prat had me working all day and I missed my opportunity for lunch.” He looked up in time to notice the scowl gracing Gwaine’s face.
“Oh no, its nothing Gwaine, I had had a nice breakfast beforehand. It’s not like it happens often-”
“Merlin, you don’t have to lie to me, I get it. You want to help the Princess and sometimes you forget to take care of yourself; I’m not mad at you over that.”
“But then-”
“I’m upset because Arthur should notice when he’s overworking you. How the fact that you work harder than anyone in this castle without any recognition or complaint is beyond me”
Merlin blinked, he wasn’t sure how to respond. No one had ever pushed him to seek recognition, and he had never really wanted it. To hear a “thank you” once in awhile would have been nice, but being in the center of attention did make him nervous. The thought of someone finding out about his magic made him queasy, and he began to use a fake a smile to hide this until he remembered that this was Gwaine, and he did not have to lie to him.
“Thank you for your concern, really. It’s just that, I feel I could do something good here, and I sometimes forget about myself. It’s sometimes too easy to pass as fine, and Arthur is not to blame. I just don’t like to be the focus, so I don’t bring it on myself by complaining.”
A soft smile spread on Gwaine’s face, and Merlin felt it leak to his. “Alright then, I believe you. But I can’t in good heart let you do this without being there to make sure you’re fed and rested, so know that I am always here. If you need someone to cover for you while you sneak a meal or nap, I’m here; if you need someone to rant to about the princess, then I’m here. If you need to simply talk, I’m here.”
A small tear broke through Merlin’s eye, and Gwaine’s surprisingly gentle hand brushed it away.
“Thank you. Honestly. You have no idea how much that means to me.”
“No need for thanks, you are my closest friend. I hope you can trust me enough to come to me if you need me.”
At the word “trust” Merlin stopped. He thought for a moment. There was no denying he trusted Gwaine. Gwaine, who was so willing to drop whatever he was doing to help Merlin, and who never hid the fact that he had helped Camelot for Merlin’s sake more than anything. Gwaine, who had trusted him from their first meeting enough to share the true story of his past.
All at once, Merlin knew what to do. Damn the secrets, damn the fear, damn caution. It was time to trust his gut.
“Gwaine.” his voice grew solemn and uncertain. Said knight snapped his head up, trying to decipher what had upset his friend. “I want to show you something”.
“Ok, just sit back please,” He did not ask Gwaine to keep calm or to not freak out, knowing that they would be promises the knight may not be able to keep.
Closing his eyes, Merlin took a deep breath, deciding quickly what he could do that was non-threatening and would amuse Gwaine. Smiling to himself, he knew what to do. Raising a hand towards the open bottle of wine, which still lay on the table, long forgotten, he focused his magic.
Gwaine was stuck watching as his eyes flashed gold. The wine rose from the bottle, using its liquid state to change shapes, turning from the form of a bounding rabbit to butterflies fluttering in the wind. Merlin played with the wine for a brief moment, before returning it to its bottle.
Silence reigned after Merlin was done. Here it was, the moment of truth.
A low chuckle disturbed the silence, then became louder and uncontrollable, until the knight was cackling with hysterics. Merlin grew anxious, had his magic reveal driven his friend to insanity?
After some time, Gwaine had settled down from his bout. Merlin stared warily, and the knight felt guilty for making him worry. “So does this mean I never have to buy ale again?”
Confusion graced the warlock’s face before the meaning dawned on him. His smile reached his eyes and Gwine marveled at how beautiful he looked.
“No, no, I can make it once in awhile maybe but it would not be as good as the real thing.”
“Oh well then, guess I’ll just continue to wash my money away.”
The two smiled at each other for a moment, just enjoying the warm feeling between them. Then Gwaine, while still trying to keep the mood natural and keep his friend relaxed, began asking the questions that suddenly screamed in his head.
“What are you doing in Camelot with magic? You have to know how unsafe you are.”
“I came here at first to get away from my home village, Ealdor. They were growing suspicious, and while magic there isn’t illegal, it wasn’t welcomed. Then, I found out about my destiny. I’m meant to be here. I’m meant to help Arthur rise and to restore the relationship between magic and the crown. I can do it, I just have to be careful until then.”
“I should have figured that it would have to do with Arthur somehow. Does anyone else know?”
“Only Gaius and Lancelot, though they found out through incidents.”
“Are you sure? No one else may suspect you? No one else who may bring issues for you?” His protective nature for Merlin was beginning to show its head.
“No one else knows or suspects. The whole of the castle believes me to be nothing more than Prince Arthur’s clumsy manservant.”
“Does this explain all the ‘lucky’ accidents that happen around us?”
Merlin smiled, Gwaine seemed to be taking this well, and he had not accused him of being evil. “Yeah, I use my magic to keep everyone safe.”
Gwaine stared in amazement at the warlock. He was so pure-hearted, how could anyone ever think that the magic he carried made him evil? Here Merlin was, holding a position that put him in danger of being discovered, saving the lives of people who would put him to burn without a second thought.
His whole core shook at the thought of all the punishment the boy had to endure, knowing he was able to escape, but fearing being discovered. Then his mind went to the moments where Merlin was unable to be found until after the trouble had been settled, mostly through strings of luck.
“Merlin, those times where you vanish, is that you protecting Camelot while no one knows?”
The raven-haired man nodded.
“And when Arthur realizes he can’t find you, he gives you extra work to do?”
The nod was more hesitant this time, and Gwaine raged inside himself. It was pure injustice that the boy saved everyone by putting himself in danger and was punished for it. The boy faced these dangers alone, and -
“Have you been hurt without anyone knowing before?”
The boy simply hung his head, eyes wide as he could not deny it without lying.
“Show me.” The manservant hesitated for a moment, before the knight softened his gaze, letting his friend know he was not angry with him, merely concerned. With shaking hands, his tunic and neckerchief were removed.
Gwaine hissed under his breath at the scars that littered his friend’s body. Marks that bore stories he did not yet know lay before his eyes. His heart clenched. Merlin had endured this pain with barely anyone to share the burden with. He had suffered in silence, with no complaint.
Merlin was surprised when his friend pulled him into his arms. He accepted the embrace readily, though. “I’m so sorry, you were alone, you must have been terrified,” he heard in his ear.
“It’s not so bad really. I get stronger with each fight. I fight for a purpose.”
With his head on Gwaine’s chest, he had felt the chuckle his friend let out. “Thank you for trusting me.” The conversation died there. And neither made any move to leave their position. Both satiated in the other’s warmth. Merlin was glad he had let himself move from the fear, and that he had met Gwaine, who would now, no doubt, be his greatest defense and ally.
Looking down at black hair, Gwaine sent a silent prayer to anyone who would listen. He thanked them for letting him get to meet the boy who dared to change a world that hated him. He thanked Merlin for trusting him. And he vowed that he would protect Merlin, from anything. From those who would hurt him, neglect him. Merlin held the world on his shoulders, but he will cradle Merlin in his arms.
Neither was sure how long they sat before falling asleep, but when Gaius saw them together in the morning, he smiled. Seems perhaps Merlin was learning to trust himself.
So how was it? I kept the Merwaine subtle in this one, but I’ll probably make it more pronounced in future stories. I’m obsessed with these two.
‘Till next time!
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ao3feed-merlin · 5 years
Of Snow, Butterflies, and Blood Red Flowers
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/314lQHc
by thewayaround
He whispered an incantation and they both watched a green flower bud appear in her palm. Slowly it grew larger and changed from green to yellow to a red so dark it looked as though the flower had been dipped in blood. As the petals spread and the bud bloomed, a small, violet butterfly no bigger than a coin came from the middle of it, hovering over Morgana’s hand. “Magic can be beautiful,” Merlin whispered as Morgana stared at the butterfly. It rose to a point where it was right in front of her face, hovered there for a moment, then moved again to perch on the end of her nose, its wings fluttering softly. From where he sat in front of her Merlin chuckled. “It has a mind of its own, magic.” Morgana laughed softly as the butterfly flew from her nose and around her head before moving towards the window, vanishing into the night as it flew through the broken glass.
Words: 11660, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Merlin (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Morgana (Merlin), Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Gwen (Merlin), Gaius (Merlin), Uther Pendragon (Merlin)
Relationships: Merlin & Morgana (Merlin), Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Gwen/Morgana (Merlin)
Additional Tags: POV Morgana (Merlin), Good Morgana (Merlin), Awesome Morgana (Merlin), Arthur Finds Out About Merlin’s Magic (Merlin), Uther Finds Out About Merlin's Magic (Merlin), Gwen is an actual angel, and morgana loves her, Uther is an asshole but Morgana owns his ass so that's fine, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Protective Morgana, basically i love morgana, And she deserved better
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/314lQHc
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