#Gwendolyn blackthrone
domaslut · 2 years
The best Ravenclaw and the broken Hufflepuff. They own my heart.
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“You are a ray of sunshine, Gwenny” Jackson whispered under his breath, watching the witty raven-haired girl twirling round and round in the middle of the snow-covered courtyard.
Her melodic laughter filled the air, her deep dark eyes were closed as he realised that there was not going to be a future without her in his life. He was certain about it the moment a snowball hit his black coat, snapping him out of his daily daydreaming session.
“Wake up, Ross!” she chirped out, a malicious grin adorning her plumped lips.
He shook his head and smiled at her “Too bad you cannot apparate in your dorm, Blackthrone. Here I come!” he teased her, drawing his wand and shooting some snowballs at her. She squirmed in panic, trying her best to dodge them and, once again, Jackson’s mind drew him back to the future, to her, to them.
‘Yeah, I’m definitely going to marry her’ he thought, chasing after her in that winter afternoon at Hogwarts.
I just love them, alright? Let them be happy for the time being… *cries*. Anyway, I am working on Jackson’s biography and the second part of “I won’t crucify the things you do”. Hopefully, I’ll get them done in a few days.
Gwen + Jack are my endgame and I wanted to make it loud and clear😢❤️
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domaslut · 2 years
GWENDOLYN MARY BLACKTHRONE. It’s time to introduce my Mc’s relatives and I would love to start with this angel, probably my favorite member from this problematic family.
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• Face claim: Gal Gadot.
• House: Ravenclaw.
• Status: deceased †.
• Date of birth: 14th April 1965.
• Patronus: butterfly.
• Occupation: formerly, student at Hogwarts; after graduation, healer at St. Mungo.
• Affiliation: Order of the Phoenix.
• Sexuality: bisexual.
• Boggart: no one waiting for her at the train station.
• Riddikulus: the toddler version of her sister, Clarice, in a pink attire, eating dozens of chocolate frogs under the Christmas Tree.
• Wand: hornbeam wood with a unicorn hair core, 10 inches long and very flexible.
• Blood: she is a pureblood. Her parents were both Slytherins and they were top Death Eaters. They both survived the first wizarding war and now are helping the Dark Lord to gather followers to raise again.
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Gwendolyn Mary Blackthrone, born on 14th April 1965, is Clarice Blackthrone’s older sister. She was the pride and joy of her family, a curious child who spent most of her time practising piano, learning spells and studying Herbology. Although she was ambitious and lived up to her parents expectations, she fell into disgrace as soon as she started attending Hogwarts. The Sorting Hat did not believe she would have fitted into Slytherin and declared she would have been of better use among the wise Ravenclaws. As soon as her parents received the news, they started addressing her as an insult to the family name.
Although she was heartbroken for being rejected by her own flesh and blood, Gwendolyn accepted her fate and did her best to accomplish her duties as a student. She became a prefect and she signed up to the Frog Choir, becoming an inspiring icon for most of the girls of her year.
Her ideals did not quite match the ones of her parents and their relationship grew colder year by year. They did not attend her graduation and she did not come back home after the party. Her decision was detrimental to her career, as her father’s connections at the Ministry forced her to give up on her dream to become an Auror.
Relationship with her sister.
Gwendolyn was a good-hearted person. Five years older than Clarice, she was overprotective of her younger sister, both at home and at Hogwarts. When the news that their parents were Death Eaters spread, the girls were usually mocked and challenged by other students. While Clarice was sorted into Slytherin and did not have to deal with her Housemates, whose parents were mostly Death Eaters too, some Gryffindors picked up on her. Even though the younger Blackthrone could handle them easily, she always got her back and incited her sister to use words instead of drawing wands to deal with bullies.
They loved each other and Clarice was the only one who stayed in touch with her sister, supporting her decisions and helping her to find shelter at St. Mungo as a healer.
Gwendolyn was a brilliant witch and a skilled Legilimens. Some of the male ancestors of the Blackthrone family possessed this ability and there had not been one since ninety years. There is no witch from that lineage known for having been a mind-reader and that makes Gwendolyn the only female exception possessing that ability in her family. Although she was a good duelist, she never matched the skills of her sister and her parents. She refused to use the spells invented by her ancestors and spent most of her life sharpening her knowledge in the use of healing spells, herbs and potions. There was not a subject she was not good at, however, she brewed excellent potions and Herbology was probably the easiest one for her.
Gwendolyn was rather open-minded, generous and with a natural predisposition for helping others. She always stood up for herself and her sister, menaging to solve most of the conflicts with long talks and rationality. She was wise and possessed a logical mind, making her always the top of her class. Unfortunately, she had a tendency to blame herself, if things went wrong, and that caused her to become surprisingly quiet and slightly susceptible for days until she figured out a way to forgive herself and, possibly, fix the issue. However, she was usually talkative and adventurous, but that did not stop the Ravenclaw girl from spending hours in the library. She was selfless and she did not mind spending her nights having deep and conforting conversations with her friends. Although being a Ravenclaw and a far way from sharing her parents’ ideals, she inheridated the Blackthrone thirst for power and she cheated, during Quidditch matches, or tournements to help her House win.
What does she dislike.
Gwendolyne loathed family dinners, due to her turbolent relationship with her parents. However, she was forced to attend them until she moved into a small flat in Diagon Alley and started her service at St. Mungo as a healer. She basically hated Death Eaters and her family friends, with the only excpetion of Felix Rosier. She did not fully trust him at first and she feared for her sister’s safety, when they started dating. However, she changed her mind when Felix saved her life during an ambush. In addition, she despised blackstabbers, stubborn and lazy people and, above anything else, feeling useless.
Gwendolyne loved playing piano and she kept on doing it even after she parted from her family. Netherless, passion did not flare up in her eyes anymore, if someone asked her to play something, since her parents demanded her to play it in order to entertain their friends during parties. She is a skilled painter, invested into portraits and sketches of strangers she met on her daily strolls. She loves singing too, a passion she developed back at Hogwarts when she signed up to the Frog Choir.
What does people in love with her smell in the potion? Gwendolyn smells like green tea, the salty tang of the sea, a dusty and forgotten library and the sweetest apple pie.
What does she smells into the potion? She has been in love a few times in her life, both with girls and boys. However, the last time she smelt the fragrance of the potion she had met her first husband, Jackson Ross. The half-blood Hufflepuff, according to her, smelt like cocoa, ink, fresh blankets and sunflowers.
She was forced to marry her second husband after the murder of Jackson. Yet, she never had feelings for him and, when he forced her to smell the potion, she told him she did not smell anything at all but the stink of death in his breath. Totila Samuel Pearson smashed the bottle on her face afterward. Gwendolyn, on that day, swore not to smell a love potion ever again.
The memory to fuel her patronus.
Gwendolyn’s patronus is a butterfly. On her fifth year at Hogwarts she learnt to cast the spell, unleashing it by holding on the happiest memory of her life: her younger sister’s birth. Clarice was everything to her, she was the person she wanted to protect, the one she could not live without and her hope in a miserable life at home with her parents. Despite their unbreakable bond, the memory fueling her patronus switched the moment she fell in love with Jackson Ross. From that day, whenever she casted the spell, she thought about the day they met. The shape did not change, however, the butterfly seemed to have larger wings than before. That did not change when she was widowed.
Being beautiful and friendly, Gwendolyn loved making new friends. The closest ones, though, Chester Davies, Felix Rosier, Bill Weasley and, later on, Talbott Winger. Approaching her was not hard, as long as the person valued friendship, loyalty and goodness above anything else. She did not judge kids coming from Lord Voldemort’s followers and, sometimes, helped them to deal with reality.
Gwendolyne has fallen in love more than once in her life. Each relationship has brought something special to her, in terms of values or personal growth. She was easy to love, but it was kind of hard getting through her heart and picking her attention. However, a few selected people did. Jackson Ross was what she considered “the epic love of her life”. Gwendolyne was willing to marry him despite his blood status and that cause her parents to pest them, to waylay them, until Jackson died by the hand of Totila Samuel Pearson, the pureblood her family wanted her to marry. Gwendolyne lost her smile that day, along with her child. The relationship with her second husband was based on business, with no benefits or feelings. It soon turned out to be a toxic, abusive bond, until Gwendolyne got to escape. The price she paid was the ‘Blackthrone mark’ craved on her chest, that unleashed an excruciating pain through her body as soon as she was too close to a member of her family.
Cause of death.
Gwendolyne was a member of the Order of the phoenix and she took part to the Battle of Hogwarts. She was actually good at duelling, however, she was not strong enough and, weakened by the mark due to the presence of her family on the battlefield, she realised that the best she could do was trying to protect other people. She saw Jae Kim struggling to keep up with her mother and she did not hesitate to cast a Depulso to push him away and be hit herself by the Unforgivable Curse.
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Significant members of the family.
Clarice Charlotte Blackthrone (younger sister).
Tobias Richard Blackthrone † (father);
Gemma Vivienne Blackthrone-Rossellini † (mother);
Gwendolyn Mary Blackthrone † (mc);
Jackson Ross † (Gwendolyn’s first husband);
Totila Samuel Pearson (Gwendolyn’s second husband).
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Trivia & Quotes.
Some lines she told people.
• To her sister, Clarice, in the prefect bathroom, when she told Gwendolyne she had feelings for Chester and was scared of it : “There’s no need to be scared. Love makes you feel alive. It’s the best thing that could have ever happened to you. Don’t you think you deserve to smile too? And don’t you dare tell me I sound like a Hufflepuff”.
• To Felix, at Jackson’s birthday party, in her flat: “Who would have thought, a few years ago, that I was going to invite you over for my husband birthday and have a drink with you on my balcony? Geez, shame on me for having being a bitch!”.
• To Jackson, under a pouring rain, searching for shelter: “I love you, Jackson Ross, even if you’re crazy! And I don’t think I will ever be able to stop loving you”.
• To Nymphadora, staying over after Jackson’s funeral: “I have died too that night. He used to call me his ‘little firefly’ and he always told me to never stop shining. Isn’t it ironic, though? Fireflies enlighten fields in the night, but how am I supposed to do it if he was my night and the whole fucking universe too?”.
• To Totila Samuel Pearson, her second husband, after spitting on his face: “May you rot in Hell along with that disgusting gallant I should call ‘father’”.
• To the Ravenclaws, at her graduation party: “Never stop making me proud of you all. Dream, study hard and achieve your goals. There is nothing a Ravenclaw cannot do… Except remembering to drink fresh water, having regular meals and not staying up all night to study!”.
• To herself, in her diary, wiping away some tears with the sleeve of her sweater: “I will not be an Auror. What did I expect? I’ve turned my back on my family and they did not miss their chance to stab me, did they? However, I am a Blackthrone too. I will become a healer and no one can stop me this time. I love helping others, it makes me happy. I am going to cherish every moment I spend mending someone’s wounds… Who is going to mend mine, though?”.
• To Chester, before the Battle of Hogwarts : “If I am not going to make it out alive, tell Clarice that I loved her and that she was the best sister I could have ever had. Tell Felix that I trust him blindly and that I know he will take good care of my little sister. And you, Chester, you have my respect and the gratitude for not having let any of us down”.
Some facts about Gwendolyne.
• Gwendolyne hated being a ‘Legilimens’ for two main reasons. Her father demanded her to use her ability on the people he was torturing and tell him what they were thinking and, secondly, she did not like finding out people’s thoughts on her unwittingly.
• When Totila smashed the Amorentia potion on her face, she got two scars: one on her left cheekbone and one on her eyebrow.
• She loathed swearing, but she occasionally did. The rare occasions usually concerned episodes of people bullying her and her friends, or Death Eaters.
• When she was sixteen, she got a tattoo of a butterfly on her right wrist and had to hide it from her family, whenever she was staying home.
• Gwendolyne was bisexual. The first kiss of her life was from a girl and, although she thought to have a preference in girls and she was actually pretty sure that her life companion was going to be a woman, she was surprised to have fallen madly in love with a man and having made it to the alter with him.
• She was scared of Dragons and Felix once made her ride one for having lost a bet.
• Bad thing or not, she have cheated on Totila more than once in search for confort for Jackson’s death. However, no one could be compared to him.
• Her parents knocked on her door to offer her a chance for redemption, if she agreed to join the death eaters. She refused and, since that day, they countlessly attempted to kill her.
• When she was younger, she was obliged to witness tortures inflicted on muggles. Still, if she was asked to kill the victim, she stormed out of the room and awaited for her punishment locked up in her bedroom.
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Hi there! I have finally posted more informations about Clarice’s family and she is my favorite Oc beside my main one! She is looking for friends, love interests, enemies and rivals! Comment or text me, if you are interested :)❤️ let me know what you think about her!
x o x o
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domaslut · 2 years
Clarice Charlotte Blackthrone & Chester Davies + drabble: “I think I’m in love with you”.
Hogwarts Mystery.
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I think I am in love with you.
Warnings: fluff + some ravenclaws taunting Clarice about her family
Starring: Clarice Charlotte Blackthrone (mc) and Chester Davies + if you squint, jealous Felix
Plot: Chester confesses his feelings to Clarice
“What’s a slytherin doing around here?” a ravenclaw asked, pouring himself a glass of water.
“She’s probably up to something… – a girl quipped, rolling her eyes at the brunette sitting in front of them – I mean, you know who she is. I wonder if she has already received the mark. Have you ever heard about ‘The Dark Lord’s sons’? Well, they’re the Blackthrone!” she chortled, winking at her friend.
Clarice tensed, her nails scraping the wooden surface of the table in anger. She could not mess it up, not this time, not when Chester had kindly invited her to sit with him and his fellow ravenclaws for dinner. Although they had been friends for years, she had never sat beside him to consume a meal. Her usual companion was Felix, but now he was lost among the crowd of Slytherins, minding his own business. Still, while Felix would have probably let her jinx them, Chester discouraged her to solve her problems with a wand. He was just like Gwendolyn, her sister: rational, calm and kind.
“Hey, miss-I-know-it-all, rather foolish of you to talk shit about my family, when I’m literally here. – Clarice blurted out suddenly, locking eyes with her baffled interlocutor – I suggest you to shut up, unless you keen to see what a ‘death eater wannabe’ can do, huh?”.
Silence swallowed the once cheerful table. Curious and concerned glances landed on her, but she was used to it. People usually had two reactions at the sound of her voice: they either trembled, or walked away. This time, however, she felt the urge to leave. She tried to stand up, yet, a large hand grasped her shaking one under the table and gave it a reassuring squeeze. She was not alone, he was right there.
“Finish up your soup, guys. We might join you for the dessert, alright?” Chester announced, inviting his Housemates to enjoy the rest of their meal and leave him deal with the situation, or better yet, with his jumpy guest.
Clarice rolled her eyes at him and tugged on his hand, leading him out of the Great Hall. Both the Slytherins and the Ravenclaws glowered at them, eyes transfixed on the weirdest friendship ever seen at Hogwarts. Even Felix shot an interrogative glance at them, however, he did not bother questioning his friends and he surely did not plan on doing it later. He felt uneasy at the thought of them spending time together, safe from prying eyes. It was better for him not to investigate.
When the door closed behind them with a dull thud, Clarice let go of his hand and a high-pitched scream of frustration erupted from her throat “They hate me! I’m so sick of it! What’s wrong with me? Why am I not worthy of a chance?” she choked out, stomping her foot aggressively on the floor.
“It’s like everybody thinks I’m a monster! And you know what’s the wrost part of it? – she spoke out again, eyes sparkling in tears – I wish I could tell them they’re wrong about my family, that what they’ve heard are just rumors… But it’s all true” she bewailed, running her fingers through her hair.
Chester sighed and tucked his hands into the pockets of his trousers “You are not a monster, not to me. I know who you are. You may share your parents’s blood and their name, but you are not going to follow their tracks”.
The brunette frowned, arms folded over her chest as she tried to collect herself “How? How do you know what’s going to happen in a few years, Chester? How can you say that? How did you see past the person I am?” she exhorted him, staring at her wise friend inquiringly.
Chester shrugged and hesitantly approached her shaking frame, soft coffee hues boring into her colorful ones. Oh, she was all nerves and he knew it because the charm she had put on her natural blue irises was slowly fading away, leaving the characteristic baby-blue pools on display.
“I might suck at divination, but you are not a bad person. You are not a murderer” he pointed out, a soft smile tugging the angles of his lips up.
“Not yet” she scoffed, burying her face onto his chest.
She felt his breath hitch, just as she heard his heartbeat speed up when her cheek settled right above his heart. Her long fingers clutched the fabric of his shirt and she batted her eyes closed in defeat. How was it that every single time she had a break down he was right behind her to put her pieces back together?
“Would you still love me, if I became a Death Eater?” she whispered then, trying her best not to let some tears spill out. He had seen her crying countless time, but she hated doing in public places, where people could easily figure out her weaknesses and take advantage of them.
‘Feelings are weapons’ she told herself.
It took a moment for her best friend to say something, but he propped his chin on the top of her head and wrapped his arms around her tiny waist. He had hugged her a million times, but the feelings he was experiencing in that very moment were boyond the affection and sympathy he had always felt for her. It was weird and unsettling, in a wicked and good way. It was love.
“I would love you anyway. – he started, cheeks flushing up in a vivid shade of red – Oh, blood hell, Clarice. I think… Ugh, we have a problem” he blurted out, panicking.
Her eyes snapped open as she took a step back and reached for her wand, however, when her eyes landed on him she realised that ‘the problem’ was not a passing by meddler, but him. She blinked, lips parted and head cocked she quirked her eyebrows up.
“Care to explain, Davies?” she chimed, slightly embarrassed by her own reaction.
“I think…” he tried to say, mouth dry as he rubbed the back of his neck in distress. Why was it so hard trying to confess his feelings to her, the girl he had grown up with, the girl he wished to keep by his side for the rest of his life.
“Chester!” she pressed, snapping her fingers ij front of his eyes.
“I think I’m in love with you!”.
A confession, a simple line shouted in a desert corridor of the famous wizarding school left two young people staring at each others in pure abashment. Did Chester Davies truly loved her? No one liked her and, not only he seemed to get along with her and ignored the inheritance she was going to carry on her shoulders, but he also, actually fucking loved her.
Her eye twitched and he held his breath in anxiety, waiting for her to say something. However, he should have known better than she was the type to make a move instead of talking. Before he could realise what was happening, she tiptoed to him and captured his lips with hers. An intense, desperate, first kiss indeed. Her hands cupped his face and she backed him to the wall, proving any man possibly watching them that she was not the girl who sat idly waiting for a kiss.
She was always in control. If she wanted a kiss, she was going to take one.
Chester smiled against her lips and, once they parted, he shook his head in amusement “That was one Hell of a kiss, Merlin’s beard”.
She blushed but grinned at him “Oh, but you’ve not seen anything at all yet. Tonight I’m sleeping over”.
Chester gawked and was about to reply something, but she cut him off with a quick kiss “Ah-ah-ah, don’t you dare giving me a lecture about how reckless it is to break rules… – she trailed off, winking at him – And chill, for God’s sake, I’m a nerd too, you know? We’re going to read all night long, alright? Now, I’m hungry again. See you, Davies”.
And in a nick of time, she was gone, back into the Great Hall and he was alone in a corridor, as red as a pepper with his heart running a marathon into his chest.
Hello there! This is dedicated to the lovely @fantasywriter19 because she likes Clarice and Chester❤️ By the way, I just hope you enjoy this!
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domaslut · 2 years
The Blackthrone family.
Happy New Year, from this chaotic, chilling and crazy family. I’ll try to update Clarice and Gwendolyn’s mother infos & biography later on.
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“Some people are better off dead… And, just to be clear, with ‘some people’ I mean my parents”. Nina Dobrev as Clarice Charlotte Blackthrone.
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Gal Gadot as Gwendolyn Mary Blackthrone.
“Every single time I save someone’s life, I like to think I am a step closer to redemption. My parents taught me how to kill people, I have learnt to protect them”.
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Morena Baccarin as Gemma Vivienne Blackthrone-Rossellini.
“Don’t bother asking me to translate what I have said… I’ll tell you a secret, sweetheart. When I switch from English to Italian, it’s because I’m annoyed and, if I am upset, people around me die”.
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Michael Fassbender as Tobias Richard Blackthrone.
“I strongly believe that you only know someone’s true colors, when they are begging for their life. It’s delightful to watch their spirit break, when you look them in the eye before finishing them off. The world does not belong to the weaklings. It’s our duty to purify it”.
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domaslut · 2 years
Hey! Just wanted to tell you that I love your new drawings! Your OCs are great on their own but they're even better with the artwork for them<3
Hi, Cato!
Omg, thank you so much for your kind words and support! It could sound silly, but this really empowers me to work even harder and always do better!
I mostly spread my love towards the fandoms I am in through fan factions, but I would lie if I told you I never imagined sketching a whole illustration about my stories…
Therefore, I am trying to improve my technique whenever I have enough time to add a drawing to my script!
Last but not least, my OCs could either be defined as “pure evil”, or “morally grey”. I have a thing for villains and it mirrors my likings in shaping my characters xD
Maybe the only one ‘keen to absolute good’ I have created is Gwendolyn Blackthrone (I am too lazy to link her bio but, if you scroll through my posts, you can find her whole profile lmao).
However, I believe there is not a single person around who could be defined as completely good, or evil. There are perspectives to analyze, reasons to behold, feelings to comprehend. Humans are complicated, no one is perfect and my ocs usually end up doing questionable things out of selfishness, or fear. Especially fear of losing what they love most! My Criminal Law studies have probably influenced my point of view, lol xD
I am so glad you appreciate them, though, really!
take care of yourself!
p.s.: I barely know you but I already love you ❤️👀🥂
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