thedeathdeelers · 2 years
the sun, the moon, the stars
she was the sun.
at first he thought she was the sun.
she was the first spark of light after he crash landed back down on earth; like seeing a glimpse of the rising sun following a cold, seemingly never ending, dark night.
her glow only intensified once he heard her sing, that dazzling voice blinding him in one fell swoop, leaving his eyes struggling to adjust. it was beautiful the way she would shine just as brightly onstage as she did in the privacy of her own home, her voice warming him to his very core, one note at a time.
the only problem was that he could never afford to get too close — if he did, if he tried, all the dreams and illusions that were built up in his head about this new life would burn to a crisp, leaving behind smoke and a trail of shattered hopes.
she was the sun, and he was no one.
she was the moon.
when he got the chance to get to know her a little more, when he found himself inevitably starting to fall for her, he realised he had been mistaken — that maybe julie wasn’t the sun, but rather the moon.
a quiet ethereal beauty that cast light on everything in its path, guiding lost stumbling souls out of the depth of the shadows and into its brilliance. with all odds against him, against them, she had managed to pull him out of his nightmares, and help shine a light on a home that had been long forsaken by hope.
it was also an undeniable fact that she had the distinct ability to pull him in and keep him in her orbit. he always found himself gravitating towards her, her voice effortlessly pulling him in like the rising tide of the ocean’s waves, her power on him never wavering.
and unlike the sun, touching her wouldn’t destroy him; wouldn’t set him ablaze. but she was still too far out of reach, fingers outstretched as far as they can go, yet still coming up empty.
she was the moon, out of reach, and he a ghostly shadow.
she was the stars.
more time had passed, and his thoughts kept shifting; the longer he looked at her, the more he was convinced she was the stars.
twinkling in the night sky even when surrounded by darkness, refusing to give in to the shadows. obstacle after obstacle, she rises up, never letting anyone dim that light shimmering in her eyes.
he always looked at her the same way, as one would a starry night — in awe and reverence at its sheer sparkling beauty, with millions upon millions of little glittering lights coming together to paint a masterpiece.
he could never look away.
but this only solidified what he already knew — just like the stars belonged to no one, she would never be his, was never meant to be his. her place was in the heavens, where her brilliance could mesmerise any who looked her way.
she was the stars, but who was he?
it was only when his fingers reached out and traced the soft curves of her cheek, palms pressing against forbidden warm skin, did he finally realise.
did he finally understand.
she wasn’t the sun, the moon, nor the stars.
she was all of them combined,
she was his entire universe.
and maybe, just maybe, that meant he was someone.
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frankiefellinlove · 5 months
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Bruce’s #1 Fan
By Stan Goldstein
Seven years ago today, May 1, 2017, Bruce Springsteen's "Fan No. 1" Obie passed away. If you don't know who Obie was, she was Bruce's most loyal, dedicated fan. She had the same seat/spot for every show she attended: front-row center (per Bruce's wishes). She closely followed his various bands starting with Child in the late 1960s, eventually becoming his cook and personal assistant (Steve Van Zandt's too) and, most famously, a lifetime front-row-center invitee. In a world in which "superfans" are often infamous, Obie was merely legendary.
There was a memorial service for Obie a few days after she passed at a funeral home in Asbury Park and Bruce gave one of the eulogies. Here's what he said:
Well I'm the guy that Obie spent a big part chunk of her life dedicated to. Being the focus of that attention was pretty challenging very often. Obie was quietly demanding. I didn't know I was going to speak today so I'll just give you some memories I have of O.
First time was at West End Park. We were playing next to Howard's movie theater, and one beautiful summer afternoon, I remember this girl sitting there with the flag around here. So right from the beginning she just looked different from everybody else. Obie was a misfit, outsider, a rebel and didn't look like nobody else, didn't talk like anybody else, didn't think like anybody else. She was just a unique character. And everything that the word fan connotes in all of its myriad, strange, bizarre and wonderful ways. She was a Fan-atic, she was Fan-tastic. She was deeply, deeply dedicated.
Obie's taking more than a few of my secrets with her right now. We lived very, very close to one another for a long time. And I had chicken and grapes! And I had chicken and bananas, chicken and peaches. She covered the fruits and the chicken completely.
What can I say, she was always a heartful soul. She was dedicated to me that if a bullet came my way she would be there to catch it. There was a deep, deep and very personal connection and love. I feel honored to have the seed. And what can I say, I loved Obie a lot. I'm going to miss her very badly when I get out there on the stage, that front and center spot will be empty. We love you O.
To read more about Obie, here's something I wrote that was posted on the Backstreets news page shortly after her death: (Sorry, this is another long post)
It was about 1:30 a.m. on Sunday, September 23, 2012 at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band's Saturday show had crept into Sunday morning due to delays from thunderstorms, giving the 55,000 fans a chance to celebrate Bruce's actual 63rd birthday with him. A giant birthday cake was brought out, everyone sang "Happy Birthday," and Bruce then cut the cake. He brought the first piece to Obie Dziedzic, who was in her normal spot, front and center.
"The first piece goes to Obie, our first fan, right there, " said Steven Van Zandt.
Bruce followed with, "Obie, we love you. Obie was following us when we were 16. We love you, O!"
It was a special moment, one of hundreds Obie shared with Bruce Springsteen for more than 45 years — actually starting when Bruce was 18, not 16, but it sure seemed that way. Bruce called her his "first fan" and "Fan No. 1."
Obie Dziedzic — pronounced "Je-zitz," to answer a question she was often asked — passed away early Monday morning after being ill for the past couple of months. She was a friend to not only Bruce and the E Street Band, Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes, but to musicians and music fans around the world.
Obie, known as "O" to her close friends, grew up in Long Branch, NJ and loved music. She attended tons of shows at Asbury Park's Convention Hall, seeing The Rolling Stones, The Doors, The Who, and so many more in the 1960s. But it was one afternoon in 1969 at Long Branch's West End Park, which is still there today at the corner of Brighton and Ocean avenues, that she first saw the young musician who would change her life forever.
"There he was, this Adonis," Obie once told me. It was a then-18-year-old Bruce Springsteen leading the band Child.
Obie saw rock and roll future even before Jon Landau. Right away, she was drawn to this talented, handsome musician and made sure to see him perform anywhere and everywhere. Later when Bruce was in Steel Mill, Obie would bring pizzas to the surfboard factory in Ocean Township, NJ, where they were living. Yet she was too shy to stick around until she got to know Carl "Tinker" West, Steel Mill's manager, who befriended her. Soon she was friends with Springsteen, Van Zandt, Vini Lopez, Danny Federici, and many other musicians. She attended every Steel Mill show she could, standing in line for hours to make sure she was at the front of the stage.
Obie was a fixture at the Upstage in Asbury Park. She later saw Dr. Zoom and the Sonic Boom, and she was there the night Clarence Clemons walked into the Student Prince in Asbury Park to play with Bruce for the first time in 1971. She would drive Bruce to those Student Prince gigs too, although she said on Saturday nights she did have to watch The Mary Tyler Moore Show first.
Driving around the Jersey Shore with Obie was always a treat, as she had so many stories to share. "See that there? It used to be a Carvel," she said, pointing to a building on Ocean Avenue in Long Branch. "That's the place where Bruce told me he had his first album coming out. Garry Tallent used to live in those apartments right across the street." When Greetings from Asbury Park, N.J. was released in January of 1973, Obie found an autographed copy left for her on her doorstep.
When Bruce started to tour with the E Street Band in the early 1970s, playing some theaters, Bruce made sure she was still always up front, promising her, "Obie, whenever and wherever I play, you will always have the two front-row center seats." It was a promise Bruce always honored, for more than 40 years. When Bruce and the E Street Band used a general admission setup on the floor, his security director made sure Obie was in her normal front-row spot. She always wanted to be on the same side as Bruce and Steve.
She had one firm rule. She did not want Bruce to know she was at a show. She wanted to surprise him when he took the stage. At the April 20, 2016 show in Baltimore that I was fortunate to attend with her, we made a little bet on how long it would take Bruce to see her. It was one of Obie's first show since that 2012 birthday show. I said second song; she said not until a few songs in. We were both wrong. When Bruce took the stage, he made eye contact with her immediately. A huge smile lit up his face. It was a thrill to watch this bond between the two of them. You can hear Bruce give many shout-outs to Obie on the live recordings from over the years.
Bruce's former tour manager Bob Chirmside shared this post on Facebook:
For the five years I worked on the road with Bruce Springsteen as his road manager we held two front row tickets for Obie at every show. And I mean every show! Promoters knew better than to screw this up. Everywhere from Philly to San Diego those two seats were held by Bruce according to his wishes and the band's rider. It was always good to see Obie in those seats, and it put a smile on Bruce's face having a special someone to play to. Bruce couldn't have asked for a more loving fan. But Obie was much, much more than a fan. During the time I lived with Bruce, Obie altered and sewed his clothes, did errands, and made Bruce his meals. Obie took incredible care of him. Obie loved Bruce and got to see a side of him that few of us rarely do. On a side note. If you're wondering what happened to the front row tickets if Obie didn't attend. Well, 15 minutes before the show began, I quickly exited the venue and gave the tickets to someone that wasn't able to buy tickets. Most people couldn't believe it was for real. It felt good to put smiles on faces. Thank you Obie for the good memories!
"She was hired by Steven first. He needed an assistant at Miami Productions, and he hired her in 1975 when the Jukes got signed and recorded their first LP," said Billy Smith, a historian and Obie's longtime friend. "Steve needed someone at home in Asbury Park to run things while he was touring with Bruce. While she followed Bruce's tours as a friend/fan from the beginning, she didn't work for Bruce until the Darkness tour in 1978. On the road she did everything: coordinated guest tickets, sewed their clothes, cooked, etc. Anything that needed doing, she did it. A personal assistant to everyone."
If you listen to Southside Johnny's live version of "Having a Party," you'll hear the line, "Obie's doing the twist."
Not only did Obie help out Bruce, Steven, and Southside, she was there for John Eddie, John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band and others when they were first starting out. She was a fixture on the Jersey Shore bar scene in the 1970s and '80s and always, always friendly to fans. You could go right up to Obie and talk about music, Bruce, Southside. She was also close friends with Peter Wolf.
When the discussion comes up as to who has seen the most Bruce shows outside of Bruce himself, the answer is pretty easy: Obie. She was there for all 10 nights of the legendary Bottom Line shows in August of 1975. She even drove Bruce to some of those shows. "We hit traffic on Route 36 in Eatontown headed out toward the Parkway and I was a mess," Obie told me. "But Bruce was as calm as could be."
Obie, who lived for the past 16 years in Neptune, New Jersey, never gave an interview; her loyalty was 100 percent to Bruce. She was never, ever going to say anything which might upset him. She had, however, been working on a book, which sadly will never be written now. I was fortunate to have her read to me some of the stories that she was going to include. They were a delight to hear: How she and Bruce would go to the drive-in movie theater In Eatontown, New Jersey, and put a sofa in the back of his white pickup truck and sit back and enjoy the night. Another was when she was helping Bruce move into a house on Navesink River Road in Middletown in the early 1980s — she swears she saw and talked to a ghost!
Bruce mentioned Obie in his recent autobiography, Born to Run. He told the story how she was with him and Steve and Maureen Van Zandt when they weren't allowed in Disneyland or Knott's Berry Farm in the early 1980s because Bruce and Steve were wearing bandanas.
He also gave Obie credit for helping him select one of two versions he had of "Racing in the Street." Bruce told this story before playing it at the April 22, 2005 Devils & Dust show at the Paramount Theatre in Asbury Park:
I had two different endings. I'm going to dedicate this to you tonight, Obie. My oldest fan is here tonight and I love her very much. This is Obie Dziedzic — a round of applause, the woman's been around since forever.There were two people that actually helped me with writing the end of this song, and Obie was one of them. I had an ending where there's the two guys, but I had another ending where a woman enters the picture, and I played 'em both for Obie.Obie said, "I like the one with the girl." I said, "Okay, that's that." Then I played one for Steve, and Steve says, "Well, the one with the girl is what really happens. You got your pals and got the boys' club, and it lasts for a while, and you try to play down all the homoerotic stuff."I'm gonna do this tonight for Obie. I love you, and thanks for the help.
Bruce told a similar story in the 2010 documentary The Promise: The Making of Darkness on the Edge of Town, in which you can also spot Obie at the 58:49 mark.
There are so many good things to say and write about Obie — the tributes have been pouring in on social media — one of the best is from photographer Lynn Goldsmith. Obie told me this was the best description about her devotion to Bruce that she ever read about herself. To those who had the privilege to know her, it describes her perfectly:
"The girl with her head down is Obie," Goldsmith wrote, describing her 1978 photograph of Springsteen collapsing into an overjoyed crowd. "She was Bruce's biggest fan. She was there when they couldn't sell out a small club. She devoted herself free of charge to washing their clothes and doing whatever needed to be done. She did not get paid except with front row seats and the joy of knowing that she was making it easier for Bruce to be Bruce with her unconditional love. I wished I could have been like her. She inspired me because she was able to give with no strings attached. She gave freely because she believed in the power of love."
Obie was able to see several shows in the spring and summer of 2016. She was at both Brooklyn shows in April and attended all three MetLife Stadium shows in August. Her final show was on September 14, 2016 at Gillette Stadium in Foxborough, Massachusetts. Looking back, it may be fitting this was her last concert, as she told me, "That was the best Bruce Springsteen show I have ever seen."
The final time Obie got to see Bruce on stage was at his conversation with Bob Santelli at Monmouth University in West Long Branch, New Jersey, on Jan. 10, 2017. After the talk, Obie saw that Bruce's coffee cup was still on the little table on the stage. She said to me, "Get that for me!" and I was able to have someone hand it to me. I gave it to Obie. She had one more souvenir. One of the organizers of the event later said to me, "We noticed one of the cups was missing!"
Soon after that, Obie started to not feel well, and she was in and out of the hospital for a couple of months. Bruce, Steve and Maureen, John Eddie and many others made sure to visit her. Once when I checked in at the desk to get a pass to see her at Jersey Shore University Hospital in Neptune, the guard asked me, "Are you famous? It seems everyone who has been going up to see this patient is famous."
He was wrong. It was Obie who was famous.
Right now she's sitting in the front row in heaven, watching Danny and Clarence play away.
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theretirementstory · 10 months
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Are you getting ready for Christmas? My town is and I have been excited about it for a while now. Now that is not normally me, it’s not my favourite time of year but I have written and posted cards and presents. Made Christmas cakes and mince pies. Have wrapped quite a lot of the presents I have bought. Yesterday I made a batch of apricot tarts to take for my friends manning the stall at the Christmas market today, in a village nearby, plus I made two jars of golden syrup to be used in cooking and on porridge when I can eat that again.
The Christmas display at the Hôtel de Ville includes an ice rink, it was opened by “Le Maire” on Friday evening along with the switch on of the lights. It wasn’t just children skating on there Mums and Dads we’re enjoying it too.
Great news, 10 radiotherapy sessions completed, only 7 more to go. I had a consultation with the doctor on oncology radiotherapy, he seemed happy with me and said that eating something before the treatment was doing what he had hoped. There will be another consultation next week.
I was at the hospital twice on Monday, once for treatment and once for a consultation with my oncologist. I asked about my diet after radiotherapy and to my relief he said that I can start to eat normally again. Was I relieved I can start to plan my Christmas meal.
Leaving home in the dark on a morning I quite often don’t take a lot of notice of the chauffeur. However, on Tuesday it was the man (Sebastien) who had driven me the previous Monday. He was full of cold a week ago but there was no sign of a cold this week. I was in a world of my own when he spoke up and said after my appointment with the doctor in radiography would I like to go to the cafe to drink coffee with him! Blimey me, was I being chatted up? Fortunately, due to the treatment I can’t eat or drink in a cafe or restaurant (just yet). I told him this and thanked him for asking me as normally a drink would have been appreciated. Relaying this to “The Daddy” he said it was like the time I was asked out for a coffee by a guy in the launderette in St Gilles Crois de Vie, I fobbed him off but days later (on a crowded beach) he found me again and invited me to the casino…… no thanks just wasn’t enough to stop his pestering but I didn’t go to the Casino either!
It’s been rather cold, no snow but a very heavy frost one day, consequently I haven’t seen any grues or cigognes, if they have any sense they will be somewhere warmer 😉.
Even more good news too, my hair is growing back 😁. I went to the hairdresser on Thursday to have the long hair, that hadn’t fallen out, cut and I am surprised at how much hair I actually have now (even though it’s short). This is the second time I have lost my hair due to treatment but at the end of the day it’s only hair, it will grow back.
This week it’s a slightly different meaning behind the music, two different songs with the same title. The first is back to 1968 it’s by Manfred Mann and the title is “Fox on the Run”. The second is by Sweet which was released in 1975. Memories of my holiday in Andernach Germany flood back, nights spent in the bar of what I feel sure was called “The Father Rhine” bar whose attraction for me was the large juke box with so many UK hits. I think we must have drummed up a lot of business for the bar as people heard the music and came inside to see what was going on. I do remember that our bill for drinks at the end of the evening was usually small as Monica (the barmaid) managed to add an extra drink to other people’s tabs, you had your beer mat marked when you got a drink. 😂 such fun times.
“The Daddy” my gorgeous grandchildren, “The Trainee Solicitor and “The Ex-Graduate” have been visiting their “London relatives” who arrived in sunny Scarborough only for it to snow like crazy and make travelling to and from a bit of a nightmare. Anyway duty has been done, for another year. I received photos of my grandchildren with their uncle, what wonderful photos they were too everyone looking so happy. I can’t wait to see everyone in the flesh, so to speak, and have big hugs.
Monique is still not well and thinks she has bronchitis again, her husband Jean Claude has Covid which I think she has carried to him. She had been helping an elderly neighbour who was ill and he was taken into hospital with Covid.
Maud sent a voice message, she is having problems with her family and feels sad that she hasn’t been to see me. I told her not to worry and that we would meet up in the New Year with a trip to “Le Belvedere” The restaurant at the lake, that she introduced me to.
Anie has less than two weeks now until she flies off to Indonesia for Christmas and New Year. Maybe I will see her before she goes.
Everyone has been or is going away, or so it seems to me. I messaged Pauline, she has been to Florence for a few days (boy does that girl get around!) of course she sent me some photos one included David, not her new boyfriend, but Michelangelo’s David.
So now it’s almost time for me to bring the car out of the garage and drive down to the Christmas Market. I will hopefully be making another two jars of golden syrup this afternoon (you can’t have too much of a good thing )😉.
The sun is shining but brrr it’s cold, currently -3c.
Until next time……..Bon dimanche!
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whatilistenedtoatwork · 7 months
From March 11th to March 14th, 2024
NIGEL KENNEDY “The Kennedy Experience”; PEGGY LEE “Black Coffee With Peggy Lee”; LESTER FLATT & EARL SCRUGGS “Changin' Times”; SARAH VAUGHAN “Sarah Vaughan”; T.REX “Zinc Alloy & The Hidden Riders Of Tomorrow”; SQUAREPUSHER “Ultravisitor”; GRUFF RHYS “(Don't) Welcome The Plague As A Blessing – The Babelsberg Basement Files”; KATE & ANNA McGARRIGLE “The McGarrigle Hour”; GUIDED BY VOICES “Under The Bushes, Under The Stars”; FOO FIGHTERS “The Colour & The Shape”; SARAH VAUGHAN “Swingin' Easy”; ANDREW LLOYD-WEBBER & TIM RICE “Joseph & The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat”; SWEET BABOO “The Vending Machine”; GEORGE HARRISON “Thirty Three & A Third”; SUPERGRASS “Supergrass”
T.REX “Live At The BBC 1970-71”; HAPPY MONDAYS “Squirrel & G-Man Twenty Four Hour Party People Plastic Face Carnt Smile (White Out)”; KIRK FRANKLIN & THE FAMILY “Kirk Franklin & The Family”; ELIZA CARTHY & NANCY KERR “Shape Of Scrape”; BRIAN WILSON “That Lucky Old Sun”; GUIDED BY VOICES “Cool Planet”; THE CARDIGANS “Emmerdale”; SUPER FURRY ANIMALS “Love Kraft”; CHAMPION JACK DUPRE “Junkers Blues”; MICHAEL DOUCET & BEAUSOLEIL “Parle Nous A Boire”; NADA SURF “The Stars Are Indifferent To Astronomy”; TANYA DONELLY “This Hungry Life”
T.REX “Bolan's Zip Gun”; BRIAN WILSON & VAN DYKE PARKS “Orange Crate Art”; SPARKS “Music That You Can Dance To”; THE JAMES TAYLOR QUARTET “Supernatural Feeling”; ABNER JAY “The True Story Of Dixie”; TALLY HALL “Marvin's Marvellous Mechanical Museum”; HAPPY MONDAYS “Bummed”; NADA SURF “You Know Who You Are”; DOROTHY LOVE COATES & THE ORIGINAL GOSPEL HARMONETTES “The Best Of Dorothy Love Coates & The Original Gospel Harmonettes, Volume 2”; SARAH VAUGHAN “Sarah Vaughan Sings George Gershwin, Volume 1”; ENNIO MORRICONE “Il Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo”; JAY SEMKO & VARIOUS ARTISTS “Due South Original Television Soundtrack”; MOTORHEAD “Motorhead”; WASHINGTON PHILLIPS “What Are They Doing In Heaven Today?”; SARAH VAUGHAN & BILLY ECKSTINE “Sarah Vaughan & Billy Eckstine Sing The Best Of Irving Berlin”; THE MUMMIES “Fuck The Mummies”
EUROS CHILDS “Cheer Gone”; LEON ROSSELSON “Intruders”; SUGAR “Copper Blue”; RODGERS & HAMMERSTEIN “The Sound Of Music Original Soundtrack”; ROLAND ALPHONSO “King Sax”; CHUCK BERRY “New Juke Box Hits”; PARQUET COURTS “Light Up Gold”; HOMEWORK “Homework”; CHRIS ARDOIN & DOUBLE CLUTCHIN' “Best Kept Secret”; MOTORHEAD “Overkill”; KATE RUSBY “The Girl Who Couldn't Fly”; NADA SURF “High-Low”; CAB CALLOWAY & HIS ORCHESTRA “Cab Calloway 1931-1932”; JOHN HARDEE “John Hardee 1946-1948”; GUIDED BY VOICES “Warp & Woof”; THE CORAL “Distance Inbetween”
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the-goth-catte · 1 year
[ BLACK MASS @ PANDEMONIO || 0 1 . 2 9 . 2 3 ]
Lights of Euphoria - Wicked Game SITD - Atemlos Pixel Grip - ALPHAPUSSY Vanguard - Ragnarok KANGA - Going Red Marsheaux - To The End Ashbury Heights - Smaller KMFDM vs Front 242 - Professional Headhunter Beastie Boys - Intergalactic (Dunisco Remix) Daft Punk - Harder Better Faster Stronger (Nemix Remix) Accessory - Ruff Fuxxx Sisters of Mercy - Lucretia (Dogstarr’s Reflection) Siouxsie and the Banshees vs Revolting Cocks - Happy House of Horny Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart (TEE mix) KMFDM - Megalomaniac Ghost - Dance Macabre (Carpenter Brut Mix) Ayria - My Revenge on the World Suicide Commando - Hellraiser (Agonoize Remix) Covenant - Stalker (Club Version) Celldweller - Heart On (Aesthetic Perfection Mix) Icon of Coil - PerfectSex (XP8 Mix) Endanger - Blood Red Roses Noisuf X - Finish Him! SITD - The Devil’s Tongue Apoptygma Berzerk - Unicorn (Fairlight Children Mix) SPOCK - Never Trust a Klingon (Verfluchte Mix) TaTu - Not Gonna Get Us (Handz-Up Trance) Dua Lipa - Physical (Sagi Kariv Remix) Selena Gomez - Lose You to Love Me (Mor Abrahami Remix) David Guetta - I’m Good James Hype, Miggy Dela Rosa - Ferrari (Br3ndel Mix) VNV Nation - Chrome (SITD Mix) And One - Techno Man Ministry - Everyday is Halloween (DJ RiB mix) Apoptygma Berzerk - Love Never Dies KMFDM - Juke Joint Jezebel 3TEETH - You Spin Me Round Cruxshadows - Marilyn, My Bitterness Mechanical Moth - Black Queen Style Reaper - The Devil is Female Rotersand - Grey (Light Grey) In Strict Confidence - Promised Land Meg Myers - Breaks My Back (All These Damn Vampires mix) Siouxsie and the Banshees - Cities in Dust Clan of Xymox - She’s Dangerous Peter Murphy - The Prince and Old Lady Shade The 69 Eyes - Gothic Girl HIM - Wings of a Butterfly Ghost - Mary on a Cross Suicide Commando - Attention Whore Combichrist - This is My Rifle Faderhead - Dirtygrrls Dirtybois Covenant - Dead Stars (Club Mix) Health - Blue Monday Powerman 5000 - Black Lipstick Apoptygma Berzerk - Backdraft (Kill The Lights Mix by Codex Empire) Ashbury Heights - Phantasmagoria Hocico - Fed Up Neuroticfish - Agony (Assemblage 23 mix) Mental Discipline - WDYWFM VNV Nation - Beloved (Mix) Garbage - #1 Crush Dead Can Dance - The Ubiquitous Mr Lovegrove The Cramps - Goo Goo Muck
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missjoolee · 3 years
If any of the mods over at @juke-fic-recs see this, please let me know if I sent a rec without a link. I’m overwhelming my brain a bit and submitting a lot and keep writing my thoughts before attaching links and I’m now worried I’ve missed one or two.
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JatP Fanworks Appreciation Week
Motivation Monday
Hi! I just wanted to make an appreciation post for some incredibly talented people in this fandom, I appreciate you and all you do!
@pink-flame Taryn I have probably screamed at you enough for a lifetime about how much I love your writing but here I am again 💛 hi ily
@ruzek-halstead Marcia you my friend have the best ideas and I love getting your updates and little sneak peeks of what you are working on, it makes me so happy 💛
@thedeathdeelers Imène you wonderful human I love your writing and how your brain works and your ✨soulmate spirals✨ are one of my very favourite things in this fandom
@blush-and-books Chloe I love everything you write and I also love yelling at you about it. Your Library AU is still living in my mind rent free
@bluefirewrites Blue everything you write is incredible and so is your art, you deserve all of the praise
@a-chaotic-ananas Ana you are amazing and I love your writing, Window Seat is one of my comfort fics
@pearlcaddy This list would not be complete without you, thank you again for writing such amazing stories! 💛
@mamirugbee Look can we just talk about that Juke rain kiss? Because it is beautiful and I am so glad you decided to post it.
@kidovna I love your work, especially how you draw Reggie! Reggie with stuff he loves is one of the most adorable things I have ever seen!
@illgetmerope Your art is beautiful and it makes me a good kind of sad (usually 😂).
@thesunwillart Your Willex art is so cute!
There are many more people in this fandom who deserve love but here are those I could think of off the top of my head at 1 a.m.
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thedeathdeelers · 7 months
not to be cringe (lol) on main (sideblog) but thinking about luke writing a song for julie that starts off in english but then “the words in the english language could never be enough for me to explain to you how much i love you, so i had to look for words in your mother tongue” and the song switches to spanish
(he very awkwardly asked ray for help and altho ray also felt awkward at first he was beyond happy for his daughter and this boy who seems to look at his daughter like she was the sun)
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fandomscraziness22 · 4 years
I've been thinking about what to say all day for the jatp appreciation thing, and words really aren't coming to me so I'm just gonna try my best.
This is the first fandom where I really started commenting on fics, and I have quite enjoyed being able to engage with all the amazing writers in this fandom!!
@pink-flame thanks for fliomea and wfw and for always commenting back when I write silly things on your fics. You are a fantastic writer and I will never understand how you wrote all of fliomea ON YOUR PHONE THAT IS INSANITY!!!
@pearlcaddy your au creations are masterpieces!!! You writing is always incredible and I know I'm always in for a long haul with your fics, and I love it so much.
@pawprinterfanfic I'm so glad to have followed you (or that you followed into? Idk which it is) from the 100 to jatp. (Pmit is still one of my all-time fav bellarke fics.) You write such cute one-shots, and all that remains is so amazing!!! I'm excited to follow the space boys wherever you take them
@blush-and-books @bluefirewrites @lydias--stiles I feel like I need to group yall together really quick since I ALWAYS see you guys hyping each other up so much and it makes me so happy!!
@blush-and-books the library Juke got to me, since I have grown up LOVING libraries and I work in one now! And I just finished the musical au last night and wow it is so beautiful and fun!! And of course what doesn't kill me is so creative and awesome and I cannot wait to find out more!!!
@bluefirewrites stupid cupid is super fun and I love it so much!! And merry ex-mas was fantastic and I love your writing so much (also crime scene underworld connections Ray will always live in my heart)
@lydias--stiles the angst and emotion in all of your fics is crazy!! The royalty au is amazing, and I've got a crazy feeling this isn't our first time around is super neat!!!!
@xxprettylittletimebombxx HANDS thats all I gotta say lol. I love your writing so much, it's always so beautiful!!
@hearjessroar your pirates au is freaking amazing!!! I love your characterization so much, and I am so excited to see where the story goes!!! The fic where Julie loses Alex's hoodie is so great I loved that one!!!
I think that's it if I missed anyone I'm so sorry everyone is so talented!!! Quick shoutout to @mamirugbee for your INSANELY AMAZING artwork it always makes me smile!!!
I love being in this fandom and I love the creativity that everyone has, and I'm so glad to be a small piece of it 🥰
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littlemissaddict · 4 years
Summary: Julie and Luke can’t stand each other but when they get paired for a project their true feelings come to life. (Requested)
Word Count: 1597
Julie was not looking forward to school today, it might have something to do with the fact that she had a double English class this morning and they were going to be working on their paired projects. Now normally it wouldn’t bother her but then this wasn’t like normal as she wasn’t paired with Flynn like she usually would be, this time her partner had been picked for her as she had been unfortunate enough to be off school sick on the day that the project had been announced. No, she'd had the bad luck to be partnered with Luke, the loud obnoxious boy who sat at the back of the class who never paid attention to what the teacher was saying, that was when he even bothered to turn up to the class anyway. 
Flynn cheerily greeted Julie at her locker as she was grabbing her books for class but one look from Julie felt the smile fall from her face, “Okay Julie I know it’s not ideal but it’s only for the one project and then you’ll be stuck with me again” she jokes trying to cheer her friend up.
“I guess” Julie replies, shrugging her bag over her shoulder as the bell goes and they make their way to class. When they get to class the teacher asks them to sit with their partners so that they can get started straight away and Julie’s surprised to find that Luke is already there.
“Well look who actually decided to show up today” she remarks as she slides into the seat next to him and begins pulling out her books.
“Whatever it’s not like I’m happy about this either” he bites back shooting her a glare and Julie hopes that she’ll be able to get through this without killing him. She honestly doesn’t know how this started between the two of them but she couldn’t remember a time since they had met that they weren’t bickering with each other. Half of the school loved him, he was Luke Patterson, the popular bad boy and lead singer of Sunset Curve who all the girls wanted to be with and she understood why. He was attractive with his floppy hair, expressive eyes and not to mention the muscles that were always on display in those stupid cut up tees that he wore but that meant nothing when he just seemed to make it his mission to irritate her.
“You checking me out, Molina” he smirked, getting her attention. She glared at him and bit her tongue to stop herself from cursing at him as she turned her focus to the teacher who was running through some last points about the assignment. The truth was she was checking him out without realising that she was, a habit that she had found herself doing more often and she cursed herself for doing it yet again. 
When the teacher finishes and sets them off to begin working Julie turns to Luke ready to suggest some ideas that she has but Luke beats her to it listing off a couple of ideas that, Julie has to admit, are pretty good and Julie must have a look of surprise on her face because he questions her.
“Oh it’s nothing I’m just surprised you’re willing to do the work” she says and she almost misses the look of hurt that crosses Luke’s face that he quickly replaced with his usual look of indifference.
“Okay so what did you have in mind” he scoffs before Julie tells him her ideas and this time it’s Luke’s time to be surprised. Julie ignores this but lets a smug smile rest on her lips as they come to a compromise and combine their ideas which should hopefully turn out to get them a really good grade if all goes well. Suddenly Julie’s not feeling like working with Luke is such an inconvenience to her as they are actually getting along pretty well.
Although they’d had a double period to work on the project, they had not managed to finish it and as it turns out that a lot of other pairs in the class hadn’t either. However their teacher refused to give them another class to work on it, announcing that they had another week to work on it before he expected them to be handed in.
“If you’re free this weekend we could work on it then” Luke suggests, surprising Julie yet again as she was expecting him to say that he was busy with the band or something and that she would have to finish it by herself but she recovers quickly.
“Yeah we could meet at my place” she agrees, they decide on a time before Luke leaves and Julie meets up with Flynn who is not expecting Julie to be in as good a mood as she is.
By the time Saturday rolls around Julie is wondering if it was all too good to be true as she and Luke have spent the rest of the week arguing whenever they see each other, a sharp contrast to Monday's class. Luke is also late to Julie’s and she is starting to get annoyed that she allowed herself to think that Luke was actually going to be any help on the project. She was about to head up to her room to finish it off so that it was out of the way and she could spend the weekend hanging out with Flynn when there was a knock on the door. Opening it she finds Luke standing there with an apologetic smile on his face.
“I’m sorry I’m late I got caught up with uh family stuff but I um I brought snacks” he says holding up a bag and Julie can’t help but notice that he looks nervous which she thinks is a first for the boy standing in front of her. She lets him in and motions for him to follow her as she leads him through to the garage where she had originally planned for them to work. She watches him carefully as he looks around the room, taking in the grand piano and then his gaze falls to the guitar at the side of the couch and his eyes widen like he’s surprised.
“Do you play?” he asks.
“A little but just what mom taught me” she says, her voice trailing off when she mentions her mom and Luke nods, they may not get along but he understands how much it must have hurt for Julie to lose her mom.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to upset you” he says and when Julie looks at him she can tell he means it as there is none of the usual mocking on his face, he looks sincere which is not an emotion she is used to seeing from him, at least not when it’s directed at her.
“You know you’re not as insufferable as I thought you were, in fact you’re kinda nice” she admits, mainly so she can change the subject and it seems to work.
“Is that a compliment I hear, Julie Molina?” Luke asks teasingly, feigning shock and Julie can’t help but laugh.
“Well don’t get used to it we’ll soon be back to normal” she jokes sitting down on the couch and gesturing for him to do the same so they can get to work. Only he doesn't move instead he stays where he is, his arms folded across his chest as he stares at her.
“Julie why do you hate me so much?” he asks, surprising Julie with the straightforwardness of his question. She sat there just looking at him, wondering where this had come from, why it looked like it was bothering him so much.
“What does it matter Luke, it’s not like you like me anyway, now can we just get on with this please?” Julie pleads, gesturing again for him to sit down and this time he does. Thinking that’s the end of it Julie opens up her book to find their work from last time but Luke has a different idea.
“What do you mean I don’t like you, Julie I’m madly in love with you, I only put on this little act because you’ve made it very clear that you don’t like me and I’d like to know why?” Luke confesses pulling the book from her hands. 
“So it’s all an act, the snide comments, the looks everything? Luke your little act is what I have the problem with” Julie says causing Luke’s eye to widen at her words and he mumbles something that Julie doesn’t quite catch before she remembers his other confession, “wait so you’re in love with me” she asks and Julie doesn’t miss the blush that spreads across Luke’s cheeks.
“Well, yeah” he replies realising there is no getting out of this after he confessed his true feelings for the girl in front of him, “it’s okay if you don’t though we can still be fri-” but Julie holds her hand up stopping him mid sentence.
“Luke, I’d like to get to know the real you, not the act, then maybe we can discuss this again but I don’t hate you,” she admits as a look of relief falls across Luke’s face.
“That I can do” Luke smiles reaching for Julie’s hand and intertwines their fingers “now let's get this finished so that I can show you the real me” Luke jokes as Julie shakes her head at him pulling away so she can pick her book back up.
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lex-2002 · 3 years
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The Savoy Ballroom was a large ballroom for music and public dancing located at 596 Lenox Avenue, between 140th and 141st Streets in the Harlem neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City. Lenox Avenue was the main thoroughfare through upper Harlem. Poet Langston Hughes calls it the Heartbeat of Harlem in Juke Box Love Song, and he set his work "Lenox Avenue: Midnight" on the legendary street. The Savoy was one of many Harlem hot spots along Lenox, but it was the one to be called the "World's Finest Ballroom". It was in operation from March 12, 1926, to July 10, 1958, and as Barbara Englebrecht writes in her article "Swinging at the Savoy", it was "a building, a geographic place, a ballroom, and the 'soul' of a neighborhood". It was opened and owned by white entrepreneur Jay Faggen and Jewish businessman Moe Gale. It was managed by African-American business man and civic leader Charles Buchanan. Buchanan, who was born in the British West Indies, sought to run a "luxury ballroom to accommodate the many thousands who wished to dance in an atmosphere of tasteful refinement, rather than in the small stuffy halls and the foul smelling, smoke laden cellar nightclubs ..."
The Savoy was modeled after Faggen's downtown venue, Roseland Ballroom. The Roseland was a mostly white swing dance club. With swing's rise to popularity and Harlem becoming a connected black community, The Savoy gave the rising talented and passionate black dancers an equally beautiful venue. The ballroom, which was 10,000 square feet in size, was on the second floor and a block long. It could hold up to 4,000 people. The interior was painted pink and the walls were mirrored. Colored lights danced on the sprung layered wood floor. In 1926, the Savoy contained a spacious lobby framing a huge, cut glass chandelier and marble staircase. Leon James is quoted in Jazz Dance as saying, "My first impression was that I had stepped into another world. I had been to other ballrooms, but this was different – much bigger, more glamour, real class ..."
The Savoy Ballroom was named after the Savoy Hotel in London as those who named the ballroom felt this gave the ballroom a classy, upscale feeling, as the hotel is a very elite, upscale hotel.
The Savoy was popular from the start. A headline from the New York Age March 20, 1926, reads "Savoy Turns 2,000 Away On Opening Night – Crowds Pack Ball Room All Week". The ballroom remained lit every night of the week.
The Savoy had the constant presence of the best Lindy Hoppers, known as "Savoy Lindy Hoppers". Occasionally, groups of dancers such Whitey's Lindy Hoppers turned professional and performed in Broadway and Hollywood productions. Whitey turned out to be a successful agent, and in 1937 the Marx Brothers' movie A Day at the Races featured the group. Herbert White was a bouncer at the Savoy who was made floor manager in the early 1930s. He was sometimes known as Mac, but with his ambition to scout dancers at the ballroom to form his own group, he became widely known as Whitey for the white streak of hair down the center of his head. He looked for dancers who were "young, stylized, and, most of all, they had to have a beat, they had to swing".
Unlike many ballrooms such as the Cotton Club, the Savoy always had a no-discrimination policy. The clientele was 85% black and 15% white, although sometimes there was an even split. Lindy hop dancer Frankie Manning said that patrons were judged on their dancing skills and not on the color of their skin: "One night somebody came over and said, 'Hey man, Clark Gable just walked in the house.' Somebody else said, 'Oh, yeah, can he dance?' All they wanted to know when you came into the Savoy was, do you dance?".
The northeast corner of the dance floor, nicknamed "Cats' Corner," was monopolized by the best and boldest dancers. Some sources claim only Whitey's Lindy Hoppers were permitted to dance there, while others are less specific. Competition for a place in Cats' Corner was fierce, and every serious hopper awaited the nightly "showtime". Other dancers would create a horseshoe around the band and "only the greatest Lindy-hoppers would stay on the floor, to try to eliminate each other". On 140th street was the opposite, mellow corner which was popular with dancing couples. The tango dancer known as The Sheik frequented this corner.
Many dances such as Lindy Hop (which was named after Charles Lindbergh and originated in 1927) were developed and became famous there. It was known downtown as the "Home of Happy Feet" but uptown, in Harlem, as "the Track" because the floor was long and thin. The Lindy Hop is also known as The Jitterbug and was born out of "mounting exhilaration and the 'hot' interaction of music and dance". Other dances that were conceived at the Savoy are The Flying Charleston, Jive, Snakehips, Rhumboogie, and variations of the Shimmy and Mambo. Capitol Records released at least one album devoted to the club, The Home of Happy Feet, from 1959.
It is estimated that the ballroom generated $250,000 in annual profit in its peak years from the late 1920s to the 1940s. Every year the ballroom was visited by almost 700,000 people. The entrance fee was 30 to 85 cents per person, depending on what time a person came. Thirty cents was the base price, but after 6pm the fee was 60 cents, and then 85 cents after 8pm. The Savoy made enough money by its peak in 1936 that $50,000 was spent on remodeling.
The ballroom had a double bandstand that held one large and one medium-sized band running against its east wall. Music was continuous as the alternative band was always in position and ready to pick up the beat when the previous one had completed its set. The bouncers, who had previously worked as boxers, basketball players, and the like, wore tuxedos and made $100 a night. The floor was watched inconspicuously by a security force of four men at a time who were headed by Jack La Rue, and no man was allowed in who wasn't dressed in a jacket with a tie. Besides the security staff, the Savoy was populated by "Harlem's most beautiful women": the Savoy Hostesses. They would be fired for consorting with patrons outside the ballroom, but inside the hostesses would teach people to dance and were dance partners for anyone who purchased a 25 cent dance ticket. Roseland Ballroom hostesses often visited the Savoy on their night off; this inspired Buchanan to create Monday Ladies-Free Nights. Other special events began during the week, including the giveaway of a new car every Saturday. The floor had to be replaced every three years due to frequent use.
During the 1930s, Chick Webb was the bandleader of the Savoy's most popular house band. Ella Fitzgerald, fresh from a talent show victory at the Apollo Theater in 1934, became its teenage vocalist. Webb also recorded the 1934 big band song and jazz standard "Stompin' at the Savoy", which is named for the Savoy. The Savoy was the site of many Battle of the Bands or Cutting Contests, which started when the Benny Goodman Orchestra challenged Webb in 1937. Webb and his band were declared the winners of that contest. In 1938, Webb was challenged by the Count Basie Band. While Webb was declared the winner again, there was a lack of consensus on who won. Earle Warren, alto saxophonist for Basie, reported that they had worked on the song "Swingin' the Blues" for competing and says, "When we unloaded our cannons, that was the end".
Floating World Pictures made a documentary called The Savoy King about the ballroom. It was shown at the 50th New York Film Festival. Other prominent Savoy house bandleaders included Al Cooper, Erskine Hawkins, Lucky Millinder (with Wynonie Harris on vocals), Buddy Johnson, and Cootie Williams.
The Savoy participated in the 1939 New York World's Fair, presenting "The Evolution of Negro Dance".
The ballroom was shut down in April 1943 as a result of "charges of vice filed by the police department and Army". Its license was renewed in mid-October of the same year.
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the-goth-catte · 1 year
[ BLACK MASS @ PANDEMONIO || 0 1 . 0 8 . 2 3 ]
Siouxsie and the Banshees - The Passenger VNV Nation vs Daft Punk - When Will We Get Lucky in the Future Dead When I Found Her - Magic Dance Blutengel - Save Our Souls L’ame Immortelle - Tiefster Winter ES23 - Erase My Heart Grendel - Deep Waters Faderhead - Noise Voices Noise Silence NamNamBulu - Forgiving (ft SITD) Front 242 - Masterhit (Dominatrix Remix) Siouxsie and the Banshees - Cities in Dust (Dusted off Recreation) Tiesto - 10:35 (ft Tate McRae) Pierce Fulton - Kuaga (Yotto Remix) Charming Horses - Don’t Want No Scrubs Joel Corry & Becky Hill - History 3LAU ft Xira - Tokyo (Le Youth Remix) Tiesto & Charli XCX - Hot In It James Hype, Miggy Dela Rosa - Ferrari (Brendel Mix) David Guerra - I’m Good New Order x Depeche Mode x Daft Punk - Better Blue Master People Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart (vs TEE) Apoptyma Berzerk - Unicorn (Fairlight Children mix) And One - Get You Closer (Extended Club Mix) Massive Ego - My Religion is Dark Necessary Response - Forever KMFDM - Megalomaniac Rankka - Satisfaction 3TEETH - You Spin Me Round Ashbury Heights - Science Pretentious, Moi? - Witchouse 69 Eyes - Gothic Girl HIM - Wings of a Butterfly Pixel Grip - ALPHAPUSSY Aesthetic Perfection - Rhythm + Control SITD - God’s Blessing Combichrist - This Shit Will Fuck You Up (Metalmorphosis Mix) Project Pitchfork - Timekiller (DJ Engel Industrial Mix) Siouxsie and the Banshees vs The Revolting Cocks - Happy House of the Horny Soft Cell - Tainted Love (DJ Hell Remix) Depeche Mode - Behind the Wheel KMFDM - Juke Joint Jezebel HEALTH - Blue Monday Suicide Commando - Hellraiser (Agonoize Remix) William Control - The Monster Celldweller - Heart On (Aesthetic Perfection mix) Faderhead - From His Broken Bones Covenant - Dead Stars (Club Mix) VNV Nation - Genesis Icon of Coil - Android Accessory - Ruff Fuxxx
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apricuscity · 3 years
Cheshire Hounds Vs Apricus City Freelancers!
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“Good afternoon Apricus! Augustine Cornelius Eckerman here. Are you ready for an exciting afternoon of Hecaball?! We’re here live from Solis Heights as the Cheshire Hounds take on the Freelancers! Despite it being one of those rare “early” games we’ve got a packed arena and the crowd is just as lively as ever!”
“As many of you know, back when I played I was with the Hounds. My jersey was actually retired and currently resides right here is this very arena alongside those of other notable Hounds players! Enough about me though, the teams are taking the field! Hounds have the homefield advantage so you know Jaime Baskerville is soaking all of this in..”
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“And here we go! Hounds will start with the ball. As you know, both the Hounds and the Freelancers have been trying to recruit some new players and I’ve heard a few signings have happened but not in time for this game. Hounds making some progress up centerfield but the Freelancers defense is preventing any advance toward the goal. Wukong showing some agility with a steal and a pass to Blackfoot.”
“Blackfoot passes back to Wukong who slams into an unsuspecting Hounds player. If I didn’t know any better I’d think these two are just trying to antagonize their opponents. They need to focus on trying to score...and just like that Ayana steals and passes to Baskerville. Baskerville a bit cocky as he shows off some fancy footwork. Baskerville hops to a platform but Blackfoot kicks it, spinning it around..Baskerville looking like he’s about to lose his lunch..ball is loose!”
“Wukong recovers it, tosses it into the air and propels off of Blackfoot’s shield..wonderful overhead kick! Hounds goalkeeper has no trouble deflecting the shot though and passes back to Ayana. Ayana jukes past Wukong and bashes another member of the Freelancers aside as he heads up the left side!”
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“Ayana looking for a chance to score but the Freelancers defense is holding strong. Ayana with no choice but to get rid of the ball rather than risk getting tackled by at least three of the Freelancers! Wukong with an arguably late hit on Ayana..and the ref is calling that one. Wukong has to spend some time in the penalty box.”
“Freelancers have the ball, Blackfoot kicks it off a platform right to a fellow Freelancer, they manage to intimidate Baskerville and kick it back over to Blackfoot. Blackfoot with a headbutt into the goal! Freelancers up 1-0!”
“We’re at the half now. Please welcome your halftime entertainment, pop sensation Kay.Dee!”
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“Gotta tell ya folks, still a bit strange watching a concert performs by virtual singers. Hologram technology has come a long way! Anyway, let’s get right back to the action!”
“Both teams have already decided to empty the benches so this is gonna be a chaotic second half! Wukong doesn’t look too happy about being sent to the penalty box earlier and might be looking to take it out on some unlucky opponent!”
“Hounds making their way down the field but we’ve got bodies flying everywhere! Wukong spins between two Hounds players and causes them to crash into each other, steals the ball and goes to pass to Blackfoot. Intercepted by Ayana who slams into a Freelancer before jumping up to a platform. Wukong goes to knock Ayana off but Ayana sees it coming and springs off of Wukong’s shoulders through the air!”
“Ayana fakes a kick but passes, teammate tries to score but it bounces off the goalpost! Ayana with the recovery and instantly takes another shot! It’s good! Hounds are on the board at 1-1!”
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“Time is starting to tick down and it’s getting more chaotic out there! Freelancers are playing a little dirty but sometimes that’s the nature of the game! Freelancers with the ball, Blackfoot spinning around the Hounds defense and taking a bit of a long shot. Hounds goalkeeper deflects it and kicks it back out, Wukong through the air with the steal and tries to shoot..NO Ayana there with the save!”
“Ayana in trouble again, looking to pass..OH gets slammed into by both Wukong and Blackfoot, we’ve got a loose ball! Hounds manage to recover for a moment before the Freelancers launch one of their own through the air to steal!”
“Freelancers trying again but the Hounds defense is holding! Hounds have the ball. Ayana using a sizeable frame to knock some Freelancers aside! Ayana with the ball now, passing to Baskerville who actually makes some progress! Baskerville ducking under Wukong and passing!”
“Blackfoot looks to steal but Hounds pass back to Ayana! Ayana baits Wukong into charging and moves, sending Wukong right into a platform! Blackfoot going at Ayana who’s looking for options!”
“Ayana with no choice, passes to an unsuspecting Baskerville! Baskerville with a..somewhat unintentional headbutt but it sends it right into the goal! Hounds are up 2-1 and that’s time!”
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“Hounds take this one with a score of 2-1! Someone needs to tell Baskerville he scored a winning goal, after he comes to that is. Thank you all for joining me this afternoon! Next Monday we have The Solis Scarabs Vs The Bureau Behemoths closing out round two!”
“Have a great day everyone!”
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bluefirewrites · 4 years
Juke AU ‘We Play Pretend’
Julie starts writing to her imaginary friend from childhood to cope with the loss of her mom. She thinks it’s a good way to let her feelings out, by confiding in someone she used to be able to tell everything to. 
She drops the letter at their secret spot in the park and figures that’s that.  
Yet she can’t stop thinking about the letter the whole weekend and she goes back to the park the following Monday, hoping to grab it before some stranger stumbles upon it or something embarrassing like that. 
But imagine her surprise the next time she stops by, she not only finds her letter missing, but a reply in an envelope addressed to her...
Julie looks around, trying to see if someone’s left this behind and is hiding in the bushes for this sick joke. But finding no one, and being extremely curious, she swipes the letter and runs home to read it. 
And adding more to the mystery, it seems to be written by her imaginary friend. Like oddly sounds just like him, and he’s able to match every reference of their pretend adventures together, from what she can decipher from the messy handwriting. 
Naturally Julie wants to confront her family, the only people who knew about her imaginary friend, but of course they would only send her right back to Dr. Turner the moment she sounds the least bit crazy. 
Julie has every reason to be suspicious of this letter because there’s no way her imaginary friend is actually writing to her and is concerned that someone in her inner circle had a hand in it. 
That doesn’t stop her from quickly penning another letter and hiding it in their spot. 
And soon enough, she and her imaginary friend start this regular correspondence which has Julie looking forward to the next letter each week. She suspends her disbelief for a second, fully embracing the idea that she is magically conversing with her imaginary friend. 
They mostly talk about stuff they’re going through, a lot of reminiscing about the past, and sometimes some fun songs they would both come up with to cheer the other one up. 
As she reads more of his letters, the more real he seems to her and the more she’s worried that she’s falling for someone who doesn’t really exist- as Flynn keeps warning her every time Julie would bring up the letters.  
Then, approaching December, Julie writes about the loneliness the holidays brings. 
The reply that comes through made her heart stop. 
Well if you weren’t imaginary, I would love to take you to a fancy Winter Ball. Just like old times. 
Julie, confused, writes back. 
What do you mean if I wasn’t imaginary? You’re the imaginary one...
She waits anxiously for the response which doesn’t come until days later, the handwriting messier than usual, probably written in a shakier, more frantic hand.
You’re Julie aren’t you? My imaginary friend from the park?
Wait a minute. 
Julie needs to figure this out and this prompts her to finally ask her dad about her imaginary friend from when she was little. 
From there she pieces it together. 
She would disappear somewhere whenever they went to the park together every week as a family, but comes back not too long after to tell them about what fun game she and ‘Luke’ had played. 
Since Julie had such a wild imagination when she was younger, and that her parents never seem to catch a glimpse of Luke, they figured that he was an imaginary friend, telling her so often that she remembers him as someone from make-believe.
“That is,” Ray goes to the attic and finds an old photograph, “until your mom actually saw him one day when she took you to the park,” 
Julie looks at it. There she was, as a little girl, next to a boy the same age. Both of them smiling goofily at the camera. 
“He’s.. he’s real?” She gapes, “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
Ray frowns, “You came back the week after this was taken, but he didn’t show up. We haven’t been able to see him for the rest of the summer. You seemed really upset and you didn’t want to talk about him anymore...” 
Julie takes the photo and slips it in her next letter, and asks to meet. 
She’s an absolute nervous wreck, waiting for him at their spot, at the time they agreed on. Because all of the sudden, this is real. He’s real. As real as her growing feelings for him. What if he doesn’t feel the same way? Or what if he does but he takes one look at her and is disappointed? 
But he shows up to the spot and she’s forced to confront him. 
It’s awkward at first. Neither of them knowing what to say to the person they’ve been writing to for months now. Speaking is different, not as easy. 
Luke eventually talks. About how he used to run off to the park whenever he was lonely and how he had thought he imagined up a friend to play with while he was there. 
About how his mom eventually found out about him sneaking out and grounded him for the whole summer. 
About how, to this day, he and his mom have a strained relationship, leading him to take a trip down memory lane to their spot in the park one night, where he found the letter. 
“Why did you write back?”
Luke sighs, “You were hurting. I was too when I found the letter. But reading it, reading it brought all of those happy memories back. And it was, like, familiar, I don’t know, like-”
“Like coming home? In a way?” 
“Exactly,” He pats the tree that makes up their special spot, “This was a home for a bit. For you and me, wasn’t it?”
Julie nudges him playfully, “Or a castle?” 
“And a pirate ship,”
“And the space ship! Don’t forget about the aliens” 
Luke barks out a laugh, “How could I ever forget about Ambassador Slimy of Planet Spaghetti?”
Then the talking becomes easier. The two make laps around the park, just catching up and learning more about each other’s lives now that they found out they’re both very real. 
It’s getting dark as they reach Julie’s car, when she decides to bring up that particular letter. 
“You said something about taking me to a Winter Ball,” 
Luke flushes instantly, “Oh that. It’s just my school is having one of those winter dances. I called it a ball, you know, because you were my princess and everything.” 
She raises an eyebrow
“I mean like when we played pretend! Remember? Man, sorry, I’m spacing right now. This is getting real awkward-” 
“Luke, are you asking me to go to the dance with you?” 
He stuffs his hands in pockets, gazing at the ground, “Uh... yeah?” 
She smiles, “I would love to go with you.” 
The smile he gives in return has Julie kicking herself for going so long without figuring out the mystery sooner. How can she go back to writing letters when he’s looking at her like that? 
“I should get going,” 
“Of course,” Luke turns to walk away, but whirls around, “Hey, maybe we can exchange numbers? I figured you need a break from reading my chicken scratch,” 
“Good idea,” 
They trade their numbers, even their social media handles, and Julie soon finds herself driving home. 
She barely makes it to her room when her phone dings. Glancing at the notification, she smiles to herself at reading the message:
Park? Same time next week?
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thedeathdeelers · 11 months
a moment, a nap
he wakes up to the feeling of fingers brushing through his hair, nails gently scratching his scalp.
he doesn’t dare move; doesn’t open his eyes nor give in to the smile twitching at the corner of his lips.
he barely allows himself to breathe in a way that might alert her that he had woken up.
because he knows the second she realises he’s awake, she’ll turn shy again, hands pulled away as her cheeks warm up and her gaze avoids his.
they’ve been teetering on the edge for so long, and though luke understands the need for caution, he just wished…..they didn’t have to.
so he lies there, head on her lap as she absentmindedly weaves her fingers through his hair, humming along to a song they were still workshopping.
if being cautious and stealing moments such as these every now and then meant he could always have julie molina at his side, then so be it. he would take what he could get and not push his luck — he had already used up most of it finding her in the first place.
satisfied with his reasoning, luke switches off the warring thoughts in his mind, choosing to solely focus on the feeling of julie surrounding him — her touch, her smell, her voice — eventually falling asleep once again, a soft smile on his face.
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