liberalsarecool · 2 years
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Republicans demand submission. The 'indoctrination' bullshit is such an admission.
They fcuking hate babies/kids/students.
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crinolinedream · 5 months
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So now they’ve gone and done a cut and paste and are trying to sell knockoff William. smh
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meromessy · 6 months
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eughhshh sob sniffle pc nooo ahuuugh huhu gurgle sniff pc don't go down thwre huhuhu ahsjhjhuh cough pc!! cough auughh
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pedrospatch · 11 months
i got my first dick pic on tumblr
level completed i guess
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This is the most terrifying concept of Santa I have EVER heard in my LIFE.
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ninjas-and-coffee · 10 months
Remeber when Jay used to be a ginger?
His crazy made sense and now it's what?!
A personality trait?
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dollelujah · 2 months
when I was teen I was accepted to calarts and idk what stopped me, imposter syndrome or maybe I just knew my dream of flipping the paper sheets to make a character move just wasn't a thing anymore even far back as 20 years ago
I used to be so in love with animation, especially with disney films and now I can barely be arsed to pirate anything these days. I hate the rigging system, it just looks so fucking ugly in motion and no matter how realistic the studios claim the models are, 3d movies just look like a shitty episode of Reboot to me
Combined with all the layoffs at almost every studio, I can't believe I'm lucky enough to have dodged that bullet. I'm sure there's a Katherine in another universe who has to put up with the guy from adam ruins everything's smug ass at the guild meetings 😒
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kaleidoscope-vol2 · 3 months
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No haircut and dressed like himself for TNM 2?
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sin-cxde · 5 months
Smash or Pass + Starscream :3
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"Smash him into a paste, perhaps."
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lyledebeast · 8 months
I have written so many times about the prisoner exchange scene in the The Patriot, but I don't think I've appreciated enough how essential it is to my favorite scene in the movie, which follows close behind it. Both scenes involve a colonel manipulating General Cornwallis: Martin to get his men back and Tavington for permission to use the tactics he finds most effective. Dean Devlin, the movie's producer, describes Tavington as seducing Cornwallis into giving him what he wants , as though it has absolutely nothing to do with Martin. But if Tavington could have gotten it from whorishness alone . . . he would have done!
Devlin, and many others, have failed to pay attention to the drastic changes in both men from their last meeting to this one. In previous scenes, Tavington is polite to the point of obsequiousness, biting his tongue when Cornwallis berates him, first for his total war tactics and later for failing to protect supply lines from the militia. This scene begins with Cornwallis, again, taking out his frustration with Martin outsmarting him on Tavington, but Tavington is a whole new man.
"Quite impressive for a farmer with a pitchfork, wouldn't you say?" This mockingly repeats an earlier jab from Cornwallis, and it is by far the cuntiest thing Tavington ever says to his superior officer. He seems to know that he can get away with it, though, because, for once, he is not the true object of Cornwallis's anger. When they spoke of "The Ghost" before the man materialized, Cornwallis refused to even hear Tavington's self-defense. Now, for the first time, Cornwallis is willing to listen. Martin's actions helped to bring that about.
One of the most frustrating interpretations of The Patriot, and certainly the one its makers support, is that the British characters make choices and Martin simply reacts in the only way he can. By downplaying Martin's choices, they also absolve him of their consequences. This reading does not stand up to scrutiny. In one sense, Cornwallis is reacting to his pride being wounded, but he is also reacting to Martin's unreasonableness. Martin invites Cornwallis to make his grievances known, but when he does Martin shuts him down with Your Officers Started It. The trouble is, Cornwallis has already restrained Tavington, and if Martin does not know that it is not from any lack of evidence. The men who took his men prisoner are very visibly part of the same regiment that is introduced to the story as having slaughtered surrendering Colonial troops. Without someone having curbed Tavington's behavior, Martin would not be sitting here negotiating for prisoners' release; he would have eighteen extra corpses to dispose of. It would take no great logical feat to conclude that the British general lecturing him on the conduct of a gentleman is responsible for this change.
Of course. Martin is not really here to debate the rules of war; he has already decided how he is going to behave, which involves getting everything he wants from Cornwallis while giving nothing in return. He reunites Cornwallis with his dogs only to snatch them away at the last second. He agrees to send him his personal effects, including uniforms, taken from supply trains, but the scene with Tavington finds Cornwallis in a suit apparently crafted from floral upholstery. It is as much about humiliating Cornwallis as freeing his men. Cornwallis has two choices here: either do nothing and allow Martin to continue making a laughingstock of him and killing his officers with impunity or try a different approach. Tavington's meandering around Cornallis's room, a class of the general's claret in hand, can only be described as a victory lap. And he hasn't had to do a single thing besides name his reward.
The measures Tavington takes are horrific but effective. The militia is temporarily disbanded, and even when they reconvene there are no further attacks on supply trains, allowing the British to prepare for the final battle. If Martin had put as much energy into planning some kind of defense for civilians as he does into nursing his inexplicable hate boner for Cornwallis, perhaps he could have minimized the casualties Tavington inflicts. Instead, he is shocked to inaction when Cornwallis responds to his "Tavington started it!" with "And I'm going to let him finish it, too!"
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bklynmusicnerd · 11 months
Buddy Games, Reindeer Games. We are tired of the games. Enough.
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dragonsfire010 · 3 months
Finnnnnnnn!!! Atlus didn't want my headpats do you want them!!
"Hell no."
And he means it
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mugiwara-lucy · 11 days
Okay…what in the actual fuck??
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Keep in mind this is someone that Trump has said he wants to run the government.
His shitty handling of Twitter aside, don’t forget he said THIS after Taylor Swift endorsed Kamala:
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Make sure to register to vote at vote.gov and check your registration daily! I also advocate for not only Early Voting but MAIL IN BALLOTS!!
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britcision · 1 year
Got to talking about NaNoWriMo with a friend the other day and it’s so funny how oppositely our matching ADHD asses went about it
They’ve been writing the same story every year, doing 1k words a day when they can, and sometimes rewriting, but always signed up and putting words on the website. And, y’know, haven’t hit 50k in one month yet because that’s how 1k works
I shoot for 2k words a day because that means I can have up to 5 days off, write something different every year, and have absolutely never even signed up to the website at any stage. I have passed the 50k mark I think twice in 17 years, but neither got to the end of the story
And I mean, if I was doing the website every day, I absolutely couldn’t do 2k words/day. It’d take the time and energy away from the writing and it’s hard enough to just maintain?
We do both do fanfic for it though, which is fun, but we wound up just looking at each other like “I could simply never do it the way you do I could not function”
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Finding out that NaNoWriMo is allowing AI usage because, and I'm paraphrasing, "being against it means you're ableist/classist"
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unseemingowl · 6 months
Well, the remake of Speak no Evil looks terrible. Also way to go for the trailer to spoil the entire thing. Come on.
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