#HARHAR funny
spoookytay · 8 months
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Vincent Valentine and Katherine DeLight!
I’ll color her later, I have no clue on what her color palette will be LOL
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“I DO WHAT YOU NAME?” I forgot I flipped the canvas
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the-sun-station · 1 year
idk if I imagined it in a fever dream or what but I think I got an ask here about vore that disappeared into the void???
anyway, the answer is yes, get in loser.
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🎨: Bleucan on twitter
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hi-note · 5 months
WOULD i stay up til 3 in the morning making miku adjacent doodles? idk.
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jils-things · 1 month
i dont rmbr if i made a post talking about his voice but 🥹
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mythtiide · 1 year
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freddy fazbear is 9 years old today :)
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wantsharptteeth · 1 year
Wouldn't it be kinda funny if being gay was counted as neurodivergent? Like,, if you had to get diagnosed. And it was bad to self-diagnose the gay.
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shingodzillaa · 3 days
texting your gen z partner the word “yolo” at the end of a paragraph just to make them cringe laugh
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dira333 · 1 month
No matter the hair, you will be loved - Dad!Kuroo x Reader
for @alienaiver
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Everyone keeps saying it.
"I hope your child won't have his father's hair."
It had been funny the first time and maybe even the second and the third, but by now it's getting tiresome.
"Harhar," Tetsuro laughs, and though it doesn't sound the least bit amused the other person doesn't seem to notice.
"You good?" You ask from the kitchen as soon as your visitor has left - cousin of a cousin or something like that. Somehow everyone wants to renew their acquaintance with you now that the family is growing - and Tetsuro is getting promotion after promotion.
"Sure," he says, but it lacks conviction.
"Are you?" You ask again, leaning into the doorway, your bump making every position look and feel a little awkward. "Because you're making that face you had when you accidentally took a spoon of my face mask. You can tell me willingly what's going on or I can tickle it out of you, whatever you prefer."
"If you tickle me, I'll tickle you back and then you'll just pee on yourself again."
"One time," you remind him. "That happened one time."
He's grinning now, a far cry from the desolation that had been on his features seconds before. Tetsuro leans in for a kiss, lingering after.
"What do you think the baby's going to look like?"
"Human, I hope."
He snorts. "I know, but... like... do you think he's going to have my eyes or yours? Your weird-looking toes or my long hands?"
"He?" You ask and he pulls a face.
"I know, I know, we don't know the gender yet. That just slipped out. He or she, you know."
You're quiet for a minute.
"Would you mind if he looked like you? If it was a boy, I mean?"
Teturo hesitates. You tuck a strand of his unruly hair behind his ear, and watch as it slips out right away, unwilling to be tamed.
"You're really good-looking, you know that, right?" You ask and he snorts.
"You say that because you've got weird taste. But when I was a kid-"
"When I was a kid, I had the worst, untamable curls you can imagine."
Tetsuro shrugs. "Can't be that bad."
"Uh, yes? Also, baby shampoo isn't made for curls, so you can imagine how that turned out."
"You want picture proof?"
"Coming right up," you turn back toward the kitchen where your phone lies. "I'm going to call my mom and you know that's going to take a hot minute. Can you make Dinner in the meantime?"
He groans. "Do I have to?"
"Do you want to talk to my mom?"
"Yeah, I'm on it... Pork Belly or Veggies?"
"Oh my god you look amazing," Tetsuro guffaws as he swipes, his head resting on the swell of your steadily growing bump.
Your mother has done her duty, sending over all the worst pictures she could find. Because you just know that there must have been some decent one lying around, though they're not mixed in with all the horrible shots of the mess on your head. Count on a mother to find the most unflattering picture of a child and call it a treasure.
"Can you imagine?" You ask when his laughter has calmed down a bit. "What if our hair textures would mix?"
Tetsuro ponders that for a second before he moves, pressing a kiss to your temple.
"Our child will be the cutest, most messy-haired being on earth."
"I'll drink to that."
part 2? (boy or girl?)
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skipskipaling · 7 months
people on twitter pointed out that they look rly similar and i think its funny bc ive never seen this guy in my life!!!! just a little joke harhar (ft a friend’s oc :0]!!)
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jeeaark · 2 months
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Part 2
You know. Sometimes. I gotta make things weird.
So. That other choice.
The only reason I'm drawing the other choice is because the reunion uh- spitefully inspired me again!
Didn't really have as many viscerally distinct (or funny harhar) memories while playing this pathway the first time because I WAS HORRIBLY UPSETTY SPAGHETTI. So we're gonna have a little meta-'Terminator 2' fun with the few bits that I do remember.
Even after establishing that other pathway is doing pretty swell now story-wise, I didn't change much of the original script with this. Either way, I don't mind this being seen as a completely different reality or not. Is just a fun bonus bit I gotta get out of my system~
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mulderscully · 6 months
i know it's a silly harhar joke and i find it funny too but characters like alex and buck not realizing they're bisexual for a long time isn't because they're stupid. it's not because they necessarily dislike being attracted to men. it's because of bisexual erasure within both heterosexual and queer space being rampant for a long time and is only starting to get better now. bisexuals make up around 60% of the lgbt+ community, (in the us) but look how long the wikipedia page for bisexual erasure is.
not only do more women/afab people identify as bisexual, but keep in mind that bisexual people overall are much less likely to identify as bisexual to others or be out than gay and lesbian people because part of the bisexual experience is feeling like you're not allowed to even sit at the table, so to speak. most bisexual+ men may have queer feelings and experiences, but they may not examine those things as much as a bisexual women might because biphobia and the patriarchy tie together in a way that is unique to bisexual men.
characters like alex and buck are so impactful because they're new. most bisexual representation in tv and film has been women until recently, and even that is still rare. a character like callie torres on grey's in 2009 — when i was 14! — helped me see myself as a bisexual, but men have not had characters like that until nearly ten years later. and it's not until i even read rwrb in 2020 that i saw any bisexual character not receive some degree of biphobia from their love interest.
representation is important because when we see someone experience what we experience it helps us name something we may not have fully understood about ourselves before and put a name to it because they're on that same journey on screen. alex and buck were always bi, they just didn't know they were allowed to be so. they're not stupid, they were failed by society and had to unlearn their own internalized biphobia and bisexual erasure because so many of us, even subconsciously, think we're not allowed to exist and/or to take up space in a community that we are literally in the acronym of. no one really talks about us except us.
you're not stupid if you didn't know you were bi the whole time, you're not stupid for not knowing when you were a teenager or in your twenties either.
(*i am genderfluid/nb but am mostly using m/f here for the sake of this specific conversation. bisexual nb people exist too.)
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uranium-city · 2 months
You Can’t.
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Happy belated anniversary to the funny bear series I made some art
har har harhar har
(Reblogs appreciated ^^)
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psyaurorak · 1 year
Can I just say, why is there such a focus on women being abused sexually for power in LO?
It’s horrible!
It’s implied Hera used her body to get close to Kronos
Demeter had sex with Zeus because she believed she’d marry him and be queen only to get tossed aside immediately.
(Sex by coercion is still assault I can’t believe I even have to say this)
Persephone gets sexually assaulted by Apollo.
And like why is SA being used as a way to create drama?!
Also double standards be like ‘ohh poor Persephone’ and ‘Demeter deserved it if she’s stupid enough to believe Hades would say that’
This fandom is so gross it’s not funny.
What do you mean a woman deserves to get assaulted because she’s stupid?!
Also considering Hades treatment of Demeter it’s not even far fetched for Demeter to think this!
Stop livin behind the bubble of hades is perfect! He isn’t!
Also can we talk about how Zeus and Metis’s fling thing mentioned is predatory because Zeus is younger than Hades (who’s 19 at the time of the war) and Poseidon who’s younger than Hades?
Zeus would be 15-17.
So why tf is that his fling with Metis is played off as a joke?!
I’m so mad about this. Like harhar RS we get it ‘Zeus is manwhore’ BUT THINK ABOUT THE IMPLICATIONS
The way RS portrays SA as a joke or irrelevant until it drives drama and no other thing is GROSS
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myupostsheadcanons · 21 days
Chilling Reflections (Villains' Code, Book 3)
I was able to finish reading the book while heading across state to the KS Renaissance Fair. (harhar, that the plot of the last 5min Sherlock book was also about a RenFair) I had planned on reading it all the same week it came out, but had meat-space stuff get in the way - sorry.
Yes, you should read "Villains' Vignettes" before reading this book. Events that happened in that Volume are talked about in this book. While it does do some explaining, the over all experience is a lot better if you already read what happened. The Halloween story and a young Ivan ending up an accidental hero in another dimension have elements that are important to characters growth in this one.
Spoilers Under Cut:
VRX77... yeah, i guessed she was an alternate universe Tori by the second time she showed up in the book. I first thought, by the title of the book that Vicki was going to be a cold-based version of Tori tho. But turned out the "Chilling" part of the book was because of Jokull the Frost Giant and his role within the C-plot of Faithful and Bert's schemes.
I do find it a rather interesting development with Ivan and Fornax, that whenever Ivan loses control and Fornax takes over, that once Ivan gets behind the driver's seat again, he is unable to maintain the same amount of dominance between his will and Fornax's will. That Ivan can't not access as much of Fornax's powers with out risking Foranx slipping into the driver's seat. It is a clean way to nerf Ivan, make it to where he can't just show up and fix everything, and Drew then doesn't have to keep throwing Hammers at the Earth (Or having Ivan go to another world for a while).
But what about Lodestar swooping in to save the day? She has only been back to work the last couple years, she did spend the past several years as a full time mom and not using her powers. There is only one of her, and she isn't as ruthless as people like Professor Quantum or the members of the Villains Guild. She has been taken out of fights before, or has been distracted by a larger threat while something else happens under her nose. This has happened at the end of both Bones of the Past and Chilling Reflections already.
Jokull counted on Lodestar to show up when he took Ivan. He knew that if Lodestar wouldn't kill him, eventually he would push Ivan far enough to become Fornax and get the same result. The latter happened, unfortunately.
Though not unfortunately, it did FINALLY clear the air between Ivan and Helen and they aren't pussy footing around their feelings for one another anymore... (hits Nexus with a rolled up news paper for being a peeping tom)
I would like to see more of the extended cast in the next book or in the VVV2. It does stream line the story focusing most of the POVs to a handful of groups. I do miss having more of Glyph and Pest Control, or even some of the other Villains... doing Villain stuff. It has been even commented in this book that Tori and Bev don't act very villainous, they just don't pull their punches like a Hero would, they are more Vigilante than Villain.
Cloe getting a taste of Edict's powers, and realizing why people who've ran into her counter parts put Edict on the same level as Nexus and Captain Bullshit. She was able to change Faithful's powers without him even realizing what happened, he probably doesn't even know yet, and i hope this comes back to bite him in the ass.
I've came across a few old science fiction stories that are based around Faithful's powers before. It is the belief that He is the only real person and that nothing else around him is real. He is a God in his own mind and he believes in himself thoroughly.
With Mr. AV coming back into the picture at the end of the book, it is likely that Donald/Cyber Geek is going to get that training that other Cyber Geeks were able to get. It was funny as fuck when Cyber Geek randomly found a guy named Full Bars with the power to amplify all cell and wi-fi signals just when he needed the help accessing the internet the most. I read that part out loud in the car to my brother and he thought it was funny too.
I have this sneaking suspicion that Rick and Ren/Medley are going to have a lot of common ground (on body image and shape shifting). And, just maybe, they can learn something from one another. something that Ivan can not teach. Perhaps Helen brings it up to Ivan as a possibility.
Kyle finally putting the pieces together that Tori just may be Hephaestus... that would be an awesome 'popcorn worthy' show down when it finally gets out into the open. All because Bev wanted a nice pair of caprices.
So... are we like seeing Professor Quantum become the true Villain? The first meta, paranoid as fuck, afraid of losing control, has back up plans for back up plans, treats people as tools, works against other heroes, has no problems with killing people that get in his way.... That was a dick move putting that mind-control chip in Ellie and making her see her "dead" friend.
Speaking of.... Ike and Settler are alive.... somewhere....
Ranking: 7 out of 10.
Too much going on sometimes. There are at least four different antagonist plots going on at the same time, on top of the monster invasion from extra space. Drew perhaps needs to step back a bit on the gas and put in some more Personal Life Drama stuff like he had in Super Powereds.
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saxon-official · 10 months
Those, sir, are what we in the business call "teehee harhar funny"
That's a funny name for something.
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ilyasorokinn · 2 years
(day four) into the pile , zack macewen
note, this is part of my mini halloween series, so for the rest of the series, check out this masterlist. none of the fics in this series are connected, so they can be read as standalone. pair, zack macewen x reader summary, while cleaning up the front lawn, y/n decides to be a menace and jumps into the pile of freshly gathered leaves that zack had just raked up. warnings, none word count, 595 words
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(gif not mine)
You had a few days off, so you decided to fly home for a couple of days to help your parents with some tasks they couldn't complete anymore. Zack also had a few days off, so it was perfect.
"Here's the list of the things we need to be done." Your mother handed you a piece of paper at breakfast with all the tasks needed to be completed.
"All right." You read down the list and mentally ticked off the things you wanted to do and the things you could assign to Zack, aka all the more time-consuming tasks you really didn't want to do.
After breakfast, you and Zack both got to work on the tasks assigned. Zack started on the long list of backyard chores while you started on the long list of inside chores.
After finishing a couple of tasks, you looked out to the backyard, and you saw that Zack was still in the same spot he was when you started, yard duty.
You opened the back door and watched as he angrily pulled weeds, "What did the weeds ever do to you?" You joked. In response, he threw the weeds at you, but they flew away.
"I hate yard work." He complained.
"I know." You nodded.
"And right now, I'm hating you just a little." He narrowed his eyes at you.
"Oh, come on." You laughed, "It's not that bad."
"Yes, it is. I've been doing this for like, an hour and I'm not even halfway done. Why can't they just hire someone to do this for them? Better yet, I'll hire someone to do it for them."
"You know they don't like doing that." He groaned, falling backward onto the ground.
"You know what? I'll help you, and it'll get the job done faster."
"You hate yardwork more than I do." He pointed out.
"But the quicker we get this done, the quicker I'll get to go pick up the apple cinnamon donuts I ordered from the diner earlier today."
"Oh, you know the way to my heart." He hummed happily.
"I know, now get back to work." You laughed.
A couple hours later, the weeds were finally all picked up and tied up in garbage bags, and a couple more tasks were ticked off. The only thing left to do was rake the leaves.
You went in to get some mugs of warm apple cider, and when you came back outside, you saw the big pile of leaves he had just raked up.
You set the mugs down on the counter and ran out the back door, jumping right into the big pile of leaves in the middle of the yard. You flashed him a smile as he dropped the rake.
"Before you could answer, your dog ran out the backdoor you had just emerged from, and jumped into the pile with you, "You both really suck." He shook his head.
"Oh, come on, don't be such a sour puss." You rolled your eyes.
You watched him as he raised his hands in surrender and made his way back into the house. But before he walked up the first step, he whipped around and ran towards the pile.
He jumped in with you, landing not far from you and your dog, "Oh, look at that, Mr. No Fun has a fun side." You joked.
"Harhar, very funny." He rolled his eyes, "But, since you created the mess, it's your turn to pick it up." He reached down and handed you the rake he had previously been using.
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