iamacolor · 3 years
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#hcccweek - day 8 :  free day
→ favourite hyejin outfits from ep1 to ep 16
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yongonyong · 3 years
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love them so much
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goyurim · 3 years
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#hcccweek → day 7: favourite twist of tropes
“Don’t smile. You’ll grow on me.” “I’m always smiling.” Although the show has fantastic writing overall, this was the scene that sold it for me. Ji PD dealing with Hye jin’s rejection so maturely and still managing to maintain a childish yet wholesome friendship with Du sik has marked him one of my favourite second leads of all time. The three leading characters were never pit against each other for drama, but effectively utilised as a driving force to push each other’s stories forward in a healthy manner instead. It made me root for all of them individually as well as in the relationships they shared with one another.
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ithinkhobiknows · 3 years
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HCCCWEEK: DAY 3-favourite romantic relationship/moments [Hong Du-Shik & Yoon Hye-Jin]
Koi No Yokan (Japanese Phrase) meaning--It doesn't mean love at first sight. It is closer to love at second sight. Its the feeling when you meet someone that you're going to fall in love with them.Maybe you don't love them right away, but it's inevitable that you will.
Playlist I made for them.
The post that talked about koi no yokan with sikhye.
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mirambles · 3 years
HCCCWeek Day 7 - Favourite Twist of Tropes
Hometown Cha Cha Cha like any other Kdrama has lot of tropes - the fake boyfriend, love triangle, female lead slips and falls in male lead’s arms , sparring enemies to lovers , friends to lovers, drunken piggyback , drunken kiss etc.
I think HomCha did a great job in subverting a lot of tropes and giving them unexpected or fair resolution. But my favourite one was how the childhood connection played out subtly.
When they first showed in episode 2 that the main leads had met in childhood - I almost cringed and said here we go again, what is a Kdrama without a childhood connection! But I loved how their meetings during childhood and teenage years were simply coincidences. Their conversation over the phone realising they had met not once, but twice was wonderfully done. Without much fanfare , treating it as sheer coincidence rather than fate/destiny or some deeper connection, with DuSik saying it was wonderful that they found each other again was the most light touch childhood connection I have seen in KDramas till date!
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Of course Kim Seon Ho saying ‘Ani’ in that deep baritone voice of his broke the internet that Saturday and I have also lost count of how often I have watched that clip!
But in the end it was also revealed that HyeJin was always going to find DuSik and was indeed his destiny, Gamri’s text stopped DuSik from ending his life, but HyeJin calling the emergency services and waiting till DuSik was collected and safe reflected that these two were meant to be.
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Sure you might call it cliched, but they way it played out and how she stood by him through his trauma and helped him heal, you realised she was present right at the start when he started to take the steps to heal himself.
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Just like DuSik was always there to help HyeJin when she first moved to his town. HyeJin always had DuSik’s back!
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hansomang · 3 years
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DAY 1: Favourite Quote/Conversation
I had a tough time choosing a favourite quote as I have loved every single bit of this show. I decided to go with this one 'cause it was the moment I got interested, not at the plot, but at the stories each character has to offer. Hearing that line made me see a little depth of Du-sik's character. I was also going through grief at the moment and was looking for a slice-of-life type of series. Glad that I found Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha.
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juliemolinaz · 3 years
Yay for Hometown Cha Cha Cha Week!!! I’m starting another rewatch for this, lol.
I don’t do gifs, so here are some of my favorite quotes.
“Toothaches truly are a pity. It doesn’t show so no one but yourself knows how painful it is.” Gotta give my girl Hye Jin some love here. She’s been putting up a hard front up until now and it gives Gam Ri a chance to see just how caring Hye Jin is, which allows Gam Ri to start warming up to Hye Jin.
“You son of a bitch. I ought to rip out your lungs and kidneys and jump rope with your intestines!” That whole scene was hilarious and definitely not something I expected from Mat Yi the first time I watched.
“She’s taken up all the space in your heart.” Damn Gam Ri, that’s just so romantic right there.
The whole “Oh no my eyes” bit from Yeong Guk. That scene was honestly the first time that I actually had any positive feelings towards him.
“You see, it felt like I was doodling on an invisible sketchbook with you. We’d come up with ridiculous ideas. Then suddenly, there would be a spark and we’d find our next idea. It was electrifying.” Just a really cool way of thinking about the creative energy going on between Ji Won and Seong Hyun and why she would want to stay around him so much even as he was unknowingly hurting her.
And I have to end it with these two because these ones are so iconic.
“It’s a great night to catch a sick pervert.”
“Did you just shoot me?” That whole scene with Mi Seon and Eun Cheol was hilarious.
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witty-writer · 3 years
Day-3 favorite romantic/relationship moments ~
when Hye-jin bought a necklace for herself which is worth more than 5 million won and thought this would hurt Du-sik somehow, but Du-Sik's response was - "you don't have to worry about how I view your actions. You bought yourself a gift with money you worked hard to earn. So, why worry about what I think. I am not fazed at all so, do whatever it is you want."
This scene was beautiful. How he made a gift for her by himself. This showed that being non-materialistic himself, Du-sik never mocked or told Hye-jin that he couldn't finance her expensive lifestyle. Instead, He wasn't threatened by her financial success or her desire to buy anything she wants. He didn't feel offended at all and judged her.
I loved how their honest communication and bonding led to a strong relationship. ----
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swiggy · 3 years
Day 2 of hcccweek - favourite character I-Jun
I-jun is the kind of character where you can’t understand why he is doing something until you’ve been there. Tbh that 9 year old kid is playing the most complex character in the show in the facade of his personality. What I believe is that it isn’t his personality but how the circumstances shaped him.
He saw his father not acting like a grown up man , not fulfilling his responsibilities , neglecting his mother and experienced a lot he didn’t deserve to at such a young age. So ,he psychoananlyzed his parent’s behaviour and relationship and chose to grow up fast , act more mature , not become a burden on them because they somehow made him feel like they already had a lot to deal with and were acting all pretentious and happy for his sake. Hwa Jeong truly says he took after her , coz he bottled up his emotions as much as he could and his parents kept taking it as a part of his personality when it was just his coping mechanism to deal with his battling emotions.
Childhood emotional negligence may not seem serious on the surface but it acts as an invisible force that keeps haunting individuals even in their adulthood . It’s not about anything that you can remember or anything that happened in your childhood. It’s more about what you don’t remember. Because what didn’t happen has as much or more power over who you have become as an adult than any of those events you do remember. Whatever the level of parental failure, emotionally neglected people see themselves as the problem, rather than seeing their parents as having failed them. So , in most of the cases like I-jun they simply choose to grow faster than their age.
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iamherefortheships · 3 years
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My absolute favorite quote ( and this is a tough show to just pick one from!)….
This one because it really does answer our more human existential questions about life!
( also thanks to the twitter handle for the screen caps - I have zero editing skills)
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rintihan-galau · 3 years
- Day 1 : favorite quote/conversation
"Do you know what it means to be a good parent? It's staying healthy for a long time. They shouldn't endure pain to save money for their children. They should take care of themselves."
Yoon Hye-Jin
Hyejin ini seorang anak piatu yang kehilangan ibu di usia muda. Saya pikir, Hyejin jadi dokter gigi juga sedikit banyak karena faktor ibunya. Di masa kecil yang dia inget adalah kenangan ibunya sakit. Ibunya muntah-muntah di WC gak bisa makan makanan kesukaan dia. 
Sampe gede Hyejin pun sangat concern masalah makanan. Suka nanya udah makan belom? Sampe ke orang lain pun dia kuatirin, si anu keliatan kurus ga nafsu makan, tolong kasihin paha ayam. Ayo pasang implan, biar gigi ga sakit, bisa makan cumi. Makan yang bener, makan yang kamu suka, biar sehat, biar umur panjang.
Makanya kalo ada orang bela-belain sakit demi duit itu Hyejin murka. Saya juga pas bagian ini langsung, KASIH PAHAM, DOOOK! Ngapain sih duit disayang-sayang? Anak tuh yang harusnya disayang, jangan ditinggalin. Keknya bagian ini harusnya diviralin di grup whatsapp orang tua, biar kalo lagi sakit apapun, langsung gercep gitu ke dokter. Gak perlu disuruh-suruh dan diomelin ama anaknya baru berangkat. Durhaka saya lama-lama kalo tiap kali orang tua saya sakit gak mau ke dokter harus diomelin. Cape saya.
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iamacolor · 3 years
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#hcccweek - day 2 : favorite character
→ ji seonghyeon : the second lead we all ended up falling for - not because we wanted him to "get the girl" but because he was endearing even when he was being a bit of a mess, eager to please, passionate about his job, about food and every person he met, creative and thoughtful, never agressive, mature enough to confess his feelings and keep his friendship, a bit slow at figuring out who the person he really wanted to spend all his time with was but ultimately brave enough to go for it
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goyurim · 3 years
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#hcccweek → day 5: favourite non-romantic relationship
hye jin and children - for someone who is introduced as ambitious, focused, goal-oriented, and terrible at small talk, one of the most heartwarming relationships hye jin forms is with the children of gong jin. having no reliable parental figures in her life it comes as a surprise, perhaps to herself too, how quickly she forms bonds with the kids around her. she has a natural maternal instinct and we see that when she tries to comfort a crying bo ra the day she arrives at gong jin, forgetting all her troubles in that moment. but she’s also a child at heart, when she tries to stick it to ju ri who claims she’s faking meeting her favourite boy band member. it’s that perfect balance between responsible and playful that makes all the children constantly gravitate towards her.
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ithinkhobiknows · 3 years
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HCCCWEEK: DAY 7- favorite use/twist of tropes
I love the show and how it handled the tropes especially the love triangle one. Also loved the fact that even though there were tropes the show always managed to surprise me on how they handled said tropes. Like the unexpected friendship between du shik and director ji. I love when shows put a twist in tropes.
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mirambles · 3 years
HCCCWeek - Day 4 - Recurring theme
The Hedgehog
DuSik says to HyeJin that she and the hedgehog are similar because they always have their spikes up. That’s true to some extent, but HyeJin is unguarded with DuSik since their first meeting. DuSik is insistent that she needs to bring her spikes down when in reality he has all his walls up. DuSik is the the real hedgehog, not HyeJin!
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He won’t let anyone enter beyond the walls he has built around himself, not his beloved GongJim gang, and not even HyeJin in their earlier days. He is so deeply in love with her without realising, fighting it with all his might, afraid to let her in cause once he does, he wouldn’t be able to bear to lose her.
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Just like the hedgehog’s underneath is soft and flurry belly, DuSik is a kind-hearted. loving, lovely soul within who just needs to be calmed and soothed by love. HyeJin is the one who can soothe him, so when she opens her heart to him, he can’t help but let his spikes down.
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They will still flare up at the mention of his past , but she will hang on till he learns to calm down in her presence and trust her enough to keep the spikes down. It was never going to be an easy road, like it’s never an easy task to pet a hedgehog. They need extra care and soft handling, just like DuSik’s damaged soul does, but he realises only HyeJin is the one who can manage that.
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hansomang · 3 years
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DAY 4: Favourite Recurring Element/Theme
It fascinates me how the lighthouse is present in almost every phase of Hye-jin and Du-sik's relationship. I take it as a symbolism that they guide each other home. No wonder Hye-jin says it is like fate. (oh yeah, that's a lyric from birdy's song "lighthouse.")
BONUS: the gongjin lighthouse but white
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