alsojnpie · 11 months
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today's repostober comes with a lot of words. because if i remember correctly i restrained myself from writing an essay at the time i made these. because look. all of the ut cast but especially papyrus belong in the harvest moon 64 world. i don't care if crossovers are cringe (are they? no don't answer because i really don't care). these are my two favorite video games and they go together like pb and j.
anyway first we have papyrus drinking water after water after water at the bar. this is an incredibly time consuming but free way to get unlimited energy to upgrade all your tools to the max on the first night. hypothetically. if you feel like spending. idk......20 hours or so of your life doing it......(he does) (sans does not). because not only is it free as in, costs no in game currency, time stands still inside the bar and in this game time IS MONEY. also "aren't you the healthy one?" is what the bartender says when you order the glass of water and I've only read it about one hundred million times in my life
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a weird exploit exists at the horse races in which you can prepare to place an extravagant bet but withdraw it at the last moment. you pay nothing but the game considers the bet placed all the same. so you bet he will figure that out and take advantage of it!! seriously though, i just love the idea of the situation being a bit switched from the way it was in undertale. sans has a bit of a hard time finding his place in this weird surface world. (and yes i think he would stress about bills. what of it.) papyrus somehow finds his way into the hearts of every single person in the village. he is at the top of his game and everyone loves him!!!!!!!
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genericpuff · 4 months
wait wait wait, regarding that Minthe post, you're telling me that Rachel literally wrote the character as having BPD.....and portrayed her as an abusive mean piece of shit??? WOW. fucking WOW. sorry for being so angry, but even if she "retconned" that - it's still so god damn disrespective. as someone who has BPD it hurts so much to see my mental illness villanised :(
ugh I'm so sorry pal. and I don't blame you for being angry about it, like I don't even have BPD and I'M fucking pissed LOL like I can understand why Rachel might have wanted to backtrack from that knowing fully well that Minthe's story wasn't gonna have a happy ending, but writing her with BPD in the first place and then BACKTRACKING from it as soon as she likely got heat for it (or just realized it wasn't a good look) isn't much better because it means now all she's done is written the stigmatized negative effects of BPD into her character without showing the more positive outlooks of healing and managing. Maybe that was doomed to happen considering Minthe is someone who doesn't get a happy ending in the myths, but it begs the question of why she'd write her with BPD to begin with because in hindsight it really does seem like she just wanted to use it as a way to make her "evil".
But like, when you read the actual episode, you can SEE the potential there for character growth, you can SEE that she's aware of her actions - but doesn't understand why she's "like that" which is a VERY common feeling among people with undiagnosed mental illnesses - but it was never meant to be.
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Like jfc not only is it HEAVILY IMPLIED, but again, the episode is literally called "Splitting". And we see exactly that with Minthe, who can't seem to rationalize with herself that she messed up.
But... that leads me to another point that I failed to mention in that first ask response: she DIDN'T mess up. Like, yes, she messed up by escalating it to the point of slapping Hades, but it wasn't her fault that she didn't make it to her date with Hades. Whose fault was it?
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Continuously throughout the first season we see Thetis being an awful influence who manipulates and gaslights Minthe. They're "friends", but it's clear Thetis does not have Minthe's best interests in mind. In this very scene we see Thetis manipulate Minthe and even attempt to get her so drunk that she won't be able to show up to her date. And then of course when that plan works and Minthe freaks out, Thetis spins it around on Minthe in a very passive-aggressive way.
But of course, the narrative has to find a way to turn this whole thing on Minthe being the bad guy. Hence we get the slap which shifts the focus entirely away from what led up to it back onto Hades who has, in a lot of ways, put her in a situation that she can't control. And of course, being in those kinds of situations does not help with mental health.
Like, sorry, I'm really going off here now, but... the slap happens in Episode 76.
When is it finally addressed again? Episode 103.
It took Rachel nearly THIRTY EPISODES to finally bring it back to Minthe, and in that time the reader has spent SEVERAL EPISODES reading about how sad and lonely Hades is, and about how cute and lovey he is with Persephone. The reader has not had ANY time to reflect on Minthe's circumstances, because it completely pivots away from her to focus on H x P as a sort of distraction from the fact that Minthe is a victim in her own right.
And when it DOES return to Minthe in 103, we get this harrowing reminder that her entire life is dependent on Hades-
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And once again, here comes Thetis to the "rescue", reinforcing the negative feedback loop that Minthe is trapped in where she's put in unhealthy situations. She drags her to a bar and the whole time Minthe is not having fun because she's understandably still reeling from what happened.
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Now we DO get some character development here, where Minthe realizes exactly what I've just finished explaining, that Thetis isn't her friend, that she'd rather not have Thetis as a friend than continue being talked down to and manipulated.
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But then, as we know, because Rachel still needs Minthe to be the "bad guy", the breakup between Hades and Minthe winds up being all about Persephone from a POV that attempts to villainize Minthe for being "jealous" (rather than focusing on how shitty Hades actually is for having an emotional affair with Persephone to begin with) and then Minthe goes right back to hanging out with Thetis anyways for the sake of having the "evil other girl" who wants to "ruin" H x P's relationship.
It's not until Season 3 that we finally see Minthe tell Thetis to fuck off for good, but by then it's too little too late, and Minthe has lost an entire character arc. Rachel tries to go "see! Minthe's life is so much better now that she's taking care of children!" but that's an entirely different solution to a problem Minthe never had. She never got treatment for her BPD. She just got away from H x P which, while is a good thing, isn't actually analyzed as such. It's treated more as a "good thing" for H x P and the readers, because now they don't have to be subjected to Minthe's evil scheming anymore, something something "the evil is defeated". And don't even get me started on this comic's problem with constantly resolving female characters' story arcs through motherhood.
It bums me out so fucking much. Minthe deserved so much better. She's one of the many characters in LO who make it so painfully ironic when they're done dirty, because despite Rachel's attempts to write a "feminist retelling" that focuses on "moving on from trauma", she's inadvertently done more damage to feminism and the stigmas around mental health and trauma through her assassination of grounded and realistic and relatable characters like Minthe and Demeter who are shown ZERO empathy or understanding for their actions (unless it can be done so by making Persephone and Hades into the heroes). It happens so often throughout the comic it almost feels like how the comic markets itself as a "progressive feminist retelling" is some sick joke that I'm just not getting.
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1ris5starlight · 2 months
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(0:48) *scared* SUN!!
(1:12) WHO THE H*CK ARE YOU?!....Wait, Miku?! Is that you?!
(1:14) Why do you sound like one the people that tries to kidnap others to abuse them-?
(1:58) This is getting pretty uncomfortable-.
(2:53) Don't tell me this is what I'm thinking-
(3:55) EXCUSE ME.
(3:57) *disgusted* NO, EW EWEW-
(4:54) *even more disgusted* I'm gonna vomit-
(5:50) Sun: *protective-mama/papa mode: on*
(5:57) DON'T YOU DARE.
(Also watch what???...wait..don't tell me is what I'm thinking it is...IF IT IS THAT, THEN YOU BETTER TAKE YOU'RE DIRTY HANDS OFF OF SUN, YOU DIRTY YANDER WEIRDO!!!)
(6:21) OH thanks god!! The Devil!!
(7:45) PLS DO IT.
(8:34) You good Sun? After all that I mean-
(9:27) Wha-? Why did you think that-?
(9:37) I guess that's answer my question-
(10:50) NO work for Sun tomorrow! He kinda deserve to relax after THAT KINDA OF A DAY-
(10:58) . . .no, it isn't...the other times were Ruin & BloodMoon(is it kidnapping when Sun fell in that trap and BloodMoon was there, but he didn't expect that, and he was going to kill him anyway?...yeah I think it is...)
(12:23) "#HANDS"?? What does that means???
*breathing more*
But seriously, that weirdo was harassing Sun for real. I hope I will not seen him again, because I'm gonna beat the h*ll out of him if he shows up again.
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meluronsoda · 2 months
Lil Ford relationship deep dive. Cuz he's just so darn interesting :3 (will not be covering the twins individually.)
Ford doesn't actually he believes anyone. Romantic attraction never came up with him. He had his brother after all. He wasn't lonely cuz he spent his time with Stan. This would later change when stan messed up his project. Stan didn't want to be left alone but in fords eyes he was jealous. He also went against fords goals, which were so much to him. So he went to backupsmore leaving Stan behind.
There, he met someone that had his same ambitions and passion for what he did. Fiddleford was perfect. Someone he could be passionate to about his goals. He was what Stan lacked for Ford. He still had someone so he was good. When they graduated, fiddleford went on with his life without Ford. He had a deep connection with him. He couldn't really call it romantic. But it still hurts when fiddleford went along on his own.
But Ford still had his goals he had been working for his entire life. So it didn't hurt him that bad. He still had his studies to keep him busy. But then he hit a roadblock.
His research stopped. He had no point since he couldn't find answers. So he needed help. He summons bill, for answers.
He continues to struggle a bit but everytime bill visits him, he feels like he's been chosen. He's special to this god. Not only does he feel chosen, but he helps with his research by bills wisdom. Bill also has the air of mystery around him that draws Ford in. When bill tells Ford he needs to build a portal has has no second thought. But it was just to ambitious. He knew he needed help. He called fiddleford. He isn't really sure what he's doing with his life either with the promise he accepted fords offer.
So then, it was perfect for Ford. Or so he thought. He never really knew how to read people. So when fiddleford shows his anxiety for gravity Falls Ford doesn't really know how to handle it. He never had something like this. Weirdness was always something interesting to him, not something to fear. He was truly an adventurer at heart. Fiddleford wasn't. Other then that Ford thought everything was going smoothly.
He still didn't quite understand fiddleford, however. Maybe that's how he didn't see him getting worse. Forgetting. The 9nly thing Ford seemed to understand was when both bill and Ford were gone he felt somethibh was gone. Like he wasn't important. Sure he had a goal now but it was slow, and more uncertain then before. Because he knew he could do it alone. He actively needed people now. So he in a way felt more loss. Useless. He couldn't help but miss these people that shared his goals that he was close to that had other things going on. Because he didn't. This was his life work.
When fiddleford said he wanted to quit, Ford didn't understand. It just felt like to him doing the same thing Stan did so many years ago. Going against his goals. His plans would also go out of place. He did really need these two people to make it work when this one person would leave again what would he be. Not important. He convinced himself that he didn't need him, he only needed bill. Bill wouldn't leave. He was unreliable yet reliable at the same time. It was better then doing this alone.
But, just like everything else. Bill betrayed him. He was being used. That thought, would have him on a quest to stop bill. Not only was he a danger to the world, but he wasn't just gonna continue to be controlled. So, he had a goal again. He would do anything to get rid if his new enemy. Bill would still taunt him. Bill was so much more powerful. Ford didn't have a chance. But that doesn't mean he would stop. The stakes were to high to. So through all the pain, with a goal he still felt trapped. He didn't know how to achieve it. So he goes somewhere he never thought he would. back to his brother. But what else was he supposed to do? So he calls Stan.
Much like 10 years earlier, Stan betrays him. He made his plan fail again. And now he was lost, alone in the universe. It's like it matters anyway. Nobody will help him anyway. He just need to save everyone else and get back at bill. He'll prove he's more then a toy. For the universe, and himself. He'll just have temporary help. At least they won't betray him like everyone else.
He finally gets there. After 30 years, he can finally defeat bill. In the nightmare realm to face bill ready. But then suddenly, the portal was active. Someone actually turned it on. At the worse time.
He wasn't about to let bill enter it.
So he enters it having his work be for nothing. When he goes through he sees a familiar face. Stanley. He ruined his plans once again. He was so overcome with anger. Stan had ruined his plans 2 other times. So, he punched him.
At the same time he was impressed the Stan actually did it. But he wasn't just about to admit that.
But out of the corner of his eyes, he sees kids? There's no way. But it is. To his surprise, he bonds with these kids despite his anger to Stan. Their good kids.
But, of course bill returns. He tries his original plan from before. It still fails and gets him captured. But he had one last thing. The zodiac. But Stanley messed it up again. But this time was different. The kids were in danger and Stanley fully blamed himself for it. He wanted to fix what he did. He believed he was useless. He was willing to sacrifice himself for the kids. Ford didn't see some horrible person they ruined this life. After so long, all he saw his brother. Wanting the same thing he did; to defeat bill and protect the kids.
It truly did hurt him when he had to erase a man's mind with so much care, despite it all.
Bill was defeated. Now what?
Maybe an old goal to show his care for his brother and his new discovery. That people would help him. It was his family. Maybe he didn't have to have his goals distract him from that. So he finally asks Stanley after 40 years, to sail the world with him. Knowing what matters.
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hitchyboi · 1 month
🟢 Ermac - NSFW Alphabet 🟢
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Content Warning: NSFW- Not Safe for Work
Here I am delivering more contect for the very much needed side of Ermac lovers! (Me, i'm the ermac lover). I apologies for the wait, I meant to finish this a few weeks ago. Writing motivation has not been in existance....
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A= Aftercare (What they're like after sex)
It can be quite confusing the first few times, he can be emotionally distant afterwards. Having the habit of getting very quiet but he makes sure to clean his partner and himself up. He doesn't intent to be distant, the intensity of love making plus the multiple voices running through his head can just leave him a little overwhelmed afterwards and speaking takes a lot of effort.
"Gather some rest, Our moon and stars. We shall stay by your side till the sun rises again." He'll finally whisper while your on the edge of sleep in his arms.
B = Body Part (They're favorite part on their partner and their own body)
Ermac would find the fact his body exists in general to be a blessing, without the physical vessel his existence wouldn't be. But if he had to choose a part to be his favorite he would say his eyes. His eyes are full of color and life compared to his corpse like appearance.
His favorite part of his partner's body would be their hands. He finds himself reaching for their hands often within their privacy, lifting his fingers to his thin lips and kissing them. A soft but pure way to show his affection towards his partner.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum)
There isn't much his body can give, unfortunately. His body's functions tend to run slower then a normal person, hear, blood, digestion, and cum is included. What his body tends to lack however he greatly makes up for in other areas.
Ermac loves to make his partner cum multiple times, he will pull fourth multiple out of his partner. Huge service top.
D = Dirty Secret (What's a dirty secret they have?)
Sometimes on the rare occasion that Ermac doesn't find himself thinking carnal thoughts about his partner and wanting to relieve himself he will have one of his souls manifest and take on the appearance of his partner. Often slowly stripping in front of him and running their hands around the mimicry of his partner's body. It isn't the same as his partner but a fully physical form of his partner to look at his far better than a mere photo.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing)
Now this is a bit interesting. While physically Ermac has like no experience, his body only just recently been pieced together. He does still retain the memories and experiences of the souls within him, so in other words. Ermac knows what to do it'll just take him a moment to pick back up on how to do it. But once he's warmed up, you're gonna have a long night~
F = Favorite Position
Ermac's favorite position is when you're on all fours over him, sucking him off while one or two of his manifested soul's are pleasuring you at the same time. He gets to see every little reaction and expression on your face as you're trapped with an onslaught of pleasure. Seeing his partner's mouth take the entirety of his cock while one of his souls is fucking into them is absolutely one of his favorite sights.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious or are they humorous during the moment?)
Ermac is a very serious person. Humor tends to go over his head quite often but even so he does not see why he would be humorous when making love to his partner.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they? Carpet match the drapes n all that?)
Bald. Man's got no hair on the entirety of his body. Naked mole rat
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantically?)
Intamacy is something Ermac has a much easier time with. He loves to hold his partners face during and staring into their eyes, he'll whisper honey covered praises as he pushes them closer to their climax.
J = Jack off (Masturbation Headcanons)
Ermac rarely jacks off on his own accord, very rarely is his ever buzzing mind able to focus on one thing on its own and self pleasure is very far down on that list.
K = Kink (One or a few of their kinks)
Bondage- Ermac will use his telekinesis abilities to hold his partner in place, watching them squirm and try to move away when the pleasure gets too much
Cuckholding? Kinda- Cuckholding with himself more like. He'll absolutely manifest a few of his soul's to pleasure and toy with his partner's body. Sitting back with a satisfied smirk on his face as he gets to watch his partner get turned into a needy mess in front of him. It gives him a moment to feel in full control, watching one soul slam down his partner's throat while the other edges and teases them with their hands.
Orgasm Control/Overstimulation- Ermac's body can only take so much, so he prefers to give as much as he can towards his partner. Drawing them to the edge only to deny their finish over and over again until they can't take it any more. Servicing them with his mouth, his fingers, his souls until he's forced them to cum multiple times afterwards.
L = Location (Favorite places to do the dirty)
Ermac is a pretty private being, what goes in in the bedroom is between his partner and the 10,000 souls inside his body. Because of this Ermac tends to prefer fucking his partner in the comfort of their own home. The couch specifically as it gives him a comfortable place to sit and watch his partner become cock drunk.
M = Motivation (What turns them on?)
Ermac's main motivation would probably be whenever his partner wants too and is blunt about it. Subtlety can sometimes be lost on him so as soon as his partner comes to him saying they're horny or turned on. Instantly this man is ready to service and provide.
N = No (Something they wouldn't do, turn offs)
Anything in public is a no for Ermac. He doesn't like the thought of people watching or walking in on them. The time is meant to be between themselves and his partner. That also goes along with sharing, Ermac will happily share his partner with the multitude of souls that inhabit him. But anyone outside of his vessel is a no.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He loved both for their different reasons however if he had to pick a preference, receiving. He loves staring down at his partner's face, gripping their hair and fucking himself down their throat. The way his partner's eyes roll back, the moans that vibrate against his cock, their tongue slipping further out to brush against his folds, and the desperate way his partner grabs at his body to pull him back closer each time. It's by far his favorite way to cum.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc)
This man will do both, depends on the mood he's feeling. Whichever pace he feels will provide his partner with the most pleasure in that moment is what he'll prefer.
Q = Quickies (Their thoughts & opinions on quickies)
Ermac isn't a fan on quickies, He loves to draw it out as long as he can. Taking his time with his partner and slowly breaking them down with his teasing touches and unfair abilities to reduce their mind to a puddle of mush. He can't do that with quickies, it isn't enjoyable for him.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks?)
Ermac is open to experimentation as long as it has been thoroughly thought and spoken about before hand. Ermac is a being that knows his strength, the last thing he'd want to do is accidentally bring harm to his partner.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
Ermac's stamina can last him a while, having to build up the pleasure enough for his slow moving body to respond properly gives him a lot of time to toy with his partner. However, once he has reached that point he will be spent the rest of the night, the physical and mental combination taking a large toll on his body and hold.
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On their partner or themself?)
Why use a toy when he can do the exact same thing with his telekinesis? If his partner wants to use a toy he won't be against it but his abilities let him basically do what they do twice as effectively.
U = Unfair (How much do they like to tease?)
This man will tease his partner all night long and into the morning if given the chance. Drawing it out and enjoying the process of breaking his partner down.
V = Volume (How loud are they? What sounds do they make?)
He's pretty quiet for the most part, he prefers to keep his volume at a minimum. Mostly quick gasps and grunts. However if you listen carefully to his unique voice you can hear other sounds of pleasure whispering along, too faint to fully make out but their presence is there. Sometimes these faint moans and whines will increase if you pass over an especially sensitive area on him.
W = Wild (A random headcanon for the character)
Not sexual but Ermac is oddly romantic. Much more romantic than one would think the construct can be capable of but he will find sweet ways to show his love for his partner in everything they're doing. Calling them sweet pet names in a soft whisper, comparing their beauty to the welcoming embrace of the moon's light, always will cook breakfast for his partner the next morning after sex. It gives a warm feeling in his chest being able to provide something for his partner and have a purpose with them.
X = X-ray (What's going on underneath those clothes?)
Now Ermac is a construct made out of 10,000 souls. Male and female. His body reflects that, while mostly masculine in appearance and demeanor he does posses both genitalia.
Cock is about an average side of 5 inches, a bit on the thinner side with a prominent and sensitive vein on the underside.
Vaginal opening is located just under his cock
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Very low, Ermac doesn't think about sex quiet often so it isn't on his radar. However he's more than happy to oblige when his partner wishes
Z = Zzz (how quickly do they fall asleep afterwards?)
Sleep has always been a difficult thing for Ermac to achieve, often he'll just lay awake watching his partner for hours on end until his body gives out on him as he's in constant mental kombat. After sex however is the one time he'll usually fall asleep at the same pace of a normal person, still takes longer than his partner but he does get there.
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askatriangleandastar · 6 months
What're your thoughts on the new Spooky Month episode?
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(Doodle to match your icon, also because this one has me by the NECK) Thoughts in particular for as much as I can below
Moloch is so threatening I GASPED as we finally got to see him achieve Leg Rights and dud he ever put them to WORK running like that all over town!!
Gregor was incredible and competent and despite being opposing to the norm of how the kids go about things, a net positive for the town. His entrapment/death/conversion to what the cult put him through in the ending is an endangerment to the safety of everyone. That he really did care and want to protect the kids was sweet, and while harsh his reality check to Lila was something she's had coming.
I WAS RIGHT ABOUT SO MANY THINGS GOING INTO THIS I WAS SO EXCITED!!!!! Not beating the witch allegations in the slightest and still with so many questions and wonder.
I love how much we learn and yet how much there is to learn. Connections that are only half-given and have to be speculated and discovered with the ARG and background inferences. I still need to go over the frames and take in all the background characters. I don't know how far into November this is set but it's not long enough for Lila.
Getting the feeling that the Theives Duo were hired to go through the house yet settle on the attic, to nab THE DAD'S STUFF given its all strewn about the house after they get whooped, and then the New Grounds Ending confirms it had me shaking. Had me wondering if that's what BOB was sent to do initially in the very first epsiode, but when Lila ran into him he was gonna get a snack. That the cult members backed off at mentioning the spider and the Candy Dealer notes them as having been lucky + the picture revealled of it having been the Dad's (plus Pelo mentioning it has eaten people before) is making thoughts mimic a windows 98 trying to run the Sims.
The Gregor and Moloch ship those working on the show go for and snuck reference to in the show. The "and they've never been married but they are SO divorced" vibes of their interaction here, how Moloch called him by name and would have only ever lied in the past due to Gregor not having Moloch's in kind [the devil a deciever to any word said] hooooo I don't go there but it's next door and it looks fun!
The foreshadowing with the drawings done with Dexter and it's accuracy + Pelo drawing Moloch possessing a lot of characters + also doing so with Eyes + the Other Drawing = F E A R AND EXCITEMENT!!!!!!!
The Ooga Booga Jumpscare was fascinating and done super duper well!!!! Wanna make a whole breakdown about why and how it worked better than any other so far. There are some layers and misdirection and it's built up really well! Plus what looks like a version of her on Jaune's TV foreshadowing what's gonna happen like it did before with Bob.
It makes me wonder if there's more parallels to Moloch based in the line "I can be ANYWHERE now!" After scaring the Audience. I have a theory that a part of his possession tactic is Fear. To enter someone's body who isn't willing they need to fear him and he can only get one such victim at a time (hence why only Roy and not the whole Hatzgang at once vs Skid and Pump at the same time with no difficulty as they let him in). It's why he Stalks and Stares (Patty, Ignacio) and consistently when we get to be around for when he goes for it, he *roars*. Not bite and claw but roars. He's put off and doesn't enter those that have no fear of him (Gregor, Rick, Ignacio) and I think it's because he CAN'T. It's why even when at his weakest he roared at Gregor. To break the chant, the concentration, to make the wounded and bleeding enemy falter and fear and let him in with that response of weakness. It fails, of course, but hoooo with anyone less devoted I don't think it would have.
The way Pump was distracted from opening up and being vulnerable with his sister and kept happy by the toy and the lie, while Skid has no such escape as his own heart to heart is burdened further by the sobs of his mom in a home that is no longer in any illusion safe with a shattered door and evidence of earlier break-in everywhere. These 2 have been diverging in small ways in their outlook on things for awhile now, but this episode's ending and scenes about parents, about knowing more and less than each other (The way Skid didn't know about Moloch not running but Pump did and how Skid started to ask what he meant, how Skid still associates all Happy Fellas as Stabby while Pump could see it was Dexter-specific because he could **see** through to what Dexter WAS according to the notes... if Gregor hadn't interrupted there may have been Words. Going forward, it feels like they're going to again.)
I cannot stress enough how much Kevin feels like he's being pushed further and further towards a total breakdown and that he NEEDS a coworker to help like Radford [AAAAAAAAAAA THEATRE MAN RETURNS I WAS SO EXCITED TO SEE HIM HE PLAYS OFF KEVIN SO SO WELL AAAAA] It's not an if so much as a When with the way his vision is Scribblifying so much (a treat for the eyes tho) and while he CAN cool off if nothing goes immediately wrong its just gonna keep going wrong.
Roy is having problems and given his parents and vibe of his family plus his contact to Skid and Pump, guessing it's likely tied to how it's status quo isn't sitting well and the need for escape with friends. Parents who are present yet Not in how it matters and how they're needed by the child. So glad he's willing to open up at all (the contrast from the second episode is staggering) but like Kevin it feels like he's building up to a bigger breakdown.
It is for Susie's safety and well being that she never met Moloch and yet she might well have been a huge fan given her enjoyment of demons! Have to wonder how she'd react to seeing the ashen form of Moloch in the attic if she ever went digging for what's been going on herself.
Ignacio may be any number of things and the picture with the dad is making me run in circles around the room I am seething with th3 need to shake him even though he'd shoot me point blank. Speaking of, the fact that he was carrying it on his person with taking out the trash and how he used it genuinely made me think that if Skid and Pump bothered him one more time he was going to pop 'em where they stood the same way he was so unbothered and at the ready I was wheezing XD
Why does the portrait have a diamond why does it have only ONE diamond why is it like that despite looking like it's the one for the old mansion we glimpsed in the second epsiode what the hell is with the mannequin and SHY DOES IT HAVE A FACE IN THE HELL CREDITS CARD
The oath Gregor uses portraying a Lord yet not a Father yet maintaining The Son, as well as a Sacred Sky, has me going no-clip on my chair. I am Not Normal about this and I cannot pretend to be I need the implications of this world's religions being impacted with Eyes having been ever-present STAT and the horror of the cult not being to a different God but the same as Gregor's, simply met by a bridge of heresy to meet mortals with the divine while still of flesh and bone and claim of Death....
I thought Evermore was bribing the hobos to blow up the church but now... now it feels more likely to be either Bob's place (seeing his corpse wheeled in the soundtrack video + that Patty was about to cut into him again when the kids interrupted+ Evermore asking for a specific body to be moved) OR the Mansion (not being invited into any cult and wanting John to shut up about it so he gets an unofficial, literal backalley deal going for some nobodies with no credibility to do the work for him). Evermore is the kind of vain who'd spill that he was in an exclusive group to brag and is also wonderfully insufferable with his blatant ego; the idea that he ISN'T part of the cult and his not knowing and terrible mayor strats only benifit the cult so they don't bother with the risk of somone in power knowing about them and his denial that somone as important as him would EVER be excluded if there WAS one which must mean there ISN'T just has such a good punchline and I hope it's true I really do.
THEY SHARE A VA, IS THE MASCOT GUY THE SAME CHARACTER AS THE BOB COSPLAYER CAUSE HIS BAD LUCK AND MISFORTUNE FEEL SIMILAR! Also the happy fella furthest left moves its eyes after the kids so uh. So uh they might've been on the money to destroy them cause looks like one is already possessed by Something and it also gives greater legitimacy to the internment of the one in The Candy Tube of Shame at Kevin's workplace gosh they're STILL BEING SOLD if they become A Problem beyond Dexter and that's when we get to meet Robert's little sister who has one....
The way Pelo has explained how Moloch got stuck and how the possession works means we KNOW Patty was tethered to her body and unable to do anything except watch as Moloch used her to kill (any by the mess and lack of remains) eat Michelle (mom's name in description cast list) to regain some power and begin to sate the prolonged hunger Moloch has been trapped in. It's how he was able to perfectly mimic her and Dexter. It's why her lower half is coated with so much blood it may as well be dyed the color. It's no wonder she's adamant to have a gun! Glad to see evidence of her still actively working with John and Jack on the mystery in the ARG images too.
That doctor, Mort, I don't know who he was talking with but while he's sus as hell I'm not so sure he was taking the call we see Ignacio make. There isn't a reason to be informing him about the priest, even if bother WERE in the cult- going straight to the mourge and opening with asking if the body had been moved feels like it was a micromanage from Evermore to be sure that what he asked for is happening in a timely way. Have to wonder if he's going to take Patty's place now with having a distinct full name and reoccurance in the episode as he does for 3 scenes.
Gosh I love the soundtrack I've been looping the playlist for it while writing all this, again, not well, so so many thoughts. This isn't even all of them but it's past 1 am I have been typing for over an hour gonna pause it at the realization that something DID curse the Candy Corner for the holy water to have worked as well as the fact that the red head kid, Lucky was super cursed for what we now know as LEGIT HOLY WATER to have had such an effect on him. It wasn't boiled it was in that pot to get as many of the kids crowding as possible, as we see the bottles only effectively splash a single person. A friend mentioned Gregor may not even directly see Lucky given the behavior towards the child is abnormal and as we see here he IS normal towards children, even with costumes he sees as mockery of the lord, so ignoring him crumpled on the ground and the siezing on the doorstep are strange outliers. ALSO LEARING ABoUT GREGOR'S FULL NAME AND THE MEANING AND THE RELEVANCE OF THE ANGEL WINGS IN THE CREDITS AAAAAAAAAAAA!! So much thought and care went into this, I love this series so much, thank you for asking my thoughts on it! ^^))
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Top 5 Worst Days for Turlough
Okay maybe I'm as bored as I implied in the last post but this isn't a top five you're gonna find anywhere else.
Basically, here are five stories where very bad things happen to Turlough from least bad to most bad. Obviously, these are my perceptions and other people might not be put this in the same order. Also, I haven't seen everything, so I might miss something big and just not know.
Also, this turned out really fucking long because I just had to rant about number 1.
Number 5: Loups-Garoux (Big Finish Audio from 2001, written by Marc Platt)
I'm only putting this one at the bottom because Loups-Garoux is mostly a comedic story and Turlough seems to recover fine. He sees a vision of his dark side so terrifying he jumps out of a moving train and gets eaten by a werewolf, who spits him out because he has silver on him. Unlike in many of these examples, the Doctor seems a bit upset about this. But, this almost feels like business as usual.
Number 4: Trap for Fools (Big Finish Short Trip from 2018, written by Stephen Fewell)
Okay, this one might be a bit of a me thing. I can get a bit overly sensitive about the subject of mean teachers. In order to find and defeat the Monster of the Week, the Doctor has Turlough go undercover as a student at Space Brendon, basically. The Doctor seems completely oblivious to Turlough's misery and doesn't do much to help him through reliving experiences he was willing to kill to escape. This is another one that's mostly played for laughs, with most of the Horrors Turlough faces being mild bullying and a teacher pronouncing his name wrong on purpose to be a dick, but Turlough is actually intimidated by the mean teacher and mentally categorizes the other students by how much of a threat they might be and is just generally miserable the entire time.
Really, there's one bit that made me decide that this belonged on the list because it's really sad:
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Someone please hug him.
Number 3: The Velvet Dark (Short Trip: Farewells from 2006, written by Stewart Sheargold)
The Master shoots Turlough with the TCE, making the Doctor think he'd just casually murdered him, only to reveal that he shrunk Turlough without killing him to make him a more manageable hostage. The Master places him in a box and shakes the box around when the Doctor hesitates in cooperating with him.
This story starts with the Master faking his death and the Doctor, Tegan, and Turlough attending his funeral. Tegan doesn't get why the Doctor is sad that the guy who killed her aunt is dead now. Turlough also doesn't get it, but he doesn't have as much of a personal reason to hate the Master, so he tries to be patient and Tegan seems kind of jealous that the Doctor listens to him more than her.
After being returned to his proper size, Turlough hates the Master just as much as Tegan does. The Doctor, apparently unable to truly hate the Master, kind of treats them both like the bad guys in this.
Number 2: Frontios (TV Serial from 1984, written by Christopher H. Bidmead)
An actual TV story! Tractators. Trion, at some point in the planet's history, was attacked by this story's Monster of the Week and now all Trions, regardless of when they were born, remember the Tractators on some level. It's never explained how this actually works, but Turlough personally had probably never heard of the Tractators until he saw a tunnel and a massacre just showed up in his brain. The Doctor awkwardly hands him off to the one-shots to go explore the tunnels, not knowing what to do about all this emotional stuff.
You'll notice that the Doctor's response to whatever happens to Turlough is a major factor in how I rank these.
Number 1: The King of Terror (Past Doctor Adventure novel from 2000, written by Keith Topping)
It isn't even close. The novels of the Wilderness Years (1990-2004) were aimed at an adult audience and there were very few limits on what sort of situations the Doctor and his companions could end up in. So, sometimes, shit got dark. I usually tend to find these morbidly funny, because saying things like "The Doctor and Dodo meet the Marquis de Sade" and "Doctor Who's Cannibal Holocaust" is fun. It just is. Shut up.
These books vary in quality. Some actually do interesting things with their darker subject matter while others are just sort of edgy for the sake of it. The King of Terror is in the latter category and is annoying as hell about it. I could go into way more detail about every stupid thing that happens in this book, but the Turlough stuff is the most interesting stupid thing, because of how fucked up it is.
So, Turlough, feeling a bit OOC on a trip to Los Angeles in 1999, goes to a bar, gets completely wasted, and chats up local girls trying to get laid. Then one woman stands out as hypnotically sexy, introduces herself as Eva, and invites Turlough back to her place to have sex. Turlough is too drunk to notice that this is moving a bit fast.
Anyway, Eva is actually a member of an alien species called the Jex who are trying to take over the world. They want to terraform Earth to be more like their homeworld, which has a hotter, thicker atmosphere, but their human slaves wouldn't be able to do hard labor in those conditions, so they want to genetically modify the humans to have higher heat resistance, among other things. There's something wrong with Jex DNA, so they need the DNA of some other alien with higher heat resistance.
The CIA, wanting to see where this is all going, tipped the Jex off that some aliens had just showed up in LA and Eva went out to kidnap one. Turlough then spends like half the book being experimented on to both confirm that he's an alien and that he's the right type of alien.
It's a lot of torture. I'm not even going to say any of what happens. Here's one screenshot of Turlough reflecting on all the torture happening to him that is vague but sums up why I'm not going to elaborate:
(Note: There actually is a reference to something specific in here and I apologize in advance)
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Meanwhile, the Doctor and Tegan find out that Turlough's missing. Tegan seems to think that they should do something about this, while the Doctor comments jokingly on how often Turlough gets captured. He eventually gives Tegan the day off to take her mind of things, leading to a really stupid romance subplot, while he does absolutely nothing to find Turlough.
Turlough eventually very brutally murders Eva in an understandable lapse of sanity and escapes. The Doctor isn't even there when he gets back and they reunite "offscreen". From that point on, the whole subplot is basically dropped. The Doctor asks Turlough if he's okay, he lies and says he is, the Doctor knows it's a lie, but he's glad for a chance to act like it never happened.
So, it really sucks to be Turlough and I'm now exhausted.
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Azul Ashengrotto of Royal Sword Academy || Chapter 8: Dance It Off
Jamil becomes nigh-unresponsive as he realizes the implied possibility that Azul likes him back.
However, while trapped in his own thoughts, Floyd suddenly drags him to the dance floor for a promised competition…
Word Count: 2,262
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"Jamil..?" Kalim asks again, noticing that Jamil has stopped transferring food onto his plate moments ago. Kalim waves a hand in front of the other's face and gets no reaction. "Jamiiiil!?"
"Should we sit down?" Azul cuts in, already done with putting food on his plate. "Jamil and I can save a table for all four of us," he says to Kalim who's in line behind Jamil, with Silver behind him.
Azul casts Jamil a questioning glance.
Jamil continues to avoid Azul's gaze, finding it hard to look him in the eye in the middle of his dilemma.
On the way to the table, however, someone tackles him from the side and snaps him out of his daze.
He manages to spare his plate from dropping, but some of the food still spills to the floor.
"What the— Floyd!?"
"SEA SNAAAAAAAAAKE!" Floyd sing-songed, dragging him away and onto the dance floor. "You haven't forgotten our dance-off, have you? I've been looking for ya everywhere!"
"Wh— This isn't the time—"
"Once you start eating, it's never gonna be the time!" Floyd whines.
Jamil hastily leaves his plate on the edge of a nearby counter, shooting Azul an apologetic glance.
Azul smiles in amusement at Floyd's antics. "Oh, right. You can't back out of a dance-off, Jamil. It's dishonorable." He seems relieved that Jamil has something else to think about for now aside from whatever's worrying him.
"Yeah! Exactly!" Floyd nods vigorously as he pulls Jamil with him to the dancefloor. An upbeat pop song that Jamil doesn't recognize blares from the speakers.
Jamil stands frozen like a deer caught in the headlights, looking around the immediate area.
"Whuzz'the'matter, Sea Snake? Realized you're goin' down?" Floyd maniacally grins before dropping low to the floor and busting out the first move, much to the onlookers' surprise and delight.
"Your turn, Sea Snake!" Floyd insists when he still doesn't move. "How 'bout that handstand thingy you were showin' me back then?"
Jamil's eyebrow twitches at Floyd's taunt and he allows himself to get lost to the beats of the music. He approaches onto the other's space, side-stepping, hip-twisting and kick-stepping before falling into a clean split and sweeping his legs across the floor to the sounds of amazement and cheers, ending it with a smooth slide back into standing position.
"Sorry," He smirks. "You're gonna have to beat me first if you think you get to suggest what moves I gotta do."
Floyd grins. "Aw hell yeah! There's the dancing snake I know!"
Floyd steps forward and shuffles on his feet before nosediving into the handstand that Jamil taught him, then jumping back up and immediately doing a backflip, earning surprised and impressed sounds from the audience.
"I improved yer handstand! Whaddaya think of that?"
Jamil laughs. "I didn't make the handstand, Floyd, but you're definitely lucky you didn't break anything improvising. Now, can you do something that doesn't involve using your hands? Liiiiike... this?"
Dropping down onto the floor, and after a quick push from his hand, Jamil rolls around using only his upper back, shoulders and arms for support while his legs are extended upward, spinning in circles like a crazed windmill before he goes for a headspin and lands back with a flip, brushing the hair out of his face with an exhilarated grin.
"WHOA!" Floyd grins widely, his sharp teeth showing. "I can totally do no-hands, too!"
He drops to the floor and does a pretty impressive execution of the worm, then he lies down flat on his back and uses his legs and hips to jump right up. He glides backwards, sliding one foot after the other and raising his heel each time. He grabs a fedora from an RSA student–making him blush–and he smoothly rolls it down his arm and onto his head.
"Okay I used a hand at the end, but look at this cool hat!" he smiles excitedly, pointing to the hat with both of his index fingers.
"Already found yourself a consolation prize, I see?" Jamil teases, before he rolls his shoulders in preparation and readies into a stance. "Let's finish this."
Contrary to his previous turns, which had gone right out of the gate with high-energy tricks, Jamil starts out slow, warming up and getting into the flow with sure and sensual movements.
There are hoots and whistles from the crowd around them but Jamil keeps his focus on Floyd.
Floyd… He lives life so vicariously through his simple way of thinking: if it's fun, he likes it. If it's boring, he's quick to drop it. Unapologetically himself even at the inconvenience of his closest friends and family. He's quick to violence and practically lives by the code of sheer random impulses, but he's far from a mere thug or idiot. He sees the world as his personal playpen, just like Jade, but because of that, he's brave, self-assured, clever and willing to do anything and everything for the things that matter to him.
In a way, Jamil can say he's a little envious of how sure Floyd is of everything. If he wants something, he knows it, and once he knows it, he lunges for it like the relentless apex predator he is.
Jamil spots Rielle among the crowd, cheering for the both of them but unmistakably laughing and smiling fondly at Floyd's antics.
The prince is both the unluckiest and luckiest man in the world, falling for the wild chaos that is the eel merman, a guy who'd bring nothing but trouble and yet will never leave him guessing his true emotions and desires--a man who's capable of burning the world down and will do so if it means bringing a smile to his face. A man of extremes, with sides only Rielle will probably ever get to see. But even then, with Floyd just being as he is in the middle of this dance floor, Jamil is starting to see why the prince adores him.
And he wishes them all the best.
In the midst of all those thoughts while his feet glides across the floor, he finds himself looking for another face in the crowd.
He wonders if Azul's watching, too.
Finally, he sees the unmistakable silver hair and spectacles.
Azul has apparently pushed himself to the front of the crowd, and is now looking at Jamil with wide eyes and parted lips. When he sees Jamil looking at him, he grins.
He cups his hands around his mouth and yells, "You're doing great, Jamil!"
Azul laughs merrily–a sound that Jamil can barely hear over the noise of the crowd–and winks at him.
His heart surges as he feels himself smiling back.
Was he simply pleased with the praise? No. Everyone watching them now is showering them with praises, but it was Azul's that invigorated him.
With his head feeling clearer from the physical exertion, he feels certain that he wants to continue to impress him, to make him smile and cheer just like what he's doing now.
He may not have firsthand experience on what a crush is…
But if he was anybody else but Jamil Viper right now, he'd be able to point at himself and say that he's sporting a bonafide crush so painfully obvious on his friend, who not long ago was another rival he was so willing to blindly swat aside.
Could he bring himself to confess to Azul?
The adrenaline rush within him says he could. At this very moment, Jamil Viper is capable of anything.
Yet he holds himself back; this time not out of doubt or fear, but because he wants to tell him in a better time and place than in the middle of a public ballroom.
Jamil has spent most of his life half-assing things for someone else's sake despite knowing he could give his all. He's not gonna half-ass this one.
For now, he's dedicating his victory to the man who has caught the viper's heart.
He pulls off his next spin, then sweeps his legs along the floor before he pulls off a turtle freeze, both of his arms lifting him up and digging into his abdomen while his legs are bent at an angle.
Then he pushes off, doing a rotating hop around the floor with only his hands supporting his weight.
Then a transition with a flip later, he flares and hops with his hands, this time keeping his body inverted and vertical with his hips high off the ground.
Nine… Ten… Fifteen times before spinning along the floor and ending it with a halo freeze just as the song ends, both arms and back of the head supporting his body while his legs are horizontally swept to one side, pointing over at Azul.
A breath and two later, Jamil slowly rolls forward to a sitting position, exhausted, as the crowd goes wild with applause.
Suddenly Floyd rushes at him and lifts him in his arms, spinning him around while laughing happily.
Floyd finally sets him down before he passes out, then puts an arm around his shoulders.
"This is my buddy right here!" Floyd yells proudly, pointing at him. "Jamil freakin' Viper! WOOOH!" He puts the fedora on Jamil.
The applause grows wilder, Jamil thinks he can actually feel the floor vibrating.
Azul is clapping and cheering along with them, his eyes bright with pride and happiness, never taking his gaze off Jamil.
It's taking everything in him not to collapse in a heap of limbs, but he offers a tired smile up at Floyd and pats him on the arm. "Hey. Thanks for this," he quietly mutters to Floyd. "I really needed that."
In addition, he's definitely glad that he did this before he ate, because his stomach would not have survived.
"... Er… Also, can you take me to the bathroom?"
He needs to freshen up after all that.
Floyd laughs and pats him on the back hard enough that he almost falls over from how tired he is already.
"Sure thing, Sea Snake! Come on!" he steers Jamil towards one direction, then looks over his shoulder. "Catch ya later, Flame Tetra! Save some dessert for me!"
They reach the bathrooms, and the quiet almost feels surreal after all the noise of the dancefloor.
"That was SUPER COOL, Sea Snake!" Floyd is still grinning. "You definitely gotta teach me those some time. Dang, is that what happens when yer inspired? I saw you exchangin' googly eyes with Octy earlier. That power of love crap really is something," he sounds impressed.
Jamil had been leaning against the sink, getting his lungs to pump out air at a regular rate again before he starts to wash his face and fix his suit up.
When he hears the end of Floyd's ramble, though, he pauses, falling quiet before looking at the other.
"... You really think it's love?"
"I dunno," Floyd shrugs. "I ain't the person to ask about these things. Try that weirdo Seagull or somethin'. I'm just sayin', I'd never seen you smile as much as you do when you're with Octy, and we've been besties for two years! And you totally snuck out of the party earlier with him, right? That's why I couldn't find you," he laughs. "Back then ya always snuck out alone, but now you took Octy with you. So whatever it is yer feelin', looks to me like you enjoy hangin' out with him as much as you enjoy bein' alone."
Jamil snorts. "I dunno if I'd call us 'besties'... but you're right. I dunno if it's love, either, but I do like him. A lot. Is that how you feel about Rielle, too..?"
“Hm?” Floyd looks confused for a second, then his jaw drops in realization. “Whoa! I think yer right, Sea Snake! Huh! It’s like, seeing him makes me happy but a different kind of happy. And I never get bored when I’m with him, even if we’re doing boring stuff like, just talking! That’s so weird! Ooh, how do you think I should tell him? Wait, how are you gonna tell Octy?”
"I'm not sure..." Jamil replies, lowering his voice. "I just figured it out during the dance-off, after all. I wanna do it right, though... As for how you would confess your feelings to Rielle, it's honestly hard to say. I feel like anything I'd imagine would be way different than what you have cooking up in your head."
"Oh heyyy!" Floyd’s face lights up like he just got an idea. "If you bring Octy in all of our hangouts, he'll be my bestie, too! And I'll finally get revenge on Flame Tetra for stealin' Octy from us in middle school!" he laughs heartily, his voice void of any malice despite mentioning revenge.
Jamil makes a playful frown. "We do hangouts? Since when?"
Floyd pouts. “Since always! Are ya done cleanin’ up? Let’s get back to the party! Yer so slow someone else might be kissin’ Octy by now.”
Jamil straightens up, childishly glaring at Floyd. "If you really want revenge on your Flame Tetra, how about instead of stealing Azul away from him, you make him wanna hang out with you more?"
Floyd snorts. “He already loves hangin’ out with me, Sea Snake!” Then his face darkens. “Ooh, but I’m gonna be real mad if someone else is kissin’ him by now! Yer takin’ too long!” he turns around and gets out of the bathroom.
"I doubt anyone's kissing either of them..." Jamil mutters.
… But just in case, he follows Floyd out of the bathroom.
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Author's Note:
Here's the link to the website we used as a reference for Jamil's dance moves~
<- Chapter 7
Chapter 9 ->
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remyfire · 6 months
It definitely is! I always love some AUs, but I have so much trouble coming up with them for this show because so few things can match the energy of being at war together. The small space and the trauma and everything else combine to create some really interesting character dynamics, and they're so hard to replicate in a place with lower stakes or more space or just anything where one of the variables is changed. I have so much respect for someone who can write it well (and will definitely read that fic) and wish I could do the same! But hey, making things far more complicated than they need to be is the life of a writer 😂
I completely understand how you feel with the canoe ship though, I am the Queen of Canoes in a couple of my other fandoms 😂 I literally originated a ship tag for one on Ao3, so I'm right there with you on the tiny ships I would go to war for lmao. But yes BJ is so husband coded all the time! BJ Papa San showed it most explicitly, but even just the little things he does in camp are him trying to connect to the husband and father part of himself he left behind when he got sent over to Korea. He's a good person, but he also so genuinely enjoys that role, and it's so obvious to see if you're looking for it. We love a man that's respectful and kind 😤
Mulcahy is so interesting, and I look forward to that episode mentioned! Due to several literature and art classes over the course of my schooling I have become very good at using my Catholic upbringing to completely overanalyze Catholic media, and I am absolutely delighted to be able to pull it in here. It's clear that Mulcahy is genuinely kind and believes in goodness, and I think if he ever comes to the realization that religion isn't always the way to show that it'll tear him apart. He's devoted so much of his life to his religion (hell the man is named after three saints, he was practically BORN to be a priest) so anything that can dismantle that would hit him really hard. And unfortunately, I love throwing my favorite characters into difficult situations, so sorry in advance Father. I loved the glimpse into his head in Dear Sis, and I genuinely had to rewind a few times to watch Hawkeye talking to him over again. It's just so a u g h (affectionate)
I also just finished C*A*V*E and oh boy oh boy I could probably write half a novel on this already but I'll try to keep it short for now. The Hawkeye and Margaret connection! The deeper peek into who Hawkeye is as a person rather than just a doctor, and what actually makes him tick! Margaret sharing her own fears and offering to sit with him to make him feel better! BJ staying close to Hawkeye when he had to come check on his patient in the cave so Hawk knows he has someone safe nearby! Margaret and Hawkeye facing their fears together! Hawk playing a dumb little game with her in the OR to take her mind off things!! This episode is truly making me Feral oh my god, I don't think it will ever leave my brain, it's just gonna live there now.
It is SUCH a good show! I knew it was before but now that I'm actually watching it through I'm getting the full weight of it and god it's a masterpiece. You can talk about the cultural impact all day, but it's hard to truly understand w h y it had such an impact until you're watching it yourself and picking up on all these little intricacies. I've been keeping a list of good episodes for myself, just for Personal Reasons I can't really explain, and there are f a r too many episodes on that list already. So many are just so good, I want to remember them and rewatch them and frankly just roll around in them like a dog that's found a particularly nice patch of grass. This show already shaped me when I watched it with my parents when I was younger but genuinely I don't think I will be the same after watching it all the way through. Just, what a show.
Weeping. After reading this, I had to go check my Canoe status. In this fandom, I have originated 5 ship tags (Trap/Peg, BJ/Leo, BJ/Klinger, Margie/Klinger, Sam/Sid/Hawk) and I have been between the 2nd and 5th story in 10 more ship tags (Sid/Beej, Marg/Beej, Trap/Mulcahy, Trap/Margie, Hawk/Klinger, Marg/Beej/Hawk, Trap/Klinger, Sid/Beej/Hawk, Sid/Sam, BJ/Charles). Why did I do this to myself. It's a lonely life isn't it hfksdfds
But it also makes perfect sense that this fandom is ripe for rare ships because though they are in the center of a situation that demands order, there is very little sense of actual social order as they might experience back home. I think even if I wasn't The Way I Am with multishipping, I'd still be compelled to go, "Yeah, you know what, everything is pretty permissible here. The line between friendship and lover blurs often. There's not much demand for monogamy among denizens of this camp. They're seeking comfort and love where they can find it and they're all very good at giving it." It compels me idk
I'm really enjoying hearing your thoughts about Mulcahy!! I feel the same way about him as well, how he's ripe for a thunderbolt realization or two that his faith isn't going to be the Way and, in fact, is often dealing the damage in a lot of situations. I love you mentioning his three names, though. It immediately takes my mind right back to Trapper and his own long series of very Catholic names. Trap, I am putting you in a jar and staring very hard at you. Tell me your Catholic past. Did you really consider becoming a priest. Why didn't you and Mulcahy get more screen time together.
CAVE MY BELOVED. CAVE, my Margaret/Hawk/BJ thesis (yes, even in a platonic sense, I promise, no one come for me). I think the first time I heard BJ say, "Thank heavens none of us has to stand it alone," I had to pause and fold my hands and stare at the wall. The support all three of them give each other. BJ bringing a cup of comfort and it being passed to Margaret because Hawkeye knows she needs it too. It always makes me sad when people read that as a jealousy moment from BJ when he snuggles down just as close to her and isn't being snippy or annoyed at her presence. He cares them! He cares them both! And such a really lovely way for Hawk and Margaret to continue sinking into each other, to carve out even more level ground between them, ugh. I'm unwell about it. It's so delightful.
It really is so fascinating, returning to this show as adults, huh? It's a completely different experience. There's some grief there because we can still relate to so much of what they're talking or snipping or griping about in our modern, continuously-war-waging era, but also it's absolutely remarkable how timeless it has become. And being able to analyze it now with such depth due to the easy streaming access and the online fan communities, it's incredible. Chef's kiss.
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fleursbending · 2 years
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⤷ 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 : (1). prompts will always be open for requests, however at the time this is being posted - i am prioritising the current ones i already have. so pls be mindful and patient! (2). maximum of prompts that can be included in a request is three. (3). pls include your desired genres in the request, three is the max as well for this. (4). make sure you include the character you want me to write for, you can request multiple if you want it to be like hcs. (5). read my rules before requesting anything, they apply to prompts too. (6). i am allowed to decline your request if it somehow makes me uncomfortable! (7). you can request for "junie's pandora". all you have to do is specify what character you want and either provide the following - prompts or genres. not both. the rest will be up to me, and it will be a surprise for you - genres or prompts, once i post it! (8). if you have any questions at all regarding anything in this post, please leave them in my inbox!
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I’ve been falling in love with you since the day we met."
"Not a day goes by where I don't think of you."
"You really think I won't choose you in a heartbeat?"
"Would you acknowledge my feelings for you if I kissed you right now? You can't seem to take a damn hint, Y/n."
"If I'm causing you so much trouble, why won't you kill me?"
"Be brave for me, love."
"Can I cross your boundaries just for the night?"
“You’re a dumbass and I can’t believe I’m related to you.”
“So what? you’re still my [name], idiot. I don’t care about what they say!”
“You are a menace and you almost died back there if it wasn’t for me.”
“This—” [points at their chest] “—this belongs to you. always.”
"How long have you been hiding this?"
"You moron... Why are you so careless!?"
"I have a perfectly reasonable explanation for this!"
"Never do that again. Please."
"...Who did this to you?" || "Let it go (Name), it doesn't matter-" || "Yes, it does. Who did this to you?"
“Looks like we’ll be trapped for a while…”
“Wait a minute. Are you jealous?”
“You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.”
“You did all of this for me?”
“I swear it was an accident.”
“Let me do this, please.”
"You were put on this earth to give me a headache!"
"What? I have never-"
"In my defense, I really wanted to."
"I don't hate you."
“Did I stutter?”
“This sounds like you’re flirting with me.”
“H-How long have you been standing there?”
“There is no way this much stupid can fit inside one person.”
“Could he make you feel as good as I do?”
"This isn’t adrenaline, I want to spend my life with you.”
“Just to clarify: me holding your hand doesn’t, like, mean anything, by the way. Not in that way, at least. Unless you want it to mean something. I don’t mind. That’s cool.”
"You're an idiot."
“Don’t cover your face, I want to see you”
“You weren’t supposed to hear that!”
“I don’t know what to do.” || “Then let me teach you.”
“If you interrupt me one more time— so help me God.”
“Do you want me to stay?”
“We were friends! why did that have to change?”
“I’ve never heard you laugh before.”
"It feels like torture, but I don't want it to stop."
"I may have gone and done something slightly insane."
"If you lay a goddamn hand on them, I promise you'll regret it."
"I'll give you whatever you want, just- just stop!"
“Everything I’ve ever known has led up to you.”
"Just take my hand and relax, nothing bad is gonna happen."
"You taught me that love doesn't make us weak, it makes us stronger."
"Seeing you here felt a lot more like coming home than when I actually got here."
"Your strength isn't yours alone."
"You don’t have to talk about it, just let me make the pain go away."
"You know..that almost made me reconsider whether i hate you or not" "Oh really? What’s the verdict" "Hmm..nope not even a little less" "Not even a little? Let’s see if we can change that".
"Oh no, there's two of them."
"So, if we didn’t absolutely hate each other, do you think this *gestures at both of them* could be a thing?" "Hm. No. You’re not my type" "Oh please I am the definition of your type" "You mean funny cute smart and adorable isn’t your type??"
"It'll work out...right?"
"Please say something... anything. Even if it’s telling me to shut up and leave you alone... just say something."
"I’m here. you got that? I don’t care if you never say anything to me ever again. I don’t care. I’m not going away, and I’m not going to stop being here for you, no matter how long you glare at me or ignore me or pretend that you’re okay. because I know you’re not. I know."
“You’re so excited all the time… it’s kind of adorable.”
“I’m sorry that it had to come to this.”
"I don't know what to do."
"Only one of us can make it."
"Do you trust me?"
“I’m not jealous, I’m being absolutely reasonable.”
"Did you just seriously insinuate I would do something like that to you?"
"You owe me nothing."
"Let’s just call this what it is… just really close talking."
 "I didn’t ask for this… to feel this way."
“Please, don’t cry.”
“Do you– can I– do you want to be held?”
“…Who do I need to punch?”
“You’re allowed to be weak, you know.”
“I– please, help.”
“Why can’t you understand? You’re too good for me!”
“I can’t do this. I can’t– I can’t– I can’t–”
“Why do you care so much?”
“Look since the events of last night I can safely say that I have discovered multiple new techniques to shut you up, and I am not afraid to use them.”
“Should we like. talk about it?” “Aboutwhatnothingweirdhashappenedlatelywhathahaha- “ "Oh really? let me see if I can jog your memory.”
“When was I meant to find out? When it was too late!?”
“I’m better than you could ever dream of being!”
“Like I’d choose to waste my time around you!”
“Shh, don’t be afraid. It’s me. You’re safe.”
“You deserve to be taken care of. ”
“It wasn’t your fault. You know that, right?"
"You’re so stupid it kinda turns me on."
"How could I ever forgive you?"
"Please, I would rather swallow shards of glass than ever date you."
"Being physically attracted to you doesn’t mean I’m in love with you."
"You’re over me? When.. when were you under me?"
"You’re so in denial, even you don’t know how you really feel."
"I only said all those things because I felt sorry for you."
"Do you really hate me that much?"
"You’ve been avoiding me and I don’t know why."
"I thought you knew!"
"I don’t want anybody else touching you like I do."
"I wish I never met you."
"I should have never kissed you."
“You’re so cute.” “What did you just say?” “I said you look like a boot.”
“We should compare hands, you know. science.” “What?” “What? It’s not like we haven’t done anything worse.”
“Yeah, okay, so what if i dreamt about kissing you? Don’t we all do that to our best friends? …No? What do you mean no?”
“I feel strange when you’re around.” “Do you have a fever or something?”
“I can’t get you out of my head.” “…Thanks?”
“You’re cute.” “What?” “I said you look like a fruit.” “That doesn’t even make any sense.”
“You’re lucky you’re cute otherwise you would be six feet under right now.” “You think I'm cute.”
“Do you actually hate me I know we’ve had our differences and stuff but like-“ “Y/n. I’ve never actually hated you”
“I’m sorry.” “For what?” “For loving you.”
“Prove it.”
“Stop doing this to me!” “Huh? I’m not doing anything?!” “Stop lying! You’re making me all fuzzy inside!”
“not so feisty now are we?” “Shut up and kiss me.”
“You’re so cute when you’re not trying to sabotage me”
“We aren’t blood-related but you’re the most important family member of mine, you know that right?”
“Can you just please listen to me! Just this once. Please.”
“We won’t grow old together will we?” “No, but we made memories that’ll outlive even us.”
“Repeat that one more time.”
“Try that again, I dare you.”
“I trusted you.” “Did you really think I’d just forgive you?”
“Is this what you wanted?”
“Are you pleased with yourself?”
“I promise you that if you hurt them, I will return the favor tenfold.”
“Speak. Now.”
“Did you touch them?”
“You hurt them.”
you can req anything from the following: ☆. ☆. ☆. ☆. ☆. ☆.
please make sure to include the exact dialogue prompt (copy and pasted) for the nsfw ones so i know exactly which one they are!
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thank you and all the credit to the following creators : @casualwriter @clovenly @urfriendlywriter @dumplingsjinson @promptplanetblr @mangocherri @writinginstardust @a-crumb-of-whump @honey-writes @mswritingthings @userprompt @jasminesfury @soulmemes @rosewritingprompts @hyprmemes @incdntlprompts @promptful @just-plenty-of-prompts @letsmakeitwrite @ogdoadfates🎀🎀
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lemonberyy · 11 months
while im here actually. art dump
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bloodswap human Calliope, one with makeup and one without. because i CAN suckers. isn't she silly? And a little ominous? A touch murder-y?
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this one is her cherubic design! i put a lot of thought into the references i can make with her outfit. Namely though, I wanted to kind of make it look like a complete mish-mash of several inspirations from LE, haute couture, alt callie, and a few other bloodswap designs I'm familiar with. She's the LADY OF SPACE! Referred to as Her Grace of Space. The Goddess of Vast Light. She isn't exactly going to be subdued in her look. She wants everyone to look upon her with immediate recognition, and following it will be fear.
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This one I JUST finished. Like last night at eleven pm just finished. Rendering my beloathed... This is inspired by song lyrics from Circle With Me by Spiritbox and Cyberhex by Motionless In White. I really like the idea of the imagery of Callie consuming the Green Sun. It's striking!
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this is calamity in fantasystuck. she in fact compl abhors this dress . No cheek nonsense because TECHNICALLY she's dragonborn but i cannot draw dragons. I have one setting. It's cherubim.
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this one is from a post canon au. i have a bazillion words as to how caliborn is on earth c it's all headcanon but it's all good and silly and he is Short and she is Tall (i also have a bazillion words for why Callie is able to start maturing properly post canon)
you know what, past me? this is my post! im gonna put all two-bazillion words on here actually. what am i thinking hehe? my post is a place for my words. silly joan!
So, for why Caliborn is on Earth-C. I honestly had fun rationalising this one!
For one, Caliborn is very, very cold. Another thing is that- I don't think cherubim were meant to go into black holes. I'm pretty sure that, while yes they mate near them, I don't think they fall in. It's something I feel is just something that doesn't happen. So cal being trapped within one is notable. But, we aren't talking about Caliborn being trapped! We're talking about him getting out.
Honestly if he were to tell it, he'd say he "FOUGHT TO GET OUT." or something. But the truth is he fractures,* his young body is rejected and he falls out. He retains only the passive effects of his godtier, like an understanding of timelines and being able to traverse them. But he has no control in this state.
*What do I mean by this? I basically think that he and le are seperate entities. In a lot of ways they literally are! Le is a combination of several souls and abilities and powers. He kinda reminds me of how the Condesce can learn all caste abilities. Caliborn has the abilities and knowledge of several godtiers including his own complete mastery of time. So, when Caliborn falls out and onto Earth-C, it's just a fraction of his soul and body. He's young again because it's a portion of his (falsely) mature body and he's very weak because it's only a portion of his soul. The rest is in the black hole. And due to some fuckery, he can feel it too. It's cold. He's constantly dizzy and disoriented. He is especially unnerved by this because cherubim are... this incredible species. He feels sick without context for what illness feels like. It's a pretty terrible experience for him but he's at least well enough to still be terrible to everyone.
Now for Callie. Honestly this is one is more simple. Her life ring fills her body with the very force of life! She may not have predominated, but she is full to bursting of more than enough energy for her body to age correctly. She can grow wings, become much taller, and toned. She doesn't really understand it yet but she really likes walks and runs because it's her body telling her to exercise and maintain her muscle mass.
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alt callie...... 🥰 that's all send tweet
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this is a magical girl au. one with her soul gem and one without. i have a bazillion words on all the symbolism here actually. For one I made her wish to be beautiful, which is why her face and everything is very Pretty and Sculpted and Lovely. Secondly though. Her soul gem, the space symbol in her birthmark, is a whole thing. She thinks her birth mark is a blemish on her looks, and seeing it not only A) remain after her wish and B) be her weakest point in a battle felt kinda like a slap in the face. (However it couldn't be erased because she Does like it. She just doesn't quite realise that). ALSO the space-looking symbol behind her? It's not Space! It's void, but she's FILLING IN THE SPACE... it's also Roxy's pink! They r soon to be dating... fills the void in her heart? Eh? Eeh?
anyways. uhhh homestuck cherubim are ok i guess
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ipromiseimawriter · 11 months
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Tagged by @zahnie - thank you omg!!
From most recently worked on to least (roughly): (I tend to be pretty literal with these for the most part, if they don't already have a title)
destiel fix it fic - draft 2: is what it says on the tin. I will get to chipping at the end of this godforsaken series, so hELP ME. I do have a fancy lil summary though (this could get edited later but y'know!!):
“What are you doing? Dean, no–!” “You asked me to stop you. So I’m stopping you.” ( As promised, the Empty came for Castiel when his soul called. When it sang a happiness so profound that nothing else could possibly contain it. But Dean wasn’t ready to let go – and if you were to ask him, he’d swear he had failed Cas one too many times. So when the time came, he sank right down with him. )  Chuck could’ve called it, really. But there’s no biblical preparation for their journey through the Empty. It’s all up to them, now, while Sam and Jack (and friends) race to undo Chuck’s damage to the world. Alternating POV. 15x18 CODA/Fix-It Fic for end of 15x18/15x19 & beyond [15x20 who is she lmao]
destiel theatre bitches AU: an incredibly self-indulgent AU where Dean and Castiel are professors for a theatre department at a (made-up) small liberal arts school somewhere in Kansas. Cas is a new arrival to the department who's making waves (and suggesting some batshit shows for production), Dean's the gruff and well-loved scene shop head/tech professor who doesn't like his toes getting stepped on (jk yes he does), and they're gonna be soooo normal about it (me when i lie). nearly everyone and their mom is in this AU. we have fun here
Welcome to Purgatory: an original work (longform)! a story inspired by my time interacting with SPN/with other horror-fantasy adjacent medias, some characters I've had for 1000 years, and just - fucking around and finding out. I def tried to NaNoWriMo it before, to no such luck, so I just chip at it on my own time. I've got a running tag for it if you're ever interested! (old summary)
Jules Herrick went missing without a trace in the early nineties, and his hunting partner, Simon Villanova, never saw him again. We jump ahead about twenty-five years and realize why he should’ve stayed missing. Victor and Amelia are two childhood friends separated by time and responsibility, reuniting for what should be a normal road trip under less fortunate circumstances - the death of a mutual friend. However, the trip is quickly derailed by a strange pursuer that sends them on the run, and into action.  The people who catch up with them to help are not what they expect. The lives their families have led were kept from the two for safety. But between a rogue demon, its lost hellhound, and a secret organization hunting down the missing man and his cohorts, one question must be asked: What does Jules Herrick want with the end of the world, as they know it?
go catch a sunset (stanford-era dean/the outsiders bullshit): a Stanford-era Dean fic (which has 2 chapters up!) that I sort of use as my lil swimming pool for figuring ideas out? Mostly just speculation and big character thoughts on that very vulnerable time. I'm v much looking forward to introducing both Bobby and Cassie soon, getting some Winchester drama, and picking at those good backstory characters.
mama barracuda (WIP title - eldritch horror type shit): an original work (short story). "There's a monster in the woods, just off the beaten path from Hope's home. She isn't the first to be trapped into position of Keeper for the Barracuda of the Backwoods, but she is the first - in a very long time - to truly understand her. They call her Mama." So essentially - monster collects teeth for her own rotting mouth. Sisyphean effort on the Keeper's part. Symbiotic parasite/mother-daughter type shit. LOTS TO UNPACK.
honorable mention: a bunch of plays and other lil bits that would take me too long to describe <333
tagging: @subtlefires, @disabled-dean , @butchabouttown, @luckshiptoshore , and anyone who wants to play! (this includes all my friends who may see this and go "hey i have wips". give it to me. i want to see it)
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crystalelemental · 11 months
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"What about this fight against Lance?"  Oh shit, I know this one, this was uh...it was...was it Anni Raihan?  It needs trap, and there's Clear Advantage, so I'm pretty sure, but it's immune to flinch so now I'm not sure...
General Overview This one's a bit annoying.  Without Trap, you are basically unable to deal damage.  Kalos has a decent amount of trap, including Viola and Serena naturally, and 2/5 Shauna and SC Shauna with Attack Trap 4.  It's good stuff!  Unfortunately, the stage is immune to flinch and sleep.  So Serena's nuke suffers tremendously, while any attempts to flinch stall are dead.  Ramos has literally zero value here.  To compound issues, there are only two field effect setters in all of Kalos: SS Diantha, and NC Calem.  And you might get some silly thought into your head about hey, Calem's good.  Do not be deceived.  Unless you have NC Serena or SS Lysandre, Calem's field effects offer nothing but reduced damage, and because he can't reliably boost defenses, you're not in a great position.  The whole thing is really messy.
And the F2P situation is worse.  If you have the recent pairs, congrats, you're going to be okay.  If you don't, then I hope you picked up something premium.  There's a very, very easy solution on this one, but it requires a recent pair.  Only 1/5, but still, the odds of having pulled that are stacked against you.  There's a tougher solution, but it's manageable, using only options in the ticket scout.  Despite my best efforts, I could not get Lodge Sycamore to work.  The physical damage from Lance is too great, and Lodge Sycamore's sync too weak to succeed.  Lodge Serena was an idea, but without EX her sync is far too insufficient to take down Lance, to say nothing of the sides, and Lance is immune to flinch so there goes any miracle.
Drasna Pog Gaming This is your one easy solution.  If you pulled Drasna, congrats on the win.  Even 1/5, her heavy on-type DPS with Free Moves Next makes her effectively unstoppable.  After Sycamore's EX sync, she'll one-shot the sides.  She is extremely good.  Otherwise, get used to seeing Sycamore and Viola.  Viola is by far the better trap bot.  Without Sleep, Serena offers only DPS, and it's not the best.  Comparatively, Viola's debuffing special attack, which is the majority of Lance's attacks.
Psychic Supremacy If you got Olympia to 3/5 EX, this fight is also pretty easily won.  But that's a much taller order.  I can't speak to the effectiveness of this clear without 3/5 EX, I kinda feel like without the sync numbers her damage just isn't there.  Similarly, Dana can help, but I rely on her Synchro Healing to offset spread damage early in the fight so sync isn't too much of a problem.  You might get away with 1/5, but again, I can't speak to it.  The main thing to be aware of is that you will eat one sync, and that Dragon Rush is coming for you.  This is a good time for Dana to pop trainer move on herself, completely healing all damage and negating the Dragon Rush.  Otherwise, Olympia's DPS is fine to taking down sides for denials, it's really just the pressure on center.  Lance is a blob, and you really want all the firepower you can get.
The Other Trapper Serena has Fire Spin for trapping, making her a partial solution.  I just...really wish this wasn't immune to sleep.  If I were smarter, I would've put Shauna in front.  Her Spiky Shield would completely deny Dragon Rush, instead of letting it almost KO Sycamore.  Alas, I was not smart.  Serena's DPS is okay, but this is a legitimate struggle.  Both Sycamore and Shauna are EX, and without that double boost, I'm not confident Serena's DPS is sufficient to handle it.  Her sync is gonna bounce off him without sleep.  It's iffy, but possible.
Thank God For Reruns SS Serena is a really, really easy solution that's currently running.  She eats this stage alive. I think Restrain also counts against Lance's damage reduction crap, so Viola isn't even needed here, she's just the best offensive debuff bot we have and flinch/sleep don't matter.  I did let Sycamore sync first for the gauge management, but I'm not confident that's required.  If you Support caked Serena, I'm not sure it's worth it.
I Gotta It's Emma, come on man, I have to.  I feel like a lot of people went with Emma in their free PokeFair selection during anniversary, so here she is clearing.  Evelyn was my choice, thanks to the immediate bulk and team-wide gradual healing.  I so badly wish Evelyn had more to offer, but what can you do?  Emma's able to deal ridiculous damage on her Buddy move, but frankly even her obscene power kinda bounces off Lance's bullshit.  They really wanted a Tech nuke to take him down.  No deal, buddy.  Poison Fang can be unreliable, and honestly if you don't get it by your second try, just reset, it's too late.  There's a good argument to be made for Sycamore over Evelyn here, as far as the Support EX goes.  I didn't take it because I wanted to let Evelyn have something nice.
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icedmetaltea · 1 year
Been playing Baldurs gate I see! I'm also obsessed with it currently
What's your party layout? Like which companions do you like to bring, have you changed their classes, etc. Also are you romancing anyone? 👀 wink wonk
(warning for rambling cause I am not normal about this game, I am not normal at all-)
Also warning for spoilers in general kinda
iosjeferijgvierjgv8erjvgoerhg0rehg0rejgre I'm like 30-something hours in and only just now found out I just completed act 1- I THOUGHT ACT 1 WAS OVER AFTER I COMPLETED THE GOBLIN CAMP 😭😭 Which isn't a bad thing cause that just means the game is way longer than I thought, more to enjoy.
I just changed my class from fighter to bard cause I was getting sad always leaving Karlach and Lae'zel out since I didn't need another guy doing heavy hits up front. That plus I was sick of never getting any advantage on persuasion checks. Not sure how I feel about it just yet since I haven't had much experience; I'll def miss my cool armor ; - ;
(fyi I didn't change their classes but adjusted their builds so they'd be more efficient, for instance Asterion basically can't lose at unlocking/disarming a thing cause he has so many advantages now)
Anyways I currently have Gale, Asterion and Shadowheart (was Karlach but brought in Shadowheart since I was curious too see if there'd be any unique dialogue in the Shar temple I'm currently in)
I keep switching out Gale and Wyll, I love them both and am tryna like get an equal amount of both BUT i don't rlly need more than one mage/socerer/whatever at a time ya feel.
The flaming gay va- I mean Asterion is almost entirely just there for unlocking things and disarming traps, man's an absolute twig in a fight 😭 I also like sending him up front to scout out the area in dungeons since I believe he has better perception. Also he was reminding me of someone for so long and I finally remembered what
Karlach is my tank currently, she deals a majority of the heavy damage and I just love her in general so I like to keep her whenever possible (can sub for Lae'zel but idk I don't like her that much?? At first I did but now she's just getting into fights with everyone willy nilly ya know??)
Shadowheart is strictly there for protection and healing. I HATE THIS BITCH SO MUCH!!! (sorry to all the shadowheart fans out there) Just to me she's so "oh the goddess likes me and not you, guess I'm better than the rest of you uwuwuwu" like bitch shut the fuck up please.
As for romancing, not sure?? I know you can technically be poly in this game so I'm tryna romance as many ppl as possible without locking myself into anything (I just had to brutally reject Wyll by just turning away my face from kiss bc apparently it's smash him or break his heart and no in-between, also I looked it up and he's monogamous so I rlly would lock myself into it and I don't want that, EVEN THO HE'S SO SWEET AND LOYAL AND WHOLESOME AND I WANNA H*G AND H*LD H*NDS WITH HIM, FUCK YOU GAME-)
I'll prolly play the game again in a couple months when there's a mod that lets you simultaneously romance everyone cause my RPG self is a SLUT and wants to form the ultimate polycule in any game I play. Everyone is too loveable not to.
Buuuut in the meantime yea I'm just tryna rizz everybody (aside from Wyll cause game is like ok no kiss?? No romance fuck you little dwarven WHORE) up.
If the dil- I mean Halsin is romanceable, I'm absolutely gonna h*ld h*nds with that man. That beast. That guy with GIANT HUGGABLE PECTORALS MMMMMMM. Also the fire queen goddess suprem- I mean Karlach is I thiiiink going pretty steady?? Haven't had any new dialogue options for a while but I think we're in a kinda flirty zone currently so that's good. God she's so wholesome and wonderful, I love her with my entire being and soul. If anything happens to her I will exterminate all life on this planet and then myself.
As for Lae'zel?? I think she was a very much smash or pass person cause when I turned her down at the party she hasn't had much more to say to me sadge (which is fine cause idk like I said she's just been grating on my nerves) Not sure about the others, it's kinda hard to tell, especially with Gale. Maybe cause I've been rizzing other ppl, and I've heard he's also monogamous, wehhhhh (which is valid but c'mon let a bitch dream of polycules and giant sleepovers with a hundred blankets and everyone forming the ultimate cuddle pile around the tiny dwarf who will never know a cold night again)
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theprettyarachnid · 3 years
can we have a jayce a-z? only of you're okay with it ofc!
a/n: jayce supremacy _| ̄|○ like literally please let me suck your—
warnings: nsfw!
a (aftercare)
Jayce is a firm believer in cuddles after sex. He's usually kind of tired afterwards so he becomes a lot more affectionate and relaxed, like he actually lets his guard down during these moments.
He makes sure you're completely comfortable afterwards and takes care of any bruising that may have occurred. If he isn't too tired, he massages any areas of your body that hurt. You cannot convince me that Jayce isn't a literal god at giving massages, have you seen those hands??
The second he knows that you're comfortable and satisfied, don't expect to be able to do anything for the next hour or so. He practically lays on top of you and wants you to play with his hair until he falls asleep. If you try to move or stop playing with his hair or rubbing his back, he literally whines.
fucking drama queen
b (body part)
Jayce would probably choose either his arms or his hair. Even though his hair isn't technically a body part, he just loves the way your hands automatically play with it or tug on it whenever you two are having an intimate moment whether that's sleeping or having sex.
He likes his arms just because of how easily he can pick you up. It doesn't really matter how much you weigh to him, he's fucking strong. The image of you underneath him, both of his arms trapping you while you're moaning his name is permanently burned into his memory.
If anyone ever asked him, he would give some bullshit cheesy answer like "oh, i love y/n's eyes". He tries so hard to keep that 'Golden Boy' image but at the end of the day... he really just wants a piece of ass.
His hands placements are very subtle in public but one hand is always on or near your ass. Whenever he picks you up, his instinct is to squeeze it. Any time he sees you in skirts or tight pants, he loses his mind. Especially because he knows you do it on purpose.
c (cum)
He likes to cum in your mouth and does expect you to swallow it. He's wiping any stray tears on your face while calling you his 'good girl/boy' so i mean... it's kind of worth it.
Another place is obviously inside you. To be honest he doesn't care if the both of you are overstimulated and tired, he fucks it deeper into you anyway.
d (dirty secret)
Jayce wants you to tie him up and have your way with him. He's tired of making all the decisions, he just wants to be fucked to the point where he can barely remember his own name.
You've topped before but he always ends up flipping you over because he gets impatient. He wants to be unable to do that, no matter how much he may want to. He wants to be used.
e (experience)
Listen, Jayce Talis got bitches alright? He's pretty experienced and knows what he's doing. It might take him a second to figure out what you're into but like I said, he knows what he's doing.
f (favourite position)
He likes taking you from behind the most. He can easily grab your hair and bend you farther down when he pleases. He also gets a perfect view of your ass. Many times Jayce will move his hand and rub circles into your clit when you're close to cumming.
Your ass is also gonna be raw by the end so have fun sitting for the next day or two.
g (goofy)
I can actually see Jayce being kind of funny during sex. Obviously he knows when it's appropriate to make a joke or tease you but he's on the lighthearted side for the most part.
Whenever you try to take the lead on things, he definitely makes a few jokes mainly because he's excited.
h (hair)
Now I know we saw Jayce shirtless during that one scene but I imagine him having a little more hair. Don't get me wrong, he keeps it neat and tidy, especially down there, but he has chest hair that's slightly darker than the hair on his head.
i (intimacy)
Jayce kind of pampers you so there's always some kind of romantic gesture. It could be something simple like picking you up bridal style while kissing you or he might buy you something nice to wear. Either way there's always something.
If he hasn't seen you in awhile, he loves just kissing down your body while complimenting you and massaging your hips or your thighs.
j (jerk off)
There have been times where Jayce has gone days without seeing you. He's usually a ball of anxiety whenever he's working and he has a pretty high sex drive so he sometimes has no choice but to relieve himself.
He doesn't do it super often, only when it actually becomes a problem and he can't distract himself from the somewhat obvious and uncomfortable boner in his pants.
k (kink)
dear lord for i have sinned
He has a size kink. The fact that he can so easily overpower you anytime he wants is very satisfying to him. If you ever say he's too big, he immediately starts teasing you and promises that he'll be gentle.
Jayce is an exhibitionist. He loves having sex with you in either a public restroom during a party, in the lab, or in his office because the idea of someone seeing you like this because of him is a huge ego booster. He also just loves the idea of people knowing that you're his and only his.
It's not a major one but he a has a small breeding kink. Every once in a while he just thinks about getting you pregnant and he turns somewhat feral.
l (location)
Either at home or literally any important event that you've gone to with him. He doesn't give a shit that he's the main person that people want to see during those events, he will drag you to the nearest empty room and fuck you.
m (motivation)
Jayce gets turned on when you're angry at him. He doesn't know why he finds it attractive when you're yelling at him or giving him attitude, he just does.
He's... also a bit of a masochist so anytime you dig your nails into his back and draw blood or when you bite his shoulder when you cum, he immediately wants to go for another round.
n (no!)
He doesn't like it when you purposely do something to get him jealous. It's just... no.
o (oral)
I think we've all agreed Jayce loves when you sit on his face so just, let this man do what he loves. He wraps his arms around your legs and pulls you down onto his face. He tries to keep you there as long as he can before you're squirming.
When he's upset or angry about something, he almost begs you to give him a blowjob. You always smile to yourself knowing he wants you that badly but you never tease him in the moment. Only afterwards do you tease him about how needy he sounded.
p (pace)
Jayce is a very passionate person so sometimes he accidentally manhandles you. But I swear it's just because he loves you and wants to be close to you. Although he can be a little rough, his pace is a pretty good rhythm.
q (quickie)
He is a fan of quickies. Any time you visit him while he's working, he pulls you into a kiss while his hands roam various parts of your body.
You've learned to lock the door most of the time whenever you come to see him.
r (risk)
Jayce is a big risk taker, literally to the point where he could lose his job. Heimerdinger or Mel will be in the other room while he's fucking you, shooshing you to be quiet or else you'll get caught.
s (stamina)
He can go for about 3 rounds but after that, he's tired. Depending on how many times he's cummed is how long he'll last. The more he cums, the shorter he lasts because he gets overstimulated but he lasts for a somewhat longish time.
t (toy)
He doesn't really own toys but one day he thought about getting you a remote control vibrator that he can have control over and it was all he could think about. He brought it up with you first and when you said that it sounded kind of hot, he bought it.
He likes to use it most when he has a long day of meetings and he can turn up the vibrations whenever he wants. It catches you off guard a lot of the time, so those days you just try to stay home. He likes to keep it at the high vibration for a while until he's sure you've had a few orgasms in a row.
He does this all while discussing important issues in Piltover as if he's not thinking of you as a moaning mess. 💀
u (unfair)
Many times, Jayce will only tease if you started it. There are times when he's just feeling like being a prick but he enjoys giving you what you want.
v (volume)
He's kind of loud, it's a mix between him complimenting you and moaning.
w (wild card)
jesus i hate writing this part
Jayce likes to make you cum multiple times in a row using the shower head. He'll keep it there until you're literally crying for him to stop from overstimulation.
x (x-ray)
i mean... he's 6'7. He's pretty big in length but he's a bit more girth I'd say
y (yearning
This man is horny like almost all of the time.
my man whore <3
z (zzz...)
He falls asleep fairly quickly but he needs to be having some kind of physical contact with you. But he just nuzzles into your neck and falls asleep.
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yandere-plague · 2 years
[Yandere Borderlands Characters]
What are they like before and after kidnapping you part 2
// mentions of kidnapping , drugging, Stockholm syndrome
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I had wrote a bit of young Tina but I had hit the gif limit and I was NOT HAVING THAT. - 🐇
So, here's a screen shot of that my lovely ladies.
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But.. let's say you have parents, or are being looked after by someone.
She doesn't like that, and will use whatever she has on her to get rid of them.
Best way of knocking you out? She's doesn't want to scare you. She'll use her bombs to distract you and everyone else with you. Then a simple swoop and then you're suddenly being carried by a girl your age.
If you're trying to and or escaped? I feel like she would put a tracker on you. So she'll find you.
She thinks she's saving you. There is no reason for you to leave her unless you've been kidnapped.
"Wuh-wuh why do you wanna go out there huh? There ain't nothing but bandits. Stay with me and my fine ass ladies..."
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Obsessive, though she is bound to the bunker. She has her satellite and her siren powers to communicate with you.
If Jack finds out about her crush, he would probably just give you to her if you arn't a threat.
It'll be one of the nicest things he'll ever do for her.
Best way of knocking you out? She can't do anything herself. But that doesn't mean she can't hack a loaderbot or ask her dad to help.
If you're trying to and or escaped? H-how, you are in her control core room. All the doors are miles above with an elevator now blocking the way.
But let's say you do escape, oh man. You better be as lucky as a vault hunter if you want to leave her.
As soon as she notices you missing, she'll instantly speak to you.
"(Y/n)? Where are you? Are you okay?"
She hears you panting, then she becomes panicked.
"Woah woah woah, you're out... outside." She mutters under her breath, not wanting to believe it.
"Hey, can you come back please?"
You didn't respond, you just needed to get the hell away from her.
"Don't make me get my dad..."
But you don't come back, because the hell you wouldn't.
"What the FUCK are you doing? She's upset! This is your, no- MY final warning. Come back willingly or I'll send an entire fleet of loaderbots at you. Okay kiddo?"
When you do go back, or unwilling held against your will, you know those shields in her room. Yup, they are going up.
Angel will be relieved, though Jack...
"Thank god you're safe, I can't imagine you out there. With all those bandits."
"If you even think about leaving my daughter again, I'll make you unable to leave."
(I was meant to put this at the top ⭏, oops lol.)
"Heya pumpkin, so my daughter has a little fascination with you, as you can obviously tell."
Oh god is he going to kill me. I dont even like Angel.
"And since you aren't really a threat to her, why don't you two live together? Eh? Eh? Now I know what you're thinking, 'uh, a girl is into me this is moving way to fast for me'. Well ya see, I haven't had to the best... time with my daughter, but if I give you her she'll like me again! Haha! This'll be fun!"
"Hey I don't even like-"
"No buts sweetheart! My daughter wants you, and what she wants she's gonna get. Make this easy for her, alright pumpkin."
"See you soon."
Or, if not even Jack can get you... She'll lead you to a fake room.
"Executing phase-shift..."
Everything in the room turns to white, and you see her.
As much as you didn't like her, you had to trust her.
And you fell right into her trap.
"I know you do not like me. But that will be temporary. this is the only way I can ensure your safety as well as be with me. I'm sorry."
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Timothy Lawrence
This guy, is literally Jack. In a sense.
Everyone loves Jack right? Well, he can use that to win you over.
You arn't attracted to Jack? Well uh...
Even if you are, you can obviously tell he isn't Jack. His personality is nothing like Jacks, apart from the odd DNA spurt every 10 minutes.
As much as he wants you, he is worried that it will affect his Job. Considering how Jack is, he probably would just kill you the second you become a problem.
He'll try and convince Jack to let him have you.
You know what would be funny? Jack laughing and stating "i mean, if you really want them. You'll have to get her yourself if you know what I mean. Heh."
Kidnapping! Thats what he means.
"You arn't fooling me, I know you're not Jack. Besides, I dont even like him."
"I uh- well damn. You got me! Ha.. ha ha. Um, my name is. Timo- ugh, it rhymes with Jimothy..."
"Okay? Nice to meet you Timothy... I guess."
"Yeaaahhh. So uh, look im sorry okay?"
"For what?"
He shoves a rag in your face, its smell burning your nose with each breath.
You try to claw at his hands, though it doesn't seem to phase him. Everything blurs as you slum forwards, your body not responding to your requests.
When he gets back to Jack he doesn't believe it.
"You actually? Ha! Hahaha. I didn't think you were able to do it Hahaha. I was joking by the way. But that is hilarious! You know what? Keep them. Everytime I see them I'll be reminded of this moment."
Best way of knocking you out? Drugging you, at a bar perhaps. Or choking (oh, I mean strangling) you out. He'd probably would choke you out if you were into it. :).
If you're trying to and or escaped? He's going to be in trouble. He'll try and echo you, even try and track it if he can.
He'll use his digi-Jacks to help find you.
Helios isn't that large, so you'll be found eventually.
He is clearly upset, duh. He begs pathetically for your forgiveness and promises to be a better boyfriend.
But, obviously he doesn't change, he just wants you to see things his way.
"Daddy's found you! Oh god, look. Are you trying to get me into trouble? I know I've been.. selfish. But I- I'll try to be better okay?"
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Borderlands 3
Obsessive / delusional, he wants someone who is weak, who can't fight to save their life.
Look, everyone in this casino has lost there fucking minds. You need his help, his protection.
At first he just wants to help you. Though he soon realises how weak you are.
He is suddenly selfish, and his lack of human contact has made it worse.
He tries to please you. He wants you to enjoy his hideout. Though his pleasing may be more for him than for you.
Best way of knocking you out? He wouldn't, unless you were already knocked out. His deal of helping you is an offer you can't refuse.
If you're trying to and or escaped? Why? Why oh why oh why? You know its not safe out there, oh.. maybe something happened to you? Don't worry, with his winning hand he can go almost anywhere.
He'll save you! Your hero is coming!
"You're alive! Come here you! Wait, why are you backing up? Its me Timothy! Are you hurt? Shh.. they're gone now. Let's go back to the hideout :)."
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Possessive - he spots you with his sniper rifle, far away. He doesn't know what he's feeling at first, but he likes it.
He slowly starts killing your enemies, even giving parts of them to you as gifts.
At first you didn't mind, until the gifts start piling up.
"Hey zer0, um, thank you for the gifts? But uh-"
"You're welcome / its good to help / 'a friend'." :D
"Its starting to creep me out bud..."
"Oh / that was not my intent / I am truly sorry (y/n)." :(
"Its okay.."
Best way of knocking you out? He'll use a tranquilliser dart. If he can't, he'll hit you with the blunt side of his sword. Gently.
If you're trying to and or escaped? He'll put a bounty on you, or ask his friends to look for you.
Obviously they come not to question to zer0s behaviour, and just help out where they can.
"(Y/n) / where are you? / come back!"
You'll be found, this guy can cloak and make decoys of himself.
Mostly likely you'll be running and you'll stumble into his chest. He'll chuckle and somewhat accept this incidental hug.
"What were you doing? / trying to leave me? / you need to know you're mine." >:)
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She was originally meant to con you, everything, your friendship, your relationship.
She ends up falling for you, and the second you find out about the con she completely understands your frustration and hatred for her.
Best way of knocking you out? Strangling you, if not. She'll ask her sister for help.
If you're trying to and or escaped? She didn't see it coming, she was being nice to you. Gentle, and respecting your personal space. Why did you leave?!
She'll ask her sister for help. I think fiona will be oblivious, and just thinks that you may have been missing for a while.
She'll put a bounty on you, and if there is even a single scratch on you She'll kill the person who took you.
When your back in the hideout, she'll hug you, and cook you a sandwich. :D
"Don't scare me like that! I just need you... okay? I'm sorry. I really love you, honest!"
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Best way of knocking you out? If you're up on helios, he'll just have to try and lure you to his room. It's hard for him though, as hyperion is always watching.
If you're on Pandora, sucks to be you as he can be as rough as he wants. Now think about that-
Nobody cares, whos going to stop him? He'll pin you to the ground, he may be thin but he is swole my g.
If you're trying to and or escaped? You'd think his followers would tell him or stop you right? They may be stupid on Pandora but they know you just want to leave.
Though it only takes a couple threats for them to 180 you.
When you go back he'll take you with open arms.
"Thanks guys, now sweetie. Don't expect them to help you again..."
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Rhys + Fiona
Poly ship ♡
When they first find out they both like you, they instantly fight like children for you.
It gets to the point where they don't care you don't like either of them. They need you.
You hate them fighting, and right up tell them to sort out whatever it was right now.
Big mistake.
They both stare at eachother, before slowly looking at you softly.
"We, both love you..."
Rhys rubbed his neck, refusing to look away from you.
"Yeah, its true."
She inched in closer, you stared at them in shock.
"You- you both?"
Your face turned red, TWO people are fighting over you? this has to be a dream right?
They both nodded in sync, this is real.
"Well, I uh. Thats nice? Heh, but-"
"You don't have to pick! Rhys already has a good idea, for once."
Rhys ignored the comment, and before you could say anything...
"We, decided to share you! Which means you can have us both! This is perfect right?"
"What?! No! Don't I have a say in this?!"
Best way of knocking you out? Rhys and his Robot arm can pin you to him, then Fiona can either shoot you in the foot to make you pass out or use the electricity element to shock you.
If you're trying to and or escaped? How? You have two people watching you like a hawk 24/7, escape will be impossible.
Lets say you do, you'd expect them to blame eachother, but surprisingly they just instantly go and try to find you.
Rhys instantly looks at any cameras, and Fiona goes out looking.
If you willingly come back, they will hold your hands tightly, rendering any escape options imposable.
If you don't, Rhys will come after you as quick as possible. Trying to corner you.
As a last ditch effort, fiona will shoot you in the leg.
"Im very disappointed on you (y/n)."
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"Thank god you're okay, you worried us to death."
This was kind of bad but meh.
Yknow what? Fuck it man, ill do every character
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