nightwolf1429 · 4 months
Reasons Why Bruce Wayne Refuses to Take a Break:
1. Why should he?
2. Because fuck you, that's why.
3. He's scared that if he ever actually stops to take a break, completely relax, and fully drop his guard, something horrible will happen to Gotham and/or the people he cares about and he won't be able to stop it because he wasn't prepared OR the years and years of burn out and physical/emotional pain will finally catch up to him (because he stopped running from it) and it'll hit him so hard that he'll finally have to face the trauma he endured as a child when he saw his parents die (which he is not physically capable of coping with, because the event fractured his identity into Batman, a man with childish morals and an inability to make exceptions [such as not killing a petty crook OR a mass murderer and thinking they should be dealt with the same way] and a childish sense of justice that cannot exist without him blocking out his trauma [so if he had to face that trauma his very identity would cease to exist]) therefore his mental health would be destroyed to such an extent that he'd be unable to even pretend he was alright, which in turn will make the people he cares about worry about him, and because he hates when people worry about him it'll cause him to lash out which will further isolate him from the world and from any form of human connection, leaving him sitting broken at an empty table in an empty mansion on an empty island just like he did when he was a mere, insignificant, hurt, orphaned eight year old who hadn't yet made his mark on the world-
4. He doesn't wanna >:[
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haveihitanerve · 5 months
“I’m human!” Batman protests when one of the JL members looks at him in shock after he survives a mission that technically should've been able to kill Superman.
“I’m human!” Nightwing argues to his fellow Young Justice members after completing a quadruple backflip twirl and knocked out three guards when not even Kori can do that. 
“I’m human!” Red Hood complains to one of his generals after they accuse him of being a ghost and/or zombie. (in all fairness to them he did die)
“I’m human!” Red Robin mutters to the Teen Titans after pulling four all nighters and surviving off of only three packets of sugar and eighty cups of coffee for seven weeks. 
“I’m human!” Robin insists to his Mother during one of their monthly visits, despite the fact that he arrived with several stab wounds and what is probably a concussion that should have landed him in the hospital but he still walks straight. 
“I’m human!” Orphan signs to the concerned police officer after he just watched her rip a mans shin out with only her fingernails. (he is fine. Orphan doesn't kill)
“I’m human!” Spoiler dismisses the other heroes(vigilantes) looks, seconds after having beat up eight goons with nothing more than a textbook, while telling each one a joke and hitting them in the face if they didn't laugh, laughing at each one she told, and having just landed a triple backflip onto a trashcan.
“I’m human!” Barbara assures her father at their weekly coffee meeting, although she did roll up with Scarecrow fear toxin wafting from her hair, Gothams harbor water covering her wheels. 
No, Batfamily, you are not human. Not anymore. That is a technically and you should not die on that hill. (you will not, despite the fact that a real human would) You were born human, and even that isn't scientifically provable.
"I'm a meta." Duke admits, the only reasonable one in the batfamily willing to admit he's different, although no less crazy.
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Just a concept, Yandere!Dimensional traveler!Batman X Gn!reader X Platonic!Batfam, also wrote a one shot about this
Synopsis: Batman becomes obsessed with a spouse and kids that he never had.
Pairing: Yandere!Dimensional traveler!Batman X Reader; Batman X Reader; Platonic Batfam X Batparent!Reader; Yandere!Batman X Platonic!Batfam; Batman X Platonic!Batfam
Tw: English is not my first language; mentions of Alfred being dead; I'm quite new on the fandom so there might be some mistakes about facts of the original comics, but this is a fanfic so whatever; this piece is more focused on Bruce and the batfam while still mentioning reader; stalker and delusional Bruce.
Word count: 1,4k
Requested? No.
General masterlist
Yandere!Batman who is very VERY, extremely, lonely, touch starved and grim. He’s also very unlucky apparently.
He never even met Dick. Sure, he heard about what happened to The Flying Graysons, investigated it even, but he's only seem him on pictures, videos or in passing, but he wasn’t there that night, he never talked to him, or maybe he did while stopping him from killing Zuko, either way, never adopted him, our boy went straight to orphanage and was adopted shortly after by a normal and loving family.
Actually this universe’s Bruce never met nor connected with ANY of his children, all he had was Alfred, and yet… Something happened and…
Safe to say it's been long, never ending harsh years.
The only thing this Bruce knows is pain, loneliness and misery. Don’t talk to him about Alfred. Maybe he can't even look at pictures. When he realized he couldn’t remember his voice anymore… He WON’T watch videos or listen to audio of him. Yes, Alfred being gone was one more trauma to the list of traumas he will carry on his tense and burdened shoulders for the rest of his helpless existence.
This Bruce is a loser, closer to madness than any version of Bruce (aside from Batman who laughs). His Gotham is nearing it’s doom. He didn't join the Justice League because of his level of emotional masochism, pride and lack of will to get back on his feet. He is so used to suffering he thinks it's possible to die if he doesn't have such bitter companion. Safe to say, he is depressed. And hyperfocused on saving a city he’s been working in for decades, too blind by his grieving to see that he is not doing the right things. There is no social projects on Wayne Enterprises or Wayne Foundation to help people, he neglected the company decades ago. He is almost becoming Michael Keaton’s Batman in The Flash.
Somehow, one day he is sent to another universe. It can be through some disaster like Crisis in Infinite Earths, or some villain who wanted different variants of heros to fight amongst themselves to death, doesn't really matter here, what’s important is that he (after years of being a hermit on his cave) interacts with people, more specifically, he interacts with himself.
Or definitely a lucky version of himself. Maybe the luckiest. He is jealous.
During the whole event they interact and imagine how he felt when he found out that this other Batman has an Alfred. And he is so successful that he is a billionaire who uses his money to help Gotham get better (or as good as we know Gotham can get). Oh, and he has a spouse. And children. Plural. So many he lost count. And pets. Two dogs, one cat, a cow (?), a turkey (a what now?) and a fREAKING DRAGON BAT (WHAT THA FUCK IS EVEN THAT????!?!?????!).
He is also more put together (looks like he showers and doesn't skip meals). And less temperamental.
Bruce is confused. When he comes back to his universe, with a spark of hope in his heart, he does his research. He could start actually making effort on his company and thus helping Gotham, maybe even be good enough as a vigilant that he could join the Justice League and make some friends (even if the other Bruce was just as stoic, he was the only one who could see on his micro expressions while talking about them how fond he was of his colleagues, and how much he thrusts them, even with his trust issues).
He could find those damn kids and adopt them. Find the one who somehow managed to make him open up enough for a relationship.
(He could also just work on his company, philanthropism, do some therapy, make some new organic connections or whatever).
He is VERY disappointed to find out that some of those so called kids and are already adults, have lived their whole lives without him, maybe some have been arrested or even dead, they have their whole lives and families that have NOTHING to do with him. Some don't even exist (the only explanation for not a single clue in months of research). And his partner, Reader, is either living their own life that doesn't allow space for him or also dead. He lost his timing. He is old and lost his timing. He is alone. He shouldn't have hoped so much that he got blind by the improbability of the small chance. The other Batman did mention that his family started growing decades ago.
He just lost another family. This one he never got to have. He wishes he never knew about them.
He hyperfocused on them for months for nothing (hey, It was hard to find info on the ones that don't live a very civilian legal life, like Cassandra, or the ones that never even existed, like Damian, or the ones that are dead — again maybe Cassandra, or perhaps Jason. Maybe Jason joined a gang just for survival or something like that, life on the streets is harsh, and he is not very lucky. And I’m not even being specific on what could have happened to every single one of the batfam. Also Tim is probably a CEO right now). No connection and family will come from all of that. Especially because he is greedy, starved, he doesn't want bits and pieces, he wants it ALL. He wants that other Bruce's life.
Yandere!Batman is born. He drowns and gets drunk on the pit of his own madness and he can’t get out of it. Doesn't want to.
He could… He could get rid of the people on their lives, brainwash them and make them a happy family. They aren’t vigilantes, they don't have his abilities, they don't have his intellect, it won't be hard.
Of course, Batman doesn't kill, but this Batman is looking for a change.
But they aren't what lucky-billionaire-put-together Bruce had.
Don't get me wrong. He is not just petty and jealous, nor resents Bruce for his privileges and better decisions, or whatever.
Okay, maybe a little. Why? Just why ones life was perfect (hello? Didn't you hear the part where he told you his own problems? Not even about the DEAD RESURRECTED CRIME LORD SON?) while the others had to draw the short stick?
But majorly he is just desperate, foaming at the mouth for a happy ending, and projected all of that on that poor random bat.
Now, enough brooding, back to solutions.
He could clone them.
Could work. Not exactly easy but he could just hack onto Luthor archives until he found how he cloned Superman and made that Superboy, Superman, or whatever he goes by now.
Again, not the same as the original ones. The ones he craves. The ones he wants.
Alfred is screaming in his grave about how Bruce, please, needs to realize that no one will fill the expectations he puts on them, not even the “original ones”.
Another hard, but better fitted solution is to… Simply… Find a way to go to that other universe, or one similar enough, stalk and study their whole lives until he can perfectly replicate “lucky” Bruce’s persona, and just… Get rid of him and take his place. Hello Alfred, hello honey, hello kids, daddy’s home.
Looks like he finally got luck on his side, maybe the sun will rise tomorrow.
Yandere!Bruce won't just brush aside that he is rusty and definitely not a better Batman then the other one, but he's got time. He will developt patience. But can he learn enough to trick his perfect vigilant kids though? Is he seriously thinking straight? I mean, the batkids are dope though. They learned from the best. As a proud (wannabe) father he knows they will be better than him one day, perhaps already are.
How much of watching their lives, everything that he craves, can he take until he snaps? How much of watching Bruce's interactions with them can he take? He swears he won't take them for granted when he has them, he will take care of them, protect them, be a family, be happy.
Can he really keep his distance?
Looks like another supervillain just arrived in Gotham for the batfamily to battle against, he is quite persistent though.
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DPXDC Early Heroes and Patron Gods
(From this poll)
With the formation of the Justice League, the general public for the first time became widely interested in heroes and vigilantes. Vigilantism as it was, started in the fringes of society, where itheir stories were shared, but never properly documented.
Eventually, among the few vigilantes still around they were able to track down one person who was mentioned as possibly the first. So Lois Lane packed up her bags for the drive to Illinois, because she had scored an interview with the one and only Valerie Grey.
Red Huntress: A lot of getting shot.
Lois Lane: You were part of the first generation of heroics, under the name Red Huntress. What was it like?
LL: Okay- from other heroes' stories, you seemed to be well established in your skill long before coming in and kick-starting the Chicago vigilante scene, where did you get your start?
RH: Amity Park, doesn't exist anymore. I know what you want to ask, and yeah I wasn't the first. I was originally a rogue for this other guy.
LL: Another hero?
RH: Yeah, Amity Park got a big influx of ghosts in the early 2000's, got all but completely isolated during that time for government research into the supernatural. One of the ghosts was this kid named Phantom, he kept everyone in line.
LL: Do you know what happened to him?
RH: He's still around, watching over whoever needs him.
LL: He's still active?
RH: Passive, more like.
The interview set off an avalanche, the accompanying pictures of the Phantom in his prime brought forward all kinds of accounts from minor heroes of meeting him. How when they thought they were caught and cornered, sure they were going to die, a white haired kid popped out of nowhere to save them. These savior stories meshed together with his clearly supernatural origin led people to deify him, and soon he was known everywhere as Phantom, the Patron God of Heroes.
The whole thing was mostly dismissed by the Justice League, Batman was especially skeptical of the word of mouth stories. The Young Justice team on the other hand were enamoured by the tales, even as a joke building a shrine to the hero who would never grow up (And maybe after it started to be maintained and grow in size, it stopped being a joke).
But it all came to a head when the Young Justice team was fighting Klarion, and loosing badly. The Witch Boy had stolen several magical items, and was using them to great effect. Superboy was trapped in a cage of energy, Megan and Kaldur were incapacitated by fire magic, and Kid Flash and Beast Boy were frozen in place. All that were left were Artemis and Robin, both badly wounded when the battlefield lit up.
They were saved by the Phantom, Patron God of Heroes.
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moss-on-trees · 1 year
dp x dc prompt: mentor!phantom au
instead of going on a murderous rampage, jason decides that the best way to get revenge is to be petty. he puts up an ad saying he's looking for a new mentor, making up a 1 star review for batman saying "he let me die. would not reccommend"
phantom, famous veteran hero and notoriously known for rejecting every offer to join the justice league he's ever received, applies for the position. they proceed to terrorise the jl together.
(danny doesn't kill the joker but he drops him in a cell in walker's prison, which means he's as good as dead.)
(to make this even funnier, other sidekicks slowly start applying to work with phantom. i'm thinking conner kent and roy harper but it could be others)
(danny doesn't hate heroes but he doesn't trust their work with the government. he'll lend a hand if there's an apocalyptic threat but he's marked by the jl as a last resort, both because he's crazy powerful, not a team player and because he'll spend half the time pranking the flash since it amuses clockwork)
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frownyalfred · 4 months
Recently saw that Justice League: Unlimited episode of Batman fighting Dr. Destiny and you know what would be hilarious? If there'd be this constant muttering of clues Batman noticed about Dr. Destiny while they were talking to each other.
"Gotta sleep sometime," says Dr. Destiny.
male, baritone voice
"Adrenaline rush wearing off?"
probably mid 40s to late 50s
"Ready for your doctor's appoint- Okay, can you stop that?
easily irritable, quick to lose focus, unprofessional
"What- You almost- I almost made you crash! You were about to die! By my hand, even!"
childish retorts, bad assessment of previous events, doesn't know what he's doing
"You-" *deep breath* "Whatever. The closer you come to me, the stronger my power is! You are driving to your own demise."
talks like an e-list villain, explained his powers, desperate to intimidate, heavily relies on his telepathy. therfore: unlikely to be a skilled combatant or have an ace up his sleeve. not much of a threat
That's gotta be the most demotivating thing ever. You try to accomplish something and there's someone breathing criticisms into your ear after every sentence you speak.
Bruce is the kind of person who meets a telepath and just goes "hm another way to make this fun" and just lets them have his full mental cacophony all at once. oh you thought telepathy was going to be an advantage? with this trauma??
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aceofwhump · 7 months
I had a very specific whump idea in my head and I was wondering if you ever saw it. Character A is carrying an unconscious Character B and is about to put them down. Character A (or others on hand) cradles Character B's head as they're lowered so it doesn't hit the surface they're being laid on too hard.
Oh my god nonny that trope is SO GOOD!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!! It should be used more often!! It's so soft and caring and I die every single time. I definitely have some examples of it.
My immediate thought is this scene in Merlin 2x06 after Arthur takes the potion to slow his heartbeat and breathing so it seems like he's dead. Like, I read this description you wrote and my brain conjured this moment.
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Other good moments:
Hawaii Five-0 10x22 Steve cradling Danny's head as he lowers him into his lap.
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Graceland 3x08 The whole team has a hand on Mike but Paige puts her hands behind his head as they lower him into the ice bath and i love it.
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The A-Team 5x14 Frankie and Murdock protecting his head as they carefully lower Face down to the ground after being shot.
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Stargate SG-1 4x18
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The Greatest Showman when PT lowers an unconscious Phillip to the ground after rescuing him from the fire and WD cradles his head
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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
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Avengers Endgame Nebula cradling the back of Tony's head as she lays him on the chair
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One Piece Live Action 1x06
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Supernatural 14x14 When Sam rolls Dean over he cradles the back of his head.
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Saving Hope 1x01
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kaidatheghostdragon · 4 months
You know what mixture of AUs i havent seen here yet? Danny x Bruce with de-aged clones!
Bruce and danny are near the same age and meet pretty early in batman's career, maybe even before dick was adopted. Danny is a single dad of infant/toddler twins ellie and dante. (To make them young and at the same age, i imagine they were rescued after both taking serious damage and retreated to their cores, and remerged as newborns about the same time, but i also want to leave this open for others to flesh out.) Timeline-wise, that would probably make them somewhere around jason or tim's age.
So now we have an au where the bat kids are collected into a stable home where bruce and danny are also raising ellie and dante. Bruce is much closer to WFA characterization right from the get-go because danny would whip him into shape.
Tim probably gets adopted because one of the phantoms sniff him out, either living alone in the neighboring mansion, or following the bats and ghosts on patrol.
Talia either stole bruce's (and/or danny's) dna or drugged bruce (it didnt work on danny) to create damian. If bruce was drugged, danny is on a warpath and might even find and rescue damian at a much younger age.
Jason's timeline is the most difficult to predict, and i will forever simp halfa jason, so he's gotta die no matter what changes. I dont think that's terribly difficult because the joker specifically targeted him to lure him out (assuming i understand canon correctly - also this is definitely true in the UtRH animated movie canon). If jason isnt interested in finding his biomom in this au, joker will just find a different bait. Would be cool if danny is able to track down jason's ghost during the six-month down time and brings him home, and a potential point of angst if he revives without his memories as a ghost (and is lost for a while before danny tracks him down again.)
(Danny probably doesn't have the no-killing rule like bruce, so he'd have no qualms killing the joker and detaining/destroying his ghost. If not danny, then jazz would. Bruce conveniently looks the other way.)
Batman mythology in this universe is inexorably linked to phantom mythology. They both help each other out with vigilante stuff. Danny's team (sam/tucker/val/jazz) visit often and are considered aunts/uncle to the batkids. Batfam is highly liminal because they are part of danny's fraid. They might even develop liminal powers, if that's your kind of headcanon.
Danny may or may not be ghost king, but i like the idea that he's the crown prince and wont be coronated for several more decades. He's got time and all the resources that position affords him. Danny still gets hounded by the observants, but the batkids have made a game of pranking the annoying eyeballs.
Danny is a founding member of the justice league and of jld (the rest of his team might be as well). Batman is much more knowledgeable of the supernatural because of danny. I like the idea of constantine being more terrified of phantom than batman. He still gets called on for advice because he's the demonology and magic expert, while danny specializes more in ghosts and Realms technology.
Ellie and dante are not allowed to join the vigilante scene until they turn 12 (they managed to argue it down from 14), but because of their powers (and potentially retaining memories and experience) there are numerous occasions before then that they functioned as a sort of vigilante retrevial unit - zooming out and retrieving anyone who was injured or otherwise hit their emergency beacon and bringing them straight back to the cave. They might have even done this once or twice during justice league emergencies.
I'll leave their vigilante identities open to discussion, but im partial toward a really old drawing i remember seeing here on tumblr, someone designed a pink batsuit for ellie with exaggerated bat ears, and a sort of glider cloak that attached to her belt or her wrists to disguise her flight as gliding. (If someone knows the post im talking about, please leave a link so the artist can be credited!)
As for danny's old team...
Jazz works at arkham, helping to reform the place and causing many of batman's rogues to reform a bit earlier. She is the expert called in by the justice league to formulate ways to both detain and to help various rogues globally. She especially likes the flash because of the friendly attitude he has towards his own rogues.
Sam is a humanitarian. If she has plant powers, she's using them to establish food stability in poorer nations, helping the people there become more self-sustaining, as well as providing relief for disaster-stricken areas whose farms need to be completely rebuilt and regrown. Jazz introduces her to poison ivy, and the two end up joined at the hip, helping to reform ivy much earlier. (Would it be weird to make this au have sam x ivy and jazz x harley?)
Valerie probably stays in Amity Park to be its designated hero since danny moved out. If the fentons are good, she works alongside them as the fentons also develop tech for the justice league. If they arent, im gonna assume theyre the reason dante and ellie got de-aged, danny absconded with their cores to keep them safe, and the rest of team phantom descended on the fenton parents like hungry wolves. When the dust settled, valerie and her dad were left in charge of protecting amity and with ownership of fentonworks.
Tucker is a freelance hacker slash tech expert, and will kit out any vigilante's tech and security free of charge. His unique blend of magitech is very difficult to counter, making it all-the-more sought after. He probably helped set oracle up and maybe even trained/mentored barb to some extent.
There are lots of other potential changes, but ill stop here.
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just-more-pr0mts · 7 months
You have probably seen all the aus like danny gets adopted by batfam, Danny as damiens twin/older brother, Danny dating a member of the batfam, Danny part of the justice league, Danny as a gotham superhero and more.
But have we seen Danny Fenton as Batman.
Danny Fenton who was taken in by the original Wayne family, with Marta and Thomas Wayne. Taken in when Martha was not yet pregnant. They treated him as their own and raised him as such. When they discover that Martha is pregnant and go out to celebrate. When they take a short cut and danny is just a few seconds too late to save them.
The boy who lost his parents when he failed to stop Dan and for all he knows his sister is dead gone. Who was lost in the infinite realms for so long. Who got stuck in a foul city where the weak are crushed so only the strong prevail.
Danny, Who stumbled into the warm arms of the Wayne family. Who slowly opened up to them. Who never used his powers so he could have a shred of normalcy with them. Who realized they loved and cared for him as thier own. Danny who accepted he loved them in turn. Danny,the boy who lost another set of parents on one fateful eve.
Danny who lost-
Danny who
Bruce who takes in these lost stray children because he wants to look after them. But he doesn't know how to because he never had a normal childhood.
Bruce who puts up a front to protect himself as well as his family. Who lies to face of powerful beings to protect his family. Bruce who trains long and hard to protect his family from said beings, so much so that he ends up locking away his emotions, so that his children don't have to loose another parent -not knowing that they already had so long ago
Bruce who's so proud of his children, but just doesn't know how to show it. Who is so scared, so terrified they might fight the same battles as him...or something even worse.
BRUCE WHO WANTS to kill the joker. Who wants to hurt him like he hurt his CHILD and leave him there to die, but he knows better than that... he knows what a cruel joke it would be, the irony. He knows that it will just more horrible things to his children knowing they'll never be able to stop him. That's why he brought him back.
Bruce who as much as he tries is always two steps behind.
And now when his new dimension is at stake because of the very beings he left behind, he must choose between the life that he built for himself here or the one that he left behind.
A carefully weighted scale. With the future on the horizon, and choices to be made.
Will the scale stay true or will the choices made unbalance it all.
Hii my beautiful creatures of the day and night.
I sorta forgot about tumblr but if you like this piece let me know! Also I love hearing how I can improve and make my writing better.
Ps. If you have any suggestions on what I should write about feel free to ask! I'm so excited to hear about it
Ps.ps. if you have any cosplay blogs dm me! I'm trying to get into cosplau
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aethertetsuya · 1 year
DP x DC Idea 💡 🤡
Danny is held hostage by Joker. Contrary to popular belief, he doesn't have anything against clowns. He's just more guarded against them. Anyway, he was on Kingly duties. He needs the Joker dead. To bring justice to those whose lives he claimed.
As the Joker was monologing, he escaped his bindings and dives for the Joker only claw something out of him.
Danny split the Joker into two. The normal sane Jack Napier and the Madman Joker. See, the "Vat of acid" he got dropped into was actually a Vat of Lazarus Water. Thus pit madness.
The Batclan who was watching this unfold was shocked.
Batman: You cant kill the Joker.
Danny: Well according to the Anti Ecto acts I actually can. *Proceeds to tell yhem what the law states* BTW most of you fall under their ecto entity classification especially Red Hood.
Batman: *Blue screens*
Danny: Hey RH wanna beat this guy for Shit and Giggles. He cant die so you can have all the fun you want. I still need him for trial though.
Redhood: Thanks. I'm going to enjoy this.
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 months
Time traveling Tim AU, but he was never Robin:
In the first timeline, Jason never dies. For the plot's sake, let's just say Sheila was found out and arrested. Jason never runs away, but he does end up crashing at Dick's place for a while.
Jason eventually takes on a new mantle (not Red Hood).
A few weeks after this, Bruce sees a purple vigilante fluttering about. She thus becomes the third Robin.
That relationship isn't the best, so Steph eventually sheds the Robin mantle for a batgirl one (not sure how Cass fits in quite yet).
This is in time for Damian to pop up and become Robin.
All of that is background information that Tim keeps track of in the OG timeline. He never becomes part of the batfam.
When his mom dies and his dad is thrown into a coma, Tim does the fake uncle stuff. Tim's dad wakes up. They don't have a big blowup about Robin, but they also don't really know each other. They try, but it's intensely exhausting trying to navigate their grief, stress, lies, and lack of relationship with each other.
Tim goes out one night to hang with one of his friends.
He doesn't get his dad's call.
He comes home to his father murdered.
Batman puts Captain Boomerang away and doesn't look into Tim's established fake uncle. Since the uncle has already looked after Tim once, Bruce has his hands full with the other kids, and Tim is just a civilian, Bruce leaves him alone.
And Tim? He's fucking pissed. He was finally starting to get a relationship with his dad, and this guy took that away from him. Jail doesn't feel like enough.
Tim can't take him on like this, though. If Batman won't get him the justice Tim craves, the teen will just do it himself.
So Tim's uncle declares the teen is going abroad to get away from his grief as well as learn from an international boarding school. Tim manages Drake Industries remotely as he goes to Paris to train.
He gets much of the same training he did in his early Robin years, and that whole arc plays out. Tim isn't Robin, though. He kills.
He regrets it, he despises it, but he tries to convince himself it's necessary. If he's going to get revenge for his dad, he'll kill later anyways.
He, unfortunately, also catches the eye of Ra's. He accepts the man's offer to train and tries to becomes okay with killing.
Eventually, Tim leaves. He promises to return to Ra's at a later date after fulfilling his revenge.
When it comes down to it, when Boomerang is about to die from his own choices, Tim backs out. He becomes horrified with what he's allowed himself to become. His hands are stained red, and Tim doesn't believe he'll ever wash it off.
Batman finds out about Tim and tries to tell him he did good by letting Boomerang go (because their relationship is obviously different here. Bruce sees a kid used to killing refraining and not his son about to kill). Tim, so absorbed in his own guilt, flees.
He becomes obsessed with fixing his mistakes (which Tim... buddy... Maybe the issue is you getting so absorbed in your goals and losing sight of what matters/your morals). He accidentally slings his consciousness back to when he was nine.
He's nine, has the memories of an adult (he was about 19 by the time he got shot back), and thinks he needs to pay for his sins. Thus, he becomes an independent vigilante/informant. He drops information off with Batman or other heroes.
Most estimate his age to be between 25-30, and he's known for finding information, clues, and people when others can't. He is also known for vehemently being against murder (though, due to his time with LoA, he sometimes suggests cruel methods).
When Jason first goes missing, Tim instantly notifies Bruce.
Jason still dies.
Tim blames himself. By going back to the past, he's obviously condemned Jason to die. It's Tim's fault (butterfly effect sucks ass. Not Tim's fault, but guilt also sucks).
From Tim's time in LoA, he monitors them. He will thwart certain plans if he can get away with it without them noticing. He's also in their system.
This is how he learns about Jason.
His vigilante persona, known for finding even the impossible, brings evidence of Jason's existence to a grieving Bruce as well as proof of Damian.
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confessedlyfannish · 8 months
DP x DC Writing Prompt #10
Damian wakes up to low-pitched arguing, and in his daze thinks the hand running through his hair is Richard's.
"S'rry," he murmurs, turning his cheek into the hand. His head hurts, and Richard's hand is cool against his cheek, delicate nails ghosting over his scalp.
Hm. Richard does not have delicate nails. Nor a woman's voice.
"-lty is to Danny, all you've done is put a bigger target on our backs!"
"So be it," the young woman says, voice measured. It's her hand that's in Damian's hair. He'd pull away but his body is weighed down, eyelids barely ably to slip open to grab a glimpse of ginger hair before slamming shut again.
He's...drugged. He thinks. Nothing he recognizes immediately, but it's been a while since his poisoning sessions and thinking right now is difficult. His mask is still on, which means his identity is intact. There's nothing he can do except hope it will stay that way.
And so he sinks back under.
Some time later, he resurfaces with more lucidity. He's still costumed, mask on. His body still feels heavy, but this time he can wedge his eyes open enough to catch three figures next to the bed he now lies on. The redhead stands closest.
"--you an out," she is saying, her back to Damian. The other two, a pale girl with pitch black hair and a boy wearing a red cap, look at each other.
"That's not what we're asking for, and you know it!" The pale girl yells.
"That doesn't mean you shouldn't take it." The woman says, her voice extremely level in comparison. This only seems to agitate the girl further.
"Team Phantom means we make decisions as a team, Jazz." The boy says through grit teeth. "And if you had run this by us, we would've,"
"Said no--" the pale girl says, meanly.
"--At least figured out a better way," the boy says, head turning sharply towards the girl. "Between this and Jefferson you've been making really rash choices. We can't find Danny if we get caught by the Justice Loogies--"
"Team Phantom," the redhead interrupts. She turns towards Damian, and if she notices he's awake, she doesn't say anything. "You really don't get it, do you. There is no Team Phantom, because Danny's gone. We're not going to find him."
"Stop eating their bs--"
"Stop living in denial, Sam. Both of you. We can't find Danny because Danny's not anywhere to be found."
"They wouldn't get rid of him--"
"Why wouldn't they? Don't you see?" Jazz says, whirling around. She waves a blurry arm in Damian's direction.
"They can recreate the experiment anytime they want. And they do want. They found his genetic doppelgänger when they got their hands on Robin's blood. That's what they had on file in Jefferson."
Jefferson, Damian thinks. It's familiar. Information starts to filter in. It's not a person, but a place. There was an explosion at a government facility. Blew up three city blocks. 45 Casualties.
The redhead's a terrorist. He thinks. Redhead.
Fuck. She'd been getting mugged. He'd rescued her. Her face had been bruised.
She'd wanted to go to the hospital. Held onto his cape for dear life. Flinched back from Richard.
He'd smirked at Grayson before offering to escort her.
He'd felt important.
...He'd been an idiot.
"--You really think he'd just hand him over?"
"I don't know anything about Batman," the girl says. "But I'm not letting another brother die."
There's a sharp inhale, and neither side speaks.
"So that's it," the pale girl says. "You give up and immediately go get a replacement?"
"Sam..." the boy says warningly.
"Danny would want me to protect him," Jazz says. "So that's what I'm going to do. And you are free to leave."
"You're acting fucking crazy," Sam says. "And you're too deep in your grief to realize it. Danny would want none of this."
"Well then maybe it's a good thing he's not here," Jazz says, "Maybe I should be thanking you two instead."
The resulting silence is so sharp Damian hears only the sound of his own breaths.
"Fuck you," the girl spits, a door slamming a split second later. The boy doesn't say a word, crossing over to Damian.
"I'm going to keep looking, Jazz," he says, after a long moment. "I'm going to find him. Because he's alive."
Jazz doesn't respond.
"Listen, they found Robin's blood, right? They don't know who he is, so if we tell him to stop with the costume, lay low-"
"They'll finger prick all of Gotham if they have to. You know that. They can't get to him here, not with the portals and research destroyed. Even if they catch Mom and Dad, the ghosts will rip them to pieces if they ever step foot in the zone."
Jazz steps closer to Damian. "Here, Superman won't be able to hear his heartbeat."
"What happens when he wakes up? Wants to go home? He must have a family out there, he can't be Robin 24/7."
"You know I used to read to Danny?" Jazz says. Her voice is distant. "Every night before bed. He'd never heard a fairy tale before. He could read, of course, but he liked the way—" Jazz swallows. "He liked the way I did the voices. We were supposed to be in bed by 9 but when Mom would come to check on us we'd just pretend we were asleep. Danny was really good at it, but I could always tell when he was pretending."
A hand brushes through his hair again.
"You really are his twin, Damian."
Damian opens his eyes and sits up as the boy, a teenager his own age, takes a startled step back. Jazz, yes, the woman he'd 'rescued', smiles warmly at him.
He's in a canopied bed, surrounded by rich fabrics and what looks to be purple-bricked walls. There's a green tinted window to his right. Bookshelves with old looking tomes lines the walls and a suit of armor stands by the door. He notes the mace in its hands. With any luck, it won't be welded to the gloves.
"Danyal is dead," he says shortly. Jazz's smile turns sad.
"Yes," she takes his hand. "I'm so sorry you had to find out this way. He was so brave—,"
Damian yanks his hand away. "No, he's not newly dead, he's been dead. For years."
Jazz shakes her head, that same sad condescending smile on her face. "No, Danny didn't die. He escaped the League. He told me all about you. He," her voice wobbles, "he loved you very much."
Damian's blood churns. "You're lying."
"He lived, and he was a hero, like you. He helped people. And then he became a King," Jazz says. She continues to smile, even as tears start to trail down her face. "Which makes you a prince."
She sounds, to quote Sam, fucking crazy. And now that he can see the manic gleam in her eyes, she looks it too. Damian shoots an incredulous glance at the boy, but he refuses to make eye contact.
Jazz stands up and opens her arms out, gesturing to the room. "This was his home. And now it's yours."
Damian weighs his responses. Remembers Dick's lessons in diplomacy.
And still chooses the nuclear option: "If you know of the League then you know what it means to be the heir of Ra's Al Ghul. I will not be made into a prisoner and if you attempt to keep me here, you will be sorry."
The boy mouths "the league" to himself, questioningly, but Jazz doesn't so much as flinch.
"I know this is a long to take in," she says, voice dripping with sympathy. "But I promise, it will all make sense, and in time you'll come to adjust. Let's let Damian rest, Tucker."
The boy, Tucker, looks at him now with a troubled gaze, but when Jazz opens the door he reluctantly walks out. Jazz pauses in the doorway.
"Damian," she says, that same far off tone in her voice, her back to him. "Danny used to tell me about the League's code. Hunting down those that threatened its power without ceasing. Ensuring every target was dead. No mission left uncompleted. No failure tolerated."
Jazz looks back at him, a small serene smile on her face. "I'm going to avenge our brother Damian. I'm going to hunt down every last one of them. Without ceasing. Without failure. You have my word."
She cocks her head at him thoughtfully. "Danny loved macadamia nut muffins. I'll pick us up some on my way back. A welcome home present."
She strides out the door. Damian waits to hear a lock turn, but there is nothing but the sound of her fading footsteps. He waits until the noise has fully faded before he attempts to stand, glaring at his legs until they sluggishly begin to respond.
A squeaking noise erupts from the far wall and he watches in disbelief as the suit of armor creakily moves to stand in front of the door. Sufficiently positioned, it ceases all movement once more. However, now Damian can make out the two glowing red dots staring straight through the slits of its helm.
Damian's lip curls up in a wicked snarl that Jason calls feral as it becomes clear the guard is not going to attack but rather...guard. He heads for the window instead and stops short as he gets his first peek of the outside.
The window is not tinted green at all. Instead, for as far as he can see, there is an unnatural, electric green. Blobs of more of the green float and drift through the expanse, as if he is trapped in a lava lamp.
Here, Superman won't be able to hear his heartbeat.
"Where am I?" Damian asks, staring out into the void. This whole time he's been angry, and embarrassed, and annoyed. But for the first time since this ordeal began, he feels afraid.
"Where am I?"
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lazycats-stuff · 10 months
hi I love your posts and I wanted to ask if you could do batfamily x newest batbro who was created to be a weapon and when bruce saves him and makes him have a childhood he couldn't make choices like the demon slayer kanao please
Hi! I'm glad you like my posts. I would like to state that I have never watched Demon Slayer, but I went on Demon Slayer wiki to get some info, so if there are some incorrect details, my apologies.
Summary: (Y/N) never had a choice. Bruce decides to change that.
Warnings: pure abuse, (Y/N) is a weapon for his father, Bruce and the boys are giving (Y/N) a new childhood, (Y/N) is slowly getting accustomed to his new life, (Y/N) trying new things...
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In life, you often don't have a choice where you end up and who your parents are. You often don't have a choice. (Y/N) didn't have a choice. A life full of violence and overall dear and submission. Even the slightest sound of fear or pain could get you in trouble.
He has been training with the others ever since he could remember. As far as he knew, he was in a program that created weapons. Human weapons to be more precise. The program's enemy?
The Justice League.
He is the only survivor of the program's regime and training. There were kids with him too, but they were just weak. (Y/N) remembered one morning where they were all blue and just cold to the touch. (Y/N) had no reaction to it.
Why would he?
And reaction will get him beaten and maybe drowned as a form of punishment. Well, not a maybe, it's a sure for drowning. (Y/N) often thought to himself that they had a list full of punishments. He wouldn't be surprised.
He rarely got punished, because he has learnt what will happen when he decided to fight back. He shuddered every time he has remembered the punishment he got the first time he tried to fight back.
It's better if he doesn't remember.
That punishment broke him. Whatever he was before that punishment, he wasn't anymore. He became a shell of himself, allowing them to break him in and build him back up again, just like they all wanted.
Who was behind the project, he didn't know. But did it matter anyway? He is going to stay in the program for the rest of his life or rather until he is alive.
There was time when he thought he was going to die. Oddly enough, he didn't hope to die that day. (Y/N) never thought about killing himself.
They broke his spirit and soul and yet again put him back together.
Now that was something that only truly bad people can do. (Y/N) accepted it. He couldn't do anything else, could he? If he escaped they would have tracked him down and he would be dead for sure. (Y/N) accepted his fate, not knowing that the Justice League caught wind of this program and were ready to just take them all down.
On a mission gone wrong (Y/N) was caught by Batman and for the first time ever, (Y/N) became afraid. He didn't show any type fear, but deep down he wanted to hide.
He heard stories about Batman and how he works. Not to mention his kids... Especially Robin. (Y/N) knew who Ra's al Ghul was and how ruthless his assassins are. Robin is no different.
(Y/N) remembers waking up in a cell, a warm blanket over him. He doesn't remember having a blanket back in the program. A sheet would be pure mercy and some sort of heating?
A pure miracle.
(Y/N) remembers sitting up, confused as to why his enemies are treating him better than his own handlers. But that could be a ploy to get him to talk. Instead of torturing, he would get treated nicely.
Not happening.
(Y/N) rubbed his eyes as he stood up, moving closer to the glass panels. Well, they seemed like glass, but they are strong. (Y/N) looked for a way out, but had none.
(Y/N) sighed quietly as he sat back down. Oh this is just great. There is no way out and he is going to get tortured. He closed his eyes as he mentally prepared himself.
He opened them when he heard somebody coming. It was Batman himself, standing in all of his glory.
" I'm not going to talk. " (Y/N) declared and Batman simply took a chair and sat down.
" You don't have to (Y/N). I have all the information that I need my other heroes are going after the person running it. In a few hours the program will be gone and forgotten in history. " Batman declared and (Y/N) was shocked to say the least.
" What? " (Y/N) asked as he couldn't contain his surprise.
" Yes. Soon enough no one will remember the program. After knowing what they do to children, I am more than satisfied. Now there is a question as to what to do with you. " Batman said and (Y/N)'s interest got peaked.
What is that supposed to mean?
" You won't be able to function if you are let in the real life. Now, the other course of action is for you to live with someone. I have decided to take you in. " Batman said and (Y/N) was shocked.
" No. " (Y/N) said quickly. Not happening.
" Yes. You will have to stay here for a few more days until a few things are clarified and set. " Batman said as he stood up. (Y/N) watched him leave.
Oh God.
(Y/N) had to sit back down. He really did. The program will be dead in just a few hours...
Is this what freedom tastes and feels like?
And to stay with Batman, one of the people who made the League, his enemy... (Y/N) shook his head as he laid down. This few minutes are a rollercoaster of emotions and it's just something that (Y/N) didn't feel in a very long time.
(Y/N) is usually a few steps ahead of his targets and there was nothing that could surprise him. But now? He wasn't in control anymore, not that he was anyway, but when he was in the field, he had a certain degree of control.
Now he was stripped from any type of control and any sense of comfort was gone. Having control, a little degree, was comforting enough to (Y/N).
But now, everything was gone. The life he knew was gone.
(Y/N) came to live in the manor a few days later, the boys knowing exactly who he was and what has happened with him. Bruce told them to be nice and tone down everything until he got comfortable. Alfred agreed, knowing that (Y/N) had to be afraid of the change.
Now, Bruce and Alfred had agreed on one thing. And that was something called a choice. Alfred and Bruce gave him his first choice when he was allowed to choose his room. (Y/N) was confused as to how he could choose.
It's just a room, why would it matter? Although, (Y/N) did choose in the end a view with the front of the house. The reason was of strategic reasons, (Y/N) has said and Bruce and Alfred are just fine with that.
It's a step in the right direction.
Jason came by a little bit later, helping him choose some of Jason's old clothing. That was a temporary solution. When (Y/N) slowly got accustomed to the new life, they would go to buy some more clothes.
(Y/N) was slowly slow in picking, but Jason didn't mind. He waited patiently, even offering some of his own advice. Which color is good for his eyes, what would be comfortable to wear around the house... Everything he could think off.
(Y/N) was still suspicious and didn't trust anyone in the house. He didn't like how everyone was pretending to be nice to him. Just be pissed at him and what not. That would make (Y/N) feel better.
Not this.
Dick often asked him if he wanted to learn something about gymnastics, showing him what he could do. (Y/N) was impressed, but has said that those just your average moves in gymnastics. For the record, those weren't any type of average moves. Those were just some of the most awesome moves that (Y/N) has ever seen.
Of course, (Y/N) would never admit it, but still. He can think to himself that is cool. Since that he wasn't really trained in gymnastics, he wanted to do it. It looked like flying and like a test of strength.
Tim was just there helping him with TV shows. Every now and them, he would just take a break from working on cases and working overall and that was broken by watching different TV shows or cartoons, depending on what he finds. That break thing was put there by Bruce and Alfred enforced it.
You don't want to piss Alfred off.
(Y/N) found himself in the living room by accident and was interested by the fact that Tim was watching cartoons. Tim invited him and (Y/N) sat down on the far end of the couch. Tim started the original Snow White from the beginning and and (Y/N) was in love with the cartoons.
Of course he told Tim it was stupid and a waste of time. Tim didn't say anything, instead quietly gathered them on an USB when they were done and when Tim was in his room, simply leaving the USB in (Y/N)'s room subtly.
(Y/N) and Tim never spoke of it again.
Damian has started showing (Y/N) his favorite books, saying that he is the only one who is intelligent in this household. Of course, Alfred is an exemption to that rule. (Y/N) had to unwillingly admit that he didn't read any books when he was growing up.
Damian already knew the answer, but didn't push it or show the signs of knowing. He just got a stack from the library and showed him a couch where he could lay and read. (Y/N) took the books and started reading it.
It has become a nightly thing for both of them, just reading in silence, normally drinking something during it. The two don't really speak about it, they just hang out and that is just about it. It brought them together silently.
Alfred was teaching him how to cook. He started with some simple recipes and slowly moved on to more complex recipes. Alfred saw that he was a fast learner and the two were often found together cooking and just experimenting in the kitchen.
And Bruce?
He helped him with just socializing outside of the house. It has started with just other superheroes and it soon turned into full on sessions to speak. (Y/N) was slowly getting more comfortable and Black Canary was helping him out with therapy. He was against it at first, but has decided to confront his demons.
Slowly but surely, he is getting more and more comfortable and slowly started discovering his personality. Black Canary has even given a green light for (Y/N) to go to school with his peers and Bruce was all for it too. (Y/N) was nervous with the sheer suggestion and they understood.
After a few days of just thinking about it, (Y/N) has decided to go to school. It was a breath of fresh air for him, but slightly overwhelming. His eyes, trained to over analyze everything that could be a possible threat, were analyzing everything and everyone. He met a few people and Bruce was happy to hear it.
Bruce has hoped that one day he would get friends, but hey, one step at the time. Soon, (Y/N) was comfortable with physical affection such as hugs. He liked to receive hugs, especially from Bruce. Although, he is still shy about saying it outright.
Bruce didn't mind, he could see it when he wanted it and just gave him a hug. He always asked him beforehand of course. (Y/N) always had a choice and Bruce would always make sure he knew that. Always.
Soon, (Y/N) became a new vigilante, under a new name, under a new symbol. Bruce was more than proud of his son. Yes, his son. He officially adopted him and waited until his birthday to show him the adoption papers. (Y/N) cried that time in front of everyone. It was from pure happiness of course and he hugged his father, brothers and grandfather by default.
Of course, (Y/N) raised the question of how to call him. Dad? Bruce? Or just plain B?
Bruce said that everything is fine. He didn't expect that he would get called dad. Everyone shared a group hug, showing that (Y/N) he finally has a family that he could rely on. It was an emotional moment for everyone, especially for (Y/N).
After it was said and done, the cheesecake was shared amongst everyone and the celebration went well into the night. Considering that they had no neighbors so there was no complaints on that part. (Y/N) was finally happy in his life.
He finally had choices. People he could rely on. A place he could call home. But more importantly, he is happy. For the first time ever.
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bbbbbbbbatman · 1 year
I love the trope of the justice league all thinking that batman is a metahuman, but he just doesn't talk about it because he's secretive about literally everything. Every league member has their own theory on what his powers are which they love to debate and cite examples for whenever batman can't hear them
Barry thinks it's an intelligence thing, like his IQ was boosted or something, that's why he's the world's greatest detective
Hal claims he was bitten by a radioactive bat and has bat powers like echolocation (yes, he knows it sounds stupid, and yes, he will die on this hill, and one day when he gets definitive proof everybody will have to get on their knees and apologize for laughing at him)
Superman thinks he was involved in an experiment by one of Gotham's rogues when he was younger and has standard physical powers (strength, speed, endurance, etc) but just at very low levels so they don't stand out but still put him ahead of normal humans in physical capability
Arthur thinks he has a regenerative factor bc no way an ordinary human gets hit like that so much and keeps going
Victor thinks he's some sort of empath and that's how he's able to do detective work so well and come up with such good plans on the fly
J'onn knows Batman is human (for obvious reasons) and declines to contribute to these conversations because "it would spoil all the fun"
Diana also knows (because she's not stupid) but contributes to these conversations not with her own theories but by egging on everybody else's because she loves chaos
Bruce is aware of the situation and hasn't said anything because he's not sure yet if it's more or less beneficial that they think he's a metahuman (though he does wish Diana would stop encouraging Hal's radioactive bat theory)
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littlefankingdom · 2 months
I do not understand fics and posts where Jason time-travels and tries/succeeds to stop himself from being adopted by Bruce or being Robin.
Jason was hurt because he was "replaced" as Bruce's son and as Robin. Why he was mad at Bruce was not for not saving him, not for making him Robin, BUT not killing the Joker. What Jason wanted was a sign that Bruce cares for him AS MUCH AS Jason cares for Bruce. Hurting Tim is not about proving that having kids doing vigilante bs is bad and dangerous, it's about making Tim pays for stealing Jason's dad, it's about making Bruce suffers for not caring enough about Jason's death (in his eyes. Jason doesn't have the full story). And the whole "we are just soldiers to Bruce" is not about how Robin shouldn't exist, it's about how hurt Jason is by Bruce, how he thinks Bruce discarded him like an army does with a soldier when Jason is his son.
But also, and that's a part of the tragedy that makes Jason Todd, his time as Robin and being adopted by Bruce, they are some of the best moments of his life. There are memories that hurts for him to look at because of how happy he was. He would probably not be able to take that away from himself, because that would be so awful. Yes, he suffered from losing it, but is it better to never have lived it? Jason LOVED being Robin, and as much as it hurts, he still loves that he was able to be Robin.
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~ Red Hood and the Outlaws (2011) - Jason's happiest memory is when he was sick and couldn't go out as Robin, and Bruce stayed in with him
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~ Red Hood & Arsenal - Jason hugging an amnesic Bruce, thanking him for "everything" with the implication about making him Robin with their shadows
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~ Robin War - Jason punching a random guy because he believes being Robin helped him
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~ Robin War - Jason talking about being Robin and how it hurts to lose Robin with Tim
Finally, Jason was always someone that values justice. He finds Batman again to explain to him what is happening in Ma Gunn's school because he wants justice. When he thinks Batman doesn't believe him, he decides to work on his own to bring justice. I must laugh if you think Mister "You kill the Joker or I kill the Joker but he must die" would sit back and not become a vigilante while his family is crime fighting. Hell no, he is like all of them, he needs to do something about it. And Bruce will not stop him, whatever age he is. Or the moment Batman is taking too long to come back the the manor, he is sneaking out to find him and kick the ass of anyone who touched his dad (which is what he did in Batman: The Cult. Batman went missing and Jason went to Jim on his own to know about what was going on in the city, and did the detective stuffs alone to find his dad and bring him back.)
Jason may find a way to stop himself from looking for Sheila Haywood, his bio-mother, but he would not stop himself from becoming Robin. He knows being Robin or Bruce's kid isn't what killed him.
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kimberly-spirits13 · 1 year
Batman on Patrol with His S/O
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Batman, the man that does not smile. Ever.
that is until he sees you
even if you're just flipping around or busting skulls, he smiles
It's the one time that he really, really scared Barry and Hal was when you landed next to him and started whispering something in his ear
It was probably something about Clark doing something stupid like falling out of the sky a few feet
Hal and Barry saw you look over at them when you two were talking and they thought they were going to die
Bruce is the most protective soul ever
Will take a bullet for you if necessary
It's probably that you're the one taking the bullet for him
He's so stupid sometimes
he'll be talking to a civilian or busy busting skulls and someone will take aim at him
you jump in front and either push the two of you out of the way or you take the bullet and he's devastated
You had to put yourself in danger because he was being careless and he always vows that he won't do it again but for some reason he does
get it together man
He doesn't want to go on missions without you
He likes to know that you're safe and he also gets lonely on missions
same with patrol, he doesn't like the part of patrol where you two split apart to go do final rounds
anything can happen in those 20 minutes, nothing's off the table
Please talk to him over comms, it makes him feel better
will hard core protest you having to go undercover at any time
He doesn't like the moments where you have to go dark on comms and he thinks that it can be an unnecessary danger
It's the biggest cause of vigilante related fights
Whenever you're at the Watchtower or the regular Justice League building in DC, he's got a hand or hands on you
He definitely is always on guard when he's in a high profile place like that
especially in space like uh hello
so much can go wrong like I'd have serious anxiety up there
no thanks
He likes patrolling and working with you
it's like when you get a really good partner in a school project and can have fun, but get everything done in a timely manner
Alfred is just happy that there's someone there pulling Bruce's head out of his butt
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