It is ectoloader appreciation hours in this house today, my friends.
If anyone has literally anything or thoughts for them at any time, please, this is a gentle invitation to slide things into my inbox or dms or anything- /lh
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winterrose42 · 7 months
Of course the first day this week im not actively dying from whatever cold i picked up is the day work decides its gonna be slow. Not any other day this week when moving was like yeeting a mountain oh noooo
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confetti-critter · 2 years
🎂 but as different kinds of single celled organisms
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need my irl friends to know I don’t expect an immediate text back when I text them so early some of the teenage cows are still sneaking in through their windows
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autismsupersoldier · 8 months
what happens in the changelings route when daniil has to babysit clara (canon) (real) (my dad works at IPL)
transcript under cut. watch on youtube if you wish!
c: ah- wait how old are you
d: wait. guess.
c: thirty six. (wheezing)
d: WHAT??????
c: (wheezing) its a guess-
d: THAT WAS SO FAR OFF!!!!-uhh
c: now why are you yelling at me-
c: huhHEE-HEE! (wheezing)
d: (thru tears) like normally when people play that game they're like "aww" they guess like a little bit younger. was that of the little bit younger guess???
c: yyyeeaah are you like thirty nine-
d: (shriek) WHAAT
c: (losing it)
c: so was i right??
d: NO-hoo!!! [loud sound, interpreted as a gunshot in animation] i'm not in my thirties!
c: ohh. (high pitched) Really?
d: (soft) yeah i'm in my forties
c: ah i knew it (laughing, jokey voice) i was just being nice-
c: oh god-DAMN youre OLD (still laughing)
d: (shrieking) WHAT.
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trafficblr-confessions · 10 months
I hate Abusive!Scott. I hate Abusive!Joel. I hate Abusive!ANY CHARACTER when it's OVERDONE and COMPLETELY LOSES THE CHARACTER IN IT. I am a rancher enjoyer, I love the ranchers, they've permanently changed my brain chemistry-- but goddammit.. I'm so tired of the fics that cast Scott as the abusive ex or fics that make Joel absolutely horrific. It's not even about darkfic. I love me some good, well written darkfic. No, I'm talking about regular ol' fics that completely erase all good in complex characters or completely override them with completely out of character worse traits instead of just working with the traits already there. I understand if you don't like their pairings, don't like their characters, or even don't like some ccs (hell, I plan on sending another confession regarding cc!Scott and my complicated feelings towards him) but jesus CHRIST I'd rather you didn't include them at all if you can't properly characterize them!
(Again, if someone writes darkfic, this is NOT about darkfic. This is about complete demonization of characters in generalized fandom spaces and media)
(Also I just need it out of my system but Joel is so misunderstood I saw someone call him loyaltyless and uncaring and oh my god I swear people don't get it it's so evident they don't watch him or they don't pay attention to him beyond "oh hee hoo mean mean man" OGRES HAVE LAYERS GODDAMMIT)
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trekkerac · 11 days
Tonight my brain said, Forget walking up by falling in a dream, that's OLD and BORING!!!!!!! try having to run after your dogs as rocks and boulders hail down from the sky as a storm comes on, as an aparent apocalypse starts happening around you, you lose your dogs in the storm. then you hear someone cry nearby "what's next, lava?!" and now you're staring at the sky in horror as some fuck of a god does exactly that, the lava falls from the sky in one bulk like a bucket and it doesnt take long before it reaches you- you can hear the screams of pain and anguish of those around you already burning. the heat is intense, so intense your sweat evaporates. The screams grow louder and more gruesome, You have a cold realisation that death is approaching. A very painful death. you close your eyes and start crying like everyone else, you even start praying that this isn't real - oh, wait it isn't. It isn't real. Ha Ha. Hee Hee. Hoo hoo. I snap myself awake and find that i have to calm down my breathing and my heartbeat. I write a tumblr post in frustration.
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Oh boy I’ve been a bit nevous to post this! Here’s a reference for my Cross outfit/design for the post-underverse idea i have rattling around in my brain. I’m working on references for the others y’all have seen as well. I will try to get them up this week, but they’re not entirely done, we’ll see.
Some breakdowns and extras under the cut!
Cross by Jakei95. This is non-canon! I just really love Cross!
Refs for no scarf; the neck of the shirt, lil fastener in the back. Then the scar/eyeliner(?) i give him for later stuff, or fanon stuff to help make him a little more distinct. hee hoo
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He’s so pretty i love him aaaaa
Also god the way my style is actively changing as i figure him out augha im not used to skeletons
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Now that the submissions are closed, were there any funny submissions that topped the previously stated funny submissions?
I might end up publishing the full response list to browse through at your leisure and so that someone else can seek out the hee hoo funny ha has rather than making myself go through all 1522 again, but I would like to highlight a few submissions that stuck with me:
character: Sam Winchester
from: supernatural
why?: oh COME ON. ur gonna make me defend sam fucking winchester as the most character of all time?? he literally has bangs. he died at 23. he died at 26. he died a lot of other times too but those are the most important ones. he's jesus and he's the antichrist and he gets placed on a visual crucifix too many times to count. he's an addict and he's a christian and god is making his life miserable on a personal level. he is wholeheartedly convinced that there are other people who "have it worse" than him (he was tortured by satan for centuries). again he HAS bangs. he's been possessed too many times to ever feel like his body is his own. he's in a constant cycle of being beaten down and KNOWING he shouldn't get back up, and not wanting to get back up, and getting back up anyway like a kicked puppy who thinks maybe this time they won't get kicked. never ever gives up but in a sad and pathetic way that makes u feel vaguely nauseous. he's psychic. he bought a ring for his girlfriend while they were still in college. he went to stanford. he's unclean in the biblical sense but he prays every night. he had a queer allegory arc spanning multiple seasons that people ignore so they can claim he's cishet. he totally fucked a 300-year-old witch while studying under her to become a witch himself. everyone he has ever loved is dead and he knows it's his fault. he spends the first few decades of his life angry -- SO angry -- at everything he's been put through, full of rage at the things he's suffered and the people who caused them. he is punished for this fury, taught to never be angry again, and after a while he just lies down and takes it. he is a serial killer and on the fbi's most wanted list. he uses "low sodium" as an insult. he's a vegetarian. he never drives his father's car. he has demon blood flowing through his veins and his best friend is a literal biblical angel. he's an abomination. he thinks that hope is kind of the whole point. he has BANGS. he killed his brother several times over, and he destroyed the world to bring his brother back to life a few times too. he spent time in a psych ward. he thinks he is terribly hard to love. his mother destroyed his life before he was even born and he still calls her "mama." he died at 23. he was kicked out of the house when he was 18, and then was kicked out of basically everywhere else for the rest of his life. his only family locked him in a panic room and left him to die. he forgave them for that because he doesn't know how to do anything but forgive. he's got bangs. anyway
what do you want?: u KNOW what i want. if my best friend sam doesn't win this bracket i'm crashing my car into the world's tallest and thickest tree
character: jesse pinkman
from: breaking bad
why?: Well.Well. i. so. hes THE character okay he was created in gods eyes only to be sculpted and changed by the wrath of satan (or the other way around). Its jesse pinkman. have you ever watched 5 seasons of a grown man with cancer abusing another grown man in order to support his family who hate him because of the way hes trying to support them (drugdealing)?No? well i need you to and then come back to me. jesses relationship with the aforementioned Grown man with cancer (walter white) is so multidimensional you could refer to jesse as walters affair, student, victim, partner in crime, son figure etc and it would be RIGHT because they are all encompassing and fucked up. and jesse loses everything and he cries and hes so emotional but he PREVAILS. he prevails and he precedes walter and all the toxically masculine men who hated him, who convinced him was less than who he was. and the dog motif!!!!! hes a loyal dog but his owner has been slowly feeding him poison, to break him down slowly, and its killing him so he BITES because it hurts and they all talk about the rabid dog he is, how badly the owner needs to put him down. and then his owner gives him away to much worse men, owners who wont feed him the poison slowly, but will beat and use him relentlessly. and then his old owner is going to die and he knows it and he needs to secured his reputation and put everything in place. he saves the dog and kills the dogs new owners. he BEGS for his dog to kill him, to kill him like he had done to the dog. but this dog is not like any of his owners, hw will never be. so he barks and says that he should do it himself and he RUNS. hes crying and whimpering but hes not getting beaten or poisoned anymore, hes a free dog and its up to him to make his own future without the influence of evil owners. THAT'S jesse Pinkman. hes the bride of heisenburg hes the dog motif and he loves and loves and protects animals and kids because he couldn't protect himself and he wins with tears in his eyes. um also hes trans so ^ hasnt watched this show in like 7 months i have mo idea what im talking about
what do you want?: one billion dollars
who: Victor frankenstein
from: Mary shelley frankenstein
why?: I don't remember anything about this book except for the incredible and relatable line of 'I raveged an oatcake' cos God man me too
what do you want?: An oatcake
who: sphagnum moss
from: real life
why: Love that bitch. They are light and hold moisture well. and they also form peat bogs when they die which is swag
what do you want?: To be turned into a zebra mussel and sleep in a Marimo moss ball and not have to worry about relationships or taxes
who: Guy Montag
from: Fahrenheit 451
why?: he kills his boss with fire which i think is pretty cool and something we can all aspire to. i also want him to be in an online popularity contest because i want ray bradburys head to explode from beyond the grave
what do you want?: prove life after death so i can destroy ray bradbury’s soul
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sagechan · 1 year
Sam Witwer put his whole Maulussy into his voice acting but oh my god every time Maul says even the most innocuous line it's like he can't help acting sooo evil. like "Oh Ezra, my apprentice, my chosen little darksider, have a cookie hoo hee heh haa hoh ha hee"
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mdemn · 9 months
@demonzriti commissioned me to write this little silly fic for @sametrapeni the other day. it’s really just 1,065 words of crack mpreg!sam/paulie.
i’ve never written anything like it, but with the week i’ve been having, it was so refreshing & fun to write! i hope i did the idea justice for you & i hope it can bring a smile to @sametrapeni’s face! they’re lucky for a partner like you!! <33
read & enjoy if that’s your thing! and if it’s not but you have a self-indulgent thing (no matter how silly you think it is!) you’d like for me to write for you, check out my kofi! & my ao3 for writing refs & commission rules! but know there’s really very little i wouldn’t write & can/will do other fandoms!
Paulie walks his fingers over Sam’s tummy, and Sam won’t ever admit it, but it’s the number one thing he’ll miss the most about the pregnancy.
Though lucky for Sam, he doesn’t have to, because Paulie does it for him. “I’ll miss this.” Paulie mutters, flattening his hand to rub over the hard lump where the baby’s resting. “Feelin’ ‘em in here like this. Knownin’ you’re really carryin’ ‘em. Our baby.”
Sam rolls his eyes, fighting the smile tugging at his lips. “I won’t. This shit is for th’ birds.”
Paulie laughs, loud and full, and at this Sam does smile. It’s impossible not to.
“Sam, I—“
Sam cuts Paulie’s words off with a groan, loud and long. He tilts his head back against the headboard and cradles his stomach. He sighs through his teeth, he can almost feel his eye twitching as the pain radiates through his lower back.
“Sam? Sammy? Hey, what’s wr—“
“Shut up, Paulie.” Sam grits out, like every word takes incredible effort.
Paulie’s alarm only grows as he sits up. He looks down at Sam and Sam contemplates punching Paulie right upside the head. Sam has begun to sweat just a little, his thick eyebrows furrowed in concentration. His breathing is labored and concentrated.
“It’s. I think.” Sam takes a deep breath, groaning through the pain again, “Christ. Christ, Paulie. I think it’s time.”
“Time? For what? Sammy, time for what?” Paulie asks, his voice raising in alarm with each question.
Sam looks at him with a flat affect. And again, he considers hitting Paulie.
“Oh, I don’t know, Paulie. Time for some fuckin’ tea and cakes, maybe? Maybe time to go for a light stroll? Maybe time for a shower? Jesus Christ. I think the baby’s coming you fuckin’ dunce!” Sam yells, his eyes slipping back closed, his breathing laboring even more with every breath.
The panic shows on Paulie’s face as he throws the blanket off of them. “What?”
“Paulie. Don’t piss me off.” Sam answers, his voice still on edge.
Another contraction hits Sam and this time he groans loudly, bringing his knees up. He nearly screams, his hand slipping under his shirt to rub at the skin of his taunt stomach. The baby is much lower than it had been previously. And Sam doesn’t know anything about birth or babies and really isn’t sure how they ended up in this predicament in the first place but Jesus Christ this hurts. How did Tommy ever convince Sarah to do this twice?
“Sam. Sammy. You have to breathe. What did Sarah say? Like HEE-HAHH-HEEE-HOO—“
“Paulie. I’m going to fuckin’ shoot you. I swear to God, I will. I swear to fuckin’ God.”
“Sam. That’s not breathin’. Maybe you need to stand? Walk around, right?” Paulie jumps out of bed and puts his hands on his lower back, and starts pacing around, “Like this, right? Sarah did a lot of walkin’ when she had her baby girl. Oh Christ, should we call Sarah? I’m gonna call Sarah.”
“Paulie.” Sam grits again, then groans, another near scream. “Sam!” Paulie rushes to Sam’s side, places his hand on Sam’s shoulder. “Baby? What is it?”
“Sit.” Sam takes another deep breath, “Down.”
Paulie nods, and sits on the edge of the bed, snaking his arm around Sam’s shoulders. He stays still for about another minute, before Sam feels another wave of pain, similar to the first, hit him like a ton of bricks.
He tries not to let on how badly it hurts, but honestly? Getting shot hurt less.
Paulie notices Sam tense and he jumps out of bed again, “I’m callin’ Sarah.” he mutters, mostly to himself, as he nearly sprints out of the room.
Sam had known, realistically, that Sarah would be his midwife. There’s no one he’d trust more. Sarah had two children, and had had them at home, more or less by herself. But the idea of Sarah seeing him like this, in pain, writhing, the idea is mortifying.
However, he doesn’t have time to deal with that, as the pain takes over again.
“Paulie!” Sam shouts, followed by another groan, “Get. In. Here. With. Me.” He forces every word out and in the silence in between words, he can hear Paulie talking, muttering, the scratch of a pen, like he’s taking notes.
“Just a minute, baby. Hold on!” Paulie calls back, then Sam can hear him mutter, “And what else, Sarah? Hurry. What else? Are you sure you can’t be here no sooner?”
Sam is feeling homicidal actually. He thinks it’s time to give into it. He might just kill Paulie before he ever gets to see his big-headed baby.
Sam has just about settled on the fact he’ll be a single father when Paulie comes back with a cup of ice and a small hand towel from the kitchen.
“I’m here, Sammy. I’m here.” he mutters, rushing to the bed.
“Sarah said this will help. Here.” Paulie leans over and puts a damp towel on Sam’s head. It’s ice cold and oddly, supplies immediate relief. Sam hadn’t realized he was so hot.
“She said you can chew on this ice. Don’t know what it’s supposed to do but she swears by it.” Paulie pushes the cup into his hands. “And to take your pants off. Which you know I have no problem with. Heh.” Paulie chuckles and reaches for Sam’s pants.
And the homicidal urge fills Sam again. He grabs Paulie’s wrist, almost spilling his cup of ice, “Don’t. Fuckin’. Touch. Me.” Sam grits, through crunches of the ice.
Paulie laughs, has the audacity to laugh. This causes Sam’s eye to actually twitch.
“Well, had you been sayin’ that 9 months ago, maybe we wouldn’t be in this, huh?”
Sam stares at him. He feels the rage fill in every pore of his body, and he realizes he has to speak, because if left alone with his thoughts for a moment longer, he’d kill Paulie. Truly and honestly.
“Paulie. Get. The. Fuck. Out. Get out!”
“Now c’mon Sammy—“
“Okay, okay!” Paulie laughs, and that beautiful crooked smile doesn’t leave his lips, and Sam is in limbo between wanting to shoot Paulie and to kiss him until they’re both breathless. Which of course makes Sam more upset.
Sam waits for Paulie to be turned around before he starts to strip out of his pants. He loves Paulie. More than life itself, and God, anyone knows that. But Christ.. he hopes their baby doesn’t get his sense of humor.
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sunnydayaoe · 10 months
Oh yeah any new stuff on The Duke?
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Hee hoo thanks for asking LSD, I haven't actually been thinking too much about Duke's story recently, more focused on my other oc's, but wahhh I Miss it. guest starring !! Birch [<-red cloak] but w/ no discernible features cus I Still have no design for him. He's the Duke's. owner? captor? guy who wants to become god and has thus poached a wild angel? take your pick haha
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ultraviolet-ink · 3 months
This is probably more of a lukewarm take but: Phoenix Wright is cagey af and somewhat emotionally repressed. He and Edgeworth are excellent foils on that front: both of them have trouble dealing with their emotions in very opposite ways
Strongly agree | Agree | Neutral | Disagree | Strongly disagree
Oh my god you've read my mind!! I think a lot of fanon portrays Phoenix as a hee hee hoo hoo haa haa funny guy, as a bit of a silly guy, and while he is, a lot of his snark is stuff that he THINKS rather than actually says. I think AJ really captures what it's like to not be Phoenix, to face him in court, and you really see what kind of menace he is! I mean, even in the trilogy when Maya was kidnapped, he was already very cagey about what was going through his mind... we see it a lot in how he reacts towards Edgeworth's disappearance, his whole thing with Iris.... even in AA1, where he is very cagey towards Maya about his true backstory with Edgeworth. While Edgeworth suppresses his emotions, and is very conscious about trying to keep his pain OUT, Phoenix tries to be a hero.. he REPRESSES his emotions, and he may not even be conscious of it
mayhaps Phoenix has some black psychelocks of his own
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spikyspinachstreet · 5 months
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behold, my borrowersona since I already have a kaijusona thingy that I should prolly redesign soon. hee hee hoo. I haven’t posted a drawing in a month oh god.
ANYWAYS imma name him Mango. He likes small parrots and snatching ponkan jelly candies. Dude Has prolly almost gotten caught before because she saw that someone had a pet bird so she just HAD to squarsh it. But it was worth it. God. Imagine how terrifying that would be. You open your bird cage to change their food or something and you just see a tiny little creature aggressively petting it.
I get super unreasonably scared when playing hide and seek on roblox so I feel like realistically if I were a borrower I would be too terrified to move in the shadows and actually snatch stuff…. I’d just be standing outside the entrance doing absolutely nothing like “yay! I’m doing it! I’m borrowing!! :)!!”
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hi, so. i’ve been thinking about your post about me all day. and i am just so curious how you came to be like “oh yeah. that guy’s totally an avatar of the vast. look at him over there.” because i mean you’re not WRONG but just HOW did u notice it.
was it my, for lack of a better phrase, slightly insane tags on posts about the vast??? because there aren’t, like, a ton of posts about it, but the tags are all a little batshit. if it WASN’T that then i’m just baffled and also impressed. i feel weirdly… clocked? i reblogged 1 vast post from u and that was enough???
anyways ur in my head now. very spiral. feel like i’m going a teeny bit mad
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kkoiishii · 11 months
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Hee hee hoo hoo I’m drawing sprites now (and I’m making renard too bc why not)
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