rius-cave · 5 months
Hi, I'm new to this, I do have a question for your prison AU in regards to the other characters like Alastor and Husk, though I don't know if you already answered this or not. Who is in prison, who is NOT in prison, and what are they in prison for? Like from what I see, this is what I predict: Angel Dust is in prison for illegal prostitution(since he most likely was too afraid to rat out Valentino as his pimp he was sent to jail), Husk was arrested for illegal gambling, Alastor was arrested for murder, Niffty arrested for burglary, and Sir Pentious was arrested for smuggling illegal weapons. Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm still new to this AU.
Hello! Welcome!
I HAVE indeed gone into this in the past! If you want the long answers, I suggest you check out my tag "prison au" to get up to speed, but I'll give you a TL;DR :)
Most of the male characters are in prison. This is an all male prison, the ladies are still present one way or another, though!
Nifty is the lunch lady, Charlie visits her dad often and is a law student and aspiring defense attorney. Vaggie is a former cop who is now a private detective, helping out Charlie. Sera is the head judge and also mother of Adam (most likely adoptive). Emily is Adam's sister and also a law student. Lute was Adam's protege and next in command until Adam was arrested.
Angel Dust is in prison because of his mafia family. The details aren't ironed out yet, but something along the lines of taking the fall for something gone wrong (think kinda like Moxxie from Helluva Boss). His 'prostitution' only started once he got in prison, much like how Angel only became a pornstar after he died in canon. He met Valentino in prison too.
Husk is indeed arrested for illegal gambling!
Alastor IS a serial murderer, but he's not in prison for that! His crime isn't yet set in stone, but it's something along the lines of illegal radio broadcast of sensitive information or something like that lol
I think I actually haven't talked about Sir Pentious in this AU, but yup! Probably something to do with possession or distribution of illegal weapons and is just a general disruptor of peace lol
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oskea93 · 3 months
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Tis the Way the Wind Blows, Hummingbird (Intro)
Caleb Sykes x OC Horizon universe
⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Story will contain moments of physical, sexual, emotional, and verbal abuse, cursing, murder, suicidal ideations, childbirth, scalping, death, etc. Please do not read if you are triggered by any of these warnings. If you've seen the film or just read about it online, you already know that Caleb is a bad guy. He will remain a bad guy throughout this story as well. He will not be liked and will be vile in every way. Just a heads up if you were looking for a happy Jamie story.
Author's note: Hello and welcome to my new fic! So, I went and see Horizon (twice now) and I just had to write about everyone's favorite western villain. Jamie was amazing in this film, like he is in all his moves. Caleb is a ruthless asshole and he will stay a ruthless asshole in this story as well. I started off this story in the future - kind of like mid end just to give a small taste of the drama that will soon unfold. The next chapter will show the relationship between Elizabeth and Caleb - spoiler - it will not be pretty...
● If you would like to be tagged, please comment below ● Taglist: @austinswhitewolf, @carriewritesblog, @isla-bell-blog, @jcbbby, @eve18ahs
“You know that he’ll kill you once he finds you – even gets word that you're in these parts.”
I kept my gaze focused on the snowy mountains to the East of us, the warm spring wind flowing through my red locks, carrying with it a sense of both renewal and reckoning. As the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a golden hue over the rugged peaks, I felt a surge of conflicting emotions welling up inside me.
"Maybe that's what I want," I whispered, my eyes connecting with the older man's beside me, his weathered face reflecting wisdom and understanding. "Maybe I want him to find me, to confront me, so I can finally make him feel the pain that he inflicted upon me for all those years."
Grady let out a scoff, his voice rough with years of experience and a hint of skepticism. "You thinkin' that you'll be able to kill that crazy sumbitch? That whole goddamn family is off their rockers, Elizabeth. That boy especially – his eyes are wilder than a banshee."
I let out a sigh, the weight of my words hanging heavy in the air. "I'm not afraid of them anymore, Grady." The truth spilled out, raw and unfiltered, a truth that I had wrestled with for far too many years. "As long as that little girl is nowhere in his sight or the sight of that pack of wolves he calls brothers-" I stopped mid-sentence, a sudden chill running down my spine as our gazes reconnected. "I don't care what happens to me."
The older man stayed silent for a moment, his face betraying a mix of disbelief and concern as my words lingered in the air, heavy with the weight of unspoken truths. "You're just gonna let that little girl grow up without a mama? Have her go to some home and let a bunch of strangers take care of her? I thought you had more sense than that, youngin."
"She ain't gonna be with a stranger, Grady," I insisted, my voice firm with conviction as I met his gaze. His eyebrows creased in confusion, a mix of surprise and uncertainty flickering in his eyes. "If I don't make it back, I want you to raise her just like you rais-"
"No-" Grady interjected, his hands waving in the air as he took a step back, a look of protest on his wrinkled face.
"Grady, listen, please," I implored, closing the distance between us as I followed in his tracks. "You are the only constant in both of our lives. You're the only one I trust with her – she needs you just like I did all those years ago."
His back, hunched over from years of work, moved slowly with each deep breath as he processed my words. "Emily loves you, Grady, and you love her too. At least if I do die, I will die knowing that my daughter will always be protected and loved."
"I'm too old to be carin for a six-year-old child, Elizabeth," Grady retorted, a smirk forming across my face in response to his protest.
"You've been saying that for years, Grady dear," I remarked softly, my hand resting gently on his shoulder. "Pretty sure those were the same words you uttered when I was placed upon your porch many years ago. Looks like you're still here, sir."
His aging body slowly turned around, his eyes glistening with threatening tears, a testament to the emotions churning beneath the surface. "Caleb is a ruthless man, Lizzie," Grady's tone was low, filled with a mixture of concern and a hint of fear. "He's the lowest of the barrel – capable of doing anything to anyone, including his wife and mother to his child."
I gave him a tight smile, my hand squeezing his bicep in a gesture of reassurance and solidarity. "I'll make sure he draws first."
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stylesispunk · 1 year
Chapter 5: Loving You Will Get Me Killed.
Series masterlist | previous chapter | next | masterlist
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Summary: fifteen years ago, amidst the filling of divorce papers and the broken promises of a happily ever after, the world collapsed. Amidst the ruins of cities and the remnants of dreams, Joel's search for his ex-wife began. No matter where he turned, the woman who had once loved him held him captive, a presence he couldn't escape.
word count: 2,9k>
warnings: no use of y/n, angst, fluff,
a/n: Hello, part 5 is here! I lost track of time these days because of the holidays. This chapter ended up being different from my previous plan, but still is what it is, I know is not the best but is written with love. As always, reblogs and comments are really appreciated<3 If you have any questions or feedback, you are always welcome to come here (be kind). Happy reading💌. Also, if you wanna be tagged, tell me<3 AND there is a playlist for this story here. English is not my first language, I swear I'm clever in Spanish
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Joel, Ellie, and Beth found a quiet spot to sit down and talk. The tension in the air had lessened somewhat, and Joel couldn’t help but steal glances at Beth as she observed her surroundings. He was looking for any features of Emily in her. The way she furrowed her brow when deep in thought, the determined glint in her eyes, and even the way she held herself with a certain quiet strength It was as though a part of Emily had been passed down to their daughter.
Ellie noticed Joel's contemplative gaze and leaned in to whisper, "You see it too, don't you?"
Joel didn’t move, his eyes never leaving Beth. "What do I have to see?"
Ellie understood Joel's guarded response. The emotions Joel had tied to Emily were still painful. "I just meant...you’re seeing Emily in her," Ellie said softly, choosing her words with care.
Joel's gaze remained fixed on Beth, who was now lost in thought.
"Yeah," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "Yeah, she does."
Ellie simply nodded in understanding. She had always been perceptive, and with the passing of the days, she was able to pick up on Joel’s unspoken emotions.
"It's a lot to take in," Ellie said softly. "But maybe it's a chance for you to make things right, Joel. To help Beth and Emily be together again."
Joel didn't respond immediately. Instead, he continued stealing glances at Beth, as if trying to figure out something unknown to Ellie.
Ellie watched Joel closely, a frown on his eyebrows as he continued looking at Beth. She couldn't help but notice the similar frown on Beth's face as she returned his gaze. However, Ellie's curiosity got the better of her. She couldn't help but wonder what happened to Emily when she found out she was expecting, and she couldn’t help but wonder who Beth’s father was. Ellie's curiosity got the better of her.
"Beth? How old are you?" Ellie asked
Beth responded to Ellie's question, "I'm fourteen; why?"
Ellie exchanged a knowing glance with Joel, their unspoken thoughts left there hanging in the air.
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As Emily moved through the desolate landscape, she couldn’t help but reflect on the past. She remembered the old good days when her biggest complaint was getting up for work, when she lived instead of surviving, and when she had a family to come home to. Those days were just scenes of a film she couldn’t enjoy anymore.
Emily had never stopped loving Joel, and the pain of their separation had never truly faded. It was a wound that had festered over the years—a constant ache in her heart. But now, with his reappearance and the reasons he had brought into her life once again, Emily couldn't help but wonder if there was a chance for redemption.
She remembered the day her marriage definitely ended and how, a week later, the world went into chaos. She was frightened, not just for herself but for the tiny baby growing inside her. Back then, she didn’t have any family besides Joel, Sarah, and Tommy, and now, fifteen years apart, she finds herself still without a family, except for the daughter she wasn’t willing to lose.
With each step she took, Emily couldn't shake the feeling that time was running out and that the choices she made in the days to come would determine the fate of not only her daughter but also the remnants of her own humanity.
For that reason, she found herself back in the place she had escaped from years ago—the place that stole her humanity for the first time. Emily's footsteps echoed in the eerie silence as she cautiously made her way through the familiar but now haunting corridors.
She couldn't help but remember the screams, the fear, and the desperation that had filled these very halls years ago when she decided to escape with her daughter attached to her hip.
This place had been a crucible that had tested the limits of her humanity and morality for the first time.
So once the door was opened for her, the figure emerging was her once-savior.
"Where is Joel Miller?" Mark demanded, his voice dripping with menace. He was a man who inflicted untold horrors on those who crossed his path.
Emily fought to keep her composure. She knew that she had to tread carefully, for both her sake and her daughter's. "Not here," she replied, her voice steady despite
"I remember telling you not to come back without that man."
"Things change," Emily responded; she had come too far to simply bow down to Mark's demands.
Mark's eyes narrowed further. "You were always a thorn in my side, Emily," he hissed. "But I have ways of making you cooperate."
"You know? Actually, I was with him," Emily continued, ignoring Mark’s words, her defiance rising. She knew that Mark wouldn't be satisfied with her answers. He was a predator, and he smelled blood in the water. "And I told him about you."
Mark's eyes narrowed, his smile fading into a scowl. He took a step closer to Emily, and she could feel his spiteful breath on her face. "You always were a clever one, Emily. Don’t you tell me you were foolish enough to fall for him again?"
Emily's eyes have widened. "What do you mean again?"
Mark's scowl deepened as he stared at Emily, his eyes cold. "You thought I wouldn't find out, didn't you?" he sneered. "You thought you could hide all those pictures from me?"
Emily's heart raced as she tried to decipher Mark's words. She had no idea what he was talking about. "I don't know what you mean," she replied cautiously.
Mark took another step closer, his voice low and threatening. "I know you and him were married."
Mark's laughter was cold and cruel. "You really are a fool, Emily. I bet you told him about me. Did you honestly believe he would forgive you? That he would welcome you back with open arms and protect you?"
Emily's heart sank as the truth of Mark's words began to dawn on her; he was using that knowledge to manipulate her.
"I won't let you use him against me," Emily said, her voice firm. She couldn't allow Mark to control her like this and exploit her vulnerabilities.
Mark's smile returned, but it was even more sinister than before. "Oh, Emily," he said, his voice dripping with malice. "You don't have a choice." He paused "I want that fucker dead."
"Why?" she dared to ask.
"Why?" Emily dared to ask, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and anger.
Mark's smile twisted into a bitter expression. "Because he's the reason I became what you called a monster," he hissed. "He killed my people, and he killed my brother."
Emily's heart sank further as the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place.
"I want him dead, and you're going to help me find him." He said it coldly.
"I won't lead you to him." She said, "You don’t dare put a price on your brother’s life when you have done horrible things to people."
Mark's jaw clenched as he glared at Emily, his anger simmering just beneath the surface. "You're making a grave mistake, Emily," he warned. "You'll regret this."
"Cut your bullshit," she spitted. "I came here for my daughter, and I will be out of here with her."
"And who is going to let you?"
"I’m not asking for permission."
Mark's eyes bore into Emily's, his expression hardening. "You think you can just take Beth and walk away?
She didn't hesitate; she swiftly took action. With a quick, calculated movement, she drove her knife into Mark's leg, causing him to cry out in pain.
"I'll do whatever it takes to protect my daughter," she stated defiantly, her eyes locked onto Mark's. "And I won't let you or anyone else stand in my way."
Mark winced in pain as Emily's knife bit into his leg, a sharp cry escaping his lips. He staggered back, clutching his injured leg, his face twisted in agony. The sudden turn of events had caught him off guard, and for the first time, he seemed vulnerable in front of her.
Emily didn't waste a moment. Fearless and with determination, she turned towards the exit, leaving Mark squirming in pain on the ground. She knew that she had just made him angrier, but she also knew that she had no other choice. Her daughter's safety was her focus.
Emily disappeared into the shadows, moving on the sly through the halls of the place, carefully not to be seen by any of Mark’s minions. Her heart was pounding as she heard the footsteps of some people. She knew that she couldn't take on a group of armed men alone, but she also couldn't afford to be captured by them. Beth's safety depended on her.
In the dim light, she spotted a door to her left. With a burst of adrenaline-fueled strength, she shoved it open and slipped inside just as one of the men reached the corridor.
Inside the room, Emily found herself in what looked like an old storage area. Boxes and debris were scattered around, providing some cover. She crouched behind a stack of boxes, breathing heavily, with her senses alert.
The footsteps grew louder as people entered the room. Emily's heart raced as she tried to devise a plan. She knew she had to take them by surprise.
One man walked closer to her hiding spot, and Emily took her chance. With a swift movement, she lunged at him, blowing to his throat and covering her shirt in blood. The man gasped for air, stumbling backwards and falling into the boxes.
The noise alerted the other people, and they turned their attention toward Emily. She knew she had to act quickly. She swung her knife with all her strength, striking another member in the side of the head, sending him sprawling to the ground.
But the odds were against her. The rest of the men closed her in, their expressions filled with anger and hatred towards her. However, Emily fought with every ounce of strength and skill she had, landing punches and kicks, desperately trying to hold them off, with some of the kicks landing on her.
But just as it seemed like she might give up, a sudden noise from outside the building and the alarm sound distracted the men. Emily took advantage of the momentary confusion and darted toward the nearest exit.
She burst out of the room and into the corridor, her heart pounding. She knew she couldn't stay in the building any longer. With the pursuit still on her tail, Emily fled into the darkness, determined to find Beth, get her out of here, and find Joel and Ellie to keep her promise to her.
She watched in horror as the infected drew nearer, their horrible forms illuminated by the faint light. Emily's grip tightened on her weapon, her fingers trembling with adrenaline running throughout her body. With each step the infected took, her determination grew. She had lost so much in this world, and she couldn't bear to lose Beth as well.
With a deep breath, she stepped into the fray, her weapon swinging with deadly precision. The infected fell, and the darkness was her ally, cloaking her movements. Emily paused for a moment to catch her breath. Her heart was pounding against her chest when a strong hand suddenly clamped over her mouth from behind. Her eyes widened with shock and fear, and she instinctively tried to scream but was muffled by the firm grip. She squirmed against the person for a moment before realizing the hand belonged to someone she knew.
"Easy there," he whispered in her ear, his voice low and soothing. "It's me." Joel slowly removed his hand from Emily's mouth; his eyes locked onto hers with relief.
She looked at him, her eyes wide with disbelief as she met his gaze. He came back for her. For her, it symbolized the possibility of healing old wounds and rekindling a love that had never truly died.
"We need to go," Joel whispered, his voice low and serious.
"No without Beth," she said, and she didn’t move.
"Beth is fine." He reassured her, "She is with Ellie."
Emily's heart skipped a beat at the mention of Beth's name. Relief and worry battled within her as she tried to process the information. "Is she with you?"
Joel nodded. "Yeah, they're safe for now."
Without speaking a word, they pressed on through the dark corridors, their footsteps echoing faintly as they moved deeper into the unknown as many times as possible.
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After what felt like hours of battle, they finally put enough distance between themselves and the threat. Emily signaled for them to stop, and they both crouched behind a decaying building, chests heaving as they caught their breath.
Joel's eyes never left Emily's as they rested there. "Hey, are you okay?" Joel asked
Emily just nodded. "Joel," she began, her voice barely above a whisper, "I need you to know why I did what I did. It wasn't just about revenge or anger."
"Shh. We can talk about it later." His concern for Emily was evident in his eyes as he helped her to her feet.
He gently cupped her face with his calloused hands, his gaze penetrating deep into her bright eyes. It was a silent moment, filled with unspoken emotions that had been buried for far too long.
Emily met his gaze, her own eyes reflecting a complex mix of remorse, regret, and a glimmer of hope. She didn't know what the future held, but she was determined to make amends.
"Joel, why did you come back for me?" Emily asked, her voice soft.
Joel's thumb brushed against her cheek as he continued to hold her face gently. His eyes softened, and for a moment, it seemed like the weight of their past was lifted, if only temporarily.
"We need to go," he said, ignoring her question.
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The moment Joel pushed open the creaking door of the rusty motel, the tension seemed to disappear. Beth's eyes widened as she saw her mother emerging, and her voice caught in her throat.
Emily rushed forward, tears welling up in her eyes, and she enveloped Beth in a tight, desperate hug. It was a reunion she desperately wanted to happen. Mother and daughter clung to each other as if trying to make up for all the lost time.
Ellie and Joel watched the scene unfold with warmth. He felt Ellie's gaze on him, and he met her knowing look with a subtle nod, acknowledging the unspoken truth that hung in the air. There was no denying the resemblance between Beth and himself.
Emily had returned from his past once again, and the time for his questions and her answers was coming.
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Later at night, as Emily took off her blouse to check on her ribs. The creak of the door swinging open startled Emily as she was examining the bruises on her side. She quickly covered up, turning towards the entrance. Her heart raced as she met the eyes of Joel.
Joel stood there in the doorway, his gaze locked onto Emily. He couldn't help but steal a fleeting glance at Emily as he entered the room. Despite the fifteen years that had passed, she still owned the same familiar features on her body, the same that once captivated his heart. Her presence brought a rush of memories and emotions he had long buried.
However, his gaze quickly shifted to a sizable bruise on her right side, just below the edge of her bra. Concern etched across his face as he stepped closer, his calloused fingers gently pressing against the discolored skin. He couldn't help but feel a surge of protectiveness over Emily.
"What happened here?" Joel asked as his fingers gently pressed against her ribs.
Joel's touch, after all those years apart, felt both familiar and foreign to Emily. It was as if a wave of memories rushed over her, leaving her feeling vulnerable and exposed. Her skin tingled under his calloused fingers, and she couldn't help but feel a nervous flutter blooming in her chest.
Emily had spent so long trying to keep her guard up, to protect herself from the pain of the past, that having Joel's hands on her now, so gentle and concerned, made her feel like she was a delicate flower. And despite her nervousness, there was comfort in his touch, a longing to be close to him.
"One of those fuckers," Emily replied once she found her voice again.
"Does it hurt?" Joel asked, genuine worry etched into his features.
Emily simply nodded, acknowledging the discomfort and pain that were getting settled on now since the adrenaline had left her body.
Joel's touch was surprisingly gentle as he examined the bruise. His fingers traced the discolored skin, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of protectiveness over Emily.
"You should slow down a little bit," he said, his voice laced with worry. "I don't want it to get worse."
They locked their eyes, and in that unspoken moment, years of silence seemed to melt away. She was 27 again, and he was 32, and nothing wrong had happened to them.
Joel pressed his forehead against hers. A shared breath held between Emily and Joel existed in a space beyond words. It was a moment of connection, of memories, and of regrets from the past that separated them.
Joel's thumb gently brushed against Emily's cheek, wiping away a stray tear that had escaped. "We've got a lot to talk about," he whispered, his voice a mere breath away from hers.
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a/n: Okay so there was some tension and you had some answers. The next chapter will be more focused on that btw.
Tags 💌: @joeldjarin @catchallfangirl @phoebe13 @fatima-mar
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diamondzoey · 3 months
*Kicks open the door* hello bug army there’s some questions and scenarios!
A/n: I gonna do more questions for the another listener army’s
1. Bloodmoon Au
How did they come to the swamp and meet the others?
2. Modern bug Au
What’s their favorite hobby? (I don’t know if I asked this)
3. Scenarios #1
Your bug and jemma were talking about something and hears the door knock and jemma goes to open the door and sees her cousin Emily and her uncle Liam (her aunt’s husband and Emily’s father)
Jemma: oh hello Emily it’s nice to see you again *Than looks at Liam* oh you must be my uncle I’m jemma *Raises her hand so he can shake it*
Liam looks at her with unread expression on his face and doesn’t shake her hand: hey it’s nice to meet you too I guess
Jemma looks confused but ignores it and invites them in and introduces them to bug name: I’ll be right back I’m gonna get something for Emily to do *Walks to another room*
Liam who’s sitting down next to your bug: So that’s jemma huh she’s a half demon right?
Your bug: yeah why?
Liam: well who would want to be friends with a demon hybrid especially with that unique purple hair and horns, I mean if she would be in a family picture she would stick out like a sore thumb
How would your bug react or say?
4. Pirate bug Au!
What kind of sea shanties would the bugs sing?
5. Scenarios #2
Modern bug Au!
All of the bugs were asleep and than hears a window break and a frying pan hitting and they go to see what it is and sees jemma in the living room with frying pan in her hands and an a intruder knocked out on the floor
One of bugs: you okay jem?
Jemma: yeah am okay
Bodie: so what do we do with this intruder?
Jemma: we can hide the body or tie him up
@willowve01 @rozeliyawashereyall @rustycopper4use @wilderrorcard @lunnats @littlesiren79 @lightdragon789 @lunaritychuwolf @aspenm00n @astralbulldragon13 @strayharmony943 @stxph-artist @asmrbrainrot @keyaartz @idontevenknow7878 @itsargyle @not-5-rats @pinkcocopuff-aqualoid @puffin-smoke @kaiamtt @fangsshadow @fennaboysenberry @piffany666 @ccstiles @castbracelet240 @tiefling-chaos @fruity0salad @aces-oceans @iistxrmyskyii @insignificant-anarchy @headstrashdump (welcome to the army)
A/n: wow that’s a lot of tags and if I forget anyone let me know
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that-starry-freak · 2 months
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Hello!!! I'm Echo, or Starry I don't mind! I am just a silly little guy here on Tumblr thinking about my silly guys and studying them! Don't mind me!
I have a side blog for my current main hyperfixation, for now being my Tsams side blog! Go check that out if you are interested in my Tsams content: @dont-hug-me-im-hyperfixating
DISCLAIMER: not all my art is Tsams/tsbs!! I draw a lot of Fnaf sb dca things, and ship Sun x Moon outside of the tsams fandom! I do not ship incest, and any of the ships you see will never be in the context of them being siblings!
Tags and Aus vvv
My Tags!
#art - this may be shocking, but its my art
#traditional art - my art, but its ~traditional~
#Astro Rants - chat I yap a lot
#oc stuff - its in the title hon
My Aus! (Needs to be updated and changed but I dont wanna)
Mind over Matter au: You've known about fazbear ever since you were 3. You grew up with it, and started working there pretty early on. Now you're moving to their newest location, The Mega Pizzaplex. But you have ulterior motives, and you arnt just there to be a security guard.
You're told to stay out of the daycare, but you've never really cared about what Fazbear tells you to do. You meet the daycare attendant, and when the lights turn off, you have to think quick on your feet. But you end up taming and saving the viruses Moon, and start to slowly get closer to the prickly Sun. While slowly working on your own, personal and more important mission (left vague because I hope to write this story, so I'll keep the twist a suprise <3)
Tag - #MoM au
Rockstars and Romance: In a world with soulmate marks, its unsurprising that everyone wants to know what the back of your's looks like. You however wear a pair of gloves to hide the marks, not needing people claiming to be your soulmate. But when your manager Mr. Emily says you'll be working with Sun and Moon, two robot rockstars that work under the same manager as your rival Vanny, you begin to have sneaking suspicions of who they're for.
Sun and Moon were never made to be rockstars, they were created for the circus. But when fazbear decides to rebrand, they were the only robots that were spruced up and forced to sing. They enjoy it for the most part, but marks began showing up on their hands. They paint over them, but every time they wake up, it's there again. They can tell one set is supposed to be each other, the sun and moon marks were obvious, but the two red stars were not so much. They assume they were meant to represent their dead ex, but when they meet Red, they begin to have other theories.
Tag - #Rsr au
Companion: Sun was always very, very stressed. So they made him a companion: Moon. Thats it, that's the au.
Tag - #cau
The Dying Sun's Protostar au: When Eclipse (v2) died, the star wasn't destroyed with him. So Moon brought it back to his universe and hid it. Things went on as normal, and soon they forgot about it. But when Solar died, Moon was desperate to get him back. He attempted to use magic to use his lingering energy and revive him, but it didn't work. Instead, the star absorbed his eccense and became sentient. Leaving Moon, and the rest of the celestial family, to raise a small powerful semi-animatronic child named Star. Also Moon changed his name to Nexus to distinguish himself from Old Moon, not wanting to keep being compared to someone who he wasnt.
Tag - #tdsp au
Ask Blog
Relocation au: Eclipse (v4) secretly went to a universe with a lord Eclipse with the help of Spanard, convincing his Servant Sun to go against him and steal the star. He brought his family back, and they all thanked Eclipse. He went there every once and awhile, because it felt nice to have people care about him. Sure, Earth in his universe did, but that was about it. But when Nexus went insane trying to bring Solar back, he succeeded in killing his family. All but Eclipse. He attempted to go after him, but Eclipse ran to the universe he had helped before, bringing Spanard with him, now living with the ex servant Sun's family.
Tag - #relo au
Rather than a Widow au: The Lamb didnt remember his own name at this point, so used to being called "The Lamb". They were so stressed with the cult at this point, but there was one good thing: they were married to Narinder, their God. However, when Narinder betrayed the Lamb and asked them to die permanently for his release, they refused. They fought, and the Lamb won. They let him live, but they're divorced. The Lamb is exhausted now, tired of their stupid cult members and their ex now living in their cult. Narinder is still in love with them, but The Lamb really doesn't want to marry him again. Guess we've got a lovers to enemies to lovers slowburn
Tag - #RtaW au
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justalilpearlie · 2 months
!! Intro !! (updated)
Hello everyone, my name is PearlescentMoon
Hihi! I'm Pearl! Magic is quite a fine name aswell. Although I'm a man of many names ;)
I am a minor, my gender labels are gendervoid verinix, tho I also ID as bigender and ftm (fem presenting tho! not transmasc, just trans man)! I'm queer, leaning on mlm, tho I also like girls here and there.
I go by He/Xe. I can She/Her myself + close friends/mutuals are allowed, but refrain from doing so without explicit permision please. (I also use neos: Void/Moon/Sweet/It/Fluff/Love/Fizz/Paw)
I'm from Argentina, born and raised, never moved. Speak fluent english and spanish.
I'm autistic and I have ADHD aswell as BPD and a few other things I wont list right now! But yeah I'm psychotic (ooo scary word.. lmao)
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I'm an IRL of many, mainly c!Pearl (mcyt), c!Magic(outsmp+psmp), Samuel Emily (fnaf [games canon]) and Shin Tsukimi (yttd). If you don't like it you can leave, block me, or whatever, cause you aint gonna change my life or how I am. I'm in therapy, which unlike random hate and harrassment online, does help me :)
I like to stream, roleplay, draw, sometimes make playlists or moodboards.. And my biggest interests right now are the Outsiders SMP, The Hatchetfield Musicals, Life Series and Empires 1.
I use kin tags for reach cause I'd love interaction from any mediamates!! Specially from Outsiders <3
Fictionkins, therians and traumagenic systems all welcome!
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DNI prefferably:
- Basic DNI criteria (proshippers, homophobes, transphobes, racists, TERFs, ableist, etc)
- Endos/non-traumagenic "systems" DNI. block me if u want, i wont argue abt it in the comments/reblogs. or interact if u want but im not gonna follow u back or anythin shrugs.
- reality checkers or anti-IRLs DNI. I aint "romanticizing" shit, I'm existing and living my life, if thats a problem to you too bad cause my psychologist aproves of what I'm doing, since I aint harming anyone and I myself am doing dandy.
- anti-kin also DNI cause most of my friends are fictionkins and if you talk shit abt my fellas idk i wouldnt like having u around much
CCs I'd rather if you didn't interact, but if you shall do so anyways, do so at your own risk, you've been warned. /lh
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- I talk about MajorMoon (Scott x Pearl) a LOT, if u didnt notice by the acc theme. These are my romantic memories, its a gay ship, not woman/gay man, so if it makes u uncomfortable or u hate it or whatever then ur probably not gonna like my content lmao. COUGH, consider joining us if you do like what you see... /nf We're a small comunity of supporters.. just me.. and a few of my peeps... that was a joke, sir. /ref
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- This isn't roleplay, its my main acc where im ""unapologetically"" myself, but if u do wanna rp outsiders/life series/empires/fnaf u can always shoot me a dm and maybe I'll give u my discord.
- I talk about myself (c!Pearl) using 3rd person in many posts tagged with main fandom tags. This is to cause less confusion to casual fans slash ""normies"" (lhj) that well.. don't know what IRLs are! Also that way I feel safer and don't have to worry as much abt getting harassed and such for my identity.
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Special People Mentions!! fps = * (1 or more.. wouldnt say in a priority sorta order but. more or less yea)
Family! <3 🌼 @pehpurr* SISTER!! YOU'RE AMAZING, DAISY. SO SO GREAT. YOUR ART IS INCREDIBLE, YOU ARE SO PASSIONATE ABOUT EVERYTHING YOU DO, YOU ARE SO VERY CARING FOR OTHERS, SO KIND AND TALENTED, A GREAT WRITER AND THE BEST BEST SISTER I COULD EVER ASK FOR!! Scar, you changed my life, you were there for me when I needed you the most, I know you ALWAYS have my back. You're kind to me even when the world isn't, and know that even if we fight or if you do things I disagree with (ehem forgiving too much ppl /lht), I will never leave you, and I will never stop coming after you. I love you, Kanna. You're the best Peeps, keep it up, for you're a beacon of hope in everyone's lives. I'm so proud. ♡ ⚙️ @gentlexmadman DAD!! I FREAKING LOVE YOU DAD OMG!! I am SO very happy we got to spend our first fathers day together even if just a little, you made this the first year I was actually happy to celebrate it, looking forward to it and making a gift of my own :) Im so so happy to have you in my life. You are, likewise to Pepper, an AMAZING artist, so much detail, just so awesome in general. I love hearing all your silly stories about work and the people you know, old man. Thank you for being with me, papá, I never thought I'd actually find you again. Thank you so so very much. ♡
🐸 @bigb-enthusiast SIBLING!! MY SIBLING IN ZAYA OH MY GOODNESS IS THAT USER BIGB ENTHUSIAST?? YES IT SURE IS!! Bro I could listen to ur analysis and rambles til the end of the world u got the best ideas ever wtf!!?? Ur very freakin insane but also ur my best buddy, my nosey neighbor for life!! I appreciate u a lot, Bee, my favorite insane asylum escapee ♡
Simply special <3 ☕ @insomniac-coffeehouse** You're all simply so very special to me. I love every second we spend together. I love seeing yall thrive. I love your insane yet endearing behavior. You might be a bit unhinged sometimes, and admittedly not the healthiest person when it comes to your schedules, but I'm just so proud of everything you create and accomplish. I hope you get to accomplish all your dreams, and I hope I can be here to see that happen, if you let me :)! For many years more, cause I'm just oh so glad I met you. You spark joy in my brain and my heart <3 From the bottom of my heart, I'm in love with the hope you bring to this world. 🍊 Jack***, Oh my dearest, where do I even begin with you, sport... you trully are my soulmate, my other half... mi media naranja, if you will, heh.. Every second I get to spend with you is like heaven, no matter whats going on, I know everything will be alright cause I have you. You mean absolutely everything to me, my Hero, I know you'll always be there for me. You are the sweetest man I've ever met, and I'm so proud of the person you've become. If I had to choose between you or the world I'd choose you 10 times over, and I can say surely, that you'd do the same. I love every single detail about you, thank you for being so patient with me, you're wonderful, cielo. I love your voice, I love your eyes, I love your smile, your laughter. I love your use of words, the way you speak, your humor, your seriousness and stupidness. You stiff fuck, you were made for me and I was made for you, and I wouldn't have it any other way. You're my everything, mi vida, mi luz, mi estrella. Mi amor, mi mundo. ♡
Friends! 🏜️ @thecranewivesrpf My right hand man!! OMG we havent talked in a WHILE but ILYSM !!! MY SECOND IN COMMAND IN THE MAJORMOON SERVER FRFR!! WE SHOULD TALK AGAIN, I MISS U POOKIE </3
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Badges I've earned:
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(More TBA)
That's it for now folks, love yall and see you around!
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shedoessoshedoes · 1 year
nobody loves me like you love me
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Hi hello and welcome to me trying to write about a new ship in a new fandom 😱😱😱😱😱 it's really scary guys. This one's for Book Lovers by Emily Henry because I'm a slut for Charlie Lastra and for engagements. I hope you like it :) Tell me if you do!
wc: 2,753
tw: nsfw
tagging: no one yet bc idk who likes these books eep 🫣
The party’s almost over when Charlie pulls me aside. It was a raging success, celebrating the release of Frigid, Tala’s birthday, and Goode Books’s upswing all at once. Charlie and I flew into Asheville two days ago and are staying for another three; even though our lives are planted firmly in New York, our family is here, in Sunshine Falls, and there’s only so long I can go without seeing Libby, Brendan, and the girls and Charlie can go without seeing his parents. It’s still strange to wake up in a New York that Libby does not inhabit, but the transition was easier than I anticipated. My new job at Loggia helped, distracting me with a heap of manuscripts and a learning curve even a shark struggled to keep up with. When Charlie came back, he helped me, too, holding me when I’d break down after a call with Libby left me feeling a little too empty, taking me to get Thai when I felt like I had no one left for me in the city, and reminding me every day in that Charlie Lastra way of his that it was okay to make choices that are the best for me, not just best for everyone else. “Stephens,” he told me  frequently, “you don’t compromise on anything else. You negotiated this ending for yourself. Enjoy it.” 
I look over to him now, our hands intertwined as we wander through the meadow behind the cabin, where we’re staying for this trip (Charlie graduated from his racecar bed and although we love Libby’s Number Three, neither of us were interested in being up all night with the baby at her house) his capsule wardrobe looking as perfectly polished as ever, even in the June heat. He catches me looking and smiles the smile I love the most, the one that tells me he has a secret tucked up into the corner. “What?” he asks. 
“You know that these shoes aren’t made to go frolicking through a field, Charlie.” I tell him. “I’m planning a way to extract revenge.”
“Stephens, if you feel the same way at the end of this frolic, I’ll let you extract whatever revenge you’d like.” 
I mock gasp. “You’d let me publish Bigfoot erotica under your name?” 
He laughs, shakes his head, and looks over to me. “Yes, Nora Stephens. If you still hate me for taking you on this frolic by the time its over, I’ll let you publish whatever erotica you want. 
“You’re just saying that because Bigfoot secretly gets you off, aren’t you?” 
“Of course,” he tells me with mock seriousness. “There’s nothing sexier than Bigfoot and his big—” 
I slap my hand over his mouth as he laughs. “Don’t you finish that sentence, Charlie Lastra. You’ll damage my ego. I’m supposed to be the sexiest one in your life.” 
His eyes soften, and he does look serious now. “You are, Nora. You’re the most everything in my life.” 
I look away, fighting back tears. It turns out, after a decade of never crying, it’s hard to turn the waterworks off. I get emotional at everything now, from animal commercials (fucking stop laughing, Charlie, the cats are being abused), to the endings of new books (I still love the ones with realistic endings the best, but now I understand why Libby and Mom found them so hard to read), to Charlie Lastra making comments about Bigfoot erotica that somehow feel like so much more. 
We come up to the cabin and Charlie pulls me up to stand on the porch. “Do you remember the first time you saw me in this town? How much you hated me?” 
I laugh, nodding. “I didn’t believe it was actually you at first. I was convinced there must be some Charlie Lastra doppelganger, here to make my life miserable. I didn’t believe you would ever come here willingly.” 
“To be fair, I didn’t come here willingly. I was held against my will and without takeout for months, Nora.” 
I roll my eyes at him. “You know you would drop everything for your family the second they need something again.” 
He hums in agreement. “I think about those first few weeks we were here sometimes. How lucky we are that we ended up in the same room at the same time. How lucky we are that our families love us enough to let us negotiate a happy ending.” 
I understand, suddenly, what is about to happen. The breath punches out of me, and even though I knew this was coming, know what I’m going to say (even if I have to figure out a way to return the ring if it’s horrifyingly ugly), I’m suddenly so nervous that I start to shake. “Charlie,” I whisper. 
He smiles at me. “Nora,” he whispers right back. “Good?” he asks. 
“I think so,” I tell him, voice, body, soul trembling. 
“Good,” he tells me. “Ready?” 
I nod, the words already failing me. Feelings like this cannot be categorized. They cannot be put into boxes. Feelings like this balloon out and over every part of me until I’m consumed, until I feel them from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. 
“You’re perfect for me, Stephens,” he starts. “I think you already know that, but I want to tell you again. I love your nightmare brain. I love your nightmare body. I love your impractical shoes and your fancy underwear and your hour-long skincare routine.” 
“That skincare routine brings me a lot of joy,” I tell him through the tears that are already starting to fall. 
“I know. That’s why I love it. I love all the things you do to bring yourself joy. You spent so much of your life making sure everyone else was happy, Nora, and I’m so fucking proud that you’re able to make decisions now that make you happy. I love that I make you happy. I love your Peloton, and the bodega we go to every Saturday to get bagels, and I love that you wouldn’t leave New York for anything. 
“I love that I’m the only one that understands that you’re harsh because you care. I love that I can tell you things in my horrible, sarcastic way, and you’ll understand exactly what I mean. I love our apartment, and I love being in it with you every day. I love sitting next to you and neither of us talking, because we’re working, or reading, or just being, because we understand each other well enough to know that sometimes less words are more powerful than more.
“But mostly, Nora, I just love you. And I really would like to spend the rest of my life with you. I might want it even more than I want to move out of my racecar bed into Libby’s guest room.” 
“I knew you were just using me for my connections,” I say. He tilts one corner of his mouth up and gets down on one knee. 
“Charlie,” I gasp out, incapable of anything else, as he pulls out a small box. 
“I love you so much I even know that you want to pick out your own ring. So forgive me for offering you an empty box, but please, Nora Stephens, marry me. Let me spend the rest of my life contributing to our DINK lifestyle. Let me be easy for you in the best way possible. Marry me, Nora.” 
I crash to the floor onto my knees so we’re at the same height, cradle his face in my hands, and laugh through my tears. “Yes.” I tell him. “Yes. Yes. Yes.” 
“Yes?” he asks, as though he can’t quite believe this is real. 
“Yes,” I say to him again. “Yes, I love you, thank you for not making me wear an ugly piece of jewelry, yes, yes, yes.” I pull him to me, kissing him, but we’re both laughing too hard to kiss properly, so it’s more of us smiling against each other, foreheads pressed together, every piece of our bodies fitting together. 
Charlie pulls me on top of him so he’s laying on the porch. “Thank God you said yes. I still had a niggling worry that you were going to leave me for Shepherd.” 
“Charlie Lastra!” I exclaim. “How dare you think for a second that I would pick the hot small town farmer over the overworked city executive who has no life because, and I quote, ‘There’s always something too good to read.’” 
He rolls us so I’m laying underneath him. “Well, when you put it that way…” He kisses me again, long and slow and deep, and fuck, I’m so gone for this man. 
I break away, laughing. “Holy shit. We’re going to get married.” 
“I know,” he says, smiling wickedly. “How early is too early to start telling people my wife is a hot, kick-ass editor whose books crack the New York Times bestselling list every time they release?” 
“Mmm, you can brag about me anytime you’d like.” I reach up to kiss him, twining my fingers through his hair. “Mr. Lastra-Stephens.” He nearly chokes, and I pull back, searching his eyes. “Sorry, I know we haven’t talked about names, but–” 
“Shut the fuck up. Of fucking course I’m going to take your name. Fuck the patriarchy and all that. It’s just–” he rolls his hips into mine and I groan. “Really fucking hot to hear you talk like that. Excuse me for reacting.” He kisses my forehead, my cheek, my neck, and then looks back up at me. “Mrs. Lastra-Stephens. Or Stephens-Lastra. Whichever. Whatever. I don’t fucking care.” 
“Lastra-Stephens,” I decide. “It’s alphabetical.” 
He groans. “You really are my perfect woman.”
“I can’t believe you didn’t get me a ring.” I tell him as he rolls off of me so I’m pressed up against his side, my head resting on his shoulder. We’re still on the porch.
He looks down at me, quizzical. “Did you want me to?” 
“No.  I just thought,” I shrug. “You’d think it was weird I wanted to pick it out myself.” 
“Nora. You forget how well I know you. You forget how similar we are. I would want to pick out a piece of jewelry I’m going to wear for the rest of my life, too.” He kisses my hair. “But for the record, I would’ve picked a really good ring.” 
“Oh, yeah? What would it have looked like?” 
“Expensive. Classic. Hot. I’d just find one that reminds me of you, honestly.” 
I laugh, press a kiss to his shoulder. “I’ll let you have input when we pick one in the city, then.” 
“Good.” He leans down to kiss me, then, and this time, there’s more intention behind it. His tongue brushes against mine, and then I’m on top of him, pressing him back into the porch.
He sits me up, still kissing me, and then breaks away to press his forehead to mine. “No offense Stephens, but I’m not having hot engagement sex with you on my parents’ cabin’s front porch.” 
I laugh, climb off of him, and pull him up. “So hot engagement sex is on the table inside?” 
He gives me one of his Charlie looks then, one that tells me that obviously hot engagement sex is on the table inside. He unlocks the door as I press kisses down his neck. “Nora.” 
I smirk. “Charlie.” 
He has me up against the door the second it closes behind us, and then I’m tugging him upstairs. We tumble onto the bed in a tangle of arms and legs, Charlie on top and me underneath. He kisses me hard, presses me into the mattress, pulls my shirt up and tugs my pants off. When he stands up to take his own clothes off, I sit up on my elbows, looking at him. 
“What, Stephens? Regretting your decision already?” 
“You are,” I say, “ridiculously hot.” 
The corner of his mouth ticks up. “I love you too, Nora.” 
Then he’s on top of me again, taking off my underwear, pressing his mouth to me, making me gasp and arch underneath him until I’m coming. He crawls back up me so we’re face to face. “Good?” he asks. I nod. “Keep going?” I nod again, and then he’s pressing inside of me, gasping, until we’re pressed together as tightly as we can be. 
“Fuck, Nora,” Charlie rasps, dropping his head to my shoulder. “We get to do this forever.” 
“I know,” I tell him, flipping us so I’m on top. “Aren’t you glad you got such a good catch?”
“Jesus–fuck–I just can’t believe all my wildest fantasies came true.” 
I hum in agreement and start to move, my stomach already tightening with the anticipation of what’s to come. He only lets me stay in control for a minute, and then rolls me back over to fuck into me slow and deep. I moan, and then I’m coming, clenching down around him, and I can feel him come, too. We stay locked together for what feels like hours before he pulls out and tugs me into his side. 
“Hi,” I say, looking up at him. 
“Hi,” he says back. “Mrs. Lastra-Stephens.” 
I groan. “Fuck, you’re right, that is really attractive.” 
He laughs. “I know, right? It’s almost like it brings out the inner Bigfoot-esque possessiveness we all hold within us.” 
I shove at him, rolling away as I cackle. “You did not just bring Bigfoot into sex.” 
He pulls me back, kissing my left ring finger and then pressing a kiss to my lips. “Of course I did, Nora. Bigfoot is what got us into all of this in the first place.” 
I laugh, thinking of those first texts in Sunshine Falls, of everything that came after it. 
“Did our frolic end well enough for you to convince you not to publish Bigfoot erotica under my name?” 
“Mmm, I don’t know.” I roll to lay on top of him. “Getting engaged to the love of one’s life isn’t quite a momentous enough occasion for me.” 
“Oh, yeah?” 
“What if the love of one’s life did this?” He presses a finger into me, right where I need him, and I groan. 
“One might be able to be persuaded.” 
He keeps going, then, until I’m gasping and begging and telling him that of course I won’t publish anything under his name, and then he’s back inside of me, moving until we both tumble over the edge. 
Afterward, we sit on the bed and plan our wedding. We’ll have it in the city, and I already know how I’ll ask them to rearrange Freeman’s Books so we can have our ceremony there, amongst the books that kept me alive, the books that brought us together. We’ll go to our favorite restaurant afterwards, and drink and eat and dance all night. We’ll only invite our immediate family; who else do we need besides Libby and Brendan, Sally and Clint and Carina? I’ll wear a simple dress: long, white, and in Charlie’s words, really fucking hot. He’ll wear the suit that’s already a part of his wardrobe. God forbid he buy new clothes to only wear them once. Our rings will be gold, and they won’t be flashy. Neither of us are trying to prove how much we love each other or how rich we are with these rings. After, we’ll go back to our perfect apartment, and have romantic, dreamy, slow sex. We’ll wake up each morning after that belonging to each other a little more than we did the day before, intertwining our lives until we’re able to live our ending forever. There will never be kids, but there might be a cat. There will always be fights, and there will always be peace after that. There will be love and trust and respect, and I’ve never been so grateful for this man sitting beside me than I do in that moment. 
“I love you,” I tell him for what must be the tenth time tonight, as we’re starting to fall asleep.  
He tugs me into a hug. “I don’t think we could have written a better ending.” 
“No,” I agree, “we couldn’t have. It’s too real to be written.” 
Charlie hums in agreement, and we fall asleep like that, my head on his shoulder, one of his legs in between mine, my hand on his chest, his hand covering mine. It’s perfect. It’s better than anything I could have thought up. 
Yay!! thank you so much for reading! Likes, reblogs, and comments and constrictive criticism is always welcome. My asks are open: let me know what you want me to write!!
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☁️🩷~Welcome to the Cloudscape~🩷☁️
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Ive decided to make a proper intro post so that new peeps here know who my fos are and all that jazz lol.
So hello!! This is my selfship blog, where i just post art and ramble sometimes hehe :3
This is a sideblog so i interact from @day-dream-clouds
'Bout me!
🩵~Special Interests~🩵
Animal Crossing
Various Childrens media (i.e: Bluey, TTTE, and another that ill keep secret lol)
Cookie Run (specifically OvenBreak)
Video Games
Fo list under the cut!
🩷My FOs!🩷
Disclamer! The collective tag i use for when im referring to my thomas fos as a group is: the roll call crew❤️💚🤎💙
Since theres so many lol
Anyway onto the list :3
James (T&F) *tag: smug bastard (affectionate)❤️
Mains will be shown with 🩷
🩷Ash (Pokemon) *tag: thunderboy💙
**disclamer: i age him up as ive been selfshipping with him since i was a kid, if you're uncomfortable with that, feel free to block me and move on**
Isabelle (Animal Crossing) *tag: sunshine puppy🧡
💛Platonic💛 *be warned theres a lot
Those with tags
Thomas (T&F) *tag: cheeky little engine💙
Percy (T&F) *tag: little green caterpillar💚
Bruno (T&F: All Engines Go) *tag: give me a brake❤️ ive yet to post about him lmao
Secret FO: Nickname: Dotty *associated emoji: 🌹
And those without tags
Melba (Animal Crossing)
Gulliver (Animal Crossing)
Tia (Animal Crossing)
Amy Rose (Sonic)
Tails (Sonic)
Popcorn Cookie (Cookie Run)
Salty (T&F)
Rosie (T&F)
Molly (T&F)
Sandy (T&F: All Engines Go)
Kana (T&F: All Engines Go)
Those that have tags
Gordon (T&F) (father figure) *tag: fastest and best💙
Henry (T&F) (father figure) *tag: plant dad💚
Emily (T&F) (big sister figure) *tag: emerald stirling💚
And those who dont have tags
Edward (T&F) (father figure)
Toby (T&F) (father figure)
Hazel (Animal Crossing) (sister figure)
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aureliushq · 1 year
hello, tags ! we are a hybrid tumblr / discord semi-appless canon and original character roleplay group set in a modern day alternate universe in the wizarding world ! we have a lovely group of very dedicated players, and we would love to welcome some new members into our aurelius family !
below the cut, you'll find our most wanted characters ( but feel free to join with whoever you're drawn to, we will happily welcome you with open arms! )
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fleur delacour (we have gabrielle! who is emily alyn lind fc, feel free to use any suitable fc for her sister)
younger twin potter brothers! (we have harry (maxence danet-fauvel fc), the middle child scarlet (ella purnell fc) and oli potter who is our youngest and is a twin, so we’d love his twin to come in!!! fc is felix mallard)
percy weasley (we have fred & george (josha stradowski fcs), ron (cameron monaghan fc), and ginny (abigail cowen fc), we’d love a percy! suggested fcs: harris dickinson, nick robinson, joe alwyn, louis hofmann, george mackay, callum turner, any suitable fc!)
dennis creevey (we have colin, fc must be suitable to be brothers with henrik holm fc)
parvati patil (we have padma!!! must be simone ashley fc)
dean thomas (we have harry, ron, seamus, and almost neville — we’d love to complete our gryffindorm squad!)
children of gideon or fabian prewett (we have most of the weasley kids so we’d love to bring in some cousins for them!)
child (or children) of remus lupin (we have children of james, peter and, remus, and we’d love more marauder squad children!!!)
child of regulus black (this would be very fun and spicy, esp since we are also looking for a child of sirius, so they’d be cousins!)
borgin child (we have a burke, now we need a borgin! see more info here)
astoria greengrass
daphne greengrass
theodore nott
millicent bulstrode
marcus flint
rolf scamander 
cho chang (change/alter name if taking)
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Helllllooo! I’m Charlie from @crow-collective15
I’m not that great at introducing myself but! I have an intro
-✹ ☆ ☽☁︎☾ ☆ ✹-
║🍓 *name*: Charlie
║🍓 *age*: somewhere around 18
║🍓 *pronouns* she/they
★☆✴︎ 🍓◉🍓 ✴︎☆★
║🍓 *role*: caretaker
║🍓 *emoji/signoff*: 🍓
║🍓 *source*: hazbin hotel
║🍓 *sourcemates* mhm!
║🍓 *sourcetalk* sure!
★☆✴︎ 🍓◉🍓 ✴︎☆★
║ 🍓 *flirting* ask
║ 🍓 *touch* sure!
║ 🍓 *nicknames*: sure
║ 🍓 *petnames* if close
║ 🍓 *status* taken!! <Vel3 /r
║ 🍓 *family*: …that’s a mess/lh
-✹ ☆ ☽☁︎☾ ☆ ✹-
We made the template! @crows-templets is our template blog
Anyway yes hi! I’m Charlie! I reblog tons of hazbin hotel content and I’m generally confused about who’s my family (alastor what’s goin on with that/lh) anyway hello! I hope we can be really good friends
Also sourcemates are welcome to interact if you want!
But also can these people Dni please
Endos and supporters
Pro ship
Homophobic people
Syscourse blogs (it’s ok if it’s a side blog but don’t bring it here)
People who actively and openly dislike hazbin hotel (you can like the show and dislike the creator)
Also I have tags!
#Charlie reblog is my reblogs tag
#father is Charlie’s tag for alastor
#mom!! is Charlie’s tag for Rosie
#card games is our tag for atlas
#more then anything my tag for Lucifer
#the hotel is just for stuff about the hotel!!
#em the angel is our tag for Emily
#i don’t have a tag for angel is our tag for angel dust
#<Vel3 is Charlie’s tag for Velvette
#october is our tag for Octavia!!
#choco milk Hehehe you’ll find out
#tavias reblogs is octivias reblogs
#our lovely moon is for loona!
#ms giggles is for Molly!
#strawberry sapphic Is just me! Charlie!
Thanks you!!!! Have a nice day!!
Now Charlie’s done with her introduction. Hi I’m atlas. I also use this blog, anything I post or reblog will be tagged with #atlas as well as #card games but Charlie also uses that tag for anything about me
I don’t use this blog much, it’s mostly Charlie’s
That’s all thank you
Hello!!! I’m Octavia
☙🩸❀ ❧🩸☙ ❀🩸❧
║🖤 Name ∙ Octivia
║🤍 Age ∙ 16
║♥️ Pronouns ∙ she/they
║💋 Gender ∙ nonbinary
✮ ⛫ 🔥✧🔥 ⛫ ✮
║⚰️ Role ∙ symptom holder
║🖤 Signoff ∙ ♥️
║🤍 Subsys/group ∙ n/a
✮ ⛫ 🔥✧🔥 ⛫ ✮
║♥️ Source ∙ helluva boss
║💋 Sourcemates ∙ sure
║⚰️ Sourcetalk ∙ ask
✮ ⛫ 🔥✧🔥 ⛫ ✮
║🖤 Flirting ∙ no thanks
║🤍 Nicknames ∙ octi, October
║♥️ Petnames ∙ ask
║💋 Touch ∙ ask
║⚰️ Family ∙ im not sure
║🖤 Status ∙ single
║🤍 Other info ∙ n/a
☙🩸❀ ❧🩸☙ ❀🩸❧
||templet by crows-templets on tumblr||
I have an intro unlike atlas!!
Hiiiii!!! I’m Molly!! I’m here now to!!! Uhhh here have this!
❥💋 name: molly
❥✨ age: unknown, adult
❥❄️ pronouns: she/they
✮ ⛫ 🕊️ 🪽🕊️ ⛫ ✮
❥🤍 role: adhd, autism holder
❥🌷 signoff: 🌷
❥💋 subsys/group: floor 9
✮ ⛫ 🕊️ 🪽🕊️ ⛫ ✮
❥✨ source: Molly, hazbin hotel
❥❄️ sourcemates: sure
❥🤍 source talk: sure
✮ ⛫ 🕊️ 🪽🕊️ ⛫ ✮
❥🌷 flirting: no thanks
❥💋 nicknames: mol
❥✨ petnames: no
❥❄️ touch: If close
❥🤍 status: here!
❥🌷 family: angel dust
❥💋 other info: hi!!!
||templet by crows-templets on tumblr||
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danishkhan786 · 1 year
Abuse child save free mum daughter family
Welcome to Gofund.me/85bbc302
Hello, and thank you for visiting our GoFundMe page. We appreciate your time and consideration. We are a passionate group of individuals who have come together to make a difference. Our mission is clear: It's time to make a change, and we need your help to do it.
Fundraiser by Emily White : Times Up
About Us:
We are a diverse and dedicated team committed to creating positive change in our community. Our backgrounds vary, but our shared goal unites us - to bring about a brighter future for all. We believe that together, we can achieve great things.
The Cause:
Time's up for injustice, inequality, and suffering. We are raising funds to support a cause that is close to our hearts. [Explain the cause in detail, its importance, and the impact it can make.] Whether it's fighting for social justice, supporting those in need, or advocating for change, your contribution will directly contribute to making a difference.
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Change doesn't happen in isolation. It requires resources, determination, and a supportive community. Your donation will enable us to [mention specific goals like providing essential resources, supporting initiatives, or reaching a broader audience]. No contribution is too small; every dollar counts.
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How to Donate:
Donating is easy and secure. Click the "Donate Now" button on this page and follow the simple steps. You can choose to donate anonymously if you prefer. Every donation, regardless of size, brings us closer to our goal.
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Even if you can't donate, you can still help by spreading the word. Share this GoFundMe page with your friends, family, and social media networks. Together, we can reach more people who may be willing to support our cause.
Thank You:
We want to express our deepest gratitude for considering our cause and taking the time to visit our page. Your support means the world to us, and it brings us one step closer to achieving our mission. Together, we can make a significant impact on the lives of many.
We will keep you updated on our progress and the impact your donations are making. Check back regularly to see how your support is changing lives.
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Click here to get more information:-  https://gofund.me/85bbc302
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virmillion · 2 years
ragt rambling :/
so this is. DEFINITELY. because i just watched the good place s3e6 again and it ALWAYS gets me because of who i am and where i'm at as a person but. i really think i might up and die if you gave rough a sibling. i think sister, because that's easier (and statistically you should probably have at least one cis character that's not a parent). i also think it should be a younger sister. i think rough's parents loved him, but they were bad at it. they were bad at being parents, and they were inexperienced, because being a parent is hard, and even though they had good intentions, it still sucked. it sucked for rough, and no matter how much they wanted to do good, that doesn't fix how much they fucked him up.
but then they had a second kid. a girl, a beautiful baby girl, planned and wanted and perfect. where rough was an accident, something to be worked around as they tried to learn how to be parents before they were truly adults, this girl was planned. im calling her emily for now, exclusively because unsaid emily always makes me cry, but also a little bit bc of the kid in the drew gooden video about the christmas mail movie, which i can recite from memory.
so along comes emily, and she's perfect and amazing and everything rough wasn't and isn't. their parents dote on her, because they learned from their mistakes. they lavish her with attention and gifts and driving to the after-school clubs - she's in all the sports, all the extracurriculars, they buy her all the pieces to all the hobbies she picks up every other week. rough is in the photography club. sometimes he gets some spare cash, which he socks away to eventually buy a better camera than the one that comes in his phone.
and he loves her, he really does. it's impossible not to, she's so nice and genuine and sincere in everything she does, she couldn't tell a lie if she wanted to. she doesn't get the perfect grades, but she works hard for B's and gets praised for an honest effort from every teacher. rough wishes he could hate her, and he wishes he could hate his parents for doing this to him, but it's no one's fault. it's not even his own fault, so there's no fair way for him to be mad at anyone, this is just how things are, and what can he even do about it! he's here, and he's a little fucked up, and emily's here, too, and she's with him, and she doesn't care that he's a little fucked up, because she loves him anwyay!! they don't get each other, rough wouldn't know the first thing about getting her, because her world is so alien from his own, despite the two being parallel
and then rough dies, and emily is alone. and really, what difference has there been before now, in her being an only child who happened to have a roommate? things are hard at first, and she misses her brother, and everyone is so understanding, but no one lashes out at her, or gets mad at her for doing the same. everyone understands that she's confused about her feelings, and that's worse, because what does she do with that? what do either of them do with that?
and she doesn't even know that rough is still there. rough is always there, because it's never been fair that he was loved, and that wasn't enough. it wasn't, and now it never will be, because there's nowhere for his parents to put that love but straight back into emily. and although emily doesn't know it, when she goes to the store and she buys the polaroid camera rough coveted and she takes pictures of everything, as if that might bring him back, rough is in all those pictures. he interrupts the dust motes spiraling through the light from the window, he nudges his littlest pet shop figures to be unaligned, and when emily finally turns the camera on herself, he's there, too, forcing a grin from over her shoulder and wishing she knew. she doesn't, of course. the newest picture prints, and she's a little bit out of focus, the camera instead choosing to zero in on the space behind her. she folds this picture up and keeps it in her pocket and sleeps in rough's bed that night, and he sits against the side and sorts all the pictures she took, spreads them out for her to see when she wakes up, because that's all he can do for either of them.
he doesn't know how to miss his parents, and he's not sure they do, either. he knows how to miss his sister, though, because he's been doing it all his life. he puts his swimming goggles around the camera when he leaves
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Back to the 118 // Evan Buckley
IN WHICH: Buck meets the firefighter he replaced as the reader transfers back to the 118. The reader never expected to fall for a co-worker the first day back at the 118 after two years spent at the 155 in Los Feliz.
Warnings: Swearing, sickness, hospitals, health issues, pregnancy, angst and a shit ton of fluff
Words: 5.9k
A/N: So this is obviously a modern au for jatp to fit in the 911 universe. To make this work, Buck replaced Reader instead of Tommy after many failed probies. Eddie then later replaced Tommy.
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Your e/c eyes scanned the outward appearance of the first firehouse you’d worked at fresh out of the Academy. The place that had become a second home from the increased tension-filled house your parents still lived in. A place you had escaped as quickly as you could for a dream career. A career your parents hadn’t been proud of in the beginning, with the danger that came with being a firefighter paramedic.
“You the new recruit?”
Your eyes fell from the building to the male individual standing near the open bay the engine and ladder truck both used. The male in question must have joined the 118 after you transferred to the 155. The stranger towered at least six feet minimum with blue eyes and short blonde hair with the slightest wave.
“Flint!” The excited voice of the only other female paramedic called out. You only saw dark navy before you were pretty much tackled.
Hen and Chimney had equally taken you under their wings when you initially joined as a rookie. You’d been the second female firefighter-paramedic at the 118 and the youngest by far. As if you’d summoned him, you felt the arms of Chimney sandwich you against Hen.
“Flint?” The stranger parroted, blinking his eyes at the rather unusual scene of Chimney and Hen wrapped around an unknown girl.
“What are you doing here?” Chimney questioned, stepping back. Hen scoured your entire form for any differences that had occurred.
“Y/N decided to come home,” Bobby spoke from a few feet behind the reunion with the beaming smile on his features. His lips pulled into a smile directed at the first recruit he’d taken on his first year at the 118.
“Bobby!” You grinned, meeting the father figure in the middle of the distance between you two. Bobby wrapped you up in his arms tightly, a certain lightness cocooning the Captain as he took in his friends.
“You’re back here?”
“Everything is squared back at home now, thankfully, and while I loved working with the 155, it wasn’t home. This will always be home.”
“Buck, this is Y/N Patterson. She worked her first two years with the 118 before transferring to the 155 in Los Feliz. Y/N, this is one of our newest members, Evan Buckley.” Bobby gestured towards the previously nameless firefighter.
“Who would leave the 118?” Buck questioned, unable to come up with a valid reason to leave the family at 118.
Buck’s opinion didn’t stand with his only workplace after successfully becoming a firefighter solely was the 118. Never had he worked in another firehouse. He’d been a fire marshall and volunteered his time in the Austin wildfire, but he always came home to the 118.
“Family issues.”
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2018, Firehouse 118, Los Angeles
A fresh-faced, albeit dirty from sweat and soot, jumped down from the engine truck’s high steps. The synchronized slam of doors sounded from your colleagues and friends Hen and Chimney. All three individuals famished for the casserole Bobby had premade during the slow morning.
“Baked Mac n’ Cheese.” Tommy breathed from his position by the driver side. Tommy Kinard was a stoic man towering over six feet. He was always a gentle giant after you’d bonded after a hard call.
“Clean up, and I’ll have it in the oven. It’s Chimney’s time to make the salad and Flint’s turn to set the table.” Bobby spoke with barely a glance to the ground ahead of him. 
Your Captain jogged towards the stairs, whereas his team made their way to the locker rooms for a well-deserved shower. You and Hen split away from Tommy and Chimney to the women’s locker room that had gotten an upgrade.
Well, before you joined the Academy, the locker room had been used as a glorified game room, all thanks to the misogynist Captain from hell. Hen often had over the years mentioned how lucky you got with Bobby being your first Captain.
“Chimney better not put those onions like he did last time.” You spoke from under the stream of warm water. Nothing beat the warmth of a shower near the end of your shift erasing the evidence of your job.
“Man needs to learn the complimentary salad to the main dish.” Hen piped up from across the shower room.
You and Hen had both showered and redressed in a fresh uniform in under five minutes, the dirty one placed in a laundry bag. You’d managed to beat the boys to the upstairs by a few seconds. Enough to set half of the able before Chimney began to making his salad of choice.
“Looks great, Cap.” Tommy complimented the gooey homemade pasta Bobby religious made every third Thursday. He alternated between pasta recipes with the odd new recipe every once in a while.
“What are you waiting for? The bell?” Bobby quipped to the unmoving bunch of hungry individuals. His words started the boisterous meal time preceding the end of shift.
“So, we’re halfway through dinner and Amber-” Your phone interrupted the disaster date Tommy had begun telling. He continued as soon as you waved him to go ahead while you took the call.
“Hello?” You breathed into the phone.
“Hi, sweetheart.” The warmth infused in your mom’s voice soothed the ruffled feathers from the call you’d come back from, “How are you?”
“I’m good! We just finished eating. My shift is almost over, and I’ll have to go straight to the store for groceries-”
“Y/N, we found him.”
The him was easy to figure out given your brother had run away from home three months prior with only his dreams in mind. You’d spent most of your off time, sometimes even during shift out on a call, to scan the environment for Luke. You became a regular in questioning hospitals and homeless shelters.
“Where was he?”
“His band had been about to play at some big venue last night.” Mom’s word choice concerned you. Her voice dripped with sadness instead of the typical disappointment and annoyance on anything to do with Sunset Curve.
“Mom, what’s going on?”
“A few nights ago, the boys got hotdogs-”
“Streetdogs.” You interrupted with evident anger in your tone at the mention of those death dogs Luke consumed. You can’t even give a number to how many times you had told him how unsanitary and dangerous the food is.
“Something was wrong with the food. They got ill fast. Alex and Reggie are being kept for observation but will be found with a few days of rest.”
“What about Luke?”
“He tried to call 911; he was weak and fell. Y/N, he hit his head. He’s in the ICU in a coma.” Emily Patterson’s voice cracked as soon as she acknowledged the current state of her youngest child.
The colours of the world dulled as soon as your mind clicked that Luke was in the hospital. Your little brother had put himself in danger all because he had a big dream. Your mind flashed through your life growing up with him.
You remembered talking to your mom’s growing bump when she was pregnant with Luke. You remembered five-year-old Luke unable to settle unless you sang to him. Your voice was nothing special, but it soothed the little boy when he had a nightmare. You could vividly recall teaching Luke how to play the guitar when he was thirteen; the brunette a complete natural at it.
“What’s his prognosis?”
“Too early to tell. The doctor is hoping Luke will be in a general room after tomorrow if the swelling goes down. I wanted you to know as soon as possible.”
“How’s Dad?”
Emily hesitated from her position by a hospital bed. Her brown eyes carefully scanning the male sleeping soundly in the bed.
“Your father had a heart attack last night. That’s why I haven’t been able to tell you sooner. He’s currently sleeping, but he’ll have a barrage of tests later today-”
“I’ll be there as soon as my shif-”
“No. Don’t drop anything. I can keep you up.”
“Excuse my language, but there’s no way in hell I’m staying away from my family. I’ll take a few days off. I’ll see you in a couple hours.” Your thumb tapped the red circle on the bottom of your screen.
The 118 didn’t bother pretending they hadn’t been watching your form during your phone call. Bobby felt like something had drastically changed in a few minutes you’d been busy on the phone.
“Everything okay?” Bobby inquired from his position at the kitchen sink. His hands in the sudsy water to scrub the empty pan.
“My brother and my father are in hospital. I’m gonna need some days off.” You informed your boss with a look of utter defeat coating your expression.
Those few days transitioned to transferring to the closest firehouse to your childhood home and the hospital. The medical bills from both your brother and father had begun to overwhelm your mother with the current single source of income. Emily didn’t ask you for anything, but you started renting the home you’d bought for extra money.
It was a silent agreement that you paid rent as a cover to helping with the bills piling up.
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Present Day, Firehouse 118
Buck followed behind the welcoming group to the girl that seemed larger than life. Buck was impressed by the sacrifice you’d made for the good of your family. You’d willingly given up the family of the 118. Buck didn’t know if he could do the same.
“Welcome back.” Hen cheered on her guidance to the heaven everyone called the kitchen. Your department issue duffle bag dropped out of the wall on the top level.
Your eyes zeroed in on the spread of your favourite foods prepared by the only person aware of your return. It was only one look of gratitude towards the father figure before everyone dug in.
A few changes had occurred since you’d last sat at this table. Tommy Kinard had left the 118 for the 217 shortly after your departure. He’d been replaced by the ready to impress Buck. One thing that hadn’t changed was the delicious food Bobby made.
Your eyes found the sole empty chair at the long table, “Didn’t you say the house took on two new recruits since I left?”
“Buck took your position when you left. We had a revolving door of firefighters before Buck permanently joined.” Chimney supplied with a mouth full of lettuce and grated carrot. Hen whacked his arm for his lack of manners.
“You’ll meet Eddie on the next shift. He took the day off. It’s his son’s first birthday since his mom died.” Bobby informed you with that pinched wrinkle between his eyebrows, “He joined after Tommy left.”
“Well, I can’t wait to meet the entire team.” You replied, looking past to the circular table behind Bobby’s spot. Sam and Ryan both waved happily upon catching sight of you back at your unspoken seat.
You listened intently as Hen shared the changes Denny had gone through in the time you’d been away. Chimney was ecstatic to point out the faint scar on his forehead.
“You had rebar go through your skull, and you’re completely fine?” You questioned, floored by the pure luck Chimney had.
“Oh, it was nasty. Went in from the back of the skull to the front.” Buck spoke enthusiastically, recounting the scene. Chimney deadpanned a look at his younger coworker, “Oh, sorry.”
“It’s like you never had it happen.”
“Doc was shocked at how positive the outcome and healing was. I was back at work within a month on light duty. I beat my record getting in my turnout gear.” 
“And yet my little brother was comatose for two months.” You grumbled under your breath. None of the people could make out the words, but the grimace on your face was enough to show them it was personal.
In true 118 fashion, the bell rang throughout the firehouse with the disembodied voice declaring the type and location. Yoru e/c eyes found Buck climbing into the driver’s seat where Tommy had once commandeered. It was odd not having the man who’d became an older brother to you.
“How’re your parents?” Hen questioned, sitting diagonally from you. Her fingers repositioning the radio on her chest.
“Dad’s recovering pretty good. Mom’s started attending her knitting club again.” 
Buck’s eyes raised to the rearview mirror to meet yours in interest, “What happened?”
“Uh...my dad had a heart attack a couple years ago. He took a long time to recover with the further stress that caused it.” You piped up, understanding the news would come out at some point, “My little brother was in an accident that left him in a coma. Life was just as messy after he woke up.”
“He’s okay?” Chimney questioned, “I know we’ve never met them, but it really gutted you.”
“Well, physically, he’s fine, but emotionally he’s upset. He was in a band, and when he came out of the coma, he found out some devastating news.” You continued to explain, but unfortunately, or maybe, fortunately, you’d come to the scene.
It was a little known place most teenagers discovered as a hang out spot just on the edge between your county and the next. The location was the infamous spot of cliff jumping; you knew because this was something you’d recklessly done in high school.
“He’s over here!” A blonde male of average height called from the edge of the cliff. His blue eyes were bright even from this distance, matching the detailing on his swim trunks.
Surrounding the edge with the boy was a group of teenagers his age, all in different versions of swimsuits. You found the scared brown eyes of a beautiful girl you vaguely knew from the few shows of Sunset Curve you had watched. Her dark blonde hair plaited out of her face. Her face clicked as Carrie Wilson, Bobby’s sister or cousin.
You jogged towards the edge of the cliff to look over. It was easily between fifteen to twenty feet from the edge of the cliff to the water. You recognized Hen crouching by your side, looking at what you were looking at.
On the rocks was a prone body of a teenage male with bruises already forming on his face from where you could see. His thick shoulder-length hair laid still half in the ponytail and around his head.
“Head trauma.” You murmured to Hen, scanning from a distance, “I can’t tell much from this height and angle.”
“Either a broken tibia or fibula. Spinal injury is definitely a concern.”
“Okay, his name is Willie Young. He’s eighteen years old. His sister Kayla was dared to jump off by doing some kind of flip. Willie took her dare and didn’t jump far enough or tripped over a rock.” Bobby listed having been talking with the group of teenagers all shook up.
“I can rappel-” Buck began to speak before you cut him off firmly.
“It would take too long, and the angle is difficult. Nobody rappels down it; the cliff isn’t stable enough. It crumbles pretty easy, and the unofficial name of this cliff is Devil’s Dive.” Your eyes found Carrie’s tear-filled once and the utter devastation in who you pegged as Kayla.
“How do you know that?”
“Because I’ve jumped off this cliff for years as a teenager. You’re looking at the resident champion of self reckless endangerment at Devil’s Dive.” 
Hen, Chimney and Bobby each stared, shocked at your revelation of stupid teenager decisions.
“Then how are we gonna get down there,” Buck questioned, staring at the unconscious teenager lying on the rocks.
“Easy, I can jump from here into the water and climb onto the rocks to where Willie is. I have the experience of how and where to jump safely.” You spoke to your Captain with complete confidence in your abilities, “You can lower down the kit, radio and backboard by a rope. There’s a mansion beyond the trees that you can ask to borrow a boat from the owner. He’s eccentric and questionable but nice enough.”
Bobby nodded his head to your plan. You unbuttoned your uniform shirt to strip down to the department t-shirt with the emblem on your chest and across your back. You kept the boots and emptied your pockets of anything. The butterflies fluttered in your stomach at the height of the cliff you hadn’t jumped from in years.
“I’ll jump where-”
“Excuse me?” You scoffed at Buck’s assumption he could follow you.
“You’ll need another pair of hands to roll him on the backboard. I don’t have anyone waiting for me at home. This is kinda what I do. Bobby cleared it already.” Buck shrugged with a half-smirk on his handsome face.
With a roll of your eyes, you quickly gave Buck a rundown on how to jump correctly before you tossed yourself off the cliff. The cold water momentarily shocked your system as soon you submerged under the water. You swam to the surface before swimming towards the rocks. Willie hadn’t moved an inch.
“Whoa! That was so cool!” Buck cheered once he’d appeared on the surface of the water, “No wonder you used to do that!” 
His excitement both annoyed and amused you, “Eh. I was just an idiot kid who thought they were invincible.”
The two firefighters lifted themselves onto the rock formation, where blood stained the rock. While Buck retrieved the backboard and essentials from the rope, your hands moved across Willie’s body, checking for breaks. You caught the c-collar Buck tossed without looking. You quickly but gently put the collar on Willie.
“Hi, Willie. My name is Y/N, and I’m a paramedic. I’m gonna check you over for injuries.” You informed the teenager closely. You’d only just opened his eyes to flash a light on them, “Buck let Bobby know Willie’s pupils are reactive to light and the same size.”
“Got it!” Buck called out from the open medkit, “I’ll splint his leg.”
“W-what happened?” Willie wheezed sluggishly. His brown eyes were unfocused.
“You got hurt trying to jump off the cliff. You’re in good hands, Willie. I’m a paramedic with the Los Angeles Fire Department. This is my coworker Buck.”
“Perfectly safe, but you did give her a scare. Willie, can you feel this?” Buck questioned, gently touching his right foot. Buck and you both gave a sigh of relief as Willie confirmed he felt it.
 “Okay, we’re gonna roll you on to the backboard. On three: one, two, three.” You counted before rolling Willie on his side with Buck. Willie’s cry echoed around the surrounding as you settled him on the board.
“Need a ride?” Chimney asked as a very nice boat floated towards the three people on the rocks. Hen and Bobby helped load Willie onto the boat, “Mr. Covington agreed to let us use the boat if we don’t get blood on the seats.”
“Can you call my boyfriend?” Willie sluggishly asked when he was loaded into the ambulance on the cliff. Kayla sliding into the seat in the back of the ambulance with their items.
“Alex is meeting us at the hospital.” Kayla told her older brother, “You absolute idiot! You should have just let me jump!”
“And let you be in the back of the ambulance? Dad would kill me if I had let you do it.” Willie scoffed. Their conversation was silent as Chimney and Buck closed the back doors of the ambulance.
Bobby, Buck and you climbed into the fire truck to follow the ambulance to the closest hospital. Hen and Chimney rolled the gurney to the doors with Kayla hot on their heels. You’d just turned to head back to the truck when you saw three teens loitering near the entrance.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” You grumbled, marching away from Bobby and Buck to the teen who was supposed to be in class.
Luke had been forced into private tutoring to catch up to his friends in his grades, meaning every afternoon. The watch on your wrist confirmed Luke was definitely supposed to be with his tutor at the community centre.
“Luke!” You shouted, stomping right up to the wide-eyed teen.
Luke’s Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat as his older intimidating sister caught him like his hand was in the cookie jar. You didn’t give Reggie or Alex a second look while you gripped Luke’s ear to tug him away.
“Ow!” Luke whined from the angle you dragged him at.
“What the hell are you doing across the city? You’re supposed to be in your session that our parents are paying a great deal for.” You snapped, crossing your arms in your wet t-shirt.
“We need every chance we can to-”
“Make it big in the industry.” You parroted the past discussions on Luke’s dream as a band, “Do you remember how I got mom and dad off your back? An agreement that you finish high school on time. Not dropping out.”
“So many musicians have dropped out! Green Day’s frontman dropped out his senior year to focus on the band. Several others like Elton John and Kurt Cobain!” Luke enthused, gesturing with his hand to emphasize his words.
“Luke.” You warned, “It’s either catch by with a tutor with some time dedicated to your band, or it’s a military school.”
Luke’s hazel eyes minimally widened, “They would-”
Your stoic expression stayed the same as the energetic seventeen-year-old bounced in his spot across from you. 
“There’s only so much I can do before you lose everything. I know you feel anxious after what all happened, but music isn’t going anywhere.” You reached to squeeze Luke’s hand in yours, “So, I’ll clear it with my boss to have you ride the bus to the station. You’ll have your tutor sessions with my supervision, so I know you’re attending.”
“Y/N!” Bobby called from next to the firetruck, “We gotta go.”
“I’m guessing the Alex that Willie is dating your best friend?” You questioned with one raised eyebrow. Luke nodded in response, “Let mom know you had to be there for Alex. She’ll let skipping your session go this once.”
“Thanks!” Luke chimed, lunging to hug you. Your mouth barely opened before he was racing towards a jittery Alex and a grinning Reggie.
Reggie lifted his arm to wave with his flushed cheeks a darker red colour. You found Reggie’s crush on you to be absolutely adorable. He was a friendly kid.
“He looks good for a kid who was in a coma not long ago.” Hen breathed as the teenager entered the ER with his best friends beside him.
“Oh, he healed quickly. He was crushed after he fully recovered from his head injury.”
“That was your brother?” Buck inquired, and he was just as focused on your features as he had since he first met you. 
“Yeah! He was in a coma for ten months when he was sixteen. He’s spent the last two years catching on on school to graduate with his friends. Well hopefully. He’s dead set on dropping out.” You heavily sighed, leaning your temple on the glass window, “He was supposed to be at a tutoring session. I’ll be chaperoning to make sure he goes.”
“If you need to have them at the station, send me a schedule, and I’ll make it work. Luke’s just as much family as you are.”
The rest of the shift was smooth sailing as Buck followed you around with the sole purpose of getting to know you. The friendship came naturally to the two of you. He didn’t hold back with you like he did with others. Fridays off became hangouts that varied from just Buck and you to spend it with Eddie and Christopher.
Everyone could see Buck had developed feelings for you and vice versa. Unlike the man Buck used to be, he was cautious. He wanted to do this right. And Buck did. With the help of Christopher, he asked you out.
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Months Later
Buck’s eyes fluttered open in the dim lighting of your new home’s bedroom he often found himself in. Before, you had alternated staying at his apartment or yours before a significant change happened. Luke moved in to finish his senior year with the help of your tutoring, as agreed with your parents. That led to you giving up your former home, the one that coincidentally Buck’s sister Maddie had rented from you.
“Luke! You better be awake!” Your voice came from the main floor of the home. Your voice alone seduced the firefight to leave the warm sheets.
His bare feet pattered down the hardwood floor stairs into the kitchen coated in all different kinds of breakfast food. Waffles to imported maple syrup to bacon spread across the counter.
“Morning,” Buck grumbled, stepping up behind you to tug you against his chest.
Unlike Buck’s softer footsteps, your little brother tore down the stairs like a stampede of elephants. Luke wore a vintage band shirt modified sleeveless; you’d be getting a voicemail about dress code violations. The chains hanging off his black jeans.
“You have to hurry, Lu. Buck and I can’t be late. He needs to get to his apart-”
“I don’t see why he doesn’t just move in. He’s here almost every night. He helps buy groceries.” Luke’s hazel eyes stared at the plate he towered food on.
Buck raised one eyebrow in response, “You just moved in. You should be settled before we make-”
“Dude. Your lease is up in like a month; just move in already. No feathers will be ruffled. Besides, the band’s taking off now that Nick got his dad Ryan to check our music out.” Luke sprouted with a beaming smile at the good news his new band received.
After Luke had recovered from that coma, he’d woken up in a world where Alex, Reggie and Bobby, no Trevor, now continued the band. Then when Alex and Reggie couldn’t go on, the rhythm guitarist betrayed Luke. He stole every song he could get his hands on and proved successful.
“Ryan Evans, right? His sister’s some bigshot on Broadway? Sharpay, right?” You questioned recalling in the early 2000s the success of Sharpay and Ryan in some kind of Disney films based on them.
“You’re about to be the sister and brother-in-law of a certified rockstar.” Luke’s attempt at smirking made him look like a chipmunk with full cheeks of food, “I don’t need a ride. Alex’s picking me up.”
“Straight to school, Luke. You’ve got two weeks left before you can leave that behind.” Buck pointed his coffee cup in the direction of the passionate musician. Luke returned a smile of acknowledgement.
The kitchen was quiet as Luke shoved as much food in his mouth in such little time while you watched. In a flash, he’d stuck his dishes in the dishwasher before sprinting out to the van beeping continuously.
“Think we can have you moved in by tomorrow? Your one-bedroom place will be a little cramped for five people.” You simply spoke as you rinsed your coffee cup out. You could hear the wheels in Buck’s brain turning as he thought.
“Five people?”
“Yeah. Luke, Albert, me, you and baby Buckley.”
The entire home went completely still as the announcement bled into the house you’d made a home. One hand resting against the smoothness of your belly. That hand covered by the calloused one of Buck’s. His blue eyes gleaming in utter adoration and excitement.
“Baby Buckley?” Buck marvelled, turning you to face him with tears running down your cheeks, “You’re pregnant?”
“I am. I guess we’re giving Maddie’s daughter a cousin.” You grinned, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Now I’m obligated to see your parents regularly, and I still grimace at the first introduction.” Buck winced, recalling the foot in mouth syndrome he’d developed.
Buck had never been as nervous as in this moment. Not when he had to tell his parents the first time he got kicked out of college. Or when his teenage self sat beside one of his flings waiting for the results of a pregnancy test. Not even on his first date with Abby. 
“You’ll be fine.” You soothed the anxious man standing by your side on the doorstep of your childhood home. The door opened, revealing Luke standing with a grimace, “Oh Mom, made you wear that.”
Luke had been stuffed into one of the only long-sleeved shirts he owned by your mother. It was a magenta maroon hued corduroy shirt and set off his chocolate hair perfectly. Apparently, your mother hadn’t been able to get him into a pair of pants that weren’t skinny, black or ripped.
“We’re meeting your boyfriend, not the damn Pope-”
“You wouldn’t be wearing that if the Pope was involved.” You retorted, stepping to tug the younger Patterson into your arms. The only thing you adored about your little brother was he never denied a hug. Physical touch is his love language, so he never went through a phase.
“Lucas, don’t let them freeze on the front porch!” Emily shouted from within the Patterson home. Luke rolled his eyes at his mother’s request.
“Luke, this is my boyfriend, Evan Buckley. Buck, this is my not so little brother Luke.” You swiftly introduced the most important males in your life.
Luke and Buck got along better than any previous partner you’d brought home. He got along with your parents really well. Even when he slightly embarrassed himself as the time came to go home, whether it was his place or yours. He kissed your mother’s cheek and shook hands with your father.
“No offence, but thank you for having a heart attack and a coma. If you hadn’t, I’m sure I would have never met Y/N.”
Luke snickered at Buck’s odd choice of words, as did your parents. A part of Buck dreaded the next time he’d see your parents.
The gentle press of lips against your cheek pulled you from your thoughts of the first family dinner. Despite the issues between Luke and your parents, they were great people and parents; Buck had felt like he finally fit in. Even with that awkward thankful he gave your brother and dad, he was family the minute Mitch and Emily saw the mutual looks.
“How are we gonna do this?”
“Well, as the pregnant one, I’ll carry the little Bean until it’s time for them to enter the world. Then we’ll-”
“I get that but with our jobs?”
You felt guilty at the dread of not getting to do what you love, but you were excited, “I’ll keep working as a paramedic. I’ll stay away from fires, and then I’ll go on mat leave. We’ll make this work, Buck.” 
Buck leaned down to rest his forehead against yours with his eyes closed, envisioning how life was about to change. Buck adored children. He had loved Christopher from the moment he’d first met him. Buck himself was a kid at heart. 
“I didn’t think I could fall more in love, but you continue to surprise me each time,” Buck murmured with that gorgeous smile that utterly melted your heart from the first time you saw it. Back when you tried to deny any feelings beyond friendship.
“We’re so lucky to have you, Evan Buckley.” You breathed as you leaned up to kiss him with as much passion as you could. Although it was mostly clashing of teeth with the matching wide grins on your face.
“This little girl is gonna be a heartbreaker but no boyfriends or girlfriends until they’re thirty.” Buck declared, tugging you into his arms. His blue eyes twinkling in the natural lighting.
“It could be a boy.”
“Or maybe neither. Boy, girl or non-binary, I’ll love them just as much.” Buck spoke once more.
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Gideon Buckley was born in the early morning to the pride of his parents and extended family. He was a healthy solid 8 pounds with sparse dark blonde hair and the trademark grey-blue newborn eyes. You everyone but Buck and your surprise Gideon wasn’t alone. Grace Buckley followed her older twin brother eight minutes later.
You rested against the propped up pillows spent from the exhausting hours of labour, but it was worth it. The two tiny babies snuggled beneath the swaddling blanket concealing your bare chest. Skin to skin contact was absolutely the best part of being a parent.
“Did you steal a baby?” Chim joked upon entering the hospital room with Maddie in tow. Right behind them were your parents and Luke.
“I’d like you to meet our twins Gideon and Grace Buckley. Surprise!” Buck quietly cheered in the nearly silent room. Buck’s curated newly parents playlist gently playing in the background.
Mitch and Emily came closer to look at the little loves they proudly got to claim as their first grandchildren. Emily’s heart melted upon hearing Gracie coo in her sleep. Grace and Gideon’s fist pressed against each other.
“Congratulations.” Maddie breathed, bending to catch a peek at the twins’ faces.
“Luke. Would you like to meet your goddaughter and godson?” You questioned the nervous musician. The nineteen-year-old tiptoed his way to the hospital bed.
“I’m both their godfather?” Luke choked as soon as Buck gently transferred Gideon onto his uncle’s chest. 
“There’s no one else in the world I’d choose to help guide them in the right direction. You always found your way back onto the right path. You’ll do the same for them.” Buck answered with Gracie nestled on his chest.
 Buck was the first to hold them followed by you and then their godfather Luke.
Gid and Gracie, although unseen, had been in Luke’s graduation pictures and watched as Julie and the Phantoms signed with a record label. Where Gid was, Luke wasn’t far beyond; the special bond melted everyone. Likewise with Gracie and Alex.
Gid overall was a happy baby compared to Grace. Loved visiting the firehouse. Loved the people working with their father and previously their mother. For the entire first year of Gideon and Grace’s life, you stayed at home with the utter support of Buck.
“First day back.” Hen spoke from beside you on the bench in the women’s change room. As a fellow mother, she’d been watching your behaviour.
“I miss them. I feel guilty that I abandoned them-”
“Okay, your feelings are valid, but you aren’t abandoning Gideon or Grace. You’re teaching them that you can be a great mom while also being a badass firefighter. I was the same when I went back to work after we got Denny.”
“Do you ever wish you could be a stay at home mom?”
“I love Denny with my entire heart, but I couldn’t do that. I was meant to be a paramedic firefighter as much as Denny’s mother. Besides, I can see Maddie pushing in the double stroller.”
Your head snapped to see your sister in law beaming with the double stroller carrying Gideon and Grace. Maddie’s daughter sitting on the seat made for a toddler. Maddie and Chimney had come to a decision for Maddie to work part-time.
Hen watched as you bounded out of the changeroom in uniform to scoop the twins into your arms. In a split second, Buck was down the stairs cooing at the absolute loves of his life. His partner and two children.
Buck would forever be grateful for finding his way to the 118, where he found his true family. A place of acceptance, love, trust and loyalty. Buck found his place in the world, and that was beside you.
Julie and the Phantoms Taglist
@safehavenmuse @siennanoelle01 @whiterose291 @mell-bell @blackhood5sos @ficrecsideblog @ifilwtmfc @deadpoolgirl23 @crappy-unicorn @sunsetcurve-h @elioelioeli0 @lovesanimals @popcrone818 @lolychu @deepsleepnat @tenaciousperfectionunknown @aunicornmademedoit @just-a-writer-here @simp4reggie @faithiebrock01 @overlyhypedup @differentsoulrascalsalad @aesthetic-lyss @versaceapa @carleywhittaker @lostgirl219 @itsalexx21 @elllaoo4 @merxxleighann @mediocremunge @fantomlovesjuke4ever @dpaccione @oswin05 @kaylinfayezink @aberette13 @faithie-brock-gillespie01 @eharvey0218 @overlyhypedup @benstormy @auriandthepussicats @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @whothefuckstolemykeds  @siriuswvrld @princessvader15 @xoxbloodreinaxox @heimdoodle @joshy-obx @lovesanimals @oopsiedoopsie23 @am3l1a-24 @flying-solo-without-you @jaskiers-sweetkiss @lostrandomfangirln @must-be-a-weasley-92 @jatp-holland @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @dxlanhxlland @dasexydevitt13 @ifilwtmfc @arianagrandes-things @kinda-really-lost @marinettepotterandplagg @ssprayberrythings @morgandamrose @thedarkqueenofavalon @zukoshonourr @crybabyddl @spooky-season-bitch @kcd15 @morganayennefertyrell @magnet-girl @all-in-fangirl @kinda-really-lost @tenaciousperfectionunknown @badwolf00593 @blowakissbabe @talksoprettyjjx @thesweetestsinner @kaitieskidmore1 @writerinlearning @aiofheavenandhell @sageellsworth05 @link-102 @merceret @kexrtiz @biqherosix @lukewearingbeanies @dangersolns @soverignparker @omgdani17​ @julessbrown
9-1-1 Taglist:
@julessbrown @msmarvelsmain​
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justalilpearlie · 8 months
Introduction/Fun Pearlie Facts
Was abt time I did one of these.
Hello everyone, my name is Pearl, Pearlie or Sam/Sammy if you're feeling like it. Friends also call me Martini sometimes.
I am a minor, my labels... we dont talk about them (fem presenting ftm gay/mlm + trying out gendervoid and verinix + bigender??) uhmm and I go by He/She, tho mostly He/Him by strangers- I can She/Her myself and close friends/mutuals are allowed! (I also go by neos: Void/Moon/Sweet/It/Fluff/Love/Fizz/Paw)
I'm from Argentina, born and raised, never moved. Speak fluent english and spanish.
I got the 'tism and the adhd, aswell as BPD and a few other things I wont list right now! But yeah I'm psychotic (ooo scary word.. lmao)
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I'm an IRL of many, mainly c!Pearl (mcyt), Samuel Emily (fnaf [games canon]) and Shin Tsukimi (yttd). If you don't like it you can leave, block me, or whatever, cause you aint gonna change my life or how I am. I'm in therapy, which unlike random hate and harrassment online, does help me :)
I like to roleplay, draw, sometimes make playlists or moodboards.. And my biggest interests right now are Life Series (+ evo + new life), Empires1(+ a bit of e2) and FNaF! (i dont rlly like the books tho lol..)
I use kin tags for reach cause I'd love interaction from any fellow lifers or empires ppl, hermits aswell!! Tho I havent finished s8 or s9 yet...
Fictionkins, therians and traumagenic systems all welcome!
- -💥-🐺-🌙- -❤️- -💛- -✨-💥-✨- -💛- -❤️- -🌙-🐺-💥- -
DNI prefferably:
- Basic DNI criteria (proshippers, homophobes, transphobes, racists, TERFs, ableist, etc)
- Endos/non-traumagenic "systems" DNI. block me if u want, i wont argue abt it in the comments/reblogs. or interact if u want but im not gonna follow u back or anythin shrugs.
- reality checkers or anti-IRLs DNI. I aint "romanticizing" shit, I'm existing and living my life, if thats a problem to you too bad cause my psychologist aproves of what I'm doing, since I aint harming anyone and I myself am doing dandy.
- anti-kin also DNI cause most of my friends are fictionkins and if you talk shit abt my fellas idk i wouldnt like having u around much
CCs interact at your own risk. This is my domain, cyan man & moon lady. /hj
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- I talk about MajorMoon (Scott x Pearl) a LOT, if u didnt notice by the acc theme. These are my romantic memories, its a gay ship, not woman/gay man, so if it makes u uncomfortable or u hate it or whatever then ur probably not gonna like my content lmao. COUGH, consider joining us if you do like what you see... /nf We're a small comunity of supporters.. just me.. and a few of my peeps... that was a joke, sir. /ref
- This isn't roleplay, its my main acc where im ""unapologetically"" myself, but if u do wanna rp life series/empires u can always shoot me a dm and maybe I'll give u my discord.
- I talk about myself (c!Pearl) using 3rd person in many posts tagged with main fandom tags. This is to cause less confusion to casual fans slash ""normies"" (lhj) that well.. don't know what IRLs are! Also that way I feel safer and don't have to worry as much abt getting harassed and such for my identity.
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Special People Mentions!! fps = * (1 or more.. wouldnt say in a priority sorta order but. more or less yea)
Family! <3 🌼@pehpurr* SISTER!! super duper cool, her art is great and you should check it out!! YOU. You're the brightest little girl (i say like ur not older than me) I'VE EVER MET ACTUALLY! You're so passionate and loving I freaking adore you!! I love you so much Scar, you're one of the best things to ever happen to me, Kanny &lt;3 ⚙️@gentlexmadman DAD!! you are my daaaad, you're my dad! woogie woogie woogie! ANOTHER amazing artist! mr "I know that guy-", very funny, Henry "Autism" Emily... the copper king, my father. Speaking to you is always comforting. Love you so much papa, you're amazing :)
Simply special <3 ☕@insomniac-coffeehouse** You're all simply so very special to me. I love spending time with you guys and playing stuff together, you mean a lot to me and I'm so glad I met you. I hope we're still close for this year and many more! You're incredibly talented, not only at art, at everything you do. You spark joy in my brain and my heart <3 From the bottom of my heart, I'm in love with the hope you bring to this world. 🍊Jack***, oh my dear Jacky, where do I even begin, sport... you really are my other half. Mi media naranja if you will. haha.. I love every second we spend together, I love your voice, I love your eyes, I love your smile, your laughter. I love your use of words, the way you speak, your humor, your seriousness and goofiness. You stiff fuck, you were made for me and I was made for you, and I wouldn't have it any other way. You're my everything, mi vida, mi luz, mi estrella. Mi amor, mi mundo. <3
New friends! 🍓@strawberrystarfield I know we met fairly recently but you're all incredibly fun to talk to, your art is also amazing, your accent is real pretty (cough for a bri-💥), you're real sweet and I love reading all your thoughts and critiques about things :} (love ya Aspen /gen) 🏜️@fagdykegtws My right hand man! I know we just met through the rarepair server but oh my god we're in the same brainwave!!! You're so fun to vc and chat with and you got the best ideas ever fr fr, love ya Chewy, you're real sweet even w how lil i know you ;)
That's it folks, love yall and see you around!
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agcntemily · 3 years
emily comes home after a hard case to the reader, sergio and their baby?
notes: sorry this took so long, i’ve been sick! also i’m not too sure how to put the ‘read more’ section while using mobile, so i’m sorry for the people who are upset about having to scroll through long oneshots. but i do tag properly, so you can just look up ‘criminal minds character x reader’ if you’re looking for something specific! thank you for requesting :)
You knew that Emily’s case was bad. She had called you multiple times throughout her week long stay, just to hear your voice as a comfort. Without going into too many details, she explained that the case involved kids and abuse. Since the birth of your baby a few months ago, you knew these cases affected her ten times worse than before.
She admitted once that she couldn’t stop her mind from imagining all of the horrible things that could happen to your child. Of course, you were also afraid of those things, but you didn’t have to see it happening right before your eyes everyday. Your job wasn’t to help people get back to their families, while being away from your own family for extended periods of time.
Hotch and Gideon had been kind enough to allow Emily to have the first two months off of work after the baby was born. You were the one carrying, because her job was already stressful enough both physically and mentally. She had offered to cut back her hours, had tried to convince you that she would be satisfied at a desk job with shorter and more accommodating hours. But you knew her better than that. You knew that she enjoyed helping people, and a desk job wouldn’t give her the same adrenaline as field work did.
Neither of you wanted her to quit, but you did both wish that she could be home a lot more than she currently was. A week without her before the baby was hard; but a week without her, with a baby who hasn’t begun to sleep through the night, a cat who demanded attention when Emily wasn’t home, and returning to your online job after maternity leave was nothing like you could have imagined.
The house was a mess. Dishes piled up in the kitchen sink, laundry piles thrown across the living room, and you hadn’t actually slept in almost forty-eight hours. You knew she hadn’t either, and you tried your best to present a nice welcome home committee. Fortunately, both the baby and Sergio realized that Emily was on her way home to them, and they’d had a good day so far. You had managed to get both yourself and the baby cleaned, dressed, and ready to spend hours just lying in bed with the missing member of the family.
You’d made a considerable dent in the dishes, even if the dishwasher was taking longer than necessary to clean them all, and all of the laundry had been pushed to one side of the room for now.
By the time Emily had arrived home, everyone was sitting on the couch patiently waiting. As soon as she was through the door, infant squeals and Sergio’s meows filled the room. She barely had time to close the door before Sergio leapt up and pounced on her feet. A laugh, tired and strained, bubbled up from inside of her. Your smile never faded, as you stepped closer with the baby in your arms.
“Hello, my baby!” She put on that high-pitched voice that always seemed to elicit giggles from it’s audience. She then brought up a hand to tickle under your baby’s chin, and leaned in to press a kiss to your lips. “Hello, my bigger baby.”
Her voice dropped a few octaves, and a small smile settled across her features. Using one hand to secure the baby to your body, your free hand cupped her chin. Dark bags were hidden under her eyes, peeking out only slightly through the makeup she wore. Her smile wasn’t forced, but the exhaustion in the way she carried herself was evident.
“We missed you.” A meow followed your sentence, causing you to chuckle.
Emily’s eyes flickered from Sergio, to the baby, and back up to your face. “I missed all of you more.”
For a moment, you four were trapped there. In an encasing, warm bubble; where you held the baby between both of you, and Sergio greeted his first owner as if he hadn’t seen her in years, and Emily relished in the feeling of finally being reunited with her family. Eventually, you knew you would have to move. It would probably be soon, because you didn’t know how much longer she could hold herself up without falling. But for right now, you stayed put and allowed her to soak up this feeling of amazement.
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your-eternal-muse · 4 years
I Watch Your Eyes
Heather Series Part Three
Part One  Part Two
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Summery: Reader isn’t one for parties. What happens at one solidifies that for her.
Words: 1.7k (they’re getting longer folks, just you wait)
Warnings: Drinking, mentions of vomiting, description of breakdown, swearing, ANGST
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Heather, Spencer Reid x eventual Female!Reader, Platonic!JJ x Platonic!Reader
A/N: Y’all......it hurt to write this. I broke my own damn heart, which hopefully means it’s good. Also, Heather needs a last name and I just can’t bring it in me to think of one. Suggestions? Anyway, Tag List is open! Enjoy this painful chapter!
I’ve never been one for parties.
Small get-togethers at Rossi’s with the team, that’s different.
That’s family.
But wearing a cocktail dress and being around people I didn’t even know worked in the department? Sucks ass.
So, why am I here again?
Oh yeah.
I have to be here. Hotch’s orders.
I have to smile and exchange pleasantries and sip more champagne than I’d like to admit to.
But mostly, because Spencer asked me to be,
“Please? I just really want you there. I’m planning something, and I’d really like my best friend there.”
I have no backbone.
 I caved as soon as he said please.
I don’t know what he’s planning. I don’t even know what he's thinking half the time.
I used to know him like the back of my hand.
No, I don’t think I even know myself.
But here I stand, around a table, sipping on champagne, not really listening to the conversation the girls are having around me, wishing I was anywhere else but in this banquet hall, watching him twirl her around in her pretty pink dress.
“Y/nnnn…” A sing-song voice hits my ears and a hand waves in front of my face.
I blink, coming back to the present. “Yeah? What were we talking about?”
JJ laughs. “Where are you tonight? You’ve been staring off into space for the past 15 minutes.”
I scoff, shifting my weight on my feet. 
Stupid, fucking heels.
“No, I haven’t. I’ve just been….admiring Heather's dress.”
All their eyes turn to look, and they hum in agreement.
A beautiful rose gown adorns her body, flaring at the waist, flowing around her as she spins.
I’m sure Spencer is the one who bought it for her.
She was the center of attention tonight, though I’m sure she’s used to it at this point in her life.
“She’s gorgeous.” Emily says, swaying her head slightly to the music.
I’m sure she’s fully aware of that, Emily.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this happy.” Penelope smiles, gazing happily at them. 
JJ glances at me, a soft look in her eyes.
I can’t help but agree.
He’s glowing.
His eyes are brighter than I’ve ever seen them.
I don’t think he’s stopped smiling since he met her.
You’d never make him that happy.
I down the rest of my champagne.
“Well, watching them dance makes me want to, so I’m off to search for my knight in shining armour. I’ll see you all later, my loves.” Penelope blows a kiss, before she leaves in search of Derek, and I watch as the song ends, and they exchange a kiss before Heather walks back over to her table, and he makes his way towards us.
“I didn’t take you as someone who danced, Spence.” Emily questions, taking a drink from her own glass.
He laughs, adjusting his tie and running a hand through his hair. “She convinced me.” He wipes his palms on his pants.
“You okay there Spencer? You seem nervous.” JJ speaks with a chuckle in her voice. 
If only I could be so light hearted.
“I will be.” He turns, smiling at me. “Thanks for coming tonight. It means a lot to me that you’re here.”
I reach up and straighten his tie, smoothing down his jacket, smiling up at him genuinely for the first time in what feels like years.
I guess it has been a little over a year since I met Heather.
“Anything for you Spence.”
“I missed that smile.”
You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?
I can’t help the blush that spreads across my cheeks. I don’t know how to respond to that, so I simply don’t say anything. 
He doesn’t seem to notice.
He takes a deep breath. “Wish me luck.”
I roll my eyes, and chuckle. “Good luck with whatever it is you’re planning.”
“It’s a surprise. For everyone.”
I see him swallow and take a final deep breath before he walks away, back towards his table where Heather stands, charming the people around her.
The wheels begin to turn in my head.
“What do you think he’s on about?” Emily asks, laughter lacing her words.
I watch as he stands next to her, grabbing her hands to hold them within his own.
“Who knows what goes on inside his head nowadays.” 
I can feel JJ staring at me, but I can’t take my eyes off the scene playing out in front of me.
They exchange a few words, and then he’s on his knee,holding out something for her.
Her hands cover her mouth.
“Oh my god.” 
Emily and JJ follow my line of sight and I can hear happy gasps as Heather exclaims “Yes! Yes I will marry you!” for the world to hear.
The hall erupts into cheers and applause and I. Can’t. Breath.
“Y/n? Are you okay? You look like you’re about to be sick.” JJ’s voice is soft, and motherly.
I wish someone would scream at me.
“I’m fine. Just too much champagne. I’ll be right back, promise.”
The words don’t even register before I’m walking away from the happy moment.
Their happy moment.
I barely make it out of the hall before I burst into tears, a hand clasps over my mouth to keep the sobs and bile back.
I run down the hallway, slamming into the bathroom, rushing into a stall where I promptly empty my stomach of tonight.
This is it. There’s no chance anymore You missed it. And now you have to live with the fact that he will never love you like her loves her. It’s your fault you feel this way, and no one else's. Your fault.
I reach up and flush, falling to sit on the floor and lean against the wall of the stall.
I hold my arm over my mouth, trying to swallow down the sobs that threaten to echo throughout the building.
The door opens, and heels click to stand in front of my stall.
It’s JJ.
Her voice is laced with concern.
I try to take a deep, quiet breath, but it comes out shuddery.
Fake it ‘till you make it, right?
“I’ll be right out, JJ, just needed a minute. Go join the celebration.” My voice cracks at the end and I want to hit myself.
She’s quiet for a moment.
“I know, y/n. Please open the door.”
God fucking damnit.
I sniffle, reaching up to slide the latch over, before pushing it open.
She sits down next to me, and without asking, pulls me into her arms.
I let go.
I curl myself into her, and sob.
Sob for the what if’s and could have beens, for the future I saw between us, for the chances I should have taken but didn’t, for the fact that Spencer Reid deserves someone so much better for a best friend.
She rubs my back and holds me close until the sobs have subsided.
“How did you know?” My words are wet.
“It’s the way you look at him. Like he’s your entire world. Like you would do anything for him.” She brushes some hair out of my eyes, and swipes away some of the tears that are still falling down my face.
“It’s the way he used to look at me.” 
Her smile is sad, and her eyes are distant.
“Does anyone else know?” That’s the last thing I need. For everyone to figure out my secret, to look at me like I’m a child who’s upset they can’t get what they wanted.
She shakes her head.
“No, not that I know of.”
Good to know my acting skills are solid.
I nod, standing up and walking over to the sink.
My eyes are red and puffy. Streaks are run through my foundation, and mascara coats my cheeks.
There’s no salvaging this.
JJ sets her purse down on the counter, digging through it until she pulls out a small pack of makeup wipes.
“I always end up taking off my makeup before I leave these things anyway.”
She hands one to me, and the small smile on my face isn’t forced.
“Thank you.”
She smiles back, and we both turn to the mirror, wiping off the evenings makeup and any signs of breakdown.
My eyes are still puffy, but I can blame that on getting sick.
She hands me a container of mints, and I open it, popping one into my mouth before closing it, and returning it to her.
The air is quiet between us.
“I was planning on telling him. The day I met her, I was going to tell him.”
I bite my lip to hold back more tears.
“I love him, JJ. I love him so much, and he’s never gonna love me the same way. How do I go on, living my life like it never happened?”
I’m cold. 
My chest feels hollow and heavy at the same time.
“I don’t know. I wish I did, but I don’t.” She grabs my hand, holding it between hers. “But I do know that you’re not alone anymore. You don’t have to bare the weight of it alone anymore.”
I nod, pulling her in for a hug, my arms around her waist, my face in her neck.
A home hug.
“Thank you, Jennifer.”
I feel her breath hitch.
She kisses the side of my head. “You’re welcome, y/n.”
We break, and I wipe away a few straggling tears before standing straight, and shoving a smile on my face.
She walks out first, and I follow, trying to look as okay as you can after having a breakdown on a bathroom floor.
We make our way back to our table, and I see JJ shoot a glance at Emily that tells her not to ask questions.
Spencer and Heather are standing in the middle of the hall, glasses of champagne in hand.
He has an arm wrapped around her waist, and he keeps glancing down at her. 
For a moment, his eyes scan the crowd, and when they land on mine, his smile grows.
He raises his glass, and I raise my empty one.
He laughs.
My hands shake as I set my glass down and he goes back to the conversation around him.
Another glance down at her, a kiss placed on her temple.
I down the rest of JJ’s drink when she’s not looking.
God, I fucking hate parties.
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