gingersn4pp · 1 year
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A large collection of signalis AU doodles of mine and my buddy cam's ocs! Further description under a readmore, bc i got a lot to say about em LMFAO. I defo gotta draw more of the canon units more than just my ocs because they're all so cool -- the aras are especially charming to me!
Though I got to solidify the corrupt versions of my ocs too....
Lucy, STZR "SPATZEN" is basically a flight coordinator, stationed on an outer space station that is one of the last stops on the edge of the system. Occasional encounters with penrose style missions, she excels in calculating trajectories into the vastness of space. Dedicated to the Nation, though has a particular curiosity that often gets her into trouble/disputes with her superiors, often HENE, cam's management unit, much like a belligerent teenager to her strict mother.
Meyer, an LSTR unit (or similar type!) Assigned to a Penrose exploration mission, though on the edge of everything, her Gestalt officer (Percy) backed out and ran away. Can she really be mad at them, though? She told them to think of themselves more. It doesn't matter how devoted she was if it was one sided. She's out of place on this distant space station, but with limited resources, the ARAR units are grateful for the extra mechanical help. Meyer butts heads with the inexperienced STORCH unit, Boa, but despite their confrontations, they eventually grew closer. Meyer was trying very hard not to get attached...to no avail. :*
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athleticperfection1 · 2 months
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American runner Elly Henes
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juz0suke · 4 months
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wrestlingchampions · 9 months
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2023 in WWE’s Women's Tag Team Champions
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teabutmakeitazure · 1 year
how would chrollo react if his partner/darling doesn't cuddle up to him but uses a pillow to hug instead
The pillow will be gone the next day. No trace of it will ever be found. It's like it was never there. If you end up using the pillow you use for your head to cuddle instead, it will disappear too. You'd have to put up with pillow-less sleep until you go apologise.
Chrollo can tolerate you pushing him away, but he will not tolerate being replaced by an inanimate object especially for something he's already offering you for free.
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emmalovesfitzloved · 6 months
Julian has the tired single dad trope down to a T
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kidungkidung · 9 days
Kehilanganmu seperti membunuh setengah diriku bagaimana tidak? aku sudah menggantungkan separuh kebahagiaanku kepadamu, bahkan seutuhnya. dan ketika kamu pergi, rasanya aku kehilangan setengah diriku karena setengahnya ada bersamamu.
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beatrack92 · 5 months
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Elly Henes 🇺🇸
2022 Prefontaine Classic (Eugene)
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malikselfindulgence · 10 months
Do yoy guys remember when I said we've been in 5 car crashes . Because that number just went up by one
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gebo4482 · 5 months
MIND BODY SPIRIT (2024) - Official Trailer
Dir: Alex Henes / Matthew Merenda Star: Sarah J. Bartholomew / Madi Bready / KJ Flahive
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aniihsrysworld · 4 months
Ada sesuatu yang magis tentang sore mendung. Langit yang kelabu membawa sejuta perasaan, seakan mengajak kita untuk merenung dalam hening. Di bawah awan yang menggantung, hati ini menemukan kedamaian yang sulit dijelaskan.
((btw, jemuran sudah setengah kering, eh tiba-tiba langit mendung. Sepertinya awan suka main-main dengan perasaanku)).
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horrorknife · 5 months
watching saw 2004 again…my beautiful lawrents i missed you so muchh…….shoutout to my wife
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fearsmagazine · 5 months
DISTRIBUTOR: Welcome Villain Films
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SYNOPSIS: Anya receives a distinctive opportunity when her estranged grandmother bequeaths her the entire estate. As a budding yoga influencer, she draws from her grandmother's ritualistic practices to create her videos. Initially intended as a spiritual self-help guide, the videos take a sinister turn as Anya becomes engrossed in the enigmatic power of the ritual. Unaware, she releases an entity that perniciously permeates her videos and life. Anya embarks on a frantic quest to uncover the truth before her descent into madness engulfs her mind, body, andspirit.
REVIEW: The modern tale "Mind Body Spirit" follows an inspiring influencer who strives to enhance her online videos through her grandmother's book of rituals. While the film evokes the eerie atmosphere of "The Blair Witch Project" or "Paranormal Activity," certain initial logical flaws hinder it from realizing its full potential within the genre.
The plot follows a familiar narrative: an estranged grandmother with unknown origins, hidden passageways in an old house, an old handwritten tome, and undisclosed family secrets. To add a bit more interaction in the narrative, Anya enlists her influencer friend, Kenzi, to record videos in an attempt to increase her viewership. Furthermore, Anya has a couple of video calls with her mother, Lenka, who seems to possess some knowledge but doesn't convey a sense of urgency regarding Anya's use of the book or her departure from the house. The dialogue is lively, but the mythology behind the ritual is relatively shallow. As the story progresses toward its climax, it becomes increasingly predictable.
The filmmakers had an excellent location. The costumes were basic, as most scenes featured Anya in yoga attire as she records her videos or exploring hidden areas of the house. Her grandmother's secret lair needed more gravitas, and her secret journal/spellbook lacked the appearance of age.
Some interesting and creepy effects were nicely accentuated by the sound design. The film is shot from the point of view of Anya's phone/computer, with the camera mysteriously moving early in the story. This was a bit jarring. The narrative was further disrupted by several awkward commercial moments, which felt out of place given the film's genre.
Sean Thatcher Hubrich's score is used to emphasize the moments when the "supernatural" entity takes control of Anya's phone. While the score is subtle and works with the sound design, I don't think the genre needs such a cue.
“Mind Body Spirit” has a talented cast, the story supported by Sarah J. Bartholomew’s performance. Creating a likable character who spirals into darkness, she eventually becomes confrontational and evolves into something else. Her engaging performance is accessible to the viewer and allows them to take the journey. Madi Bready and Anna Knigge deliver organic performances. This wonderful ensemble cast sustains the viewer’s engagement, making for a very watchful experience.
Although "Mind Body Spirit" lacks an explicit disclaimer at the beginning indicating its found footage in nature, certain moments in the film hint at this style. As the story unfolds, Anya, who has seemingly been in the house for some time, starts recording yoga sessions. The filmmakers introduce supernatural elements early on, employing camera movements that occur without visible provocation. The film features a blend of organic, practical scare moments enhanced by digital effects. While some elements may feel out of place and appear to be added for the sake of extending the runtime, the film is elevated by its solid performances and well-crafted characters. Despite its imperfections, "Mind Body Spirit" stands as an intriguing and effective homage to several films in the found footage genre that came before it.
CAST: Sarah J. Bartholomew, Madi Bready, Anna Knigge & KJ Flahive CREW: Directors/Screenplay - Alex Henes & Matthew Merenda; Producer - Dan Asma; Cinematographer - Blake Horn; Score - Sean Thatcher Hubrich; Editor - Matthew Merenda; Production Designer - Preethi Sehrawat; Costume Designer - Jaclyn Britz; Special Makeup Effects Artist - Aldrich Chica; Visual Effects Supervisor - Fulvio Sestito OFFICIAL: welcomevillain.com FACEBOOK: facebook.com/WelcomeVillain TWITTER: twitter.com/WelcomeVillain TRAILER: https://youtu.be/dUHF4jXVp3I?si=BvcdjBV31Z2qvRID RELEASE DATE: On Digital May 7th, 2024.
**Until we can all head back into the theaters our “COVID Reel Value” will be similar to how you rate a film on digital platforms - 👍 (Like), 👌 (It’s just okay), or 👎 (Dislike)
Reviewed by Joseph B Mauceri
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senjadansastra · 1 year
Coretan Surat dari Seorang Sahabat
Kertas ini menjadi saksi bisu bagi coretan di dalam malam yang penuh dengan ketenangan,
Kepada Sahabatku...
Dia yang ku harapkan, memiliki makna yang baik, buat diriku, bagimu, dan untuk perspektif kehidupan yang lebih luas, yang terbentang abadi.
Sering kali kudengar orang-orang memahami hari kelahiran sebagai penanda berkurangnya usia, padahal usia kita adalah sesuatu yang abstrak, di luar kendali kita. Jadi, biarkan saja yang berwenang menentukannya. Jangan biarkan energi kita terbuang hanya untuk memikirkannya.
Bagi ku, ulang tahun adalah penanda bahwa kita masih memiliki peran dalam perjalanan dunia ini, bahwa kita masih memikul tugas dari alam semesta untuk memberikan makna dalam perjalanan kehidupan ini. Setidaknya, makna dalam kehidupan dunia yang dapat kita sentuh secara nyata, dan kehidupan mendatang (yang konon abadi, meski masih tersembunyi dari penglihatan kita).
Memberikan makna dalam kehidupan adalah seperti menguraikan misteri kompleks yang tak dapat dilihat mata. Tetapi, ia senantiasa diselipkan oleh nilai-nilai dan perasaan. Jadi, apakah kesan yang ingin kau tanamkan dalam perjalanmu ini?
Penghargaan terhadap jiwa yang baik tidak terukur oleh panjang atau singkatnya riwayat hidup, seperti yang dikatakan oleh seorang filsuf yang bijak. Meski perjalananmu sebagai seorang "Zilenial" baru dimulai dalam ukuranku, jika hatimu penuh kasih dan kepedulian terhadap sesama, aku yakin bahwa siapapun akan menghormatimu, tanpa memedulikan status atau kedudukan. Ini adalah jalan menuju cinta kasih semesta, dan aku merasa bahwa nilai-nilai itu besar dalam dirimu. Maka, jagalah dan kembangkanlah mereka.
Sebagai seorang wanita, publik sering menghubungkan harapan kepada citra "Cantik.", bukan hanya dalam penampilan fisik, tapi juga dalam elaborasi pemikiranmu. Kecantikan hakiki itu selalu terpancar dari perasaan yang kau semai di setiap langkah perjalananmu.
Dan ternyata ada frasa, "Cantik itu Luka." Meski aku belum sepenuhnya mengerti maknanya, dalam pandanganku, cantik selalu berdampingan dengan hal-hal positif. Jadi, aku penasaran dengan bukumu yang mengeksplorasi misteri di balik frasa ini!
Kemampuanmu sebagai seorang individu yang suka menyelidiki, menguraikan, dan menganalisis mengisyaratkan dedikasimu untuk terus belajar. Ini adalah hal mulia, karena hasratmu untuk belajar akan membuatmu semakin bijak dalam menggali makna nilai-nilai. Jangan pernah berhenti, dan jangan biarkan kesombongan merintangi perjalanan belajarmu.
Semoga Tuhan atau Semesta senantiasa melimpahkan berkah dalam segala dimensi hidupmu, menjagamu dengan kasih yang tak pernah pudar. Selamat Ulang Tahun, Sahabatku, yang selalu menghiasi pikiranku, yang selalu aku hargai.
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garadinervi · 2 years
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Fil–sofia. El concepte del fil en la dona–artista, Edited by Mirella Bentivoglio, Metrònom, Centre de Documentació Art Actual (CDAA), Barcelona , 1982 [Exhibition: February 16 – March 18, 1982] [MACBA, Barcelona]. Contributions by Francesca Cataldi, Maria Ferrero Gussago, Elisabetta Gut, Donna Henes, Maria Lai, Valeria Melandri, Gisella Meo, Aurèlia Muñoz, Renata Prunas, Lisa Rehsteiner, Angels Ribe, Greta Schödl, Franca Sonnino, Elena Tondi, Clotilde Vitrotto
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This tiktok is everything lol who needs context
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Pov Ro sent me the exact titkok and it's what's causing today's meltdown
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