c-nstellati-ns · 2 years
gonna be honest, i really didn't give a shit about strohiem, until he kidnapped my man speedwagon. he was instantly on my bad side after that. believe it or not, he was the first jojo character i openly hated.
even him helping the protagonists didn't change my thoughts on him.
DUDE YEAH SERIOUSLY. ever since then whenever he came on screen, i became so irrationally angry and annoyed, i hate him so fucking much….. speedwagon has to easily be one of my fav characters in jojos overall so ANYONE who lays a finger on my man gets their ass WHOOPED. i wish santana had killed him if im being so honest rn
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rory-multifandom-mess · 2 months
Number 7 but Wheat Thins perchance?
7. "Can I kiss you?"
Genre: Fluff
It had been another long, adventure-full day for the “outcast crew,” as N had began to call them. Thad was absolutely not used to staying out so late, and he certainly wasn’t used to the high energy, physically taxing activities they got up to.
Heck, he usually participated in high energy, physically taxing activities - he was a football player, for goodness sake - but the sheer amount of running around and jumping down from high places and doing this and that was a lot for even Thad.
What impressed him the most, though, was the fact V and Uzi were still at it. He’d never taken V to be the type of person to be high energy, but when it came to destroying things, then she was all for it.
“I saw this super flimsy building while we were flying back to the bunker. Can we destroy one more? Pleeeaase?” Uzi said, trying her best to give N puppy eyes.
“I dunno, Uzi… Thad looks pretty tired,” N said, worried for his friend.
Thad blinked, zoning back in as he looked up at N.
Uzi looked back at Thad as well and frowned.
“Well I want to destroy it!” V chimed in, leaning on Uzi.
N frowned.
“Okay, well, uh…” N trailed off, blanking, unsure of what to say.
“You guys can go destroy it,” Thad said tiredly, not noticing the way he had begun to lean on N’s arm, or the way N blushed at him, “It’s alright, I don’t mind sitting out.”
“Yes!” Uzi cheered.
“Last one there eats a missile!” V said in a sing-song voice, quickly taking to the sky.
“Cheater!” Uzi called back, quickly following after her.
Thad reluctantly shifted away from N, patting his arm as to signal that he could go.
N looked down at him, worried, then gently took his hand.
“I can stay here, if you want.”
Thad blinked up at him.
“You don’t want to go with V and Uzi?” He asked, confused
“Honestly? …Not really. I’ve had enough of blowing things up for fun,” N explained with a nervous chuckle.
“Why don’t we sit down? You look like you could use it,” N suggested.
Thad nodded and plopped down in the snow, one leg bent upwards with his other leg underneath.
N sat down beside him, his legs stretched out in front of him. Thad subconsciously leaned on him again, yawning. He didn’t even know he could yawn.
“I didn’t know worker drones could yawn,” N commented.
“Me neither,” Thad said bluntly, “do you guys yawn?”
“The disassembly drones? Sometimes. But that’s only after we’ve had a big meal.”
‘Big meal’ Thad echoed in his head. He shivered at the thought.
N gently wiggled his legs from side to side.
“So uh,” N started, startling Thad out of his state of dozing off, “You’re not used to staying up this late, huh?”
Thad nodded.
“I usually have a tight sleep schedule,” Thad explained, “But it’s okay. I don’t mind staying up to hang out with you and Zi.”
N smiled softly.
Thad looked up at N, and as he did, he felt his core flutter.
N looked so… oddly cute, smiling like that, the moonlight reflecting off his metal casing. His hair gently flowed in the breeze, the yellow of his visor shining brighter than before. He looked so… Kissable.
“Can I kiss you?” Thad asked.
N froze, his eyelights hollowing. He looked down at Thad after a moment, surprised.
Thad blinked, confused. His core sank.
“I just said that out loud,” He realized as he sat up, blush creeping onto his display.
Thad lowered his head and hid his face in his hands.
“I’m sorry, N, I didn’t— ignore what I said, I’m just tired-“ Thad stammered, trying to find an excuse.
“…You can,” N said shyly, “I, uh… I wouldn’t mind.”
Thad lifted his head, looking up at N, surprised.
“A…Are you sure? That was really random.”
N nodded.
Thad sat there for a moment, then turned away.
“N-No, I’m sorry- That was so weird, I-“
Suddenly, he felt a gentle kiss on his cheek. He gasped and turned to N, his core beating faster than ever before, his display covered in blush.
N smiled nervously, looking down at him.
Thad reached up and pecked him on the lips. N returned the kiss.
The two stared at each other, confused, embarrassed, yet happy and flustered all the same. They started laughing a little while Thad leaned back on N.
They didn’t say anything more, simply enjoying each other’s company as explosions went off in the background, likely Uzi and V blowing up more buildings than the one.
N didn’t care. He just wanted to spend time with Thad. Though, he didn’t know what this made them.
He looked down at Thad to ask, only to find he was in sleep mode.
Ok the actual kissing part is a little awkward but that’s ok
Prompt Post! Lizzy x Doll; "Stay with me forever"/"Because I love you!" N x V; "I thought you didn't want me"/"Why haven't you kissed me yet?" V x Thad; "I'm in love with you" V x Thad "I missed you so much"/"I can't stay away from you" N x Thad; "Can I kiss you?" <- You are here! N x Thad; "I want you. Only you." V x Thad; "I thought you didn't want me." Sam x Uzi; "The way I feel with you"/"I can't stay away from you." Uzi x Thad; "Please don't leave me"/"I'll always love you" N x Thad; "Please marry me"/"Why haven't you kissed me yet?" N x Uzi; "You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen"/"I'm better when I'm with you" J x Thad; "Please don't leave me"/"I'm better when I'm with you."
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audhdnight · 11 months
Okay I can’t sleep because I have a Snape rant brewing so I’m just gonna get it out.
(Obligatory disclaimer: I fucking hate JKR. I’m not talking about this out of any love for her or her work, I’m talking about it because people still genuinely think Snape is “morally gray” or “misunderstood” and I can NOT take it)
I know we all have soft spots for the bad guys with tragic backstories but what I can’t get over is that snape’s backstory isn’t even tragic??? It’s not a tale of lost love, like, even a little bit. He didn’t lose Lilly to James because he and James were never competing for her, at least not from her point of view. We have absolutely no indication in the text that Lilly ever saw Snape as a romantic prospect at all. They were childhood friends, that’s it. It’s the “nice guy” incel bullshit all over again. Snape thought he had a right to her affection, thought that the only reason she didn’t love him was because James somehow took that love away, and that is just not how any of this works. He was not entitled to Lilly’s love, ESPECIALLY not when he was a literal wizard N@zi.
Say we have a little white boy and a little black girl. This boy is raised in an extremely racist household, but still becomes friends with the girl because he comes to see her as a person. This makes her the exception, because he knows that black girls aren’t really people. Then these two kids get older and go to school, and while there, instead of realizing that black people are in fact people, the boy digs even more into the racism he was taught. He even joins the junior kkk group at their school! He actively conspires to commit hate crimes, and this continues until he is more than old enough to realize it is wrong. He still sees the girl as the exception to the rule though, by virtue of the fact that she is associated with him. She is his, and that is what makes her different from all the other black kids. The girl hates what she sees in her best friend, but she holds out hope that he could change, despite all her friends constantly reminding her that he’s bad news and he’ll never change. Then one day they fight, he calls her a slur, and she realizes it’s time to let him go. He’s just a racist, and that’s that.
Then, after they leave school, the guy graduates from junior kkk to regular kkk, where he routinely commits hate crimes along with a bunch of other horrible racist dudes. He tries to make sure the girl won’t be targeted, not because she’s a person who deserves to live, but because he still sees her as the one that got away. He still thinks he deserves to have her, and he doesn’t care if her husband and child die, so long as she’s left alive afterward for him to have. Then she dies anyway, and he vows revenge on the members of his little group that did it. He leaves the kkk, not because he has realized that it is wrong, but because they destroyed something of his and so they have to pay.
People act like snape switching sides was a nod to his shifting moralities, like that’s what makes him “actually kind of a good guy, when you really think about it”. He didn’t leave the death eaters because he disagreed with their mission, he left because he wanted revenge for the hurt they caused him. If any of his anger had actually been about Lilly, he would have done everything in his power to take care of Harry once he came to Hogwarts (and no, keeping him barely alive out of a duty to Dumbledore while actively participating in Harry’s abuse in regular day-to-day life does NOT count as taking care of him).
Even if we completely disregard all of the shit with Lilly and the marauders, if we look at snape through the lens of a regular teacher, he’s still a horrible person. He abuses his students for gods sake! That is not and will never be “morally gray”. He is a child abuser, period. He is evil.
People also like to say that his patronus shifting to be the same as Lilly’s is somehow proof that he really loved her, and I just don’t see how that argument can even seriously be made. It proves he wants her, it proves he’s still hung up on her, sure. But you don’t need to love someone or something to just really want them. Honestly, it always seemed to me that it was a sign he was still obsessed with her, still hanging onto his bitterness at “losing” to James. He’s just a pathetic man still living his highschool rivalries through a child who has done nothing to him and didn’t ask to be part of this ridiculous “feud”.
Snape isn’t a case of moral ambiguity. He isn’t a case of a tragically misunderstood antihero. He isn’t a case of “doing the right things for the wrong reasons”. He doesn’t even do the right things at all. Snape is a bad person, plain and simple. He’s not someone you should sympathize with or make excuses for just because “but he really misses the girl he had a crush on in school 🥺”.
In conclusion: Snape didn’t love Lilly, he though he owned her. He is not morally gray in any sense of the term.
I also have SO much I could say about fucking Dumbledore and how telling it is that JKR genuinely tried to present him as a good person (also snape too in that regard) but that’s a whole other post.
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kentuckyfriedsatan · 2 months
So all you remember from the livestream is people not respecting his boundaries, instead of Per saying he’s apolitical, accusing another musician who he claims he doesn’t know (a bit paradoxal) of hitting on his abusive and zionist girlfriend, and most importantly his laugh when someone asks him if he’s a n*zi and using the “I have a Jewish and Black friends I cannot be a nazi” card? Funny also that he was counting on his fingers and could only find two examples to give.
What have we really learned from Per’s livestream? That non-white fans are not comfortable in this fandom because everyone ignores this type of behavior. Respecting the musicians boundaries is important and necessary but clearly it isn’t the priority here. We can’t overlook this type of blatant ignorance and prioritize his feelings instead.
You are totally right that wording it like I did was not optimal. There are other important things to take away from it. I only caught the end because of uni and I have to say I’m not so into the unmasked people.
The thing is, I’m not doing this to prioritise HIS feelings. He doesn’t give a shit anymore let’s be real.
I’m doing this to keep him out of the fandom space for our sake. He is an actor and shouldn’t have to do anything with what we are doing with the character. We shouldn’t even know who the person behind the mask is and I want to keep that distance. Whether he is a horrible person or not or something in between, I don’t want him or his name in our fucking space.
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bardicbeetle · 2 years
screaming about SitD - ramble on moral grey areas and vampirism and blood
Content Warnings: mention of drugs both use and dealing, and murder, that… is honestly about it. The murder bit is par for the course but I don’t usually dig into Moira’s list so obligate drug mention warning.
Additional reminder that I am writing fiction, character belief to author belief is not a 1-1 ratio.
Friend wanted to know about why my vampires were okay with killing people but not okay with stealing blood if that was a viable workaround to murder. This brought about via some previous conversations surrounding Isaac’s relationship to Alex and also the vamp!house as a whole. Brief interlude about the Lost Boys since they are the original blueprint for what my vampires eventually became.
Donated blood specifically within the confines of We-took-this-from-hospital = bad
Donated blood acquired via the chaos trio that is Isaac Carrie and Tom = good
And within that, the reason they Don’t Do that is primarily because Daniel takes issue with it and as far as the remaining Vamp!House is concerned, he’s as much in charge as it gets (which to be fair, is Not Much, but it’s not Nothing either). I’m just realizing that oddly enough 2/3 of the Chaos Trio blood they do take comes from Isaac and Tom who could not donate blood normally anyway because of MSM restrictions. There is also the argument to be made for taking a non-lethal amount of blood from someone and then messing their memory around until they won’t have questions about it, but again, Daniel is more against the whole Mind Fuckery shit than he is against murder at this point.
Re: The Lost Boys you can be mean about my bastard children I don’t care I used to have auditory hallucinations of Paul as a young teenager that annoyed me so much I threatened to kill him on a regular basis. But yeah they are, cavalier is a good word, indiscriminate is another but also it doesn’t quite fit to me just because as far as in-universe goes we only see them kill people who have fucked with them in some way or another. First being the security guard who kicked them off the boardwalk, second and third being the Surf N*zi’s who were fucking with them on the carousel and who the book confirms they have additional shit with already. But yeah. The boys don’t care about human life enough for people like Star, Michael, etc. We never see Max kill but I do not doubt that a lot of the missing posters aren’t just from the Boys.
point at hand, they have reasons. not necessarily good or good or morally correct reasons, but such is unlife.
Daniel is… more than a little desensetized at this point. He did so much worse under Amalthea that a single death every other week or so does not weigh heavy on him. For the most part. There are days it’s too much. There are moments his own cowardice gets to him (is it worth living for all this ruin?). But there are people relying on him staying alive. That comes first (they come first).
Jesse and Moira are a touch different in that they have… a handful of rules followed more often than not. Piled up justifications or excuses or both. Call them what you want.
Jesse is a constant case of weighed options. He’s the one keeping an eye on bigots and hate crimes and going “Hmmm. Okay, too many. You’re done.” is the bar of what constitutes “too many” constantly changing? Yeah. Is too many One more often than not? Also yeah. He keeps a list. It’s sometimes disheartening that it never really gets shorter. Moira joins him on this a lot of the time.
Moira isn’t entirely apart from Daniel’s mostly indiscriminite if unlikely to be investigated murder, but when she is there are specific types she’s going after. This kinda came up organically when I was moving the story to central VT for the sake of my own location-knowledge— Moira knocks off drug dealers, mainly those putting out heroin and fentanyl because those are the things that hit home for myself and the people I’m close to. If someone is lining their pockets with death, as far as Moira is concerned they’re getting what’s coming to them. It’s a smaller list than Jesse’s, but it’s something she keeps an eye on.
This method of theirs has on occassion gotten the household into hot water when someone who is actually avoiding arrest ends up dead falling off the face of the earth. That’s partially why the household has the arrangement they do with Jonathan Davies, if someone goes missing who needs to properly turn up dead, they work that out with him and Theo.
I’ll keep Alex somewhat brief as we explore their reservations about murder… a lot in the actual text. Immediately post-killing their parents they subsist mainly off of blood donated by Isaac. They know that by no means does the rest of the household just kill innocent people all of the time, but that doesn’t mean they don’t. It takes some adjusting. Eventually they fall into a routine that mirrors their arrival, they walk at night, they let someone try to hurt them, and that doesn’t go so well for whoever tries it.
Re: Vent Art
Moira does art constantly, I mention in one of Alex’s first scenes at the house that the living room is essentially wall-to-wall paintings all stylistically different from each other, only linked by Moira’s little gold MH signature in the corner. She fucks around in every medium she can get her hands on. Sometimes it’s vent art, sometimes it’s not. There was a period shortly after she made the decision to become a vampire that it was entirely vent art because she missed the sun so fucking badly. Later on she just decides to be up during daylight anyways, wrapped in a blanket cocoon and watching the light out the windows until her eyes hurt. The first time she discovers that new england cloud cover is heavy enough in the wintertime to feel like daylight when it’s snowing is like coming alive again. (It’s also a really sweet moment for the whole house as that’s the first time Daniel has seen daylight in decades)
Jesse writes. He’s a little… hmmm, less affected by the whole thing, I think, than most. But I think that’s mostly because what he got out of this was the chance to live and also the love of his life? He’s a little bit biased. And again, he has set out pretty specific rules for himself as far as who dies. That being said, he’s a writer, things spill over. I speak from experience both in that things you think aren’t an issue weave their way into your writing, and that Jesse and I are similar enough that writing is his default coping mechanism when things are Affecting Him.
Moira and Jesse make a comic together.
A lot of comics together.
Jesse considers writing an instant gratification art form, and Moira is the one with the actual patience to deal with his mess of ideas and help get them to a point that makes sense in a visual medium.
AddiHart Comics is their project baby. It’s the origin of me calling them the Vamp!House because that’s what they call themselves there. They write silly little slice of life shit that would be 90% the same as every other iteration of that except for the “Oh by the way, vampires”. They have yet to tell Daniel about this, it’s been ongoing for about half a decade. (In truth, he found out about it through Sarah, but he’s not going to spoil the “secret”)
I like having a little in-universe nod to their backstories.
Daniel doesn’t really make vent art, but Daniel also has approximately 0 healthy coping skills and is only in the last decade or so getting better about not Fully Shutting Down any discussion of the Horrors that live in his head and his heart. He does read though. Like, a lot. An alarming amount. He’s a sucker for his silly little pile of romance paperbacks. There is a reason his “bedroom” is wall to wall bookshelves.
So, yeah.
An amount of information probably larger than intended.
Which may or may not actually be coherent.
@cjjameswriting / @falling-rivers / @maabonwrites / @blve0 / @inexorableblob / @blueberrypoptart / @betwixtofficial / @drowsy-quill / @ezwriting / @ofinscriptions / @vaguelyhumanekid / @meatandboneasmr / @h-faith-marr-writeblr / @necros-writings / @poetinprose / @flyingbananasaur / @oldestenemy / @multi-lefaiye / @dotr-rose-love / @abalonetea
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eternaleepy · 2 years
ok honestly idk if i’ll get crucified for saying this but i think that part 1 might be the best part of the first 3 jojo parts. like yes it’s rough and the writing and characters can feel stiff but it doesn’t overstay it’s welcome at all, and for being just a pretty generic good vs. evil story, it’s fine for what it is. i also think that phantom blood’s shocking ending almost makes up for some of the more bland, lackluster parts of the story and perfectly sets up the conflict for the rest of the series *chefs kiss* like that was literally the best way araki could’ve ended the first arc of the story
also part 1 is really more about DIO than it is about JONATHAN, and dio is portrayed the best in this part in my opinion. like dio is still far from my favorite jojo villain but i really love witnessing his origin of how he just becomes a flamboyant asshole vampire in phantom blood. i do think that joseph is OBVIOUSLY a much better jojo than jonathan, and i do like the group dynamic that the crusaders have in part 3, but in terms of the best OVERALL PART, i don’t think that joseph is able to carry all of part 2, and part 3 is just way too fucking long and repetitive. stardust crusaders is just long for the sake of being long and part 2 has so many elements to it that just piss me off (literal n*zi’s, lisa lisa’s mistreatment, etc etc)
so yeah i’m just rambling at this point but looking back on the first 3 parts, phantom blood is the one that pisses me off the least
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grandmafc · 4 years
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inimikal-archive · 2 years
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No  rping,  just  neurodivergent  info  dumps.  This  is  from  a  response  I  made  explaining  my  thoughts  on  Wesker  &  motivations  he  has  +  why  that  I  am  sharing  publicly  as  I  think  its  very  important  to  my  blog  &  portrayal.  Going  WARN  upfront  that the  N*zi  party  is  mentioned.  Just  briefly  touching  on  something  Capcom  said.  I  also  want  to  make  it  very  clear  that  I  DO  NOT  support  Wesker’s  views,  I  don’t  think  its  cool  to  kill  a  vast  majority  of  the  population  because  things  suck  or  anything  like  that,  lmao   &  I  don’t  believe  in  the  eco-fascistic  ways  or  the  eco/bio  terrorism  he  employs  to  achieve  & enforce  his  goals  against  all  human  kind  ━  I  do  not  condone  it,  like  OBVIOUSLY,  however  I  don’t  believe  Wesker  believes  in  what  Spencer  did  in  the  exact  way  he  did  &  so  this  post  is  merely  an  explanation  of  Why  Wesker’s  Like  That  Deluxe  Edition. Do  not  take  this  post  as  excusing  his  actions,  sympathising  with  him  or  whatever,  its  only  an  explanation  for  WHY  &  a  reference  for  how  that  works  on  this  blog  /  my  portrayal. ONCE  AGAIN  please  continue  reading   with  caution  because  as  mentioned  this  post  may  briefly  touch  on  some  sensitive  stuff  &  also  touches  on  some  popular  discourse  within  the  fandom. 
So,  anyway  Wesker's  Uroboros  bullshit  is  “interesting”  for  a  lack  of  a  better  term  in  the  sense  that  I'm  not  sure  he  was  doing  it  for  the  same  reason  someone  like  Spencer  was.  I  think  something  to  note  was  how  Spencer  was  just  ... Extremely  classist  &  racist.  He  hated  most  people  because  he  viewed  them  as  inferior  to  himself,  due  to  being  raised  with  extreme  wealth  &  privilege.  He  had  access  to  education   & comfort  that  others  did  not,  especially  in  his  time,  but  instead  of  viewing  this  as  a  privilege  granted  to  him  by  money  he  decided  to  view  this  as  himself  being  inherently  superior  to  everyone  else  because  why  take  accountability  for  your  privilege  if  it  means  acknowledging  you’re  not  better  than  everyone  else,  you  just  have  money.  He  was  in  an  age  where  this  kind  of  backward,  hateful  thinking  was  the  norm. Because  racists  &  rich  people  have  been  like  that  always,  basically.  
In  a  similar  way  to  Excella,  he  thought  himself  to  be  superior  to  others  out  of  pure  arrogance  &  with  Spencer  particularly  some  very  uncomfortably  real  world  prejudice.  Capcom  tried  to  sort  of  “hide”  a  lot  for  the  sake  of  game  sales  but  initially,  people  like  Spencer  were  supposed  to  represent  real  life  backward  ass  eugenic  ideals.  Spencer’s  own  shit  draws  from  the  same  places  as  the  kind  of  shit  Hitl*r  & the  N*zi  party  were  on.  It's  admittedly  a  direct  reference  according  to  Capcom;  the  nonsense  of  the  Ary*n  race  &   "the  superior  men”  is  all  there  particularly  emphasised  from  Spencer’s  ideals.  Capcom  have  said  this  is  what  they  were  going  for;  they’ve  even  gone  on  to  say  that  Albert  himself  looks  the  way  he  does  because  of  this  concept  of  the  “superior  man”  being  a  tall,  blond  hair,  blue  eyed,  pale  skinned  individual  that  Spencer  adhered  to.  Though  Capcom  did  dial  these  things  back  a  bit  references  &  allegories  for  these  things  are  still  clear  within  the  canon.
So  yes.  This  is  exactly  what  Spencer  was  going  for.  Wesker’s  appearance  is  supposed  to  allude  to  what  Spencer  actually  represents  &  what  his  intentions / goals  really  were.  So  while  Spencer  may  have  fully  planned  &  intended  for  Wesker  to  look  like  that  (& possibly  for  all  the  Wesker  children  to  look  like  that)  Wesker’s  looks  weren't  Capcom  condoning  Spencer’s  beliefs,  just  trying  to  clue  us  into  the  inspo  behind  his  bullshit.  This  is  also  shown  in  Alex  Wesker.  It's  not  a  coincidence  that  the  only  Wesker  children  we  know  of  &  get  to  see  are  two  tall,  white,  blond  people  with  blue  eyes.  Its  also  not  a  coincidence  that  the  “straight”  cis  man  was  the  apex  of  the  whole  fucked  up  project  via  capcom’s  attempt  to  clue  us  into  what  Spencer  represented.  You  can  find  implications  of  this  same  thing  in  characters  like  Alfred  &  Alexia  Ashford,  & again  it  is  not  a  coincidence  that  ALL  FOUR  of  these  characters  were  literally  created  by  Umbrella  heads.  Alfred  &  Alexia  are  literal  test  tube  babies  &  Albert  &  Alex  were  the  fruits  of  some  supremely  fucked  up  selective  breeding  programme.
As  a  result  Umbrella,  Spencer  & anyone  associated  with  that  circle  fetishized  Wesker  to  an  extreme  because  of  what  he  represented  to  them---  but  another  thing  to  keep  in  mind  is  Wesker  isn’t  Spencer  &  the  way  in  which  Spencer  actually  failed  is  that  he  didn’t  really  make  a  copy  of  himself  who,  despite  his  best  efforts,  believed  all  the  same  messed  up  shit  he  did, or  at  least  not  in  the  same  way.
This  is  how  I  personally  come  at  things  in  my  own  take  of  Wesker,  anyway,  so  though  it  is  almost  impossible  for  Wesker  to  not  share  some  of  Spencer’s  ideas  since  they  were  literally  programmed  into  him  from  birth  &  Wesker  didn’t  reject  Spencer’s  “New  world”  entirely,  he  tried  to  make  it  make  sense  BECAUSE,  IN  HIS  MIND,  stupid  shit  like  being  white  or  rich,  for  example,  does  not  make  you  superior  to  any  other  human  being.  Wesker  understands  that.  He  does  not  champion  for  genocide  toward  a  select  group  of  humans  because  of  some  shallow  prejudice.  Nor  did  he  intend  to  specifically,  personally  tailor  people  to  look,  think   &  act  any  certain  way  that  he  deemed  “superior.”  So  no,  Wesker   himself  does  not  hold  the  same  views  as  Spencer  in  the  racist,  classist,  messed  up  way,  per  se.
I  think  it's  interesting  how  he  talks  about  Alexia  in  his  report   &  his  own  anger  & annoyance  he  felt  toward  the  higher  ups  of  Umbrella  &   the  other  researchers  for  putting  her  on  a  pedestal  just  because  of  her  family  name  +  wealth.  She  hadn’t  done  jack  shit  for  Umbrella  to  be  applauded  the  way  she  was  (Unlike  William  Birkin)  but  the  researchers  couldn’t  get  over  her  because  she  was  from  a  well  known,  aristocratic  family  that  had  founded  the  company.  You  could  even  argue  from  things  in  Wesker’s  report  2  that  Wesker’s  disillusionment  with  Umbrella  &  his  ever  growing  contempt  for  it  & its  shit  started  as  far  back  as  his  time  in  the  training  school  which  is something  I  personally  believe,  particularly  due  to  his  friendship  with  William  Birkin,  who  is  implied  to  not  really  fit  the  “Umbrella  Mold”  outside  of  his  pure  genius  intellect.  Further,  Wesker  is  noted  as  one  of  the  few  among  the  Umbrella  staff  who  found  Spencer’s  desire  for  a  virus  to  infect  all  organic  matter  &  the  location  of  the  Akrley  lab  as  somewhere  that  could  rapidly  spread  infection  due  to  the  high  volume  of  organic  matter  the  virus  would  infect,  insane  &  dangerous.  
This  is  literally  where  Wesker’s  discomfort  &  suspicions  toward  Spencer  personally  began.  He  also  talks  in  his  little  note  about  Uroboros  being  beautiful  because  it  doesn’t  discriminate  based  on  shallow  human  prejudice. (  although  we  could  say  this  is  true  of  all  viruses,  which  is  a  thing  he  romanticizes  about  them  because  he  was  born  from  some  really  backwards  believes  that  he,  himself,  does  not  follow  &  as  a  biologist  he  finds  to  be  quite  stupid  & shallow.  But  do  keep  in  mind  RE  world  science  & real  world  science is  not  the  same. )
Which  we  see  with  Excella.  Excella  believed  she  was  worthy  because  she  was  beautiful,  rich  & powerful.  But  none  of  those  things  stopped  her  from  mutating  into  a  horrible  monster.  Urobous  wouldn’t  choose  people  based  on  how  pretty,  how  rich  they  were.     how  white, or  what  their  sexuality,  gender  or  religious  faith  was  ━  it  would  simply  choose  people  it  deemed  right  by  unique / random  genetic  make  up  &  this  could  be  anyone  of  any  gender,  any  faith,  any  sexuality,  any  race.  In  fact  it  is  noted  in  canon  that  the  only  other  humans  who  had  achieved  “god hood”  in  the  “same”  way  Wesker  had  were  black  Africans.  Thats  a  pretty  sexy  fuck  you  to  a  white  s*premacist like  Spencer.
Which  is  the  major  difference  between  Wesker  & Spencer.  Wesker's  hatred  of  humanity  doesn’t  come  from  a  sense  of  twisted  privilege  &  prejudice,  &  its  not  directed  specifically  toward  select  individuals,  even  though  he  was  basically  born  from  this,  due  to  being  one  of  Spencer’s  designer  babies.  Wesker  didn’t  grow  up  to  believe  skin  colour  or  wealth  made  you  inherently  better  or  smarter.  He  doesn’t  think  there  are  people  in  the  world  that  are  superior  to  others  because  of  shallow  bias  such  as  those.  With  Wesker  It  comes  from  a  really  weird  sense  of  altruism  cobbled  together  with  extreme,  contradictory  pessimism  from  everything  he’s  experienced.  Again  not  to  excuse  him  or  say  he's  a  good  person  bc  ultimately  he’s  very  twisted,  selfish  &  delusional  & hes  not  coming  back  from  that.  If  Wesker  ever  had  a  SLIM  chance  of  being  considered  even  “morally  ambiguous”  like  someone  like  Ada  it  was  lost  when  he  betrayed  S.T.A.R.S  &  lost  his  humanity. 
However,  Wesker  has  seen  up  close  &  personal  the  absolute  horror  humans  are  capable  of  inflicting  on  themselves  &  others  &  for  the  fucking  stupidest  reasons.  He  was  essentially  forced  to  participate  in  human  experimentation  as  a  child  (16-17)  to  the  ends  of  creating  horrific  B.O.W’s  that  would  presumably  be  used  by  the  world's  militaries  to  wipe  each  other  out.  In  the  name  of  human  pride,  greed  &  prejudice.  He  believes  that  this  is  pretty  much  all  humans  have  really  done  for  hundreds  of  years.  Kill  each  other,  steal  from  each  other,  &  fuck  things  up  for  the  planet  itself  &  every  other  creature  that  lives  on  it.  He’s  come  to  view  humans  as  flawed,  dangerous  creatures  that  if  left  unchecked  will  destroy  the  world.  However  again,  he's  not  trying  to  cull  or  cultivate  any  certain  group  of  people  because  of  a  fucked  up,  racist  sense  of  aesthetic,  unlike  Spencer  &  I  cannot  stress   this  enough  because  this  is  where  the  fandom  fucks  up  for  me. 
Furthermore !  Of  course,  Wesker  has  been  given  power  beyond  comprehension.  He  calls  himself  a  god  to  great  mockery  but  if  we’re  being  honest,  what  else  does  he  have  to  compare  himself  to ?  There  is  nothing  like  Wesker  out  there,  particularly  not   anything  known  about  at  height  of  his  activity  &  the  time  of  his  death.  Moreover,  I  should  mention   again  that  the  only  “beings”  like  Wesker  who  ever  existed  where  the  “evolved”  African  “god  Kings”  of  Ndipaya  mythology.   AGAIN  This  to  me  further  illustrates  the  fact  that  Wesker  himself  doesn’t  exactly  adhere  to  White  S*premist  ideals  &  his  entire  existence  is  more  a  dunk  on  people  like  Spencer  who  did,  as  Wesker,  a  white  man  obtaining  this  status  through  the  Stairway  of  the  Sun,  was  so  far  an  anomaly.  Meanwhile  we’re  aware  it  wasn’t  undocumented  that  black  Africans  were  able  to  achieve  god  status  through  progenitor  infection  as  per  Ndipaya  mythos,  Wesker  is  the  only  white  person  who  did  “”naturally”,  despite  Spencer  having  lined  up  HUNDREDS  of  specially  bred  &  selected  candidates  who  carried  his  racist  ass  aesthetic.  
 I  think  this  goes  to  show  Wesker’s  intentions  with  Uroborus   ( A  virus  engineered  directly  from  the  progenitor )  was  not  to  cleanse  the  world  of  any  select  race  or  races,  but  to  instead  wipe  out  the  vast  majority  &   leave  only  the  “Most  choice  humans”  ( his  quote )  to  evolve  &  inherit  the  earth.  These  humans  would  not  just  be  white  or  share  his  “”personal  DNA””  ( idk  what  ppl  are  talking  about  when  they  say  Urobous  was  somehow  only  safe  for  Wesker’s  DNA .... Its literally  got  nothing  to  do  with  Wesker’s  DNA.  It  was  JILL’s  antibodies  from  her  infection  with  T  that  was  used  to  engineer  it,  but  its  not  connected  to  her  DNA  specifically  either.  Thats  not  how  viruses  work. )  Anyway,  Urobous  was  about  individuals,  not  races. But  I  digress,  Weskers  powers  are  truly  extraordinary. There's  no  way  anyone  gets  power  like  what  Wesker  got  &  doesn’t  crack  in  some  way.   If  anything  he  was  holding  it  together  pretty  well  until  his  confrontation  with  Spencer  &  his  discovery  of  the  Wesker  project  which  is  what  really  sent  him  “over  the  edge”  in  my  opinion. 
None  the  less  Wesker  doesn’t  believe  he's  doing  something  evil.
"Every  day,  humans  come  one  step  closer  to  self-destruction.  I'm  not  destroying  the  world, I'm  saving  it!"  "War  and  pestilence  wherever  you  go!  Nothing  but  loathsome  humans!"
Some  of  the  stuff  he  says  in  re5  when  you  fight  him  shows  that  Wesker  thinks  he's  ultimately  doing  the  right  thing  here.  Again,  he's  given  an  insane  power,  him  alone,  of  course  he  feels  as  if  he  SHOULD  play  god  with  it  because  everything  up  till  now  has  shown  him  Humans  Are  A  Danger  To  Themselves  & Everything  Else,  plus  he  was  groomed  by  Spencer  &  umbrella  to  believe  in  things  like  Might  Makes  Right  &  Survival  Of  The  Fittest.  He  further  doesn’t  think  of  himself  as  god  as  a  ruler,  but  as  a  creator.
In  Wesker’s  head  he  was  chosen  to  be  the  Messiah,  he  is  the  hand  of  god  who  judges  the  corrupt  humans  &  sorts  the  good  from  the  bad  or  rather  “the  worthless  from  the  worthy”;  only  he  has  the  power  to  accomplish  this  &   this  is  how  he  makes  sense  of  that  power &  why  he  alone  has  it,  &  with  Uroborus  he  has  the  tool  to  strip  everything  back  to  its  basics  &  begin  anew;   "The  human  race  requires  judgment!"  “The  din  of  six  billion  screams  will  close  the  book  on  humanity's  ignoble  past.”  The  only  humans  that  would   be  left  alive  by  Uroborus  would  be  those  randoms  who  were  genetically  compatible  with  Uroborus  &  therefore  “better”  &  again  Uroborus  wouldn’t  discriminate  on  race,  gender,  sexuality,  class  or  faith  which  is  what  we’re  told  via  canon.
SO  yeah,  that  is  why  the  mass  human  extinction  event  lived  in  Wesker’s  head  &  why  he  went  that  way.  &  while  he's  WRONG  in  his  intentions,  his  motivations  don’t  exactly  come  from  the  same  place  as  someone  like  Spencer's  apparently  did,  HOWEVER,  its  not  wrong  to  acknowledge  &  criticise  Wesker’s  character  as  a  type  of  allegory  for  white  s*premacy  even  if  the  character  himself  may  not  have  believed  in  this  in  that  particular  way  &  thats  not  literally  what  the  text  of  the  story  is  displaying.  Keeping  in  mind  Wesker  believed  the  human  race   as  a  whole  was  unworthy &  he  planned  to  allow  the  virus  to  choose  which  individuals  had  the  correct  genetic  makeup  to  ‘evolve’  leaving  the  humanity  he  grew  to  hate  behind.
My  biggest  criticism  for  the  RE  series  is  that  in  the  RE  universe  it  has  been  established  there  is  humans  who  are  “”superior””  to  others,  or  at  least  its  very  easy  to  view  it  this  way,  which  is  what  muddies  the  water  when  it  comes  to  discourse  about  this.  While  the  story  with  Wesker  serves  to  show  that  these  “superior”  humans  are  not  necessarily  “Ary*n”  &  this  doesn’t  seem  to  have  been  Wesker’s  belief,  the  science  in  the  resident  evil  world  is  not  real  &  doesn’t  reflect  real  biology. HOWEVER,  that  also  being  said  the  RE  universe  has  already  demonstrated  with  Wesker  &  other  characters  who  were  able  to  “”evolve””  beyond  humanity,  that  having  genes  compatible  with  the  virus  or  parasite  or  what  have  you  was  pure  luck  &  isn’t  all  its  cracked  up  to  be.  There  is  almost  no  B.O.W  characters,  for  all  their  gifted  “”biological  superiority””  who  survive  to  live  normal  lives. Their  minds  &  bodies  are  eventually  destroyed  by  the  virus/parasite/whatever.  Even  though  Wesker  was  the  closest  thing  the  RE  series  ever  had  to  reaching  “”god hood””  aside  from  Mother  Marinda,  who  was  infected  with  a  whole  different  thing,  the  virus  was  STILL  destroying  him.  I  intended  to  write  a  post  about  why  I  believed  this  was  the  case ,  outside  of  y’know,  the  innate  horror  in  ones  body  being  hijacked  &  co-opted  by  an  invading  force  even  if  that  force  just  happened  to  give  you  neat  super  powers  for  a  short  time,  I  just  haven't  got  to  it  just  yet.  ( Update:  I  finally  did  it,  here  it  is )
Wesker  is  an  unhinged  bioterrorist  &  shameless  misanthrope  to  an  extreme,  but  NO   he’s  actually  not  a  white  s*premacist,  racist,  or  neo  n*zi   in  my  opinion  or  portrayal  BUT  yeah  he  is  a delusional  misanthrope,  he  is  NOT  a  good  person,  &  its  perfectly  fine  for  people  to  point  out  HIS  CREATION  BY  SPENCER  alludes  to  white  s*premacist  ideals  because  it  truly  does.  Its  not  wrong  for  people  to  be  uncomfortable  with  this  either,  imo.
He  was  designed   &  groomed  by  someone  who  had  an  underlying  racist  aesthetic  &  vision.  While  Wesker  seemed  to  not  believe  in  this  vision  in  quite  the  same  way  I  think  it  makes  sense,  from  his  POV,  why  he  tried  to  co-opt  the  idea  of  lower  humans  & better  humans,  into  “wicked  primitive  humans”  vs  an  enlightened,  evolved  race  of  godlike  beings  who  would  rise  from  humanities  ignorant  &  evil  ashes  to  claim  the  earth  &  make  it  a  better  place.  I  also  have  to  say  that  while  Wesker  seems  to  have  good  intentions,  or  at  the  very  least  he  likes  to  think  he  does,  the  reality  is  he’s  very  selfish  so  I’m  not  saying  this  isn’t  insane,  out  of  touch  &  delusional,  can’t  stress  this  enough  bc  another  thing  I  have  written  about  &  touched  on  briefly  is  the  fact  he  basically  never  saw  the  good  in  humanity  &  was  instead  lead  to  view  humans  in  a  very  negative  light.  Even  when  he  was  human,  Wesker  was  deprived  of  much  of  the  ability  to  actually  associate  with,  relate  to,  &  really  BE  a  human.  By  the  time  Wesker  was  free  of  Umbrella,  the  damage  had  already  been  done  &  there  are  VAROUS  events  through  canon  that  solidified   Wesker’s  views  on  humanity  as  opposed  to  allowing  him  to  see  more  than  what  he  had  experienced  &  beyond  the  insidious  idea  that  had  been  implanted  in  him  during  his  time  with  Umbrella   that  there  is  no  such  thing  as  “good”  people.  
SO  that  being  said  I  will  never  be  sympathising  for  him  or  trying  to  portray  him  as  someone  who  is  “”worthy””  of  “”redemption””,  &  I  do  not  hope  to  portray  him  as  someone  good. 
 I  study  why  he  is  what  he  is,  why  he  thinks  what  he  thinks,  how  its  wrong   &  maybe  “tragically”  misinformed  &  thats  kinda  the  purpose  of  this  portrayal  of  him.  Like  I’m  not  gonna  police  people  if  Albert  Wesker  is  their  blorbo  or  whatever  but  don’t  think  I  don’t  know  exactly  what  Wesker  is. 
 I  know  the  games.  I  know  the  canon.  I  understand  the  allegories,  etc.  Its  fine  if  you  take  away  anything  different  or  feel  uncomfortable  with  this  character  but  I’m  not  in  support  of,  excusing,  or  trying  to  support  anything  heinous  or  malicious.  I’m  just  an  rper  &  RE  is  one  of  my  hyper-fixations  &  I  am  playing  Wesker  because  he  was  a  huge  part  of  the  series  &  I  am  good  at  playing  shitty  evil  little  men.
[ Repost  from  here. ]
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loserboyfriendrjl · 3 years
It's clearly you are a James Potter lover who was a jerk, asswhole, bully with a bad attitude, a bad reputation, rule breaker, who likes to attack defenseless people and of course let's not forget the sexual assault because let's face it he is your type of men that you are dieing to defend...Not to mention he was in heat for Lily too and guess what he did F... Her in the end, the only one mudblood here was James himself, too bad noone ever told him he is a mudblood, he totally deserve it! And screw James Potter pure blood status he is still a mudblood and act like a completely freak, fool, jerk, bully, terrorist, awful, prick, bastard child who only tried to make himself better because he married Lily, other wise he would still be an awful, jackass, bully that has trauma, drama queen, worthless scum.James Potter deserve all the insults of how bad and awful he was, bullies never change!
dude let me get something straight for you, (i can feel the comment on this) ok? let’s tear this shitshow to pieces and look at it. i have arguments, honey 
“who likes to attack defenseless people“- honey no. despite the fact I HATE j*r with my whole being, she compared the relationship between james and snape to the one of draco and harry. does harry seem defenseless to you? does draco seem defenseless to you? they are constantly taunting each other, throwing insults etc.
“and of course let's not forget the sexual assault“- hwyuergfu that was not sexual assault but, i have to admit, that was a bad thing james potter did.
“not to mention he was in heat for Lily too”- we literally have NO evidence in canon whatsoever that james asked lily out  repeatedly, that was something the fandom made up. and seeing the way james was rejected by lily in snape’s worst memory i highly doubt the fact james could take that over and over from someone he loved.
“the only one mudblood here was James himself “- james is a pureblood and you do not use that slur on my watch
“he is still a mudblood and act like a completely freak, fool, jerk, bully, terrorist, awful, prick, bastard child” -do remember me, who was the one that called his so called best friend a slur, after she dumped him joined a group of freaks that wanted to get rid of people like so called best friend (muggleborns), invented spells that FUCKING CUT PEOPLE (sectumsempra)? exactly, your beloved snape.
also my dear friend @lloomy mentioned some good stuff about james that definitely outnumbers that shit that, i admit, he did. let’s take a look, shall we?:
he practiced 3 years to become an animagus for the sake of remus, who did not ask for it
(ps. being an unregistered animagus, like sirius, james and peter were is ILLEGAL. so they stepped over the law for their friend)
he took sirius in from his verbally (at LEAST) abusive household
he joined the order, who is not a group of wizard n*zi
he DIED for his wife and son
“It's clearly“ -it’s clear*
“asswhole“- asshole*
“dieing“- dying*
“noone“- no one*
plus, i do think i have said in this post that i do not want and die-hard snape apologists on my blog so fuck off
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umbane · 3 years
It would be irresponsible of me as a kayn blog not to comment on what’s going on. I’m gonna keep it short and sweet because a lot has already been said, but I’m always open to questions or comments about anything I say.
things I do:
hc kayn as white. this is simply because when I started this blog, his facial features in his splashes looked white to me. since then, duskbringer kayn and the comic have been released, and while I still can’t parse marvel’s illustrations, his duskbringer splashes definitely have more asian features. for the time being, because it’s unclear, I’m going to hold onto my hc, but if there is ever any confirmation that he is canonically asian coded, or if white kayn is harmful to poc, I will immediately swap over, no questions or complaints. 
closely watch discussions about kayn’s race and hold myself accountable for my presentation of him
things I don’t do:
believe that kayn is “canonically” white, or that my presentation of him his more correct or true than anyone else’s
believe that a nonwhite kayn is in any way wrong or lesser
believe that being a “foreigner” to ionia means that he is not asian
believe that noxus mostly consists of white people (it blatantly does not, and any appearance that it does is just riot cheaping out on poc as it always has)
believe that asians only exist or mostly exist in ionia (frankly the fact that riot basically just made “asia island” is wildly racist, so I refuse to perpetuate that stereotype) 
believe that noxus is like n*/zi germany? huh???
transracial white people? huh? no!!
anything that person has said. for fuck’s sake
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lemonade-of-gods · 3 years
Ranting with mutuals inspired me to post about how really tired I am of fandom not taking female antagonists seriously. Like some of y’all will really stuff your heads in your asses while bending backwards to frame writing as sexist for treating female villains the same as male.
In md/zs Jia/ng ch/ng stans are implied to think of apologizing- my bad, think critically while stanning him, and same goes with x/ue y/ang. In contrast, not one post has called out Y/u Zi/yu/an or implores you for stanning her in the right manner despite her being a major cause of C/h/eng’s insecurities and jerkish personality. (or at least no one takes her with the same intensity as Fen/g/mia/n, who gets quite the rightful bashing for being a bad dad)
In the V/in/ce/nzo fandom somehow its sexist for my/un/g h/ee to be dehumanized as a monster, despite proving numerous times that she is doing everything of her own free will and she is as much of a gleeful monster as her boss is. (THERE WAS NO REASON TO KILL HIS MOM AND YET SHE AND H/AN SEO/K DID IT JUST TO SCREW WITH HIM. AND SHE DANCED TO THE REPORT ABOUT CH/A /YO/NG’S DAD’S DEATH. Y’KNOW, THE ONE SHE ORDERED ON SCREEN. YEAH, REAL HUMANITARIAN RIGHT THERE)
It’s okay in the r/e/8 fandom to ship Et/an and Ka/r/l but E and A//l/cina are too toxic to be shipped???? For fucks sake H/e/isen/berg straight up propositioned to turn his daughter into a bioweapon! What are these standards???
(I have no idea what goes on with wokesters honestly. Like I don’t like Xu/e/ Yan/g and I loath Xue/Xia/o but its okay to simply go “Actually murder isn’t sexy when he does it” and not go into next level stuff like “if you like him you’re romanticizing murder and gaslighting and abuse and yadda yadda yadda!” because this is just just entertainment and not a guide book for the real world, in case your parents failed to explain it to you)
I conclude this by saying: westerners, you have a sexism problem alright. It’s just been wokeified.
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vic-chaos · 4 years
ok on the special.... I’ve only seen it once and some bits cut out from bad connection, so I might have more to say tomorrow when I've rewatched and been able to pay closer attention. But here is my jumble of thoughts so far (under cut for spoilers):
okay.......... the ending fucked me up so badly that its hard for me to focus on anything else jsjdsjdjsd.... so i’ll talk about that first 😭
my main issue is that I don’t really understand why they broke them up at the end despite everything, especially after it seemed they had reunited??? like when they finally got the vaccines to the teachers and Cartman had that line about how “their broship could survive anything”.... it felt so much like that was the resolution and they were back together. But then the final scene came out nowhere anyway, why?? 😭 it makes no sense to resolve something then unresolve it at the last second?
I don’t think they will stay split up though... I’m sure it will get fixed eventually. It’s too sad, and also wouldn’t make sense for the show in general to keep them apart??? My first guess is that the next season (hopefully a season and not another special) will be beginning the process to get them back together. I think one possibility might be that as soon as they start going off with different friend groups they will realise it’s not the same and that they miss each other too much....... or another possibility might be Kenny intervening? Because even though they were trying to do everything for whats best for him, they never actually consulted him about any of it?? Plus even though they were putting him in the role of their child for the sake of the joke, he is actually the most emotionally mature of the boys. So I wonder...
That said though the stylennyman content is still making me scream, Cartman bringing his boyfriends to couples therapy.......... and (even if they got “divorced” by the end ;_; ) the way it was framed as if Stan/Kyle/Cartman were married is gonna be making me crazy for weeks jsdsjdjsdjsjdjs, all of Cartman’s dad/husband behaviour with the custody schedules PLEASE lmao.....
And the kenman at the beginning with them being little shits together jsdnsdsdjsd I love them so much aaaaaah.... I need to add that scene to my compilation video of kenman laughing super hard at each other’s jokes while everyone else is like 😐 lmaooo
Ok I have been complaining a lot, but OVERALL I thought it was actually really good and I loved it actually. The very last scene like obliterated my heart, but everything before that was so good, and we got SO MUCH good main 4 content fucking finally 🥺 I’m so happy to see them joining forces again and being adventurous. And we even got more Kenny screentime too!!
The jokes were legit funny and I think it made me laugh more and was just generally better written and just overall better than SP has been in a while. I’m relieved they didn’t depict qanon as being sympathetic in any way (since I made some posts before worried abt that lmao... and I forgive Butters for being part of it bc all he wanted was be out of his house/away from his dad and didn't care what they believed as long as he could escape, so it didn’t mean anything jsjdsmdsdsd) I’m also glad we have confirmation that Cartman would never believe in like the alt right or any of that garbage, so please no more depicting him as any kind of n*zi in fics ever again thanks 🙏
The scene with the 4th wall break and all of the animation stuff was really good too, it was wild omg.... also all of the little cameos and stuff at the end, I’m weirdly so happy to see background visitors again omg!!! It reminds me of old school SP 🥺 I did straight up think Stuart and Kanye were gonna make out for a second though LMAO
UHHHHH a few other things:
There were some scenes from the trailer that didnt appear in the special??? Cartman threatening Stephen and him giving that speech in the boy’s bathroom..... I wonder what happened to those, cut for time maybe? Give me the buttman content 😭 they better release that as a deleted scene 😤
Garrison..... IDK........ I know some people are happy to see him back but I hate him so I’m kind of 🥴 about it, though he was more tolerable in this ep than normal so maybe he’ll be ok in the future lmfao.
And finally...................................... NO RANDY!! 🎉 We did it guys. I’m actually kind of surprised they didn’t try to resolve any of his storylines that were left open or anything lmao, but I also don’t care about him at all so god bless.... we finally got a break 😔🙏
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hopeymchope · 3 years
hey, sorry to barge into your inbox despite being a total stranger (and feel free to respond to this privately if you want) but i came across some of your s/n/k critical posts and i just wanted to say i agree SO much. and i wanted to thank you for vocalizing this opinion because i know both i and some others agree with you. i've personally felt that everything after chapter 80 was a mistake (because i thought the whole serum fight over erwin vs armin was pretty fuckin stupid too) and it's kinda funny (i guess) to see the ending 100% validate my opinion completely. i can't believe every character was done this dirty for the sake of a very poorly constructed "both sides are bad" scenario that was also in VERY poor taste considering the explicit allegories to n*zi germany and a literal race war. like what's up with the jews - sorry, the "eldians" - once ruling the entire world via a bloodthirsty empire and also being inhuman creatures? gee, that sure doesn't sound like every antisemitic conspiracy theory i've ever heard. and way to rationalize oppression, too. the entire point of an oppression narrative is supposed to be "hey, the oppressor's prejudices have no rational basis and are literally mistreating this oppressed group due to their own selfishness and cruelty," not "oh btw marley's fear/hatred of eldians kinda makes sense considering eldians once enslaved the entire planet and can turn into giant man-eating monsters." is*yama SERIOUSLY should've just stuck to writing glorified vore lmao.
and while all the characters were either killed, turned into plot devices, or both, it hurts that EMA and the main protag himself suffered this treatment as well. i still think pre-timeskip eren is utterly irreconciliable with post-timeskip eren and the fact that both fans and the author himself try to make it seem like "hey he was ALWAYS a batshit crazy psychopath from the start!" is sort of pathetic to watch. like yeah, lemme just ignore the first 80 chapters of character development for this guy. or lemme pretend that the author didn't spend the significant majority of the decade making eren the most empathetic character in the entire series. or let me also pretend that eren killing those human traffickers to save a 9 year old girl from being a child sex slave is somehow evidence/foreshadowing/etc of him eventually growing up to destroy 80% of the planet. like, what? not to mention he even rebuked himself for recklessly killing those two men like that in chapter 17...so am i supposed to ignore that too?? and don't even get me started on the "eren went insane and accidentally caused his mom's death." bro. BRO. i've watched the entirety of game of thrones yet i STILL have never seen this level of "edgy plot twist for shock value with no benefit or relevance to the story whatsoever" in any media to exist.
well anyway...sorry for ranting in your inbox like this LMAO i really just wanted to tell you that i agree with your opinions about both the series ending and the series as a whole. i doubt i'll ever engage with this cursed manga ever again but at least pre-chapter 80 s/n/k will always be a thing and i can pretend they all got reincarnated into a modern AU where eren and mikasa are happily married and living with their bff armin in a nice condo or something. they alternate between visiting carla and grisha or mikasa's family on weekends. yeah that sounds pretty good. if you made it this far then kudos to you and thank you for reading lol
Thanks a ton for the kind words of commiseration. It feels like there’s a plurality of people who are unhappy, sure... but it comes off as still being a minority, and even among that minority, it seems like most people are still fine with most of the timeskip so long as they stuck the landing. But I think they were much too far off-course pretty fast after the Timeskip started to really correct it very well. It was possible, but the writing was on the wall. The intentions were already clear pretty early on after the skip. 
That said, I try to keep this Tumblr mostly positive and DR-focused, yet I still absolutely had to rant about SNK 139. The more I thought about it, the more I disliked it... and this comes from someone who was already unhappy for a while, obviously, so. Yeah. Of course I was gonna dislike it on some level, but I thought it’d at least provide closure to the Timeskip arc, even if I do think the Timeskip arc feels at odds with everything else the series was for 3/4 of its run.
And HOLY SHIT I literally forgot about the Eldians’ history of apparently being horrible, vicious rulers of a sinister empire. You know why? Because I NEVER BELIEVED IT. I was so 100% certain that it was going to be outed as bullshit propaganda from Marley that I never once thought it was plausible, so I just... pushed it out of my mind as soon as I read it. After all, all that kind of talk about the arch-conspiracy of Jews has always been total bullshit from anti-semetic monsters, so why would I put any stock in this kind of talk being applied to the Jewish race of Attack on Titan? 
But now, at the end of the story... yup, I guess he never DID go back on that! So it was fucking true?! The Jewish people in this WWII analogy were apparently an evil master race at one point?! Oh. OHHHHH. Go fuck yourself with a shovel for that one, Isayama. 
And yeah, Eren... god, what a sad story. He becomes unrecognizable as the same character thanks to the Timeskip, the new characterization is never explained or justified retroactively - it’s just opposite day now, forever - and he dies accomplishing nothing. I don’t know what to say, except I do know how much I loved that character and this series before things went south. I didn’t even mind the backstory for the Titans and the horrible story of Eldians in Marley... because it seemed so obvious that it was setting up a battle against a hateful, technologically advanced foe that was beyond the darkness of anything they’d fought before, y’know? Marley, as it was set up in the flashbacks before the Timeskip, is Nazi Germany if the Nazis had tech and scientific horrors and numbers far beyond what the Allies had. And nobody EVER feels bad for killing Nazis, so this was obviously going to be a final battle to destroy the Marleyan military, with Zeke likely to serve as a Final Boss who has totally 100% bought the propaganda and who hated everything Eren stood for. It was all RIGHT THERE. Maybe it was just too easy to tell that story, because instead, Zeke is suddenly supposed to be a gray character (very hard to accept given his backstory), and we end with the “uwu both sides were bad bc war is hell” message that is really pretty fucked up, as you already correctly pointed out.
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falcqns · 3 years
Fuck I will never get over Steve's ending especially because of the way it hurt Bucky. And the fact that the screenwrites decided to explore the 'What if' comics and use that logic on Endgame (Here a quote from screenwriter Stephen McFeely: "Well, this is our what if. If you lost, Thor becomes fat. Natasha becomes a shut-in. Steve becomes depressed. Tony gets on with his life. Hulk is a superhero.")
Fuck them Steve's ending was horrible, Bucky deserved infinitely better
YES!! he had so much trauma to deal with in fatws, but he didn’t have the one person who could relate to him any more. Steve could relate to the trauma, although their trauma wasn’t at the same level, they still understood each other on a level that no one else could.
the fought n*zis together for gods sakes. they each watched watch other fall, not knowing if the other would survive. bucky from the train, steve from the heli carrier.
yes, Sam has been in the military as well, and he’s experienced truly terrible things as well, but i think Bucky could have thrived more than he has if he just had Steve, the man who was willing to risk being court martialled for him.
which is what makes his whole “if he was wrong about you then he was wrong about me!” thing even more heartbreaking. if Steve was wrong about Bucky, then he “died”, spent 70 years as an assassin, then was free, only to be captured from Bucharest, lost his arm in Siberia, then died for real during the blip, and come back into a newer world than the one he left.
Steve made his trauma worse, and i hate his guts for that. he needed Steve, and Steve abandoned him, for a girl he kissed once.
the man literally said in AOU that the man who wanted stability and a family died in 1945! what the FUCK was he thinking?!
ugh i wanna punch him lol
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army-of-mai-lovers · 4 years
hello arthur!! tbh people are being terrible in your inbox and the last ask killed my brain cells so this is your free bingo card to talk about anything you like. also sometimes googling sharks with human teeth (exactly what it sounds like) helps!! much love <3
oh my gosh I’m OBSESSED with these photos they’re so cute!!!! and thank you for the bingo card Effie I appreciate it so much. I’m gonna rant about Deadly Class (a show I definitely don’t like and thus don’t run a fan blog for....smh) bc it’s on my mind and it looks like it’s just going to go quietly into that good night instead of being made fun of and dissected and I think that should change bc goodness gracious that show does not deserve a dignified death. also I’m gonna put this rant under a readmore bc this is gonna be long and it has nothing to do w atla. warnings for discussions of racism, callous mentions of murder and death, swearing, discussion of Nazis, discussion of gore, abuse ment
Okay so for those not in the know (which is probably everyone considering the show was on Syfy and it’s being canceled due to low viewership) Deadly Class is a teen murder drama set in the late ‘80s starring Lana Condor, which makes it sound like it was engineered in a lab to appeal to me. Literally my friend and I were in the middle of watching Schitt’s Creek, which I adore, and she was like “well I heard about this show called Deadly Class” and described it and I was like fuck Schitt’s Creek we’re watching this. It had a 64% on Rotten Tomatoes, which usually makes me nervous, but I was literally like “I don’t care because I know I’m going to love it.” 
And well. I did not love it. 
I truly do not understand how one fucks up “teenagers (mostly) of color go to murder boarding school in the late ‘80s” that bad (I mean the Russo brothers are involved and they fuck up everything they touch so perhaps it was just that). I haven’t read the comic the show is based on but it does appear that a *lot* of the issues of the show stem from the comic, which is...disappointing. Basically, our MC, Marcus, starts off the show homeless after his group home burned down (and it’s heavily implied that he was the one to do it) and gets hunted down by these elite teenage murderers who invite them to their murder school. 
Already, numerous problems are starting to show themselves. First of all, Marcus is Latino, which, yes, it’s very cool that the MC is Latino, except he is literally the white-passingest man I’ve ever seen in my life, and I’ve seen my dad. I didn’t realize that he was Latino until they showed his extremely stupid backstory in a shitty animated sequence and whoever was voicing his dad did this really, really thick Nicaraguan accent and I was like wait a damn minute. So then, I looked it up, and the guy playing Marcus is named Benjamin Wadsworth, which immediately made me think that they had pulled a Noah Centineo and made me think this fully white actor was half Latino (and yes, Latinos can be white, but I think Marcus is supposed to be a nonwhite Latino, and I thought Benjamin Wadsworth was both white and non-Latino). But you know, as an light skinned ethnically ambiguous mixed kid myself, I thought I owed it to him to dig a little deeper, and turns out our pal Ben is mixed (also, he’s like six months older than me and married, which is a trip). And like, okay, I guess I’m glad they didn’t get a white non-Latino man to play a Latino character, but they literally got the whitest looking Latino they could think of to play him. He originally auditioned for Billy. Billy’s the token white. And the producers were like “wait you have Latino ancestry?” (how they found that out I don’t fucking know) and let him go for Marcus. And like. Okay. The character in the comics is light-skinned but he does not look white, and Benjamin is not a good enough actor for them to just pass on the actors who surely auditioned for that role and were more visibly Latino but like. Okay, I guess. 
Second of all, this show is mega racist and it starts to reveal itself when you look at how the murder kids are styled in literally their first appearance. What struck me the most was the fact that the Latina (whose name is fucking Maria, for heaven’s sake) was wearing a sexy red dress and Day of the Dead makeup, which, I’m sorry, huh? That just so happens to be the Mexican girl’s murder outfit? I’ve tried to give them the benefit of the doubt and speculate that maybe she wears it to like, subvert people’s expectations, but at this point idk how this is subverting anyone’s expectations nor why she’d be so invested in that. Also, she’s supposed to be a teenager. It’s fucked up to sexualize any of your child characters but it really hits different when it’s your Latina character (and yeah, I know the actress playing Maria isn’t a teenager, but still, it’s the principle of the thing). And then of course, the Black guy, Willie (no he’s not related to Billy they were just like yeah two guys with rhyming names in our main cast sounds legit) is a gangbanger dude who talks the way that white people think Black people talk. I keep waiting for this guy to have one line that’s not complete garbage, but I’m five episodes deep and so far nada, which sucks so bad because there’s like, kernels of an interesting character buried in this horrible racist trope. Also, they had him sleep with a N*zi. I hate it here. Lana Condor (her character’s name is Saya) gets off fairly okay, at least in this first shot (they don’t have her wearing a kimono to go murder people, thank fuck), but the way she behaves is super weird, like kinda flirty towards Marcus, kinda badass but not enough to actually do anything, etc. Billy’s white so they couldn’t make him a racist caricature or anything but I have no idea why he’s here. See, instead of talking about the real politics of the real world, Deadly Class makes up fake prejudice that honestly makes the lok bender/nonbender bullshit look sensible. Maria, Willie, and Saya are Legacies, which means that their families are established murderers (fun fact: the N*zi girl is also a Legacy, because her father murdered hundreds of civil rights activists. And the characters of color align themselves with her. I don’t understand.) Billy, and later Marcus when he decides to go to murder school, are Rats, meaning they have no affiliation with established murder groups. So, in this show, the people of color have privilege over the (mostly white) Rats. Make it make sense. Further, this means that Maria, Saya, and Willie should have absolutely no reason to hang out with Billy, and yet they do because the Russo brothers have heard that the kids these days like the found family trope, so they put five unlikely friends in a room together and insinuated that they could all be besties. I swear, this show is the La Croix of found family tho, in that there is absolutely no flavor whatsoever. None of the characters develop into a found family. Saya is bound to care for Marcus for reasons, Maria is using him, Willie is also using him, and Billy is only his friend because they’re both Rats. Saya and Maria are already friends (and honestly their friendship is the most compelling thing in the whole show). There are no other connections between the characters. But they’re totes a found family!!!!/s
Also, they don’t let Saya be mean. Every character says “oh Saya’s such a bitch” but do we ever see Saya being a bitch??? No! Saya is literally just a nice girl who is kinda quiet sometimes and murders people and has a tragic backstory. There’s an argument to be made for Maria being more bitchy than her tbh. And like, fine, if you want Saya to be nice, she can be nice, but stop telling me she’s mean then!!! If you’re gonna tell me that I’m gonna get to see mean Lana Condor in a leather jacket in this show then deliver bitch. 
There’s truly so much more I could talk about (Chico??? What the fuck is Chico’s arc???? What in the actual hell were they thinking when they were writing anything to do with Chico????? my DUDES WHAT IN THE SAM HELL. also making Billy straight was so fucking stupid he’s literally gay come on now, also Master Lin is so fucking useless what is he even doing here) but instead I’m going to outline the version of Deadly Class my friend and I have been talking about while we watch the inferior real Deadly Class. 
lots of things are the same actually because there are some elements of the show that have potential. Marcus is still homeless at the beginning, everybody still thinks he burned down the group home but he didn’t, Willie is still a pacifist, he and Marcus are still partners for their first murder school assignment, Saya’s mean (but like actually), Billy still has green hair and is the token white of the group (although a Billy of color.....thinking), and they all hate Reagan
in an ideal world Willie and Maria would have different names (Willie bc his name rhymes with Billy’s and that’s fucking stupid, also Willie is just a terrible name in general, Maria partially because it sounds way too similar to Marcus and I don’t understand why the guy who wrote this couldn’t make his characters have different sounding names, and partially because no Latina character of mine is going to be named fucking Maria), but for the purposes of this outline I’ll keep their names the same for clarity.
Marcus doesn’t initially have his rep. He’s on the streets when he sees a girl his age (Saya) come out of this elevator in the back of a restaurant brandishing a sword, and decides to go into the elevator, sees the stash of weapons, and decides to steal one so he can fend for himself better. 
also keeping the detail of Rory murdering a bunch of homeless kids, but now Marcus knows that Rory is actively hunting him down. 
in the process of robbing the school’s weapons collection, Marcus figures out that it’s a murder school
Master Lin catches Marcus robbing the school, they fight, Master Lin overpowers Marcus and ties him up. He says the weapons are for students only, and Marcus says he’s applying. Lin asks what his qualifications are, and Marcus says “you know that group home that burned down three months ago? all the kids that died? I started the fire.” 
(also no shade to Benjamin Wadsworth but in this version he is not playing Marcus. Marcus is not white-passing)
Master Lin initially doesn’t believe him, but Marcus presses on and eventually convinces Master Lin that this is really what happened, and so Lin welcomes him to murder school. 
Marcus’s first class is Poisons, and his lab partner is Billy, who takes a shine to him and shows him around school. There’s no Legacy/Rat nonsense, but you do have normal high school drama adapted slightly for murder school. Maria is the prettiest and most popular girl in school, Saya is the mean girl/valedictorian, Willie is the jock, and Billy’s the punky weirdo. 
Marcus is, of course, the new kid with a reputation to live up to. 
Things kind of fall apart when Willie and Marcus are paired up for an assignment: to seek revenge on somebody. 
also Willie’s backstory is extremely different. his dad was a Black Panther, and he was murdered by the FBI when Willie was a kid. distraught, his mom moved to Texas, where she started working a corporate job and rose really high in the ranks. To maintain her status in the company, she had to do some really horrible things, including working with the FBI to take down other civil rights activists. Willie found out about this and was absolutely horrified. his mother insisted she was doing this so that he could have a better life, but he refused to listen to her, and ran away, and ended up at murder school. 
Willie got into murder school because Lin knows who his mom is, and assumes that Willie is just as cutthroat as she is. he gains a reputation as well. 
also, Willie’s extremely wealthy, and this shows in the way he dresses (preppy jock vibes)
you don’t find out about this backstory for a minute tho bc unlike Albert Kim and the Russo Brothers, I can wait until the right opportunity presents itself for a backstory drop. 
ok anyway back to what I was saying earlier
they have to seek revenge on somebody. Marcus asks Willie if there’s anybody he wants revenge on, and Willie very sincerely says no. Marcus scoffs at him and says he’s clearly had a very easy life, to which Willie replies, “Well, who do you want revenge on?” 
Marcus immediately says, “Rory.” 
So they track Rory down, and since Marcus hasn’t actually killed anybody, he hands the weapons over to Willie. Willie frowns and says that he has nothing against this dude he’s never met before, so Marcus should be the one to hurt him. Marcus says that this is a group project and Willie’s got to pull his weight, and they get into an argument
the argument gets loud, and Rory hears them fighting and starts chasing them. 
in the midst of the chase, both of them divulge their secrets to one another. Willie laughs hysterically and says that they deserve each other bc they both lied to get where they are, and now they’re going to die because of it
Rory backs them into a corner, and Marcus uses one of the swords he tried to steal earlier to shank Rory
They throw the body in a dumpster, and after this, they’re friends, and Marcus decides he’ll fit right in at murder school. 
ok so that was only one episode but things to look forward to in the version of Deadly Class that only exists in me and my friend’s heads: Marcus dealing with the emotional and moral fallout of his first murder, Willie trying to figure out what it means to be a pacifist in a world so hellbent on doing violence towards him, Saya being mean to everyone except Maria, Maria convincing Saya to relax and have fun, the gang bonding in a Breakfast Club style situation adapted for murder school and making a joke about how this is like the Breakfast Club because it’s the 80s and the movie just came out, Saya and Maria falling in lesbians, Marcus and Saya being depressing edgelord besties, Billy being gay and fighting his abusive father, Marcus and Billy being uncool weirdo bffs, Willie and Maria rolling their eyes at Marcus and Saya’s cynicism, Billy coming out to Marcus and talking about his experiences being gay, which makes Marcus think “hang on, why do I relate to that?”, Willie seeing Marcus make a sarcastic comment about kissing a guy and having a crisis, Marcus and Willie falling in love, the gang taking a road trip to Vegas to murder Billy’s dad and giving Billy a gnc thrift store makeover on the way, and eventually the gang murdering the shit out of Ronald Reagan. 
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cannibalcreeps · 4 years
If you could rank the wrong turn movies what would be at the top and what would be last 👀
Oh boyo oh boyo
So! This is personal taste of course 😌
Please know that if you do like one of the movies I talk poorly about, know that this is just my taste, my opinion and it does not mean anything
I am happy that you enjoy them, even if I don’t
But here is my ranks and why:
 1. Wrong Turn  10/10
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The first and original, just OMG the designs of the 3 boys 🥰😍
They're rugged and feel so real, like you could actually end up accidentally running into them in the West Virginia mountains! The protagonists are actually amazing too, I liked them, I felt for them when they died, I could feel the fear and tension and that is how these kinds of movies should be.
The axe scene is just, wow! The practical effect they used for it was soooo good!! definitely top one out of the whole list. The best out of the whole series up, just too good.
2. Wrong Turn 2   8/10 
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The second of the franchise, I was a little iffy at the idea at first cause as past movies have proven adding new family members to an established antagonist family never ends well, looking at you Texas Chainsaw 3. 
But when I finally watched it, I enjoyed it very much! 
The protagonists were not as great and there were really poorly shot scenes such as the BJ scene between M and Elena, you could see his crotch area and Elena's head was positioned by his leg like? How did you mess that up??
Also the axe scene in that one was not as great, sorry whoever did that it was just poorly done and I know they were proud of it but, it looked very fake. As for the cannibals tho? AMAZING, they stuck with kind realistic but sadly they didn't do well with Three-Fingers, the reason why he now looks like a goddamn goblin 😔
But Brother, Sister, Ma and Pa are just omg yes, perfect family dynamic, I felt for them, I wanted them to survive more than the protagonists, they did amazing with their acting. Perfection 💘
3. Wrong Turn 4  6/10
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Now this is where things start to drop in quality, but Wrong Turn 4 was fun and brought more gore and entertainment than it's previous films.The scene with the doctor being pulled apart and eating the man alive like he was some kind of cake, loved it! Also, One-Eye and Saw-Tooth is back!
 And One-Eye looks so cute 😍 like an utter baby, while his two brothers could've looked a bit better but I enjoy their looks and how they act. 
We also get to see them act more like brothers and caring for each other along with seeing them as kids, so that's pretty cool. As for the antagonists? Eh, nothing, don't care for them. Boring, rude and just stupid. Not worth caring about. 
4. Wrong Turn 5   4/10
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This is where things start getting worse and the quality is dropping in make-up, design, character, story, camera work and acting. Just hmmm nope, there are not enough shits in the world for me to care for these protagonists.
The three boys save it for being a bit goofy and fun, I just found One-Eye running the blade over his tummy to intimidate the woman at the beginning to be hilarious and then Three-Fingers was just a complete riot with stepping in front of her and licking his lips as she flips him off, hilarious.
The three boys designs dropped in quality real bad here, like I would've put them at 5 had they not been funny purely for the fact they look bad. Saw-Tooth looks too short, One-Eye seemed to have gotten as fat as Saw-Tooth and Three-Fingers looks like he is a damn goblin from Harry Potter! It’s a good thing they’re still goofy enough to entertain. 
Everything else tho, bleh. I did not like Old Man Maynard in this one, complete change of character, bad very bad and boring. 
5. Wrong Turn 3    2/10
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Protagonists are stupid as hell and I hate what they did to my sweet boy Three-Toes. 
I love Three-Toes design and how sweet and fatherly Three-Fingers is, annoyed that this film is the reason they got both Three-Toes and Three-Fingers deformities wrong. Their deformities were on the left and then they switched it to the right??? And thus the next films after started doing that like, NO! Three-Fingers messed up hand is on the left not the right 😤
Once again the protagonists are trash, so horrible and not because they're convicts. You can make criminals interesting characters that you can make the audience love, but these guys, the fucking worse in who they are, how they act just ew. Plus not all of then were convicts and only one of them was an actual serial killer neo-n*zi while the others were petty thieves/criminals or just had bad luck, one was an undercover marshal for god's sake.
Yet they had no personalities, bland ass characters. The scene with Three-Toes murder is what gets me, no one protests or feels guilty or anything, just outright murder a child just cause "Oh he's a mutant and trying to kill us" BITCH THAT'S A SMALL ASS CHILD! and they knew he was a kid too! Heck I would've felt for them had they felt anything at all when it happened, not even the chick felt sorry, just looked away cause 'ew gross beheading'
That's when I was hoping Three-Fingers would just go murder ballistic John Wick style on their ass. But no, he gets killed by the lamest of protagonists 🙄😒 
Completely unsatisfying and annoying. Deserved a proper battle to the end. 
6. Wrong Turn 6    0/10
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Omg a dumpster fire of a movie, I have never been so upset by what they do to the boys!
Their designs are just, NOOOO what did you do to them? They're so nasty looking, so fake, they look like really poorly made statues, i don't know how to explain how much it hurts me as an artist to see the poor make-up work like, make-up artist I just wanna talk! Were you held against your will? Were you only given 30 mins of work??? 
The story is whack, I do not like the antagonists woman and I do not like protagonists at all, they're annoying and stupid.
 The whole cult thing is stupid and just throws you off, I don't accept this part of lore, it's ridiculous.
 I have pushed out the whole movie from my mind as well so I've forgotten a lot about it. Only thing I liked was that one scene where she caresses One-Eyes cheek because I wish I could do that and that is all. 😂
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