waroferas · 6 months
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oihhh my god. its over btw :(
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saiskulls-110 · 10 months
Break Point — Finished Episode 5
Episode 1.
Frida's new clothes are so cute she's my baby she's bmy baby no-one can speak ill of her EVER stay WAWAY HSISSSS HISSSSS
Trans flag doormat in Astrid's house. oh my god. oh my gos.sh. trans grandma...
Alfur. Alfur I Don't Like This Foreshadowing. Alfur. Alfur Stop Playing The Board Game. ALFUR.
+ of COURSE tontu is the shit-eating smug gamemaster that beats everyones asses no remorse. i'm going go murder this walking hairball (affectionate) ❤️
I'm glad they were straight up with Astrid's "oh, hi, yeah, no I'm not a witch I just really like witchcraft." LIKE IT'S SO REAL??
not to be that guy but why's Astrid kinda fuckigjgn. ADORABLE. please. please. please. just one chance
I'm Normal
Episode 2.
okay but the writers did SUCH a good job portraying what folklore towns are like here. Like everyone KNOWS things but none of them are accurate. also?? just in general a REALLY well-done montage. I do wish I knew what sauce Hilda picked for her ice cream though /hj
Johanna traumatised as fuck (We all saw this coming ❤️)
Thaose are NOT FAIRIES‼️monsterlovers come get your food though
shroom aliens. just in general a very eerie atmosphere done very well
mmmm HILDA SAW SOMETHING AND NOW SHE'S BEING FOLLOWED. i'm guessing its something to do with Johanna's "thank goodness they didnt see you :)" because. I mean initially you think it's about the mushroom creatures but it VERY EVIDENTLY IS NOT. aough
Episode 3.
woodman is just the caretaker of ancient trees i guess. ALSO HIS SASS AT THE BOOK "well i'm not in there :/" guess what i'm in love with you
the animation in this episode was absolutely GORGEOUS. literally no 2D animated show has ever done flame-ridden scenery in such a perfect, gorgeous way before I think.
oh. oh the. the giantslayer is a k- oh... oh noooo...
oh he's very. passionate i wonder wh-
holy shit. that poor fucking kid (⁠´⁠;⁠︵⁠;⁠`⁠) like that was. that was so much. oh my god??? jesus christ. this season is getting progressively more unnerving with it's darker themes.
i LOOOVE the snow sister's voice so much. she's wife to me.
Not sure if it was done on purpose or not but every time it played that boom sound whenever Hilda turned back to look at the flaming tree it. it made me laugh. it made me giggle. it was so stupid looking, gave me IZ:ETF energy and really let me calm down from the emotional ride of the last few minutes
seeing more giants is really neat. the sound design for when they jumped away was MAD..in general this season feels like it was made to be listened to on a surround sound speaker system tbh
GOOD EPISODE. uh oh now there's Guys I Think
Episode 4.
Nah this guy boutta be a tumblr sexyman 😦
OKAY OFF THE BAT I ADORE LOUISE. LOUISE IS MY GIRL. I LOVE THEM. I LOVE I LOVE I LOVE. THEIR ENERGY IS SO SWEET??? BUT LIKE I WAS SCREAMING INTERNALLY THE WHOLE TIME BEING LIKE "oh my god. oh my god why are you LYING TO HER and treating her like a Normal Person she's very clearly a little freak like you. oh my god."
AND THEN WHEN THAT WAS BROUGHT UP BY THE MERMAN-- "Oh, you think Louise is SO innocent..." like??? ok first of all THAT LINE DELIVERY?? massive props to the VA. secondly YESSSSS SPIT THE TRUTH. and then Louise does speak up and its like. fr. fr. i love you. be a main character be a main character plrase lpease plea
STOOOPPP... stop THE MERMAN'S a theater kid?? i'm going to start , having feelings AND I DON'T WANT IT!!!
that animation change for the musical number(s) is so good. like..oh my god. oh my GOD the animation is gorgeous. very much a "i wonder if the creators have been on hallucinogens before" kind of thing though adgasjskfwheg
generally just another REALLY GOOD REALLY COOL EPISODE.
my only criticism though this is to Literally All Kids Media Ever is that no-one knows how to write accurate bullying/exclusionary activity (in this episode regarding the ginger kid and his scout group). no kids act like that. please i was bullied so hard i should know
spinning in circles WHEE WHEEEE I WANTT. im gonna download the merman's song. put it on streaming platforms Now‼️
Episode 5.
"I just kind of assumed he died when you were a baby..."
"I thought it was some tragic accident!"
FRIDA AND DAVID THAT'S SO REAL OF YOU. thank you for being The Fandom. I love you. I love you. I l
YEESH. um.. Johanna's beef is so. real. and human. oough. this show has GOTTA stop making episodes about my childhood man!!! that's not fair
Alfur immediately not liking his vibes got me 😶 cause like. yk the elf has that autism intuition. so
THE. THE COMMUNICATION BETWEEN HILDA AND THE TROLL..ONCE AGAIN. every time without fail. the trolls are just. they're nor angry creatures they're just kind of. Done With Human Shit™ and want them to stop interfering lmao (don't we all)
Johanna and Hilda having that Moment™ at the end where they have to acknowledge his shortcomings but like..the ONE time that Hilda has to face something like this is the ONE time it's actually not his fault. Like straight up sorey babygirls but he got yoinked by the dementors. um.
Okay on another note. anders has kind of got that dilf swag? not like. as a dad. but as a loser. you know losers. help me help help help help help *clawing at the floor as i get dragged to hell for enjoying a character i absolutely should be seeing red flags for*
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crystalelemental · 5 months
Personally, I think Ziegler might be the funniest character in Nexomon.
Dude is just trying to do his job, man.
Nexomon 1, your protagonist breaks into hell to destroy Omnicron's soul, and fucks it up so badly that you accidentally release eight souls from his charge. Dude is understandably pissed, and considering you apparently got your ass beat and possibly died, he's unwilling to let you go, as the wardens need a charge.
But you beat him up and escape, so he has minions go around the overworld map seeking you out and trying to stop you. But you can beat all of them, and then he's kinda just. Stuck. With no one who can stop you for being like this. Great. Spectacular.
Enter Nexomon 2, where honestly his inclusion is divine. Bolzen was my least favorite of the Tyrants, and Cadium my least favorite area, so I was ready to hate that section, but I love how it all tied together. Ziegler shows up because you're ripping souls out of hell again, this time to raise your Tyrant army in opposition to Vados. A conflict he has no interest in. He warns you against meddling in his affairs, and if you agree to release the Tyrants, he's pleased that you're reasonable about this and even gives you a Golden Nexotrap! And the Hilda and Eliza show up and arcane blast him back to hell as he screams about your betrayal.
Then the Abyssals. You were just trying to free Salem from a prison situation, something that shouldn't be anywhere near Ziegler's domain. But Venefelis redirects that power to revive not just eight other Abyssal Tyrants, but hundreds of extinct Nexomon. And Ziegler's just reeling like...what? Why? What the hell is the point of this? You didn't do it on purpose, but he doesn't know that. All he knows is your power caused this. And Venefelis, hilariously, insists that it is just you messing with him, so he's completely done and decides to stop you by force as needed. And you beat him up and he has to leave anyway. So he tracks you down around the overworld again, but he counts as a Nexomon so you can just trap him and now he has to be your friend for a while.
Dude just wants his job to go smoothly, and is being so rational about this. And you will not let him just have a normal day.
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grasslandgirl · 2 years
top 5 most insane d20 moments GO
anon i love you this was so difficult so i'm gonna have a long list of honorable mentions at the end of this. but! here we go: (in no particular order)
1: figayda kiss scene (YES-AH! YES-AH! I BLESS THIS UNION). this scene makes me insane like very little else in the world. i think it fundamentally changed my brainchemistry. [fhsy]
2: doctor doolittle incident (funniest shit i've ever seen) [tuc]
3: penny and laertes eating the candy heart candies and then vomiting repeatedly in the middle of a tense lore and emotional revelation conversation. the whole table losing their collective minds gets me so bad without fail [the seven]
4: the hilda hilda scene. obviously. emily axford funniest person in the world. [fhsy]
honorable mentions: all of telemine saying nonsense in his stupid elvish accent [fhsy] // operation slippery puppet [aso] // jet's death and calroy's betrayal and amethar's fall [acoc] // maggie giving birth in midair falling from the airship [eftbk] // daisy taking a shit off the tower to try and slow sylvester's fall (honorable mention squared: rekha rolling a nat 20 to make ghosts real in universe) [m&m] // kristen's nat twenty to be alive and the following season's nat twenty to get stabbed in the heart by a unicorn [fh and fhsy] // evan's monologue to the french student about how he doesn't want to kill him [mismag] // I WAS FAITHFUL I WOULD HAVE CONTINUED TO BE FAITHFUL [tuc] // avanash the bones guy WHAT IS CRAZY ABOUT WANTING YOUR BONES [eftbk] // and finally, and obviously, the infamous fantasy high you've been episode 2'ed aguefort shooting himself and the guidance counselor in the head suicide murder beat [fh]
xoxoxoxoxo anon my head is so full
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How is cuphead treating you? I'm currently raging because the dragon is just so hard somehow. Hope the game goes swimmingly for you!
I haven't played in about a week because I've been really busy, but I'm actually almost done with Inkwell Isle 1!
Some things I will say:
1. I suck at run and gun levels. I got the first one but can't seem to get the second one for some reason.
2. Cagney was surprisingly easy until the final phase. That's where he tripped me up the most. Like, I almost beat him on the first try.
3. Goopy Le Grande is a bitch, but I'm pretty sure the only reason for that is because I don't have smoke bomb yet.
4. Had to do a total button reconfiguration because I am playing on my Switch Lite. It's the only game where I've had to change the buttons.
5. Dreading the Hilda Berg fight. Just..... Do I really need to say more?
6. The Root pack was annoying. Damn carrot.
7. Ribby and Croaks were also surprisingly easy too. Like, I know it's weird to say a Cuphead boss is easy, let alone two of them, but, it is Isle 1.
So, yeah. My plans for my next Cuphead session are going to involve getting the second run and gun level for Isle 1 done, getting the smoke bomb, kicking Goopy's ass, and then attempting Hilda Berg. Providing I don't rage quite first.
The game is great though! Love the music! Love the art style!
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dmclemblems · 2 years
Tbh the Deers are kinda "funny" in their own route. In the first half they are all like "Uh, glad we don't have to hurt Ferdinand and Bernadetta even though they attacked us" - which is understandable bc they are former classmates. But they don't seem to mind this when invade Faerghus? So, the Lions were the unloved outsiders at Garreg March or what? lol
Yeah, I noticed that as well. When it came specifically to those two I understood it because they were not only classmates but also good people. Playing the game myself, I also didn’t want Ferdinand to die and you can recruit Bernadetta so that’s a generally moot point. I just don’t like how they turn around and act sad (or at least, Claude does. Most of them don’t give a rat’s ass) that they "have” to fight classmates from Faerghus even though they’re the ones invading.
Some of the Deer I do prefer their Hopes counterparts because they were given substantially more characterization and personality. Lorenz I like both equally since it’s difficult to say I prefer Hopes’ over Houses’, since in Houses it was just a case of bad writing for him a lot and using him as a meme rather than him having poor characterization. Leonie and Hilda though actually got personality outside of their One Main Trait that IS likes to use over and over for absolutely everything. Hilda being lazy and Leonie obsessing about Jeralt made me really, really not care for them in Houses. There’s more to them in Hopes - like, a lot more - so it’s sad that they were lowkey ruined for me by acting all excited and heartless about attacking Faerghus.
Also, the fact that Hilda didn’t even remember who the Fraldarius heir was would imply to me that she didn’t care enough to even remember the Lions. Raphael forget it, I’d punch him in the face if I could. All he cared about was partying, eating and using his muscles and beating people up, very similar to Caspar. He wasn’t the softhearted, kind Raphael in Houses who would’ve been really sad to see all that happen.
And let’s not forget they just walked in and murdered Sylvain’s dad and then talked shit about “chivalry” as if that’s what Matthias even died for (which he didn’t, and Sylvain explicitly explained that he died for his friends/family and home because he wanted to protect them. He didn’t die for some old honorable code that the fandom and GW try to bury Faerghus in). Not only did they invade, and not only did they kill an important defense for invasions from a foreign territory (which Claude should know is a shitty choice, especially in GW ffs), but they killed a former classmate’s parent with literally no sympathy. The man was defending his home from invaders and giving his best friend and his best friend’s son time to escape (which, mind you, I’d do that too and that’s not chivalry lol. If you invaded my home and my best friend was there with me, I’d fight for her to get away too if I had to and to protect my home. You don’t do that shit just because you wanna be chivalrous).
The funny thing about my argument is that at first when I described how they just walked in and killed a former classmate’s parent, I didn’t even realize that Sylvain literally said the exact same fucking thing if you attack him with Claude in the next chapter. The game literally uses my same argument and I didn’t know that at first when I used that argument, and Sylvain is pissed. Mind you, Claude is like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ sowwie, das war, we’ve all lost peeple we lub (also not true because all the people on their side that matter to them survive except possibly Jeralt and Judith, tops; so they haven’t all lost people important to them).
No, you invaded them and killed a young man’s father and then talked shit about a dead man who did nothing to y’all except defend his home and friends against your invasion. Victim blaming is strong in GW and it’s disgusting. Saying basically “oh well too bad your dad died defending from our invasion, that’s how it goes, sucks to suck” is like attacking an innocent victim on the street and being like “oh well, you were in the wrong place at the wrong time so you just have to die and accept it”. Blaming someone for your decision to kill them is something Edelgard does tbh in CF. That’s not shit Claude does.
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Losing my 5 precious darling embryos, don;t tell me that they are not children, the embryo is the seed from which the might Oak Tree thus grows, suck on that you ignorant callous cunts
The unimaginable pain of losing 5 embryos and don’t tell me they are not children they are the seeds from which all life grows
It’s too painful
I cannot do this
Fuck off I say
Oh the pain I feel when I see little girls
Well I have a sperm donor now Nathan, tall, buff, slim, big long slender dick, beautiful hands, plays bass, teaches French blue grey eyes, cool hair, good family
Am I in love, don’t care he came in me an hour ago
I am 49 well miracles do happen, not to me, but maybe
Keep trying until I drop down dead hey
I can’t take it
The pain
The loss
The sheer humiliation
It’s excruciating
I don’t want to live anymore
I want my girls
Well I got my donor egg, she is Polish, intelligent as fuck, with a nice ass and legs and blond hair and blue eyes and a degree in Bio Chemistry at Oxford
Uber menschen in the making
I will have my Cyan Tree
Scarlet River
Storm Cloud
Golden Tsunami Thread
Purple paradise glitter heaven
Yes my little ones are in heaven with their grand father Rafique
And I will make three babies one Afro, one red head and one blond
And my life will be complete
Sans mes enfants ma vie est rien
Je suis dans le mer sans mes enfants
Ma vie est rien sans leur
Mes mes enfants
Oh my god
The pain pierces me over and over again like a dagger on fire
I cannot take it
Men rape me and break me and ejaculate in me like a fucking rag doll
I am just a hope to be penetrated and abused over and over again
My daddy taught me how to suck cock real good
Tomi balo manush
Go fuck yourself you piece of shit cunt
And my husband is a narc, predator psychopath
And my kids little cunt runts who should be burnt and tortured
They play guitar and piano and speak mandarin and do so many extra curricula activities
If I meet another doting dad I am gonna fuckng puck my guts out
69 men and risking
Sexually abused from the age of 1-3
66 albums
16 films
100 exhibitions
11 books
Suck on that
Got into Oxford to study History at Somerville College or St? Hilda’s
Can’t remember
Does it even fucking matter
Tracey Emin can’t draw for shit
Nor Damien Hirst
I am better than everyone Francis Bacon, Vincent, Rothko, Schiele, Kandisky
De Kooning, Richter, Schiel, Klimt
Nietszche what the fuck did he know he never had kids
Kate Moss is a travesty
Worst fucking model
Kendal Jenner insipid
Justin Bieber pathetic
Billy whinging miserable cow
Taylor Swift knows nothing about life
Kate Moss’s sprog is ugly and short as fuck
Harry Styles is a fucking prick
I am better than all of you
I am gonna win the Nobel Peace Prize
Gonna be a global leader
I believe that everyone should get 30 grand from birth
Have their own house and garden
Preferably built themselves
Lego towns
No plastic
Electric cars
Not teslas
Elon Musk is another psychopath power crazed mania
Who can’t keep his dick in his pants like Mick fucking Jagger
His kids are losers
Eddie Redmayne can’t act for fuck and married a bitch
Kate Middleton just is good at breeding and wearing clothes and has no hips and never eats
And her kids are brats
Harry is a prick
Megan is a bitch
Piers Morgan is a moon faced cunt
Alistair Campbell wrote the fake dossier and is a murderer
He should be curt alive playing his wretched bag pipes
Shada Haramsada
Guido is an Italian prick
Robin is a psychopathic narc
Yinka is a shit artist USP up your fucking arse
Kusama sold out
Can’t paint for shit
Her mirrored rooms flawed
I am going to Bangladesh, and Singapore
Erecting my neon mental health signs
Mental Health for All
Benign Anarchists
Trauma Triggers
Naked Trauma Triggers
Nicolas Rodolphe Roberts Colemonts
Patrick my first love, he was deaf, we listened to Fluffy Little Clouds and made love and got high and felt the beat through the speakers
I was happy then
I was happiest when I was a virgin
Didn’t wash
Wore clothes that were too big for me
Wanted to be clever
Was sexually abused in the library when studying Hamlet and preparing for Oxford
Art school was shit
Has to walk past St Martins every day it was hell
Will study at the Royal academy – Drawing, will make Tracey stick her pencil up her arse
If Saatchi and Saatchi come sniffing they can go fuck themselves
Margaret Thatcher eat my turds for breakfast with Kellogg corn flakes
I want my babies
I will have my daughters
They will have the life I never had
And I will protect them
And no one is goin got mess with them
No one is going to fuck with my precious cargo
This is a war
This is a revolution
Whose side are you on?
Are you are a benign anarchist
Join the fucking party now
Have a wank and die
Suck on that
You giant sloppy cunt face poisson magasin
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Guffaw guffaw
C’est finis
Bonne nuit
Mais non
Mai oui
En faite
Ding dong
Picana coup gorom
Nu Nu
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asavt · 2 years
So! found Cheren, thought I could cheese the fight against him, Hilda and Hilbert because I was 30 levels higher than recommended. He then proceeded to kick my ass 9 or 10 times. I had to get to level 100 to beat him. Your blorbo kicked my ass /lh (guess you could say I got schooled?) - Parental Anon
HAHA GET SCHOOLED Y- *chancla hits their head*
Yeahhh.... tbh I remember his fight being one of the hardest for me along with other three (take a guess, they are all from the tournament ones). He's good and I hope they expand his sync grind soon because HE IS REALLY USEFULL ALREADY MAKE HIM EVEN MORE.
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cheemken · 7 months
How’ve you been? I hope everything’s going well for you
I meant to say this a month ago when I was sharing headcanons, but you turned off asks for a while and I just forgot about it till now
It’s so stupid but despite N not knowing how to use Social Media all that well, and probably other modern devices, this guy is an absolute BEAST at Dance Dance Revolution, Guitar Hero, PaRappa the Rapper, and other rhythm games
Doesn’t matter what type of rhythm game it is, he’s getting top scores and absolutely dog walking everyone else
(Also, I’ll send another ask soon cause I have another AU to talk about)
Yeah I'm vibing well, shit happened a bit at work but it was low-key thrilling, what abt you? Hope you're vibing well too hahaha
But mood pls that's so real
I imagine him being like,,, just having this poker face when playing, he's not even bobbing his head to the beat he's so fucking focused on the screen and where to tap next like mfer would clear out every level of any hard ass rhythm game and be all "oh, it's over? It was just starting to get fun."
Also it's a mood to imagine him being like Garnet during that one episode, where Steven made her play Meat Beat Mania. Imagine Hilbert and Hilda bringing N to the arcade or the mall once, they introduce him to Guitar Hero, he immediately fell in love lmfaoooo
First song, he didn't get it right at first, he was still getting used to the controls, but after that? Mfer, they had to fucking drag him out the arcade so they can finally go home they've been there for almost the entire day and they're sure N didn't eat lunch bc he was so fucking focused on the game😭🤣
Bet tho since I was also playing a bit of kh bbs recently, imagine Iris and Hilbert playing that tho, and like, during Ventus' bit they made N play the Ice Cream rhythm mini game in Disney Town bc it's so fucking impossible sometimes it's so annoying it made me wanna throw my tab like girl you have no right to be so fucking tedious it's even shittier than collecting the stickers
Anyways where was I —
But yeah, that's so real your honour hahaha
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mugzymiik · 11 months
THE NAME'S MUGS, OR OCTOBER!!! i have other names (see them at my pronouny!) but honestly anyone can call me anything, peepeepoopoo man (/gn) even/j AS LONG AS IT ISNT ANYTHING LIKE "dumbass bitch whos an ass" IM GOOD
i have asd, adhd and anxiety,,so TONE INDICATORS PLEASE!!!
please note that it often takes me a while to understand things! some things take even as long as a week for me to finally realize and understand (trust me, its happened before D:)
!!!!!! MINOR !!!!!!!
why you got a 12 car garage if you only got 15 CARS?!
i also use any neopronouns!! so if you dont support neopronouns and/or harass people for using them then get the fuck off my page and dont interact with me, ever. i dont like you./srs
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#mmmramblez - rambling tag (i forget to tag it a lot so its not in use very often✌️😔)
#mugzy art- art tag!! :D
#mugzy replies - ask tag
#mugzys drawing ideas - drawing ideas :D
#things mugs needs later - its a surprise tool that will help us later/j/ref
#Tsavorite hugs everybody - you're next. :)/j (PAUSED AS OF RIGHT NOW)
#shattered body but not spirit au - the SBNS AU tag! :D
#jsab disloyalty au - tag for my JSAB AU
im uuh. gonna add list(s) n less important stuff under the "keep reading" part so that this doesn't get too long after first glance
blogs i run/help run!! :D
@askgoldnco: just uh. ask blog for Gold from TPC,,VERY headcanon heavy
@pinkcorruption-verysillyedition: TPC incorrect quotes!! :D
@cats-turn-naturally-pink-somehow: TPC warriors au😭yea thats it,,
@shattered-body-but-not-spirit: TPC AU roleplay blog!!! (death cw; not at all described, but still a theme of it)
posts i made that have info in em n stuff:
my pink corruption headcanons list :D
my fandoms!!
The Pink Corruption (+ Just Shapes & Beats in general)
Warriors/Warrior Cats (been a fan since i was a wee timny wimny babie :3)
Hilda (The Series)
uuuh,,, my fav chars!!!!
Gold (he only has like 4 lines of dialogue in canon TPC right now but he just like me fr :D)
Mugman (oh wow who did i get my name from??? what a mystery/j)
Cagney Carnation
Gray Wing
Turtle Tail
Jagged Peak
River Ripple
The Great Raven
uuuh ill add more lists as i think of them MY ONE (1) SINGLE BRAINCELL IS FADING AWAY/j
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(^artist: @/sleepless-tea on DeviantArt)
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euphoricnyctophilia · 4 years
Ok I have to say it,
Hilda Spellman’s spiders are the only valid familiars.
1. They helped Sabrina get back at her principal and they caught Batibat.
2. Stolas is a bitch
3. All Vinegar Tom does is sit there
4. Salem might as well just be a cat because yes he did kill the scarecrow but he had nothing to say about the Angel that Sabrina invited into the mortuary and did nothing when it tried to kill her
5. Leviathan was also a bitch
6. I don’t know the name of Connor’s familiar but he was also useless
I’m not bringing Amalia into this because she had a lot going on and Nick could’ve handled that a lot better than imprisoning her and fleeing.
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Can I get uhhhh…. M!Byleth, Edelgard, Linhardt, Bernadetta, and Hilda reuniting with their fem S/O after the timskip?
Hi nonny! Admin Hurricane here. This is very delayed and I'm so, so sorry. School has been kicking my ass, but I’ll be more than happy to do this! I hope you like it!! Spoiler alert if you haven’t gotten to the time skip portion of FE3H!
We all know that Byleth is already a fairly unemotional person, but when he sees you he can’t help but freeze up
He was asleep for so long, but seeing you completely different than five years previously makes him realize how long he was actually gone for
If you had gone through something terrible during the time skip, he’ll apologize for not being there for you
Spends time catching up with you, maybe even sparring a bit to see how your skills have improved in the past 5 years.
He’ll make sure you don’t stay up too late doing anything cause his teacher instincts are kicking in
She’s lost so many people because of the war, but when she sees you it's almost as if time stops and the two of you are the only people in the whole world.
The first time she sees you, she freezes, drops everything she's doing regardless of the importance and races over to pull you into her embrace. In that moment you’re everything that matters to her and she doesn’t care what people may think or say.
Of course the Black Eagle Strike Force is happy to see you and Hubert is pleased to see that Edel’s much happier than before even though he advised against the relationship but shush Hubie <3
On nights that the two of you spend together alone are comforting for El cause she can pretend that she’s not Emperor Hresvelg and that the entire war is riding on her and the professor’s shoulders. Nope it’s just you and her, a happy couple with no worries
He’s not one to have his emotions on full display. He’s the type of person to pretend like your absence didn’t bother him greatly, but in reality we know he’s very bothered by it.
Someone of few words, Lin prefers to show his actions rather than smother you in affection, this is oftentimes in the form of keeping you close by
He’ll never admit how much he truly missed you, if you ever question him he’ll brush you off lmaoo
Ah Bernie.
She panicked when she saw you again. One thing being her panicking over what she should say to you, and two being she missed you so badly that she can’t form words and then proceeds to run away and lock herself away in her room.
She’s ashamed that she hadn’t been looking for you during the war, focused on the efforts and supporting Edelgard.
It takes a lot of coaxing and reassuring from your end and from the professor to convince her that you don’t hate her.
When she finally comes out, she’ll hide behind something because she’s scared you’re gonna be mad at her even though you’ve already told her multiple times that you aren’t mad and that you just miss her :( trauma’s a bitch
Try your best! Bernie’s doing a lot better cause she’s more confident than before. But when it comes to you, she’s a stuttering, blushing mess
She’s put up this front that nothing bothered throughout the whole war. But like El as soon as she sees you, her facade crumbles a bit and she races towards you and pulls you into a bone crushing hug, lifting you off the ground we stan stronk hilda 😌
You kinda just awkwardly pat her cause she’s hugging you so tight you’re seeing stars.
She definitely keeps you by her side, if not then at the very least in her eyesight. Claude made fun of her to which she almost beat his ass for it.
But overall Hilda might be a bit more protective over you because she’s already lost you once and she can’t bear the idea of losing you again.
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und8e2ff · 2 years
mmkay, so... So far in Ep 83, it turns out the Nebula Chains just match energy so if you don't come with any malice they won't attack you?
And Mime ALMOST disarms Shun with existential dread but Ikki pops in like "nah, fuck awl that. beat his ass"
Shun is filled with determination.
Imagine if Shun were the disrespectful type tho? IF he were, he could probably roast Mime or Hilda (or pretend to believe the earth is flat) enough to provoke a response and take him down.
Also, it's kind of adorable how Ikki doesn't always have all the answers but he always knows what to say to get through to his bro.
That's cute. 💖
ALSO, also... It's Shun v Another Bad Bitch and he has a 100% win rate so far against other baddies (Aphrodite... that's it), so like... My theory is that Shun is guaranteed to win if his opponent is cute or whatever.
Basically... if Shun can't beat you on his own you might be ugly.
Let's see if I'm proven right.
i was proven wrong
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crystalelemental · 1 year
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Recent super fun Reddit post about how 1/5 SS Silver is super frustrating and not as good as other PokeFairs got me in some kind of frothing state. Probably because this entire subreddit is a bunch of cowards who are like "the blackout won't do anything, it's just hurting our community," proving once again that Pokemon fans don't deserve rights. Anyway here's 2/5 Silver with his 1/5 grid beating some shit up, including off-typing Lucian.
Look, I'm not going to pretend SS Silver doesn't have flaws. But the notion that SS Silver's flaws are all that extreme is laughable. "He needs two support slots to do his job!" H!Caitlin bro. H!Caitlin gives him literally everything. "But he still needs crit support." If you really want to be greedy on the Buddy move, Aaron exists. At 1/5, you don't need speed buffs, so this checks out. "But why should he need so much support as a PokeFair?" Because they all do? "But look at all the other PokeFairs that came out this year and also SS Hilda." That last one is some serious cherry-picking but sure, let's talk about the others.
Emma needs help topping off Attack and Speed for full effect, and is unreliable at setting her own Poison. Lysandre needs help with special attack. In both scenarios, LA is a nightmare, where Lysandre also needs speed for gauge management, and both nearly require support to reapply their needed status, or their DPS just drops. Woe upon them if the foe is immune. SS Diantha and SS Hau are literally dead without their field effects. If we're talking 1/5, Hau is barely worth discussing, while Diantha can do okay in CS but not LA. For the ones that are super self-sufficient, like Eusine and SS Lana, that self-sufficiency comes with a high price. Eusine's DPS isn't that impressive, and at 1/5 he has none of the sync that distinguishes him from any other Water DPS. SS Lana basically doesn't have a sync, and her single-target DPS, like Eusine's, is pretty bad. That's the tradeoff, they either get to be super self-sufficient, or super powerful but clunky. Take your pick.
SS Hilda is an odd one to bring up because...well yeah, she is insanely powerful and easy to set up. Frankly I'm not sure why they made her so ridiculous. The only real limitation she has is that, at 1/5, her sync sucks ass. My wife has her EX, and it's frankly staggering how bad her sync is without Rising Tide. Even on-type is a bit of a mess.
All this to say...Silver is fairly standard for a PokeFair. If you choose not to invest in him but expect him to perform well as a damage dealer, prepare for disappointment, or to allocate the necessary investment into his success. Aaron is mandatory for a non-3/5 Silver. I can entertain the idea of Lillie, who actually has a fantastic tool in Full Power granting +3 Atk and Sure Crit to make the most of Buddy Move on turn 2, but she's a terrible tank so that was not a fun time. And I can entertain the idea of BP Clemont, but he's Ground weak and that wasn't happening with Bertha. Then again, neither was Lillie who is Poison weak. Basically, a lot of his good tools get specifically bopped this week. It's sad, but also kinda funny. But the point is, traits exist. And when people point them out, and the response is just "Yeah but those are baaaaad," the problem is you. I'm sorry Lillie isn't also a godwall. Not everything gets to be perfect. Figure something out.
Vs. Bertha (Aaron) Aaron does well enough. The main benefit of this kind of team is survival against physical. Masked Royal's debuffs are handy, and Aaron can bulk up provided it's not High Horsepower/Poison Jab at the outset. On-type, even uninvested, Silver's sync does respectable numbers. The real fun is that late-game, provided Aaron's alive, you can flinch with Attack Order and potentially stagger that last turn. I will make the general note that Silver is also frail. So the Earthquake thing was...dire. You really want to make sure the sides are weakened, or that Aaron hits a flinch on them, or it gets bad.
Vs. Bertha (H!Caitlin) Caitlin's hilarious bro. This is so much more consistent than Aaron. The Synchro Heal + shields throwdown is just immaculate. Silver's so much safer here. And you get to run Colress, who is just...so stupid. He's so dumb, I love him.
Vs. Lucian (H!Caitlin) Now here's a fun one. So, off-type this week is usually done with Lucian, because his attacks are the least scary. No natural accuracy buffs, Zen Headbutt and Reuniclus are pretty inaccurate, Colress shenanigans peak on this fight. There is, however, a lot more than bad accuracy rolls that can go wrong. For starters, Silver missing crit on sync. Love when that happens. For another, you will not tank sync without shields, so the rotation is thus:
Caitlin TM, Silver Buddy, Colress Screech.
Caitlin TM, Silver attack center, Colress Screech, Silver sync.
Adrenaline puts you in a better position for three turns later. The goal is spam damage on Lucian, cap Silver's attack if Tricksy didn't MPR, and boost special defense. When Colress has lowered special defense, spam Mirror Shot for evasion. Caitlin takes second sync, just before Lucian gets where he's going. Hope for a quad queue.
At this point, RNG goes haywire, because you need some misses. Hope for Zen Headbutt spam; often Caitlin can take one of those, and they're lower accuracy. Psychic will destroy her. Ideally, Lucian keeps swinging and doesn't use X Accuracy All until later.
From this point, Silver takes every sync. The first will not come anywhere near KOing Lucian, but it puts him in range that you don't need to spam DPS on him. Hit Alakazam once during the interval between third and fourth sync, then sync on Lucian. If his allies dropped...good luck with the quick queue. Provided it works, Lucian will drop. Alakazam is now in range of your new DPS, and the denial prevents Swift from sure-killing your ass. Unfortunately, if both allies are down, you must dodge Psychic. Success here means a two-shot, you win. I'll also note, my 2/5 Silver would have a much easier time of this, thanks to Endurance on grid. It's a good skill, recommend.
This is nowhere near a clean win, but you get the gist. It's possible. Also, if Silver were EX, it'd probably be a hell of a lot easier. But that's the point. It can be done, and the tools are there. It's just clunky. Because he's not 3/5 and EX. That's how it works. Silver's good. Apparently stupid good, since his current solo count is goddamned 9. In a lot of these cases, the problem was less about Silver being clunky, than his supports just being bad for the stage. So like...I dunno what to tell you dude. Skill issue.
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starry-skies-116 · 2 years
Michael Afton/Glamrock Freddy Playing Fire Emblem Three Houses:
“Hilda, Hilda, Hilda!”
Actually sucks ass at strategy and just does what he can impulsively by trusting his judgement (few times it works, most of the time he screws himself over)
Can’t move units properly and sometimes moves wrong units or swaps combat arts/items/weapons between units when he doesn’t intend to due to his BIG HANDS LOL-
Enjoys fishing, cooking, and exploring the monastery and talking to the students and hanging out with them. WAY more than he should.
Remixes Fodlan Winds with the rest of the Glamrocks and it sounds banger ofc
Wants to adopt Flayn kinda
“It’s been two seconds and I’m out of gold”
“Lmfao time for my Hilda to destroy in arena”
“Oh no wonder Gregory’s second favorite character is Rhea she’s so nice lol”
Invests all his resources into Hilda, Claude and Lysithea and builds none of them as tanks, dancers, healers or anything of the sort that could’ve saved him so much time-
Constantly gets stat screwed because he doesn’t know how to manipulate RNG in strategy games
Spams Helmsplitter and Gambits and prays to god that it works
“Why does Gregory enjoy this game so much this is nothing but a pure anxiety machine”
“Lorenz, in the most respectful way possible, hush”
“Caspar join my house. Please I’ll marry you I’ll do anything please”
“FREE MOVEMENT FOR DAYS BABYYYY FLYING UNITS SUPREMACY-” *instantly gets one-hit KO’d by enemy archer*
“No inventory space again? Man I love this game”
Parks units in the least safe space possible during the Fog of War Map, abuses terrain bonuses and wyvern/pegasus units afterwards due to trauma lol
“Kronya gets yeeted colorized 2038 lol”
“Leonie please Byleth’s father just died right in front of us”
“Damn no Str. gain? Unlucky…”
“Thyrsus is fun except +1 Black Magic Attack Range isn’t included with my A+ rank in reason”
“So no dark seals? Cool”
“H I L D A”
Has a panic attack at the Throne of Knowledge/Conflict in the Holy Tomb map because of the “protect the Crest Stones” objective: “crap (x1342567823990)
“Dimitri snapped haha *actually kinda scared*”
“I don’t have a tank *cries*”
“I sure do love reinforcements ahahahahah”
“I had 90% hit and I still missed…”
Gets mildly frustrated and embarrassed when he realizes he could’ve learned warp and just abused that controversial af magic to basically one-turn nearly all of the maps towards the timeskip (he’s so adorable when embarrassed lol)
“Have you heard of our lord and savior Skillrex and ICBMs haha”
“Spare the Shambhala DJ and pay my respects to him guys”
“I’ve no inventory space again I hate this game lol”
*internally cries*
And it gets even worse with the Cindered Shadows DLC:
“Yes, great, more waves of reinforcements, just what I need!”
“It’s only been a whole eternity since I’ve started the ambush map but we’re done- we’re staring off this DLC absolutely splendidly! :’D”
“I missed again haha”
“How did Gregory beat this map again”
Gets major anxiety on the “ten turns until gate closes” objective… internal panic levels skyrockets to infinity and beyond as his circuitry begins to spark-
*approaches death knight meancingly with Dark Spikes T in tow* “greetings, I shall defeat you with the power of love and companionship”
“Golems everywhere oh boy we love to see it”
*regrets not recruiting Ferdinand*
“Aelfric this is why unrequited love is bad for you lol”
“More golems.”
*looks at Umbral Beast* “it’s some kind of demonic zebra unicorn monster… seriously what is that I’ll be seeing that thing in my sleep from now on I’m pretty sure”
"I've only lost like nine units but WE DID IT HOORAY"
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reverse-moon · 2 years
Okay so I posted the art before (oh fucking well) but now I have ✨ideas✨. [ OG post found here. ]
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N (B/W, B2/W2) - Patton
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Sweetheart man
Grew up around Pokémon before Ghesis took him in, so he literally can understand Pokémon. Just not how people think he can
Doesn't wanna be Plasma King
Black(Hilbert)/White(Hilda) needs to understand he's being used >:(
He actually doesn't "own" a Pokémon team, they just kinda help him willingly. The Pokéballs are a formality they endure
Just wants peace
Lowkey hates Ghesis with every fiber of his being
He knows his stuff
He acts dumb bc Ghesis doesn't think he know shit
100% punched Ghesis after B/W was over
Black(Hilbert)/White(Hilda) was the surprised Pikachu meme at that
Nate/Rosa are good friends with him later :3
Guzma (S/M, US/UM) - Remus
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Yeah, he's an "evil team" leader
But its not exactly called Team Skull
It's call Team Ceph
But otherwise he's literally just Guzma and the team is literally just Team Skull
"Losers" trying to prove their worth
He's actually a super good trainer too
But his little brother is supposedly better so he did this.
He's really chill with Sun/Elio/Moon/Selene tbh
Yeah, they're brats, but their his friends so fuck off >:(
Kikui isn't too bad either.
He custom made platform sneakers, he's fancy like that.
Cynthia (D/P/P, BD/SP) - Logan
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He's v powerful
He's also really into the history of Sinnoh
Despite his efforts, he's literally very recognizable (thank you, Fantia /sar)
He just wants to be in the library tbh
Dawn/Lucas giving him the chance to meet Palkia/Dialga/Giratina really made him happy (he'd never say it more than once tho)
He loves his Garchomp (she's his bby)
Also really into writing
Dawn/Lucas beat him, he spent literally all day in the next day reading and writing.
His grandmama is glad to have him help with her history and science and all that
He's actually really shy too, he just learned how to interact bc Champion.
Let him be-
Zinnia (ORAS) - Janus
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Lorekeeper of the Draconid people
They hate his ass
All because he's got burns and heterochromia :(
He's actually really nice
He was besties with the old Lorekeeper
He acts mean to Ruby/Sapphire and May/Brendon, but honestly he's so done with shit
He doesn't want to be a bad guy.
But he will be bc that the only way he can get shit done
This isn't a Comic Zinnia parallel either, this is game Zinnia he's like
He also learns p quick that Ruby/Sapphire is probably gonna be a good candidate to save the world
So at the top of the Sky pillar
Summons Rayquaza
And is like "Save the world I've done my part peace!"
He's currently just wandering the world
Probably has met Logan, Patton, Remus, Virgil and Roman at one point
Not that he stayed long with any of them
Gold/Ethan (G/S/C, HG/SS) - Roman
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Nothing much changed
What did you expect? This a Protag role!! They're empty slates for a reason
Remus is his older brother tho
He low-key looks up to Remus actually
Big of heart, dumb of ass. Might become a himbo one day
Became Johto Champ
Wants to be the "greatest trainer"
Doesn't know what that means, but he wants it!
He's really sweet
Red (R/G/B/Y, FR/LG) - Virgil
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He's a selective mute
Really loves his Pikachu
Will get violent (his Charizard actually held him back from Giovanni once)
So done with humanity
Became Kanto champ, then left bc "I'm not dealing with this, Green-"
Some people call him Purple bc he just never told them his name
He really doesn't care about that tho
"Purple the silent champ" sounds dope to him
Mount Silver actually doesn't fucking phase him with how cold it is
He kept his bedroom really fucking cold (59°F/15°C)
Also it gives him an excuse to eat warm calming food more often :D
Roman challenged him once and lost
And now he can't escape the trainer
Got dragged to Alola by Blue once
It wasn't bad
Too sunny and hot tho
Sun/Elio/Moon/Selene was nice to meet
Met Remus and talked about Roman and stuff
It was nice
"It's too hot, Blue." ❝That's because you're wearing black and very dark purple, dumbass.❞ ← Actually conversation between Virgil and Blue in Alola
Didn't changed to lighter colors though. He suffered for his theme
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And there you have it.
If I make Sleep, Emile, Thomas and Nico, it's gonna be way fucking later and I have no clue who I'd replace with them. Emile would probably be a Pokemon Professor (maybe Sycamore) and I feel like Nico would be a fun replacement for the artsy Alola trial cap, but idk.
Have fun with this and just credit/tag me should you do something with this shit.
Also here, have the songs I got the idea from:
N's Theme (From "Pokémon Black/White")
Vs. Guzma (From "Pokémon Sun/Moon")
Vs. Cynthia (From "Pokémon Platinum")
Vs. Zinnia (From "Pokémon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire")
Dragon's Den/Vs. Trainer Red (From "Pokémon Gold/Silver")
Pokémon Musical Bytes - Complete Package
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