rry2k · 1 year
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rry2k · 11 months
gordon i will give you. five dollars
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F. Five dollars for what?? Goddamn…happy meal..???
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Don't forget the happy meal toy broo-
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Nyeh nyeah nyeh nyeh.
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rry2k · 1 year
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Maybe it’s time to look at the man in the mirror, Benrey.
Happy anniversary Y2KVR, from the people behind RRY2K.
See you soon. (art made by @howlite-returns)
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rry2k · 10 months
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Yooo PizzaaaHuttt!
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Don't try to start anything funny, there's a reason I didn't take us to an entertainment center instead.
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Chill bro, just gonna order a pizza-
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Make sure it has pickles.
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[Oh wait a minute-]
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Uhh yeah sure- Pickles-
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Don’t listen to him, give it PINEAPPLE!
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Tch- bet!
[ He adds both onto the now existing pizza order ]
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Who puts pineapple and pickles on the same pizza?
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Some friends I know... Trust Benny on, uhh, on this one!
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Who on Earth? There's way too much juice on a pizza if it has pineapple and pickles.
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Don't worry about it-
[ Benrey proceeded to add more stupid stuff onto the Pizza. ]
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I say the pickles go out of the pizza. Nobody eats pizza with pickles. Save for you and your friends, of course.
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Why thank you dearest husband. Though personally, I don't recall anyone eating pineapple on pizza either, so the pineapples should be the ones to go.
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At least it’s an actual, well-known topping! I’ve never heard of pickles on pizza in my life!
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Not all good publicity is good publicity. Pineapples are so well known because everyone knows not to put them on pizza, while with PICKLES. 'Do not knock it until you try it', as they say.
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That is NOT what they say.
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You know I can order 2 pizzas right-?
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Two pizzas it is!
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Hell yeah, second pizza! Make it have ONLY pineapple!
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And the other will have only pickles, hmm? You always have the best ideas, my beautiful bloom.
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Okay makin' it three then-
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Anddd uhh... There!
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Ah- ahaha…
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Anyways! Where’re you sending these to anyway? ‘S not like you can eat them right now if they get delivered to your place.
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Ah, hm. Yes. Very good point.
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rry2k · 11 months
If i may ask, who did it affect? :<
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[Gordon drums his fingers against the interface again.]
[tap TAP tap tap tap tap TAP TAP tap TAP tap tap tap
TAP tap TAP tap tap TAP tap tap TAP TAP TAP TAP tap TAP tap TAP tap TAP]
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Tch uhh- Dude you uhh okay-? You're tappin' and uhh stuff-
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Uh. Um.
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I'm fine, just on edge. You all should be glad everything isn't falling apart at the seams.
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What? Afraid you're gonna cause The SimCity™️ Incident 2?
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Careful who you're talking to, buddy. Unless you want to kiss your precious emails goodbye.
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Nooo not the emaillssss-
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rry2k · 11 months
[i’ll be home for the holiday, i promise.]
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No. Shut up. Shut up. Shut your fucking mouth.
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Don’t EVER fucking say that again. In fact, I think you've forgotten about our favorite goddamn game AGAIN!
[There seems to be an error attempting to connect the ask box to local servers. Try again momentarily.]
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Wh. What’s wrong with the-
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The emails aren’t working.
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No emails? No uhh no email bros-?
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No, ev-everything’s fine! I can take care of it, it’s
…It’s my job.
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You uhh, sure buddy-?
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(He can’t see me this is fine this is fine.)
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rry2k · 1 year
“yeah broooo i’ll just be on in a second. bet the piece of junk doesn’t uh. doesn’t work anyways.”
“that’s…odd. there’s an email here.”
“i’ll call you back, bro.”
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rry2k · 8 months
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Well.. That uhh. Had nothin'
[ Benrey would toss the email aside before grabbing the other one and reading it. ]
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Oh, anddd this email address is uhm- Jefferm's!
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Devil.. Gun.. Mode..? Pff- what kind of name is that? Hmm...
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You know.. I'm uhh, gonna..
[ Benrey looked around again, before stashing the email away. ]
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No one, is gonna uh- notice...
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rry2k · 11 months
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Where to go.. where to go...
Tch, big decisions for Benny.. Big decisions for Benny...
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You mentioned an accident in uhh SimCity™ awhile back right?
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Could we possibly go see the SimCity™ itself?
[ Benrey would slightly chuckle to himself. ]
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SimCity™ ya say?
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Aaand we’re already there. Just don’t make me look like an idiot in front of the user…
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rry2k · 10 months
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Hmm, not a lot here...
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Eh- That's alright... Not a lot to look though anyway.
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God, all this stuff is so weird. Or empty. Ugh…
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Oh. How peculiar. Hey Benrey..?
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Uhh yeah?
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Think you should come look at this file. It’s ACTUALLY got stuff on it.
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Oh shit- Really-?
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Hmm.. Not really seei-
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Sorry, man.
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You sung a little loudly, it’s really a shame.
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[Benrey would step back a bit.]
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rry2k · 10 months
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Bubs- Today I'm gonna teach you something funny today!
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Ever heard of sendin' a prank pizza?
[ Benrey would put down a "random" address down. ]
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They'll never see it comin'!
[ Benrey would start to laugh. ]
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Right you are! Seems I’ve raised you well already!
[He pats Benrey on the back, like a proud parent.]
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rry2k · 10 months
¡Bueno! ¡Muy! >:>
More than happy to see the gang in high spirits!
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‘Course, we’ve never been b—
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Uhh... Forz-?
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....Tommy I need t' talk t' ya 'bout somethin'.
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Huh? What’s the— the matter my love?
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I- I get it if ya don't- don't love me 'nymore but I jus'-
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You could've jus' t-told me man! I- I'd rather jus' hear it from- from you! A letter? Are you kidding me? That's!-
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I-...that really fuckin' hurts, bro.
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rry2k · 10 months
Yay! "Keeping our info safe" time with Darnold! - 🌌
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Hey, Forzen. I need to talk with-
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…can you put Benrey down. Please.
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Huh? Why?
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Yeah- Why-? I'm uhh tch- enjoying myself here.
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Because I need to talk to you! About something… private.
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Shit, uhm, 'lright then I guess. Sorry bro.
[He set down Benrey carefully.]
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Awe poo.
[Once being put down, Benrey just awkwardly walked somewhere else on the site.]
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rry2k · 11 months
Uhh, Benrey how are you holding up..? I mean, just being in the middle of everything is just- well yk-
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i don't...
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i dont know.
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rry2k · 8 months
"Finders keepers"... sure, until it blows up in your face later on. Which it will. Knowing the Hawk and how the others will likely be feeling once things are calm, they will be starving for answers.
You sure you want to keep that up? Do you even want to go home, at this point? What reason do you have for your hesitation, nightingale?
-Zombie 💀
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It uhh wont.
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It's just an uhh, email.
An email one of my friends made.
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It's just a silly email. It's uhh fine.
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rry2k · 8 months
So… while everyone’s idle, maybe you can snoop through those other emails, Benrey? it’s only fair. they’re YOUR friends
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Uhh... Right- Right...
[ Benrey looked around and grabbed one of the emails, looking at it ]
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Oh hey- Uhh, this email address uhm. Looks like Josh's
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Tch. Guess they forgot to uhh, clear some emails out.
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