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HOSP 310 Complete Course - (Quizes - Assignments - Dqs - Final) - DeVry
HOSP 310 Complete Course - (Quizes - Assignments - Dqs - Final) - DeVry
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week 1 discussion
 Baby Boomer Demand (graded
Why are the baby boomers so important? What impact do you see them having on the hospitality industry in the next few years? In the longer-term future?Please refer to Chapter Two as you participate in this discussion. Tip for Beginning the Discussion: Of course, you can draw from your own experience or your homework for the week, but a good way to begin discussing this question is to answer the first question and then come back a day later. As the week progresses, we will move into other issues raised by the rest of the class and myself.
   Managing Diversity and  Change (graded)
 Welcome to our first week of discussions for this course. Some good strategies to have while starting the discussions is to thoroughly read the discussion question and read the accompanying material prior to beginning your posts.  For higher quality points it is also encouraged to write substantive posts with the addition of outside sources that you have come across while researching the answers to the questions and to supply the source as you complete your post.  Remember to make sure that you post at least by Wednesday of the week and to have at least 3 different posts on three different days for full frequency credit.
How do such trends as the changing diversity of the U.S. population, two-income families, changes in family structure, and changing income distribution effect the Hospitality industry?  Please refer to Chapter Two, pp. 40-46 primarily, as you participate in this graded TDA.  Of course, you may also draw upon web sites, your homework assignment, and your own personal experience in this discussion throughout the week. Be sure to post elaborately for full credit. week 2
 Midscale vs. High-Check  Restaurants (graded)
How do midscale restaurants differ from high-check average restaurants? What new and interesting trends have you noticed in food service over the last couple of years?
QSR Franchising Pros &  Cons (graded)
What are the advantages and disadvantages of QSR franchising from the perspective of the franchisor? Let's discuss the pros and cons of franchise operations from both sides of the table - franchisee and franchisor.
 week 3
Discuss the competitive practices of grocery chain stores in your area. How have these businesses begun to engage in competitive practices that are now affecting all of the food service operations in your community?
  week 4
 The local community lodging industry with its two or three property types makes for an interesting discussion. (1) What types of properties are present in your community, and how have they evolved? (2) How does each meet guest needs? (3) What kind of technology do they apply to serve guest needs? Begin by answering question (1) and (2).
 The Internet (graded)
As most of you been doing so far, be sure to post elaborately and include research where appropriate. Remember that solid and elaborate posts will get you closer to full credit in the threaded discussions.
To start this week's discussion - thoughtfully discuss the advantages and the disadvantages provided to hotels by the Internet. For starters, discuss how the Internet affects the traditional role of travel agents.
Competitve Forces (graded)
In this discussion thread, let's begin by discussing the various competitive forces in the hospitality industry, especially in the lodging industry. Let's begin with the fragmented markets: How is the lodging industry perceived to be a fragmented market?
As most of you been doing so far, be sure to post elaborately and include research where appropriate. Remember that solid and elaborate posts will get you closer to full credit in the threaded discussions.
I look forward to another great discussion!
  wek 6
 This week in this discussion thread, we will explore contemporary tourism. Those of you who like to travel will find this threaded discussion interesting and fun!
Travel and tourism historically have been on the rise. What are some of the factors that have caused the increase in tourism? How about during the economic downturn?
 Recreation, wellness, and leisure activities are as old as society itself. However, a society that can afford to play on the scale that North Americans do is new. Let's begin this discussion by explaining the planned play environment of theme parks. What are they and why do people frequent them?
  wwek7Hospitality service is made up of transactions that are numerous, diverse, and often private. In a dining room, for instance, each interaction between a server and a guest is usually just between the two of them, or, at most between the server and the guest's party at that table. How do you as a manager prepare and train a server to know both how to anticipate and to meet the guest's expectations for excellent service?
 Assignment 1
In the Powers text in Chapter 1 (pp. 34-35), you will find a section entitled Internet Exercises. Please complete items #1 and #3, making sure to thoroughly visit each web page and carefully answering the required questions for each item. In Chapter 2 (pp. 62-63), you will find a similar section as the one above. Please complete items #1 and #2, also making sure to thoroughly visit each web page and carefully answering the required questions for each item. You must include APA references (in-text and on a seprate reference page) for your sources.
Submit your atssignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page
  week 3
Complete Case Study #1:
Site Name: Center for Science in the Public Interest URL: www.cspinet.org
Background Information: The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) is a nonprofit education and advocacy organization that focuses on improving the safety and nutritional quality of our food supply. CSPI seeks to promote health through educating the public about nutrition and alcohol; it represents citizens' interests before legislative, regulatory, and judicial bodies; and it works to ensure that advances in science are used for the public's good. It has been very active in targeting the restaurant industry with their public interest issues.
Exercises: Highlight the Nutrition Action Newsletter, then click on Archives. Choose and read a current or previous article that targets a segment of the restaurant industry.
week 5
In the Powers text in Chapter 11 (pp. 381-382), you will find a section entitled Internet Exercises. Please complete items #1 and #2, making sure to thoroughly visit each web page and carefully answering the required questions for each item. In Chapter 12 (pp. 422), you will find a similar section as the one above. Please complete items #1 and #2, also making sure to thoroughly visit each web page and carefully answering the required questions for each item. APA source citations are required (in-text and on a separate reference page).
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page
week 6
Complete Case Study #2:
Site Name:The World Travel & Tourism Council URL:www.wttc.org
Background Information:The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) is the forum for global business leaders, comprising the presidents, chairs, and CEOs of 100 of the world's foremost companies. It is the only body representing the private sector in all parts of the travel and tourism industry worldwide. WTTC's mission is to raise awareness of the full economic impact of the world's largest generator of wealth and jobs: travel and tourism. Governments are encouraged to unlock the industry's potential by adopting the council's policy framework for sustainable tourism development.
Exercises:Visit the WTTC website, and thoroughly answer the following questions:
Question #1:What is the WTTC's blueprint for new tourism? What are the three strategic priorities included in the blueprint? Question #2:The WTTC produces an annual review of travel & tourism every year for its readers. Find the most recent edition and offer a one to two page synopsis of the WTTC predictions for global travel and tourism. Please highlight the key world regions that are expecting major changes.
Your submitted paper should be 3 to 5 pages in length.APA source citations are required(in-text and on a separate reference page).
Quiz 2
 TCO 2: As far as tourism, who are the biggest spenders?
 Consumers whose standard of living threshold has been passed ( : pg 22)
Consumers whose standard of living has still to move upward
Consumers whose standard of living are below the standard level
None listed
  Question 2. Question :
TCO 4: Globalization has to do with:
 travel patterns based on days of the week.
travel patterns around the world.
patterns based on the seasons or time of year.
borders have become less important. (pg 28)
  Question 3. Question :
TCO 6: The term home meal replacement refers to:
 convenience foods.
healthy meals for families.
take-out food consumed at home. (p. 73)
employees who have meal benefits at work.
  Question 4. Question :
TCO 12: Compared to other sectors of the hospitality industry, which of the following is the career preference of graduates?
 Luxury hotels (p. 23)
Economy hotels
Full-service restaurants
Quick-service restaurants
   Question 5. Question :
TCO 1: In detail, explain and give three examples of each pro and con of owning a franchise food service establishment.
  Question 6. Question :
TCO 1: Explain and list two ways North America's increasingly diverse population is likely to affect the restaurant and food industry in the future?
  quiz 4
TCO 9: Outsourcing is:
 the management of food service to management companies. (CH 7 Page 199 The management of food service to management companies)
the laying off of food service workers.
how all food service franchise operations manage their food service department.
how all individually owed food service operations manage their food service department.
 Question 2. Question :
TCO 6: What are three advantages of managed services? Cite three examples.
  Question 3. Question :
TCO 6: How is the Internet being used in marketing restaurants? Can you think of two items that make them competitive against other restaurants? How do you use the Internet when deciding what restaurant to eat at?
Question 4. Question :
TCO 4: Explain capital costs in detail and its importance in hotels.
  Question 5. Question :
TCO 4: Explain ways hotels can increase sales to international travelers. Cite at least two examples in your answer.
   quiz 7
  TCO 2: Please explain how service contains both tangible and intangible aspects. Use the example of visiting a luxury hotel for a weekend, or use an example of dining in a restaurant. Be specific about which parts of the guest experience are tangible and which parts are intangible. Take your time answering this question. (Points : 20)
 Question 2. 2. TCO 2: Explain what comps are (give three examples), and why are they important to casinos? (Points : 20)
  Question 3. 3. TCO 9: Many people attend festivals all over the country, provide three detailed examples of the benifits of having festivals. (Points : 20)
 uestion 1. 1. TCO 6. How are other types of businesses in the community now competing with restaurants? (Points : 4)
 Question 2. 2. TCO 6. Discuss the phenomena of celebrity-theme restaurants. Why do some fail and some succeed? (Points : 4)
 Question 3. 3. TCO 6. Why is the purchasing, receiving, storing, and issuing cycle so critical to the financial stability of a foodservice facility? (Points : 4)
 Question 4. 4. TCO 6. Why do some culinarians take offense at being labeled a "foodservice professional"? Use your knowledge of the history of culinary arts to justify your answer. (Points : 4)
  Question 5. 5. TCO 6. Managed services are thought of as being one of the most lucrative segments of foodservice. What factors allow this sector to thrive financially? (Points : 4)
 Question 6. 6. TCO 1. Describe and explain four major segments of the Hospitality Industry in clear language with concrete examples. (Points : 4)
 Question 7. 7. TCO 1. Explain what other kinds of institutions or establishments does the hospitality industry include besides hotels and restaurants? (Points : 4)
 Question 8. 8. TCO 10. Where have the most recent security technology changes taken place in hotels? (Points : 5)
 Question 9. 9. TCO 8. Discuss the rationale behind the national park service. Do you think this concept has outlived its original mission? (Points : 5)
  Question 10. 10. TCO 10. How is the Internet being used in food service competition? (Points : 5)
 Question 11. 11. TCO 8. Recreation for the armed forces is viewed as critical to national security. Rationalize this assertion. (Points : 5)
 Question 12. 12. TCO 2,3. List and carefully explain 3 factors affecting increased travel and tourism, today. (Points : 6)
Question 13. 13. TCO 7. How is the wellness trend evolving truth-in-menu ethics in the restaurant industry? Also, explain how the same trend is evolving menu planning for people with heart conditions and for those who prefer alternative diets such as vegetarianism? Describe one specialty entree for a customer on a special diet (you may select the diet preference such as low salt, high carb, or low fat). (Points : 10)
 Question 14. 14. TCO 7. Outline the scope of college and university food services. What are the advantages of managing a college dining hall versus a commercial restaurant? (Points : 10)
 Question 15. 15. TCO 1. You are a service manager for a national airline preparing to leave on a transcontinental flight from New York City to San Francisco. List the moments of truth your customers will encounter from the time they arrive at the terminal to the time they land in LA. (Points : 6)
 Question 1. 1. TCO 4. Design a one day activity list for children at an all-inclusive spa retreat. The idea is to provide activities between traditional meal periods so that the childrens parents can also purchase other spa activities and be child-free for periods during the day. Keep in mind all of the basic
 Question 2. 2. TCO 3. Design a two day, all inclusive Spa-Wellness Packages for a couple, Include the hotel room ambience, spa facilities, and services contained in a complete package. The theme is Valentine's Day! (Points : 10)
  Question 3. 3. TCO 10. Studies have shown a direct correlation between recreation and leisure to wellness. Do you agree with this assertion? Justify your answer. (Points : 10)
Page 3
 Question 1. 1. TCO 1. Given today's economy, is vertical integration a smart financial move? Justify your answer. (Points : 10)
 Question 2. 2. TCO 4. Make an argument that the night auditor and the housekeeper are the backbone of hotel operations. (Points : 10)
 Question 3. 3. TCO 4. Compare the management structure of a franchise casual restaurant to that of a privately owned and operated restaurant. Outline the reasons for the differences and discuss how one could organize the individual operations. (Points : 10)
 Question 4. 4. TCO 4. Discuss the multiplier effect of tourism dollars on a community. Could you argue that the effect is not always positive? Defend your position with examples. (Points : 10)
 Question 6. 6. TCO 5. Discuss the primary duties of the Director of Food and Beverage. Why is this position so critical in a full-service hotel? (Points : 10)
  Question 7. 7. TCO 5. List the steps in the guest cycle. Is one step more important than another? Why or why not? (Points : 10)
 Question 8. 8. TCO 5. Differentiate between meetings, expositions, and conventions. (Points : 10)
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HOSP 310 Final Exam – DeVry
HOSP 310 Final Exam – DeVry
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