#HSAU tag
roughentumble · 10 months
idea for a witcher/homestuck AU. ciri goes to fight the white frost and seemingly defeats it, but something isnt right about it, and for some reason at the center of it all she finds some sort of game with complex instructions right there. she kind of tells herself that it was leftover from some other traveler, who came to the center of all that is to destroy entropy and found themselves lacking, leaving behind only scraps of who they were. but it seems so pristine... could it really be that...? whatever it is, she feels oddly compelled to play it. perhaps as homage to a soul that was lost clutching a game and thinking of joyful times with their family.
(there is no stopping the white frost. entropy cannot be fought back. but how is she to know? when avallac'h told her otherwise? is it so wrong to dare to hope?)
the game is called something silly, like hmlet(like sburb but instead its. hamlet.)
everyone is already gathered, so when they all slink off to nurse their bruises, when theyre all still together, she brings out the game. eskel thinks its a bit grim. lambert thinks its grim, so he's completely behind it. they shuffle through the confusing rules as the first icy, frozen meteor falls far, far away, on the other side of a world that's yet to be fully circumnavigated.
my preliminary cast list idea looks something like:
1. yen (witch of time) (derse)
2. ciri (mage of space) (derse)
3. jaskier (rogue of breath) (prospit)
4. geralt (knight of blood) (prospit)
5. eskel
6. lambert
7. regis (?)
8. avallac'h
9. cerys (?)
10. letho (?)
11. triss
12. zoltan (?)
with question marks denoting placements that are the most up in the air, though i'd REALLY like to keep letho and zoltan on board. im never going to write this but i am going to have fun turning it over in my head and imagining these 12 as fun gods of a new world.
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azuritethehermit · 1 month
Here's chapter 6 of "It's code for "I love you" I really enjoyed writing this and it made me very sad. I hope you enjoy.
Warning for use of the F slur.
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Lust (Violet/Vio for short in this AU) is just like- that one really nice super hot person??? idk ikyky but there's always one for me
And Nightmare is this weird creepy nerd/menace/whatever the fuck ppl think he does idk child-eater who follows her around everywhere and is like her best friend
straight up the main character and her dorky sidekick
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messy-paws · 1 year
Hsau Hahl n Rose n Kankri to Burger Brawl audio...
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needlesandnilbogs · 1 month
writer asks! 13, 36, 81
ask game in question
13. talk about a writing experience that has pleasantly surprised you.
uhh... I have too much of a Complicated relationship with mirrorverse to totally call it pleasant, but it's nice that I've managed to stick with it and I'm still happy to write it most of the time, that should count?
really, a better answer might be the recent fic I published about mb going to the equivalent of the state fair, which popped mostly formed into my head, complete with both format and several lines already written, so it didn't feel like I was ever stuck on it! I liked that a lot lol
36. do you base your characters of real people or not? If so, tell us about one.
Sort of. I steal bits of outfits and personality from people I know for canon characters, but really the one-off OCs are more of real people. Two examples come to mind obviously: high school au mensah, who is very much my school's stage manager during my jr year, a senior who was like the epitome of coolness to me that year and remained enough of an inspiration to be a big part of HSAU Mensah, and Arden fairoak, a character I made up for a one-off mirrorverse thing who is now. not a one-off character. and also is very much based off my high school best friend.
the rest of the mirrorverse one-off OCs, excluding Arden's family who are all except for Bharadwaj named for local libraries, are named and loosely personality based off of historical figures or fictional characters, including: Caroline Bingley and Emma Woodhouse from Jane Austen books, Nikita Gill, Vikram Seth, Fabiola Cabeza de Baca Gilbert...
81. if you could go back in time and give your younger self a piece of writing advice specific to you, what would it be?
Okay, there's two answers to this. both apply to my past self in 7th-9th grade
Generically: Stop being embarrassed of your stuff, idiot. (Expanding slightly more on that, you're not going to be seen as stupid for writing fanfic and (tagging @kellumnights and @clustxr because they'll know who and what I mean and laugh) if kellum could literally do That Story and JdS could do Hot Day in Hotwrong about it, you could totally put your stuff in the writers guild magazine and not just rolls and role-players original flavor.)
extremely specifically, re a thing I started then which became my favorite original universe:
Dear Past!Prime!Bardic,
actually write down exploring frontiers, please. I want that stuff now and I want more than I put on paper.
relatedly, you did not need to write the whole boring story to introduce everyone before you wrote the fun chapter. but thank you (genuinely) for the seven paragraphs of auri lore that I needed in eleventh grade when I restarted it
you did not need to feel so embarrassed about Plory and Ara having A Thing. it was what you needed to write at the time.
stop naming characters after your irl cousins bc eventually they find it and mock you
don't name the main character after yourself. they might be a self insert but you'll make it ten times harder to share it when you're my age because then you have to check every snip and make sure you renamed [name] to Ampara every freaking place.
seriously. names. Ampara, not [name]. Danessa is good, keep that. Savfira is gonna become stupidly hard to get spellcheck to understand but it's fine. Zynnia's great. dump Ariya and find a better R name that still lets you use Rya as a nickname. Ladira, not Lady. also by the way you add a seventh house later.
present!prime!Bardic (PS we change our name.)
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detectivebambam · 5 months
gonna tag every mutual
@andrew-minyards-defense-attorney @bisexualchaosdemon @broken-heart-raven-queen @ceilingconstellationss @hmmm-shesucks @letthesunburnyourskin @minyardapologist @obscureshipsandchips @yourleftpinkytoe-blog @writingphoenix
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jenny-from-the-bau · 2 years
Help me choose a setting for a Criminal Minds HSAU
1. Tucker, FL - sweat, bugs, saltwater. A small town where everyone knows everyone, but there are still too many secrets. Empty during the school year and too packed during the summer. Pizza parlor, arcade, skating rink, laser tag. No real sports programs to speak of and all the kids know they need to get out. There's a cabin that has been the site of teen hangouts for generations. The old lighthouse serves as a clubhouse.
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2. The Pacific Northwest - snow, hiking, stargazing. A sleepy town outside the city where people start families. There isn't too much to do in town, but teens hangout at the local diner, the 7/11 parking lot, and the nearby lake. Football is king, but the high school also has a debate club, a robotics club, and other activities to pad out your college applications. Ice skating, camping, fishing, baking, roadtripping. There's an old cabin in the woods that serves as a clubhouse.
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3. Traverse City, Michigan - The Cherry capital of the world. There's a beach every few miles and teens love to watch the sunset and secretly drink beer. Bookstores, an old movie theater, festivals, cafes. It's a well-funded area, one step away from classic Americana. Night time is silent and black as pitch, so drive carefully. Soccer and Football are popular, but there's plenty to do. Every summer, local teens work at the International Cherry Festival. bonfires on the beach and smoking weed in the forest and ice cream with the cows.
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4. Nowhere, Pennsylvania - It's a tiny town, but the city is close enough (if you have a car). The high school is normal, if a bit small. There's a local horse farm that cares for rich folks' horses, a movie theater, a diner, an ice cream parlor, and a few other things to do. It's not an awful place to grow up, but any teen with ambition is counting the days until they can leave. The town decorates for holidays, goes to church every sunday, and doesn't talk about what happens at night. stargazing, camping, swimming in the nearby lake. hunting, roadtripping, fishing in the creeks.
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sagedrawstrees · 2 years
An Analysis of High School AUs
I was talking with my buddy about my sneaking suspicion that Bilbo/Thorin fic doesn't have a high percentage of high school AUs. So I did a tag analysis! As I suspected, Bagginshield does have a lower rate of high school AUs as compared to most other popular franchises.
I took the franchises at random from the highest number of pics in various categories: TV, Theatre, Movies, and I even threw in BTS for fun. I did not include Harry Potter, for the obvious reason that it is in fact set in high school.
Bagginshield: 0.55% The Hobbit - All Media Types: 0.3% Hamilton: 2.92% Supernatural: 1.85% BBC Sherlock: 0.4% Star Wars - All Media Types: 0.6% MCU: 0.7% BTS: 2.07%
ANALYSIS Could we make any conclusions about what kind of media produces more high school AUs? I can’t find a pattern. Some with the highest number of HSAUs are not very similar: Supernatural is a TV show set in modern day with supernatural elements and strong character development, and Hamilton is a musical set in the 16th century with minimal character development (because it has limited time). And of course, BTS is a music fandom surrounding young adult men… who are actual people, of course, so its 100% entered around their personalities…. I can’t really find a commonality between these things.
My only theory is this: I suspect that for Bagginshield writers, and Hobbit writers more broadly, the setting is part of the appeal. Please let me know in the comments if you have any other ideas what makes a fandom more or less susceptible to high school AUs. Could it just be various fandom cultures?
NOTES 1. “High school AU” is an canonical tag, see synonymous tags here. 2. Ship tags are distinct from fandom tags, I’ve included Hobbit and Bagginshield. Bagginshield is also a canonical tag.
3. See more about Ao3's tagging system here.
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tj-dragonblade · 2 years
Tagged by @wizardofgoodfortune , @virgo-dream , and @mathomhouse-e , thank you!
you know the drill: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it
Ask as many as you like honestly I’ll happily gab about any of them.
All of my Sandman wips are in one file, and they have no titles yet, but they are categorized thus:
soft morning thing
waltzing etc
Obligatory Clothing Fic
Hob Sets a Boundary
nvm the kinkmeme I’ll write it myself
If you know me from older fandoms and feel like asking about shit I was writing once upon a time, these are the ones I would most like to come back to someday and/or don’t have the heart to call abandoned just yet despite the years in between:
The Prince and the Seafarer
mistletoe 💜🤍🖤
reincarnation thing
GenSai pollenfic
Gundam Wing (You are out of luck I’m sorry there is nothing in my GW folder I can ever see myself picking up again. Except . Maybe.)
What’s in a Name
Tagging: @rainbowvamp , @landwriter , @esperata , if you haven’t done this already. Tons of these have been going around and my memory is not what it used to be. If you’re seeing this and you’d like to do it, please consider this passive tag aimed specifically at you. Go on. Do it. You know you want to.
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seeminglyseph · 9 months
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I know this is like. Silly to look back on so often, but I also like… have not accomplished a fic this huge like. Ever. Since then, and I’m pretty sure I was manic at the time and that’s part of it.
But I do wonder sometimes if there’s like. “Normal” RvB fans who like. Go through the RvB AO3 section and go for the HSAU fic about the two villains from seasons 11-13 with these kinds of tags expecting crack smut fic they can riff on? And like. I know I’m not like… the greatest writer now and this is before I even went to University for English/Creative Writing (and dropped out but I’m hoping to eventually go back…) and seat of my pants manic writing is not the best way to create a narrative… it’s kinda like why you wanna make sure Steven King doesn’t do too much cocaine, things get a little crazy.
But I do feel like it’s like…. Surprisingly higher quality than the premise would imply? RvB HSAU about late season villains written technically before we got their backstory episodes, not featuring any of the main characters and with *those* tags? I also got Iritis in like… chapter 6.
I feel like there’s just a part of me that’s curious if there’s a secret reputation that I have no way of knowing about having kinda fallen out of the fandom since then… it’s a silly thing to wonder but sometimes I can’t help it. I guess like it’s that whole mix of wanting to leave an impact but also troll logic of knowing the concept of this story is innately ridiculous and I know people have judged it by tags alone because I was once put on an “RvB has a child predator problem” list based on the tags alone because antis have reading comprehension problems sometimes and can’t tell the difference between “this story has youths who engage in sexual activity please be warned” and “this is csem and I’m a monster” which was. Definitely an experience that freaked me out. I don’t even include explicit scenes because it squicked me out…. But they literally just scroll through the tags, a system used to warn people of content they don’t want to interact with, and then accuse people of the worst shit imaginable. Fucking absurd.
I’m not sure what I’m doing really right now… it’s been so long since I’ve written anything. I need some good motivation, and I think I’m just curious really if I do have a reputation or if people remember things I’ve written or created for some reason. Idk. That’s a weird thing probably to wonder about…
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roughentumble · 10 months
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ok here's the lineup. if i can figure out who would "steal emotions to force you to think logically" and potentially has self-image issues, they will summarily be shoved into the cast.
cerys, aiden, and philippa are all running with the hunt. the hunt then descends upon the newly forming world that hmlet is creating, locking onto ciri's biosignature(if you will) to find them, introducing more chaos into the ring. they also all three of them go on to boink various other characters. stealing them from the hunt for romance! ooo wait oh my god i had an idea
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hqpi · 4 years
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your voice is pomegranate wine to me;
latest chapter: CHAPTER XII (x) // read from the beginning (x)
new chapter of my harley quinn x poison ivy 90′s high school au is up
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lgbtqlegends · 2 years
I love this trend can you tell us about the HSAU or the soulmate au?
ooo yeah!!
soulmate au
it's a soulmate au in which soulmates bear each other's scars (so like for instance, all of the scars on sara's body would also be on ava's) and they can feel each other's pain. it's gonna be a series, with a few different pairs (avalance, steeldarhkatom, zarlie, coldwave, darhkwu QPR)
it's eventually gonna culminate at the end with one fic of all of them.
there's also gonna be a couple of fics in the series where characters bond with each other (Not in the soulmate sense) because of shared experiences. (namely, mick & ava bond, and snart & ava also bond)
it's def a fun one, but it's kinda been on pause for a while lol
alright so this is also one that mod choco and I haven't actually Written anything for yet, otherwise i would Love to share a snippet of it, but alas, the snippet does not exist yet.
it's definitely going to be, probably our longest fic ever, once we finally start writing it, because we've planned it Extensively and have so so many ideas for it. we've got a bunch of ships for it, a bunch of plot things, and a fuckton of angst even though we originally said "not Too much angst, gotta scale it back with some fluff". we did not scale it back. there will, however, be a lot of lighthearted stuff too.
we're both super super excited about the hsau, but we have been putting off writing it to focus on some of our smaller works, just because we know how big this fic is gonna be and we know how much time we're gonna be dedicating to this universe we're creating so
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nerice · 3 years
akebi chan anime of the season anime of the year, actually
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tinypeckers · 3 years
The fun thing about the HSAU is that it’s so long winded that occasionally I forget exactly what I’ve written and I go up to check the facts for a reference later on and hurt myself all over again
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z-tomaz · 3 years
I just want you to know how much I absolutely adored both the You Make Me Smile and the This is the way that we love that you wrote with moonlitprincess. Both stories are among my favorites and I really appreciate you both (and all fanfic writers really) putting so much work into something and sharing it with the world.
hi! thank you!! both of those fics have such a special place in both of our hearts and means the absolute world to know that other people love thrm as much as we do 🥰
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