#HSR Trailblzer
blazingblorbos · 1 year
good god forgive my illness but the brain rot has a strong hold on my queer ass and I can’t go 2 seconds without thinking about Kafka so:
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she— i-.. I don’t really have a way to properly express how I feel about Kafka as a character and her relation to the mc.
  Her attitude towards the Trailblazer has been PICKING AWAY at my gay brain since the final closed beta, and now that we’ve gotten to talk to her here, after the remnants of the ‘interrogation’, it feels like I’ve been given CLOSURE!?
 I ABSOLUTELY!! had questions for her!!! Thank you Welt for giving me that opportunity because  the very first word she spoke to us here made me feel a lot less delusional.
The sheer amount of motherly energy this woman exudes in the first couple lines of this scene is,, incredible. I thought her soft and caring tone at the BEGINNING of the game was something??  oh my. 
  Look .  all I needed was affirmation that she cared about mc even a little and that the beginning of the game wasn’t all manipulation, and we GOT IT!!!
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and best BELIEVE I picked the middle option yes ma’am I care deeply about you
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fanficfish · 1 year
my HSR theory about warp jumps and the timeline
crossposted from my Reddit
So I was doing some thinking recently (read: last night in bed) and...I came up with some interesting ideas. And it has to do with the warp jumps. Also, Spoilers, but that should be obvious.
We know that warp jumps are basically like going through space tunnels of sorts- you go in one end and end up somewhere else at the other. We also know the train can't jump near another planet, and I assume it works kind of like the Dinosaur Train from the show of the same name. Where you travel for a bit, but to get somewhere else you go through a tunnel.
Now for timelines.
Average stops of the Express are 7 days per destination. At the Herta Space Station, the crew arrives presumably the day the Trailblazer wakes up. Within the same day, said Trailblazer manages to make some friends, defeat a giant monster, and then get knocked out for another day. I'm guessing the Express at least sticks around, to at least help clean up a little (there's a quest where you can log photos of the Express for compensation, and since the guy put together a list of several items already I'm guessing that happens towards the end of the stay). So let's asume the 7-day stop is normal. Plus, most medical professionals don't recommend immediately setting off on adventures right after something ike the Stelleron in your chest going haywire and having a guy knock you out for safety. So let's assume they stay at the HSS for a week, at the least.
Later on, March talks about how the Trailblzer is in charge of washing the coffee cups this week. And in Belebog, interacting with the luggage outside the Overworld hotel says "as a member of the Express, you know the importance of keeping luggage safe" or whatever. You have a suspicious amount of loyalty to the Express, and I'm not entirely convinced that's just your overcreative mind (cough cough hotel devil cough cough) being creative. And surely the Express won't warp jump twice in a row, it seems like it takes a bit of prep and timing and stuff. At any rate, time has definitely passed between Belebog and the Loufu.
So here's where my theory comes in.
We know that the tunnels are not like those in the show Dinosaur Train (hey look it's a good example of something simillar alright-). The tunnels in the show have a little bit inside them, like a normal tunnel, and they're not actually instant. We've seen the inside of tunnels and the outside of long tunnels. The warp jumps can't really be like this, because it's short enough that someone sitting on a couch wouldn't have too much reason to get up. And stuff on shelves and stuff like the books in the archives or the chess table seem to only shift slightly, instead of many tremors rocking them slowly off their positions.
So the warp jump is instant. And like a quick bout of turbulence, if March falling is anything to go by. So where does the time come in, because surely they don't go on and adventure, come back, maybe sleep one night in their beds, then instantly go off for another week of adventure. That'd cause burnout. And make having decorated rooms and whatever pointless. And it's also just impractical- no time to log things, clean and sharpen weapens, etc. But it's not too long a period, because you're still considered a newbie to the crew through the Jurilo-VI stuff.
My guess is there's a day or two in between leaving a planet and finding a place to warp jump from. It's probably a huge shift of energy and sending a planet off its gravitational path is never a good idea. So the Express has to travel otu to the literal middle of nowhere to warp jump. When they exit, they're able to get a lot closer to their destination, but there's still at least a couple of hours before they actually are able to dock. It's like with space rockets and space stations iRL- before any propulsion towards Earth can happen, the vehicle has to move away from the space station so that it doesn't send the station off-course or something.
So what's the timeline?
A week at the Herta Space Station, I'd give three days at the least Half a day to a day traveling out to the warp point. They hit the ice planet maybe around a noon hour, disembark (no idea how long that takes or hwo that happens), arrive in Belebog in the afternoon, explore a bit, then go to sleep. The next day, they have the whole thing and spend the next couple of nights in the underworld hotel and defeating the Stellaron.
Within a five-day period (they stay one more night at the Overworld hotel) they're back on the Express. They presumably decide where to go next the day after they return to the Express (because Dan has his nightmare on the Express), but I imagine they have anywhere from a few days to a week before they actually get to the Loufu. (I don't know how March calmed down so fast between talking to Dan and voting though...)
So in short: the Trailblazer has been part of the Nameless for around two weeks, take or give anywhere from that to a solid month. This allows plenty of time to settle in, rest between adventures (not every planet has nice hotels to stay in I reckon), enjoy a nice breakfast with the Astral Express family and get yelled at by Pom-Pom for not eating immediately, etc. Trains also have to travel some distance- surely it's not all warp jumps and long stop periods, trains runnign passanger routes tend to run for at least a bit before stopping at a station.
and wow did not expect this to be this long and I'm sure there's more info I missed and stuff, but that's my theory. I guess what me know what ya'll think. Apologies if it sounds a bit far-winded, it's a very late hour and I am definitely not awake but I had to get it out because it felt like something discussion worthy.
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