narlth · 7 years
Guess who was at the final show of Gloria tonight? Bradley Fucking James.
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quothme · 7 years
That moment in Gloria when Colin...
Makes a harried hurricane of an entrance. Is a complete, sodden mess. Almost didn’t recognize him. It burned my eyes. That hair, though.
Leans his cheek against Ani’s arm and drools / slobbers on her a bit. But it’s okay because he wipes it off.
Splashes water all over his face, hair—and the floor. Sprays the audience? Please tell me someone felt some spray…
Jiggles his legs and feet fitfully when sitting in his swivel chair.
Scrubs his face. With papers. From his desk. Belatedly inspects them and finds they were important. Smooths them back into some semblance of okay.
Rolls over more papers with his chair. Pulls them back up to his desk to see if these need saving.
Crumples up paper after paper and chucks them into the wastebasket. Misses more often than not. Kicks around paper wads later.
Fights not to ralph after carrying a bag of actual ralph. Bends double and taps one wood-soled shoe on the back of the other. 
Daintily rubs hand sanitizer under every single one of his fingernails.
Drips hand sanitizer onto his crotch. Paws at it a few minutes later when he notices.
Sniffs his pits. Applies female (?) spray deodorant to both.
Lifts his arms and exposes that tantalizing sliver of belly. Like in every fanfic ever.
Has a bit of a belly.
Runs his hands down his butt and the backs of his thighs before crouching in front of the printer.
Mauls his glasses. Can’t seem to keep them on for more than a second. Rubs them all through his hair and all over his face.
Is subtle gay. Doesn’t pander to the usual stereotype. “We all know each other.”
The look on his face when he lies to Kendra about who’s editing the article. Giggles when he’s caught out in his little white lie.
And then of course, this and this and this.
Where he flails all over his desk. Curls into a pitiful ball on the floor. Begs.
That desperate moan / gasp / gurgle.
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Then in the second half, he:
Stares dead-eyed at some barista going on and on about famous look-a-likes. For like five minutes.
Is so vulnerable and soft. Broken. Like a breeze could shatter him.
Until he’s not and he slaps a girl in the face. Or it was more of a push of a fist at a face.
Re-appears in a ridiculous get up, replete with a ridiculous wig. Skater boy shoes with striped dress socks.
Hardly moves his arms when he walks.
Has long, wiry arms and skinny wrists. And chicken legs.
Sits and does nothing for waaaaaaaay too long. Typing, please. Our boy doesn’t know how to type. But then when he does something, it’s awesome.
Like rolling his eyes. His pretty, pretty eyes.
Storms off in righteous indignation. Practically rips the door off its hinges as he leaves.
Has a girlfriend.
Softens for one second, for just one second, letting us see beneath the gruff exterior into the human that lies beneath.
Makes it so awkward. Goes for a fist bump or maybe a hand shake but gets neither and so ends with a limp thumbs up.
Through all the moments, he:
Doesn’t falter. Doesn’t break. Is a complete and utter pro, all the way through. Not even a glimmer of a reaction to the audience or when someone else on the cast biffs a line. He is Dean. He is Devin.
Through it all, he shines bright, bright, bright. 
A true star.
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8 Favourite (Colin Morgan enthused) Observations from “Gloria”
Yes. I have seen/will have seen Gloria eight whole times by the end of its current run at Hampstead Theatre. Geez, Becca, what do you want? A friggin’ medal? Shut up already.
Just before I do that though (hooray)... lets put this fangirl moment to rest, at last, with a bloody good list of good things... 
These are my eight favourite (Colin Morgan related and enthused) observations so far (two shows to go, so CAUTION... there may have to be additions);
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Trying not to give away too many spoilers and to those who’ve not read the play it might seem a little vague but it doesn’t matter... nobody’s reading this lol.
In no particular order;
1) This Charming Man - I have utterly convinced myself that Colin Morgan is a Smiths and Stone Roses fan, based on the fact they feature on “Dean’s” desk, right next to a poster for “Beetlejuice”. Coincidence, I think not. I suspected he might be a man of good taste and this pretty much confirms it.
2) Always the professional - One night, when I can only assume the entire cast were high on something because the energy was crazy, a slight mishap occurred. Colin/Dean was at the desk, he slammed it or something and the partition fell, he genuinely just shouted “Fuck”... keeping calm and moving on he made up some line and continued as usual. There was one tiny brief moment where I was pretty sure they were all going to crack up laughing but not Colin. No way. He was still Dean. Still pissed off and trying to do some work. Love it.
3) “I always liked your Twitter” rant - The first two times I saw “Gloria” were before press night and I must confess I much preferred the Twitter rant from those versions. After press night the “tweet tweet tweet” and repeat rant was a little more playful and relaxed even. Or at least, from what I saw after press night. Before press night there was a slight echo of the Dean that was to come with the Twitter rant. It was slightly more unhinged, for one he was standing and would follow Kendra, invading the old personal space ploy. 
I seem to recall the second time he absolutely belted the last “Tweet” and that, for me, was a very effective warning that something angrier is lurking inside of Dean that was going to reach a particularly intense conclusion later on.
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4) I see what you did there - This one is more retrospective because I didn’t quite realise it at the time. I was in the front row and next to me some fool decided to get her phone out to take a photograph or two. I’m thinking should I just punch her in the face and get this over with? (I’m not really that aggressive but it was bloody annoying). I didn’t need to do anything though because Colin had it under control. Like a boss. It was this scene, as pictured above, not by her I should point out.
She raised the phone, got him into shot and guess who did something he’s never done before or since? Colin turned and walked back towards his desk, ruining her shot, only to turn back and stand there by Ani’s desk again. At this point she’s given up because she can’t predict his movements and it’s hilarious. I’ve not seen him do that before or since so, as I realised a bit later, he did that on purpose. It gives me great pleasure to announce the winner of Colin Morgan vs Disrespectful photo taker... is... Colin Morgan!
5) American Psycho - The first time I watched “Gloria” I was convinced Colin Morgan sounded exactly like Christian Bale in (that excellent film) American Psycho. Since then it’s bordering more Jesse Eisenberg and someone else whom I can’t quite figure out. One day it’ll come to me. On this note, can I just point out for a man with a thick accent of his own, I think it’s incredible that not even ONCE has his accent slipped. Not even for a second have I heard Colin... it’s just been Dean and Devin the whole time. 
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6) Calling China - I think the first joke in the play that convinced me I was bloody in love with it was Dean’s “Calling China” line. A line that actually I’ve heard delivered differently and after reading the play... is somewhat different. I’m pretty sure I’ve heard Dean say several times “You called China FOR something” and on a few other times I’ve heard “You called China OR something”. The latter is how it’s written in the play text. Personally I think “FOR” works better, it suits Dean to assume Kendra’s definitely on the phone to China rather than allow room for interpretation with the “OR” something. Only a writer would deliberate for twenty solid minutes about the differences of one word of dialogue.
7) Be cool Becca... okay fine... just be a twat then - The first Saturday night of the run me and my friend were enjoying a drink outside the theatre when the man himself randomly turned the corner. There he was, totally hiding underneath a hat, he had “please don’t recognise me” written all over his face. So I let him walk by but rather shamefully couldn’t do that without watching his every step as he walked by. In retrospect that was properly uncool and though he probably couldn’t care less if he was here, I’d say... I’m sorry Colin, I didn’t mean to be uncool and it’s nice that you didn't stop to say “Yo bitch, you wanna stop staring at me? I’m not on the stage right now!”  
8) That’s gonna leave a mark - I’m going to finish with the general observation that I’m stunned Colin has not sustained a serious injury from this play. I’d tell him break a leg but he might do that. There’s the obvious moment of potential injuries during the climatic events of the end of the first half. Where I’ve seen Colin smash into the partition and fall onto the floor right on his back. If it didn’t hurt him it certainly hurt me just watching. Not just this moment though. A few times, right at the very beginning, I’ve seen Colin crash into the desk, the chair base and the pedestal. And yet, the only time the set really defeated him was the time he randomly cut his finger. It’s all that paper everywhere... deadly. 
I suspect they had to up their insurance after that.
Until the next time Mr Colin Morgan... thanks for the lols, the tears and the feels. Not literal feels, that would be slightly misleading. I meant feelings, as in emotions yeah. Just clarifying. 
So hooray, you thought it would never end but here it is, the moment you’ve all been waiting for. The End.
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art-thefts · 7 years
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Cant Stop Gloriaaa…Colin Morgan ◕‿◕
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sircolinmorgan · 7 years
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okay..Gloria! I haven’t revealed any major spoilers but there might be little details I talk about.
It was..good. I think I expected it to be amazing and it didn't quite live up to that expectation, but I did enjoy it. The cliffhanger was so good and really well done, there wasn't really a lot of story though - it was more about people and how awful they are lmao.
Colin was fantastic, his american accent was actually really good! and he was really funny. I was 3 rows away and i was actually really close to him which was nice.
After the show I hung around for like 20 minutes waiting to see if he would come out but a staff member came and said he'd left already. damn you morgan. I did accidentally meet ellie kendrick though, me and my dad went and found the theatre a couple of hours before the show and she was there meeting people so I got a photo with her, that was kind of cool.
i suck at reviews so basically, it was good, colin was awesome, go see it if you have a spare moment in the next two weeks!
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Colin Morgan Gloria Hampstead Theatre
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becki2412 · 7 years
Does anybody want to talk about #HTGloria? The play itself (- not Colin or any other actor - contains spoilers obviously)?
Last week I watched #HTGloria and before I went, I tried to avoid any spoilers. So I basically knew nothing about the play.
I haven’t read the playtext, I have barely read any reviews. These are just my own thoughts...and I was wondering if anybody had that “weird” feeling, too (or if I just missed something obvious).
So when you enter the theatre (and you’re not getting there until the last minute), you see some stagehands checking everything. And since I watched the play twice, I know they did EXACTLY the same moves again. So they weren’t actually working, they were part of the play. 
And the setting itself is interesting, too. It looks, as if they are still working on it with the tape marks and labels. The fake doors and the arrows. There are even tags on the floor, as if to tell the actors where to stand. 
Does this mean...we aren’t watching a play, but some sort of setup? Does this mean the whole “Gloria” story isn’t real and nobody gets actually hurt? Do we see some projection of Dean’s or Kendra’s or Nan’s twisted/traumatic memories? Is this actually the movie production, they wanted to do? What’s the meaning behind all this?
The settings for the Starbucks and TV production office look “more real” and not if they are still rehearsing the play.
And isn’t it “weird”, too that the actors are changing right on stage...or at least make it pretty obvious that it’s “fake” and that they only play a role and are now becoming a new character (and maybe it wasn’t meant to look that funny, but I thought the wigs were hilarious and didn’t look very professional?).
I don’t really know, if this makes any sense....but I just had that weird feeling of “somthing isn’t right”.
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narlth · 7 years
OMG A friend of mine saw Bradley and Rupert went to see Gloria this evening, and she says that she saw Bradley and Colin being super cute with each other.
She said that they were sharing headphones and even hugged. 
I have died and gone to heaven.
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Ten things Colin Morgan was doing instead of signing autographs before/after “Gloria”...
CAUTION... I’m trying to be mildly amusing.
Remember that time when Colin Morgan was at Hampstead Theatre and didn’t sign autographs before/after “Gloria” (unless you caught him)? Well don’t be disappointed because there are ten things you haven’t yet considered. 
We all know Colin would have loved to have spent hours listening to our awkward fangirl speeches but the man has other obligations...
1) Colin had to go shopping for t-shirts with Rupert Grint...
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Because as we all know it takes two.
2) Colin was being kind to random animals of the world...
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Are we jealous? Sure but we gotta move on.
3) Colin went method and was on the Drunk Uncle Dean plan...
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That’s dedication to the craft.
4) Colin was busy saving Bradley James’s life and getting no recognition for it...
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But all you need is love.
5) Colin took one look at Twit-ter and thought “feck that, I’m not going out there”...
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Personally I thought my “Things You’d Say To Dean” hashtag was hilarious BUT I guess That Joke Isn’t Funny Anymore (I could do this all night)
6) Colin was watching Wimbledon with Tom Hiddleston... 
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We can and will dream of that.
7) Colin was working on his chemistry with Charlotte Spencer incase the BBC give in to my threatening demands for a season two of The Living and the Dead...
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And they WILL give in eventually. 
8) Colin was trying to play some snooker but Katie McGrath wouldn’t get off the table...
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Watch the baize will you love?
9) Colin was being Batman... well have you ever seen them in the same room? Have you????
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That American accent was a little too good.
10) Colin was off rehearsing bringing sexy back to Channel 4...
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I know, this one’s a bit far fetched, as if Colin needs to practice what comes so damn naturally? 
So there you have it. 10 almost entirely logical explanations for why we couldn’t get Colin Morgan’s autograph.
PS. If I’ve used any of your images without permission, I’m sorry, tell me to reference you or to remove them.
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quothme · 7 years
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Just thought I’d drop this here...
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quothme · 7 years
Gloria glitch - super fun!
So there was a bit of a technical hiccup Tuesday night at Gloria, which led to a special Colin sighting. Apparently, one of the cast members was using a hair dryer backstage when it triggered the fire alarm. 
In the middle of the play.
Fortunately, it was in the middle of intermission, so we didn’t have to stop awkwardly in the middle of a scene. But what’s cool is that everyone had to traipse outside to the emergency assembly point.
Including the actors. :)
So the entire theater stood outside for about 10-15 minutes waiting for the fire trucks to get there and make sure everything was okay (which it was). The first pic below is a pano of everyone standing in front of the theater.
The actors, including Colin, all stood in a little huddle near a hidden door in the side of the theater. Colin stood with his back to the crowd, and nobody seemed to bother him, though several people were circling around to try to snap a pic of his face. He was already in his character costume for the second half of the play, which is why he’s wearing the goofiest shoes.
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narlth · 7 years
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I legit just got home, so you’ll have to wait until I’ve slept for the rest but here’s some Colin from June 15th ;D
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narlth · 7 years
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sircolinmorgan · 7 years
Gloria was pretty good! Doesn't restore my faith in humanity AT ALL though 😂 I'll write something about it later. Afterwards I waited about 20 minutes for colin to come out but the lil shit had apparently already left..or I was being lied to 😂
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