harley-the-pancake · 1 year
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Is anyone as insane about Claim to Fame as my mom and I cause Hugo and Olivia getting a showmance was NOT on my bingo card
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mydarlingbat · 3 months
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Alright i want to elaborate on Batman #1 1940. This issue is great. I enjoy the first part of the comic. It was really, really good. Batman heard the Joker was murdering people and the Joker even announces he's going to murder certain people, but Batman informs to Dick Grayson that the time isn't ripe? Like what are you even talking about? And then he waits even longer, however he decides to show up when brute Nelson decides to set the Joker up and kill him, and then all of a sudden Batman's ready to come into action. He saves the Joker from getting shot, and then the Joker knocks him off the bridge into the water. He makes it out alive, and proceeds to say 'I finally found a foe who gives a good fight' in so many words. Are you kidding me??? I mean Batman was obsessed with the Joker from the beginning, and the Joker kidnaps robin. He ties him to a chair, in addition to that Batman shows up to knock the Joker out, and then he fights with him some more. The Joker keep shouting for Batman to die, and then the Joker slips off the building not too long after. guess what? Batman saves him again. Let's not forget he says 'you're to valuable to lose 'I mean what? You just met him Bruce. The rating is 7 out of 10
Now the other short story in Batman #1 is about professor strange. The beginning is pretty funny. The part when Hugo strange says to get the warden body so he can use it as a shield. I was laughing so hard, but I'm not going to go into too much detail about this part, but Hugo strange create monsters to terrorize the city obviously. The monsters throws cars around the city. They tried to harm innocent civilians. Batman then decides it's time to stop Hugo strange, although he doesn't see the two giant hands ready to catch him. Lmao. I still don't understand how he couldn't see them, so now he's trapped. Hugo strange explains how he created the serum, and how human glands growth or something help with that. He then injects it in Batman's arm. Batman throws Hugo strange off a building. Batman causes the Giants to kill each other, and then he makes a cure in one minute. Like really though??? Then Batman kill the last two Giants. Yep! you heard that right. He hung one, and knock the other off the building. Lol The rating is a 5 out of 10
The other short story of this issue Is about Robin handling a case alone without Batman. lemme tell you it's pretty boring. Catwoman is thief who stole the necklace and other shiny things she adores.. She eventually flirts with Batman. Then she asks him to be her partner. Look it's soooooooo boring. I actually think Catwoman being reveal actually makes it interesting. This rating is a 3 out of 10
The other short story of Batman #1 is about the Joker again. The Joker escapes prison with the two hidden fake teeth in his mouth. He unscrews them from out of his mouth. I'm as confused as you are about this... Plus it has a chemical in them too, which can cause an explosion. Oh my god that's so stupid though, but anyways the Joker escapes prison by blowing it up, and he start murdering people once again. Now theses cops in this issue are so dumb. I mean the Joker get through everytime, and they convince the people who the Joker threatens to murder, that they'll be okay. No one's getting through here. Like why are you lying? Batman arrives to stop the Joker, but the Joker wounds up dying at the end. I do love how Batman said he'd love to stick his hands around the Joker's lily neck. The rating of this short story is 6 out of 10
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missadangel · 1 month
Little Bird in a Cage (Javier Peña x Reader)
Part 9: Mission Part 2
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Gifs by azertyrobaz - din-jarring
---------------------------- All episodes here ------------------------
Fortunately, no one was hit by the bullet. Hugo hit Alejandro and then they started to fight. You and Caroline looked at them, panicked, wondering what to do.
"Ale!" Orlando burst into the room. "What the hell is going on? Get out of here," he shouted  you two and pushed you out of the room then shut the door.
"Caz, let's go," you said, pulling her away.
"Where are we going?"
"They know, I found out the place, I told them," you said in a whisper. Caroline was surprised.
Too much noises coming from behind the door.
"You're leaving now," she said suddenly.
"What? What are you talking about?"
"He'll kill you if they find out, he almost did."
"You're coming too," you insisted. "You can't stay here. I know you're doing it for your brother, but look what he's done to you, this is no way to live."
"Y/N, look, if they find out you saw the papers, they'll kill us both, so-"
Caroline stopped. "I have to go somewhere, you go downstairs now! Try kitchen door to get out.”
Caroline pushed you as hard as she could. You didn't understand a word, but she was right, it was only a matter of time before Hugo says you touched the papers.
“Yes, don't worry, the girls are fine. There was a fight.”
Javi took a deep breath, bit his lips. His heart almost stopped.
“Okay, go ahead, keep us informed,” Steve said, turning off the radio. “Come on, Jav.”
Javi nodded. Then he ran after him.
“Sir, we found it!” One of the cops yelled.
Javi and Steve ran faster. As soon as they entered the greenhouse, they looked around. The cops were already investigating.
Luckily they have found what they wanted.
“They hid all the cocaine under the saplings,” the man said. “Inside the soil.”
Steve and Javi looked at each other with relief and sighed.
“That's how the bastards spread it.”
“So they could distribute it all over the area like they were selling only saplings.” Javi was still panting. “Fuckin clever.”
“Let's check other areas, there must be more,” Steve said.
Javi nodded.
They approached the fence, but it locked with chains, when suddenly armed men opened fire at them. Javi and Steve fired back, got them all.
“They must have heard the gunshots,” Javi said worriedly.
“Then it’s time to raid the house,” Steve said.
Javi shot at the chains and kicked the gate down.
They had also instructed the police team to search the greenhouse thoroughly before proceeding to the house. Javi and Steve were accompanied by two cops.
"Still no word from Morales?
"No, useless fucker."
As they got closer to the house, you manage to sneak into kitchen then run for the greenhouse where Javi supposed to be, but you were having a hard time in your high heels.
Hugo yelled from behind you, coming towards you, furious. As you turned to look at him, you lost your balance and fell to the ground. The bug fell out of your bra too. Hugo came running and grabbed your hand as you tried to grab it with all your strength but he saw it.
"You bitch!" He hit you hard and you lost your balance and fell again.
Then he grabbed your throat. You couldn't breathe.
"I'm going to rip your thin neck off!"
You ran out of breath as his strong fingers pressed against your neck and no matter how hard you struggled, it was futile.
Suddenly, several shots rang out and blood splattered on your face from the holes on Hugo's chest. You could barely breathe as his hands released your throat and his body fell down to the ground. You began to cough but every cough gave you massive pain, moaning.
As you lay there, you saw his face upside down, looking at you with much concern.
He immediately grabbed you and took your face in his hands, for some reason he shook your shoulders, it took a while for you to understand what he was saying. It was like a murmur. Then he hugged you tightly, pressing your head to his chest, and you felt yourself come back to life and your ears started to hear again.
"I'm sorry I'm late, please tell me you're okay!"
Steve crouched down too. He touched Javi's shoulder.
"Javi, calm down, let her breathe."
"I'm fine," you said in a whisper.
Steve rubbed your shoulder. "She's fine, look at her."
Javi took a deep breath. He wiped the blood from your face with his fingers then wiped his hands on his pants.
"What the fuck is going on? How dare you break into my house?” Orlando growled then realized Hugo’s body lying in pool of blood.
“And you killed my nephew!"
Steve stood up and stepped in front of you and Javi, his gun pointed in that direction.
"We've taken over the greenhouse, it's time to surrender Orlando don’t you think?"
"You stay here and don't move, okay?" Javi said to you, then he stood up and stayed still in front of you, also pointed his gun at them.
"Are you out of your mind? You think we're going to let you get out of here alive? There are too many of us. Don’t try to fuck with us!”
As he spoke, his armed men slowly began to surround you all.
“But I'll offer you a deal, whoever shot Hugo, give him to us. Now! Then maybe I can let some of you go.”
They were heavily outnumbered and outgunned.
"Come on, you can't fight with us!"
“Fuck,” Javi growled.
Steve and Javi looked at each other worriedly, they hadn't expected this.
"What are we going to do, Jav?"
"We can retreat to the greenhouse where we can regroup and try to hold out until another backup arrives."
“Fuck this man,” Steve reloaded his gun.
Then Javi picked you up from the ground, holding your hand tight.
"Whatever happens, stay right behind me, okay?”
You nodded, wondering just how much worse things could get.
“Come on, you can't get out of here and no one can come to help you, you picked the wrong night,” he said and then started laughing out loud.
“Now give me my nephew's killer or I'll kill you all!”
Javi counted the bullets in his gun and in the pockets of his vest, it was almost impossible to fight them in such small numbers.
They were cornered.
He gripped your hand tightly and pulled it behind his back. They had no choice, they had to fight their way to the greenhouse. He and Steve exchanged a look, it was like soldiers looking at each other before jumping on an enemy soldier, even though they were sure they were going to die.
In the midst of all this chaos, you don't know how things could have gotten any more complicated, but just then something happened that made things even more confusing. Several military helicopters approached the area from the air.
Neither side was expecting reinforcements and both sides were confused. Javi and Steve ran backwards as a helicopter descended to land, Orlando didn't give any orders to his men, his mouth was open wide.
"What the fuck?"
The helicopter was descending while some soldier rapelling from it.
Orlando got scared and lowered his gun.
Javi knew this helicopter.
"Fucking Berna."
Soon he appeared himself.
"How did I look? Did I look like a fucking hero?"
He jumped out of the helicopter with his famous laugh.
"Shouldn't you have come earlier?" growled Javi.
"Peña, I never wanted to come because I know Orlando enough, but he ordered me to. How could I resist?"
"Father?" Your eyes were wide open because you got surprised as you saw your father step out of the helicopter in his army uniform.
You weren't the only one, Javi and Steve looked at each other with surprise too.
Your father, the Minister of Defense, threw a glance at all of you and then approached to Orlando. He frowned as he looking around, not reacting to Hugo's body though.
Berna was looking at you meanwhile. "You really can't stay out of trouble, can you, little bird?" He grinned wickedly.
You frowned, weren’t in the mood for jokes right now.
"José Orlando Henao Montoya, I am arresting you and everyone here by the authority given to me by the Colombian government. Your crimes, drug trafficking, homicide, kidnapping, etc., the list is long and I don't have time, so I'll tell you the most important crime. The crime of detaining and apparently injuring the daughter of the Defense Minister of the Colombian government. That's me."
"You brought the Defense Minister's daughter to my house!"
Orlando shouted at Alejandro.
"I didn't know, Dad, I swear."
"You fucking idiot!"
"Capture them all and take them wherever necessary, shoot those who resist," he ordered the soldiers.
"I liked his style," Steve said to Javi. 
Then he came to you, his eyes moving from you to Javi to Steve.
"Agent Murphy, Agent Peña," he nodded and then looked at you. "Is my stubborn daughter okay?"
You nodded and hugged him. "I'm fine, Dad, I'm sorry, Dad."
He patted you on the back with his hand. "Thank God you're okay."
Then he looked at Javi and Steve.
"Good job, Probably none of this would have worked if you haven't got the coke. And thanks for protecting my daughter."
“Yes, sir.”
"Yes, sir," Javi smiled, blinked at you.
Your father realized that, and as grateful as he was, he didn't like it.
"Let's get you to the hospital and then we'll go home," he said, examining your neck.
You nodded, you were already very tired. But you hated to have to leave Javi, for now.
Caroline was one of those arrested, but she was released because she was the one who called your father and she had to. Her brother was going to stay in jail for a while because he was the cartels driver.
The next day you were feeling better, the bruises on your neck were obvious but didn't hurt much, there was a bruise on your cheekbone and a little on your chest too. Fighting for your life in Hugo's hands, all you could think about was the fear of not being able to see Javi anymore, you have never been so close to dying.
But now, today, Javi were gonna fly to Bogotá and then to his homeland. You would be completely separated from him, and that hurts you more than any physical injury.
“Aren't you going to say goodbye to him?”
You were lying on the couch in the living room, lost in thought. You didn't even realize your father had come to you.
He sat on the coffee table.
“If you want to say goodbye to him, I'll take you to.”
Your father suddenly decided to be a caring father. 
“Why would you do that?”
“Come on, I know I haven't always been the father who approves everything, but I can see that you love him. And that he- Anyway, I thought it would be easier to start fresh if you’d say goodbye to him.”
"A fresh start?"
As if it were possible.
"You're not going to mourn him or anything right?"
You didn't answer, you looked away.
"Look Y/N, I don't want to say anything because you've been through a lot lately, but you have to forget him, you can't be together anyway. He's not coming back. It's better to try to forget. You will do it for yourself."
His words hurt you more, you couldn't stop the tears from flowing.
"Honey, don't do this, you're still young. It scares me, you weren't like this before you met him, you need to avoid what isn't good for you. You can't stay here anyway, Cali isn't safe anymore."
Suddenly you frowned and turned to him.
"What did you say? What does that mean?"
"Orlando was just the beginning, the North Valley is crowded, I don't want you in the middle of it anymore. I'm the one who helped the Cali Cartel in the first place to protect my own but it was a huge mistake. So I'm thinking of retiring, and you'll be in a place where you'll be happier and safe."
"Oh, you're making decisions for me again?"
"If it keeps you alive and happy, yes."
"I don't understand, where will I be? Where will you send me?"
"Santa Marta," he said, and then he waited for you to got it.
You were surprised when you suddenly realized what he meant.
"You're not going to tell me to marry Felipe again, are you?"
"He's a good man, he'll do everything you want, you'll be comfortable, he promised me and I'll make sure he keeps his promise, I won't leave you alone."
"It's not a marriage, it's an agreement!"
"It's what's best for you. You can do whatever you want there, Felipe and his family will take good care of you. And most importantly, there will be no more danger. I just don't want to see you get hurt anymore!"
“Father, please don't ask me to marry a man I'm not in love with.”
“I wasn't in love with your mother either, but we had respect and careness for each other, I know it sounds ridiculous to you now, but in the future you will understand what I mean.”
You shook your head. “No I will never understand, I will never love him.”
“Even if you think that now, one day you will thank me.”
You never wanted to believe that.
"I tried to help him, but I couldn't," your father stated firmly while watching television.
Javi was on TV, It has been two days since he’s gone to Bogotá, and when you saw him you realized how much you missed him.
“Every victory on narcos was really just a precursor to disappointment. Every time the DEA makes a dent in the drug trade, something happens to make sure that everything returns to normal. New bad guys pop up, or the old ones are let off easy.
So Javi goes the route of the rebel. He does an interview with a local news station exposing the president's willingness to take cartel money and the United States government's willingness to let it happen.” Entertainment Weekly
Javi was about to hand in his resignation when Steve stopped him and suggested that it would be good for him to take a break. Javi did what he said.
He started his new life with his father, but he didn't expect it to be this hard. All the time you spent together, your memories haunted him. He felt like a piece of his heart have stayed in Colombia.
He did every physically demanding job his father gave him so he wouldn't have time to think too much.
The pace of his old job was gone, he'd lost it with you. Luckily, he and Steve would meet up once in a while and hang out. Steve was still a DEA agent, but in the States. And he kept telling Javi he had to get back to work. But there was still time.
‘What happened to you over there?’
One afternoon, Javi and his father were sitting on the porch, drinking beer.
Javi had heard this question from his father before. When he came home after Escobar, and now he was back again, but this time it was different.
‘I'm the same guy, pops.’
‘No, you're not.’
Javi sipped his beer without looking at him.
‘I guess it's a matter of the heart. I've seen you like this before, but this time it's odd. You work harder than ever, you're avoiding everyone, you don't smoke. You haven't even glanced at the girls your aunt arranged.’
Javi sighed. But decided to open up himself to his father.
‘I loved someone I shouldn't have. Someone that I have no right to ask to be with me.’
‘You didn't tell her how you feel?’
‘What difference if I do, she's a princess and I'm her bodyguard.’
‘You left your corazón there.’
Javi was looking at the beer bottle and playing with it, yeah, that's how he feels.
‘If you really love her and you’re sure about that she loves you, you must fight for your love, my son.’
His father patted Javi's shoulder before he went to bed. Javi preferred to think deeply in the darkness of the night.
Few weeks later....
"I can't believe we're graduates now!"
Even if you weren't as excited as Caroline, you were happy too.
"We finally can start a business," you said, putting your diploma in your bag.  Caroline noticed there was no excitement in your voice.
"Come on, cheer up. You coming to the party tonight?"
"No, Caz, I’ll pass."
“Cos everyone's coming with their boyfriends, right? But you've got a fiancé now."
You rolled your eyes.
You hated that word.
"Speaking of which," she said.
You both realized Felipe coming up with flowers. You were already angry with him. Being nice made you angrier.
"Thank you."
“No, I'm not going to the party, please don't ask.’
“Oh, no, I wasn’t, I know you're not going, I was going to say...’
It was really annoying that he couldn't say what he was going to say.
“I was wondering if you'd like to have dinner with my family. My mum complains that she never gets to spend time with you.’
You rolled your eyes, mother-in-law, yes, she was the missing piece of your life.
After Felipe left, - you didn’t want him to give a ride- you both went to Caroline’s house.
His mother invited you. She baked a cake for you. You couldn't refuse.
"Have you heard from him?"
You were shocked by the question. She asked even though she knew your eyes would tear up.
"Come on, Y/N. Don't be sad over someone who left you."
"Caz, please."
"I don't want to see you sad anymore."
"I can't help it."
“You're getting married in two weeks. Forget about him. It'll be easier. Your dad's right. He wants what's best for you.”
You stood up. "Tell your mum I'm grateful for the cake," you said and left.
Caroline was starting to sound like your father. Maybe they were right. Maybe you’re the problem. But they can’t expect you go back to normal, they just can’t.
"Then we'll decide on the furniture. Time is ticking but we can manage. Besides, we still have to go shopping for the wedding dress, right, Y/N?"
You looked up and saw everyone at the table looking at you.
“Excuse me, what was that again?”
“The wedding dress,” she was very excited. "We haven't chosen it yet.”
"You should choose. I’m sure you have good taste, señora" you said.
Felipe's mom was shocked but then she laughed weirdly.
"You're a joker, you."
They were all laughing, and you joined in with a fake smile.
When she started talking more, you wanted to bang your head on the table. You always tried to hide your emotions, but Felipe tells your father about everything.
He was worried. This night where you currently sulking while they talk much about wedding. Still trying hard to hide your emıtions but they preferred the restaurant with live music. And the singer started singing romantic songs.
Oh no...
You managed to hide your emotions until she sings that song.
Oh, my man I love him so
He'll never know
All my life is just despair
But I don't care
When he takes me in his arms
The world is bright, all right
What's the difference if I say
I'll go away
When I know I'll come back on my knees some day?
For whatever my man is
I am his forever more…
All of a sudden, all those feelings you'd kept inside until now seemed to come rushing out of your chest. You couldn't hold back your tears any longer and let them flow. You were having difficulty breathing as your sobs accompanied them.
Everyone in the restaurant started to look at you.
When Felipe approached you, you pushed him away and stood up, just wanted to run away.
That's why you avoided places where play romantic songs, at least when you were with other people.
Because they usually acted like you are crazy.
 ‘You love someone else, don't you?’
Felipe came after you, sad to see you crying on the terrace, but angry at the same time.
You looked at him but turned your head away.
‘If I say yes, will you stop marrying me?’
‘Why should I?’
‘Maybe because I don't love you.’
Felipe took a deep breath. ‘It doesn't matter, I love you, and I'll make you happy, believe me. I'll make you forget him.’
Suddenly you realized you were laughing and crying at the same time, wondering how much longer you possibly could stand this shit.
---------------------------- All episodes here ------------------------
The song:
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pansy-picnics · 2 months
Emery needs a girlfriend rn poor girl. They need someone who she isn’t similar to at all but they totally match each others freak yk what I mean?
I HAD A MUTUAL WHO MADE A GF FOR HER ONCE BUT THEY AREN’T IN THE FANDOM ANYMORE AND I’M SO SAD….😭 She really does she’s such a disaster. I think that if she ever brought someone home varian and hugo would try to do the whole good cop bad cop thing but they can’t decide who’s who and they just end up bickering the whole time and emery leaves
I honestly have no plans to make any more characters for the au AT THE MOMENT the only reason alina has a love interest is because my friend made her. So like i’m js….If anyone wants to…… /j
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bonjas · 1 month
season 2 predictions:
I feel like I saw way more behind the scenes stuff that I never saw in the actual show, leading me to believe that either A. they already knew they would get a season 2 and filmed it at the same time or B. what was originally filmed was split up, hence why it feels so choppy. BUT probably neither of these things are true I'm just projecting 😩 cuz I still can't wrap my head around this season
I predict season 2 will bring us back to the original plot of Armando and Betty dating on the down-low and sneaking around behind everyone's back and that's how they reignite their relationship, and it's gonna end in another wedding for them.
there's sooooo much to talk about from the last two episodes but I'm too tired to really dive in, I can only think in bullet points lmao:
did I miss something? why did all of a sudden Hugo end the union/strike? that made no sense 😩
how did Mila and them even know about the papero and how to get there.....again did I miss something lol (edit: I forgot they're the original Ecomoda bodegas, but still they were acting like they knew exactly who he was, how lol)
the timeline was so fucked up. so you're telling me they ended the strike, Mila finds out that night about her mom and dads past, the next day Betty goes on the trip to cartagena and they're doing the fashion show at the same time? how did it get done so fast?! no one bothered to ask their president if they could do it, had the funds for it, bothered to ask her to come? HUH????? 💀 showing random shots of sewing and fabric doesn't do shit to show the passage of time 😭😭
the ADR by the beach sucked so bad it looked AI generated lmao. I'd rather have shitty ocean wave audio like in the original lol
Armando's lawyer continues to make no fucking sense as to why she even wants to be with him, it's a useless storyline with no context other than "of course she'd want to be with Armando Mendoza" and just serves as a "see, he's changed he's not hitting on other women" plot device
Betty's lawyer at least got to be cute and have actual interactions with her that help us make sense as to why she'd wanna make out with him 🤪 do yo thang girl
mila and nacho practically living together - huh?????? this novela is HORRIBLE at timelines, sense of time moving, days passing, literally without them saying that we would assume that was their second time sleeping together. bad bad bad.
mila going through the same betrayal as her mom - sorry I rolled my eyes at that one 😭 trying to wrap everything up in a bow having Mila discover the truth by somehow magically guessing his password, finding everything, spilling the beans during the meeting, all in one episode trying to have us connect to her heartbreak, girl we never fucking liked him lmao!!!!!!!! he was always ick as fuck u have horrible judgement 😭
glad her and Betty have essentially mended things but lmfao still have no idea why she was sent off for 5 years like that's not an insignificant time frame, 15 to 20ish is a HUGE stage of life and to have missed that??? like what?? but they depicted Mila so terribly I was still waiting for the other shoe to drop every time there was a "sweet" moment between them because they didn't give me any reason to think she was being genuine, I think that's a huge failing on their part cuz they never showed the love between them only Mila hating her, right to shopping and hanging out, there was a huge disconnect for me.
Mario you were fired, armando "rejected" your firing but what are you even doing here bro
Jeff and his relationship and their drama with Mila is so blah why is it even in this. Mila you suck for kissing him knowing he has a gf wtf? Also her hairstyle at the fashion show was giving Troll doll what did they do to you girl!!!
not letting Betty have a moment with her dad to actually talk about the diary is such a cop out, it could have been a beautiful moment in him confessing that he still failed her after trying so hard to protect her and she married the man that caused her the most pain and she couldve been like yeah it's pretty fucked up it's why I'm getting a divorce, after all that I feel like he still didn't accept us as his family~ or SOMETHING. crumbs, it's all I'm asking.
Ignacio being a sibling instead of a nephew is sooooooooo duuuuuuuumb lmfao literally serves no other purpose than to make people go GASP!!!! no purpose.
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darkboysroadtrip · 2 months
"Eeeeugh" Remus scoffs out, "I hate the coppers" he mumbles.
Dee and Virgil snicker but both say: "behave" at the same time.
Presumably the sheriff of this area walks up to them -presumably the sheriff cause he got out of the driver's seat of the car that says 'sheriff'.-
"Hello boys" he starts, "I'm the sheriff of this town, who called in about human remains?"
Logan steps forward, "I did, we were exploring around this property"-
"Why were you doing that?"
"Why does anyone do anything? Curiosity and entertainment" Logan answers.
The cop raises an eyebrow, "are you being smart with me?"
Before Logan can answer that one Roman steps a little in front of Logan.
"No sheriff he was not, hello hi, Roman King, my partner here is just a little too straight forward an-"
"Roman King?" The Sheriff asks, he squints at Roman's face, "the Broadway Star?"
Roman beams and splays his hand on his puffed out chest, "why yes! Are you a fan of musicals sir?"
The sheriff grunts, "not me, but my wife and daughter love em, my daughter especially loves you" he gives Roman a look over, "I can see why, she's into the feminine pretty boys like you."
Roman tilts his head, "thaaank you?" he says unsure then makes up his mind a second later and with more confidence says it again, "yes! thank you!"
"Mmhm, the remains?"
"This way" Logan says and starts walking towards the well.
When the sheriff sees where Logan stops he gets pale.
"Is there something the matter?" Logan asks.
"She was tellin the truth?" the sheriff whispers.
"What was that?"
The sheriff shakes his head, "uh, this might be a closed case boys, you just may have solved something that's been a closed file since the late seventies."
"You already know who's in this well?" Logan says.
The sheriff nods, moves to the well to look down, "poor Antha Hugo, I'm sorry we didn't trust your daughter."
Logan's eyes narrow, "she told you what happened and you didn't even look into it?"
The sheriff looks up sharply at the anger twinged in Logan's voice.
"What do you know about this situation son?"
Logan goes to answer but doesn't get a chance for the lie he's about to tell because the sheriff's eyes go wide and he strides closer to Logan.
"What did you say your name was?"
"I didn't" Logan replies.
"Well what is it?"
"Logan King."
The sheriff's eyes dart to Roman, "is that a taken name?"
"It's a name, that I changed from the last name I was given."
"I don't know the one I was born with."
The sheriff nods, "alright boys, my advice to you lot: let us deal with this, leave town and forget this whole thing."
Logan thinks, "alright officer, we'll go."
"See that you do" he turns to Roman and with a little embarrassment he asks, "can I have your autograph and picture for my daughter?"
A little taken aback Roman nods, "anything for the fans" he smiles thinly then adds on, "as long as I can somehow get my phone from the bottom of that well."
The sheriff grunts again, "stop by the station on your way out, I presume you'll take some time to pack whatever it is you came here with."
After that they all walk to the cars.
"What are we gonna do now Lo?" Patton asks.
"Go to the library like we intended" he responds.
Patton's stomach growls as Remus whines.
Logan pats Patton's tummy, "food first though."
The twins and Patton cheer.
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claudia1829things · 5 months
"LOST" (3.15) "Left Behind" Commentary
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"LOST" RETROSPECT - (3.15) "Left Behind"
Have you ever watched a movie or television episode and had maintained an opinion of it for years? Only to change your mind after an umpteenth viewing of it? That is what happened to me after a recent rewatch of the "LOST" Season Three episode, (3.15) "Left Behind"
I might as well begin with the episode's "B" plot. This featured a "B" plot that involved Oceanic survivors Hugo "Hurley" Reyes and James "Sawyer" Ford. Following the events of the previous episode, (3.14) "Exposé", Hurley informs Sawyer that the rest of survivors are in the middle of a debate on whether to banish the Alabama-born con man from the camp. Hurley reminds Sawyer about the benefits of living within a society and suggests that Sawyer start making efforts to make amends for his past actions.
All I have to say is . . . who had written this episode? Honestly. For years, I thought it was a decent, but not exactly mind-blowing episode. But after this latest viewing, I honestly do not know what to think of it. I might as well start with the "B" plot. What can I say? I found it annoying and pointless. It is not that I had any sympathy for Sawyer at this point in the series. I did not. I did not care for Sawyer until Season Five. If Hurley believed the Oceanic camp needed a leader to fulfill the absence of Jack, Sayid and John Locke; he should have stepped up and volunteered for the role, himself. If he was capable of pushing or manipulating Sawyer into stepping into the leadership role, he was capable of assuming the role of leader himself. Instead, Hurley pulled this stupid con job in order to manipulate Sawyer into assuming the role. All this plot managed to achieve was solidify my belief that Hurley was definitely a man child . . . at least through most of the series' run.
Since "Left Behind" happened to be a Kate-centric episode, I might as start with her flashback. In it, Kate meets Sawyer's old flame (at least two-to-three years before she met him on the island), Cassidy Phillips, while the latter was attempting to sell questionable jewelry. Kate comes to her aid before a potential customer could inform the cops. After Cassidy guesses that Kate, who was a fugitive, also did not want to attract the cops; the two women become fast friends. Cassidy agrees to help Kate distract the local law enforcement and U.S. Marshal Edward Mars, so that the fugitive could contact her mother, a waitress at an Iowa road cafe Diane Janssen. You see . . . Kate wanted to know why dear old Mom had ratted her to the cops after she had murdered her father.
I rather liked Cassidy and it was good to see her again after her previous appearance in a Sawyer flashback from Season Two. But I found Kate's agenda very annoying. Why on earth would she be shocked at her mother's decision to inform the police about her murder? Was the audience really expected to sympathize with Kate over Diane's action . . . and becoming perplexed about it? Because I still feel no sympathy for Kate. Audiences learned in the Season Two episode that Kate had murdered her father, Wayne Janssen, in (2.09) "What Kate Did". Diane had a very good reason for snitching on Kate. As she had reminded the latter, Kate had cold-bloodedly murdered Diane's husband, blew up her house and committed insurance fraud to cover up the fact that a murder had been committed. Worse, Kate had lied about the real reason she killed Wayne. She had killed him for her own personal and selfish reason. And yet, in the end, Kate had decided not to forgive her mother for ratting her out? Fuck that! Diane had a chance to rat her out a second time in this episode. Only she did not bother. Kate had her good moments as an individual, but her complaints about Diane in this episode only convinced me how incredibly selfish and delusional she could be.
I finally come to the episode's main plot. While being held captive by the Others for less than a day at their compound, Kate Austen peaks out of a house and spots the group packing to leave. Seconds later, someone tosses a gas cannister, which knocks her out. Some time passes before Kate regains conscious and finds herself handcuffed to the Others' rogue member, Dr. Juliet Burke. Kate is not particularly fond of Juliet, due to the latter being an Other and for developing a close friendship with the Oceanic survivors' leader, Dr. Jack Shephard. While Kate insists upon returning to the Barracks to find another Oceanic captive, Sayid Jarrah, and Jack; Juliet insists upon heading for the Oceanic beach camp. The pair experience a series of adventures involving an encounter with the island entity, "the Smoke Monster", while arguing over Jack and the reason behind Juliet's estrangement from the Others.
I have a question. Why did Kate ask Juliet what the latter had done to piss off Ben and the Others? Juliet had murdered Pickett - right before Kate's eyes - in order to save her and Sawyer. Had she experienced memory loss or something? Had Damon Lindelof and Elizabeth Sarnoff really concocted this ridiculous plot to handcuff Juliet to Kate? According to a later episode, Ben had conceived this handcuff plan. But why? Hold on. I know why. Ben had expected Juliet to use this situation to gain Kate's trust - and through the latter, the Oceanic castaways' trust. Yet again, WHY? All Juliet had to do was agree with Kate's plan to return to the Barracks. Both would have easily found Jack. After all, she had managed to gain his sympathy and friendship during his captivity with the Others. It seemed so pointless to handcuff Juliet to Kate and try to gain her trust. This whole scenario struck me as unnecessary and infantile. As for the catfight in the rain? Very sexist and I suspect, typical of this series' showrunners. And Juliet's encounter with the Smoke Monster? Pointless, because she never encountered it again.
Looking back on my recent rewatch of "Left Behind", I cannot believe I had accepted it as a tolerable episode that could pass muster. Because I find it difficult to accept this . . . at least now. There were too many idiotic plot points and situations for me to regard it as nothing more than an example of one of the less than exemplary episodes from "LOST".
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romancomicsnews · 1 year
5 DC Animes I want to see after My Adventures with Superman
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My Adventures with Superman opened the door for DC in a big way. Not only did it revitalize fans for more Superman content ahead of Superman: Legacy, but quickly put Jack Quaid up there in the conversation for best portrayal of Superman.
While that conversation is yet to be determined, I think the fact that this version of Superman connected with people made one thing clear, people are hungry for more quality animation.
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While I am excited at the potential of more Jack Quaid Superman, I think DC would be kicking themselves if they didn't branch out this universe and try to build to something greater.
I have 5 pitches for characters who I think should get a My Adventures with Superman style show, ideas of who could play them, and what they could bring to this already fantastic universe. Also I gave them all fun titles. Enjoy.
5. Mysteries of the Question
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The Question is a character many know from the hit DC show Justice League Unlimited. A wack job with a theory about who is pulling all the strings in the DC Universe, The Question is a ridiculously fun character I'm surprised hasn't been seen in a while.
Putting the Question at the center of a mystery and having to solve cases day to day would make for classic television, all while setting it in a crazy DC world.
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The cop chasing him could be the 2nd Question: Renee Montoya, and the mystery could be something as big as an incoming alien invasion or as small as who is leaving riddles across Gotham? Hell he could be after Amanda Waller.
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He can run into other detectives like Detective Chimp, Martian Manhunter, even the Batman, and through this side character we introduce half the Justice League.
I'd love a comedian like Charlie Day to voice this mad man, but a good friend of mine brought up Will Arnett and I can't unhear it. The role could be overly dramatic and silly, but can go to the sad levels of Bojack Horseman. He'd be perfect for this universe.
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Having a detective who needs to get the a major story out could lead him to our three favorite journalists, making a fun mini crossover imminent.
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4. Strange Tales from Arkham Asylum
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While What If? Is not my favorite MCU project, the premise itself is quite fun. A narrator telling warped tales of stories we know in a freshing new take.
I'd like to take that concept and add it to DC by exploring Batman's Rogues Gallery in one off, anthology episodes narrated by one Hugo Strange.
Fan favorite characters like Clayface, Mister Freeze, Catwoman, and yes, even The Joker, can be introduced via their backstory with exciting different voice actors, all leading to a breakout in Arkham.
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I'd like this to serve as a partial retelling but also reimagining of new characters with an emphasis on the creepy, the macabre, but also the sympathy. I want this to fix the mistakes of past villains in My Adventures with Superman and make them more 3 dimensional and iconic.
For Strange we need a maniacal evil voice who can narrate and keep us captivated. I like Chiwetel Ejiofor for this, and will be happy for the inmates to take him down by the end.
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3. Evil-Doers fear the Wrath of Wonder Woman
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I'm having fun with these titles.
It is incredibly insane we do not have a definitive Wonder Woman show. I'd like a classic Spectacular Spider-Man or My Adventures with Superman style show centered around ya girl Wonder Woman.
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Ares, Giganta, or Cheetah can be the main villain. Hell make her main antagonist Black Adam, but having a magical god character immediately makes the world bigger and the threats greater.
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She can run into Shazam (due to their god powers) and round out the League more, but really this is just a project that should already exist. It's wild it doesn't.
Since it is voice acting and we can go any which way with it, I love the voice of Ming Na-Wen. Having a powerful Disney Princess playing Diana also feels appropriate, and brings a sort of wisdom to the League.
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2. Blue Beetle Back in School
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Blue Beetle in a character basically built for anime.
With the overall critic and audience reviews being positive but the film underperforming, it's clear Blue Beetle has an audience that can steadily grow over time. I think animation is a great way to softly continue the story without it technically being in continuity.
The story should center around Jaime continuing college post getting the scarab, and meeting young heroes like himself along the way all while trying to having a normal life. Classic superhero stuff.
This leaves room for it to be part of any universe you want it to be, or mostly be true, or not at all. Either way, we grow with the character of Blue Beetle, and await his return in the DCU.
This could be a fun way to flesh out the young heroes of the DC universe: Robin, Raven, Cyborg, etc.
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It could also start a fun trend of Xolo playing the character across mediums. It's clear Xolo Maridueña loves the character, and if the voice fits, why change it? If Mark Hamill can play the Trickster across animation and live action, so can Xolo.
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1. Green Lantern: Cosmic Chronicles
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The character done most dirty since his live action debut, Green Lantern could add dynamic interesting fighting to an anime universe. Take Atom Eve from Invincible and her spin-off episode.
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Using that type of animation and fluid fight choreography would make for excellent television.
Although we already have a fantastic Green Lantern show (Green Lantern the animated series) with an excellent narrative, I think introducing more Lanterns and wider universe of DC aliens could be really fun. Martians, Thanagarians, Lobo, Mongul, etc all trying to be contained by Lanterns but failing horribly would be awesome. It could all leading to an alien invasion on Earth, putting them directly in line with Superman.
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A Green Lantern show could rejuvenate faith in Lanterns before its release, and lead up to the big anime crossover we know we all need.
While I'd love to see all Lanterns, I think having Hal Jordan at the center of it and bringing in others down the line is a good way to go.
Alan Ritchson has played Aquaman, Hawk and even Raphael in Ninja Turtles. A little more hard headed Jordan could be fun to pit against Jack Quaids more hopeful Superman.
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While all these shows should get made, I think Lanterns is the most likely. Honestly, I'd be happy to see anything more in the DC Anime Universe.
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cliozaur · 1 year
This one is really long, so I’ll start with the best part — the most stylish and iconic entrance: “'Would you like my hat?'…/All wheeled round. It was Javert.” This cop does indeed possess a sense of humour! And Javert’s entrance is intertwined with a series of coincidences. In fact, the entire book is teeming with coincidences, it sometimes feels as though Hugo is abusing them, yet this is an integral element of his writing style. Through sheer happenstance, Éponine scribbled "The bobbies are here" to showcase her writing prowess, by a mere stroke of luck, Marius in his stunned state recollected this piece of paper, and through yet another twist of fate, the police happened to arrive just minutes later without even being summoned! I adore the way the genre of the Gorbeau house scene transitions from horror to melodrama (with Marius' moral struggles), then to farce (with the bandits' chaotic antics and poor planning), and finally to comedy with Javert's entrance.
The bandits don't exactly shine in this chapter! While they initially appeared menacing upon their arrival (and there are three more in this chapter) this aura quickly dissipates as they start to act. Their actions are too chaotic, too disorganized, too unprepared for the challenges posed by Valjean’s courage and strength. A trio from the Patron-Minette quartet joins the fray, all brandishing (symbolic?) weapons. I am somewhat taken aback with Claquesous’ “enormous key stolen from the door of some prison.” Wow! Just wow! (on one of the illustrations - at the end of this post - it's grotesquely enormous) They lost Montparnasse along the way (he preferred the company of Éponine over joining the group of idiots assembled at the Gorbeau hovel). Their willingness to accept Thénardier as their leader and trust him with all the planning suggests that indeed, it’s a low season for crime and they are desperate.
Thénardier never shuts up in this chapter, he rants and rants. I was utterly outraged when he spoke of Cosette as a lost source of income. Well, he mentioned believing that she “belonged to rich people” and that he “might have extracted enough to live on all my life!” However, given that Cosette did not, in fact, belong to rich people, and considering how he used his own daughters for soliciting out, we can only imagine HOW he might have used Cosette to extract income from her. What a terrible alternative! Yet, he is once again telling some reasonable things about the plight of the poor, such as: “We, it is we who are thermometers. We don’t need to go out and look on the quay at the corner of the Tour de l’Horologe, to find out the number of degrees of cold; we feel our blood congealing in our veins, and the ice forming round our hearts, and we say: ‘There is no God!’”
I'm not inclined to delve into Marius' hesitations and quasi-moral dilemma at this moment. Despite my sympathies toward him, he did come across as rather insufferable here. But I like the fact that he was proud of Jean Valjean. Nonetheless, his contribution was rather minimal, with the sole positive action being the toss of Éponine's note into the neighbour’s room.
Valjean is truly amazing here. He is calm, unperturbed, inventive, and displays remarkable sangfroid. A real icon of stoicism. And I have a feeling that his shocking act of burning his right hand with the red-hot chisel is a clear allusion to the legend of Scaevola, a tale of significance to certain stoics. The emphasis Hugo places on Valjean gripping the chisel in his left hand assures me that my assumption is not unfounded. And I so much wish Hugo had afforded us even a fleeting glimpse into Valjean’s mind during this juncture! While we are privy to every trifling notion crossing Marius' thoughts, at this pivotal juncture in the narrative, we remain largely ignorant of Valjean's inner musings. It’s such a pity. But, at the same time, it makes him so mysterious.
Claquesous' enormous key:
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changingplumbob · 7 months
Another day, another favourite
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
I got tagged by @beebeesiims so I get to do it again *happy squeals* Guess it must be Luna Villareal time!
Content Warning: Mentions post-partum depression
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After getting her psychology degree Luna joined the education career and is currently a university professor. She has the learning and discovery hobby as well as a scientific brain so is more studious than all her pink suggests.
Luna does not know who her mother is or what happened to her. Just after her youngest brother Max was born her mother disappeared and her father Jacques got rid of any trace of her identity from the house. She often begged him for a photo or a name but he took that information with him to the forever save.
Luna had a bad relationship with her father. She was always suspicious that he could have made her mother disappear (Hugo said this to his face and got disowned). Jacques for his part was wanting a perfect family especially after his wife's disappearance. Luna falling in love with a woman was a disappointment as Jacques did not like his family talked about especially by cops. Jacques stubbornly referred to Devin as Luna's friend even after they were married.
Luna wanted biological kids, and wants more, but has the worry in the back of her head that she can't be a mother if she doesn't even remember hers. This fear contributed to her getting post-partum depression and caused her to panic when she didn't immediately love her sons. She has recovered from the post-partum depression for now.
Luna likes being pampered, even more than Devin does. And yes this absolutely crosses over to their woohoo life...
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at the party
winnie: everyone's favorite socialite! she has that kind of wavelength where you could tell her anything and she genuinely cares about what you have to say. often found chilling on the stairs. leaves at a reasonable time, never stays over
jesse: "hold my beer" guy. he takes every wild idea as a to-do list. surprise lightweight, but king of the kegstand. will always stay overnight (usually without the knowledge of anyone else in the house)
hugo: corner guard. wont speak unless spoken to. is having severe anxiety the whole time but is also having fun observing his surroundings. probably sitting on the front stoop, definitely eating all the snacks. leaves early
miles: the perma-host. people will literally just show up at his house on friday nights whether he likes it or not. pretends like he hates it but he loves the liveliness. has to chase jesse out in the morning with a broom. passes out on the couch.
toad: the cops.
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frownyalfred · 1 year
Audio Adventures and Unburied have held my brain cells captive for the past few months, and they're both so great for entirely different reasons. Audio Adventures is comedic and campy with a very old comics and cartoons vibe to it. Unburied is very suspenseful and thought-provoking with a vibe somewhere between a crime drama, a buddy cop movie, and the Twilight Zone. Audio Adventures also has government corruption, Mayor Hill dealing with hilarious inconveniences, a vibrant Harley, a hippie drug dealer Scarecrow, an anxiety-stricken Jack Ryder, Twobats and Scarebat vibes, and a Riddler voiced by Jon "middle-aged dad" Leguizamo. Unburied has a look into Bruce's psyche, ACAB scenes and statements, the most compelling backstory I've ever heard for Ivy (including making it clear that she's sapphic), a brilliant Babs who knows how to hack, commit forgery, and impersonate government employees, a look into the conditions at Arkham and Hugo Strange's mistreatment of the patients there, Riddlebat vibes, and a Riddler voiced by Hasan "stubborn trivia nerd" Minhaj. Both podcasts make sure to remind listeners that most of the rogues are, in fact, mentally ill people in need of help and compassion, and each of them portray Bruce as someone who's aware of that. My only complaint is that my brain has decided that I need to relisten to these podcasts again and again instead of catching up on the others I listen to.
You’ve sold me on it, anon!
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Tag game: List 10 of your comfort shows, then tag 10 people
I was tagged by @twig-tea thanks for the tag. Like you I'm having trouble narrowing it down so I cheated a little and some of this are grouped together.
Group One is the Detective group, I used to love detective stories, which means I watched a lot of cop shows, there are some that I can't watch anymore because of the new awarness of the copaganda but these are the ones that I still find comfort in: Cold Case, Elementary, Murder She Wrote, Columbo and Ris Roma (italian version of a CSI like show, this is the first and only spin-off which I like more)
Skam OG S3 and Eyewitness and Skam Italia s2. These I am not reaching for as much since I have BLs now. But they are still comfort shows. Skam Italian s2 in particular I reach when I want to feel better about the borderline semi-fascist hellstate I'm living in, since it's the best gay rep we italians got.
Animated Group: Animaniacs and Tiny Toons along with Looney Toons cartoons I use as background noise kind of shows. And along with the anime Kodomo No Omocha (Rossana in Italian) they remind me the most of childhood. Side note sometimes I listen to intro of Rossana anime and feel like a kid again, cartoon intro used to be a pretty big deal in Italian dub cartoons 80% of which were sanged by a single woman.
Old Sitcom Group: The Golden Girls, Boy Meets the World, Full House and The Nanny
Leverage (not the new seasons, I don't really like them, just the old ones)
Living Single
The BL Group (the most recent and the one that I am now leaning to most of all): Until We Meet Again, Be Loved In House I Do, History 2 Right or Wrong, Semantic Error and My School President are the ones that bring me the most comfort.
This is mega cheating because they are not really show as in tv series. But they always bring me the most consistent comfort: Assorted Musicals and Theather Live Recordings. In particular = The Sound of Music, West Side Story 2021, Moulin Rouge, Les Misarable 25th concert, Into the Woods (the 90s recording), Much Ado About Nothing (the 2011 recording with David Tennant), Cats and an italian one Notre Dame De Paris an Italian-French Musical based on the Victor Hugo book not realted to the Disney version at all)
Bonus: the ones that are no longer comfort shows because I can never watch them again: CSI (all of them but I used to love NY), Law and Order, and Veronica Mars (which I haven't been able to watch since I saw s4)
And the ones that didn't make the list: My favorite Power Rangers series (they range from Lost Galaxy to RPM)
Tagging: @thehollowprince @heretherebedork @callipigio @benkaaoi @slayerkitty @respectthepetty
It's not 10 but I am bad with names so these are I could think of. No pressure to them of course.
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Perfect Paradise Ch.7 Wō Men Zài Zhè Li, Zài Zhè Li Deng Ni
Summary: We are here waiting for you.
"Wài sheng nü!" Aunt Fei held out her arms and gave Emma a hug strong enough to rival Grandpa's. "Wài sheng!" She repeated the embrace with Hugo while giving Louis a fist bump. "You've gotten so tall!"
"A yí Fei," Hugo gave a broad grin.
"Thank you for having us on such short notice, Fei." Juleka accepted her own hug.
"You kidding? Buó Buo Wang loves meeting Mèi Xù's family." Fei chuckled good-naturedly. "I swear sometimes he's more grateful about restoring Shīfu's school than I am."
Hugo shifted uncomfortably.
Louis leaned in and asked Emma, "Mèi Xù?"
"She means Papa."
"Awwww," Rose's eyes sparkled as she grasped Fei's hands. "That's so sweet!"
Fei felt her grin widen at Rose's sincerety. "Never change, Rose. Now c'mon, we don't want to leave Buó Buo waiting!"
Emma and Louis' faces were plastered to the window as the Tsurugi car drove itself through Shanghai's streets. Never getting enough of the city their Grandma grew up in.
The cityscape blurred past Hugo's eyes. He forgot Papa gave Aunt Fei the money she needed to rebuild her dad's school as a "birthday present".
It took some convincing. Aunt Fei was as stubborn as Maman when she wanted to be. But if Hugo was remembering this right, she agreed to train Papa once the school was open.
That's probably why Monarch's involvement with Wu Shīfu's death didn't drive a wedge between her and Hugo's parents... His fists clenched at the thought of how close they were to losing yet more family to this... this... this bullshit.
"I hear Ladydragon has been getting into trouble with the cops," Louis stage whispered to Emma as he spotted street art of the shapeshifting superhero.
"Lòng Nǚshì is a servant of the people," Aunt Fei supplied. "If a law is not just then she sees no reason to uphold it."
Aunt Juleka nodded solemnly. "ACAB."
Aunt Fei grinned.
They pulled up to the Thousand Delights. Their Grunkle's restaurant closed for the day.
"Buó Buo!" Aunt Fei called. "We're here!"
"Kids!" Grunkle Wang rolled up to them in his wheelchair and stretched out his arms. The chair was decorated so that it looked like it was wearing a chef's uniform too. Rolled up sleeves on the sides and an apron string tied at the back.
Each of them bowed to him in greeting.
"So good to see you," Grunkle Wang smiled. "Shame Marinette could not come."
"Yeah, a real tragedy," Emma muttered under her breath.
"I'm sure she has a thousand things on her plate and is trying to do them all at once, like usual Buó Buo," Aunt Fei answered.
Emma couldn't quite smother her laughter.
"I mean, she's not wrong," Louis observed.
"Maman is really busy!" Hugo defended her with more than a hint of indignation.
"Buó Buo, this is Juleka and Rose. Family of Mèi Xù and Meì Mei's,"
Juleka blushed. "Oh, we're- that is-"
Grunkle Wang reached out and clasped her hand. "An honor to meet family from France. You are very welcome in our home."
Rose eyes shone. "It's great to finally meet you. Marinette always said you were her favorite part about visiting Shanghai. Well, you and Fei."
Juleka laid a hand on her girlfriend's shoulder. "Thanks, Wang Shīfu. But we already-"
"Nonesense! You are our guests. I insist you stay here."
"Buó Buo, this place isn't as big as it used to be," Fei reasoned.
Juleka started to nod.
"Which is why they'll be staying at my school."
"Exact-" Juleka did a double take.
Wang Shifu grinned. "Yes. That way they are still under the family's roof, no?"
"Well..." Juleka trailed off.
"We'd love to stay with you!" Rose beamed.
Hugo glanced through the photos of his family on the walls of his room. It was... smaller than he was used to. And his family looked so big. He wasn't sure how they managed to fit everyone into such a space.
Still, they looked happy. Hugo wished he could've met his great grandparents. His hand hovered over a photo of what he thought was Grandma Sabine standing next to them. Hard to tell with her looking younger than he was.
Odd. The soft pressure at his chest for a time he never knew.
Hugo shook his head of the feeling as he made his way downstairs.
"-this is wise, Renren."
"I promised Mèi Xù."
Hugo blinked. "Aunt Fei?"
"Placing yourself between an unbalanced Yin-Yang could have grave consequences."
"Then it's a good thing this is something they both agree on."
"... Your sense of duty is commendable, Renren."
Hugo walked closer. His Mandarin was rusty and the voices were muffled but that sounded like...
"I know you're just looking out for me like you always do, Mei Shi. But they're family. I can't just tell them 'no'."
Aunt Fei jumped as she saw him standing outside her door. "Hugo!"
"Sorry! Didn't mean to startle you, A yí Fei. Do we have guests?"
"What? Oh, no. I was just talking on the phone with a friend. Let's head downstairs and see if Buó Buo needs help in the kitchen. If I know him he's gone all out again."
Aunt Fei placed an arm over Hugo's shoulders as they passed Grunkle Wang's elevator. The prospect of helping in his Grunkle's famous cooking almost enough to distract Hugo from what he'd overheard.
Louis breathed in the smells of a five star chef's cooking and tried to keep his mouth from watering.
Rose wasn't trying at all as she stared at the first course. "Ooh! Marinette soup!"
Emma narrowed her eyes suspiciously at the creamy purple bowl.
Hugo rolled his eyes from across the table and picked up his spoon.
Grunkle Wang grinned as Aunt Juleka and Aunt Rose started scarfing down the Marinette soup as politely as possible.
"Mmmm!" Aunt Rose mumbled, mouth too full for words.
"This is amazing," Aunt Juleka praised before following her girlfriend's example.
Emma's eyes went wide as she had her first mouthful. Her second quickly following.
Hugo smirked as he blew on his spoon to cool it down.
Louis savored the warmth of it's flavor. He usually didn't like creamy soups but the texture of this one was just right.
"There's a reason it's stayed on the menu all these years," Aunt Fei grinned as she swallowed. "It's very popular with the clientele." Her smile lessened. "Or at least it was..."
Grunkle Wang waved this away as he rolled up to his plate. "It will blow over once the newest scandal comes along. Then they will not find my soup suddenly 'disagreeable'."
The salty flavor was suddenly bitter in Louis' mouth. From the way Hugo's spoon stopped halfway he felt it too.
Emma looked down at her empty bowl. "Is it because...?"
"No," Grunkle Wang shook his head. "Enough of that. It's time for the second course!"
Aunt Fei stood up. "Buó Buo, let me."
"I can do it," he tried to wave her off.
"Buó Buo you did most of the cooking. Let me."
Grunkle Wang chuckled as he adjusted his position. "So I did."
Louis wasn't easily distracted from the thought of his parents' divorce hurting his Grunkle's restaurant. But the food did it's best. There weren't even any carrots in the stir fry.
He couldn't eat cooked carrots. And no white rice either. Which he recalled was something Aunt Rose was supposed to avoid.
There was brown rice though. Which Louis noticed Hugo trying to drown in sauce.
Hugo's eyes briefly met his gaze before flitting away. So he hadn't forgotten either.
The adults talked about how their jobs were going or asked his siblings how school was. All while Louis separated his food and separated his thoughts.
Emma left her contacts in their case and took out her glasses.
Ugh, she was definitely leaning towards glasses. Emma hadn't slept well. A fact she blamed on the jetlag.
Absolutely nothing to do with her parents being so ridiculously famous that their relationship status put family business in jeopardy. Nope. Not at all.
Of course if it came down to it Papa would just-
Emma slapped her cheeks to wake herself up and derail that particular train of thought. She really needed to stop trying to solve everything with money.
The comb ran down her hair to smooth it out before she tied it into her ponytail.
Money did solve a lot of things though. Like getting the elevator installed or finding a wheelchair model that Grunkle Wang could maintain without relying on Aunt Fei. Reconfiguring the kitchen-
Emma stood abruptly and, making sure she was presentable, marched towards the door.
Money doesn't solve friendship problems though.
Her brothers and Aunts were waiting for her downstairs.
And it definitely didn't solve family problems no matter how much she wished it did.
"Alright!" Aunt Fei grinned. "First stop: breakfast."
Emma greedily finished her jianbing as they walked up to the Shanghai Museum... "Wait. Who-"
Hugo's big eyes and stupid grin was her answer.
She hid the fond smile that threatened to peak out behind what was left of her breakfast. Trying not to roll her eyes. No, really.
"Keep close. This place is fu- freaking huge," Aunt Fei stated.
Emma did roll her eyes at that. Only for her to stare up at the massive crisscrossing stairs connecting the museum's levels. Families and other tourists milling inside.
Aunt Fei led them to the Gallery of Ancient Chinese Paintings.
Hugo's eyes still trying to bug out of his head.
Louis was trying to avoid touching anyone. Thankfully it wasn't that crowded.
"This is a recent addition. I thought all of you might appreciate it. Being from Paris and all," Aunt Fei said that last part like she was about to let them in on a joke.
Hugo muttered appreciatively to himself as he gazed at the paintings. No doubt able to tell what dynasty they were from. Nerd.
"...and this one is..." Hugo jerked.
Oh, his eyes can get bigger!
"Hēi Māo!"
Emma blinked before actually looking at the painting that had Hugo enthralled.
It was a man wielding a long staff. His black robes tied around his waist with the sash trailing behind him like a tail. His short hair denoting his criminalized status. A cat-like mask atop his head.
Hēi Māo. The Black Cat.
"Piáo Chóng!" Hugo exclaimed again.
The woman was similarly dressed to her partner except with less armor and more spots. Her hair denoting that she was at least well off.
The Ladybug's yo-yo twirling around Piáo Chóng.
"I thought the Miraculous wielder's were more well hidden?" Aunt Rose asked.
"These paintings are ancient. Far older than anything found in Europe that relates to the Miraculous," Aunt Fei explained. "Even so they were donated to the museum by an old family. I doubt the painter, or painters, ever meant for their work to be observed by the common people."
Emma stared at these ancient predecessors to the heroes of her city. Feeling strangely connected to the legacy of the Miraculous. Even though it was Hugo who was rattling off their names and what villains they had fought.
Aunt Rose nudged Aunt Juleka and pointed to a painting of Purple Tigress' predecessor. Aunt Juleka blushing for some reason.
"You certainly know more about the Miraculous lore than I do, wài sheng," Aunt Fei praised.
Hugo beamed. "Yeah, Papa taught me everything... I know." His face fell a little as he stared at the image of Húdié, the Butterfly. "Papa didn't know much so he taught himself so he could teach me."
Emma remembed that. It was one of the few fights her parents had before the big one. She couldn't say why.
Aunt Fei froze as she moved to put a hand on Hugo's shoulder. Head tilting up as though she was listening to someone.
"In broad daylight?" she muttered.
Louis looked up at her in confusion. "A yí?"
"Sorry!" Aunt Fei snapped to attention. "I have to take care of something real quick! Be right back!" She gestured to Aunt Rose and Juleka to watch them as she practically sprinted down the stairs.
Emma blinked. Aunt Fei's sudden departure reminding her uncannily of the times her parents would vanish due to 'something important'. "Must be a grown up thing," she muttered. Yes, absolutely nothing suspicious about that.
Louis was talking quietly to Hugo so Emma decided not to interrupt that. Aunt Rose and Juleka were keeping one eye on her brothers and another on the paintings.
Emma turned and- Blond hair in a green suit turned a corner on the other side of the museum. "Papa?"
He definitely looked like her Papa. And it was only the gallery right across from them. She had her phone with her... "Going to the restroom. Be right back!"
Her Aunts nodded to show they heard.
It could not be Papa, Emma thought as she went down and up the stairs to arrive at the same level. But y'know, opposite. In which case it would be slightly less embarrassing without an audience.
Emma turned a corner and to her surprise there he was. "Papa!"
Papa grinned and held out his arms for a hug. Which Emma accepted. Weird, he was wearing cologne.
"Hey there, Em!"
"What're you doing here? I thought you needed to stay in Paris for paperwork reasons?"
"True, but I couldn't just leave my darling daughter like that now could I?"
Emma rolled her eyes. "Papa!"
Papa grinned as he moved away from her play shove.
He felt lighter too. Not a lot. But enough that it seemed like the suit was hiding some weight loss. Was Papa eating enough?
"Oh!" He snapped his fingers. "Before I forget, I wanted to ask you. Have you seen my brooch?"
Emma's brow furrowed. O...kay? "A brooch?" Papa wore plenty of rings and sometimes earrings but she didn't remember him ever having a brooch.
He rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah I seem to have forgotten where I put it. It's silver. Shaped like a fan or a fancy flower." He stepped closer with a friendly smile. "You haven't seen it?"
Emma suddenly felt the chill of the museum air against her back. "Felix?"
Felix's charming smile melted into something sharper as he glanced at the other patrons. "I just want what your father stole from me."
Emma backed away from him and closer to the open space of the foyer. "I don't know-"
Felix's hand snaked out and clasped itself around her wrist. "Think! Adrien isn't that good at hiding things!"
"You're hurting me!" Emma cried out. The bones of her arm felt like they were sliding together with the force of his grip. Which didn't budge no matter how much she pulled at it.
"Just tell me-"
A flash of pink and Felix was sent hurtling across the gallery floor. Thankfully missing the exhibits. Patrons screaming in shock and fear.
Emma stumbled back as Pigella stood between her and the impersonator.
"Alright, fuck-face!" Pigella cracked her knuckles. Despite her short stature she radiated Fnd Out energy. "You got two choices. I beat your ass senseless and call Pagasus to dump you into a nice cozy French prison cell. Or you get the hell out of Shanghai."
Felix sneered condescendingly at her. No easy thing to pull off with him holding a black eye.
In answer he pulled something out of his coat and smashed it on the floor. Smoke billowing out of it. Eliciting another round of panicked screams.
"Remain calm!" Pigella held her arm over Emma as though worried Felix might try for her again.
But when the smoke cleared Felix was gone.
"Stupid supervillains and their fucking smoke bombs," Pigella muttered.
"Emma!" Aunt Juleka was on her in a flash. Looking over her for injuries.
She could see Hugo and Louis hovering worriedly behind her.
"Are you ok?"
"I- I- I-"
Breathe Emma.
Emma took a shakey breath.
"I'm... o-okay."
Aunt Juleka hugged her close. Emma burying her tears in purple and black.
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gemsofthegalaxy · 1 year
Okay, so I am having more ideas about the Waking up in Vegas TomGreg au
They go to Vegas. Get completely obliterated just like. totally smashed. out of this fucking world blitzed. We ignore all laws to do with marriage and how it works.
They get married. They have no idea they got married. A month later they get their Vegas wedding certificate in the mail and Greg thinks it’s a sick joke but calls up Tom freaking out. Tom looks into it and verifies their marriage record indeed exists in Nevada. it's real.
Greg immediately asks for a divorce and Tom is incredibly offended by this because he just got divorced and he does not want to be divorced twice over especially not one fucking month after the last one-
Besides. This could be bad. They would have to get divorced in New York and what if someone goes snooping around their records there? This is foreshadowing. Lol.
So they put the issue to rest. Tom reluctantly tells Greg of course he can still sleep with women outside of Tom. They live separately
Six months later, Karolina and Hugo’s team catch wind of people snooping because, idk, Tom is in the news or something (maybe he was also going to be named one of the most eligible bachelors lmfao?) and call them in for a chat with Logan, themselves, and Roman (because Roman is bitchy and fun and gets invited into messy drama as a reward for being a good lapdog)
They ask for an explanation. TomGreg tell the truth, which is that they have no fucking idea why they got married other than the assumption they thought it would be funny when they were drunk. They cannot recall any details whatsoever and have no recollection of the photos of them outside the little chapel that show them looking happy and clinging to each other in formalwear, but nothing else.
That is… not a very interesting or compelling story for PR.
So Karolina hatches a plot... about how Tom, a deeply closeted gay man, wanted to marry Shiv because she was the first women he felt he could truly love- he’d beaten the odds! There was an exception to his homosexuality! How quaint
But their marriage inadvertently introduced him to the man who turned out to be the love of his life. While he loved Shiv, he did, it was no match for the burning fire that was his love for ..her cousin, Gregory Hirsch.
They met through the family and then Greg’s job at Waystar- yes, it’s a bit of an illicit love affair, what with Tom being Greg’s boss, but on Greg’s part, well, who hasn’t fallen in love with a teacher or a boss before? Even when it comes to cops and military men, there’s something about that power and authority and that protection that Tom was so adamant he could provide to Greg.
They never meant for it to happen! Tom was happy being a mentor to his man, never wanted to make his feelings known. But when Greg confessed his attraction, what could Tom possibly do?
So once Tom ended it with Shiv, they eloped. To Vegas.
As well- They love their jobs so dearly, you know? They were a bit scared of the optics. Tom in particular adores his job, he’s never felt more at home or included at Waystar Royco. Still, there was a fear there, that if he came out it would rock the boat just a bit too much. So that was the reason they hid. In order to have it all, they kept their love quiet and went about their lives.
And now they’re getting out ahead of the rumors. Of nosy people who poke their way into the private lives of others. They aren’t ashamed, not at all. Waystar is a perfectly safe workspace for gay men.
The one thing- Karolina says- is that they need more people on board. Namely, Shiv.
Shiv, thought not to be speaking with anyone, actually gets coffee with Karolina on occasion ( 😉 ) so Karolina calls in a personal favor to get her in the room.
And Shiv. Fucking. Loves it. She continues to spin the story, oh, she truly loved Tom and you would think maybe she would be mad? But no, of course not! she’s so happy he can be out and live his truth. Thrilled, really. It’s a modern world. Her gay ex-husband should be proud to have a dashing young man like her cousin on his arm
And oh! Her cousin! She’s so happy for her dear cousin. Her sweet baby cousin Greg- who she recalls she played barbie dolls with when she was a child, you know, the only boy who would play dolls with her. She knows firsthand how lovely Tom is as a husband even if it didn’t work out. She couldn’t be more elated for Greg and the happy couple.
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mermaidsirennikita · 5 months
Favorite sm lavoilette offerings so far??
So I'm on the 8th book I've read by her, and none of them have been below a 4/5 tbh. I really enjoy the LaViolette~ brand, though I will of course be reading more Minerva Spencer too (I've 3? of her books I think, all good, but you can of course tell a difference between her trad stuff and her indie stuff).
I'll just rank the books I've read so far.
Hyacinth--I just found this incredibly hot and entertaining. I love a book that's all about a casual relationship becoming more against everyone's will, and I really found myself adoring Hyacinth. The way her neurodivergence was portrayed really resonated with me. And SYLVESTER! Such a great hero. Scarred, slutty, deeply in love but doesn't want to cop to it. And they're switches! I really love switches in romance. You get to have a bit of both. Everyone is happy.
Joss and The Countess--UGH. HOT. EMOTIONAL. This really is, though, one of the hottest historicals I've ever read. But in an angsty way. But in a funny way. Like, Joss and Alicia are both very practical, down to earth people who've been hardened by the world, but they act like total idiots with each other because LOVE. And I really dig that. I gotta say.
The Footman--YOU PLAYED YOURSELF, the book. Revenge fantasy turned grovel fantasy. There are few grovels I've read that are quite as satisfying to read as this one. And it features one of my favorite things, that I frankly don't think we see enough in grovel books today--when he fucks up? She just LEAVES. She just NOPES OUT. And he's like "?????????? WORLD MEANINGLESS NOW".
Melissa and The Vicar--I've waxed poetic about how good this is *quite* a bit, but it really is that good. Another one where the heroine leaves (and not because the hero fucked up but because she hates herself and thinks he's too good for her, naturally) and the hero tracks her down. And he's CRAZY. And he's UPSET. And he just lost his virginity on A COUCH. Bless, Magnus. (Lmao though there's also a very dear scene where Melissa tells him that she's not a virgin and he's like "oh... that's okay... I thought we'd lose it to each other but don't worry" which is when she realizes that Magnus, is, in fact, a virgin).
Hugo and The Maiden--An extremely annoying but also extremely successful sex worker ending up framed for a crime and transported before ultimately washing up on an island where he falls for a vicar's daughter who thinks he ain't shit is honestly so good. Also, as a note, I really like how casual these books are about sexuality? Like, they're set in a fairly accurate world, there's no pretense that Hugo wouldn't be hugely in trouble if he got caught having sex with men (for money or otherwise) by the authorities, but his bisexuality is just a thing and he's not super concerned about it on a personal level. And the same is done with Melissa, who's not only also bi, but prefers the company of women most of the time until she meets Magnus. Not in a "he makes her straight" way, of course, but like... men suck, and Melissa kinda preferred women.
Phoebe--I feel like this is the most conventional LaViolette I've read, and it's still kinda weird, which speaks to how delightfully odd I find these books. But it's still so good. The heroine's mom (who SUCKS) being like "I don't know girl, just like, drug yourself before your wedding night because that man clearly has a giant dick" is... hilarious. This book gives BIG North and South Starring Richard Armitage vibes.
The Postilion--this is last for me, but not because it's bad. It's honestly a really bold book that I'd totally recommend. It's just my least favorite of the bunch I've read so far. That said, the hero being lowkey a lil subby and delighted by how tall and husky-voiced the heroine is...? And her being obsessed with his ass? All good things.
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