#Hair cutting
whump-bunny · 2 months
We don't talk enough about hair cutting in whump imo. For example:
- having your hair cut against your will, especially if you've been growing it out for a long time, can be very traumatic and distressing. This could very well cause ptsd and nightmares in a whumpee. Especially if their hair has some cultural or emotional significance to them.
- going from long hair to short or no hair is physically jarring. Once I went from hair reaching my mid back to a pixie cut, and my head felt physically lighter, which was very weird. I kept trying to flip my hair back after putting on a shirt or headphones, only to realize that there was nothing to flip. Also I was colder! These could all be constant, unpleasant reminders to Whumpee of what was taken from them.
- Short hair is beautiful, but Whumpee might not think so. Especially if their long, silky hair was something they took pride in. Can they even stand to look in the mirror anymore? Maybe Caretaker convinces them that their shorter haircut is beautiful too?
- and finally, Whumper forcing whumpee to sit still and lean back while they cut their hair with razor sharp scissors. Maybe whumper "accidentally" nicks Whumpee here and there. Maybe they threaten to cut off more than just hair if Whumpee doesn't stop struggling.
Just something to think about... 👀
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endoplight · 11 months
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Day 2: Intricate Rituals Changing to new, shaving off the old. Slowly I'm getting the hang of drawing their faces and hopefully soon I'll get it right!
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whump-galaxy · 3 months
A whumpee with beautiful long hair forced to endure the whumper grabbing and haphazadly lopping off their hair. Them being tossed aside, seeing all the cut locks that whumper left behind. Them holding their head, pure anguish seeping through as they realize it’s all gone.
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ravencincaide · 8 months
A Hidden Skill 
Summary: “ You? You are going to cut my hair Dazai?” you questioned him in disbelief. Dazai in turn pattered the back of the chair, a silent motion for you to sit down. “ Are you for real?”  OR the time Dazai decides to attempt to cut your hair. The only question was if he did that as part of a reward or a punishment for your earlier actions… 
Pairing: Fem! Reader x Dazai Osamu. 
Inspired by Sweetober prompt 22: Washing hair
Warnings: Cursing, fluff and light sweetness, 
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“ Ah my sweet belladonna, my lovely darling. How cruel of you to so openly replace me with another. You’re twisting my heart right in my chest. Ahh; ahh; ahh how am I to ever get over this cruel–” 
“ What the hell are you talking about?” you fixed Dazai with a questioning gaze as you tore your eyes away from your phone, and the social media that had kept you occupied. Instead of the wonderful world catered to your mood, you were forced to deal with your clingy partners theatrical antics.
 Dazai’s hand was on his heart, body leaned against the edge of the couch on the other side of you while he faked the expression of being shot or in the very least in immense heartache. As you raised a questioning eyebrow at him, Dazai let a pained moan as if the very action of uttering his grievances brought him physical pain. And maybe it did; it was no secret that the great Osamu Dazai and vulnerability were not the best of friends. This was like his own version of torture, however you were not about to make it easier for him. The man had to grow up one day. “ Surely you cannot be this oblivious belladonna; the last hours you’ve been staring at that phone of yours. That donna has stolen your heart from me-” 
“ It’s been fifteen minutes Dazai” You watched him sigh, as if you were completely missing his point before he dropped beside you on the couch. His eyes never left yours as he awkwardly readjusted his body in the small space, slanky legs halfway off the couch, his torso squeezed between you and the back of it. Then, as if determined to make himself as uncomfortable as possible, he twisted his body more and threw his arms around your waist. Head buried into your shoulder with an attention-seeking whine. 
But the tightness of the arms around you gave you a brief hint at his insecurity. The ever growing concern of having you ripped away from him; willingly or unwillingly. The possible heartache if you were to replace him with someone else; someone that was not him.
 Stable, safe. 
In defeat you dropped one hand down and you grasped his long fingers in yours in a small act to reassure his demons. Instantly he shifted his hold so he could brush his thumb against the back of your wrist. The touch made shivers run up and down your skin. Another kiss on your shoulder and you knew he had you where he wanted you. 
“ It’s not the girl” you answered his earlier question with a slight sigh as you picked up your phone and unlocked it, showing him the picture of the young and very attractive woman you had been staring at. The one that started this overly clingy dramatic reaction from your already clingy boyfriend. 
“ Hmm belladonna?” he urged you on with another kiss, this one on the base of your neck. Clearly eager to hear what about this stunning creature had caught your entire attention. 
“ It’s not the girl” you repeated slowly as you gripped his fingers a little tighter, while you picked your next words with utmost care. “ It’s her haircut. She has this gorgeous layered wolf cut over the entire length which is rounded at the end and its a little bit tinted and I don’t know. It’s so pretty but will it suit me? And–” you cut yourself off as Dazai raised his head off your shoulder and looked at you with the most mischievous grin you had seen in a long time. The grin that you knew meant he was up to something; the one that made your stomach do flip flops. 
“ Well Bella there’s only one way to find out” he stated before he got off the couch with surprising speed and pulled you up with him. He grabbed a chair on his way as he dragged you both to the large bathroom before he motioned for you to sit down on said chair. At the same time he pulled out scissors, brushes and a towel from a stand. When you made no attempt to move closer, he fixed you with a wide smile as he motioned towards the chair once more “ Well my Bella?” 
“ You? You are going to cut my hair Dazai?” you questioned him in disbelief. Dazai in turn pattered the back of the chair, a silent motion for you to sit down. “ Are you for real?” 
“ I’ve done it plenty of times, my own hair included” Dazai reassured you. You raised your eyebrow at that as you finally surrendered and took a seat. It was only hair, and it would grow out in a year or so- right? Almost instantly Dazai leaned your head back and under the running faucet. A few moments later you felt his bare fingertips brush shampoo through your strands, then massage your skull. To say the touch was heavenly was an understatement. 
“ hmmm you’ve done this before” you moan as he shifts his focus to the back of your neck. Slowly he massaged away the tension you did not know you carried. Your eyes rolled to the back of your skull, forgetting all about your previous hesitation. The sweet oblivion lasted until he washed out the shampoo and began to detangle your hair.  His fingertips ever so often brushed against your skin sending goosebumps and shivers up and down your skin. 
Playful tease. 
“Dazai you do know you’ll be sleeping on the couch if you butch my hair?” your threatened. Instead of taking you seriously he chuckled and brushed his fingers more roughly through your damp strands. It was so obvious that he was not taking you seriously; but whether it was cocky confidence or blissful ignorance was another question entirely. “ I’m serious Dazai” 
“ Don’t worry; if that happens we’ll just throw some orange into it and you and Chibi can match” His singsong voice made your eyes widen in realization before you spun around in the chair to face him. 
“ Wait? You’re the reason Chuuya’s hair is a half-chopped mess?!” 
“ Now, now Bella, you need to sit still. It was close that I clipped off too much” Dazai teased as he spun you back around. “ What do you say about this lengths?” Before you could answer he made the cut just below the line he had marked with the comb. 
“ Dazai!
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Author note: .. nothing to say but that it's only 8 prompts left before sweetober is finally over. Can't wait :)
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longreads · 2 years
“The teenage girl stands at her mother’s grave, a middle-aged woman who was killed by the Iranian police during recent unrest in the nation. A white veil hangs around her neck. Her eyes shine with the same rage I’ve seen in the eyes of people who have lost a loved one during the Islamic regime’s brutal crackdowns. Her hair is shorn and she holds her long tresses in her hand. The other hand is obscured by gladiolas on the grave, but I can imagine the scissors she has used to cut her hair. She is from Kermanshah, the ancient city on the foothills of the Zagros Mountains. She knows — like all Iranian women — that to mourn is to cut her hair.”
Mojgan Ghazirad’s latest essay, “The Gisoo Tree,” is essential reading, spotlighting the urgent protests in Iran and the cultural connection between hair cutting and mourning. Read it today!
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naminethewriter · 6 months
On the Road, Just the Two of Us
Chapter Four: An Electric Razor and Just the Two of Us
Masterpost | First | Previous | Next | Ao3
Summary: This was written for @dukeceit-week-2024, @dukeceitweek
Janus and Remus are living in a campervan at the moment. Are they going somewhere? Who knows. The only thing that’s important is that they’re together.
Content Warnings: Innuendos, Hair cutting
“Remus, hold still,” Janus growled after having had to jerk the electric razor away from Remus head. He was trying to touch up on his boyfriend’s undercut, but Remus was practically vibrating in his chair which made his work incredibly hard.
“I don’t want to take your ear off, so stop wriggling.”
“I caaaaan’t,” Remus whined. “I’m too worked up. Maybe if you give me a hand-“
“Ugh, you’re no fun!”
“We are in the middle of dying your hair and cutting it! I’m not gonna get you off!”
“This is the fucking worst.”
“Stop being dramatic. That’s your brother’s job.”
Remus started giggling and that made holding still only even more impossible. Janus sighed and clicked the razor off.
“I have no idea how any professional deals with you.”
“I don’t either! But I tip well!”
“How generous of you,” Janus quipped, and Remus grinned at him, showing off his teeth. “Anyway, we’re in a motel for once, a place with actual appliances that has decent sanitary standards, and I want to get this done, so can you please cooperate?”
“I’m really trying, Jan, but it’s hard to. You’re so close I can smell you! You know I can’t control myself around you. I wanna eat you up already!”
“Fine, a compromise then.”
Remus looked at him with a raised brow and Janus smirked at him before straddling his lap and sitting down heavily. His boyfriend groaned at the sudden increase of weighed and his hands flew to Janus’ hips immediately.
“Now, this I like,” he purred after his brain caught up with the situation, his hands starting to lightly massage Janus’ sides.
“I thought you would. Now, I’m gonna continue cutting your hair. Which means, you turn your head how I want and no jostling me. You can feel me up a bit if you must, but no distractions! We have to wash out the dye soon and I want to be done with this before then.”
“Fuck yeah!”
The next five minutes, Janus carefully directed Remus’ head around to get an even cut, as his boyfriend let his hands wander around his body, sometimes squeezing the flesh lightly but mostly just… touching. It felt nice.
“Alright, I think I’m done. Now let’s get that dye out.”
“Thanks, Janny. You’re amazing.”
Janus smiled and pulled Remus into a kiss.
“So are you. Now c’mon, I wanna see my handsome man in all his glory.”
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jedi-lothwolf · 2 months
Codywan Week Master List!! I love this writing challenge every year! I definitely had a good time with this one! My favorites are probably the anniversary and the soulmate au! Each description of the stories are attached to the page the links will take you to! I hope you enjoy them!! I love tragic gay men so much.
Day 1: Lightsaber
Day 2: The Wise Man's Fear
Day 3: Soulmate au
Day 4: Kidfic
Day 5: Only One Bed
Day 6: Quiet Love
Day 7: Long Hair/hair cutting/trimming
Day 8: Anniversary
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the-ugly-ly · 3 months
i’m not a trickster i’m a trichster and i’m my own problem
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shadowofwar-goober · 1 year
Hair Cutting (Uruk/Orc Headcanons SoW)
Was talking to @space-arsonist about this and thought to bring it up here too
Once, hair cutting wasn't always a source of shame or grief for uruks and orcs alike. It was a sign of change and growth, be it integrating into new clans, reaching new life milestones, or for ceremonial purposes.
As life became harsher for the lot of them, it became more and more difficult for uruks and orcs to even grow healthy hair to grow out, much less cut. Having a healthy head of hair meant that you had resources, and if that hair was cut, it was due to outside influence and not due to individual choice.
Slaves would have their heads shaved regardless of the amount of hair they had or didn't have, hair would be cut for uruks or orcs deemed traitorous or banished from their clans, hair (and/or scalps) are even a common trophy taken by victorious warriors.
If it's something that can be taken away, it can and will be in Mordor for one reason or another.
(My personal OCs and their hair(cuts) under the cut)
- Both of his clans cut his hair at various times during his youth. It was done as a form of humiliation and control along with a means to make money, as Hûra’s hair was strong enough to both string bows and to be used as nearly unbreakable ties and/or as a garroting wire.
- His hair was cut to nearly ear-length by Khrosh.
- He cut a few locks of his hair off with Takra when they officially became blood brothers.
- He cut some of his hair when Gogat officially became his son, and he did it again when Dûsh, Mâku, Lûga and Grisha joined the family too (he made charms woven with his family’s hair).
- He cut his hair to his elbows after the war ended and never cut it again.
- Her hair was cut off several times by superior Uruks at her outposts when she was very young.
- It was cut once by her Marauder captain when she first sold herself to him.
- It’s been cut numerous times by her “clients”, usually resulting in her hair being short and choppy most of the time.
- She cut it when Hûra reunited with her very short so it would grow back both healthy and at the same length.
- She cut a few locks when she became blood brothers with Hûra.
- She cut it when her children came into her life (Hûra created charms with her hair as well).
- She cut her hair short when Gogat returned from prison and regrew it alongside her sons and only ever cut it to trim dead ends off afterwards.
- His hair was long straight out of the vat (think nearly to his elbows) so his Dark clan cut it to just above his shoulders after recruiting him. He’s like his father and it grew back extraordinarily quickly every time it was cut.
- He cut it when he broke away from his clan.
- He cut several locks off when he became a part of his family.
- He cut his hair with his father at the end of the war, back to his elbows like when he was a pup.
- He cut a few locks off when his parents died and placed the hair with them when they were cremated/buried and did the same when his brothers and sister passed.
- His hair was cut when nearly to his ears when he was banished from his clan. It was done specifically to cut the clan braids from his hair.
- Pushkrimp periodically had breakdowns after drinking where he would chop his hair off sloppily and rarely tidied it up after the fact.
- He cut his hair when he vowed to stop drinking, cutting as short as the day he was banished.
- Pushkrimp cut a few locks when he became blood brothers with Horza.
- He cut a few locks when he reunited with Zog and learned of Zunn’s existence.
- His hair was long out of the vat (past his shoulder) and it was cut choppily short up to his ears when he was sent off.
- Ar-Beka cut it after he adopted Norûk, as it was matted and unmanageable and he refused to bathe for many months due to his fear of water.
- He cut a few locks and gave them to Ay-Yaruk when he went off to study in the West.
- He cut a few locks when he married.
- He cut a few locks as he was in his twilight years and gave them to his father, Zunn, his children and his brother.
- He’s only cut it once: when he made a mockery of the charms that Hûra would make his family out of their hair. He wove a few locks of his hair with the hair he cut from Hûra’s head.
- He kept his hair relatively short most of his life for hygiene reasons.
- It grew long when he was recovering from being attack by a caragor but again cut it short, above his shoulders.
- Had hair past his elbows before he was enslaved.
- Had his hair shorn off while a slave.
- It always tried to grow back but it was patchy due to poor conditions.
- Never kept his head shaved in spite of his poor hair condition as a slave, as he couldn’t bare the thought of doing it himself.
- Only allowed it to be cut twice, the first when with the Monks so it could grow back healthy.
- The second was when he became blood brothers with Pushkrimp.
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salonbnaples · 2 months
Looking for a professional hair salon in Naples, FL? Salon B offers expert haircuts, coloring, and styling. Visit us for a luxury salon experience. Enjoy personalized hair treatments tailored to your unique style. Let our skilled stylists enhance your beauty with the latest techniques and trends.
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whump-bunny · 2 months
the opposite of hair cutting as well! i love having whumpees grow out their hair to show the messiness and deterioration of their mental and physical state. also it shows the passage of time! plus it almost acts like a curtain for the whumpee to hide behind, or perhaps it makes them look more feral, unkempt with dirty long tangled hair
Oooooo yes! An equally valid point! Especially when Caretaker eventually finds whumpee and almost doesn't recognize them under the dirty matted hair.
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rainy-wallflower · 3 months
Went through, what felt like, a queer right of passage today.
Me, a person who's head is shaved except for the top, helped a friend cut and shave her hair, so she now has a sick undercut and long hair at the top.
We might dye it next, who knows!
@neonsix67 ❤🧡💛💚💙💜
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oddsconvert · 2 years
i wanna shave henley's head.
i mean... look at how matted and disgusting it's gotten. no wonder he's not cut out to be a whole person, he can't even take care of himself.
i'll be sure to tell him all that, along with how disgusting and worthless he is, while i'm taking care of it for him. he should thank me for wasting my time on a pet like him
Henley does thank you...repeatedly... in between breathless hiccups of choking sobs. He doesn't mean it - the gratitude - he's truly distraught. As he watches locks of his blonde hair fall to the floor, circling around him, feeling the weight on his head lessen.
Will they let him keep anything of his humanity?
Henley doesn't know what he ever did to deserve this. He interlaces his fingers together, squeezing his hands tight until the flesh flashes bright white. If he doesn't; he might disobey and try to pry you off.
Because you're right. You're so right. He's just an insignificant pet. Worthless and disgusting. He can't even take care of himself properly - that's why his hair is so tangled and grim. You're doing him a favour and for that, he should be grateful.
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house-of-slayterr · 1 year
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Y’all ever just spend an hour styling your boyfriends wig for prom with none of the proper materials to do so? Cause like I’m low key proud of how it came out for not having any hair cutting equipment-
He’s doing like a restro Hollywood glam sort of thing. This the best I can do on short notice 🥰
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xx-thedarklord-xx · 1 year
I do this thing where I randomly hate my hair and cut it myself
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zombearzilla · 1 year
Don't cut it!
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