#Hair dressor
hairraiserzsalon · 6 months
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Best Hair Salon in Mohali 67
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aajjks · 23 days
TC!JK “Aw. Why don’t you feed me the cake?”
”There you go, birthday boy.” she feeds him some of the cake and then he takes another one from her. She could feed him like this every day.
Seeing him eating it so happily makes her happy too.
“Wow yn were you a baker of some kind?”
“I don’t think that I’m gonna get enough of this cake. You have to bake it for me every month from now on”
“Really? I actually will if you want me to.”
He just winked at her. Such a tease.
“Aren't you going to dry your hair? Come here let me do it for you.” she gets him to sit in front of the mirror and starts to dry his hair like she did last time hoping he would spot the gift she had placed earlier in the evening on his dressor.
“Pass me that comb please.”
And there you go, he sees it and he's reaching out to take it.
He asks her how it got there but she doesn't answer.
She's holding her breath.
He unfolds it and sees the two little bodies sitting on the tree branch on the ground that she tried so hard to master and lastly his mother's name.
She's nervous as to how he would react. He hasn't really said anything yet, just staring down at it. She wonders if this was a good idea, what if he's upset with her?
It’s beautiful. It has his mother’s name sewn on it. “Y-Yn wow.. it’s so beautiful.” He exclaims, completely in awe.
Jungkook cannot help, but notice every single detail on the handkerchief. “I-It’s beautiful.” He coos. This is so precious. “It’s us yn.”
He smiles, his heart out at ease, as he caresses the fabric.
“Thank you for this. It’s so meaningful yn.” He whispers. 
So perfect.
“Thank you for this, it’s everything.”
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hopefullyababe · 8 months
i like that every hair dressor is gay like its the rule of the universe
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johncharlesdouglass · 4 years
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Hair dressor London
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jacks4eva · 7 years
Legacy And What It Entails 1
This follows the children of both acotar and tog characters.
Part One
The Kingdom of Terrasen had been well, to say the least. Any who might have dared to fight against the great fire queen were now afraid of angering her. Except, her daughter, Phoenix.
Phoenix was perhaps the least afraid of the Queen in the entire world, were it not for her father Rowan. Her father taught her to stare death straight in the eyes, to risk to say “not today.” Her father had taught her to be kind, but strong and inspiring to others.
And she had been ever since. She’d be adventurous, daring and bold. She was unapologetic for who she was, which was what her brother admired her for.
Her brother, Samuel, had been trying his entire life to be as daring as she was. To every bold and cut edge she had, he was all grace. It was like they had been switched from the very beginning. Sam was everything she wasn’t, and while it may have been complicated when they fought, it was often refreshing.
Phoenix liked refreshing, she liked change. Which was why she was happy when their mother announced that an important family from another universe were coming to visit. Her mother hadn’t opened the gate, never dared to, but she said these people had crossed into their world. They were powerful, and they had been looking for help for a long time. She warned Phoenix and Sam not to trust them, yet to welcome them.
When they gathered in the throne room two weeks later, she hadn’t known what she was expecting. A regal family with dirty secrets perhaps, but they were every bit the warriors as her father’s cadre were.
Six men, seven women, five children. Well, not exactly children, four of them were her age but they were the other fae’s children. Two boys, two girls.
The boys were both incredibly handsome, one with midnight black hair and blue eyes while the other had warm curly brown hair with ocean blue eyes, not to mention the bat wings. The girls were vastly different, one with dark brown if not black hair with brown eyes with bat wings while the other was pale, with white hair and icey eyes. The final child was a small boy, he only seemed seven years old if that, he had dark hair that fell over his eyes. He might have seemed like a normal boy, if it hadn’t been for his scarred bat wings that hung loosely to the ground.
A woman stood behind him, with golden blonde hair and blue eyes, she stood firm. She protected him, and Phoenix respected that. “Rhysand, right?” Aelin finally asked, and said man stepped forward. “I should allow you and your family to get some rest, it has been a long journey. My family can take you all to your rooms.” Aelin glanced over at Phoenix and Sam.
Phoenix grinned before bowing. “Hello important family that needs our help. Welcome to our humble abode. Unfortunately, this is your welcome party, we had a feeling you wouldn’t want a bunch of old men with power to gawk at you.” Aelin and Rowan left the room, leaving the children behind to talk to the family. “Believe me when I say we are your best welcoming party.” Phoenix gestured to her and her brother. “I am Phoenix, and this is my brother, Samuel.”
“Like the bird?” The kid asked and Phoenix smiled wide at him and nodded. “Cool.”
“My brother will be escorting your parents to your rooms, which are in the left wing while the children will be in the right wing. This is merely a safety precaution. We suspect that you might want to protect your children first, and in that case the right wing is the closest to the exit through the secret tunnels. If you request, we will change your rooms.” There was a loud silence and Phoenix nodded. “Very well then, follow me.”
She began walking across to a doorway on the right, and all of the children folowed her like ducks. ”Your rooms were designed last minute, but we hope are to your liking.” Phoenix stopped by one door and dug around in her head for the name of who stayed there. “Alex?” A tall boy, with dark brown curly hair and blue eyes stepped forward. Phoenix opened the door, allowing the boy to step in.
With the information from his parents, Alex’s room was burnt orange with an accent wall of black. His bed was simple, black, and his dressors were light wood. Phoenix was proud of herself, for designing all of the rooms.
She closed the door behind Alex to allow him to get acquainted. The next door was about twenty feet down, belonging to a girl, Isolyn. She had platinum blonde hair, even paler skin and blue eyes. Phoenix chose a lavender colored walls for her room, silver curtains and a white bedspread. She moved onto the next room.
Adianna, the last girl, was tall with black hair and soft doe like features. Phoenix had fun designing her room, she chose grey walls and painted smoke trailing in soft patterns. Her bed was green, and her curtains were white.
The young boy Xander, had stepped up next. Phoenix guided him into his room, which was white. Xander was a bit confused, seeing as there was not any color except in the floors. “I was told that you dabbled in painting like your Aunt Feyre. I’ve planned out an entire day so we can paint and design this room to your pleasure.” Phoenix smiled at him and he beamed suddenly excited. So excited that Phoenix could’ve sworn she saw his wing lift a little.
“And the last kid.” Phoenix turned to the final boy, he was still looking around the castle. He was wary, she could tell. She hoped to change that, her family was welcoming just as long as they weren’t threatening. “What’s your name?” Phoenix asked him and his blue eyes finally met hers.
“Don’t you already know our names?” Phoenix ignored the rudeness and kept staring waiting for a response. “Caelum.” He finally said.
“Is that after the constellation?” He nodded and Phoenix opened his door. She had begged her mom to allow him to have this room, argued that it would make him feel at home. This was the only room in the castle with a glass ceiling. In the middle, she had put a king sized bed with no backboard of course. It was simple, but she knew if she was him then she’d be working every second to leave. Any sense of intricacy meant roots and roots were not good if you planned to go back home. Just as Phoenix began to leave she heard the most peculiar thing.
“Excuse me?” He coughed and repeated. “I don’t think I understood that.” His features softened.
“I said, thank you. I know you did all of this.” Phoenix nodded.
“You’re welcome. Also, just let me know if you ever want to go flying. I know the best places.” His face was puzzled but she shut the door before he could ask questions.
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ask-smutty-lucifer · 4 years
“Secret room.” Michael’s smirk widens into a grin, and he pecks your lips before walking over towards his dressor. Just the right was a painting with two burning candlesticks mounted on the wall on either side. Immune to flame and heat, he turns one of the candles, and the area opens inward. “Guarded by a secret door.” He says with a wink before slipping inside.
I curiously observe the outside for a moment before stepping in, my hair unintentionally standing on end as I become engulfed by pitch blackness, unable to see anything around me.
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cojicoji1130 · 5 years
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Being silly with hair dressor friend :)
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farbackroom · 5 years
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She shared custody of the room and its enormous bed with several cousins that dropped in on Grandma throughout the year.  The last occupant was a boy who left behind some camping gear, including a compass and a canteen. The thing within Monique flared with glee at the sight of these fairly mundane objects.   “What are you?” Monique asked, staring at herself in the dressor’s mirror.  The answer was infuriating:  I am you. Always have been and always will be. We are bonded by our pasts and we are inextricably linked to this destiny.  “Not at all helpful,” Monique muttered,  peering closer to see if she could find what Mae and saw in her eyes.  Monique’s eyes were deep brown, so the shift to a lighter shade and back could have been dismissed as a reflection of the light, but the change was not sharp enough.  A gentle gradient of golds and lighter browns shifted from her iris to the edge of her cornea and back again.   “Nikki,” Grandma Alice called sweetly as she came down the hall. “How are you feeling?” “I’ll live to fight another day!” Monique replied as she scurried up onto the bed and cracked open the ginger ale.  Grandma Alice walked over to her and felt her forehead and neck for fever.  “Did they give you alcohol?” she asked, piercing her with a hard look.  “No, ma’am,” Monique looked down at the can in her hands. “A tonic? One of those horrible restoratives?” Grandma Alice pushed. “They offered, but I only drank Ms. Anderson’s lemonade,” Monique looked past Grandma’s ear, but tried not to make eye contact. There would be no way to explain the flicker in her eyes. “That poor woman is the only reason they keep body and soul together,” Grandma Alice tutted and fluffed Monique’s hair. “I don’t know what we’ll do if she ever retires.” #amwriting #amwritingya #amediting #writer #novel #novelist #wip #author #timetravel #ya #yafiction #yafantasy #scifi #fantasy #book #books #rootwork #rootworker #horrorauthor #haints #paranormal #spirits #afrofuturism  #afrofuturist #occult #conjure (at Upper North Philadelphia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0SMvxPgBjf/?igshid=nuyghgz1l3i0
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rheasmirror · 7 years
I.....have no title for this so Vampire slaves
@littlelee22 I was looking through and found this, and so.....yeah, Vampire slaves, and tickles. Nose bleedy goodness. Enjoy ^////^
I walked around the diner sweeping the floor making sure any particle of dust was gone. I wiped the counters down, and after maybe fifteen minutes, i stopped and took off my apron and hung it up.
' Today was a good day, and now it is time to lock up the building. Francis will be happy with how many customers came through.'
One girl in particular caught my attention though. She was short with blonde hair and blue eyes and was nervous. I felt really bad for her, i gave her a kind smile but she still had that frown on her face.'
I looked out the window, and saw her again. She was walking pretty fast, almost running. I wondered where she was running from, but i brushed it aside as i locked the windows and backdoor.I pulled my skirt down straightening it out. I walked out the door and locked it letting it close behind me and looked where the girl was running. The streetlights flickered in the cool dark night.
I didn't see her, so i walked the opposite way, unaware that i was being watched. I walked towards my apartment and went inside and closed the door. My cat meowed at me, and i pet him and gave him food and water. I walked to my bedroom and laid down on my bed. I saw a shadow in the corner walk towards me. I remained still.
"Finally." I said.
"Are you not afraid?"
"Why should i be? My life is already hell, i live off of tips, and i rarely have a good day at the diner anyway. If you are going to kill me, kill me. If you are going to take me, take me."
He smirked at me, and revealed two sharp teeth protruding from both sides of his mouth. I gasped but remained still. His face was inches from mine.
'Its ok Rhea, don't be afraid.'i thought.
He smirked as he picked me up and jumped out the window. He ran towards the diner and waited. I saw another figure come towards us. This one also had a girl, it was her. The one i saw earlier at the diner. I gasped looking at her, and she hid her face in his back.
"Nice catch Felix, mine's better." He smirked at Felix.
"Pffft, obviously mine is better."
I blushed into his shoulder. They smirked and ran off again carrying us. After a few minutes i looked up and saw a mansion come into view.
'It's so big' my eyes widened looking up at it as they walked through the gates. I looked behind me and saw the sun coming up, and Felix and York ran inside and shut the doors announcing their arrival. They set us down, and we both looked around in awe.
"Well, follow me pet." York said and Ginny followed him upstairs.
"You coming pet?" Felix called out to me, and i ran up to him and held onto his arm.
"It's ok, no one is going to hurt you. Much."
I felt shivers down my spine as he said that. He led me down a hallway and finally to a door. He opened it, and led me inside, and i gasped looking at the room. It was nothing like i expected. It wasn't dark, there was no torture chamber. It had a king size bed, a couch, a tv and a dresser.
'This is far different then what i expected'
I looked up and saw him smirking down at me.
"How is this different then what you expected?"
I blushed now knowing that he can read minds.
"That its lit in here, and that there is no torture chamber,"
His smirk grew and i blushed harder. He picked me up and set me on the bed and sat next to me. He leaned closer to me and started to sniff my neck. I shivered, knowing what he was going to do. I closed my eyes as i felt teeth pierce my skin and gasped. He drunk for a few minutes, and i felt my head get a little light. He pulled away and looked at me.
"Are you ok?"
I nodded. He leaned me back on my bed and brushed the hair out of my eyes. I looked up at him and he kissed as he laid down on top of me.I blushed kissing back and i heard the door open. He looked up and saw York and broke away.
"What York"
"Remember that the pets need food after we drink from them."
Felix sighed.
"Yes, i remember"
York smirked and closed the door.
I looked up at him.
"Are you feeling hungry?"
I shook my head, but then my stomach growled at me.
'stupid stomach....always demanding food.'
He smirked and stood up and helped me up and steadied me. He led me out the door and into the hallway and i followed him downstairs to a large kitchen.
"You can have anything in this room."
"Can i have that chair?"
"Anything that is a food" He smirked at me getting my joke.
I opened all the cabinets and cupboards looking inside.
'Holy cow, look at all this food. They must take this seriously.'
"We do actually"
I looked behind me and saw Felix leaning against the wall watching me.
"Its just so much food"
"We know, we try to make the pets as happy as we can, because a pets happiness is important to us. Which by the way, i never asked your name. My name is Felix"
"Rhea" I smiled at him, and he smiled back.
'Maybe this won't be so bad.' I looked back and decided what i was going to make.
I heard Felix snicker as i made it.
The door opened and i looked back as i saw York and his girl.
"Hey York"
"Hey. Make what ever you want ok?"
She nodded and looked around, and i saw her grab a sauce pan, barbecue sauce, rice and chicken. She hummed happily and cooked.
I smirked at her, and finished making my sandwich and put some chips around it, and some vegtables because why not. I grabbed a soda from the fridge and sat at the table and began to eat. After fifteen minutes, she joined and sat next to me.
"Hey" I smiled at her.
"Hi"She smiled back.
"I'm Rhea, i remember you from the diner."
"Oh yeah, i remember. I'm Ginny."
"Did they just become friends?" York asked Felix
"I think they did."
"Welp, think they are talking about us" I stared down at my plate.
"Yeah... Do you miss anything?"
"I miss my cat, what about you?"
She looked down.
"A necklace my grandmother gave me."
"I'm sorry."
"No, it's not your fault, and what about you and your cat?"
"Yeah about that, ladies?"
"Well, me and Felix have been talking and we will get you some of your things tonight, if you want."
My face brightened.
"Yes please, that would be amazing!!!"
I stood up and ran to Felix hugging him. Felix looked a little surprised but hugged back.
York looked at Ginny and winked at her. She blushed looking up at him, and he smirked walking to her and hugged her.
"My shy pet"
I looked up at Felix and felt something i never really felt before. He looked down at me and smirked.
'Nope. He won't find out'
"Well, are you ladies done eating?"
I looked down at my plate, it had some chips left and part of the sandwich.
"Almost" We both said.
I sat back down and finished eating. I looked and Ginny and she did the same.
I stood up and disposed of my plate and bottle and back to Felix. Ginny did the same except walked to York instead. I looked into Felix's eyes and he took my hand and walked away, having me follow him. I looked back and saw Ginny waving, so i waved back.
"So, what are we going to do now?"
"You are going to get some sleep. And we are leaving tonight to get your things."
I followed him back to our room and walked inside. I laid on the bed and rolled onto my side. I felt the bed dip and he was facing me. I flipped over facing him, and looked up. He laid there smirking at me. I blushed and put my face inside his chest hiding it. I was in a bed with a man.... A man..... Send help......
"It's ok Rhea, just fall asleep."
I closed my eyes and fell asleep knowing that i was safe, and that i was going to get my cat tonight.
It was a dreamless sleep. I woke up with him gently nudging my shoulder.
"It's almost time. Ready?"
I sat up and straightened my outfit. I was still wearing my diner clothes, but they didn't look bad. I stood up and he followed.We met York and Ginny in the main hall and they took us on their backs and ran out as the sun disapeared over the horizen. Felix ran for my apartment and York ran for Ginny's.
Arriving at my apartment, i saw Caboose staring from my window and we walked in. I gave him some pets and put him in his carrier after placing a kiss on his head. I put his stuff in a bag, and grabbed my backpack and put my laptop and several other possesions of mine. I grabbed my suitcase and stuffed my clothes in it.
"Ready?" I nodded and he took my suitcase from me.
We took a taxi back to the mansion. I stepped out and followed Felix inside. Then i heard someone scream and cry.
"Felix, what is that?"
"Rhea, go up to the room, i will check it out, and be up there soon."
I nodded up at him and walked to my room and closed the door. I let Caboose out and he roamed his new room and curled up when he came to the couch. I put my clothes in the dressor and pulled out some pajamas. I pulled them on and sat on the couch allowing Caboose to sit on my lap. He began to pur at my touch. I lifted him up and held him in my arms and squeezed a little giving him a hug.
I smiled and kissed his head as he rubbed against my face. The door opened and i put him back in my lap and continued petting him and Felix sat on the couch.
"So what happened?"
"York and Ginny ran into a vampire hunter. He stabbed Ginny's shoulder"
My eyes widened.
"Then what happened?"
"Well York killed him, but they aren't sure if they were followed or not."
I felt my body shake a little.
"Rhea, they aren't going to find us. Don't worry."
Caboose rubbed his hand with his head. Felix gave it a scratch and Caboose meowed at him, making Felix chuckle a little. Felix looked at me and i blushed a little.
'Oh i hope he doesn't find out.'
"Rhea, it's ok, i know." I blushed harder.
'Welp theres one of the two things i didn't want him to know..... Wait....sunofabitch..."
He smirked.
"What is this other thing Rhea?"
"Absolutely nothing" I blushed harder.
"I have my ways to find out."
He smirked and scooted closer to me. I tried to scoot away, but i met the arm of the chair. Caboose jumped off my lap and let me stand up and run. He chased and tackled me to the bed. I blushed looking up at him, and he smirked.
"So, are you gonna tell me?"
'Oh please, if you are gonna do it, get it over with!!'
He smirked and began kissing my neck. I gasped, and squirmed a little bit. He smirked and moved down a little bit, causing me to laugh a little. His hands traced my side and i lost it.
He pulled away smirking.
"So, are you ticklish?"
I squirmed and tried to get away, but he held onto me.
"How about we test that then?"
I blushed looking up at him and saw his hand travel down to my side. I tensed up and felt his hand spider across.
He sighed when i didn't laugh.
'Just keep it together Rhea'
He smirked and i realized he heard that. I felt his fingers dig into me and i started laughing. His smirk grew as i thrashed under him. He closed the gap between us and kissed me. I laughed into the kiss and felt him smirk harder. He deepened the kiss and I wouldn't let him in so his hand dug into my side even more. I gasped and felt him go in. I blushed hard and he stopped tickling. He explored a little bit and pulled away.
I blushed looking up at him and he smirked staring at me. My stomach chose this time to growl and his smirk grew.
"Hungry?" I nodded. He got off of me and stood up offering his hand. I took it and he led me back to the kitchen where I saw a blond haired vampire and his pet I guess she was. The blond haired I learned to be North and his pet was Moon. North and Moon smirked at me. I looked at them in confusion but followed Felix into the kitchen. "Make whatever" he said. I made tacos and sat next to Ginny at the table.
She smiled and blushed looking at me.
"What's wrong?"
"You'll find out"
"Oh Rhea!!!"
"They are having a talent show for the pets! And its mandatory! What are you doing?"
I felt my face pale a little.
"Say what now?"
Ginny laughed at me.
"Its a talent show. For pets" He smirked "What are you doing Ginny?"
"Rhea, what are your talents?"
I thought for a few.
"So you sing?"
"What? No, how did you find out?"
"Remember, i can hear thoughts."
"Looking forward to the show, what about you York?"
"Yep" York smirked.
"Well, im done eating, can we go back York?"
York nodded and she disposed of her dishes and they walked out.
"So, Rhea" Felix sat next to me and pulled me closer.
"You gonna sing me a wittle song?"
I felt my face pale even more.
"I can wait for the show." He smiled at me.
I finished eating.
"When is it?"
I blushed harder.
"That soon?"
"Well it was planned a month before you two came here."
He picked me up and carried me through the hallway and then we ran into  York looking frantic.
"What happened York?"
"Carolina kissed me, Ginny saw and ran, and the sun came up. We need to go after her. Rhea, you up for it?"
"I guess?"
Felix looked out the window
"Looks like its raining, we should go also."
"Lets bring a jacket also, she may be cold."
York grabbed one and we ran.
After searching for an hour, i saw a figure huddled on the ground soaking wet.
York nudged her and she stirred revealing it was Ginny. He picked her up after he covered her and ran for the mansion and Felix followed carrying me.
"Should we leave them alone?"
Felix nodded and carried me to our room. He sat me down, and looked at me. I started to shiver a little. Felix grabbed a towel and gave it to me, and gave me some of my clothes. I walked into the bathroom and changed after drying off. I walked back in, and laid on the bed, and Felix laid next to me. I felt my face turn red.
"So Rhea, need any help preparing anything?"
I shook my head. He couldn't hear me just yet, maybe Ginny will help me. And i will help her.
Felix smirked and pulled me closer.
"Get some sleep ok? The Show is at 7:30, so i will wake you at 1, ok?"
I nodded and snuggled closer to him. I fell asleep thinking about what was going to happen.
(A few hours later)
"Rhea, time to wake up" I felt Felix nudge my shoulder.
He sighed.
"Ok, i didn't wanna do this."
I felt him knead my stomach a little. I squirmed under his touch, and he smirked. I opened my eyes and laughed trying to move his hand away.
"You waking up?"
"Yes!!! Please stop!!!"
I then had a thought as he stopped.
"We aren't"
"You heard me"
I blushed remembering. But then i could still try though right?
I smirked looking up at him and rolled on top so i was straddling him.
"What are you doing?"
I traced his abs, and felt him shudder. I moved my fingers a bit faster and felt his body convulse with laughter. I melted hearing it and fell off of him. He smirked staring at me, and I heard the door open revealing Ginny and York.
"Uh, are we interrupting something?"
I shook my head blushing and Felix smirked.
"Can you help me Rhea? With the show tonight? Alone?"
"Well i take it that is my cue to leave." Felix and York walked out leaving us.
"Oh thank God" We both said.
"So, you're dancing?"
"yeah, and you're singing?"
I nodded.
"So, should we practice?"
I nodded again.
(Time skip)
I looked at Ginny, and she looked back. It was now 7.
We walked to the concert hall and looked around. There were ten other pets there, and twelve vampires.
I saw a man walk on stage and he announced the order. Me and Ginny were in the first few.... Whyyyyyy??
"Because you guys are the newest."
I sighed at him.
We walked backstage and our makeup was done by an extremely flamboyant vampire called Donut. He was cool. And he did pretty good.
I turned and saw them call my name.....
"Well break a leg!"
"You too!"
I walked out on stage and blushed looking at the audience. I scanned it looking for Felix and found him, sitting next to York and a red headed vampire. They were smirking at me.
I sighed taking the microphone and looked down closing my eyes.
And then i started.
Is this real enough for you
You were so confused Now that you've decided to stay We'll remain together You can't abandon me You belong to me
Breathe in and take my life in you No longer myself, only you There's no escaping me my love Surrender
Darling, theres no sense in running You know I will find you Everything is perfect now We can live forever You can't abandon me You belong to me
Breathe in and take my life in you No longer myself, only you There's no escaping me my love Surrender
(Song is Surrender by Evanescence.)
I looked down again feeling my face get redder handing the microphone back. As i walked backstage i saw Felix and York talking and they were smirking again.
"Great job Rhea!!"
I blushed harder
"Thanks Ginny"
"Ginny!! You're up!!!"
She paled and walked on stage. I watched her dance to Radioactive, and she put her soul into it. Just like we talked about.
(Time skip to the end.)
York and Felix made their way to us and grabbed us from behind. We both screamed and they smirked at us.
"Ladies its just us. And that was a beautiful performance Rhea" Felix smirked.
"And Ginny, holy crap, that was amazing."
"Well, we need to talk to you two privately,"
They picked us up and carried us to our bedrooms again.
I looked around as he set me on the bed.
"Soo, York and i have been talking, and decided to turn you guys if you wanted to."
I looked up at him and nodded.
"You sure?"
"Yes. How do we do it?"
He explained to me. And i nodded again.
"So, when should we do it?"
"How about now?"
He looked at me surprised.
He started kissing me and trailed down my neck and onto my arm, and bit. Sucking out some blood. After he drank the right amount, he stopped and took and knife out slicing his own arm. I drank, and felt the change coming. I closed my eyes and opened them again. I stopped drinking and pulled away from him. I looked up at him, and he looked down at me.
"How do you feel?"
"More courageous." I smirked getting an idea.
"What are you-"
I cut him off as i tackled him to the bed. He raised his eyebrow at me, and i smirked more. I raised my hands and wiggled them on his stomach and he raised his brow even more. I moved to his sides and kissed him, and he started laughing but kissed back. He grabbed my hands and held them down and deepened the kiss. And basically what happened was we had sex. (What i am not writing it out yet)
When it was over, i looked up at him, and he smiled down at me. I smiled back and we fell asleep.
I woke up in a pod back in the MoI. So you are saying i am not a fucking vampire???
"Fuck you Matt Miller....."
Felix smirked at me and we walked to our bedroom while York and Ginny walked to theirs.
I sat on my bed, looking a the floor.
"So Rhea, how did you like me as your vampire boyfriend?"
I blushed harder,
"I liked it."
He sat next to me and pulled me close into a hug.
"I'm glad. We Should do it again"
I nodded my head.
Maybe we should.
I kissed his cheek and smirked tackling him down.
"You're still the same in there Felix"
He raised his eyebrow
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skelelexiunderlord · 8 years
Don't you hate it when your parents do the thing
You know, when they take things without consent simply to benefit themselves?
well i do and i have a story to tell.
We were at a beach hotel resort with the extended fam and we were all having a nice and relaxing time in the pool right by the ocean. It was getting near sunset and all the sudden my family decided it was the perfect time to take pictures. Now don't get me wrong i do like some pictures to keep as memories of where we have been, but the amount of pictures my family takes is very.... a lot. So much that in a few days my father’s huge camera memory gets filled. But back to the story.
I had brought my water proof camera to the resort but i had left it in the hotel room because why bring it when my family takes all the pictures for me? So i was playing in the pool with my siblings and my baby cousin when my parents asked where my camera was, I told them where it was and i asked why they wanted to know and they said, “because your aunt is going to get it”. 
Confused and shocked as to who even gave them the permission to even GET my camera, let alone USE it i ask ‘why’. 
“to take pictures in the pool,” they answered simply.
To try and sway them to not use my camera i ask, “But why not use Dad’s camera?”
“Because we want to take pictures in the water, your dad’s camera cannot get wet. We want to take pictures under the water.”
They basically made it to where if I asked them to not use my camera that i would look like an asshole and ‘ruin’ the whole vacation. So i never voiced my complaint, my anger, my frustration and cooperated with the picture taking. If i even tried to confront them about it suddenly I would be the offender and them, specifically my step mother, be the victim. They don't really ask when they need to use my personal things cause they just up and ASSUME its just OKAY to UP AND FORCE ME TO LEND THEM SOMETHING. 
MY ROOM (from feb to june last year i had to share my sib’s bed/storage room and at one point there were 11 god damn people in our small ass three bedroom apartment)
MY (child)TOYS
And while they do as for some things they basically show how much respect they have for my personal things and my PERSONAL SPACE.
idk me and my sibling felt kinda miserable all the time at my father’s house. My middle sibling probably got the worst bit of it. Once my sib got a new hair brush, it was a really nice one with nice bristles. It was a gift my sib got. My Step mother had a cheap plain, but functional brush. My step mother wanted to trade her playing brush for the brush that MY SIBLING GOT AS A GIFT NOT EVEN A WEEK BEFORE. My sib didn't want to give it away. My sib wanted to keep it. We are told not to give a way gifts. But my sib gave it to her because she was afraid of saying no.
Now tell me that we have a normal healthy family.
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disneygeekcom · 5 years
In November 2019 I made my second visit to Disneyland Paris.  This trip I stayed in a Compass Club room at Disney’s Newport Bay Club for 8 nights with a standard view.  The hotel is located on Lake Disney and is a short walk to the Disney Village and under 15 minute walk to the theme parks.  There is also a free shuttle bus to the train station area, where you then have a shorter walk to the parks.  Disney’s Newport Bay Club is a four star resort which places it between the three star Sequoia Lodge and five star Disneyland Hotel alongside the other four star Hotel New York at Disneyland Paris.    For a look around the hotel here are some picture posts looking around the Disney’s Newport Bay Club Lobby & Pool as well as at the Bay Boutique at Disney’s Newport Bay Club.
The Compass Club offers additional amenities similar to a concierge level that regular rooms do not, see below for a listing and then some of my thoughts on them.  Disney’s Newport Bay Club was completely renovated in 2016 so the rooms and common spaces were relatively new during my visit.
Below are listing of the standard amenities and Compass Club additional amenities
Standard Amenities
Luggage service
Hair dryer
Free Wifi access
Free Baby Cot (Limited to 1 per room. Subject to availability and/or upon request at the Hotel)
Kettle (upon request)
Disney and International TV Channels
Air conditioning
Breakfast buffet not included
Safety deposit box
  Compass Club Amenities (In Addition to Standard Amenities)
Private reception desk
Access to the exclusive Compass Club Lounge for private breakfast, drinks and afternoon snacks.
Luggage service
Tea and espresso coffee available
American buffet breakfast from 7 am to 11 am
Disney Hotel Fastpass (Compass Club rooms)
Sweet and savoury snacks from 4pm to 5.30pm
Bath robes (upon request)
Slippers (upon request)
Our Standard View Compass Club Room
Compass Club rooms are on the top floors of the central part of the building so your walk to the elevators is relatively short.  Our room was located on the 8th (top) floor in the dead center looking out over the front entrance of the hotel.  We were the furthest from both sets of elevators you could get and it was not bad, below is the floor map for reference.
The view over the front lawn of the resort and the area beyond was nice for a standard view option.  Here are more pictures of my Standard Room View @ Disney’s Newport Bay Club  Given the amount of daylight hours we were planning to spend in the room it did not make sense to pay a premium for the lake view rooms to us.  Below are some pictures of the room.  For a more here is a post with pictures of our standard view Compass Club Room at Disney’s Newport Bay Club
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View from our room
The Desk Area
Disneyland Paris – Newport Bay Club Room
An LCD TV is mounted in the dressor
The room standing near the entrance
Bathroom sink area
A small closet area features the in room safe
Robes and Slippers are a Compass Club Amenity
My biggest complaint with the room was the shower.  First it only had glass on about 1/3 to ½ of it  and the glass was short so water could go everywhere.   Then there were temperature control issues.  It could not hold a steady temp.  It would fluctuate from what you wanted to ice cold to scolding hot during your shower.  Also the head on ours did stay up so you had a choice of a shower for a 4ft tall person , holding it, or getting a little creative and wedging something in to hold it up high.
The Shower Area
There were some Disney touches in the room. The border around the room featured some characters and the bedspreads included Mickey designs.
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Bed Spread Close-Up
Hotel First Impressions
Disney’s Newport Bay Club reminds me a lot of Disney’s Yacht & Beach Club Resorts at Walt Disney World.  Both resorts were designed by Robert Stern and feature a New England look/feel to them.   The similarities only extend to the exterior and feel, the rooms and interiors are different.     The exterior facing Lake Disney is impressive to walk up to and the parking lot side has some nice planters/gardens too.  The interior of the resort has a slightly upscale feel to it but not quite to the same level as the Yacht Club at WDW.   I felt the resort was lacking common interior spaces to relax in.  The lobby felt small and a bit cramped and there were very few public spaces to visit outside of dining locations.
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As with all the hotels at Disneyland Paris security is very present including large security barriers at the driveways and all bags are x-rayed to enter and guests wanded.
This is a four star resort and it was nice but I am not sure it was substantially better than the Sequoia Lodge we stayed at last time which is considered a three star resort.  The rooms were remodeled only 3 years before our stay but felt a bit dated. The television was on the small side and there were no USB power ports for example.  Power outlets were at a premium in general.  The beds were comfortable and the size of the room was sufficient.   The desk was on the small side with my laptop taking up the entire desk with no real space around it.   There was only one chair in the room at the desk.
We opted not to do a vacation package like our first trip and instead purchase our park tickets and food separately from the room.  We went this route because of pricing.  Even with the specials/discounts the price for a package with half board or full board was substantially more than if we went on our own.  Instead we decided to splurge for the Compass Club level.  In the end this saved us a substantial amount of money but we did find ourselves opting to skip eating in the park and venture out to the Disney Village where as with the dining plan last trip we were more willing to try a location.
Thoughts & Observations on Amenities:
Free Wifi – This is the only standard amenity I want to comment on since it is important now a days. The wifi was troublesome.   When the parks were open and guests were out it worked good. You had ok speeds and no real hiccups.  But once the parks closed and guests returned to the resort the speeds slowed to a crawl and many times just stopped working.  This was a daily occurrence and was a bit frustrating.  Also if your plan was to stream anything, good luck.    I had mixed results with streaming even during the daytime hours with guests gone or early morning hours when most guests were asleep.
Compass Club Private Reception Desk is located to the right as soon as you enter the hotel.
Private reception desk (7am to 10:30pm) – The Compass Club desk was just to the right when you walked in the front door of the hotel. This was very convenient for checking in and was much nicer than the Sequoia Lodge Golden Forest Club check in area. The cast members working there were very friendly and helpful the couple times we interacted with them.   This reception desk doubles as the concierge desk too as the cast members are there to help you with anything you need during your stay.  This is a bit awkward as the desk is located nowhere near your room nor near the lounge.   The check in and check out process was  smooth and we encountered no delays.  We had to do this process twice since when we booked the room they would not allow for more than 7 nights on one reservation and we wanted 8 nights so we had to break it into two reservations and then link them.  It meant halfway through the trip we had to check out and in but we were able to keep the same room so it was just a few minutes of paperwork and nothing more.
The Compass Club Lounge is on the lobby level
Access to the exclusive Compass Club Lounge for private breakfast, drinks and afternoon snacks – The Compass Club Lounge was a located on the lobby level of the hotel. It was in a bit of an awkward location being on the main level and nowhere near your room and in the middle of a busy common/public walkway.    The lounge is on the interior of the building so there are no windows or views.   I would have really liked to have seen it on a higher floor looking out over Lake Disney.  Out of the Disney Hotels we have stayed at I thought the Shanghai Disneyland Hotel Magic Kingdom Club had the best lounge and view.
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Compass Club Breakfast
Each morning from 7am to 11am what they described as an American buffet breakfast was served in the Compass Club Lounge.  I thought the options were typical for a breakfast buffet and on par with what we experienced at the Sequoia Lodge last visit.  My biggest complaint with the breakfast is it never changed.  You had the same choices every day.  For a four star resort I would expect a little variety maybe Mickey waffles one day, pancakes another, French toast a third or something.  Here are a couple pictures to get a feel for the breakfast.  For more visit this post Newport Bay Club Compass Club Breakfast or the full picture sets (Day 2,  Day 3, Day 7) which have an exhaustive look at the offerings.
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Compass Club Soft Drinks
From noon until 10pm daily there were soft drinks available in the Compass Club Lounge.  A cast member was on hand by the refrigerator and an assortment of Coke products were available.  It was nice to be able to have something to drink when coming back from the parks.  Also several days I carried something with me to the parks.   The selection also included several Minute Maid juices which I ended up taking the night before and having at breakfast the next morning because I was not a fan of the fresh juice choices with breakfast.
Compass Club Lounge Tea Time
From 4:00pm to 5:45pm daily the Compass Club Lounge hosted a tea time with sweet and savoury snacks.  I did not find a lot at this offering that I cared for and only attended it once. Others in the group went a couple other days and said the selection was the same.  It is a light dessert/snack offering.  Not a full meal or even heavy snack type selection.  Also beverages were limited as it was a tea offering plus sodas and not a cocktail hour offering .
Below are some pictures here is a picture post – Compass Club at Disney’s Newport Bay Club daily tea time or visit the full picture set from Day 1 for a more in depth look the offerings.
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Cold Beverage Selection
Disney Hotel Fastpass – Each person received a paper voucher for each day you are there that you could exchange at any Fastpass attraction.  The vouchers are dated and supposed to be good only on that one day but we found cast members would accept them with no problem any time.  Also interesting since we had two reservations on the day we had to check out and in we received two sets of vouchers.  In the end we came home with quite a few vouchers because they were not needed.  We experienced the attractions we wanted, several a couple of times and still had vouchers left.
I had a great stay at Disney’s Newport Bay Club.  The hotel grounds were pleasant, the room what we expected and the Compass Club level a nice extra.   The level of service and amenities were on par with what we experienced at the Sequoia Lodge last visit and similar to other concierge level offerings.  I thought they fell short compared to higher end concierge floors though.   For example there were no extra activities, such as bed time stories or character greetings.   The concierge cast members did not feel as accessible because of the location of their desk.   The breakfast offering was good but the food selection the rest of the day was extremely limited compared to other hotels we have stayed at.  Having the lounge separated from the rooms and on the main walkway was not ideal.
Frequently Asked Questions (since returning I have received some questions in the same vein, here is a running list, feel free to submit a question via a comment to the post, email, tweet, etc.)
Is the Compass Club worth it? That is really in the eye of the beholder and the deal you can get on the rooms.   You pay a premium for Compass Club rooms but if you find a decent deal and factor in breakfast and beverages it may be worthwhile to you.  We choose to go with a Compass Club room over a better view and thought it was a good choice for us.
How would you compare your experience with the Sequoia Lodge to Newport Bay Club? The experiences were very similar to me.  Nothing jumps out as substantially better or worse at one vs the other.  Neither hotel, location, or club experience stood out as far superior to the other.    It really comes down to which hotel would you prefer staying at.  There is a cost difference with the Newport Bay slightly more expensive.  We did not really use the resort facilities so hard to comment if it was worth it from that perspective.
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Just posted - My thoughts & observations from #DisneylandParis #CompassClub Room Experience @ #DisneysNewportBayClub from Nov Overview In November 2019 I made my second visit to Disneyland Paris.  This trip I stayed in a Compass Club room at Disney’s Newport Bay Club for 8 nights with a standard view. 
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aajjks · 4 days
TC!JK “I will and You too. I hope to see you again soon. Love you too, precious.” she kisses him back and watches him leave.
She misses him already and the fact that he's probably going to see that whore again has her fuming. However, she has marked her territory already so that she can know and see it from her own eyes that he belongs to Her and Only her.
Him showing his love and desperation for her has lit up a new fire inside Yn's body. She feels awake now. Powerful and unstoppable.
All she needs to do is wait for the right time.
Yn takes her clothes and goes inside the bathroom to wash up. She was about to make her bed after changing her clothes when there was a knock.
Who could it be?
She opened the door and there was a woman a little older than her.
“How can i help you?” she asks her.
“Hello, I'm Yerim. The Prince has assigned me to take care of you and be with you all the time.” she says with a smile on her face.
“I'm Yn. But uhhh it's alright you know you don't really have to do this. I can take care of myself.” she tried to politely tell her that she doesn't need her help.
“I'm sorry but it was the Prince's order and I can't disobey him.”
“Hmmmm....alright umm please come in.”
Yn feels really awkward with her inside her living space. She really doesn't need her to be with all the time and she isn't really used to companionship.
She will have to talk to Jungkook about this. She really appreciates the care though. His care and attention towards her really warms her heart. Her chest swells with all the love she feels for him.
Li Xui's POV
She was sitting on her dressor yet again getting her hair done.
“Can't you be more quick? My neck is hurting.” she snarls at the poor girl.
“I'm sorry, your highness.”
There comes the eunuch telling her that the Prince was there to meet her.
“Tell him to come in.”
She immediately shoos the helper outside the room and gubes herself a once over. Her cleavage isn't really showing as much as she'd like so she oulls her dress lower.
“Perfect.” she says to herself.
Jungkook doesn’t like the princess at all, and he hates how he has to pay attention to her all because of his father.
Politics is something that he hates, but he knows that if he wants to be a powerful king, he will have to tolerate this kind of stuff
But poor her because once he gets married to you, she’ll be tossed aside. Once his presence is announced in her bedroom. Jungkook enters, his aura regal as always.
He notices her and her appearance is beautiful, but it almost makes him uncomfortable because her clothing is not so appropriate.
“Hello princess.” He greets her in her home language. She gasps in surprise.
Of course, he knows the language, but he just didn’t want to communicate with her but now he has no choice
“What is it that you want because you know that I love someone else so what is the point of you staying here?”
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jobsinpinellas · 7 years
Le Palace Clearwater Grand Opening Job Fair (12880 US-19 N Clearwater, FL)
Attention: Bartenders Cocktail Servers Security Staff Floor Men Hostesses DJ’s Maintenance Makeup/Hair Dressors Are you interested in a cash rich field of work? Do you think you have what it takes to work on the ROYALTY TEAM at the best gent … Click Here to Apply: Le Palace Clearwater Grand Opening Job Fair (12880 US-19 N Clearwater, FL)
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jobsinpinellas · 7 years
Le Palace Clearwater Grand Opening Job Fair (12880 US-19N Clearwater, FL)
Attention: Bartenders Cocktail Servers Security Staff Floor Men Hostesses DJ’s Maintenance Makeup/Hair Dressors Are you interested in a cash rich field of work? Do you think you have what it takes to work on the ROYALTY TEAM at the best gent … Click Here to Apply: Le Palace Clearwater Grand Opening Job Fair (12880 US-19N Clearwater, FL)
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