#Hamathiel Sunsheer
Wrap Up: No Time
[ Music: The Guess Who - No Time ]
In the closing hours of Dawnwatch’s rousing success the final loose ends of the Legion plot comes into view. Da’na’shan, the eredar haruspex, offers little at first in the efforts of Sunsheer and Pratchett, leading the two to find a proper prison to hold the Legion commander.
A proper prison surrounded by Illidari all-too-happy to interrogate.
By morning they have their answers. The vague concept of elemental energies and temporal powers aligning was more than correct; it could have even been possible by all accounts. Taking raw, empowered elements from various points in time aligned to their natural resonance (timeless fire, drastically-changed water) combined with key moments of the Burning Legion reaching into Azeroth (earth from the Well of Eternity during the War of the Ancients, air from the very top of the canopy of the World Tree, Nordrassil during the conclusion of the Third War) and combining them with aspects of Azeroth’s parallel-connected dimensions (living essence from the Emerald Dream, essence of undeath from the Shadowlands, mana from the Twisting Nether), could very well have caused the artificial timeways generated by the Kiel-Succor to have become permanent and expansive. A single Burning Legion is infinite; multiplying the Burning Legion any number of times could lead to their immediate victory.
The Illidari consider it to be an insane plan, destine to fail because of temporal mechanics and general chrono-problems. But the risk was too great.
If only people had listened the first time.
The information, corroborated by the supporting cast of Timewalkers, Kirin Tor, Call of Azeroth, Illidari, and various other groups helps to solidify a very important observation from all of the above; Hamathiel Sunsheer was right. By chance or by decision he was the first person to identify the problem and address it. By all counts, he is the reason this scheme didn’t come to fruition.
It’s leverage for the future, in assets and credibility.
The combat itself might not have been constant, honorable, or even remotely fair at times; but the willingness to engage in it is enough. Though he may not have landed the killing blow, Akitear Blackvale is at least recognized by his peers among the Order of the Broken Temple. Avenging the deaths of so many by helping to defeat Tei’shan Reh'zah, it affords the grumpy monk a modicum of respect. And potentially access to greater teachings on chi and its application, if he can sit still long enough. Maybe even a sip of Stormbrew...
With no real desire for fame, fortune, or glory through the entire mess, there isn’t much for Syllandra Emberdawn to get out of the entire experience; except for the experience itself. Alchemic resources in the form of the raw elements gathered by the Da’na’shan. Exposure to further forms of alchemical and magical transmution from Tei’shan’s encounters (transmute pants to meat!). And a glimpse at what might have been thought possible only under the guidance of Elune.
Despite taking a beating every step of the way, there is even less to come back with for the wayward young human. Spending resources with the draenei, the Call of Azeroth, and his few friends among the kaldorei, Willaude Pratchett comes out the entire experience none-the-better. Having lost his magic at the outset of the time-hopping mess, Will is left to brood over the appearance of Argus in the skies of Azeroth seemingly just as he loses the one weapon he had in his fight against the Legion. After years of preparing, everyone else is ready while he struggles to even keep up with his friends; much less Dawnwatch.
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Pratchett’s Journal April the 29th
Smoking a joint on the side of the King’s Highway, out by Eastvale, I spotted a caravan making their way west, towards Goldshire. Something about it got my attention, and I managed to flag them down at the logging camp before they disembarked for the road again.
Offered myself up as a sellsword with some magic, and a guitar. The guitar part seemed to be the tipping point, as the caravan leader brought me on for the journey all the way to Westfall via Stormwind. Lots of younger adventurers and hires on this trip.
Might take the time to mingle with them.
Pratchett’s Journal April the 30th
Got in to Stormwind just in time for my printer to be out of the shop. Haven’t seen royalties in months, and things have been to busy for me to cover my tracks getting back into the city until recently. Going to visit him in the morning, if we don’t take off before then.
Saw a few familiar faces. Avoided a few familiar faces. The usual. I remember why I left this place. Not even bad memories. Just a bad taste in my mouth.
Pratchett’s Journal May the 5th
Alright, time for an explanation.
I came on this trip because I wanted to get to know what Alurius did. But the world is just too different. There isn’t anything left of whatever Brightsong saw in humanity here, and the more I dwell on it the more frustrated I get.
I’ve had a few days to dwell on it, being kidnapped and all.
I left Stormwind for a simple reason; my writing was getting me in trouble. Even if I stopped publishing and completely avoided it in public, I was still of interest enough that maybe a dozen total people wanted to find me for whatever personal reasons they had.
Well, one of them found me on my way out of Stormwind with the caravan. Got in with the group in Goldshire, waited until we were fairly secluded on guard duty in Westfall, and clubbed me over the head. I woke up with a splitting headache and the taste of blood to a somewhat attractive young tan-skinned woman demanding I autograph her copy of The Adventurer and write her into my next story.
Here’s the thing; I stopped writing that. Completely. Miss Carrie Coldwell and her adventures across Azeroth aren’t important enough to me to honestly keep me bound to a manuscript for that much time. Not with the Burning Legion at our doorstep. And family to see. And friends to catch up with. And a life of genuinely poor choices to make up for.
So I told her that.
She fucking bit me.
I’m not a calm person. I don’t keep my composure. I’m hot under the collar, in a figurative and literal sense. I know it, and I won’t lie to myself or anyone else about that.
So when I got over the shock of this five-foot-eight chick sinking her teeth into me, I lost it. In a big way.
At least I know how Alurius felt every time he talked about beheading someone for their misdeeds.
Pratchett’s Journal May the 5th
I brought her to the guards in Elwynn, since someone might recognize me from Westfall somehow. It would be my luck anyway.
Told them we met up in a caravan (not lying) and that she went crazy (not lying) before ditching the caravan (still not lying) and kidnapping me to have her way with me somehow (still not completely lying).
They believed it, considering the crack I had on the back of my head and the fact I turned and walked out of that garrison faster than I’ve ever walked out from anywhere.
I’m not mentioning this to Hamathiel. He already rescued me from a terrible fate once. I’d hate for him to think I was wasting the opportunity he gave me in doing that by slumming it in the southlands.
I think I’m going to go visit Doukaas and his brood. See if... I don’t know. See if they can at least give me something for this raging headache. Then figure things out from there.
Pratchett’s Journal May the 5th
She trashed my weed while kidnapping me.
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aetherine · 7 years
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Walk in the Park: Part 2 - (Wild) Wild Life
The forests around the city of Suramar are home to beautiful flora and fauna, as well as a dizzying amount of breathtaking vistas. Yet this beauty and variety hides a dangerous threat…
The Legion arrives! With time running out to set things right for Suramar and the rapidly approaching Legion fleet descending upon Azeroth, Dawnwatch must fully map the wayward time-displaced ley-line in Suramar in order to protect the integrity of the local telemancy network. But will they be in time?
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hamathiel-sunsheer · 8 years
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A commission from September 2015, busy year and a half of crazy, and some stellar patience later, the lovely Ang Hui Qing-- also known as @chickensaredoodling-- made this questionable fellow come to life!
I have to thank you from the bottom of my heart for sticking to this through school, keeping up through a super busy schedule, communicating with me on the matter constantly, and being accommodating to a T. My life’s been pretty hectic since about the time I reached out for this ensemble, so getting to see this through it all was a really wonderful treat to remind me that there’s silver lining to the rough days everywhere.
A wonderful piece worth the wait, rambling aside! It’s hard to find this sort of captivating mysticism inherent to the sheer dynamic in a piece of art these days, and for that I’ve always and will continue to admire this amazing person’s abilities.
Thank you again, Ang Hui Qing, and keep it up!
(( Also, go here for a better size on the full image because Tumblr is also a bit shoddy on giving solid ratios for larger pieces. ))
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 4 years
An Interview with Tala Shaw Part 1
I found a character development challenge posted by @hamathiel-sunsheer (I modified it slightly in some spots) and I thought it would be cool to post it in an interview format thing so here it is!
Tala, could you start by telling us your full name and what it means?
Well my name is Tala Aerouant Shaw. Tala and Shaw both mean Wolf but Aerouant means Dragon so, my name literally translates to Wolf Dragon Wolf. I blame Mam. She’s never been great at naming things. Daeg’s name translates to black haired and he’s a black cat when in familiar form.
Who is Daeg?
Oh, he’s my familiar. He changes back and forth between a human and a cat. He was my mother’s familiar and then belonged to my older brother but now he’s with me.
That’s interesting, when were you born?
Eh, I was born on October 28, 1470. I’m old but I like to think I aged wonderfully.
You certainly did. Now, who were your parents?
My father, Andrew Shaw, was a werewolf. As for Mam, her name was Lorna Darrow-Shaw, a prominent Gaelic witch. Family gatherings were quite interesting.
And you mentioned a brother a second ago, did you have any other siblings?
Oh yeah, the one I mentioned, Darron, was my older brother. He was a witch like Mam. We had a little brother who was named Cailean and he was a werewolf. I don’t know what they were thinking naming him that. You should’ve heard him try to pronounce it when he was a wee lad. We usually just called him Cai and that’s how he liked it.
I’m sure it was adorable. Where are you living now?
I recently moved back into my family’s estate in Ipswich, Massachusetts. It’s weird being back quite frankly but it’s home.
What about a job?
Currently unemployed. It’s kind of hard for me to get a job now days but it’s not like I need one, we’ve still got a lot of the family’s fortune left.
For the non-viewing audience why don’t you tell us what you look like?
I’m 5’3” and weigh in at a whopping 107 lbs. I’m pale as can be thanks to my Scottish heritage. My hair is long, straight and dark brown. I have Mam’s steel grey eyes just like Darron. As pertypical fashion I’m dressed in worn, faded, black jeans, a t-shirt, my worn-out leather jacket, and combat boots. I don’t have any tattoos, scars, or piercings because I heal too quickly to keep them but I do have a birth mark on my chest right over my heart. Daeg says it’s from getting stabbed there with a wooden stake and when I came back to life my body didn’t quite know what to do with it.
Your family has been known in Ipswich for many centuries, what’s that like?
Yeah, I technically classify as old money so everyone is always interested in what I’m up to but more often than not they leave me be.
As a Vampire, do you have any allergies or things of that nature? Is that something Vampires can have?
Nope, I used to be deathly allergic to peanuts when I was little but now I can eat them without any problem.
Gotcha. Are you right or left handed?
I’m right-handed. Daeg hates it because he’s a leftie.
Now, for the non-listening audience, what does your voice sound like?
Daeg says it’s rough and grating but I like to think it’s just husky and smooth. Surprisingly after 400 and something years in America my accent is still hanging in there. It’s probably because Daeg’s accent is still super thick.
How about giving us some of your catchphrases or somethings you say often?
Mmmmmm I think top three would be “Hurry up, Daeg. You move as slow as molasses.” he always takes his time and he’s super lazy. Then, there’s “Pure dead briliant,” which means something’s really good. And “Ah feck it all!” I say that a lot when I’m frustrated.
What do you always keep in your pockets?
Usually, a lighter and a pocket knife. You never know when you may need them.
Alright, this will be the last question for now, do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?
To be honest, I talk to myself a lot. It annoys Daeg and sometimes I do it for that reason only. I have a bad habit of accidentally speaking Scottish Gaelic instead of English. I confuses the bugger out of people and me too because I could’ve sworn, I thought it in English.  
A/N: It turned out a little weird but the idea is there lol. Hope you enjoy and look forward to hearing more from Tala.
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Fic Prompt Tag
Tagged by: @meridion (SORRY I TAKE FOREVER. I haven’t written too much lately :< <3)
THE RULE: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic/original/anything!) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
“I am not too fond of hearing a portal must be used to get there but I would not mind seeing the place—and there is nothing to worry about. I hardly believe eating cake could be considered being ‘taken away from my work’.”
Tagging: @pyrofeather @hamathiel-sunsheer @zaderick @oil-and-firebrand @leywalker-starsworn @dae-shadowvale @gaelen-suncinder (I also don’t know enough people to tag for all those words!)
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WoW OC @hamathiel-sunsheer
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theshadowofazeroth · 7 years
Alleria’s Advance
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[ Theme ] [ Picture ]
Dawn breaks on a shattered alien world. A blue sun crests a mountain range of dull orange and rusted red. In the crag  overlooking a passage through the range they lie in wait, bows and blades held close and low to avoid the glimmer of the foreign sun. Demons mill about the narrow corridor between sheer cliffs, unable to fathom the murderous vengeance poised to rain down upon them.
The Army of the Light hosts various races from across the cosmos; none compare to the Quel’dorei of Azeroth. The true scouts and vanguard of the Army of the Light, they represent the military might of a people with strength of character, conviction of purpose, and faith in each-other and themselves.
Of the groups formed during the Alliance Expedition with the Sons of Lothar, Alleria’s Advance is among those on the bleeding edge of the Army of the Light’s forays into Legion-controlled space and worlds. Infiltrating compounds and scouting the wilds of countless nameless worlds across the universe, they represent the pinnacle of what can be done with the right tools and the right skills.
There can be no doubt that Alleria’s Advance has grown from their roots as Quel’dorei rangers of the eternal forest of Quel’Thalas. From their adoption of broader gold and heavier bows to refinement of ultra-light slashing and stabbing blades and use of combination chain-and-scale armors with protective coats and layered breastplates, Alleria’s Advance has fully embraced a new style to match their role in the universe; one of grand purpose behind killer instinct and immaculate training.
Dawnwatch specifically has found allies in Alleria’s Advance, much to the dismay of the Silver Covenant. With the help of Kahaleane Highblossom and her two ranger aides, Calath Phoenixriver and Alvia Rosedawn, Hamathiel Sunsheer’s small group of professionals has an opportunity to refine their own tactics and learn from the example of what their people have persevered to become.
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daerenbenneth · 8 years
(( ffffffff ))
(( For anyone who happens to follow this and my main blog hamathiel-sunsheer, the latter seems to have been terminated along with its side blogs for rewriting-stars, wandering-painter, and frozen-steps. I’m hoping this was some random incident with it being so out of the blue.
So in regards to those few who are curious or do actually keep up on my writing, it’s all in the hands of the tumblr gods now until I get some answer to what’s happened. Here’s hoping it gets sorted soon! ))
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From the Desk of Bloodwake: No Time
Paperwork had started to pile up in the little alcove they claimed was his office. The extended halls of the Kirin Tor could hold an almost infinite amount of supplies, books, research materials, and reagents.
Sun forbid they give us enough space to stretch our feet.
It was an ungrateful thought, considering all the work the Kirin Tor had done for Azeroth and specifically, his people. There were rough parts, but for the most part he couldn’t complain.
Especially while they stay out of my day-to-day. Now where did I...
Aeth’alis Bloodwake. Kirin Tor researcher. Magus of the Sin’dorei. Blood Mage. Adventurer. Light-fearing man.
In the last year Aeth’alis had taken on a much different role than he was used to; a hands-off approach to the threats across Azeroth. It was simple math; he could expend his energies alone or in a small group and get a fraction of the work done, or he could put together the pieces to a bigger picture and enact change across the world. Real change. Actual progress.
His alliance with Hamathiel Sunsheer had been part of this, among other people. He wasn’t acting as an on-again off-again patron of just the Dawnwatch, but they were possibly the most lethal and surgical group he had access to. Entrusting Sunsheer with the ley-line survey equipment had been a risk which paid off many times over now. The nudges and suggestions here and there in the Kirin Tor were starting to change the shape of opinions about the sin’dorei. Shell-partnerships across Azeroth were collecting more and more adventurers, be they Horde or Alliance or other factions across the globe, under a unified banner.
But the news coming in from the Kirin Tor about Sunsheer and his Dawnwatch was striking.
Blood Elven group disarms Legion temporal plot.
Joint Sin’dorei-Kirin Tor-Alliance effort leads to destruction of Legion ship, commander.
Timewalker representative claims eredar commander assassinated with single shot while attempting to hijack timeway-bound Well of Eternity.
It was making them look good. Damn good. And among the rank-and-file adventurers interested in the gossip columns it was rallying more and more action against the Legion. The last one had to be bravado on someones part, but Aeth’alis wouldn’t dispute it publicly. It had the definite bent of some distinctly yellow journalism he read while still above Crystalsong Forest.
Regardless of where it all was coming from, he responded. A quickly-drafted letter to Sunsheer congratulating him on his efforts, with a request to meet. A strongly-worded letter to the Kirin Tor as a reminder of the invaluable aid the sin’dorei had once again offered in saving Azeroth as a whole. Congratulations to a number of the groups involved on the outskirts of the affair, with a specific letter to Sunsheer’s pet human on the matter of his creative storytelling of the scenario. A brisk communique to the local Bronze Dragonflight representative.
It went on and on.
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valdiis · 8 years
Deeper Character Exploration...
Since I tend to have them queued to post in the middle of the day (1, 2, and 3 pm respectively), I think maybe I need to do a little prime-time evening boost here.
I’ve decided to challenge myself to write some extensive OOC character development for three of my characters: Xamasyn Dawnshield, Tziska Shadowspite, and her little brother, Zayneth Shadowspite. Decidedly less cool than @hamathiel-sunsheer and @the-inept-mistweaver‘s cute 100 Days IC challenge, there are nonetheless some gems of insight into three of my many characters.
Such as where Tziska’s nickname comes from: “She tends to introduce herself to others as Spite - from her surname. It’s both title and warning. Those who are very, very close to her may call her Ka - from her given name.” Or some interesting details of her employment: “Tziska recently started doing some ward work for a coven of spellcasters in Gilneas and has found them surprisingly tolerable for a bunch of robe swishers.”
Or you can read all about why Zay learned to play guitar: “He picked up guitar playing as a teenager from a friend of the family who told him it was a great way to pick up girls; he picked up his old lady (the guitar) and he’s always had a ‘girl’ at his side since.”
Maybe you’d like to groan at my terrible naughty turns of phrase when it comes to Syn’s former professional work: “Most of Syn’s current resources come from his work as a gardener, but in the past, it was his extracurricular work in a client’s bedchamber that earned him the most coin. It’s that work that bought him the apartment he lives in now and partly furnished it. After a particularly harsh burn by a client, he’s withdrawn himself to strictly pruning bushes rather than plowing them.”
Enjoy my overly talkative attempts to introduce my characters in complexity and depth. Come see my 30 Day Character Development Challenge on fallen priest and gardener Xamasyn, rune-warder and spellbreaker Tziska, and guitarist and failed Illidari Zayneth.
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aetherine · 8 years
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Walk in the Park: Part 1 - Life During Wartime
The forests around the city of Suramar are home to beautiful flora and fauna, as well as a dizzying amount of breathtaking vistas. Yet this beauty and variety hides a dangerous threat...
Post-rebellion! After addressing other threats while the majority of the Alliance and Horde forces focused on reclaiming the Nightwell and Eye of Aman'thul, Dawnwatch is asked to investigate a newly discovered ley-line in Suramar.
Armed with survey equipment specifically tailored for such endeavors and a roster of combatants to keep safe in the Suramar wilds, Hamathiel Sunsheer and his allies must plot the ley-line and identify what force could possibly have created new font of power in the ancient forest.
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hamathiel-sunsheer · 7 years
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A name thought dead with the devastation that swept through the northern Kingdoms, the acclaimed name of Goldenshard Jewelers has begun to crop back up in passing along the streets of Dalaran and Silvermoon. Most known for their shops in the aforementioned cities run by Hamathiel Goldenshard and Besthiel Goldenshard respectively, the former-- now known as Hamathiel Sunsheer-- has tentatively begun to revive their legacy. Though lacking a shop at present, the man has nevertheless put his name out for on demand commission work, or for the interested to call on him to set up appointments in order to peruse his present gallery of available works.
Offering anything from simple wire wrap necklaces to resin encased flower earrings to intricate statement pieces, Goldenshard Jewelers looks to cater to a wide variety of tastes and intentions. And for the especially adventurous in the ballroom or out on the field, one can ask for customized enchantments on order, ranging from practical protective wards and enhancement spells to elegant glamours such as twinkling lights or simplistic, artful familiars.
The out of character intention for this is simple: to make contact! If your character is looking for some jewelry to truss themselves up or are an active body in the current war aiming to get their bonus intellect or fire resistance rings, feel free to hit me up! Be it over private messages here, an ask, a tagged post, a mail in game, or a whisper when I am actually around(going under Hamathiel or Goldenshard for the in game names), I would love to chat things over!
And with all the markets and faires going on, feel free to poke me about taking part if you might want a bench jeweler peddling around for that-- or even just being kind enough to leave a comment here to let me know of any such events that might be coming up that I could peek into! Whatever the case, I appreciate and look forward to anyone who takes the time to look into this.
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oil-and-firebrand · 8 years
Good N(ooc)ws (That didn’t go as planned)
So it seems @hamathiel-sunsheer has managed to return from the depths of the abyss. I hope getting your blogs back wasn’t too troublesome! For everyone else, I can happily say that 100 Days of Character Building will return shortly with some much-needed catch up. I just need to figure out how long I’ve gone since I wrote one up...
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Preferences with Aki!
Tagged by: @meridion
Tagging: @hamathiel-sunsheer @pyrofeather @zaderick @oil-and-firebrand @leywalker-starsworn
Open curtains | Closed blinds
Stray dog | House cat
People | Pets
Outside | Inside
Half-empty | Half-full
TV | Radio
Sing | Dance
Shoes | Sandals
Cash | Credit
Hike | Drive
Casual | Elegant
Center | Corner
Sword | Shield
Airplane | Boat
Fizzy | Flat
Garnished | Plain
Extra salt | Extra pepper
Spicy | Mild
Record player | Digital media
Opaque | Transparent
White lies | Complete truth
Blunt | Subtle
Noisy | Silent
Books | Music
Familiar | New
Youth | Experience
Spoon | Fork and knife
Knife | Baseball bat
Space | Ocean
Bow and arrow | Blow dart
Love at first sight | Slow burn
Freckles | Dimples
Long eyelashes | Long fingers
Soft lips | Sensitive neck
Stubble | Thick hair
Slow dance | Intimate conversation
Candlelight dinner | Stargazing
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I'd like to make a request for this character, Hamathiel Sunsheer, please. FC: Jake Gyllenhaal. Sharply dressing warlock who is getting back to his roots in magedom. Bench jeweler(jewelcrafter). Enthusiastic cook/baker when he can spare the time. Colors tend toward reds, gold, and purples. His general theme is one of duality; the clashing of his artistic desire to create, and his penchant to destroy his opposition by "fighting fire with fire"-- oftentimes literally.
Done 💜
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