#Hands on Research Training in USA
theswiftieapple · 6 months
Hey I saw you do request and I was wondering if you could do a Phoebe x fem!reader and reader is a new member of the ghostbusters and Phoebe is the one training her
You have a pretty smile
Phoebe Spengler x she/her reader
Phoebe and reader's age; 17
Word count; 6447
Warning; some swearing, I haven't written any fanfiction since 2019 so my writing is rusty and english isn't my mother language.
I hope you like it. :)
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Narrator’s POV;
The car ride to the Paranormal Research Center was one filled with excited chatter. Lucky was the one driving y/n, a new member of the Ghostbusters, to meet her new partners in crime. Lucky was the one to introduce y/n to Winston, they met when y/n moved with her family to the USA. Lucky was the one to help Y/n with a heavy box when she was moving in and they started talking. They decided to keep hanging out and Lucky thought y/n's personality would fit them great and she showed great interest in the paranormal. Winston at the time was already on the lookout for a new member, four may be the original number of the Ghostbusters but it's better to have too many than too few. 
Lucky introduced them and Winston got to know y/n, he could tell she had the potential and agreed. That’s how y/n got into this situation, walking to the  Paranormal Research Center, fiddling with her fingers, incredibly nervous. From what she heard the other members were nice people but that wouldn't stop the anxiety.
Lucky glanced at her friend sensing her fear, she put a hand on her shoulder to stop her from walking, the door only a few steps away. “Hey, don’t worry about this too much. You’ll do great and they’ll love you! If something does happen you can always come to me and Winston.”
Y/n turned to look at Lucky as she talked, some of her fear disappearing for a short moment. “We’ll stay friends right?” Lucky smiled reassuringly “Of course, would a hug help?” Y/N nodded to the question receiving a tight hug in return. They pulled apart and y/n sighed deeply turning to the door “Let's get the first meeting over with then” Playing confident she walked to the door, Lucky cheered and clapped her back, then she put her card near the scanner to open the large doors. 
“What do you mean by a new member?” Callie asked, confused. “Wait, does that mean one of us is getting fired?” Trevor asked worriedly.
“If so it’s probably you,” Phoebe said seriously, she was of course joking but her brother didn't know that. The little joke didn't calm Trevor who opened his mouth to protest but was cut off by Winston. 
“We have been looking for a new member for the Ghostbusters for months now, there are a few reasons why we wanted to expand the team. There are still many ghosts we need to re-catch even two years after they were all released again thanks to Garraka, another member would be able to help with that. I also think a new member would inject fresh energy and ideas. Someone with a different and new background would give us a new perspective on problems and help us solve things quicker. I genuinely do believe this could help the team.” he explained calmly, he seemed quite happy with his decision.
“Why didn’t you maybe warn us beforehand?” Gary asked, baffled at the information they had been kept in the dark from for months. “Well I didn't want to create any false hope, I wanted us to be sure that we found someone new that none of you know.”
“When are we meeting them?” Phoebe asked curious, there was a small part of her that was worried that the new member could betray them. She shuffled at the thought of Melody, she still has some trouble trusting new people. 
Footsteps were heard approaching the main doors including a small beep indicating someone was about to come in.
“Right now” Winston smiled as he turned to the door.
“Wait what” Trevor asked bewildered as he and his family turned to the door.
Lucky walked into the lab with a pretty girl next to her. Phoebe's eyes widened at the realization of what she just thought. 
“This is y/n! Y/n this is your new team” Phoebe's eyes stayed focused on her new team member as Winstron introduced them. “y/n this is Callie'' Callie smiled at Y/n shaking her hand gently. “This is Gary” Gary shot her a smile as well shaking her hand. “This is Trevor, Callies son,” 
“I’m the cool one of the group,” Trevor explained, shaking her hand while smiling proudly. 
Phoebe’s POV
“And this is Phoebe, Callies daughter”  My eyes met hers as we shook hands. I forgot for a second that we weren’t alone, so I let go and sent her an awkward smile, my hand still tingling from the feeling. Why am I feeling like this? Did I just call her pretty in my head? Why is my hand tingling like this?
I was so busy with these thoughts and observing the newcomer that I didn’t notice the glances my brother shared with Lucky, scheming glances.
“She’s new to this, so she is going to need someone to train her and I was hoping one of you could do it” Winston explained, “Phoebe could do it.” My head snapped to look at my brother, giving him a ‘what the fuck’ look. “Phoebe is the smartest one in our team” I could hear Dad whisper a small ouch, “she's the one who's been using our equipment the longest and they’re close in age! How old are you?” He asked y/n, “I’m seventeen-” She was cut off by Trevor clapping his hands, “perfect! What do you think sis?” Trevor teased, ignoring my glare as he put his arm on my shoulder. 
“I-uhm sure” I answered nervously, “Well that’s great then! She is going to be living with you, my men are already cleaning the empty room and assembling the furniture as we speak”
“What empty room?” Mom asked surprised, “There’s no empty room in the firehouse”, I could see y/n being confused like the rest of us except for Lucky and Winston. “The room behind the bookshelf next to Tevor and Phoebe's room of course”
“There’s been an empty room behind one of our bookshelves and you didn't tell us?” 
Winston shrugged at my dad, “I thought you all knew but didn’t use it” He said simply.
“What’s next, a second bathroom?” Trevor jokes, and the glance shared between Lucky and Winston speaks volumes. “ You’re kidding”
“Well then, that’s that, as I said my men are working right now and they should be done very soon. Y/n’s uniform and an extra proton pack and all the other things are being sorted as we speak. I’m just going to have a small talk with Callie and Gary about some things, you guys could get acquainted with each other during that time.” Winston signals my parents to follow him to another room.
Y/n POV;
“It’s an honour to finally meet you guys, I’ve heard a lot of fantastic things about you,” I tell them, the nerves still haven’t disappeared and neither has the excitement. I’m worried they won’t like me, I could feel Phoebe? I think her name was glancing at me. I have to admit she is quite attractive and cute. 
I feel warmth on my cheeks as I keep thinking about her. I can’t think like that about her right now, I just met her. Plus she’s going to be my teammate and that could complicate things. I’ll have to ignore this small..crush, if I can call it that, for now. 
“Thank you, I’m sure we’re going to have lots of fun together,” Trevor said with a small smirk on his face as he put his arm around me. I didn’t notice the teasing smirk he sent his sister or the glare she sent back. “So there is something I have to warn you about,” He said as he and Lucky led me to the famous Ectomobile with Phoebe following behind. “About what?” I ask, worried.
“It’s about a ghost called Slimer, he lives with us”
“What.” I state giving him a serious and worried look as we enter the car.
“I think I’ll stay clear of the attic then,” I say as we exit the car. The conversation did drift a lot in the car, I didn’t mind too much since it was nice observing and learning more about them. They all talked except for Phoebe who kept quiet for most of the ride. I could feel her glance at me a few times, she was clearly in thought the whole ride.
“Yeah that’s probably the smarter decision, you should have seen Trevor when he met Slimmer for the first time” Callie teased ruffling her son's hair.
“Well then as nice as it is talking with all of you, I am going to have to steal y/n here, I’m going to be the one helping her decorate and sort out her room. If you’ll excuse us” Lucky said, sending them a smile before dragging me away to my new room.
Narrator’s POV;
“What’s up with you?” 
Phoebe turned to look at her mom, acting oblivious. “What do you mean?” Callie came closer wearing a teasing look. “I mean that you’ve been very quiet since we met our new member, lost in thought.”
“And lost in her eyes” Trevor teased as he walked away snickering, Phoebe grabbed a random towel and threw it at him, hitting him in the back, and he scurried off after that. 
“Well your brother isn't completely wrong, everything okay?” Callie asked, her worry present in her eyes. Phoebe stared at her shoes, for a moment, “I’m alright, don’t worry about it Mom” She left with that, lost in her thoughts.
“So, you and Phoebe” Lucky started as she opened a box full of different books. “Don’t start” y/n warns, Lucky turns to her friend with a knowing look. 
“I have a very strong feeling you have a small crush on her.” 
“I don’t”
Lucky made a sound of disagreement while making a face, “Maybe not yet, but you feel something, I can tell” she sang the last part, dodging a small pencil case, her smirk not faltering.
“I know your type, remember you told me” 
“Yeah because we made a deal that you would tell me who you like in return, and that someone is in this building as we speak.” y/n teased back. Lucky opened her mouth to try and form words, her cheeks having a red hue to them. “This isn’t about me and that someone-”
“Trevor you mean”
Y/n snorted at the look she received. “As I was saying, this is about you and Phoebe and the small crush that's going to grow stronger with time, she is quite literally what you described your type to me, short hair, fluffy or curly, glasses, a nerd-”
“Yeah, I get it” Y/n grumbles as she puts her bed lining on, “can you help me with this?” She raises the comforter pleadingly. Lucky stands up and helps her even it out. “I just don't want to label these feelings since we just met, besides the chances of her liking me isn’t zero but it’s also unlikely right now”
Lucky put a hand on her friend's shoulder comfortingly, “As your friend it's my job to remind you that there is a good chance she may like you back” Y/n played with one of her pillows thoughtfully. “I don’t want to rush anything, maybe she will and maybe she won’t but thank you”Lucky smiled back at her friend, “Now where do you want me to put these CDs” 
Y/n smiled and showed her friend. 
Y/n’s POV;
Dinner went nicely, I mostly listened as the family shared a few recent stories about the ghosts they’ve captured lately. Phoebe was quiet through most of it. I could tell the way she was behaving wasn't normal, I noticed thanks to the small looks her family were giving her. 
I got comfortable in bed and stared outside the window, it was pouring. I hope I didn’t upset her with being here, if I did I could see why. I am a total stranger that just appeared today, she was then told I would live with her and her family at the same time. It’s a lot of new information and a lot of new changes. 
I turned on a show on my phone to fall asleep too. I lost consciousness In a matter of a few minutes, hoping tomorrow would go well.
I woke up to soft knocking, I turned around to look at the door, squinting to see who it was. “Good morning, breakfast is going to be ready in half an hour, I wanted to make sure you were awake.” I sent Gary a smile and muttered a small thank you and with that, he disappeared.
I sat up and stared at my lap thoughtfully. Today was my first official day as a Ghostbuster or at least a Ghostbuster in training. 
Phoebe was going to be the one training me, I’m already dreading the weight of the proton pack. With those thoughts I stand up and get ready for the day, dressing in something comfortable and doing my hair.
I walk out of my room and glance at the firefighter pole, it’s too early in the morning for that and I’m not in the mood to land in the hospital on my first day so I walk down the stairs. I was met with the sight of Gary cooking and Trevor stealing some of the fruit when he wasn't looking. 
“Good morning,” I say and sit down on one of the chairs at the kitchen island. “Good morning!” Gary smiled as he flipped a pancake, “Morning!” Trevor said with a mouth full of strawberries. “So how are you feeling about your first day?” Gary asked, trying to start a conversation.
“I’m a bit nervous, I’ve never done anything like this before but I am excited,” I explained fiddling with my fingers. “You’ll do great I’m sure! With Phoebe as your teacher, it’ll all go great.” 
I smiled and whispered a small thank you. “Do you need any help?” I ask, ready to stand up. “Nah, I’ve got this but thank you” Gary told me as he put the pan away, I could see him playfully swap Trevor's hand away from the cut fruit. 
“Where’s Phoebe?” Trevor asked, sitting next to me, he put his fist underneath his chin. “She woke up early, she’s visiting Podcast and Dr Ray, she had something to discuss with them. I don’t know what it is though” Gary explained as he put plates in front of me and Trevor, I took a sip out of the glass in front of me.
“So what do you guys usually do when there isn’t a ghost to bust?” I asked as I put some toppings on my pancake. 
Phoebe’s POV;
I opened the door to Dr Ray’s shop, “Morning Dr Ray” I said as I entered, he looked up at me surprised. “Morning Phoebe, you’re here earlier than usual”
“I wanted to talk with Podcast about something, is he here or?”
“I’m right here!” He said, his head poking out from the door behind Dr Ray, “ I'll see you later then” Dr Ray smiles and continues to read a book. I go in and walk after Podcast, “So what’s up?”
“There’s a new ghostbuster on the team” I blurted out. He stops in his tracks and turns to look at me. “There’s a new ghostbuster?” He asked excitedly, “Is that bad or?” He raised an eyebrow noticing my attitude.
I leaned against his desk before I continued speaking “It’s not bad, she seems...nice” I started, he did a hand signal telling me to continue “I’m the one who's going to be training her and well” I stopped talking not knowing how to continue. Podcast gave me a look.
“You’re acting weird, does the idea of training her bother you or?” 
I shake my head “No, it doesn’t, I just feel..nervous” 
Podcast flings one of the Pufts that was bothering him as I speak before he responds “Why are you nervous? Are you worried she might betray us and release a great evil that we’re going to have to defeat?” He asks, I give him a deadpan look. “Listen if you are worried about that, that would be okay. I’m just trying to understand what the problem is here.” He reasons, sending me a concerned look.
I put a hand in my hair, messing with it. “That’s the problem, I don’t even know what's bothering me about this situation exactly. I met her yesterday and she’s staying with us now as well. She does seem nice, Winston and Lucky recruited her, I know they have good instincts but” I sigh deeply grimacing. “I don’t know, there’s some weird feeling in me and I’m worried about what it could be and what it could turn into.”
“You’re scared that you like her?” Podcasts asks bluntly, “I just met her, there’s no way I have feelings already.'' I protest, “But, the way I’m feeling right now, is similar to how I felt when meeting Melody, but it's also different. I don’t understand it and I hate not understanding things.”
There was silence for a moment until Podcast spoke, “Well I don’t think you’ll understand what that feeling is for a good while. You two just met, there could be special feelings involved but you won’t know for sure for a while. I suggest just letting those feelings take their course.”
“Why didn’t I think of that,” I say out loud, Podcast patted my shoulder “That’s what I’m here for, being the voice of reason”
I walked into the firehouse after having a long talk with Podcast. I still don’t like the idea of unknown feelings and I am worried about feeling something for someone again but there isn’t anything I can do about it. 
“Uno!” A collecting group of groaning was heard alongside a laugh. 
I walk into the room to see My family playing Uno with y/n and Lucky. “How do you win so much, this is the fifth time” Trevor whined, putting his head on the table. “Magic” y/n says jokingly doing jazz hands, “I have two other card games that I think you’d like” 
“Do you have ‘Frantic’ with you?” Lucky asked, but before she could answer the alarm went off, signalling there was a ghost loose causing havoc. “Hey Phoebs! Let’s go!”Mom said as she rushed off, Gary and Trevor following, “Hey y/n, we can start with the training when I get back” I called out to her, “Lucky and you could meet me at the Research Center after we bust this ghost” I say awkwardly shooting her some finger guns before turning around and walking away quickly, hoping the heat that I feel on my cheeks wasn’t what I thought it was and if it is then that they didn't notice.
Narrator’s POV;
Lucky and y/n cleaned up after themselves soon after and drove to the Paranormal Research Center. Y/n went to a changing room to put on her uniform. She walked out nervous, “Does it look okay?” She asked, Lucky turned around and gasped, “You look amazing!! Do a spin!” She asked excitedly while clapping. Y/n did as asked. 
“It suits you perfectly!” She said hugging her friend. “Thank you, you’re too nice”  Lucky pulled away, “I bet when Phoebe sees you in it, her jaw will drop” Y/n rolled her eyes playfully “We’ll see about that. So while we wait why don't you update me on that new ghost you’ve been studying on” 
Lucky’s smile widened, excited to share her new discoveries, she grabbed y/n’s wrist and dragged her to her working station.
Phoebe walked into the lab an hour later, fixing her hair from all the wind. She could see Lucky explaining something while y/n listened patiently, wearing her Ghostbusters uniform. Phoebe had to force herself to not stare for too long, so she walked up to the two of them. “And that’s why we had to make sure those two weren’t next to each other, I swear I couldn't focus properly the whole time” 
“Hey there, sorry to interrupt your conversation, but are you ready for your first training session?” Phoebe asks, standing in front of them.“Yeah, I am! We’ll continue with our talk later” Y/n told Lucky before turning to Phoebe again who led her to the small training room. “The uniform suits you, not many can pull it off”
Y/n turned to look at Phoebe surprised, a small blush on her cheeks, “thank you, you look great in it too” she says, hoping that wasn’t too straightforward. “So, Winston said you have no prior experience”
Y/n nodded, “I have never used any of this equipment, correct.”
Phoebe crossed her arms nodding, “alright then, first thing first is to put the proton pack on, you can put it on normally like a backpack.” Y/n did as told, she let out a little grunt at the weight.” I knew they would be heavy but wow, now what next?” she asked excitedly.
“You hold this part, the particle thrower, you can also call it a particle gun” The new member did as told before looking at Phoebe again nodding. “Wait, can I show you something?” Phoebe asked, she got a nod as a response. 
She stepped closer, only centimetres apart as she helped y/n hold it properly, putting her hands where they are supposed to be. “ See that ghost up there,” Phoebe asked, focusing on the task at hand, trying to ignore her own bubbling feelings. She was so busy that missed y/n staring at her face, a blush forming. “Yeah i-uh do” y/n responds, trying to focus as well.
She’s holding a dangerous weapon, she’s seen what they could do online, she needs to focus, she tells herself.  “Okay, I’m going to help you with this one and show you how to turn it on. Are you ready?” Phoebe asked, glancing at her, “Yes I am.”
“Okay you switch it on like this” Phoebe explained as she turned it on with y/n, “when you’re ready to shoot you press this button right here, on the count of three, ready?
Y/n took a deep breath in before answering “Ready”
“1” Phoebe starts, glancing at y/n.
“2,” She says tightening her grip, y/n tries to steady her breathing.
With that they shot at the ghost made out of wood, It falling apart in two. Y/n’s jaw dropped, “That’s how you’re going to practise, the actual thing takes longer and needs more strength but our priority is to perfect your aim for now, the charged particle accelerator is a weapon of science that can cause a lot of damage if used incorrectly and without proper practice.”
“First of all that was awesome” Y/n stated with a wide smile on her face, “two, I’ve heard of all of that, Lucky told me about some of your bigger damages. It’s impressive how something so dangerous can be something that helps so many people'' Y/n rambles, observing the damage with interest. While she was distracted Phoebe looked at all her features close up. She could feel her cheeks turning red from all the close proximity. She slowly pulled away crossing her arms, not knowing how to act.
“Well whenever you’re ready, you can start practising, I’ll be here the whole time, so if you need any help just tell me” Phoebe said while rubbing the back of her neck. Y/n nodded as another ghost came down, Phoebe didn't stray far, staying a few steps away just in case. 
Y/n took a deep breath before shooting, hitting the wooden ghost on the side, she stumbled backwards, and Phoebe caught her in time, holding the particle thrower with her. “Okay that was your first time on your own and it went better than expected.”
“Better than expected?” Y/n asked embarrassed, “Yeah, you’re doing okay, try again, I’ll stay closer to catch you if that happens again okay?” 
Outside of the training room, Lucky was observing their interactions with a small scheming smirk. “What are you smirking at?” Lars asked as he opened the spirit extractor, taking a spirit-free plushie out of it.
“No reason,” Lucky answered, ignoring the eyebrow raise of Lars, he shook his head and walked away to continue working. 
The training went on until 5 pm, y/n was exhausted after all the trying, her arms sore, but it was all worth it, the thought of capturing ghosts excited her. Phoebe opened the door of the training room letting her out first, y/n nodded and muttered a small thank you as she walked out. “Keep this up and I think you’ll be ready to go out with me- “ she cut herself off quickly, trying to correct herself “I mean go out with us on missions soon.” 
She tried not to look at y/n's face, she didn’t want to make it any more awkward.
As they were walking to the main doors, saying their goodbyes to the other workers, Lars called out “Y/n!”
The said person turned around to look at the scientist, “Lucky asked me to tell you that she’s going to come to visit and help out more with your room around 6 pm”
“Thank you, have a nice night!” 
Phoebe bit her lip for a second before continuing with their walk, Gary was picking them up today. She looked at Y/n who was walking beside her. Did..she and Lucky maybe have something going on? She turned around quickly when she met eyes with y/n.
“I hope not,” Phoebe whispers to herself, “What did you say?” Y/n asked curious, Phoebe straightened her back, she opened her mouth to respond but nothing came out. Luckily for her, Gary appeared with the Ectomobile, saving her for now.
“Hey there you two! Are you ready to go home?” He asked with a wide smile.
They both got in the car and put their seatbelts on, the car ride back was quiet, the only background noise being the music playing on the radio.
The evening wasn't much different than last night, Phoebe disappeared to her room and didn’t come out until morning, leaving y/n slightly confused and worried.
Phoebe sat on one of the chairs at the kitchen island, drinking some coffee while tapping her pencil on the island, thinking, trying to calm down. The idea of having to be so close to y/n made her giddy and scared her at the same time. 
She was worried she would make it awkward like last night if Gary didn’t appear when he did…
She sighed, putting her pencil and coffee down, putting her head in her hands, staring at the open notebook, full of scribbles, she couldn’t focus on her work. Her head was filled with images of last night, her heartbeat picking up remembering how close she was to y/n. She couldn’t lie, she missed the warmth of her hands underneath hers, they were soft. She let her mind wander, imagining how they would feel properly holding her hands.
“Phoebe, are you doing okay?”
Her hands slammed on the table making the coffee spill by accident, she turned to look at the newcomer. “Oh, hi,” Phoebe said brushing imaginary dust off of her shirt” Hi” she leaned on the island crossing her arms, sending y/n an awkward smile. “Hi”
In her head, Phoebe was cursing herself out, ‘three hi’s??’
Y/n glanced at the spilt coffee and then back to Phoebe, with a questioning look, before she could repeat the question, she got an answer.  “I’m doing okay, alright, doing great.” Phoebe cringed at her repetitive awner, Y/n walked closer, her face not changing. Phoebe put a hand underneath her chin, trying to act normal. “Are you sure about that? I called your name three times and you didn’t notice” 
“I was thinking,” she answered quickly. 
“May I ask what you were thinking about?”
Y/n blinked, staring at Phoebe, waiting for her to continue while Phoebe avoided her eyes at all costs. Deciding to change the subject, she pointed at the spilt coffee, “Do you maybe need help cleaning that or?”
Phoebe glanced at the spilt coffee before standing up and getting some paper towels to clean it up. “Right, right, you’re right”
“Alright then, I’ll go and..do a thing” Y/n said walking backwards before turning around to get ready for the day. “Oh good morning Trevor” and with that she disappeared up the stairs.
Phoebe cursed under her breath, “How much of that did you hear?”
“Oh you mean how much did I hear of your nervous rambling? Pretty much all of it” Trevor says casually, walking closer. “So, you and” he points his fingers behind him. “Ya know”
“There’s nothing going on” Phoebe defends throwing the paper towels away. “Nothing at all?”
“Nothing at all”
“Not even a smalllll thing” He pries, making his pointer finger and thumb almost touch. “Not even a small thing” Phoebe shrugs nonchalantly. Trevor nods, letting the silence settle before asking another question. “So, what science thing were you thinking about?”
Phoebe leans on the now clean island again trying to find the words, she sighed “I wasn’t actually thinking about science,”
“Then what?” Trevor interrupted. Phoebe sent him a glare before continuing “I was just thinking about all the things I could teach her today.”
“Y/n you mean?”
Phoebe nodded in response.
“Were you thinking about how close you’re going to be again today?” Trevor questions while picking out an apple from the bowl. Phoebe stood up straight but before she could retort, Trevor interrupted her “Lucky told me all about how close you were yesterday.” He informed Phoebe with a smirk on his face.
Steps were heard coming down the stairs, “We’ll continue this after your little date today” Trevor whispered. “Training” Phoebe corrected.
“Good Morning” Callie greeted, walking over to the coffee machine. “I need to get ready for the day,” Phoebe says, grabbing her pencil and notebook and heading off to her room. 
“Did I miss something?” Callie asked her son, pouring herself a coffee in her favourite mug. “Not much” Trevor shrugged, taking a bite out of his apple. 
The following days were filled with not only bettering y/n’s aim but awkward moments as well, or that’s what Phoebe thought, y/n thought her awkwardness was adorable. Phoebe also learned that Lucky, the traitor, was feeding her brother information daily about her and y/n’s interactions. Specifically the more ‘embarrassing’ ones. 
Phoebe crossed her arms thinking, watching y/n put away the proton pack, “I think you’re ready to train with real ghosts”
Y/n turned around “real ghosts?”
“Real ghosts,” Phoebe repeated.
A wide smile appeared on y/n’s face, excitement prominent on her face. 
The next day they were driven out to an open area. Trevor and Lucky stayed back in the car while they walked out. “The reason I want you to train with real ghosts before going on missions is so that you’ve trained with more than just a painted ghost made out of wood, some real experience. If anything happens I’ll be right here”
“I brought a few of the traps, they have different ghosts, you'll do one at a time of course. You’ll be the one busting it and I’ll be the one trapping it.” She explained as she put a trap on the ground, putting the foot pedal where they’ll be standing. “Are you ready?”
Y/n nodded confidently, raising the particle thrower, and turning it on.
In the blink of an eye, the ghost trap opened, and a big orange ghost appeared. Y/n cringed slightly at the look of it. When it noticed her she shot right at it, hitting it. She grimaced at the strength that was needed, it’s not as hard as she imagined but it’s not easy either. “Keep going, I'll wait a moment before trapping it, it usually takes a while for us to trap it after we caught it”
No response came back, y/n tried to focus on the ghost, and after a few seconds, the ghost was sucked into the trap.
“Good Job!” Phoebe sent a smile as she picked up the trap, “Oh my arms are going to be so sore tomorrow” y/n groaned.
“That’s the point of training, to improve your skills.” Phoebe reminds, “Oh really? I thought the point of all of this was to torture me” Y/n jokes, panting from what she just had to do. “I'll call it torture and you can call it training. Deal?
Y/n reached out to shake hands, Phoebe glanced at her hand before shaking it. “Alright then, deal.”
“Now this ghost is bigger, you ready?” Phoebe asked, putting a second trap down. 
“Ready.” The sound of the proton pack turning on again was heard. A giant ghost appeared. Y/n immediately shot at it, gritting her teeth as she held it back.
“So, a photon is checking into a hotel” Phoebe starts speaking, y/n turns her head to look at her confused. She let out a small yelp as the ghost pulled harder, luckily for her it didn't break free.
“Keep going,” Phoebe tells her, “I’ll start again, a photon is checking into a hotel”
Y/n looked back at the ghost, it was a feisty one. “So the bellhop asks, ‘Do you need help with your luggage?’”
Y/n sighed deeply, focusing on the ghost, she shot Phoebe a few glances, ‘Is..she telling a joke right now??’ “Towards that, the photon responds ‘No thanks, I’m travelling light’” She winks at Y/n.
It was silent for a moment until a snort was heard, “alright that one was good” She says snickering, “Please catch it now my arms are hurting” Phoebe did as told, it being sucked into the trap. The sound of the proton pack turning off was heard, and she sighed in relief. “It’s one of my favourite jokes,”  she explains picking up the trap. “I can see why, it's good, but why were you telling me jokes right now? Not that I mind.”
“When we’re on missions, there’s always chatter happening between us, maybe some bystanders, and I wanted to test if you could focus while being told a great joke.”
“So does this mean you’ll keep telling jokes during training?” Y/n asks, stretching her head. “Would you consider that a bad thing?” 
Y/n looks at Phoebe, who is picking out a new trap, “I don’t think it's a bad thing, I like jokes and puns” she explains, she could feel a warmth creeping up her neck as she admired Phoebe underneath the sunlight. A small smile formed.
‘she’s so pretty’
“Well it’s good you don’t mind since I have many more” Phoebe says preparing for another ghost. Y/n looked away when Phoebe walked over. “Good to hear” 
“How long do you think it’ll take until they start dating?” Trevor thought for a second before answering Lucky, ”eight maybe nine months max”
“I give it..three weeks, ”
“That’s quick”
“Look at them” Lucky points at the two outside of the car, training. Y/n was laughing after a joke Phoebe made, Phoebe stared at her with a smile, saying something they couldn’t hear from inside the car, but it had to be something funny considering the laughing wasn't stopping. “I bet you five bucks Phoebes using her jokes and unknowingly winning y/n over.”
“Five bucks?” Trevor asked, raising an eyebrow, “What? Five bucks is a lot in this economy” Lucky shrugged before putting a chip in her mouth.
“I think you’re ready to go on your first mission” Phoebe says, breaking the silence while they put away their gear. 
“Really?” Y/n asks excitedly, “Yeah, you did very well.” Phoebe smiles softly, “Plus you think my jokes are funny, if you’re with us then it won't be just Gary laughing at them”
“Ah so my sucking up worked” Y/n jokes, “I don’t think that’s what happened, you seemed genuinely happy and were laughing quite a lot,” Phoebe tells her, leaning on the locker. “I am an amazing actor” Y/n explains, Phoebe leans closer so they're face to face, inches away from each other. “Oh no person is that good of an actor, you even turned red from laughing, come on admit it, my jokes are hilarious”
Y/n tried to act casual, a small part of her was happy that Phoebe didn't realise she was blushing because of her back there as well. Y/n hums, pretending to think, before answering “They were alright”
Phoebe raised an eyebrow making y/n put a hand on her mouth to not let a giggle out, “They were alright?”, Phoebe got a nod in return, “you’re lying” Phoebe reasons, “I’m not”
“You are”
“If you aren’t lying, then there shouldn’t be a smile behind that hand” 
Y/N shakes her head, “Come on, remove it” Phoebe teases, she gets another shake of the head as a response, she could see y/n shaking slightly from holding in laughs. “Come on, let me see” Phoebe asks, grabbing Y/ns wrist softly, removing her hand to reveal a wide smile. “So you agree I’m funny.”
“Okay maybe you are” Y/n shrugs, just then realising how close their faces were to each other, her breath hitched, her eyes drifting to Phoebe’s lips for a second before returning to look into her eyes. Her wrist, where Phoebe was holding her felt warm, she resisted the urge to properly hold her hand. “You have a pretty smile” Phoebe whispered, lost in thought. ”It’s all thanks to you, being around you makes me happy” Y/n whispered back. 
The only thing they could hear was the sounds of each other's breathing and their own heartbeats. They leaned it close, eyes trained on each other, lips almost touching but before anything could happen they heard the Ectomobile from outside. They pulled away quickly, realising what they almost did blushing.
Callie walked in backwards helping Gary park the Ectomobil. “Oh hey there, how was training?” Callie asked, curious. “It went great,” Phoebe answers, clearing her throat. Callie glanced between them both, noticing the tension, both of them were blushing, Phoebe rubbing the back of her neck and Y/n had her arms crossed, refusing to look at each other. Callie made an ‘oh’ face, realising what might have been happening before they came home.
“I have to go” Y/n says quickly, “so do I” Phoebe responds, they both try to go in the same direction, but they both stop before Y/n ushered Phoebe to go first, walking after her. “Lucky just might win that bet,” Trevor states, him and Gary entering as well. “What bet?” Callie questioned.
“Uhhh nothing” Trevor shrugs walking up to the apartment as well.
Part 2
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queercanon13 · 1 year
The Karma music video is packed with queer and sapphic themes. But what’s with that yellow beret?
We all watched the Karma music video on Friday (or Saturday), right? And then we all watched it ten more times because there IS JUST SO MUCH THERE. Right?!
I can’t even begin to unpack the whole thing yet, but let’s talk about the yellow brick road scene.
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Taylor is obviously wearing ruby slippers (“the rubies that I gave up”) alluding to Dorothy/the Wizard of Oz. But she’s not wearing the rest of Dorothy’s getup. That’s because she’s not Dorothy, but in fact a friend of Dorothy.
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She’s holding a broom (lots of witchy themes from her lately) and blows a kiss of blue (iykyk) glitter to three grim reapers (the two SBs and…?).
She’s keeping her side of the street clean, which harkens to the YNTCD MV where she clearly shows which side of the street she’s on:
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Other things of note: it appears there are daisies embroidered on her collar, as well as growing along the yellow brick road. Her braids are also looped (“your braids make a pattern”).
The yellow brick road itself may be a nod to Elton John and his album/song Goodbye Yellow Brick Road. Here are some of the lyrics from that song, as well as a generally accepted analysis of the lyrics:
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Seems like it would be super relatable to Taylor, right? Add in Elton John’s queerness/coming out journey, and the parallels continue.
There are probably a hundred other things I’m missing just from that scene alone, but what I really wanna talk about is the yellow beret, especially in light of current news surrounding Taylor.
When I saw the yellow beret, I furiously googled “yellow beret” + the names of Taylor’s muses, but I came up empty-handed. Because Taylor is specifically not wearing a Dorothy costume, I knew that fucking hat had to mean something. Then I remembered — isn’t yellow beret a military term? And we know she loves a good war story. To Google I went, and the results did not disappoint.
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During the Vietnam war, all physicians in the US had a mandatory draft order. One of the ways to avoid the draft was to apply for a position with a Public Health Service program called the NIH Associates Training Program. Because the elite program was highly competitive, only a small percentage of doctors were able to serve their required military time without going to war.
Yellow beret was a self-deprecating and derogatory term used by and for doctors who avoided getting a green beret/going to war (yellow can be associated with cowardice, i.e. “yellow-bellied”) via the NIH program.
Sounding familiar? But wait there’s more.
Bob Seger wrote a song in 1966 called The Ballad of the Yellow Beret. It was written as a parody of the song The Ballad of the Green Berets. Here are some of the lyrics (I encourage you to read all of them!):
Verse 1: Fearless cowards of the USA // Bravely here at home they stay // They watch their friends get shipped away // The draft dodgers of the Yellow Beret
Okay, I’m seated.
Verse 3: Men who faint at the sight of blood // Their high-heeled boots weren't meant for mud // The draft board will hear their sob stories today // Only the best win the yellow beret
Verse 4: Back at home a young wife waits // Her yellow beret has met his fate // He's been drafted for marching in a protest //Leaving her his last request
Are you screaming yet? Just wait.
Verse 5: Put a yellow streak down my son's back // Make sure that he never ever fights back // At his physical have him say he's gay // Have him win the yellow beret
And if that wasn’t enough, two of the last lyrics are “I've got a pimple on my trigger finger” (ew) and “well, we were planning on having children sometime soon” (devastating). These themes also align with The Great War, epiphany, etc.
But despite attempts to diminish their efforts through claims of cowardice, these “yellow beret” physician-scientists contributed to some of the most important and innovative medical research we have today. Dr. Fauci attended the training program, as well as nine others who went on to win Nobel Prizes.
Could it be that Taylor is trying to tell us that, while it looks like she dodged the draft (didn’t come out), she’s doing some important mastermind shit behind the scenes? Only time will tell, but since we are now at “dawn,” I believe daylight is soon to follow. ☀️
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alluralater · 4 months
thoughts/vent post
yesterday i was thinking about how big the united states is and how it’s crazy that if someone were to invade, we really just wouldn’t know if they were quiet and smart about it. then i started today thinking about the insane amount of cop cities being built all over this country, quietly. specifically being built in places that have been known for protesting. we are being invaded right now, quietly but surely. our government has realized that there is possibility to overthrow them and they’re putting all this shit into motion now because in 5-10 years there will be an INSANE amount of unrest, even more than we’ve seen in the 2020 black lives matter protests, even more than we’ve seen in the current palestinian genocide protests. the police presence at both of these kinds of protests have been overwhelming. though protesting is a legal right. (for non-americans-> it is legal but it isn’t actually and that’s why it’s so dangerous to do. our government will pretend certain laws don’t exist whenever convenient). all cops here are bad and they serve a system meant to harm and imprison citizens + protect property of the rich. doing anything else is actually what you’d consider outliers to their intended purpose, though it still doesn’t negate ACAB. even the way it’s taught in our country, protesting was actually only okay for this group of white guys when THEY wanted to overthrow the british government. that one we’re supposed to clap for and anything else historically was frowned upon at the time. many people are killed, jailed, and/or injured at protests at the hands of police and our mainstream media is owned by those in power, so they’ll call it “rioting” and flip shit around to confuse even more of the population + try to turn us against each other. it is extremely rare that anyone protesting actually does something to cause harm and therefore dEseRvEd to get their shit rocked by these weirdos in uniform that sold their soul for 22k a year. in my opinion it’s like the stanford prison experiment but imagine it large scale because there is very little training and they’re basically taught to shoot without more thought than it takes to upholster their weapon. oh and they’re taught to aim for kill shots so that’s… ??? pretty much they’re just untrained idiots walking around with no idea what they’re doing and they get off on the sense of power given to them. AND the way the military + police system work similarly is that they teach people not to think. don’t think, just shoot. don’t think, just take someone to the ground. don’t think, act. they are vessels without thought and harm people the same way— thus in my opinion, are soulless.
btw does anyone wonder where all this funding is coming from?? where this country refuses to help their own citizens or deliver aid to countries in need while saying it isn’t in the budget, they will instead always have money for weapons, for bombs, for sending money to other countries that want to commit atrocities. they will always have money for militarization. this country is guilty of so many things and the fact that we can just print more money to continue the horrors is— well, it’s horrifying. you can’t even count on the idea of us running out of money because somehow there is somehow ALWAYS money for murdering people overseas. fucking disgusting. that pentagon tax audit missing trillions of dollars is makin reeeal noise right now.
does anyone know the process of how you go about getting a country disbanded? more on that, how do we go about ruining the process of these cop cities. i’ll be researching. i want them left empty like those unfinished amusement parks. i want them turned into free or low-income housing. i want them turned into agriculture or food centers because food deserts are at an all time high.
the media is flooded right now with trending pop culture topics and while this is distracting, if you live in the USA, cop cities are a HUGE problem and we’ll be seeing just how bad the effects are in a few years. we’re going to see a lot of our citizens desperate for work (because the economy is in a perpetual state of decline and the rich are getting richer while costs of living for the rest of us increase even more and jobs become more scarce) and there’s no way these cop cities won’t start eventually offering programs for debt relief, education, healthcare, and housing— pretty much exactly what the military here does already for many citizens who believe they have no other options than to enlist so they can survive.
militarizing your citizens against your citizens??? leading by fear and oppressive force??? taking advantage of the vulnerable populace??? not changing the system but instead doubling down when eyes are drawn away?? overturning laws meant to protect them??? drafting new laws to smite them?? encouraging genocide and taking part in said genocides because it’s profitable?? that’s just… so… american government. we have literally never lived in an actual democracy. not once. everything we have is stolen and/or covered in blood. there is no changing or redeeming the past but the future is wide fucking open for change. if we lived in a true democracy, the changes we (the overwhelming majority noted in polls and census taking) have been asking for would already exist. america is a force of greed and deception, eating and eating itself and everything around it without pause while claiming it is still hungry for more. it will consume itself eventually but not anytime soon. i doubt i’ll be around to see the fall. i doubt any of us will. i wanna grab people by the shoulders and be like— please don’t wait on the future to save you. we only have right now to save ourselves.
god ugh anyways okay i’m done. probably gonna talk more shit in the tags though
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writingkitten · 5 months
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
Did you just think that you could fucking fool me with that comment of yours? I've searched your name up in the Navy SEAL database and you have never even graduated BUD/S, hell, even served in the Armed Forces. If you were actually a Navy SEAL, then you actually know how to spell guerrilla, you fucking moron. And you say you are the top sniper in the entire US Armed Forces and have over 300 confirmed kills. If that were true, then why the fuck is Chris Kyle a household name and you aren't? And plus he only had 160 kills. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. Plus why the fuck would you say you have a secret network of spies yet you just revealed that you had your secret network of spies? Are you a fucking idiot? If you can kill someone seven-hundred different ways, then list them all, I bet you can't even come up with seven. And if you had access to the entire US Marine Corps arsenal, then why the fuck did you just say you were in the Navy SEALs earlier? If only you could have done your research prior to posting your little “clever” comment, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you goddamn idiot.
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wildmonkeysects · 10 months
War Profiteers
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Remember President Dwight “Ike” Eisenhower, who after green-lighting the overthrow of Iran’s democracy in 1953 at the behest of petrochemical corporations, had a change of heart and warned about the Military Industrial Complex? Here are the top 100 USA Military Industrial Complex “defense” contractors, all corporate welfare queens mooching off the public, who have blood on their hands in Palestine and elsewhere:
Action Target
ADT Corporation
Advanced Armament Corporation
Aerospace Corporation
AM General
American Petroleum Institute
Argon ST
Astronautics Corporation of America
Aurora Flight Sciences
Axon Enterprise
United Kingdom BAE Systems
BAE Systems Inc
Ball Corporation
Ball Aerospace & Technologies
Barrett Firearms Manufacturing
Battelle Memorial Institute
Berico Technologies
Boeing Defense, Space & Security
Booz Allen Hamilton
Boston Dynamics
Bravo Strategic
Carlyle Group
Carnegie Mellon University
Colt Defense
The Columbia Group
Computer Sciences Corporation
Concurrent Technologies Corporation
CSRA (IT services company)
Cubic Corporation
Omega Training Group
DeciBel Research
Dillon Aero
Dine Development Corporation
Draper Laboratories
DRS Technologies
Edison Welding Institute
[Israei]l Elbit Systems
M7 Aerospace
United Kingdom/Military contractor Ernst & Young
Evergreen International Aviation
Fluor Corporation
Force Protection Inc
Foster Wheeler
Franklin Armoury
General Atomics
General Dynamics
Bath Iron Works
General Dynamics Electric Boat
General Electric Military Jet Engines Division
Halliburton Corporation
Health Net
Humana Inc.
Huntington Ingalls Industries
Hybricon Corporation
Insight Technology
International Resources Group
ITT Exelis
Jacobs Engineering Group
JANUS Research Group
Johns Hopkins University
Kaman Aircraft
Kearfott Corporation
Knight's Armament Company
Kratos Defense & Security Solutions
L3Harris Technologies
[France] Lafayette Praetorian Group
Lake Shore Systems
Lewis Machine & Tool Company
Lockheed Martin
Gyrocam Systems
LRAD Corporation
ManTech International
Maxar Technologies
Mission Essential Personnel
Natel Electronic Manufacturing Services
Navistar Defense
Northrop Grumman
Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems
Northrop Grumman Ship Systems
Northrop Grumman Technical Services
Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems
Oceaneering International
Olin Corporation; also see John M. Olin and John M. Olin Foundation
Oshkosh Corporation
Perot Systems
Picatinny Arsenal
Pinnacle Armor
Precision Castparts Corporation
Raytheon Technologies
Collins Aerospace
Rockwell Collins
Goodrich Corporation
Pratt & Whitney
Raytheon Intelligence & Space
Raytheon Missiles & Defense
Raytheon BBN
Remington Arms
Rock Island Arsenal
Roundhill Group
Saab Sensis
Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)
Sierra Nevada Corporation
Smith & Wesson
Smith Enterprise (SEI)
Springfield Armory
SRI International
Stewart & Stevenson
Swift Engineering
Tactical Air Support
Teledyne FLIR
AAI Corporation
Bell Helicopter Textron
TriWest Healthcare Alliance
U.S. Ordnance
Verizon Communications
Vinnell Corporation
Westinghouse Electric Corporation
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imb3rs · 2 months
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(   hande  erçel.   thirty1.   demi   woman.   she/they   )      MELINA   SEREN   has   been   spotted   around   the   neighborhood   ,   i   think   they’re   a   pastry  chef   at   echelon.   i   heard   from   a   friend   of   a   friend   that   they’re   adroit   +   debonair   &   reticent   +   phlegmatic.   it’s   no   wonder   they’ve   made   it   this   far   in   the   city   ,   they’ve   been   here   for   five   years.   now   that   i   get   a   good   look   at   them   they   kinda’   remind   me   of   hot   to   go!   by   chappell   roan.   
penned  by  HECATE  (  she/her  ,  21+  ,  pst  )
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001.     ↻     BASICS  .
[  ✰  ]  full  name:  melina  seren 
[  ✰  ]  nickname(s):  lina,  mel
[  ✰  ]  age:  31
[  ✰  ]  date  of  birth:  07/27
[  ✰  ]  place  of  birth:  new  york  city,  ny,  usa
[  ✰  ]  ethnicity:  turkish
[  ✰  ]  nationality:  american
[  ✰  ]  gender:  demi  woman
[  ✰  ]  pronouns:  she/her,  they/them
[  ✰  ]  orientation:  bisexual  /  biromantic
[  ✰  ]  language(s)  spoken:  english,  turkish,  french,  latin
[  ✰  ]  mbti:  ENFJ
[  ✰  ]  element:  water
[  ✰  ]  zodiac:  leo
[  ✰  ]  character  inspiration:  zoya  nazyalensky  (  shadow  and  bone  ),  sydney  adamu  (  the  bear  ),  allison  argent  (  teen  wolf  ),  padmé  amidala  (  star  wars  ),  katrina  bennett  (  suits  )
002.     ↻     BACKGROUND  .
NOTE:  this  is  a  quick  summary  /  tldr  of  melina's  background  .  for  a  more  detailed  bio  ,  please  CLICK  HERE  !
born  to  a  lively  ,  loving  ,  and  influential  family  in  new  york  city  and  experienced  a  rather  unique  upbringing  with  three  supportive  parents  and  the  luxuries  of  old  money  .  despite  the  seren  family’s  free-spirited  reputation  within  the  upper  echelons  of  society  ,  melina  proved  to  be  a  hardworking  and  ambitious  student  ,  attending  one  of  the  city’s  most  elite  private  schools  and  eventually  yale  university  where  she  earned  a  degree  in  chemistry  .  after  graduating  early  ,  they  travel  the  world  and  discovered  their  passion  for  culinary  arts  .  this  newfound  love  led  to  what  could  be  perceived  as  an  impulsive  decision  to  enroll  in  culinary  school  where  they  soon  excelled  and  graduated  with  a  grand  diplôme  .  and  following  several  apprenticeships  under  renowned  pastry  chefs  ,  melina  returns  to  new  york  and  quickly  rises  to  prominence  within  the  culinary  scene  .  their  skill  and  ambition  has  now  landed  them  a  coveted  spot  as  a  pastry  chef  at  echelon  .
003.     ↻     HEADCANONS  .
NOTE:  this  is  a  work  in  progress  so  more  will  be  added  at  a  later  time  !
has  a  ragdoll  cat  named  milo
hobbies  include  kickboxing  ,  painting  ,  exploring  new  restaurants  in  the  city  for  “  research  purposes  ”
classically  trained  in  dance  since  she  was  a  child  ,  but  mostly  in  ballet
while  extroverted  ,  they’re  more  of  an  ambivert  .  doesn’t  mind  staying  in  but  also  doesn’t  mind  going  out  to  have  a  good  time  .  it  really  depends  on  their  mood
known  to  host  dinner  parties  for  friends  and  family  where  she’d  curate  the  menu  and  along  with  a  couple  friends  in  the  culinary  world  ,  prepped  and  served  her  guests
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You said Unicorn kid, I HAVE A UNICORN KID, LET ME SHARE HER!!!!
Alice Quinn
Age: 15
Hair: White-Gold
Eyes: Solid Black
Height: 6'9" (at the moment)
Personality: Deadpan, stoic, calm. Seems completely relaxed, aloof, almost ethereal at all times. Actually a foul-mouthed snarker, who likes to play on people’s perception of the unicorn kid as sweet and innocent, so they don’t see the sucker punch coming. Has issues with people who don’t take their health seriously, and will go off if you try to do something while you are injured or sick. Actually great with kids, has a good bedside manner “But you shits rarely ever DESERVE IT, GET BACK IN BED, YOUR FUCKING LEG IS BROKEN!”
Hero Name: Alicorn (note: I know Alicorn now means a winged unicorn, but originally, “alicorn” was the name they gave powdered unicorn horn, the stuff that was supposed to be a miracle cure, get rid of poisons and shit)
Quirk: Unicorn (satyr version) - User has physiology similar to a Unicorn, cloven hoof feet, long tail with a tuft at the end. fingers Have last digit end in a claw, or keratin-like growth similar to a claw (weird note, but look at Alastor’s hands from Hazbin Hotel). Has a single spiral horn in the middle of the forehead. Face and ears are somewhat goat/deer like. Eyes large and solid black, cannot see the pupils, unless she is in a state of high and intense emotion, when the pupils will glow white, pupils are slit like a goats, horizontal. Has very long eyelashes. Body covered in short “fur”, which is longer around the ankles. User may or may not have wings.
User has healing/purification abilities. Horn glows when using these abilities. Purification abilities manifest as a silver cloud of sparkly dust, healing as a golden glow. Healing works by granting energy to cells in the body, encouraging them to heal. User has massive stores of energy with which to heal others, but said stores can be depleted. Purification works more generally, clearing the air or area filled with the silver “dust” of impurities. Can be used to fairly easily get rid of poisons or venoms. Can be used to get rid of viruses or infections, but it would take a lot of training.
Backstory: Ok, so, for me, I made up this whole story about how there’s this group that controls a lot of medical care for Japan in the MHAverse (in Japan, the Tenshi Group, internationally the Abbotts Angels) who are all a family of basically Angel Quirks. They have wings, horns that glow and look like halos, and healing abilities. And there’d be two factions of this family, one which was all about medical research and healing people, while the other was big on capitalism, and made people pay them big money to “heal” all sorts of things, like terminal diseases (which they can’t really do???). And faction two would try to frame it as “What if people take advantage of us?? We’re only thinking of the family!!!” which like, ok, being taken advantage of is a legit concern, but bitch, you are scamming people and charging stupid amounts of money to the poor, You are basically the American Healthcare System. And then this second faction would be all into family lineage and “purity” - like yeah, they’re mutation types, but the RIGHT KIND of mutation types, yeah? So they get real mad when one of their “heirs” or whatever has a fling with a random hero from the USA, the “Jersey Devil”, a guy with a “demonic” Quirk (goat-looking, ram horns, bat wings) and gets pregnant, and has a Unicorn looking kid. Now either A) Momma manages to hide the pregnancy enough, and put the kid up for adoption, or B), has the kid, and the family kind of raise her through proxy by a series of nannies, cause god FORBID anyone find out their line birthed THIS, but also they are pretty sure she’s going to have a healing Quirk, and THAT has to stay in the family.
(Do with this what you will)
I am totally on board with Pony/Kinoko. Koda … hmmmm (actually, I just remembered, Koda has a baby sister.) Ok give Koda a gentle giant husband, a big big man. A teddy bear grizzly. Huge man. Fluffy man. Also doesn’t talk much. He and Shoji are fighting for “Best Hugs”. He and Koda met … third year? Third year UA, he’s a transfer. They have … . give me a minute … 4 kids. They adopted a group of siblings that would have been separated if they didn’t step in. All of their kids are younger than most of the others - like, 4, 6, 7, 9 - so they aren’t at UA.
How’s that sound?
Honestly my plan for the unicorn baby was 100% ‘looks like an anthro Lady Amalthea but can and will say ‘fuck’.’
I think I can let you keep that backstory because as much as I love the drama I’m thinking this one’s simple. However that’s still fun because honestly I should swing over to the healer Quirks because YEAH those are highly wanted and it’s a miracle they’re not kidnapped more often.
As for Koda I’m loving the vibes but also again on the like. I feel like this should be hammered out more in the future. But also I /do/ agree that obvs not everyone is gonna meet their future spouse first day of high school so having him meet someone later works for me
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DeSantis administration aims to ‘curb’ diversity, equity, inclusion in state universities
Florida will be looking to “curb” diversity, equity and inclusion efforts at the state’s colleges and universities, Lt. Gov. Jeanette Nuñez said Tuesday, offering a preview of what higher education leaders can expect from lawmakers during the upcoming legislative session.
Her statements, delivered at a state Board of Governors meeting at Florida International University in Miami, marked the first time the DeSantis administration has explained why its budget office this month requested a detailed accounting of how much colleges and universities spend on such efforts.
“I can give you a few insights as to what we’re working on coming this session,” Nuñez said before mentioning a statement last week from the presidents of Florida’s 28 state colleges. It pledged to root out any policy or practice that “compels belief in critical race theory or related concepts.” The lieutenant governor then suggested that effort would soon extend to the state’s 12 universities.
“I believe [the colleges are] looking at ways to curb those initiatives, and I think we’ll look at ways to more broadly curb those initiatives as well,” she said.
In a speech that earlier praised the university system for its high rankings and relatively low student debt, Nuñez said “real forces” were “undermining the good work taking place” at the state schools.
“These new threats that are creeping and taking hold are things that we need to face,” she said. “I believe one of the biggest threats that’s infiltrating our universities is a permeating culture — one might call it woke culture, one might call it woke ideology, one might call it identity politics. ... We don’t need to get into all the names, but I do believe that some of these issues are taking hold. The policies they advocate are based on hate and based on indoctrination.”
Nuñez also previewed proposals to review general education courses and give university presidents more control over faculty hiring.
“We want to further empower our presidents to make sure that they own the responsibility of hiring individuals to work in their campuses and make sure it stays in the hands of the leader of the institution more so than in hidden hiring practices and faculty committees,” she said.
The legislative session begins March 7.
In their responses to the governor’s budget office, the 12 public universities said they collectively are spending about $34.5 million this year on diversity, equity and inclusion efforts. About $20.7 million came from state funds.
The University of South Florida reported the highest expenses at $8.7 million, though only $2.5 million came from state funds. Money was spent on initiatives such the university’s supplier diversity program; non-mandatory trainings; a list of 10 courses including “Theatre Appreciation” and “Language in the USA”; and funding for its Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
Florida A&M University had the highest amount of state funds used at $4.1 million. The school’s expenses included a research center and museum for Black archives and its Center for Environmental Equity and Justice, created by the Legislature in 1998.
Shortly after those responses were submitted, the governor’s budget office sent out a second request requiring universities to report details on any procedures and treatments they had offered related to gender affirming care since 2018. The request did not specify how the information would be used.
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killed-by-choice · 2 years
“Alexis Roe,” 21 (USA 1993)
Medical board documents reveal the death of one of abortionist Craig Michael Linder’s clients. The client’s real name is unknown and she is only referred to as Patient A, so a researcher later used the name Alexis Roe. (Note: To avoid confusion, I want to be clear that another researcher used the pseudonym Aubrey Roe for this case. Alexis and Aubrey are the same person and all documents confirm this.)
Alexis came to Linder’s abortion facility on August 5, 1993. Linder did not examine her or note important information on her health. According to medical board documents, he didn’t even bother to take her blood pressure. He just scheduled the abortion for August 7.
On August 7, Alexis returned. Linder again failed to properly examine her and did not monitor her vitals before, during or after the abortion. The Board found that he inappropriately administered 30 ccs of Marcaine to Alexis.
Alexis suffered from seizures and then went into cardiac arrest and died. Even though he was performing hazardous procedures in an outpatient office, Linder had no emergency equipment on hand. He didn’t have the trained personnel or even an emergency plan that should have been created for this exact scenario. He did not take appropriate action.
On the day Alexis died in his office, Linder did not adequately document the events of her seizures, cardiac arrest and death.
Years later, Linder was finally disciplined by the Medical Board. He was charged with practicing with negligence on more than one occasion, gross negligence, incompetence on more than one occasion and failure to maintain accurate records. In addition to killing Alexis, he had also failed to inform a patient screened for cancer that her Pap smear indicated a positive result, delaying her diagnosis/ correct treatment and potentially worsening her prognosis.
(Medical Board Documents)
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prasadmedicals · 10 months
How to Get a Medical Residency in the USA as an International Medical Graduate
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Choosing to the medical residency for IMG medical students in USA is the best opt. With world-class training opportunities and state-of-the-art facilities, landing a coveted US residency spot allows you to advance your skills and expertise to the highest level.
However, getting a US medical residency as an IMG involves a step-by-step process with many requirements along the way. By understanding and following the key steps, you’ll place yourself in the best position to match into your desired residency program.
1) Register with the USMLE
Your first step when applying for US residency positions is registering with the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE). The USMLE is a three-step exam assessing an IMG’s medical knowledge and clinical skills. It is a core requirement when applying to US residency programs.
Registering is an easy process online via the USMLE website. You’ll need to create an account and provide background information on your medical education and credentials. This allows you access to schedule test dates and testing center locations.
Registering with the USMLE is the vital first step for IMGs seeking US medical residencies.
2) Pass the USMLE Exams
The next step is successfully passing all required USMLE exams. These are challenging, marathon tests covering a wide range of topics. Thorough preparation through dedicated study time and practice questions is a must.
The USMLE step structure is:
Step 1 - Assesses core concepts in basic medical sciences. Often taken after 2nd year of med school.
Step 2 CK - Focuses on medical knowledge application in clinical settings. Taken during 3rd year typically.
Step 2 CS - Evaluates clinical and communication skills through interactions with standardized patients.
Scoring well on your USMLEs signals to residency programs your strong medical knowledge foundation. It also indicates readiness for the fast-paced rigors of a US residency.
Many IMG applicants space out their exam schedule over a 1-2 year timeframe. Create your own prep timeline backward from desired residency start dates.
Allow plenty of dedicated study time to pass the USMLE exams.
3) Get Valuable Clinical Experience in the USA
In addition to tests, US residencies want applicants exposed to the American healthcare system and culture.
Gaining clinical experience in the US through observerships and clinical electives are a big advantage. These allow you hands-on learning of workflows, systems, treatments, technologies, patient populations, documentation, communication norms and more in American hospitals and clinics.
Observership organizations like Prasad Medical Center (+1 718-774-6060) assist IMGs in securing observership positions across the country. Be sure to research and understand program eligibility terms before applying.
Even a few weeks of US clinical experience can give that important edge among competitive applicants.
US clinical experience highlights adaptability to American medical norms.
4) Register with the AAMC
The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) has two key systems you must access during your application process:
MSPE (Medical Student Performance Evaluation) – Official record of medical education including grades, rankings and assessment.
ERAS (Electronic Residency Application Service) – Centralized online application portal distributing all materials to selected residency programs.
Register with AAMC early to get your credentials verified, understand each platform and have ERAS documentation ready when application season starts.
Connecting with the AAMC is essential throughout the residency hunt.
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5) Pick your Residency Programs
When deciding which residency programs to apply for, start broad. Identify specialties matching your interests, strengths and USMLE scores. Use online directories to make a list of reach, reasonable match and safety options across several states or regions.
Factors like location competitiveness, program size, IMG match history and curriculum emphasis can help you categorize options. Have a few safety choices with higher IMG acceptance rates.
Research programs thoroughly to have residency options at each level.
6) Get your ECFMG Token and Register with ERAS
Once programs are selected, activate your ECFMG (Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates) token. This allows ERAS to verify your test scores, credentials and identity when applying.
Next, access your MyERAS applicant profile. Add your exam history, experiences, publications and other credentials that programs will review.
Double and triple check all entries for accuracy before submitting to avoid costly mistakes or delays.
MyERAS is your central application hub throughout the residency process.
7) Finalize Documentation and Submit ERAS Application
With your MyERAS profile complete, finalize all required documentation:
Personal statement
Medical school transcripts
MSPE Dean’s letter
Letters of recommendation (3+)
School catalogues
Proofread all materials thoroughly before uploading to ERAS by the deadlines. Activate program selections and assign supporting documents for each.
Carefully prepare all pieces of your ERAS application package.
8) Medical Residency Interview
With a strong application submitted early, interview offers should follow!
Interview formats vary widely across residencies. Common options include one-on-one, panel interviews, multiple mini interviews (MMIs) and virtual interviews.
Careful preparation is key. Research programs, polish answers to common questions, hone your communication style, dress professionally and send prompt thank you notes.
Treat travel associated interviews as 24/7 assessments of fit. Be gracious, avoid complaining and share your passion for medicine and interest in the program.
Interviews are critical to sealing a residency position – make the most of them!
9) Register with the NRMP
After interviewing, register with the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) by late January. Creating your NRMP account starts the matching process based on how you rank programs and how they rank applicants.
The yearly Match Day in mid-March reveals results simultaneously to applicants across the country. This coordinated effort fills nearly 40,000 residency roles each spring.
Understand match statistics for given specialties and programs to set realistic expectations before this nerve-wracking day!
Learning match nuances helps ease the anticipation leading up to Match Day!
10) Residency Post-Match Focus
If matched, congratulations on achieving that coveted US residency program spot! Notify all relevant parties, celebrate thoroughly and handle any needed visa application processes.
Review program details to address required paperwork, licensing, preparations or moving requirements before start dates. Share excitements and ask graduated residents for advice as you transition to this intense but rewarding new chapter!
For those not matched, don’t be discouraged! Strategize about strengthening certain areas of your application and discuss options with mentors. Often success comes with perseverance and giving yourself the best opportunities the following year.
We hope this overview gives international medical graduates more clarity on the pathway to getting a US medical residency. While challenging, thousands achieve this goal annually through careful planning, dedication to preparation, and showing your passion for serving US patient populations.
If you still need assistance securing clinical experience or have any other questions along your journey, don’t hesitate to contact the knowledgeable team at Prasad Medical Center at (+1 718-774-6060) or visit https://www.prasadmedicalcenter.com/ We wish you the best of luck in achieving your American medical career dreams!
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saltedsolenoid · 2 years
trying to put a specific date on the season 2 episode 9 dt-17 episode "the outlaw scrooge mcduck," not for any good reason but because i'm a loser who likes history and ducktales
First off, the town of Gumption is a town in the American West. Scrooge McDuck was born in 1867, barring any dates before then. He was in Scotland up until 1877, when he got his number 1 dime. I doubt that Scrooge could have been in this episode until he was around 20 at the earliest, so, we're looking for any incidents of a gold rush in western American after 1887.
Between the years 1896 and 1899 are confirmed that Scrooge was in the Americas, for the Yukon Gold Rush.
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This is the outfit of John D. Rockerduck, which seems to match up best with menswear between 1900-1909. (picture below) See the flower decoration on his breast, high-heeled shoes, collar type, vest, and bowler hat. However, this style persists into the 1910s, making it so that we have a bit of wiggle room here.
also i did some research halfway through writing this and realized that there are no historical gold rushes fitting the place and time period this episode lays out, so I'm gonna look for any more context clues about it.
Given the fact that this episode largely features a train, I've gotten myself a map of railways in the southwest United States-- apologies for the absolutely dogshit horrible quality.
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The teal pathways denote smaller railways, the orange denotes transcontinental railways-- bigger railways. Given the size of the train featured in the episode, I suspect that the fictional town of Gumption is around one of those many smaller teal railroads. And what does that tell us? Not much.
However, there is also a major river featured in the episode, so when comparing the river map of southwest USA to the railroad map, we get
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This, wherein I've circled in red all areas that -Have a major river close by -Have a railroad -Have the correct climate to house this episode's setting
i realize now that i messed up minorly in the fact that my arthritis was starting to flare-up (it's really hard to draw circles on a laptop's touchpad with arthritis, okay?) and missed a few areas, but those are essentially the areas where this episode could have been set.
uh. merry fuckign crhistmas my hands hurt too much to type anythign else
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Navigating Your Path to Global Education with Career Bridge Group
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In the age of globalization, the pursuit of education transcends borders. It's about embracing diversity, broadening horizons, and unlocking opportunities that extend far beyond one's homeland. This is where Career Bridge Group steps in, weaving dreams into reality and guiding students on their journey to studying abroad.
Based in the vibrant city of Hyderabad, Career Bridge Group stands as a beacon of hope and expertise for those with aspirations of pursuing education in foreign lands. With a track record dating back to 2003, Career Bridge has been a steady force in facilitating the dreams of countless Indian students, transforming them into successful global citizens.
Our journey begins with the fundamental belief that education is not confined within geographical boundaries. Every student yearns for quality education that transcends beyond mere classroom learning. However, the path to international education can be complex, with various universities, courses, and countries to consider. This is where the expertise of an overseas education consultant becomes invaluable.
Career Bridge Group operates as more than just consultants; we're partners in your journey. We understand that embarking on an educational voyage requires careful planning, research, and guidance. Our dedicated team of experienced career counselors and esteemed Indian alumni, who have successfully pursued education abroad, join hands to provide personalized assistance.
We're driven by the commitment to simplify the process of studying abroad. Our services encompass comprehensive counseling sessions, tailor-made training programs, university events, seminars, tests, and demo interviews. These elements collectively shape a roadmap that aligns with your goals, preferences, and aspirations.
Choosing the right institute or university abroad isn't just a decision; it's an investment in your future. At Career Bridge Group, we believe in empowering students to make informed choices. We're equipped with a deep understanding of universities across the USA, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, and more. Our extensive network and collaborations with reputable overseas colleges ensure that you're presented with the best options.
Success stories are etched in the very fabric of Career Bridge Group. From securing admissions in prestigious institutions to assisting with visa applications, we've been the catalyst for countless dreams coming to fruition. We measure our success through the achievements of our students, whose educational journeys have become a testament to our commitment.
As we continue to evolve and adapt to the changing landscape of global education, Career Bridge Group remains resolute in its mission. Our core values of integrity, dedication, and student-centricity guide every interaction we have. We're not just consultants; we're mentors, friends, and companions, offering unwavering support as you step into the realm of international education.
So, whether you're looking to study business in the UK, pursue a master's in the USA, or explore scientific avenues in Canada, Career Bridge Group is here to transform your aspirations into achievements. Join us in embracing the boundless possibilities that education across borders brings. Your journey awaits, and we're here to make it remarkable.
Unlock your potential with Career Bridge Group. Explore, discover, and embark on a transformative educational journey that knows no boundaries. 🌍🎓 #CareerBridge #StudyAbroad #GlobalEducation
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July Newsletter: Discounts, new Book of Judges and more
We’ve got news on the new edition of Judges, discounts, blogs and more this month
New Judges with more pages!
In September, we will be officially releasing the new version of The Book of Judges. This new edition features the NIV translation but also even more pages! Now, I know what you’re thinking but we didn’t add anything to the biblical text, we spread the existing panels over more pages making it so the pages are not so cramped and the illustrations are larger, we also lightened up the images as our first edition was very dark.
In this example below, the top left page is the original page, which becomes three pages in the new edition including two new panels and verse reference numbers in the corners.
If you can’t wait until September you can preorder it via the UK online shop and pay postage to your location and you’ll receive it before the official release. (Note: Kickstarter Backers of Song of Songs who added Judges will get this new version)
The new Judges graphic novel was showcased at the American Library Association Convention of over 10,000 librarians last month and this month will be at the Christian Product Expo in Kentucky.
If you are ordering books direct from us (via the UK online shop), you can now get a discount when you spend £50+ you’ll get 25% off! Just enter the discount code FIFTYQUIDPLUS at checkout. Includes books, t-shirts and digital items!
(T&Cs: Offer works on direct purchases from the UK, not available on US and Canada domestic delivery which is handled by our distributors).
Patreon Hangout
On Saturday 15th July, we’ll have one of our Patreon Hangouts, a Zoom call between myself, some of the team and our patrons will be there to chat, answer questions and connect. The talk will likely be around the new title The Book of Acts which has started production but won’t be Kickstarted until next year. To get the inside scoop, see pages before anyone else and join us at the hangout, become a patron today:
The Gathering
We had a great time at the Gathering in June despite nearly melting in the sun. I did some sword training and we saw dozens of men make a first-time commitment or recommitment to Christ on the weekend. Welcome those that joined the newsletter at the event.
I wrote a couple of blogs on the research I’ve been doing recently, I showed the top one to Dr. Mark Woolmer (our history consultant and history lecturer) and he said he’d have given me a First for the essay if it had been submitted in his class which made me happy
In this blog, I explore the question of whether the Golden Calf of Exodus was likely a statue of an Apis Bull?
In this blog, I ask if Moses was tall.
Kickstarter Update
The creation of the Song of Songs is complete and the digital copies will be sent out to you very soon. They've had their first round of proofreading and corrections are being added. Once the second round of proofreading is complete will be sending it out, before the end of this month.
They'll also be heading to the printers in the next month or so in good time for delivery to backers by the end of November (or before). They will be released in shops in March 2024.
Books in libraries: As you saw above our book was featured at the ALA con. Please pray with us that libraries really discover the benefits of the Word for Word Bible Comic and decide to stock them all across the USA. Spanish editions: We have some potential leads to getting distribution of our Spanish editions in Latin America and Europe. Please pray we can get these books into the hands of Spanish speakers very soon!
Technical issue: We have had some trouble with the ISBN registration on Amazon and other places for the new books. Some progress has been made since last time but please pray this is miraculously sorted out very soon so it does not hamper sales.
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paigesprocessblog · 2 years
Week 5, October 4
After deciding last week that I wanted to educate people that could potentially benefit from using psychedelics medicinally and therapeutically, I decided to start by taking a deeper dive into individual psychedelics. This week, I focused my research on psilocybin (shroomies 🍄). Here is what a found....
Scholarly Research:
Predictors of attitudes toward psychedelics among psychologists in the USA by Jason B. Luoma
This article discusses how the legalization of psychedelic-assisted therapy becomes more likely to happen. This is an urge to open psychiatrists' minds to the potential benefits of psychedelic-assisted therapies. In this study, they "examined associations between individual difference variables and psychologists’ attitudes toward psychedelics, including age, gender, region, religious affiliation, personal experience with psychedelics, friends’ or loved ones’ experiences with psychedelics, level of training in addiction treatment, and knowledge of psychedelics", and the purpose of this was to help inform psychiatrists of the benefits of psychedelics.
Although this one isn't specifically about psilocybin, when I found it this week I figured it couldn't hurt to include it. I think this article Is an interesting perspective because it is urging psychiatrists to see the benefits and become open to using psychedelic therapy in their practice when it becomes legalized. This will be a great POV to add to my paper, and I like the fact that the audience can see not only the potential benefits to patients but also call psychologists to action.
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Psychedelic Research and Psilosybin Therapy by Johns Hopkins University
This article talks about the timeline of their research in psilocybin therapy and mentions the benefits of psilocybin therapy for patients with treatment-resistance mental health crises. Johns Hopkins University is currently the leading psychedelic research center in the US, so there is tons of valuable information here. They say in the article that there is "a naturally occurring psychedelic compound found in 'magic mushrooms,' allows it to penetrate the central nervous system and the scientific and medical experts are just beginning to understand its effects on the brain and mind and its potential as therapeutics for mental illnesses". This article takes us through Johns Hopkins University's past timeline of psychedelic research, and shows us how much progress they have made.
I think this article is super valuable because it is from such a reputable source, and it gives tons of valuable information. I finally got a glimpse into how psychedelics actually enter the body and help treat mental health issues, which I haven't discovered in my research prior to this. I'm interested to use Johns Hopkins University as a source for further research so I can find out how psychedelics actually work. It is a newer field of exploration so there isn't much research on it yet.
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Psilocybin as mental health therapy? Here’s what I found. by Steven Petrow
This article talks about the author and how he began to look into psychedelic therapy to help him with anxiety and depression. He talks about the dangers he was warned about, and how he had to slowly stop taking antidepressants before he tripped so he could feel the effects. He then talks about tips to have a safe trip when you're in a guided setting.
I think this is super helpful, as it provides resources to participate in clinical trials, and warns against the potential risks, while also explaining the benefits. I also like that this is a first-hand account and almost feels like a diary because we go through the author's journey from when his interest in psychedelics was first sparked, to his first trip.
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“Magic Mushrooms,” Psilocybin and Mental Health by University Hospitals
This article goes over how psilocybin research is increasing, Johns Hopkins University being the #1 research center for psychedelics in the world, the benefits for mental health issues like addiction, eating disorders, OCD, etc. It assures the audience that psilocybin is virtually never lethal, and "extremely safe" when taken in administered settings. It also goes into depth about their findings with each mental health issue that they talk about by stating specific studies that have been done with psilocybin in relation to each mental health issue.
This is a great perspective to take into account because it talks about the actual research and studies being done, as well as the benefits. I really enjoyed how they focused on anorexia for a good about of time because that one hits close to home, and I think this might be something that I'm interested in focusing on. This leads me to my creative research for this week.
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Scholarly Research Spreadsheet:
Creative Research:
I was inspired by one of the interviews from last week where one of the people said that they had an "its all love" moment, and how they couldn't stop looking in the mirror and absolutely loving every part of their body that they had once despised and felt self-conscious about. I really got stuck on this idea of "it's all love". Those words really stuck with me. As someone who has struggled with anorexia and exercise addiction since I was 12, and it having almost killed me my senior year of high school, I think eating disorders could be a point of interest or something to focus on for my research... narrowing my topic down even more. So, I decided to make this video titled "It's All Love, Baby".
This video means *a lot* to me, and I really fell in love with making it and the final product. It makes me emotional, proud, happy, and sad all at once. I think some version of a video like this could be a cool addition to my psychedelic classroom in the final exhibition. I want to advocate for self-love, and sometimes we need help with that, and psychedelics seem to be quite the booster.
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komal7676 · 3 hours
Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University: Affordable MBBS Fees in Georgia for Aspiring Doctors
Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University (BSRSU) is one of the leading universities in Georgia, offering a globally recognized MBBS program with top-notch facilities and experienced faculty. For international students, BSRSU stands out as an excellent choice for medical education, particularly due to its affordable MBBS fees and high-quality academic standards. Located in the beautiful coastal city of Batumi, the university combines world-class education with a welcoming environment.
Why Choose Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University?
BSRSU is well known for its comprehensive MBBS curriculum, which is designed to meet international standards. The MBBS in Georgia at Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University is recognized by major medical bodies such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the Medical Council of India (MCI), and others, making graduates eligible to practice medicine in numerous countries, including India, the UK, and the USA.
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Key highlights of studying MBBS at BSRSU:
English-taught Program: The MBBS program is taught entirely in English, making it accessible to international students from various countries.
Modern Infrastructure: The university boasts modern medical laboratories, state-of-the-art facilities, and hands-on training, ensuring students gain practical experience throughout their education.
Experienced Faculty: BSRSU has a highly qualified faculty comprising professors, medical practitioners, and researchers who are dedicated to nurturing future doctors.
Affordable MBBS Fees in Georgia
One of the primary reasons international students opt for Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University is its affordable fee structure. While medical programs in other countries such as the USA or UK can cost a fortune, MBBS fees in Georgia are relatively low, making it a great option for students who want quality education at a reasonable price.
At BSRSU, the total tuition fees for the entire MBBS course generally range between $25,000 to $30,000, depending on the academic year. This breaks down to about $4,000 to $5,000 annually, which includes tuition, access to the university’s modern labs, and clinical training at affiliated hospitals. Additional expenses like accommodation and living costs in Batumi are also affordable compared to Western countries, making Georgia a budget-friendly option for medical education.
Cost Breakdown
Tuition Fees: $25,000 to $30,000 for the entire MBBS course.
Accommodation: Approximately $1,000 to $1,500 per year, depending on the type of housing.
Living Expenses: Around $200 to $300 per month, covering food, transport, and other essentials.
Multicultural Learning Environment
BSRSU prides itself on offering a multicultural learning environment, where students from all over the world come together. The university hosts students from India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Africa, and various other countries, making it a diverse and culturally rich campus. This not only enhances the educational experience but also prepares students for global medical practices.
Career Prospects After MBBS from BSRSU
Graduates from Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University have excellent career prospects both in Georgia and internationally. With accreditations from bodies like the WHO, MCI, and ECFMG (Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates), students are eligible to take licensing exams such as USMLE, PLAB, and NEXT (for India). Graduates can pursue postgraduate studies or begin their medical practice in various countries, given that the MBBS degree is widely accepted globally.
For students aiming to pursue MBBS in Georgia, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University offers an affordable yet high-quality education. With its modern facilities, experienced faculty, and international recognition, BSRSU provides a strong foundation for a successful medical career. The affordable MBBS fees and low cost of living in Georgia make it an attractive option for students looking to study abroad without compromising on the quality of education.
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sagarargroup · 1 day
New Vision University Georgia: A Top Destination for Your MBBS Dream
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Are you dreaming of becoming a doctor? If so, New Vision University Georgia might be the perfect place for you. It’s one of the leading medical universities in Georgia, attracting students from around the globe who are eager to pursue an MBBS degree. Georgia has gained significant popularity in recent years as an ideal destination for medical studies, and New Vision University Georgia stands out due to its academic excellence, affordable education, and student-friendly environment. In this article, we will explore why this university should be on your list.
Why Choose New Vision University Georgia?
There are many reasons to choose New Vision University Georgia for your medical studies. Here are some of the top factors that make it an excellent choice:
Internationally Recognized Degrees: The MBBS degree from New Vision University Georgia is globally recognized. It is approved by major medical bodies like the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Medical Council of India (MCI). This ensures that after completing your degree, you can pursue medical practice or higher education in different countries, including India, the USA, and the UK.
Affordable Fees: One of the biggest advantages of studying at New Vision University Georgia is the affordability of its programs. Compared to other countries offering MBBS degrees, Georgia offers high-quality medical education at a fraction of the cost. With no hidden charges like donation fees, students can save a lot of money.
English-Medium Programs: For international students, the language of instruction is a critical factor. At New Vision University Georgia, all the MBBS courses are taught in English, which makes it convenient for students from non-Georgian-speaking countries. You won’t face any language barriers during your studies.
Advanced Infrastructure: New Vision University Georgia boasts modern infrastructure and well-equipped laboratories. The university is committed to providing top-notch facilities to its students to ensure that they have a strong theoretical and practical foundation in medicine.
Experienced Faculty: The faculty at New Vision University Georgia consists of highly qualified professionals who are experts in their respective fields. They guide students through a comprehensive curriculum and ensure they receive the best education possible.
MBBS Program at New Vision University Georgia
The MBBS program at New Vision University Georgia is designed to equip students with a strong foundation in medical science and clinical practice. The program is structured over six years, including both theoretical knowledge and practical training.
Comprehensive Curriculum: The curriculum at New Vision University Georgia is up-to-date and includes subjects like human anatomy, biochemistry, pathology, pharmacology, and more. Each subject is taught in-depth, ensuring that students develop a clear understanding of medical science.
Practical Experience: Practical training is an essential part of the MBBS program. Students at New Vision University Georgia gain hands-on experience through clinical rotations in affiliated hospitals. This helps them apply their classroom knowledge to real-life medical cases.
Focus on Research: New Vision University Georgia encourages its students to participate in medical research. The university’s modern labs and research facilities are open to students who wish to explore and innovate in the field of medical science. Engaging in research can significantly boost your career prospects.
Internship Opportunities: In the final year of the MBBS program, students are required to complete a one-year internship. During this time, they get exposure to working in hospitals and dealing with patients under the supervision of experienced doctors. This real-world experience is invaluable in preparing students for their medical careers.
Benefits of Studying at New Vision University Georgia
Studying at New Vision University Georgia comes with numerous benefits. Let’s take a closer look at why this university is a great option for medical aspirants:
Easy Admission Process: Unlike many countries where the admission process for medical schools is highly competitive, New Vision University Georgia offers a relatively straightforward and hassle-free admission process. Students only need to meet basic eligibility criteria, and there’s no need to take any additional entrance exams, such as the NEET for Indian students.
No Donation or Capitation Fees: One of the best things about studying in Georgia is that there are no donation fees or capitation fees at New Vision University Georgia. Students are only required to pay their tuition fees, which are much lower compared to medical schools in other countries.
Safe and Friendly Environment: Georgia is known for being a safe and welcoming country for international students. The city where New Vision University Georgia is located is peaceful, and students can enjoy a comfortable lifestyle without worrying about their safety.
Cultural Diversity: Students from various countries, including India, the USA, and other parts of the world, come to study at New Vision University Georgia. This creates a culturally diverse environment where students can learn from each other and develop a broader perspective on life.
Global Opportunities: Upon graduating from New Vision University Georgia, students can sit for licensing exams such as the USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Examination), PLAB (Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board) for the UK, and the MCI screening test for India. This opens up opportunities to practice medicine globally, making New Vision University Georgia a gateway to an international medical career.
Student Life at New Vision University Georgia
Life at New Vision University Georgia is not just about academics. The university ensures that students enjoy a holistic educational experience.
Extracurricular Activities: The university encourages students to participate in various extracurricular activities such as sports, cultural events, and student clubs. These activities help students relax and engage with their peers while developing teamwork and leadership skills.
Comfortable Accommodation: New Vision University Georgia offers safe and affordable accommodation options for international students. The hostels are located near the campus and provide all the necessary amenities, including Wi-Fi, study spaces, and common areas where students can socialize.
Local Attractions: Georgia is a beautiful country with a rich cultural history. During breaks, students can explore the country’s scenic landscapes, historical sites, and enjoy the vibrant local culture. Studying at New Vision University Georgia gives you the opportunity to experience life in one of Europe’s most stunning countries.
Final Thoughts
For students aiming to pursue a successful career in medicine, New Vision University Georgia is a top choice. The university offers a well-rounded MBBS program that focuses on both academic and practical training. Its affordable tuition fees, experienced faculty, and international recognition make it one of the best places to study medicine in Europe.
If you're looking for a university that provides high-quality education, a supportive environment, and global career opportunities, New Vision University Georgia is the perfect destination. Start your journey to becoming a doctor by applying to New Vision University Georgia today!
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