#Hannah Fox
melsie-sims2 · 10 months
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Charlie had a ton of produce to sell, even the shelves he bought couldn't fit them all. He was going to make so many simoleons if he managed to sell all of them today!
While some of the neighbors came by to do some grocery shopping, he got to work packing crates of peppers. Even set to cheap, the crates were worth over 200 simoleons each!
"Oh hey, welcome!" he said, noticing Hannah walking by. "Are you in the mood for some peppers today to spice up your diet?"
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buckleys-diaz · 1 year
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for @dancing-mylife-away
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hereforhannah · 21 days
Hannah Waddingham at the FOX Fall Press Junket 🩷🩷
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cewoz · 3 months
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headlesssamurai · 1 year
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//the_mummy/1999/ //dir_stephen_sommers/
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cinemagal · 2 years
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21 FILMS OF THE 21ST CENTURY Kill Bill Vol. 1 (2003) dir. Quentin Tarantino
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knowthatiloveyou · 21 days
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Hannah Waddingham at the FOX Fall Press Junket today in LA for Krapopolis
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silverfoxstole · 8 months
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Recording Shada in 2002.
From DWM 330, May 2003:
We first spoke in Vancouver in 1996…
[sings] Ah yes, I remember it well…
…And here we are in Bristol, years later, with James Fox and Andrew Sachs. Would you ever have thought it?
Well, when my agent was telling me about it, I thought we had a bad line. She said, ‘James Fox is in it, and Andrew Sachs, and so-and-so and such-and-such’ and I assumed I was mishearing. I mean, how could it be?
Were you familiar with the work of Douglas Adams?
Not really, only Hitchhiker’s Guide. I’m not a sci-fi reader at all, that’s not my thing. I didn’t really know a great deal about Adams – I certainly didn’t realise he was this amazing polymath. But Lalla speaks so eloquently and passionately about him, and I’ve come to understand why he was so well-loved and respected, and, of course, the quality of the script speaks for itself.
Are you enjoying playing the script?
Well, compared to last year’s plays, and the year before, you can definitely tell it’s from a different source. It has a different tack, and a whole different kind of wit. If you were at a blind tasting, and shown just a page or two of every script we’ve done, you’d easily spot that this one came from somewhere else, from a very fertile mind. It’s great stuff.
Everyone seems to have treated the script with great respect. Almost every line seems to be debated as you all try to get the best of out it.
Comedy is a very serious business. If it was a so-called straight drama, you probably wouldn’t find that much discussion.
So it’s exacting work?
Oh yes, very much so. If a thing is meant to be funny, you’ve got to make sure it’s funny, so you’ve got to get it right. In drama, your main directions are ‘quicker’, ‘slower’, ‘louder’, ‘quieter’. But on something like this you have to watch how you spin every word. It’s not something you can be lazy about.
I hear you’re missing India Fisher…
I sure am. Every time the studio door opens, I think she’s going to walk through. It’s the association with this place, where we do all these plays, and this is the first one we’ve done without her, so it seems very strange. She’ll be back next year, though, won’t she?
I certainly hope so. Will you?
Well, yes, that’s in the planning stages. Apparently, as was revealed to me yesterday, 2003 is the 40th anniversary of Doctor Who, and they’re planning something of a special with me and Davison and Sylv and Colin Baker. I think they’re going to have us as some sort of barbershop quartet or something.
So you’re still finding it fun, being the Doctor?
You sound very sure of yourself when you ask that… You’ve phrased the question to get the answer you want, I think!
Well, I guess as a fan, I’d like to think that Doctor Who likes being Doctor Who…
Well, I’ll put your mind at rest, then, because I am still enjoying it. I like working on audios more than on screen. Day in, day out, it’s just more of a laugh. Doing the visual work, on TV or in pictures, you never get to hang around with the rest of the cast. Here we can swap stories in the green room, or go off in a gang to the pub for lunch. When you’re working on pictures it’s not like that. You go in, do your little bit, and then you’re shunted off to a trailer out of the way. This is much more fun. It’s what being an actor is all about, and I have Doctor Who to thank for that opportunity.
Extracts from the recording of Shada:
The Doctor decides it’s time to get to the point. “What have you done with the Professor’s mind?” he asks.
“It will be put to a more useful purpose,” replies Skagra, haughtily.
“I would argue that it was serving a very useful purpose where it was.” ”Not to me.”
“You realise he died?” says the Doctor.
“Only his mind was of use to me,” says Skagra. “Not his life.”
“You take a very proprietorial attitude to people’s brains,” responds the Doctor, calmly.
“It seems to me,” says Skagra, his voice rising slightly, “that the Time Lords take a very proprietorial view of the Universe.”
There is a pause.
“Hold on,” says Lalla Ward, looking across the room to Nick, the director. “Surely the Doctor would be more accurate about his reference there. Skagra hasn’t stolen the Professor’s brain, only his mind.”
“That’s right,” agrees Andrew Sachs, dropping his thin, high Skagra voice. “The actual brains stay in their heads, don’t they?”
“It’s a good point,” replies Nick. “I imagine that Douglas was trying to avoid repetition of the word ‘mind’.”
“Well Douglas should have known better,” says Lalla, firmly. “And it’s a bit silly to worry about repetition of the word ‘mind’ now. It’s all ‘I want your mind, I want his mind’ for the next 60 pages.”
“So would you like me to change ‘brain’ to ‘mind’ on that line?” queries Paul McGann. “Because, y’know, I think the Doctor would be far more accurate about his reference there.”
The Krag commander growls its greeting to Skagra. “What are your orders, my Lord?”
Andrew Sachs peers over his script. “Cod and chips twice, please. And a carton of mushy peas.”
Paul McGann is recording assorted screams and moans to signify the Doctor’s mistreatment by Skagra’s mind-sucking sphere. “Argh!” he groans, “Aargh…ugh…aaargh!”
“Thanks, Paul,” says Nick. “That’s just brilliant.”
“Three years at RADA for that!” laughs Paul gleefully. “Would you like me to do some more?”
Nick smiles and turns to Andrew Sachs. “Now could we just do your lines as the sphere attacks the Doctor again?” Andrew nods and clears his throat. “This time, Doctor,” sneers the icy voice of Skagra, “This time no one will come to your rescue. I shall have your mind.” It’s chilling stuff.
“Y’know,” says Paul, “I believe you!”
“Poor Skagra,” says Andrew. “I have the feeling he’s a very lonely man. I think he needs a wife and kids. A talking spaceship’s no real substitute for the love of a good woman, is it?”
Skagra has some seriously sexy transport, and the Doctor is stealing it.
“Ship!” shouts the Doctor. “Activate all re-aligned drive circuits.”
“Something very strange is happening,” says the ship, all sultry sibilance.
“Ta-daa!” cheers the Doctor.
Hannah Gordon is in a separate sound booth. “Should I be getting more roused there?” she asks over the loudspeaker.
“I don’t think so,” says Nick. “Just keep it honey-voiced and seductive.”
In the gallery, artist Lee Sullivan crosses his legs. “I don’t think I can take much more,” he says. “I may have to leave the room. I never found myself attracted to a spaceship before!”
In the studio, Sean Biggerstaff is fidgeting with his headphones. “It’s very strange working with a sexy, disembodied voice in your ear,” he says.
“I can’t see any downside to that,” muses Paul.
“Hey, that’s me you’re talking about,” replies Hannah in a sexy, disembodied way.
An invisible spaceship,” smiles Lalla. “Such a brilliant idea from Douglas.”
“And now we have an invisible spaceship on audio,” adds Paul.
“Douglas would have laughed at that. It’s just so marvellously perverse.”
“Shall we go and explore it?”
“Oh, yes, let’s explore…”
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madison1782 · 9 months
Hannah imitating Matt Barry from Krapopolis. Her voices are hilarious!
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lesliesknopes · 8 months
If you’re feeling down, I can feel you up
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alex/henry | teen | 7K (complete)
British Bake Off @BritishBakeOff Our star baker of the week was the brilliant Fatima! She excelled in all three challenges causing even Paul’s eyebrows to move a few inches up his forehead #GBBO Henry @henrymcfox replying to @BritishBakeOff Congrats Fatima well deserved. Felt a bit sorry for Alex his chocolate hedgehog was adorable. Pez @auntiepezza replying to @henrymcfox Face card isn’t a category Henry. Fatima was the clear winner in the BAKING show OR Alex is a contestant on Bake Off and Henry can't stop tweeting about him.
read more
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melsie-sims2 · 11 months
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"Hi Scarlett! How's it going?" Gilbert asked when he noticed the store owner wasn't preoccupied with other customers.
"Gilbert! Hey! I'm good, thanks! How are you? How's Joel?" she greeted him with a friendly smile. "Did you two adopt?!"
"No... no we didn't, but we did have a baby," Gilbert replied, looking a little awkward. "I don't know how much you know about aliens... but Joel was abducted earlier this season..."
"Really?" Scarlett hid her surprise behind a smile. "That's amazing! What's the baby's name?"
"Luna, she's amazing, we're already very smitten," Gilbert told her. "So that's why I'm here. We're gonna need some furniture. Will you be restocking any time soon?"
Scarlett just shrugged. "Oh! Actually no... I'm just gonna walk around aimlessly and not do anything, sorry! It's the curse of not being playable."
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pernillecfcw · 5 months
The gals arriving at the awards 🔥💙
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wosocharleeeeess · 11 months
no way jessie fleming resurrects herself on insta to post a thank you about going to a haunted house thing 😭
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housesofmouses · 1 month
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itsmelissadj · 5 months
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Kill Bill - The Deadly Viper Assassination Squad (The D.i.V.A.S)
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spacepunksupreme · 5 months
friend of mine who works in film posted this on his insta story the other day and I just havnt been able to stop laughing over it for some reason
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