#Hannibal Morganti
necr0wmancer · 7 months
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I do art and I never upload it. Luric, an Aurorus bard for a group I am hella dead in, and Hannibal, a Ghost/Poison Silvally I re-did from old art for another group.
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heart-of-vecna · 7 years
Rae’s OC Masterlist 2017
Decided to make a masterlist of OCs I have right now? Because I realize I don’t actually have one.
Valmara Vergrod - Female Human, 427, 5′05″, Wizard, Chaotic Neutral. Previously a lich, Valmara is a unpredictable mess who is as likely to shoot you as she is to help you. OTP - [Arrogath] / Thauma / Otira  (PC: IncarnateInfinity)
Xisyl Feyt - Male (Trans) High Elf, 200′s, 5′07″, Battle Alchemist, Chaotic Neutral. Xisyl is a loose cannon who’s usually up to no good, but cares about the party as a whole. BROTP - Kirkulese (PC: Adam)
Orpheus Abel - Male Human Revenant, 68, 6′03″, Priest of Lady Winter, Lawful Neutral. Unaware that he is actually dead, Orpheus walks the earth with the intention of helping all of those who cannot help themselves. 
Arrogath Merrough - Male Lich, 500′s, 6′01″, Ex Court Wizard, Lawful Evil. Val’s mentor and sort-of husband until his demise, Arrogath was responsible for turning her into a lich.
Volker Kaspar - Male Human, 42, 6′05″, Leader, Neutral Evil. Volker was previously a general of a expansionist kingdom, fleeing with Serenity when his love was sacrificed to keep Serenity ‘safe’.
Serenity - Female Human, 20′s, 5′06″, Wizard, True Neutral. Serenity is a human weapon stolen from a conquered kingdom, who now is on the run with Volker.
Dr. Abeyancy - Male Elf, ?, 6′02″, Namer, True Neutral. Dr. Abeyancy is a eccentric scholar with the obsessive habit to collect True Names and poisons.
Edwina Jay - Female Human, 23, 5′01″, Apothecary, True Neutral. More likely to get you sick then she is to heal you, but she’ll try.
Prometheus - Male (Monster), ?, 7′08″, N/A, Chaotic Neutral. Prometheus is a monster who sustains on the hunger of others, and resides pretending to be a human in a trailer park.
Eiylsweir - Male Ungod, ?, ~7′00″+, N/A, Lawful Evil. Previously a much more powerful and renowned god, Eiylsweir was banished from his power after losing a bet with a rival.
Quartz - Female Human, 26, 5′07″, Thief, Chaotic Neutral. Quartz became Eiyslweir’s concert in exchange for his protection, after botching a break-in to another god’s temple.
Prague Zizkov - Male Living Construct, 30, 6′09″, Body Guard, Chaotic Neutral. Prague works as muscle for various groups, more then happy to do dirty jobs for pay.
Unnamed - Female Lich, ?, 5′00″, Herbalist, True Neutral. A lich who loves plants, and keeps them in her broken skull as decoration.
“Twitter” - Female Aarakocra, 7, 4′07″, Ranger, Neutral Good. Nicknamed by her guild mates who couldn’t pronounce her actual name, Twitter is a naive but hopeful adventurer and party Bird Bank.
Yusra Demir - Female Human Vampire, ?, 5′09″, Wizard, Neutral Evil. Unused potential 5e scholar and Vecna worshiper. 
Ereneth Descoteaux - Female Shiny Aegislash, ?, 5′05″, Nobility, Neutral Evil. Ereneth is vain and snooty, and more then enjoys fighting and the pain of others.
Veasna El-Amin - Male Cofagrigus, 205, 6′02″, Hobo, True Neutral. Veasna died in a mine cave-in, and prefers to keep his personal life secret.
Santana Martinez - Male Houndoom, 27, 6′00″, Blacksmith, Lawful Good. Santana is happy-go-lucky and overly optimistic, and has a love for swords and nerdy smithing opportunities. 
Ayomide - Female Probopass, 24, 5′04″, Witch, Neutral Good. Ayomide likes to play harmless jokes on people, and is happy to help others out.
Carmilla Von Brandt- Female Hydreigon, 22, 5′06″, Mage, True Neutral. Carmilla is overly invested in her craft, and exceptionally neurotic over it.
Dex Victor - Genderfluid Sandile, 25, 5′08″, ‘Paranormal Investigator’, True Neutral. Dex runs a paranormal / cryptid blog, but doesn’t actually believe in any of it.
Luciano Devonshire - Male Noctowl, 40, 6′00″, Violinist, Neutral Good. A depressed and color blind violinist for the premiere Castelia City Orchestra.
Lady - Female Human, 21, 5′03″, High Priestess of Reshiram, Lawful Neutral. Lady is a overzealous priestess of Reshiram and subleader of Bleakfield, who wishes to consume the world in Reshiram’s cleansing fire.
Catcher - Female Human, 21, 5′07″, High Priestess of Zekrom, Chaotic Neutral. Catcher is a uncertain priestess of Zekrom and subleader of Bleakfield, and Lady’s twin sister who does not enjoy her job as much as Lady does.
Dominus - Male Elf, 59, 6′08″, High Priest of Kyurem and True Leader of Bleakfield, True Neutral. Dominus kidnapped Catcher and Lady as children in order to fulfill a prophecy he made up to unite a crumbling kingdom under his control.
Ascended - Male Human, 35, 6′05″, Captain of the Guard, Lawful Good. Ascended prides in his job as Guard Captain, and fights hard to keep Bleakfield a lawful land.
False - Female Human, 25, 5′06″, Grave Robber, Chaotic Evil. False does as she wants, and is a prominent figure in Bleakfield’s underground.
Dogma - Female Dwarf, 31, 4′09″, War Advisor, Neutral Good. Dogma strives to keep Bleakfield out of war, and Dominus out of control.
Evoker - Male Human, 26, 5′10″, Priest of Kyurem, True Neutral. Evoker assists with Bleakfield’s major holidays, and is a confidant of Dogma.
Sabbath - Male Human, 36, 6′02″, Mercenary, Chaotic Neutral. Sabbath is one of False’s many contacts, serving as a hitman and bodyguard for her various operations.
Lost - Male Elf, 43, 5′11″, Wanderer, Chaotic Neutral. Lost has few memories of his past, and wanders Bleakfield in search of his history.
Dr. Hannibal Octavian Morganti, ED.D., D.V.M., LL.D., M.D., PH.D. - Male Poison/Ghost Silvally, ?, 6′08″, Scientist, Chaotic Neutral. Previously the Electric/Psychic Uxie god of Knowledge, Hannibal knows no bound to further his knowledge and has few morals to boot.
Amaranthine Morganti - Male Steel/Ghost Type:Null, 4, 5′07″, Assistant, True Neutral. Hannibal’s robotic ‘son’ and assistant, Amaranthine is naive but curious about whatever may be shown to him.
Polis Rettig - Male Poison/Ghost Skarmory, 93, 6′02″, Ex-Sniper / Hobo, Neutral Evil. Trapped after being killed in war, Polis lives on the streets of his enemy country.
Dr. Theron Crane, M.D. - Male Poison Hypno, 40, 6′00″, Hospital Surgeon, True Neutral. Dr. Crane is overly aloof about his job, and can often be found asleep in his office. OTP - Renee Crane
Renee Crane, R.N. - Female Normal/Fairy Glaceon, 29, 5′03″, Hospital Nurse, Lawful Good. Renee is upbeat and overly sweet, but very strict on rules.
Cynbel Donndubhán - Male Ghost/Electric Zebstrika, 42, 6′05″, Metal Band Singer/Guitarist, True Neutral. Cynbel takes is punk rock / metal vibe very seriously, including his ability to remove his head.
Dr. Xavier Willoughby, M.D. - Male Poison/Ghost Girafarig, 82, 6′02″, Hospital Doctor, Neutral Good. Xavier is shaky and non-confrontational, and is usually sick most of the time himself.   
Nocturna Dahlmorzza - Female Dark/Fighting Excadrill, 21, 5′00″, Gang Member, True Neutral. Nocturna is quick on her feet and a very good hand to hand fighter, making her a good scout for her gang.
Kala Villa - Female Rock/Water Sawsbuck, 25, 5′05″, Marine Biologist, Neutral Good. Xavier’s great niece, Kala works hard at her job and is more then happy to drop kick anyone harming the ocean.
Misaki Hashimoto - Female Grass/Fairy Mawile, 18, 5′03″, Shrine Maiden Wannabe, Lawful Good. A shrine maiden in training, Misaki is overly ambitious with her job and is incredibly reckless.
Justinian Sykora - Male Ice/Ground Tauros, 39, 6′07″, Butcher, True Neutral. Justinian just wants everyone to leave him alone.
Peter Rye - Male Dragon/Fairy Lurantis, 22, 5′05″, Gang Leader, Chaotic Neutral. Peter is the leader of a gang of young adults, and is incredibly aloof.
Charlemagne - Male Steel/Fighting Gallade, 21, 5′06″, Artexerxe’s Body Guard, Lawful Good. Charlemagne is Artexerxe’s adopted son and guard, and while mopey he takes his job seriously.
Artexerxes - Male Steel/Psychic Kommo-o, 43, 6′02″, Ambassador, Lawful Good. Artexerxes hails from a crumbling royalty, and desires to help all the people of his kingdom.
Vercingetorix - Male Ice/Dark Electivire, ?, 6′05″, N/A, Chaotic Evil. Previously the Therian Landorus God of Strife, Vercigetorix erratically shifts from one location to another, looking for a purpose.
Temitope “Baron” Ihejirika - Male Ghost/Fire Tyrantrum, 216, 6′10″, Religious Group Leader, True Neutral. Temitope is a kind but strong willed leader of his religious sect, and takes protecting them as his highest priority. OTP - Samantha Ihejirika
Samantha “Samedi” Ihejirika - Female Ghost/Fire Torterra, 37, 6′02″, Religious Group Second in Command, True Neutral. Sam is much more reserved then Temitope, but has earned the nickname of ‘Mama Samedi’ from many of their acolytes. OTP - Temitope Ihejirika
Al-Elden - Male Dragon/Water Seviper, 46, 6′06″, Ship Captain, Lawful Neutral. Captain of a large trade ship, Al-Elden prefers the sea instead of land.
Mordecai Yehowah - Male Fighting/Normal Mimikyu, 25, 5′11″, Thief/Vigilante, Chaotic Neutral. Mordecai runs tabs on a large swath of city he calls his own, stealing and chasing out any other shady individual who might want to step into his territory.
Edward H. Thorn - Male Dark/Fighting Midnight Lycanroc, 26, 5′08″, Bodyguard for Kogasa, Chaotic Evil. Reckless and an absolute asshole, Edward does what he wants when he wants - as long as it doesn’t interfere with what Kogasa wants.
Henry J. Thorn - Male Psychic/Normal Midday Lycanroc, 32, 6′03″, Bodyguard for Kogasa, Lawful Good. A stickler for rules and emotionally bland, Henry tries his best to keep Edward and Kogasa from getting in too much trouble.
Kogasa Nakajima - Female Water/Ghost Banette, 20, 5′01″, N/A, True Neutral. Unable to remember her past, Kogasa was found in a ditch by Henry and Edward.
Casil - Skyrim, Female Bosmer Dragonborn, 172, 5′03″, Necromancer, True Neutral. A mute Dragonborn hermit who has to rely on the help of Miraak to complete her destiny.
Sterlas - Skyrim, Male Redguard Werewolf, 31, 6′05″, Bandit, Chaotic Neutral. Casil’s companion, Sterlas keeps Casil company and guard after she saved him from the Silver Hand.
Moth - LoZ:MM, Female Skull Kid, ?, 4′05″, Wanderer, Chaotic Neutral. Moth loves to explore, but is quick to ignore orders or requests of adults.
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necr0wmancer · 8 years
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And a bunch of misc WIPs and stuff that probably won’t ever be finished or further refined, including my tabletop replacement for Val, Orpheus [top left], a skull kid sketch for a group [top right], a bunch of outfits for Hannibal [bottom right], and a random Path of Exile related comic... thing... hellifiknow [bottom right]
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necr0wmancer · 8 years
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Revamping poor Hannibal. He’s a Ghost/Poison Silvally now I guess????? Honestly he will never look like anything anymore what do I care. He is a garbage boy.
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