#Hannibal is totally smitten
dovesummer · 6 months
If only he’d kept flipping the pages to get to all the nudes, fantasies of them making out and hearts doodled in the margins …
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hold-the-devil-well · 1 month
I know we like to joke about Hannibal being smitten with Will from day one despite him being Rude (tm), but here's the thing: I don't think Will really was rude. He correctly picked up on the fact that the meeting with him, Jack, and Hannibal was arranged under false pretenses--in other words, that he was being lied to (Hannibal wasn't there to help Will but to assess him). And as we know, Will finds being lied to as unbearable as Hannibal finds actual rudeness. Will might have been a little sarcastic in the whole "not fond of eye contact, are you?" exchange, but tbh that was kind of a rude way for Hannibal to act, clearly poking and prodding into Will's personality in the literal first moments they've ever interacted. I honestly think Hannibal was just pleased that Will worked it all out, with the added bonus of revealing his empathy potential to understand Hannibal. Will was reacting in a way that was totally justifiable given what was going on, and Hannibal isn't going to have a problem with that.
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
Been thinking about Inmate Dream/Guard Hob
Dream being Dream, gets smitten by the great personality and looks of Hob (maybe Dream is being held in a separate space from the other inmates or perhaps he is the only one there, maybe like Hannibal? Sort of)
Hob finds himself in a predicament since he is picked by Dream, with his very mysterious/charming (only with Hob, never acts in that way with the rest of the staff)/ alluring character.
Little by little Hobs gets more and more fond of Dream but still has an internal conflict between his feelings and the type of person Dream is (being a criminal, bonus points if it's a totally fucked up thing that puts Dream in prison)
Dream doesn't wait, so, he bribes another guard (thinking about Dream having good connections/money and such) for him and Hob to have "quality time" jumping right away to have his way with Hob
Hob has no idea of this, so, chaos ensues (going more in the dub-noncon vibes)
Ooo yes! Creepy weirdo criminal Dream! Who did some really fucked up shit!
Hob knows that he shouldn’t, but he’s grown quite attached to Dream. He seems so polite and gentle and intelligent. He always compliments Hob and he never has any special requests except that Hob spend a little more time with him. He’s in solitary confinement and Hob does feel sorry for him, so he makes an effort to hang out. Prison is supposed to be about rehabilitation, right? He brings books and they talk about art and yes, they flirt with each other. It’s weird but nice and Hob is… happy?
But of course Dream has to escalate things. He isn’t content with what he’s got with Hob, he needs more. He needs to have Hob for himself so he can love him properly.
The thing is, is the circumstances were different, Hob probably would have been quite happy to sleep with Dream. He can’t deny the attraction between them. But when he finds himself locked inside the cell with Dream’s surprisingly strong hands wrapped around his neck, subduing him, all his feeling of lust and curiosity crumble into fear.
After the initial part, Dream is… gentle. He doesn’t want to hurt his darling, his beloved. Hob lies beneath him, trembling but not resisting and Dream is so happy! This is going so much better than his previous trysts! He never meant to hurt them, but they fought him and he couldn’t have that. They belonged to him, just as Hob does. But Hob is going to be so much better than the ones who came before. He’s promised to be good, with tears budding in his lovely brown eyes.
And Dream is going to be so good to him. Prison is about rehabilitation…
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pinkslashersimp · 2 years
i had a request in mind!! yandere! poly! will & hannibal after the fall (in an au where they moved out of the country and start a completely new life) with a very ditzy/oblivious but angelic s/o? maybe they accidentally bumb into them and are smitten! how would they go abt courting them? would they end up taking them for themselves after their obliviousness towards their obvious feelings for them? i love your work sm!!!
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Thank u!:)
Will wasn’t on my character list at the time this was requested but, for you, (and because i’d like a challenge) i will give you some quality hannigram drabble content <3
excuse me for any errors at all, i’ve been a little preoccupied but hopefully this is up to standard:) i’ve tried to write best i can for will
TWS: yandere behaviour, murder, kidnapping, reader is GN and lowk a fucking dumbass
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Yandere Hannigram x ditzy oblivious s/o🌷💗
Okay so let’s say you meet in your local grocery shop, you’re completely minding your own business scanning the shelves for free range eggs when you accidentally bodyslam bump into Will, who was standing next to you the entire time (also mindlessly scanning the shelves for eggs). Which sends you straight onto the floor beside your trolley
Will, aside from being a little alarmed at the fact you bumped into him and fell down, is completely smitten by you. The way your facial features perfectly complimented you and matched your voice and attitude, both angelic, soft, and confident. Your gentle laugh almost had him lost in a trance as you apologised profusely, lifting yourself from the floor and explaining you were trying to find the free range eggs, then asking if he had seen any, then babbling about how you’ll only eat specific ones but you’ve always wanted to try something new and-
“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry! I’m y/n, I totally bumped into um-“
“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry! I’m y/n, I totally bumped into um-“
“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry! I’m y/n, I totally bumped into um-“
“Will, yeah! anyway sorry I really have to go, don’t want my ice cream to melt” you part with a friendly laugh, leaving the store content but a little embarrassed after your fall
Hannibal looks down at will with an annoyed look, granted, he thinks you were very polite and kind to apologise for the inconvenience, but the babbling and ditzy personality irritates him a little
Will, on the other hand, quietly pleads with Hannibal in the middle of the now empty aisle to please please let him court you and date as a three.
Hannibal begrudgingly agrees.
So they both begin memorising when you go to the shop, and when you leave, and where you live.
You see them pop up much more often than usual, giving you a warm smile and wave before one of them approaches and tries to make an alright conversation, in an attempt to flirt, for as long as possible before you have to leave them to head back home
After a few weeks it becomes apparent you aren’t picking up on their very obvious hints at all
Like, at all.
The final straw for Will was when he noticed another man approaching you on your way back home one night, obviously with ill intentions, yet you let him, a stranger, walk beside you and talk to you
To Will, the fact someone would dare attempt to steal you from him and Hannibal angered him greatly. They had to be dealt with.
So, he waits until you’re inside your home, away from the ghastly act hes about to commit, and he swiftly snuffs the strangers life out like a match after dragging him into an alleyway
Will knows he can’t take you and cover up the murder alone, so he calls Hannibal to help him take you and hide away the murder he just committed.
Hannibal is less than pleased to hear and see what Will has just done.
Hannibal obviously would’ve preferred courting you normally, your obliviousness would’ve made it much easier to manipulate you. But, alas, thanks to Will it was now too late for that.
Taking you wasn’t easy, but keeping you in the house was. Your ditziness and obliviousness made it easy to have you believe there was no chance in escaping.
Hannibal is much more distant when you first begin living with them, cooking the meals and offering you a hand on the back every now and again so you know he supports you and wouldn’t hurt you, but ultimately keeping his distance in order not to scare you off
Will, however, is much more clingy, apologising to you for what he did and explaining how much he likes and would never hurt you, kissing your hands and telling you everything will be okay
They both let you have freedom around the house since they both believe you won’t manage to escape them.
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hannigramficrecs · 3 years
It is literally driving me crazy. I vaguely remember seeing a recommendation for a fic and loving it and now I can’t find it, so I thought I’d ask. Do you know a fic where Hannibal is having a fancy party and Will is upstairs ill. Will is kind of out of it so he wanders down in pyjamas and sits on Hannibals lap. Hannibal, being Hannibal is totally chill but Will is embarrassed the next day? I think?
This is kinda a shot in the dark, but it was really good. Any other fancy dinner party fic recs totally welcome too :)
ahh i'm sorry i havent read anything like this, but it sounds like something i'd like! lol if anyone knows what fic this is please reply!!
meanwhile, here are some dinner party fic recs:
A Very Special Guest by MongooseToeBeans [words: 56,828]
Season 1 AU in which Will stays for Hannibal’s dinner party after bringing the bottle of wine at the end of 1X07 Sorbet. Embarrassed and Sassy Will Graham meets Smitten Hannibal Lecter.
Stay, Just A Little Bit Longer by sourweather [words: 4,381]
When Will refused to attend Hannibal's dinner party, he should've taken 'No' for an answer. But his compassion for Will can be very, very inconvenient. And so he insists.
The Empath Goodbye by Devereauxs_Disease [words: 6,297]
Will believes himself to be a master of "The Irish Goodbye" which is why it's so galling that Hannibal keeps catching him when he tries to sneak out of parties. Can Will escape Hannibal's party without being noticed? Does he really want to?
A Call From the FBI by chronicopheliac [words: 876]
Hannibal's phone rings in the middle of a dinner party. RUDE.
Small Repairs by Devereauxs_Disease [words: 20,945]
It started with a clogged drain. Will put himself in a position to rescue Hannibal's dinner party, hoping to ingratiate himself to the good doctor as he gathered evidence. What he didn't anticipate was how much fun it was to fix things for Hannibal Lecter.
Mise en Place by WrathoftheStag [words: 1,859]
What was the cooking staff thinking when that entire pre-dinner party scene went down between Hannibal and Will in Sorbet? Written from their POV. Pining and cooking.
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betweenbeasts · 2 years
after i got my friend (who is a horror fan) to try out the first episode of hannibal, he suggested regular watch parties and i am over the moon about it. he loves it so far, is very into the gore and other imagery, and has grown attached to will (very based of him). he also thinks hannibal has been smitten with will since he first met him (a sentiment i didn't even hold upon first watch), and the two of us erupt in indignant booing and mockery whenever hannibal does/says something totally not subtle. we've also started a counter for all the cannibalism puns hannibal makes, and my friend makes his own crude puns whenever i tell him about the fics i'm reading. overall i'm having a great time on my first rewatch.
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bedeliainwonderland · 7 years
This incredible gifset got me thinking: Bedelia is obviously a much better shot than Hannibal (she had a gun and knew how to used it). And, yes, Hannibal considers guns impersonal, but is very impressed by her skill.
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dr-abel-gideon · 4 years
So, tell me how you think Alana and Abel would end up together? :)
Oooooooooohhhhh boy. Huh. This is gonna get long.
Okay, so I have a long standing headcanon that they knew each other from before the murder of his family happened. Very likely that they met at one of Hannibal’s parties. Whether or not anything even remotely romantic happened, eh, not even my own brain can come to a consensus, but Abel was likely taken with her. 
Then the Event occurred. 
The head of surgery at a prominent hospital kills his family and suffers total amnesia over it? 
Alana, as a newly practicing psychiatrist, decides to see if he really has lost all his memories and asks to analyze Dr. Gideon. He has absolutely no idea who she is, but her professional demeanor and concern for his well being sticks with him, lingering as if he should remember something but can’t. 
Two years later and Roti happens. 
Sure, Dr. Bloom should be upset about what has happened but she is pissed about what has very specifically happened to Dr. Gideon. She knows him. She cares about him. Even after killing several people (which I still have doubts about; I really think his first actual murder was the nurse) Alana still doesn’t so much as raise her voice to him. 
If I had to rewrite Season 2, and boy howdy would I, I would add in a scene about Alana hearing that Abel had been transferred to Baltimore after being in a real psychiatric hospital for weeks and getting pissed all over again. Being back under the care of the man who brainwashed him before? No. No, no way, you get him the fuck out of there. 
And then we find out that Abel has recovered some of his memories. Alana manages to coax him to agree to testify, because honestly in canon she’s probably the only one who can, and the scene where Hannibal sleeps with Alana and drugs her never happens because Abel’s been swept off to witness protection and no one knows where he is (though Freddie is trying to find out) but Will still won’t count on any of this and goes for Lecter anyway.
THEN Abel and Alana grow closer, though it’s obvious Abel has been smitten with her. 
Will they have a happy ending? No. Probably not. This is Hannibal’s story. No one except him gets a happy ending.
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More DVD commentary! What was I thinking while writing Oysters (and other bargaining chips)? 
Spoilers for the fic under the cut.
In this fic Bedelia still has a degree of optimism about being able to negotiate with Hannibal. I was hoping it would read as her evaluating him during one of their therapy sessions. She's probably used to reading him and relying on her readings because she knows he isn't totally honest with her. So I felt it was important to include not just the dialogue, but the subtext because:
1.      neither of these characters ever says what they really mean, but also
2.      it's important, specifically, what meaning Bedelia assigns to Hannibal's subtext here.
We know that in Florence Bedelia was trying not to eat anything with a central nervous system, so they must have discussed what she will and won't eat. Or, likely, they had a series of discussions, because it's Hannibal, and he can never just respect someone else's boundaries.
But he does respect Bedelia herself, and he clearly wants to show her his regard. And how does Hannibal show his regard for others? Let me show you my love by cooking for you. Throughout S1 he is so desperate to cook for her that he brings a feast to her table. (With roses for garnish??? OMG he’s so smitten.) For Hannibal I think a major plus of living with Bedelia is being able to cook for her and thus to show her how much he cares about her.
(I can also picture him barring her from the kitchen, like not even allowing her to make toast or tea, because he is just that fussy about it being his space. Or maybe he allows her to sit on a bar stool and watch him cook because his ego needs the reinforcement.)
I do think Hannibal adores Bedelia precisely because she's willing to have these sorts of conversations with him, to set limits and to stand her ground when he pushes back against those limits. Everyone else is so blinded by his charms and deceptions, but of all the characters on the show Bedelia has the fullest picture of him. Not the full picture, mind, but the most complete one. Bedelia sees past his person suit and accepts him, and she has her own charms that he's helpless to resist.
This conversation is just part of the long strategic initiative that their relationship has always been. Bedelia has always had a plan for how best to help Hannibal with his personal and therapy goals, and Hannibal has always had a plan for how to get closer to Bedelia. Here, they are far outside the doctor-patient structure they had in Baltimore. What Bedelia will and won’t eat is just one item they need to renegotiate from scratch as they establish the new boundaries of their current relationship.
Importantly, the odds are in Hannibal’s favour now, and Bedelia is in an impossible position. If she fights back overtly, i.e., if she angers or threatens Hannibal, she's dead. Conversely, if she fawns over him and thus bores him or, worse, makes him fall in love with her, she's dead. Because Hannibal can't love anyone without wanting to literally consume them. So in my mind, her only option is to be interesting, to push back against him, surprise him, set limits, because then at least it's amusing to keep her around. That conflict, the dark, high-stakes push and pull of it, is what I love about the pairing and what I enjoyed about the show; I was watching to see who would win the chess match. And Bedelia is good at being interesting, at knowing what to say and how to say it because she’s got her therapist’s training on her side as well as her knowledge of Hannibal to help her. Those are powerful weapons. At this point in the show (beginning of S3, while they’re still in Paris) she's optimistic about being able to handle him; that optimism will be tested in Florence.
And it is tragic because if Hannibal could just, like, stop wanting to actually eat her they would be a really good match for each other. Bedelia probably wouldn’t want to admit it, but Hannibal understands her better than anyone, just as she understands him. By bringing her to Europe with him, I think he (Mr Hedonism Himself) really does want to show her a good time, in his own way, because her life must have been bleak in Baltimore. They also share a mutual attraction and a degree of compatibility they wouldn’t have with anyone else on the show. Of the obstacles to their becoming a happy couple, most of them are to do with Hannibal being on his cannibal bullshit. It makes me want to kick him. Then again, if he weren’t so antisocial, if he actually cared about things like laws and rules and guidelines, the two of them would still be doctor and patient, and nothing would happen because Bedelia wouldn’t let it. Bedelia’s unwillingness to let him in, to allow him to get any closer to her is also a huge obstacle. Which is why they balance each other out.
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me: *tries to have deep thoughts about a show* me: *immediates correlates it with hannibal*
  ok so i've been seeing on twitter a lot of people so angry in the Killing Eve fandom, and it's funny that I'm seeing it because a) i'm not even part of any fandom on twitter, how i came to read all the wank is beyond me b) man people really simple do not know how to read and understand what a piece of text is saying, uh
  but anyway this is not about the wank per se lol Villaneve is canon. This isn't up to debate, it /is/ very clear canon on the actual text of the actual show. Not up to debate. But it's just that it made me think about the villaneve relationship and how it is portrayed in the show and ofc this leads me back to Hannibal
  on the surface KE and hannibal are pretty similar in the subject of its main relationships - a murderer (a serial killer for his own pleasure/a hired assassin that likes to have fun with her murders) obsessed with a FBI agent/MI5 operative who has dark tendencies that grows darker and darker with time
  ofc they're also very different shows. I wouldn't call KE a fun, light show, but... it's certainly lighter than Hannibal. KE's humor is much more modern and hysterical, while Hannibal was a very dark humor, sometimes absurd and even 'goofy dark' (yes i'm calling the cannibal puns goofy, shut up). Villanelle's murders are filmed in a way that they don't feel as heavy as they should be because we're always in Villanelle's shoes in these scenes, while Hannibal's murders varies between (disturbing but) pretty aesthetic indifference/malice and genuinely gross/horrifying, etc etc etc
  and the main difference between the main relationships in the show is that villaneve starts in a place of... let's say, a place of truth, because Eve pretty soon knows what Villanelle is, what she's capable of and she still develops a mutual obsession with her, while the hannigram relationship starts in a point of lies and deceit tangled with genuine fascination about their true natures, etc
  and the result in my interpretation is that hannigram ends up having so much emotional intimacy and baggage in mutual ways, and not even the abuse, and Will's feelings of betrayal and hatred, and all the horrible fucked up things hannibal did to him and others can make will truly discard this relationship. they share an intimacy so powerful that neither hannibal nor will can shake it off and truly come back to the way they were before knowing each other, no matter how hard they try,
  and while this is their mutual obsession at finest it's also the fact that they genuinely connect. that Will, thinking that Hannibal was no more than a good friend and his psychiatrist, was willing to sweep under the rug the fact that hannibal and abigail lied to the FBI and actually had hidden a body, because he cared that much, it's hannibal genuinely worried about will and relieved that will was alive despite the fact that he had sent a serial killer direct in his way. a powerful intimacy, so unique in the fact that they truly see each other that they can't really escape it, even knowing how mutual destructive this is to them and to everyone else in their way
  now the villaneve relationship... in the early stages is totally based in their mutual obsession, really, that from the instant that eve and villanelle looked at each other's eyes something clicked, and they were doomed to obsession, but
  while obsession is the starting point, I wouldn't say is the final call. obsession always remains, but curiosity soon enough plays a big role, curiosity because villaneve doesn't have much in KE s1 what hannigram has during s1 (and most of the others seasons as well); face-to-face interaction, time to know each other. all villanelle and eve have is curiosity and obsession and, i would say, fascination as well. and villanelle soon enough upped things up by killing Bill, turning their cat-and-mouse chase truly in something personal for Eve, not just another job, no
  but s2, i was reflecting, quite changed the things and changed their dynamic with how much more time they spent together, far more than the stabbing did, in my perception. inevitable; having finally very concrete interactions with the object of their perception had to change things considerably. their relationship bizarrely enough turned sexual without them ever touching this way, with Eve having sex with Niko and then Hugo and thinking of Villanelle, Villanelle's "i'm not with them when i'm with them", very lewd, very chrystal clear, especially when during the same scene that villanelle says that Eve is the only one who makes her feel things,
  and that's interesting, because it brings the other things that Villanelle does/feels this seasons. Heartbreak that Eve didn't show up to see her murder, giddy glee at doing random things with her, her kind of genuine tears at the group therapy, her rage and lack of composure when she hits Aaron Peel with the book, Konstantin,'s "You've gone soft" comment...
  Eve's capable of awakening feelings on Villanelle, something clearly precious and rare for her, and that reason alone would be enough to justify how smitten Villanelle is towards Eve, really. Smitten enough to automatically assume that surely, it's gonna be the same for Eve, nothing else matters...
  ... but Eve operates differently than her. Eve's more integrated in a normal society than Villanelle ever was, has more barriers to break towards normalcy, and she can't. just break it. the way villanelle wishes she would
  and that's like... my main curiosity for s3. What will Eve do, and how will she react? Despite her rejection of Villanelle, she was crying as she turned away to go. What will she do after being shot? What will she feel?
  what does Eve feel?
  Eve's mindset is hard to get for me - harder than Villanelle's, even. She starts with obsession, and it gains an air of vengeance after Bill's murder, but it keeps changing and changing and changing.
  Stabbing Villanelle. Thinking about it all the time. Not really telling anyone (but Kenny) about it. Wanting her husband, but not really wanting him. Downright using people around her with little remorse.
  what does Eve want?
  eve kills a horrible man to save Villanelle's skin, but won't run away with her when she learns that Villanelle manipulated her in this kill. eve, in shock for the murder, outraged by the lie,  won't run away with villanelle, but she was willing enough earlier to leave Hugo bleeding, possible to death, to save Villanelle - who really didn't need much saving, after all.
  what will Eve do?
 i'm still not sure, but i'm very much looking foward to this answer in s3.
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ajokeformur-ray · 7 years
For the matchup thing
I want to request for Phantom of the Opera, Harry Potter, Hannibal and Sherlock, if it’s not too much of a trouble. I just started following your blog and I am absolutely smitten. I’ve already read all of your imagines, and I can’t wait for more to come.
Anyway, I identity as female, I’m pansexual and I’m a Gemini ENTP Slytherclaw.
Appearance: Well, my icon is actually me. I’m Asian, around 5’ (153 cm), I’m pretty thin(ish), but athletically built with some muscle. I have really dark brown eyes (near black), and black hair. I look very intimidating when I’m not smiling, I also smirk a lot.
Interests: Reading, mostly science or historical fiction, also a few classic literature and philosophy books. I love to draw too, I’m better at pattern stuff than realistic sketches. I also write, mostly fanfc for my friends, but I enjoy writing essays and poetry about topics that I’m interested in. Likes: Making people laugh, crying over videos of dogs, dogs, cats, animals in general. Intellectually stimulating conversation, late night talks about philosophy, physics, space, debates. Aesthetically pleasing stuff, making people happy, feminism, spreading love. Sassing people, punching Nazis, surprise people by my strength.
Dislikes: Nazis, racists, homophobes, sexist etc. Random people touching me (friends are totally fine), mean and rude people (especially those who shout at servers in restaurant). People who say things that are contradictory, people who bully others. Look for in a relationship: cuddles, people who feel strong, solid, and steadfast. Reliability and trustworthiness are pretty important to me. Preferably older than me, because I like feeling safe and having protection. Someone I could go on adventures with, or teach me new things. Also a bit of possessiveness and jealousy.
A little more about me: I speak Cantonese, Mandarin and English fluently. I have been learning French and self teaching Latin. I’m going to start German classes soon. I love singing, I’ve been in many choirs, for around 8 years. I’m a first soprano, and going to a choir festival/competition in Germany last month was the best time of my life. I have been fencing semi professionally for around 10 years. I fence epee and foil. When I get angry, I sometimes cry. Like that time in primary school I saw some guys bullying a lower grade boy, and I got into a fight with them, and I was so pissed I started tearing up.
Sorry if it’s too long, I tend to start babbling on and on. Thanks for doing this!!! 😻😻😻
Thank you for such kind words! :) I saw you in my notifications and I was a bit surprised by how much you read, but flattered. Also - ohmygoodness thank you so much for the tip! It was incredibly generous of you! <3
Edit: You asked me to make your matchups longer. Pieces I’ve added on are in italics, to make it easier to see where I’ve gone from. Hope you like this length! :)
Hannibal - Alana Bloom
- You’re a bibliophile who reads a lot of different genres of books. You’re artistic and your hobbies are relaxing but self-expressive. Alana would likely want to read some of the essays you write, though she wouldn’t go behind your back to read them if you said no, and she’d encourage any academic interests you have. If you ever got curious about the field that she works in, she’d probably pull a few strings with Jack to be able to take you to her workplace and show you around, though it would be on a day when it’s relatively quiet and they don’t have any immediate cases or paperwork to attend to. If there are any book/cafe fusion places near you, it’d be your most popular place for a lunch date, even if there’s a drive to get there.
- After a day working, I think Alana would enjoy coming home to you, a bottle of wine and any pets the two of you would have. You’d curl up on the couch together, knees touching, and talk about the subjects you’re both interested in or even anything and nothing all at once, and just bond over the deep conversations you have. She would want to hear your views on everything, even taboo subjects that some people don’t like to talk about, such as Death Row (this is also linked into her field so she can gauge how much you agree with or disagree with her profession). Anything you disagreed with would become a lightly-heated debate, both of you respecting the others’ point of view. If you couldn’t at least calm the debate then you’d agree to disagree and leave it as it is.
- She’s compassionate, strong, and sometimes stubborn in her opinion when she thinks she’s right. She’s perceptive so I think to begin with, she’d ask you if she can touch you but as you get closer, she’d stop asking and go off of body language. Alana is a fast learner and the two of you would quickly and easily fall into a pattern of touching each other casually - a hand on the shoulder when you walk past, a hand on the small of the back as you pass through a door to a shop or restaurant... It’d be very relaxed and low-key, especially in public.
- Alana is so strong and she’s more than capable of looking out for herself and others. She’s fiercely protective of those she loves, like you, and she goes kinda cold when she’s angry, a contrast to your tears. She’s incredibly trustworthy and would be willing to teach you things, if you asked her to, though it’d depend on the subject and how much you want to know. But either way, she would do her best to teach you or show you whatever it is that you wanted to learn. She would also be really good at encouraging you to stick to a goal or deadline, either for educational or personal matters.
- You can speak some of the hardest languages to learn and that’s pretty damn impressive and shows only a sliver of your intellect. During the competition in Germany last month, Alana would have been one of your biggest supporters. You probably bond over how the both of you will defend those who are vulnerable. There’s no way that Alana would ever allow anyone to hurt you. The two of you would be invited to every one of Hannibal’s dinner parties and he’d come to see you as a respected friend, like Alana. When things went down and the truth came out, she’d flee the country with you if she had to, going anywhere at all to guarantee your mutual safety. Either way, her home is with you.
Phantom - The Phantom/Erik
- Your vast intellect makes a refreshing change from “those fools who run my theatre” and he’s only too happy to supply you with books from his expansive library. You both draw so Erik ends up putting more string along the walls to accommodate your drawings as well as his. When you’re writing, he tends to go off composing so his home would be filled with the sounds of chords, mutterings, and two sets of quills scribbling furiously on expensive parchment. You’re both quite peaceful, quiet souls and this would show in your home, too. You would have your own room and Erik would have his, though they’re connected by a door that he has the key to.
- You definitely have intellectually stimulating conversations - when Erik is in the right mood. He doesn’t have a bedtime per se so tbh neither do you; you both just run off naps (Erik) or sleep when you’re tired (you). Rarely are you sleeping at the same time but wait for the right moment and you might be able to persuade a so-tired-he’s-swaying-on-his-feet Erik to come cuddle with you! Despite his own lack of bedtime, Erik does try to get you to go to bed at a set time, just because he doesn’t want you to become too much like him (this is an inside joke in your relationship but to him, it’s a real worry). You’re both very sassy and would probably let off steam in this way. Most of your conversations, serious or not, are filled with sarcastic comments, dry quips, sly smirks and chuckles. On the occasions when Nadir comes over, he leaves thoroughly entertained by how the two of you talk to each other, his heart lighter at the sight and realisaton that his dear Erik is - at last - truly happy.
- Erik would treat you with the highest of respect, as you’re his long-time friend and eventual s/o. His actions are never excusable but they’re explainable and going off on a chance here, but I think your love for him would make him want to be the kind of man you think he is so he would tone down the bullying he does towards others when he’s after something, though if they attack you or his loved ones then it’s no holds barred, I’m afraid. He would quite literally kill for you and this isn’t something you’d ever be able to stop him from doing - it’s too ingrained in him, too much a part of who he is. Everything he does used to be to protect hinself, but now he has you - even if you don’t live with him, he considers you in every decision he makes - and so he’s a little less reckless and a lot more careful, though he still takes calculated risks when he has to.
- Cuddles would take time to develop in the relationship but they’d definitely be there, usually after you practically plead for him to break away from his music for just five minutes. Once he’s lying down with you, no worries - he’s not moving, having decided he quite likes the way you hold him. He’s strong, independent and answers to no one (apart from Nadir from time to time). He’s a lot older than you (I think he’s meant to be in his forties, maybe fifties) and would be able to protect you, physically and otherwise. He’d be happy to teach you things you’re interested in and is definitely quite possessive - enough to kill, as in canon. When you sing, he calls you his “little songbird”. He doesn’t mean it to be derogatory or offensive, but you sing and you’re shorter than he is so in his head it makes sense. Sometimes he’s worried that you being with him means that you’re caged and he wonders if he should set you free. One day he brought this up and your reaction was enough to steel his resolve - you weren’t caged. In being with him, you were free. He became a little more confident in the relationship after that discussion.
- You know so many languages that it’s admirable tbh, and you sing. I daresay it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch for him to want to become your teacher. If you agreed, at set times each day he wouldn’t be your partner, he’d be your teacher and he wouldn’t go easy on you. Then when the lesson is over, Erik takes the Phantom’s place and he becomes your partner again. An easy, smooth transition. He might even teach you how to properly swordfight or at the very least, use a proper dagger. He appreciates how angry you get over social injustices and how fiercely you defend those who cannot defend themselves. I think your protective fierceness would show him that the world, or, his world, can show compassion - you’re his world and you’re full of compassion, towards him and others who are vulnerable.
HP - Lily Potter
- Lily is an exceptionally-gifted witch with Muggle parents, so I think she’d know your favourite authors and would be able to discuss them with you. Overhearing your conversation would be Remus; he tried not to listen but you’re talking about books so really, what did you expect? Sometimes though, Lily wants to be alone with you so she’d ask the Marauders to buzz off. She likes to sit there and watch you draw patterns on the sides of your parchments when you’re in class and Lily would likely charm a few of them to move around and make you giggle in the middle of class. You’d be very close with the Marauders but Lily would always be sure to get time away from them so that she can spend quality time with you. It’d never feel like a juggling act, though. That’s the last thing ever of them would ever want to put you through.
- You spread happiness like it’s going out of fashion and it’s one of the many things that Lily loves about you. The two of you would almost pull people in with how much you’re laughing and joking together - put in the same room as the Marauders, and it’s practically a party! Late at night, if you’re in the same dorm room, you lay cuddled up on one of your beds, gazing up at the canopy where Lily has made it look like the night sky, talking about anything that comes to mind. If you’re in different dorm rooms - you gotta sneak around for a bit but with James’ invisibility cloak, anything’s possible! You’d steal away little moments during the day together, sneaking into corridor alcoves for quick kisses, notes pressed into palms as you pass each other in the corridor on the way to class, hand holding under the desk when you have a class together and have managed to snag a seat next to each other... It’d be safe, secure, with each other. The closer war looms over your heads, the closer the two of you get.
- You share a lot of the same dislikes so if anyone offends either of you or anyone in your vicinity, they better watch out because they’ll be sassed by two different people at the same time. You’d spend most of your time together in the library, surrounded by books. I think for a lot of the younger students, you’d become some kind of after-class tutor club where they’d come and ask questions or even study with you. You’d definitely become some kind of role model couple for the younger students, and even some of the students in your year have a betting pool going for what time the two of you will get engaged etc. Sirius started that betting pool but ssssh xD
- Lily would probably be a few months or even a year older than you and she’d definitely look after you and protect you. If you trimmed your hair by even a millimetre, she’d notice and comment on it, elbowing one of the Marauders so they’d chirp in with compliments, too. She’d be more than happy to teach you things and you could easily go off with the Marauders on nightly adventures, dragging Lily along with you. You’d be a more relaxed influence on Lily, getting her to loosen up a little and break out some of those mischievous thoughts she has, betrayed only by that glint in her eye, and she’d be a more disciplined influence on you as far as academics go, not that you need it.
- I headcanon that Lily angry-cries too so when you’re both angry, it’s dangerous to be near either of you. You would easily defend anyone who looks like they need it, even from themselves if that was the case. You’d be each other’s best friend, comfort place, and would be sources of laughter and happiness for those lucky enough to be around you. You’d become a source of strength for others, particularly those in your inner circles, as the War looms closer. Just by being yourselves, you’d remind others that love is right there if one only looks, just like Dumbledore said.
Sherlock - John Watson
- John blogs and you draw and write so the two of you could easily spend an entire day doing your own things in each other’s company, occasionally getting up to make tea or get takeaway if John is too lazy to cook. He would be the type of s/o to come home with a new book every time he leaves the flat, just to see you smile. He would ask to read the poems or essays you write but wouldn’t be mad if you said no - just curious. If he was kept up late with a case and couldn’t make it home to you, when he did come back he’d have flowers, chocolates, a book... He’d curl up on the couch beside you with an arm slung over your shoulder, holding you close as you snuggle in while watching a crapy TV re-run bothh of you have seen ten times or more but are too lazy to change it over, much to Sherlock’s chagrin.
- You’re also the couple to cuddle up in bed and watch cat videos for about six hours even though you boh have things to do. You talk about anything, from Sherlock to the latest case, to your childhoods and your futures. Anything and everything would be spoken about and one of you would fall asleep, the other to follow soon after. John always wakes up first and is usually pretty content to let you sleep in, but when you need to be awake early for whatever reason or if John just wants you to get up, he’d sit on the side of your be, with a hot cup of tea on your bedside table and lull you awake with forehead kisses and maybe wandering hands if you’re into that.
- You dislike the same type of people and as far as rudeness goes, Sherlock sometimes goes over or close to the mark but John just glares at him or says, “Bit not good” and Sherlock would apologise to you, even if you hadn’t been spoken to by him directly but were affronted by what he’d said to someone else. You’re both very protective so those who know you, yourselves and each other are always well looked after, even if there isn’t much time for love in your lives. You’d make time, for certain, because there’s no-one more important than you in John’s life, though Sherlock comes in close at second. 
- Cuddles are a must with John, especially when he’s having a nightmare. On those nights, he’ll curl into your back and sob quietly for all those he couldn’t save… Including himself. He would protect you with his life and each case provides several adventures so you’d get all the adrenaline rushes you need! John doesn’t really get jealous but if anyone tried to make a move towards you, he’d stalk across the room and kiss you soundly, telling the other person in no uncertain terms that you’re taken. He’s not really possessive, though, he’s more... Set in his relationship with you and he wouldn’t let anyone or anything get in the way of that. If you ever wanted to break up, he’d have a hard time letting you go, for sure.
- He’s impressed by the sheer number of languages that you speak and loves your singing voice, going to every performance if you do those. If you ever got angry at him, the sight of your tears would kill any anger he has and he’d have to come over and pull you into a hug. His resolve is strong but his love for you is even stronger and he’s never really mad at you. He’s just worried, I suppose. He’s very forgiving, after a time, but don’t push him. He’d treat you with so much respect and love and you’d have such a tight, strong relationship with him.
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hannigramficrecs · 3 years
Do you have fics where Hannibal is just a simp for Will? He's just so in love and smitten. Thanks. :)
Omg I started making a list of recs and got a little carried away... But in my defense, almost every fic out there is Hannibal being in love with Will!
Sweet Misery by everybreathagift [words: 1,272]
Will has no idea what personal space is. Hannibal hopes he never learns.
Entertain Me by harleygirl2648 [words: 1,383]
Will is drunk and adorable, and Hannibal is so in love that it is gross.
Ma by murdergatsby [words: 1,440]
Will accidentally falls asleep on Hannibal’s couch.
It Means Cute and Dozing Off [words 1,324]
Sleepy Will
Fruitful by Everett_Harte [words: 11,629]
An AU remix of 'Hannibal’. Where they both meet several years before the show, start dating, and get married. And bang, a lot. Just don’t go in the basement.
Falls the Shadow by littlesystems [words: 72,455]
AU where Bedelia is Will’s psychiatrist instead of Hannibal, Will makes a series of increasingly questionable life choices, and no one should ever take Bedelia’s advice. Ever.
This Match Made In Blood by TheSilverQueen [words: 3,680]
Hannibal needs a new secretary, because she was very rude. Will needs a new job, because his boss just turned up as the Chesapeake Ripper’s newest kill. It’s a match made in blood.
Edible by shiphitsthefan [words: 4,376] 
The temptation to take a taste of Will is almost too great for Hannibal to resist. Good thing he isn’t the only one who’s hungry.
Not the Plan by love_in_the_stars [words: 2,011]
Every genius has one weakness in common: their own hubris. Hannibal’s simply took an…unexpected form. For his hubris lay in thinking he could so totally control William Graham and be untouched by him in return. By the time he realizes this mistake it is already too late
Drowning In Need by chronicopheliac [words: 1,230]
Hannibal feels resentful of how attached he’s become to Will. They work it out.
Prey by Miss_Lv [words: 6,943]
During a hunt gone wrong, Hannibal finds a cabin in the woods during a heavy snowstorm. Will is a rude isolated man who allows Hannibal to take shelter with him for the night.
Slice of Life by AVegetarianCannibal [words: 6,332]
It's time to take a look into the life that Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter now share, from cooking together to doing the laundry to taking walks in the balmy Havana evenings. Somehow, most of these things lead to the bedroom.
Only the Tender Meat by Isagel [words: 7,157]
Will has nightmares. Hannibal soothes them.
My Husband by VictoriaAGrey [words: 3,563]
In which Hannibal is a little too smitten and Will figures out Hannibal is That Guy.
By Fire, By Thunder by HotMolasses [words: 13,442]
Hannibal and Will are both sent to the same camp for the summer, where they meet and romance blossoms. Then it turns serious. Then they share something much deeper and darker than normal teenagers, and it leads them into the storm that is each other.
Mon Petit by toffeecape [words: 1,854]
Will is smol. Hannibal loves it. Will knows it.
Canvases by thatviciousvixen [words: 36,660]
When Hannibal meets a handsome artist with a keen interest in death he knows he’s finally met a kindred spirit. All Will needs is a little push.
Daylight Savings by thebeespatella [words: 6,180]
Hannibal sets a test. Will passes with all the colors of the wind. Cue shining eyes and Too Many Feelings
Nice Day for a Red Wedding by xzombiexkittenx [words: 2,129]
It is a quiet, unimportant morning much like any other, when Will decides he wants to marry Hannibal.
Everything I Wanted by CarnivalMirai [words: 5,330]
In which the phrase “but Hannibal…” paired with a pout and a Southern drawl is enough to get Will Graham exactly what he wants.
The Moth and the Dark by emungere [words: 7,511]
One of them has to bend. Hannibal decides it should be him.
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hannibal-abo · 6 years
Not the Plan
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2x35KzM
by ventusprinceps
Written for a prompt asking for Hannibal to be unable to harm Will because he's too cute.
"Every genius has one weakness in common: their own hubris. Hannibal's simply took an...unexpected form. For his hubris lay in thinking he could so totally control William Graham and be untouched by him in return. By the time he realizes this mistake, it is already too late."
Words: 12, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Hannibal (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter, Jack Crawford, Beverly Katz
Relationships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
Additional Tags: Prompt Fic, features shy!Will, Reluctantly Smitten!Hannibal, Hannibal Lecter Loves Will Graham, Alternate Universe, Alternate Season One, cute!will, sick!will, Will Graham Has Encephalitis, Podfic & Podficced Works, Podfic, Podfic Length: 10-20 Minutes
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2x35KzM
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