#Happy Birthday Justin Taylor
hawkfuller · 2 years
twenty-two years ago, brian kinney met the one person who, he didn't realize at the time, would, sometimes consciously, other times unconsciously, help break his phobia of growing up by showing him there is more to life and his persona than beauty, there is power in love and vulnerability, there is joy in trusting what the future holds.
twenty-two years ago today, brian kinney's son was also born, a ticking-clock reminder that he's getting older by the minute, an opportunity for brian to be the man he was deprived of: a parental figure.
and in twenty-two years, i know that brian kinney continued growing up, working on his demons, teaching his son there is indeed power in love and vulnerability, there is joy in trusting what the future holds, there is pride in allowing yourself to change.
in twenty-two years, i also know brian kinney is still the most iconic, beautiful, cynical, unapologetic, chaotic, drama-queen, hilarious, imperfectly perfect fictional man to ever exist on cable tv.
he feels real to me. and i'm proud of him.
happy birthday, queer as folk.
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slayerchick303 · 2 years
Brian knows Justin knows how to tie a tie. Brian saw Justin's school uniform. He's taken Justin to school a bunch of times. Brian just wanted an excuse to touch Justin, and Justin knows it.
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winderlylandchime · 10 months
23 years ago Brian Kinney met Justin Taylor under a street light…
Happy Anniversary fandom fam!
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(Happy Birthday Gus!)
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 year
Meghan's recent Beyonce outing was a masterclass in clapbacks and trolling us by u/Negative_Difference4
Meghan's recent Beyonce outing was a masterclass in clapbacks and trolling us The first story that came out was that she was at the Taylor Swift concert. All of us said that it was highly unlikely because she would have been photographed at the event. Or she would have been captured by people in the crowds. I personally don't think she was able to source tickets at the last minute. Especially, as I think Taylor doesn't want her association.But this got me thinking... imagine if she was at the concert and was filmed pathetically dancing. She would have been trolled the same. But what would her clapback narrative be? Especially as she would be seen hanging out with all her white friends and contacts.​The second story was about her visiting the Beyonce concert on the 1st of September. There she set up a tiktoker to film them as a fan in an adjoining private box. But those videos were released after Harry looking like a miserable turd. Then the photo of her dancing like a granny went viral. So, she quickly made sure that the association with Doria was emphasised. Doria and Beyonce being black meant that any criticism of Meghan or the situation meant that Meghan's supporters and sugars could label any criticism as 'veiled racism' by the sub. ​The third story was when she attended the Beyonce concert for a second time on the 4th of September (Beyonce's birthday) and hung out in the VIP box with all the A-listers. Meghan made sure she was photographed with only the black a-list VIPS. She was photographed with Kelly Rowland, Kerry Washington, Jay-Z, Ted Sarandos' Wife, Tyler Perry. It was interesting that she didn't travel with Doria (who also attended) this time or take pictures with the Kardashians or Jeff Bezos or Justin Beiber, who were in close vicinity. So the reaction to our comments and criticism was once again framed as a racist agenda by the sugars. ​The narrative rolled out was that because someone doesn't like Beyonce and because Beyonce and Meghan are black, therefore, any criticism of Meghan comes from a place of racism. The fact that we live in a free society, where we have freedom of opinions, escapes a lot of people. Similarly, comments about her giving duper's delight in the photo with Kelly and Kerry. It was a good photo, but lets not pretend like she didn't look crazy and way too happy to prove that she was there. ​So I think she did play her cards well this time, she picked to be seen at events that are more aligned with her agenda. She made sure douse herself in tan. And in the worse case, she can fall back on any negative criticism as racism. Well played Meghan, shame that your supporters are too dumb to see it post link: https://ift.tt/Q5Ncq1k author: Negative_Difference4 submitted: September 08, 2023 at 03:00AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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mitamicah · 11 months
Random idea I got when I posted some of the käärijätober drawings to Instagram- here's a list of songs to listen to fitting each prompt I made in the challenge x'D (most will probably be Käärijä songs since ... you know x'D)
There may be some I am blanking on so feel free to suggest songs :3
Crazy (x) => It's Crazy It's Party by Käärijä (feat. Tommy Cash)
Party (x) => Cha Cha Cha by Käärijä
Tiny (x) => ???
Loud (x) => Viulunkieli by Käärijä
Warm (x) => You'll Be In My Heart by Glen Close & Phil Collins
Story (x) => I Knew You Were Trouble by Taylor Swift
Soft (x) => Paidaton Riehuja by Käärijä*
Doubt (x) => Menestyt Yksilo by Käärijä
Idolize (x) => Boyfriend by Justin Bieber** OR I Do Adore by Mindy Gledhill
Headbang (x) => Fantastista by Käärijä (feat. KähinaPate)
Alienate (x) => In The End by Linkin Park***
Aggressive (x) => Huhhahhei by Käärijä****
Smile (x) =>Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars*****
Attention (x) => ???
Silly (x) => Huhhahhei by Käärijä****
Hurt (x) => Decode by Paramore******
Exhausted (x) => Morgan by Käärijä
Distance (x) => Take Me To Church by Hozier*******
Surprise (x) => ???
Excited (x) => Rock Rock (Daun Lou Remix) by Käärijä********
Together (x) => Happy Birthday OR We're All In This Together from High School Musical
Sleepy (x) => Välikoulema by Käärijä
Vacation (x) => He's a Pirate by Klaus Beidet (aka the Pirates of Carribean theme) *********
Jumpy (x) => Under the Sign of Winx (aka the Winx Club theme song)
Hug (x) => ???
Celebration (x) => Punainen Marli by Käärijä
Honest (x) => Kovis by Käärijä **********
Lonely (x) => Lonely by Akon
Lightning (x) => Pokemon Theme Song
Danger (x) => Toxic by Brittney Spears
Family (x) => Welcome by Phil Collins
Notes under the line
*I know it doesn't fit that well but at least he's shirtless x'D
** I mean it is their song after all x'D
*** I was between In The End and Numb but since Jere had used the prior himself in a story I thought it would fit the best - also yes half the reason I chose Linkin Park was that Jere used it in his story so I know he'd approve x'D
**** I know HHH is here twice but since both are directly inspired by the song I couldn't NOT do it :'D
***** Mostly for the 'When you Smile, the Whole World stops and stares for a while' line :'D
****** This is the first song I think about when thinking Twilight and you know ... Jere is a vampire x'D plus he made Bojan watch the movie so that's that x'D
******* Again I was a bit at a loss since I knew I wanted something church music but not what - find it a bit silly to put Take Me to Church here then since it is very queer and actually also a diss of religion xD
******** I cannot get Jere chasing Frank out of my brain so this song it is x'D
********* Had we had the Intro that Allu plays at the concerts this would be it for me but instead I'll go for Rock Rock since that is another one where I remember him happy spinning :'D
********** I'm sorry but him talking about 'It Grow' gives me Kovis vibes x'D
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heystephen · 10 months
forever thinking about how many really big stars we know now OPENED for taylor. like justin and ed sheeran and shawn mendes charli xcx etc thats so crazy for me to think about. wouldve given my left kidney to go to the 1989 tour to see shawn open for taylor but i was like 12 and also poor 😔 -ebd anon
omg at my 1989 show she made us sing happy birthday to shawn but i was standing there like 😐 cuz his vibes were off to me and i didn’t like him. LOVED charli at rep tho
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thissugarcane · 2 years
must I do everything myself?? (yes, this particular fic hasn’t been written before so it turns out maybe I have to write it, uggghhhhh, alone and shaking the brian/justin tag desperately hoping for crumbs to fall out)
(listen there’s lots of amazing fic being posted even in this year of our destruction twenty twenty three, but my recent tracking sheet tells me I read 2-3 million words of fanfic per month, I cannot take it, need more)
cut below, a thousand words outlining a fanfic I do not intend to write, but hey, who even knows.
if I were going to write a time-travel au, I think I’d set it with justin waking up the night after they made love fuck for the first time post-bashing, aka the day after gus’s birthday, aka a year after they first met. justin would still be feeling some of the claustrophobia and panic, even if mentally he’s moved past it his body is still primed and everything. (also because brian taking care of justin post-bashing is a huge part of their love story, can’t have that not happen - but also, brian dealing with justin’s rage would be / is just as sweet as him dealing with justin’s panic.)
so it’d start during the whole Howard Bellweather fiasco, but I think Justin would be the only person who’d support Brian in his “fuck this noise” opinion of the whole thing. Then Pride and Justin re-enrolling in PIFA - which would be different only in that he’d be asking for help instead of pushing Brian away and then Brian pretending he doesn’t care.
2x06 is brian pushing justin away and the rules and stuff, and honestly I think this is the moment when Justin decides to talk to Brian about how he’s from the future. Like after the covenant scene, Justin decides that pretending he’s that insecure 18 year old is just going to piss Brian off long-term, and it’s going to make Brian try and push him away. So that’s the moment he goes “listen, I dreamed of our future, and we were both happy in it, and even though you might not believe that now, I do, so you need to tell me to back off when I push without, you know, being mean about it by tricking, as a default.” etc.
because then Justin could tell him about gardner vance (which is when Brian admits to cynthia that justin has some weird psychic thing going on and he’s confirmed at least a few of the things justin’s said would come true), and he could prove it by talking about Ben before Ben shows up (brian of course wouldn’t believe it right away, but that’s where he starts to think “...maybe”).
and when Jason Kemp’s body shows up, Justin realises he didn’t calculate the time properly - because he associated Jason with when Deb found out his name, not actually the body itself, which means he’s horrified he didn’t try to help.
and the wedding! the wedding. I don’t honestly know what justin from the future would do: stay to see it, or go with Brian to the white party, or tell Brian to offer the honeymoon to them both so BRIAN stays. (for wish fulfillment purposes obviously I want brian to stay, but idk if even mr jay taylor from 2007 could manage that manipulation.)
of course, justin wouldn’t dance for the Sap, but Brian would have have have to ask why and then Justin would have to admit what happened last time. omg and Rage! Justin would just be doing so so so much E until michael finally got it. (and obviously justin wouldn’t go to the concert or fuck ethan.)
et cetera.
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tayley · 2 years
hello. love witch here once again. my pals once asked me if we can have more than one soulmate and the answer is yes and also they can be any animal being. hayley's are plants, alf, brian, taylor and her mother. taylor's are billy (his black dog), alf, hayley, his parents and justin. i'll search better if mushrooms are truly his soulmates, but all it indicates for now, it is. sadly, what doesn't connect is that chode's soulmate is one of them is hayley and alf, so that's the reason he keeps somewhat copying h's and pmore's work somehow, their album is full of flowers and i'm sure that next album of them will try to sound political but it'll be too elitist (ew). lisa's are her siblings - especially her sisters, her cats, lily (her daughter) and someone that should be her lover, not chode - if she plans to keep with him, sadly she will have bad karma of love. also i'd like to add that as much t's birthday was nice h's birthday and valentine's day 2023 will be special dates, as well. (also, lmk if you want me to do a tumblr lol)
we def need a tumblr from you, lol. your asks make me happy when they come through 😂 thanks love witch 🧙‍♀️
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morgensternauroras · 2 months
Lyrical analysis of Taylor Swift's Exile
[Disclaimer: These are my interpretations, they may not be facts. I am human, I can be wrong.
If I say something factually incorrect, feel free to correct me. Add stuff in the replies if you see smth I may have missed. Also, because this is a duet, I will be using Taylor & Justin's names for their respective POVs. However, Taylor stated these songs on Folklore, while they are rooted in real emotion, are about fictional situations. So take that into account.]
Let's start by defining Exile
Exile (noun) - the state of being barred from one's native country, typically for political or punitive reasons.
Exile is a song following 2 exs after their breakup, reflecting on it and telling their respective perspectives on the end of their relationship. The song's theme is rooted in miscommunication and lack of understanding.
So we are introduced to Justin's point of view first
I can see you standing, honey
With his arms around your body
Laughin’, but the joke’s not funny at all
He is describing seeing Taylor with different, new person. The 2nd lyric would imply they are not on perhaps a first date considering there is a physical intimacy there that seems natural, but the 3rd lyric describes the action we often attribute to newer relationships where we often up our reactions or fake them to make sure the other person is comfortable. I believe it is worth noting that this is Justin's pov. therefore, the joke may not be unfunny. It could be the jealousy talking, but if the joke actually is unfunny, the fact that he knows when her laughs are fake displays a level of closeness they used to share that would allow them him to distinguish fake and real laughs.
We could also say that perhaps he is not seeing her out and about literally, but rather simply thinking of a hypothetical scenario. The level of realness of the situation he (and later Taylor) is describing doesn't really play a part in the narrative. He doesn't need to see them on a date to percieve her quickly moving on with someone new.
And it took you five whole minutes
To pack us up and leave me with it
Justin brings an interesting point up here. He is telling us it took his partner 5 minutes, a significantly short amount of time, to leave the relationship. She essentially just packed it up and left. There is a common pattern of men saying their girlfriends just left one day, that the breakup was sudden, but those same girlfriends say they mentally broke up with their ex 3 months ago. They got so tired and so disappointed that they emotionally detached and waited to get over a relationship mentally so they could leave in peace. There is a common perspective saying that men break up with a big argument and women just mentally detach slowly and leave. Of course, this isn't a rule, but I have certainly experienced it as a woman and I have seen my friends go through it. I like seeing it addressed in a song. We will return to this in Taylor’s verse :).
Holdin’ all this love out here in the hall
Taylor uses hallways in her music in the context of the transitional period prior to a relationship ending. Often referring to holding onto something that was relevant to the relationship. Justin's pov states that he loved her, so he is left in the hall holding onto that love because in his mind, the relationship ended suddenly.
While this song is co-written, I would like to bring attention to some other contexts in which she uses halls and hallways.
In Coney Island she is asked if she is standing in the hallway with a big cake, happy birthday. This lyric is often interpreted as a callback to The Moment I Knew, in which we find out the last straw was her then boyfriend missing her birthday after promising he'd be there.
In Maroon, she says her ex lover was standing hallow eyes in a hallway and mentions how he mistook carnations as roses. Roses in general are considered romantic flowers, often attiributed to longer lasting relationships, they also are easy to preserve and often keep their shape for a long time; while carnations are often attributed to prom flowers, young love that won't last. In essence, the breaking point is miscommunication and realizing that the relationship simply won't last, it's not mature enough to last.
In You're Losing Me her ex is running down the hallway, and she mentions how "you know what they all say" how he won't know what he has until it's gone. As in he is rushing towards that pre-breakup moment, that breaking point.
I think I’ve seen this film before
And I didn’t like the ending
Films in Taylor's discography are also not a new thing. In The 1 she says the greatest films of all time were never made while referring to a past relationship she views as sweet and fun, a relationship that was really something.
In This Is Me Trying she refers to a flashback (so we can assume a part relationship, romantic of not) on a film reel that played on the onlt screen in her town. So this relationship was significant to her and she looks back on it. It is at some point the central point of her life.
There is an entire song called If This Was a Movie where she is asking an ex to come back to her.
So movies and films are often a retrospective, potentially romanticized look at a relationship that was mostly good.
The one time she breaks this pattern is Hoax, where she refers to herself a hero who dies and asks what the point of the movie is for. The song is seemingly about a toxic relationship.
Justin is essentially saying he is noticing a pattern (of relationships ending) and he doesn't like where this is going.
You’re not my homeland anymore
So what am I defending now?
Taylor’s songs often refer to a lover as a place, I mean she will eventually end up writing a song where she refers to an ex as 'London.' But the concept of a home town being a metaphor for a lover is far from new.
In Long Story Short she says her lover feels like home, in Down Bad her same old town feels so hollow after a breakup, in False God she says her lover is looking at her like she is not his favorite town after what seems like an argument, etc.
Defending her "home town" or the person who feels like home. Is also something Taylor has referenced before. For example, in Peace she says she'd sit in the trenches with her lover.
In this case, Justin is saying that since his ex is no longer his homeland, there is no point in defending her anymore. Defending an ex one still has feelings for is not unheard of. We can still feel a sort of attachment to that person, even if what we had is now over. So this is Justin essentially referring to this feeling of duty, fighting this need, this habit of defending an ex.
You were my town, now I’m in exile, seein’ you out
This line basically confirms my previous points, but it also points to a feeling of displacement, loss of balance even. They are using towns and exile as a metaphor because they are equading their relationship to a town, but the feeling of exile after a relationship can refer to loss of other people, such as mutual friends, after the relationship ends.
Now Taylor’s part begins
I can see you starin', honey
Like he's just your understudy
Some of the lyrics in her perspective change, of course. She says her ex is seeing her with her new lover and that he is staring at them, as if the new lover is an understudy, a replacement, someone who learned to play a part belonging to somebody else if the need arises for a replacement. Those replacements are often temporary and done by people less qualified than the original. This furthers the idea of film as a theme, although understudys are more often used as a reference to plays and theater.
Again, this situation she is describing may not be a real scenario, it could just be her thinking about what he would do in a made-up scenario.
Like you’d get your knuckles bloody for me
This contrasts Justin's previous line about defense. Taylor is saying that he looked ready to fight this understudy for her, try and win her back somehow. Justin looks jealous, like he wants to be with her again. This also won't remain the only time Taylor's songs use knuckles in lines about holding onto a relationship. We see it again in The Great War and So Long London which are both about relationships going through hardships.
Second, third, and hundredth chances
Taylor essentially goes back to my earlier point, while her lover views the relationship's ending as something sudden, Taylor is saying that she gave him hundreds of chances. This also seems like a pattern in Taylor's music which was explored in songs like You're Not Sorry and The Last Time. Taylor describes not a sudden end, but a slow painful falling apart of a relationship. Sometimes it is not one single big thing that breaks us, it's a million little things that add up.
Balancin’ on breaking branches
Again, Taylor confirms their relationship was fragile even before, she had to balance multiple issues within their relationship, but every time she'd give a chance, the branch she was balancing on would proceed to break underneath her. It's a similar sentiment to what she says in Haunted.
Those eyes add insult to injury
She is referring to the jealous, fight-ready look her ex lover has, causing her even more pain. The reason for their breakup was miscommunication and lack of mutual understanding and the look he is giving her new partner further confirms that lack of understanding.
I'm not your problem anymore
So who am I offending now?
While Justin 's verse referred to his ex as his town, Taylor's refers to herself as his problem. We can interpret this in 2 ways.
1) Taylor isn't aware that her ex still has feelings for her, therefore she sees herself as something he dealt with that is now no longer an issue.
2) (and in my opinion the more likely interpretation based on the context) Taylor is being spiteful, the use of 'problem' is sarcastic as she previously states she gave him a hundred chances. For me this is further solidified in the line that follows.
She clearly knows she is seen as the offending party in the relationship, as the percieved reason the relationship ended. She left (in his opinion suddenly) therefore the problem was her. She moved on first, she detached first, therefore she is the offending party.
The word offending is also a clever way to contrast the 2 completely different perspectives. As it is a complete opposite of 'defending.' So that's a clever writing trick used in the writing of the song to further exaggerate the differences in their views.
You were my crown, now I’m in exile, seein’ you out
In this lyric, Taylor puts her ex, in a way, above her by using the word crown. While I have seen a few people interpret this as a patriarchal power dynamic thing, I don't agree with that interpretation. Yes, the town is ruled by a crown, but in this case, I think the more obvious answer is easily found. In a monarchy, the crown is the one who exiles individuals. Therefore, this is a subtle way Taylor points out that she didn't just 'pack it up and leave him,' she was forced to make that choice because of his actions, lack of understanding, and lack of change.
In a way, she is blaming him for the breakup, the same way he blames her.
I think I've seen this film before
So I'm leaving out the side door
Now for my favorite lyric change in the song! While both of them mention recognizing the pattern and not liking where this is going, this is Taylor saying she is refusing to watch the hypothetical ending of the film. Instead, she is taking initiative, taking the narrative into her own hands, finding an alternative way out.
The bridge is where the song transitions from showing us their perspectives into more of a conversation between the 2.
So step right out, there is no amount
Of crying I can do for you
Justin seemingly acknowledges and responds to Taylor’s previous statement, telling her to go ahead because there is no amount of crying he can do for her, meaning he believes there is nothing he can do to make her change her mind, nothing to fix their relationship (presumably because he didn't see the signs and didn't believe there was anything that would need fixing, at least not by him specifically) .
All this time
We always walked a very thin line
This is also where Justin's perspective acknowledges that they did actually walk a thin line, that there were problems, the relationship was fragile. The line feels very reminiscent of Haunted, and Taylor saying in that song how her and this person walked a fragile line and she had actually known it all this time, but she never thought she'd see it break. [For the record, no, I don't believe Exile is about John, I just felt the need to point out the parallel].
You didn't even hear me out (You didn't even hear me out)
Both of them then proceed to claim the other didn't hear them out, and this can, of course, be true for a whole list of reasons. Not every case of someone not being heard out is intentional. It could be because they were putting their own problems first, because their communication was bad in general, because they didn't want to directly point out problems, etc. It's more about the feeling of being unheard which can lead people to feel less valued, or even less loved.
You never gave a warning sign (I gave so many signs)
And again, while Justin's pov says he was given no warning, no reason to believe they had come to their breaking point, Taylor’s pov reiterates that she did give signs, she gave many and he never noticed them.
All this time
I never learned to read your mind (Never learned to read my mind)
I couldn’t turn things around (You never turned things around)
Their back and forward continues, he admits that he never learned to read her mind, that he couldn't pick up on those subtle signs.
While he is saying that because of that he couldn't turn things around, her pov uses a different work, she says it's not that he couldn't, he didn't turn things around. Because ok, fine, he can't read her mind, but she mentions again that she gave so many signs so surely one registered and if so, then not turning things around seems like a deliberate choice or at least an act of surrender.
The song ends on a similar note, with Justin once again saying she gave no signs. They never reach an agreement on whay happened because that very rarely happens, but also, the point where they can reach an agreement of their relationship ending was never the intended theme of the song.
Relationships end, both parties do not have the same story about how it ended because they experienced it differently. That's life, not much we can do about it, maybe someday the 2 could reach an agreement if they had a conversation about it, but not at this point when emotions are high.
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hitchell-mope · 3 months
Hypothetical titles for season 26 of 88.
The inauguration. Season premiere. Part one. New York and the world tune in to see Drummond Sullivan be sworn in as the president of the United States of America.
Tail on the chief. Season premiere. Part two. Two weeks into his tenure Drummond is being stalked. First appearances of Haley Joel Osment and Emily Osment as republican reporters Wilson and Roosevelt “Sonny&Rosie” Dinwiddie
Staff meeting. Drummond exercises his right as president to indulge his social circle by putting them into roles of the president’s entourage.
Autobiographical. In the 600th episode Jones starts dictating his memories with the help of his personal assistant and flashbacks from all 26 seasons.
State of the reunion. Part one. Sullivan and Findlay have to go to their 40th high school reunion when Drummond reads out his first State of the Union address. Guest starring Ashley Tisdale as Annalise Marsden, Corbin Bleu as Rusty Kinney, Brenda Song as Principal Olivia Henning and Macauley Culkin as Ian Henning.
The class of 2025. Part two. The reunion turns into a murder mystery when both Annalise and Rusty are found dead in the principals office.
The pronoun game. Findlay and Sidney help a young boy convince his mother that he is not transgender after he disguises himself as his twin sister to take tap lessons after his school take dance classes off of the curriculum.
Competence. Drummond’s ability to be president is called into question when the Dinwiddie’s learn that he was born in 1980 and is therefore 85 years old.
Leave religion at the door. ACS&Associates come to Dr Corsica’s defence when she saves a young boy’s life against the wishes of his Jehovah’s Witness parents.
Blue Spanish eyes. Zack Caldwell springs into action when Arlene is hypnotically seduced by a male siren and his growing fanbase. Guest starring Jonathan Bailey.
The tour. The Sullivan Administrations first official cross country presidential tour is hounded by the Dinwiddie siblings every step of the way. Guest starring Taylor Lautner as Drummond’s new bodyguard Bucky Dunn.
The Sonny&Rosie Show. In this out of genre experience we see a day Wilson and Roosevelt Dinwiddie as they host their talk show. First appearance of Elisabeth Moss as Kennedy Dinwiddie and Krysten Ritter as her wife Reyna.
A benevolent conspiracy. Midseason finale. Part one. It’s Drummond’s first Christmas as president. And to celebrate he and Findlay invite two former presidents and one first grandson to let them in on their plan to keep republicans out of the White House. Featuring returning guest stars Jeremy Shada as Robbie Guilroy, Amy Acker ad Bethany DuPont and Adam Beach as Marcus Murray.
The special relationships. Midseason premiere. Part two. With new year approaching, Drummond and Robbie still need to get Marcus and Bethany on side.
Chronics. Findlay takes desperate measures when The Mages And The Mundane is up against a new medical drama called Chronics at the Daytime Emmys. Guest starring Chris Pratt as Emerson Davenport and Sandra Oh as Marianne Black.
Happy birthday mr president. Drummond’s 86th birthday party is interrupted by a betrayal from Bucky and an abduction performed by the Dinwiddie’s.
Manchurian. Part one. Further information is revealed about Buchanan Dinwiddie’s life and deception as his family takes President Drummond away to parts unknown. First full appearance of Weird Al Yankovic as Cleveland Dinwiddie
Chilean sausage pulp. Part two. Drummond can’t help but poke the bear and insult his captors even through they have a very unpleasant fate in mind for him.
Specifications. Arlene seeks out Deucalion for a therapy session after Findlay is a little bit more than candid about what she did with Ken dolls when she was eighteen.
Purists. The race is on to save Drummond from the Dinwiddie family. Along the way. Reyna and Buchanan have a realisation and a change of heart.
The first family. After Drummond’s rescue, Justine plays spin doctor and organises an interview for the Sullivan’s and Wilmington’s to have with the press.
Food, clothes and pets. Drummond exercises his verbally sadistic side when PETA attack people attending a pet shop open house.
Serial killer on life support. Humiliated and grievously injured after Drummond got rescued, Cleveland Dinwiddie starts his final plan from his hospital bed.
Sons of a witch. After a mishap with the latest stage in Barnaby’s business and a rather cruel ousting from a dog park after Jonah and Butterball’s relationship goes public, the twins team up to fix their respective love lives.
Preempted. Season finale. Part one. Drummond prepares to send a troop of specialist FBI agents, accompanied by some extended family, into a taping of The Sonny&Rosie Show to take down the Dinwiddie family once and for all. By any means necessary. Guest starring Ben Barnes and Mia Wasikowska as Ernie and Zara Roche. Final appearance of Weird Al Yankovic as Cleveland Dinwiddie
The take down. Season finale. Part two. With Cleveland dead as Zara’s hands, all that’s left for President Sullivan and the team to do is ensure that the rest of the Dinwiddie’s cannot escape his wrath. And Reyna and Buchanan are more than eager to help. Final appearances of Elisabeth Moss, Haley Joel Osment and Emily Osment as Kennedy, Wilson and Roosevelt Dinwiddie.
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randyharrisonfan · 11 months
Happy Birthday to the actor RANDY HARRISON.
Harrison made his television debut playing Justin Taylor, a gay teen, in 2000's American version of QUEER AS FOLK, based on the British television series.
The series ran for five seasons, ending in 2005.
In 2002, Harrison played the character Sean in BANG BANG YOU'RE DEAD, a made-for-television movie based on the play of the same name.
Harrison stars as Brutus in cinematographer/director/writer Patrick Donelley's postmodern feature film adaptation of Julius Caesar opposite actor John Shea as the title role.
Harrison has a substantial résumé in regional theatre, most prominently as a featured player since 2005 at the Berkshire Theatre Festival.
In 2006, Harrison co-founded the Arts Bureau (tAB), an umbrella organization encompassing theatre, film, music, and writing.
In July 2007, he starred in tAB's first production, a heartwarming story, ultimately, based on the work of Anton Chekhov.
In late 2007/early 2008, Harrison shot and starred in the first tAB short film, THINKING, which has been shown at several film festivals.
In Summer 2008, tAB shot its first feature film LORTON LAKE.
In 2014, he starred in SUCH GOOD PEOPLE.
Harrison, who is gay, dated Advertising Age columnist Simon Dumenco from 2002 to 2008; the two met when Dumenco interviewed Harrison for a New York magazine cover story.
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loving-barnes · 2 years
1. Your fave color?
2. If you could he an animal, what animal would you be and why?
3. Worst gift you ever got
4. Tell me one song you like and two songs you hate
5. What do you think human language sounds like to mice?
6. Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry or pineapple?
7. Dream outfit for a fancy night out?
8. Dream outfit for a less face night in?
9. Would you rather go to space whenever you want or be able to talk to you dog but only like once a month?
10. Which of the MCU movies would you like to star in? You can only choose one, past and future movies
Happy early birthday!!!! 🎂🥳
Green (i love blue too)
cat (i love cats and i would love to have one again but my allergy got worse and thus cannot own one anymore)... (or I'd love to be a Cavalier - dog). But cat... I love cats a bit more than dogs (and I own one).
i don't think I got any... I have to wait for tomorrow and maybe that will be the first time I got the worst gift. :D
Taylor Swift - Look What You Made Me Do - love, love loooove i don't hate any songs... but I don't like Justin Bieber if that can help?
like italian to me (I don't speak italian)
everything except pineapple
black leather jacket, dark green hoodie, skinny jeans (black or blue) and combat boots
sweats and hoodie or pajamas
Thunderbolts (because there is Yelena and Bucky... I wanted to write black widow but... no bucky).
Thanks for this! It made me think about other things.
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babylonights · 4 years
a 4th post of small facts :,)
- Britin Manor is in West Virginia, but less than half an hour from pittsburgh (511)
- justin took daphne’s virginity (119)
- vanilla pudding with maple syrup was emmett’s comfort food as a kid (511)
- brian is circumsized (106)
- ben and justin have the same birthday (216)
- it’s justin’s birthday today (and ben’s)
- justin told daphne brian said i love you the first night they fucked (102)
- michael is older than brian (111/122)
- ted is the oldest of the gang, before justin emmett was the youngest (mentioned throughout the series)
- ted turned 39 in 513
- melanie rachel marcus (512)
- michael had his tonsils removed at 8 years old, he hadn’t been in the hospital since until 510 (511)
- debbie loves the song “white rabbit” by jefferson airplane (311)
First Second Third
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edmyfluffybear · 3 years
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lunastar92 · 4 years
Happy 28th Birthday to Taylor! 💖💗💓💞💕💟
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