#Happy Native American Heritage Day
huitangerine · 10 months
Mang's Dreamcatcher 🐿️😴💤 (All Native/Indigenous American Artists and Music threads!)
Ever seen a dreamcatcher? Native Americans would make these to rid away evil spirits and bad dreams. Don't wake Mangie! 🤫🐿️😴💤
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Here's a thread of all of the Native/Indigenous artists and music threads together. Happy Native American Heritage Month 🌙😊:
Part 1: https://twitter.com/sapphirebangles/status/1720896353503703290
Part 2: https://twitter.com/sapphirebangles/status/1721665394669404184
Part 3: https://twitter.com/sapphirebangles/status/1722689732302516313
Part 4: https://twitter.com/sapphirebangles/status/1725972622087995441
Part 5: https://twitter.com/sapphirebangles/status/1727037083934671353
Part 6: https://twitter.com/sapphirebangles/status/1728142074581770621
Final part: https://twitter.com/sapphirebangles/status/1729415224326049978
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waitmyturtles · 2 years
On this eve of Native American Heritage Day here in the States, something interesting’s happening on my Tumblr: a post about the Cherry Magic movie is going viral. It was from my liveblog of watching the movie for the first time; I’ll repost the screenshots here (this is from the scene in the kitchen where Adachi tells Kurosawa that he wants to tell their families about their relationship):
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I love that this post is getting re-blogged this weekend, as it focuses on chosen family -- the family that Adachi has chosen for himself and the family that he loves the most.
I’m spending this holiday weekend not just with my chosen family -- my dear partner -- but the family I’ve made, my kids. I’m feeling a little sentimental, especially because this lovely scene from the movie is moving lots of folks, so I just want to say that I hope folks out there are able to experience some happiness with their chosen families this weekend, because I know that if I were with my birth family, I wouldn’t be content as I am right now. And if you’re alone, I hope the Tumblr fam can be considered your chosen family. 
And I’m thankful that my posts make people happy! That’s a great feeling, too. 
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Hugs to the fam here -- I love it here.
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mysticalblizzardcolor · 10 months
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There has been a journey within the paternal lineage; of ancestries stretching across the southwest + south of turtle island, which unfolded a mystery of the stories and traditions.
There were past moments in my life of feeling lost, but then finding puzzle pieces along the way and remembering that the ancestries are never lost.
as the stories and holy scriptures are found in nature, the elders, community, nature — within.
vibrating in the ancestral songs of art, music and dance
listening, remembering, expressing. in the purity of our hearts, our vessel
that wherever we are wherever we go
we find everything within us and give gratitude to life + creation
to the grand rising of a new day
today and everyday
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orionfalling · 2 years
i love poetry i love poetry someone put two lines together and it breaks my heart and puts it back together in the same breath are you kidding? what's more potent and powerful than knowing someone put your feelings to words, that they felt it too and they know how to say it.
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psphotos23 · 2 years
I love Tia Wood 😍❤️
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qsmparchive · 11 months
Day of the dead is actually a two day holiday contrary to what people believe, The first of November is to mourn the children that have passed away, the 2nd of November is to remember the adults that have passed away.
These rituals have been around a long time being older than Christ, originating in Mexica and Huasteca mythology, its first set up an ofrenda with a table and the photos of a loved one, food they liked, and flowers called Cempohualxochitl
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The people paint themselves as skeletons to represent the life and death
When you die you go to the Mictlán, the land of the dead held by Mictlantecuhtli, you stay there for four years until you go through the challenge of 9 (or 7 in huasteca) nivels , the first one you face entirely how you died and spend 39 years there to cleanse your sins until you manage to finish them and redeem yourself to which you can finally just disappear in the afterlife, and in real life your relatives no longer need to do these rituals and remember you as you have left.
This tradition is what makes mexican view the process grieving a lot more differently than others and a reminder of our heritage.
Feliz día de muertos and happy native American month 🇲🇽
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AITA for telling my mixed race cousin the truth about her racial background?
This happened a few months back but continues to divide our family to this day, and I have my own regrets about it, so I thought it would be good to get some outside perspective.
My little cousin (we'll call her May) was privately adopted by my aunt 17 years ago. Her biological mom already had 4 kids at home, 2 of them special needs, and she was an unplanned pregnancy. But she was also deeply religious and against abortion, so she went to her (southern baptist) church for help. My aunt was a member of that church and was having trouble conceiving, so she offered to adopt the woman's baby and she agreed.
I know all this for a fact because my aunt asked my mom to come with her as emotional support when she met with the bio mom and dad at their home to talk more about the details. I was dragged along (8 years old at the time) and saw the bio parents myself. The mom was white, and the dad was black. I sat and listened to them talk about boring adult stuff and heard both the man and woman refer to May as "their baby". Then I got bored and went in the other room to play with their kids on the xbox.
Fast forward 17 years later to the present day and May has done pretty well in life. She's a straight A student with a 4.0 and wants to be a physicist. She knows she's adopted and knows she's mixed race (would be pretty hard to hide, since both her parents are whiter than mayo and she's obviously not). I never said anything about her being half black, because I assumed she knew. I found out she does not when she was talking about looking into scholarships and says maybe she can get a scholarship for Indigenous peoples. I laugh because I assume she's joking.
May looks at me and asks why that's so funny, and I say because she's not Native American. She looks truly pissed now and like she's geared up for a fight against a racist and says yes, she is. I look at her parents for backup but they won't look me in the eye. "May, I met your parents. You're half black," I told her. She calls me a liar and says that's stupid, because her parents got her through an adoption agency and she knows she's half Native American.
Now I'll tell you, I know my aunt and uncle made jokes about how she "looks like an Indian" when she was a baby. I know they dressed her up in racist "Indian" outfits every Halloween (first I wasn't old enough to know it was racist, then I thought it's not worth the argument bringing it up). I know her cringey online persona when she was 12/13 was called "PocahontasGirl", and her online "aesthetic" has always been nature and romanticized, spiritual Native American stuff. And again, I never said anything because it wasn't worth the argument, and I figured she would grow out of it when she was less immature. I had genuinely know idea it's because her parents have been lying to her.
I tried to convince her I wasn't lying, I tried to get my aunt and uncle to back me up, but May is a terror when she's mad and she was screaming and crying at me for being racist and calling her parents liars so I just left. She's blocked me everywhere since then, and my aunt called my mom to rant about me filling her daughter's head with lies and trying to break up their happy family. My mom said I should have just left it alone, I said May deserves to know who she really is, and how can my mom condone lying to her when we both know the truth? My mom said just to drop it, it isn't any of our business. That she didn't like the fact that my aunt lied either, but bringing it up now was an asshole move because it would divide the family no matter what. Either May would believe me and hate her parents, or believe her parents and hate me.
In my heart I feel like it's wrong on so many levels to adopt a mixed race child then lie about their heritage, and I think my aunt and uncle are just plain racist. But I can't blame May for not believing me and believing the people who raised her. And I truly do miss her, having known her all her life. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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humanrightsconnected · 10 months
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Happy Native American Heritage Day! Make sure to tap the link below to find out what you can do to commemorate this important day!
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aethermint · 7 months
The mother, Kendra, had jet black hair pulled into a high bun. Her face had a carved quality about it. Despite the high-necked silk gown she wore, Harry thought of Native Americans as he studied her dark eyes, high cheekbones and straight nose.
He learned them at our mother's knee. Secret and lies that's how we grew up."
This is what we know of Kendra Dumbledore... My headcanon is that she was quite a harsh mother, loved her children and raised them well, but strict and cold all the same. Remember a lot of children that grow up to be the kindest beings also grew up in the coldest darkest households.
We also know that his father killed three muggle boys in an act of vengeance. Cold blooded murder. And Kendra being a muggle born witch makes you wonder a bit. She probably hates her heritage a bit after muggles destroyed her family, her love and her children. She clearly struggled even more so now being a single parent. And then we know that she was killed by Ariana. We see in Fantastic beasts, Obscurials lash out when threatened or dare say triggered. Makes you wonder why she lashed out on Kendra that day. Who knows. Maybe Kendra had enough, and seeing Ariana's worsening condition and suffering, wanted to end it before it got beyond her control. She couldn't help her back then... but maybe she can help her now.
And I believe that Albus agreed with her to some extent, deep down. He tried everything to save her nothing can reverse the damage done by those muggles.
Whereas Aberforth isn't as realistic or pessimistic, doesn't see his sister as anything but his sister, thus being her favourite.
But what would their family dynamic be like if none of this happened? I see that in most fics they are depicted as happy... the parents in love, the siblings are very close and healthy relationships with there parents. But I don't think that would be the case at all.
Firstly, Albus would most definitely have been outcasted/disowned due to his preferences for men.
Everything we know about his parents would strong suggest this, and the evidence lies in Aberforth Dumbledore. His behaviour and response towards Albus and Gellert's 'closeness' that summer speaks volumes. This is learnt behaviour from parent to child. Albus learnt to keep secrets from a very young age, from his mother's knee.
Conclusion is if Albus dumbledore's family had lived without tragedy, tragedy would find him anyway, and the villainous potential this character has will forever be in my mind. Maybe I should write a grindeldore fic about this.
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huitangerine · 10 months
Mangvember: Native/Indigenous American Music Appreciation! Part 6 🎵🎶🍃🍁🐿️🍂🌼 Happy Native American Heritage Day!
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If you’re interested in listening to Native/ Indigenous American artists and music, read my thread for Native American Heritage Month (Part 6) 🎵🎶🍃🍁🐿️🍂🌼 (Check the quote tweets in this thread to see some videos from these artists!):
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Artists featured in the thread ⬆️: Snow Raven, Blackbraid, Blackfire, Winterhawk, Jim Boyd, Stevie Salas, Red Shadow Singers, Joey Stylez
Native/Indigenous American artists and music thread Part 7 is coming soon!
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pinkflipphonez · 8 months
Hello! Really love your content so far and it makes me so incredibly happy seeing more people reimagining Alfred and Matthew as nonwhite compared to it being controversial 8years ago.
Ever since I joined the fandom I always had the (at the time) unpopular opinion that the NA bros were from mixed heritages (White/Indigenous), which as an American non-white Latino with Indigenous roots made the most sense to me especially considering that even in the manga they don't really represent the government, but the people themselves and both countries (especially the US) are so diverse it absolutely baffled me that they were just plain white boys. I always imagined them being mixed, but never quite fitting in with either groups.
I am sorry if I overstep on this next bit, please feel free to correct me on anything I say, I've just had a long time to think about this and how other countries would react, which is gonna put England/France into a bad light but...they were straight up horrific to the Natives. Even France.
I know you mentioned how in Hetalia, the personifications get along with their overseers/colonizers and that they wouldn't be okay with this, and I think I may have to *slightly* disagree.
I think when it comes to Nations and how they view their fellow personifications, how they look won't matter as much compared to how they act or culture wise. I can see that while the two heavily resemble Native features, when they were taken in by their colonizers they were raised to hold to those same European values that still do plague the country today. I can imagine Arthur making sure that Alfred ignores his Indigenous roots and that he's raised as a proper British colony, speaking and writing in English only, being raised as a proper Christian etc. Forced to assimilate, which has been done to so many people that come from different cultures from the time America was colonized to even now in some places. They may not look completely white, but by god will he makes sure they act like they do.
I don't think he would have ever been okay with his people being killed, tortured, having their cultures and languages erased or even enslaved, because he does not represent the cruel ideas the government has, but the people itself...which also do include the people that *ARE* okay with this. A constant battle Alfred has to deal with, which ends up with him making not the best choices.
Things aren't perfect even today, there's still so many issues that's happening where Indigenous folks are still fighting for basic rights to water, working roads, etc. But at the current time, more Americans these days (especially the much younger generations that were taught/look up about the atrocities that our government has committed, especially now that the Native voices have platforms to speak on), are much more aware. I see the brothers trying to reclaim their roots, and start what will be centuries long reparations on what their people have done to the Indigenous community. Which honestly, reconnecting with cultures after being forced to assimilate to American culture is something big thats happening here all across the United States with Latino-Americans embracing their heritage, African-Americans who were descendents of those stolen from their homeland reconnecting with their culture, Indigenous people bringing their languages and foods back to light.
It's honestly just a very difficult journey I think they would have as they have to deal with Nationhood, but forgetting who they came from and having to give themselves up to a certain group. Again, never fitting in completely with one or the other.
Again, I'm so incredibly sorry if this is overstepping in anyway or if some things don't make sense. It's such a complicated subject that really can't be summed up super easily and I did want to go longer but I felt like this was long enough already @_@
Firstly, you are not overstepping in the slightest! I am legitimately so content and kind of misty-eyed to see so many other native fans of the show both interact within the fandom and give their own interpretation on both canon and OC characters. It was never this wholesome and community-oriented when I first joined the fandom and I'm glad I stuck around to see the tide change.
Secondly, your interpretation of France and England's involvement in Canada and America's assimilation is... very accurate, and while it's something I've fought about with myself in my plotting of Alfred's life (because I don't want to hate them lol), they most definitely did have a hand in his disconnection. However, as much as I agree they are influenced by both their natives and settlers, I do think they very much hold their own reservations and opinions on the social climate around them as any individual human being would.
While American society and most American presidents were anti-indigenous and pro-slavery, there were also vigilant indigenous activists and abolitionists; there were men and women who defended and engrained themselves with native communities and there were men and women who fought mercilessly to free enslaved people. I believe Alfred was one of those people. Alfred noticed the wrong within the society around him and despised it-- but alongside his overseers and the people surrounding him, his thought process was in the minority.
I don't see Alfred participating in the genocide, assimilation, or enslavement of indigenous or Black people-- and it is not because I wish to sanitize this true history, but because I earnestly do not see Alfred being so cruel (as he was someone who also thought himself a better person than his brutal fatherly figure). I do think he did try to feel indifferent most of the time to... well, assimilate, but I also like to think he was infuriated, enraged, while at the same time having convictions on where his help is best suited as a native man with the privileges and appearance of a white man (I hc that he very consciously slaughtered slave-owners and triple k members, especially during the civil war, but I realize that may be a heavy hc to have).
I appreciate you bringing up the increase of younger folks in America beginning their decolonization/reconnection journeys because that is absolutely what I feel Al and Matt are going through actively, but I like to think they began their reconnection journey much earlier, during the rise of AIM in the 1970s. I see them being the biggest activists for all their native communities and they help in every possible way they can. Not only because they want to reconnect and amend their mistakes, but because they altruistically care for their people.
Their hobbies absolutely include remodeling the homes of elders and delivering food to them. They are very much for the landback movement and will call out anti-indigenous sentiment without hesitation. I also think Alfred separates himself from his governmental supervisors in current day and will challenge them now compared to when he stayed relatively compliant as a young nation.
I still have SO MANY theories about Alfred and Matt's origins and experiences with assimilation that I am working out, but I want to carefully plot it all out so as to not trivialize legitimate indigenous trauma, especially as a reconnector. All I can say is that if the land I stand on had a personification, it would be an indigenous being, no question.
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kristynstudies · 11 months
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[39/100 days of productivity]
notes about “whereas” by layli long soldier, which we are reading in indigenous literature. happy native american heritage month to all the native folk out there! <3
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grayacedave · 2 years
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happy native american heritage day💕and happy thanksgiving too ig🤨
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Happy Native American Heritage Eve.
Remember even though we don't celebrate colonizers, today is still one of the few days a year that people get to spend time with their found family/family.
Punks don't go Black Friday shopping a day early. Punks don't support companies forcing the working class to spend a family holiday away from their family.
Punks also don't take part in the trampling that gets people killed every Black Friday.
We stand by our costumer service punks in solidarity and let them have today with their friends/ family and let them have a safe Black Friday.
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ladnkilt · 6 months
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Earl Of Darlow, Ben, “I'm Not White, I'm Irish,” County Antrim, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom.
It's Difficult To Live In The United States On Saint Patrick's Day. The County Is A Mix Of Race, Ethnic, And Religious Diversity. Unless A Recent Immigrant, Americans Knowledge Of Their Ancestors And Heritage Gets More And More Remote, And Distorted. The Result Is Their Understanding Of Such Things Becomes Stereotypes, And Assumptions. Such Is The Case For Those Of Irish Heritage. They're Shocked When I Tell Them Most Of What They Do, Think, And Wear On This Day Are NOT Irish, But Things Made Up By Racist Stereotyping People. They Forget The Irish Are An Indigenous People, Similar To The Native Americans. Both Were Victims Of Imperial Entitled White Genocide. We Had Our Children Taken From Us To Be Raised In "Good Christian Homes," Forbidden To Wear Our Native Clothing, Speak Our Language, Practice Our Traditions And Music, And Our Land Stolen From Us. Americans Forget, Store Windows Used To Have A Sign That Read, "No Blacks, No Jews, No Irish, No Indians."
The Male Form...  In Photography, Art, Architecture, Decor, Style, And Culture Which Moves Beyond Mere Appearance To Reveal The... SOUL.
By LadNKilt: Earl Of Darlow, Ben Official Residence: County Antrim Northern Ireland; Main Residence: London U.K.; Second Residence: Kansas City Missouri U.S.A. LadNKilt Archive | Message Me | Submit | LadNKiltLife (Biography)
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fiddlepickdouglas · 11 months
You have previously mentioned, several times, holidays you created for yourself that you celebrate now instead of the holidays you were brought up celebrating. I respect it, I respect it. But as a person whose love language is giving gifts to the people I love based on their interests, I have to know... do any of these holidays you've created involve gift giving?
It's a work in progress, so traditions are not set, but because it's actually celebrating both him and Frodo at the same time, and the hobbits are great party people, I figured it was a lovely way to add a celebration that includes the usual call for big festivities. So yes, big yummy meals, large gatherings, and exchanging gifts are all in order, possible dressing up and maybe a DND one shot are some things I've considered too, but of course any LOTR fan is welcome to create their own traditions around it in the spirit of all things Tolkien.
Current holidays so far:
March 15 - The Ides of March. Traditions include getting a tattoo and/or piercing in the event of "getting stabbed", buying Little Caesars pizza
June - Pride Month. Self explanatory.
June 19 - Juneteenth. I'm white and currently don't have any black friends to celebrate with; hopefully that changes. I either donate or support black owned businesses or charity foundations.
August 23 - Chandrayaan-3 Moon Landing Day. Yay space! But specifically landing on the dark side of the moon. Space themed activities encouraged. This is, of course, very new.
September 22 - Bilbo and Frodo's birthday. Food, friends, gifts, general geeky shit of the Jirt nature.
October 9 - Indigenous Peoples Day. Once again, I'm white, so there's not exactly any cultural traditions I've felt appropriate to take part in. I try either donating or supporting indigenous owned businesses or charity foundations. I typically will get something from Ioway Bee Farm.
October 31 - Halloween/Samhain. I mean, that's the accepted time of year. I personally just enjoy Halloween spirited things year round, but October especially is when I can get other people in on the bit. It's Espooky Gay Pride!
November 24 - Native American Heritage Day. Same as October 9th.
New Years Eve - Self explanatory.
This list will certainly be added to and edited in the future. The attitude behind creating these new traditions is to decolonize and de-Christianize the nature of my celebrations. I'm happy to share these with other people and encourage everyone to find a way to celebrate and commemorate life and their beliefs in a way that truly harmonizes with their ideals and their loved ones. If anything here doesn't jive with you, no worries! There's plenty of existing holidays, both religious and secular, to take part in, so long as they're done respectfully. Creating your own is one of the best things about life, IMO. No one can take that away from you.
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