#Harlan Tyrell
sebeth · 2 years
The World of Ice & Fire/Fire & Blood: The Field of Fire
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
  The future Crownlands have been conquered. House Hoare has been rendered extinct. Argilac the Arrogant met his end in battle. And the remaining kings are in a panic.
King Torrhen Stark called his banners to Winterfell.
Queen Sharra of the Vale, regent for her son Ronnel, retreated to the Vale and sent her army to the Bloody Gate.  Queen Sharra was a famed beauty in her youth, “the Flower of the Mountain”. She sent Aegon a portrait of herself and offered herself to him in marriage and Ronnel as his heir. No one knows if the portrait reached Aegon but he never responded to her proposal.
King Mern IX of House Gardener, King of the Reach, allied with Loren I Lannister, King of the Rock. Known to history as the Two Kings, they commanded an army of fifty-five thousand that included six hundred lords. It was the mightiest host ever seen in Westeros.
An important fact to note is King Mern had his four sons and two grandsons, aka every male in the Gardener line, with him.
Aegon gathered his own forces. His forces were only a fifth of the Gardener/Lannister alliance and most of these consisted of the Riverlanders whose loyalty was still untested.
King Mern demanded the honor of commanding the center. Edmund, his son and heir, was given the vanguard. King Loren and his knights would take the right. Lord Oakheart of the Reach would have the left.
King Aegon gave the command of his host to Jon Mooton, the Lord of Maidenpool. Aegon and his queens would fight from the sky.
King Mern led the charge on his golden stallion with his son Gawen beside him with his banner, a “great green hand upon a field of white”.  That is a lame banner/sigil. Your last name is Gardener and the best you can come up with is a green hand?
As the Rock and Reach forces charged, the Targaryen forces held back while the siblings launched into the air with their dragons, all three simultaneously unleashing dragonflame.
The “Field of Fire” killed five thousand men. Tens of thousands suffered burns. House Gardener joined House Hoare in extinction – at least in the male line. King Mern, along with his sons, grandsons, brothers, and cousins, died in the battle.
The Targaryen forces lost les than a thousand men. Queen Visenya suffered a arrow wound in the shoulder but quickly recovered. Aegon ordered the swords of the defeated be gathered and sent downriver.
The Targaryen forces caught Loren Lannister the day after the Field of Fire. The King of the Rock bent the knee and Aegon confirmed him as the Lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West. Lord Loren’s bannermen and the surviving Lords of the Reach also paid homage.
Aegon finished the conquest of the Reach by marching to Highgarden and installing its steward, Harlan Tyrell, as the Lord of Highgarden, Warden of the South, and Lord Paramount of the South.
King Mern was not the brightest bulb in the bunch. Who takes every male in their line to war? Especially against an opponent with dragons?
The Field of Fire and Harrenhall were both horrific shows of a dragon’s power. I’d rank Harrenhal as the worse display – more died at the Field of Fire but they were soldiers who had a reasonable of expectation of death in battle. Harrenhal would be a war crime if such a thing existed in medieval times. Harren Hoare deserved death but not the women, children, and servants that also resided in the castle.
Up next, the King Who Knelt.
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sigilsongs-a · 6 months
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𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐎 became the  Lord of Highgarden  in  5AC  after his father, Lord  Harlan Tyrell, perished in the  First Dornish War. King  Aegon I Targaryen  flew  Balerion  to  Highgarden  ... but Theo was reluctant to take any further part in the war against  Dorne  after the fate that had befallen his father. However,  House Tyrell  eventually became embroiled once more when the conflict spilled out across the shared range known as the  Red Mountains.
" father .. i have had my fill of words and tearful farewells. i desire blood, and the cries of our enemies. " – theo tyrell's words to the tomb of harlan tyrell, before departing to lead the reach armies in the war efforts.
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Hi, sorry for my English, it's not my language and I'm using Google translator, I hope it's enough for you to understand me. I really like your writing and I had an idea that I think if you wrote it would make it good, where Viserys did not marry Alicent but Laena, but they never had children so Daemon really took over as heir to viserys on the condition that he would marry Rhaenyra, they marry and Jace and luke are Daemon's children. Rhaenyra is pregnant with Joffrey and to celebrate Viserys plans a great banquet that will last days and all the lords are invited. At the party Daemon meets Lord Tyrell's daughter and falls deeply in love with her and takes her as his second wife, Rhaenyra is not satisfied, but does nothing about it. As married times go by, Daemon loves the reader much more and favours her children, and Rhaenyra is jealous
He's sweet flower
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Pairing: Daemon Targaryen x Fem Chubby Tyrell! reader
Author’s note: hello, don’t worry, Google translation does a good job, oh thank you, it touches me a lot that you appreciate. Usually I don’t write by specifying the reader in a specific noble house but by writing the reader in Tyrell, I don’t specify the origin of her mother so that she can come from where you want. Hope you like it. Feel free to leave your opinion on how your request was written, anonymously or not, I just really enjoyed writing for your request.
Author’s Note 2: I based myself on the age gap between Jace, Luke and Joffrey of the books (thanks Wiki) and by writing «young woman» I aim big, from early twenties to early thirties.
 trigger warning: English is also not my mother tongue, so i'm sorry if there is mistakes.
The sun was setting over the gardens of Highgarden, summer was just beginning, the ambient heat was comforting, the flowers covered most of the soils, trees and shrubs of the gardens. The spring months had been very grey and rainy, several trees had large fruits full of water, several servants were responsible for the gathering, they went to work all summer long so that the kitchens could serve them fresh or keep them by turning them into jam or by naturally drying them. They were not the only ones working in the castle. Young squires trained in the animate me with various weapons, whether it be the sword, the fighting axe, the mass or the bow, while others trained to ride a horse, some having never climbed to the screens. But they all worked far more than usual.
The day had been pleasant a part of the Tyrell family was staying in one of the largest gardens, your uncle Lord Matthos Tyrell successor of the house, accompanied by your father were chatting under a large umbrella, composed of wood, linen fabrics and some pieces of warm colors. Lord Tyrell’s wife and your mother sat beside them, watching the younger members of the family played and heckled while you sat under one of the trees, reading, while your young cousin Harlan learned his lessons.
Matthos was talking with your father about the royal invitation, it must have been to announce some important things for sending a messenger. For a month in the windbreaks, a great storm broke over the region of Reach, the violent wind shook the branches of the trees, the younger ones folded under the breath, the beasts had to have hurried into their stables and henhouse. Luckily, the rivers had not yet come out of their beds, fortunately for the villages nearby.
In this storm, a herald accompanied by two knights rode to Highgarden, the sound of the clogs in the mud was barely audible, the breaking rain masked largely the surrounding sounds. The glimmers emanating from the castle windows were barely visible in the rain, which like a beacon guiding the messenger and his escort. At the time of passing the pat of the front door the three people were soaked to the bones, the servants had directly welcomed them and taken them to one of the large rooms of the castle, Lord Matthos Tyrell had joined them to discuss.
This is how your uncle spoke to your father about a scroll in his hands, protecting it from the sun.
“Viserys seems to get crazier and crazier with time.” Matthos sighed.
“Who would not, in his situation many would not have held.”
“Marry your own daughter to your brother? Celebrate future births?”
“The Targaryen are different, he had to consolidate his grip on the throne.”
“According to the Hightowers, Viserys accepted the marriage of Rhaenyra and Daemon, although the council is against it.” Matthos giggled for a moment. “He could have refused.”
Your father sighed, he understood that his brother reacted like this, the iron throne was very coveted, Viserys of his first union with Queen Aemma had not had a son, her death had mourned more than the Targaryen, She was appreciated and seemed to radiate during her presences. The fact that the king remarried was not a surprise, although the age of the very young bride was much talked about. At first, the lack of birth reassured the nobles and the people that Lady Laena’s age was inappropriate for marriage. In the coming years, this lack of birth slowly began to worry, perhaps the young queen could not give birth. Murmurs and rumours then began their way into the kingdom. What would happen when Viserys died? Who would take the throne? The houses that had passed their allegiances could equally break it, it risked imploding the kingdom. Rhaenyra, as the only child of the king, could assert his birthright on the throne, but none of the great Lords and the people were ready for a queen to rule the kingdom. Daemon as a brother of the king, was the direct heir, but having a bad reputation among the people and especially the nobles, was a complex choice. The union of Daemon and Rhaenyra a few years ago was intended to strengthen their «legitimacy» to the throne. Although many noble houses did not like it, the people were wary, for this marriage did not guarantee a long peace full of prosperity.
"Brother, why don’t you go to these festivities?"
“I have to deal with the requests from the villages, don’t forget, I don’t have time to go and celebrate.”
“I would take the applications directly, you could take the opportunity to find an fiance to my tender niece.”
Your father sighed, it was true that you had not yet engaged, it is not that you had no young and not so young men who wanted to court you, it is that for your father, you were still his little daughter, even though you are a young woman. He promised to think about it not wanting to tarnish this sunny day with a heated discussion, even though he knew that Matthos would repeat the question to him several times, until the moment your father snapped.
That’s how a week later, a carriage carrying the flower of the Tyrell house, headed for King’s Landing.
It was the first time you traveled to King’s Landing, you were only a child at the death of Queen Aemma, you had kept the blurred memory of your Uncle Matthos and your aunt being gone for several weeks, and that before their return Highgarden had become silent, for a few days. Your nanny had vaguely explained to you that it was customary to mourn for important people whether we knew him or not. It intrigued you, but you quickly forgot about the sadness, wanting to play with the other children present.
At the time of the king’s remarriage, you still remained at the castle, just as you remained for the various festivities that took place at the Red Keep, Highgarden satisfied you, you did not understand why the other ladies and young lady wanted so much to go there. Your nanny had repeatedly explained to you the misadventures that could occur in the capital, how the streets were covered with vermin and dirt. That this was no place for a girl.
Yet when you looked at the landscape through the screened opening, you could see large walls with black and red coats of arms. With difficulty you tried to see how the streets of the city really were, painfully observing colors and movement, you could not fully observe the life teeming around you.
When the carriage stopped, you waited to get out, the heel sounds of the boots echoed in the outer courtyard of the Red Keep.
Servants were the first to greet you, taking your luggage to the rooms that you would occupy during the festivities. A knight with a white beard and well cut came to greet you, explaining that the king being very absorbed by the preparations of the festivities apologized for not coming to welcome you in person.
Your father avoided giving a harsh answer to the knight, and thanked him. The castle never had him again. Perhaps it was due to not being at home or having to be always on guard whether it was for behaviour or words understood in the wrong way.
While your father joined the other lords already present, your mother offered to give your respect to the Queen, which simply meant, to say hello to her and luckily have a little conversation.
When you saw Queen Laenna, you were surprised by her look, it is true that you found her very beautiful, but her look was filled with a kind of melancholy, like a bird enclosing in a cage, a golden cage. With your mother you greeted him, exchange a few sentences about your visit, asking how she lived the future festivities. You were lost in her purple look almost erase.
"Is it true that you rode the greatest dragon in the world?"
This question had escaped you, you had heard lords and lady speak of it since Laenna had begun to ride the dragon. His words come out of your mouth, without thinking about all the protocols that reigned in the Red Keep.
To your question a kind of spark lit up the queen’s gaze.
« It’s true, even though I haven’t been able to do it for a few years.”
“Oh, that’s too bad, it must be extraordinary.”
“Much more.”
When you left your interview with Laenna, your mother scolded you for a few moments, it was not a good idea to speak so openly to the queen without her consent. You have a few seconds to apologize before continuing your way through the corridors of the Red Keep.
To say that the future festivities related to Princess Rhaenyra’s pregnancy were great was an understatement. During the day everything seemed calm, several lords and lady were chatting in the corridors and gardens of the castle, but on the first night of the banquet, calm gave way to fun, alcohol and food.
In the corridors of the castle several jugglers entertained the guests who waited before their entrances in the huge banquet hall. In the gardens, fire-eaters were getting ready, as was the band of musicians who accompanied them. 
At the festivities they had attended, such a show were not common. And it was only the first day. That night, the houses present were to present their respect and congratulations to future parents, while wearing the colors of his own home.
The entrance was generally spanned starting with the noblest houses, the vassal houses followed them, with a few exceptions.
“Don’t forget what I told you Y/n.”
“I know, mother, don’t speak without permission, don’t look them in the eye because it could be understood as disrespectful.”
“And above all, try to have fun, my dear child.” Your mother took your hand and gently squeezed it.
Your parents had explained to you that it would be interesting for you to get closer to a single young man from one of the houses present, whether they are the noblest houses or not.
If the little shows in the corridors had caught your attention, the size of the banquet hall did just as much. Many guests were already installed, music was audible through conversations. A large chandelier and many fabrics raised the ceiling and spaced far enough so that it did not catch fire.
The Tyrell House entered before the Hightower House, while you were waiting you exchanged a few words with the king’s daughter, Alicent, she seemed nice to you, she was talking about her recent marriage, with a young man from a vassal house in the Vale, This helped to strengthen the ties shaken when Prince Daemon’s first wife died. Although the agreement seemed cordial to you, Alicent was holding her hands, looking at them you could see that she passed her thumbnail on the skin surrounding her other nails.
The royal table, which was located on a platform, allowed them to observe their guests although it was not very high, two markets hardly separated them from the remains of the guests. Your father stood in front of you and your mother. After bowing in front of the people present, your father exchanged a few words with King Viserys. During this time, you watched who was sitting at the table, with your back straight and your head held high, watching from left to right. There was a man wearing the emblem of the king’s hand on his chest, his beard gray, and his look was hard and you seemed calculating, if this man was indeed the father of the sweet Alicent, she seemed to have held more of her dead mother than of her father. The Velaryons were standing on her left side, they seemed to you to be the queen’s parents, for she separated them from the king and spoke to them much more openly and seemed to be out of her good mood. The king in the center of the table seemed to you to be older than the age he had. He was starting to lose hair, his complexion was more greyish, almost a sick complexion. To the left of the king was a young woman barely older than you, her plump belly and silver hair made you understand that it was the king’s daughter, Princess Rhaenyra. You did not dwell on the details, for your gaze was like drawing by the person standing next to you.
A Targaryen, dressed in black was standing in his chair, one hand resting on the table. He didn’t seem so old to you, you looked up from his hand up to his chest, slowly going up to his neck, his jaw, his thin lips to finish on his eyes, by the distance you couldn’t see them clearly, but you imagined eyes of a bright purple. His hair was short and tied to the back of his head. Prince Daemon seemed even more attractive to you than the lady could say in the halls.
His gaze was fixed on something, it took you a few seconds to notice that he was staring at you, in an instant you felt like undressing under his gaze, perhaps it was because of your dress, Tyrell colors with a more plunging neckline than the rest of the women’s outfits present in these places, or was it due to her look that seemed to detail you, from head to toe, while gently licking her upper lip. You felt a gentle warmth mounted in your body as your hands became slightly moist, your mother pulled you out of this exchange by accompanying you to the table where you were installed.
On the first days of the banquets, all were feasting, drinking and eating much more than they should. Lord Baratheon had two nights during which he ended up being escorted by guards, so drunk that he fell trying to walk. Rhaenyra had only appeared at the opening banquet, locking himself in his room for the rest of the festivities.
The feeling of being observed had lasted all along the great meals. To try to forget it, you danced with several young lady, of one Alicent. Some less imposing house lords had asked for a dance that you had accepted. Although more chubby than the average woman present, you did not want to close on yourself, remaining smiling, you had confidence in your natural charm, but a part of you said that the name Tyrell was not at all at interactions, The young lords who had to find a wife did little to spank the fine mouths if their future wives were of noble lineage, you paid little attention, wanting to see the good side of things, you had fun and it was enough for you.
On the fourth night of festivities, you wanted to stay in the gardens, although livening, the places were quieter than the banquet hall. The feeling of being observed was for several hours faded, you were relaxing sitting on one of the benches of the largest garden, some knights were guarding the place, and some couples were watching the shows of the fire-eaters.
You were suddenly taken by a chill, it was not because of the light breeze that was blowing, it was even pleasant to you compared to the heat and dampness of the banquets, no other thing was going on you were sure.
"Lady Y/n. "
A man’s voice made you turn away from your contemplation of the place. You directed your head in the direction of sound, your heart missed a beat.
Prince Daemon was a few meters away from you. He was dressed in black boots and pants, and his jacket had scaly details and thin dark red trim. Her hair was always tied to the back of her head.
“Pr… Prince Daemon.” You were caught off guard.
"Don’t you like these festivities?" A smirk was attached to his lips.
“They’re nice, but I find the gardens more welcoming, so it’s good to be a little quiet.”
“My brother enjoys this kind of activity.”
"And you not my prince?" You could not hold this question.
“I’m less likely to like them, less strutting around.”
A relative silence settled in, not seeing him moved, you wondered why the prince was in the gardens, Daemon watched you, you did not look like the other lady, something in you had held his gaze, Maybe it’s your confidence, maybe it’s your less-dressed clothes. To put an end to this silence and its administration, which was beginning to make you nervous, you asked him the first question that came to your mind.
“Is it true that you fought the crabs for three years? “
You opened your eyes, you forgot the manners, and addressed yourself to the prince. You lowered your head gently, murmuring an excuse. Daemon rie slightly.
"It is true, why such a question, Lady Tyrell?" He leaned his head gently to the side.
“We heard about the war at the Highgarden, but never in detail, one day you were at war and suddenly you had won.”
“I can tell you what happened.”
“With pleasure, my prince, but… you don’t have to.”
Daemon did not answer you, he just approached to sit beside you. For several hours you listened, how the crabs had become dangerous for Westeros, how the years of war had unfolded to end with the king’s decision to come and help them after three years of war. You did not refrain from commenting on the king’s behavior, apologizing afterwards to Daemon, you did not have to speak thus of the crown. He smirk more at your words, but does not correct you, simply continuing to tell you his story.
The first glimmers of daylight appeared on the horizon, Daemon was staying by your side all night, chatting or just watching the shows. His presence although at first a little stressful, was almost comforting, his body letting pass a pleasant heat. The hours seemed like minutes. It is almost against your heart that the day rose, you had to go back to the castle, not to arouse the anxiety that might have your relatives not to see you in the morning.
On the following days and nights, Daemon seemed more present, taking part in a discussion with your father on subjects that escaped you. The prince offered you walks in the castle, offering you books for your future reading, Daemon was even interested in your life in Highgarden, leaving you little time to be really alone. In the rare moments when he was not with you, you had offered to keep company with the queen before Alicent, with whom you had made a gentle friendship, persuaded you to visit Princess Rhaenyra. Part of you felt guilty for spending all that time with her husband, when he should have stayed close to her. But another felt flattered by the prince’s attention.
If the gaze of the queen seemed to be off, the gaze of the princess was filled with boredom, two young children with silver hair were playing in her room, a servant was watching them. Rhaenyra was sitting by the window, one hand laying on the sell. You stood by the door while Alicent saluted her, you could observe from their interactions that they had been friends for a long time. Alicent took a few minutes before he introduced you.
“Rhaenyra, this is Lady Y/n Tyrell, we have sympathized the last days. »
As much as the moments passing by Daemon had seemed to you to be fast, the one spending with Rhaenyra seemed endless. You learned the children’s names, and looked at them from afar, you smiled softly at their children’s squabbles. You kept a cordial conversation with the princess, though your heart beat faster than usual. A presentiment became more and more present in you, the one that the princess knew of moments spent with Daemon.
The weekend was quite classic for such festivities.
The last banquet was the most grandiose, fruits and vegetables from Essos were present, dishes flavored with varied spices whether meat or fish, wine reigned on the tables, the buckets were always filled, The musicians were from islands near Essos, which played music with different rhythms and tones than the one usually played in Westeros. Although according to the region the music was different each corner of Westeros had different styles.
At the beginning of the evening, you stood between your mother and Lady Alicent, exchanging opinions on the meal, the guests and the music. From the corner of your eye you could glimpse the king’s table, the guests who sat there had changed from one evening to the next. Moving from close family to the closest advisors and allies of the Targaryen. Only Viserys and Laenna were present every evening. Rhaenyra only had to attend the opening, Viserys explaining that the young mother had to rest.
As the hours went by and the people present began to dance, the centre of the room gradually began to fill with people. Contemplating the group of people dancing, their movement gradually becoming synchronized, you did not pay attention to the people behind you.
"Lady Tyrell, will you accept this dance?"
A young Lord of a vassal house of the Lannisters had just spoken, his voice in grave tones had surprised you, turning on a young man with dark brown hair, and amber eyes, you accepted, he was not unpleasant to look at and courteous. Your parents were staring at you two, wondering if they had planned this meeting.
The dance did not last all the music. Daemon was watching you from the beginning of the meal and the young Lord he called «asshole» in his thoughts, irritated him, he had passed several times behind you before talking to you and the way he had to watch you make Daemon want to tear his eyes out. It is annoyed that Daemon rose towards the dance floor.
When you changed partners, you found yourself face to face with the prince, he, who had not danced all week, began to dance with you.
A dance was followed by a second, then a third. Viserys was not positive to see his brother dancing with a young woman other than his daughter. He sighed, exasperated by the actions of Daemon, Otto had transmitted to him the rumors of the prince’s adventures with the young lady of the house Tyrell. He knew Daemon well enough to know that his brother had something in mind and that he would do anything to get it.
You didn’t finish the night at the banquet, your feet were getting sore and fatigue was working its way through your body. You told your parents and Alicent that you were going to your room. Your parents followed you, fatigue also took them.
On the morning of your departure, you accompanied your parents to greet one last time King Viserys and Queen Laenna, and passed your greetings to the young princess. Daemon was not present, it upset you a little but did not reveal.
This annoyance went away when you arrived home. You were welcomed by several servants as well as members of your family. In your room stood a small pile of letter and parchment saddled. Surprised you asked the maid who was standing by your side, when they had arrived.
“They started when you were in King’s Landing, my lady. Recently they’re crows coming.”
When you took the first parchment, you noticed the Targaryen seal, opened it and noticed a beautiful healing handwriting. It contained a poem about flowers and dragons. Gradually opening the letters you noticed that it was the same writing and that everything was signed in the same way. The same first and last name. Daemon Targaryen. Touched you began to write a letter to the prince, you reread his letters one after the other. Your heart was palpitating, a silly smile sticking to your face. In one of the last letters received the prince promised to go through Highgarden. You began to look forward to this day.
A first visit was made two weeks after the end of the festivities, Daemon had arrived at the back of Caraxes. Your uncle Matthos was pleased to have a member of the royal family come to visit, even though it was Prince Daemon. You stayed in the gardens most of your time, watching the dragon lying in the gardens. Flowers surrounded the animal and contrasted with its red color.
"One day I will take you on his back." Daemon’s promise was written in one of his letters.
This visit was followed by several others, all longer and longer. Most often you and Daemon stayed in the gardens or in the library of the castle, he offered you at his arrival several jewels, rings, earrings and necklaces. Very quickly the end of the year pointed his nose, the leaves of the trees fell and the temperature dropped, this was nothing to compare to the temperatures of the north, but having lived all your life in the south of Westeros, the climate was cold. Daemon had arrived several days before, he intended to ask your father for your hand. Valeryen tradition didn’t stop him from having a second wife, he just had to be persuasive enough.
The news of Rhaenyra’s delivery arrived by raven, Daemon received the message, but did not return to the capital, It was only two days later when a raven arrived to announce the good news of the birth of Prince Joffrey and of his ans Rhaenyra good health that Daemon go. Not without an answer.
Your father agreed to give your hand to the prince. He was not afraid of the Targaryen, but he had heard of the obsessions that the prince might have and that he did everything to get what he wanted. Your father was just hoping the princess wouldn’t take it too hard.
Rhaenyra sat on one of the armchairs of his room fulminaient of the absence of Daemon, it was not the first time that he did not attend a birth, three years in the screen, for the birth of Luke, he stayed in the corridor, for Luke, he had remained with Caraxes. But for Joffrey, he was not even present in the city, no raven had arrived with an answer. When Daemon walked through the door, he walked towards the baby, posing in the arms of one of the nannies, he looked at him, detailing his face, noticing a silver-haired birth. He took him in his arms, without even greeting his wife.
« You were with that slut.” Rhaenyra’s tone of voice was dry.
“Don’t call her that in my presence.” Daemon looked up at Rhaenyra. “She will be my second wife.”
Rhaenyra understood, her husband, her uncle, was indeed in love with another young woman, she who thought that he would leave her before the end of the banquet, had been mistaken. She no longer spoke to him about the day, she was locked up in her room with the children. Viserys was more than despair of Daemon’s actions, he had just been a father for the third time and yet his spirit was elsewhere. Daemon explained to him that there would be no favouritism, that he would like them fairly.
But he was lying, whether it was to his brother or himself.
The ceremony of your marriage took place in the temple of Baelor, blessed by the septs, your house had asked to make a dress in a very «Tyrell» style, your dress, was less voluminous than that of the princess Rhaenyra at her wedding, the fabrics that made up the dress were fabrics of the greatest weavers of Reach and Essos, in the colors of your house, the nexkline was not too provocative, it just emphasized perfectly your chest, as well as the cut of the dress, which bent your silhouette. She also tackled fine embroidery, golden threads.
The marriages of the royal family attracted many people, the lords and lady of the noblest houses had been the first present, with a part of the people amassing at the entrance of the temple.
But this ceremony although official was not enough for Daemon, this ceremony had taken place to please your family and the king, but the ceremony that followed, before the eyes of some witnesses was much more official for the prince. The Valeryen ritual legitimately united you against Rhaenyra who had only the marriage of the seven to satisfy herself. This ceremony is the consequence of gossip, not for the least subtle. For the most part, they were insulting to your physique and your home. "It seems that the prince got her pregnant." "Did you see how big she is? Oh yes, she was already fat." Add giggles and you’ll only get a sample of the hallway gossip.
At the beginning of your marriage, Daemon visited you almost every night, the others he stayed with Rhaenyra, you could feel the princess’s gaze being more and more present and heavy, Your only ally in the Reed Keep was Queen Laenna and a surprising few knights of her close guard, from the young Sir Criston Cole. In the moments when Daemon was not with you, you visited the queen, although her visits were rare and spaced out.
The news of your pregnancy, did not surprise people, the prince ravages you almost every night, it was inevitable that you waited, by chance, so quickly, your first child. Rhaenyra already spoke to you very little, the communication was for a moment interrupted, Laenna ordered to her closest guards to watch on you and the unborn child. Your only refuge in the castle was the gardens that reminded you of home, Sir Cole working for your safety. He seemed to hold a kind of resentment towards the princess but you did not question him, for the first time, you had the feeling that the answer would not please you.
At the first delivery, Daemon was in the hallway of your room, he watched whether Cole who was posted at the entrance, Queen Laenna and Viserys were at his side, only the princess was again absent.
“Daemon she will be fine, she’s strong.”
Laenna tried to reassure him, but Daemon, listening to your incessant cries, was nothing more than a mixture of feelings, of anger towards the mestres, of fear, that something bad happened to you or the baby, of the joy of being a father again.
Your husband looked at the wall that separated him from your presence. For the first time in a long time he felt fear, true fear. With his heart racing to break everything, he held himself back.
“Go to your wife, Y/n needs you.” Viserys have spoked.
It was with trembling hands that Daemon entered, under the gaze of Sir Cole, the mestres present watched him astonish, never of the other births had he disdained entering before the end of the delivery.
“My Prince? The delivery is not over.”
Daemon was aware of it, if anything happened to you, he would be in the front row to kill the incompetent mestres.
The painful delivery ended after a very long day. You were exhausted, perspiration dripped from your forehead, the sheets were in places tearing so much that you had held them forcefully, you asked to carry your child, even though you were exhausted, you wanted to know that your child was well.
Y/s/n was your first son, he had purple eyes and a silver hair birth. Daemon placed a dragon egg in the cradle of Y/s/n. He stayed by your side for a full week, forcing the king’s advisors to wait in the corridor for an interview or a simple visit. Your parents, accompanied by Lord Matthos Tyrell and your aunt, were the first outside the Red Keep to visit you, Alicent followed closely, accompanied by her future husband.
Congratulations came from all over the kingdom, the birth of a child out of marriage between Targaryen was better seen. Gifts from all Westeros were sent, far more than Rhaenyra had ever had.
If the princess had never agreed to Daemon’s remarriage, she had not openly explained it to her family members. But the more her husband changed, the more a feeling of jealousy devoured her. She thought she was the only person for whom Daemon would remain faithful, she had believed him when he promised her that she would remain his priority. Now Rhaenyra no longer believed Daemon. In the vengeful years, her husband showed signs of favoritism, spending his days first teaching Y/s/n the High Valyrian, then defending herself while it was she who taught Jace and Luke the Valyrian. Joffrey grew up and although Daemon was present, he took him less and less for his father, Sir Strong who visited the princess gradually became a surrogate father. Rhaenyra ends up leaving an ultimatum to Daemon, one winter evening, she was waiting in the gardens, everyone knew that this was your refuge.
The same morning you were with your family in the dragon pit, Y/s/n was learning to lead d/n (dragon name), Daemon was more than proud of his children, your last-born, Baela was in your arms, you watched as your son’s eyes lit up in front of the little dragon following his requests, Caraxes was near, your twins born of the second pregnancy, caressed the great red dragon. Caraxes let a roar of satisfaction pass.
This warmth contrasted with the icy wind of the gardens, winter was at its zenith, the dormant flora, reminded you of Highgarden, which at times you missed.
Sir Cole was a few meters from you, Daemon knowing the resentment that the knight held against the princess, let him be your sworn shield, Criston would never have let Rhaenyra hurt you and he was sure of that.
Yet the princess was waiting for you, she wanted to secured her hold over her husband, even if it meant something bad.
"Princess?" Your voice echoed in the lifeless garden.
“I am not here for peace.”
« What peace? We’re not in conflict, princess." You were upset.
“Oh yes… Ever since MY husband fell in love with you. You are nothing, no more than a whore in the slums of King’s Landing.”
You felt Sir Cole stiffen up last, you could only imagine the knight holding his hand on the knob of his sword.
« You are badly placed Rhaenyra to speak to me in this way, when you, was less old than I was at my wedding be dragging a rumor about your visit to the debauchery places, more than one lord calls you, hanging around your back. Everyone thinks that you lost your maidenhood in its place and that your marriage to Daemon was there to avoid humiliating your father’s honor.”
"How dare you speak to me like this?! To your future queen!"
“The truth is painful to hear, I see.”
"I will make you! …"
"What are you going to do, Rhaenyra?"
Rhaenyra who had approached you looked up and saw behind you, Sir Cole sword in hand and Daemon standing by his side.
“D… Daemon… Nothing I promise you.”
Rhaenyra felt her blood freezing in her veins. She didn’t expect Daemon to be present. Daemon ordered Sir Criston to escort you to your children. He had to settle some conflicts with his niece.
Rhaenyra approached Daemon, a look that was meant to be sweet but also showed fear. As she placed a hand on his chest, he grabbed her by the throat tightening enough to hold her without choking her.
“If you threatenh Y/n or I learn that you orchestrate the slightest evil toward her or our children. You will regret it bitterly.”
“D… Daemon…” Rhaenyra was trying to free herself from the prince’s grip.
Daemon looked at her a few seconds before letting go of her grip. He left, without saying a word, walking towards the corridors of the Red Keep.
At the time of Viserys’s death, all were in mourning, Daemon had let his anger explode against the mestres who had not been able to heal his brother. Rhaenyra though devastated by the death of her father was thinking only of one thing, the throne, she would rule Westeros and could proclaim that your union with Daemon would be annulled and proclaimed that your children would be bastards. But… she was caught off guard.
On the morning of the coronation, Rhaenyra woke up in her room, usually the maids came to wake her up, and dressed her, but this time a man was sitting near the entrance, partially hidden by the shadow which was projected by the wardrobe nearby, A cane was visible. Rhaenyra knew this person, she had already met him before. Larys Strong was close to Alicent and close to you.
“Hello Princess”
"What are you doing here?"
“It just so happens that a plot to lose a friend has come to my ears.”
"Daemon will not leave you alive if anything happens to me! Guard!"
Rhaenyra got up rushing to his window to scream for help. But the one was blocked.
“No one will come to your aid at this time, princess, and I doubt that King Daemon will judge me if anything happens to you.”
Rhaenyra trembled, the fear she felt increased, her body trembled, her hands became sweaty and tears formed in her eyes.
On the other side of the city, Daemon was walking in the temple of Baelor, approaching the priest who held the crown of Aegon the conqueror. You stood beside Laenna, and your children, and his first children with Rhaenyra. In the future he was going to proclaim you queen consorts, Rhaenyra would have nothing, Jace, Luke and Joffrey sent through Westeros to marry with less important houses, to leave the crown when the time came to Y/s/n, spanking it noted and signed, reminding the lords each year that he would be the future king of Westeros. But for the moment he thought it could wait, he had a queen to proclaim. His sweet flower.
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agentrouka-blog · 1 year
Why do the great houses in the Reach who complain about the Tyrells (including the Florents) being "upjumped stewards" being their overlords say that, when the Tyrells themselves are also descended from House Gardener from a past ancestor, just like all the other houses in the Reach are? And I'm sure the other houses know that.
I mean, it's pretty evident in the text?
It was not their royal blood that made Aegon Targaryen choose to name the Tyrells as Lords of Highgarden, Wardens of the South, and Lords Paramount of the Reach after King Mern IX, the last of the Gardener kings, died, along with all his sons, upon the Field of Fire. Those honors were won by the prudence of Harlan Tyrell, who opened the gates of Highgarden at Aegon's approach and pledged himself and his family to House Targaryen. Afterward, a number of the other great houses of the Reach complained bitterly about being made vassals of an "upjumped steward" and insisted that their own blood was far nobler than that of the Tyrells. It cannot be denied that the Oakhearts of Old Oak, the Florents of Brightwater Keep, the Rowans of Goldengrove, the Peakes of Starpike, and the Redwynes of the Arbor all had older and more distinguished lineages than the Tyrells, and closer blood ties to House Gardener as well. Their protests were of no avail, however...mayhaps in part because all these houses had taken up arms against Aegon and his sisters on the Field of Fire, whereas the Tyrells had not. (The World of Ice and Fire - The Reach: House Tyrell)
Harlan Tyrell was the more glamorous equivalent of Vayon Poole at Winterfell, with some very distant Stark ancestry thrown in. Imagine Vayon Poole opening the gates of Winterfell to the Targaryens after they burned the whole of House Stark and then being named Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North in return? The noble houses of the North would be upset, too. The Karstarks would demand to inherit instead, based on their closer shared ancestry.
Not saying it's not classist to look down on them for having held this office, though that's pretty standard in their feudal society, but the term "upjumped" tends to be used when an honor is deemed not properly earned, like an "upjumped squire" who was raised to knighthood based on reasons other than the required skill. Hence calling the Tyrells "upjumped stewards" for being raised to the rulership of the entire Reach is an expression of some political misgivings beyond just their previous status.
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twoiafart · 2 years
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The Defenestration of Sunspear Artwork by Ertaç Altinöz
When Aegon reached Sunspear, it was to find Queen Rhaenys already there—after she, too, had discovered several Dornish castles abandoned along the way. The shadow town was half empty, and Sunspear itself was abandoned by all but the servants. Even the aged Meria Martell was gone. Despite this, Aegon declared victory. He installed Lord Jon Rosby as the Castellan of Sunspear and Warden of the Sands, ordered Lord Tyrell to put down any resistance, and departed through the Prince’s Pass.
In the wake of their departure, the Dornish rose up in rebellion, taking back the castles that Aegon and his sisters had conquered and slaughtering the garrisons. Meria Martell reappeared from hiding and—in an act that would later be called the Defenestration of Sunspear—tossed Lord Rosby out of the highest window of the Spear Tower. As for Lord Harlan Tyrell, he and his host were never seen again after they marched into the desert in an attempt to conquer Vaith.
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atopvisenyashill · 8 months
the povs of the wars of conquest
similar to my “povs of robert’s rebellion” gonna do an aegon’s conquest one since they announced the show let me REST tho jfc but this one is a bit more meta-y at the end
to keep up with the "no PoVs from the kings" theme, these are the ones we should not have:
Aegon the Conquerer (duh)
Argilac Durrandan
Harren the Black
Torrhen Stark
Mern Gardener
Loren Lannister
Meria Nymeros Martell
However, what’s interesting about the conquest is that power is changing hands a lot, whole lines are being wiped out while others are shooting up in importance, so I have two sections of PoVs we could have.
First are PoVs I think we would need:
Visenya Targaryen
Rhaenys Targaryen
Orys Baratheon
Sharra Arryn
Argella Durrandan
Brandon Snow
Patrice Hightower
Ser Joffrey Dayne
Jon Mooton
Marla Sunderland
Quentyn Qoheris
Daemon Velaryon
Second are PoVs I’m Kind of Conflicted Over
Nymor Nymeros Martell
Deria Nymeros Martell
Edmyn Tully
Harlan Tyrell
Theo Tyrell
Vickon Greyjoy
some explanation - The thing is, we don’t typically get The Heir’s PoV or The Lord’s PoV if that heir/lord is likely to inherit without any sort of succession issue - we don’t get Robb in AGOT bc he’s the clear cut successor, but we DO get his father bc Ned came into his seat after A Series Of Unfortunate Events (also the plot doesn’t work without Ned). We don’t get a peek into Tywin’s mind but we do look at each Lannister child. etc etc. But the second category of characters fit into a weird third category in my opinion.
Let’s start with Dorne. Since Nymor is clear cut as Meria’s oldest child and heir, takes his seat without any problems, and passes it to his oldest without any issues, he doesn’t really fit that pattern. But on the other hand. I think when you look at the Dornish rulers in the first century post conquest, Nymor stands out because he has no desire to keep the fight going while everyone around him does. Remember, Deria helps fund the Vulture King, Qoren fights against Daemon in the Stepstones, and Morion is a dumb ass but he is not the only Martell to make violent overtures right back at the Iron Throne; I’d argue Nymor is one of the only Martells not to fund some sort of proxy war! I think of all the Martells, he’d be the most fascinating to follow and watch Meria and Deria from. So I’m a bit stuck here. And there’s a similar argument against Deria - while she is involved in the Vulture King’s war, Deria rules in relative peace. There's nothing shocking about a woman inheriting her father's seat in Dorne, the way there would be elsewhere in Westeros that might justify giving her a spotlight.
Then we have the Tullys and Tyrells. The Tullys are an incredibly old and noble family but they have never been kings. And the Tyrells are famously a group of upjumped castellans, and the only family in the Reach that didn’t raise arms against House Targaryen during the Conquest. They are given rule over their respective areas of the Riverlands and the Reach because they are a good political pick, and not because of any kingly blood. We also need a Riverlander and Reacher PoV because there’s a lot of action going on in these areas. And while the Greyjoys certainly were known to have been Kings frequently, Vickon Greyjoy was not and did not expect to be any time soon.
I think the solution here is really obvious though - invent a few Davos and Catelyn characters. Give Nymor a wife who is involved in the politics of the War. Edmyn Tully has three unnamed daughters, one of whom marries Quentyn Qoherys - make her a PoV. But at the same time, these would essentially just be Canon OCs, and like, idk, they don’t have the best track record with that. If this was a “George is gonna write an aegon’s conquest story” that’s one thing but someone else doing it is a bit eh. If it were George writing this, I think I’d want something like:
Visenya T. and ONLY her - i want Rhaenys and Aegon to remain a mystery
Orys Baratheon but i’m gonna bitch the whole time
Quentyn Qoherys
Jon Mooton
Argella fucking Durrandan
Brandon Snow
Patrice Hightower - this is Ceryse’s aunt, the one reputed to be a witch who died an unmarried maid. she would have been a youngish girl during the Conquest; she and Manfred, Ceryse’s father, don’t have canon ages, and since Ceryse is born in 2 AC, you can probably get away with anything from like 10-25 for either of them. Also, I think Patrice would just be really fun to follow, think of the witch on witch crime between her and Visenya!!
Marla Sunderland
Ser Joffrey Dayne
Nymor’s wife, and I think making her an Orphan of the Greenblood (considering Rhaenys' first act of violence in Dorne is to burn Plankytown) would be the best narrative choice.
Edmyn Tully’s first born daughter - potentially she is his heir presumptive bc he’s not mentioned as having any sons or grandsons or even brothers. Also, it’s not specified which daughter married Qoherys, and we don’t have a named Tully Lord until Prentys Tully & Lucinda Broome during Maegor’s reign, so there’s some wiggle room to do something fun here.
Once again, we don't have any "Road trip from hell" stories here a la Arya, Brienne, and Egg and also not a lot of lowborn PoVs so an idea I had that I thought would be something George would like is having a female warrior from Cracklaw Point - Visenya promises them they would be sworn directly to the Targaryens and not anyone else, and given how often Visenya is at Dragonstone (and Cracklaw Point is very close by, especially if she's riding Vhagar), I think it fits within Visenya's story if she had a some sort of female warrior similar to Jonquil Darke or Brienne of Tarth that followed her through the second half of the conquest to fit the "wandering noble tours the realm and sees life is kind of ass" stories George loves to do.
I think it would be a great idea to have an Iron Islander PoV as well especially given that Aegon requires the Iron Islanders to allow Septons and Maesters into their territory in an attempt to convert them (and probably to educate them as well, i'm sure the literacy rates in the Iron Islands are the worst in the realm, lol lmao) and I think that whole story would be much more affecting if we got an Iron Islander PoV. I think some Salt Wife's PoV here would be particularly fun (or horrific) to follow.
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regismortemhq · 7 days
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𝐀𝐂𝐂𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃 ! - welcome to king's landing, june, i see you’ve brought 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐀𝐍 𝐓𝐘𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐋 & 𝐀𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐀 𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐑𝐘𝐎𝐍 with you. make sure to get everyone settled in! you have 𝟐𝟒 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒 to send in your account(s). djimon hounsou & anya chalotra are now taken!
. ✧ . * . ⌜ djimon hounsou, fifty-seven, cis man, he/him /   eclipse by pink floyd  + the thunderous sound of fist meeting wood; the brambles that surround a rosebush, ever defensive; the clink of gold rings against gold coins⌟ high greetings to HARLAN TYRELL, the KING of THE MANDER AND THE REACH, also known as THE UNYIELDING. though they can be a bit PROUD & RIGID, those closest to them will tell you they’re GENEROUS & CHIVALROUS. perhaps that’s why they’ve placed their loyalties with THE REACH. and are UNDECIDED ON the coronation of a high king. may the gods have mercy on their soul.
. ✧ . * . ⌜ anya chalotra, twenty-four, cis woman, she/her /   whatever it takes by imagine dragons +   a vivid green flame, dancing upon the edge of a blade; the sharp swish of silk against silk in a flighty dance; a single drop of blood leaving its trail over flesh⌟ high greetings to AETHEA VELARYON, the LADY of DRIFTMARK, also known as THE FLAME OF THE ISLE. though they can be a bit IMPETUOUS & ARROGANT, those closest to them will tell you they’re RESOLUTE & PERCEPTIVE. perhaps that’s why they’ve placed their loyalties with HOUSE VELARYON. and are IN FAVOR OF the coronation of a high king. may the gods have mercy on their soul.
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thaliajoy-blog · 6 months
My abundance of Reach girls ocs, revealed 💚 chronologically ! I'm in the process of drawing them too but it's gonna be slow so I'm laying it out here.
Conquest OCs !
- Gloria Gardener ("Lady Glory"), last female Gardener and wife of Harlan Tyrell, the first Tyrell to hold Highgarden.
- Lysa Oakheart, née Tyrell, first daughter of Harlan & Gloria, wife of Lewyn Oakheart.
- Lady Laura Oakheart, born Kidwell.
- Selyse Redwyne, née Oakheart. Eldest sister of Lord Lewyn Oakheart. Step-sister & occasional lover of Lysa Tyrell ; daughter of Laura Kidwell. Sister of Alys Oakheart (canon character).
- Fauna "the Fox" Florent. Head of House Florent, and wife of ser Alyn Tyrell (2d son of Harlan Tyrell) ; step-sister of Lysa Tyrell. Occasional lover of Gloria Gardener.
- Bedelia Redwyne. Step-sister & lover of Selyse Oakheart.
- Lora(s) Flowers. Trans half-sister of Selyse Oakheart.
Early post-Dance OCs !
- Margaery Meadows : the unamed (& estranged) mother of Alicent Hightower. Yeah she survives her. She's my OC now.
- Daleyne Oakheart, née Flowers and legitimized Hightower. Eldest daughter of Lord Lyonel Hightower & Lady Samantha Tarly. Wife of Loren Oakheart & later Harbert Oakheart. Lover of Daenys Hightower & Laena Velaryon II.
- Alys Flowers (full name Alysanne). Daughter of an illegitimate son of a Lord Redwyne who became a winemaker. Dressmaker & embroiderer herself, after her mother's profession.
- Irene Osgrey. Daughter of ser Clarence Osgrey of Standfast.
- Bliss Rowan, born Ambrose. Wife of Lord Perwyn Rowan. Lover of Viserys Plumm.
OCs from a time of my own conception, more than three four hundred years after the restauration of the Targaryen dynasty by Daenerys Targaryen I (not Reach girls this time)
- Queen Valaena I Targaryen. Descendant of Daenerys I and ruler of Westeros.
- Prince Aegon Targaryen. Grandson of Valaena and only living Targaryen aside from her.
- Aaricia Blackwood. Heir to house Blackwood and companion of Queen Valaena. Distant cousin of the Queen, besides. Killed the former heir of House Bracken, Arthur Bracken, during a duel.
- Arabella Bracken. Heir to house Bracken. Caretaker of prince Aegon. Distant cousin of queen Valaena too.
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beyondmistland · 1 year
How do you think House Manderly felt about the destruction of the Gardeners on the Field of Fire, and their subsequent replacements in Lord Harlan Tyrell?
Avenged...until they heard House Peake survived.
Thanks for the question, anon
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How do you think House Manderly felt about the destruction of the Gardeners on the Field of Fire, and their subsequent replacements in Lord Harlan Tyrell?
Rather ambivalent, probably. On the one hand, there is a strong element of nostalgia for the Reach in House Manderly that you can see in its titles - "Shield of the Faith," "Lord Marshal of the Mander," "Knight of the Order of the Green Hand." On the other hand, the Gardeners were the ones who drove the Manderlys into exile (albeit at the behest of the Peakes), so there's probably an element of schadenfreude.
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warsofasoiaf · 1 year
How do you think House Manderly felt about the destruction of the Gardeners on the Field of Fire, and their subsequent replacements in Lord Harlan Tyrell?
I don't think they were hoping to get their castle back or get their exile rescinded. By this point, they're in the North and they were making the most of that fact. Given how completely game-changing dragons were to Westeros, I'd imagine that the Manderlys thought this was a pivotal sea-change in Westeros, and what the Starks were going to do in response.
Thanks for the question, Anon.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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sebeth · 2 years
TWOIAF/Fire & Blood: The Beginning of the Dornish War
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
 Aegon Targaryen has one more item to mark off his conquering checklist: Dorne.
Aegon tries a soft approach for nearly a year: he sent septons, maesters, and high lords to treat with Princess Meria Martell. She wasn’t interested. In 4 AC, the first Dornish War begun.
Rhaenys descended unto Planky Town and set the floating town ablaze. Meanwhile, Orys Baratheon led a thousand knights up the Boneway while Aegon marched through the Prince’s Pass with an army of 30,000. Lord Harlan Tyrell, Warden of the South, accompanied Aegon’s Army.
No word on Visenya – she must have stayed behind to govern the realm. Personally, I would have switched Rhaenys for Visenya.  No offense to Rhaenys – she’s a skilled dragonrider and participated in the Field of Fire and the Last Storm, so she has the Targaryen ruthlessness in her but her strengths seemed to be in the diplomatic/”soft power” areas and Visenya is the more vicious, highly skilled warrior. Was this personal for Rhaenys? Did she feel she failed in her initial visit to Dorne while her siblings/spouses succeeded in their visits to Westeros? Was this return to Dorne a chance to redeem herself?
Aegon’s armies marched into Dorne and found the watchtowers deserted, the fields burned, the livestock destroyed, and the wells poisoned. His forces were running short of food well before they reached the Dornish sands.
The Dornish are vicious – even to themselves. They are destroying their own lands to repel invaders but it’s at a great cost to themselves – Dorne isn’t known for its vast resources.
Thus begins a pattern of invade-retreat-guerrilla warfare-war crimes that would last for the next nine years!
A few highlights (lowlights?) of round one (4 AC to 6 AC) of the near-decade long war:
·         Lord Tyrell lost a quarter of his men and almost all his horses to the Dornish sands
·         Orys Baratheon’s forces were wiped out except for a dozen lords and himself – they became captives of the “Widow-lover” Wyl of Wyl
·         Rhaenys took Lemonwood, Spottswood, and Stinkwater but only found old women and children
·         Aegon took Skyreach, Yronwood, and the Tor; he also engaged in a one on one duel with the Champion of Ghost Hill only to discover it was Lord Toland’s fool
·         Aegon and Rhaenys descended on Sunspear only to discover no one was home – Aegon declared victory by default.
·         Aegon offered rewards for the heads of the missing Dornish lords and ladies; he also named castellans and stewards for the newly won Dornish castles – the most important nomination being the naming of Lord Rosby as the Castellan of Sunspear and Warden of the Sands
·         Aegon then gave the “good job, team. Let’s go home” speech and he and his forces returned to King’s Landing
·         The missing Dornish returned with a vengeance as soon as the Targaryen forces left Dorne
·         The Dornish recaptured their castle within a fortnight and slaughtered the royal garrisons.
·         Stewards and castellans were “allowed to die only after a long torment. It was said that the Dornish lords had a wager over who could keep their captives alive the longest while dismembering them.”
·         Lord Rosby was dragged to the top of the Spear Tower and then thrown from a window by Princess Meria Martell.
·         King Aegon had left Lord Tyrell and his forces to hold Hellholt and he had to deal with constant attacks from House Qorgyle of Sandstone and House Vaith of Vaith.
·         Lord Tyrell gathered his forces to march on Sunspear once he learned of Lord Rosby’s defenestration of Sunpear.  Somewhere east of Hellholt, Lord Tyrell and his entire army disappeared.
Aegon had his brother/best friend/Hand of the King taken hostage, his Warden of the South killed, a lord of the Crownlands executed, and lost thousands of men in the attack. Meria had multiple towns burned and lost hundreds/thousands of Dornish lives. Do Aegon and Meria attempt to make a compromise? No! The degenerate into “an endless bloody series of atrocities, raids, and retaliations, broken up by long periods of inactivity, a dozen short truces, and numerous murders and assassinations.
More year-by-year lowlights:
7 AC:
·         Orys Baratheon and the other captive lords were returned after being ransomed for their weight in gold. The Widow-lover lopped off each man’s sword hand before releasing his hostages. King Aegon retaliated by unleashing Balerion on the mountain fortresses of the Wyls. I wonder if Argella Durandon missed her husband while he was held captive or if it was more of a case “hope he’s dead”?
8 AC:
·         Dornish raiders attack towns and villages along the south shore of Cape Wrath, and set fires through half the rainwood.
·         Visenya Targaryen burns Lemonwood, Ghost Hill, and the Tor.
9 AC:
·         Visenya and Aegon return to Dorne and burn Sandstone, Vaith, and the Hellholt.
10 AC
·         Lord Fowler of Dorne leads and army through the Prince’s Pass and into the Reach, capturing Nightsong and burning a dozen villages. Lord ManfredHightower sent his son Addam with a strong force to retake Nightsong,
·         A second Dornish army under Ser Joffrey Dayne attacked Oldtown. The Dornish were unable to take Oldtown but burned fields, farms, and villages for twenty leagues around the city. Joffrey Dayne kills Garmon Hightower, Lord Hightower’s younger son.
·         Ser Addam Hightower reached Nightsong only to discover that Lord Fowler had torched the castle and executed the garrison. Lord Caron, his wife, and children were taken back to Dorne as captives.
·         Addam returned to Oldtown to relieve the city but the Dornish had retreated to Dorne.
·         Lord Manfred Hightower dies and Addam succeeds him as the Lord of Oldtown.
·         Aegon approaches Theo Tyrell over a 2nd Dornish invasion but he is hesitant considering the fate of his father in the previous war.
·         The three Targaryens unleash their dragons on Dorne: Aegon attacked Skyreach “vowing to make the Fowler seat a second Harrenhal”, Visenya brought fire and blood to Starfall, and Rhaenys returned to Hellholt only for Meraxes to be shot down by a scorpion bolt. Rhaneys and Meraxes die on impact. The three Targaryens unleashed their dragons on Dorne: Aegon attacked Skyreach “vowing to make the Fowler seat a second Harrenhal”, Visenya brought fire and blood to Starfall, and Rhaenys returned to Hellholt only for Meraxes to be shot down by a scorpion bolt.
·         Meraxes died shortly after impact but no one knows the exact time of Rhaeny’s death: “Some say she lost her seat and fell to her death, others that she was crushed beneath Meraxes in the castle yard. A few accounts claim the queen survived her dragon’s fall, only to die a slow death by torment in the dungeons of the Ullers.” I hope for Rhaenys’s sake that she died upon/shortly after attack because life under Dornish captors would make life under Ramsay Bolton look pleasant.
Three more years into this stupid war and what has Aegon or Meria gained? Nothing beneficial! More destruction of towns and farms on both sides. The Caron family has been taken captive/killed, and the Hightowers lost a father and a son. On a personal level, Aegon and Visenya lost their sister-wife and had a brother mutilated. Aenys lost his mother at three-years old! All this violence and bloodshed because of two vindictive egos!
Up next, the Dragon’s Wroth, the atrocities continue, and a tenuous cease-fire.
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sigilsongs-a · 3 months
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𝐋𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨 𝐓𝐲𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐥, the 2nd Lord of The Mander. b. 6th day, 11th moon, 23BC d. 18th day, 3rd moon, 64AC Ruler of The Reach for nearly six decades; succeeding his late father at the age of twenty-eight, until his death at the age of eighty-seven.
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asoiafandotherbooks · 11 months
Aegon the Conqueror's Small Council
I've come to the end of Aegon the Conqueror's story in A Song Of Ice And Fire. Here is a list of his Small Council and other important people in his life:
King Aegon I “the Conqueror” Targaryen (1 To 35 AC)
Queen: Rhaenys Targaryen – Mother of Aenys
Queen: Visenya Targaryen – Mother of Maegor
Hand Of The King: Orys Baratheon (1-7), Edmyn Tully (7-9), Alton Celtigar (9-17), Ser Osmund Strong (17 -34), Lord Alyn Stokeworth (34 AC, continues after Aegon's death)
Grand Maester: Ollidar (5), Lyonce (6-12), Gawen (12 to 42)
Master of Ships: Daemon Velaryon (dies in an early battle during the Conquest), Aethan Velaryon (1 to ?)
Master of Laws: Triston Massey
Master of Coin: Crispian Celtigar
KIngsguard: (Appointed in 10 AC) Ser Corlys Velaryon (LC), Ser Richard Roote, Ser Addison “Bastard of Cornfield” Hill, Ser Gregor Goode, Ser Griffith Goode, Humfrey the Mummer, Ser Robyn “Darkrobin” Darklyn
Master Of Arms: Ser Gawn Corbray (Dragonstone)
Lord Paramount of the Riverlands: Edmyn Tully
Lord Paramount of the Mander: Harlan Tyrell
Warden of the West: Loren Lannister
Warden of the South: Harlan Tyrell, Theo Tyrell
Warden of the East: Ronnel Arryn
Warden of the North: Torrhen Stark
Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch: Hoare
6 High Septons (unnamed)
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Adam Driver - TheKarpa Katie McGrath - Espeon Skandar Keynes - bloody ben Emma Appleton - Niña Indigo Ewan Mitchell - Phantom Thimothée Chalamet - Simba Ben Barnes - Grey Tom Glynn-Carney - Grey Adelaide Kane - Scar Olivia Cooke - Scar Matt Smith - CanciónNoEsTwitter Cameron Monaghan- CanciónNoEsTwitter Elissa Bibaud- Bear Morgan freeman - Suco Rhys Ifans - Loyalty Michael Fassbender - Muppet Nick Slater - narciso Alex Hogh Andersen - DeusVult Aaron Taylor-Johnson - Lobo Leo Suter - StrongBoi Santiago Cabrera - VhagarNoo Charlie Vickens - VhagarNoo Kylie Bunbury - VhagarNoo Elle Fanning - Sargent Marta Gastini - Alyanna Morfydd Clark - Magic Rules Natalie Dormer - MagicRules Kaia Gerber - Halo Bruna Marquezin - Woodswood Jordan Patrick Smith - Ishadriel Sophie Turner - Edith Finch Jodie Comer - Edith Finch Hugh Jackman - Harlan Hunter Christian Bale - Harlan Hunter Chris Hemsworth - CojoHermoso Elliot Grihoult - SoloOtroRolero Dominik Sadoch - EtherealStar Alex Storm - EtherealStar Harry Lloyd - Fatbelly Tom Hiddleston - Fatbelly Sai Bennet - Rae Sadie Sink - Vma Jessica Chastain - Misifú María Eugenia Blance Soler - Medialunita Alexandra Daddario - Pandora Nicholas Galitzine - Bolifacio Thea Sofie Loch Næss - Bolifacio Jeanne Goursaud - Bolifacio Emilia Clarke - Dracarys Engin Ozturk- Apolo Charlie Hunnam - CojoHermoso Henry Cavill - Lilacandviolet Katheryn Winnick - Eris Millie Brady - Remedios Jonathan Rhys Meyer - Elquenollegó Kaya Scodelario - TheQueen Alexander Dreymon - Pandemonium Dayana Crunk - Brienne Anton Closmain - Ardillaloca Freya Allan - TheQueen Anya Chalotra - Niña Indigo Dove Cameron - Bruma Elizabeht Debicki - Amanda Luke Evans - PocholoTargaryen Lily James - Rae Daria Milk - Bear Tom Hardy - Phantom Eva Green - Carmilla Vanja Jagnic - Misifú María Eugenia Florence Pugh - Hécate Farah Zeynep Abdullah - TresPerlas Bradley James - Ishadriel Victoria Justice - Exel Peyton List - Exel Jannis Niewöhner - Showstopper Anne Hathaway - Ponyo Lucky Blue Smith - Mushroom Jarred Blakiston - Mushroom Lea Seydoux - Mushroom Matteo Martari - DeusVult Harry Gilby - DeusVult David Gandy - Caraxes Sam Heughan - Caraxes Michiel Huisman - Caraxes Zach McGowan - Neurona Clive Standen - ReyBuitre Meryem Uzerli - Midnight William Moseley - CojoHermoso Eve Best - Meleys Theo James - Bluemoon Alice Pagani - Halo Alexander Ludwing - Bluemoon Jason Isaacs - Elquenollegó Deva Cassel - Halo Karl Urban - TheKarpa Vika Bronova - Maple Jensen Ackles - Harlan Hunter Kennedy Walsh - PanConMermelada Sean Harris - PocholoTargaryen Alexandra Dowling - Norteña Leele Sonosekisk - Norteña Ruby Hartley - Norteña Mads Mikkelsen - TheKarpa Ruairi O'Connor* - Espada Scarlett Johansson - Wendy Travis Fimmel - Argon Hayden Christensen - UnViserysPlumm Frida Gustavsson - Freya Katya Miro - Medialunita Alina KovalenkoFreya Lili Johanson - Briska Katya Chertykova - Briska Angelina Michelle - Briska Anastasia Tsilimpiou - Edith Finch Abigail Cowen - Colorada Graham McTavish - elViejoTio Imogen Potts - Gyda Daneil Sharman - Roilys George Blagden - Roilys Felicity Jones - Faith Daisy Ridley - Magic Rules
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Laughs in Southern US at Lord Harlan Tyrell
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