#Have I ever mentioned Cecilia before lol
rose-bookblood · 2 years
Holiiii!!!! Happy Tiny Scene Sunday, Rose! I hope you are having a really good day/night!
pls write that scene of BBtS and Winter Holidays????🥹🥹🥹🥹
Thanks, I love you! you are the best!
Anything for you <3 So sorry it took me this long, I was actually debating not posting this until next winter because it's just so late. But it is technically not spring yet, so...
I had a lot of fun with this, even though writing the gang all together is chaotic and hard as hell, their dynamics come very naturally to me. I don't think I ever showed you guys the wild Cecilia-Jeremy duo before, but here it is, basically summed up.
Set during the third year, so the one before when the books’ events happen. It ended up being fucking long, oops.
Just a note: Ruby is Evelyn’s younger sister (yeah, lots of BBtS characters have siblings I’ve never mentioned lol).
CW: brief mention of food
“I never say this,” declared Evelyn as she let herself fall on the sofa, “but I’m so full I might explode.”
Andrew, half-perched on the armchair, glanced at her. “I told you not to eat the chocolate lava cake.”
At that, she sprung up and almost jumped off the couch. “The chocolate lava cake is sacred. It’s the only thing I’d be tempted to sell you for.” A pause. “Besides pizza. And ice cream from that parlor we always go to when we come back home. And a particularly good salmon and mango uramaki.”
“What I’m extrapolating from this conversation is that there is a lot of food you’d sell your literal best friend for.”
Evelyn wiggled a finger. “I said tempted to sell you for. But I would resist the temptation.”
“I’m not sure,” intervened Nathan, seated on the other side of the sofa, “that is the compliment you think it is.”
Andrew shot her a resigned look. “We grew up together and it’s the best I’ve ever received from her.”
“That,” – Evelyn crossed her arms, nose wrinkled – “is a blatant lie and you know it.”
“I am,” chimed up Victoria, “so glad you’re enjoying yourselves. If you could also appreciate the effort we made decorating the room for tonight, that would be great.”
Heat stung Evelyn’s cheeks. “Sorry. You did an amazing job.”
The apartment had transformed into a winter wonderland, a perfect match to the snowstorm outside. Pine tree branches and garlands sprinkled with snow hung on the walls. Between one of Serena’s potted plants and another, icicles-studded twigs stood inside vases wrapped in white knitting. Fake snowflakes dangled from the ceiling, their texture so fine it was impossible to grasp what material they were made of.
Lily furrowed her brow. “Did you kidnap a plant bender to get all those wreaths?”
“And,” – Andrew dipped a finger inside a small heap of snow – “an ice bender too, apparently.”
“We didn’t kidnap anyone,” huffed Victoria. “We have friends other than you guys, you know.”
“Which means we asked for a favor,” added Annabelle from Jeremy's lap.
Victoria scrunched their nose and shrugged with their arms crossed. “Yeah, that was subtextual.”
“I'm getting kind of lost here.” Nathan did, in fact, blink repeatedly.
Andrew stopped playing with the snow, then rubbed his palms one against the other and plopped back on the armrest. “Right. Let's get back on track. I was telling Evelyn she's not going to be able to fit even a cracker in her stomach tomorrow.”
With a background of snorts from Victoria and Jeremy, Evelyn tsked. “It's not like you to underestimate me so badly. I'll have enough space to devour an embarrassing number of latkes and enough energy left afterwards to argue with Ruby over whether they're better with applesauce or sour cream.” She paused, tight-lipped. “The answer is sour cream.”
A moment of silence fell on the room. Cecilia, who had been twirling a fake snowflake on itself, stopped it between two fingers and quirked both eyebrows, while the others exchanged blank glances.
“I really thought she was about to say something meaningful,” said Annabelle.
Lily had a resigned stare. “Rookie mistake.”
“We were talking about food,” puffed Evelyn. “Did you expect a treatise on… I don’t even know what!”
“You looked particularly passioned, though.” Nathan offered a half smile.
Once again, Victoria barged into the conversation: “Tell me we’re not going to spend the evening discussing how underwhelming Evelyn’s conclusion was on a scale from one to ten.”
Annabelle didn’t miss a beat, “Eight.”
“A solid seven.” That was Andrew.
Jeremy smirked. “Twelve.”
Evelyn’s mouth hung open, then turned into a pout. “You’re all assholes.” She turned to Andrew. “I’ll text dad that you’re banned from every single Hanukkah meal this year.”
“But would you have the courage to tell your mom?”
“Ok, that’s enough.” Before Victoria could kick everyone out, Serena stood and pulled out three board game boxes from a cabinet. “What are we playing?”
Cecilia picked up the colorful boxes one after another. “Our options are Game of Goose, Man, Don’t Get Angry!, or Battleship.”
“Game of Goose.”
Cecilia side-eyed Andrew. “That’s so boring. I vote Battleship.”
Evelyn lifted her hand. “I also vote Battleship.”
It was Lily’s turn to side-eye her. “We already knew.”
“There was a fifty percent chance I’d choose Man, Don’t Get Angry!.”
“You know I hate it.”
“Because you get angry before the game has even started.”
Meanwhile, Cecilia had gone back to spinning fake snowflakes like a miniature blizzard. One dangled in front of Jeremy’s face and hit him on the nose. His jaw set, he slapped the snowflake with his knuckles, sending it straight into Cecilia’s cloud of curls.
“I choose Man, Don’t Get Angry!,” said Annabelle from Jeremy’s lap, oblivious to their and Cecilia’s shenanigans.
Lily’s head whipped in Annabelle’s direction, her eyes aflame as if she had committed treason. “I’m with Andrew. Game of Goose.”
Nathan shut his lips to stop himself from chuckling, then just said, “Agreed.”
Serena held up her hands, each one with two lifted fingers, and the gems – a ruby, amethyst, opal and tiger’s eye – embedded in the gold bands of her rings glinted as they caught the light. After Nathan spoke, she lifted a third finger on her left hand. By her side, Victoria made a thumb up.
“Ok, Game of Goose is winning with three points,” they announced. “Battleship and Man, Don’t Get Angry! are tied at two.” They wiggled their index to leave no doubt on whose the second vote for Man, Don’t Get Angry! was.
“Make that three,” said Jeremy.
Victoria leaned over the coffee table to high five him, then grinned to Serena. “You’re last, babe.”
“Vote Battleship,” stage-whispered Evelyn.
“So nobody wins?” deadpanned Jeremy.
Serena looked genuinely contrite about her role as tie-breaker. “Sorry, but I have to side with my partner.”
A loud smack reverberated through the room when Victoria clapped their hands once, then blew a kiss in Serena’s direction. She pretended to catch it with a giggle.
“Please, stop.” Lily grimaced, more in the game’s direction than the couple’s, and started setting up the board and the pieces with a frown and wrinkled nose. “We need to form the teams.”
Even with the six-players version of Man, Don’t Get Angry!, they were too many.
Lily turned the board so the blue side faced Evelyn and Andrew, who had interlaced their arms, Hanukkah ban forgotten. “The usual, I assume?”
“You bet!” Evelyn closed one hand for emphasis. “Don’t mess with success.”
“You two lost the last time we played.”
“We got third place.”
Andrew shrugged. “Sorry, Lily, my teammate is right.”
“Yeah, hit it, teammate!”
While Andrew and Evelyn bumped fists with their free hands, Lily addressed first Serena, on the couch between Evelyn and Nathan, then Victoria, opposite from her. “And you too?”
As soon as they nodded, Lily stood from the recliner and switched places with Serena, who jumped onto Victoria’s lap.
“Jeremy and I are the last team,” said Annabelle, “so you, Cecilia and Nathan are playing solo.”
Cecilia abandoned the fake snowflakes and moved from her spot to sit in front of the yellow circles on the board, elbows propped on her crossed legs.
With her usual meticulousness, Lily handed everyone their respective pieces and dice, then announced: “Now you can roll them.”
The clatter of wood against wood filled the room, immediately followed by disappointed noises. A single six stood out among a series of twos and threes.
“I go first.” Cecilia tilted her head in the die’s direction with a stoic look.
She positioned her first piece, then rolled again. Another six appeared and Cecilia repeated the motion. Six.
“You’ve got to be fucking shitting me,” muttered Jeremy.
Cecilia barely blinked before rolling the die a fourth time. Six.
“You’re cheating.” Jeremy glowered at her while another of her pieces entered the game.
“I am not.”
“It’s impossible to score a six so many times in a row. You’re not rolling the die well.”
“Statistically speaking, it is possible.”
This time, Cecilia made a great show of shaking the fist that held the die, and threw it on the coffee table with enough force to send it under the couch.
“No one touch the goddamn die,” roared Jeremy as they removed Annabelle from their lap and sprung up.
“Babe,” her placid voice rang across the room as her partner urged Andrew, Evelyn, Lily and Nathan to get off the sofa, “it’s a game. Don’t get so worked up about it.”
“Yeah,” – Victoria’s wide grin threatened to turn into roaring laughter – “it’s in the name.”
Jeremy ignored both and, with Nathan’s help, hoisted the couch. When the die caught the fluorescents’ light, he almost dropped it.
The whole room erupted into laughter as Jeremy grumbled a “It’s a fucking joke”. Victoria’s body shook so hard they sank to the floor and dragged Serena with them. Cecilia made a chocking sound, then fell on her back. Nathan’s arms wavered with each wheeze and Evelyn raced to grab the die, in between snorts, before disaster struck. They were on public property.
A string of curses left Jeremy’s mouth and prompted a second wave of chortling. Actual tears clouded Evelyn’s view as she set the die back on the table.
“We’re playing Battleship.” Fire lit in Jeremy’s glare, and Evelyn could have bet the tart smell of smoke permeated the living room.
Cecilia raised herself from the parquet and moved the first piece as though nothing had happened, despite the fact that Victoria still banged a fist on the rug, meanwhile Serena suppressed her laugh with one hand on her mouth. “Why? You voted Man, Don’t Get Angry! yourself.”
Jeremy’s left eye twitched.
Lily was the first to collect herself and sit back in the same spot. Nathan and Evelyn followed suit, whilst Andrew and Serena helped Victoria off the floor.
“Can we resume the game?” Lily scanned the friend group with an arched eyebrow.
Cecilia nodded and fiddled with the die.
“If she scores a six, I swear—”
His words cut off as Cecilia rolled the die. It landed on the coffee table corner, then plopped near Evelyn’s feet.
She knelt, glanced at the die, then at Jeremy. “You don’t want to know…”
Jeremy stomped toward the kitchen, leaving a series of words that sounded like ‘fuck’ and ‘shit’ and a mix of both echoing in their wake.
Evelyn snorted, then passed the die to a now narrow-eyed Andrew, who buried his face in his free hand and sighed, “It’s a four.”
Serena’s fingers reached for the die, then she called to the kitchen, “Jeremy! Jeremy, it’s a four!”
Everyone else cackled loud enough to be heard across the hallway.
Blue Below the Surface taglist: (lmk to be added or removed) @tommie-hildebrandt @stormharbors @chaotic-queer-disaster @mel-writes-with-her-dragons @vellichor-virgo @lividdreamz
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vio1315 · 6 years
Kreig Cecilia and Kusuma
Full Name: Kreig of [snowland country name]Gender and Sexuality: Male, straight (potentially asexual but idk if I’ll ever make that canon)Ethnicity/Species: Human with about 10% harpy blood
Birthplace and Birthdate: In the country I’ve been calling snowland on here. The dating of this place means it’d be like 82X of the fourth era or some crap, so I'mma say he’s like in his 40s or soHaven’t figured out the calendar system beond the years yet though, so I super dunno month/day (not even an equivalent) Fall or winter bday feels okay… maybe even spring….
Guilty Pleasures: Judging people with friends. Like can you envision a bunch of dads with beers talking crap about foreign policy makers or something? Yeah that’s kinda his thing. He sees nothing wrong with it though
Phobias: Oh dude. He’s so tough… hm, I bet he’s like one of those people who couldn’t handle being made useless in some way. If he knew he was losing brain functionality and was gonna end up in a vegetative state, I think he’d ask his son or someone similar to kill him. Probably his wife actually. He trusts her to do it, and do it when the time is right for it
What They Would Be Famous For: He’s a king, so like…. okay but more specifically he’ll be remembered as a very strong leader. Like in 500 years he’ll still be taught about. He has navigated wars and foreign relations with unparalleled skill, and he’ll certainly get credit in finally securing the alliance with [mainland]
What They Would Get Arrested For: Lol, in modern times? Maybe like some visits from CPS, but nothing would come of that. Maybe assault, if I HAD to pick. But I’ll be honest, dude’s goal in life is to be as legalistic as possible, so it’s tough
OC You Ship Them With: I honestly don’t. He’s married to Heiwa, and they kind of hate each other a little, but also respect each other and similar, and I very much enjoy the weirdness that is their relationship. Ship though? No.
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Hmmm… I mean I can think of some villain OCs, but honestly that’s it. As much as Skye and Marth dislike him, they would never hurt him. Not intentionally. I think when they were first married, it could have been Heiwa, but no longer.
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Documentaries, biographies, non fiction type stuff. He’s more likely to go for stuff he can learn practical things from though. Strategies and stuff. He’s a workaholic.
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Romance probably annoys him on some level. But anything where the leader character sacrifices themselves for an underling would enrage him. “It’s bad leadership”
Talents and/or Powers: Dude is great with strategy and combat. He’s smart/cunning despite his drawbacks.
Why Someone Might Love Them: He does what’s necessary and doesn’t let Anything distract him from serving his people. He doesn’t shy away from self sacrifice for what he believes is the greater good, and he falls under the ‘a jerk, but he’s right’ very often
Why Someone Might Hate Them: He’s a jerk. His methods often don’t achieve the ends he believes they will, especially in his personal relationships. He’s far too harsh and legalistic, even going beyond what’s necessary
How They Change: Kreig is not a man who changes Much. His biggest change is in the slow shift of how he views his son. As someone who’s worth existing. The fact that this strongly correlates to him physically getting stronger is something of a shame, because really, that’s the smallest portion of what contributes. Though in his own way, he always did care for his son, it just has never and will never be more important than their country.
Why You Love Them: What can I say? He’s got the internal strength of a bear. Dude could saw off his own legs for the sake of his country. There’s something to respect there, especially given he’s not even crazy or anything like most such characters.
Full Name: Cecilia… Ward? (Still deciding last name honestly)Gender and Sexuality: Female, straightEthnicity/Species: Based off an Amazon woman. Dark skinned.Birthplace and Birthdate: In the desert east of mainland, their great enemies. Birthdate is not hugely important. Not even a spoiler to say she’s dead honestly. When she died? Maybe around 27??
Guilty Pleasures: Mm, showing people up probably. Proving someone wrong, that kind of thing. It’s not about being right so much as pulling the rug from under people. This isn’t majorly apparent in her personality, she’s just got a slight chip on her shoulder
Phobias: Word of her wherabouts being sent back home
What They Would Be Famous For: Sadly enough? The fact that she married and had a child with someone of a certain race who is very hated among her people
What They Would Get Arrested For: That marriage if she ever went back to her country, honestly. But by todays standards? Well, could see her getting into a fight and accidentally going a tad too far, even if it was initially self defense. Whoops. But honestly she’s actually very well restrained, but that’s a lot to do with that she moved to a country where people are Extremely racist against her, and she kind of has no choice but to deal
OC You Ship Them With: Leo
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Hmm, of the good guys… uhh? Honestly if she was alive she’d be pretty well liked among those who didn’t care about her race. Which by the time of the story is a lot more people than when she was aroundBut one of the bad guys actually is her murderer so l o lYou know, once upon a time the most likely would have been Dalton (Marth’s dad) honestly?? He’s actuually the least racist dude in general, but man that war was sommething
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Maan, she’d probably enjoy stupid spectacle movies just fine, but in books go for pretty phlisophical stuff. Like if something was 100% allegory and got mildly, but underhandedly preachy? She’d love that actually.But mostly she would enjoy realistic fiction I think, especially involving humble characters or similar.Without realizing it she’d def have her favs be farmer characters who loved their animals type of vibe. You know the vibe.
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Hmm… Love triangles, and probably when the strawman comes and pesters the Innocents and so they just gotta beat up the strawman. No other choice
Talents and/or Powers: Has extra strength due to her race. Has some pretty alright skills with a sword, and basic magic knowledge.
Why Someone Might Love Them: Girl takes about as little crap as you can in her situation. She’s fairly prideful but really sticks to what she believes in, even when it hurts her pride. Even when it leads to her living in a foreign country where she’s hated
Why Someone Might Hate Them: Prideful. At the start, her pride and chip on her shoulder nature can especially override her kind nature.
How They Change: Becomes a lot more empathetic and undertsanding. Doesn’t get very caught up in her own life and is able to see people a bit more accurately. Overcomes some of her own racism. Becomes a lot stronger in a more real way which is less defensive.
Why You Love Them: She’s a very prequel kind of character, but I appreciate that she’s a fairly simple and straightforward person. Like she’s not dumb, she just sees no use in complicating things. Though she sees things a bit skewed and biased at times, she learns and grows and will admit to when she’s wrong. But she’ll stand by when she’s right even when she’s the literal only one who is
Full Name: Kusuma RitterGender and Sexuality: Female, straightEthnicity/Species: Also that amazon based race, dark skinned (you know how to pick em)Birthplace and Birthdate: In mainland. Due to the nature of post story, it encompasses a lot of ages. But basically she’s introduced when she’s 12
Guilty Pleasures: Roughhousing, showing how fantastically awesome she is to everyone, or even just one person
Phobias: People breaking into the house
What They Would Be Famous For: Coolest kid on your block. When she’s older? Maybe coolest guard in the district
What They Would Get Arrested For: Assault lol. Resisting arrest would be tacked on
OC You Ship Them With: None, also due to the nature of post story. Honestly if I did ship her, it’d probs end up being with Soren, but they’re like adoptive siblings, so I try to just let them be siblings (it’s better that way)
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Soren lol, at least when they first meet. Racism isn’t fixed yet me boyos.
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Action. No doubt. Bring on the one liners.
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Hmm… honestly romance sub plots in general. She hates when cool action stuff has to come to a halt to develop (or more likely fail to develop, but still force awkward scenes) a relationship.She doesn’t hate romance per se, just in these moments especially
Talents and/or Powers: Bonus strength, decent with sword (as much as a 12 year old can be)
Why Someone Might Love Them: Honestly she’s just a cool 12 year old. Half of what sh says and does wouldn’t be out of place with sunglasses. But she’s also a protective older sister. Catch her using her free time to help with baby care
Why Someone Might Hate Them: She’s a bit obnoxious at times. A bit self important and cocky. It can be a bit clear to older peeps that she’s hiding some insecurities. She can hold a grudge and be Too blunt at times, lashing out in frustration when she has to deal with Soren at first (racism right back ya heck)
How They Change: Forgets any of those racist ideas she had, because Soren’s a weirdo, but he’s not evil. Becomes a bit more secure, so her defensive bluntness goes down, though her sarcasm goes way up. Her empathy and general love of people increases, though she also just develops better EQ in general. She can sense when people are eying her funny or talking behind her back, though she never lets it get to her. Honestly she just becomes the picture of confidence. Kinda Flynn Rider acting?? But legit.Why You Love Them: She’s pretty mature for her age despite it all. She steps up when things need doing without hesitation, but all while maintaining her attitude. Despite what happened to her, she never seems super traumatized or any such thing. It’s a bit hidden, but a lot just comes from how she deals with things too. She tends to work through her problems in an actually healthy way without tons of guiddance, though she ends up really thriving with it. But honestly she’s just sassy without being too blind to where peoples lines are, so stops herself short of being annoying with it. A good girl
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mrpenguinpants · 4 years
Albedo HCs: Coming Home [Christmas Celebration 🎉]
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For the Christmas Celebration Requests, please read this [we have 2 more days but I’ll possibly extend the deadline to Jan 10. I’m tackling all the Mondstadt rq first before moving onto Liyue]
Ohhh, I love idea a lot (might have gone overboard anon haha). No worries about being specific, I love getting specific requests. I just finished a super depressing fic and I’m back at it again. Though I will do my best to make this one happy because that Mona fic hurt me. But I’m glad to hear you love my writing haha 💕💕
I also know nothing about Albedo and have never written this man in my life but I’m going to ignore everything because these are happy hours. I love his man so much so this is some self-indulgent stuff (if you couldn’t tell from the word count) istg hcs have turned into fics just without the dialogue. I took many liberties lol what the hell is formatting?  
Also, shoutout to @asheseiler​​​ A beautiful human being that started chatting with me because we both love Childe haha. But seriously, I appreciate you 💕💕💕
[taglist]  <- if you want to be added, please read this first.
@hanniejji​​​​​  @mikeysbike​​​​​ @unionwitch​​​​ @musekala​​​​ @twistedsunnshiii​​​ @stanzastic​​​ @akaasea​​​ @xoneaboveallx​​​ @adoring-ghost​​​ @asheseiler​​​ @childelover​​
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Albedo HCs: Coming Home
As you finally reached the hill top by the Stone Gate, you could just make out the stone walls of the City of Freedom in Mondstadt. You were almost there and the butterfly’s racing through your stomach only seemed to fly faster. You had been on a long trip away by travelling between Liyue and Inazuma. From practicing your alchemy to finding new secrets, it had been awhile since you last saw Mondstadt. While it had been fun going from place to place and seeing all the new arts and techniques, you couldn’t stop the feeling of loneliness of not having an occasionally smug but talented ash blond companion at your side.
You hadn’t seen Albedo since Master Rhinedottir had left and sent Albedo to Mondstadt with a letter of recommendation. You travelled with him to the City of Freedom but you only stayed for a few nights before you departed to Liyue. Your master had different plans for you and you didn’t know how long your own journey would take but you both promised to stay in touch through letters. 
He was now acting as the Chief Alchemist and Captain of the Investigation Team of the Knights of Favonius. He managed to get a lab from Alice and he even had an assistant named Sucrose. He sent over some sketches for you and even if the bottom half of “Sucrose” was just a stick figure, you were happy that he wasn’t alone and cooped up in his lab all the time. You were, however, worried about these “Klee disasters” but happy that he still had the energy to write to you. At first it was hard, you found yourself talking to the air as if Albedo was still there but even after all these years, you couldn’t help but miss him. The occasional letter you received did help to lighten the mood however and you always made sure to store them carefully.
It seemed that your dapping mood was noticeable because even the ever stoic Zhongli asked if you were okay. He was nice and easy to talk to, even if he had a problem with Mora that you sometimes had to bail him out off, but you trusted him so you explained to him your growing loneliness. Which he simply replied that if you missed someone, you should go see them.
So here you are right outside the gates. The knights at the front were nice enough and let you through with ease once they checked that you didn’t have anything destructive. Now the hard part was actually finding Albedo. The knights had mentioned that despite being a highly respectable alchemist and one of the Captains, no one really knew where he was most of the time. Originally, you were thinking of planning some sort of surprise, even had made an entire game plan, but now that you were here. You just wanted to tackle the man, pride be damned.
You began to wander around the city, in comparison to Liyue it was quite small but so much more lively and warm. Christmas was right around the corner so everyone was rushing around hanging up lights and finding presents but it was nice. Everyone seemed to know each other and unlike Liyue, you didn’t need to be afraid if the walls were listening. You looked around for a man with bright teal eyes and ashy light blond hair, even asking around, but no luck. No one seemed to know where he was and if he was even in Mondstadt right now. You were beginning to loose hope and that your trip might have been in vain when you felt a small tap on your shoulder and-
Sweet jesus, what the fuck?
You were almost jealous at how good he looked now. He was always handsome when you were both younger but now it felt like cupid decided to descend from the heavens, laugh at you, then riddled you full of arrows. Was your pulse working? Brain still computing? You knew you had a small crush on Albedo when you were younger- who were you kidding, you were in love with this man since he helped you create cecilia flowers from a dead denro slime - but this was just unfair!
“Albedo! I was looking around everywhere for you. This place is actually a lot bigger than it se-”
“You’re back.”
Albedo was surprised to see that it was really you. He only caught a small glimpse of your profile but he knew it was you. He almost suspected that his vision was tricking him or that he might have accidently set one of his sketches of you to life but you were here. Albedo has always treated friendships with a constant degree of distance, always working or traveling to gathering materials to avoid social interactions even if it wasn’t intentional. He also had no memory of any family, only adventuring deep within the domains with his master and you. But when his Master left with one assignment left for him he couldn’t help but feel a bit hollow, but you were always there to lift his spirits up even if on the outside he didn’t appear upset.
But then you had left and gone on your own journey.
“Hm? Oh, sorry I didn’t mention it in my last letter. It was a bit of an impulse trip. But I’m not intruding in on anything right? You’re happy to see me...right?”
“You’re here.”
At first he was alright with it, even encouraged you to set off to Liyue since it was the closest. Promising that you would both keep in touch even if he found relationships a taxing cycle. But when a few months had passed and it began to settle in that you weren’t anywhere near him. That he couldn’t talk to you about new discoveries, that he couldn’t hear you voice anymore, that he had even forgotten how to sketch you. It felt...weird. He knew what he was feeling was loneliness, he wasn’t deluded or naïve, but even when he had Sucrose or Timaeus it wasn’t the same. But now you were here. He could see you and how the lines in his sketchbook were wrong whenever he attempted to re-create you. He could feel your warmth that sketches he brought to life couldn’t do. He could feel your presence and how it slowly but surely filled the void in him until it was bursting at the seams.
“Albedo? Are you alright?”
“You’re here.”
You were almost afraid that the holidays had broke Albedo. You knew he would sometimes get too deep in thought and wouldn’t register his surrounding but it was just you two. With the sun slowly going down, the snowflakes dancing around you both, and the Christmas light reflecting off his unique blue eyes. You took a slow blinked at him. Once. Twice. The same way you would when you were studying something, trying to unveil its secrets. Before sighing amusingly and opening up your arms to him. He was still the same. 
“I’m here.”
The final assignment Albedo received was too hard, too complicated, far beyond his own limits and he was worried that if he never completed it, would he ever see his teacher again? When you took your first step outside the walls of the city, waving back to him as you set off on your journey, he couldn’t help but feel that like his teacher, you were leaving him too. But when you looked at him with those warm but understanding eyes, opened your arms to him, he let go and stepped into your embrace. He was sure he was borderline crushing your frame but you hugged him back just as tightly. 
“My apologies. I got overwhelmed. Come with me, let’s get out of the cold first.”
You tried to hold it in but you laughed at his statement. He didn’t seem to mind as you felt him smile into your neck. Even with those words he hadn’t let go or slackened his grip in the slightest. So you both stayed there outside in the cold, the christmas lights reflected off snow, the sounds of laughter and singing playing in the background as you both embraced each other. 
I’m home
You’re home
Although Albedo was happy to see you again, he was wondering why out of all the years you had been away, all the other holidays you had missed, you decided to come to Mondstadt today. You were at his lab and marveling at all his new devices when he popped the question. You flushed a bit but quickly brushed it off, saying that after all the letters he sent you were finally curious as to what Mondstadt was like and the people he met. Plus, Liyue and Inazuma didn’t celebrate Christmas as much as Mondstadt so it would be nice to finally celebrate the holiday again.
He simply smiled smugly and nodded along before you eventually caved, because that look could steal your heart away, and revealed that honestly, you just really missed him and wanted to spend Christmas together. There wasn’t anything wrong with that was there? So what if you missed him? It was natural. It wasn’t like you were wondering what he was doing on slow days in Liyue. It wasn’t like you we- 
“You can stop laughing at me. I know you’re doing it even if I can’t hear it Albedo.” 
“I’m sorry you must be mistaken. Perhaps your observational skills have rusted?”
You huffed at him before turning your attention to a small but worn sketching book. It was different from the ones he had showed you and much smaller compared to the ripped out sketches he sent you. Albedo noticed your curiosity and almost flushed before striding over and showing you what was inside. It was either he do it now or you would constantly eye ball it until he finally let you see what was inside. 
He took out the old sketchbook and flipped all the way to the first page. They had been sketches of you. When it had just been you, Albedo, and your teacher he would often ask to draw you but he never showed you the finished product. What was surprising was they were all full sketches. No simple lines or unfinished colours. His interest in things, especially when he draws, were fleeting leading him to always create unfinished or basic lines. 
“Wow, was this your first sketchbook? Did you draw anything else? Oh, like your assistant perhaps?”
“No. I only drew one thing here. It’s been sitting here ever since but I tend to make sure it’s in good condition. Should I ever need to draw in it again.” 
Albedo almost reached for his pencil to sketch your smug but bright smile. But set his hand down. While he wants to capture moments so they remain forever with him, he felt that perhaps, it would be nice to live in them. Just for a moment. 
I never write at the bottom of my fics but I wrote too much at the start haha (plus tagging my screaming doesn’t work anymore). Not gonna lie, this was going to be different and you and Albedo would have role reversed AND I WAS GOING TO WRITE MONA IN but that didn’t happen. I made it so disgustingly sappy at the end that I want to throw up but when do I not? 
But I kind of like this version more. He’s super out of character but I don’t care and you’re gonna have to take this hcs out of my COLD DEAD HANDS. But I hope you enjoyed this and I’m using this as my Albedo catalyst so come home elevator boy. (cough celebration hcs are still open if you wanna feed me 👀 this )
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
Abandoned By The Altar
Part 1; When you were young.
A timeline oriented story focused on your once perfect childhood relationship as Diluc's bride to be, soon becoming estranged after the death of his father and his neglect. You only wish now that he looks at you the same way he did when you heard you were supposed to be together forever when you were young.
Pairings -> Diluc x Reader (Currently both young)
Word Count -> 3611
Themes -> Initial Fluff, don't be fooled by the title and summary, not yet at least lol-
Series -> #Bonafide Specials (100 followers event) Part 2
Warnings -> None, tooth-rotting adorkable fluff, this is part 1
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The redness of his hair poked out like the moon in a blanketed, dark sky at the dead hours of the sky. His glaring flame of a hair starking in contrast against the sea of cecilias.
There were three knocks to the Winery that day and his father, renowned businessman, had greeted a new set of faces to their humble abode.
Diluc was but a mere child who had lived for eight years and he had exercised his mind to remember the people that had come and go. They were always regal in aura, high in stature, brimming with promises of riches. This occasion had the same weight, but with a lesser intensity with the politeness the merchant family carried.
As usual, business matter were talked about by the adults and Diluc, the young had no means to pry.
So when he finally stared at you, he was pleasantly surprised. Visitors were usually taller, more mature, and came there to talk about adult stuff... never had he met a child the same as he come with those that come talk about finances.
You slightly flinched back when your stares connected, from what he did not know why, but you carry the same shock and intrigue he felt. "H-Hello there!" Crepus ghosted a look at the two children with a wistful and amused look, softening at the sight. His sole child had always been demure and the distance from Mondstadt had kept him away from opportunities of friendship, so when your parents revealed you as their tag-along to their business proposal, he thought it was too good a coincidence to pass. He, however, didn't expect Diluc to be the first to talk.
"Hi, hi!" You bounded up to him as if barreling, your initial nerves dominated by childlike wonder as your eyes darted over him, so fast even that he doesn't know where they had already gone. "Your- your hair, eyes! So pretty!" You placed your hands on his shoulders enthusiastically, missing a distant horrified gasp and a slight shush. "Like, like... fire tornadoes!"
"Fire tornadoes...?" Diluc asked warily and you vigorously explained how the wildness of his hair carried the chaos of tornadoes that had caught a raging flame in its razor winds.
You had always been an eccentric child, your mother reasoned with the older Ragnvindr but earned a hearty chuckle. No harm done, he assured as he can't seem to take his eyes off the two of you, even tho his business was right in front of him.
After proper introductions between the two children, and a promise of a longer talk, your supposed quick visit somehow made its way to dinner.
The many servants of the Winery had caught wind of the sudden changes in the itinerary and they were quick to adapt on the preparations of dinner. In the backdoors of kitchens and maid halls there were surprising chatter that accompanied them as they work. "Young Master Diluc and the merchant's little girl seems to be getting along quite well," the nanny and the other maids started the gossip with fervor at the intriguing news. "It's greatly the reason why Master Crepus had entertained them this long, the gardener caught wind of how amused he is just watching the two interact." When the banquet table was completed before the diners had arrived, a lot of the servants hid behind the cracks of the doors to watch the spectacle for themselves, to guarantee if the rumor that spread like wildfire was true and not some hallucination.
There was a quiet series of gasps and 'aw's when the main door opened to reveal the owners of the house and its current honored guests. The towering adults parted to display you clutching to Diluc's sleeve as he guided you to extra long table, a display that you seem to not be used to based on their observations as you felt lost on which large seat to take.
And the young master thought of this as the perfect opportunity to show off the things he had learned in his sessions of proper etiquette. Locating the nearest seat, Diluc pulled the chair out and gestured you to take a seat before gently pushing it back under the table. Satisfied with the distance, he made his way opposite of you as a sign of respect for his guest.
Crepus, your mother and father watched in amusement... as you two took your seats at the other end of the table farthest from them. But they paid no mind to call you two over when they saw how engrossed you are over your own conversation.
The chatter that night was boisterous and lively on all parties, for besides business and wine, all had talked with the atmosphere of good friends.
And dinner turned into a promise of a sleepover, how generous of the Ragnvindr family. The master of the house simply reasoned that Mondstadt was still a distance from the Winery, and it was too dangerous to travel at this time of night. But the servants knew more than they had let on, for they too felt the somberness in the eyes of Diluc when your parents announced your need to departure.
At this point, this whole visit was now held up by the fact that it was their young master's opportune time for a play date.
The whole day you two had been inseparable. Either being connected physically or just naturally stuck to each other's side through and through. Despite his innate nature to be a recluse or lack of communication among his age group, Diluc find himself not at all minding the way you stuck close to him like this.
When everyone else had departed, you and Diluc were still wide awake in the parlor in front of the blazing fireplace, your hands buried in his wild hair as you talked about your travels before coming to Mond. The young man hums as replies with his eyes closed, concentrated on the way you weave your hands through his fiery locks as you made tiny braids here and there.
Once Crepus had finished tonight's negotiation and seek out his own child (of which was missing from his room) he happened upon the two of you coddled up between a fort of pillows and blankets. The fireplace long been extinguished as the children slumbered.
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You were noble not by blood, but by high commerce. Your parents had been travelling all over the continent to procure business opportunities and partnerships, and their duo of both financial prowess and economic behavior mastery had earned them a place in high society and funding. Noble merchants who had found themselves in the city of freedom with their sole child in tow.
The true goal was to establish at least one commerce ports and business services in EVERY nation in Teyvat, and that requires a lot of scouting and connections to do so.
Because of the constant move, you had seen A LOT and met quite a thousand of people in every walks of life. At your young age you barely remember them all truly but the loneliness within you was not something that can easily be quenched, as travelling meant leaving everyone behind for an indefinite time.
Diluc was a one of a kind boy, most probably because you had yet to step foot in the land of the Pyro Archon, but his red hair intrigued you to wit's end. It was reminiscent of a campfire that protects you from the cold of the night, the last hues of sunset in the horizon over the cliffs of your expedition, the sweet taste of fresh strawberries hand picked from the Inazuman plantations.
So at the news of settling down for a few years in Mondstadt reached your ears, unadulterated tears of pure happiness flowed out of your eyes so shockingly that you didn't even notice them immediately.
Not until you felt small hands cup your cheeks, its thumbs fervently swiping at the wetness. Your wide eyes met Diluc's worried ones and he asked if you're alright with a gentleness you've never heard from him. You grinned, "We can play again tomorrow, Diluc!"
And the three adults in the distance sighed in great relief as your mood lifted.
You cupped back Diluc's cheeks to reciprocate and gasped in overdramatic wonder at how soft and squishy they were, squealing, and then tackling him back into the soft beds of Cecilias.
"They've really become quite close ever since we touched Mondstadt," Crepus smiled behind his cup of tea and reveling himself with the warmth it brought to his throat.
"Honestly, our daughter needs to learn manners after him. She's always been so rowdy, I was scared the young master would have run away from her brashness," your mother quipped in before picking up her own cup to savor.
Crepus shared a glance with your father as they both found their gaze back to the both of you. "Practically inseparable," they hum, "I'd say we might as well seal them together to make sure our bloodlines prosper."
Your mother choked. "Are you implying- Diluc and (Y/N)?!" At the mention of your names, you and your companion turned your heads to the adults. "An arranged marriage? At such an early age too!"
"What's an arranged marriage?" The children spat out at the same time, informing the older people of the audience they had brought upon themselves. Crepus smiles warmly at the sight of your tiny arms wrapped around Diluc's shoulder as the redhead holds a Cecilia in place by your ear.
"It's a serious promise," the Ragnvindr started, "it makes sure that both of the people stays together forever their whole lives. After a grand ceremony." Diluc knew when his father talked about serious business and that's when he usually pays attention to his words, even if majority of the time it's something he barely understands.
But the thought of being able to be with each other together forever, the young boy slowly turned his head to face you, which urged you to look at him too. There was the same color of his hair splattered at his cheeks, but his gaze on you was wide and wondrous, as if asking a silent question, "I would love to be with Diluc forever! How about you, Diluc? Do you, do you?"
"I-I do! Yes!" The young redhead tried to match your enthusiasm as the older men chuckled, your mother silently dying at the predicament.
"Then that settles it!" Crepus mused, "Even tho I didn't expect my son to be the one getting proposed on."
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April 29th, the day before Diluc's 9th birthday, the first birthday of his that you would be in attendance.
The servants of the house had been busy preparing for the grand event for days now, and tasks were more than piled up on the day before the true date. Hence why you'd find yourself playing with Diluc outside of the mansion without adult supervision. Your parents had helped in organizing the party with Diluc's father, as it also doubles as an opportunistic moment of meeting nobles and honorable businessmen all over Teyvat.
"Are you excited for tomorrow, Dilu? Just imagine the towering cake, so many food, and toys!" You two were passing by the grapevines of the winery, fascinated by the shining grapes under the direct gaze of the sun.
"Mmm, there would be a lot of people tho, lots of talking and talking," you plucked a healthy looking grape from the vine before you finally looked at your companion, finding a cute little pout between his smooth and chubby cheeks. "You know I'm not good around many people."
You cooed at the confession, indulging momentarily by patting his cheek (Diluc raised an eyebrow at your weird obsession over them) before patting his shoulder, "Well, well, as your fi- financee?" Fiancée, he corrected. "Yeah that! I'll be right by your side, if you need help, I'll be right there!"
When you saw him relax under your enthusiastic grin, you patted yourself on the back before expertly throwing the lone grape into your mouth. And crunched.
"Well, I guess you're much better with people- are you okay?"
The sourness. The undeniably waxy peel. Your teeth colliding with the core seed. Diluc watched your face contort from surprise to disgust to pure horror as you frantically whip your head from side to side in search of something, yet finding nothing you slightly bow your head.
"(Y/N), hey, what's wrong-" he reached his hand out and under to cup your jaw and raise your face to meet his, but in a manner of time seemingly slowing down, these events happened: you opened your mouth to discard the disgusting grape to the ground when in some funny coincidence, Diluc's open hand reached out under your chin, the wet and slimey prune of a grape plopping on his palm spot-on with a sound of disgust escaping you.
When you'd open your eyes, you gasped at the sight before you. Whipping your head up, you've seen the most horrified look Diluc had ever worn as he stared straight at his hand, barely moving and breathing.
When one of the maids finally caught sight of the two children, she'd found you crying in distress as you wailed 'I broke Diluc, I broke him!' while the boy himself stood and looked just the same as you'd seen him last, still staring at the disgusting grape in his hand.
The festivities started the next day with you not by his side.
Guests were already swarming in given that the night has started its period. Crepus made sure that all of the preparations are in accordance with the party, yet he knew just how distressed and frantic his son has been acting, no matter how hard he tries to hide it.
He kneels in front of Diluc, finally getting his frenzied stares to settle on him. He offers a reassuring smile. "Are you looking for her?" Diluc was bashful in being caught but nodded regardless, earning a chuckle and a hand ruffling his hair. "Don't worry, she will come."
"But what if she doesn't?" His stubborn nerves replied still with uncertainty.
"You two promised to be together, no grape can easily break that," at the mention of the incident, his son gagged and whined at the reminder, causing another robust chuckle form in his throat. When Crepus has heard of the 'incident' that transpired yesterday, he had to stop himself from wheezing to comfort his own son.
At the better reminder Diluc found himself smiling again brought upon his faith on you and Crepus sighed in relief. That was when they heard a familiar voice shout from the distance.
Your little form broke through the crowd that had obscured your form, dressed up in a simple red chiffon dress and a massive white bow that holds as a belt. Crepus stepped to the side so you could approach the birthday boy yourself, presenting the red box in your hand with a trembling grip, you stood with nerve-wracking composure they've never seen you don before. "H-Happy birthday, Diluc! I uhm I'm really sorry about what happened yesterday, I really am! So I- so I bought you some gloves, so you'll never have to worry about your hands next time."
Crepus quirked an amused eyebrow at the 'next time' as he watches his son take upon the gift and opening it immediately, inside was a simple pair of white gloves with gold lines across its back and a pop button to keep it in place. When he fitted it, it was just the right size and fit his normal attire perfectly.
You watched him warily when you finally met eyes, opening your mouth to ask if he had liked it— when you were suddenly met by a hug, his fluffed up hair almost covering half of your hair. "Thank you, I like it. But you're late..." you laughed in relief as you squeezed him so tight, saying you were sorry with a giggle.
Diluc's father then watched on with a smile as the two of you held hands, disappearing in the sea of guests to mingle and admire the decorations they had put on for his birthday. At least, this time, he didn't have to worry that his son felt alone.
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Your reckless imprudence and its adverse karma took a lot longer to manifest than anyone had expected. But it came with a paradoxical event both good and evil when you and Diluc were aged 10.
It was a rare occasion that it was Diluc who was visiting you (instead of the other way around) in Mondstadt's walled city. His father had the tavern to tend to that day and had entrusted Diluc's presence to you, the one who had been roaming the city for about two years now.
In your excitement and his cluelessness, you dragged your friend around the city for an impromptu tour guide. The cathedral, the statue, the HQ of Ordo Favonius; you exhausted him all the way as you somehow managed to find your way past the bridge and into the lush greenery of the outside of the walled city. He needed a breather, and you found the fresh air and quiet to be just the perfect spot.
The sound of rushing water in the distance helped as white noise for your relaxation, as you both stared up in the clear sky together, occasionally pointing at objectified clouds. At some point, Diluc had closed his eyes when the faint breeze urged him to rest more and he gave in just as easily.
The sound of your light musings grounded him just the same, together with the flowing stream and the distant pitter patter against the grass... pitter patter?
"DILUC, WATCH OUT-!" A force came bouldering against his side as he cried out in pain and shock, barreling against the grassland as he unceremoniously tumbles with the perpetrator. He snapped his eyes wide open and sat up quickly to look at what had come to your area—
And you laid there next to him, remnants of frost littering your clothes and climbing up your skin. As Diluc gathered you up in his arms, he felt the sting of the cold as he pulled your trembling form against his chest. At his peripheral he distinguished a few cryo slimes a few feet away, where he sees the dent on the grass he once laid on just moments prior.
"(Y/N)- (Y/N)! No, nonono stay with me, you're okay, please tell me you are," his body wracked in suppressed sobs as you desperately clung to his warmth. Your eyes were squeezed shut in pain as your teeth clatter and whimper from frostbite. He squeezed and pulled you closer up to his chest, desperately hoping the ice would melt before it engulfed you whole.
His gloved hands gripped at your back when he locked eyes with the slimes, watching them slowly advance to the both of you and he watched helplessly without any weapon at his arsenal to protect you two.
For the first time in his life, Diluc felt utterly useless and helpless at the face of looming death. And he prayed with eyes shut, to any Gods that spared him an ear, to give them divine intervention to help you two. To pray that there was something he can do, to pray that if only he was stronger—
And his world turned red around him.
Frost melted.
Grass charred.
Slimes dissipated.
In front of him a Vision was born.
A year and a half after that ordeal, you find yourself in the dimly lit hallways of Dawn Winery.
Diluc had expressed his intention to join the Knights of Favonius a day after he received his Vision, with a resolve you've never seen him wear before. He looked at you with longing yet courage of another promise, when you came to the same day. Ever since then, your visits became scarce and your play time had lessened, as you were left to watch him train in every hour of his day with either his father or one of the adept guards of the Winery.
You've never thought you'd wish to be able to wield a sword greatly to par that of a knight, if only to be trusted enough to wield the weapon against him in the guise of training. Ever since that incident everyone had treated you with utmost care and gentleness, even your dearest friend who had always gone along with your reckless spurs of action.
Today you were hoping to catch him on a day off from his sessions but it seems awfully quiet this time around and you were left to ponder with your thoughts as no one came to aid you with answers. You would press your ear against the numerous doors, linger to hear anyone, and then moved on to another if you come out empty-handed.
You were on your way to the last door of the hallway when you heard someone clear their throat behind you. You whipped your head in the thought that you had found your person of interest—
"What are you doing here?" But instead of the fiery red you were seeking for, you met a cold blue gaze that carried hidden hostility and confusion. You blinked at him as he did at you, an agonizing second passing with silence, and he opens his mouth once more to ask.
"I like your eyepatch!"
Somehow, you seem to have a knack on making people stutter on your first meetings.
Kaeya was no exception.
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I didn't expect this to end with a cliffhanger holy shit, I loved writing this so much but I got caught up with so many other works and— it just became too long to continue...
Part 2 tomorrow midnight once again!
@creation-magician @boxofteenageideas @your-local-venti-simp @indigodreamtime47
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05aaphrodite · 4 years
I can't let you escape, not even to your own world
Pairings:Yandere! Venti x reader
Warnings:4th wall breaking,Slight crack fic,Reader death
(Plz don't let my friends see this lmao)
______________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐_______________
I chug all of my soda then slam it on the table "Aight, let's go farm for Venti's talent mats" I grabbed my controller then push the left joystick forward, after all of these grinding... I finally manage to get him on his rerun, I was skeptical that he would come home but surprisingly, I did a single pull then I got him, I'm grateful that I got my dream team, Xiao,Diluc,Venti,Bennett I will be saving for a Klee rerun.
My phone beeped a notification, I peek at it and it's my friend gc, I put down my controller then grab my phone
(A/n: Btw, the gc is based of my friend gc lol)
❀Genshin Gang❀
Diluc's hairtie
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Albedo simp
Xiao come home plz
Hope all😭😭
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Diluc's hairtie
I was losing hope until I wished one more time😭
Now my Zhongli is happy :D
Diluc's hairtie
A smile plastered on my face, I'm so happy for them! My attention was stolen when Venti decides to say his idle line "Come on Traveler, let's go! The world is full of lost ballads just waiting to be rediscovered." I put my phone down then grab my controller again "Ok ok, I will pay attention to you now" I chuckled humorously "Good! Just don't make me murder your friends."
The moment he said that line, my thumb suddenly stopped pushing the joystick, did he just..... did I just heard that right? Murder... your friends? What does he mean by that? Someone never mentioned this voiceline of his, I should check the character icon. I clicked on the character icon then proceed to his voicelines, I checked every details but I can't seem to find it, maybe it's a bug? The fact that I was talking to my friends.... maybe Mihoyo intended it?
I shrugged my shoulders then continue to the domain to farm for talent materials. After countless of grinding, I started to have fun with his wind current while harassing random hilichurls for fun, I made him sat at the Barbatos statue "You finally came home..." I smiled as I touch the screen, Venti looked at the camera then smiled "That's so cute! He smiles when he looks at at camera!" I awed, I continue to fawn over him.
⌣ ‿ ‿ ‿ ‿ ‿ ‿ ⌣⌣ ‿ ‿ ‿ ‿ ‿ ‿ ⌣
I woke up by the sound of my ps4 opening, the bright light illuminated my body, and to my surprise, my ps4 opened by itself "What the fuck?" I stood up from the bed then went to investigate it. The creepiest thing is that Venti is the only one in my party, and he is sitting at barbatos' hands, and then I remembered the hacked accounts in genshin, this could be a sign..
I hurriedly grab my controller then check my characters, all of them were Venti! I can't find a single character other than him! What's going on!? I check my weapons but they are okay, I checked my profile and nothing changed but my icon was set to Venti, i checked my primogems and fate but nothing changed, in fear of getting hacked, I contacted Mihoyo for customer support, I can't lose Xiao, I whaled for him! I restarted my ps4 then go back to sleep, in hopes that it will be resolved next morning.
I rubbed my eyes then stretch my arms wide, I look at my ps4 then my phone, I grab my phone then text on the gc
❀Genshin Gang❀
Guyssss, something weird happened yesterday 
My ps4 opened by itself and Venti was the only one in my party, I tried to change my party set back to normal but all of them were Venti
Albedo simp
Welp, sounds like a bug
But hey, freemogems :D
My weapons and primogems were untouched but the weird thing is that my character icon is set to Venti, but I didn't change it
This is like a Ddlc reference lmaooo
Xiao come home plz
Aight, time to report to Mihoyo for free 600 primogems 
Be careful, maybe you're getting hacked? You should change your password incase
Yep bro, I will change it
I put my phone down then open my ps4, I prayed to myself that everything is back to normal. Happiness washed over me when I saw that my original party is deployed "must've been a crazy bug.." I chuckled, I change my icon back to Xiao then continue with the grinding "Ooohhh timmie's birds" I smirked, I switched to Xiao then climb the nearest cliff, I glide then plunge on the birds "Free fowls!!" I exclaimed then claim the fowls, my character suddenly switched  back to Venti, I didn't even press anything other than claim fowls "You know I'm getting impatient.." Venti said, again this was not even in his voice lines, then I notice that something is odd with my venti, he kept saying weird lines everytime my attention is drifted to somewhere else, could it be Mihoyo's doings? I hope so, I don't want a ddlc fiasco again.
After farming for his ascension materials, I quit genshin then read some fanfictions in Tumblr, I came across a Kaeya fanfic then proceed to read the contents. All of a sudden, my ps4's screen started to distort, my eyes widened at the sight of it, then a bright light surrounded me, making my head dizzy
"Traveler, you're awake" I woke up to a familiar voice reaching my ears, I blinked my eyes slowly to realize that I'm not in my room, where am I? My jaw dropped when the person I saw in my eyes is none other Venti, this is impossible! He's not real! "Venti...?" I tilt my head in confusion, there's no way this is real.... this must be a dream! The bard showed a genuine smile before putting down his lyre "I'm happy that you pulled for me, I will go crazy if you pulled for him instead, hehe." Venti had a patronizing smile after that, my eyes widened as I sat up "Venti? There's no way that you're real!" I said, feeling my empty pockets, Venti sighed as he stood up, he had his lyre in his hand "Come on Traveler, let's go celebrate the windblume festival." the God reached out his hand, I was reluctant to respond to his offer, he seems a bit suspicious to me, considering my ps4 sucked me in Teyvat. Not to mention, he said these weird lines when I was communicating with my friends, and my controller would move on its own when I'm playing another character "What are you waiting for?" A smile was om his lips, I took his hand then stood up "Ok, let's go." Venti giggled as he led me in Mondstadt, I gaze behind to see the Vennessa tree.
No way.... all of this seemed real... the designs.... the npcs.... all of them are accurate! The only difference is that I don't see control menu "Isn't it beautiful? Traveler?" Venti turned to me, I nodded with hesitant. As my eyes scanned the whole city, Fischl and Bennett were talking to each other, Kaeya,Rosaria, and Diluc at the same table, although Diluc seems poker faced, Barbara was performing for the crowd, Jean and Lisa are eating together, Albedo,Sucrose, and Timaeus are experimenting,Amber is seen gliding, everything seemed lively more than the actual game.... "Come on Traveler!" The bard took my hand without giving me time to consent.
The rustling sounds of the leaves snap me back to reality, it still feels like a dream, did Mihoyo said something about this? The atmosphere is so lively and different "Uh oh woahhh!! Watch out!" Amber then crashed into Noelle, I giggled slightly then turn to the bard who was playing the lyre for a small crowd, as the sweet melodious tone halt to stop, the crowd clapped their hands, I smiled a little bit as I made my way towards him "Did you like it?" Venti inquired, I nodded then smiled, the bard chuckled as he took my hand then led me somewhere.
I realized we were getting far away from the festival, perturbation washed over me "Venti.... where are we going?" sweat dropped on my temples, Venti looked at me with a menacing smile "Somewhere..." 
He led me to starsnatch cliff, the breeze of the wind soothes my nostrils, I can't believe all of these are real.... Venti picked a Cecilia flower then hand it to me, I narrowed my eyes "Are you really.... real?" I gaze at his eyes 
"I'm aware that all of us are just video game characters, that's why I'm a God"
My eyes widened as he said that, he tucked the cecilia behind my ear "Y/n, will you stay here forever..?" The bard took both of my hands, his puppy eyes gleaming, I do want to visit Genshin.... but that does not mean I will abandon my world 
"Venti.... I have my friends and family there..." I said, I averted my gaze to the floor, his grip on me got tighter "Y/n, your world does not need you" his tone was a mix of devastate and anger "All you need is me, you belong here" 
My eyebrows furrowed, what does he mean by that!? "No! I can't just leave everyone! My friends care about me!"  I screamed in frustration. He then uses his anemo powers on me that sent me flying through the air "Arghh! Let me go!!" I desperately try to break free
"Don't you see that I love you? I don't like it when you control me everyday" Venti was feigning sadness on his tone 
"Because you're never real!" I retorted back, a grin was marked on his face "I ever regret pulling for you!" I yelled. The bard went closer then cup my cheeks "So? You already got me, you did this to yourself" then his hands swayed, causing me to fall of the cliff, my life flashed before me, this is it....
"May your soul rest in this game"
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gebtoons · 3 years
my contribution to the bapo timeline discourse bc i’m just gonna propose a timeline and will not be taking criticism <3 (under the cut bc this is gonna be a long post probably) 
ok disclaimer I am quite stupid, however I’m gonna use my knowledge from my own 12 years in american public high school and what little info I have about american boarding schools/catholic schools that I have from my friends lol. so. idk. 
i’m also gonna date songs/major events and i’m gonna be taking some “just trust me bro” liberties bc y’all are right it does NOT make that much sense. 
January 6: Epiphany; this is like an actual holiday lol. like its always on the sixth. idk its good that this is the starting point bc its an actual date yknow? For the purposes of this timeline were going with that its early in the week, so lets go with Monday idk
January 6-13: You and I, Role of a Lifetime; so we’re all kinda in agreement that this timeline (at least the beginning) only really makes sense if you and i/role of a lifetime aren’t like. a singular moment and are instead multiple days. so yeah, of this first week, this is like. monday-next sunday ish yknow. 
January 14: Auditions, Plain Jane Fatass; ok so having auditions for a spring musical right after kids get back from break actually makes perfect sense to me, like i can see it being like “ok take break to prepare so as soon as you come back we can have auditions so we can jump right into rehersals” yknow? and since the rave is clearly on a friday (”we’ll meet in tanya’s room on friday night”) so i’m going with the monday before.  
as for pjf, i know it doesn’t make a ton of sense for them to get a two week late birthday package their first few weeks back from school, but hear me out it makes sense. the implication throughout this entire show is that the twins have decently shitty parents. from bits of dialogue (in this song in particular lol) i’m kinda inferring their the “only concerned with how their kids make them look to others” kind of neglectful. so I don’t think it’s too outside the realm of possibility that they went away for the holidays, didn’t bring the twins, and instead mailed them a birthday package and having it show up two weeks late. realistically the timing of this isnt that important and the explicit “two week” time frame could’ve been an exaggeration on nadia’s part to mock her shit parents (idk its in her character) basically ppl are a little two fixated on this imo but anyway. moving on. 
January 18: Wonderland, A Quiet Night At Home, Rolling, Best Kept Secret; a very agreed upon point in the timeline. its the friday following the auditions. moving on. 
January 21: Confession; also very agreed upon. the monday following the rave. moving on again 
January 23: Portrait of a Girl; the date here is kinda arbitrary, but bc sister chantelle says “ok lets try to put yesterday’s rehearsal behind us” and i for the life of me cannot think of a scene she could be referring to (there’s none in the script either) that implies it wasn’t the same monday as confession (bc even in a boarding school i think holding extracurriculars that aren’t sports over the weekend (especially when they are no where near crunch time lol) is weird and not common) so i just picked a random day during the week
January 25: Birthday Bitch!, One Kiss, Are You There?; from matt’s line in wonderland, ivy’s birthday is a week after the rave. in my timeline that’s january 25th (an aquarius queen). 
btw given all grown up’s “17, how will i manage?” ivy is 16 during 17 at her party, which is strange given shes a high school senior and seniors are typically 17 during 18. so either a) she skipped a grade, not an unheard of thing. or b) shes not a senior, shes just a junior who hangs out with a bunch of seniors, which is also pretty common. and looking through the script i can’t find any mention that she is also a senior, other than yknow she graduates with them, but she isn’t mentioned during the class ranking scene? so idk not that it really matters just a fun detail 
February 3 (at night): 911 Emergency!; ok controversial. i know i like the joke about how its funny that peter having a weird dream when he was high prompted him to want to come out and really ruined his relationship with jason. BUT. i think the dream (despite it’s weirdness) would have a lot more meaning if it wasn’t the result of being really high, but if it was a dream he had like a week later as a result of a building sense of guilt/anxiety bc he told matt. also it fits better given later timeline things. (this timeline literally only exists if there are weird jumps in time that don’t make a ton of sense) (EDIT: I forgot one line about Jason crashing at ivys but fuck it forget that bitchass line this makes for more drama its staying this way)
February 4: Reputation Stain’d, Ever After; the next day following peter’s dream, idk what else to say, moving on. 
February 25-28: Spring; another jump! i’m sorry but the only way for this to make sense logistically is for there to be quite a few time jumps! however, i also think this one works bc i think it gives time for everything from around ivy’s party and peter and jason’s break up to stew emotionally. like obviously a musical only has so much time to tell a story so the audience cannot see every realistic beat, but honestly i think it makes the whole thing a little more dramatic™ if there’s space for everything to settle, and for ivy to come and apologize and such. also, the reason it’s multiple days is bc in the script, ivy is trying to study (presumably for some sort of midterm) while nadia is playing, so that probably takes place a few days before they move out, so before finals. but in the script, jason and peter are packing and peter is leaving, so that part of the song/staging takes place on the 28th. yes, that’s weird, but we are clearly thinking more about the logistics of this school than the writers were so. 
March 1: One; assuming st. cecilia’s works kinda like boarding schools here, they probably do staggered move out/move in, just bc that would be a lot to have people coming and going at once so it makes sense that peter left the day before, while jason and ivy are leaving the next day. also, given that peter is trying to call jason while he and ivy are banging, it’s probably been a hot minute since the actual break up, since peter was clearly very hurt by the whole thing, it would make sense (at least to me) that peter would reach out a month ish later, rather than like a few days later (you have to make so many assumptions to make this timeline work granted they aren’t super out there assumptions but still this is annoying) 
March 1-25: Spring Break. the coworkers I have who are in boarding school work over their school breaks, which are longer than the public school breaks (which are only a week) so i put their spring break at 3 weeks. it makes sense, and it makes the later part of the timeline make sense. 
I know i’m already halfway through this, but to me it makes sense for their to be quite a few time jumps in the story bc its a musical. they cannot show every day. there are a lot of other shows (particularly shows set in high schools) that are set over a whole school year, but if you just look at the events of the story that doesn’t make sense, so you have to imply that obviously they are not showing every little detail. moving on. 
March 25: Wedding Bells, In The Hallway, Touch My Soul; peter wakes up from his nightmare in the church, so im assuming he fell asleep in church (like he almost did during epiphany). also it makes sense that class ranks are announced in late march-early april, I know my school announced ours in like, the first week or so of april? so yeah. moving on.
(from this point on i was giving myself a headache trying to make it make sense so its all weird from here!!)
April 4: See Me, Warning; the date doesn’t really matter here, I picked a random day in early april. the script said peter is calling from him and jason’s old dorm room, as he was picking up the last of his things, so he clearly made the roommate switch after school started (makes sense to me). 
April 15-20 (approximately): Ivy finds out she’s pregnant. look google tells me on average people find out they are pregnant around 5-7 weeks after conception. i went with around 7 just so this timeline makes a tiny bit more sense given the later stuff, so yeah here we go. 
May 4: Pilgrim’s Hands, God Don’t Make No Trash, All Grown Up, Promise, Once Upon A Time, Cross; a rough night for our heroes. so given sister chantelle saying “again? wonderful.” and nadia saying “i can’t believe you missed rehearsal again”, clearly ivy has been missing quite a few rehearsals, so for dramas sake maybe from when she found out she was pregnant? also i know i’ve been saying they wouldn’t have rehearsals on weekends, and given my weird timeline this would be a saturday, but its tech week so i’ll allow it. 
May 5: Two Households, Bare, Queen Mab, A Glooming Peace; pretty self explanatory, and it makes sense to have the spring play in early may. rip jason. 
May 11: Absolution; the day before graduation peter goes to confront the priest. gives him a small amount of time to start processing, and it makes sense it would be the night before, at least to me. 
May 12: No Voice; i fucking hate this. “peter, we graduate next sunday” i hate that stupid fucking line. do you know that this timeline literally would be fine if it weren’t for that stupid fucking line? bc then, the school play would be in early may and graduation could be in late may-early june (when most high schools hold graduation) but no. keeping with continuity, they have to graduate the sunday following the school play. “peter we graduate in a month, are you really never gonna talk to me again?” would have been fine. but no, now we have beef. literally everything else about the end of this timeline being kinda weird would work itself out, except for the fucking graduation. god damn. anyway, may 12th, the graduate on may 12th which is really fucking weird bc of that one fucking line. whatever. i didn’t write the damn thing bc if i did i wouldn’t have written that fucking line. (i’ve been at this for over an hour and a half, so i’m a tad annoyed, can you tell?) 
anyway, that’s it. that’s my long as hell proposed bare timeline. if there’s anything glaringly wrong with it i don’t care bc this timeline literally cannot make sense. but honestly, now that i think about the Popular Tween High Schooler Musicals (heathers, bmc, deh) the timelines of those (especially heathers and bmc) don’t make tons of sense either. that’s just the way it is, that’s the way its gonna be. and we have to live with it. 
this post is so long it is actually slowing down my laptop as i type it
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ambivalent-anarchy · 4 years
Hurts So Bad... (Part 3)
The Week That Flashed By (Part 1/3)
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Summary: For the first time, Peter Parker meets someone he has no idea how to save...
Warning: angst(obviously), mentions of suicide, depression, self-harm, drug use, me just exposing myself
A/N- if you only see Flash as a villain at all times then these chapters ain't for you. Not a lot of Peter this chapter but it's integral to the story so don't skip lol
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Maybe he was hoping it'd go away.
Maybe he was wishing for the best.
Maybe he was just disregarding and ignoring you completely.
But for whatever reason, it took Peter a week to finally act. A week.
In the grand scheme of life, a week is incredibly short. However, circumstances can always change the way you perceive things.
When you have an essay due, a week seems to fly by. But when you're waiting for the new episode of your favorite tv to come, a week seems to just drag on.
The normal, busy people don't realize is that when you don't have anything to do, and when you're so far gone into the abyss, a week can genuinely seem like forever.
And your week had been nothing short of endless.
You might've finally been done with the physical low, but the mental low was practically just as bad. You could exert energy without feeling like you'd drop if a feather were to touch your shoulder, but your brain was tired.
On the upside, no one bothered you.
On the downside, no one bothered you.
You hated the silence, but strangely that's what followed you everywhere you went. Deafening silence.
You wanted so much for someone to just talk to you. Talk with you. Even if they were lying. Doesn't matter. You just wanted someone to speak. To have some type of change in your life that forced you out of the mundane, redundant, silent cycle you lived in.
Flash Thomspon was your lab partner.
You'd seen him around. He was hard to miss. Always with his jokes and his livestreams. Forever with a smile on his face. Just like Cecilia.
You remember asking her once why they weren't friends. She'd called him obnoxious.
You wouldn't call him obnoxious though, just... loud.
That Monday when lab partners were chosen, you were completely out of it.
Staring at nothing, not making a sound, setting your head down on the table, obviously not wanting to be bothered by anyone.
So when Flash got to your table, he hadn't bothered you. He walked over, simply looked at you for a bit, and once it was clear you weren't moving any time soon, he started on his notes alone.
Which you respected. That meant he was at the very least a bit sensible, if not just lazy.
The next day wasn't much different. You still weren't up for doing anything and Flash still wasn't up to bothering you.
The day after though, Wednesday, that was the day everything changed.
"Hello?," you said into your phone.
"Hey, is this [Y/N]? That quiet chick in a.p chem?"
You chuckled at the beyond simplistic description of yourself. "Uh, yeah this is she. Who's this?"
"Flash Thompson," he responded. "Coolest guy in the class."
You rolled your eyes. "Mhm, and why are you calling my phone?"
"Well-" you heard a bottle open "-we kinda have a project that's due at the end of the week. And, believe me, as much as I love doing duo projects on my own, you need to do something."
His upfrontness took you aback, but not particularly in a bad way.
And besides, you were getting sick of moping. Your curiosity wanted to see where this was going to go.
"Um, okay. So we'll crack down tomorrow then."
"How about now?" You could practically hear the smirk on his face.
"No," you quickly responded. "You mean come to your house right? Hell no."
"Why not?," he snickered. "Strict parents? Or is the pole really just that far up your ass?"
You rolled your eyes once again. You really didn't have the patience for this. "Okay I'm hanging up-"
"Wait! I'll text you my-" Click.
You stared at the wall for a good minute in complete irritation after that phone call. You had to have lost at least a hundred brain cells during that small conversation. The last thing you needed on your plate right now was some guy giving you shit.
A notification on your phone caught your attention.
3069 Oak Street
"Oh so you text me your address and now I'm just supposed to show up at your door?," you scoffed.
In retrospect, ringing that doorbell was probably the smartest dumb thing you ever did.
When you told your parents you were going to a friend's house, they just paused and then smiled. Your parents had no problem at all with you going out. They hadn't even asked questions. Heck they encouraged you to go out. That meant you were trying.
But fuck them. You were trying everyday. Trying not to just take the kitchen knife and slit your wrists after every dinner.
When the door to Flash's house opened you immediately noticed three things.
1) The alleged butler he'd been rumored around school to have was nowhere to be found.
2) This was an extremely nice house. Maybe even nicer than Cecilia's.
3) And Flash's eyes were red.
"Yo!," he greeted with an obnoxious grin. "Wassup?"
"We literally just stopped talking like ten mintues ago dude," you responded as you stepped into the house. "And what's with the shirt?"
This idiot actually had a Spider-Man t-shirt on.
"Excuse me? This is drip in the finest form," he defended, hopping onto his couch. "So anyway, the project or whatever. What're we gonna do for it?"
You sighed. "Well, unless I was actually invisible for all the class periods, it's obvious I wasn't paying much attention the last couple of days."
"Yeah I guess," he chuckled. "What was all that about anyway?," he asked, to which you simply shrugged. He squinted at you, but then rolled his eyes and then picked up the remote for the tv. "Oh well, you're better now, right?"
You winced, but you were glad Flash still wasn't looking your way. "Sure."
"Wanna take off your jacket? You're not outside anymore y'know."
And that's where the problem started.
You didn't know why, but you could look over knowing you were depressed. You'd easily come to terms with it. But it was the small things in normal conversations that hit you harder than anything else. Small little suggestions that you couldn't hide it all from everyone. Hell, you couldn't even take off a damn jacket like everyone else.
"I'm fine," you answered. "So... um, about that project?"
"Yeah," he said leaning forward. "You got the instruction papers or whatever?"
You gave him a look, confused. "I never picked them up. I thought you had the papers."
"I don't fucking pay attention in that boring ass class."
"So what was the purpose of me even coming here if we can't even do anything?," you snapped.
He just shrugged.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
He shrugged again.
Your jaw clenched. Cecilia was right. "Obnoxious dumbass..."
You turned to walk back out of the front door before turning back around. "Hey Flash?"
He looked at you and grunted in acknowledgment.
"Were you just crying before I came in or are you just high?"
"High," he said rather quickly. "Why? Are my eyes red?"
You nodded. "Yeah."
"Fuck," he mumbled. "Want some?"
"Nah I'm good-" But he was already gone down the long hallway of his home. "Flash?"
You stood there, waiting for about five minutes before deciding that he wasn't coming back. Great.
So now you could either go get him, leave, or just continue standing there awkwardly.
And due to your lack of better judgment, you did the most classic horror movie move and walked further into a house that you weren't familiar with to go look for a guy you barely knew. If I die, I die, you thought with a shrug.
Walking into the long hallway the first thing you noticed was the abundance of doors. You weren't a stalker, so you didn't bother to look into any, but you could've swore you saw a room full of spiderman pictures and newspapers through the crack of one of them. Fucking weird.
In an attempt not to succumb to your curiosity, you walked faster down the hall. You stopped in your tracks when you heard sniffles. Whimpering? Whatever noises someone makes when they're crying. Someone was crying, that's for sure. And you were also pretty sure Flash was the only one in the house.
'Walk away [Y/N]. This isn't your business.'
But of course you walked closer, and the sniffles got louder. Until you found yourself opening the door and coming face to face with a crying Flash on the floor in the middle of some gaming room.
"Shit!," he yelled, turning away and attempting to cover up his crying with obnoxiously fake coughing.
"Are you okay?," you asked.
"I'm high," he kept repeating in mumbles, desperately reaching for something. "I'm just high, okay? Fuck."
You watched as he continued to search for whatever he was making it seem like he looking for. You wanted to reach out and maybe say something, anything that would make him feel better. But you knew that probably wouldn't help.
After all, it never helped you.
"I'm just... really fucking high right now, alright?"
He seemed incredibly off, even with the squirrelly, rude way he was being earlier. Like he was just trying too hard at something.
You were at a loss for words. You knew it was wrong, but the only thing you could think of was, hm. Rich boy's actually got some issues.
When he finally turned around, his face was dry and he carried a bong in his hands, lighting it and practically shoving it into his mouth in a weak attempt to cover up his unsteady breathing.
"Thought you left," he said, staring at the floor.
Realizing you'd been standing at the doorframe awkwardly, you moved to sit on the floor, opposite to him. "Well, you kinda offered me some weed and then left, I think."
"I thought I heard you say no though."
"I did..." you gulped. "But..I still stayed though."
And now you sat here with Flash and his bong.
He sat back on the side of the chair, his back leaning against it as he blew out the smoke. "Wanna try?," he offered, holding the small object up to you. He didn't wait for you to respond before setting it up again for you and passing it.
Without a word, you took it and breathed the smoke in. You sucked it up and felt it fill your lungs before leaning back and blowing it out, letting out a small cough afterwards. "Thanks."
"Fuck, you're a pro," Flash chuckled.
You shook your head and shrugged. "No. Common sense just tells you how it works, I guess."
"I feel that."
You hummed in amusement.
And then suddenly it was quiet again.
You fucking hated silence.
Luckily, Flash was a talker. Or so you thought.
At school there wasn't a dull moment if he was there. But now, seeing him in his home, he was quiet as a mouse. Contemplative. Searching.
"Say something," you said, earning a confused look from the boy in front of you.
He squinted. "Say what? I don't even know you."
You rolled yours eyes, shrugging. "Look, whatever was going on before I came in here, it's not my business, man. I only said to fucking speak."
Flash groaned. "About what?"
"I dunno," you answered. "I just don't like the quiet. Say anything you want. Just... talk."
"Um.." he looked up at the ceiling. "I got some new shoes the other day." He pointed at the Jordan's on his feet. "My mother got it shipped in from where she's out on business in Bora Bora."
Something about the way he said it made you sure that she wasn't out "on business".
"My butler is out today cuz it's his niece's birthday. She'd be cute enough, if her nose wasn't so big. It's like the wicked witch of the west."
You scrunched up your nose, imagining a younger version of wicked witch minus the green skin.
"Umm, I dunno uh, chocolate chip cookies are better than sugar cookies?"
You snorted at that. Now he was just thinking of anything.
"And uhh, I'm having spaghetti tonight.. and- well I don't know what you really want dude I'm just kinda.. life is just too boring to always have something to say for every second of every day, [Y/N]!," he suddenly snapped.
"Woah dude, chill." You blew out another round of smoke and handed Flash the bong. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was asking for too much."
He held his hand over his forehead. "Nah you're fine," sighed. "It's just- you ask that cuz I talk alot at school right? Yeah that makes sense I guess. I-I'm sorry," he rushed out before going back to the small contraption.
You'd been snapped at alot in your life. Way too many to count. But from those experiences you gathered a small truth; if someone has snapped at you over the smallest thing, they probably have something else going on. Or most likely a couple of things, piled up and ready to blow.
And you could smell that on Flash from a mile away.
"Flash, what's your real name?"
He paused, lifting his mouth from the bong. "Flash is my real name," he lied before passing it back over to you.
"No it's not," you stated, picking up another bag and the lighter up beside you for the bong, no longer satisfied with the loss of flavor. "I don't pay that much attention but I know for a fact that's not your name."
He rolled his eyes, quickly becoming frustrated with the conversation. "Eugene."
"Nice," you said, contemplating your next move. "So.. what does Eugene feel right now? Not Flash, but Eugene."
He reached over each practically snatched the bong away from you.
"Eugene is feeling annoyed, and frankly aggravated because some girl he barely knows is asking too much of him."
"Hey I'm only asking for what you'll give me," you said, throwing your hands in your defense.
"Well what about you?," he accused. "You're always down in the dumps, staring at the wall, looking all depressed 24/7 so how about you start talking? I mean, are you fucking okay?"
"No," you answered blandly. "Not in the slightest. Your turn. What does Eugene feel, Flash? Is Eugene, quote, 'fucking okay'?"
Flash scoffed. "What're you trying to say, that I'm depressed?"
"I never said that."
"Oh fuck that, you implied it!"
"I didn't-"
"You don't fucking know me, [Y/N]," he spat out, throwing the bong on the floor, watching as you picked it up before the water spilt. "You don't fucking know what I'm going through everyday, so please don't be like everyone else and tell me what I am, okay?!"
Were you being rude prying into his life? Totally.
Had you reached the level of nonchalantness with your and practically anybody else's wellbeing that you really couldn't possibly bring yourself to care? Yes.
And was Flash finally cracking? Completely.
"Flash is fake. And obnoxious. And rude," you deadpanned. "I wanna meet Eugene. See how he's doing."
Flash scoffed, looking for a comeback. You could see the expressions on his face flickering like random. Annoyance. Sadness. Want.
You were no psychologist but anyone with a brain could see what he was going through.
The two of you sat in silence again. But you didn't really mind it this time. You were waiting. Even without actually speaking, Flash was telling you everything about him.
Takes one to know one.
"Eugene's aggravated," he finally said, his eyes becoming watery. "Eugene's fucking angry all the time because people only seem to want Flash." He gave you a bitter smirk before averting his eyes to the ground. But you let him. If that's what was easiest for him, then whatever.
"And people assume things about Eugene all the damn time so eventually he decided -what the hell- he'll just give em what they want. And Eugene's fucking pissed because he knows for a fact that if he were to just disappear, no one would fucking care. His old man would just put him in the ground and everyone would be back to normal before fucking dinner." His breath was heavy and you could see mocha skin begin to turn a dark red. "And most of all he's pissed because he's been able to hide for so long and some girl just strolls in and figures him out."
And now here you were just there with Eugene and his bong.
You'd lost count of how much you'd smoked, and you knew he did too. But it didn't matter.
Nothing did anymore.
Not the pressure from your parents. Not the endless cycle of running through all the motions without actually taking anything in. Not even the stupid project that was worth half your grade that'd brought the two of you together in the first place.
Life was full of nothing just in millions of various forms.
Things dressed up and decorated to seem all fancy and important but in the grand scheme of things were just was worthless as you were.
You looked at Flash's home and all you saw was fancy nothing. Wealthy nothing. And you looked at his clothes and all you could possibly see was nothing.
And looking at Flash, you saw a nothing that was attempting to cover up something.
But looking at Eugene, you saw something.
Sadness. Neglect. Pain.
He was completely naked to you.
"You should probably stop," he mumbled, finally opening his eyes and sitting up a bit. "You're looking at me all weird." He reached for the bong, laying it aside once he grabbed it.
"Is that a bad thing?," you asked.
"No," he responded with a small shrug. "...just scares me is all."
You smirked. The only resemblance of a smile you'd been able to make in a long while. "And how do I, of all people, scare you, Eugene?"
You could see his jaw clench. Could see him debating with himself. Even relaxed from the weed, his eyes still darted around the room, and he was shaking his head the tiniest bit. Finally he looked back at you.
"Because -fucking somehow.. you see me-" a tear rolled down his face. "You actually see me. Not Flash... You see Eugene."
His mother's words rang through his ears like a cautionary tale. Real men don't cry. Don't be weak, like your father...
But he wanted to be. So badly he wanted, just for one moment, to be weak and to be able to fall into someone's arms and not act like he was always okay on his own. To not act like he didn't desperately yearn for someone's compassion. Someone's trust.
Flash was fun. Flash was the cool, funny side character in everyone's story. Flash was the picture perfect of everything he wanted to be.
"-And Eugene's a mess," he let out in a small, quiet sob, his expression not moving, though the tears streamed down his face. "I'm just high... that's why I'm saying all this crap. I'm just being dumb and high. Forget all this. I never said anything okay?"
You wouldn't see him break. Not some girl he just met...
Regardless of how he already felt about you.
He slowly looked back up at your face, fully expecting to see pity or disgust. Instead, your face remained neutral like his, and you were crying too.
"I don't think you're a mess Eugene." You sat up straighter, moved a little closer. "Just hurt."
He gave a bitter chuckle. "Isn't basically everybody?"
You shook your head slightly. "No...at least I don't think so. Everyone goes through something- and then there are those people that, in some sick way, want to be hurting.. but with people like us.." You found yourself grabbing his hand, not even thinking for what reason. You just did. "With us.. it's real. And not some temporary problem," you whispered. "It won't ever stop."
Eugene looked back at you again and it was over for him. He felt small. He felt naked. He felt fucking pure.
And then it happened.
You went in for a hug and he went in for a kiss.
But he made it first... and you didn't push him away.
Feeling his lips on yours.. wasn't bad. It surprised you at first, but ultimately it was pleasant.
He sighed against your lips and you could taste the smoke in between the two of you. You hadn't had much experience with guys before. Practically nonexistent if you were being honest, but that didn't matter. Eugene pressed his kiss firmer on yours, and you began to reciprocate his movements.
He held the side of your head lightly as he pulled away, his face growing further apart from yours the slightest bit. He rubbed his nose against yours. You both closing your eyes.
"Stay here with me," he pleaded softly, his breathing slightly erratic. "I-i won't try anything, I swear. I just..." He sniffed and used his shoulder to wipe away at some of the tears on his cheek. "You really see me. A-and I see you, y'know? And we're just-"
You nodded, taking your hand to run through his hair. "Okay," you whispered. "I'll stay."
A small smile started to break through his tears. "Thank you," he mumbled against your cheek before planting a soft kiss onto it.
Your mind was blank. You couldn't think of more than one thing at a time. But you knew one thing; you wanted to be there. That much you were sure of. You still weren't happy. You weren't safe. Just content with this idea of change.
For once, you weren't overly sure of what you were doing. It wasn't routine.
For once, you felt like something was different.
----------Back on the other side of town-----------
You weren't home.
Peter had finished his patrol, swung to your apartment, and you were nowhere to be found.
"No. N-no please don't do this," he pleaded to himself. "Be in the bathroom. Please just be somewhere. Come on, get in here."
He'd already looked through every window available and he could only hope you were in some inside room. Your bed was completely untouched.
"I should've reached out to you. Fuck! I should've done something. Just please be alive..."
He waited anxiously to see if you'd show, even sending a drone to Cecilia's address to see if you were there in the meantime. "I-I'm so sorry I- just please! Be at a friend's house! Something!"
He didn't even realize how much he was shaking. How much your life was in his hands. If you were dead, he'd never forgive himself.
"She's not at the Gulliver residence, Peter. Are there any other places you'd like for me to check?," E.D.I.T.H asked.
"She's somewhere!," he yelled out. "It's one in the morning on a school night. Find her! Please...."
He looked back toward the window. After while he didn't even know how much time had passed. He was just staring. Waiting for you to walk through that door. And when you never came he could only hope that you'd be at school.
"I'll help you," he whimpered. "Just..please. Please just stay alive long enough for me to try."
Lmao don't worry y/n won't end up with Flash and this certainly won't end up being a love triangle
Taglist - @eridanuswave, @imahardcase, @jules-and-gemss, @yetchann, @captainamericasdaughter, @starlight-starks, @everydaymj, @rubberducky-jrr, @chiaramrvl, @dreamofaprilsblog, @hello--zuko-here, @spidey-mads, @cuddlefishpeter
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vtmb2s · 4 years
Pre-Relationship + Cecelia and Carlo 💕
How did they first meet?
Oh you know... at Salieri’s in 1928, when Cecilia was trying to beg for protection/a job after getting into trouble at Morello’s peanut factory. Carlo was probably just sitting around at the bar because he has nothing to do anyway when he’s not driving. He talked to her while she was waiting for someone to get the don and she was like 🙄 okay whatever...
What was their first impression of each other?
Carlo annoying guy mindset thinking she’s cool and beautiful and all that, the hottest girl who’s ever set foot into the bar or whatever. Cecilia pretty much ignored him, she was there to solve her problems not talk to some random guy.
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
Most people at the bar certainly didn’t, no one really cares enough for Carlo or takes him seriously enough to care about his personal life or anything. Paulie probably makes fun of it and is like haha Carlo has a girlfriend 😂 [goes home to his couch and lives his little incel life], but besides that none of the other guys really care. I think Sam would have that kind of reaction too but in an even dumber way where he thins it’s cringe that Carlo doesn’t have to pay to get c****** (unfortunately he gets p***** by a woman taller than him in the future so he wins :// ).
Carlo’s mom would probably want them to get together though, she probably knows Cecilia somehow before they start dating, she’s a nice girl and all that 😌 I don’t think Cecilia’s friends (the other girls) were really rooting for them most of the time because Cecilia didn’t even realize she liked him like that (tm) until one day before they got together but you know... Sarah is the one to mention it to her and Olive, Julia & Miriam would be like wooh yes! Not Miriam because she probably wouldn't say anything about it, good for them though!
Who felt romantic feelings first?
CARLO... which was unrequited for three years, he thought she was hot from day 1 and it kind of became a real crush/almost love really quick but Cecilia didn’t really see him as anything more than a friend & was too oblivious to really take his advances seriously :/ The gut punches when she sits beside him and leans her head against his shoulder and tells him she’s glad to has him as a friend.. her good buddy 💔
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Neither... Carlo kind of, but it’s more in a way where she doesn’t realize he likes her and that he’s been flirting with her for ages, so he eventually kind of settles into being her friend and accepts that she’s never going to see him as anything more than a friend. He also genuinely likes her so their friendship means something to him too 😔
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
Hmmm i think Carlo would be like LOL that’s stupid. [continues to think about her for the rest of the day] and Cecilia... well, technically this DID happen in a way, Sarah randomly mentioned that Carlo likes her and she was like omg what 😂 that’s nonsense... haha... wait nvm it makes sense.... maybe i like him back.. maybe im in love with him 😳😳
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zalrb · 5 years
Do have favorite reunion scenes for couples? (Like Jonsa s6)
Oh fun!
Two scenes in Goblin between Eun Tak and Shin
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because they’re both cathartic and dramatic af at the same time
The 2x11 Stefan and Elena reunion because it’s ridiculous.
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Stefan was in the tomb for what, a day and a night?? And they’re acting like it’s been a decade. It’s hilariously sweet.
The 3x03 reunion
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because duh.
Rosalee and Noah in Underground.
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I’m choosing the angsty, sad one because she doesn’t end up rescuing him here (he doesn’t die) but I just love that he was obviously despairing and then he hears the whistle that he and Rosalee came up with and sees her there and all that hope and love and affection.
Scott and Kira’s rain kiss
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because it’s amazing.
And the rescue
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I love it because Scott rolls out like a badass there to help her fight and then when he gets her into Stiles’ car, the two of them don’t even say ‘hi’, their hello is a kiss and her mother and Stiles are in the front seats like uhhhhhhhhhh.
Madi and Silver
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Come on, that’s pretty epic.
Jon and Sansa
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As mentioned.
Arthur and Merlin
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The only Merthur hug we ever got and Merlin doesn’t even remember it!
Klaus and Stefan
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Because you two look like you’re running into an old lover that you still have the hots for, the fuck?
Mickey and Ian
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I mean, this line is kind of everything.
Joon Hee and Jin Ah.
I actually really love this reunion scene a lot because it’s not necessarily a happy reunion, it’s an angsty, emotionally charged reunion because their breakup was terrible but they were (and still are) very much in love with each other and it’s been months to year since they’ve seen each other and the reunion is dramatic in just how emotional it is but it’s not, like, physical drama and it’s very realistic and heartbreaking.
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Jax and Tara
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It’s one of their few cute, giddy scenes and I was smiling because Jax spent two years in prison so, looking at both of them I was like, yeah man, get yours.
Ash and Michael
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It was through hologram and it was still so charged, I was screaming the entire time. 
Buffy and Angel when he comes back from the Hell Dimension
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Like I’ve said in the past, I just have a thing about men falling to their knees in front of the person they love so every time I watch this scene I’m like yessssssssssssssss.
Cecilia and Robbie in Atonement
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Ugh, this scene breaks my heart all the time.
Arwen and Aragorn in RoTK
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It’s just a really sweet scene and super cathartic and when Liv Tyler said that every time the banner moved, they would start laughing, I was like, well you two made it work!
Q and Monica … OK I’m cheating with this one because it’s not REALLY the reunion scene, he sees her in a scene before that when she gets back from Europe but this scene is, like, basically right after that and she’s confessing and I consider it the real reunion, lol (poor Tyra Banks though)
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Nick in June in season 3
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I actually squealed.
Hwi and Seon-Ho
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They have so many reunions and I love all of them but I’ll choose this one because it was EPIC.
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thefudge · 5 years
Do you have any fic ideas you like but haven't written yet?
oh boy, do i! 
there are far too many to mention, but here’s 6 i really want to write/finish someday:
1. shireen baratheon/night king fic - lol, okay, people are gonna scratch their heads. basically, i think shireen’s grayscale would make her semi-immune to the Others’ touch, like she’d withstand it better. and when she and her mother are brought to Castle Black, the Others beyond the Wall start sensing her. particularly The Night King. this would be less romance and more psychological/existential horror with some trash elements. fight meeee. 
2. kitty covey/josh (to all the boys i’ve loved before) - yeah so the youngest sister and the jilted boyfriend fall for each other as she grows up, aka the little women AU no one asked for (sorta laurie/amy). i’ve had this on my mind for aaages, i’ve even written 1k words of it, i just have to find the time/energy to finish it someday 
3. briony/robbie (atonement) - AU where he lives and cecilia dies and he wants revenge on briony for all the misery she brought him. another one that’s been haunting me for years, i’ve written 5k words of it so far, it’s a word doc i keep coming back to, year after year, hopefully i’ll finish it one day!
4. mary bennet /darcy (p&p) - the fucked-up modern AU where darcy and elizabeth have separated, but are still in love. mary, meanwhile, has become good friends with gigi. it��d be a oneshot of a summer holiday in greece where georgiana invites her to spend time with her but darcy shows up at the summer house and he and mary hook up briefly and it’s sad and sobering and all kinds of messy/tangled, but eventually he returns to lizzy and they reconcile, precisely because of his connection with mary. yeaaah. i’m weird. 
5. cormoran/robin - i’m fiiiinally reading Lethal White and i kinda wanna write a smutty oneshot of them just to do something with that amazing tension, but i kind of want to make it angsty and weird. if and when. 
6. sigh, this one’s a real bummer but i’d like to one day write a bit about virginia woolf’s girlhood and the incestuous and toxic family ties she had with her sister and stepbrothers (cuz whew…)
i should mention i also have a roman/gerri (succession) fanfic in mind where karaoke is involved, and part 2/sequel to my jack/sarika fic is in the works and if i ever watch Joker i’ll write some arthur/sophie for sure and so many moooore gaaah my gemini brain
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gotatext · 5 years
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PREFERRED NAME — nora. i think i started going by it in like, 2009?? my full name is eleanor but i hated it n thought it was way too pretentious n i never felt like it fitted me so when i started writing on forums i decided i’d be a nora rather than eleanor and then my school friends called me it and it just kinda stuck, the only person who calls me eleanor is my mum
PRONOUNS — she / her / ethereal being beyond comprehension
AGE — 23 but i tell everyone im 21 because even tho time is literally fake im desperately clinging to that fleeting thing we call youth trying to catch it like smoke in my hands
PINTEREST — i actually have two. this one is my main one where i just cram all my shit n i’ve had it for years and some of its super unorganised. then i also have this one which is one i made for exclusively female characters. it started as mythological figures but now its like, women in literature and the occasional oc as well. variety is the spice of life!
DISCORD — lindsay lohan’s meth#8664
TUMBLR (PERSONAL/MUSE/RPH) — i used to be froseths but now im pvrscphones cos ya gal is a fucking whore for mythology 
OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA YOU’D LIKE TO SHARE — oi oi guvna ere’s me twitta. also here’s my letterboxd n my goodreads if anyone still uses tht
MYER-BRIGGS — enfp / infp border .... the classic profile of a lit student
HP HOUSE — hufflepuff, am fuckin mad. 
ZODIAC — libra which is a joke because i am in no way balanced but i guess i AM indecisive and a peacekeeper so?
DO YOU BELIEVE IN ASTROLOGY? — i believe it when it says good shits gonna happen in my life and blame it if bad shit happens but i don’t strongly follow it i just find it interesting
HOW OLD WERE YOU WHEN YOU STARTED RPING ON TUMBLR — maybe like 14?? my first rp blog here is literally so embarassing i wrote as clove from the hunger games n my best friend irl wrote cato :/ it was wild
WHAT YEAR WAS IT? — like 9 years ago?? 2010 maybs
NAME A RANDOM ROLEPLAY THAT STICKS OUT IN YOUR MEMORY — me n my friend ellie made this really cool group the summer before we left for uni which was loosely based on a concept mentioned mayb once in the divergent series, but it gave us loads of freedom to make it our own thing. it was called the fringe n it was like..... this dystopian society where people with different genes were cut off from the rest of society n lived in overrun slum cities where different groups had like, a monopoly over weapons, produce, etc.... my character jack was the leader of this lost-boy-esque tribe called the wolf pack who were hunters n used to run across the rooftops wearing the skins of animals they’d killed and engage in tribal rituals with sacrifices to the gods n shit. sounds lame but everyone there was so invested in their character arcs that it was a shame to see it go. but ! it kind of reached its end point so we blew it up w nukes n they all died. tragic.
WHAT WEIRD ANIMAL WOULD YOU HAVE AS A PET IF IT WAS REALISTIC — a fox?? do ppl keep foxes? idk i’ve always just felt a sense of connection w them like when a fox stares at me im like this shit is life i am living and breathing in this bitch.... visceral
NAME THE FIRST SONG ON YOUR DISCOVER WEEKLY ON SPOTIFY OR THE FIRST SONG THAT COMES ON APPLE MUSIC / ITUNES SHUFFLE — everbody party tonight by cobra man n summer girl by haim..... not my usual stuff but big summer chillin vibes,.....
NAME A BOOK THAT YOU READ IN SCHOOL THAT YOU SURPRISINGLY LIKED — lord of the flies and also the handmaid’s tale. one of assignments was to write a chapter from another character’s perspective n i chose moira
NAME A BOOK YOU HATED THAT MOST PEOPLE LIKED — skellig. fuck off with ur asprin ugly bat man i don’t care. also of mice and men. don’t care about the rabbits or curley’s goddamn wife.
WHAT TV SHOW DID YOU RECENTLY BINGE? — im not a big binger bc i find it jst makes me depressed if i watch tv all day but im nearly finished stranger things season 3 n i recently finished euphoria (big rec but proceed w caution as quite triggering content)
FAVOURITE QUOTE — cool girl speech from gone girl. but also “there’s something dangerous about the boredom of teenage girls” i know its like.... such an overused quote but it really encapsulates this kind of feral girlhood that a few of my characters like bridget n greta have tapped into. i also loved the line “i feel like i could eat the world raw” from song of achilles, that really captures this kind of.... pure n childlike enthusiasm tht i wanna achieve w rory 
LINK TO A VINE THAT EXUDES YOUR ‘ENERGY’ — this is my energy completely am always covered in glitter n staring broodily out of the windows of ubers at 4am like im in the sad bit of an indie film 
DO YOU WRITE OUTSIDE OF RP? WHAT DO YOU WRITE? — uhh.... not as much as i shd.... i want to be a writer so i shd be makin some effort to get my stuff Out Into The World but im just not.... lol. ive done a lot of poetry collections . i wnt to finish a novel @ some point too.
THREE YOUTUBERS YOU STILL TRUST — bold of you to assume i trust any youtubers
A CELEBRITY CRUSH THAT JUST WON’T QUIT — id literally die for saoirse ronan n timothee chalamet :/ chance perdomo also owns my ass. 
EVER MEET A CELEBRITY? SHARE YOUR STORY — i once high-fived dani harmer, the actress who played tracy beaker. today my sister text me tryin to make me guess what celebrity she just saw on holiday in wales and for ages she let me think it was timmothee but it was actually bradley walsh from the chase :/
WHAT’S YOUR PICTURE-PERFECT NIGHT? — i am in a bomb ass crop top and mini skirt, several scrunchies in my hair, glitter all over my face, wearing cowboy boots. we eat dinner in a trendy but affordable pub that doubles up as a cocktail bar n then we drink zombies or sex on the beaches n go to a rave where everyone is on the same wavelength n i share drugs with girls in the toilets and we swap numbers knowing we will never text each other but its ok bc in that moment we feel like we are soulmates and everyone is super drunk n touching everyone else n its all very visceral and we walk through the woods when the rave ends and lie in the grass because we wish to suck out all the marrow of life 
A CONSPIRACY THEORY YOU KINDA BELIEVE IN — princess diana was murdered 
ARE ALIENS REAL? — maybe the real aliens are the friends we made along the way
PLAY ANY PHONE GAMES? WHICH ONES? — love island game im addicted and way too invested in my fictional relationship with bobby, a cartoon
WHAT’S A FILM YOU LOVED WHEN YOU WERE YOUNG AND RECENTLY WATCHED, ONLY TO FIND OUT YOU DON’T ANYMORE — bold of u to assume i remember my childhood. but if we’re talking last 10 years angust, thongs n perfect snogging is so so cringe 
DO YOU COLLECT ANYTHING? — pairs of glasses belonging to other ppl when they break / get new ones even though i can see perfectly well. 
WHAT’S SOMETHING YOU WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT BUT YOU’RE TOO LAZY? — mythology...... always a craving and a wish i’d read like ancient texts but my school wasn’t good enough to do greek or latin or any of that shit n even tho i could read english translations i cant be bothered. also criminal psychology
MOVIE YOU’VE WATCHED MORE THAN 5 TIMES — ladybird, about time, angus thongs, shrek 2, what we do in the shadows, the history boys, atonement, coraline, the breakfast club, ferris bueller’s day off
NAME A FICTIONAL CHARACTER FROM TV/FILM/MOVIE/GAME/BOOK THAT YOU FIND YOURSELF PROJECTING ON / YOU RELATE TO — cecilia lisbon. rue in euphoria. alison brie in glow. adam parrish in the raven cycle. richard papen. olivia cooke’s character in thoroughbreds. allen ginsberg in kill your darlings. lily in sex education. holliday grainger’s character in the film animals --- i too am an aspiring writer who never writes and just gets drunk instead .
HOBBIES BESIDES WASTING AWAY HERE? — i go to the movies basically every day bcos i work in a cinema. im also a voracious reader n i occasionally do theatre or costume making
PLUG A TV SHOW / MOVIE / BOOK / VIDEO GAME / ETC… YOU WISH MORE PEOPLE WOULD CHECK OUT — where the wild things are (film by spike jonze).  animals. beats. the book fen by daisy johnson and a girl is a half formed thing by eimar mcbride. andy warhol’s biography from a to b and back again
WHOSE BRAIN WOULD YOU LIKE TO PICK, ALIVE OR DEAD? — phoebe waller-bridge on how i get her life. carey mulligan on how she got to be such a good actress n how i can become her. maybs wes anderson. maybs gillian flynn. i tend to listen to podcasts w the ppl i really wanna pick the brains of.
LAST MOVIE SEEN IN THEATRE — blinded by the light n i lovd it
DO YOU STILL READ? — when i finished uni i kinda got out of the habit but this week i finished two books so ive set myself the challenge of a book a week.
IF SO, WHAT ARE YOU CURRENTLY READING? — i finished song of achilles yesterday n i also finished call me by your name yesterday. started circe by madeline miller today, im also partway through milkman by anna burns and the plays of annie barker
ON A SCALE OF 1-10, HOW MUCH DID YOU HATE FILLING THIS OUT? – 3 i didnt hate it bcos at heart i am self-indulgent and love fashioning some sense of self when i feel lost in a world that is scary and constantly changing 
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tambelon · 6 years
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@ask-terracotta-jade @askpenwright @miss-sheepy
Anyways!! Meet Flea! She is my werewolf druid :D (Flea’s not her real name btw, her friend gave her that name)
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Since my bf is our DM, he let me use her as a werewolf with some modifications, mainly she’s not so resistant to....well, everything.  Shit still hurts.  She’s what is known as a Moon-touched werewolf, so she’s born into lycanthropy.  They can have humanoid forms and stuff but mainly they stay like big woofs :D Moon-cursed are the usual werewolves people know about and the freakin indestructible ones lol
Session 0 was mainly a roleplay chat in Discord, Flea tried to pass herself as a longtooth shifter but clearly failed due to some bad rolls.  She was travelling with my friend’s dragonborn, Vasira, before they met up with my bf’s PC, Viktor the Kobold, and @askscribbly​‘s goblin, Popper.  Viktor’s kind of like... a party member NPC that does more lol.  We just wanted my bf to join the fun ok and Viktor is a delight.  
Viktor mentions a problem in the nearby town of Blackwood with him looking into another incident dealing with a wife’s husband missing, who turns up dead on the road with a note in his pocket from the brother in Blackwood.  The four decide to group up and see the problem through since why not, they’re all going there anyways.
Session 1 starts off with them entering Blackwood, the four directly heading to the tavern.  Flea’s allowed to have a normal wolf form that doesn’t count as Wildshape, so she’s in that because... well, a normal wolf is less terrifying than a fricken werewolf and everyone else in the party minus Vasira are kind of races that get kicked around.  They enter the tavern: Popper instantly looks around and sees a hooded figure at a table doing card tricks, so he’s gonna go look over there, Vasira went to the bar to speak to the tavern owner, Fritz.  
And Flea? For technically the first rolled action she does in the live campaign?
She goes and begs for table scraps.  Had to roll for performance, which she has no bonus modifier in.
AND SHE GOT A 19.  SHE GOT THAT TABLE SCRAPS AND IS THE BEST DAMN WOLF EVER.  GODDAMN HILARIOUS.  These people are fucking enamoured with Flea in her wolf form.  
Viktor comes over and apologizes for ‘his dog’ and gets some info on how there’s no animals nearby.  Vasira learns about dead bodies missing and Popper... well, Popper made a friend. Vasira rents two rooms for the night and it was decided it would be Viktor and Vasira in one room and Flea and Popper in the other.  Flea has the cantrip to speak to animals, so she begins to perform that ritual so she can speak to Popper’s mount, a mastiff named Cecilia.
Was kind of a weird...philosophical session with the dog.  Flea doesn’t really know if she gained anything out of it, but she opened up to the dog because no one else can speak to the dog but Cecilia mentioned to keep what she said a secret haha.  Whew.  Definitely helped Flea feel less strict around Popper, but she was still on edge. Vasira and Viktor are having a helluva powerful talk downstairs and Popper was invited to the cloaked figure’s room.  TBH, ask @askscribbly​ about Popper and his adventures, I’m sure they’d love to expand LOL.  
Turns out to be a fucking scarecrow.  A SCARECROW.  AND THUS OUR FIRST BATTLE BEGINSSSS.
Vasira rages, Viktor attacks and has pack tactics, Flea tries primal savagery but nothin’ happening.  Physical attacks doing shit.  Flea almost gets knocked unconscious but survives with 1 HP, she’s pissed at this thing now. AND POPPER, DEAR LOVELY POPPER, HEALS HER.  AND SHE.  RIPS THAT FUCKING THING.  TO SHREDS.  LIKE A CHEW TOY.  And thus Flea got the first kill of the night.
There ends up being a letter tucked away and while Flea can read the script of the name signed at the end, Vasira can actually read Elvish, so they figure out it’s Popper’s friend, who’s name is Saelithia.  They approach her with questions and got confirmation it was written by her, so we went to her friend’s house who was named in the letter.  Popper found a journal nearly ellibile minus four entries and how a strange discus object was connected to Tom (the friend).
Next they headed to the tree where Tom was hung, Flea was able to use detect magic to see a conjuration chain and undead chain across the hole of the tree.  She stuck her paw in and it fucking hurt.  Viktor and Popper hit them too and it hurt as well.  Nobody learns a lesson and Vasira severely disappointed derg-mom.
They go back to Saelithia with the journal and she returns with them to the tree, but kind of stuck so they went to go check out the two other problems: missing bodies and missing wildlife.
They head to the cemetery, fucking undead attack and Vasira destroys them with firebreath.  Vasira finds a monastery in the graveyard and we find this gross and awful mass of flesh and shit causing the undead shit.  Popper gets knocked out but Flea returns the favor and heals the dude. Viktor kills it because he’s bad ass and I love him.
Afterwards they go to look what’s causing the wildlife to go missing, which turns out to be a Maw Demon.  OOF. Viktor and Vasira are doing close-range, while Popper and Flea stay back and do long range. Popper gets the final blow with sacred flame.  Our heroes are worn out and go back to the tree, finding the chains broken and the hole open.
...But before anyone could say they should rest, Flea charges in (probably high on the excitement) with Viktor chasing after her.  Vasira and Popper just kind of... stare off in disbelief  Vasira’s owner even drew it lol.
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And that’s where session 1 ended :D We got our next session next week and I’M PUMPED AHHH.
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inknerd · 5 years
April Wrap-Up 2019
In regards to reading, I feel like April started out really well and then kept rolling on just fine until the last week of the month; that’s when I had an exam to do and I also started my five-weeks practice at a school where I currently have a ton of things to plan and fix, aaaaaaaaahhh. Still I managed to read 11 books in April, which is fun.
ARCHENEMIES by MARISSA MEYER ★★★★☆ | 474 pages | 7 days to read | Published 2018
I have this thing with this series where I start the book and is like meh and gets annoyed at insignificant things just because and then it kicks into a higher gear and then I’m LIVING for it. I don’t know why I do this. + I like Nova as a character a lot. She has such interesting inner conflicts and argues with herself what the right thing to do is, and with the added Agent N in this book the discussion of who’s right, the Renegades or the Anarchist, becomes way more interesting than in the first book. - I still don’t like Adrian. Can’t explain it. I just don’t. I also can’t believe that more people haven’t figured out some stuff yet... 
THE COLD IS IN HER BONES by PETERNELLE VAN ARSDALE ★★★☆☆ | 288 pages | 5 days to read | Published 2019
This was a book I desperatly wanted to like. Because Medusa-inspired! That cover! Yeah, I thought I’d love this book to no end. Sadly, it didn’t really live up to my expectations, but was still a fine read. + The cover, the cover, the cover. This book is also inspired by the tale of Medusa but is set in a more Nordic setting (I recognised a lot of Swedish words okay, I’m obliged to like it). The story also has it beautiful and investing parts, and the book in general has a very nice message to it including knowledge, forgiveness, understanding etc. - I can’t say the characters were that interesting and while this book was short it felt like it dragged a bit, at the same time the ending was over very quick and felt anti-climatic.
GOODBYE, PERFECT by SARA BARNARD ★★★☆☆ | 300 pages | 1 day to read | Published 2018
+ This book dives into an interesting and disturbing subject, and it was very interesting to read while being... - ...somewhat frustrating? It feels somewhat wrong to say it but some decisions the characters did just made me annoyed rather than feel for them. In the end, this book was interesting but not really my cup of tea.
RED DOC> by ANNE CARSON ★★☆☆☆ | 171 pages | 2 days to read | Published 2013
This was another book I’d won rather than bought myself, and while I’m still interested in reading some more of Carson’s poetry, this book completely flew over my head. This was apparently a sequel to Autobiography of Red, which I haven’t read, but it’s supposed to be a standalone sequel. + I liked all the references to Proust’s In Search of Lost Time, despite not having read those books yet....lol, there’s also many references to greek mythology in general, so that’s nice. Several parts were also very beautiful. - As I mentioned... I didn’t quite get what was going on most of the time, and even when I think I got it I didn’t really like/understand it.
MIRAGE by SOMAIYA DAUD ★★★☆☆ | 311 pages | 2 days to read | Published 2018
I didn’t review this one directly after I’d read it, and while I remember liking it I have a hard time remembering it now... + I liked the worldbuilding just fine, but can’t wait to see it more realised. This book seems to spark with colour and definitely has an interesting premise. The different perspectives on a culture you can have depending on how you were raised to perceive said culture was also one of the more interesting sub-plots of this book. - There was this insta-romance that I did not care for at all, and I feel like there were different directions the plot could have taken to make it more exciting in the long run. The characters were meh.
VI ÄR ROMER by CECILIA KÖLJING & SOFIA HULTQVIST ★★★★☆ | 272 pages | 1 day to read | Published 2014
The 8th of April I went to the library to return a book and while there I found a smaller shelf they’d put up to celebrate the International Romani Day, this book being one they’d included. + It had so many nice pictures and life-stories, all of them centerering around Romani peoples’ experience in Sweden together with some general information about Romani history, culture etc. It was very educational, interesting and heartbreaking at the same time.
EDUCATED by TARA WESTOVER ★★★★☆ | 357 pages | 4 days to read | Published 2018
+ Very thought-provoking- well-written, and interesting read. It made me frustrated and sad and it was an overall emotional experience, you could say.  - It’s a bit hard to review memoirs, I think, but at times it felt very... dense? Like, it felt like I made no progress in reading it.
KRIS by KARIN BOYE ★★☆☆☆ | 214 pages | 6 days to read | Published 2012/1934
I’ve wanted to read one of Boye’s novels ever since reading and falling in love with her poetry, this book’s premise also sounded creepily appliable to yours truly; a 20-year-old studying to become a teacher in crisis? Yikes. Sadly, it didn’t live up to what I’d read of her before. + Parts of it were very beautiful and thought-provoking, and it was really interesting to see perspectives on mental illness and homosexuality in 30′s Sweden. - While thought-provoking, I didn’t really understand the full message behind it. It felt like it was digging for something and I just wasn’t getting it. Large parts of it were quite boring to read, actually.
THE WINTER OF THE WITCH by KATHERINE ARDEN ★★★★☆ | 384 pages | 1 day to read | Published 2019
The finale to the Winternight Trilogy! Nothing can really compare to the first book, The Bear and the Nightingale, even though the later two books in the series are very entertaining in their own right. + The characters, the romance, the magic...I am still completely in love with this world. - The third book definitely took some turns I wasn’t expecting, and while some of them were good there were others I wasn’t as invested in. Surprisingly, I wasn’t really interested in the more obvious blend of real russian history and this fantasy story; it felt a little clunky.
A CURSE SO DARK AND LONELY by BRIGID KEMMERER ★★★★☆ | 496 pages | 2 days to read | Published 2019
I’d heard both praise and kind of meh feelings about this book, but I was pleasantly surprised! While not having the most interesting plot I quickly got sucked in and couldn’t stop reading. Close to 500 pages just flew by. + The characters were fun and engaging and the romance had it’s charm, and while I thought the plot took some strange turns sometimes it didn’t hinder my enjoyment of this book much. - As mentioned, while somewhat investing I sometimes doubted the necessity of certain plot-points or twists, while not wanting to frown at them too hard since they might come more into play in the sequel. 
TO BEST THE BOYS by MARY WEBER ★★★☆☆ | 352 pages | 1 day to read | Published 2019
This book managed to surprise me, yet not necessarily in an entire good way? + The characters are somewhat interesting and this story really sucks you in and is pretty easy to read. It also has its twists and turn and manage to make me feel invested enough in them. - The characters, while somewhat fun to read about, feel like every-book stereotypes. Most confunding is that the maze the characters are supposed to get through are almost sidelined by everything else that is going on. I think it took like half the book before they even entered the competition? To me the scenes in the maze felt like the ones most boring and predictable in this book.
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americangirlca10 · 5 years
Return of Ryo (Pullip fic)
“Thank you very much for the dress miss Cecilia! It’s very pretty and perfect for my next music video.” 
“You’re welcome Rin! You look very cute, pink is a perfect color for you.”
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“Censors indicate a new challenger has arrived!”
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“It certainly has been a while, Cecilia.”
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“Oh my goodness, Ryo! You’re back from South America!” *jumps into his arms*
“Sorry I couldn’t write to you or call you. There wasn’t any service in South America and I didn’t have enough time to write.”
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“Confusion activated! Who is this boy?”
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“Rin, this is Ryo! He’s our tutor but he went to South America for some studying.” 
“Oh I see, she’s the Vocaloid girl I heard was getting popular online.” 
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“Hm...Sensing some kind of tension between you too. Oh I know! It must be ro-” 
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“Not now, Rin. Go back and sing or whatever you do. Ryo, what the hell took you so long?”
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“Well, I did tell you that the new discoveries in South America would take upwards of two years.” 
“It’d be nice if you at least spoke on the damn phone!”
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“It wasn’t like I missed much, I see you haven’t grown an inch in over two years.” 
“Shut up! Did you even read my letters about Ciel!?”
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“Ah, yes I did. I figured you weren’t who you were saying anything but even I don’t have the powers to sense lying twins.”
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“How many people knew but didn’t say anything!? Ugh...whatever...”
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“You’re going to go meet Ciel, I need to know if you’ll still be loyal to me. Come on, Cecilia.”
“I’ll see you later, Ryo!”
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“Ah, so you’re Ryo Asuka. At least you’re handsome, that’s good at least.”
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“A pleasure to meet you, Mr Phantomhive. I’m Professor Ryo Asuka, but you obviously know that.” 
“Nice to meet you, Professor Asuka.”
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“Now, tell me Ryo, do you plan to join my side in this upcoming fight between my brother and me? I can give you anything you want for your research.”
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“Tempting but my loyalty lays with your brother. He knows someone that’s the only human-ahem-person that I want to protect.” 
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“And I do intend to protect this person with my life. I at least hope you aren’t stupid enough to try and attack me. You really have no idea who follow me in the shadows.”
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“Then I hope you’re not stupid enough to mess with me either. I’m more than ready to unleash all of hell on you.”
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“Funny of you to mention hell. I assume Mr Michaelis didn’t mention who I really am?”
“As if I’m going to listen to that thing. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a...meeting with someone.”
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“Alois! Were you waiting long for me?” 
“Oh no, not at all. I couldn’t be bored anyway, especially when I’m waiting for you.”
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“Alois Trancy...I was hoping I wouldn’t have to see your face alive ever again.”
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“What’s with Ryo’s anger? Is he an ex of yours?”
“N-No...I don’t think so, only white haired boy I was with definitely wasn’t him. He’s jealous but I don’t blame him, I am pretty amazing.”
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*they leave holding hands*
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“First you tell Astre you’re with Cecilia out of love but secretly love his brother behind his back? If I hated you before, Mr Trancy, you’re on the top of my enemy list now.”
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“Ryo! Did you want to read in the library together?”
“Oh, miss Phantomhive, I’d be honored to read with you.”
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“Do you think we could have tea together too? I wanna hear all about your travels!”
“I’d be honored to.”
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“I shouldn’t be worried about this Ryo, right? He seems more like a crybaby than someone intimidating.”
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“Yeah...I wouldn’t worry, he’s just some overly smart bastard.”
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“As if I’d ever give any loyalty to the boys who are trying to hurt the only human I’ll ever love since Akira. Just wait until I tell Astre about you two.” 
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Yep! That’s the end this time!
Ryo has been a character I’ve planned to date Cecilia ever since I decided Ciel and Alois should be together instead. You may ask “Wait why the fuck did you pick Ryo from Devilman Crybaby!?” Weelll, it started thanks to the wonderful world of RP blogs lol
I was so inspired by a RP I did with a Ryo between him and Cecilia that I thought they’d actually be a really cute couple <3 Plus no existing character around Cecilia’s age is nowhere near sane enough or normal enough to date her as hilarious as that sounds xD
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myloveholtzy · 7 years
SNL Dress Rehearsal
I went to dress with @amnesianda​ and we were freaking out lmao This is FILLED with so many details. Too many details.
First off, waiting to get in. We got there at 6 but they told us to wait until 6:30. While we were waiting Kyle Mooney and Lorne Michaels walked by! So shocked, didn’t know if it would be appropriate to say hi or not so I didn’t do anything. We got in line and got our tickets. At that point, everyone was saying NO PHOTOGRAPHY….buuut I heard that you don’t get to keep your tickets so I went to the bathroom and snuck a pic lol
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The waiting room! It looks so nice, gray couches everywhere that were super comfortable. So many screens everywhere with slideshows of pics (some behind the scenes pics too). There were also 4 columns that displayed giant pictures (including one of kate with the pumpkin bong thing lmao) and occasionally played videos of the hosts’ monologues. There were also see-through curtains hanging everywhere! It was lovely.
They started calling people by wristband color and/or envelope number/character. Okay so I heard that some people that won the same contest had to sit in the balcony, so I did a lot of research to figure out how people got floor seats. A lot of people said floor seats were reserved for VIP guests, family and friends of the cast/crew, and random people. They would randomly select young, attractive people to sit there. So I thought RIP ME I guess I’m sitting in balcony, whatever.
We go into the elevator and get to floor 8. They took our tickets and told us to wait in line. The wall we saw had black and white cast photos from every season! After a while we noticed a dressing room with a name tag. ALEC BALDWIN. Yup, freaked out, not ashamed. Looked inside, but I didn’t see much. A guy came out and started explaining some rules and then he said, “the lighting director asks you to please don’t hang your purses or jackets on the back of your chair. Just put them underneath your chair.” So I was like okay whatever that’s fine, but then I thought, wait why would they care about the way people sit in the balcony..? SO THEN I REALIZED WE GOT FLOOR SEATS. More freaking out and tearing up because I was just so damn excited. Before we entered, we saw a hallway leading to dressing rooms and there was BECK!! I wanted to wave, but he couldn’t see me. Also 5 minutes before this, Mikey walked by and I couldn’t say hi. So that’s 4 people that walked by so far lolol
So we enter the studio, it’s beautiful and there’s so much detail in the set and the stage! The band was playing! People were running around everywhere! A page led us to our seats and we were in the FRONT ROW. More freaking out and tearing up. A lady saw me and smiled lol Lorne Michaels popped out of no where?? He was standing 5 feet away and I like tapped amnesianda. Was not subtle at all. He saw and he and another crew member laughed lol rip me why am I like this
Before the show started, everything was quiet and Lorne was just standing there so everyone started clapping lol made him laugh and he left. Didn’t see him again after that.
Michael Che came out and did some standup. It was pretty funny! BUT THEN Kenan, Vanessa, Kate, and Sasheer came out and started singing and dancing! I died. This was this first time I saw Kate that night and good god she looked absolutely beautiful! I couldn’t believe it. She was dancing right in front of me!! She looked over and I think she made eye contact with amnesianda!
Bobby was like so chill before the cold open! He did like a shimmy and made everyone laugh. Alec gets super focused before he goes on stage. He was looking at his reflection and checking his wig and I heard him take some really deep breaths. Also, I have 30 Rock playing in the background as I write this lolol can’t believe I saw Jack Donaghy in person
I don’t know which sketches they cut but I think they cut out a really good one starring Alex! Sasheer, Louis, Kyle, Beck, and Bobby were also in it. I mentioned the sketch to Alex and he was like “OH did you go to dress??” So ya guess they cut it rip it was one of my favorites of the night too
I saw Cecily watching herself on screen! I know most actors don’t like to watch themselves, but I think I saw Cecily smile! (not 100% sure)
While they were getting ready for The Chainsmokers first song, Louis C.K. was standing on stage getting ready to present. He saw me and amnesianda and waved! “Hi! How are ya?” I said good and smiled. He made a funny joke when they were counting down crew member: “5 seconds!” Louis: “Wait a second wait a second” crew member: ????? Louis: “lol I’m just kidding” everyone laughs
I love how Colin and Michael laugh through their jokes lolol After a bad (not bad as in offensive but just lol a bad joke) joke Colin would just break and cover his eyes and laugh lol After one joke Michael laughed really loudly and broke Colin lmao I think Colin said “I’ll get you back!” SASHEER WAS AMAZING HER DANCING WAS AMAZING AND I LOVE HER!!! I saw her giggle when she got off stage! ALRIGHT SO asfjlaafd Kate didn’t show up until weekend update. They do this thing where they have a black screen to block the WU guest so that people can’t see. I saw Kate’s slippers and started freaking out. She went past the screens so everyone could see her and she was watching WU. I was shocked I’m sorry I was staring. SHE CAUGHT ME STARING AT HER AASDFG I l looked away but ya made awkward eye contact why am I like this. Also I heard her laugh like four times! Her laugh is loud and beautiful. Made me so so happy! Cecilia is one of my favorite Kate characters so I was absolutely DELIGHTED. She makes such funny facial expressions! She kept touching and kissing Colin’s face lmao
They had me and amnesianda move around a few times bc our chairs were in the way of the cameras for 2 sketches (well 1 for me and 2 for amnesianda). But it was kind of cool to walk around while everyone else is running around and setting up!
Lmao Louis broke character during the tenement museum sketch. I heard he broke again during the live show. He had so much trouble with that accent lol and it made Kate smile and she made some hand gestures to encourage him to move on.
They replayed the Bubble sketch. I think it was just to buy time or something.
Before his second performance, the lead singer of The Chainsmokers (Andrew Taggart i think) was jumping around a lot to get warmed up. He jumped like 4 feet up!! He also jumped off the drum set?? Idk but he looked like he was having fun!
The cast seemed so tired during the goodnights! In case you were wondering, they wear the same clothes for the goodnights in dress and live. Kate and Cecily hugged a lot and were talking a lot. Kate also whispered something into Louis’s ear. Beck came out with a bald cap on and I was shocked because I thought he actually shaved his head lmao
I didn’t want to leave!! I walked past Alex and Melissa on the way out, so that’s 6 people I walked past lol There was someone else but I can’t remember who.
ANYWAYS BEST NIGHT EVER. I ran back to the apartment to grab presents for Kate and ran back and met her and made her smile and laugh and I just can’t believe it BEST NIGHT EVER
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scriptych · 8 years
50 Questions Tag
I was tagged by my fav wtfparkjimin  to do a 50 questions tag . Sorry I’m doing this all the way in April ~~
What’s your favorite candle scent? I really like lemon grass apparently and ocean breeze.
Which female celebrity do you wish was your sister? I think Eunji would be a cool sister; she takes care of her little bro really went and she’d be really easy-going and really chill in general.
Which male celebrity do you wish was your brother? There’s so many but if I had to narrow it down it would probably be Zayn, who seems to be a really sweet and caring bro, or Jackson, who’d be a really fun, dumb one that would make me laugh constantly (I could see him as being the protective type, too).
How old do you think you’ll be when you get married? Late 20’s to mid-30’s if I really think about it. I’m not really the relationship type.
Do you know a hoarder? Yes my dad -.- he likes to keep the most unnecessary items claiming he’ll use then “later”
Can you do a split? Lol no, but I can’t say I haven’t attempted and failed miserably.
How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike? Probably 9 or 10 and it was one of the most accomplished moments in my life since I taught myself tbrh
How many oceans have you swam in? I think 2? Pacific and Indian.
How many countries have you been to? Two, not counting all the stops I’ve made in between, but I hope to travel the world one day so my goal is 50 before I die.
Is anyone in your family in the army? No, not currently.
What would you name your daughter if you had one? If I had to pick a     vietnamese name it would probably be Mai and as for American, Jada or     Cecilia or Mona maybe. I also really like boyish names for girls, too.     Lol, I haven’t put much thought into names.
What would you name your son if you had one? Again, no clue but I like Parker for some reason.
What’s the worst grade you got on a test? I’ve gotten a 66% this year and I can’t remember anything else.
What was your favorite tv show when you were a child? What did you dress up as on halloween when you were eight?  My favorite tv shows as a kid were either Pokemon or Sailor Moon because I was a geeky Asian child. I think I was a ninja lol.
What did you dress up as on halloween when you were eight? A blue ninja and it was cute af. Or maybe a witch I think I’ve only ever bought like 3 costumes lol.
Have you read any of the harry potter, hunger games or twilight series? I’ve read and seen Harry Potter more times than I can count; it’s my favorite series without a doubt. Fair warning, I’ll try to group everyone in a house if I could so you’ll see a lot of Harry Potter au fanart or fics reblog (maybe written). I’ve read the Hunger Game series a few times too, but I’ve never even opened a Twilight book.
Would you rather have an american accent or a british accent? As cool as British accents may sound to me, I think I’ll stick to the American accent.
Did your mother go to college? No? I don’t think so
Are your grandparents still married? Yes, amazingly although they tend to argue every time I see them.
Have you ever taken karate lessons? No, my parents didn’t sign me up for extracurricular as     a child sadly.
Do you know who kermit the frog is? To quote Zahraa: “*sips tea* yeah, but thats none of your business”.
What’s the first amusement park you’ve been to? Six Flags
What language, besides your native language, would you like to be fluent in? I’ve been learning French for 2 years now and I’m aiming to be fluent by the time I graduate. I’d also like to be fluent in Vietnamese; I guess I am fluent but I’d like to know more words so i’m not struggling with I move away for simple topics. Japanese, Korean, and Spanish would be really cool too. Honestly, just give me all the languages.
Do you spell the color as grey or gray? Grey. I read on some tumblr post that that’s the “English way” because grE(ngland)y and I’m calling bs right now.
Is your father bald? Nope,  still has a full head of hair.
Do you know any triplets? No, but I love the Song Triplets.
Do you prefer titanic or the notebook? I haven’t seen The Notebook and I’ve seen maybe 40% of the Titanic, so it wins by default.
Ever had indian food? I’ve had curry but that’s as far as it goes. I’d like to widen my palate ,so I’m opening to any suggestions.
What’s the name of your favorite restaurant? I really like this little sushi restaurant called Cafe Mochi, but I prefer buffets to most restaurants.
Have you ever been to olive garden? Nope.
Do you belong to any warehouse stores (costco, bj’s, etc)? Nah, my parents would never pay for membership lol.
What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender? Hmm, never asked them that.
If you have a nickname, what is it? I don’t have a nickname since my name is already pretty short; however, Zahraa likes to call me ‘Annie’ sometimes.
Who’s your favorite person in the world? The person I’ve mentioned multiple times in this post already as well as the co-owner of this blog, my bestest friend in the world, Zahraa. We’ve been friends for so long that we know each other like the back of our hands and plus she’s amazing for putting up with me for this long. Other than her, it’s probably our other best friend, Lizzy, or my mom tbh.
Would you rather live in a rural area or in the suburbs? I’d rather live in the city, but if I had to pick the suburbs. I would run out of things to do in the rural area and end up sleeping 18 hours a day.
Can you whistle? No, I’ve never understood it and I feel like I’ve missed the appropriate age to ask someone to teach me.
Do you sleep with a nightlight? No, although I did sleep with a nightlight a lot later than everyone else I feel like.
Do you eat breakfast every morning? Yes, if I have school that day. On weekends, I sleep in way past breakfast.
Do you take any pills or medication daily? No.
What medical conditions do you have? None that I’m aware of.
How many times have you been to the hospital? For an illness: 2. In     general: more than 7?
Have you ever seen finding nemo? Yes, ofc. I’m alive aren’t I?
Where do you buy your jeans? Lol Marshall’s. They have quality jeans for less.
What’s the last compliment you got? My eyebrows look good (the only compliment I’ll ever need).
Do you usually remember your dreams in the morning? Yes, but they’re really weird and random.
What types of tea do you enjoy? I’d drink any tea (tea > coffee any day) but I like green tea and if I’m at Starbucks I’d order green tea lemonade with a pump of raspberry
How many pairs of shoes do you currently own? 6 maybe more.
What religion will you raise your children to practice? I’m not really religious (maybe Atheist, maybe Buddhist), so I’d let my children decide their own religion if they choose to have one.
How old were you when you found out that santa wasn’t real? My family doesn’t celebrate Christmas, so I’ve never believed in Santa. Yes, I’m one of those people (it actually says a lot about me). Even when we talked about it in school, it never added up to me. A fat guy in a white suit breaking into houses to deliver presents with flying reindeers as his prefered mode of transportation? I don’t think so.
Why do you have tumblr? I’ve had my other tumblr account since 2011 I’ve seen hell and back on this site, so I don’t really remember. I don’t even know how I even discovered what a Tumblr is.
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