#Hazbin hotel story
ratskinsuit · 7 months
Romantic Velvette x gn Reader story where Velvette and Reader were partners before they died and after a long time they were able to meet again in hell. I imagine it happened because Reader wanted to enter the fashion world and tried becoming a model for Velvette, and they didn't recognize themself at first but after a while they did and decided to get back together.
• 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙻𝚒𝚏𝚎 𝚃𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚑 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝙵𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝙾𝚗 •
Velvette x gn!Reader
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Tags: Gender-neutral reader, No smut, Fluff (Kinda), angst(kinda), mentions of drinking, smoking, and drugs, cursing, Velvette being kind of a bitch, slightly mean Velvette, her poor models, Velvette being a bad employer, but we love her, Velvette being kind of invasive and touchy with reader, I'm so so sorry
A/N: PLEASE I SAW THIS AND WAS SO EXCITED TO WRITE IT. I tried to keep her as in character as I can. I’m trying a different writing style but I hope it’s okay! I also couldent tell if you wanted them to not reconize themself or velvette and I’m so sorry if I messed up. I also know nothing about modeling so expect this to not be accurate, but I Hope you enjoy!
Hell. A place known to hold the sinners of the world above. Home to all the nasty fucked-ups, the murderers, and the evil of the human world in the afterlife.
You don’t know how you ended up here. You thought yourself of a good person in life. Of course you had the occasional slip-up and weren’t the best person at times, you weren’t perfect. But what human is?
Nevertheless, after a traffic mishap, you ended up in the world with red sky and trashed streets.
You woke up in an alleyway, on the ground. You slowly blink your eyes open, trying to adjust. You sit up with a groan, looking around, confused.
You spot a lizard looking man, leaning against the south wall of you, smoking a cigarette. He has eyes red, greenish grey scales going up from his neck to his scalp. He breathes out a puff of smoke. Eyes darting around the alleyway before landing on you, and he smirks at your staring.
“Something wrong?” He chuckles, taking in another hit.
You hesitate, glancing at him up and down. “Uhm… ex..excuse me, where am I…?” You as, nervously, earning you a laugh from the man.
“Oh, I’m guessing you just got here hm?” He breathes out the smoke, batting it away and flicking his purple tongue out. “Yeah, you smell fresh. Definitely new.”
You look at him confused, not understanding what he means, an obvious clueless look on you face.
The man leans off the wall, walking over to you and crouching over you. “Your in hell kid, You died” he says.
“Your… kidding..” You say, causing him to let out a cackle. “Nope. Welcome to the underworld.” He says, before chuckling, and walking off.
You sit there for a second, dumbfounded. After a moment you stand up, wobbly, but immediately feel dizzy, so you brace yourself against the wall.
Once your vision clears, you notice your hands, no longer there. Now replaced with dark claws.
You gasp, backing up, looking at them, turning them over and looking over them. You thought you would change wherever you went, but you were scared of what you look like now. You look around the alley, spotting a mirror.
You hesitantly walk over to it, standing in shock as you look at yourself in the mirror.
Running a now clawed hand softly over your changed face and body. Did you seriously die? You ask yourself, looking over at your new form.
Tears fill your eyes and you sniffle, trying to hold them back, blinking and wiping them away.
You let out a shaky exhale, taking one last glance at your appearance, before you begin to walk out of the alley.
Once exited, you blink your eyes, trying to adjust to the odd lighting, and begin to look around, walking and exploring for about an hour.
Demons and sinners litter the streets, walking, talking with each other, one person even getting beat up. Vending machines line the streets, and you walk over to one. Curious to see what it has, only to be presented with things that you have never heard of before.
You turn away from the odd vendor, walking the streets for about an hour. Billboard signs are everywhere, advertising p*rn, drugs, and…. a badly spelled assassin company sign?
You sigh, beginning to walk again, when a hot pink van screeches to a stop beside you. It’s doors littered with graffiti, ranging from emojis to slurs.
The door slams open, revealing a van full of demons, led lights shinning down on them. Music blasting from speakers inside, beer cans and cigarettes littering the floor.
One of the demons from inside, a guy with pale grey skin, blaring red hair, and dark sunglasses grins at you “Heyyyyy, you seem a bit lost. Guessing your new here.” He says, taking a swig from a canister, two girls snuggled against him. Can people really tell that you just got here that easily?
“Why don’t you hop in hot stuff. We are heading to the Vees tower. Come on we will give you a ride!” He says, grinning, the girls next to him giggling.
You hesitate, wary of getting into a van full of strangers, in hell especially. “Awe don’t be shy cutie, we don’t bite, come on!” The girl to the left of the guy coos, pushing a stray strand of her purple hair out of her face. Her black eyes gleaming wickedly.
You decide to say fuck it, and hop in the car. I mean it’s not like you can die twice, right? Once you're in, the door slams shut again and you sit across from the three. You look them up and down, them doing the same to you.
“So, how recent are you?” The girl to the right ask, her blue eyes studying you up and down, murky green hair in a braid. You look at her quizzically, earning you a sigh. “How long ago did you die?”
You look at her, blushing a tad for not understanding what she meant. “Oh, uhm… well I just woke up about an hour ago.” You say, the guy letting out a laugh.
“Holy shit your really new. How’d ya die?” He asks, offering you his canister, to which you politely decline.
“Well the last thing I remember is some asshole swerving in front of me on the highway too fast for me to stop myself.” You say, the guy letting out a chuckle. “Shit man that’s rough, going out in a car crash must be fucking mental.” He says. "I mean me personally, i'd prefer to go out in a more badass way." He grins.
You hesitate before speaking up, not wanting to be awkward “So, uhm… where are we going again…?” You ask.
“The Vees tower, they are some of the Overlords, like the more powerful demons of hell.” The purple haired one says, pausing to continue “There is a porn empire runner, kind of a bitch if you ask me, the guy who makes pretty much every electronic device here, and the modeling agency.”
You look at them, still trying to absorb the information being presented to you. “Oh… so why are we going there..?” You ask cautiously.
“Well we are going there because a guy is meeting us to pay off some debt he owes.” The girl with the green hair says, glaring at you, the purple headed one elbowing her with a warning look.
“You know, since you just got here, and your probably gonna need a job, you should try out to be a model! I mean you got the looks.” The guy say, smirking, taking you aback.
“Are… you sure? I don’t know, I don’t... know….” You say nervously, glancing at the three. “Nonsense, your fucking hot as hell, you can definitely get the job!” The purple haired girl chirps, giving you a wide smile.
“I mean…. I, could try..” you murmer, still unsure. But on the bright side growing more comfortable with the three demons.
As you glance out the window, the van comes to a stop infront of a large building. The car door opens and you follow our after the other three.
You turn to them, rubbing the back of your neck. “Hey, uh thanks for the ride…” you say, with a smile, the purple haired girl and the guy smiling back, the other glaring. The two girls link arms. “Yeah of course, anytime. See ya around!” The guy says with a wink, before the three start heading over to an alleyway with a shady looking guy in it.
You roll your shoulders, before turning to the looming building infront of you. Sleek glass covering it all, it’s new look contrasting to the ruins of the surrounding buildings and streets surrounding you.
You go over to one of the glass panels, taking another look at yourself, a frown on your face, still not used to it. You brush yourself off, running fingers through your hair, and straightening out your clothes.
You take one last glance at yourself before you take a deep breath and enter the building. Entering, you look around finding yourself surrounded by fancy plush furniture. A scent lingering that you cant quite name.
You walk over to the front desk, the imp behind it on her phone. You wait a second, hoping she will notice you. When she seems to not notice your presence, you clear your throat. She glances up at you, a bored look on her face. "Ya need something?" She asks, looking you up and down judgmentaly.
Suddenly feeling a bit self conscious, you shuffle from foot to foot. "Oh uhm, hi.. I would like to apply to be a model..." You say. "Doesn't everyone?" She says, snickering. You just stand there awkwardly for a moment, before the imp groans and scavenges for something in a drawer behind the desk.
A moment later she comes back up with a packet, shoving it in your hands. "Just give me your name and go sit down and fill out the packet and I'll call you when she is ready." She says. You thank her, giving her your name, giving you an eye roll she goes back to her phone.
You turn around, going to look for a place to sit, ending up at a comfy white plush chair by the window. Sitting, you begin to fill out the packet, full of average questions, Name, Age, Gender, Cause of Death, Medical History, etc-
After about 20 minutes of waiting the lady at the front desk calls your name. You go up to her, trying to hand her your packet but she pushes it away. "No no no, I don't go over that. She does. Go up to the 7th floor, shes waiting for you already." You pull your arm back. "Wait who is-"
"THE BOSS. GO." She yells, causing you to stumble back a bit, gripping your pamphlet tightly. You sigh, running a hand through your hair. You head over to the elevator, luckily empty. You press the 6th floor button and tap your feet nervously.
After what feels like an eternity, the elevator button dings, alerting you that you're on the 6th floor, and the doors open. Immediately you are hit by a stronger version of what you smelt downstairs, and yelling. Lots of yelling.
Your presented a pink room, clothes and hangers littering the floors. Podiums with models of all different shapes colors and sizes. In the middle is lady, who you assume is the boss, screaming at one of the models.
"THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?! ?!" She screams at them, anger written all over her face, at seeing her, you feel a sense of knowing hit you for a moment, but immediately dissipates as you brush it off.
"I-i... i'm sorry, my legs are just wobbly, i-its hard to walk in heels..p-please d- ont be mad...." The model pleads, tears streaming down her face, ruining her makeup.
"MAD?! DO I SEEM MAD?! YOU FELL AND EMBARRED ME DURING A SHOW, AND NOW YOUR RUINING YOUR MAKEUP!?" She continues yelling, the model sobbing hysterically now, on the floor in a heap.
"FIRED. YOUR FIRED GET THE FUCK OUT." She says. Two security guards dragging the poor, sobbing girl out.
Your frozen on the spot, shocked at what you just witnessed, regretting your decision to come here.
The lady groans, rubbing her temples and squeezing her eyes shut. Before you could double back, she sighs and turns in your direction, the two of you locking eyes.
"Who the FUCK are....you.." She says, pausing halfway through an unrecognizable look appearing on her face, as her features soften a bit.
"Im... here for an interview, to be a model..." You say, the expression she had a second ago gone as you blinked, as she looks you up and down. "Ah okay your my two o-clock." You nod, going and handing her your packet.
As soon as she grasped it she threw it over her shoulder and pointed to one of the empty podiums next to her. "Go, stand up there." She demands.
"W-wait aren't you going to read my pa-" You begin but she interrupts you. "Ill read it if you get the job, this is the most important part, now shut up and stand up." She says. Not wanting to piss her off you climb onto the podium and she follows up after you.
As you stand there you, somehow, get changed into a black tight tank top and some some tight shorts. "Wait wait wait how-" You try to speak but she raises a hand with a glare. "It's part of the process, not be quiet or you wont even get a chance."
You stand there quietly, feeling rather exposed as "The Boss" circles around you like a predator, observing you, poking and prodding like you're some sort of doll. Studying you.
After about 10 minutes of her observing you, she seems satisfied and steps off the podium.
"Nice figure, no disturbing features. Now lets see how well you can actually do if you were a model." She says with a sadistic grin. Before you can even say anything, your changed into a seemingly random outfit.
A bright pink blazer with black feathers and a white boa, white ripped jeans with black combat boots. She lets out a disappointed click of her tongue. "Next." She says, changing you into another outfit.
This goes on for about another hour, change clothes, she looks, either hates it or its good but not good enough, repeat. You take the time to study her as she does this, finding something about her vaguely familiar but not being able to quite put your finger on it.
As you look at her more she suddenly stands up and points at you. "That. That's the outfit, that's the perfect one." She says, as you look down at the outfit your wearing, the thing most catching your eyes being a pair of shoes you definitely cannot walk in.
"Go on walk around in a circle let me see it, strut for me." She says, going closer to the podium, a grin on her face.
Not wanting to lose this opportunity and anger her further, seeing how she took it out on the last model, you take the risk and begin walking clumsily around the podium.
She looks you up and down as you stumble around like a drunk, trying not to fall on your face. She doesn't seem very happy with how your walking but seems satisfied enough.
After a couple minutes, when you feel like your knees are about to buckle she stops you. "Okay I think we are done with this portion, step off and we will get to the next step."
You breath a sigh of relief, as you go over to the edge where she is. You attempt to step off, but then your legs finally decide to give out and you tumble forward into her.
The two of you fall backwards, you landing on her as her back is on the floor. You instantly knew you fucked up.
Shes looking at you, extremely mad, but then she takes a minute and it falls. You two stare at each other for a moment, when you begin to start realizing who she is, but cant place it yet.
"Whats your name..." She asks, and you stare at her, confused. When you don't respond she pushes you off quickly and harshly and speed walks over to your packet that she had thrown earlier.
You scramble up as she harshly grabs it, flipping through it furiouly.
In that moment it comes to you, where you remember her from, and at the exact same moment, she lands on the first page, with your name on it. She looks up at you slowly and you two make eye contact.
"....Velvette...?" You ask, shakily.
She just stares at you for a moment before running over and grabbing you by the collar of your shirt and pulling you towards her. pulling a yelp from you.
She just stares into your eyes for a second, while you pant. After a moment, her expression softens, and she quietly says; "Is... it really you...?" she asks. You voice caught in your throat, tears filling your eyes, you nod.
She grabs you and pulls you into a kiss, and without hesitation you return it. The two of you stumble onto a couch. Your back lands on it, her above you.
You two just stare at each others eyes, before she looks up for a moment, wiping the tears pooling in her eyes. She leans back down, resting her forehead against yours, and she closes her eyes, you two embracing tightly, not letting each other go.
"Fuck I've missed you."
A/N: Okay, so I tried a different style of writing and I hope I did well, I tried my best on this, and I'm so so sorry if its not the best or what was asked. Also, I'm thinking about making the two girls and the guy in the van reoccurring side characters in stories like this (just for a bit more plot and blah blah) and I need names for them, so if anybody could leave suggestions in the comments that would be a great help! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! :)
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A Hazbin Hotel/Alastor x Fem Reader Fan Fiction
Thought I’d put links to my fanfiction in one place. One day I’ll think of a name for it… For now enjoy. :D
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Pairing: Alastor x Fem reader
Plot: Alastor is going through a rut and decides that you’re his little Doe… But Alastor’s past comes into question. Does the Radio Demon have ulterior motives?
And smut. :D
Warnings: 18+, sexually explicit, swearing, alcohol consumption, murder/man-slaughter, bdsm, suggestions of abuse, adult content, fluff.
Word count (per instalment): About 1-3k
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part 7:
Part 8:
Part 9:
Part 10: ?
On hiatus until I get my mojo back.
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mrmeowski · 3 months
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最愛 || 𝐌𝐘 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓 [ʙʟ]
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╰┈➤ ❝ 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞.𝐀𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐱 𝐌.𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ❞
Alastor Doe never imagined that he would experience the warmth and happiness that love bestows on a person. Nevertheless, he is waiting for someone in his office, playing romantic music on the radio, and even placing flowers on their desk. You were that certain someone. He's not sure why he was so taken by his coworker; was it your kindness or innocence? He does not know. He'll make you his and his only, that much is clear.
The man only wanted this novel experience to endure forever, but faith has other ideas. He met his early end and was consigned to hell. But that doesn't mean it will make him stop loving you.
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˚✦𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏✦˚
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⋇⊰Darling or Dear⊱⋇
CW: Slightly Suggestive
Word Counter: 2.6k
The first light of the mid-October 1932 sun gently embraced you, casting a warm afterglow that accompanied the insistent buzz of your alarm. With a soft moan, you reluctantly roused from slumber, your limbs stretching in protest as you reached to silence the persistent sound. Thursday had dawned, and the demands of your role as a radio forecaster awaited.
As you prepared for the day ahead, the lingering traces of dawn painted the sky in hues of amber and rose. Your profession, a radio forecaster, demanded your presence in the early hours, a fact that often left you with a hint of dismay. Yet, even in the quietude of the pre-dawn hours, your partner of seven years in the realm of radio forecasting, Alastor Doe, always stood as a silent harbinger of camaraderie.
Though your work officially commenced at 6 am, your early-bird companion had a penchant for arriving even earlier. It made you ponder just how early the man wakes up for work. No one can be that enthusiastic to attend in such an hour.
You considered your own punctuality commendable, rising at the ungodly hour of 4 am, allowing a mere 30 or sometimes 20 minutes for a hasty stop at a convenience store, snatching a quick bite to consume on the route.
Speaking about your partner, he applied comparatively soon after you did. On the other hand, he achieved nothing less than remarkable success within the station by unexpectedly becoming popular very rapidly. But you ended up getting paired with him nonetheless.
While you might not entirely perceive this connection, the powers that be saw a synergy in your partnership. This harmony transcended the unseen waves that carried your forecasts to eager listeners.
The rhythmic purr of the engine filled the confines of your car as you navigated the pre-dawn streets. The faint glow of the dashboard disrupted the monotony of the drive, and you reached to tune the radio until a voice seized your attention. It was the smooth cadence of a man delivering the latest news on the National News Network.
“Good morning, folks! You’re tuned into NNN, bringing you the latest news and updates from across the city. Today, we have a special announcement regarding a missing person. Mrs. Rebbeca Chanler, a young woman in her early twenties and wife to Mr. Mark Chanler, has been reported missing for approximately four days now.” The words hung in the air, the weight of the announcement settling upon you as you continued driving through the city’s quiet streets.
The newsman's voice carried the undertones of concern as he continued, recounting the last known details of Rebecca's disappearance.
"Rebecca was last seen leaving her apartment in the downtown area around 7:00 PM on Sunday evening. Since then, her whereabouts remain unknown, and her family and friends are deeply concerned for her safety." A frown etched itself onto your face as you listened intently, the broadcast punctuated by the sound of rustling paper on the radio channel.
"If you have any information regarding Rebecca Chanler's disappearance or have seen her recently, please do not hesitate to contact our station at XXX-XXX-XXXX. Your cooperation could be crucial in bringing her—'' Unable to bear the weight of the news, you swiftly switched channels, seeking refuge from the somber reality that gripped the airwaves.
The radio's frequency shifted, ushering in a soft love song that seemed to resonate with the melancholy of the situation. Subconsciously, you began to hum along it.
The woman in the news was more than just a name to you, she was a colleague at your workplace. Although your interactions were minimal, you knew her as a sweet and welcoming soul, someone with a comforting presence in the office. The news of her disappearance weighed heavily on your heart, a tangible sorrow that colored the morning's atmosphere.
Yet, a more unsettling realization began to emerge as you navigated through the urban landscape—a pattern of disappearances, all centered around your coworkers. But perhaps it may have been an eerie coincidence...
The melody of your hum resonated with the music, creating a rhythmic backdrop as you strolled toward the workplace, following the comforting routine of your morning. A nearby pastry shop beckoned, and true to form, you indulged in the delightful temptation of a Chocolate Éclair, reserving it for later enjoyment during the workday.
Upon arrival, familiar faces greeted you with waves, good mornings, and smiles—gestures reciprocated as you made your way through the bustling office. As your desk drew near, a tantalizing aroma of coffee wafted through the air. There stood your partner, holding not one but two cups of coffee, his iconic smile sporting an unusual enthusiasm.
"Mr. Doe?" You queried, brows furrowed in mild confusion.
"You've arrived just in time, my dear. Come have a cup of coffee with me." He invited, placing the second cup on your desk.
A genuine smile crept onto your face at his unexpected gesture.
"Thank you, Mr. Doe," you graciously responded, bowing slightly as you settled into your chair.
He, on the other hand, pulled another chair uncomfortably close to you. The proximity raised an internal eyebrow, for such familiarity was reserved for those with a deeper connection, and your relationship with him was nothing more than professional.
"Alastor would be fine~" He suggested, his words carrying a hint of informality that seemed to break the conventional workplace decorum.
The offer lingered in the air, leaving you momentarily conflicted. Yet, if that was his preference, you assented with a nod.
"Well, thank you, Alastor," you obliged, testing the waters with his given name.
His grin widened, and crimson eyes seemed to gleam with satisfaction.
The resonance of his name on your tongue lingered, prompting an unusual thought in the recesses of his mind. A sensual scenario crept into his mind, wondering how it might sound when you moan out his name in ecstasy. Unfortunately, he wouldn't like to be caught daydreaming in such a setting, so he sets them away for now.
The morning light bathed the office in a gentle glow as his voice cut through the air like velvet draped in honey.
"Lovely morning, is it, my dear?" His words carried an undertone, a subtle tease that stirred a certain allure within you.
"It surely is, Alastor." Unbeknownst to you, he found himself wrestling with sinful desires that had inexplicably infiltrated his mind.
Vivid dreams of indulging in pleasures with you left him bewildered, for he was a man who, until now, held no such yearnings for love or the carnal desires that plagued his thoughts.
You, oblivious to the tumult within his mind, hummed in agreement, sipping your coffee as the morning warmth embraced the office. However, a question continued to linger in the air, unspoken yet palpable. Something had been bothering you, a curiosity that finally found its voice.
"If I may ask..." Your voice broke through the subtle tension, drawing him back to reality. "Why do you always refer to me as 'dear'?" The question hung between you, a thread of inquiry that sought understanding.
A sly grin curved his lips, and his crimson eyes gleamed with a mix of mischief and something deeper.
"I find the term suits you quite well. It carries a certain elegance, don't you think? A touch of warmth between our partnership~" His words, dripping with a peculiar blend of charm and consideration, coiled through the air as he leaned in, that signature grin adorning his features. "Nevertheless,  I will be delighted to call you by any name if it makes you uncomfortable! Just say the word." The offer, delivered with a gentle flourish, hung in the air like a delicate invitation.
Seated with a casual elegance, he crossed one leg over the other, his posture exuding an air of confident nonchalance. A delicate sip of his coffee punctuated the moment, the porcelain cup cradled between his tanned fingers.
Not wanting to be misunderstood, you quickly muttered a response, stumbling over your own words.
"T-That wasn't what I meant!" Clearing your throat, you continued. "I simply want to know." He hummed in response, an enigmatic acknowledgment of your attempt to clarify.
"Do tell me if you have any suggestions." He invited, taking a leisurely sip of his coffee. "Despite how much it's a delight to call you 'dear', I do believe 'darling' would be much more fitting, no?" His words flowed smoothly, carrying a certain playful elegance.
The unexpected suggestion caught you off guard, nearly causing you to spit out your coffee, eliciting a chuckle from him.
"I... I think otherwise," you muttered, and though he hummed in response, a subtle disappointment lingered in his expression.
"Still shy are we?" He teased, and you could feel the warmth of a blush surfacing on your cheeks.
"Y-You want some Chocolate Éclair? I happened to buy two of them." You quickly shifted the tone of the conversation, transitioning from a slightly heated exchange to a sweet offering.
"That would be nice, my dear." His voice lingered on the endearment, his tone laden with a subtle allure that deepened the hue of your blush.
Unbeknownst to the envy-laden glares of certain onlookers, you and him shared a dynamic that danced on the borderline between professional camaraderie and something more. His suggestive remarks and playful tone around you did not go unnoticed, drawing puzzled looks from some and simmering jealousy from others.
One individual, particularly Melissa Heart, observed your interactions from the sidelines, her eyes ablaze with a fiery envy that smoldered beneath the surface. As she watched the exchange between you and the famous radio broadcaster.
As you savored your pastry in peaceful oblivion, his gaze shifted to your coworkers with an intensity that bordered on unsettling. The warmth of his smile faded, replaced by a steely resolve that seemed to pierce through the air with an eerie silence.
His crimson eyes bore into the onlookers with a silent warning, a subtle reminder to mind their own business and refrain from meddling in affairs that did not concern them as they should've in the beginning. The weight of his stare hushed the whispers and quelled the envious glances, prompting a swift return to the mundane tasks of the workplace.
With a final glance, the man's gaze softened as it returned to you and noticed something off. There were a few lingering crumbs adorned your mouth, unnoticed by you. He retrieved his handkerchief, gently wiping away the wayward remnants from your cheek. The unexpected gesture caught you off guard, and you looked up at him, confusion painted on your features.
"Hm?" You were seeking an explanation.
"Wouldn't want you all dirtyed up now, dear!" He teased, pinching your cheeks playfully.
Your response was a light groan, a mixture of amusement and exasperation.
"Alastor!" You protested, giving him a gentle push as you rubbed your cheeks, his laughter echoing in response.
He felt an inexplicable urge to freeze time, to capture this fleeting moment of tranquility.
A desire, raw and primal, pulsed through him as he watched you, his thoughts wandering to forbidden fantasies of whisking you away from it all. In his eyes, you radiate a warmth and purity that he knew he didn't deserve, yet he was drawn to defy the rules, to indulge in the forbidden pleasure of being near you.
His mind toyed with tantalizing possibilities, each one more daring than the last. In this fantasy, there are no rules, no boundaries—just the two of you, lost in a whirlwind of passion and desire.
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As the hours slipped by in the company of someone special, time seemed to lose its grip on Alastor. Before he knew it, his and your shift had drawn to a close. While you busied yourself tidying up your desk, he had drifted off to attend to other matters, lost in his thoughts.
Suddenly, a voice disrupted the tranquility of the moment.
"Mr. [Last Name]." Startled, you turned to find Melissa standing behind you, her demeanor cold and unsettling.
"Ms. Heart! Is there something troubling you?" You inquired, your unease growing with each passing moment.
Her silence only added to your discomfort, and when she finally spoke, her words sent a shiver down your spine.
"You shouldn't be near him, Mr. [Last Name]," she stated bluntly, her tone laced with a warning that left you reeling in confusion.
"Pardon? What do you mean by that?" You pressed, your brows furrowing in concern.
Her frown deepened as she crossed her arms, her gaze piercing through you with an intensity that sent a chill down your spine.
"Mr. Doe could be eavesdropping. Take my word or leave it, but I assure you once that man invites you..." She drew close, cornering you to your desk. "You're to be the next on the chopping list," she warned cryptically, her words hanging in the air like an ominous cloud.
With that ominous declaration, she turned to leave, leaving you grasping for answers.
"Wait—Ms. Heart!" You called out, reaching out a hand in a futile attempt to stop her.
But she continued walking away, leaving you with a sense of foreboding and a slew of unanswered questions swirling in your mind. What did she mean by her cryptic warning?
Amidst the peculiar dynamics of your workplace, her odd personality had always been a known entity. Her strong aura and lack of camaraderie with most coworkers were facts you'd come to accept. However, nothing prepared you for the unexpected encounter that left you shaken.
"You seem a bit shaken, my dear! What caused such a thing, hm?" The familiar voice of your partner snapped you out of your reverie.
It was then that you realized you had been standing outside your workplace, lost in thought, the situation affecting you more profoundly than you initially thought.
"N-Nothing... thanks for your concern, Mr. Do—Alastor," you stammered, but he hummed, unconvinced by your feeble attempt at dismissal.
"Aren't we good pals? No need to hide it from me!" With that, his arm snaked around your shoulders, drawing you near. "Tell me, what happened?" His tone shifted, demanding answers, a departure from the usual playful banter.
"I'm just tired, that's all," you replied, hoping to deflect his probing inquiries.
He seemed inclined to press further, but with a moment of consideration, he let it go.
"Then allow me to drive you home!" Before you could interject, he playfully put a finger to your lips. "Ah, about to reject me again? I assure you it's no trouble!" You pushed away his hand, expressing your gratitude but asserting your independence.
"It's alright, I have my own car and you also need to rest early. It has been a busy day, you know?" You added, patting his shoulder.
Despite his usual aversion to physical touch, his demeanor softened under your genuine concern. His once-restrained smile crumbled, revealing a vulnerability that spoke of a connection that transcended the usual barriers he maintained.
"If you say so then. Safe travels, my dear, and have a blessed day," he uttered, his tone carrying a blend of formality and genuine warmth.
Despite the subtle intimacy that lingered in the air, he refrained from sealing the farewell with a kiss.
You looked up at him, a cute smile playing on your lips as you softly spoke.
"You too, Alastor. See you again tomorrow!" With a wave goodbye, you stepped away from his touch, leaving the lingering connection to dissolve in the empty space between you.
As you departed, the weight of loneliness began to settle once more leaving the man with a quiet yearning for your touch and voice. This simply wasn't enough for him. He was beginning to be desperate. He doesn't accept it but he acknowledges these growing desires especially when he has competitors yet to be eradicated.
Perhaps it wouldn't hurt if he tried some drastic ideas...
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alastor-simp · 7 months
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Welp *cracks knuckles* looks like it’s gonna be both😁😁😁Thank you all for voting!
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artofhazbinhotel · 5 months
Have a story about Valentino being a clingy drunk instead of an asshole
Vox was relaxing on the sofa watching a movie when suddenly Valentino burst in, or well he tried to, he smashed into the shut door thinking it was a revolving one because he's blind and drunk and that's a horrible combination. The overlord jumped at the noise, he only knew it was Val by the loud 'FUCK' that came after the smack, he avoided snickering as he got up to open for him. With the door out of the way Valentino fell on the ground. Normally Valentino can handle his drinks so this had to be a l o t "Val? Are you on something or just wasted?" A common question he has to ask.
Vox helped Val to the couch and he laid back reaching around for the pipe that was still on the floor like it was beside him until eventually just giving up. "I'm not high, does that mean we can have sex?" Vox may be an awful person but there a strict rule against anything when Valentino is like this or worse. He sat beside him and placed a blanket on him, ignoring the question entirely "Do you need a bucket or anything?" The pimp lizard blinked at the affection "I'm good-" the two are hardly affectionate but Vox makes exceptions when Val gets like this, the exception tonight is based on the fact Vox feels guilty for not checking the cameras. Vox keeps tabs on Val just as much as Alastor, if not more, he doesn't trust Valentino not to be too reckless when left alone.
Of course the one time he didn't check and was invested in a show Valentino just had to drink an entire bar, proving that point. He felt like he had to be nice to compensate since that's something he could have advised against if he knew. "I'm going to get you some water" the shorter demon quickly got up to go grab a glass but Valentino grabbed his hand and yanked him over top of him. "I said we can't-" Vox tried to sit up, immediately assuming that was what the other wanted, but to his surprise Valentino just wrapped those 4 arms around him. "Don't go" Vox blinked "I was just going to the kitchen-??" There was no response just a soft sink into his neck.
Vox really wasn't sure what to do in this situation, Valentino can be clingy but that was usually done by disturbing his work, not this, this is so... Sweet. Kind of cute actually. One hand slowly moved and pet the non injured antenna, being extra careful with it. It earned a squeak, startled but willing to allow it at the price of a demand "Tell me I'm pretty even though I feel like shit"
Vox paused, but complied, still very confused by this all. "You're pretty" There's that regular Valentino back, he's complaining "Not good enough, do it again" The other demon sighed before doing as told and 'trying again' "You're always pretty, being like this doesn't change that, even if I wish you wouldn't do that.." Valentino of course only heard the first part and was beaming with excitement. He gave a drunken 'yay'.
With that the two stayed cuddling for a little until eventually Val kicked himself out of the blanket using his feet, but he was struggling to get free because he had made Vox lay on him. Vox noticed and pulled back only to help, still staying in close contact to avoid complaints. "Better?" Valentino nodded and squirmed so he wasn't laying on his wings, that hurt. The wings opened properly to wrap around Vox and drag him back.
During this Vox had seen the outfit Val was wearing underneath: lingerie. And yes Val looks good but it made him anxious about the kind of night Val's had. "Did you have sex like this-?" It was borderline panic trying to keep a cool tone through the glitch. Valentino just smiled up at him not taking it seriously at all "Why? You offering?"
The TV demon shook his head and held Val's face with both hands, desperate for an actual answer "I'm serious. Did you??" Valentino paused, did he? He was really drunk so he had to think about it. "I don't think so?" That didn't help at all, so Vox quickly yanked out of the wings to check Valentino for hickies or bites, any hints, he seemed okay, but he's still going to review the footage later. The moth demon looked amused as a frantic Vox made his head tilt and made him lift a leg for that inspection "Are we going to do some doctor roleplay?" Vox simply ignored him and gently guided the wings to be around him again, rubbing the soft fur during the hold "We're not having sex, I've told you before you have to be 100% coherent"
Valentino grumbles "I'm coberant" "uh-huh.." he yawned a little "Okay you win, I'm kind of too tired for sex anyway just thought I'd offer" Vox held his waist under the wings "Don't do that, you should only offer when you mean it" Valentino wraps his legs around him in a non sexual way to cling "I like when you want me" "I always want you"
Self indigent, don't mind me, this was written at like 3am
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storiesofmyhead · 2 months
LMK if you want to be on tag list!!
More on Stories
1: Alastor X Overlord Wife who died before him - She carried on his broadcast in hell, half of the story will be before they both died and then the other half will be based on the story line/when they both get to hell. - STORY OUT NOW!!!!
2: Alastor X Velvette's Sister (Part of the Vee's) - Alastor and her are in a secret relationship - already have a short series on this posted but will add on and make it a real story
3: Alastor X Exorcist (Adam's Ex) - She is Adam's Ex who is an exorcist and meet's alastor when Vaggie is banished to Hell. She than sneaks down every once in a while, to see him, but once she is found out she is banished to hell as well, though quickly become an overlord due to Alastor.
4: Alastor X Charlie's sister - Charlies sister meets Alastor when Charlie had opened the hotel and invited her to come see it. Though she knew it wouldn't work she had to be supportive of her younger sister and there she meets Alastor. A man who she had been fond of before. (Her and Alastor used to date before Alastor went missing for 7 years) She gets angry when she sees him again but he reassures her that she was all he thought about while he was gone.
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shapard · 4 months
Lucifer x human!fem!reader
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A/n: Hope you enjoyyyy!
Been a while huh
They really can't catch a break
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Chapter 5 < Chapter 6
This Arm was very complicated.
The new Features and flexibility were a lot to handle. The Arm was, different. You moved your arm left and right. 
Tears sting in your eyes, why were you so emotional?
Your heart squeezed, the wind you used to enjoy when it glides through your fingers was gone. Your healthy arm grasps the cold metal between your fingertips. 
The Iron creaked under your force. You felt weak for crying. Weak for the loneliness that creeped into your heart. Sorrow, and Anger at the situation. 
You got some information but at what cost?
You forgot everything because of the explosion. Right, the explosion. Where is Lucifer?
“No, No. That’s horrible.” Long fingernails dig into the head from Lucifer. How can Humans be so cruel and stupid?
No doubt that the person who wrote this is indeed still alive and a complete maniac. Who else set those traps right before you and he came? Who would do horrible things to their own kind, just to create the "perfect human".
Putting the letter into his pocket he went back to you. Lucifer opened the door slowly but stops abrupt.
Were you crying? 
Are you in pain? 
Lucifer went with fast pace next to you, His fingertips massaged your shoulder as he searches for your eyes. Your soft cries were hurting him.
Indeed, you were crying. Crying while holding onto your new arm for dear life. “What’s wrong kitty?” Your breath shudder, how long was Lucifer here? You turned around not wanting to show him how vulnerable you are. 
Lucifer pushed you back towards him. A gesture he never done before. 
You hated it. 
You hate that Lucifer sees how hurt and damaged you are. Even with all those self-hatred those eyes of his made you break.
The warm smile he gifts you in return as he opens his arms. All you could do was falling in those arms and let go.
Who could blame you?
“Woah, are you okay?” Lucifer hands went up to your head as he draws a pattern into your hair. You simply shook your head and laid there between his neck and shoulder.
Obviously Lucifer knew you weren't okay. It was obvious. The way you shook under hir embrace and the tears that stained his shirt. It told it all.
Maybe you two will never be but you let yourself fall into the feeling that’s unknown to you. Is it comfort or the feeling of being loved? 
You don’t know. 
The way how Lucifer was softly humming you to sleep. “Just let go.” Your eyelids dropped even after all the fighting you softly snore in Lucifers arms. 
“You’re really different, Y/n.” His scarlet eyes gazed at your glowing skin, no doubt beautiful. Even more with clothes off.
You draw him in. Like a nymph who calls men in the endless sea of suffering and death.  He couldn't care less.
He'd die for you.
A true beauty. 
Lucifer was Ignoring the topic to call it love. Every blind person could see how deep he had fallen. But you were human. Easily Breakable and soft. Too soft.
Still one question was burning in his mind.Would you eat him alive if he let you in?
He’s close to lose all his morals he built up. At first it seems easy to not fall for a human but now. He can’t Ignore how his heart is pumping and the rush of blood making him all nervous. 
Lucifer wanted to stop. He didn't want this. He can't. Not after all these things that happened when he fell last time.
It stings.
His face dropped down to yours as he attached his lips onto your forehead.
His forehead followed right after as Lucifer breathed in heavy. “I’m sorry you must go through this. I’ll bring you to peace. Home. With me maybe.” 
The double standards were heavy laying on his shoulder. Conflicted voices screaming in his head. He should try, but what if it's too dangerous. What if... You don't want him?
What if you hate him for what he is?
Lucifer sits back up. Looking now out of the window. The sun was long replaced with the soft moon who lights up the dark. 
Earth is really beautiful.
His face turns towards your sleeping form. The moon glow did perfection to you. A true Moon goddess.
Lucifer stood up. His pearl white hands softly pulled his shirt off his body. The stains are still wet from your crying.
A crash broke the comfortable silence. A stone flew into the glass, making it shatter into smaller pieces.
One cutting your cheek. You didn’t wake up. With a another loud crash a golden reptilian eye catches Lucifers bright red ones. 
The appearance was different but the smell of a that demon is very familiar to Lucifer.
“You.” Lucifer growled as he looked to the demon. “Long time no see your Majesty.” The demon spat at Lucifer and more demons jumped out for an attack. 
Lucifer jumped out of the attacks and dragged you with him.
The other demons have managed to make small damage to Lucifer but nothing he can’t fix. A snap with his fingers and the demons were burning in the raging red of Lucifers flames. 
The flames of hell. 
The snapping and cracking of demon flesh, Lucifers red eyes pierced through the burning flames as the Demons yellow eyes flashed back to him. “Striker.” Lucifer growled, his teeth bearing as he watched every movement of Striker closely. 
The screams made you shift in your position but you haven't opened an eye yet.
Lucifers hands were tight around your waist, his eyes never leaving strikers. “You blue blooded freaks always take what they want. Leave my girl alone, Morningstar.” Lucifer breathing got hotter, and the flames made it uncomfortable warm to you. 
"Your girl? Hah, never knew you liked degrading." The smirk Lucifer gave Striker only boiled Strikers blood. The rage filled eyes of these two were intimidating.
The oxytocin was thin, and your lungs tried to get every bit of air in. Lucifers eyes worriedly switched to your body, sensing the trouble your body was having. 
Why haven’t you woken up? 
The hair on his body raised as striker shot into your leg, still no reaction. “Y/n!” The moment Lucifer let his guard down another bullet strikes his shoulder, the golden blood poured onto your shirt. 
“Oh? She doesn’t wake up?” Lucifers red eyes quickly stayed Striker. Till he heard the sound of glass hitting another. A small bottle was in Striker’s hand. His smirk never leaving the imp demon. 
“What have you done?” Lucifer doesn’t want to even think about it.
Did He even want to know what is in this bottle?
His heart clenched heart as sweat pearled down his forehead, his muscles tensed. Has Striker poisoned you? But when? How?
“Just a little,” Striker angled the bottle downwards as it substance dropped onto… you. Shocked Lucifer looked down to see you gone from his hands. 
Was he so tense and off guard that he hasn’t realize how you slipped out of his hands? 
Where did all this training from heaven go?
“Drop.” Strikers tongue lapped over his lips as he took out an Asmodeus crystal. Lucifer quickly react and dashed towards your body. His hands stretched outwards to grasps yours. 
Striker laughed as a portal formed beneath his feet. 
Lucifers scream hollowed through the walls and forest. Crows fly upwards to safe themselves of danger. Meanwhile Lucifer laid in his own blood in an empty room. 
“Y/n?” Lucifer claws ripped into the dark wood from the floor, “Y/n!”
Striker walked into the hall of the hospital with you in one of the hospital beds. The cold sound of shoes hitting the stone pavement was uncomfortable and pestered to hear.
“You’ve got her?”
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A/n: I wanted to post earlier but I had to fix some things✋🏽😭💀
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artemis1214 · 2 months
'A Siren's Hunt' 20K READS! 🥳
Hello little guppies! 🐠💙
Just wanted to come on and say thank you so much for 20K reads for 'A Siren's Hunt' 💗💗
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I've tried really hard to make this series as enjoyable and dynamic as I could, and I'm so appreciative that 20K of you have taken the time to read it. It truly does mean a lot.
As someone who is not artistically talented (but trying - LOL!) I can only bring Esme to life through writing, so it is really special to be that so many people have read her story. So many of you have sent messages saying you enjoy her as a character, and that means so so much to me. I'm happy that some of you love her as much as I do. 🥰
If you're seeing this for the first time, HELLO! 👋🏼
My name is Artemis and I have a Wattpad series that follows my Hazbin Hotel OC, Esme, through her human and afterlife. Book one, 'A Siren's Spell' is a 7 hour read (a lot of it is music) and takes place in 1927 Louisiana (you can imagine who is it in). Book two, 'A Siren's Hunt', follows season one of Hazbin Hotel with adding Esme and her storyline.
You can read them using these links! Be aware that these stories include themes of substance use, SA, violence (including domestic), gore, racism, loss of family, and more. Trigger warnings are placed throughout the chapter and smut chapters are completely skippable. ⬇️
(But, thoughts on me posting chapters here? 🤔)
There is also going to be a third book, which is currently being written, titled, 'A Siren's Purpose' which is going to follow season 2 (Viv, pls hurry...I beg) but also go deeper into Esme's character development.
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If you have any questions AT ALL! Please don't hesitate to send me an inbox message. I take one-shot requests (I'm working on them, I promise), questions about Esme or the story, and really whatever you want to share with me. Like I said, this is the only way I can bring her to life, so please I'm all ears!
Thank you!!
~ Artemis🦌💗
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vulpes-stuff · 7 months
So for one of my classes, I had to take a story from the Hebrew Bible and rewrite it so I rewrote the storey of Cain and Abel from Lucifer's perspective
Take your crumbs you little hazbin gremlins
Favorites. The Lord always chose favorites. Lucifer glared up at the living as he watched a man murder his own blood simply for the attention of a Lord who wanted to morph the world into his own, who wanted to control every waking moment these humans had. He scowled when he saw God turn Cain away for not being worthy, but what does it truly mean to be worthy? Both of the boys were worthy in their own right but the Lord was simply too blind to see that. Abel provided his blood with warmth and clothing, while Cain gave them the food they needed. Both were worthy in the aspects of providing, giving their blood life.
Perhaps the Lord simply dislikes fruit because of his actions. Perhaps the Lord detests it and does not wish for fruit that could have come from the tree in Eden. But there was nothing wrong with that fruit! The Lord was angry at him! Why must he let that anger out on the blood from the man he has created? All Lucifer wished was to provide the creations with knowledge and dreams, freewill and joy, but the Lord simply did not agree with it, angered that he couldn’t mold these creations exactly how he pleases, and has let that anger infect him, controlling his every move.
Lucifer sighed, the Lord truly is unjust. No man should be punished for another man’s sin. Why must Cain suffer for his parents doing? For Lucifer’s doing? The man simply wished to provide, all he wished was to care for the family around him, including the man who’s blood now stained his hands. Lucifer’s glare sharpened as he watched the earth drink the blood and eat the body that was once Abel, watching as she enjoyed her meal but knew that not every being will have the same feelings towards the death of Abel.
He watched as the Lord came to Cain about the sin, watched as the Lord asked for Abel. He struggled not to laugh at his response to the Lord, smiling at the point he made while it only seemed to full God’s rage towards the man. Good, Lucifer snarled. Feel enraged, Lord, for this blood is on your hands as much as it’s on the poor boys. You pushed this boy past his limit by favoring his brother without an explanation to your actions, you have no one to blame but yourself.
Lucifer knew that the Lord would never hear his words, knew the Lord would never see past his sins, much like he was now towards poor Cain. He pities the boy, but emphasizes with him as he watches the Lord curse him, treating him as an outsider, much like he had done to the fallen angel. God never changes, does he? It’s always follow my will or you will be damned. Think not for yourself, but for me. What a truly unjust being. One cannot damn another for his sins even with his hands drenched with sins of his own, yet here the Lord is, damning a boy for his sins before acknowledging his own. Lucifer may be prideful, but the Lord is more so.
Lucifer watches as the boy runs, watches as he tries to live with the mark the Lord has cursed him with. And he envies the boy as he watches him succeed, building a city and a family of his own, watches as he grows old and dies as his family continues to grow. He watches as the Lord ignores the family until a boy, Noah, is born. He watches as the Lord favors the boy, much more than he had anyone else in the bloodline, even saving the boy from his flood.
Favorites. The Lord will always choose favorites.
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peppermint-whiskers · 5 months
Charlie's turn :D
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I watched Hazbin Hotel and i'm lost here.
The story in itself isn't so Bad in general but Charlie is kind of annoying and a bit selfish in a certain way.
I get her desire to redeem her people to avoid extermination day but at the same time people are in hell for a reason like cherry bomb is a toxic friend to Angel and a Bad influence, almost everyone the fandom convinced themselves alastor isn't a Bad selfish person and genuinly wants to help Charlie when he is here for his personal gain. Stop thinking he sees Charlie as a daughter he doesn't he was clear about his intentions.
Angel isn't a good person either he isn't the worst but he is in hell for a reason he was in the mafia he obviously did tons of shit in his life. His trauma can't be used to justify his behavior either.
And even if we're ignore all this like sir pentious getting redeemed it's not really okay either he did ONE good things and ended up in heaven.
The biggest problem is how unfair it is for the winners in heaven. Imagine you got killed ans went to heaven because you were good and your killer goes to hell but he shows up in heaven because "he's so sorry and redeemed himself" Yep fair enough good sir welcome to heaven am i right ? And i didn't really like Emily either she was acting way too kind and friendly as weird as it sounds. I understand her anger about the extermination and the fact sera hid it from her but still they're in hell for a reason and extermination wasn't planned for sick entertainement ar the begining of it until Adam made it a goddamn entertainement game. Emily acted as if people in hell weren't horrible people maybe not all of them are THAT awful but most are killers, rapists, pedophiles, terrorists, zoophiles or human traffickants, mafia members drug dealers or something.
I get the point of the serie is to show heaven's rules aren't truly black and white since Adam remained on heaven until his defeat and it was insinuated that once in heaven "angels Can Do whatever and remain in the Sky" and sounds selfish and not logical, but shit like Charlie didn't think anything through at no point, she brought drawings to a meeting with Adam and started singing instead of being serious i know Adam didn't take it seriously either but he isn't the one presenting a huge project that could raise many questions and worries so Charlie didn't prepare anything to prove it wouldn't cause problems. At No point did she think about what heaven citizens would think of it or how they'd react. She just came and spilled all her projects without thinking about what heaven would think.
Like you can't redeem everyone in hell like it's okay they messed up big times in their lives before dying. If i was in heaven After being killed or abused and my killer or abuser just came in heaven with a Big smile like "i was redeemed i'm sorry for hurting you" i'd be pissed like you ruined my life but i gotta face you for all eternity ? Great thanks love this.
And Charlie is the princess of hell but is disrepected and mocked like girl ? You're the princess use your powers ? Authority ? I know she thinks it's mean but she's in hell like people ARE mean and bad people ? I don't know it's frustrating. She has to be like one of the strongest beings in heaven and hell but she holds back because she doesn't want to hurt anyone ? Girl sinners can't die unless you use angelic weapons. Even against Adam she held back, for proof her father had to help and only when he was attacked she actually used more power and managed to hit Adam. And i don't think that the life or death adrenaline was what gave her this power she's the princess of hell she can't be that weak compared to Adam. I'm pretty sure she's just hella strong but never uses her powers to appear nicer and less threatening.
I don't know maybe Season 2 will do better.
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notherpuppet · 19 days
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Radiorose 📻🥀
Based on a true story where I deadass just started digging through a new friend’s purse because I’m a psycho who forgot how to have any goddamned manners 💀
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lulu40041 · 4 months
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i fin the wip i was doing!
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mrmeowski · 3 months
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最愛 || 𝐌𝐘 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓 [ʙʟ]
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╰┈➤ ❝ 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞.𝐀𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐱 𝐌.𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ❞
Alastor Doe never imagined that he would experience the warmth and happiness that love bestows on a person. Nevertheless, he is waiting for someone in his office, playing romantic music on the radio, and even placing flowers on their desk. You were that certain someone. He's not sure why he was so taken by his coworker; was it your kindness or innocence? He does not know. He'll make you his and his only, that much is clear.
The man only wanted this novel experience to endure forever, but faith has other ideas. He met his early end and was consigned to hell. But that doesn't mean it will make him stop loving you.
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˚✦𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐✦˚
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⋇⊰Little Accident⊱⋇
CW: Slight blood, swearing
Word Count: 2.6k
As Alastor watched you drive off from the parking lot, he waited until your car was a safe distance away before getting into his own vehicle. He knew what your car looked like and had no trouble trailing behind you, keeping a discreet distance.
You made a few turns before stopping in front of a tall apartment building, parking your car in one of the free slots. He observed you carefully from the interior of his car, noting every detail—the way you stretched and cracked your neck. It all fascinated him.
He waited until you had disappeared into the apartment building before driving away, satisfied. He now knew exactly where you lived. The anticipation of the night's plan made his heart race.
When the moon rose and the city fell into a quiet lull, he returned to your apartment building. Your car was still there, now joined by others that had arrived in the evening. Cloaked in black with a hood pulled over his head, he approached your car with a switchblade in hand. With a few practiced flicks, he slashed each of your tires as he did so, he couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt.
"I'm sorry, mon chéri... [my darling]" He murmured, trying to reassure himself that this was necessary.
Losing you was a fear he couldn’t bear. By sabotaging your car, he ensured you would have no choice but to accept his offer of a ride. In the morning, he could easily offer you the funds to replace the tires, maintaining his guise of a helpful colleague. His heart pounded with a mix of excitement and anxiety as he slipped back into the shadows, leaving the scene of his crime unnoticed.
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Another day, another hardship. You took one last look in the mirror, adjusting the smallest imperfection in your suit before heading down to the ground floor. On your walk to your car, your face fell in shock as you noticed not just one, but all of your tires had been slashed.
"ファック... [Fuck]" You muttered in disbelief, staring at the damage. "ただ... ただなぜ!? [Just... just why]" You ran a hand through your head out of frustration.
Frustration and disbelief filled your mind as you wondered who could have done this. With a frustrated groan, you returned to your apartment, your schedule already ruined for the day.
In your kitchen, you impatiently tapped on the counter while waiting for your coffee to brew. It looked like you'd be running late for work, unable to stop at your favorite cafe. As you hurriedly prepared a quick breakfast, your mind raced, trying to figure out who could have committed such a senseless act. Was it someone with a personal vendetta, or just a random act of vandalism? Either way, it was a major inconvenience.
"Of all the fucking days," you grumbled to yourself, sipping your hastily made coffee.
Your thoughts briefly flickered to your coworkers, trying to recall if anyone had a grudge against you. However, nothing came to mind immediately.
You were on the brink of getting a cab when the weight of another bill to pay hit you. All four tires needed replacing, and with expenses already tight in the aftermath of the Great Depression, it felt like a heavy burden. You hesitated, your mind wandering to your mo... maybe it's best if you don't bring her situation up.
Then, an idea struck you. You glanced up at the telephone mounted on the wall. The man had always been kind and considerate, perhaps he could help? But calling him so early felt awkward, especially with such an unusual request. Besides, he was probably already at work.
Despite your hesitation, you gave in to the idea. Dialing his number, the phone rang only once before he picked up.
"Good morning, my dear! What a pleasant surprise to hear from you so early," Alastor's cheerful voice greeted you, catching you off guard with his swift response.
Gathering your thoughts, you replied, "Morning, Alastor... I hate to ask this, but I've run into a predicament. Someone slashed my tires, and uh... could you possibly give me a ride?" You couldn't shake off the uncertainty, unsure if he would agree, despite his reputation as a charmer.
"How horrible!" His voice echoed with genuine concern. "Why would they do such a heinous thing? Don't worry, I'd be delighted to help! Give me a few minutes, and I'll be there," he assured you, his willingness to assist evident in his tone.
With a relieved smile, you responded, "Thank you so much, Alastor! I really appreciate it..." You couldn't help but feel grateful for his immediate offer of assistance.
"Think nothing of it, my dear. I'll see you soon~" His reassuring words brought a sense of comfort as you ended the call and hurriedly finished your coffee.
True to his word, his car pulled up in front of your building within minutes. As you descended the stairs, a mix of gratitude and embarrassment washed over you. Sliding into the passenger seat, you couldn't help but feel a sense of relief at having such a dependable friend.
"Thank you again, Alastor. I owe you one," you expressed, attempting to convey your appreciation despite the lingering frustration over the slashed tires.
"Consider it a favor from a friend," he replied smoothly, his eyes gleaming with an enigmatic glint. "Now, let's get you to work. We wouldn't want you to be late~" His words were laced with an underlying charm, leaving you with a faint sense of intrigue as you embark on your journey together.
Little did you know, this seemingly coincidental encounter was meticulously orchestrated by the man himself.
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Entering the office, you could feel the weight of numerous eyes upon you or rather, upon him. While he was the office's star attraction, you were more of a background character. You preferred your personal space, finding amusement in watching the lengths to which some of the employees—especially the women—went to catch his attention. Their antics bordered on the absurd, often violating professional decorum.
One set of eyes, however, burned with a particularly intense jealousy, glaring at you until you and Alastor parted ways. As you settled at your desk and began organizing paperwork, the sound of determined footsteps approached from behind, followed by a high-pitched voice that made you wince internally.
"Mr. [Last Name]!" You turned to face the speaker, suppressing a sigh.
The owner of the voice was Ms. Isabella López, a young woman with short, curly red hair, aquatic blue eyes, and a smattering of freckles across her face. At a glance, she could be mistaken for a child, but her behavior can be or is somewhat childish.
"Is there something of concern, Ms. López?" You asked, knowing full well what was coming.
Her crush on the infamous radio host was the worst-kept secret in the office. Despite his clear disinterest, she had been relentless in her pursuit of him. She pestered him incessantly, and no matter how many times he rejected her, she kept coming back for more. Her persistence was bordering on the insane!
"Well, yes," she replied, her tone dripping with self-importance. "You've been awfully close with Mr. Doe lately. I know you're work partners, but calling him by his first name doesn't seem professional." Her voice was so high-pitched you wondered how her friends hadn't gone deaf yet.
"To clear things up," you began, your tone dropping an octave to convey your boredom and uninterest in the conversation, "Alastor proposed to address him on a first-name basis. Plus, we're acquaintances, not just work partners." She huffed, crossing her arms defiantly.
"Hmph, I understand but this is still a professional setting," she continued, her voice grating on your nerves. You began to ponder whether having friends in this office was illegal. "Especially considering—" Before she could finish, a deeper yet feminine voice cut her off.
"Ms. López, isn't your show about to start? I advise you to go to your booth and get prepared." You turned to see Melissa standing there, her presence commanding immediate attention. "We don't want to start late, do we?"
She hesitated, her face flushing with annoyance, whispering to herself, "Qué perra... [What a bitch]" She shot one last glare in your direction before scurrying off on her short legs.
Finally, you sighed in relief, grateful for the reprieve. However, a lingering unease remained as you recalled your last conversation with Melissa yesterday and her ominous warning about your partner. For now, it seemed she wouldn’t bring it up.
"Thank you, Ms. Heart," you said, turning back to your work.
She smirked, joking, "It's my pleasure. No one wants to be stuck with Ms. López." It elicited a chuckle from you.
Everyone knew how unbearable Isabella could be, her abrasive attitude leaving her with only a few friends. Despite feeling a twinge of pity for her, you couldn't help but think she had brought it upon herself.
"Hey, you don't happen to know where Mr. Doe went, do you? I have something to tell him," she asked, breaking your thoughts.
You glanced at her curiously before considering.
"Yeah, I think he went around the corner," you replied, gesturing with a nod of your head.
"I see, thank you. See you around, Mr. [Last Name]," she said, heading in that direction.
As you continued working quietly, you pondered why she was looking for him. Unlike the other women who fawned over him, she was an enigma. She kept her distance from him, especially after Rebecca's disappearance, which had made her even more aloof. It was unusual for her to seek him out, but you decided to brush it off as a work-related matter.
Still, her warning gnawed at the back of your mind, 'You shouldn't be near him, Mr. [Last Name].' Her words echoed, causing a shiver down your spine. What did she know that you didn’t? And why was she so adamant about it? Trying to shake off the uneasy feeling, you focused on your tasks. He had always been kind and charming, and you couldn't imagine him being anything but. Yet, her cold eyes and serious tone lingered in your thoughts, making it difficult to concentrate.
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The afternoon had slipped away before you knew it, leaving you with the same predicament as the morning: your car, still tireless, was unusable. Reluctant to call a cab, you found yourself back in Alastor's car. Since he didn't know where you lived, you guided him through the streets. As you drove, you made small talk, noting how little you had seen of him throughout the day, even during your breaks.
Was it just you, or was everyone acting a bit off today?
"Hey Alastor, I haven't seen much of you since this morning. What kept you so busy?" You asked, turning to look at him.
That's when you noticed a small but noticeable bandage on his right finger.
"Miss me much, darling?" He teased, his signature smirk playing on his lips. You rolled your eyes, matching his grin. "It was just an exhausting day," he sighed, turning a corner as you had instructed.
"I see... What happened to your finger then?" You asked, observing the bandage closely.
"Ah, just a little papercut. Nothing for your adorable head to worry about, dear," he giggled, his tone light and playful.
A papercut on the palm? That seemed unusual; you usually got them on the tips of your fingers. Shrugging off the oddity, you turned to look out the window. You made a mental note to get your car fixed over the weekend.
The rest of the ride was quiet after your short talk with him, but not awkward. Instead, it felt peaceful, almost blissful, like the calm after a storm. There was a certain comfort in the silence, a sense of unspoken understanding between you two.
Soon, your building came into view, and he pulled up in front of the entrance, stopping smoothly. As you gathered your belongings and prepared to exit the car, you felt a surge of gratitude for everything he had done.
"Thank you again, Alastor. I'll find a way to repay you for all this," you said, bowing slightly, a habit ingrained in your culture to show deep appreciation.
"No need for that, my dear!" He waved off your thanks with a flourish. "Ah, and before I forget..." He appeared to rummage through his belongings for a moment, then brought out his wallet. Extracting a few bills, he handed them to you. "For your tires." You blinked, taken aback, staring blankly at the money in his hand.
"I... I can't take that! You've done so much already—a ride is more than enough." You shook your head, but he only chuckled, insistently placing the cash into your hand and folding your fingers over it.
"You don't know how much you've done for me, how you make me feel..." His tone dropped to a more serious, almost sinister note. His smile remained, but something was unsettling beneath it. "I'm just paying you back." Your brows furrowed in confusion.
"I-I don't understand... What do you mean by that?" He chuckled again, glancing at his watch.
"It's getting late, best get some rest. Happy weekend, my dear~" With that, he left, driving away before you could ask any more questions.
You watched his car vanish from view, your mind swirling with uncertainty. What had he meant by that? What had you done to deserve such generosity? No clear memories came to mind, leaving you puzzled and uneasy.
As you made your way into your apartment, the questions lingered. You replayed your interactions with him, searching for any clue, any moment that might explain his words. Yet, nothing seemed to fit. With a sigh, you resolved to let it go for now, hoping that clarity would come with time. After all, you had the weekend to ponder it.
Entering your apartment, the quiet familiarity of your home provided a brief respite from the swirling thoughts. You set the money aside carefully, deciding to use it for the tire repairs as intended. As you changed into more comfortable clothes, you couldn't shake the feeling that his words held a deeper meaning, something just out of reach.
In the background, you heard a thundering roar, followed by the steady patter of raindrops. The lovely afternoon had given way to a tempest of raging gray clouds. Seeking comfort, you fetched a few chocolate éclairs you'd bought a few days earlier. With a book in hand, you settled by the window, reflecting on the day's events.
The soft glow of your reading lamp cast a warm halo over the pages of your book, but you found it hard to focus—your thoughts are a mess.
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The car ride was silent, filled only with the rhythmic swish of the wipers against the rain-soaked windshield. Alastor's usual smile had faded into a deep frown. His mother had always told him to smile, instilling in him the belief that a smile makes a person stronger. When she died, her son smiled through the tears, just as his mother had encouraged him to do.
But when he was alone, the façade would crumble, revealing the raw, broken heart beneath. After her death, he swore to himself that he would never stop smiling, in honor of her memory.
He was still human. Even if he hated it, he couldn't just keep smiling, especially when someone he truly loved was in danger—danger of being pulled away from him. His grip tightened on the steering wheel as he recalled his earlier meeting with Ms. Heart. The mere thought of her filled him with rage. She was a horrendous woman, always meddling where she didn't belong.
When the car rolled through the rain-soaked dirt path to his home, his right hand throbbed in pain, a sharp reminder of his earlier confrontation. He barely noticed it, though; his mind was consumed with thoughts of how to eradicate this threat posed to his life.
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MC Fun Facts:
He's bisexual with a preference for men
He was born in Japan hence why he spoke Nihongo
His mother is Japanese and the father can be whoever you want him to be
He's currently 37 years old making him 3 years younger than Alastor
He has a tattoo of a fox's head on his back—a reminder of his mischievous ways back in his early 20s
His mother taught him how to use the Naginata that he brought into his apartment with the landlord's permission
Next [NSFW]»
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alastor-simp · 1 month
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✪Here is my list of tumblr stories that I am in the process of working on. Some of them will be brand new stories and others will be continuation of a series I started. It will be better for all of my readers to see what stories will be coming out soon and what new ones I will be writing and posting soon.✪
😈Hazbin Hotel + Helluva Boss😈
Hazbin Hotel Gang + Reader with Pokemon Part 2
Part 2 of "Why? -Alastor x Powerful Overlord Reader
Helluva Boss (I.M.P + Stolas) Reacting To a Reader Who Sings Like Ado
Hugging Them Out Of Nowhere- Helluva Boss Part 2 (New Characters)
Alastor x Body Dysmorphic Female Reader
Alastor with Blind Female Reader
Alastor with Deaf Female Reader
Alastor x Carrie White!reader (Request)
Drunk Compliments - Drunk Fem Reader x Alastor
Hazbin Hotel Gang Reacting To Video Games
Alastor x Fem Reader with Mommy Issues
Alastor x Abused Human Reader
🪄Twisted Wonderland
Continuation of Watching Horror Movies with Twst Characters
Dorm Leaders Reacting to Pokemon
Riddle Comforting Crying Reader
Dorm Leaders Reacting To Reader Who Sings Like Ado (REWRITE)
Dorm Leaders with Body Dysmorphic Fem Reader
Dorm Leaders with Selectively Mute Reader
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nouverx · 5 months
crawls in here
Humbly requests more of your human! Al bc I’m unapologetically obsessed with him👀….
GOOD because I am also obsessed with him
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He's 29 Mimzy!! Run!!
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