#He probably has a penguin bandana
xjumbled-up-brainx · 2 years
Hugo headcannons cause I said so:
-He is a bi king✨ he/him
-He usually eats healthier foods, but if he wants a treat he likes salt water taffy and coffee cake
-He is a spinach and kale guy. “Romaine lettuce is for basic bitches and losers.” —Hugo
-He is a lemonade guy.
-Watermelon and feta cheese>>>
-His secret passion is bonsais. He doesn’t know why, he just thinks they are champs. (Maybe it’s because they are just like any other plant, but their purpose is to be perfect and controlled. They are just like any other tree, but the only difference is that they are small from craving attention.) But whoooo knoooows…
-Unlike most penguins, Hugo is an only child. Still though, he struggled to stand out. His parents were a bit neglectful, the kind of “oh that’s nice sweetie” and continue reading the newspaper when he tried to show them anything. He got fine grades, fine everything. Just fine. But, when he started athletics, he got more attention, and more, and more. He became popular, everyone knew him. This hobby morphed into his whole personality and identity. Now people actually paid attention to him, he had his thing.
-In school he always struggled with those: Introduction get to know papers. They were difficult because they separated “who are you” and “what sports and hobbies do you do” these were the same for Hugo. Sports is his personality, he always lied because he knows nothing else about himself.
-His bandana was given as a gift from a late coach, who was a former champion in the iron clam. This coach was who informed Hugo of the race, and helped him train for it. Unfortunately, he passed before he could see Hugo participate. He won that first race, and every race after that.
-His coach was the only one who noticed something was wrong with Hugo. He tried to set up some “mental trainings” cough cough therapy, but no therapist could handle Hugo and his big ego. He just talked about himself the whole time, but not in the way therapy is supposed to be. His coach also struggled with emotional connection, but he always tried to help. Hugo had not felt anyone truly care about him since his coach passed, until he met Peso.
-He didn’t show it on screen, but when he said to Peso “now I can have a chance to win again” he was truly grateful. They were going to cancel the race. What would cancelling the race do? Sever his only connection to his coach, and the only thing that makes him special. He was genuinely worried, but didn’t know how to deal with that feeling so it showed up in his uncontrollable cockiness.
-After the sliding challenge, Hugo comforts Peso, it was his first time, Hugo almost lost his first time, of course Hugo won his first time though so it’s not the same. He is not intentionally being critical or mean, he is actually being honest or his definition of nice. He is being genuine, he has no filter and can’t recognize how his words affect other people. He was never purposely mean to Peso in the whole episode, he didn’t even know people thought that was mean.
-When the penguins start the chant about Peso “you might actually win this thing” you can see how distraught Hugo is. This is a new experience. If Peso wins, what does that make him? What else does he have?
-“No pain, no gain. I’m a winner, not a quitter.” He can’t afford to quit, quitting makes him a nobody again. He is willing to disregard his own well being if it means he will win. “There are more important things than winning.” “Like what?” “Making sure you’re alright.” “I don’t understand you at all.” He really doesn’t understand why Peso wouldn’t do what Hugo would do and just leave him behind. He has probably never heard those words from anyone, no one really showed they cared about his well being. Of course his coach did, but not in the same compassionate way we all know Peso is famous for.
-When Peso swam him across the finish line, he was genuinely confused. Peso wasn’t like anyone he’d ever met, no opponent or fan. He didn’t blindly praise him for his athletic abilities. He was compassionate and real, it caught him off guard.
-It took a lot of strength for him to suggest that Peso deserves the iron clam, beginning of his arch. Since that time, he made strides toward bettering himself.
-He stopped the iron clam competitions. Without him competing, others felt confident enough to enter. It made him happy to see other penguins being more confident, taking time to explore his own soul and what really makes him happy. Not caring what other people see him as. He still wears the bandana, but he knows Coach is proud of him.
-The half clam shell is now the only trophy he keeps.
-Hugo listens to “I’m Gonna Win” by Rob Cantor after a mental breakdown to hype himself back up. He has a lot of difficulty with identifying his emotions, sometimes he gets overwhelmed and has no idea why. Everyone loves him, right? There are those in much worse situations, cause he’s the best, right? So why does he feel this way? That’s not fair to everyone else, he’s supposed to be better than this. Because he can’t fully show or understand his feelings, it comes off as his cocky default to hide what’s really going on.
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polarurchin · 2 years
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@ikkaku-of-heart​ asked: 💭 what made Uni start warming up to the other Hearts.
-It’s less of a certain event than a multitude of things that helped Uni loosen up to the Hearts. Uni was quick to get used to Law because he was his boss now and he felt he had no right to keep away from him when he is needed. Cracking some fish facts though took a little longer.
- I would imagine the other Hearts doing their best to make Uni feel at home so he wouldn’t be such a ghost on the sub. They figure that he likes bandanas so much and so the next time the Hearts disembark on an island, they each pitch in on buying some different styles for Uni to wear besides the then limited supply he had on him.
- When presented with these gifts, Uni just about broke down in tears because never before had he really had people be considerate enough to git him things. His favorite among the many bandanas was one with an urchin print across the front (Because of course it would be).
- After that, it was very hard for Uni not to give in and be more himself around his fellow crewmen.
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firaknight · 4 years
So this is basically PMD x Kirby
(Here’s a key: pink is the name of the character, green is the Pokemon they chose, blue means male, pink means female, purple is the description of design changes)
So, before I explain who gets who, Adeleine sets up a few rules/guidelines for everyone.
1: The couch. Adeleine and Ribbon live in a cottage on the outskirts of town and therefore have a small house. When everyone’s there, she has a set seating system: tall people (DDD, herself, Daroach, etc) have to sit on the couch or in the general back. Short people (basically everyone else) sit in front of the couch and around the floor (she gives them pillows and floor seats of course)
2: No repeats! It’s to help her remember and also to not cause confusion or arguments. Nobody gets to have the same Pokemon as someone else (the only exception being if they plan to evolve them into a branching evolution, like Gardevoir and Gallade in the Ralts line)
3: Personalize! Everyone gets to add design changes to theirs (cut ear, different patterns, accessories, etc) to make them their own! They also assign genders to theirs and if they can’t decide, dice are rolled. Odds for male, evens for female (they can choose not to, but the vast majority were like “yeah whatever let’s just give them a gender”).
Ok onto the actual Pokemon
Adeleine: Chikorita, female, wears a scarf (part of the in-game story) and has a multicolored head leaf! Also had a small crystal hanging from her neck!
She saw the design and called them a “tiny dinosaur with a big leaf” and immediately decided on them. She loves them to death and thinks they’re the cutest Pokemon on the planet.
Ribbon: Fennekin, female, wears a scarf (part of the in-game story), has fur that is more pink than red, and wears a huge red bow! Also has a small crystal hanging from her neck!
Couldn’t choose the same Pokemon as Adeleine and thought Fennekin looked beautiful (she was even more excited when she saw the final evolution). She also has a type matchup with Adeleine and absolutely takes bullets for her to keep her from dying.
Kirby: Eevee, female, white fur is tinted pink, has blue eyes instead of brown, and wears bunch of colorful accessories like bows, bracelets/anklets, and collars!
Couldn’t decide on the gender and the dice rolled female! He doesn’t care and loves his Eevee!!! He likes how soft they look and how they have different evolution!! It’s like his copy abilities!!! He’s stuck trying to figure out what to evolve them into tho.
Dedede: Piplup, male, wears a big robe and hat, body is a slightly darker and more vibrant blue, and is a little chubbier!
He convinced Adeleine to take on a more difficult dungeon request for this (she got a big dinner at the royal table and got to stay the night in one of the royal rooms out of it though so it was worth it) and after a near 2 hour run and almost 3 game overs, she got it. Dedede only wanted it because it’s the only penguin Pokemon in the series and he wanted a big penguin like himself!!!
Meta Knight: Ralts (Gallade), male, wears a mask like his own, has more jagged blades, and wears a cape!
Only picked them because they saw Gallade and said “yeah that’s gonna be me” and didn’t wait for an answer. He likes their arm blades and the fact that they have a mega evolution (even BIGGER blades!!!!!!! A big tattered cape!!!!!! Badass looks!!!!! What’s not to like!!!!)
Bandee: Karrablast, male, wears a blue bandana, body is orange instead of blue, stomach is cream instead of orange, and has a tiny spear (this is later removed when they evolve)!!!
They saw Escavalier and got super excited!! Double spear arms!!! Armored and tough looking!!! They like how tough they look and 100% chose them for that reason only (although the Pokemon kinda grew on them over time). Not ultra tough right now but they’re getting there!
Marx: Sableye, male, gems are basically mirrors, wears a jester cap like his own, and has only 2 claws instead of 3!!
He likes how fucking creepy they look and how their mega evolution has teeth. It’s a very specific detail they will absolutely drill into why they like them so much. They also like how powerful they can be if used correctly!
Gooey: Goomy, female, body is shades of blue instead of purple, has a tongue that noticeably sticks out!!
He originally wanted Ditto but then they saw Goomy and felt a certain kind of love for them. He also couldn’t decide and the dice rolled female! He likes how the name is similar to his own and how they’re goopy like him!!! They’re also super squishy and he is too!!!!!!
Rick: Dedenne, male, tail is shorter, body is similar in color to him, has beans!!!!!!
He likes how they’re kinda hamster-esc!! They have electricity too which is hella cool. They look kinda soft to him and he was mildly upset over them not having paw beans and demanded that Dedenne be given justice by having them drawn in (Adeleine totally agrees to this). He likes to think they’re mega soft like himself!!!
Kine: Magikarp, male, slightly flatter, blue instead of orange, larger fins!!
He couldn’t choose a Pokemon and eventually just settled on Magikarp because he thought they’d be ok. Didn’t realize they evolve into such a big Pokemon until they saw what it looked like in one of the dungeons. The keep bragging about how powerful they’re gonna be when they finally evolve, but nobody is taking him seriously because he can only use 1 move as of now and hasn’t reached a point where he can evolve yet.
Coo: Hoothoot, male, body is purple instead of brown, has spiked feathers on his head, has a softer and fluffier appearance!!!!!
It’s an owl. He wanted to be an owl. He reeeeaaallly wants to evolve because Noctowl looks way cooler but he’s fine with what he’s got for now!!! He has a speed based build because he can fly very fast :)
Dark Meta Knight: Noibat, female, monochromatic colors with some red mixed in, mask with a scar, tattered wing membrane!!!
Purposefully decided on having a femal because he thinks it kicks ass a little more (also he loves his adopted daughter and decided that would be badass too). Built like a fucking assault tank but with speed. He absolutely leads the charge when he’s playing and takes every fucking hit possible if it’s aimed at his daughter. Gloats about his badass evolution and how fucking sick it looks despite having not evolved yet.
Daroach: Sneasel, male, wears a cloak and hat like his own, has yellow and longer claws!!!!
He didn’t like any of the existing rats and said “lemme get a thief pokemon” and settled on Sneasel. They have a team called the Squeak Squad and it’s comprised of his Sneasel and the squeaks own copies of the game! They play together in their free time and Daroach had Adeleine grab him a Sneasel so he could play on her copy too.
Magolor: Inkay, male, wears a blue cloak like his own, has yellow eyes!!! (The cloak doesn’t really fit until Inkay evolves)
Physically couldn’t choose and then someone showed him Inkay and he said “oh! I fucking hate them.” It was only until they showed him Malamar that he said “oh they look like they’d backstab someone. Perfect.” He likes how fucking ominous they look and how they would 100% be a supervillain given the chance. His Inkay is a good guy tho don’t worry.
Taranza: Joltik, male, has tiny fangs and little horns that grow out when they evolve, wears a cape, has little gloves on their hands!!!
He wanted Flabebe because of the flowers but was told someone already took that one and decided he’d take a spider Pokemon! Almost settled on Ariados but then saw Galvantula and got super excited. He likes their fuzzy look and thinks they are a lovely Pokemon!!
Susie: Gothita, female, eyes are gradient blue with no pupils, has pink accents on the head, more modern appearance!!
She couldn’t find any pretty ones with tech on them but liked Gothita! She thinks they look ok and Adeleine was nice enough to invite her over for PMD game day so she joined in. Her Gothita is surprisingly beastly and is a heavy hitter! However she also gets her ass kicked really fast because Gothita isn’t built for up close heavy hitting.
Zan Partizanne: Shinx, female, wears the same clothes as her, has more yellow on her!!
She really liked how Shinx looks. Tiny electric kitty puppy thing! She wanted to name it after some kind of thunder deity but wasn’t able to (she probably had a name for it tho). Speedy little powerhouse who looks adorable. Continues to tell Adeleine that she’s only doing this to repay her debt (and also for insulting her hairline) but is really just enjoying herself.
Flamberge: Fletchling, female, wears the hat and ribbon-like shawl, has spiked feathers that stick up a lot like her hair, more vibrant red!!!
She fucking loves this little bird. Like. A lot. Something about them is just so awesome to her. Maybe it’s because it evolves into a giant fire falcon but who knows! She just loves them and cherishes them with all her heart. BEGGED Adeleine to recruit them and managed to convince her (she had to offer up making her a cool sword to get it. Adeleine accepted the deal almost immediately because cool ass sword).
Francisca: Vanillite, female, wears the hat and shawl, has more vibrant blue, ice cream part is the same color as her hair!!!
You know exactly why she chose this one. Ice cream baby!!!!!!!! She thinks they’re lovely and wants a plush of them super bad (they don’t make them yet but merch happens eventually!). She jokes that they have an ice cream stash they live in.
Pitch: Pidgey, male, green in color!
He got to join in after the other animal friends told him! He’s good friends with Adeleine (all the animal friends are) and she let him pick a Pokemon! He doesn’t play as much because he has to use his little feet’s but he does his best!
Nago: Glameow, female, body is orange and the ears are brown! Eyes remain closed instead of open to reflect his design!
He wanted it to be a girl just because. He says it’s because it resembles his girlfriend a teensy bit (just in coat color really) and he loves her a lot. Little bastard cat causes trouble on adventures and purposefully runs off to look for the stairs by himself without any incentive from Adeleine.
Chuchu: Frillish, female, wears a small red ribbon and has a more vibrant pink body!!
Couldn’t choose originally but settled on Frillish because it’s the closest thing to her. Nicknamed it frilly and likes to cause problems. She’s got a pretty decent move set and knows how to kick ass with it tho so she makes up for her trouble with that.
Queen Ripple: Flabébé, female, wears glasses and has black ear frill things, wears her crown, and wears her dress!!! Flower is white!
She gets to play too!!!!! Adeleine offered to let her have a Pokemon and she plays though wireless connection! On a very rare occasion, she makes a trip out to Popstar for a week or so and gets to play during then! She has a lot of fun and adores the design for Flabébé so damn much (plus it’s fairy type and that makes her very happy)!!!
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kbstories · 4 years
con·tin·gent (adj.) Dependent on; conditional.
There's only one thing Trafalgar Law is truly afraid of.
(Or: Bepo will be damned if he loses Law just when he got him back.)
Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Sickfic, Nakamaship, Amber Lead Syndrome, Medical Inaccuracies, Childhood Trauma, Law whumps well and I have no excuse
Set between Zou and Wano. Read Chapter 2 here.
To say the Polar Tang is a tight fit is an accurate, if unfortunate, assessment.
Years ago, the shipwright they commissioned to make their submarine-turned-ship a reality had cautioned them about the limited capacity. Back in the North Blue, the logistics of cramming more than two dozen people into close quarters with high-pressure machinery seemed a far-away problem at best.
That was long before Jean Bart entered the picture, patient as their helmsman had been to accommodate the narrow spaces of his new home. The nightshift Uni and Clione had pulled to present him with a set of his very own Heart Pirates-branded overalls the next day probably had something to do with it, too.
And maybe it’s because they haven’t had guests in a while (or at least, none that were conscious enough to count), or that Law’s paranoia has rubbed off on Bepo more than he likes to admit… When their mismatched group of allies take the first step on deck, Bepo is watching them like a hawk.
The fact of the matter is: Bepo loves the Tang. They all do. She’s the one that carried them from the North’s frigid waters all the way into the New World. She’s the best. All they – pirates and samurai alike – give her are curious glances, though, neither overly positive nor notably negative as they follow Trafalgar Law into the bowels of his submarine.
Well, with exception of that Strawhat cyborg, Franky. The moment they’re inside he’s gone, fawning over metal walls and neatly-welded seams like they’re the delicate linework of an artist; all Ikkaku can do to prevent any damage to her baby is to run after him. Her harsh reminders to be careful grow fainter and fainter as the rest moves on.
Ikkaku was against this whole alliance thing and yet, Bepo assumes it’s only a matter of time until their chief engineer is charmed, too. It’s one of those inevitable things that tend to happen around the Strawhats.
In any case, Law doesn’t seem bothered and so Bepo isn’t, either. It’s not like the captain lets them dwell on it for long, anyways – he shuffles their guests into the galley like a goose herds its chicks and gives Penguin a handful of minutes to organize some snacks for everyone before the crew is called to the control room. In one big gulp, Bepo swallows the rest of his sandwich and off he goes.
He gets there just as Law emerges from the captain’s cabin in a fresh change of clothes and still-moist hair. “Ready?”, Law asks him, looking worn out still but sounding excited by his own standards, and Bepo nods with a fanged grin.
“Ready, Captain.”
The tanks are flooded and the engine purrs below their feet. From there, the Heart Pirates flit in and out and around Trafalgar Law like blood cells under a microscope and Bepo?
Bepo stands by Law’s side, one eye on the Log Pose and the other on the currents, and feels his pulse even out. There’s nothing like home.
The Tang quiets to a comforting hum once the course is set and optimal velocity is achieved, a background noise as familiar to Bepo as the cadence of Law’s voice. The residual heat from the engine room is making everyone but Bepo sweat in their suits, and he’d feel smug about it if his paws and nose weren’t wet with perspiration too–
It’s then that he remembers their allies, more specifically the only people without proper gear to be in a submerged submarine, and Bepo curses his own neglect under his breath for all of a second. By that point Bart is already letting go of the helm to pat Bepo's head, an automatic gesture of comfort.
“I told them to wait”, he says and shrugs a bit sheepishly because, as it turns out, the Strawhats actually listened. Bepo finds them lounging around one of the tables, just where they left them; the three from Wano Country are huddled in the corner a bit further away, heads stuck together to catch up. The Strawhats are in the middle of a round of some card game, it seems, even if their expressions are serious enough to make Bepo wonder if there’s more to it. He hovers in their periphery, hesitant to interrupt.
Suddenly, Nico Robin looks up and smiles. Usopp groans, throwing his hand away.
“I give up! You’re impossible, Robin. Impossible.”
“Bear”, Zoro greets him, gaze sliding lazily from his cards to Bepo. “You any good at Continental?”
“Uh”, Bepo replies intelligently. Conti-what? A glimpse at the cards Robin plays doesn’t reveal any epiphanies to him, either. “Sorry. I don’t know what that is.”
“It’s a card game from the East Blue”, Robin explains while she holds out a patient hand for Zoro’s cards as well. It’s one summoned by her powers, not that Zoro seems to mind as he rolls his eye and relinquishes the (presumably bad) hand he had. “Nami is a real devil at it.”
Usopp leans far back in his chair. “Playing this without her to knock out Robin early on is hopeless”, he adds with a dramatic sigh.
Bepo’s ears twitch in interest. Nami, their navigator? “Ah. Perhaps you can show me–” The sentence crashes into the realization that he's letting himself be distracted, again. “Later! Show me later. You guys need suits, and a tour around the– Wait, where’s Franky?”
Robin chuckles rather fondly. “Don’t mind him”, she tells Bepo, “Franky is easily excitable by the prospect of a new ship to tinker with”, and before Bepo can feel put out by her just deciding that, she glances over Bepo’s shoulder. A pause, pensive.
“I can reel him in, though. Your ship, your rules, Mr. Traffy.”
A huff confirms Law’s presence behind him a moment before he puts a hand on Bepo’s elbow, undemanding. Out of habit, Bepo nudges their shoulders together to acknowledge his captain properly and Law’s fingers tighten, once.
“Better get it out of Franky's system now, I suppose. We’re still close enough to the surface that an explosion or two won’t kill us all.”
Law’s voice is utterly deadpan and it’s most certainly a joke – Robin is snickering good-naturedly, too – but Bepo still gives his captain a look. These are the Strawhats they’re talking about.
Law just shakes his head, a movement so subtle it might as well not exist at all. Bepo lets out a breath. No sudden deaths by drowning today, how nice.
“As Bepo said: You need suits and a tour. Wano people, you too. Zoro, you need a guide.”
“Hey, why the suits?”
That last one comes from Usopp, and Bepo opens his mouth to offer a perfectly rational answer–
“So the Tang doesn’t boil you alive”, Law says and gives them a sweet smile. It drops off his lips immediately. “Any other questions? I’ll send Uni over for your measurements. He’s the guy with the bandana. Shachi will show you around. Bepo, a word?”
Bepo nods along and… Huh?
As first mate, tour duty should fall onto him – after all, it’s a good way for him to gauge who exactly they invited into their home – but something in Law’s tone makes Bepo’s instincts perk up and pay attention and oh, Law hasn’t let go of his elbow yet.
Bepo doesn’t have time to ask his captain what’s wrong before blue engulfs them both and the world shifts around them.
Shambles is a mixture of falling and being held; for Bepo, the unique feeling of Law’s powers is a long-kept comfort, simultaneously a vanguard and the last line of defense in every battle they have fought together.
When it fades, Bepo finds himself in the captain’s cabin – the sight of floor-to-ceiling bookshelves lining the walls is a familiar one, the whirlwind of documents all across the desk not so much – and there’s no time to ponder on that before Law holds his hands inches from Bepo’s nose and tells him to look.
“Just– Humor me. What do you see?”
Bepo snaps his jaws shut because Law is serious, the air of snarky rudeness gone without a trace, and Bepo looks and sees... Well, nothing. There’s tan skin and fingernails kept obsessively neat; there are the precise lines of the tattoos that have been there for years.
Law’s hands are trembling.
“I don’t see anything, Captain”, Bepo says honestly. Gently, too, because anything that involves Law insisting like that is wrapped in caution tape and staked with warning signs, do not enter, all the way up to the ocean’s surface.
Law curses, then, shaking out his arms in an effort to stop the tremors and it’s wrong, for a surgeon’s hands to be that unsteady. He starts tugging at his clothes and Bepo watches, concern swelling bigger and bigger in his chest – Law’s hat falls to the ground unnoticed when he pulls his shirt over his head in one rough motion.
“Look”, he repeats, golden eyes gone cold and hard. His chest heaves with how heavy he’s panting, muscles taught under the strain; Law’s arm is the only thing left covered, bandaged all the way to his shoulder.
Bepo does, expression carefully blank as he forces himself to look past the ink and all the things that make Law Law and directly at what’s hidden in plain sight: faded by time, he spots the outline of pale-white scars that have always been there, pre-dating even the fateful day they met.
Then, Bepo shakes his head. “Nothing. There’s nothing, Captain. It’s the same as always.”
It’s a rushed breath, barely a question at all. It takes Bepo back a decade, the raw fear in it unchanged and belonging to a boy just scratching manhood, struggling to trust the one friend he has in the world. “Honest”, Bepo promises like he always has, and for all of his twenty-two years the ache in his heart feels ancient.
“Talk to me, Law. Please. You’re scaring me.”
Finally, Law inhales sharply and nods, fingers dragging through his hair the way he does after a close call, another life barely saved.
“Something’s not right. I didn’t notice with everything else going on but I’m tired and everything hurts? It’s like I’m about to pass out, fucking… faint like I used Room too much and things get fuzzy around the edges but I haven’t. All I’ve been doing is sleep and eat, I don’t– It makes no sense. And it’s not going away, Bepo.”
Bepo wants to hug him, the need to hold him close and tell him to breathe writhing inside him like a separate being. Law isn’t done yet and somehow it’s even worse to witness him trying to wrest himself into a semblance of control, to drag himself away from all-too-familiar devastation.
“Fatigue. That’s how it starts”, Law tells him, like he’s talking about a patient wholly unrelated to himself. He holds up his hand and counts down with his fingers, one at a time, utterly methodical. “Then pain in the limbs, difficulties concentrating for longer periods of time, discoloration of the skin and hair, high fever and–”
There are no more fingers left, all of them tucked against Law’s palm and exposing all five letters.
“–ultimately: death.”
Bepo can’t take it anymore. “Captain–”, he starts and again he’s interrupted.
“I must’ve missed something.”
Something flashes in Law’s eyes, something unstable and mad-looking and this is bad, Bepo thinks numbly. Very, very bad.
“I thought I cured it but I was a kid, Bepo. Nobody knows the long-term effects of surviving Amber Lead Syndrome, nobody lived long enough to tell. Just because there're no new spots doesn’t mean it’s gone. And what if there’s deposits on a molecular level? I couldn’t cut cells back then without Kikoku but I can now–”
“Law, stop! Shut up!”
Bepo hasn't shouted at Law and truly meant it in a long, long time. Law’s eyes go wide and the frantic rambling stops, and Bepo is done hesitating: He reaches through that gap and touches Law’s forehead, heat searing into the sensitive skin of his paw pads immediately. Shit.
“You’re burning up”, Bepo tells him and shakes his head, barrels through the acute panic in Law’s gaze before it can take proper hold. “Stop, okay? Listen to me.” His paws drop to Law’s shoulders, firm, careful where his fingers touch gauze. “Remember our promise on Swallow? You were delirious with pain and bleeding all over the place and you told me–”
Law whispers, “Promise to stop me”, almost as pale as he was when he said it the first time.
“Exactly. I promised to never let you operate without a clear head ever again ‘cause you’re only human, Captain, and you make mistakes like this. So this is me, stopping you. You’re unwell and you’re scared and you’re not gonna cut into your own cells looking for Amber Lead like this. Okay?”
“Okay”, Law says, the low rasp of his voice growing more solid, close to trusting. Bepo lets himself feel the rapid beat of his own heart for a moment and that, too, is calmer now if only marginally so.
“Okay. So: You’re tired, your body aches, you can’t focus. You have a fever and there’s like, a thousand reasons why that could be aside from– That. And there’s no new spots. What else causes those symptoms? Walk me through it.”
“The flu? Other viruses. Anemia. Iron deficiency in general. Uh–”
A few seconds pass where Law just thinks, brow furrowed and shining with sweat, and Bepo reaches blindly for the hoodie he knows he will find crumpled on Law’s desk chair. “Put this on”, he mutters and presses it against Law’s naked chest. Law does, even lets Bepo help when his injured arm catches on fabric and a pained hiss escapes his lips.
Then the scars are covered again, out of Bepo’s and – more importantly – Law’s sight for the most part. Law stops shivering as much and it's not much but it's still good, still progress. Bepo steers Law to the bed and makes him sit down; arms crossed on the back of the chair, Bepo sits directly across from him. Eyes soft, he nudges Law’s boot with his own.
“Captain. What else?”
“Bacterial infections, severe ones. Miningitis? Hmm... Lymphoma. Technically, most types of canc–”
“Whoa, that’s– Let’s stop there. See? Plenty of options. All of them suck, especially that… that last one.” Bepo pauses, can’t help but to ask: “It’s not that, right? You don’t have cancer.”
Law’s expression softens, the overall misery pushed aside for a moment as his lips twitch tiredly and he shakes his head. “No cancer.”
Bepo nods in relief, and his mind is already three steps ahead because they need a plan and Law is not the only Heart Pirate that has a knack for those. “What’s the prescription against fever? Painkillers and…?”
There’s not much finesse to Bepo searching the cabinet where Law keeps his private stash of medicine. The weight of Law’s eyes on him registers yet his captain says nothing, wordlessly watching Bepo as he reads labels and tries to place everything back where he finds it until– There!
“Got it. Take… uh, how many?”
“Two. And one from the red box. That one, yeah.”
Bepo gives him the pills and waits with crossed arms until Law obediently swallows all of them at once, wincing at– Wait. Water.
Scrambling to the adjacent bathroom, Bepo fills a glass and refills it right after his captain finishes the first, placing it on his nightstand. “My apologies.”
“It’s fine. You’re fussing.”
“You bet I am”, Bepo huffs, uncaring how petulant it makes him sound. “And I’m not done. Now, rest – and I mean rest, Captain, as in not moving from that bed or so help me – and I’ll get Shachi and Penguin to keep you company. You’ll be fine in no time.”
Pointedly, Law folds the covers over his legs, a wordless there, I’m in bed. “Happy?”
“And you?”
Blinking, Bepo tilts his head at Law. Law just raises an eyebrow and waits, looking vaguely worried and–
Bepo reminds himself that for all he’s a genius his captain is also an idiot.
“You just came back and you’re sick, what do you think I’m gonna do? Figure this out, of course! There’s no way I’m letting you anywhere near one of the Emperors like this, much less freaking Kaido. Also”, he takes a long breath, “I’m taking Kikoku with me and there’s nothing you can do–”
“–to stop me! …Wait, seriously?”
“Yeah, take it. You’re worried enough as is.” Law shrugs a little, like it’s no big deal he’s allowing Bepo to handle the sword he keeps close even in his sleep. “It’s cursed, though. Be careful.”
Bepo swallows, a little nervous despite himself. “I know. I will. And… we’ll get through this, okay? Just stay put. Don’t do anything stupid.”
Law leans back against the headrest and sighs, “Can't. The meds’ll knock me out in a few.” And perhaps he doesn’t look particularly happy about any of it but he still took the pills Bepo handed him, still decided in that moment to trust Bepo to come up with a solution while he’s down and out.
Determination sets into a tight-lipped smile on Bepo’s face. Law’s trust is all Bepo has ever needed, be it to wrestle ocean currents into submission or to help his best friend find the freedom he’s looking for, one cut string at a time.
“I'll tell 'em to hurry, then. Leave the rest to me, Captain.”
>>Chapter 2.
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Corrupted Memories Pt. 5
-Back at the Mansion-
Terry, steps through the door: Hey everyone! What's up!? My name's Terry Bogard! Are you all ok? (Looks around)... ... ...Hey where is...Anyone? I thought the whole point was "Everyone is Here"
Sans: Hey there bud. How are ya?
Terry: ... ... ...A talking skeleton?
Sans: Yep. The names Sans nice ta meet ya. (Holds out his hand)
Terry: I'm Terry! (Shakes Sans' hand only to be electrocuted) ... ... ...
Sans: Now that was "Shocking" wasn't it? (Reveals a Joy buzzer on his hand)
Terry: Ok skeleton man I've only known you for a few minutes... ... ...
Sans: ... ...
Terry: And you are now my best friend.
Sans: Nice.
Samus: Hey there are you guys new here?
Terry: Yep.
Samus: If you wanna know where the others are well. They're all in space visiting Popstar.
Terry: What's that then? And why haven't you gone? Aren't you the chick with the gunship?
Samus: Yes I am and I'm not going because it's a dangerous place filled with the most powerful beings in existence. That enough?
Sans leaves the room for a second.
Terry: ... ... ...Wait you fight Jesus?
Samus: Well I don't, but Kirby does... ... ...Kinda. THEY'RE NOT EVEN JESUS!
Samus: NO!
Simon, on the phone: We talkin about Jesus?
Samus: (Hangs up) Ok. All you need to know is that it isn't safe out there in Popstar which is why me & Link are staying here.
Terry: ...A bit boring tho yeah? Aren't you supposed to take risks as a hero?
Samus: Yeah but-
Sans, suddenly crashed through the mansion walls with Samus' gunship.
Sans, to Terry: Get in loser we're going to space!
Terry: ALRIGHT! (Jumps in through the ship window)
Samus: Gaaaah! Fine! You go then! It'll be your funeral.
-Back in Space-
Meta Knight: Prepare for landing everyone Popstar is here.
Meta Knight landed the Halberd in it's Hangar.
Meta Knight: Ok everyone once we get outside stay sharp the citizens here can range from cute & harmless to completely devastating. Usually, Kirby is here to keep them in check but... ... ...Yeah despite that, be aware of everything. In the meantime I will sort out the Kirby dilemma. (Flys away) Oh and also...Please don't die.
Rosalina: That's reassuring.
They stepped outside.
Donkey Kong: This place doesn't seem to bad.
Diddy Kong: You were probably just exaggerating Meta Knight.
They said as a Bugzy relentlessly suplexed an innocent Waddle Dee.
Donkey Kong: See they're wrestling.
Sheik: Whatever you say.
King Dedede: ALRIGHT! Settle down! Allow me to introduce you. To Dreamland!!!
Kazooie played the Jurassic Park theme with her kazoo.
King Dedede: Thanks Kazooie here's your bird seed as promised.
Kazooie: Pleasure doing buisness with ya.
King Dedede: Now listen up chumps! You are all being given the oppurtunity to stay in my Castle as a little thanks for coming.
Bandana Dee: You have each been segregated in terms of gender. So girls share rooms with other girls & boys with other boys.
Mewtwo Raises hand.
Bandana Dee: You can pick whatever side you want.
Mewtwo lowers hand.
Joker: We'll be staying in an actual Palace. Huh. Well. Life will change.
Ryuji: Yeah emphasis on the change.
King Dedede: Just make sure you keep away from monsters they will kill you.
Chara: Sounds like my kinda party :)
Joker: No. You aren't partying today.
Rosalina: Joker & Sheik? Can I talk with you guys?
Sheik: What's up Rosa?
Rosalina: Can I ask a favour of you guys?
Joker: Sure thing what is it?
Rosalina: Can you help me find out about what happened to Dedede!?
Sheik: Huh? You mean with like. The memory wipe?
Rosalina: Yes. I've tried several things. I reset the timelines several times but not once has anything happened. You guys are great at stealth and adventuring you guys could help me out.
Donkey Kong: What're we talkin about?
Rosalina: Depends if I tell you will you help out?
Donkey Kong: Sure why not.
Rosalina: So here's the deal. (Shows them a photo) This mask has caused Dedede to go pretty much a memoriless husk centuries ago.
Joker: Centuries!? How old are you guys?
Rosalina: You'd be super surprised Ren.
Chara: What's all this talk about the penguin?
Donkey Kong: Who?
Chara: ...Dedede.
Donkey Kong: Dedede's a penguin!?
Chara: ... ...I give up on life.
Joker: Heheh. How about we talk about this later?
Rosalina: Yes let's before DK loses more braincells.
Donkey Kong: How long has he been a penguin?
Sheik: (whispers) Since the beginning.
((Megalovania Intensifies))
Cut to Terry and Sans headbanging to Megalovania in Samus' gunship.
Terry: Listen and hear a song the birds are singing!
Sans: Sit down a while and watch the flowers bloomin'!
Terry & Sans: This! Is! Your! Fault right!
Sans: Standing in the corridor!
Terry: Who thought we'd be here like this together!?
Sans: On a gorgeous day like this I ask what is it that you want!?
Terry: I belie-... ...Wait a second? Is that that Kirby guy outside?
Sans: I don't know. Never met the dude in person.
Terry: He's said to be the strongest hero in video game history.
Sans: So we're both agreeing that Kirby is the giant floating eyeball talking with a large warlock man?
Terry: Yup.
Sans: Cool.
-Further through space-
Ganondorf, holding Kirby: Kirby villains! I've come to bargain!
A deafening silence ensues as the shadows of many powerful figures looms overhead.
To Be Continued>>
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letgraysonsheart · 5 years
Could you do the “Its Nothing” sickfic prompt with Dick ??
i am so sorry for spending so long before getting around to doing this and also im pretty sure this isnt my best and it could do with a little more editing BUT i really wanted to get it out to you before any more time went by, so i really hope you enjoy and that it satisfies some of your whump-needs! 
It’s in the middle of the pre-patrol briefing. Bruce has a grainy street recording of a bank robbery pulled up on the screen. They’re already in their suits, ready to leave once Bruce finishes up and gives the signal. Tim is trying to follow what he’s saying, but he already heard all the details when he planned the mission yesterday.  Bruce’s pointing at one of the robbers, his face half-covered by an ugly bandana (and honestly, didn’t that stop being trendy forever ago?).
They are just about finished when Dick sneezes for the third time since they started. His older brother is leaned back in his chair, his elbow falling down after he used it to stop the spray from his mouth.
Bruce stops talking mid-sentence, hand still in the air pointing at something on the screen. “Everyone needs to be on their top game tonight,” he comments. He’s staring at something behind them. Is he actually trying to avoid an argument by not pointing fingers? Tim is almost shocked.
“He’s talking about you, Grayson, and all your sneezing,” Damian comments where Bruce doesn’t. Tim can see how the younger elbows Dick in the stomach as he says it. The elder sits up at that, running a hand through his hair.
“It’s nothing,” Dick promises, rubbing his side were Damian’s pointy elbow met his poor body. Tim winces, he’s been on the receiving end of those pesky elbows one too many times.
“Are you sure none of the cats have been here?” Dick asks while he looks at Damian, and rubs at his eyes. They do seem to have a slight red tint to them, Tim notes.
Damian huffs offended, “Of course I’m sure, I know where they are at all times. Why would they want to go down here anyway?” the youngest of them argue and throws his arms out. His chair starts spinning because of the movement, and Dick stills it by placing a hand on the armrest. Damian has the decency to smile.
Bruce is rubbing his forehead. He’s probably wondering why they can never seem to have one single normal briefing. His other hand is still hanging in the air, way off its original position.
“They’re cats,” Tim points out because that should be enough of an explanation. He’s quite sure he saw some pretty suspicious paw-prints in the training chalk last week. “They go wherever they want. Why wouldn’t they like the cave? It’s dark, and there are blankets.” If Tim was a cat, he’s pretty sure he would love the cave and never ever leave it.
Damian narrows his eyes at Tim, “They haven’t been here today. I knew Grayson would be joining us tonight, and I would not let them down here considering his allergies. I have no death wish.”
Dick looks a little offended at that, “it’s not that bad!”, and follows it up with yet another sneeze.
“If it’s not allergies, what is it then?” Tim asks because Dick’s face is looking more red than usual. Bruce did just say they needed to be on top of their game.
“Are you sick?” he asks when Dick doesn’t answer.
“I said it’s nothing! It must be the dust or something. It’ll stop once we get out,” Dick waves his hand in the air in front of his face, flicking away imaginary dust. “Please continue Bruce, so we can get out of here,” he says and signals for Bruce to continue talking.
“If you’re sure,” Bruce says, voice stoic but even Tim from the far end of the table can see that his jaw is looking slightly more tense under the cowl. He’s picking up the same thing as Tim, something is off with Dick.
But Dick, stubborn as ever, only nods and so Bruce continues.
“You sure you’re alright?” Tim asks as he falls back behind Bruce and Damian to walk beside Dick. Dick looks up at him, but his eyes are hidden by the domino. His older brother smiles, but Tim can’t help but think he looks tired. Dick then reaches out and ruffles his hair, a fake laugh escaping his lips. Tim tries to refrain from cringing.
“Of course, Red, like I said; it’s nothing, don’t worry so much,” he gives Tim another quick smile before he mounts his bike to follow the roar of the batmobile. Tim tightens his lips and wants to say something but doesn’t know what, so instead he mounts his own bike and follows Dick out into the night.
Their mission is to stop the robbers as they attack their next target; a jewelry store in a nicer street of Gotham. Bruce has a theory that they’re stealing a specific type of karat. It seems to be Penguin steering them to the right destinations. The stores Coppelbot has his claws in hasn’t been robbed, but the particular gold has still disappeared from their mantles.
It’s all going well until the robbers arrive earlier than expected. They are still setting up the traps, aka still in the store, when the robbers smash in the backdoor surprising them.
“Nightwing, are you okay?” Tim hears Bruce ask as they move to disarm the robbers who’ve spotted them and are getting out their guns. Tim feels his heart beat faster because yeah, that’s right - Bruce had commanded Dick to stay outside and be on lookout for tonight. The elder had grunted in dismay but still swung up on a nearby rooftop. His only instructs were to tell them if anyone arrived. The seconds seem to tick by too slowly as they wait for an answer.
One of the goons fires of a shot before they get on. It fizzles past Tim a little too close for comfort, even if he throws his whole body to the side and onto the floor to avoid it. The bullet hits a glass mantle instead, and the broken shards spray all over his face.
“Red, are you alright?” Bruce yells, throwing the offending robber into a wall and smashing a jewelry mantle in the process.
“What? Was that a gunshot?” Dick is in his ear, and Tim would be overjoyed were it not for the fact that he almost got freaking shot seconds ago. Bruce doesn’t look happy either as he runs over to haul Tim off the floor.
“Yeah, seems like MAYBE you’ve missed something,” Tim hisses to his brother as he takes Bruce offered hand. They don’t have time to linger. Damian is still fighting to subdue one of the robbers - a man twice the side of the shorter Robin. There are still more men to go.
“Do you- should I come down? Do you have it under control?” Dick ask and his voice is taking a slight frantic note.
“Just do your job,” Bruce grunts back, sounding angry and stressed. Not good.
Tim takes down another robber, and Damian is still over in the corner trying to get a jump on the tall one. Tim makes his way over to help the younger. With a swift move he wacks the tall robber with his bo-staff from behind.
He’s a second too late to stop the robber from swinging his knife at Damian, who’s trapped in a corner. There is nowhere to move for the newest Robin, the window on his left blocked by shelves and a brick wall to his right.
Damian ducks, but Tim still hears the sound of kevlar being sliced. He hears the younger groan, but Damian still manages to whack the robber with his own staff as he goes down.
“The GCPD are arriving,” Dick informs them via the comms, “I think Gordon’s with them.”
“One of the robbers had a knife, he got Damian,” Tim reports and looks back when he hears that the sound of fighting has stopped. Batman is tying up the goons, all in various degrees of consciousness. He freezes and looks up at them as Tim’s words filter through.
“Is he alright?” Dick asks, voice small. Bruce drops the goon he is finishing tying up to the floor and the man groans. Batman all but runs over to them, hands already reaching out to look at Damian’s wound. Robin is already on his feet again and looking irritated. He’s scowling and if his eyes weren’t hidden by the mask Tim is sure he would be glaring.
“Let me look at it before the cops get here,” and it’s not Batman but Bruce who grunts at his son. Damian lets his hands, which he until now has been holding over the wound, fall to the side. There’s blood, but there isn’t a lot of it. Tim lets out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding.
“Can someone please tell me he’s alright?” Dick says over the comms, “I’m coming down there, whatever’s going-” “Stay,” Batman commands Nightwing. “Red Robin will take Robin with him to the cave, he’s going to need stitches. Meet them there, I’ll talk with Gordon,” he continues with his voice sounding rough and detached. Tim winces and feels glad he’s not the one on the receiving end of the com-unit outside alone on a cold roof.
Damian tuts, “I don’t need stitches!” He looks like the child he is as he whines, and Tim bends down the pick up the bo-staff Damian has dropped. Bruce is slapping a field bandage over Damian’s side.
“Yes, you do, you’ve got a bleeding knife wound in your side,” Tim says as he hands the younger his weapon.
“Do as Red Robin says,” Bruce tells his youngest as they hear the sound of the cops outside. Nightwing is quiet over the com, hopefully already making his way back to the cave.
Damian shuts his mouth at that and follows Tim through the broken down door out to Tim’s bike.
“Think you’ll be okay holding on to me for the whole ride?” he asks the younger as he mounts on it. Damian glares back at him.
“Of course,” the younger says, and hops on the back. Tim doesn’t miss how hard Damian is clutching his arms around his side as they drive but holds back his comments. They drive in silence all the way to the cave.
Nightwing is already there when they arrive. His eyes look even redder than before, his face flushed. Tim wonders if his big brother has been crying as Dick runs over the second Tim stops the bike. Tim helps Damian jump off first, and tries not to jostle the injured teen too much, before jumping off it himself.  
“Shit, little D, are you alright?” Dick has ripped his domino off. His hands are already out and steering Damian by the shoulders towards the infirmary. Tim follows behind them, and he can see the obvious tension in Dick’s back muscles.
“I’m fine, of course. I would have been better had you done your job though,” Damian says and Tim sees Dick stiffen as Damian slips out from under his hands to jump up on a bed. Alfred is already waiting, gloves on and disinfectant in hand. Tim spots a ready-made needle and thread too on the utility table.
They leave Alfred to do the patching-up, as Dick doesn’t seem to have an answer and Damian isn’t one for having an audience while he gets tended to. Once again Tim finds himself following Dick’s tense body back towards the main part of the cave. Bruce has arrived now too and is waiting for them by the door to the showers.
“What. happened?” he asks, and his cowl is up so Tim gets a front row seat to how Bruce’s cold eyes tear into Dick.
“I didn’t see them,” Dick answers, “I don’t know-”
“We can’t afford to not know!” Bruce snaps, “I would’ve thought you knew this by now. How is it possible to miss armed robbers entering the very building you’re supposed to be staring at?” Bruce is as tense as Dick now, his ripped off cowl clenched so tightly in his hand that his fingers are turning white. They are both too on the offensive to have a proper conversation about this, Tim knows that, but he also knows Bruce and Dick. None of them will be willing to back down.
But Bruce is right. Dick made a mistake. It could have cost both Tim and Damian their lives. It almost did.  
“I - I’m sorry Damian got hurt, you know I would never put that kid, or any of you, in danger on purpose!” Dick says, his voice sounding more desperate with every word. “I just, I don’t know, suddenly you were just yelling in my ear, that’s when I first knew they were there!”
Dick’s arguments are thin. Too thin for Batman.
“Someone could have died, Dick!” Bruce tells his son, mimicking Tim’s very thoughts. Dick though, he looks like he’s been slapped. Tim finds himself wishing he was anywhere but in the cave with them.
All the fight seems to have seeped out of Dick, he resembles a sad balloon three days after a birthday party.
“I know, Bruce,” his voice sounds hoarse and painful, “I messed up. I’m sorry.” He falls down in a discarded chair, and Tim walks over and puts a hand on his shoulder. He squeezes it and feels the warmth radiating from Dick’s body in his hand.
“Maybe you should take some time off, just a couple of nights. I know you said you were alright, but..” Tim lets the rest go unsaid. Bruce is looking at them, nodding along to Tim’s words.
“I said it was nothing,” Dick bites back but he does go to hide his face in his hands.
“I don’t have the time to take a couple of nights off. I think I’ll go to bed now and sleep until like noon,” when Dick takes his hands away and looks up at Bruce, there is no anger. He only looks tired as he asks, “that okay?”
Tim looks at his adopted father. Bruce looks like he wants to say more, fight more, he might not have been prepared for Dick to let up so quickly. He usually doesn’t.
Then Bruce nods, “Go to bed, both of you. We still managed to stop the robbers, so there is no more work for us to do tonight. I’ll check on Damian.”
And that’s that.
Tim gets up at ten the next day and finds Alfred alone in the kitchen. Tim is thanking whoever’s out there it’s Saturday, and that he has no plans outside of Bat-business.
“Everyone else sleeping?” he asks the butler, as he takes the cup of coffee Alfred is handing him and smiles a thank-you.
Alfred shakes his head, “Master Wayne is downstairs but Master Damian is still in bed after my orders - I don’t want him ripping his stitches. Master Dick left for Blüdhaven over an hour ago mumbling about a drug-bust,” the elder explains as he goes to put on a new round of coffee.
Tim frowns, Dick was supposed to sleep in.  
“Did Dick seem.. fine, to you?” Tim asks Alfred’s back. Alfred turns to look at him and narrows his eyes. Tim knows there is very little that flies past the older man.
“He seemed to be in a hurry to leave and as usual didn’t look like he had gotten enough sleep. Is there anything in particular you’re concerned about?” Alfred has put his hands on his hips and Tim feels like the man is staring straight through him.
“I’m not sure yet,” he answers, biting his lip. He slides off his chair, figuring he should at least find his phone and shoot Dick a text. If only to ask if the older needs help with whatever case he’s working on.
Tim meets Bruce in the hallway who already has a new lead on the robber-case they worked yesterday. They get caught up in the conversation, debating strategies and planning the next mission.  Tim forgets all about his plans to text Dick.
Three days later and they’re gathered for yet another briefing. This time Jason is there too, with all his bravado and attitude, signature red helmet on. He’s sitting on Tim’s left side, leaned back in the chair as far as it goes with his arms crossed.
“I’m guessing no one else was available, that’s why I’m here?” he says, the helmet making his voice sound robotic.
“Yes,” Damian answers like it’s just a random fact. Dick, sitting on Damian’s side, says nothing to reprimand the teen, which is weird. His eyes are far away. Even Jason seems surprised that the oldest of them have nothing to say; that he doesn’t come to his aid or at least try to parent the brattiest Robin.
“What’s up with Goldie?” Jason whispers to Tim, as much as you can whisper with a big bulky helmet on.
“No clue,” Tim answers. He’s about to spill his concerns to Jason when Bruce flicks on the screen. Like last time there’s a dark store and an even darker street filling up the view in front of them in its grainy glory.
As Bruce goes on about their mission, and how he hopes it is the last one and will finish the case up for good, Tim studies Dick. He’s red in the face, more so than usual, and Tim is sure he heard a cough earlier.
“Dick, I don’t want a repeat of last time. Can I trust you to be on top of your game tonight? It’s vital we all do our part, we barely have enough manpower as it is,” Bruce asks. He’s not very considerate about hanging Dick out to dry in front of his younger brothers.
Dick goes even redder, “Yes Bruce, I just messed up, it was nothing-” “Say that to the hole in my side, Grayson,” Damian interrupts, though there is little venom in his voice. Jason snickers, if the choked sound emitting from his helmet can even be called that.
“Okay, then I say we move out,” Bruce finishes and turns off the screen before dragging his cowl on. Tim sees Dick grip the back of his chair as he gets up to steady himself. He wishes his stubborn older brother would just say something if he isn’t feeling well.
Jason brushes past them both before Tim gets around to opening his mouth to voice his worries, and the moment seems to be over. It’s almost deja-vu, how he falls back to walk beside Dick over to their cycles.
“You would tell me if you weren’t alright?” Tim asks, careful to keep his voice low because Bruce and Damian are still getting into the batmobile. Both of them have too long ears, must be a Wayne-trait.
Dick looks at him. Again Tim is hit by the realization of how tired his brother looks, cheeks flushed but otherwise pale and supporting those damn red-looking eyes.
“Just a little bit under the weather, maybe it’s a cold,” his voice sounds raspy, much like in the cave a few nights ago. “As I’ve said, it’s nothing, I wouldn’t go out there if I didn’t think I could handle it, Tim,” he then adds, no doubt seeing the worry making its way over Tim’s face. Dick quickly glues on his domino, making his uniform complete.
Tim hums in contemplation but doesn’t get to argue because Dick is already swinging his leg over his bike. He can see that Jason has already started the drive out, the batmobile hot on his heels, and they have no choice but to follow. Tim just hopes his brother is right because Bruce wasn’t kidding when he said they needed everyone to do their part today.
Tim’s finishing up, brushing the dust off his uniform, when his communicator pings with a sound that means someones trying to contact him on a different channel. They’re all supposed to be on the main B103 tonight, but his interest is peaked. And you never ignore a com-signal.
“Yeah?” he says.
“Somethings off with ‘Wing,” it’s Jason, and judging by the background noise he’s still fighting, “he’s… slow,” he continues.
“Did you call me up, on a different channel, while fighting, to say that?” Tim asks, already getting ready to make his way over to them. Jason doesn’t answer, just grunts as Tim assumes he punches someone.
“Where are you?” Tim asks, getting onto his bike. This time Jason manages to answer, and he rattles off an address only three streets down. When they had busted the last known hideout Penguin had created for his little gold-robbing minions, they had scattered. Therefore the split up. Everyone had gone off on their own, but Dick and Jason must have met while cleaning out their areas. He is sure to switch over to the main channel again before leaving.
He arrives at Jason’s location quickly, but it seems the fight is already much over. Dick is over in a corner of the street tying up someone, and as Tim gets off his bike he sees Jason kick someone that goes flying. It’s safe to say that the person doesn’t get up again.
“Dick looks fine,” Tim tells Jason when he gets over to him, putting his behind to Dick. Red Hood is crunched down fitting a pair of handcuffs on the goon he just kicked but looks up at Tim as he walks over.
“Like I said he-” Jason is interrupted.
Retching. Someone is vomiting. Jason gets up and Tim turns. Dick is bent over, leaning on a lamppost and his whole body is shaking from the force of throwing up.
“What the fuck,” Jason mutters, and Tim can see him reach around to take the helmet off now that there are no criminals left for them to take down.
Tim starts making his way towards Dick, who’s stopped vomiting but is still standing bent over.
“He said he was fine, that it was nothing. Fine my ass,” Jason grumbles behind him.
Tim is about to yell, ask if Dick is okay - vomiting on the street isn’t that worrying, Dick might have seen some bad stuff today - Tim is not one to judge. He isn’t sure what the rest of them have been doing since they split up, there are many scary things in Gotham. Still, there is a nagging feeling in his head telling him that trauma isn’t the reason this time. He opens his mouth, words on his tongue -
Dick straight up collapses. Just falls over in a mess of limbs right there on the street.
He doesn’t get up.
“Nightwings down!” He hears Jason yell, both out loud and in the com in his ear. Tim’s running. He feels like he can’t get to Dick fast enough.
He falls on his knees once he reaches his brother. Dick’s breathing, that’s good. It helps calm Tim’s anxiety a little as he rips off his gloves. He already knows what he’ll find as he puts the back of his hand on Dick’s forehead. It’s glowing hot.
“He injured somewhere?” Jason asks, as he crouches down beside Tim, who’s checking Dick’s pulse. It seems steady enough, a little fast but then again they’ve just been fighting for a long time. Jason rolls Dick more onto his back, so he’s not laid in such a crumpled up position anymore.
“Can’t see anything serious. He’s got some small lacerations and looks like he scratched his face up when he went down,” Tim says, as Dick groans beneath him, “I think he might just be sick.”  
Jason huffs as Dick groans again, eyes moving underneath his eyelids. “You awake, Dickhead?” Jason says, tapping Dick’s face. Dick’s head lols a little to the side, but his eyes blink open. They look hazy, it might be the fever or Dick’s managed to get himself a concussion, Tim thinks.
Damian is yelling in his ear, and Batman is demanding a report and asking if they need an emergency evac.
“He passed out, seems.. somewhat awake now. I think he might be sick, might have gotten a concussion when he went down though. We need to get out of here, but we don’t need an evac,” Tim answers them.
“Stay with him,” Bruce says as if Tim would ever just up and leave his own family laying in the street. Jason looks to be thinking the same thing as their eyes meet. “We’ll finish up and go straight there with the batmobile to pick you up, tell me if anything changes,” Batman finishes. No one answers as the com’s clicks off again.
“Let’s get him on his side, don’t need him choking on his own vomit,” Jason says, already reaching out to grab Dick’s shoulder. Together they wrangle Dick, who seems slightly more awake now, onto his side.
Now Tim can see that Dick is shaking, and reaches around to loosen his cape. It’s thin, but it might protect Dick a little and make him feel less exposed, so Tim drapes it over his shoulders.
“T-thanks,” Dick rattles.
“I asked you if you would tell me if you weren’t alright,” Tim grumbles, even if he knows it’s unfair to pick a fight when Dick’s a shivering mess laying in the street.
“T-thought I would b-be,” Dick answers, and Tim hears Jason scoffs.
“That’s what we all think every time we go out sick as dogs, but you’re the one always preaching about not doing it,” Jason complains. He’s sounding less worried and more irritated now that Dick is awake and talking.
Dick rolls to lay on his back again, to Tim and Jason’s dismay, but none of them bother to force him to move again. He’s blinking up at them, Tim’s cape is clenched around his fingers and his face still looks red, there��s cold sweat on his forehead.
“Sorry,” he says, as he stares at their faces.
“You scared the crap out of me,” Tim replies, feeling anger take over for panic, “I knew something was wrong, you suck at hiding things.”
Dick only smiles at him, the bastard.
The familiar screech of the batmobile fills the street. Tim feels relieved that the responsibility of taking care of Dick is lifted off his shoulders. Yes, he had Jason there with him but it’s not the same as having Bruce there to take control.
“Think you can stand?” Tim asks. Dick nods, looking a little hesitant, and moves to get up. He gets to pushing his arms under himself, before going “nope!” and falling down again. He looks more green than red now, Tim figures.
Jason sighs, a tad dramatic, but still reaches out and scoops up Dick in his arms. Dick doesn’t protest, and Jason looks just a little bit awkward, so Tim figures Dick must understand how shitty he looks. There is no way Jason would act like this if Dick hadn’t looked more than half-dead a second there.
Both Bruce and Damian have gotten out of the car when they reach it. Bruce is prepping the backseat, where he after too many medical pick-ups has installed a seat that folds back into a makeshift bed.
“Grayson, you idiot,” Damian says as he helps Jason get their older brother into the car. There is no anger or judgment in his voice though, and Tim sees over Jason’s shoulder how soft Damian is when he tucks Dick in under a heated blanket. The younger then climbs into the car on the other side, as Bruce closes the door after giving Dick his best “we’ll talk about this” eyes. Tim shudders, once again happy not to be on the receiving side.
Bruce turns to look at Tim and Jason, who’s still standing on the sidewalk.
“You two okay?” he asks, looking them up and down. They both nod.
“We should get home, Hood-”
“Sorry, B, think I’ve got enough family drama for today,” Jason says while turning and walking towards his bike. Bruce doesn’t look surprised, but Tim thinks he must be disappointed. He isn’t sure. Bruce is hard to read, especially in the cowl. He doesn’t say anything to stop Jason though, but neither does Tim.
“You can join us in the car if you want,” Bruce tells Tim instead of dealing with Jason, “we can pick your bike up later.”
Tim shakes his head, “Nah, it’s fine, I don’t want to leave it here. Plus, I have a suspicion Dick might puke on the way home and I don’t wanna be there for that.“ He gets a small smile out of Batman for that, before he gets into the car and drives off.
When Tim arrives on his bike back at the cave, Dick is laid out in the infirmary in one of the cots. There’s an IV connected to his bloodstream, and a thick blanket covering him. He looks to be asleep. Bruce is sat in the chair by his bedside
“Not only has he managed to get a nasty bug, but he’s also dehydrated and - you were right; he managed to get himself concussed too,” Bruce says as Tim walks up to the bed.
“I was almost amazed he lasted as long as he did,” Alfred, who Tim hadn’t seen before, says as he comes walking around a corner, “then I remembered how you’re all stubborn as bulls.”
“I - I knew there was something wrong,” Tim confesses, not daring to look at either Alfred nor Bruce. “He said it was fine! That it was nothing! I shouldn’t have believed him,” he feels pathetic as more emotions than he wants to leaks into his voice.
“Tim, sit down,” Bruce commands and nudges him towards the chair sat beside him. Tim let himself fall into it, all the exhaustion from the last few days dragging him down.
“Dick’s stubborn, he refused to admit anything was wrong,” Bruce says and looks very much exasperated. “Alfred told me that you had expressed some concern about Dick the other day. All three of us knew, and none of us were able to stop Dick from pretending he was fine and going out tonight.” Tim can’t look at Bruce’s face and settles for staring at the man’s clasped hands.
“Stop talking,” Dick groans from the bed, grabbing their attention. Tim snaps his head up to look at his brother. “We all know this is on me,” he tells them as his eyes blink open. He takes his time before he manages to focus them on Tim and Bruce.
“Well, you’re not wrong, young man,” Alfred says and goes to take his temperature.
“Dami?” Dick asks when he can’t see the youngest anywhere. The thermometer is now hanging out of his mouth. Dick looks ridiculous, Tim thinks, and not at all like his tough but cheery usual self. He really does look sick, now that he isn’t actively trying to hide it anymore, more so than before.
“I told him to take a shower and head to bed,” Bruce answers with a rare gentle smile at his oldest, “he wanted to stay.”
“But he’s alright?” Dick asks, leaning back into his pillow and letting his eyes slip shut.
“All good,” Bruce replies and Tim looks away as Bruce’s hand slips over Dick’s.  
“And you guys?” Dick’s words are mumbly, but the worry in his voice is still clear.
“We’re all fine, Dick,” Tim promises, patting his shoulder, “We’re all fine.”
Dick falls asleep again, his face finally looking relaxed and the small scowl slipping away.
He’s got Bruce, Tim, and Alfred by his side and Damian sleeping upstairs, Tim knows he’ll be alright.
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