#He would throw himself into a pit of fire to rescue it before he let a single piece of mail get damaged
gay-ppl-real · 4 months
I see yet another piece of Welcome Home art where Eddie is depicted dropping parcels or losing mail or what have you to demonstrate that he's a bit clumsy and all over the place and another part of me becomes dipped in frustration about people not understanding the source material
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bleucommelhiver · 3 months
look alive, ulric
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nyx ulric week 2024 | day 3: teamwork RATING: T for language because it's Nyx and Pelna c'mon now WORDS: 1126 SUMMARY: On the day of the signing, the only people Nyx and Pelna can trust are each other.
The feeling of unease that’s been gnawing at the edge of Nyx’s consciousness since yesterday morning hasn’t let up. Today’s the big day. After today, he’ll put in a request for some much needed leave. Bring Crowe’s body back to Galahd, with Libertus if he’ll give him the time of fucking day, give her a proper burial. Check out the old haunts. Pay his respects to his lil’ sis and to pa. Finally see ma. Maybe you’d come along too.
He just needs to fucking get through today.
At least that’s what he keeps telling himself.
But as he makes his way past the crowds and barricades to the roundabout at the foot of the Citadel, the quietude of the day has him on high alert. Something deep in his gut is waiting for the metaphorical pin to drop.
The comm from command buzzes in his ear: “Niflheim contingent has left the hotel. Less than three hours until the ceremony. Bolster the Citadel Guard.”
Great. Looks like the circus is about to begin. Time to look alive, Ulric.
His comm buzzes again, this time it’s Luche on a private frequency. “Nyx, is the Princess with you?”
What kind of asinine question was that? Luche knows full well the captain’s relegated him to every form of grunt work since the last mission. Chaperoning the princess on the historic day of the signing was, apparently, out of the scope of his duties.
Nyx answers anyways, curious where Luche’s going with this. “No, I’m on duty at the Citadel.”
“Well, the Nifs just left for the ceremony. And she wasn't with them.”
The fuck? He was relieved from princess duty last night by Sonitus. Why’s Luche radioing him about it? The sense of unease in the pit of his stomach deepens.
It’s none of his business. He’s part of the Citadel Guard today, and all he needs to do is to get through today. It’s none of his fucking business, but his captain’s words echo in his head anyways: “Your orders are to protect her. Not to look, not to listen, not to think.”
Nyx abandons his post and makes a beeline for his apartment. Along the way, he taps his comm, ready to test a theory.
“Hey Pelna, Luche says the Princess is missing.”
“No shit?” His surprised response comes quickly. “Today of all days. Real convenient.”
“Yeah, seems like the Nifs got us running about like rats.”
There’s a brief pause before he replies, “No shit.”
As Nyx rounds the corner to his apartment, his phone begins to buzz. He mutes his comm piece before picking up.
“Trust no one, huh, Nyx?”
“Figured if there’s anyone left in the Glaive that Crowe’s warned, it’d be you.”
“So, what’s the plan, hero? Off to rescue the princess all by yourself?”
“I got you, don’t I? The Robin to my Batman. Or would you be Alfred in this case?”
“Fuck off, asshole,” Pelna laughs. “How can I help?”
Nyx throws open the door to his apartment and grabs the watch from where he left it on his desk. Its face is displaying a steady 35:2720 and -13:0318 instead of the dance of numbers from earlier this morning.
“I’m running on a hunch here, but I’m going to send you some coordinates from Crowe’s watch. Can you pinpoint the location?”
“Yeah, hold on.” Nyx can hear the rapid-fire click of keys as Pelna logs in his credentials. As he inputs the coordinates, Pelna asks, “You hear from your other princess?”
Nyx sucks in a breath. “No. Not since yesterday.”
“My texts haven’t been getting through to her, thought you might know something about it.”
Nyx pauses. He was beginning to think that all his undelivered texts were some short of glitch with his phone: first Crowe, now you. Fuck, he doesn’t have time to dwell on this. It’s got to be a coincidence. You should be in Altissia now, far away and safe from whatever shitshow is taking place today. Regardless, you’re more than capable and he knows you’re fine. You have to be.
“Don’t worry about her Pels, she’s safe.”
“Right…” Pelna doesn’t sound too convinced, but Nyx doesn’t blame him, he’s not privy to your whereabouts. “It’s twenty miles south of Insomnia — outside the Wall. What the hell was Crowe doing way out there?”
“No, no, they sent her to—” Nyx catches himself. “I need another favor Pels, pull those coordinates up on the radar. What do you see?”
“Shit. There’s a whole fleet of airships sitting at that spot.”
“Yeah, and from the looks of it, not the celebratory committee.”
Nyx runs a hand over his face in frustration. He should’ve known the armistice was bullshit; should’ve known the Nifs couldn’t be trusted. What’s the play now? If he alerts King Regis and mobilizes the troops, there’s a good chance the Nifs would catch whiff, especially if their ranks have truly been infiltrated. With the malcontent that’s been brewing from the protests on the streets to the soldiers in the barracks, he’s not confident any attempt at clandestine movements wouldn’t be immediately exposed.
So what? Does he just stay in the Crown City, pretend there isn’t a war fleet knocking at their door, and just…monitor the situation? Forget about the missing princess?
‘You’re not to look, not to listen, not to think,’ Captain Drautos’ words echo in his head again. Yeah, well, guess the King can count his lucky stars that he’s always been kind of shit at following orders.
Speaking of…
“Where’s the captain?”
“Should be on escort detail at the Citadel.”
Nyx doesn’t remember spotting the captain earlier. He scans the frequencies on his comm again, but it seems like their captain’s still AWOL.
At his silence, Pelna asks, “You thinking…?”
“Can’t be sure. Can’t rule it out either, but I need you to ready the Glaive for action.”
“What? You planning to deploy without the captain’s orders?”
“No.” Nyx dons his armor on over his uniform, pulling its zipper up and buckling its fasteners to secure the leather pauldrons in place. As he checks his weapons, he explains, “There’s no point bringing everyone along for a wild goose chase. As long as the Wall remains standing, their fleet has no way of reaching us, but if Crowe’s right, we need to be on alert for something inside the Walls.”
“You going dark?”
“Yeah, I’ll recon and assess. Low chance I won’t need to engage, but keep this to yourself for now. Give me an updated SITREP when you can.”
“Affirmative. I got your six.”
“Yeah. You always do, Pels.”
With that, Nyx ends the call and sets off.
Looks like getting through the day just got a lot more complicated.
NOTES: Please accept this excerpt from ch. 9 of Wayward Children as tribute, since as per usual, I've somehow deluded myself into thinking I'd be able to work on multiple pieces at once :)
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ofsmokenandgold · 5 months
The Cleaning Lady 3x07
I wanted to watch this episode a couple of times before committing any thoughts to the page, because, for an episode that took place largely in just two buildings, there is a lot going on.
Rather than try to go through the episode chronologically I'll just talk about the major character beats in what I think was the best episode of the season and one of the best of the entire series.
Thony was all over the place in this episode, and her obsession with "justice" for Arman is going to get someone killed, hopefully not one of her family. Once she dropped Dante in it, and Ramona took care of him it looked like she might be satisfied, but when she found out that Ramona is also "Marina", the name written in powder on the glass tray in the kidnap house, she went off on a new tangent, this time against Ramona. That's not going to end well.
I know we're supposed to feel bad for Thony because she was in love with Arman, but (as someone who isn't a fan of adultery) the only person I really felt for in this episode was Nadia. She was totally lost, and she had to deal with having her dead husband's "other woman" at his wake. The moment with Isabelle was nice, bringing the melted toy caddy that Arman had rescued from the backyard fire pit - but even that was tainted by Thony stealing it and giving it to Luca at the end of the episode.
Then she also had to deal with all the Sanchez-Morales family chaos - from Ramona getting her to throw Thony under the bus at the beginning, to Jorge accusing her of being behind the kidnapping (more on that later, he does redeem himself), to Eduardo and Teresa showing up and verbally going after Ramona for causing Arman's death ( and apparently, also alienating Jorge from them) and causing a shouting match (almost a fight) at the wake.
The best scenes with Nadia however, were her interactions with Jorge. Over the course of the episode they go from snarky adversaries to a real understanding through a conversation about the loss of his wife (she now has a name - Vanessa) and the nature of grief - to anger and comfort. Their chemistry is fantastic, and if I didn't already know that the show intends to throw Thony at Jorge, I'd be shipping the hell out of them. Talk about the hottest couple on prime-time TV right now. But, having said that, I was yelling "Do NOT kiss her" at the end when they were getting close. Those face touches would have been "pre-kiss" in most other scenarios, but I was glad they dodged the obvious "grief-sex" conclusion to that scene.
Jorge was the other main player in this episode and we got to see all different sides of him this week. He's still trying to protect Thony, despite her efforts to put herself and her family directly in Ramona's sights. He warned her multiple times that she needed to leave not just La Habana (when she shows up for the velorio) but Vegas altogether. But he also gave her the picture Luca had drawn for Arman and took her evidence of Dante's complicity to Ramona, while making sure that Ramona didn't turn it back on Thony.
Much of his interaction this week was with Nadia - already mentioned above, but his discussion with her about losing Vanessa was particularly poignant, and the discussion of "burning it all down" comes full circle later in the episode.
There are multiple levels of loss and betrayal for him this week. Not just Arman - I think he calls him "mi sobrino" for the first time in this episode - to his discussions of Vanessa - to Dante's betrayal - to the reveal of Ramona's betrayal in alienating him from the family when they left. In the second episode we hear him talk about how they threw them out and "treated us like trash" and the look on his face this week, as Teresa revealed that they begged Ramona to let Jorge stay with them, but she forbade them from contacting him, was a masterclass in background acting.
So, he goes and "burns it all down" in spectacular mob-assassin fashion. I admit to a bit of a competency-kink and watching him exit the Porsche, pull the slide on the 9mm and gun down four of the Devil's Breath accomplices and set the place ablaze in the coldest-of-blood, was actually rather sexy. But then it was sad again when he leaned over Dante's body and said (I think - it was very soft) "You were like a brother, compadre."
I think the breaking point with him and Ramona is coming soon - the preview for the next episode shows Jorge pointing a gun at Thony and Ramona saying "Just shoot her." We all know that isn't going to happen.
ETA: and I just loved the way Jorge gunned down four people, set fire to a building, cleaned the grip of the pistol, put it in his dead compadre’s hand and got back into his Porsche cayenne and carefully fastened his seatbelt. You wouldn’t want to risk being pulled over on your way home from a little evening of arson and homicide.
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imagine-this-fandom · 3 years
The Rescue: BNHA x Fem! Reader- Red Pitbull
the rescue intro: here
Inko led you through the store, only pausing to put Izuku back into his habitat. You followed her through the aisles of the shop, hearing the barking from the next room growing louder as you neared the door.
Inside was a wide variety of dogs. The shop was deceptively big considering its unassuming exterior. The Large room was a playroom of sorts. Almost a greeting room so people could meet the dogs in a fun and comfortable environment.
Your eyes tracked the movements of the dogs closest to you, searching for your potential new friend. There was a wide variety of dogs from young to old. Each had their own fun personality and you mused that you'd be happy taking any one of the furballs home. That is... Until you saw Enji.
You had never really been afraid of dogs, but this one... He was intimidating.
Pitbulls never really intimidated you. There were too many good ones out there for their reputation to bother you. This one however was scary looking. You didn't want to judge him right away, but he was every scary pitbull stereotype rolled into one. Rusty red fur covered the dog in patterns reminiscent of flames. White patches reinforced the flame look, snaking up his chest and up his paws like little fire boots. What caught your eyes the most was his eyes. Teal was not a color you had ever seen on a dog before, and on him, they were piercing, like the hottest center of a flame. There was an intelligence there that made you wary. Smart dogs were a handful and from the way he was looking at you and Inko, it seemed he had already made up his mind on you. His expression was pinched into as close to a scowl as his facial patterns would allow, white splotches on the ridges of his head forming eyebrows that gave the illusion of a glare.
You hoped against it, but as soon as you saw him, you knew he was the animal for you. Inko's leading grip on your wrist confirmed your suspicion, only loosening once you both stood before the muscular dog.
"(y/n), It's my pleasure to introduce you to Enji. Enji, this is (y/n). She's agreed to talk care of one of our residents here."
You watched the exchange, noting how his eyes fixed on her, his scowl deepening as she spoke. You couldn't help the giggle that slipped free, his expression was just so serious for a dog!
He whipped his head around to look at you, that ridiculous scowl still in place. He was trying his best to look intimidating and powerful, but the effect was ruined by the fact that he wasn't human. Had he been as he was before the quirk cursed him, Enji Todoroki would have been a fierce sight to behold. But now he simply looked like a pouting child throwing a tantrum, the scowl not translating right over the switch of species. His usual cold and intimidating demeanor were overshadowed by the fact that he was now just a little under two feet tall.
He watched you try to stifle your laughter, your form shaking with the effort as his expression got more and more exasperated. This was who he was expected to put up with for the rest of his time in this form? As the former number two hero, he was less than impressed. He gave a disgruntled bark, looking at Inko to ask if she was serious, but the look she gave him halted him in his tracks.
Endeavor had dealt with many villains over his hero career, but few held the kind of authority as a mother figure. She radiated sternness and he quickly understood that in this case, her word was law. She left the decision in your hands rather than his paws.
When he looked back at you, you had composed yourself again, a wide grin in the place of the wary expression you had carried upon seeing him for the first time.
"You really believe he's the one for me, Inko?" You tilted your head, examing the rather put-out-looking dog, surprising yourself with the hope that Inko would say yes. Sure he was intimidating, but that silly scowl made you smile. And pit bulls were hard to place, so it was a toss-up if he would ever get a chance like this again. You resonated with that more than you'd like to admit. Maybe it was your savior complex, but if you could help him, you wanted to. He deserved a chance.
The little fluttering hope in your chest flared happily when Inko nodded.
"I think you two will be good for each other. I trust you with him and think it's for the best."
with these words from Inko, Enji's scowl fell with a resigned huff. This would be a definite change, one he wasn't likely to enjoy. However, you were excited, and perhaps he could work with that.
You smiled softly and reached down to ruffle his ears. He was surprised by the touch but more so by the fact that it was a pleasant sensation. He quickly pulled out of your grip to grumpily sit with his back to you. He wasn't going to let you win him over so easily. He was originally the number two hero after all! His resolve was stronger than that, surely, he thought to himself.
He watched you move away to help Inko gather supplies, eyes following your every movement. You had seemed frightened at first, so he couldn't wrap his head around why you had accepted Inko's proposal. You were baffling to him, and he was determined to untangle the puzzle that was you.
Enji was confusing. He was so grumpy and far too much of a snob for a dog. You figured he was a rescue at this point. He refused to eat regular dog food, refused to sleep anywhere but a proper bed, and was intent on getting his way at all times. It was exhausting. There was a point when you almost returned him the first week, but it was also the point where you realized you didn't want him to go.
You had been walking him when a criminal attack happened just across the street. You watched in mute horror as a villain used their quirk to ransack a storefront, likely after the money in the register. You quickly turned your back on the sound of breaking glass only after affirming that someone was calling authorities. This was no place for a civilian to interfere. Enji, did not think the same way. He was tugging ferociously against the walking harness.
"Enji! We need to go, stop this!"
You tried to reign him in, but he just pulled all the harder, the woven material of the leash digging into your hands as your white knuckle grip was tested against the dog. It was a miracle he didn't pull you off your feet.
You fought against his weight to pull him away from the scene all while he barked and fought against you. Finally, you were able to pull him around a corner and away from the violence. Enji was not pleased to say the least.
How dare she, he thought, glaring at you, with as much anger as he could muster. Who were you to keep him from hero work? He growled lowly in his throat at you. He knew that if he were in his human form, his flames would be flickering dangerously.
"Now you stop that right now. We are going home, Enji. Now." You glared back, annoyed and if you were honest, a bit shaken by the event.
He turned around as if to go back, but was stopped by a sharp tug on the lead.
"No, bad dog. Heel. We are going home. You need to listen to me."
You pressed your lips into a firm line, doing your best to be as authoritative as you could, hoping he would see this as a fight not worth having. Oh, how wrong you were. With each insistent tug on the leash, he grew more irritated. It all culminated in one moment where his temper got the best of him. He wasn't used to being ordered around and he lashed out in the only way he could in this form. He bit your hand, aiming to get you to drop the leash so he could go without you.
You yelped sharply in pain, pulling the limb to your chest protectively, the leash forgotten on the ground. Your eyes held him in place, eyes watery with unshed tears as you looked at him in hurt disbelief. He hadn't bitten hard enough to break skin, but that did not mean you were unscathed. Angry red welts were beginning to form where his teeth had dug and scraped.
Enji felt guilt forming in the pit of his stomach, something he was not used to. The look of betrayal you were giving him made him feel off-kilter. However, he wasn't going to dwell on it
You bit your lip to keep the tears at bay before grabbing the leash off the ground with your good hand, keeping your eyes on him the whole time, watching for any sign he would attack again. Your movements were slow, cautious, and untrusting. backing up, you held the leash so the most distance was between you.
"Enji, we are going home. Now." You tried to keep your voice stern, but you winced as you heard the small warble to it from pain. He locked his limbs as the leash went taut once more. Before you could react, he grabbed the leash in his teeth and yanked it out of your hands, and raced back towards the action.
You stumbled after him, his name dying on your tongue as he stopped right in front of the villain, powerful jaws locking around the criminal's leg. It's like the scene was in slow motion for you as Enji faced the villain alone.
He dug his teeth in, determined to defeat the criminal despite his lack of quirk or usual form. His arrogance knew no bounds, but as far as he was concerned, he was just doing his job. Oh, how out of his depth he was.
The villain in question was named deathstalker. Upon one glance it would be easy to guess his quirk. Extending from his back, a tan appendage loomed above him, curled to a dangerous spike. Venom tipped and massive, the scorpion tail was a sight to behold. And right now... it was poised to strike at your dog.
Before you even knew what you were doing, your feet were tearing across the pavement. Your lungs burned with each panicked breath you sucked in, watching as the villain flung Enji away with an angry roar. You changed course to intercept him, flinging yourself over the dazed mutt just as the point of the tail struck, stabbing into your shoulder with a sickening speed.
Deathstalker had the nerve to laugh then, watching as you skidded sideways on the street, shoulder bloody and arms scrapped from your landing, but dog safely clutched to your chest.
"What are you, some kind of idiot?"
Stalking forward, he nudged your shoulder with his foot, eliciting a cry of pain as your shoulder burned.
"Hope you're proud darling, you just died for an exceptionally stupid dog."
He sneered, watching as Enji tried to wiggle free and get at him.
"Looks like he still has a death wish. What do you say, dear, shall I end his life too so he can join his dear old master? After all, he seemed pretty determined in the first place. All you did was buy him time to watch you suffer too."
He smirked and crouched next to you, his golden irises standing out against black sclera as they scanned the wound on your shoulder and shredded sleeves.
"You know sweetheart, he was going to die anyway. The stupid mutt bit me. And here I was having such a good day."
You fought the dizziness as the venom worked its way through your body, the wound radiating uncomfortable heat. You managed to look him right in those unnerving eyes, making eye contact before you took a deep breath. He might have been preparing for you to beg or plead for your life, ask for some reassurance that you weren't going to die. Instead, you inhaled before spitting in his face, eyes narrowed in anger.
Before the Deathstalker could respond, he was suspended in a forcefield as heroes dropped onto the scene. He beat angrily against his new prison as the heroes gathered around and began helping civilians.
You finally released your death grip on Enji, all the adrenaline draining out of you as the villain was moved away. You closed your eyes, not having the energy to do much but lay there.
Enji was instantly in your face as soon as he was free, examining you as best he could as he swore under his breath. All you heard was grumbling and growling from him as you lazily offered him your hand.
"I'm okay, boy. It's okay now..." Your head was fuzzy, but you weren't too concerned about that.
Enji growled at your words, knowing that Deathstalker would not have lied about the deadliness of his quirk. You needed medical attention now! He pressed himself against your side and barked, alerting the heroes to your position. He was furious, both with you and with himself, but mostly at the villain. But the anger boiling up would have to wait. He growled lowly as one of the heroes tried to shoo him away, determined to stay by your side as you were tended to. He had already failed once today, he wanted to be sure you were cared for now. Each moment you weren't seen to was one more moment that you were in danger. A danger that you had been in because of him.
You were put on a stretcher and loaded into an ambulance, Enji right by your side. He didn't usually stay with civilians after a fight, but with you, he didn't want to let you out of his sight. You were a stupid girl, charging in after him. But you had saved his life. And that rattled him.
You groaned as you awoke, hands going to scrub at your eyes after you were blinded by the white of the hospital room. As you sat and got your bearings, the events of before rushed back to you. The villain, your shoulder, and...
Your eyes widened and you frantically tried to get out of bed, the heart rate monitor going wild behind you. Luckily, a bark stopped you in your tracks. Enji had been resting to the side of your bed, not having left your side if he could help it.
Upon seeing your concern, he jumped up against the bed, front paws resting on the mattress as he scanned you to see if you were truly recovered.
Once you saw the familiar red furry head, you relaxed, a wide smile spreading across your face.
"Hey buddy, you doing okay?"
He snorted. This was coming from the girl in the hospital bed? He was fine. A little bruised from the landing, but no worse for the wear.
"You're alright? Good. Never do that again. I have half a mind to take you back to Inko for that stunt." You frowned at him for a moment before your face softened into fondness. You reached out and cupped the side of his face, thumb gently stroking the side of his head.
"You really scared me, you know? I was so worried I'd lose you."
He let himself lean into your touch, telling himself it was for your comfort, and not because he enjoyed the sensation. He watched your expression carefully, surprised by the concern and relief he found there. You truly did not regret throwing yourself into danger for him. For getting hurt for him.
"That was a stupid thing for you to do too," he said, the voice escaping him a soft bark and whine instead of the words he wished to convey.
"I'm okay Enji, really," You smiled and leaned forward, placing a kiss on his head. "My quirk protected me for the most part. Someone else's quirk can't kill me."
He tilted his head to the side, confused by your statement. The injury had seemed pretty serious to him.
"My quirk neutralizes anything deadly that comes in contact with me. Sharp objects? Those can hurt me. But the venom probably became relatively harmless after he got me. It made me dizzy and uncomfortable, but it wouldn't kill me." You sighed, scrunching your face in displeasure when you remembered the side effects of the venom.
"I'm just glad I was able to keep you safe until heroes got there."
You leaned forward and whispered to him in a conspiratorial voice.
"Ready to get out of here? Because there's no way I'm gonna stick around while doctors lecture me about being careless and compliment my stupid quirk."
You grinned as you pulled back and carefully climbed out of bed, ensuring that you weren't pulling on your IV before petting his head and leading him for the door.
It had been a few days since the incident, and Enji was starting to worry you. He was originally very pushy and confident. Determined to get his way. Now though, he was quiet and contemplative around you, no longer pushing for his way all the time. You'd never entertained the thought before, but now desperate times called for desperate measures. You were having an intervention for your dog.
That day, you got home from work, the usual tiredness pushed away by determination. Enji could see the difference and was decidedly curious. What had gotten you so worked up? It can't have been any villains as you seemed no worse for the wear. He mused that perhaps you were finally going to get another job. The one you were working at was clearly taking advantage of your good nature and hard-working spirit. Or perhaps the neighbor had finally asked you out. He snorted at the thought, amused but also a bit annoyed. His thoughts were cut short when you dropped into a sitting position right in front of him.
"Enji, you're a smart boy. I want you to listen to me."
You focused on him intently, watching as he squared his shoulders and focused on you, face all hard lines and serious fire in his eyes.
"You've been different. Ever since the villain attack, you've been treating me like glass. You're quiet, accommodating. It's weird. "
You frowned slightly.
"I want my old Enji back. You were a pain, but you were my pain. You were arrogant, sure of yourself. "
He eyed you carefully, admitting to himself that he had grown cautious around you since the attack. He knew that quirks couldn't cause lasting damage, but he wasn't going to throw your sacrifice back in your face. He respected you now. Still, you were asking for friendship, not reverence.
He was used to power being the only way to get things. Yet here you were asking for something else from him. You didn't want him to submit to you, but rather be himself as your companion. A confusing proposition, but... not one he was opposed to. He had already seen how selfless and strong you were. Perhaps he could enjoy learning more about you without the formalities he was used to.
"Hey, space cadet. Did you hear me?" You narrowed your eyes at Enji as he focused back from his thoughts. "Man, what am I doing?" You rubbed your eyes with the heels of your palms, "I must be crazy at this point."
You brought the appendages down as you heard an amused huff escape from Enji.
"Are you laughing at me now?"
You could have sworn he smirked as he barked an affirmative.
"is that so, furball?" You grinned and lunged forward, raking your fingers through his fur.
The sensation startled him and he jumped away. Oh, so that's how you wanted to play... He could oblige.
Your eyes widened as he turned back and came at you. You quickly curled up to protect yourself, squeaking as his cold nose came in contact with your side. He growled playfully and pawed at you, trying to get past your defenses.
You giggled, squirming as you tried to evade him.
"Wait, stop!"
He grinned. "You started this! Don't make this easy for me now."
You launched a sneak attack, curling your body around his head, laughing as you wrestled him to the ground and attacked him with tickles.
"I got ya! I Win!"
He managed to wriggle free eventually and lay beside you, panting, but content.
"Fine, fine, you win. Little ember. And I'll remember your words. No need to treat you carefully from now on." He rested his head on his paws as you lay beside him, face flushed from laughter as you caught your breath.
Who knew Enji had a playful side to him. Perhaps Inko had been right. You were good for each other.
Now you had your pushy bad-tempered pit bull back, and you were going to enjoy it.
Enji proved to be a bit of a jerk, but you had softened him up. He Was constantly pushing your buttons. He was in your space constantly, making sure you knew his opinions on everything. But you fought back. He knew better than to mess with you and knew you wouldn't take his bad behavior. You were determined not to let his bad behavior continue. You simply left the room if he lost his temper, and you didn't tolerate resorting to violence. He learned quickly if he wanted to get anywhere with you, he had to be calm.
He began to look forward to your company, the bickering one-sided on your end, but for him, it was exciting. You refused to back down from him and he realized he wouldn't have it any other way. Still, he did enjoy antagonizing you.
"Enji, move your fluffy butt! I have to go to work!" You struggled uselessly against him as he pinned you to the couch with his bulk. His response to your plea was to grumble and relax even further.
"You big galoot, I have to go make money, or would you rather I not feed you?" He huffed and stretched before leisurely climbing off the couch. You rolled your eyes and ruffled his ears and hopped up, brushing red fur off your uniform.
Despite the playful threat, the money issue was worrying you. Enji was a big dog, and you only wanted the best for him. That meant that he had plenty of toys, good quality food, and all the love and affection you could spare. However, money was starting to run tight. You had started to work extra hours as the weather started to get colder.
You bid Enji farewell and left for work, determined to keep up the cheerful appearance.
Enji was left to his own devices while you left. Something he was growing less and less content with. It was fun messing with you, and you didn't take any of his stubbornness. He patrolled the house, working through a training regimen he had perfected for this form. He missed his human form, but being with you made it easier. He was far too intimidating as a human. As a dog, you joked with him, teased him, coddled him, and weren't afraid to let him know when he messed up. He still cringed to think of those first weeks where he had acted like he was still the number two hero. A hero doesn't hurt innocent people, as you had shown him.
He paused by the window, noting the snowflakes coming down from the sky. It was times like these, he remembered Rei. He had been focused on the power he could gain from a union with her when he had married her. She had given him twins, but he knew that she would have moved on by now. He didn't blame her in the slightest. Still, he knew that if he ever came back to her, he'd be a different man. But he knew that he couldn't love her, not truly. The marriage was one of greed, and she would always resent him for that, and he wouldn't be able to blame her. Still, he regretted not being able to offer her his apologies in person.
Watching the snowflakes, he remembered with sharp discomfort that he had been in this form for almost a year now. How the media explained his absence was a mystery and he had tried not to focus on what he had lost. He shook himself out of his thoughts and continued his routine, making sure the apartment was in order before taking the latch of the window with his teeth and pulling it open.
He eased out the window with practiced ease and began a patrol of the area. While he admitted he couldn't be much help in this form, he still couldn't completely give up his hero work. Keeping the apartment complex safe wasn't much, but he had someone to protect here. He had memorized your schedule and noticed that you had been getting out later, so he knew he'd be able to make another circuit before he returned to greet you for the evening.
He stayed out for a couple of hours but was forced to return early as the weather worsened. The gently floating snowflakes from earlier had turned into a whirling blizzard, the icy wind biting into his small form as he made his way home. Pulling the window closed behind him, he was glad for the minimal warmth the apartment offered. One of the things he noticed in this form was the absence of heat his quirk had provided him. He quickly began to regret his foray into the winter weather as his paws ached with cold from the ice-packed into them from his dash home in the inclement weather. He closed the window as best as he could, frowning to himself as it didn't shut properly. Unfortunately, without thumbs, he couldn't fix it, so he resorted to huddling into your blankets, buried under sheets and your stupid allmight themed comforter. One that he had conveniently chewed the face off of.
In his blanket fortress, he found himself dozing, surrounded by the scent of your body wash and detergent. It was a comforting scent and he quickly fell asleep, unaware of whistling wind pushing the window open where the latch had failed to close when he returned.
Enji dreamed of being human again. He flexed his fingers experimentally, testing the sensation, one he hadn't felt in a long time. He examined his surroundings carefully, the change in perspective disorienting. It was your apartment, but it looked older, the carpet worn and more decorations faded. He picked up one of the dog toys on the floor, marveling at the difference from just earlier that day when you had encouraged him to play with it. Had that been today? It felt like a lifetime away, as dreams never do seem to keep the passage of time constant.
He set the toy down at the sound of the door, eyes widening as they caught on your form. You were shorter than him now. Considering he was 6'4" in this form, it shouldn't have surprised him. But still, it was strange looking down on you. You rolled your eyes with a playful smile and started to put your things away.
"Enji, darling, close your mouth. You'll catch flies like that." He could hear the laughter in your voice as you teased him. Darling? He hadn't heard you use that word for him before. He found he liked the way it sounded from you. Especially if it was reserved for him.
He cleared his throat and stepped forward, helping you remove your coat. His heart caught in his throat when you looked back at him with fondness. He was usually so sure of himself. But this change was strange and he found himself flustered.
"You're so quiet today, hothead." You raised an eyebrow and placed your hands on your hips eyeing him as if he was a puzzle you had most of the pieces of but were having trouble placing the last ones.
"What's wrong? Did you break something while I was out?" You gasped and pointed a finger at him accusingly. "Did you try to get rid of my Allmight stuff again? I swear Enji, I will kill you if you did."
This was too strange to be real, he told himself, watching you silently as you began muttering to yourself and throwing him confused looks. This scenario was too good to be true. He knew this deep down, but he desperately wanted it to be real. He knew he had begun to grow feelings for you, but to have them returned like this felt too alien. He instinctively knew that something was off, but he wanted to pretend, just for a little longer.
He caught your hand mid gesture and placed a gentle kiss to your fingers, a small smirk forming at your flustered silence.
"Quiet yourself little ember. I haven't done anything to your stupid merchandise."
You huffed and pulled your hand from his grip, cheeks red.
"Well then why were you so quiet, dummy?"
He tilted his head lightly, a smile forming on his lips as he stared at you, enjoying the way you refused to meet his eyes a slight pout turning your lips down.
"I missed you," he murmured, gently tilting your chin up so you were looking at him once more.
You melted against him, leaning into his touch, gently holding pressing his hand against your face with your own. He noticed with a start that your hands were cold against his. Your face too. He frowned as you shivered against his palm, eyes opening to reveal crystals forming on your lashes. The color began to drain from your face, lips going blue as you stepped away from him.
He reached towards you, but your skin stung like frost burn against his touch. He desperately tried to pull you close to him, to heat you with his quirk, but he was no longer warm himself. Your skin grew silver and icy as you tried to push him away. His vocal cords were frozen, a cold lump in his throat that refused to form your name. He was forced to watch in terror as you went see-through, body made of ice. And then you crumbled beneath his touch, ice forming cracks, and your eyes met his one last time before you shattered into glittering crystalline ice shards before him.
He woke with a start, paws flailing in panic as he was roused by a loud noise. But it wasn't ice cracking he heard, but the front door striking the wall. slipping out from the blankets, he made his way through the thin powder of snow on the floor from the open window, hurrying to the living room to meet you and make sure you were okay.
The sight that met his eyes was straight out of his dream turned nightmare. You were shivering with cold, clothes clinging to you with ice forming at the folds. Your eyelashes were dusted with snowflakes, and your face was flushed with cold.
Enji whimpered, rushing forward to examine you. You gently shooed him away, not having the energy to be more strict. The freak blizzard struck on your way home from work. As you journeyed through the snow, you had tripped. You had attempted to steady yourself against a tree, but that only caused an avalanche of the cold snow to our down on you from above, soaking you thoroughly. You had hoped to warm up when you came home, but it was just as cold inside as it was outside. The window Enji had failed to close causing the winter chill to follow you inside.
You cursed and desperately removed your soaked jacket, hanging it up before stumbling to the bathroom. A strangled sound of dispair escaped your lips as the faucets failed to work. It seems the pipes had frozen. To top it all off, the lightbulbs flicked before plunging the room into darkness. The power had been knocked out. You were out of options to warm up. You staggered out of the dark room and worked to close the window. Enji trailed behind you, his fear growing as began to look more and more like the icy girl within his dream.
Peeling your wet clothes from your body was a difficult task while you were shaking. While you struggled with the buttons, Enji rushed to your dresser, dragging out the warmest clothes he could find. He left them by your side before sitting against your legs, offering as much warmth as he could with his body, as there wasn't much else he could do. He could hear your teeth chattering now, the sharp sound deafening to him. You changed as quickly as your cold temperature allowed and crawled into your blankets.
"Enji! Up." You patted the bed urgently, holding the blanket up for him to join you.
He curled up against your side, resting his head against your chest, hoping to provide heat to your vital organs. He whimpered against your cold skin, eyes searching your face with concern. This wasn't good. He hadn't been able to save you in his nightmare, and now he was worried he was going to lose you in real life as well.
You closed your eyes and shushed him, holding him close.
"It'll be okay Enji. Just try to conserve your energy. We'll be okay."
You reassured him, but you weren't so certain. With no heating, freezing temperatures, and an already chilled body, you weren't too sure what would happen next. Still, you had Enji and that meant that you'd give him everything you could. What little body heat you had was his.
You tried to fight off sleep, knowing that you weren't supposed to rest when you were freezing. Or was that with concussions? You didn't remember. You were tired, your body shaking with cold. Enji's whimpers were a near-constant sound now. His distress worried you, but you couldn't do more than try to keep him warm at this point.
You were hovering on the edge of sleep when it happened. A quiet pop sound came from nearby and you were vaguely aware of heat beginning to surround you. The blankets were removed and a heavy weight settled around your waist, warming you with an almost uncomfortable heat. You settled into it, wondering if you were reaching hypothermia. They said that once you got really bad, your mind started tricking you into believing you were hot while you froze. Oh well, so long as Enji was warm too.
Enji Cradled you close to his chest. He hadn't been prepared for the switch from dog to human, but he was beyond grateful for it. He had quickly moved you from the bed so as not to set fire to the covers as he activated his quirk. He cradled you against his chest, tucking your head against his neck, resting his chin on the top of your head as he let his quirk dance across his body at a low level.
"Hold on, little ember, you're going to be okay. Just hold on." Enji stroked his thumb against your arm, holding you close as he carefully upped the temperature slowly. He stayed awake well into the night monitoring your condition. He mentally thanked UA for their first aid and rescue classes, knowing that without them, he might have hurt you more than help.
He gently cared for you well into the night, too concerned about you to enjoy the feeling of you in his arms.
You woke to a beam of sunlight cascading from your bedroom window. You didn't open your eyes though, you were too comfortable. You felt warm and content. However, the gentle rise and fall of your bed was enough to stir confusion in your sleep-addled mind.
You blearily opened your eyes, the last remnants of sleep blurring your vision. You stared up at red fur before your brain made the correction for you. That wasn't fur. It was hair. A red beard in fact.
Adrenaline shot through your system. You weren't in bed. You were in the arms of a stranger. A very attractive built stranger, but a stranger nonetheless.
You kept your eyes on his face as you carefully tried to work yourself free, prying his fingers from your hip. You watched for any sign of wakefulness. You were almost free when you slipped up. His grip tightened as he began to rouse, eyes slowly opening to reveal the most striking shade of turquoise you'd ever seen.
Enji looked down at you through tired eyes, pleased to see that your color had returned in the night. However, the deer in the headlights look you wore didn't suit you.
"Are you feeling better?" He asked, voice rough with sleep.
You shuddered as you felt the deep sound against you.
"I feel alright, albeit confused," You spoke slowly and cautiously, eyeing the handsome stranger with apprehension.
"Who are you? Where's Enji? He wouldn't have let you in here."
Enji looked up in thought, considering his response carefully.
"Enji is not far at all, ember. He's safe. I want to assure you that you're safe too."
You couldn't help the incredulous noise that escaped you at that.
"I'm sorry, but this doesn't seem like a situation I would deem 'safe'." You mumbled.
He just smiled and shook his head in response. If he wasn't already holding you, you were concerned your knees would have given out at that smile.
"I'm here because of a quirk malfunction. One that turned me and my team into animals upon contact." He looked at you firmly, fixing you into place with his gaze, offering no chance for interruptions.
"My name is Enji Todoroki, hero name: Endeavor. And I was turned into a pit bull that was entrusted to a frankly obnoxious but kind woman. I shared her home and was quite the jerk if I'm being honest. And then, the woman saved my life after I foolishly went after a villain. She shielded me from what would have been a death blow." He looked ahead, not wanting to see her reaction to his explanation.
"She has my respect, and.... should she accept it, my heart."
He waited in silence for a few moments more before looking back at you. You blinked in shocked silence as you worked to process the information. When he opened his mouth to say more, you firmly held a finger to his lips as you worked through your thoughts.
Finally, you looked back at him and narrowed your eyes, removing your finger.
"Prove it. Prove that you're my Enji and not some creep with an insane story?"
His stomach fluttered when you referred to him as 'your' Enji. But he needed to focus.
"Well..." He shifted his hold, rubbing circles on your hip as he thought. "I bit you right before the scorpion villain fight. It was a mistake on my part, and I've wanted to apologize ever since. When you woke up in the hospital, you told me about your quirk. When you get upset, you brew your favorite hot drink and watch your favorite show, knees tucked underneath yourself on the couch. Sometimes you let me join you, leaning against your side. You always laughed when I grumbled at something the characters did, saying I was too much of a critic."
You stopped his babbling once more with a finger to the lips. He leaned forward and kissed the finger, watching as a blush spread across your face.
"So... you are telling the truth." You pulled the hand back to your chest, shoulders relaxed from their tensed state. You relaxed back against his chest before quickly leaning up and pressing a quick kiss to his lips.
"Thank you Enji, for saving me. I would have frozen." You watched as a self-satisfied smile spread over his face. he leaned down for another kiss before you stopped him with a giggle.
"Alright loverboy, that was all you're getting. First, you need clothes and then we're going to go out on a proper first date where you tell me about the human Enji."
"I'm looking forward to it." He grinned before kissing your forehead and standing, gently setting you on your feet.
The dynamic between you two was in for a change, but you looked forward to dealing with this new Enji and learning how to move forward with him in your life.
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ellsbclls · 3 years
The Fire Escape
warnings ➛ A couple of swear words here and there, mentions of death, endgame spoilers, and a dash of far from home erasure.
word count ➛ 4.7K
synopsis ➛ After the events of End Game, Peter Parker takes a break from his crime fighting persona, but when Spider-Man is called to a mission in Sokovia, he realizes that you might not be ready to handle the life of an Avenger’s girlfriend. There’s a little bit of angst, but not enough to keep you up at night.
“Y/N… Earth to Y/N.”
Peter ropes you back to reality with a light squeeze of your hand, a simple gesture that you return two-fold. On normal dates, the competition would ignite almost immediately, squeezing each other’s hands back and forth, under varying degrees of pressure, until one of you cried uncle — but this is far from a normal date.
It had started innocently enough. Peter had begged Dr.Banner to let him leave his “internship” an hour early just so he could surprise you at work. You assumed — after some superb groveling on Peter’s part — that Bruce agreed, because the end of your shift was met with a parchment wrapped dozen of blushing roses, accompanied by your equally blushing boyfriend. The two of you were able to snag one of the emptier carts on the N train, and were accompanied by a small Greek woman who sent a warm smile when you nestled your head into Peter’s shoulder. The smile disappeared as soon as he started using the poles as his personal jungle gym, but your laugh made up for its loss as he offered his hand out, begging you to join him with a Gene Kelly-esque flair. He ushered you into one of your favorite ramen places during your stroll down Ditmars, pulling out your chair when you were given a table, pretending not to notice how you snuck a noodle or two from his bowl when he wasn’t looking. Your heart felt so warm, you’re surprised it didn’t melt.
So why does everything seem so off now? You and Peter are walking side by side down 37th avenue, he’s rambling excitedly about some new enhancement he made to his web slingers, the evening breeze is kissing your cheeks as it waltzes around the autumn foliage, and somehow, you feel like you’re in the eye of a hurricane.
“Where’d you go?” Peter tries to reel you back in once more and succeeds, craning his head to meet your gaze.
“Oh, just a quick jog.” you tease. There’s a thin edge underlying your sarcasm, and you wonder if he can hear it, too. You’re only a block away from your apartment, and the tiny voice in the back of your mind rationalizes that nothing could ruin your impromptu date night if you were tucked away in your home — because you always feel safe when you’re home. Yet, with no solid evidence to confirm or deny the thought, you’re in a race with the block to dig through your purse.
“Oh, well don’t forget to warm up.” he teases back. His caramel hues, once alight with a mirthful glint, start to descend into an uneasy resolve that only confirms your suspicions, but you’re too occupied by the whereabouts of your keys to notice. “Speaking of warm up, actually, there’s something I have to ask you.”
“Shoot.” you reply offhandedly.
“Well, I- I don’t know how to say this.” The tremor in his voice is subtle, but just present enough to pull you from your search.   “There’s- uh- there’s something going on in Sokovia, or at least what’s left of it. There’s a lot of feedback coming off the maps, like a… a hotplate of cosmic activity, so Captain wants the entire team there.”
There it is — that dark cloud that hung over your head this evening finally drenches you in a sharp, cold blanket of realization. Your heart stops, aches, and then crumbles to the pit of your stomach, waiting to be washed away by the waves of terror that crash upon your airways, and despite the wash cycle of emotions you’ve just endured, you feel far from clean. In fact, everything feels heavy — from the weight of your heart to your ragged breath — paralyzed by the idea that each thump, each exhale, brings you closer to the moment where Peter has to leave.
You started dating a year and a half ago, and two years have passed since half of the population was restored to its rightful plane of existence. Iron Man’s death left a massive hole in Peter’s morale, as well as a nagging doubt that he would never be able to take on the mantle he was left with. So, for the first time since he was bitten by that radioactive spider, he cowered in the face of adversity. Not only had he lost a mentor, he had lost his friend — and when Tony Stark sacrificed his life, he was under the impression that the heroes he saved would continue to protect the world, but sometimes Peter wonders if that still reigns true. If Mr.Stark knew just how easily the team had crumbled, how easily he had crumbled, would he still leave? Three and a half years later and Peter still can’t find the answer.
Meanwhile, when it seemed like the world needed him most, Spiderman slipped into obscurity. Now he only makes an appearance when the newscast is a little too bleak to ignore, and even then, he usually sticks to the rogue bank heist or back alley mugging.
You try not to pry, knowing that each time you ask about his brief hiatus is like poking an open wound, and, albeit selfishly, you relish in the fact that your boyfriend isn’t throwing himself in harm's way. However, now seems like a better time than ever for an interrogation, seeing as this is not only the first Avengers mission he’s attended in your relationship, but the first mission to ever span past the Hudson.
No obstacle prior has conjured a looming sense of dread and anxiety as palpable as the one you’re toting now. You can already feel it bubbling in your chest, like a cauldron of endless toils, expelling a hazy fog that makes your head spin.
“Hey, hey, hey, don’t give out on me now.” You don’t realize that your knees buckled beneath you until Peter comes to your rescue, and you silently wish that all of his heroic excursions could be this simple. The warmth of his hand bleeds past your winter coat and business casual blouse as it settles against the small of your back, and your body betrays you as it melts into his touch. “Contrary to popular belief, I’m actually not CPR certified.”
“I- I’m sorry.” Your mouth is bone dry, and you can barely muster a laugh convincing enough to counter his attempt at humor, so you don’t. You opt on settling your gaze upon the entrance of your building, just over Peter’s shoulder, and trying to ground yourself enough to stand without his help.
Peter’s hand still lingers on your form when you shuffle away from him, moving from the small of your back to the curve of your elbow. He can tell that you’re shaken, he expected that much from the get go, so he doesn’t leave your side, encroaching on the space you so obviously seek.  
“I don’t know- I don’t…” You muster just enough courage to counter his gaze, and a tiny frown creases between your brows, confusion riddling every other feature. “What exactly are you asking me?”
He pauses, searching for the answer himself. “Well, I guess- I just wanna know how you’re feeling.”
You chalk it up to your sudden sense of irritability, but his question just pisses you off. How dare he throw out a semblance of hope, a faulty impression, that you’d have any choice in this matter. You climb the three steps up to the front door, dolled up in dismay, and still try to find purchase in the illusion that you have any control in the matter. Maybe that’s what pushes you over the deep end, your once honeyed voice now curdled by venom — the hopelessness of it all. “Oh, I’m fine! I’m amazing, Peter. After the way you buttered me up all evening, how could I possibly be upset?”
“Y/N, that’s not fair-” Peter’s visibly taken aback, his features mimicking your own. You can see the cogs turning in his head, formulating some way to diffuse this situation before it really begins, but now that the gates are opened, it’s too late for you to hold anything back.
“Why not? Cause it’s the truth?” You cut him off, freshly manicured nails digging into your palms in an attempt to keep your tone even. “Let me tell you what’s not fair — You don’t even know how long you’re gonna be gone, do you?”
You’re met with a mutual silence, which confirms just how equally unaware you both are.
“Exactly.” At this point, your nerves are getting the best of you. Whether you lay all of your feelings out to him tonight or not, a sickening thought will remain — Peter is going to leave, and there’s a chance he won’t come back. So you persist, your hues boring into his own with each word. “You don’t know what it’s like to sit in our bed and wonder if you’re gonna be in it the next morning. You don’t know how terrifying it is to watch the news and pray to god that you’re not a part of it. You’re never going to be in my shoes when it comes to all of this, and I pray to god that you never have to be because I never want you to feel this way. That’s what’s not fair.” You wish your voice hadn’t grown weaker with each blow, you wish you could utter your last few thoughts with an unwavering certainty, but you know you can’t — not when a sob threatens to bubble up from the back of your throat. “That you can just decide to swing across the globe and put your life in danger while I sit at home and worry about you, and the worst part is that it only makes me love you more.”
“Y/N, do you think this is easy for me?” he’s never raised his voice at you, especially not like this, but it looks like tonight is a series of firsts for the both of you. “I haven’t been on a mission with the Avengers since high school, since —” Since Mr.Stark died. You know.
It’s not like he didn’t try to say it, he did, but the name just felt so foreign on his tongue. After years of inactivity, the threat of unearthing all those memories, all those bright eyed, bushy tailed endeavors, was almost as bad as remembering that he was gone — or even worse, not remembering them at all. But where could he retreat to now? He’s stuck between a rock and a hard place, forced to choose between the thought of losing Mr.Stark, or the thought of losing you. His thoughts are raw and earnest as he tries to placate the latter. “I don’t want to leave you. It terrifies me to think of all the things that could happen to you while I’m gone —”
“Obviously it doesn’t scare you enough, because you’re still going!” You punch the last two words, as if you’re suddenly trying to talk to him from across the street.
“I don’t have a choice, Y/N! I don’t-”
Your argument skids to a screeching halt, rivaling the groan of the metal door that guards your apartment complex, and with it appears Ms.Nunez — the single mother that lives a floor below you, whose ability to juggle her graveyard shifts at the hospital with her two rambunctious toddlers is almost as impeccable as her timing.
She appears to be in a rush as she skirts past you, but not enough to stop her from sending Peter an all too knowing look — one that screams “what did you do to that poor girl?”, with only the view of your red, puffy eyes and guarded stance to back up her assumption.
And with an opportunity so golden laying at your feet, who are you to ignore it? You catch the door before it hits the frame and slip into the yellowed entryway, barreling up the stairwell before he can question her weighted stare. You leave Peter no choice but to slip past Ms.Nunez in your pursuit, without so much as a goodbye, but a few choice words still sit on the back of his tongue, waiting to be swallowed.
Normally, the five stories of stairs leaves you winded by the third, but you chalk your superhuman stamina up to adrenaline. Luckily for you, you’re able to reach the last flight of stairs as Peter climbs up the first. Unluckily for you, you seem to forget that your boyfriend actually does have superhuman stamina, and you swear to fucking god that he’s flying up the stairwell by the time you shut the door behind you.
The door slams twice more after that, one loud bang to signal Peter’s entrance and one to punctuate it. His voice pierces through the apartment, firm and unyielding. “This conversation isn’t over, Y/N.”
He has no idea where you’ve run off to, ruling out the kitchen once he drapes his jacket over the center island. All he can hear is your voice, muffled behind one of the walls, calling out to him with little emotion to spare. “Oh, yes it is. I’m over it. It’s over.”
“Well, that’s mature.” He mutters under his breath, not expecting you to hear him, let alone respond.
“Oh, I’m so glad you think so!” You chuckle dryly, ”‘Cause your judgment of maturity is oh so rational and not at all fucking batshit.” And he thought he had enhanced hearing.
“You know what? You’re right.” He scoffs, letting the slam of the bathroom door punctuate his final words. “I’m over this, too.”
🕷 🕷 🕷
“Y/N?” Peter calls out, but to no avail. It’s on nights like these where he wishes you weren’t fighting, knowing fully well that you would command him to the bed with a downward pointing finger and the best glare you could muster. You’ve always loved the way his hair curled into soft, chestnut waves, so you didn’t mind weaving through his damp tresses before he went to sleep. You would make up some excuse about how the process helped give his curls definition, and he would always end up way too tired and relaxed to call you out on it.
You’re nowhere to be found, though. Your comforter is still as haphazard as it was this morning, and the kitchen is void of your late night snack ravaging. The only sign of your presence is found in the open window next to you bed, and way the curtains float against the evening breeze, leaving him to ponder your whereabouts at a breakneck speed. 
A million visions of paranoia screen through his mind all at once, but he’s quick to dismiss them, oddly familiar with the prospect of losing someone, and all the fretting that comes with it.
And you know better than to wander the streets of the city so late at night — but with all of the venom being spewed throughout the apartment, Peter wouldn’t be surprised if you needed a small reprieve. Even for just a quick trip to the corner market. He’s well aware of the eagle eye you sport in the moonlit streets, as well as the switchblade that sits in the side pocket of your bag, but he knows better than anyone that you have to expect the unexpected in these streets.
He pulls out his phone, ready to shoot you a quick text when the bars of the fire escape let out a metallic groan. Despite your apartment’s... adequate amenities, you’d never had a problem with the fire escape. The finicky oven? Maybe, but never the fire escape.
Even without his spidey senses tingling, he has no choice but to poke his head through the window pane, and to his surprise, he ends up killing two birds with one stone.
“I didn’t know you were out here.” Peter balances on the window sill, crouching in a near feline stance as he surveys your position — bundled between the metal grates of the fire escape and your downy comforter. Your lips are parted in a tiny “o”, eyelids blanketing your hues, and with the street lights flickering to life across the seam of thirty-eighth avenue, you’re nothing short of angelic — features now outlined in a seraphic, dewy haze.
If he wasn’t feeling guilty beforehand, the sight before him guarantees he is now.
“Yeah, that was kind of the point.” you murmur. You don’t bother to open your eyes, not even when the iron beams start to squeak under Peter’s weight. “Can I help you with something? I’m pretty sure this thing has a weight limit, and this is a weighted blanket.”
You’re met with silence, and you hate to admit it, but you’d take his silent presence over your self-induced isolation any day. Despite the fact that you only moved in together four months prior, your body has grown accustomed to his presence, subconsciously weaving it into your daily routine. There were nights when you would splay out like a starfish in your childhood bedroom, waiting restlessly for the gentle wrap of his knuckles at the window pane, and that same restlessness bleeds into nights in your shared apartment,  which then bleeds into now. Sure, you can trick your body into sleeping, but rest seems to be boroughs and islands away when Peter’s not there to wish you a good night.
A terse silence settles between the two of you, and you blink up at Peter, expecting him to break it since you surely wouldn’t.
“Why here?” Peter exceeds your expectations with his query. His gaze is fixed on Manhattan’s skyline — even from the tippy top of the complex, he can still make out the jagged glittering, crust of the city’s bustling core — and it’s then he finds the answer to his very own question.
“I used to sneak onto the fire escape at my parents place, too.” you reminisce, the corners of your lips curling into a bittersweet grin. “The apartment walls were thin, and whenever they would fight, or talk shit about something I did that day, I would just sit on the fire escape until I fell asleep.”
“How?” He breaks yet another lengthy pause, and you fight the urge to chuckle at his candor, settling with a lazy grin. “I mean, no offense, but Astoria isn’t exactly a library.”
“Yeah, but inside, I knew exactly what they were saying, how they were feeling — it was all in the air. At least out here everything just… blends together. It’s kind of peaceful in a way.”
Your voice is so timid and gentle as you recall your childhood, reflecting on moments that seem lifetimes away despite the handful of years in between. Peter’s gaze is transfixed on your profile, skating down the slope of your nose and skirting the curves of your lips until he realizes just how small you are. He tends to hold you on a pedestal, a habit he’s retained since the very beginning of your relationship, so sometimes it still baffles him to know that you can be anything but perfect — that you too can be human, and make human mistakes.
“How come I’ve never seen you out here before?” He feels like a little kid, question after question slipping past his lips before he even has the chance to filter them.
“‘Cause I haven’t had a reason to hide since I moved in with you.”
And just when he thought he couldn’t feel even guiltier, he’s soon overflowing with it. It kills him to know that you felt the need to escape, and you’ll never admit it after tonight, but he was the one who pushed you toward it.
“I’m sorry.” Peter blurts out, not expecting you to say —
“I’m sorry.”
You furrow your brows, cutting him off before he can even open his mouth to protest. “I’m just so used to my Peter. Sometimes it’s hard to remember that I’m sharing him with the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.”
“Hey, hey — look at me.” His thumb traces the spot right under your eye, using his pinky to nudge the curve of your jaw upward, toward his gaze — heavy and drenched in a type of resoluteness that leaves your mouth bone dry. “It may not always seem like it, but trust me when I tell you that you’re always going to be my top priority.”
“Peter, you’re being dramatic.” You sigh, finding it hard to believe that your life could take any precedence over the safety of mankind itself.
“No, I’m being honest.” His voice, his gaze, they leave no room for protest. You feel a little awkward being the center of their attention, and so it’s a relief when they shift to the city’s skyline once more. “Look over there, you know what that is?”
“Central Park?”
“Mhm, good girl.” Crimson blooms across the valley of your cheeks at his choice of nickname, no matter how innocently he uttered it, but your attention still remains undivided. “I figured out that I can get home quicker if I cut through it.”
You quirk a brow, and he doesn’t need to ask to know exactly what you’re thinking — So what if he hasn’t figured out which trains he needs to board in order to make a dent in his homebound commute? It’s the thought that counts.
“Sometimes like to just stop for a second and watch some of the people in the park, but not in, like, a creepy way? You know what I mean?” A subtle hint of embarrassment tinges his features, but dissolves once he notices your understanding nod.  “Is there a word for that?”
“Yeah, it’s called people watching.” You snickered, trying to imagine your boyfriend and his attempts at roasting the New York natives. “MJ and I do it all the time.”
“No, but with less… shit talking.” He counters.
“Oh…” You’re stumped, unsure of where he’s heading and, quite frankly, a little humbled by his read. “Hmm… Carry on?”
“Well,” Peter lets his hand rest palm forward on his knee, fingers gently curled, and you’re well acquainted with the gesture. Almost instinctively, you hover your hand above his own, digits clumsily dancing with one another as he speaks, and for a fleeting second, everything is back to normal. “It’s just… mind-blowing sometimes. There’s so much life there, all at once. All of these people are just living their lives, making their way home, falling in love, falling out of love, buying overpriced hotdogs from the street vendors — The other day I saw this mom fishing her two toddlers out of that fountain on Terrace road and honestly, if they don’t end up with superpowers, I’ll be shocked.” He can tell he’s drifted wildly off track by the way you nod, slowly and unsure, as to not offend him and his train of thought. “The point is… I used to protect all of that, and it used to make me so happy.”
“You still do,” You murmur, not one to discredit the risks he does take in the name of New York. Just because his enemies aren’t held to the same caliber as, say, Thanos, doesn’t mean they aren’t worthwhile. “All that matters is that you’re doing what you can.”
You hesitantly intertwine your fingers with his, in just a delicate enough hold to let him reject it if he so chooses. Your lips softly quirk upward when he only tightens the grip.
“Thank you.” He offers a comforting smile, one that barely reaches his eyes, and you can tell that he has more to say. So, you squeeze his hand, silently urging him to continue. “Well, I just- after Mr.Stark… passed away… it was really hard to remember why I started doing all of it in the first place. Like- I hate saying this, but why do we keep protecting all of these strangers when all the people we do know just keep getting hurt?” He winces at his own words, so far removed from such bitterness that he can barely believe he once thought such selfish things. “But then- then I get to see all of the people that I’ve been protecting, and suddenly it all makes sense again. All I want to do is make sure people are safe, and happy, and hopefully… Hopefully, when we’re older, and we have kids that jump in the fountains at Central Park, someone like me will be watching… and they’ll feel the exact same way.”
When we’re older, When we have kids... Those promises of marriage, of a loving family, of a future — they bounce off your eardrums like a mantra. Soon, you can’t even imagine thinking about anything but Peter’s words, and how much you love him right now, and how you’ll love him until your heart can’t possibly take it anymore. You can read what he’s trying to portray loud and clear — He loves you, he can see a future with you, and if there’s ever a doubt in your mind that his feelings may have changed, you can look out into the world and find pieces of his heart in every passing face.
“I haven’t been doing everything I can to make sure that’s possible, though.” He breaches your lovesick trance, reminding you that there’s still a thread of discord dangling between you. One that you can see rapidly disappearing with each passing second. “I have to go on this mission, Y/N. I wanna start helping people again. I wanna do right by him.”
“I know.” You whisper, conceding to the fact that you will always want what’s best for him, even if you aren’t a fan of the circumstances. “It doesn’t make it any less sucky.”
“C’mere.” He can barely pat his thighs before you’re crawling toward him. He passes a warm hand under your thigh once you straddle his waist, scooping you further into his lap, and uses his free hand to encompass the nape of your neck. You feel like you could melt, being cradled between his strong, toned  arms, and the feeling only intensifies when his lips seek out yours. His lips are soft, and warm, and taste like listerine, and you couldn’t ask for anything more perfectly suited for you.    
“I love you.” He murmurs against your lips, without a trace of uncertainty. His thumb wipes the corner of your mouth, and he continues to plant a series of sweet, soft butterfly kisses over every patch of skin he can get his lips on — your cheeks, your nose, your temple.
He’s so wrapped up in his gentle ministrations that he barely hears you return the sentiment, eyes fluttering to a close as you breathe out, “I love you.”
“Please come inside,'' he whispers against your forehead, punctuating his plea with a chaste kiss.
You pretend to entertain the thought, tapping your index finger against your chin, before shaking your head with a waggish simper. Fortunately for you, it doesn’t take long for him to take the bait, and he disappears through the window. You can just barely make out the harmony of wild rustling and hushed obscenities coming from your room before Peter is returning to your makeshift bed, clad in the cheesy “The Floor is Lava!” hoodie you snagged from a street vendor during your trip to Pompeii the summer beforehand.
“I’m not gonna lie to you, Y/N,” Peter’s voice is tight, shuffling his knees across the fretted ground as he crawls into your lap. It takes him all of three seconds to make himself comfortable, collapsing between your thighs, and you seize the opportunity to weave your fingers through his soft, chestnut locks. “I don’t think I can make this a recurring thing. I can already feel the scoliosis forming.”
“You’re such a drama queen,” you scoff, only to be met with a scandalized set of caramel hues. “I think you can make it through the night without any permanent damage to your spine.” With droopy eyes, your body starts to hum with the tell-tale signs of sleep, and your voice drips with drowsiness as you murmur, “And I wanna savor as many nights with you as I can.”
“I know,” he whispers back, the aftertaste of guilt intermingling with the abashment that follows your sleepy confession. ”I know. I’m right here, babe.”
And he swore, in that very moment, that nothing would change that.
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chefdoeuvre · 4 years
Under Control
Kelly Severide
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Pairing: Kelly Severide x Sister!Reader
Description: Even when you think you have things under control older brothers always worm their way into helping.
Words: 1,595
Requested: yes by @ticklepete; Okay so can you do a Kelly x Sister where y/n is being seriously threatened by someone who she had a run-in with in the past (like an arsonist or former victim, etc) and of course Kelly's overprotective brother side kicks in. Her being the independent woman she is gets a little annoyed but ultimately is thankful. I feel like #46 and #12 would work with this.
Warnings: mention of minor injuries, blood, fluff as per usual.
A/N: I just love Kelly Severide and his overprotective ways. This can be counted as a stand alone or a part two for Rivalry. I apologize in advance for any grammatical errors.
There they were again, flowers sent to the firehouse addressed to you. At first, you thought it was sweet how you had a secret admirer. Now after a month and a half of this you were starting to be fed up with it. Of course, you couldn't throw the flowers away they were too pretty for that, clearly, someone had spent a solid chunk of change to get them for you. Obviously, Kelly offered to tell Jay and get him to find out who they were coming from but being the stubborn Severide you are you declined.
The next shift came by in the blink of an eye and this time instead of a large bouquet of fresh flowers you were simply handed an envelope. The envelope didn't have a return address on it only the firehouse's and your name printed on it. You stuffed the envelope into your locker when the announcement system went off signaling a call. The call was a fairly normal rescue. Thankfully, there was a simple solution to saving the victim and it didn't take long to get them to safety.
After heading back to the firehouse you went back to your locker and pulled out the envelope that's been invading your thoughts since you got it. Ripping it open you unfolded the single piece of paper in it and let your eyes scan the words. Reading over them multiple times you felt a pit in your stomach. It was clear to see that they were threats aimed at you. This only confused you, if this wasn't some secret admirer who the hell was this? The words were generic threats you'd expect from a regular old crime show so that's not what scared you. It was the fact that they went through these lengths just to get your attention. Instead of doing what a rational person would do you stuffed the envelope back into your locker and tried to get your mind off of it.
Making your way out of the locker room you bumped face-first into a hard chest. Immediately two arms reached out and grabbed onto your shoulders to steady you. Looking up with wide eyes you're met with the familiar steel blue ones of your brother.
"Hey, you all right?" Kelly asked as he scanned your facial expression.
"Yeah, I'm fine." You nodded quickly.
You tried to sidestep away from him, but his strong arms kept you planted there. Given the fact that he's your brother, he knew you like the back of his hand and he knew what you were like when something was bothering you.
"No, you're not. Talk to me." Kelly urged as you all but looked him in the eyes.
Sighing you shoved his hands off your shoulder and turned on your heel assuring him that you were fine. In truth, you were far from fine but you'd deal with it your own way. Which was being majorly stubborn about it and completely ignoring the fact that you weren't okay. You made your way into the common room and took a seat in between Herrmann and Mouch who were watching an old movie.
Kelly, being the nosy brother he is took it upon himself to check out your locker. Granted he only knew your combination because it was your birthday and as your brother of course he knew you would use that as the passcode for your phone as well. Pulling open your locker the envelope fell out and he quickly pulled it open. Reading the words across the page he suddenly felt the urge to punch someone.
Soon enough, the announcement system went off signaling a call. Apparently, it was a large abandoned warehouse on fire which meant all of Firehouse 51's help was enlisted.
Pulling up to the scene Boden started giving out directions to each unit. Squad was taking the brunt of the work by checking the building along with some of Truck's help. You and Kelly were paired up to go the furthest into the building, biting back a joke about the sibling power duo the two of you were you headed into the burning building. Kelly stood close beside you with a clenched jaw, still angered by the threats aimed at you.
"We're clear on the West wing." Cruz's voice sounded from your walkies.
"Same on the East." Stella agreed.
"All good on the North wing. South?" Casey asked.
You and Kelly were still making your way through the building about to reply when you heard a shrill scream. Looking up in alarm, the two of you shared a glance before setting toward the sound.
Taking the lead you made your way weaving through the crates to where the sound came from. Another high-pitched sound shocked you into place before you started toward the louder noise again.
"I've been waiting for you." A deep, gravelly voice sounded from behind a large crate.
"We have to go, this place isn't gonna last long." Kelly chided looking between you and the wooden crate.
"That doesn't seem to be in my agenda, Lieutenant Severide." The deep voice tutted.
You and Kelly shared a look of confusion. How the hell did this guy know who he was?
"Oh, allow me to introduce myself." The man all but cackled as he stepped out from behind the crate.
In his hands was a familiar-looking bouquet of flowers. He had a devilish smirk planted on his face and dark eyes that made him look demonic.
"It's Charles, but you can call me Chuck." He greeted with a sickly sweet smile and looked dead at you.
Kelly immediately stood to step in front of you and practically growled at the man.
"Cool it, Kell." You shoved your brother aside with a roll of your eyes.
"All right, Charlie was it?" You crossed your arms nonchalantly, "take your flowers and leave or I promise you I'll let the hound at you." You gestured a hand toward your fuming brother.
Of course, you were naturally sassy, but in times of danger, your sass levels would go up by a hundred. Was this the smartest idea to agitate the guy who lit this place up? No, probably not, but your instincts decided otherwise. The man was rendered speechless, to say the least. He was expecting a sobbing woman not a lady who could even out sass Jay Halstead on a good day.
While the man was a blubbering mess Kelly took the initiative to call it into Boden because of course this had to all go down in a burning building. A few moments later you turned on your heel and began dragging Kelly with you.
"What the hell are you doing?" Kelly berated.
"I'd rather get the hell out of dodge before I turn into a crispy treat." You hissed pulling him toward the exit.
Chuck still stood there trying to mutter out a response when he bolted after the two of you. Pushing Kelly ahead of you, you turned around to see Chuck barreling toward you. Grabbing his wrist in a tight grip you all but dragged him out of the building. Just in time the three of you made it out of the building before a huge explosion erupting out of the ceiling.
Out of the corner of your eyes, you caught sight of the Severide sibling's favorite detective and pulled Chuck along with you.
"I think your package was sent to the wrong building." You shoved Chuck forward as Jay pulled the man's arms behind his back and cuffed him.
"Thanks, Y/N." Jay nodded with a smirk adorning his features.
"Anytime, detective." You flashed a quick smile before heading back to your fellow firefighters.
Letting out a breath you didn't know you were holding you ripped your helmet off and dropped it to the ground.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Kelly placed his hands on your shoulders before pulling you into his arms.
"Oh, come on. That was totally badass." You chuckled.
Kelly stared at you bugged-eyed, tilting his head in confusion.
"Come here, you big teddy bear." You wrapped your arms around Kelly's waist, hugging him tightly.
Locking your hands behind him you pulled back hissing in pain.
"What? What's wrong?" Kelly scanned you for any injuries.
"Damn bouquet had thorns in it. I'm fine though." You scrunched your brows pulling at the thorns embedded in your palm.
"What do you mean you're 'fine'? You're bleeding!" Kelly exclaimed.
"Dude, they're just thorns." You dismissed.
Kelly pushed you toward Gabby and Sylvie wordlessly as you wiped the little bit of blood escaping your hand.
After getting all cleaned up and heading back to the firehouse you went to find Kelly who was hunched over his desk in his bunk room.
"Thank you." You spoke up leaning against the door frame.
Kelly snapped his head toward the sudden voice.
"What?" Kelly asked with a small smirk.
"I said it once, that's it." You crossed your arms with a pout.
Kelly raised his brows and you let out a defeated sigh, "thank you for being my protective brother, even if I don't need you to be." You stepped forward and placed your hands on his shoulders with a small smile.
"It's in the job description." Kelly reached his hand up to ruffle your hair.
"Seriously, how many times do I have to tell you not to touch my hair?" You laughed, pushing his hand away.
"You're gonna be the death of me, I swear." Kelly rolled his eyes playfully.
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theangrycomet-art · 3 years
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Great, another Fire
The fire crackled, a nice comforting orange for once. Against the dried-blood sky.
Kevin poked at the fire, wincing a bit as he adjusted his grip. The headband-turned wrapping helped the gauze in place, but it didn’t keep out the sting of the burn.
Glancing beside him, the kid was holding his knees to his chest, eyes somewhat glazed over at some internal conflict.
Granted, he couldn’t blame the kid. This was the Null Void after all. Not exactly a place everyone was dying to see.
Eyes flicking to his little wrists, he frowned at the white pits protruding from the bands. The spikes themselves would’ve been fine- the fact that their size shifted with each breath was less so.
“Hey,” The kid jolted, head snapping to Kevin as he waved his hand lazily from it’s resting spot on his knee, gesturing towards the wristbands.
“How are you doing that?”
“Huh? O-oh.” Gaze turning down to his wrists, the kid let go of his arm, staring at his right hand as he fiddled a bit with the spike, looking particularly sharp in the flickering campfire light. “I’m uh- not really sure actually. Its kind of just happens when I’m… stressed?”
Frowning, he stared at his hand in thought, taking a few moments to gather his thoughts.
“Dendy said she thinks it’s one of the ways the turbo energy expresses itself. Something about bone marrow and stim cells?” Trailing off, he shot him an embarrassed glance. He rubbed his neck, shifting his legs so that they were crossed under him. “I-I don’t try and think about it too hard.”
“Turbo energy?”
“Yeah- it’s the stuff I shot at your hand. Well kind of.” Running his thumb over his own, he frowned, brows furrowed. “That was a Disempowerment beam, which are a bit different. They’re powered by the same stuff but they aren’t made of it Turbo energy kind of like extra crazy energy in a way. Dendy would be able to explain it better. She’s really smart an-”
“Hold up- go back a sec.” Raising his hands for the kid to stop, Kevin shot a quick glance at his hand and the anchor Gwen gave him. “What kind of disempowerment we talking about?”
“Ermm…The ‘I sort of take your energy and short circuit your powers kind’?” He said, sounding small and flustered as he started to wave his hands frantically. “But you shouldn’t need to really worry cause the effectsaretemporrayandsinceIonlyreallyglancedyou,youshouldbefineand-”
A light volt a electricity crawled up his arm as he spoke, cutting him off. Taking a breath, he brushed it away and gathered himself.
“Sorry.” The kid said solemnly, scrubbing his eyes with the back of his hand. “I didn’t mean to but that doesn’t mean it should have happened.”
Kevin blinked at the apology, unsure what exactly to with it.
The two sat in silence as the fire crackled.
KO was MKO when he went into the Null Void, but the strain of just surviving there the last couple of days has cause his turbonic energy to flare up and his powers to be on full defense mode. Between his stress and being pretty much drained before being dumped in the Null void, he’s kind of nervous being around another person right now. Especially considering he nearly disempowered him on accident when Kevin found him.
Kevin got dragged into this pretty much. He’s wasn’t happy about it when he heard that another person got thrown in the NV just on the principle that they were an energy-absorber, but when he found out it was a kid?
Heads are being ripped off when he gets back.
He’s got a tracker (or more appropriately an anchor) on him that Gwen can use to teleport him back. He was sent on the impromptu rescue mission for his experience while the others try and clean up the mess the Plumbers got themselves into.
Some how throwing the son of two of the greatest heroes in modern times into the Null Void without so much as a warrant (much less a trial for an event he reset) causes problems. ESPECIALLY when said son had as many connections as KO does.
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disfordevineaux · 4 years
Hello ! So if you finished watching season 4, could you share your opinion on it ? Did it meet your expectations ? Was the ending satisfying ?
HELLO! Yes, yes I have. Pretty much the second it came out I was watching it. I have pretty much been in a gif making coma for the last 3 days since its release, and I think the fact it's over has now just hit me.
I really liked s4. It was rushed, yes, but that's understandable considering the context. S4 was clearly not the initial plan. Not many Netflix aminated TV shows reach S6 or past that, so I have a feeling they were going for 6 seasons but had to cut it short. It's better than it getting officially cancelled. Which is most likely why season 4 was full to the brim with actions and character development. So I'm not mad at the quick end but I would have loved at least one more season to really flesh the development and plot points. No more so than the Devineaux development in regards to the new Julia and Chase dynamic.
Before I go into that I want to address the solo Chase-ness that was fantastic. Chase got his ass kicked like 5 times this season, once by a chair.
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And was clocked by a frisbee for good measure too.
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Oh, and landed on his car another time. The pain in his face... I- help this man.
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But he got to kick some of his own asses this season too ofc.
Anyway, Chase really stood up and said ‘I am a Himbo’ this season and it filled me with joy. Just look. veryveryveryvery handsome as always I approve of this message.
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Enough said.
Let me get on with the big thing I want to talk about. The Chase and Julia dynamic reinvention.
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If I’m honest, it did feel quick, due to time constraints, but not out of nowhere. My expectations for Chase and his growth was blown out of the water. I was incredibly impressed with his physical display for admiration for Julia in the end. His way of officially apologising, (as someone said on a rb of one of my posts), Chase is a person of action and his grand gesture of giving Julia the spotlight, as well as a few glowing compliments and a callback and twist of what he used to say, was a great twist on just an ordinary apology. I adore how you can clearly see that he means it.
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It was monumental, if a subtle display of respect that clearly struck a positive chord with Julia, and only could have with Julia. Just look at her face in the gif above, PURE. She clearly seemed as though she had decided to forgive his past transgressions after his help in her rescue.
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Most definitely helping in her decision to return to ACME to be his partner again. Know she isn't alone and that Chase truly has changed for the best. I love how Chase was complete rapture that she had decided to return, even going for a hug. The guy really went from S1 striving to be stoic all the time, to allow himself to wear his emotions and expressiveness on his sleeves. Just, good vibes right there. It felt like the s4 Chase we got was always there but hidden by his ego and by himself deliberately.
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Wholesome stuff my guys. My heart was FULL. I tell you. FULL. I slapped my hand to my chest in awe. He even asked: ‘But your academic career?’ and was happy to be finally able to hunt down real criminals with her, as, and I quote, a family. Adorable.
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Don’t even get me started on the fist-bumping. I would throw myself into a pit of fire for them.
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And those inside jokes? I could be here all day. Their dynamic now, if not nearly displayed a much as I wanted, was nourishing to my soul. Just LOOK
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And that is just one scene.
After the first time jump of 3 weeks, they appeared to be finally enjoying one another company, a true team. Then after 6 months, it seemed even more natural, playful too. They trusted each other's abilities and opinions. Sharing their belief that Carmen was good as well as supporting one another as good partners should, especially Chase. They look so comfortable in each other presence it was immaculate.
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They appeared content, and I loved that most of all. Chase was genuinely interested in Julia’s explanations and it was heartwarming to see. Julia appreciating it too. Watching them interact as close friends now was such a treat. The last 2-3 episodes, in particular, Chase even asking her to continue and adding onto her historical divulges. Awesome stuff. And Julia running into Carmen just as she was about to punch Chase’s lights out was pretty sweet too, as well as her getting one in on Cleo, GO GIRL GO. Julia this season had so much more depth. Loved it.
Also, finding out Chase’s name is in fact a self-given nickname was right on theme with the show. So many people with real names we will never know.
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Back onto the expressions and his enthusiasm. I mean LOOK. This dude- AND THE CAT JACKET RETURNS!
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He just loves his wordplay.
Anyway- The effect Julia had on him was profound and just fantastic to see. He wanted to be better. Chase will no doubt rub off some of his own flairs onto her in due time I'm sure.
Chase working with carmen and the small interaction we got were great as well. Still a little rigid, but full of intrigue.
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Chase wanting to go and save Julia, because he earlier felt as though this was all his fault, was precious too. And the whole Tigress and Chase fight scene was amazing. He trapped her inside a casket, iconic. And Chase showing up as Julia is like ‘omfg Devineaux is that you?’ As he just all suave says ‘fashionably late as always’ and pushes his messy hair back like HOOO BOY you lovely little stinker I would die for you. He was ready to fight 1 v 3. No one has the same determination as a Devineaux. For an ordinary guy, he is really able to keep up with the best, if not behind a tad I MEAN UM. DUDE SLID DOWN THE STAIRS AND JUMPED RIGHT INTO A HOLE. No second thought THEN SWUNG HIMSELF OVER NO PROB? Who is this athlete of a man?
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Like my man, you are not graceful at all please let carmen do it.
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In the end, he really did save them both which was vindication, Speaking of vindication:
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Okay, I really went off track and hardly said what I wanted to say. I got carried away with gifs. I think I said what I wanted to say? Right now my brain is still mushie.
To finalize: I was content with the end. Zack and Ivy joining ACME as Carmen has some time to go truly find herself was an interesting idea. The 2 year time jump at the end left a few holes but hey, I’ll take it. Shadowsan returning to his brother was so nice to see, and Player all alone in the restaurant kinda broke my heart. The entire storyline with Chase and Julia was absolutely, revolutionary. It was what we deserved, what they deserved.
I think my love for Chase really made me live for the scenes and moments we got of him alone and interacting with others. Season 3-4 really were his crowning glory. I'm proud of him.
Also, I want to mention the Zack/Turtle scene because I nearly died when I saw it the way the turtle wiggles and the way he rUNS I- okay goodbye.
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Another Age of Calamity
[I’m assuming it’s been long enough now that we can get away with posting Age of Calamity spoilers.]
Scene: Zelda, Link, and Impa, along with the diminutive guardian, have just escaped Hyrule Castle and look back from a distance as the swirling cloud of malice engulfs the royal structure.
Zelda, realizing the depths of her own failure, begins to despair…
BotW Zelda: I have … failed …
She falls to her knees.
BotW Zelda, crying: All of Hyrule … my friends … even my father … It’s my fault! Why won’t it awaken for me?!
As the princess cries, the little guardian approaches and attempts to console her with her mother’s lullaby.
BotW Zelda: Everything … Everything I’ve done … Ultimately … all of it was for naught!
The princess’s tears continue to flow, one falling onto the guardian’s eye and causing it to surge with power. A surge of light bursts from the guardian and splits the sky.
In the next moment, Zelda feels a hand rest on her shoulder. She looks up to see …
Samus, giving a thumbs up: Don’t worry princess, we got your back!
BotW Zelda: Who…? How…?
Samus: When we heard this game had time paradox shenanigans going on, we decided to use the mansion’s time and space twisting properties to intercept and lend a hand.
BotW Zelda: Mansion? What?
Samus: Er … nevermind that for now. The important thing is that we’re here to help.
Smash Link: That’s right!
BotW Zelda: HOLY SHIT did Link just TALK?!
BotW Link: …
Smash Link: …
Impa: … did the princess just swear?
BotW Zelda: *turning red*
Samus: … I vote we pretend this never happened and move on to the rescue mission.
Everyone: AGREED!!
Meanwhile, inside Divine Beast Vah Medoh …
Revali: Hmph. I suppose you think I should be thankful. Not that I was in need of any help, mind you.
Falco: Get off it. You were completely getting your butt kicked before I showed up.
Revali: I was merely testing the monster to identify its weaknesses. I assure you I would have dealt with it single handedly in a matter of moments.
Falco: Get real, Einstien! You were completely ineffective without me. You need me to intervene just like everyone always does.
Fox, firing his blaster wildly at Windblight Ganon: IF YOU TWO ARE QUITE DONE POSTURING I COULD USE SOME ACTUAL F@#%ING HELP OVER HERE!
Revali: Not until he admits that I don’t need his help.
Falco: And not until HE admits that he can’t do this without me!
Fox: Dear god how did I get stuck with TWO of them?!
And inside Divine Beast Vah Naboris …
Urbosa: That’s it! Come on boys, we got this demon on the ropes!
C.Falcon: Oh my god, she is so amazing! Ren, I think I’m in love!
Joker: What? I thought you said you were gay.
C.Falcon: I am, bro, I am. I’m one hundred percent gay for her.
[This quote based on a real conversation]
And inside Divine Beast Vah Rudania …
Daruk: Ha ha ha! Boy am I glad to see you kids. I thought I was toast for a minute there! You sure pack a punch for some little guys!
Meggy: What can I say? We’ve gotten pretty good at “smashing” things.
Ness: Yeah! We got this!
Lucas: As long as we work as a team, I’m not afraid …
Ashley: I’m just here for moral support.
Daruk: Alright! This firey punk is running out of steam. What do you say we kick this guy’s butt back to the abyss he crawled out of. I believe in all of you, let’s do this!
Ness: Okay Dad!
Lucas: …
Ashley: …
Meggy: Stripes, did you just call him “dad”?
Ness: Look, my real dad is a phone.
Meanwhile inside Divie Beast Vah Ruta, the battle against Waterblight Ganon has been overcome, and Mario is speaking with Mipha away from the rest of the group.
Pit: Wow, that wasn’t as hard as I thought it’d be. Of course, that might be mostly because we brought this guy along.
Waterblight Kirby: Poyo!
Young Link: Ha ha … yeah …
Pit: Is that nervous laughter? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you nervous before.
Young Link: Ah, it’s just … I’ve kind of had some bad experiences with zora princesses in the past.
Pit: Really? But Mipha doesn’t seem that bad.
Young Link: Yeah, she seems pretty sane. I’m sure I’m just getting nervous over nothing.
Mario and Mipha return to the rest of the group.
Mipha: And I should thank you warriors for your assistance as well.
Mipha, looking at Young Link: Hmm, you know, it’s peculiar, but for some reason you strongly remind me of someone I had a crush on in my youth.
Young Link: RUN! ABORT! ABORT!
Young Link immediately throws himself from the divine beast into the water below.
Mipha: ????
Meanwhile, within the malice-darkened walls of Hyrule Castle itself…
Sephiroth: So, possessing a robot, huh? Gotta say, not exactly what I was expecting.
Ganondorf: I must say, I never cared for the Calamity form, being so mindless and bestial, but attempting to take over two timelines at once? I’m actually quite impressed.
Bowser: But I don’t get it, if you’re the embodiment of all Ganons, shouldn’t you already know about everything that’s happening? Why is this all new to you?
Ganondorf: Calamity Ganon isn’t really “me”, it’s power and malice that has been leaking out of me that has accumulated enough to take on its own form. Remember, the REAL me is sleeping trapped deep beneath Hyrule Castle.
Bowser scratches his head in confusion, as Sephiroth nods sagely. Ganondorf then gives an evil smirk.
Ganondorf: What do say, boys? How about we go wake me up!
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ri-ahhh · 4 years
i can already tell off the bad grayson would be so protective of his s/o. even his friends tbh. like just imagine a boy bothering you and he comes to the rescue
Ugh yes. Ik some girls are against the idea of a man protecting them or whatever but I think it’s nice to have a guy that will watch out for you over some creeps.
Maybe one day you’re at a mall — you, Ethan, and Grayson — and you decide to leave the two of them at the Apple store in favor of meeting up with them at lulu lemon whenever they get finished there.
You approach the athletic store, which is moderately busy at most, and greet the two guys standing at the front with a friendly smile.
Immediately, the fit, sandy-haired one makes the step towards you in that typical, over-hyped salesman fashion.
“Hi there! Can I help you find anything?”
This guy is only a little taller than yourself, but combined with the fact that he’s stepped a couple inches too close for your comfort, and the way his blue eyes dart across your body, you immediately get hit by a sense of intimidation that you’re not used to. You don’t feel threatened, but it’s still not a pleasant sensation to be bombarded like that.
“Ah,” you take a casual step back, trying to make it look natural, as if you’re just searching the store with your gaze, “I’m just looking for now. Thanks, though.”
“No prob,” he replies with what is clearly supposed to be a charming smile. “I’m Jackson. Come holler at me if you need anything at all.”
Jackson actually holds out his hand, and before you can analyze how fucking weird that is, you take it in your own. Your cold hand feels even icier despite the heat coming from his.
“I like your outfit, by the way,” he winks, and you wiggle your hand from his grip at once as you glance down at what you’re wearing. Shorts from this very store, a wakeheart hoodie you stole from Grayson, and Nike flip flops. You couldn’t look more basic and inconspicuous if you tried, really. “Those shorts are on the back wall.”
“Uh, thanks,” you say, and finally walk away from Jackson as quickly as possible.
Now that you’ve escaped, you remember you really did have a question about finding some leggings, but Jackson had thrown you off so much that the thought had completely left your mind until now. You search the store for a female associate, and upon finding them all busy, settle for searching through some gym tops.
“You still doing okay, babe?”
Not even ten minutes later, you look up casually from where you’re flicking through hangers trying to find your size, thinking maybe whoever just said that was talking to someone else — because there’s no way some random dude just called you ‘babe’, right?
Wrong. Jackson is standing a couple feet away, twirling his lanyard around his fingers in a way that directly reminds you of the douchebag football players in high school that would stand in the hallway of the fieldhouse and cat-call the female athletes coming in and out of their respective locker rooms.
You fight back the urge to scrunch up your nose in disgust, and give him a tight smile that will hopefully convey your disinterest. “Yeah. Thanks.”
Jackson winks again and gives you a thumbs up as he walks back to his post at the front of the store. You roll your eyes at his tapered back, and brush his behavior off as just typical asshole antics.
With the store becoming more crowded, you’ve still yet to find an open sales girl whose attention hasn’t been swooped away by another customer, so you meander into the men’s section. Grayson needed some new shorts himself, and you’re always happy to shop for him.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see a head approaching that’s starting to look familiar.
Go away go away go away...
“Wrong section, beautiful,” Jackson laughs, leaning against a clothes rack, taking no care in the slightest to hide the way his eyes rake up your entire form from head to toe.
You cringe, both from his words and his gaze. Your phone buzzes in your hand, and you take a moment to ignore Jackson and answer the text from Gray.
Just left Apple, be there in a few💕
You glance up and see Jackson still standing there, watching you with an amused little smirk. You wonder if he thinks you’re being coy, or shy, or if he’s caught on to how uncomfortable you are and is reveling in it the way some ass hats like him do.
Hurry pls. This guy won’t leave me alone.
Jackson looks at you expectantly when you press the button to lock your phone screen. You’re done being nice by now, and you snatch up Grayson’s size in a pair of light blue, 5-inch shorts that will look fantastic on him.
“They’re for my boyfriend,” you state clearly, flatly. “And it’s 2020, I can wear whatever the hell I want, even if they weren’t for him.”
You start to try to go past him without another word, but he throws his hands up apologetically. “Damn, okay, I totally feel you, my bad babe. Are you sure there’s nothing else I can help you find?”
You look around, but there are no other workers in sight, and you figure you might as well just ask the question so that you can get the hell out of here.
“Fine, yeah, do you carry longer inseams or talls of leggings in store?”
Jackson smiles brightly, evidently thrilled that you took him up on his offer, and snaps into a finger-gun gesture. “I do,” he says, shifting next to you so you’re standing side-by-side. “I assumed you’d need that with those great legs. Let’s go here...”
And then, this man has the audacity to put his hand on the small of your back, trying to guide you between racks of shirts.
That’s the last straw for you. Just as you wheel around to grab his forearm and push him off of you, a deep, familiar, voice echoes in the little corner of the store you’re all in.
“Excuse me?”
Your eyes see heavily tattooed legs first, then the baby pink shorts you love so much, a hard stomach and broad chest clung to tightly by a white shirt, and finally a bearded, hard-set jaw you’d recognize anywhere.
“Hi, baby,” you sigh out in relief, stepping into his side and wrapping your arms around his trim middle.
You step on your toes and kiss his chin sweetly, your heart settling back in your chest from where it has dropped to the pit of yours stomach only a moment ago. Grayson’s thick arm curls around your shoulders and pulls you closer to him, his eyes stone cold and unwavering on Jackson, who looks rightfully terrified suddenly.
“Are you the guy my girl’s telling me keeps harassing her?” Grayson asks sternly, his Jersey coming out thick and making him even more intimidating.
“I — uh, I wasn’t —“
“Shut up,” Grayson interrupts Jackson’s stuttering. “If I didn’t believe in karma, I’d go find your manager right now and make sure your ass was fired before we leave this place. Don’t fuckin follow girls around, or put your hands on them, especially mine. Got it, asshole?”
Jackson swallows thickly and nods. “I’m sorry.”
“Tell that to her, not me,” Grayson says, motioning towards you with his head.
Jackson looks at you and repeats the apology, and you nod. “Go do your actual job, please.”
“Wait,” Grayson says, taking the clothes out of your hands and shoving them roughly into Jackson’s. “We won’t be buying these today. Goodbye.”
The two of you watch Jackson shrink away, and you release your hold on Grayson to cup his stubbles cheeks as he makes sure the other man is as far away from you two as possible.
“You good?” you check, feeling the rapid pulse under his chin and the muscled tick of his jaw beneath your hands.
Grayson takes a deep breath, then cups your hands with his as he leans down and captures your lips with a surprising softness and restraint.
“Yeah,” he answers when he pulls back, swiping a shiny little bead of saliva from your lower lip. “Come on, lets get out of here. E is in Joyrich.”
“That was kinda hot, you know,” you say once you’re walking down the open corridor hand-in-hand, fingers interlaced tightly by Grayson. “I should make you jealous more often. In a more consensual, less creepy way than that, though.”
Grayson grunts a little and releases your hand in favor of wrapping his arm around your shoulders once again, and yours snakes behind his back.
“Please don’t, I don’t think I could take it. I feel like I need to take a shit, punch a wall, and fuck you senseless all at the same time right now.”
You burst out laughing, and your fingers dip just below the waistband of his shorts and boxers teasingly. “Let’s find Ethan and go home then, and you can do all of those things.”
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kpop-zone · 4 years
Perfect Timing | Irene
Genre: fluff
Wordcount: 1,341
Prompt: How whipped is CEO!Irene for her spouse? Hint: Very
A/N: A full CEO Irene scenario is in planning, but till then, here’s a little drabble. Not my GIF, credits to owner
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Joohyun closed her eyes and inhaled deeply while silently counting to seven before exhaling again to repeat the process. But nothing helped. The overwhelming anger that was building up in the pit of her stomach didn’t crumble.
“He did what?”
She gritted through her teeth, hoping that her assistant would tell her different news this time.
“Well...h-he got really drunk and spilled some secrets about the group that he probably shouldn’t have.”
Songhee, her assistant, mumbled, causing Joohyun’s seething anger to finally boil over.
“Damn it!”
She growled while slamming her hands on her desk.
“How old is he? 5!? How could he have been so reckless?”
A stinging pain started to form in Joohyun’s left temple and she placed her hand on her forehead. This scandal would not just go away. This needed proper handling to prevent the dissemination of false rumors which in turn would inevitably mean countless extra hours for her. With a frustrated huff, Joohyun’s gaze landed on the picture on her desk. It seemed like she wouldn’t get home soon to you today...
“Please get the PR team, Songhee. We need to find an adequate response to all of this right away.”
Joohyun asked in defeat and her assistant quickly nodded before fleeing the office.
Not even ten minutes later, the PR team gathered around Joohyun’s desk; one employee looking more stressed than the other. Everyone probably already knew that this incident had managed to make her blood boil and no one dared to cross her today. After all, she was infamous for being a fair, but strict leader.
“Did you already start working on a strategy?”
Joohyun turned to Sooyoung, the head of the team, listening attentively when she told her the plans that they had come up with till now. As specialists, they advised her to leave some rumors unaddressed, while concentrating on others instead and trying to refute them; which, however, turned out to be a prickly affair. How can one batter a lie without sounding too defensive? Hour after hour passed while all of them were cooped up in the stuffy office, discussing and discussing until Joohyun’s head was close to exploding. But at last, they seemed to be somewhere close to an agreement.
“Ok if all things are settled now, we should start working. Split your team, Sooyoung. Assign some to monitor social media in order to keep up with new rumors. But you should also send one or two to the legal team and see what options we have against those who spread false rumors. Lastly, we should issue a formal apology; this will be your task.”
Joohyun looked into a bunch of pale, tensed faces and she felt sorry for the workload that she had just put on their shoulders, but she wouldn’t allow anyone to talk badly about her company. This negativity needed to be nipped in the bud, even if it meant that she had to stay all night in those somber four walls.
“If there are no more questions, I’ll excuse myself now; I have a meeting with the board in 10 minutes. I know this is a lot to handle and we’ll probably work more than we’ll sleep in the next days, but tackling this scandal has absolute priority for the sake of our entire company. I count on all of you.”
Joohyun tried to convey the severity of the situation while not letting her own stress show too much at the same time. The stinging pain in her temple had grown into a throbbing migraine by now, but she knew that she had to be a strong leader right now to keep the spirit of her employees up, even if she would much rather drive home to you.
“I guess this is bad timing then?”
Like on cue, a voice that Joohyun had thought she wouldn’t hear anymore today sounded in the room, causing everyone to turn to the door at the same time. You were standing there with some takeout boxes in your hand and a sheepish grin on your face, causing some of Joohyun’s stress to evaporate into thin air at a blow.
This was just what she needed right now.
A dopey smile tugged on her lips and she stared at you fondly, forgetting everything around her while savoring the feeling of comfort that you exuded until a member of the PR team cleared their throat, managing to snap Joohyun back to reality. Everyone looked at her with amusement reflecting in their eyes and she wished that the floor would open to swallow her. How long had she stared at you?
“Well, we better start working now.”
Sooyoung gladly came to Joohyun’s rescue, leaping to her feet before motioning her subordinates to follow her. Reluctantly, they accompanied her out of the office, but started snickering as soon as they stepped into the hallway. Joohyun could feel her cheeks burning in embarrassment and she hoped that everyone would forget about this incident soon.
You mumbled as you walked up to her with your head hanging, but Joohyun immediately grabbed your hand and lifted your chin as soon as you were in reach.
“Don’t apologize. This was perfect timing.”
She said softly while pulling you against her body, forgetting all about the PR team and savoring your presence instead. You, however, still pouted ashamed, causing Joohyun to laugh.
“I swear! Your timing is never bad, everyone else’s simply is.”
She grinned cheekily and you shook your head, disapproving of her cheesy comment.
“Yeah, yeah, you’re a sweet talker, you know that?. What’s going on anyways? Why was everyone here?”
You asked, looking at her with your head tilted in confusion.
“Oh, don’t remind me. Jihoon got drunk and spilled secrets about his group while, at the same time, being stupid enough to let himself get filmed.”
Joohyun could instantly feel the stress coming back, causing her to contort her face due to the stinging pain in her temple.
“My poor wife. Do you want me to punish Jihoon for causing you so much trouble?”
You cooed while stepping impossibly closer to her and starting to gently massage her temples with your fingertips, causing an involuntary moan to slip through Joohyun’s lips. In pure bliss, she closed her eyes and melted under your touch.
“If only you could. But instead, I’m afraid, I’ll have to stay in the company all day and fix his mess.”
Joohyun sighed, thinking about all the things that she would rather do.
“Seems like I have to think about something to make your day better once you come home. So don’t take too long.”
You winked and Joohyun raised one eyebrow, clearly liking what she was hearing. No matter what that special treatment of yours would look like, she was sure that she would enjoy it.
“You know, I could just fire Jihoon. That would be the quickest solution.”
A mischievous expression settled on Joohyun’s face and you punched her arms lightly, following her proposition.
“Bae Joohyun, don’t say that! Do your job properly!”
Threateningly, you nudged her with your index finger, but Joohyun simply smirked.
“Hm we’ll see, it’s not like he wouldn’t deserve it after cutting my time short with you.”
She hummed and you opened your mouth to protest, but Joohyun beat you to it.
“Anyways, I’ll better get going now. See you, probably sooner than later.”
Quickly, she pecked your lips before turning on her heel and strutting out of the room, making sure to sway her hips more than usual. You gasped dramatically and when Joohyun threw a glance over her shoulder, she could see that you were staring at her with narrowed eyes, causing her to throw her head back in laughter. You really looked cute when you were upset.
Of course, she didn’t really consider firing Jihoon, but she loved to banter with you. Almost nothing managed to lift her mood quicker and she had been in dire need of a little moment of levity.
A wide smile tugged on Joohyun’s lips even after she had left the offiice as she could clearly feel the effects of your surpise visit. New energy was flowing through her body and the burden on her shoulders felt a thousand times lighter. Suddenly, not even the conversation with the board that was about to happen stressed her out anymore.
Nothing could bring her down with you by her side.
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gracegriller949 · 3 years
Shining Devotion
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 2k
Pairing: DinLuke, Luke Skywalker/Din Djarin
A/N: Read the full fic on Ao3 here
Chapter 3
The Mandalorian grunts in shock as Grogu retracts his hands from under the helmet and promptly collapses on top of him.
After a beat of silence, Luke watches as Mando slowly rises from the table, cradling Grogu in his arms. The Mandalorian turns to Luke as if to question if he knew what happened. Mando most likely only saw confusion on Luke’s face since it took him a second to realize that he should probably close his gaping mouth.
Just then, a sudden, soaring pain rips through Luke. He keels over and slumps down into the chair closest to him. The adrenaline must have worn off. Great.
Mando reacts quickly to Luke’s pain by throwing his legs over the side of the table and setting the sleeping Grogu down carefully on the surface. He grabs the Bacta spray that Luke left on the table and swiftly kneels in front of the Jedi.
“I’m... fine,” Luke grunts out, reaching his hand out to stop the Mandalorian “I can... I can do… it.”
He slumps back into the chair again as a wave of chills wash over him.
“Mmhm,” the Mandalorian grunts in return. “Take off your shirt.”
Luke just stares at the Mandalorian, dumbfounded.
“Take it off, or I will.”
Feeling his cheeks warm, Luke looks down at his black robes to find a large hole that has been cut into the left side of his shirt. Carefully, Luke untucks his shirt and pulls one hand out of the sleeve to roll the shirt up to his neck. After its tucked under his chin, Luke looks back down at his side to find an angry red cut about the size of a Tooka-cat’s leg laying against the crisscrossing patches of white scars that cover the rest of his body. Luke hisses as the kneeling Mandalorian places a gloved hand on his side and leans his head in to take a loser look at the wound.
“Looks like you cut yourself on some glass,” the Mandalorian observes. “It’s pretty deep. I’m going to need to get the shards out before I can heal you. Do you have a cauterizer?”
“In… the Medkit,” Luke huffs as he points in the direction of the crates.
Mando gets up smoothly to retrieve the cauterizer. On his way from the Medkit, he sees Grogu still lying on the table and quickly scoops him up to deposit him in his hammock before kneeling again next to Luke, cauterizer in hand.
Placing his hand back on Luke’s side, the Mandalorian starts his work on getting the tiny pieces of glass out of his cut.
Luke’s fingernails dig into his palms as he braces himself against the pain coming from his side. To distract himself, Luke decides to unload a couple of the questions that have been circling in his head since he first saw the Slave I.
“Why were you in the Slave I alone? Where’s Boba Fett?”
“Fett’s dead.”
That catches Luke off guard.
“F-Fett’s… what? He’s…” Luke splutters as he takes in this new information.
He jumps a little as the Mandalorian zaps at his wound. Mando looks up from Luke’s side to make eye contact with him through the helmet.
“Fett’s dead. He died protecting me.” Mando’s voice is neutral, completely devoid of emotion.
This confuses Luke. Surely the two were friends, right? Why else would the Mandalorian be on his ship? Luke looks straight into the Mandalorian’s visor, trying to gauge his emotions before Mando averts his attention back to the task at hand.
Luke grimaces again at the pain, this time shooting out a hand to steady himself on the Mandalorian’s pauldron. If Mando minds, he doesn’t say anything.
“What happened?” Luke asks softly.
The Mandalorian is quiet for a few seconds and just as Luke thinks that he’s not going to respond, Luke hears a shaky inhale coming from the modulator.
“We were on Mandalore. Fett and I had just gotten back from a mission regarding some business on Tatooine. We were rooting out an imperial refuge that was hoarding Mandalorian artifacts. When we got back to Mandalore, I went to discuss the mission with my adviser, Bo Katan, but we were ambushed by a group of her clansmen. We fought as hard as we could, but Fett didn’t make it out.”
Luke flinches again as the Mandalorian continues his work. He tries to take in what Mando just said, but it seems that with every question the Mandalorian answers, more appear in their wake. Questions like: Who is Bo Katan? Why does Mando have an adviser? How did Boba Fett die? Luke grits his teeth and waits a beat before asking: “How did you get out?”
Mando stops zapping Luke’s wound and takes another close look at it before continuing with the cauterizer.
“She let me go. Bo Katan. Fett and I were almost to the ship when one of the clansmen shot him point blank. Dumb Keck jumped in front of me. Bo Katan came in after me. She told me that there had been an uprising and that they were after the darksaber. She told me to run and gave me the coordinates to Grogu’s location. Wasn’t long until I realized the ship was compromised. It was all I could do to limp here from Mandalore”
Luke takes in this new information. Trying to take his mind off the pain in his side.
“Why did she let you go?” he asks.
The Mandalorian shakes his head as he leans his head toward Luke’s wound to get a better look.
Luke takes the hint and changes the subject.
“What’s the darksaber?”
“It’s a laser sword that was wielded by a Mandalorian years ago and has been passed through the hands of many rulers of Mandalore.”
That gets Luke’s attention. Darksaber? Like a lightsaber… but dark?
“And you have this saber in your possession meaning that you…” Luke trails off, putting the pieces together.
The Mandalorian turns off the cauterizer and sets it on the ground next to him. He scoops up the Bacta spray and points it at Luke’s wound before spraying it carefully up and down the cut. Luke squeezes his hand that still rests on the Mandalorian’s pauldron, grimacing at the chilliness of the Bacta.
“That should heal in a few minutes.”
Mando gets up from his knee and crosses his arms as he leans against Luke’s table. The table looks miniscule in comparison. Luke gulps thickly and murmurs a ‘thank you’ to the Mandalorian before moving his arm to slip it back into his shirt sleeve.
“So… you’re the ruler of Mandalore.”
The Mandalorian nods once.
Luke can feel the questions buzzing around his head like a bunch of flies on a piece of trash. His eyes look past the Mandalorian and land on the tiny brown bundle sleeping behind him.
“Did you know that he could do that?” wonders Luke.
The Mandalorian follows Luke’s gaze to the sleeping child and sighs through his modulator. Mando uncrosses his arms and strides over to Grogu’s crib to gently rock the hammock.
“I think you better get some rest. We’ll talk more in the morning,” he says.
Luke doesn’t feel tired, but he knows the Mandalorian is right.
“But where will you sleep? I wasn’t exactly expecting guests,” says Luke, a slight squeak coming into his voice at the realization of just how unprepared he is for the Mandalorian to sleep in the hut.
“I’ll just sleep outside. You got a fire pit?”
Luke nods.
“That’ll do. Goodnight, Jedi.” Mando says as he makes his way towards the entrance of the hut.
“Luke.” He says, “You can call me Luke.”
The Mandalorian pauses, hand on the curtain that covers the opening of the hut.
“Goodnight, Luke.”
“Goodnight, Mando.”
The Mandalorian nods and disappears out the entrance to the hut. Luke gets up slowly from his chair, his mind still racing from the events of the night. Luke limps slowly over to his shabby bed and lays on top of the covers. He glances over again at Grogu. His questions were still circling around his head, but they were just going to have to wait until morning.
The next morning, Luke wakes up feeling way more refreshed than he should.  It’s probably the damn Bacta spray.
At that thought, Luke pulls his shirt up to feel where his wound is. Or more accurately, where his wound <was>. His fingers brush the area to find the wound has healed perfectly.
Luke sighs softly and looks around the room. He sits up straight as his eyes land on Grogu’s empty hammock. Just as he’s about to panic, there’s a rustling at the door as the Mandalorian moves the curtain to the side to step into the hut, brown bundle in hand. He offers a nod in greeting as he moves to set Grogu down in his favorite chair.
Luke watches as Mando reaches into one of the pouches of his utility belt and pulls out a silver ball and sets it in front of Grogu. The child takes it and coos happily as his father rubs his head lovingly.
Luke’s heart jumps into his throat as he averts his gaze. The events from the night before come flooding back to him. The ship crash, the Mandalorian, the rescue, the child; all of it. Luke remembers the Mandalorian’s gloved hands on his side, and feels his stomach flutter at the thought.
It feels strange to have the Mandalorian here. Luke thought that maybe he would see the Mandalorian again, if only for him to visit his son, but Luke never thought that he’d be in a situation like this one.
He looks back up at the Mandalorian, now sitting across from Grogu.
“How does your head feel?” Luke asks, swinging his legs over the side of his bed.
Mando turns his helmet towards his son.
“It feels like nothing ever happened.”
Luke follows his gaze to Grogu and once again, the question about his student’s power comes into his mind. Thinking back on it from last night, Luke realizes that the Mandalorian wasn’t surprised about Grogu’s power.
“He’s done that before hasn’t he? Healed someone.”
The Mandalorian nods slowly.
“I’ve only seen him do it one other time. I don’t know how it works. I was hoping you could tell me.”
Luke shakes his head.
“I have never seen something with that kind of power, nor have I even heard of it. I’m afraid I am terribly underequipped with Jedi teachings to know the full extent of the Jedi ways.”
The Mandalorian looks up at that.
“I thought you were a Jedi. Do you not have the same powers?”
Luke shakes his head again.
“I never even knew Force healing was possible.”
“Force… healing?” asks the Mandalorian.
“Yes. Somehow Grogu can use the Force to heal people.”
“How is that possible?”
“As I said, there is a lot about this subject that I don’t know. I would need Jedi texts, teachings of when there was a Jedi Order.”
The Mandalorian nods as he continues to look at Luke, his gaze slipping down to where his wound used to rest.
“How’s your side?”
“Good as new, thanks to you,” says Luke, a small smile coming to his face.
“The least I could do after you saved my life.”
That makes Luke pause, his easy smile faltering for a second.
“It was nothing,” he says, looking shyly at the Mandalorian.
The two men stare at each other for a long beat of silence before Luke breaks eye contact with Mando’s helmet and crosses the short distance to the conservator. He knows that there’s nothing in it, but he opens the door and looks inside, nonetheless.
“We don’t have much in terms of food, but can I offer you a nutrient bar?”
The Mandalorian sits back in his chair and crosses his arms.
“I had something earlier. Guess there isn’t much fresh produce on Yavin-4?”
Luke closes the door to the conservator and grabs a nutrient bar from the storage container before turning back to the Mandalorian.
“There’s not much of anything left on Yavin-4. Not ever since the end of the war and the Rebellion vacated the planet. I’ve found a few scraps here and there that are left, but I haven’t had time to search much further.”
Luke leans against the counter and takes a big first bite out of his nutrient bar.
“I’m thinking about going back to the crash site today, see what I can salvage,” the Mandalorian says, turning back to watch Grogu as he makes his silver ball float just above his face.
“I’ll go with you,” Luke says, moving to grab some cookies from the storage container.
Mando nods as Luke sets the cookies down in front of Grogu.
“Shouldn’t he eat some real food before dessert?” asks the Mandalorian.
Luke sighs, looking slightly embarrassed.
“Well, if you can convince him to eat something that isn’t cookies or fresh meat, be my guest.”
Mando sighs but doesn’t do anything to stop Grogu from crunching on the little snacks.
“I’ll get him some meat, if I can find something to hunt with,” the Mandalorian says, “I need to get to the ship to find my weapons.”
Luke nods.
“We’ll leave after lunch then.”
13 notes · View notes
Life as a Shinobi
Story Notes: This story is a reader x character romance. It takes place during the Great Ninja War, however, the timeline of my novel is different. It is loosely following the anime storyline but here Kakashi’s generation are between 15 and 16 years old. Even though this is a reader point of view, I really didn’t want to use “Y/N” so I chose a name instead. The character’s name is Katsumi. I chose this name because in Japanese it means “victorious beauty” and I thought it was beautiful. Feel free to replace your name, though!
This is just part one of a multitude of parts. I’m excited to endure the adventure with you all!
SFW, Slight Gore.
6,629 words
My hair whipped my face as I ran, constantly blocking my view. I cursed under my breath for not putting it up in a ponytail when I had the opportunity. A cool trickle of blood trailed down from my bicep to where I held my kunai. My legs shook, desperately waiting for the numbing phase, as I jumped from tree branch to tree branch.
Where the hell is Obito?
I continued my search for about a good mile before witnessing a giant ball of fire engulfing a fraction of the forest.
I sprinted to the origin of the heat to see Obito panting on the ground, sweat dripping off the tip of his nose. Across from him was what remained of a shinobi of the Hidden Stone Village. The lifeless ninja’s skin was charcoaled, the raw smell of burnt flesh stinging my nose.
“Obito! Are you okay?” I panted, doubled over with my hands on my knees as I tried to catch my breath.
Obito looked up at me, his soft brown eyes gaining more of an orangish tint from his goggles.
“Yeah...” he smirked a bit, obviously proud of the accomplishment of his defensive attack.
His eyes trailed to my bleeding arm and his smirk vanished.
“Katsumi! Your arm! What happened?!” He rushed to stand and grabbed my arm to observe the lightly grazed flesh wound.
I shook him off.
“I’m fine. A shuriken just grazed my arm.” I straightened up and began to observe our surroundings. Obito was not pleased with my answer but he knew better than to test me.
“I took care of the two close to base, I see you got the one here... but shinobis always travel in parties of four. We’re missing one, don’t lose your guard.” I said, spinning the kunai in my hand and preparing it for the final enemy.
Obito nodded and turned to press his back up against mine while also readying a kunai.
It was eerily quiet. I closed my eyes to focus on my sense of hearing. The faint ruffle of leaves and the soft whistle of the breeze was all I heard.
“Obito! Kunai! 4 o’ clock!” I yelled. We both looked in the direction and dodged out of the way.
The kunai struck the ground with a hard thud.
I was already sprinting towards the direction where it was thrown, making jutsu hand signs along the way.
Horse. Serpent. Tiger. Rat. Monkey.
My right hand glowed from the lightning that was infused with a sword made of ice. The sound of wood crackling from a fire expelled from the strong chakra in my hand. I dragged my hand down as I ran, leaving the grass sizzling behind me.
My speed picked up as I jumped into the air in order to lunge at the enemy. My war cry was nearly as loud as my special jutsu.
Fear overtook the man’s face as I plunged my electrified icy sword into his vital spot. Blood spouted from his mouth as his eyes became lifeless. His body hit the ground with a hard thud as I repelled my hand.
I caught my breath once more before turning around to see the same starstruck expression I always see on Obito’s face. He never fails to show me how much he admires my fighting skills.
“You know, it’s pretty unfair to lay claim to three of the four enemies. How about giving me the chance to go for it for once?” He says.
“Sorry Obito, but I heard where the direction of the kunai came from and was not about to risk our lives for you to just have an ego-boosting moment.” I tried to say it softly, but it came out harsher than intended.
“Tch. Just wait until my sharingan awakens. We won’t even have to wait for the enemy to attack as I’ll already see him and beat you to it!” Obito grinned largely and pushed his shoulder back into a prideful stance while aiming his thumb at his chest.
I smiled softly. “I don’t doubt it. C’mon, let’s head back to base. Minato-sensei and Kakashi should be on their way back from meeting with Choza-sensei’s team.”
The sky was dark and the fire pit we extinguished the night before was glowing with life once again. Kakashi’s silver hair glistened in the soft light. His back was turned to us while he fed the fire. Obito and I just arrived back to base after a four mile trek.
“Obito’s tardiness is to be expected, but I’m surprised in you Kat.” Kakashi said expressionlessly. He didn’t even turn to look at us.
I walked around to grab a seat beside the fire. I exhaled as I took out my overly tight ponytail, my beachy blonde hair pooling around my face and down the length of my back. I ran my fingers through my scalp to ease the tension.
“Sorry, Kakashi. We got caught up in a good time with some of our Stone Village friends.” I said lazily. The heat of the fire pursuing my exhaustion.
Kakashi looked at me for a moment, then back to the fire. The tips of my ears burned slightly at his quick gaze.
Obito joined us at the fire, sitting directly between Kakashi and I. I was too entranced by the warmth of the flame to notice Kakashi’s annoyed expression.
“Yeah Kakashi, while you were playing messenger, Kat and I were kicking ass back here at base. Cut us some slack.” Obito relayed while side eyeing Kakashi.
Their feud will never end, I swear.
Kakashi scoffed. “I wasn’t just relaying a message; an important, lifesaving one not to mention; but Minato-sensei and I were also assisting team Choza in a battle against a fleet of Stone Village shinobi. And don’t ask me to cut you some slack. I’d be surprised if you even took down one enemy while Kat did the rest of the work!”
Obito was clearly getting worked up and was about to open his mouth to start defending himself.
“Where is Minato-sensei anyway?” I quickly asked before the feud could progress.
Kakashi looked over at me again, his dark gray eyes bore into mine. The butterflies I’ve always gotten around him since we were 4 years old returned to my stomach. My eyes shifted back to the fire.
“He wont be finishing the mission with us. He was called back by the hokage. I’m not sure what for, but he did leave me in charge as captain.”
Obito rolled his eyes. “Tch.” He muttered.
The silver-headed boy shifted his glare to Obito before finishing. “We will leave at first light to the Stone’s hideout. Our goal is to meet up with team Choza and rescue the three tailed jinchuriki and return promptly to the Hidden Leaf. We’ll work out our offenses tomorrow once we see the layout of the enemy territory. Let’s just get some rest for now. I’ll take first watch.”
At that, Kakashi stood up and walked over to the tallest tree to take post.
“Man, I hate when he gets all bossy. I know he hit jonin a long time ago and we may still be chunin, but c’mon. We’re the same age!” Obito said with frustration.
I looked over at him. I took in the sight I saw. His floppy brown hair that grazed over his forehand protector, his goggles hung around his neck granting me the view of the fire delicately flickering off his eyes, his full lips pulled into a frown. Puberty really blessed Obito. I smiled at him.
“C’mon Obito. Kakashi is a wonderful leader. He’s lead us through many successful missions. You respectfully accepted him as your captain years ago after learning about his father remember?”
We both sat in silence for a moment. Obito reflected on how his and Kakashi’s relationship changed that day. Kakashi softening up and realizing that the lives of his comrades are worth becoming rule breaking scum. Obito realizing that Kakashi has always cared for his team and always had the best intentions despite the trauma his father left him with. Even though they still bicker, their friendship became prominent that day when they both saved each other from death.
I reflected on how proud I was of them that day, but also how I decided from then on, I would not be useless. I would not be taken captive, I’d stay alert at all times, I’d defend myself and my team, and never be the damsel in distress. I’ve proven my worth since then. It was like a spark lit up inside of me. I developed my own new special jutsu by combining my natural ice kekkei genkai with the lightning nature. Kakashi lent me a hand there. I trained hard to the point that even Minato-sensei was impressed and used me more in the front lines. Unfortunately, he used me more than Obito as he is still awaiting the awakening of his sharingan... poor thing.
“Yeah, yeah. Just wait until I become hokage. Then we’ll see who’s throwing orders around!” Obito snickered.
I giggled. I always loved hearing Obito talking about his dreams of becoming hokage.
Obito blushed at my giggle. He looked at me with soft eyes. “Ya know, a hokage always needs someone by his side to help guide them in leadership.”
“I’d be honored to be your assistant, Obito.” I said with a playful bow.
Obito stuttered, “Well, I-I meant more as-“
“But you know, Kakashi would definitely make a better assistant with that incredible mind of his.” I unintentionally interrupted.
“Yeah haha..” Obito looked back at the fire.
“Alright, well I’m off to rest. I’ll take second watch, okay? G’night, Obito.” I stood up.
“Goodnight.” He kept his gaze on the fire.
I walked to my sleeping bag and tucked in tight, allowing sleep to overcome me the minute my head hit the makeshift pillow.
I opened my eyes and let out a yawn as I stretched my arms up. I looked at the fire pit that was now just glowing embers. It was definitely time to switch who was on look out.
I grabbed a water canteen and made my way to the branch where Kakashi was posted.
“Hey.” I said quietly. “Here, drink some water and head to bed, I’ll take over on watch.”
Kakashi looked over at me. His half-lidded eyes were soft. The butterflies returned yet again.
“Thanks.” He said and accepted the canteen. He didn’t drink from it in front of me, most likely because it would require him to remove his mask. I always wondered what he hid from the world under it. As curious as I was, I loved the mask. It made him appear even more enigmatic than his personality already let on.
I sat down beside him and stared out. It was silent between us for a few minutes before Kakashi was the one to break it.
“Tomorrow is going to be a very big day.”
“It sure seems like it. But we have each other’s backs. And our faith in you.” I said, turning my face away slightly to conceal a blush.
Kakashi looked down at the canteen in his hands. “You’ve always put so much faith in me. Even when I let you down.”
“We all make mistakes, Kashi. We wouldn’t be human if we didn’t. But I’ve always seen your potential and your intentions. I’d follow you ‘til the end.” I didn’t look up as I felt his gaze on me. My face turned a crimson shade as he continued staring.
With his silence to my response troubling me, I finally decided to look up and match his eye contact. The butterflies went silent as my heart decided to skip a few beats instead.
He looked at me with such soft eyes. His presence was so inviting. I just wanted to scooch closer to him and take in his scent.
My already crimson face turned into a deeper tomato red when I saw him break eye contact to look at my lips.
Does he want to kiss me? I won’t lie, I’ve harbored the thought of kissing Kakashi Hatake since the moment he saw a flower and put it in my hair, declaring me as the flower princess. Granted we were 4 years old playing around... but still.
Even with the mask on, I could see an outline of a grin as he finally looked away. “Thank you, Kat. Your kind and encouraging words always pushes me to be the best I can possibly be.”
I nodded, “Go get some rest. You’ll need your strength tomorrow.”
He shook his head in agreement and stood up to leave. Before jumping down, he gave my shoulder a thoughtful squeeze.
Life as a shinobi really prevents you from owning up to the feelings you have towards someone in fear of it being a distraction while on the battlefield. But then again, whether the feelings were spoken of or not, Kakashi will always be my distraction. Maybe one day I’ll tell him how I really feel.
A sliver of light brightened up the horizon as Kakashi, Obito, and I began our journey towards the Stone’s hideout. As we arrived, we were greeted by Team Choza. Might Guy ran up to Kakashi first.
“Kakashi! Good to see ya again. I thought about it all night and I believe another sushi eating contest would suffice as our next rivalry competition! So let’s take on our sides of youth and kick some Stone cold butts!” Guy’s eyes glistened from his speech.
I couldn’t help but giggle. Their rivalry was always so entertaining and I just absolutely adored Guy and everything he stands for. Even though Kakashi won’t admit it, he is grateful for his rival and his crazy antics.
“Yeah, yeah. Let’s talk about it after we survive today and complete our mission.” Kakashi dismissed with the wave of his hand.
“H-hi Obito...” a soft voice spoke.
Obito shifted his glance and put on an award-winning smile. “Hey Rin!”
I was the only one to notice Rin’s blush as she tucked a strand of her short brown hair behind her ear.
“Ah team Kakashi, right on time. We did a quick scan of the cave. There’s about 15 Stone shinobi on guard surrounding the outside. We estimate only to be about 7 on the inside.” Choza spoke.
Kakashi nodded and put his leadership skills to work. “Alright. Choza-sensei, you and Genma take the south and western side of the outside of the cave and Guy and Obito will take the north and eastern. Kat and I will make towards the entrance of the cave to retrieve the jinchuriki. Rin, since you’re the one with the medical ninjustu, keep a safe distance surveying the attacks. But remain close enough where you can assist if someone is injured. Everyone got it?”
The majority of us nodded our heads in approval.
“There’s more guys on the outside, Kakashi. Wouldn’t your skills prove to be more effective out here? I’ll go with Kat to retrieve the jinchuriki.” Obito announced.
Kakashi narrowed his eyes. Everyone else just silently stared as the tension began to build up.
“Obito-“ Rin began.
“I am your captain, Obito. This is the plan I see fit. I am more than confident that you and Guy can take out the enemy surrounding the north and eastern part of the cave. Don’t sell yourself short.”
Obito was shocked by Kakashi’s compliment. His jealousy subsided as he nodded along.
“Okay disperse!”
Everyone spread out to their commanded locations and began their fights. Kakashi and I crouched by the entrance of the cave.
“It’s too dark to analyze what we are dealing with, we’re going to have to just proceed with caution.” Kakashi said in a low voice.
I nodded. We slowly walked inside the cave, keeping our sounds to a near mute. I put my hand on Kakashi’s shoulder to allow him to guide me as I closed my eyes to listen to any sounds of the enemy.
The sound of rocks crumbling came from directly above us. I wielded my kunai tightly as I leapt off the ground to meet my foe halfway in the air. The enemy that kicked off the ceiling to attack us hit the ground lifeless as my kunai slid effortlessly through her throat.
I gracefully landed back by Kakashi as he gave me an approving nod. The entire cave suddenly lit up, our presence no longer being a surprise. Six figures stood before us, all with the same red forehead protector engraved with the Stone Village insignia.
My brows furrowed in confusion. Where was the jinchuriki? The cave didn’t stretch beyond what we saw. Kakashi surveyed the area and came up just as confused as I was.
There was no more time to think as our enemy lead the first attacks. Kakashi preformed flawless taijustu against three of the enemies. He took one out with the saber his father left behind. He backed up enough to provide himself a minuscule amount of time to weave hand signs and ignite his chidori. The mock sounds of birds chirping echoed throughout the cave.
Kakashi growled as he sprinted towards his target and plunged his chidori straight through the enemy’s vital spot. Blood pooled around the Stone shinobi has he dropped on the ground. Kakashi’s third target retreated to my location.
“Forget it! just do it now before it’s too late!” The enemy yelled.
The three I was against nodded. While battling them, I noticed they only fought defensively. Of course at the time I was naive to believe I had the upper hand, especially without having to exhaust through my chakra. But my thoughts alluded to a giant mental slap to the forehead as the Stone shinobis preformed their true intentions.
The fourth enemy that was originally against Kakashi swung a kunai at me, causing me to flip back to dodge. As I was flipping back, a different Stone Shinobi snuck up behind me and slapped my exposed forearm. A jutsu formula imprinted on my skin.
Kakashi quickly realizing what had happened screamed out. “No!!!”
I stood still, confused by the encounter. The jutsu formula began to glow and a pentagon of words formed at my feet. One of the enemies stepped in front of me with a sealed container in his hand. The man broke the seal and lifted the lid.
The entire cave lit up as if the sun was trapped within. Pain seared through the core of my stomach. It felt as though a savage animal were digging its claws and ripping through the flesh of my abdomen. A high pitch scream echoed throughout the cave, the source coming from my vocal chords.
The amount of pain coursing through my body left my mind hazed in unconsciousness. Once the cave returned to darkness, my body collapsed to the ground. The only glow left inside was the light emitting from Kakashi’s chidori as he assassinated the remaining enemies.
“Kat! Kat! Katsumi! Can you hear me?” Kakashi brushed his fingers along the side of my face, pushing the hair away. No response.
Kakashi knelt down and scooped me in his arms. He held me tight. His heart was beating rapidly in his chest.
He brought me into the bright light outside and was greeted by the two teams.
“Katsumi! Kakashi what the hell happened?! You’re supposed to protect her!” Obito screamed as he rushed towards me.
Kakashi dropped to his knees in defeat. “There was never a jinchuriki host. They planned to put it in one of us the entire time.”
Rin gasped and ran over to my body. She began preforming medical ninjutsu, but stopped quickly to realize I wasn’t injured.
‘C’mon, let’s regroup at our base.” Choza grunted.
Growling. That’s what I was hearing right? Growling?
My skin was wet. Blood? No... water?
I open my eyes. Were they open? Everything was dark.
I sat up, water dripped down my face from my soaking hair.
I looked down at my hands. I was sitting in water.
The growling continued. I turned my head to see the direction it was coming from.
My eyes opened wide in fear. Was I in hell?
Staring back at me was the three-tailed beast. His one visible eye shooting menacing glares. His turtle-like physic stood in a defensive stance.
I was trying to understand what was happening. I remember last the scorching pain that shocked through my whole body. Then nothing.
I moved to stand, the water pooling at only my ankles now.
“H-hello...” I nervously let out.
The beast remained shrill.
“My- my name is Katsumi. I....I’m sorry you’re stuck here. Our original mission was to rescue you and the host you resided in. We had no idea this was the Stone’s plan.”
The beast scoffed at me. He didn’t believe me. Why would he. Whether if it were me he were stuck in, another host, or that sealed container, the beast was never free.
I always believed there were something more to the tailed beasts than let on. They are living beings as well. All we humans do is capture them and make them slaves to our military. No one ever understood how I thought.
I looked down at the water, guilt flooding through me.
“What is your desire?” I asked.
The beast froze for a moment, shocked by what I asked. Anger filled inside of him as he misunderstood the true intentions behind my question.
“I desire to eradicate humanity. All you foul monsters take pleasure in war and deception and have the audacity to call us beasts. It disgusts me.” He hissed.
I nodded my head in agreement. “You’re absolutely right. I’m so sorry for everything my species has done to yours. You all are living beings as well. You never deserved to be enslaved to our military.”
The beast studied me for a minute. No human has every expressed sympathy to him before. Was it all an act?
“Let me reword my question. If humanity wasn’t an issue, what would your desires be?” I asked again.
The beast sighed. Closing his one eye and envisioning everything he ever dreamed of.
“Peacefully swimming openly in the vast ocean. Exploring the endless bottom of the the salty water until I’ve seen everything I could.”
I smiled. I was right. These beasts- no - beings, have dreams. They have goals, emotions, and plenty of intelligence. Right from this moment, I knew that there was a new duty I must fulfill. I must fight for these creatures. Fight for their freedom, their feelings, their rights.
I slammed a fisted hand to my chest and made a vow to the creature. “I, Katsumi Saratobi, vow to you Mr. Three Tails, that I will do EVERYTHING in my power to fight for you and your species. I will fight for your freedom and rights.... for your dreams.”
Three Tails was utterly shocked. Of course he didn’t fully believe me, how could he after centuries of human torture. But he recognized the sincerity in my voice. No human has ever spoken to him in this manner before.
His face softened.
“You called me Mr. Three Tails; the name is Isobu.”
Kakashi opened his eyes at the sound of me breathing a little heavier than I previously was. He stayed right by my side since the moment I became unconscious. His soft eyes looked at me in curiosity as a smile was plastered on my face.
His hand reached for mine. “Hey, I’m right here Kat. I will not leave your side under any circumstances.” He said softly.
Obito scowled at Kakashi from afar. Stupid Kakashi. You were the one that LET her get hurt. You shouldn’t be the one by her side. It should be me. I deserve to be her hero. Obito began to stand before an arm reached up and grabbed his, preventing him from moving.
He looked down to see Rin looking up at him with pleading eyes.
“Obito. It’s been a long day. Please don’t start anything with Kakashi right now.” She spoke with such sadness in her voice. She knew Obito loved you. He’s loved you since as long as she could remember. And as much as she wanted Obito to be extremely happy, she pitied herself for loving him.
Obito huffed and sat back down again. “It isn’t right, Rin. He let this happen to her. He’s only by her side now because he feels guilty as a leader. He doesn’t truly care about her.” His nose scrunched up in disgust every time he said “he.”
Rin looked over at the silver-haired teen. His eyes expressed so much sorrow as he stared down at me. He was hunched over, his hand over mine.
“I think you’re wrong, Obito.”
He looked at her with a puzzled expression.
“Look at the way he is looking at her. Look at his hand. Not only do I think Kakashi cares about Katsumi, but I think he loves her.” She knows the look all too well. She gives it to Obito every time he is injured. And Obito the same to me.
Obito scrunched his face in utter disgust. “Love, Rin? Really. I doubt Kakashi is even capable of such an emotion. And what would you know?!”
Ouch thought Rin. She was starting to get upset.
“What do I know? Please Obito, you make the same face at Kat.” Rin rolled her eyes.
“Wha-whaat?! No I don’t!” His face started turning a soft shade of red. “I mean yeah, I love her. But like a sister! We practically grew up together!”
Rin shook her head at Obito’s denial. “Well, Obito. I’d get your feelings and shit straight sooner rather than later. Because once you finally open your eyes to it, she’ll be out of your reach. And I have no doubt that Kakashi will be the reason.” She said harshly. She was pissed. Pissed at herself for trying to help the love of her life be with the love of his.
Before he could respond, she dismissed herself to search for more firewood.
Obito stared at the fire then looked up at Kakashi. Anger and jealousy flooded his chest. Kakashi capable of loving? Tch. Yeah right. He couldn’t stand the sight before him anymore and got up to trade look-out shifts with Genma.
I slowly opened my eyes. Everything was bright and blurry at first. Kakashi leaning up against the tree right next to me was the first sight I saw. His head was tilted down and his arms crossed. His breathing was heavy and consistent, evident that he was still asleep.
I stared at him for an extra few seconds, enjoying how incredibly handsome he was. His hair looked so soft, I wanted to run my fingers through it. His toned arms revealed due to the sexy muscle tank he was wearing.
I finally sat up and looked away. I scanned the rest of the base to see Genma, Guy, and Choza also fast asleep. The sky was hardly awake itself.
My mouth felt extremely dry and my throat was scratchy. I stood up to go fetch some water. Before I had the chance to move, Kakashi’s hand wrapped around my wrist. Startled, I looked down to see him look at me with relief in his eyes. He then rose and pulled me into him. His embrace was strong, and his scent of pine cones, campfire, and a hint of aftershave filled my nostrils.
Home was all I could think. The butterflies returned yet again.
He pulled away from me to arms length, hands still on my shoulders.
“Kat.” He spoke softly. “I-I’m so sorry. I should have done more to protect you. You put your faith in my leadership and I failed you.”
I shook my head. “I don’t need protecting, Kakashi. You fought your own battle, I was clumsy and naive within my own. I will never doubt my faith in you.” My voice came out dry and raspy, causing me to end my spiel in a coughing fit.
Kakashi rushed to get me some water. After fixing my dehydration I looked over to him. “So... what is the plan now?”
“Well,” He scratched the back of his head. “Technically, our mission did not fail. We now have the jinchuriki of the three-tailed beast. Now we return home and report to the hokage.”
Lord Third always carried a fierce, almost menacing glare. His eyes remained unwavering even after our report. The seven of us all stood in front of him, backs straight, legs together, and arms behind our backs. Kakashi, Choza-sensei, and I stood in the very front.
“Hmm.” He grunted. “Very well. The Stone Village must have a very specific plan of attack in mind if their intention was to seal the Three-Tailed Beast inside of one of our shinobi. Kat-“
“Isobu.” My mouth spoke without my permission.
The tension of the room built as everyone gasped at my sudden outburst. Kakashi even side-eyed me.
The Third raised a brow. “Pardon?”
“I apologize for my outburst, my Lord. However, you called him Three-Tailed Beast when his name is Isobu.”
I felt everyone stare at me as if I were spouting nonsense. Kakashi turned his head to fully look at me now, an inquisitive expression plastered on his face.
The Third didn’t question my correction. “Ah, I see. Well in that case, Katsumi; since you are harboring Isobu, you are most likely a target to the Stone Village. You’re assignment will be to remain in the village for now and to always be monitored. That being said, Kakashi Hatake, your assignment will be to monitor her.”
Kakashi nodded his head. Obito blew out air behind me.
“As for everyone else, thank you for completing your mission. Your orders are to take a two day rest. I will send an anbu to your location if needed otherwise.”
Everyone replied with a solid “Yes sir” and took their leave. As everyone walked out, I stayed behind.
“What is it Katsumi?” The Third asked in a disinterested tone, not taking his eyes off the paper he was looking at.
“Father..” The nerves in me began to grow. “There is something I need to discuss with you.”
He sighed. “Does this have to do with your outburst earlier?”
“Yes sir. I wanted to talk about Isobu and his species. There is so much more to these creatures that we haven’t even fathomed!” Excitement began to overtake my nerves. My passion for this topic runs deep beneath my veins. I’ve always had this hunch but my interaction with Isobu proved it all.
The Third put the paper in his hands down and pinched the bridge of his nose. Not this again, he thought.
“After Isobu was sealed inside me, I was awakened spiritually and got to interact with him! Father these creatures are not docile and it is wrong to enslave them to our military. These beings are intelligent, they harbor emotions, thoughts, dreams-“
“ENOUGH!” The Third slammed his palms onto his desk and stood up. He glared at me. “Enough, Katsumi. I’ve had enough of these crazy antics of yours. It is never ending. I don’t want to hear about this again. Ever. You are dismissed!”
He raised his pointer finger to the door. I stared back at him. My father would never understand. He never listens to me. Nor my brother. He has always taken more pride into the Legendary Sanin he so gracefully trained over his own children. If I am going to fight for these species, I will have to do it without him.
“Sir.” I mumbled and headed straight for the door.
Kakashi was leaning against the wall outside of the room, one leg kicked up against the wall and his arms crossed. He looked at me expressionless. I dismissed him and kept walking down the hall. Anger swelled inside of me.
I continued walking, ignoring his calls.
“Kat, wait.”
Once I rounded the corner and entered an old study room I raised my leg and kicked a desk. It flew to the other side of the room, breaking in half after its impact against the wall. I stood there with my eyebrows knitted together and breath heavy.
Kakashi stood in the doorway with his arms crossed. “Finished?”
I took a few deep breaths and straightened up. “Yes.”
“Alright. Well, Obito, Rin, Guy, and Genma are down at the BBQ House waiting for us. We had an exhausting mission, we deserve a nice dinner out.”
I looked at him. If only it were just you and me going out for dinner.
“Yes, you are right. Let’s go.”
We were halfway through our twenty minute walk to the restaurant.
“So.” Kakashi began. His hands were tucked in his pockets and his eyes were trained downwards. “Do you want to talk about what went on between you and your father?”
“Knowing you, you’ll probably dismiss my thoughts as well.” I said thinking about the side-eye he gave me back in the office.
Kakashi was extremely offended by my honesty. He scoffed. “Try me.”
I thought about it for a second before I stopped walking and grabbed his wrist to guide him to sit down next to me on a bench. “During the time I was apparently unconscious I was actually awake spiritually. Internally where Isobu is sealed, I was there and interacting with him.”
Kakashi held his full attention to me. Neither of us realizing that my hand was still on his.
“I’ve always had a hunch that these “beasts” were much more than a weapon. They’re beings, just like us. And all we do is enslave and abuse them. My hunch became true once I talked with Isobu. At first he looked at me with such hatred. He talked about how he wanted to eradicate humanity. Why wouldn’t he after everything we put him through? But after digging deeper, he told me about his dreams. His dream to explore the vastness of the ocean. His dream of peace.” I smiled at the ground, Kakashi’s eyes still on me.
“I vowed to him, Kakashi. I vowed that I will do everything in my power to help him and his species.” I turned to him and grabbed both of his hands into mine and pulled them to my chest.
“We’ve always been at each other’s sides, Kashi. Will you stand by my side now and help me?” I looked deep into his dark gray eyes.
His eyes were soft. He heard the plea in my voice and saw the evidence in my eyes. He let out a breath and moved his right hand to tuck a tendril behind my ear. Then he cupped my cheek.
My heart was going into overdrive.
“Of course I’ll be by your side.” He spoke softly.
We continued looking into each other’s eyes. I didn’t want to look away. I wanted to pour my heart and soul into his eyes and hope that he would lay claim.
His left hand tightened around mine and I slowly leaned in. Could this actually be happening?!
“Ahem.” A light pitched voice called a few feet away from us.
I blinked and looked away, moving myself out of Kakashi’s grip. He stiffened and tried to maintain his grip on my hand even as I shrugged him off.
My face was blood red. Rin came to a halt in front of us. A huge smile was plastered on her face. “Hey guys! I thought I saw you walk by the restaurant so I wanted to be sure you knew to come join us! We just put our orders in, c’mon!”
“Right.” I said and stood up. Kakashi said nothing as he followed my lead.
Rin continued to smile brightly as she guided us to the restaurant. She witnessed everything that just happened. Seeing what nearly went down between Kakashi and I gave her high hopes that Obito would fall to her. She might have a chance.
Lighthearted chatter filled the evening as we all enjoyed the savory BBQ meat. Kakashi barely spoke the whole night and I only spoke when addressed. All I could think about was what nearly occurred on the bench outside. He wouldn’t look at me, he only focused on his food, which he toyed with and didn’t eat.
No one noticed our awkwardness as they all drone on about our mission’s success. Rin would occasionally glance at the two of us and plaster on that smile she shone when she fetched us outside. Obito bragged about his successful fire ball, Guy ravaged on about his youth, and Genma talked about the new girl he was seeing.
At the end of the night we all paid our separate checks and said goodnight. Kakashi opted to walk me home as it was his mission to ensure my safety. Obito was displeased, but didn’t counter since Kakashi’s excuse was legitimate.
The walk to my house was silent. All I could think about was what we discussed on the bench. Was I hallucinating? Was Kakashi feeling what I was feeling? Even if he were, this was probably wrong. We shouldn’t progress past our friendship. We’ve been friends since we were little kids. I value that more than anything and wouldn’t want a broken heart to disrupt that. Who am I kidding. I am getting ahead of myself. Kakashi doesn’t feel that way. His duty as a shinobi is what he prioritizes most in his life. He wouldn’t allow anything or anyone to come in the way of that. It is decided. I will act as if nothing happened and value our friendship and his morals. Yes.
We walked up the stairs to the porch and stopped in front of the door. Kakashi’s eyes were downcast and his hands tucked into his pockets.
I took a deep breath then plastered on a smile. “Thanks for walking me home, Kashi. And thank you, so much, for what you said on the bench earlier. It means everything to me to have your support.” My voice came out a little higher pitched than usual.
I turned my head to look at him. He was already looking at me. His half-lidded eyes were soft.
Next thing I knew, Kakashi’s calloused right hand was pulling the back of my head towards his. His left hand pulled down his mask right before he crashed his lips into mine.
I was completely frozen.
So was Obito as he watched nearby.
End of Part 1, stay tuned!
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formula365 · 4 years
A thing of the past - Bahrain GP review
In 1973, the Formula 1 season closed with the US Grand Prix at Watkins Glen. The title had already been decided in favour of Jackie Stewart, who had secretly decided to retire at the end of the season, and leave the mantle of leading driver of Tyrrell to his teammate, François Cevert. Stewart would leave at the peak of his powers, with 100 GPs to his name, tired of seeing friends die on track. It had been a dark era for the sport, and there had been an impact on his and his wife’s mental health. It had taken too much of a toll for them to bear it any longer.
As fate would have it, they were in for another sad ending. On the Saturday practice session, Cevert lost control of his car in the Esses, hit the barrier on one side and was sent careening towards the barrier on the other side at an 90 degree angle. The second impact ripped the barrier from the ground; Cevert was killed instantly, from injuries caused by the barrier that was meant to save his life.
A lot has changed since those days, and Stewart was one of the men who most contributed to that. After retirement, he lead a campaign for improved safety in both tracks and cars. It took time for safety to arrive at today’s standards, but F1 can now boast an incredibly positive record. Despite some big shunts, only one driver lost his life in the past 25 years. People like Stewart, Charlie Whiting and Dr. Sid Watkins were instrumental in achieving this remarkable record, and the changes they campaigned for have saved many drivers. 
Romain Grosjean added his name to that list yesterday. As the replays of his accident hit our screens, and the carcass of his survival cell became visible in the wreckage, it was clear that the barrier had given in. His head would have gone straight into the upper section of the barrier, at a speed of over 200km/h; just like his countryman 47 years ago, the car headed to the barrier at close to an 90 degree angle. Had it not been for the halo, the last great measure championed by Whiting before his untimely death, Grosjean would surely not have survived.
But for all that was impressive in how the car, the marshals and the medical car protected and ultimately rescued the driver, there are questions to be asked, particularly about the barrier. Improvements in barrier technology were one of the most important steps towards driver safety; accidents like the one that killed Cevert showed the importance of improving the design and build of the barriers to ensure that they could sustain heavy impacts without breaking apart. Barriers that were supposed to save lives were taking them instead.
Which is why we have to question what happened to Grosjean’s car. The similarities between Grosjean’s and Cevert’s crashes are inescapable, and in both cases the barriers failed to do their job. Yes, the halo saved Grosjean’s life, but the main point should be the fact that the halo should not have been necessary at all. If the barrier had fulfilled its purpose of absorbing the impact and throwing the car back out, the halo would have played no part in this crash at all.
To make matters worse, the way the fail structures of the car are meant to work, once the survival cell was stuck in the guard-rail, the back of the car had nowhere to go and, as it’s meant to do, it split from the monocoque. The violence of the impact and the fact the chassis was wedged between sections of the barrier probably led to the break happening further back in the car structure than it should. (I am in no means an expert in this, so take this sentence with several grains of salt) This, in turn, led to a fuel line rupturing, which led to the fire. The barrier failure not only caused the accident to be more serious than it should have been, it also caused a fire that made the driver escape harder and more dangerous than it should have been.
Don’t get me wrong: I don’t want to diss on the FIA, when their relentless pursuit of safety has significantly contributed to saving many drivers’ lives. Grosjean’s survival was not a matter of luck, or a miracle, as many have said; it was the product of decades of work and science by those in charge of the sport. If news of tragedy are now rare in motorsports, we owe it to them. There is also no way to entirely remove the danger factor off these sports: every time a driver straps themselves to a cockpit, there is always a possibility that it will be their last time.
But certain elements of danger should be a thing of the past, and what happened to Grosjean is definitely one of them. There will certainly be a thorough investigation into the crash and the causes of this failure will come to light. If the past is any indication, the FIA will learn new lessons and will implement new measures to ensure that barriers will be improved and will continue to do their job. Most importantly, I am certain they will ensure that barriers will not endanger drivers’ lives rather than save them.
The comments made by Ross Brawn after the race were very encouraging. Instead of the usual platitudes about what a great job they have done to protect drivers, he talked about the things that did go wrong. It shows that the willingness to admit problems and study solutions has not gone away and that there will be a continued resolve towards protecting the stars of the show.
We should rejoice that Grosjean survived with only minor injuries what was quite possibly the scariest accident of the past 25 years. Witnessing a car burst into flames was something that we thought belonged to the distant past and brought home the stark reality of the risks these super humans take for our entertainment. But we should also not allow such an incredible escape to blind us to glaring problems that led to this big scare in the first place. There were other times in the past in which we were lulled into a sense of false security by miraculous escapes. Let’s not repeat that mistake.
Talking points
•  When the race eventually got underway, it significantly helped to clear the fight for third in the constructors’ championship. What little hopes Renault and Ferrari still had were ended, and Racing Point lost a bag full of points when the chequered flag was in the horizon. Perez had another masterful race, taking third place early on and controlling Albon from a distance. His engine giving up the ghost was a cruel moment for the team, with the despair etched on Otmar Szafnauer’s face and body language in the pit wall.
•  The major beneficiaries of Perez’ misfortune were McLaren, who leapfrogged Racing Point and are now 17 points clear in third. Even without that retirement, they would have still outscored the pink panthers, but this has made them overwhelming favourites in this particular battle. As mentioned in an earlier review, they continue to maximise their results even when they don’t have the fastest car. That ability to get the job done even when the odds are against them is an excellent sign for the team’s future.
•  And Sainz’s race was enormous. P5, coming from P15 on the grid? Bwoah.
•  Daniel Ricciardo, who will replace him at McLaren, left his teammate in the dust once again. The first time he was stuck behind Ocon he asked to be let by on the radio, as he was clearly faster; the team obliged and he quickly left his teammate behind. Later on, after a round of pit stops, he found himself behind Ocon again but this time passed without the assistance of the pit wall. The Frenchman is not a bad driver, but the Aussie’s superb form is making him look vulgar.
•  Albon inherited a spot on the podium, and, after his big crash on FP2, the champagne must have tasted sweet indeed, but it was not lost on anyone how he lost the battle to Perez, the one driver vying for his seat, while driving superior machinery. Nevertheless, it is a moment that can give him a boost of confidence for the final two races and allow him to relieve some of the pressure.
•  When asked after the race about the potential for drivers refusing to drive after witnessing such a terrible accident, Verstappen said that if he was a team boss he would fire them on the spot. The Dutchman’s alpha male attitude is beginning to grate a lot of people the wrong way, especially when his words have such a negative connotation in terms of mental health. It was heartening, though, to see a few of the drivers of the 2019 F2 grid were quick to denounce his words, having lived through something even worse than Grosjean’s crash. There is a different mentality in the new generation of drivers coming through, making Verstappen’s attitude look more and more out of place in today’s motorsports.
•  Pierre Gasly drove another masterclass, this time in terms of tyre management. He was struggling by the end and was saved by the late safety car, but would have nevertheless (quite probably) finished P8 on a one-stop strategy in one of the most tyre abrasive tracks on the calendar. It was risky, but with Perez’ failure at the end, it proved to be a good roll of the dice by AlphaTauri.
•  At the front, nothing new. Hamilton controlled the pace from start to finish, keeping Verstappen at bay and always responding when the Red Bull driver pushed that little bit harder. In the end, the Dutchman had nine of the ten fastest laps of the race, but it was still no match for Hamilton’s consistency over a grand prix distance. Try as he might, his car is no match for the W11 and that is robbing us of a mighty fight between arguably the two best drivers on the grid.
•  Dr. Ian Roberts deserves all the plaudits he is getting, and then some, for the way he ran towards the flames to help Grosjean escape the wreckage. With protective equipment that is far less safe than the drivers’, he still dared to run towards the fire. Enormous bravery.
•  A different type of bravery was shown by the Haas team members, who still had a car running in the race and carried on with their jobs. Even knowing that Grosjean was ok, it must have been difficult to continue their work after that enormous scare. But carry on they did; a special bow to them for that as well.
•  To cap off another miserable weekend in terms of safety, a marshal crossed the track with a fire extinguisher in his hands right in front of Lando Norris’ car. He was trying to reach Perez’ stricken Racing Point, and the safety car had been deployed, so the speed of the cars had been significantly reduced, but this is a risk that simply should not be taken. An eerily similar situation killed Tom Pryce in 1977. And once again, Michael Masi shrugged it off by saying that, while not ideal, we should not castrate (his words, not mine) anyone for trying to help put out a fire. Non-chalant, flippant, callous. I miss Charlie Whiting.
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howlingday · 4 years
Setting: After an unfortunate dust accident, as all things start, Jaune becomes feral and violent, hiding out in the wilderness. He's been gone for months, but has been spotted near a remote location in Vale: the Emerald Forest. He's been spotted killing Grimm, attacking Huntsman that get too close, and throwing rude hand gestures at Bullheads flying overhead. Team RWBY and ORPN are now setting up camp outside what is determined to be his "territory." Once set up, the team begins making plans for capturing their fiendishly feral friend.
Oscar: The tents are pitched!
Weiss: The fire-pit has been made!
Blake: Are we missing anything?
Nora: Ren just came back with a bunch of twigs, while I brought the REAL firewood!
Blake: I guess we can start planning, then.
Yang: Sounds good to me! Anyone got anything?
Penny: I could set the forest on fire to flush him out. He would escape the blaze towards us, where we will capture him.
Yang: Or he beats the tar out of us for burning his home down.
Blake: We could track him down, see where in this forest he calls home.
Oscar: That could take days, or even weeks. The sooner we find him, the sooner we can use Weiss' dust antidote.
Nora: Even though it was her dust that turned him into this the first place?
Weiss: Hey!
Ren: What if he baited him? (Everyone looks at him) Jaune might be our friend, but he's more or less an animal right now, and animals just need traps and the right bait.
Blake: That could work, but we'd need the right bait first.
Ruby: It should be something he can't say no to. I'd say dinosaur chicken nuggets, but we didn't pack any. (Chuckles) Does anyone have any ideas on what to use as bait? (Everyone stares at her) What?
Yang: W-Well, you and Jaune are pretty close.
Weiss: You both attended leadership seminars together at Beacon.
Nora: You both stayed pretty close together when we traveled to Haven.
Ren: And you have a crush on him. (Everyone looks at him) Was it not obvious?
Ruby: W-What?! No! W-We're just really good friends! Like Blake and Yang! (The two look at each other, then deadpan at Ruby) What?
Nora: So it's decided!
Ruby: What's decided?!
Nora: We use you as bait, and Jaune comes for you, we'll jump out and hit him with a tranquilizer round!
Ruby: B-But wouldn't it be better to have Weiss bait him, slow him down with her glyphs, and then I shoot him with the round?
Weiss: (Shakes her head) It's too risky. With so many Grimm, plus the possibility of Jaune remembering my semblance, he wouldn't try to attack me out in the open where you could be distracted by a rogue Beowolf.
Ruby: But-
Nora: Plus, we already bought your outfit.
Ruby: What?!
Yang: (Into her earpiece) Is everyone in position?
Ren: Ren, in position at the north exit.
Nora: I'm at the south exit, over!
Blake: I'm at the east exit with Weiss.
Yang: And I'm at the west exit with Oscar. Does everyone see Ruby?
Ruby: This is bull!
Yang: Ruby, don't shout, or you'll scare away Jaune!
Ruby: Okay, then, let me say it like this. (Clears her throat) THIS IS SUCH A LOAD OF BULL! (Nevermore scatter away)
Oscar: This might actually bring him closer.
Yang: (Whispering) I know.
Blake: We see him! He's entering from east!
Blake and Weiss watch from their position, high in the trees, as Jaune passes underneath. He's dirty, covered in mud and grime, and growing a small goatee. His shirt and armor is gone, leaving only his torn and cut up jeans covering himself. He scans the area and finds Ruby in what appears to be her normal attire, except her collar is cut a little lower, revealing more skin, and the thighs of her pants have been cut out. He approaches her and Ruby takes a step back, causing Jaune to approach more quickly. He stands over her as she shivers, then he walks past her.
Ruby: Phew! He passed me! Maybe I can get out of this.
Yang: (Over comms) Where are you going?! Chase after him!
Ruby: He's not bothering me, so I say let him go and get him from behind!
Blake: Uh, guys-
Yang: Ruby, we can't tranquilize him from here. He's out of range!
Blake: Guys-
Ruby: Out of range?! He should have been in range when he was right in front of me! If I had Crescent Rose, I could have shot him from here!
Blake: Guys, Jaune is-
Yang: I told you why you couldn't bring her! As soon as he saw her, he would have ran!
Ruby: Yeah, I could have got him right in his-!
Ruby: Huh? (Turns around, Sees Jaune right behind her) Meep!
Jaune raises his hand up to her, his fingers calloused and fingernails dirty from what she hoped was dirt, and Ruby jumped away. This spooked Jaune and he got defensive. Ruby raised her hands slowly to show she was unarmed. Jaune cautiously approached after a few moments.
Ruby: Easy, big guy! It's just me! It's me, Ruby. (Jaune got closer and put his hand up to hers, then his other hand to hers) See? It's okay. I'm not going to-
Yang: NOW!
Yang leaps from her tree as Nora and Blake do the same from theirs, while Ren, Weiss, and Oscar stay behind to guard their exits. Weiss summons a glyph beneath Jaune and Ruby, but Jaune leaps away, trapping Ruby inside.
Ruby: Dammit, Weiss!
Weiss: You should have jumped out of the way! The animal did!
Jaune turns to run, but is cut off by Nora, who swings Magnhild at him. He steps back, dodging every swing, but is sideswiped by a hook from Yang. He falls to the ground, and Blake wraps his legs in her ribbon. He struggles, but is otherwise immobilized.
Ruby: (Free from her glyph) Tranquilize him now!
Yang: On it! (Reaches into her back pouch) Just gotta... Um, just gotta... Uh, I don't have it.
Nora: I don't have it, either.
Blake: N-Neither do I, but I'm, rgh, also kinda busy here!
Ren: (Into his earpiece) I have it, but I can't shoot it from here. Should I go over there?
Yang: Yes, get over here now before- (Jaune yanks on the ribbon, pulling Blake off balance and freeing himself) that happens.
Ren leaps down, loading Storm Flower with the tranquilizer. Jaune and Yang crash, but Jaune uses his momentum to push her at an angle, then pull in the opposite direction, and swing her into Nora. Nora catches Yang, but falls backwards. Ruby runs out of the way, but Jaune gets behind her, grabs her and uses her as a human shield as Ren fires at him from behind.
Ruby: (Is hit, Slurs before passing out) Oh, you sonova-
Jaune runs away, holding Ruby over his shoulder. He turns and sees Ren pointing at him again, so he turns around and holds Ruby in front of him. He then darts right into the treeline before returning to a beeline for deeper into the forest.
Yang: (Watches as Ruby's carried off) Damn it! (Rips off her pouch and throws it to the ground) Oh, there are the tranquilizers! Everyone group up! This capture mission just became a rescue mission, specifically rescuing our team leader and friend. Everybody split up and find out where Wild Child took my sister! If we don't find her, we go with Penny's plan, and burn this forest to the ground! But until she's found, nobody is going back to camp!
Penny: Campsite is secure, Patrol number 347 is complete! Now performing campsite Patrol number 348! (Walks around the campsite, Sees rustling in a tent) Unusual activity in Ruby's tent. Investigating.
Penny opens the tent and finds Ruby and Jaune currently fighting each other. She assumed their clothes were removed to make it an even fight between the unarmed combatants. Jaune has Ruby pinned, but it quickly shifts to Ruby somehow pinning him with her smaller form. Due to constant shift, Penny can't intervene, and shuts the tent as she exits.
Penny: Oh, I know! I will cheer on Ruby with some intense music for battle! Now searching data library for fitting battle music. Hmm, since we are in a forest, I will filter for songs with forest-like biomes. It should also feature fierce animals in the lyrics. But it should also be sentimental, since Jaune Arc is Ruby's "cru-friend," as she puts it. Ooh! I think this song fits perfectly!
Penny's speaker extends from her mouth, blasting a yodeling howl that alerts the Grimm to veer away from interrupting this contest of strength, agility, and stamina. It worked, as all Grimm with a hundred kilometers move in the opposite direction.
Penny: (Speaker) Yee-dee-dee-dee, Yee-dee-dee-dee, A-wee-bum-buh-weh~!
Suddenly, the tent starts shaking more wildly, and two combatants grunt and pant louder than before.
Penny: (Thinking) It's working! Ruby is really putting up a fight, if her activity increase by 33 percent is a trusted indication.
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atc74 · 4 years
Soul to Souls - Twelve
Warnings: Pregnancy, fluff, confrontation, angst, more fluff, language, more visions...or dreams? Sam’s issue is revealed, and a cliffhanger!
Summary: Since she was four years old, Annaleigh has seen the same boy in her dreams. For twenty-five years, she grows to love the boy that has now turned into a man. Dean Winchester just lost the only family he has ever known. The guilt drives him to work harder than ever before. He works to forget the pain, until he meets Annaleigh and she turns his world upside down. What she learns changes both of their lives forever, but what will he do when he discovers the truth? Will he accept it or run back to the only life he has ever known?
Pairing: Dean x OC Annaleigh
Word Count: 1683
Beta’d by: @amanda-teaches​​​​​​, @katehuntington​​​​​, thank you both for being my guides! Dividers and new cover art by the amazingly talented @talesmaniac89​​​​​​, Impala divider by @writeyourmindaway​​.
A/N: This was my very first series I ever wrote four years ago in September 2016 and I am so happy and proud to bring this back home. We’re halfway there folks, but we’ve barely gotten started!
Y’all are getting two chapters in three days! I am trying to get back on my normal posting schedule! Enjoy!
Soul to Souls Master List
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Anna had been awake for a few minutes now, not opening her eyes. She was perfectly content to just lay there and drift off again in Dean’s arms, one draped protectively over her middle, fingers tracing small circles on her lower abdomen. Deciding against falling back asleep, she rolled to face him and slowly opened her eyes to meet his gaze; his eyes were even more beautiful in the morning light, shining like emeralds in the sun. 
“Good morning, Mama.” He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss to her lips.
“Good morning yourself, Handsome.” She buried her face in his neck, breathing him in, and sighed contentedly as he continued his patterns on her belly.
“Did you sleep well?” Dean inquired.
Anna sighed once more as she extended her sleepy limbs in a satisfying stretch. “Yes, I did. I feel rested and ready for the day. What about you, Babe?”
He laughed softly, placing his lips to her forehead. “I did sleep well, but I’ve also been up for quite a while now, y’know, thinking.”
She turned my head up to look at him. “How long have you been up? What time is it, anyway?”
Glancing at his watch, Dean answered, “I’ve been up since about seven. It’s now almost noon. The mother of my children needs her rest, and I didn’t have the heart to wake you. I’ve already changed Baby’s oil, washed her, and helped Bobby out in the yard.”  
Dean kissed her again, and Annaleigh felt the familiar stirring deep inside her. She wrapped her legs around him and rolled until she was settled on top of his long, hard body. She deepened the kiss and felt him respond to her. His hands roamed up and over her back and into her hair as their tongues fought for dominance. Dean moved his hands back down to her hips, repositioning her until the friction was perfect as they rubbed against each other. 
She pulled away and sat up trying to catch her breath when the sound of her empty stomach betrayed her raging hormones. She needed food. She bent over to kiss him quickly before rolling off of him and the bed.
“I am sorry, Dean. This time I need food more than I need you to scratch this itch,” she apologized, throwing him a quick wink, and headed to the bathroom to get dressed and brush her teeth. He followed her and leaned his tall frame against the door.
“Anna, I was thinking about our little secret this morning.” He kept his eyes on hers while she finished brushing. “I want to keep it to ourselves for a little while; just until we know for sure and we can get in to see a doctor.” 
“I wanted to talk to you about that, too. I don’t want anyone else to know just yet,” she agreed. “I don’t want to give Bobby anything else to worry about right now. Or Sam.” She cringed at his name on her tongue. She made her way back into the bedroom to get dressed. “Besides, I want to see my own doctor. I am going to call today and make an appointment, okay?” Placing both her hands on his chest, she raised up on her toes to kiss him. “Let’s eat. I am starving!” She grabbed his hand and led him downstairs.
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“I think I can make that work. I appreciate you seeing me so soon, thank you very much, Dr. Ryan.” Annaleigh ended the call and placed her phone back in her pocket. She ate the sandwich Dean had left for her and wandered out to the shop looking for him. She found Bobby under the hood of his Chevelle.  
“Hey, Old Man!” Anna called out, walking over to the side of the car to join him. “What are you doing out here? Where are the boys?” 
“I sent them into town to get a part for me. Should be back soon.” He glanced over to her. “How are you doing, Annaleigh?” he asked, worry set deep in his eyes.
“I am doing okay today, Bobby. I feel rested and better than yesterday.” She looked away as she answered, leaning against the car.
“Girl, don’t lie to me. I can see right through you,” he challenged.
“I don’t know what it is, Bobby. I just feel like there is something off. With Sam, I mean. But I can’t put my finger on it,” she confessed, feeling better now that she had shared her doubts with someone else. “But, I don’t know how to tell Dean. Or even if I should tell him. I don’t like keeping things from him, but this isn’t mine to tell.”
He took a deep breath before he began. “I know what you’re talking about. I feel it, and honestly, I think Dean feels it, too. We still don’t know what rescued him from the pit, but he has been off since he showed up. I called in every favor I got trying to figure it out.”
“Bobby, he is cold and unfeeling. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up when he looks at me, well, looks through me is more like it. Like he isn’t human. But you tested him, so we know he is, but it’s like something is missing…” she trailed off as her thoughts started running wild in her head. She turned and ran back to the house. “I will be right back, I swear,” she called over her shoulder.
“Can that really be it?” Anna was talking to herself now, reading the lore books she had found in Bobby’s collection. “Could it be that simple? Well, it’s not simple at all, really. It’s gonna be real fucking complicated,” she muttered.
“What’s gonna be complicated, Red?” She jumped when she heard Dean’s voice behind her.
“Um, I don’t know yet. But, I will let you know as soon as I figure it out,” she faltered, but quickly regained her composure as she turned to face her boyfriend, his green eyes locking with hers. “Hey, Babe? Do you think we can take off in the morning? I want to be home by tomorrow night. I talked to my doctor, and she can get us in the day after tomorrow, but it’s her only opening. She’ll be gone for two weeks if we can’t make it,” she informed him.
“Are you kidding? That quick? Yeah, we can leave now if you want,” he answered, even more excited than she was. Anna jumped up, throwing her arms around his neck, leaving a loud kiss on his lips.
“Great! I just have to talk to Bobby real quick, then we can pack up Baby and hit the road.” She ran out the door and back to the shop.
“Bobby! I think I got it!” She proclaimed as she rounded the corner into the shop but skidded to a halt when she spotted Sam perched on the cooler next to the Chevelle.
“Whoa! Where’s the fire, girl?” Sam quipped.
She eyed Bobby cautiously. He nodded and she continued, “I know what is wrong with you, Sam. I don’t know what pulled you out from Lucifer’s grasp, but I do know that it did a piss poor job.”
Sam stood, stalked over to her, and threw his arms out wide, in a menacing stance. “What the hell are you talking about?” He shouted. “There isn’t anything wrong with me! Have you seen me? I’m in the best shape of my life. I’m a better hunter than Dean now. I’m awesome!” he boasted.
“No, Sam, you’re not!” she protested, placing a hand up to stop him from advancing on her. “Something is wrong with you and I know what it is. Whatever, whomever, rescued you from the fiery clutches of Hell; they left a part of you behind. You lost your soul, Sam! Your fucking soul? Does that sound o-fucking-kay to you?!” she argued.
Sam stopped and stared down at her. “Huh, no wonder I don’t give a rat’s ass about anything. Not Dean; not you. Nothing. And, you know what? I fucking love it. I feel free. Don’t think you can go fixing me like you did my brother. I am not broken. But, he was and you made him weak; you gave him hope,” he growled.
“Weak? I rescued him when he was in danger of losing himself because of you, Sam! That doesn’t make him weak. Scars don’t mean a person is damaged, it means they survived. And, that is what your brother did. Without you! He survived because of me!” Anna stormed past Sam and over to Bobby.
She gave the old man a tight embrace and told him she and Dean were leaving, with a promise to figure out how to make Sam whole. She gave Sam one more glare, then went back to the house to pack her things so they could hit the road.
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The drive home took just over 18 hours, stopping only for bathroom breaks and fuel. Annaleigh fell asleep a few times; thanking God that Dean loved driving. She was snuggled up with her head in his lap, drifting off again.  
“Hey, Beautiful. How are you feeling, Red? I got someone, well two someones, I want you to meet. Kids, say ‘Hi’ to your beautiful Mama.” Dean walked over to Annaleigh. She was in a hospital bed, wearing one of those terrible gowns. He gently handed her half the precious cargo he carried. She smiled, gazing at the bundle in her arms, and looked back up at him. He leaned over, placing a soft kiss to her lips. “I am so proud of you, Red. Look at what we did. We made these beautiful little people.” She knew she was crying, but they were happy tears. She took her eyes off the baby boy in her arms and looked up at Dean. He was crying too. He looked so incredibly happy. 
“Red, I would like you to meet our son, Robert Samuel Winchester. And, this sweet little thing is…”
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Soul to Souls tags: @emoryhemsworth​​ @flamencodiva​​ @iwantthedean​​ @jensengirl83​​ @deanwanddamons​​ @smol-and-grumpy​​ @kbl1313​​ @waywardbeanie​​ @whatareyousearchingfordean​​ @princessmisery666​​​ @shy-violet-soul​​ @lastcallatrockysbar​​ @winchesterxfamilybusiness​​ @fangirlxwritesx67​​ @squirrelnotsam​​ @michellethetvaddict​​ @magssteenkamp​​ @wonder-cole​​
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