#He would try and ask him about it but I feel like Ryuga wouldn’t even understand what was being asked
snugglebeans3000 · 1 year
uhhh gimme,, opinion on ryukyo,, pleaseee
OOoooooOOOo this is one I like talking about brACe youRseLF
Don’t ship it
Why do I not ship it?:
I’ve kinda went back and forth on this one a couple times, but I settled on the conclusion that Ryuga and Kyoya just make better friends (???) than a couple. Like I can understand where the ship comes from. They’ve both been through a lot, and on some level with how they express and hide their emotions from others IS something that they could connect with on a deeper level and maybe relate to each other about, but personally I’ve never seen that as going past being platonic. I do headcanon that when Ryuga is trying to process big complicated emotions and isolates himself without giving a lot of fight, one of the people who would seek him out and actually try and try to get him to talk about his problems is Kyoya. Just the idea of Kyoya recognizing and saying ‘You’re a jerk— I couldn’t like you even a little bit— but this isn’t you. This isn’t how you react. What’s going on?’ Is very— for lack of a better word— tender to me. It’s a concern for each other based on the mutual respect they have for each other’s strength that only shows it’s face on rare occasions, but other than that, they just annoy the shit out of each other and it would probably lead to a lot of fist fights that have no indefinite end. I also head canon that Kyoya might help him out with explaining romantic feelings and how to navigate those (or the lack of those emotions as for the most part I canon Ryuga as Demi/aromantic) as he is the KING of BOYFRIENDS and probably has a lot of experience with romantic attachments and emotions.
What would have made me like it more?:
Personally, I’m a sucker for headcanons, art and fanfiction. I think if the right fanfiction came along with the two of them growing up and healing and maturing I might consider standing by this ship, but so far I’m just comfy with the whole platonic relationship.
Despite not shipping it, is there anything positive I can say about the ship?:
Again, I DO really love the idea of them coming to each other for help for complicated and sometimes painful issues based on mutual respect. I think if both of them learned to control their anger and aggressive feelings then it might work out, but I feel both of them are too chaotic to be paired together and they need a more calm counterpart to help them be their best selves.
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beybladefanboy · 4 years
Top 5 Favourite Beyblade Characters
Random and unasked for but I figured I would talk about my favourite characters in the Beyblade Metal Saga.
#5 A tie between Chris and Hikaru
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I’m putting these two in the same spot because I wanted both of them to be on this list and a “top 6” doesn’t have as good of a ring to it as a “top 5.” Anyways, the first time I watched Metal Fury, I didn’t care much about Chris. Now however, I find his arc of being stuck in a job that brings him no joy to be incredibly relatable. His lack of passion for Beyblade makes complete sense: the fun of the sport was completely sucked out when it became an obligation for him and he wasn’t allowed to fight for himself. He was completely obligated to his employer and had little choice in the matter. That would suck away anyone’s passion, trust me, I know. So seeing the light return to his eyes as he rediscovered his passion for Beyblading was incredibly satisfying.
A lot of the appeal of Hikaru is admittedly that she is a female blader, and yeah, it is great having a strong female character. (We need more of those) What’s great about Hikaru however is that she isn’t just a token girl character or a mary sue: she is treated the same as any other blader and is allowed to fail and feel emotions without being degraded. I like that we even see a bit of her backstory where we learn that she is driven to be the best blader because of her likely deceased mother’s words. It’s a shame that she quit Beyblade due to her trauma but I also think it’s understandable and that it was interesting to explore that trauma. The moment that broke my heart rewatching Metal Masters was when Hikaru sees Dark Tsubasa and is paralyzed by terror, clearly remembering what Ryuga did to her. Beyblade’s most powerful scenes to me are the ones that delve into a character’s mind and allows me to see their thoughts and feelings. It allows me to understand and be more attached to the character and we got a lot of that from Hikaru and Chris.
#4 Yuki
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Yuki is kind of underrated in my opinion but then again, so is the entirety of Metal Fury. Yuki was a really fresh character for the series. Nearly every character is extremely reckless: acting first, thinking later so it was really refreshing to see a character who overthinks everything to the point of anxiety. I just relate more to a character that doubts himself and has to fight to overcome not just the great evil but his own self-doubt and fear as well. Also, I love that scene where he fights Ryuga. He probably knows he doesn’t stand a chance against a guy like him but he doesn’t care because he’s fighting for his friends. I can relate to that. When I’m just doing something for myself, I tend to doubt and question myself but when I’m standing up for my friends, I show no mercy. So yeah, Yuki is a really relatable character, as well as a pure cinnamon roll that needs more love.
#3 Kyoya
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If you asked who my favourite Beyblade character was two and half years ago, I would’ve answered “Kyoya” without any hesitation. While I do still really like him, I think his character was kind of fumbled in Metal Fury. I’ll talk about that separately though because I want this to be a positive post. Still, Kyoya is a great character. I like how he develops from a villain to that one liner asshole friend of Gingka’s. While I do like him unironically, Kyoya is honestly just funny to me. He is so ridiculously arrogant about his own skills but he actually is as good as he says he is. He’s also a tsundere. He’s absolutely a tsundere. He’s always helping his friends with whatever bullshit they’re doing: helping them infiltrate the Dark Nebula, going to look for Gingka when he disappears, helping them infiltrate Hades city, going with them to look for the Legendary Bladers, and on two separate occasions, staying behind to fight someone so the others can go forward. Even his determination to beat Gingka feels more like friendly competition than actual malice. And yet he insists he doesn’t care about them with lines like, “It’s not like I came to save you or anything.” It’s honestly kind of majestic. He’s also a complete badass. He always gets back up after a loss and fights to the bitter end and, sometimes to the detriment of himself but never his Beyblade. When Leone was on the verge of breaking to pieces in The Fearsome Libra, he forfeited the match to stop that from happening, risking humiliation and accepting defeat to do the right thing. That is genuinely admirable. It takes courage to fight but even more courage to admit defeat. Also, his fight against Ryuga in Metal Fusion is insane. Kyoya nearly falls so many times but keeps himself on his feet and rises up again. It takes being stabbed in the heart by the dark power for Kyoya to be defeated. Out of everyone, Kyoya came the closest to defeating Ryuga through sheer will and determination alone. What a badass.
#2 Tsubasa
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Similar to Yuki, Tsubasa is also a pretty unique character for this series. While he is passionate about fighting like all the others, Tsubasa is much more thoughtful and cool-headed, which is appealing especially among a cast of hot-headed crazy characters. When Tsubasa is first introduced, he’s kind of a mystery. We don’t know his true intentions or alignment until we learn that he was working for the WVBA, about 15 episodes after his initial introduction. This unpredictability made him interesting to watch in Metal Fusion as I didn’t know what he was going to do next. Then in Metal Masters, he becomes even more interesting. While it was emotionally intense to watch, I think the “Dark Tsubasa” arc is one of this series’ greatest achievements. It revealed a completely new layer of personality to Tsubasa and gave him so much development. 
While he was being somewhat controlled by the dark power, it is made clear through the dialogue that that side of him was always there and the dark power just enhanced and unmasked it. He did often hide his true emotions and intentions in Metal Fusion after all. The scenes where Tsubasa interacts with his dark self are very interesting and relatable to me because I often try to hide my negative emotions and avoid situations where they might come out until those feelings fester into madness, which is essentially what Tsubasa did. However, the resolution to this arc is what makes it so special to me. Tsubasa doesn’t drive out the darkness or continue to repress it: he accepts the darkness as part of who he is because everyone has darkness in them and the way to control it is to become one with it. And in the end, he becomes a stronger blader and person as a result of this arc. This is legitimately inspiring and helpful to me. It’s important to remember that we are not defined by our worst thoughts/feelings, we are defined by how we handle them and accepting ourselves, flaws and all, is important. So really that arc alone makes Tsubasa one of my favourite characters but he also has an appealing personality as well. It’s a shame he was kind of underused in Metal Fury but I love what we got from him.
#1 Ryuga
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Yeah, okay, this was obvious. Take one look at my feed or even my profile picture and you could probably guess that I love Ryuga. Two and a half years ago, I hated him with a passion but after rewatching the show again, I realized I only really hated him because of what he did to Hikaru, Tsubasa, and Kyoya which yes was horrible and I don’t condone it in any way but he was under the influence of the dark power at that point and he never does anything quite that awful again. Anyways, onto the positives. Ryuga in Metal Fusion is the best villain the show ever had. He poses a significant threat and was the first person to legitimately defeat Gingka. He’s also a terrifying sadist that cackles at others’ pain. If Ryuga had stayed like that, I would probably still like him as a character but I certainly wouldn’t have developed a crush. Damn, that would’ve been nice. But alas, even in Metal Fusion, Ryuga is somewhat sympathetic when you remember that he is just a kid and was both used by Doji and not even in full control of himself because of the dark power. He is seen trying to resist its control in the final battle after all. It’s interesting to see a character who is literally corrupted by the power he sought out and actually does learn from his mistake. In Metal Masters, he realized that humans’ greed and hatred was what caused the dark power to be so harmful and decided to draw the power from its original source, before it was tainted by humans, and became super powerful. Even if you hate Ryuga, you have to admit that is awesome. And once he stopped being a sadistic villain, he became much more unpredictable as sometimes he would even help the main heroes in Metal Masters, albeit for selfish reasons. Ryuga sort of feels like a combination of traits I liked most in Tsubasa and Kyoya. He has the unpredictability and loner attitude of Tsubasa and the confidence and determination of Kyoya. Also, I don’t think I need to say that Ryuga is a badass. That’s not even an opinion: it’s something that we all know to be a fact. I mean, this is the guy who launched his Beyblade at a floating city, wrecking it enough to send it crashing into the water and causing a reactor meltdown that nearly destroyed the earth. That last part was unintentional and in all fairness, he did help stop the end of the world, but still, he is both powerful and reckless enough to do something like that. He was kind of frustrating in Metal Fury but I did like his friendship with Kenta and while his blind pursuit of power was annoying, I gotta admire the ambition. And… yeah, I cried at his death. I cried harder at that than anything else in this show at any other point I watched it, including when I was a kid even though I knew it was coming. Even though his motivations for fighting Nemesis were far from righteous, he still died trying to defeat the great evil and his final act was giving Kenta the star fragment to give the heroes the chance they needed to win. Ryuga died a hero, plain and simple. I wish he had lived so we could see him develop even more after that moment but either way, Ryuga is a great character. He’s the best villain in season one and I love his fiery personality and aesthetic in the following seasons.
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After Light agrees to let L try and redeem him, the two talk about colors. Drama-verse. AU. Oneshot. Fix-It. Happy Ending. Fluff. L’s PoV.
“Do you like wearing white to feel superior to me?” was a question one Light Yagami asked L Lawliet, as the two of them were sitting in Miyashita Park, trying to relax.
Why were they trying to relax? Because Light had actually reacted well to L’s trying to redeem him, and the two of them had run away together to try and starve off execution for Light.
At this point, they should have been heading for the airport and back towards Wammy’s, where they would both be safe… But when Light had started to have a mental breakdown and disassociate, L had suggested venturing out into the lovely Shibuya, so they could get some air.
L hoped that Light seeing all these people out shopping, and alive, would make him realize that he of course hadn’t killed everyone, and he shouldn’t hurt himself for his actions, but rather live to help these people to find absolution… but L wasn’t sure.
But the question Light asked L now, was one that L should have expected, he knew: it was easily the types of thing one of them might have demanded of the other, when they’d still been rivals… if either of them could ever be honest a day in their lives, that was.
…But L couldn’t help feeling somewhat stung that Light would lash out at him now, after he’d pretty much confessed his love to him and saved him. But we all did insane things when we grieved, did we not? So, L supposed he couldn’t hold it against Light too much…
“If you’re asking if I wear white, because it’s supposed to be a color of purity… and if you’re wondering if I started wearing it more and more when I narrowed down you as Kira… the answer is no, Light. I’m not doing this to make you feel like a monster, since you like to wear black. I’ve always found such notions about colors pointless, anyway.”
L heard Light let out a breath then; and the man seemed like he was beginning to smile again, bit by bit. And L reminded himself, that his friend had once been someone who thought life would leave him behind, and had only wanted simplicity, anyway. Light hadn’t always been the psychotic mastermind... And as such, hearing L say that he wasn’t trying to frame him any worse than he saw himself as, probably would put Light’s mind at ease: a mind he was trying more and more to make innocent again.
“You know, Ryuga… it never made sense to me that black was seen as evil, or that it’s a lack of color. I mean, when you mix paints together, they all turn black. So, shouldn’t it be that black is actually all colors, and not white?”
L grinned; it was just that Light had the sweetest look on his face as he was musing this. And he was handing L a pouch of sugary sweetness. And it was surely his imagination, but somehow the taste of strawberry tasted even better to L with Light by his side. Young love and all that, he supposed.
L had missed this inquisitive side of Light. And he was glad to see it was coming back, and to know that his lover wouldn’t always be down in the dumps.
“And that’s exactly why I don’t like black and prefer white, Light-kun. Because I feel the same way about it that you do. And since I see myself as above everyone—and refuse to be ruled by something as inconsequential as color—I choose to be something other than it: what I see the absence of it being as.”
And though L had thought that if he was ever awarded a searing kiss from Light Yagami, it would be after their encounter in the parking garage… he found that Light kissing him now was ninety-nine percent reasonable and lovely, too.
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cthulhuliet · 4 years
my high hopes (are getting low)
2.6k words [total 13k words] (part one) (part two) (part three) | AO3 Link | warnings: homophobia, use of slurs, dubious morality, completely unnecessary religious references, implied/referenced self-harm
‘Cause my High hopes are getting low because these people are so old The way they think about it all If I tried I would never know
Light Yagami's world view is shifted after a conversation with his father concerning L's sexuality. Anger in his veins and unconfessed feelings bubbling to the surface, L and Light have a chat about sexuality, morality, and homoerotic hand washing. 
Light entered the task force headquarters quietly. There was no one sitting in front of the large monitors for once, but they were still streaming the footage from the cameras in everyone's room. He looked up and on a smaller screen he saw L’s room; the detective quietly working on his laptop. 
Walking to the elevator with purpose, Light rode it up to the floor L was staying on. The path to his room he had taken so many times over the months they were chained together, he wouldn’t be surprised if his footsteps were burned into the hotel-esque carpet he was walking under. 
He stood outside L’s door, and it was only then that Light felt a slight nervousness creeping over him, hovering behind him. He sent Ryuk away (distracting the flighty Shinigami with a basket of apples in a blindspot of the cameras) so he knew it was his own anxieties over the looming conversation with the man. 
“The worst he can say is no,” Light told himself.
He punched in the code to enter the room. The lock clicked and Light walked in, immediately meeting L’s gaze, his wide eyes narrowed with confusion. 
“Light,” He said simply, closing the lid of his laptop, “I was mildly concerned about where you had run off to since you did not return with the others,” 
Light shrugged, “Am I not free now to leave headquarters whenever I want? I am not chained to Matsuda,” 
L pressed his thumb to his lips, “Yes, I feel as though there would be even more physical altercations between you two than there were with us.” Light didn’t respond, and his eyes scanned the room, noting how the room had changed. The typically neat coffee table was now scattered with papers in L’s messy handwriting. The bed which Light himself really only slept in seemed to be untouched since the last time he was in it. 
L’s cross the room, shoving his hands in his pockets, “It is late, Light, and you have your own room. Did Watari forget something when he transferred your belongings into your space?” 
Chuckling, Light shook his head, “A few days ago we were together 24/7, now it feels like you are trying to get rid of me.” L’s expression was unreadable, so Light continued, “I actually wanted to talk to about something, Ryuzaki,”
“Oh. Is this in regards to the Death Note?” 
“Oh, uh, no. This actually has nothing to do with the case,” This surprised L, his expression flickered with an emotion Light could not place, “Forgive me for assuming, but were you tapped into the conversation that the rest of the detectives and myself had at Shirokuma?” 
L rubbed his feet on top of each other, looking pointedly away from Light, “I choose not to come to the bar with you guys, why would I know what was discussed?” 
“That is not what I asked, Ryuzaki,” 
L bit his lip and sighed, making his way over to his laptop. Light followed as he was inputting his password, “Fine. I was able to tap into the bar security system and observed you all using the cameras there. There is no audio.” 
Light smiled in spite of himself. His suspicions about L observing them had been on the mark as usual. He knew the man all too well. 
“Well, at one point, in the conversation, we began discussing you.” 
“Naturally.” L tapped his lips with his index finger. 
“And Aizawa told us something, Ryuzaki, something that he was told by Wedy and Aiber,” L’s tics stopped immediately. HIs face flickered with that same emotion from before, but this time it lasted longer, and Light could now see it was panic on the young detective's face. “I am sure you can piece together what was discussed,” 
L crossed the room, staring at an old blackboard that had information about the Yotsuba group. Light could sense the nerves radiating off of L, but he was doing his best to act unaffected by the news. 
“I felt as though disclosing my sexuality to everyone would cause unnecessary problems. I have kept it to myself for long enough, I have gotten quite good at hiding that part of me away. Moreover, my preferences are not important to the Kira case, so there was no reason to bring it up in the first place,” He faced away from the board and looked at Light, sorrow in his expression, “I will not apologise for that. However, I do want to apologise to you, specifically, Light,” L bit his thumbnail, looking down at the carpet, “I realise now that being handcuffed to someone who you now realise is attracted to the same gender could be seen as uncouth. I would be lying if I said the implications of it had not crossed my mind a couple times. I did not want to bring it up because I feared it would have created unnecessary tension, and I assumed you would never find out. I am sorry, Light,” 
Light shrugged, “I am going to be honest, I never would have guessed,” 
“Like I said before, I am good at hiding aspects of myself away for the comfort of others,” L expression changed when he told Light; the eye contact was more intense and vengeful, and Light got the feeling they were not talking about queerness anymore. 
“Ryuzaki, I want to assure you your apology is unnecessary. I completely see why you did not disclose that information to me. You have a right to your privacy.” He sighed, sitting down on the bed, “I am only sorry that you got outed,” 
L stayed silent and Light inspected the laces on his shoes, wanting to take them off but not wanting to look as though he was getting too comfortable around L- this was a difficult conversation to have and he wouldn’t blame him if he kicked Light out at a moment’s notice. 
“I can only assume the others did not take it well, and that is why you are here,” L stiffly shoved his hands in his pockets, Light could only assume it was to prevent himself from biting his nails down the stubs- a bad habit he noticed of L’s after their months together. L interpreted Light’s silence and sighed, rubbing his feet over one another, “Hm. Well. I suppose it could have ended worse,” 
L sat down next to Light on the bed, maybe a little too closely, but it somehow felt too far. L blinked slowly at Light, and he felt a harsh pang in his heart looking L in the eyes, “Us, the detectives, you and I… We will be parting ways soon.” 
The silence hanging over the room was palpable. Light wasn’t sure how to respond. He knew he was right. Just hours beforehand, he was working and making plans for L’s demise, “Ryuzaki.” Light kept looking at L, “It doesn’t have to be that way,” 
L looked at Light, vulnerability and heartbreak in his eyes, “There was never any other way,” 
Even though he was unable to place precisely why, he felt his anger rising, Light                                            clenched his fists, venom dripping in his voice , “Why are you speaking like this, Ryuzaki? Stop talking like it’s over, like you have no choice,” 
L pressed a thumb against his lips, softly speaking, “Well, it is no longer up to me, is it, Light?” 
They had been at this impasse for a while now, ever since those many months ago when L revealed himself to Light at To-Oh. The task force may believe his act of innocence, and Misa may believe he is just being clever, but L and Light have known the truth for a very long time. So much has happened since then, so much has changed. It is hard to say whether or not Light had evolved after all this time, and Light still believed that after all everything, he is still the same. And yet, the hard truth is, deep down, Light has changed. Maybe it is the conversation he had with the task force and Ryuk only hours earlier, maybe it is the months of being together, maybe it is the greys in his morality that were previously drained from Light’s world coming back as quickly as it did when his memory of the Death Note were returned; Light was looking this complicated, quiet man in the eyes- Hideki Ryuga, Ryuzaki, L, and he finally has to confront the truth he has been putting off for so long: he doesn’t have the strength to let L die. 
Light tore his gaze away from L, idly flooding with his thumbs. They didn’t speak for a while. L pulled his knees up to his chest and bit the skin around his nail, neither of them sure of what to say. 
Light sighed, catching L’s attention. He leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees, “Ryuzaki, do you know who one of my biggest inspirations is? Who I attempt to model my life after?” 
He pondered this for a moment. “Your father?” 
“Correct,” Light responded, staring at the carpet, “He always had such a strong sense of right and wrong- a strong sense of justice. Being raised by him was a privilege in more ways than one. He taught me so much about honor and fairness at such a young age. I respected my father more than anyone else in the world,” 
L dropped his finger from his lips, “Respected?” 
Light sat up straight, his body stiffening. He dug his nails into his knees, keeping the previous embers of anger smothered, “When we were at the bar, talking about what Aizawa had said, I almost understood where he was coming from. Older generation. It is no excuse, but I felt as though it was something to agree to disagree on. And then...” Light cut himself off, balling his fists. He winced in pain at the previously made cuts on his palms, releasing his grip. 
L inspected his motions, and slowly moved closer to him, “Light.” He softly grabbed his wrists and opened his palms, the raw, angry half-moon cuts still indented into his palms. “You’re hurt.” L rubbed the marks on his palms slowly and with care, but it still caused Light to wince slightly. 
“He said that if he ever found out I even kissed another man, he would kill me himself,” He spoke softly, almost unsure if the words escaped his throat. 
L stopped his small movements over his hands. Wordlessly, he made his way to the bathroom and came back with a damp washcloth and hydrogen peroxide. He sat next to Light again, dampening his hands with wet cloth. 
“Light’s father said that he would kill him if he was gay,” L spoke softly as he washed his hands with the washcloth, “This made Light angry, and hurt himself,” 
Light stayed silent for a moment, L moving onto his right hand to wash, “It sounds foolish now,” 
“I don’t think so,” 
Swallowing thickly, Light responded, “I just always regarded my father so highly; I saw him as this honor bound man with a strong moral code. But when he said that to me… Something shifted. He can be this man with a strong sense of justice, but has ideals that are so backwards,” L looked like he wanted to say something, he opened his mouth to speak but closed it again. He instead poured the alcohol onto the wash cloth, telling Light it was going to sting a bit. Light already knew this. “I was upset. There are worse things in this world than a boy kissing another boy, and there are so many incredible people through time who were queer, and even now. To write them all off because of something like that is foolish,” 
L nodded, “So, you were upset because of your father’s narrow view on the world?” 
“Yes,” Light watched L’s careful hands as he rubbed over and inspected every cut, “The way they think about it all… If I tried I would never understand…” L’s fingers lingered on Light’s hand for a second longer before moving onto the left hand. He felt his heart beating in his chest, “And I have to be honest… There may have been a personal vendetta as well,” He said softly. 
L’s movements stopped completely, hand resting in hand, as he looked up. He inspected Light’s face, his eyes wide, “Light, you are telling the truth this time, aren’t you?” 
Nodding, he tore his gaze away from the other man, “Yes. You were honest with me, it is only fair,” 
“I didn’t have a choice,” 
“You could have denied it,” 
“Would you have believed me?” 
“I don’t know,” 
L stayed silent. He pulled his hands away to put more rubbing alcohol on the washrag. Light knew the cuts were already clean. He didn’t mind. 
“Your father found out I was gay,” L grabbed the back of Light’s hand with one of his, and wash the palm with the other, “He said that he would kill Light himself if he ever kissed someone of the same gender. Scorchio assumed himself to be speaking hypothetically, but you are gay. The connection follows that Light realised that no matter how much his father loves him, he would still want him dead because of something out of his control,” Light said nothing, paying close attention to the movements of L’s hands and the words out of his mouth, “Light went to the bathroom once that was said, broke down, and hurt himself,” L looked at Light, genuine concern in his eyes, “Do I need to worry about future self-mutilation?”  
Light shook his head, “No. It was one time, and an accident. It was just… Jarring to hear,” 
“I can imagine,” L pulled his hands away, “Do you need bandages?” Light shook his head and L nodded, “I understand,” He went back to the bathroom to wash his hands, and came out. “So, you are here now,” He sat back down next to Light. 
“Ryuzaki,” He turned to L, “After I found out. I got angry. I was filled with rage and didn’t know what to do with it.” Light swallowed steeling himself for his next sentence, “I wanted to hurt them. All of them,” L’s expression didn’t change or warp like he expected it to. He almost wanted to laugh.
 Right. Stalemate.
“They are writing you off because of it, and they would do the same thing to me if they knew. I was angry, I still am. Hurting them won’t change anything. They aren’t going to change their minds either. They need to be taught a lesson, all of them.”
L blinked slowly at Light, “Light. Tell me. What are you doing here?” 
“Revenge. But I need your help, Ryuzaki,” L said nothing, Light talked quicker, “I have an idea. But it involves you, and I need you to be fully on board,” Tilting his head, he looked skeptical, “Ryuzaki, aren’t you tired of it all? Are you sick of just waiting for things to get better, constantly having to hide that piece of yourself, terrified that if it came out everything would fall apart?” Light sighed, “The whole damn system is broken right now, way beyond our repair. We both know that. But I am not above some payback, and I know you are not either,” 
L put a thumb to his lips, pondering. Light could almost hear the internal monologue he was having with himself, but the words are muddy in his mind, as his heart was thumping loudly into his ears. The debate ended, and L looked back into Light’s eyes, a small smirk grew behind his thumb, “What do we need to do?” 
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ghostoftasslehoff · 4 years
Pairing: L/Light; Characters: L Lawliet, Light Yagami; Rating: M
Written for Lawlight Week 2020, for the Day 1 prompt First Friends/Rivals
“I think this tennis match has increased our notoriety around here.”
The crowd of students cheering and hollering outside of the court faded to background noise as L turned to look at Light, considering him with an amused quirk to his lips. “Notoriety?” Is that what it is? When Light merely snorted and turned away, L followed, falling into step beside him. “Where shall we go, then, Light-kun?”
Light glanced at him sharply, brow creasing in surprise. Well, THAT’S presumptuous. “Ryuga, I don’t think we’re that close yet,” he commented after a moment, shaking his head with an easy laugh.
“Oh?” Pretending confusion, L peered at him, one hand shoved in his pocket. “No, I suppose we’re not. I could call you Yagami-san, but I associate that with your father.” He left it at that and turned his gaze forward again.
The tennis racket L was dragging beside him caught slightly on the lip of concrete at the edge of the court, and Light winced before he could help himself, a flash of irritation sparking as he smoothed his features. Does he have respect for anything? Thankfully, L hoisted the abused racket onto his shoulder, and Light could breathe a little easier, veering towards the locker room. “It really isn’t that important to me, Ryuga,” he said, making his way down the row of lockers to the one he had commandeered for himself. “It’s just…” He trailed off as he stowed the racket away, pulling out his jacket and shower things. “Socially, it’s really only used between close friends.”
“I see.” L watched the proceedings impassively, chewing on his bottom lip to hide the smile threatening to break out. I know you only care about social conventions to keep up appearances. His tone held only a hint of teasing as he pointed out, “I don’t think we can get something to drink in the shower.”
Light just gave him a look that screamed ‘obviously’ and held out his hand for the racket, nodding when L handed it to him wordlessly. “I just need to clean up a bit before we go anywhere, I won’t be long.” He stowed it in the locker alongside his own and closed it, gathering up his things and stepping into the shower stall, acutely aware of the detective’s presence at his back like a silent shadow. Is he going to follow me even into the shower?! The thought made his heart race, and he swallowed hard, trying to ignore the feeling of eyes on him as he began to undress.
L stopped awkwardly in the door, one thumb rubbing against his lips as his gaze followed Light’s movements. It wasn’t anything he hadn’t seen before during his surveillance of the Yagami household, but seeing it up close and personal was… different. He let out a slow breath and nibbled at his thumb absently, trying to ignore the heat beginning to flare in his cheeks as he admired the play of muscle under skin. 
He only realized the young man had spoken when he found himself staring at Light’s chest instead, blinking and raising his eyes to meet Light’s knowing gaze. “... Could you repeat that, please?”
Smirking, Light crossed his arms and said dryly, “I should have known you might have a thing for voyeurism. Are you just going to stand there and watch me the entire time?”
“Yes.” L hadn’t meant to say it, but regardless, he stared steadily at Light before adding, “I’m bored. Can you hurry up so we can go?”
Light blinked, then turned away with a laugh and a shake of his head to finish getting undressed. Yes, I’m sure ‘bored’ is what you are, judging by that flush. “You should get cleaned up too, Ryuga.” Turning on the water, he stepped under the spray, glancing over his shoulder at the detective. The invitation was plain on his face. “Give you something to do.”
L’s eyes widened at Light’s boldness, his hand dropping away from his mouth. I should be careful here. He was moving before the thought was even finished, and his clothes fell in a crumpled heap as he joined Light under the spray, momentarily blinded and blinking water out of his eyes. “I hardly see how this is going to help.”
Light snorted, taking the moment while L was preoccupied to look him over, lingering a little longer than necessary on the man’s crotch before gritting his teeth slightly and looking away. Fuck, I didn’t think he would actually take me up on the offer. His heart was hammering in his chest now, L’s proximity distracting and doing him absolutely no favors. Remember your goal. It doesn’t matter how hot he looks like this. Get to headquarters, confirm he IS in fact L, and get on that task force. “Are you still bored, Ryuga?”
L paused in pushing his hair out of his face, digesting that note of breathlessness in Light’s voice. “Well…” He took a step closer to Light and reached out to take the soap from him, a tiny smile on his lips now as Light gave him a dirty look. No, definitely not bored. “Not really.”
“Heh…” Light narrowed his eyes, jaw clenching as he watched L scrub himself down and pushing away the urge to grab the soap back and do it himself.
L bit his lip to stifle a snicker, giving Light a sly smirk before adding, “But now I’m getting hungry. This place you want to take me, will it have cake?” The look on Light’s face made him giggle, and he lowered his voice as he leaned in closer, “Were you just trying to get me in the shower with you? Be honest.”
“Of course not!” Light huffed in exasperation, nostrils flaring slightly as he snatched his soap back and turned away. Insufferable man.
L followed him, protesting with a laugh, “Light-kun, I wasn’t done!”
Light turned around abruptly. “Shut up, Ryuga.”
“Make me,” L said reflexively, a sly expression on his face.
Light stopped in his tracks, breathing heavily and staring at L intently as those words went through him with a jolt. MAKE you? His gaze dropped to L’s mouth, now quirked up in a taunting smirk, and he stepped towards him. “Make you?”
L’s breath caught. Oh. THAT pushed a button. He took a step back, then lifted his chin defiantly, ignoring the way his body was reacting to Light’s tone. “That’s what I said.”
Exhaling slowly, Light smiled, a tingling anticipation building as he took another step forward. You asked for it. “Okay then.” He shoved L bodily against the wall, one hand in the man’s hair as he crushed his lips to L’s in a bruising kiss, swallowing down the startled moan L let out and thrilling at the way the man immediately grasped at him. Oh HELL yes.
L’s eyes fluttered shut as a dizzying rush of arousal went through him, his grip on Light’s shoulders relaxing before sliding around his neck instead. He hooked one leg around Light, absolutely delighted when Light immediately reached down to grip at the back of his thigh and grind against him, whining into the kiss.
With great effort, Light broke the kiss, panting a little as he smiled down at L. “You are a brat.” As much as I want to, we really shouldn’t do this. Last chance to stop this, ‘Ryuga’.
“And you’re a tease,” L breathed back, eyes sparkling as he rolled his hips against Light, a grin blossoming on his face at that breathy little moan Light rewarded him with.
Light’s gaze darkened, his smile turning wicked as he trailed his fingers down L’s wet skin. “A tease, am I?” He squeezed L’s ass playfully before hoisting the detective up, satisfaction and arousal making him throb when L promptly wrapped his legs around his waist. He dragged his tongue up L’s neck, hips moving in a slow roll, his voice low and honeyed as he whispered, “Liar.”
L’s head fell back against the wall with a muffled thunk as he moaned, his body shuddering from the pleasant slide of wet flesh against his. “I know.” His arms tightened around Light’s neck and he looked down at him with half lidded eyes. “Don’t stop.”
The next couple minutes became a blur of tangled limbs and grasping, frantic motion, moaning pleas stifled by needy kisses, and a building tension between them that was nearly electric, until it finally broke. Light’s legs gave out, and he slid to the floor in a daze with L still in his arms, panting harshly and trembling from the aftershock of his orgasm. L’s face was pressed against his neck, his arms laying limply around Light’s shoulders as he took in shuddering breaths, and Light smiled a little as he felt L’s heart beating rapidly beneath his fingers. Finally, he laughed, reaching up to carefully stroke L’s hair.
Breathing finally under control, L slowly pulled back to look at Light from where he sat sprawled in his lap and cleared his throat. “I can honestly say that I was not expecting that,” he said softly, searching Light’s expression.
“Neither was I.” Light held his gaze for a moment, then glanced away with a faint blush, relaxing when he saw they were still alone. He chuckled, adding, “Good thing we’re still in the shower, hmm?”
“Yes.” L wiggled out of Light’s grasp, and stood up shakily. “I’m starving.”
“Pfft, I bet.” Light smirked at him as he followed suit, heart beginning to race again, this time for a different reason entirely. “Worked up an appetite, hmm?”
L gave Light an amused look as he quickly soaped off their mess, and tossed the bar at him. “Clean up, Light-san, I need sustenance.”
Light caught it and laughed, feeling a little indulgent. “Ryuga, after that, I’d say you’ve earned the privilege of calling me a close friend, wouldn’t you?” The split second of amazement on L’s face made it all worth it, and he smiled to himself, toweling off and reaching for his clothes. “Alright, let’s get you fed.”
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onlyyyariii · 4 years
Death note 2
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“Light wait for me!” I say, running up to my best friend and jumping on his back.
“Ow, Chi you are a lot heavier than you look.”
I gasp and jump off, “That’s not funny Light Yagami!”
“Sorry,” he sends me a small glance with a little smile before leaning over and kissing my forehead.
I blush a deep red and look down at the ground, “Are you going to headquarters today?”
“Yeah, Ryuga wanted to go over some more things.”
“Ryuga? Is that another alias of his?”
“Yes, L has quite a few. If only we could learn his real name...”
I glance up at him, confused, “Why would it matter? Neither of us are Kira, plus I think it’s smart that he chooses to use an alias.”
“Chinami, it’s not about being Kira. If he completely trusts me than he should have no problem whatsoever with me knowing his real name.”
“Light, Ryuzaki is just being careful. No one else on the task force knows his real name. I think using an alias would be the best way to go, I know with being a very valuable detective and all, I would use an alias too, if I were in the same situation that is.”
He looks very taken aback, “Who’s side are you on in this Chi? I’ve been your best friend for years and you just met this guy a week ago. You two haven’t spoken a word to one another besides that one day and now all of a sudden you’re in love with the guy!
I gasp and cover my face, I am not in love with Ryuzaki! How could he say such an outrageous thing?
“I am not in love with Ryuzaki! Why would you say something stupid like that you big oaf?!” I yell, slapping his shoulder many times.
“You wouldn’t be acting like this if I said you were in love with Matsuda.”
“I’m not ‘in love’ with anyone! You know you’re such a jerk sometimes! I’m going back to my place. I’ll see you at headquarters.”
As I run the opposite way we were walking I hear Light shouting from behind me, “Chinami, you don’t even know if you’re allowed to be there!”
Once I arrive at my apartment, I run in and shut the door behind me. I’m seventeen and living on my own. My mother was killed in a car accident when I was a baby and my father left for America a few years ago. He told me not to worry, he’d be back. When I came home from school the next day, he was gone. I’ve been on my own since I was twelve. There’s no problem with it, I can take care of myself. I get a check every month that is supposed from my father but I don’t buy it. I don’t think he’s actually sending the money. But the money pays for the rent and all the utilities. I have some left over to buy food and after that a little for myself. I used to use it to buy clothes and things but I’ve been saving it.
“Stupid, stupid Light. He always says the stupidest things. I am not in love with Ryuzaki! I just met him. Of course I could hold a conversation with him but what would say if I did? I’d just make a fool out of myself.”
I walk into my bathroom intending to take a shower. I glance at the clock on my desk, 5:37 pm. Perfect. I have about half an hour to get ready before jumping on a bus to headquarters. I smile and proceed with my shower. I make sure to clean everywhere and shave. When I get out of the shower I smile at my reflection. Having self care days are what allow me to feel good about myself all of the time. Feeling good about myself, is my key to happy living. Especially when I’m by myself most of the time.
I get dressed in my usual black dress and stockings and I’m off to catch the 6:15 bus to headquarters. I smile at the driver as the bus doors open.
“Here’s my pass sir.”
“Thank you miss. You may sit anywhere you’d like.”
“Thank you sir.”
I sit in one of the front seats seeing as my drop off is one of the first ones. It takes about twenty minutes to get there. Once the bus arrives I stand up, ready to make my departure.
I turn towards the driver before stepping off the last step, “Thank you for the ride sir.”
“Of course, have a nice night young lady.”
“You too sir! Don’t push yourself too hard.”
I smile and wave as the bus driver pulls away. Turning around, I smile at the building before walking up to the doors. I pull on one of the handles but the door stays closed. Huh? I pull on it again, it doesn’t budge. I push and once again, no movement. I glance inside and notice an old man walking past the door.
“Hey! Hey wait! Sir could you let me in?” I knock on the door twice to get his attention.
He glances up at me, and walks towards the door. As he opens it, he speaks to me, “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize anyone else was supposed to be showing up tonight.”
“No no it’s quite alright. Is Light inside?”
“Yes, but-“
“How rude of me! I’m sorry I never properly introduced myself. I’m Chinami Misora, and you are?”
He glances at me, “Watari.”
“Well it’s very nice to meet you Watari. I’m actually looking for the Kira Task Force. Would you happen to know where they are?”
“Why, yes. I could take you to them.”
“I would very much appreciate that.”
I follow the old man down a set of hallways.
“You shouldn’t introduce yourself to everybody. Real names and faces are dangerous right now.”
I glance at the man, “Huh?”
“Kira, he needs a name and a face. That’s all. They figured that out last meeting. I just want you to be careful. You seem like such a nice girl.”
“Thank you very much Watari. Are you saying I should use an alias?”
“I wouldn’t say a complete alias. A shortened version of your name will do.”
“Chi? Hm Chi Misoni?”
I hear him hum, I suppose that’s a sound of approval.
“Yes Watari?”
“Would you help me with this tray of sweets?”
I turn towards the man to see him grabbing a tray off of a cart. The tray has many chocolate covered strawberries along with cupcakes on it.
“Are those for Ryuzaki?”
He nods his head.
“Could I- could I try one?”
“Of course.”
I smile and grab a strawberry from the corner of the tray. As I bite the tip of the strawberry a mixture of sweet chocolate and strawberry juice fills my mouth. Strawberries just so happen to be my absolute favorite.
“Mmm these are really good. I think Ryuzaki will love them.”
“Yes, he does have a particular taste for strawberries.”
“So do I! They’re my favorite.”
I see Watari form a small smile, “Alright let’s bring these to L.”
We walk down a few more hallways before Watari opens a door. I peek around him to see Light, L, Chief Yagami, Matsuda, Aizawa, and a few others from the task force.
“Ryuzaki, you have a visitor.” Watari says, stopping.
“Huh?” Ryuzaki turns to look as us, “Oh hello, you’re back.”
“Um,” I walk towards L and set the tray of strawberries in front of him, “These are for you. Watari said to bring them to you.”
He looks up at me and gives me a small smile, “Yes thank you, I quite enjoy strawberries.”
“Chinami! What are you doing here? I told you that you weren’t allowed to come!” Light says, pushing me away from L and standing between us.
“I- I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude I just-“
“Light,” starts Ryuzaki, “move aside please.”
Light looks behind him at Ryuzaki and glares but steps aside none the less.
“Chinami, come closer.”
I take a deep breath and step towards L, “Yes Ryuzaki?”
“What do you think about the Kira case? I’d love to see how you feel about this whole thing. I will stay here and go over the notes that we have with you. Than I will ask you for your thoughts and I want you to be honest about everything.”
I nod my head and give him a small smile.
“Alright, Matsuda grab a chair for her, you are all dismissed. You may all go home.”
“No way!”
I turn around to look at Light.
“No way in hell am I letting her stay here with you Ryuzaki! For all I know you’ll question her about me and then she’ll feel uncomfortable here. I don’t trust you with her.”
“Light I’ll be fine, Ryuzaki doesn’t scare me. I promise I’ll be okay.” I say, walking up to Light and hugging him. As I move away I feel him kiss my forehead.
“Are you sure? I’ll stay I don’t-“
“No Light, I’ll be fine,” I lean up to kiss his cheek, “thank you though.”
I see a light blush form on his cheeks. He nods and let’s go of me. Most of the other team members have left. I wave to Light and his father as they walk out. Turning back to L, I find him already looking at me.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” I say, hurrying to sit in the chair beside him.
“No need to apologize, I was just thinking.”
“Thinking? About what?”
“Your relationship with Light. Is he usually like this? Very protective of you. How deep are your feelings for each other?”
“Oh,” I glance at the floor, my face turning a bright red, “um Light is just my best friend. I did sort of have a crush on him a while ago but I don’t feel anything like that anymore. I’m not sure about Light though, every time I say your name he gets mad at me and-“
“You two talk about me?”
I look up, my cheeks even hotter, “No that’s not what I meant! I-“
“Hey,” he touches my chin, “that’s alright. Calm down. How about we begin going over the case?”
I see Watari smile out of the corner of my eye.
“Um L?”
He turns his head towards me, “Yes?”
“Can I- can I have one of the strawberries? I’m sorry to ask but they are my favorite treat.”
I look over at rhe half eaten tray and wonder when he ate all of those. He smiles before picking one up and handing it to me.
“Thank you.” I say, sucking on the chocolate.
“Alright, so about Kira...”
This is part two of my little DeathNote series. I wanted to let you guys know that I will be writing the twins still but I’m taking a little break seeing as they have announced their “retirement” so to speak of posting YouTube videos.
Taglist: @grantzarrr @dolan-habits @blindedbythelightt
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theheightofdishonor · 4 years
Top 10 Battles in the Metal Saga (in no particular order)
There aren’t many battles that are just about raw power the way this one is. The whole thing is just so extra, from ruining the stadium before the battle even begins to ending with Ryuga’s possession and Kyoya passing out with a dragon’s tail going through his chest. The power-play between these two is riveting. And on top of that, it’s the closest anyone but Gingka and Nemesis ever gets to beating Ryuga. However, it does annoy me that Kyoya is the only one of Ryuga’s opponents in Battle Bladers who comes out unaffected in the long-term. After their respective battles, Hikaru retires from Beyblade, Tsubasa suffers with possession, and both experience a healthy dose of PTSD but apparently, Kyoya gets away with no signs of it? I call bullshit. 
2.Da Xian - Julian 
If you didn’t love Da Xiang before, you had to after this battle. It did a brilliant job of highlighting how good Dashan is at manipulating people, and doing so “coolly, and brilliantly”. Dashan sees the scene as the opportunity it is and coaxes Julian from a disheartened shell of his former self to someone who’s willing to try again without the man even knowing. Oh, and he gets Julian to appreciate the value of his friends too. And beats him in battle easily. And delivers, “You think you and I are alike? That’s an insult, ” decimating Julian’s remaining pride. Talk about being cool. (Chao Xin should definitely take pointers)
3. Gingka vs 100 (supposedly) Face Hunters 
I had a hard time choosing between this and the battle earlier in the episode where Gingka first saves Kenta from Face Hunters, but I think this holds more impact and the one Kenta thinks is more notable. As a fight itself, it’s short compared to some of the other more epic battles on this list, and its placement is more about the consequences of it than the contents of the actual battle itself.  It’s the moment where Kenta’s admiration for Gingka really cements, and the moment that Kyoya takes a serious interest in him, shaping his relationship with two people who will be monumental in his life. Also, Gingka looks super cool and baby Kenta is adorable. 
 4.  Excalibur-Gan Gan Galaxy 
This battle has one of my favourite scenes of ALL TIME- Masamune single-handedly cutting through Sophie and Wales’s joint special move. Let me just take a second to gush about how powerful he is and how much I love him and how he deserves so much more love and did I mention he stopped the twins in their track with ONE MOVE. Your fave could never but if I don’t stop now, i’ll be talking about Masamune all day. 
The visual of Pegasus and Striker moving as one force, with the music crescendoing only for Destroyer to cut them down at the climax, is breathtaking. Seriously, I’ve watched that one scene on repeat and my breath catches. 
I love to see Masamune and Gingka work together as a team, especially because it’s not their preferred dynamic and it doesn’t always come easily to them. But when they try, they’re magic together, partially because they’re so alike. This is the only battle where we get the full force of the Y-Masamune-Gingka dynamic, a god-tier trio who can only possess one brain cell when they’re together because otherwise, they’d be way too strong. Let’s be real. If these morons actually combined their intelligence, they would have crushed Excalibur to dust. We need more scenes with them tbh
As a side note, it was not at all ok for these guys to crash the festival or for Yu to ruin a culturally important arena. It’s played off way to lightheartedly for my tastes.  It’s not even the only time they’re insensitive- in Fury, Yu and Kyoya damage ancient ruins and Gingka’s group explicitly disobeys orders to not step on a sacred volcano. The whole thing is kinda gross and the Metal Saga should address its serious disregard for other cultures. Sophie losing her shit on a literal 12 year old was funny though. 
5. The Legendary Bladers-Nemesis part 2 
This is a pretty long battle, I linked it to where the battle begins but it doesn’t end until the end of the next episode. There’s a lot about this battle that drives me crazy- like why are you people just letting Kenta destroy himself, why are the strongest bladers in the world who were specifically chosen for this battle unable to withstand for more than two hits, etc  BUT- this is when Ryuga hands over the Star Fragment which is cool and emotional enough to let everything else slide. It’s a pretty satisfying conclusion to the Kenta-Ryuga arc and rings parallel to Metal Fusion down to Ryuga pulling a Storm Pegasus and disappearing into thin air.Which talking about, I will forever be mad Storm Pegasus doesn’t ever come into play after Metal Fusion. Shogun Steel would have been such a perfect time to bring Storm Pegasus back to play and assure in a new era- such wasted potential, but I digress. 
Oh, and friendly reminder that Yu’s Inferno Blast breaks through Rago’s barrier while 8 Legendary Bladers combined couldn’t leave a dent on Nemesis. 
6. Kenta-Reiji
Talking about emotional, if you didn’t cry during this battle, you’re a liar- it’s painful to watch. The entire thing with Kenta using Libra’s performance tip and his insistence that he has to win for Yu- it breaks your heart. Reiji is such a great villain because he does exactly what he’s meant to do- make the audience be invested in him. He’s so unnecessarily cruel, so irredeamable, and this episode drills that into your skull. Even the spectators of the match can’t look on as Reiji tortured Kenta well after Sagittario has stopped spinning. 
7. Easter Island
It would take too long to name everyone involved in this, so i’m not going to. But boy is it a ride You’ve got King starting it off with Chris for insulting/defeating/humiliating Masamune- a noble cause if there ever was one. His impassioned defense of his boyfriend is one of the best speeches/declarations in the Saga and is also 80% of the reason this battle is on the list. The guy has his priorities straight, ok. Gingka says it’s either Masamune’s feelings or the world and King chooses Masamune, no questions, no hesitations. Can’t say I blame him. Especially after seeing the heartbreak on Masamune’s face when Chris insults him. But of course, the world is actually more important so 
 Gingka jumps in to stop King which as Benkai mentions, you can’t stop him from battling by actually battling him, so I don’t know what Gingka was thinking. Johannes’s lackies, including Aguma and the Beylin Fist, joins the battle, prompting Zeo, Toby, etc to also join. Then Ryuga appears and starts draining Chris’s power before Kenta stops him (thus publically revealing their affiliation to the world) and the two disappear. Literally everyone is involved, Johannes tells Chris to “man up” when he dares to show pain that Ryuga is literally stealing his power away but then vanishes because he doesn’t want to face Gingka head on yet. Can you say hypocrite? And while this was all happening, Johannes somehow managed to buy Chris’s loyalties.
It’s insane and so much fun. 
I didn’t expect to put this on the list but I watched it recently and had a newfound appreciation for it so here it is. While the team battle with Excalibur was the climax of Tsubasa’s arc, this was the resolution. It is arguably Tsubasa’s best battle of the series. He made his recovery with Excalibur, had a practice run with the Garcias, and by this battle, Tsubasa is better than ever. There’s a satisfaction in watching Tsubasa beat Jack with ease. After struggling the entire season, it's very cathartic. There’s this one bit where Jack is complaining about battling Ryuga and how Tsubasa can’t possibly know the disappointment he felt  and Tsubasa snaps, because how fucking dare he, who the fuck did Jack think he is. Again, very cathartic.
Irrelevant, but this episode has some of the best quotes including gems like
 “What is this? A bunch of creepy pictures”; 
“Oh dear Tsubasa” queue Jack asking for a battle; 
“You’re really lacking in the culture department” - Jack to Madoka,  “
The rest of Gan-Gan Galaxy are common, unrefined types”.
 The list never ends. Do yourself a favour and watch the episode.
9. Zoe-Toby-Masamune
This is the only season where there’s no one Final Battle but instead two separate climactic moments- Ryuga and Gingka working together to stop Hades City from melting down(?) and Toby and Zeo  fighting to bring Toby back to normal. 
Unlike the Finales in Fusion and Fury, this one’s private, personal. Not only were Ryuga-Gingka battle and the Battle against Nemesis attended by a lot of people, they were also widely broadcasted across the world. In comparison, Toby, Zeo and Masamune (and Ziggurat at one point) are the only ones to witness the Finale in Masters. It’s a very intimate moment. Their friendship is fractured-Toby's brainwashed,  Zeo was manipulated, and there’s still tension because Masamune left them in a time of need. The two of them are finally confronting just how much their friendship has strained: Masamune never imagined Zeo would resent him when he only ever wanted to fulfill Toby’s wish; he’s almost offended Zeo would think so badly of him. On the other hand, Zeo wrestles between accepting Ziggurat manipulated him but also his very valid resentment towards Masamune. They both hurt each other but get past it and forgive each other for the sake of their best friend. Bey battles are when bladers communicate through each other and in this one, these three use it to find their way back to each other. 
Of course, the list wouldn’t be complete without a Gingka-Kyoya battle. Despite Kyoya being Gingka’s second biggest rival, they only have 3 complete battles with a clear winner. (Kyoya is disqualified in Survival Battle, and neither won in the Championships Team battle or the one in Fury). Despite there being so few options, it was still hard for me to choose because they’re all brilliant and my opinion changes every other day. 
Honestly, I didn’t remember why I chose this battle, so I went back in and re-watched it- SO many thoughts. For one thing, Kyoya sounds like a cheesy bat man villain.  Seriously though, the battle feels so off to me because in this episode, Kyoya is more or less just another evil villain; a pale foreshadow of what Ryuga will become in the Final Battle. I’m not even kidding. This hits almost the exact beats that the Gingka-Ryuga battle will.  I didn’t like this battle when I re-watched it for this post. Gingka and Kyoya’s battles are important because of the history and bond they share and in this battle, neither of those are solidified and it’s just not as satisfying. 
I will admit though that this battle was important for them, mostly Kyoya who was headed towards unhinged-Ryuga territory before Gingka saved him. It kickstarts Kyoya into being the lovable grump we know he’s capable of being and creates a debt towards Gingka which in turn develops into an actual friendship. It’s an important step of their journey and I can’t begrudge it too much ig. If you really want to watch a Gingka-Kyoya battle for non-thematic reasons, though, I recommend the World Championships or the one in Metal Fury Ep 1
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amusedyan · 5 years
L plans out his 'first time' with his darling? Alternatively, L gets his first blowjob? I think you said he was a virgin in his headcanon list, right?
Yeah I did.
I’m kinda pulling that from canon cuz I think I heard originally Near and Mello were supposed to be L’s twin sons. But, I think it was Ohba?, that decided that he really couldn’t see L having had sex.
With that said, if I’m incorrect, I’m incorrect.
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The balance that you walk with Ryuga is a careful one.
You aren’t technically here by your own volition, even if you don’t technically mind being here anymore. It’s freeing, being around Ryuga, who doesn’t expect anything from you. He just wants you. You never knew how much you wanted that.
He doesn’t force himself on you, doesn’t push you to do anything beyond the initial kidnapping.
When he starts bringing you flowers, something far outside his normal behavior, you almost let it slide.
“What’re these for?” You asked, turning the bouquet in your hands- blood red roses.
“It’s customary in romance for a partner to receive flowers, isn’t it?” 
With Ryuga, unlike most people, the lie isn’t in his eyes. The lie is in the lilt of his voice or a quirk of his lips. But he’s still an excellent liar beyond that. If you didn’t know just how good at numbers he was, you wouldn’t have let him near a poker game anyway.
But you were blunt, and so was he; you got the feeling he liked that about you.
“You don’t normally do stuff like this though.” 
Ryuga moved to perch on his usual chair across from you.
“I want to talk to you about intimacy.”
And it’s so far out of the left field that you nearly spit out a nonexistent drink.
“Um...sexual or nonsexual?”
Because there’s been...something between you. Somewhere between quiet days, or him talking about cases, there is a spark there. But he’s never acted on it.
Ryuga hardly ever touches you.
“Have you ever had sex before?” You ask, crossing your legs.
“No. My first sexual experience will be with you.”
Hoo boy.
“Yes. I am aware. But I feel...close to you. I want to be closer. Do you want that?”
And there it is, those eyes that could draw the truth from a god.
And god, you realize.
“Yeah. Yeah I think I do.”
Ryuga makes you happy.
Without even trying really. He’s not out to fix you, or mold you into someone new. He accepts you as is, he just wants you all to himself.
“I think we should take it a little slow.” You said gently. Ryuga might have been a genius, but the fact was he was still inexperienced. At best, maybe he’d had some good sex education. At worst he was going off porn.
“What do you suggest?”
You grinned and made him sit down the normal way. His discomfort was amusing, but necessary, and the moment you sunk to your knees between his, he got the picture. He’d possibly gotten it before.
Ryuga let you you undo the buttons on his jeans and slip his flesh out of his boxers. He was warm and heavy and quickly getting hard. 
When you leaned forward to kiss the tip you heard the way his hands gripped the chair.
You were drunk off this- he let you take the reigns, kept his hands to himself, even as you sucked, carefully taking him in slow. His breathing quickened, his eyes brightened, but really the only tell that the was enjoying it was the dusting of a blush across his thighs.
You never thought you would be able to call Ryuga ‘cute’, but his o-face?
Fucking adorable.
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philipsgaiamemories · 6 years
If I can ask for two... ♩for Phidari and ♡ for RyuSen? Pretty please with cherries on top~
THANKS FOR WAITING. I am sorry I didnt get to the Phidari, but here is your RyuSen~
Fandom: Kamen Rider Build
Relationship: Sento/Banjou
Summary: Short fluff about Sento waiting for Banjou to come home from drinking with his boxing buddies.
Rating: TEEN
Written for: @narashikari​, also crossed posted at my Ao3
Rubbing his almond eyes Sento sighed deeply, pushing himselfaway from his lab table, taking a quick break from his newest project.  Looking up at the mathematical clock hangingin the lab, the boy frowned, staring at the time, wondering where the nightwent.  It was late, and the young geniusKamen Rider was starting to get tired and unfocused.  At this point, it would be smart to stop forthe night, and go to bed, but even if he laid down, he wouldn’t be able tosleep.
‘Where is he…?’
Sento’s thoughts drifted as he stared into the empty spaceof the hidden lab, thinking about the hot headed boxer that had tumbled intohis life.  The attractive brunette knownas Banjou Ryuga, has not been home that night, his old friends from his boxerdays calling him out for dinner and drinks. The boy had invited Sento along not wanting to leave the scientistalone, but the lean Kamen Rider wasn’t made for that type of socializing, so hedecided to stay home.  
But after hours of being left in the basement hideout theboy started to get cabin fever, he got up and began to pace around attemptingto find a way to distract himself.  Picking up a marker, Sento began toscribble on his clear whiteboard, the sound of squeaking adding to the quietticking of the hanging clock.  After a few minutes the board was coveredin messy equations, and numbers, and then quickly abandoned, the genius puttingthe marker down with a heavy sigh.  
“Maybe I can reconfigure Dragon-”
The words suddenly died in his throat, the sound of feetshuffling above him filling the quiet of the room.  Sento didn’t want toadmit it, but he felt his heart skip hearing the noise, knowing exactly whatthat meant.  Banjou was home, and within a few minutes the boxer would bemaking his way down the stairs with probably a dopey grin on his face. Well, the self-proclaimed genius couldn’t let him see him restless, andobviously lost without the boxer’s company. That would be completely mortifying!
Quickly, yet gingerly, the lean Kamen Rider crossed the roomand threw himself into his stool, hoping to look nonchalant and cool. Finally, after what seemed like forever, Sento could hear the sound ofthe refrigerator door opening above him, and the sound of feet gently landingon the metal stairway filling the room.  Biting at his lower lip, thegenius found himself holding his breath momentarily, waiting for the moment hewould hear Banjou’s loud boisterous call his name, to hear him say, ‘Sento! I’mback!’, in that way that made his heart skip. But the call didn’t happen, thesounds of the footsteps getting louder, but something was off about them. The boy cocked his head, lifting his gaze towards the stairs catching awobbly leg step down onto a metal step.    
“Banjou?”   Sento stood up, calling out to theother, recognizing the boys pants immediately, “Hey are you-”
Well, that was definitely Banjou’s voice, but it was wayoff?!  It was extra giddy, almost high pitched as if he was a childexcited over something?  Finally, the tall boxer came into sight, hislarge form leaning against the staircases’ thin railing. The boys dark eyesswept across the space, until it landed on the lean scientist, their gazelocking from across the room.  A dopey smile crossed Banjou’s face, as heslowly took another step, wobbling slightly, and another, until he slightlystumbled, reaching the ground floor.
Sento began moving before he realized it, the sound of feetpaddling the floor as the genius ran over to the other.  “Banjou!”
His thin arms wrapped around the boxer’s waist, pullingBanjou’s firm body against him for stability. Immediately the sensitive nose of the self-proclaimed genius, wrinkledsmelling the alcohol wafting from the boys body.  Tilting his head Sento scoffed lightly, hishand pressed even more into the boys side, worry filling him.
“Man, you really cut loose didn’t you?”  Sento murmured, turning his head slightly,catching Banjou’s unfocused gaze.  For amoment the genius felt his breath getting caught in his throat, noticing thebeautiful flush of pink on his lover’s face, giving him a warm and inviting look.  It took all of Sento’s restraint not to leanover and kiss him right there and then.  
Chuckling to himself, Banjou’s lips curled into a lazy happysmile.
“Y-Yeah…I had…had a few…” The boys words slurred slightly, his dark eyes sparkling mischievously, “But…I-ImOK!”
“Idiot, you’re not ok!” Sento chided him gently, carefullytaking a step forward, pulling the other boy next to him.  “Come on, let’s get you to bed, muscle head”
“Heh, that’s funny…” Banjou leaned even more against him,the boys breath tickling his ear, “You taking me…to bed…”
Sento shivered with the sensation, warm breath teasing,against his sensitive ear.  The words thoughsent a flutter of hot pride stir up in his lean chest.  “W-What do you mean Banjou?”
Shuffling across the space, the two boys finally reached theirbed, allowing the genius to gently lower the boxer onto the mattress.  Banjou’s hands slid down Sento’s thin arms,before catching the genius’ wrist, keeping the boy against him, their legsgently brushing against one another. Gently tugging the boys thin wrist, Dragon’s Owner coaxed him in betweenhis knees, his thumb brushing against Sento’s wrist.
Tilting his head up Banjou’s gaze was hot and teasing frombehind his long bangs, “…Because…Normally I’m the one who drags…you to… bed….amIright?”
Immediately, the scientists’ cheeks flushed with color, thewords summoning heated memories from the back of the boys mind.  The nights he found himself unable to resistBanjou’s rough kisses, being pinned beneath Dragon’s owner, and the deliciousheat between their bodies as they fooled around on that bed.  Darting his eyes away, Sento scoffed, shiftinghis weight anxiously between the boys legs.
“You’re drunk Banjou…go to sleep…”
But the boy didn’t want to let Sento go, one hand letting goof the boys wrist, so that his fingertips dragged across the genius’ pinkcheeks, freezing the Kamen Rider in place. Sento’s almond eyes widened with the gentle touch, before flutteringclosed, the hand sliding across his face, cupping behind his head.  The boy could feel the digits curling up inthe back of his dark hair, before gently coaxing him to lean over.  
“Ah…” Sento shivered, feeling the gentle, yet possessive lipsof his lover press against his, “…Mm…”
Banjou’s lips tasted bitter, the residue of beer prominenton his mouth, as they gently kissed.  Thetaste should have been off putting to the Kamen Rider, but there was somethingabout how slowly the boxer began to kiss Sento with more insistence, causing a heatto bubble up from within him.  Suddenly, teethgently sunk into the boys bottom lip, earning the boxer a low whine from thegenius.
Pulling away slowly, the lean genius found himself pantingsoftly, his eyes heavy as he watched Banjou’s rosy lips curl into a pleasedsmile.  Gods, the boxer looked so invitinglike that, and Sento felt his whole body humming already with the promise thatkiss held.  But, he knew better thanthat, Dragon’s owner was drunk, and he shouldn’t take advantage of him likethis.  Sighing in frustration, the scientist,pressed his palm against the boys firm chest, pushing him back on the bed.
“Stop playing muscle head, go to sleep…” He murmured, tryingto coax the other to lay down, “O-OI!”
Instead of the brunette laying down by himself, he kept hishold on Sento, pulling him into the bed with him.  Both boys tumbled into the sheets, the leangenius immediately being pulled into Banjou’s arms.
“Mmm…fine then, I’ll sleep if you stay here with me…”
Pushing back, the Kamen Rider grunted against the boxer’s neck,trying to give himself a little space. “B-Banjou stop play-“
“I love you…”
Sento stopped immediately, his almond eyes going wide as hefelt the boxer nuzzled into him, burying his face into the genius’ darkhair.  
“I love you…Sento…” He sighed sleepily, the breath ticklingthe boys ear.  
It wasn’t like Banjou has never said those three words tohim, but it was so rare and unspoken that the scientist still wasn’t used toit.  There was a warm fluttering in hischest as the words echoed in his ears over and over again, wrapping around hisheart like a warm blanket.  Sighing tohimself, the boy closed his eyes, knowing full well he should’ve undressed bothhim and Banjou so they could sleep comfortably. But instead, he decided to give himself up to the overwhelming feeling ofbeing loved, wanted, and safe in the boys arms.
“I love you too…muscle head…”
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ventylatte · 5 years
15/06/19 - 3:08am
i wanna try replicate my mind yesterday when i was doing the dishes at 10pm because it was really racing lmao
as mentioned prior, dan’s video on his sexuality really made thoughts that already swarm my mind way louder than usual, paired with the empty shelf that’s been left empty in my mindscape that had once been FILLED with a-level knowledge and stress. it’s now home to a bunch of loud questions about my identity, ranging from my nationality, religion, where i belong (maybe i’ll rant about that some other day, but i’ve made it vocal to people before) to my sexuality. i’m not sure if this was a ‘realisation’ of sorts but a couple months ago on a walk home from school, i remember declaring ‘if i was white, i would have probably come out as bisexual a long time ago’
and yeah i still believe that, 100%!
because despite my coconut-exterior that i seem to project (i hate it, i hate it, i hate it, i feel devalued), i am brown: i do still have asian-indian parents that wouldn’t be thrilled about their son or daughter claiming they’re gay (i say ‘claiming’ because that’s what it would be to them. i know it. ‘such a typical claim in this weird society. bound to happen, it’s a trend these days’, etc.)
i remember asking my mum what she thought about the lgbt, and if i remember correctly, she didn’t mind it, but didn’t want it in her family or ‘circle’.
now i ain’t criticising my parents. many would, but i really can’t. because they were born in a different generation, in a different time where the lgbt community wasn’t exactly as prominent as it is today.
but good god. one day an advert for that reality tv show, ‘the bi life’ i think its called, popped onto the tv, and my dad was all ‘what the hell is this? … freakshow’ (he muttered)
AND I FELT? HURT? no, ‘hurt’ is a strong word. just a bit… prodded at?
and i still can’t decide the reason. was it because i was wondering where i should draw the line with my dad’s remarks towards the lgbt community? i’ve always had this internal debate with myself about whether i’m sort of ‘silencing’ my dad by taking a stand in issues he doesn’t really believe in (primarily the lgbt community, he’s cool with feminism… to an extent lol). he always has a shout about how people can only say what they’re really thinking behind closed doors. would i be taking this away from him? where can i really draw the line in this whole counter-argument of my parents simply being born in another generation? i mean, sure, they aren’t hurting anyone outside (i really hope), but his comments do affect me.
that’s reason 1 i felt a bit disorientated. society’s a bit mad with labels, and i couldn’t find it in me to label my parents a pair of homophobes. BUT AT THE SAME TIME THERE ARE ADULTS THEIR AGE THAT ARE WAY MORE ACCEPTI- i need to stop before i get trapped in this circular argument that i’ve had 19218839 times with myself before - this is already so much longer than i thought it’d be lmfao.
reason 2? and here’s where i feel fake and dumb. something in me resonates with bisexuality.
JESUS, my hands TINGLED and my FACE tingled and it’s starting to heat up right now because i never, ever, ever got that in words, let alone WRITING. because that would make it a real, concrete argument. and maybe no i dont think so elina, stop right theeree duedddeee
i dont know.
i dont know.
i dont.
referring back to ‘if i was white, i would have probably come out as bisexual a long time ago’, i know that i would have come out as bisexual if i was white because i feel they have way less to consider when doing so. that’s not to assume that all white people have caring, understanding and liberal parents (but let’s face it dude, white parents are more likely to come around to the idea and other ideas in today’s society that rigid, asian parents would not. might just research into that, lol). a white girl can and will marry a girl if they feel like it, and that’s amazing, that’s so good, that’s so cool that they don’t have maybe other questions that halt this process like: - okay but HOW willing am i to marry a woman? - how plausible is a relationship with a girl? cause, ladies and gents and everything in between, these questions are always pinned under ‘what percentage of me would be with a man rather than a woman’ because fucking damn it, weddings are MAN an d WOMAN AND BITCH IF I AM WHAT IM SCARED TO BE WHAT IF MY HEART LEADS ME TO A WOMAN AND NOT A MAN. think of all the disappointment. white families aren’t as extended as asian families - the news would spread like a vicious wildfire. the prospect of bisexuality for an asian person or a person of colour generally is always pinned with this disgusting, self-denying statement that they really don’t want to think:
‘even if i am, there’s like a bigger chance i’ll marry a man so it doesn’t really matter, right?’
that bigger chance will forever stem from these expectations set by their families, i think.
and it’s always that question that makes them think ‘WELL shit i guess i aint then considering i practically negotiated my sexuality: u cant do that rookie, sexuality is SET IN STONE, so there’s no way you’re that sexuality. you’re only saying it because it’s a thing in society to be.’
it’s just why i dont believe in labels in general, and i love dan’s video so much for dedicated a section towards the matter. sexuality to me is fluid. the only thing that kind of makes it concrete are those labels. labels are great for some people: it gives them a name, a sense of normality in such a heteronormative society. but there’s a negative in that no one can simply just. be.
i wanna.
i dont wanna really.
sigh, am i just trying to align myself with society today? this label-filled society where your worth comes from how many labels you have slapped onto your blazer? it’s like those little patches those sporty, intelligent girls got in assemblies for being leader of the netball team or for excelling in ‘resilience’ or whatever that heck that means. those patches, except they have ones for ‘brown’ +1 point! ‘female’ +1 point! ‘sexually-confused’ +1 point! unless u think ur str***ht, in which case -2 points! where was i going with this AGH my brain isn’t being cohesive it’s just spitting shit everywhere.
another thing that makes me deny it all is my friend. let’s call her peach: she’s brown, muslim, pakistani, has very strict parents, but is still happy to identify as ‘gay’ to the world, and that’s amazing. but it sort of makes me wonder why i haven’t done that yet = thus suggesting ‘yeah im not REALLY, i would’ve felt it like she did in year 8, felt more passion for it - and i dont even have parents as strict as hers, so i can’t be!’ but her sexuality has also been generally fluid: she’s dating a guy at the moment, and has practically abandoned labels for the time being. goals lol.
what the fuk am i saying oh my goddddddd i can’t even make sense of it because i feel like im being super insensitive towards white people sigh forget it im going to bed, maybe i’ll string together something that makes bloody SENSE. its 3am egghj.
EDIT: I POSTED THIS ON RREI-CHAN AFHIAFAHIFA it wasn’t up for long, could’ve been so much worse, could’ve been on ryuga-zuki
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snugglebeans3000 · 2 years
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MMMMMMM Laza you know how you pick out some gOOd hc’s for me to brEw
Tsubasa would constantly stumble upon Ryuga randomly in the woods like he’s discovering a freaking Cryptid. There have been many times where Ryuga doesn’t realize that Tsubasa is close and Tsubasa just suddenly is there behind him asking him what he’s doing all the way out in this part of the woods. Ryuga would get freaked out by this at least twice a week.
I think Ryuga when they first met thought Tsubasa was pretty cool. Not that he would ever admit to it of course. This is mostly based on the fact that the only time that Ryuga ever stammered in fusion was when he was battling Tsubasa on top of the roof of the dark nebula right before Tsubasa was rescued by Phoenix. The thought of him being like ‘I gotta make this sound EXTRA cool’ but then stumbling over his words like an absolute dork is so very funny to me
Tsubasa would TOTALLY recommend books for Ryuga to read. For a while, I had an HC that Ryuga actually had dyslexia, and so it would be hard for him to read most things, but I think if I were to incorporate that hc into this one, I feel like Tsubasa would realize that he has trouble with reading and patiently help him through it. That is, if Ryuga had the humility to accept his help most of the time.
As I’ve said before, Ryuga is VERY intrigued by Tsubasa’s Eagle. Seeing such a cool animal up close is amazing and he does love all sorts of critters. However, this love is not reciprocated because Eagle remembers what Ryuga did to Tsubasa. The only time that Eagle will calm down enough for Ryuga to get close is when he’s perched on Tsubasa’s arm— and even then he will puff up and hiss.
Ryuga would randomly break into Tsubasa’s cabin and steal herbs and cooking spices so much that if Tsubasa came home and saw Ryuga climbing through his kitchen window he wouldn’t be surprised. Ryuga pays him back by leaving fish, mushrooms, and sometimes random bones at his door. He would leave the bones because he thinks they're cool.
Actuallyactuallyactually working off of some of your HC of Tsubasa knowing sign language because he was non-verbal is something that I really really enjoy in the fact that would be something that Ryuga and Tsubasa would bond over. Ryuga would give a lot of nonverbal cues when he is overstimulated and Tsubasa would probably be the only one able to translate what he’s trying to communicate. On the other hand, Ryuga would enjoy having someone to communicate with more freely. Both would try and learn ASL and would practice with each other.
It’s a little bit complicated with how Tsubasa’s friendship with Ryuga would work. After everything Ryuga’s done– the dark power, how he hurt his friends, how he abandoned Yu… It’s not something that can be easily dismissed. The man is insane– And that’s something that Tsubasa can recognize, but Tsubasa also knows he’s changed. Granted– it is a SLOW change, but he knows it’s happening. There are often times when Tsubasa will lose his patience trying to put up with Ryuga’s unknown insensitivity, and this causes Ryuga to grow distant. This is mostly what puts a gap in their friendship from growing, because on some level, Ryuga does think that all the bad things that are said about him are true and so he isolates himself even more trying to avoid making any more harmful mistakes. He steers clear of Tsubasa’s cabin when Yu comes to visit, lest he upset the little guy by his mere presence. Most of the feelings he has towards their friendship is based on guilt that Ryuga can’t get over. Needless to say they don’t interact much anymore. I think on some sort of level, Tsubasa actually likes it that way.
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beybladefanfictions · 3 years
Ryuga’s Return - Chapter 7
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(Description: AU where Ryuga survives Metal Fury but loses L-Drago. He reunites with Kenta and struggles to figure out what he’s supposed to do without Beyblade, his purpose in life for so long. Character’s thoughts are in asteriks.)
Ryuga’s POV
*A new Beyblade?! I told him I didn’t want to replace L-Drago, why did he go behind my back and try to get me one anyways?! What was he thinking?!*
Ryuga laid awake in bed, his mind buzzing with thoughts about Kenta’s request and the meeting with the WBBA tomorrow. Nothing could fill the void L-Drago left. A new Beyblade would be nothing but a painful reminder of his true Bey’s disappearance. However, Kenta had already asked. Ryuga didn’t want to let his friend down, especially when he had been trying to do something to make him feel better. So now he was humouring him.
However, Ryuga doubted he could ever feel connected to another Bey the way he felt connected to L-Drago. Doji had raised Ryuga to be the one person who could control L-Drago. Lightning L-Drago’s power had forced Doji to respect him and later allowed him to take his revenge on that trash bag of a human being. Then, even after he was freed from the dark power, Ryuga was still determined to control L-Drago. He hadn't known what to do without Beyblade that time either. So he did the one thing he could think to do: reclaim L-Drago.
It was the best decision Ryuga could have made. During the time he had both Meteo L-Drago and L-Drago Destructor, Ryuga finally felt like a true Blader, fighting battles for himself rather than Doji’s twisted plan. He was free from both Doji and the dark power’s control and learned what Beyblade meant to him. *I should have known that happiness wouldn’t last…*
Ryuga had fallen back under the influence of both the dark power he thought had been long sealed away as well as Doji's words. *I should have just ignored him and helped the others. Then I would still have L-Drago and wouldn’t be stuck living like this.* Ryuga’s heart ached. He had been trying to avoid facing these feelings yet here he was, unable to sleep because of his own thoughts.
Ryuga stiffened at the sound of the door opening.
“Good morning, Ryuga.” It was Kenta’s mother.
Ryuga sat up. “It’s morning?” he grunted, biting back a yawn.
Kenta’s mother let out a sigh. “Alright, how late did you stay up?” she asked, folding her arms.
Ryuga froze. *She’s upset.*
“How am I supposed to know?” he asked, trying to keep the annoyance out of his voice. However, he was genuinely asking.
“You weren’t on your phone?” She tilted her head to the side.
“You saw me plug it in upstairs.” Ryuga rested his hand on his aching forehead. “What are you talking about?”
“Oh…” Kenta’s mother gazed at him. Her suspicion suddenly turned to concern. “Are you okay?”
Ryuga’s eyes narrowed. “I’m fine.”
He marched past Kenta’s mother, pulling his white jacket over his shoulders and walking up the stairs. *If she’s down here, that means the other two are awake by now.* At the table, Kenta was eating a bowl of cereal while his dad drank a cup of coffee. The drink’s acrid scent hung over the entire room.
“Morning Ryuga,” Kenta’s dad greeted him with a wave.
“Wow…” Kenta just stared at Ryuga. “You look like you didn’t sleep at all.”
“I did,” he argued, sitting next to Kenta. Almost instantly, he let out a small yawn. Shame washed over him.
“Yeah, it sure looks like it,” Kenta joked, nudging Ryuga’s shoulder.
Ryuga glared at him. *It’s partly your fault I couldn't sleep.* He kept that to himself. Though it was true that Kenta’s action had worsened Ryuga's unwanted thoughts, Ryuga didn’t want to blame him. He struggled to keep his eyes open.
“You want some coffee, kiddo?” Kenta’s dad asked, holding up the mug. “It can help keep you awake.”
Ryuga shot Kenta’s dad a judgemental look.
“Coffee?” Kenta’s mom sighed, sitting with the rest of them. “Are you serious?”
*My thoughts exactly.*
“What?” Kenta’s dad asked, with a shrug. “The caffeine will wake him up.”
Kenta glanced at him. “Dad, don’t make him drink that gross stuff.”
“I don’t drink coffee,” Ryuga grunted, pouring himself a cup of whatever the jug on the table was.
Kenta’s dad shrugged. “Suit yourself, then.” He took another sip of coffee.
Ryuga gazed at Kenta's parents. *They're still acting like they're not mad at me. I'm not falling for it.* Doji used to pull this same stunt: acting all happy and nice while secretly working out a plan to punish him. Ryuga had been fooled before. He wasn't about to be fooled again.
*If you trust me, you can trust them.* Kenta's words rang in his ears. Ryuga did trust Kenta and he couldn't imagine Kenta would ever lie or intentionally mislead him about something like this but could he be mistaken somehow? After all, Ryuga had believed the way Doji treated him was normal at first.
Ryuga sighed and took a sip of his drink. He froze. It was orange juice… just like Doji had always given him, only sweeter somehow. *Everything just has to remind me of that creep lately, huh?* Ryuga took another sip. He hated reminders of his past, especially of Doji, but he had a taste for orange juice and wasn't going to let some now dead man ruin that for him.
“Hey, Ryuga." Kenta's voice pulled Ryuga out of his thoughts. "That meeting isn’t until one so… wanna watch Yugioh for a while?” He asked, gazing at him hopefully.
Ryuga rolled his eyes. “Is that show all you think about?”
“Hey, in my defence, we haven’t watched it in a while.”
“Two days."
“That’s a while. So… wanna watch it?" Kenta rested his finger on his chin. "If I remember correctly, the next episode is Kaiba duelling Yugi.” He smiled knowingly.
*Okay, that I want to see.*
“...fine,” Ryuga grunted, hiding his smile by taking a sip of orange juice.
"Wait, what did you say you had at one?" Kenta's dad asked, tilting his head to the side.
Ryuga's smile faded.
“A meeting with the WBBA director," Kenta answered with a smile. "They're making Ryuga a new Beyblade."
Ryuga glanced at his friend. *He just tells them everything without a second thought. How does he do it?*
“A new Beyblade, huh?” Kenta's dad glanced at Ryuga, raising an eyebrow. “Didn't realize you ever lost one.”
“Oh, yeah…" Kenta glanced at him. “He never told you."
“It wasn't necessary," Ryuga replied, with a shrug.
“So in this meeting… You'll be… Designing the Beyblade or…?"
Kenta shrugged. "Something like that, yeah."
“If they even let me have one."
Kenta's mother turned to him. "What do you mean 'let you have one?'"
Ryuga stiffened. *I didn't mean to say that out loud!*
“Kiddo, that stuff at Battle Bladers was years ago," Kenta's dad replied, “Surely they've forgiven you by now.”
Ryuga's eyes widened. *He saw right through me!*
“We'll see…" he sighed, taking a sip of orange juice.
“Don't worry, Ryuga," Kenta insisted, resting his hand on Ryuga's shoulder. “I talked to the director. He already agreed to it; he just wanted to talk to you first. You're getting your Beyblade.”
Ryuga nodded. He didn't really care if he got the new Beyblade or not he just wanted to get through the dumb meeting so he never had to do anything like this again.
Once it was close to one o’clock, Kenta led Ryuga to the WBBA headquarters. Ryuga was silent the whole time. He focused on holding his hood over his head as his chest tightened with anxiety. *This is a dumb thing to be anxious about. Then again, it’s also a dumb thing to do.*
“You okay?” Kenta asked, breaking the silence. There was genuine concern in his voice.
Ryuga nodded, fidgeting with the sleeves of his black jacket.
Kenta eyed him. “Aren’t you… well, excited? To be getting a new Beyblade?” He tilted his head to the side.
“That’s not the problem,” Ryuga replied, dodging the question.
He hated the idea of replacing L-Drago, but Ryuga promised Kenta he would give this new bey a chance, and he never broke a promise. Besides, he did truly long for the rush of excitement and passion Beyblading brought him. *It won’t be L-Drago, but I would like to enjoy Beyblading again.*
“Oh…" Kenta pushed the door to the building open. “If it’ll help, I can do all the talking.”
“That probably won’t work in this case,” Ryuga sighed, following Kenta into the hallway and pulling his hood off.
“Well… yeah, maybe not. Hey, don’t worry about it, bro-” Kenta slapped his hands over his mouth. “Ryuga…” He froze for a few moments before continuing hastily, “It’s just a quick meeting. It’ll be over before you know it!” He smiled.
Ryuga stared at him. *He was going to call me ‘brother’… Ugh, even he wants me to be part of his family. At least I know his motivation is pure.* Before he could come up with a reply, Kenta pushed the door open.
“Here we are,” he announced, stepping inside.
Ryuga followed him. Inside the office were three people: Tsubasa and Madoka sitting in the back, and at the main desk, was Gingka’s father. Ryuga froze. *Gingka’s father is the director of the WBBA?!* He let out an exasperated sigh. *What are the odds?*
“Welcome, Ryuga,” the director greeted, dipping his head.
Ryuga’s eyes narrowed. *I know I'm not welcome here, cut the formalities.* The director gazed at him for a moment.
“Are… are you wearing a woman’s jacket?”
Ryuga clenched his fist. “What’s your point, fashion police?” *Oh yeah, great way to start,* Ryuga thought, his gaze shifting to the ground.
Kenta stepped in front of Ryuga. “Director, with all due respect, a jacket is a jacket,” he replied, gesturing to Ryuga.
“Yeah," Madoka added with a shrug. "Doesn’t matter which gender it was made for.”
Beside her, Tsubasa just nodded. Ryuga was dumbfounded. *Did they all just step in to defend me over a jacket?*
“Okay, okay." Gingka's dad gestured for them to settle down. “Ryuga, I’m sure you know of Kenta’s request for you?” he asked, looking back at him.
Ryuga nodded.
“We have agreed to make you a new Beyblade one some conditions.” Ryuga waited for him to continue. “When you are given the new bey, you won’t be allowed to enter any official tournaments for two months at least. I’m also requiring you to have at least two other people with you whenever you use the new Beyblade, including Kenta or one of his parents.”
Ryuga stiffened. *His parents…?!* Instead of arguing, he dipped his head.
“Fine," he grunted, clenching his fist. *As if I’m actually going to go along with that. Foolish old man.* Ryuga desperately wanted to say that to his face but he bit it back.
“I’m gonna draw the blueprint for your new bey,” Madoka informed, holding up a clipboard with a sheet of paper. "Do you have any requests?”
Ryuga immediately thought of something. *Well, time to tick everyone off.*
“Reverse rotation.”
Madoka and the director stared at him with wide eyes.
“Of course you'd make that request,” Tsubasa grunted, rolling his eyes.
“No way," the director growled, his eyes narrowed.
“Why not?" Ryuga raised an eyebrow. “There are two other left rotating beys now. Doesn't exactly sound 'forbidden' anymore.” He did air quotes for extra salt.
“Maybe not forbidden but still extremely dangerous,” Tsubasa argued.
“So… like all beys.”
“We cannot carry out that request, Ryuga!”
Ryuga gave an involuntary wince when the director raised his voice. He hoped no one noticed. After staring at the ground for a few moments, Ryuga raised his head to glare at the director with as much venom in his gaze as possible.
“Then don’t make the bey at all-”
“Ryuga!” Kenta gasped, cutting him off.
“-I don’t care.” Ryuga continued, unfazed by his friend's interjection.
“He-he doesn't mean it, director!” Kenta insisted, grabbing Ryuga's arm and looking back and forth between the two of them.
“Yes I do,” Ryuga grunted, glaring down at him.
“Why?” Kenta's eyes were wide with shock.
“Julian and King are allowed to have reverse rotating beys.”
“Their beys don’t steal power from their opponents!” Gingka’s dad slammed his hands on the desk.
Ryuga clenched his jaw as he took a step back. “Did I ask for that, old man?!”
The director looked dumbfounded. “Then why do you want reverse rotation?” he asked, his gaze still sharp.
Ryuga fell silent. He had a reason, but saying it would probably make things worse. *Everyone's already upset. I have nothing to lose.*
“Because that’s what L-Drago was," Ryuga grunted.
Kenta gazed at Ryuga for a few moments, understanding in his gaze.
“It’s what’s familiar to him…" he explained, turning to the director. "Don’t…" He gripped Ryuga almost protectively. "Don’t be mad at him.”
Ryuga gazed at Kenta. *As usual, he knows almost exactly how I really feel.*
“It’ll take longer,” the director grunted, sitting back down at the desk.
Ryuga glared at him. “I’ll wait.”
“Fine." The director let out a sigh, resting his hand on his forehead. “I can’t believe I’m going along with this…”
Ryuga walked toward the door, then stopped to look over his shoulder.
“Madoka, let’s go,” he ordered, meeting her gaze.
“What-" She looked up from her paper, her eyes wide. "Go where?”
“To make the blueprint?” *Away from all these other people.*
Tsubasa and the director glanced between Madoka and Ryuga, their eyes wide.
“Uh… okay…" Madoka stood up. "We can go to my workshop.”
“Perfect.” Ryuga pushed the door open.
"Wait, Madoka!" Tsubasa exclaimed, standing up.
Madoka glanced at him, tilting her head to the side.
"There's no need to go anywhere," Tsubasa insisted, his eyes narrowing at Ryuga. "You can work on the blueprints here."
The director nodded.
“Oh, it's not a big deal," Madoka replied with a shrug. “Come on, Ryuga." Ryuga and Madoka walked out of the office side by side. Kenta trailed after them.
“Uh, I’ll tell our-" Kenta stopped himself again. "Er, my parents where you’re going I guess.”
Ryuga nodded his thanks. Kenta nodded back and they went their separate ways. Ryuga walked beside Madoka through the city in silence. Madoka led him to her shop, pushing the door open and immediately heading down the stairs. Ryuga followed. Madoka set her clipboard down on the desk and took a seat. Ryuga sat next to her.
“Well, let’s start with the bey type. Do you want it to be an attack type like L-Drago was or-”
“Yes,” Ryuga cut her off, dipping his head.
“Okay. Attack type.” Madoka began muttering indistinctly to herself as she wrote some notes and sketched a bit on the blueprint.
Looking up from her blueprint, she smirked a bit. “I guess an attack type does fit you the best, huh?” she asked.
Ryuga’s eyes narrowed. “What's that supposed to mean?”
“Uh…?!" Madoka suddenly tensed.
Ryuga smiled and raised an eyebrow. “You dare mock the Dragon Emperor?”
“You still call yourself that?" Madoka asked, looking back at her blueprint.
“Uh, anyways, do you have a colour preference for the bey?”
*Red and white- no! That’s just making it look like L-Drago!* But Ryuga couldn’t imagine himself with say a blue bey or a yellow bey. He couldn't imagine himself with any bey but L-Drago but L-Drago couldn’t be remade by the WBBA! L-Drago wasn’t something that could be replaced!
“Don’t care,” Ryuga grunted, “Just make it look decent.”
Madoka smiled. “No bey is ugly, Ryuga.”
“Uh- well-” Madoka looked away, clearing her throat. “Y-yeah…” She scribbled on the blueprints a bit more. “I’ll just go with red and white as the main colours. Is that okay?”
Ryuga couldn’t help but roll his eyes. “Wow, I wonder where you could’ve possibly gotten those colours from?” he asked, his tone laced with sarcasm. “I doubt it was my hair.”
Madoka glared at him. “Look, you’re not giving me much to work with here.” She looked back at the blueprint. “What colours should I do instead?”
“Red and white is fine,” Ryuga sighed. *I can’t think of anything better.*
Madoka wrote a few more notes.
“Is, uh, that all?” she asked, looking back at him. “Do you… have any other suggestions?”
Ryuga shook his head.
“Aren't you excited? I thought you missed Beyblade?”
“I miss L-Drago.” The words immediately slipped out, without any sort of filter. However, Madoka already knew. It was pointless to try and deny it.
“So you don’t want to even try using another bey?” Before he could answer, Madoka continued, “I mean, I guess it would be literally impossible to replace a bey like L-Drago.”
“Exactly,” Ryuga grunted, resting his head on his hand. “Why bother?”
“Did Kenta make you do this too?” Madoka asked, raising an eyebrow.
“He doesn’t make me do anything. He asked them without telling me so I decided to humour him.”
“Well, that's… kinda nice of you actually.”
Ryuga just grunted. He stiffened when his phone went off.
-Kenta’s Mom: You coming home soon, kiddo?-
“Can I stay here for a while?” Ryuga asked, turning to Madoka.
Madoka looked up from the blueprints. “Uh, sure why?”
“Because I don’t want to go back to Kenta’s parents and your presence is one of the few that doesn’t give me a headache.”
“Uh…” Madoka stared at him, a bit bewildered. “Okay, then.”
Ryuga looked back at his phone and typed out a response.
-Ryuga: I’m at the shop.-
Hesitating slightly, Ryuga sent another.
-Ryuga: I’ll be back before dark this time, I swear.-
-Kenta’s mom: Alright, kiddo. I trust you.-
“Well, I’m gonna continue drawing the blueprint,” Madoka informed, putting the clipboard down on the table. “I know you don’t care, but since you're here, I’d like your feedback on the design…”
Ryuga shrugged. “Sure.”
He gazed at the paper. Madoka had drawn the base of the full Beyblade in the centre, with the individual pieces on the corners of the page along with some brief notes scattered around. It was clearly incomplete and slightly sloppy. Ryuga watched Madoka draw for a while, answering her occasional questions.
“Here, can you write your signature at the bottom?” Madoka asked, pushing the paper and pencil toward him.
“Just do it.”
Ryuga rolled his eyes and took the pencil, writing out his name. Madoka stared at him in awe.
“You’re left-handed?”
“You’re surprised?” Ryuga asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Well, just ‘cause you had a left rotating bey, I didn’t think that had anything to do with what hand you write with,” Madoka explained, taking the paper back.
“It doesn’t, that’s just a coincidence.”
Coincidence as it was, it was one of the smaller things that made Ryuga feel closer to L-Drago: they were both deemed unusual for favouring the left. Ryuga froze at the sound of the door upstairs opening.
“Madoka?! Ryuga?!” Tsubasa called, making his way downstairs.
“Hey, Tsubasa!” Madoka greeted with a wave.
“Madoka." Tsubasa let out a sigh of relief. “You're okay.”
“Of course I'm okay?" Madoka raised an eyebrow.
Ryuga's fist clenched. "Why wouldn't she be, Tsubasa?” *What would I possibly have to gain by hurting her?!*
“I, um…” Tsubasa cleared his throat. “Madoka, how are eagle's repairs?” he asked, turning to her.
Ryuga grunted and looked away. *I suppose I can’t blame people for distrusting me, especially the guy I infected with dark power.* Grabbing his phone, Ryuga began to walk toward the stairs.
“Oh, uh, they're almost done,” Madoka answered, resting her hand on her forehead. “Ugh, I'm sorry. I would've finished them yesterday but I had to fix Sagittario again after-" She paused to gasp. "Sagittario! Ryuga, can you take this to Kenta?”
Ryuga stopped. Madoka was holding up a newly repaired Sagittario. Nodding, Ryuga took the bey and walked back toward the stairs.
"Hey! Wait!” Madoka called. “Before you leave, can… can we exchange numbers first?"
“What?!” Tsubasa exclaimed.
Ryuga stopped. “What?”
“Our phone numbers, I mean. So I can keep you updated on your bey.” Madoka held up her phone. “What's your number? I can type it in now.”
*I’m supposed to memorize that?!*
“I… don't know my number…” Ryuga admitted, looking away.
“Oh… Okay, can I give you mine then?”
Madoka held her hand out. Ryuga let out a sigh and handed her his phone. She scrolled through the apps for a moment before entering a number into a new contact. Ryuga took the phone back and left the shop.
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firebirdsdaughter · 6 years
Special Valentines Day Post...
... Zi-O 22 subbed.
Okay, maybe special in name only.
... I’m kinda scared, actually.
In no order:
GTFO Kuro Woz, I’m mad at you right now.
Poor Sougo gets Rider Kicked out of the Mirror World. Poor baby. DX
GEIZ! HONEY! BABY! You’re fine, stop it! God, why are you like this? I mean, I love you, but... Honey. Stop. Tsukuyomi, smack him. Actually don’t, that wouldn’t help.
God he’s so dramatic, though. I mean, it’s Geiz. Can’t do anything by halves here.
Okay. Wow. That was... Actually kinda a jerk thing to say, Tsukuyomi. Talk about not helpful. So he was wangsting a little, you didn’t have to go there.
Like, Geiz is upset bc he was looking at things purely as a, well, soldier, and briefly considered going through w/ Shiro Woz’s idea to stop the attacks and other people getting hurt, and is clearly being like ‘I’m such a terrible person for this.’ He expresses this to Tsukuyomi, and her response is ‘Yeah, Sougo didn’t even think about it.’ Like... I’m sorry, what? He’s clearly hurting over this already and all you say is basically imply ‘yeah, you’re not as good as Sougo’???? I will totally buy that she didn’t actually mean it that way, but that was very much how it sounded. You really couldn’t say something like ‘Sure, maybe you thought about it, but you didn't go through w/ it, why don’t you consider that?’ Man, no wonder he’d turned away from her when they camerawomen pulled back...
And then she just follows it up w/ asking about if he thinks Sougo will become Puma Zi-O. Tsukuyomi, how about comforting your friend a little? You’ve apparently got enough compassion to save the life of the person who murders your father in the future, but you can’t be bothered to show any for someone who is allegedly your childhood friend? Sweetie, I love you, really, but... Really?
Especially since it’s immediately followed by Ryuga attacking someone else. Like... Yes, I don’t agree w/ Shiro Woz’s plan, it probably wouldn’t work and sacrificing an innocent person is never a good course. But I can totally understand Geiz, esp given his background, thinking about it, given the circumstances (since there’s apparently no other way to beat Ryuga w/out a Kamikaze attack). He deserved a better response than essentially being told Sougo was a better person.
Again, I absolutely want to think she didn’t mean it that way. But that was what it sounded like to me.
Speaking of Sougo... Eh, he’s fine.
Alright, I may been a little annoyed at Tsukuyomi rn, but her and Geiz’s reactions in this scene remain gold.
Geiz just closing his eyes like ‘someone please shoot me...’
Also, the urge to punch something is just emanating from him in waves...
Sougo’s just lying there giggling like ‘whelp, no way out of this one...’
I... I thought you guys established this in the previous ep...
Oh, I’m sorry Tsukuyomi, you care now? Okay, okay. I’m being overly critical, I know. That earlier scene just really hit a nerve for me.
Sou is really cute, and also really good at the ‘sad puppy’ kind of look.
Geiz teleports to the front door again.
THANK YOU SOUGO. See? THAT’S a good response, Tsukuyomi. Not something that’s basically a guilt-trip. You want to mention it after, fine. It’s something to consider in the ‘will Sougo become Puma Zi-O’ brainstorming, absolutely. But you could’ve at least tried to reassure him a bit first, so it doesn’t, you know, come across as you telling him he’s a bad person compared to Sougo.
Again, I’m really sorry for going on about this one little thing. Like I said, hit a nerve.
Has Sougo tried to sacrifice himself at this point? Like, I don’t doubt he would, but... I guess she’s just saying theoretically? Or she’s referring to the ‘take me out if I go evil thing?’
Oh, wait, I guess he did try to kill his future self. I don’t know if that counts, though.
This is sweet and all, Tsukuyomi, but I’m still mad about what you said to Geiz.
I think ‘subjects’ is just gonna be Sougo’s little cute-though-also-obnoxious personal tic...
Now really starting to wonder if the ‘reason’ Sougo becomes Puma Zi-O was just... Always destined to be tied to Geiz somehow? I have wild and unlikely theories, but...
Angry puppy is yelling at sad puppy.
Seriously, as long as it’s also Sou I can’t feel threatened by Mirror¡Sougo.
Still trying to get used to Shiro Woz.
So... Did he write that, or... Did it appear? If you wrote it... Well, like I said. He’s strangely tolerable for this episode.
Oh, yeah, and:
Make up your mind, dude. Are you for helping, or not?
I still say bring back Woz.5.
Well... Technically he’s Kamen Rider Ryuki... Was... You know what, not gonna go into it. I already spoiled Ryuki up the wazoo in my Raw post.
I’m not even listening, I’m just watching him make the Shinji faces. XD
dude, it’s literally an evil, warped version of you. I’ve met the real you, he’s a sweetheart. Even Ron liked him. And Ron didn’t like anyone.
I love how every time we see this fight now, it’s just Geiz sitting down somewhere watching Shiro Woz get blasted. Which is a valid pastime.
Puppy debate! ^^
Mirror¡Sougo has the cutest ‘evilly confused’ face ever.
Still hoping for the thing to be that being a king doesn’t necessarily mean ‘ruling over’ people? If that makes sense? Like, he could be called the ‘King of Time’ bc he’s got powers over time, and it’s cool, rather than ruling it? Like, and I know many people didn’t like it, but, the way Daigo was nicknamed ‘King’ in Kyoryuger? He wasn’t a ‘king’ King, but he got called ‘king.’ If that makes any sense whatsoever.
 See, I definitely believe she cares about him very much, but she really choose her words poorly in that scene, and I feel like she should apologise for that. Just a ‘I wasn’t trying to imply you were a bad person or Sougo was better than you, I was just considering what this meant for him in regards to Puma Zi-O.’
Aaaagh! There I go again! Man, that one line just really got under my skin somehow...
Love how it does, like, a little laser-pointer effect.
In my defence, I wrote the most recent chapters of It Is The Clock’s Pendulum before this episode came out.
This scene is very serious, and heartbreaking, and sad. Geiz is my favourite.
I am losing it at Another Ryuga just chilling over by the tree.
Shiro Woz.exe has stopped functioning.
Weird sound effects when Sougo shows up???
Still wish they coulda given him more of a reaction. He does kinda do the sad puppy look, I suppose. Still.
Also wish Tsukuyomi could have had a better response to Geiz earlier... Can I just pretend those things happened?
How did he see the future? Did he just... Turn into Zi-O II on the way over? What does that even MEAN?
Sougo: ‘Fuck this timeline!’
The brief Woz-Fight is still funny. during this episode, I’d actually prefer that Shiro Woz win. But just for this episode.
I would always prefer that Woz.5 win.
I love how Geiz just... Doesn’t deHenshin. Like, He and Tsukuyomi are trying to follow this battle, but he just... Refuses to drop his transformation. For whatever reason.
Seriously? Your sword has your face on it and it compliments you? Who made these?
Yeah, Geiz is just literally blaming himself here. What do you mean ‘this time’ though? I guess... You mean all the times it was Woz? I actually think we can totally blame this on Woz, too. Though the Kamikaze stuff might have been a trigger, I’ll admit.
No, wait. What am I saying. This is obviously Decade’s fault.
The fact that it literally is is the best part.
Tsukuyomi, would it kill you to not let Geiz blame himself for everything this episode? -_-
Though I guess this is the ‘Tsukuyomi is suddenly weirdly angry’ scene...
Like... I’m really starting to think this is personal. I guess this is the power he used to kill her father? Pity we never brought that up before.
Though now that I think about it, that could be it. Puma Zi-O did use some sort of time-stop-manipulation ability when he dusted Dad, so that might be why she’s reacting like this.
Geiz, on the other hand, is really unsure.
Tsukuyomi, are you really that shocked that people have darker sides to them? You never met Kisaragi Gentaro, you have no excuse for (apparently) assuming Sougo has no traits that would ever lead to him becoming Puma Zi-O in some way.
Though I am admittedly not clear on what exactly those traits were... I guess his habit of being wily and the fact that wanting to be ‘king’ comes w/ wanting power? So... Ambition is evil here? I dunno.
I guess it’s all or nothing w/ Tsukuyomi. Though she could specifically be referring to ‘We have to actually decide whether or not we’re gonna kill him’ rather than saying ‘we should kill him.’ TV show cliffhanger tactic, make everything round more threatening than it actually is.
It’d be interesting if she and Geiz do switch up, though. Bc he’s the one who was super black and white (no references to any Wozes intended) about it at the start. ‘If I even think you’re going to turn into Puma Zi-O, I’m taking you out,’ and how quick he was to go for it in the Genm arc. But here... He seems really uncertain still (probably not helped by the fact that Sougo did this to save his life), while for Tsukuyomi, a line has clearly been crossed. It’d be an interesting way to twist things up if they do go that way.
Oh, yeah, and the two times Tsukuyomi talks at the camera this ep are still creepy.
I’m winder if the look Geiz just gave her was meant to be a ‘wtf?’ look. Bc it kinda looks like one? It also could be something else, I dunno. Maybe he’s just looking serious.
I love how we don’t even see him, Kamen Rider Kikaider just freaking steals the shot.
Also, hi Kikaider!
Why is he punching me, though?
Freaking Zi-O II Watch is freaking huge in the end cap.
Kamen Rider Zi-O takes notes from LuPat and only schedules this actor for two episodes.
Man, he’s very good looking, though. Even in that outfit. Bet he uses the wrench to transform.
The fact that this ep ended w/ Tsukuyomi, of all people, apparently saying they need to kill Sougo (like I said, could just be a cliffhanger scare-tactic), then it goes to the preview of Sougo running around w/ some sort of ‘studying’ bandana on (I assume it’s studying bc the summary said he’s cramming for finals, essentially. Or midterms.) talking to some dude in a yellow turtle neck and a denim jacket that’s just a little too short. Whiplash.
Oh, wow, he’s from 2121? So that makes him the first/only future Rider we’ve had that’s from after the year that Geiz, Tsukuyomi, and the Wozes come from (in any timeline)!
Also interesting, bc it means he definitely won’t be around in any way in 2019. Not even as a baby.
Oh, hey, Sworz. I... Honestly almost forgot about you. Sorry!
This preview is trying to make me think the boys are competing, and I refuse to accept it until proven.
Or if it is, maybe it’s friendly. Or maybe it’s just ‘let’s both fight this thing, and, I dunno, one of us can take it down.’
My guess is Sworz is talking to Shiro Woz, but my knee-jerk reaction was ‘no, I don’t want to play a game w/ you.’
That’s all, folks! Virtual pond cake for anyone who read all that.
Anyway, I’m sorry I had such a reaction to that one line (well, two, kinda) of Tsukuyomi’s. It reminded me of a bad experience I had once and just really got on my nerves. I promise I still love her, and I know she does care about Geiz. I think some of her reaction to the Zi-O II power may have been bc of (well, I at least presume he was) her father? Bc remember, Puma Zi-O used the time powers to vaporise everyone, and he pushed her into the trench to protect her? So this may be her being like ‘I want to believe in him, but that’s the power that I literally watched kill my father, so now I’m freaking out.’ Also, it’s a beloved style of cliffhanger for any sort of tv show to make things sound more threatening than they really are. I dunno if Toei even remembers that (WHO IN TIME IS GOGGLES THE DEAD PERSON?), but that’s my initial thought.
Geiz looks super unsure, though? Like I think a line was crossed w/ Tsukuyomi now, but the line started crossed w/ Geiz. And I feel like it’s been getting... Uncrossed? Like, he started this so certain of what he needed to do and what was going to happen (I still think his plan was to go back, do it as quickly as possible, then get out before he had a chance to think about the fact that 2018 Sougo was still technically innocent, bc he knew he’d be too conflicted if he did), but he’s been steadily becoming less convinced of it? So, like, even now, he’s the one who’s still thinking they can still change things? Oh, well. We’ll see.
Special treat for anyone who actually read all this way (or just skipped to the bottom; in that case don’t read any further! No JK, you’re fine, I ramble a lot, I’m sorry), is a random concept/theory I had: What if Sougo’s recurring dreams when time is ‘altered’ (Shinobi, and now Kikaider no I will not stop) indicate that he’s somehow... Super connected to time? Like... If it were electricity, he’d be a conductor, or something? But then, like, Geiz and Tsukuyomi aren’t like that, but they’re like... ‘Anchors.’ Like, there are people who are sensitive to time, and kind of ‘flow’ w/ it, but then there anchors who keep them/it moored/grounded or something? Feel like this was a thing in Den-O, but I don’t remember the details. But, like the reason Sougo is able to get all these ‘time powers’ is bc he’s so sensitive to it? But it also means that it’s really easy for him to get... I dunno, absorbed by the time flow? And, like, Anchors can’t get all the wild powers, but they also are either impossible or significantly more resilient to the time flow? So, like... The wouldn’t get erased/absorbed (at least, not right away/as fast) if they like... Fell into the time stream? Augh! I’m bad at explaining. Point is, Sougo nearly gets absorbed into time stream, but the other two pull him back bc they’re anchors and they ground him in a particular time/location/time plane.
I don’t think that made any sense.
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talesfromthepayload · 7 years
I'm battling depression right now, but I'm really trying to put on a brave face about it. My eating problems have resurfaced too, and I have trouble motivating myself to eat. How would Hanzo, McCree, and Soldier 76 help their S/O through a tough time?
Ryuga waga teki wo ku-wow (Hanzo):
Hanzo understands emotional battles.
He will never push you to tell him.
Won’t even ask to begin with.
He’ll sit with you and pull you into his lap.
His fingers will run along your back, sweet words falling from his lips.
He’s so comforting.
Will lie awake as you sleep to watch over you and bring you some breakfast in the morning that he cooked.
He encourages you to eat softly, though he wouldn’t force you to.
Reminds you over and over again how much you mean to him through actions alone.
“Watashi wa, anata o aishiteimasu.” (”I love you.”)
Pulls you a little closer and holds you a little longer.
Invites you on walks or other activities that are calming.
Suggests meditation.
Keeps you as close as he can at all times.
McDamn (McCree):
Pet name galore.
Honestly, he gives you like a new one every time he speaks.
Starts choosing ridiculous words to call you to get you to laugh.
“Fresh stack of ribs with honey barbecue.”
“Medium-rare steak.”
Showers you with kisses.
Literally, he doesn’t stop.
You’re always in his lap or his arms are around you.
Contact never ends.
“Darlin’, whenever you want to talk I’m here.”
Will be patient, but can get frustrated with himself sometimes.
He will often feel like he’s not doing enough to help with your happiness.
Goes out of his way to bring you gifts.
Falls asleep cuddled up to you.
Daddy (Soldier: 76):
He doesn’t speak a whole lot.
Pulls you into a hug and kisses your forehead.
He does little gestures throughout the day letting you know that you’re always on his mind.
Brings you your favorite foods and makes a nice date out of it.
Holds you tighter than normal.
“I’ve got you, sweetheart.”
Constantly reassuring you of his presence.
Holds you against his chest at night, his fingers tangling themselves in your hair.
Whispers sweet words in the dead of the night, even if you’re asleep.
“I love you more than words can ever say.”
“You’re so strong, I know you’ll get through this.”
Is an actual emotional crutch and always lifts you when you need it.
“I understand you won’t always be okay, but I want you to know that no matter what, I will be here when you need me.”
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curedeity · 3 years
Burning Aries
Summary: Hyoma watched a fragment of a star fall from the sky, and knew he had to leave the village again. (Hyoma in season 3)
Pre-Notes: If you know anything about me you can probably guess where this is going. You’re all in for a wild ride, so enjoy!
    The sky was too vast to ever count every star in it. It wasn’t like they could all even be seen from Earth anyway. There was a certain beauty then, in star maps that attempted to capture the nighttime, even though they’d never be completed.
    It wasn’t a beauty Hyoma could naturally recognize, he’d always liked finished things. Clear directions in which to go, a role to play. If life was a series of chance encounters that every individual person could influence, then shouldn’t they fall into predictable patterns, predictable roles? Shouldn’t life already be complete, always, in a way?
    Hyoma liked looking at the twilight anyway. Mostly for constellations, the most complete part of the sky, the one with stories weaved into them. It was a common pastime in Koma Village, with a certain outcropping of rocks always available to whoever couldn’t sleep and wanted to count the stars instead.
    Nothing interesting normally happened when Hyoma stared at the tapestry of space. After all, most of these things were too far away for him to see their movement. This night was different.
    As he stared out, he saw a blinding streak of light cut through the sky, and suddenly it was falling towards him. 
    So bright.
    He felt like he might burn up inside, and then rise again, like the phoenix Ryo pretended to be.
    The heat tore at his skin, and he was surrounded by its brilliance.
    And it was gone, in the blink of an eye, before his lips could even part to scream.
    So Hyoma went home, and went to sleep.
    Hyoma wasn’t one to disbelieve his own memories. He had lived in Koma Village for all his life, and had never doubted that there were supernatural forces in the world. Weird things happened, all one could do was accept them and maybe try to rationalize them. Denial did no one any favors.
    The next day, Hyoma went over to the house where Hokuto lived. It was nice that people were returning to Koma Village again, it meant that he didn’t feel so weird living alone in his house in the middle of the town. 
    Hokuto’s house was filled with old texts that the elders of Koma Village had collected over the years, and as the new protector of the village, Hyoma had full access to them.
    “So, it was a light you saw falling from the sky,” Hokuto mused from where he was perched on the table as Hyoma looked through the rows of books for something that could help him. Though, perhaps looking for a specific text when the idea he had in mind was so broad wouldn’t be that helpful. He barely even knew what he was trying to figure out.
    “Yes, I’m sure it must mean something,” Hyoma said. He knew what a story about a star falling from the heavens sounded like, which was why he refused not to take this seriously.
    “I think I have the answer for you actually, let me grab a book,” Hokuto jumped off the table and padded over. Hyoma took a step back in surprise, that was very fast. He had expected to be spending the next week reading these old tomes.
    This would either be very good or very bad. Though, Hyoma had already recognized that. He had received a sign from the cosmos, so whatever happened next would surely be dramatic.
    “Take a look at this,” Hokuto grunted, pulling over a book. Hyoma picked it up and flipped through the pages to the one Hokuto directed him to.
    And then he stared at it.
    And stared.
    He opened his mouth and no sound came out. He closed it, then opened it again, but same result. 
    He had recognized the similarities, but had never expected anything like this.
    “Yes, this seems to be the new foretold star fragment,” Hokuto nodded gravely.
    Hyoma had been told stories of the star fragment since he was a small child. It was the most common tale in all of Koma Village, and every child could recite it by heart. Hyoma had always been a bit obsessed with it though. He had loved going to the Green Hades, and imagining what it must’ve looked like when the star fragment had first landed, molten earth. He dreamed of the star fragment some nights, and it always was in his daydreams.
    It was the reason he had first begun stargazing. He had always hoped that someday he might also see a phenomenon like the one that had ended up creating beys.
    And now he had.
    As Hyoma finally recovered enough to continue reading the page, he felt his heart sink. Of course, the coming of a new star fragment couldn’t just be good. That was how things worked, in balance.
    Hyoma’s role as guardian was primarily to protect Koma Village. As the birthplace of beyblade, Koma had many secrets that could end up changing the course of history. It was his job to make sure people like Doji could never receive that power again.
    And sometimes, protecting those secrets, protecting the art of beyblade, meant that he would have to leave Koma Village.
    Hyoma loved his home, more than he could put words to sometimes. He had memorized practically all of the mountain range surrounding Koma, and he felt such peace traversing it every day. He liked saying hello to his neighbors when he woke up. He liked bringing back fish and passing them out to the other families. 
    When Hyoma had left to go compete in Battle Bladers with Gingka, he had missed home every day. He had looked up at the night sky and saw how the city lights had obscured the constellations he was so used to. How tree branches hung covering up different areas. How everything was different to home.
    And all he had wanted to do sometimes was return.
    But he couldn’t have returned, not until he had supported his friend, not until they had retrieved L-Drago.
    And now, Hyoma had another reason to leave home. And once again, he couldn’t deny it, couldn’t argue. He packed his bags, bid Hokuto goodbye, asked his neighbors to look after his house, and set off.
    If the world was going to end, then it was Hyoma’s job to stop it. He was the protector after all.
    The train station was only a few hours away with all the paths through the mountains Hyoma had learned, but Hyoma stretched it into a two day journey.
    Sue him, he was clingy!
    He couldn’t procrastinate in the forest forever though, and eventually he brought his train ticket. He kept himself from looking out the window as the train rolled away, away, away from the home he held so dear.
    Metal Bey City was his destination, of course. If there was anyone who would be able to help him deal with the end of the world it would be Gingka. 
    The last time Hyoma had received a call from any of his old friends, it had been to go find Ryuga. He couldn’t blame them, from the sounds of it the next few months had been a mess of activity. But, he couldn’t deny that he was excited to see Gingka again.
    And the others of course.
    As the train rumbled into the station, Hyoma found it harder and harder to breathe. He probably should’ve called ahead of time or something. Why did he consider it appropriate to just show up randomly, what if they were busy?
    Well, he was a bit distracted by the end of the world.
    He got off the train subconsciously, his bag slung over his shoulder, and stared out into the city that he had gotten to know so well during Battle Bladers.
    It felt unfamiliar.
    He missed home, he missed certainty. But at least his role to play was still clear. He was here to inform his friends about the end of the world, to lead them in a charge to stop it. He could do that.
    First stop, the Beypit.
    He used to have the way there memorized. Madoka was always quick to invite them into her home, and Gingka seemed to practically live there. It was nice to have a place where Hyoma knew he could go to meet his friends back then.
    He had forgotten the way now, and had to pause multiple times to consult the map for directions.
    It was weird, Hyoma could have an entire mountain range memorized, but the path to one shop had slipped his mind. That was just how time worked, he supposed.
    Finally, he managed to find the old store. On habit, he reached down and tried to pull the doors open. They had never seemed to be closed whenever he had visited, Madoka always seemed willing for company.
    The door didn’t budge.
    Hyoma took a step back and looked at the store. There were no lights on, and there was a closed sign up. He rapped his fist against the door three times, waiting to see if Madoka would answer him, but there was no sign of life inside the shop.
    What was Hyoma supposed to do now, the certainty that was the Beypit had crumbled beneath him. Everything had changed, and it had been so long, how could’ve he expected everything to be the same?
    Hyoma turned around and looked at the WBBA tower looming in the distance. That’s where he could, Ryo would be able to help him connect with his friends, and maybe even give him some advice.
    Ryo had been one of the adults that had taught Hyoma to blade, teaching him alongside Gingka. He had spent multiple nights over at their house eating dinner, and Ryo always seemed willing to listen to Hyoma’s problems.
    It was easy to forget sometimes how imperfect Ryo was as an adult, and when recognizing those imperfections it was hard to remember how much Ryo could be helpful.
    “People are imperfect creatures constantly trying to better themselves, failure or not, what makes a good person is the effort they put in,” one of Hyoma’s favorite books had once said.
    Hyoma had always found it hard to forgive imperfection when he recognized it, but maybe so long as he kept working at it he himself was a good person.
    Hyoma had never been inside a government office before, and he found himself lost. How did he find out where Ryo was? There were so many people bustling around, probably more people than even lived in Koma.
    He walked up to a desk, with a person just a few years older than him sitting behind it.
    “How can I help you?” They asked.
    “I’m looking for Ryo Hagane, I need to talk to him,” Hyoma responded. Maybe they could just tell him which room Ryo was in.
    “You’re here to speak with the director?” They checked, and it took Hyoma a moment to nod. It still seemed a bit surreal that Ryo had become director of the WBBA. It was definitely not something Hyoma would’ve ever been able to predict him doing, the man had always been a bit too goofy and free spirited to imagine him sitting behind a desk, away from the forest, as Hyoma was now. “Can you tell me your name?”
    Hyoma didn’t know why they would need it, but he responded anyway, “Hyoma.”
    The receptionist nodded, and grabbed a phone, speaking into it so softly that Hyoma couldn’t hear it over the background chatter of dozens of people walking through the building. He fidgeted uncomfortably, he wanted to be back in the forest with its quiet, recognizable sounds.
    “Alright, take the elevator down this hallway, first one on your right, and go up to the top floor. After that two doors down on your left will be the director’s office,” the receptionist directed him, and he thanked them before getting on his way.
    The elevator was clear, so Hyoma could look out while it brought him to the top floor. He watched the city grow smaller and smaller beneath him, and he could almost see the mountain range that was his home in the horizon.
    It was his favorite view here so far.
    The elevator dinged and Hyoma exited, counting the doors (well, door) to reach Ryo’s office. He knocked on the door only to have it swing open at his touch, and he was met by Ryo rising to greet him.
    “Hyoma, it's been a long time!” Ryo smiled at Hyoma and wrapped him in a hug. Hyoma could only return the affection, he had missed Ryo as well.
    Though, Hokuto was probably a better adult influence on his life in general.
    “It’s good to see you too Ryo,” He greeted, and gave Hikaru who was standing at the sidelines a small wave. She worked for the WBBA now, wasn’t that right?
    Good for her, he felt bad that he hadn’t been there to support her during her battle with Ryuga.
    “So then my boy, what brings you to the city?” Ryo asked, directing him towards a couch to couch to sit down while Ryo leaned on his desk. 
    Hyoma paused for a minute, trying to figure out how to explain the situation without more confusion than necessary, before finally settling on, “Well, a new star fragment appears to have fallen to earth, and a prophecy says that might bring about the end of the world.”
    He expected more questions, or some denials. He hadn’t expected Ryo to respond with, “oh, so you saw the fragment as well?”
    “Uh, yes,” Hyoma stumbled through his response.
    Hikaru coughed from the wall she was standing next to. “Sir, it appears that we forgot to call Koma Village when we were researching the star fragment and legendary bladers.” She sounded… so embarrassed. Hyoma had to swallow down the hysterical laughter bubbling in his throat.
    Ryo buried his face in his hands. “Sorry Hyoma, we do know of the situation and have been trying to manage it, but it seems like we’ve been missing a few steps,” He laughed awkwardly.
    So, they already knew about the star fragment, and the world ending, and… possibly more than Hyoma did. That was…
    Hyoma had come here expecting to be the bearer of this information, and now he found his arrival was never even necessary. It kind of stung, that he had done this for nothing.
    “So, you know about the prophecy then?” Hyoma checked.
    “Yes,” Hikaru nodded. “With the end of the world at the hands of Nemesis possible, we are looking everywhere for the legendary bladers needed to stop them. Gingka, Madoka, and some others have gone off in search. Both Kyoya and Gingka have awakened as legendary bladers as well.”
    Of course they had, of course. The universe seemed to have the same ideas as Hyoma sometimes. If anyone would be able to stop the end of the world, it would be Gingka. Gingka who left the village to retrieve L-Drago. Gingka who stopped Hades City. Gingka.
    “Well, that’s something,” Hyoma mumbled.
    That something, right now, was awkward.
    “Hyoma, I have to ask, how did you know about the star fragment?” Ryo asked.
    “Well, I saw it one night, streaking across the sky. The next day I discussed it with Hokuto and he managed to direct me to the prophecy. Those old books do have everything,” Hyoma responded. He supposed he shouldn’t have assumed that Ryo also wouldn’t have known this, the new star fragment would’ve been visible in many countries, and Ryo had also had access to the same tomes Hyoma had.
    “I’m pretty sure there’s an old recipe book hidden among them,” Ryo grumbled, obviously remembering the hell that was trying to dig through the collection of knowledge of Koma Village.
    “Such knowledge must be protected,” Hyoma nodded seriously, and couldn’t help but smile as Ryo cracked up.
    Some things didn’t change, and one of those was that his best friend’s father had the worst sense of humor.
    He spent another half hour there, Hikaru and Ryo making sure they all had the same information. They each managed to add a bit to the other’s repertoire of knowledge, so this trip wasn’t a whole waste.
    If only Hyoma knew what to do now. 
    He exited the WBBA building and sat at a bench outside as he thought. Should he just go back to Koma Village? Leave this situation up to Gingka to solve? Gingka was always the one who seemed to solve these problems, Hyoma could only watch from the sidelines.
    “Hey,” A voice snapped him from his thoughts, and he looked up to see Hikaru standing in front of him. “Want to grab a coffee with me?” She offered.
    “Sorry, I’m gay,” Hyoma deadpanned, and couldn’t help but cackle at the eyeroll that earned him.
    “And I’m a lesbian Hyoma, you know this, you know what I was really asking,” she sighed. Hyoma had never interacted with Hikaru a lot, but they had always got along at tournaments. He loved trading barbs with her.
    And it wasn’t like he had anything better to do than get a coffee with an old friend, so he stood up and let her lead him to a cafe.
    They sat at a table and waited for their orders to be ready. Hikaru leaned her cheek in her hand and seemed one second away from falling asleep. He really couldn’t blame her if for the past week she had been having to deal with this situation and Ryo at the same time.
    “Are you enjoying your new job?” Hyoma asked. It had surprised him a bit that she had chosen to get a desk job, she had always been such a good and active blader. But if it was something she enjoyed, then he couldn’t judge.
    “Yes, it’s very fulfilling,” Hikaru responded, her voice perfectly flat. “Two weeks ago I had to order the director a replacement desk because he stood on it out of excitement and it broke.”
    Yeah, that was something Hyoma could imagine Ryo doing. Gingka had inherited a bit of his father’s wacky ideas, and lack of impulse control. Hyoma had gotten used to having to keep a hand on Gingka to keep him from running off into a dangerous situation without thinking.
    Now, Gingka was running into more dangerous situations, and Hyoma wasn’t even there.
    “So, do you want to tell me why you seem so gloomy?” Hikaru asked, fixing him with a piercing stare that should not have been allowed to come out of eyes with that many bags beneath them.
    Hyoma had forgotten that Hikaru was probably the most observant of the group, outside of Madoka. He had doomed himself. “There’s nothing really to discuss, I’ve just been thinking about how to stop the apocalypse,” he flashed her a quick smile.
    “Bullshit. That’s not all,” Hikaru accused him, but he was saved by their drinks being ready. Hikaru stood up to grab them, giving Hyoma a minute to recenter himself.
    Why didn’t he want to talk about his feelings in the first place? It wasn’t that he didn’t trust Hikaru, she had been a very good friend for all the time he had known her. Maybe it was just him.
    Either way, when she sat back down, he had a new batch of lies ready at his tongue. But before he could even speak one, Hikaru interrupted him. “Listen, you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. I’m not going to force you. But sitting on a bench outside the WBBA for ten minutes looking lost is not the sign of someone who is currently healthily managing their problems. I should know, I’ve probably done it before.”
    He hadn’t realized it had been ten minutes.
    Hikaru sat there waiting for him to respond, slowly sipping at her over-caffeinated coffee. Hyoma kept his face carefully blank, not letting his thought process show on his face out of practice. “I just, don’t really know what I’m supposed to do now,” Hyoma finally admitted.
    “Well, what were you expecting to do?” Hikaru asked.
    “I don’t know, what Gingka is doing now I suppose,” Hyoma shrugged. He had expected to be the hero, so of course he had taken cues from Gingka.
    “And I’m guessing you were expecting to be with Gingka too,” Hikaru teased, a small smirk tugging her lips.
    Hyoma instantly denied it, glaring at her as his face flushed. Hikaru giggled and covered her mouth, her shoulders shaking as she tried to repress it. It was nice to see her happy, at least Hyoma’s embarrassment served a reason.
    “At least you have a job to help out, I’m just stuck here now with Gingka already having left on adventure,” Hyoma complained, swirling the coffee in his cup.
    “You could go join Gingka,” Hikaru pointed out. “We know where he is, we could fly you over there.” It would be so easy to just agree, to go get to see his friend again.
    “It sounds like they already have it covered,” Hyoma admitted. Gingka and Kyoya were already legendary bladers, they were the ones fated to protect the world. Not Hyoma. “Seems like everyone is more prepared to deal with this than me.”
    Hikaru hummed and took another sip of her own drink. “Feels pretty much like shit, doesn’t it?” She asked, an ironic smile twisting her lips.
    “What do you mean by that?” Hyoma raised an eyebrow at her, hiding his surprise at her cursing.
    “Feeling useless. After all, Gingka and the others are so strong, amazing bladers, what could you even do to help?” Hikaru was no longer looking at him, but rather at her hands. Hyoma still repressed a flinch at her words. “You didn’t even make it past the first round of Battle Bladers, and the threat now is much bigger, what could you even do to help?”
    “I-” Hyoma started, perhaps to defend himself, perhaps to agree, before the meaning of her words reached him. “You’re talking about yourself.”
    Hikaru finally looked up and gave him a small smile, “you’re not the only one who feels useless Hyoma, I get it.”
    “But you’re actually helping, you’re working for the WBBA,” Hyoma countered. She was the one who was helping Gingka and the gang from the sidelines, not him.
    “Most of what I do is send messages back and forth among people actually doing stuff. I sit in a chair, I take notes, I organize files, I wait for someone to do something,” Hikaru argued back, shrugging a bit at her self-depreciation. He found himself shifting uncomfortably, and he supposed that was Hikaru’s point.
    “You could’ve gone and fought with them if you’d wanted.” Because that was the crux of it, wasn’t it? Hyoma hadn’t been here and no one had remembered to contact him. He wasn’t even given the option to help.
    Yet Hikaru flinched, and Hyoma couldn’t help but feel he’d trespassed in a place he wasn’t supposed to. “I don’t battle anymore,” Hikaru muttered.
    “Because you joined the WBBA?” Hyoma knew she didn’t participate in tournaments anymore, that would’ve looked bad as a WBBA employee, but that wasn’t the only form of battling.
    “No, I don’t battle anymore, at all,” Hikaru bit out.
    And Hyoma understood. He remembered facing off against the serpent, watching it chip off his bey piece by piece. Remembered how his spirit had shattered along with his bey.
    But he’d put himself back together and gone back to battling.
    Hikaru had put herself back together in a different way.
    “I’m sorry for pushing,” he apologized.
    “It would’ve come up eventually,” Hikaru shrugged, meeting his eyes once more and sharing an apologetic smile with him. “But you get the point right, even if we feel useless, there are still things we can do.”
    Hyoma could only nod, because he couldn’t deny the truth. “If only I knew what those things were.”
    “Well, I could use someone to go check out a tournament tomorrow. Gingka took everyone with him, so…” Hikaru smirked at him.
    Hyoma registered for the tournament the next day, waving to Hikaru as she walked away to watch from an observer’s booth. It was his job to challenge these bladers and see if any of them awakened as Legendary Bladers. He only hoped he was strong enough to give whoever they were a challenge.
    He was a bit surprised by how much fun he had during the battles. He couldn’t just pass through them easily, every blader here was giving it their all. Hyoma had forgotten how amazing the tournament atmosphere could be sometimes, when the roar of the crowd was almost drowned out as he focused just on his opponent.
    It was exhilarating.
    Before the third round Hyoma wandered out to get some food. He kept an eye on the other battles as he ate, taking notes of all their strategies. Aries would have a bit of a harder time against the stamina type of another, but it didn’t seem to have the best balance, so if he could just push it enough, driving it into the ground should work.
    As he made plans for each opponent, he almost missed Hikaru running towards him. “Hyoma, we have an issue here,” she said, not sounding out of breath despite the fact she must’ve run all around the stadium to get to him.
    “What is it?” Hyoma asked, his back straightening as he listened for any danger.
    “See the guy on the left screen, with bey Lynx?” Hikaru asked, pointing at the blader. Hyoma nodded, that blader had seemed like they might’ve given him a bit of a challenge. “That’s Johannes, he works for Nemesis.”
    Hyoma raised an eyebrow. “What’s he doing here?”
    “Probably the same thing we are, searching for legendary bladers.” Hikaru shrugged.
    “Do you plan on kicking him out?” Hyoma asked. He was sure that kicking people out of tournaments must’ve become one of Hikaru’s favorite powers granted by being a part of the WBBA.
    “Well, that’s up to you,” Hikaru stated. “You’re the next person to battle him, assuming he wins this.” At that moment, Lynx hit the opposing bey out of the stadium. “So really, if you want to beat him, he’s all yours, but if not I’ll just kick him out.”
    Hyoma hummed as he looked at the guy on the monitor. Hyoma wasn’t the best blader, he knew that, but if this guy was working for Nemesis, well then… “I might as well try my hand against him.”
    Hikaru nodded. “Good luck.”
    Hyoma made his way out to the stadium, wiping his face clean of any emotion. This was a challenge he would have to rise to, if he wanted to fight against Nemesis. This wouldn’t turn out like his fight against Reiji.
    Johannes stood at the other side of the stadium. He looked at Hyoma with complete boredom in his eyes, and Hyoma met his gaze. Without any comments, they waited for the match to start.
    “Let it rip!” Hyoma yelled as Aries spun into the stadium, rocketing around to deliver a devastating smash attack to Lynx.
    “And Hyoma comes out of the gates swinging! How will Lynx respond to this ferocious attack!” Blader DJ yelled.
    “No problem!” Johannes yelled, Lynx straightening up as if Aries’s attack had done nothing, then rising even more as Lynx’s spin track lengthened. “Beat Lynx!”
    And Lynx crashed into Aries, driving it further and further back. Hyoma gritted his teeth and watched his bey be pushed closer and closer to the edge of the arena.
    “Aries is a tight spot, how will Hyoma get out of this? Is the battle over already?” Blader DJ screamed
    “This isn’t even a challenge,” Johannes scoffed, and Hyoma grinned.
    “Now Aries!” And Aries’s spintrack spun, sending Lynx shooting right past with all the momentum it had built up. Hyoma had to admit, he didn’t like being underestimated, but it did come in handy sometimes, especially because he seemed to have fooled Johannes into thinking he battled like an attack type.
    “No Lynx!” Johannes panicked, and Lynx balanced itself at the edge.
    “Aries, Horn Throw Destruction!” Hyoma commanded.
    “Dodge it Lynx!” Johannes screamed, and Hyoma’s attack missed by a whisker.. The beys rocketed around the stadium, nearing the center again.
    Well, if plan A didn’t work, then Hyoma would just move onto plan B.
    “Just give up, you’re no match for my Lynx!” Johannes called as the beys approached to clash again.
    “If you think I’m going to surrender to a servant of Nemesis then you ought to think again!” Hyoma responded, and smirked as Johannes’s concentration snapped at the reveal that Hyoma knew who he was.
    Aries pushed Lynx back and drove it into the stadium wall. Hyoma smirked as Lynx’s spin strength was chipped away.
    “Lynx, beat it back!” Johannes howled, and Lynx pushed Aries away. “I suppose if you know who I am, then there’s no holding back.” Hyoma looked up to see Johannes giving him a wide smile. Hyoma could almost count his teeth. “Lynx!”
    And Lynx changed, delivering attack after attack onto Aries. Aries could barely even react or dodge, everytime he pushed an attack aside, another one came rocketing in.
    Hyoma gritted his teeth as his eyes flicked around the stadium, trying to find a way out of this barrage attack. 
    “There’s no hope for you, why even continue to fight?” Johannes gloated.
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