#He's been my fave since the first movie so when I learned this one was his backstory BOY HOWDY
Me before going to see GotG3: I am normal about Rocket Raccoon. I am super totally normal about Rocket Raccoon. I am going to stay normal about Rocket Raccoon.
Me immediately after: *heavy breathing*
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breeyn · 11 months
An essay rebutting the “bad writing” claims of s2 ofmd. Spoilers herein.
I’ll preface this with saying you’re obviously allowed to like and dislike whatever you want. I am in no way opposing that. And your reasons are your reasons. Have at. (Also - this is a collection of observations from the past few days, I’m not calling anyone out)
I AM going to rebut the idea that season two was poorly written and lost the spirit of what the show is about.
My favourite movie of all time is Empire Strikes Back. It’s been my favourite movie since I was four. I’m pretty sure it’s a fave of David Jenkins, too. He and Taika have made absolutely no attempt to hide their love of all things 80’s - Prince, the Princess Bride, Kate Bush, Star Wars, etc.
I have ancient video tapes (that I can’t play because who has a vcr) where Lucas is interviewed by Leonard Maltin? Malkin? I dunno. Who cares. Maltin asks him about the Star Wars (original trilogy) story arc. Lucas says “in act I, you introduce all the characters. In act II, you put them in a situation they can’t get out of, and in act III, they get out of it.”
That’s how it works. This is how stories and literary structures work.
Of course you’re not satisfied with season two. You’re not supposed to be.
The arguments I have read on why s2 loses the spirit of s1 is because no one heals. No one learns anything. No one moves forward properly. The person who makes the biggest move towards healing dies. The two main characters end the show doing the exact fucking thing they had promised themselves and each other they wouldn’t do. Our romantic lead still doesn’t understand his value or make any headway on addressing his tragic flaw. It makes no goddamn sense.
My gremlins in weird: it’s not supposed to. In Act 2, EVERYONE LOSES. This is how it goes.
I’ve read a lot of people saying “but this felt like a series finale, not a season finale.” We all know that outside politics play a part here, the strikes make everything precarious. I remember the last writers strike. It destroyed tv for fifteen years. Anyone remember Pushing Daisies? Some of y’all have never had your fave show cancelled with zero resolution for the characters and it shows.
Daddy J did us a kindness. He softened the blow of a tough season. After the brutal cliffhanger of s1, he gave us a little softness and hope. All those things you’re mad aren’t resolved? It’s because THE STORY ISN’T OVER.
No one on earth thinks “stuff all your trauma into a box and ignore it” is good advice. A way to actually live. This show did not have enough screen time to throw out dialogue for no reason. There was foreshadowing in s1 for s2, and there is foreshadowing for s3 in s2. This is a well-crafted story by very smart people who care very much for these characters. There is zero chance Frenchie explained the box in his head for no reason. The reason people have not resolved their trauma and growth is because they haven’t done it *yet*.
And friends - it’s not thinly veiled. They straight up fucking tell us what they’re doing.
Luke Skywalker spends the first two movies fucking up and desperately trying to prove himself and just generally being an idiot. Sound familiar? He ignores the lessons he is supposed to be learning to go off and do what he feels like doing, and loses fucking badly. At the end of Empire, Han is gone, Luke and Leia wave goodbye to the Falcon that has Lando and Chewy - the rest of their crew - aboard. Everyone has lost everything they care about. Vader is undefeated. Yoda is pissed. Nothing is resolved.
You see where I’m going?
If you think I’m stretching this too far, welp, when Ed tells Stede he loves him - the climax of the finale - Stede quotes Han fucking Solo. Like - *it’s right there*. The story structure. The reason everything is unresolved.
So yeah. They wave goodbye to their ship because they have wounds to heal (like Luke’s hand). The people aboard the ship have things to find. Ed and Stede have *not* learned their lesson about whims and how not to be like Anne and Mary. It’s not stupid that they’re doing the same thing, and it’s not pointless that we were shown Anne and Mary. It’s all relevant.
The resolution comes in Act 3. None of these people are done. The story is far, far from over. And just in case the studios want to be dicks about it, David Jenkins was lovely enough to not repeat my enduring heartbreak over Pushing Daisies.
Thank you, @davidjenks 🖤
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kiss-me-muchoo · 11 months
𝐂𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐬ú𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥 || 𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐎’𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲_ On Halloween night, your jealousy puts in danger your relationship with Miguel. On Día de Muertos, Miguel and you are officially forevermore lovers, baking pan de muertos and building an altar.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬_ angst, fluff, new relationship!trope, shy!soft!Miguel, shy!jealous!reader, unnoficial part two of burning witches (you don’t have to read it, but highly recommended)
𝐀/𝐍_ 1989 TV is amazing!. One of my faves is You are in love, use the song with this
♪ ♫ My Miguel O’Hara playlist ✰ Index (+ fics here)
How could you sit there eating vegetarian sushi and look so pretty?
Miguel was embellished, looking at your straightened hair and band graphic tee. You were talking about some movie you wanted to see with him while eating a roll of sweat potato, cream cheese, and other ingredients.
“Amor, are you listening?” How he could not feel embarrassed when you’re giving him a sweet smile.
“Sorry, I got distracted” You arch your brow, playfully.
“By what? Is there a pretty waitress behind me?” He rolls his eyes as you giggle, leaning to eat from his noddles.
“Actually, I was getting lost on how good you look today.” Now he chuckles after seeing you so flustered and avoiding his eyes with a mouth full of sushi.
“Ay, pero qué bonita” You swear your cheeks are going to explode because of Miguel and his constant flattering.
You won’t believe it's been a week since you two started dating.
“Ya!” You try to stop him from laughing at your blushed face.
“Okay pues, bonita” Both of you smile at each other. And even the people around you who are eating seem con motioned by the cuteness of your lover’s antics for you.
“So… this winter… Are you teaching me how to drive finally?” he eyed you briefly but ended up nodding.
“I guess so. Just… we’ll get you a junk car to start” You rolled your eyes. Of course, he didn’t trust you after telling him of that little accident from last year.
“Despite that, I’m okay. I want a vintage rav4. That was my childhood car, well… my dad’s but” he chuckled. There were a lot of moments where he found you being so cute and adorable.
“Sorry… I’m still learning to shut up.”
“No, hermosa. Never shut up” and there was his silly smirk that had you on your knees. In that instance, he unconsciously showed all the love he felt for you.
“I warned you. But… What are you doing on Halloween night?” Jess was hosting a retro Halloween-themed party.
You already had your vintage bat costume with shimmers and see-through fabric.
“Not sure yet…” his answer disappointed you a little. Of course, the relationship was new, but you really wanted to spend Halloween with him.
“Oh. That’s okay.” And then, your answer disappointed him a little. He was debating whether to propose something to you or not.
“You have plans…” you shrugged, finishing your sushi roll.
“Not sure yet” Your smile was honest. But only you knew that your reply was a way to protect yourself. You trusted your boyfriend, but you weren’t ready for an early first fight or related.
Neither of you proposed something to do together. Maybe it wasn’t the best decision…
Halloween day and you didn’t talk with Miguel. At least you knew he had a long mission and since you were done with your part, you left without having an opportunity to exchange words with him. He had been talking with a woman. Once you suggested him to hang out with him that night in the folkloric earth you almost got burned like a medieval witch.
Talking about witches, no magic tonight.
That didn’t stop you from attending Jess’s party.
“Girl, look at you…” Jess greeted dressed in a seductive mummy costume. Her baby was attached to her hip and also dressed as a little mummy.
“Hey, you’re holding a baby, Jessica.” She giggles after realizing what you meant.
“Yeah, and you showed up here dressed like that” Although your costume wasn’t as sexy as hers, it was very noticeable.
“What can I say?” Both of you laugh and finally, you enter the house.
“Drinks are in the yard, most of the adults are there. For the kids, fried stuff and pizza” You can see most of your younger friends there, playing games and eating.
“I think I’m in the mood for the mezcal and fried lasagna.”
“You got it!” As Jess leaves his baby crawling towards Gwen, who’s dressed like a zombie, you follow the host of the party outside. Promising yourself to go back inside and greet your friends.
“Oh my god! Peter!” You greet shocked. Peter was in an elegant Dracula costume. He looked very nice, in contrast to his usual disheveled looks at the Spider Society’s HQ.
“You showered!” The other guests laugh, and you keep greeting other coworkers and friends.
“Very funny. But you? Where’s your silly boyfriend I know you want to impress?”
“Not here,” you say laughing. And Ben is offering the mezcal you oh so desperately needed.
To be honest, you missed him. But you were a little proud and stubborn to admit it. Also, while you sunk all the possible jealousy about seeing Miguel and that spider woman talking earlier, you were a little afraid. Because deep inside you knew there would be some miscommunication problems with Miguel.
“Get comfortable. Peter was about to tell us his most spooky experience” Jess says appearing with a beer in her hand.
“Ready for it…” With that, the first round of alcohol began.
An hour later you are dancing with Margo and Pavitr. Then, every word Peter and Ben said made you laugh so hard. You think they’ve never been funnier than that night. And that was a lot to say. Especially from Peter who was naturally funny as hell.
You really wanted to pee. But you had been laughing so hard with Jess, Hobie, Ben and Peter. You are near tearing from the bad jokes and sassy comments floating around.
“Time up, time up. I’m gonna pee if I don’t go now.” Jess tells you where the bathroom is, and you start your way inside. And then you turn to the kitchen, your eyes wide open as you spot your boyfriend.
Miguel is there, all dressed in black, drinking a beer and laughing with Anya Corazón.
Jealousy makes your blood boil. But suddenly sadness floods you. The disappointment beats the anger, triggered by the high amount of alcohol in your system. Your brain knew it was silly and immature. But since the day of the sushi date, you had that little torn stuck, where Miguel wasn’t adding you completely to his plans.
As soon as Miguel spots you with teary eyes, you turn around, directly to the house door.
“Hey, wait up…” Miguel stops you a few steps away from the entrance.
“Are…Are you crying?” He asks when you finally face him.
You couldn’t help it. It was the insecurity of being with such a great and difficult person. So, you sigh, eyes all teary and a red nose tip too.
“Well. I had a really good time. And the last thing I expected on my way to the bathroom was finding my boyfriend drinking beers and laughing closely with a girl.” He sighs, his tall and broad figure covering your whole figure from any possible guest trying to see what is happening.
You looked very beautiful. He wasn’t even sure if Jess invited you, but how could have been so stupid? Of course, she would.
“I didn’t know you were coming” he admits. Calm tone, and a neutral face, but he avoids your eyes.
You look at him reluctantly. So, since he didn’t know he could be giggling and shit with girls? Nah, no way.
“Yeah… And that’s the fucking problem” you attack with a broken voice, leaving him there standing alone. Avoiding a fight.
He’s about to follow you. But he stays there, not even understanding what happened. But he questioned if it was over. A struck strike him in the heart. If he unintentionally hurt you, he would be fully disappointed with himself. Not on Halloween night. Not one day before a special one for him.
He would do things right.
But for the rest of the night, you don’t leave his head and thoughts in peace.
30 missing messages, 4 missed calls, and 5 voicemails on the next morning.
First, Jess…
Hey, why you left the party? Please call me, I need to know what happened.
Babe, Miguel told me what happened last night. He’s an asshole, but he loves you so much. Please talk to him.
Then Peter.
My dear friend, I’m sorry for what happened yesterday. We were having such a great time. Listen, Miguel will try to talk to you. Tomorrow is a hard day for him. We know our boy, he’s not good with words and feelings, but he cares for you a lot. I talked to him all night after you left. He wasn’t right, but you have to talk to him, he loves you.
It’s gonna be fine, honey. Jess, me, the kids, we’re here for you. Love you!
And finally, Miguel.
Mi niña hermosa, I literally have no words to explain what happened last night. I just need you to know that… I love you. We need to talk about this, please.
Please, y/n. Tomorrow is Día de muertos and… I don’t want us to spend the day with misunderstandings.
Oh God…
Miguel sounded like a big teddy bear, saying lovely words to soothe you. It made your heart flutter, and it increased your hangover.
“Fuck…” you whispered, rubbing your eyes.
Flashes start hitting you. Having a great night, then seeing Miguel with Anya, and basically leaving him alone. How idiot you were.
You could have talked like a grown adult instead of throwing a tantrum and crying.
But you felt weird since he avoided telling you his plans for Halloween.
And finally, it hit you.
Maybe Miguel didn’t tell you anything because the following day of Halloween was Día de Muertos. A special day for him to remember his kid. He barely talked about Gabriella though. But the brief moments where he mentioned her to you, were unmatched. He missed his little girl. And you couldn’t imagine the pain of losing a daughter. You couldn’t leave Miguel alone. Or at least without an apology.
What a terrible girlfriend.
However, that didn’t excuse him from his poor communication skills.
You would do things right.
From both sides of the door, there's nervousness rushing.
You tug the hem of your skirt, then you hurry to brush your hair and wait. Miguel’s heart pounds as he suspects it’s you who’s knocking on the door. Since he rarely received visitors. So, when he opens the door, he finds you looking extremely shy and blushed.
“I’m sorry. I acted so immature, and I know today is a special day for you. I brought some things for you to use. And I’ll leave, I just wanted you-”
He pulls you in a tight hug, making you shut up. Around three minutes pass and he still holds you in his giant arms. You feel there are no more words needed as if the hug was a mutual apology.
Miguel digs his nose into your hair, smelling your shampoo and he thanks life for getting you two back together.
“I just wanted you here today with me…” he mumbles on your lips, before diving back and kissing your lips.
Finally, without breaking the kiss, he closes the door and leads you to the living room. His sneaky hands twirl you to make it easy. As your fingers get lost through his soft hair, he leans closer, holding your tiny waist compared to his hands. Your permission is when he stops his hands from traveling further, but you make him hold your hips. So, it’s enough. He kisses you with a smile on his face. Until you end up playing on his grey couch.
To you, is a bed. To Miguel, is his couch.
You know you’ll get your humbling moment. An impossible blush to miss appears and makes your boyfriend smirk.
“You don’t deserve it” his voice sounds deeper, and it sends shivers through your whole body and soul. Maybe you were guiltier than him, but you were so stubborn to act all submissive now. The best you could do was to take and savor what he decided to offer.
“But I’ll give it to you anyways…” your hands pull his shoulders to smash his lips again. Miguel knows he can proceed once his eyes are closed. So, he starts venturing his lips across your jaw and neck. You let out the first moan, and you’re glad you decided to appear on his doorstep.
The bed is wet. Not much, but there are some water spots that feel warm and cold at the same time. There’s also your empty wine glass when you turn left. Nueva York is setting for the sunset. You smile, stretching and savoring the pleasure of the little nap you took. Then Miguel comes in, in some damn grey sweats and his naked chest, your smile grows. And you can’t help but think you want him again.
Thank God you’re naked.
“You just woke up and you’re already looking that pretty?” you giggle at his comment. Your hair must be curled thanks to the shower. To Miguel, you look adorable, all his and only his.
“Put some shirt on…” he chuckled, cheekily.
“What? Am I turning you on again, bonita?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” you hide under the covers laughing recklessly. And your heart pounds faster as you know he’ll likely scare you or something.
He does, and you have to scream. As you pop your head, you see him laughing.
“You just came out of the shower?” You ask him. Miguel probably washed your hair and took you out of the tub. Since you know you fell asleep as he washed your body in the tub.
“Not really. I just grabbed some things for the altar” his comment reminds you of what you’re celebrating that day. And suddenly you remember everything that led you to be there naked in his bed, and your heart warms.
“I’m sorry” you honestly say.
Miguel tilts his head, arms crossed, making him look broader than ever.
“I said it was okay, nena” he knows you want to say more. You make space for him to sit at the edge of the bed.
“Yeah, you said it. But… I want this relationship to succeed. I want to know we won’t go through this again.” He sighs, but quickly smiles, caressing your leg.
“It won’t happen again. Something bothers us, we talk” and just like that, you have your massive boyfriend kissing you all over. He said Anya was an old recruit, she was a good friend and lately, she rarely spent time on the HQ, so Miguel was happy to talk to her. And you blushed out of embarrassment.
“Can we go cooking now?” Miguel nods. After letting you go, he threw a big sweatshirt at you. It was dark brown and covered you from chest to knees.
“It’s been a while since I used the stove and oven…”
“Doesn’t matter, dear” As Miguel follows you across his apartment, he can’t help but notice how small you look in his place. And he reminds himself how weird you look in Nueva York, generally. You don’t belong to any specific earth. Chaos magic witches barely existed, and they never glitched.
You haven’t used magic in the last days since your last mission. Not even you had time to remember. Since the Halloween party, your mind had spun over your friends, Halloween, Miguel, her friend Anya, and your jealousy.
But soon he forgets again about it because you are eager to make pan de muerto with him.
“You can help me with the cream. We’re making a liquor and cheese filling” his mouth watered. Since he left his childhood home. He never did pan de muerto again.
His mother used to bake with some alcohol too, but the fillings weren’t very popular at the time. And now, being able to retake that tradition with you was special to him. His little girl would be very happy to his dad smiling again. Miguel mixes everything together and with a little spoon, he hands it to you.
“Is it good?” He asks shyly, you open your mouth, and he gives you to taste the filling.
“Wow, this is amazing, Miguel. I love it!” He smiles proudly. You are about to dip your finger in the cream to taste it again, but your man snatched it away.
“Hey!” He soothes your discontent with a new kiss. And you’re beyond shocked about how often Miguel was kissing you now. You let his tongue in, and between the rest of the cream and Miguel’s incredible kissing abilities, you had to moan again.
“Okay, pause. Or else we won’t finish” you explain, returning to the oven to see how the flour was getting puffy and the smell of orange filled the air of the kitchen.
Nueva York was welcoming the sunset early as the time was about to change in early November. So, the kitchen tiles reflect an interesting pink and orange illumination. Seeing Miguel placing the cream on a piping bag with the sunset in the window in front of him, makes you happy. The air is dry, and your nose feels dry too. There’s a warm wind that stumbles off the windows, startling you often, but it’s perfect.
You are in love.
“And… done!” You say lighting one last candle, you go back with Miguel to hug his waist and appreciate the art you two made. It’s a fucsia, orange, purple, and gold Altar de Muertos.
“This is perfect” Miguel admits. The altar has everything. The food; paletas payaso, bubulubus and picafresas. Then there’s a big plate of polvorones, flan, arroz con leche and agua de horchata. The candles make the pan de muerto shine because of the sugar. And the cempasúchil petals made everything look even prettier.
On the top shelf, Gabriella O’Hara’s picture was placed. She had a pink sweatshirt and her soccer headband. But her big smile and light blush are what made Miguel smile widely. He truly missed her. But he always knew having her on that earth wasn’t meant to be.
And now, he knew that thanks to that… he found you.
And who knows? Maybe Miguel could have a kid of his own in earth-928 someday with you. He had nothing to fear again. He knew you two were meant to fall into pieces together, just like it had happened. And Miguel also knew how proud Gabriella was of him. So, he was celebrating her short life. He would apologize every year from now on. But he would also use November 1st to remember how much he loved her.
Just like he did with you.
“Te amo mucho, preciosa” You raise your head to look at him in shock.
It was the first I love you. And he said it. But your emotion and love make you quickly answer.
“Yo también, Miguel” his head tilts to bump with yours in the most adorable way.
He walks away to grab something from the side of the altar. When he turns, he gives you a gorgeous bouquet of cempasúchil.
“I saved this for you” he scratches the back of his head, nervously.
“How did you know I wanted one?” It’s your smile that makes his days. And he intends to be a constant reason in the long term.
“I just knew. And when we were doing the altar… Fue tu carita la que te delató, bonita” Giggles and a blush erupt from you.
“Thanks, corazón” you thank him shyly.
Thankfully the sound of the oven makes you widen your eyes.
“OH! The rest of the pan” you squeal excitedly, almost running to the kitchen.
He follows you chuckling.
Soon, there are two plates of azulejos on the table, with two pieces of pan de muerto filled with liquor and cream cheese. Some candles are there too and the cempasúchil bouquet is now in water. As the pan starts to get less warm, you are softly kissing Miguel again. And for the first time in years, both of you are so happy to be celebrating Día de Muertos.
It wasn’t about death anymore. It was about love.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hello, I’m too shy to admit who I am, but I just want to say I recently found your stuff and I just love your writing, I’m the one who requested the Eri reader with RoR, but I was wondering if it would be alright if I ask for some more content for that, but also One Piece, I was planning to ask for multiple parts for the different arcs (Or segments for said arcs since some are my personal faves, with specials being Filler Arcs and Movie arcs)
I LOVE Eri (She’s precious, adorable and I will defend her smile with my life, in fact I would go to war to protect her smile) and it’s really hard to find fanfic writers who are in Wano along with multiple different Animes (I really, REALLY like your work, and I hope I don’t sound rude or weird, I feel like I always have to mention I’m Autistic, so I have a hard time telling if I come off as rude, weird or annoying, if so, I do apologize)
Part 1 of the Platonic Yandere Straw Hats!
Koby meets Luffy… and a cute little girl named Y/N, and after battling Alvida, go to recruit the name called ‘Pirate Hunter’ Zoro along (And Koby parts ways) with the current 3 members then meet the infamous Captain Buggy and the mysterious Nami, and to syrup village and meet their sniper, Usopp as they fight off Kuro and earn a ship and sail off to find a cook
Luffy is very protective of Reader (He only becomes enraged when someone tries to take his straw hat or harms/injures or tries to kidnaps his ‘little sister’ Reader) and is the only person he’s willing to share his food with (He also says her horn is ‘super cool’)
Zoro, Nami, Usopp and future Straw Hats Will become very protective of Reader, especially after learning of her traumatic past
Hello love, don’t worry, you’re not being annoying at all and I’m happy to write this request. For this request, since One Piece is such a broad series, including filler and movies (to be honest I actually haven’t seen too many of the movies, only the most recent ones), the posts may be a bit shorter, but will cover wide time frames, so I can cover more things that are requested. I hope this will be to your liking.
-You remember the day well, when you first met your big brother, Luffy, when he rescued you from Alvida, who had been keeping you as a slave, forcing you to use your abilities to ‘rewind’.
-Many thought it was a Devil Fruit, but it wasn’t, it was called a quirk, something that you were naturally able to do once you were old enough.
-You were transported to this world where people only had quirks if they ate things called Devil Fruits, and your abilities were quickly discovered and you were once again locked up to use your abilities against your will.
-When Luffy broke the cage you were being held in and reached a hand down to you, you instantly knew this person wasn’t bad like so many of the others and you instantly leapt into his arms, clinging tightly to him, arms around his neck.
-He instantly adopted you, calling you the first member of his pirate crew!
-You knew of pirates, from story books, but they were always painted as bad guys, but Luffy wasn’t bad, not even close and you wanted to see him become King of the Pirates!
-Thus, you, Luffy, and Koby, left together, in search of another person, Pirate Hunter Zoro, to recruit to Luffy’s pirate crew.
-Zoro was hurt and tied up when you found him, in the middle of a big field, taking the punishment of another.
-You nearly cried when he ate the rice balls out of Luffy’s hands, seeing his desperation but also his strength to do what was right.
-Despite being a ‘pirate hunter’ Zoro stood beside Luffy, fighting back against those who imprisoned him.
-Zoro was immediately taken by you, after seeing you peek out from behind Luffy’s leg, giving you a wide grin, despite being injured, to not scare you.
-You took his hand when he introduced himself to you and your horn instantly grew bigger as your quirk flared to life and you healed Zoro’s wounds.
-Luffy scolded you lightly when you came down with a light fever from overusing your ability, but he wasn’t able to be mad at you.
-When you met Nami, you could tell she was putting up a front, acting tougher than she actually was, but with you, unlike with Luffy and Zoro, whom she yelled at, she patted your head, giving you a warm grin, telling you to keep an eye on those two idiots.
-She actually stole you for a short while, taking you shopping to get you new clothes, as you were still in the dress you were in when you first arrived in this world.
-When they saw your scars, finally removing all the bandages which were also dirty and tattered, all three of them were furious, seeing the scars littering your body.
-You were scared to talk about them, finding it hard to breath, until Zoro patted your head, “All that matters now is that you’re safe. Nobody will be able to hurt you again.” And Luffy was quick to agree.
-Nami got you a dress and clothes with long sleeves and leggings, to hide your scars and you had so much fun playing dress up with Nami, while Zoro and Luffy ate at a restaurant nearby.
-When the two of you met up with them, Luffy picked you up, spinning you around, making you giggle in delight, giving the first real smile which made him cry comically.
-Nami was quickly able to see that they both doted on you, Luffy sharing his food with you and Zoro wiping your cheek off that had some rice, she thought the three of you looked so cute.
-When you saw Buggy, your eyes sparkled lightly, seeing a clown, thinking he was a nice person, but you were wrong as he attacked your brother.
-Nami grabbed you and ran, hiding you to keep you safe before she ran back to help Luffy, kicking Buggy between the legs, halting the assault.
-Your hands were over your mouth in shock as you saw this, eyes wide; but she later told you, when she joined the crew as the navigator, that kicking between a man’s legs was the quickest way to take a man down.
-Luffy and Zoro both yelled at her, telling her to not teach you weird things!!
-Usopp was such a brave man, telling you all sorts of stories when you first met him, until Nami told you he was just telling stories and was actually a coward.
-You were hesitant to be around Usopp until your family was fighting Kuro, tears filling your eyes as he hurt everyone while you were hiding behind a rock.
-When Kuro spotted you, he started over and you were in awe, feeling a pressure around Luffy, one you couldn’t explain, as he kicked the glasses wearing man back from you, “STAY AWAY FROM HER!!”
-You hid, covering your ears and clenching your eyes tightly shut during the fight, having flashbacks to Overhaul and to Alvida, both who hurt you so terribly, unable to move, unable to help your crew- your family!
-Nami scolded you when you healed Usopp, Zoro, and Luffy, making you a bit scared until she ruffled your hair lightly, telling you that you shouldn’t over do things, because it would make you sick.
-You never…you never had anyone who told you that before, to not overuse your ability, as they were worried about you.
-You liked the warm fluffy feeling in your chest at this.
-When you saw the Going Merry, yours and Luffy’s eyes were both bright sparkles, you mimicked Luffy who threw his fists to the sky, cheering about having a real ship.
-Luffy pointed out to the horizon, deciding his next crewmate was going to be a cook!
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darkurgetrash · 4 months
Get to Know Me Tag ~
Hiya! I got tagged in a few different 'get to know me' tags so I thought I'd just combine them here, hehe. Thank you so so much to @dutifullylazybread @weaveandwood @orangekittyenergy and @blackstaff-blast — I really love these tags, both answering and reading others'. What can I say? I'm a gemini.
No pressure tags! ~ @lemonsrosesandlavender @savriea @graysparrowao3 @heytheresunflower
Do you make your bed?: Yes! I'm not a neat-freak, but I consider myself quite neat
Favourite number: When I was a young child someone asked me this and I didn't know what to say so I pretended it was '86'. Since then, that's always just been what I've said… couldn't tell you why lol
What's your job?: Between roles atm, but usually a copywriter
If you could go back to school, would you?: For sure. I was really let down as a kid by the system, if I could go back but with the wisdom I have now, I would love to. As for further education, I loved my undergrad but I can't see myself realistically studying more on account of chronic illnesses
Can you parallel park / Can you drive a manual car?: Nope. I was good at parking and driving back when I was first learning over 10 years ago but never took my test because I got a lot of anxiety driving. I live in London now, so there's no urgent need to learn, but I will have to some day.
Do you think aliens are real?: Yes. Ain't no way we're the only life forms to exist in the whole universe, pleaseee
What's your guilty pleasure?: I love Britney Spears 💁‍♀️
Tattoos?: A small one, on my ankle. Two hands in a reference to Twin Peaks. I also just love the design — even if my tattoo artist did a slightly shoddy job and told me they did the exact same reference on tonnes of people ayyy lmao
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Favourite type of music?: Easy answer is indie, though even that is a huuuuge umbrella. Some of my fave musicians are Mitski, Bright Eyes, AURORA, Radiohead, EELS, and Thumpasaurus. Also, a long-time MCR fan.
Do you like puzzles?: I'm wayyy too ADHD for them tbh but I don't mind some types of puzzles, like in video games. But even then, they can't go on for too long, lol
Any phobias?: Crowds are def my biggest one. I’m scared of pretty normal things I’d say, like hornets. I do have a lot of sensory issues though that give a similar feeling, the most unusual being cardboard. Do NOT touch it near me, I WILL scream. And slight trypophobia… 🤢
Favourite childhood sport: Always hated sports and exercise, even as a kid
Do you talk to yourself: I sing to myself (and in general) a lot and have big echolalia, but I don't really talk to myself in the traditional sense. Now my partner on the other hand… he does not stop yapping for even a second in the day.
What movie(s) do you adore?: The immediate go-to's in my brain are The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Pride and Prejudice (2005), Your Name, and… Shrek. Non-ironically.
Coffee or tea: Earl grey tea with oat milk, please! If not an option, I'll go for an oat milk mocha.
First thing you wanted to be growing up?: I… okay. I don't even know if I should admit this, but it's kinda funny… but remember, I was a CHILD. like, FIVE. My sister wanted to move to Africa and be a mango farmer (???) and I wanted to go with her so I said I wanted to sell shoes there because I saw a gap in the market. 😭😭
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Last song I listened to: No You Girls - Franz Ferdinand
Favourite colour: Lavender
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Favourite flavour: Depends on what it is, but most likely either chocolate or strawberry
Current obsession: BG3, if y'all couldn't guess. 😂
Last thing I googled: 'Sacrum'. Girly doesn’t know what body parts are called.
Favourite season: Late autumn
Skill I'd like to learn: I'd looove to be able to sew and make clothes but I am the most cack-handed person you will ever meet. I literally got kicked out of textiles class when I was in school because I was so bad they thought I was messing about on purpose 😬…
Best advice: Be cringe, be free. People will either not care or think you're cool for your authenticity.
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Currently watching: I don't really watch TV! Still getting through Dungeon Meshi, lol
Currently reading: I've been trying to read 'Interview with a Vampire' since the start of the year, but my brain only has room for BG3 fanfic it would seem… SO, here's a list of my current bookmarks hehe. Special shout-outs to @lemonsrosesandlavender @crystal-overdrive @ghostcouncil @weaveandwood @sinelaborenihilsr2 @dutifullylazybread @notlikeparis
Relationship status: Been in a relationship since 2016! Also, taken by Gale Dekarios in my head. 💜
Sweet/savoury/spicy: Big, BIG sweet tooth.
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cupcakeslushie · 2 years
Really loving all this lore for your seperated!AU, it's probably my fave AU actively updating within the fandom rn! You've talked a little about the krang, but i more so want to know Donnie's reaction to finding out aliens are a thing. The Krang themselves have a strong focus on power/strength, so i'd assume that their existence/tech would be of great interest to him. Would he want to try and catch one to dissect, for science?
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@hotcrosscorgibuns So I’m changing things up a bit and Donnie will have the front seat when it comes to the Kraang! Mostly for those exact reasons you mentioned—their focus on power vs weakness really parallel his struggles growing up with Draxum. And since Leo’s arc in the movie will be pretty much taken care of by the time the Shredder is defeated, the movie plot will be vastly different in my AU (except for the time travel aspects)!
@lollobumy Leo and Raph will have their major character arcs in the final battle with Shredder and the movie plot will be more focused on Donnie and Mikey’s arcs. This means in regards Raph getting Kraangified we wont see that, and instead another brother will be, and it’ll be in a slightly different way but I wont say which brother it’ll be, or how the process will be different 🤐!
BUT Raph will still have his time to shine (be traumatized), and will sacrifice himself to save Leo, it’ll just come into play earlier and be different than the escape pods scene. Raph will even come out of the Shredder arc with some physical changes 🤐. And Leo will still have his arc of growth fulfilled, but since his personality is so different in the AU it’ll be less about him growing to become responsible and finding what his particular value is that he brings to the table, and more about him accepting his place in the family and that he deserves their love and support despite his bloody past.
Thank you anon for your concern about my water intake! I actually have a bottle right next to me that I’m working my way through! ❤️
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@buckybarnessparearm We will see the brother’s getting their own chance to protect Raph eventually! He cares for them so much, that they can be pretty over-protective themselves when he needs them to be! The smarter villains eventually learn to not go too hard on the big guy if they wanna make it out of the fight with their jaws unbroken lol.
Raph and Leo will be super close after the Shredder is defeated. And actually tho in the beginning, there may be that barrier stopping them from being close emotionally—in the field and dojo they fight and train seamlessly like they’ve been training together their whole lives. It’s just the emotional side that gives Mikey and Donnie a headache—and no matter what they do, they only ever seem to make things worse. The family is horrified at first to realize that Leo’s mind’s been so effected by magic, but at the same time it’s almost a relief that there’s an explanation as well.
@organisedchaosstuff Raph’s self worth and guilt is pretty bad. He tries to hide it, and he’s good at it for the most part, until it’ll blow over and cause everyone to realize how much he’d been struggling.
I’d say in both AUs they comfort each other the same ways, physical comfort in turtle piles, and words of reassurance and love—finding each other after a dispute, and talking things out—apologizing when necessary (in Sep!Leo’s case that’s quiet often, unfortunately). Also Mikey and Raph really try and push fun group activities like going out and playing basketball, or teaching Donnie and Leo how to skateboard. They all even decide to take Donnie to the natural history museum after hours just to see him go nuts.
Feral!Leo finds comfort in the familiar, so fav movies and his favorite old blanket go a long way in calming him down. He’s most calm when he has sights on everyone, and knows they’re all safe in the lair.
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fonulyn · 7 months
how are things? and I was wondering if you've got a favorite fic that you wrote or if its just too hard to choose?
i've been down with a cold so things are kinda annoying but it seems to be getting better at least so maybe things are looking up :'D thanks for asking!
oh damn. it is hard to choose. and it also depends on my mood, and like... some are faves because they were fun to write, some because i like how the end result turned out, some bc friends liked them, and so forth. it depends on what kind of a favorite we're looking for :3
i scrolled through my RE fics and tried to pick only the top faves and still ended up with thirty fics :'D (and sorta sad bc so many of them were not crowd pleasers lmao)
but! shameless self-recs under the cut! (it got long lol sorry)
we didn't know how to fly so high (burned down before we reached the sky) (Chris/Leon) - this one's special because it's the first RE fic I wrote and it's what ended a three year dry spell of me not writing a single thing. it's also special because back then i could go "OH ONE NOTE!" and post the second chapter lol.
haunting in my head (tempting me, inviting me to fall asleep in its arms) (Piers/Leon) - since I picked the first one, I'm also gonna pick the latest one. this was the kind of an idea that plagued me until I got it written and i'm super pleased with how it worked out!
and it's kind of obligatory for me to mention the self-indulgent series, because for so long it was what kept me going and what kept me writing when nothing else worked. it might not be the best thing i've written but it's for sure what i've poured most love in.
tear me open (and make me whole again) (Piers/Leon, past Krauser/Leon) - from my whumptober fics this one i was the most excited about. i know it's got quite a bit of violence in it but like. i thought it hit all the right notes emotionally too, and i honestly wished it would've done better. i think it's worth it! am still happy with how it turned out.
(honorable mention to haunt you like it's part of you, another Piers/Leon and past Krauser/Leon, which is something i am really really into but apparently it's just me :'D but I really like the way the pairings clearly contrast each other tbh, i just think it's neat)
in the end it's you and I (Piers/Leon) - this is another whumptober fic I was super excited for! i'm beyond pleased with how it turned out and at least I feel all the right emotions while reading it.
all the things you are (Jake/Piers) - honestly I could've picked pretty much any of the Piers/Jake fic I've written because they were all really fun to write and their dynamic is super fun :'D I love the little bits in re6 where they interact bc they get on each other's nerves in all the right ways!
when it comes to metaltango, they're pretty much all close to my heart lol but can't help but follow in spite of going insane is something i regularly think back to and am still happy with how it turned out. same with the Krauser's back series, and question all my doubts, especially.
never too much to ask for (Piers/Leon) - this one is so very very important to me because LEON LEARNS TO BE LOVED. he learns to not only accept comfort but actually ASK FOR IT and it makes me emotional just to think about it 🥺
gonna show you tonight (Piers/Leon) - this one just makes me very happy.
and then there are the Piers/Leon ones where I've inserted Piers into a game/movie he isn't in, and honestly, those are ALL something I've had fun with and love the results! there's re2 with Piers, re4 with Piers, Damnation with Piers, and a combo of re4/Vendetta/og stuff with Piers! also the other re2 with Piers but that one only has one chapter for now so :'D
heal the scars and change the stars (Piers/Leon) - this one was based on a dream I had and I can still remember the exact vibe of the dream, and the way it haunted me afterwards, and I'm honestly really happy with the fic too. I have a thing for breaking up and getting back together it seems :'D
you're a dream (Piers/Leon) - this is something I've always always wanted to write, because soulmate aus are interesting but I've always gravitated towards imperfect soulmate systems, where it takes real effort to find them, and it's not so clear cut. and I honestly love how this turned out.
at the shore of the unknown (Piers/Leon) - another thing i always wanted to do was a soft apocalypse. this was supposed to be the first fic of a series, and the series is probably not happening, but i'm still content with the mood of this fic as is :3 i love these... slow empty worlds.
before I even knew your name (Piers/Leon) - THIS! this was SO MUCH FUN i don't know if I've ever had as much fun writing a fic :'D idk it was such a joy.
i crave therefore i am (Piers/Leon) - this fic however fought me every single step of the way, i wrote it like three times, and hated half of the process lmao, but i do love how it turned out. and the first scene is one of my all time favorite scenes i've ever written in my life.
to feel again (fwb!Chris/Leon at first, Piers/Leon eventually) - this was supposed to be a quick little oneshot but in the end it spiraled into something longer, and I do love it. like. the whole point of the Chris/Leon bit was that neither of them is the bad guy or wrong but they just weren't right for each other at that point in time, and then I enjoyed letting Leon build trust and a new relationship with Piers slowly at his own pace. 10/10 would write again :'D
last chance garage (ot3) - this one was very emotional to write and also got SO out of hand bc it was supposed to be like 1k max and in the end I wrote 8k lol. but it's my favorite ot3 fic.
winter lovin' (there's snow one like you) (Piers/Leon) - this one is super special to me because it happens in Finland :D they're vacationing on my home turf lol. but also because they're so in love, and they get to have fun and be together and. idk. the whole fic makes me all "🥺💖" like i literally turn into a physical embodiment of those two emojis. i love the fic.
stay until the end of life (Piers/Leon) - this one was also very emotional to write and I wanted to put them through a lot, and show how they really are in it for better and for worse. i wanted to show the struggles too, like... they love each other. they wanna be there for each other. but it's not always that easy. and I do think it worked out great.
three words to last forever (Piers/Leon) - I'm gonna end this way too long list with this because it's the first (and so far only) time I wrote a "choose your own ending" story and it was so much fun! I wish I could do a bigger story where you get to make multiple choices, but that would require some serious brainstorming lol. anyhow, I'm happy I got to do this! and happy with it turned out! especially the saddest ending :'D
now I'll shut up with my deepest apologies lmao.
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megamindsecretlair · 8 months
Get To Know Me Tag Game
Thank you for the tag @nerdieforpedro 😚 for anyone who cares, here's a bit about me! 🥹
General rule: I may overshare in dms and authors notes sometimes but Im generally a private person 🤣 to the point Ive lost friends over it. ive been working with my coworkers for 3 years and they dont know shit about me 🤣 I juss really love yall and feel safe with yall so here we go!
1. Were you named after anyone?
No. My mom didnt want our names to announce who we were on applications so we all got regular smegular names. My name is of Irish origin so my yt folks customer service voice got ppl thinkin I have red hair. I mean....technically yes but its buried under my braids 🤣
2. When was the last time you cried?
At the end of The Marvels. The first end credit had me in real, actual tears. On a more serious note, I last cried before my grandma died. Yall, its fn hard being a caretaker. I was not built Ford Tuff.
3. Do you have kids?
*ahem* 🗣🗣 fuck no! 🤣🤣🤣 I dont even have nieces or nephews. Kids make me nervous and Im pretty sure they can smell the fear on me. 🤣
4. What sports do you play/ have you played?
I played basketball and softball in HS. I love and miss softball all the time even though my big behind HATES running.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Sarcasm is one of my love languages. I put that shit on everything 🤣 Physical Touch is my main one since we sharing.
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Ooof, tough. Depends. Some quirk like glasses, lisp, moles. How they walk/talk, the way they laugh. I am a lurker by trade. Overly shy kid and writer by nature will do that to ya.
7. What is your eye color?
Dark brown. When that sun hits 🫠🫠🫦
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I am a HUGE scaredy cat. I dont do scary movies nothin! Happy endings over here! 🤸🏽‍♀️ I will enjoy a thriller but only behind my hands and mostly starring Matthew Lillard.
9. Any talents?
.....no? I have a bunch of useless knowledge or trivia that no one asked for but ya gonna get 🤣 . Juss realized writing is considered a talent 😭 so that too 🤣
10. Where were you born?
US, West Coast baybeee
11. What are your hobbies?
Obvs, writing. Reading, sewing, cons, tarot, tv, listening to music, video games (xbox, switch, PC girlie) , Marvel. Marvel is a hobby. I will talk your ear off. That is both a threat and a promise 😚
12. Do you have any pets?
I have two gorgeous Boston Terriers who run me into the ground every day. Idk why my mom thought two was okay 🫠🫠 my Black ass tide 🥲 👏🏽
13. How tall are you?
Fun sized 5'3 and a half 👏🏽👏🏽🤣 pear shaped. I got ass for days but in the itty bitty titty committee. 😭😭😭😭😭
14. Favorite subject in high school?
Definitely English. My English teacher was so fine 🥲🥲 thats not WHY it was my fave but can ya blame me 😩 I loved reading the books but I hated the themes they shoved down our throats. What if that wasnt MY interpretation of the book??? Hmmm? Some faves include: Their Eyes Were Watching God (Teacake 🥵🥵🥵), Brave New World, Bright Lights Big City (probably where my love of second person is from) , Bronx Masquerade, and The Outsiders. And FUCK the Great Gatsby. If I hear about that damn green light one 👏🏽 mo 👏🏽 fn 👏🏽 time 👏🏽😩😡 and FUCK Of Mice and Men, he aint have to do all that in the end. And DOUBLE FUCK I Know Why the Caged Bird sings. Turned my stomach when she described the SA. Lemme stop 🥴
15. Dream Job?
Writer. I will publish, I will be successful, and I will live the life I want. I claim it 😩 on my Octavia Butler, NK Jemisin, Danielle Allen shit 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Whew! That was fun 😭🤣
No pressure tags: @mybonafidefeelings @bratzmaraj @braverthanthenewworld @multiversefanfics @chaos-4baby @westside-rot @saturn-rings-writes @notapradagurl7 @wide-nose-and-wonderful @blowmymbackout @blackerthings @harmshake @targaryenvampireslayer and who wants to do one. I love learning bout my moots.
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sanstropfremir · 5 months
ok nana unsubtly kicked me in the ass about this and i realized they were mostly done anyways so here we go! only four months late!
best stylings 2023 - first half
runners' up
rising - triples
there are two good stages with funky athletic wear, but it wasn't enough to bump it up to the overall category. mcountdown 230216, the show 230221
abyss - woodz
didn't promote it which is a shame, but the variety in the costuming for the different versions of himself is well done and it's a beautifully shot bottle mv.
moody - superkind
you got a fake member you gotta make it spooky!!! he's not real that's inherently spooky!!! anyways this is what i wanted them to do right off the bat some i'm glad they finally got my psychic memo.
golden hour - mark
absolutely fucking crazy. fantastic imagery. i think i talked about it earlier in the year but it's such a stupid and hilarious idea to make a whole diss track mv about a several year old meme and then actually make it strange and weird art. obsessed with it still.
sos - kang daniel
i'm also including the wasteland music sequence here because holy shit when this dropped i lost my mind. i'm always surprised by what kang daniel does bc i can never predict it, which over the last few years i'm coming to enjoy. and i absolutely did not expect him to produce basically an entire wild west mad max movie with equal the production value???? literally how did he do this. how. and then everyone paid it dirt??? it's an amazing mv and one of my faves of the year, the only reason it's not bumped up categories is bc although the styling was actually one of the only times tactical gear has been thematically relevant to a cb, its been so overused that it has no punch anymore, which makes me sad bc the tactical gear was good! and a good choice! and i feel bad saying it has no punch bc it should have!
small talk - kim sungkyu
we love when sungkyu acknowledges that he's annoying and a loser. all these outfits were so losercore. i loved this deviation from form for him; he's normally king wailer supreme, but he does smooth upbeat rock very well and it's a nice contrast with the capital y yearning that's in the bsides. it's only here bc he didn't promote much and i'm mad at him for putting dancing in the mv and then not dancing in any of the stages. mcountdown 230629, music core 230708, inkigayo 230709
ay-yo - nct 127
this is just here for taeyong's urchin outfit. well i'm a bit of liar it is actually a really fun early 00s inspired mv, but we all know the urchin outfit stole the show.
stamp on it - got the beat
i will hear NO slander against got the beat in this house, this was a great mv i love hot women planning a heist.
tricky house - xikers
FANTASTIC debut. does a really great job of establishing a character for them as a group and it's got such unique flavour. kq has made great use of their ateez money and also the lessons that they learned with ateez. i'm excited to see where xikers goes in the future, and since i'm writing this section from the future i can say that i do like where they've gone with full confidence. the only reason it didn't make the top list is bc the styling is kinda average for this era of kpop.
best overall
rose blossom - h1 key
i was aware of h1key before this but they hadn't really grabbed me, but damn this cb was so good. the mv is a nice mix of story and dance sections. plus a surreal section in the middle! and by virtue of being like the first cb of the year, they got the jump on this alt girl look that would be the dominating look for ggs this year. and i do think first did it best in this case, all the looks are smart with good group synergy and and a lot of creativity; when you do this type of alt-y punky style it's important that there's a diy element to it, which a lot of groups fail to grasp bc stylists are obsessed with luxury branding. h1key manages to avoid that mostly by being flops, but i'd like to believe its also bc their creative team cared about capturing the true spirit of the style.
stages: music bank 230106, mcountdown 230202, music bank 230203, mcountdown 230119, inkigayo 230108
tic tac - 8turn
honestly i was kinda ready to not like these guys since mnh shat the bed with chungha, but then i remembered that the mnh creative team is very good at their jobs, so here we are. this is one of the few debuts/cbs this year where every single stage was a hit and it was very hard to narrow down to just a few for here; lots of good emphasis on shape and colour and accent pieces with repeated motifs, which was a big part of the fashion in the 00s that they are remixing here. very strong debut especially for so early in the year and i'm looking forward to more.
stages: show champion 230208, mcountdown 230202, music bank 230203, show champion 230222, music core 230211, mcountdown 230223, music core 230225, inkigayo 230226
bonus: this absolutely hysterical 4minute cover (they even got the name bucket hats! not in the stage, but they had them in photos)
sweet juice - purple kiss
i'm not normally a fan of wes anderson or wes anderson inspired aesthetics because i find them too twee and perfect, but this wasn't too direct in it's inspirations and definitely had the spooky purki flavour. i really liked the uniformity of the costuming, both literally using uniform motifs and using the same fabrics; i really do miss the days when kpop costumes were design to actually be costumes with the group image in mind.
stages: mcountdown 230216, inkigayo 230219, music core 230225, music bank 230224, inkigayo 230226, music core 230304, inkigayo 230305
sour & sweet - bambam
bambam again proving that he's one of the few idols that knows his shit in terms of interesting styling. also if anyone knows where he filmed the mv/performance vid please tell me i need to know bc its so beautiful.
stages: mcountdown 230330, music bank 230331, inkigayo 230402, music bank 230407, music core 230408, inkigayo 230409,
bsides: music bank 230331, inkigayo 230409,
macarena - blitzers
i'm so so so glad blitzers got a bit more attention this year bc they deserve it and macarena was so good. perfect culmination of their goofy ass talents and the unusual creativity of their performance + creative directors. i'm even linking the mv teaser here bc its so goofy and offbeat and different. honestly i'd recommend watching as many of the stages as you can find bc they do different intros every time and it's very funny, but unfortunately tumblr has a link limit so i can't link them all.
stages: show champion 230426, music bank 230428, music core 230429, inkigayo 230430, inkigayo 230514, music core 230527
bouncy - ateez
yea yea yea nobody is surprised so sue me. this was a crazy followup to halazia and proved that ateez can deftly switch between serious dramatic performance and comedic but no less dramatic. i'm very happy to see how much work has been going into the main ateez mvs in the last year because it has very clear and striking direction that fits both their performance style and their creative ambition, as well as their growth as a group. also yea i'm not immune to neon cowboy shit.
stages: inkigayo 230618, music bank 230616, the show 230620, mcountdown 230622, music bank 230623, mcountdown 230629, music core 230701, inkigayo 230702
kick it 4 now - tnx
tnx had an absolutely banging 2023 and although kick it 4 now is has superior and more comprehensive production, love or die is also a very good cb, and both of them together have shown that they have a really good grasp on the genre of teen listlessness, from two different directions. kick it 4 now has been i think the most successful cb to actually capture the feel of first gen, and the creative team did a lot of extra work in order to pull that off. from all the graphic design to the goofy lil 90s style music show promos, to the styling, they had a clear goal and achieved it. i think it will be quite difficult for any other group to pull it off this thoroughly.
stages: music bank 230609 (the giant lyrics!!!), music core 230610, show champion 230614 (more giant lyrics!!), music core 230617, mcountdown 230622
shooting star + left right - xg
we all already know that left right was my most listened song this year, but the fact that the mv was b movie sci fi star trek themed? it's like simon made everything about this specifically for me thank you. xg blew everyone out of the water this year on every front; music, styling, choreography, you name it. i said i wanted groups to commit to their bits and i got it. they were completely unafraid to actually commit to the y2k nostalgia AND to harajuku styling; a lot of groups have weakly pawed at it but always back away due to the fact that harajuku and y2k are not actually 'pretty' fashion trends, which leaves their attempts half assed with no real understanding of why and how those trends happened. xg came saw and conquered the current trend in a way that only a japanese gg can do. my only annoyance is that they tone down the stylings when they promote on music shows, and i know why they do it, so it's not an annoyance at them, it's an annoyance at everyone else.
stages: shooting star - mcountdown 230202, con-tour 230217, the show 230221, inkigayo 230212, inkigayo 230205, con-tour 230224
left right - the show 230228, show champion 230222
circle - onew
absolute masterpiece. album of the year in every way. it's a profoundly beautiful unpacking of grief and the sadness that comes with acknowledging that things change, and the way that in that change life and humanity and story is eternal. a circle. the theatre imagery combined with the 60s style children's tv show use their similar but contrasting forms to illustrate the same point: something can be eternal and fleeting at the same time, and that heightens its value rather than diminishing it. the promo campaign was so thought out as well, i love the integration of the theatre imagery into the highlight medley and i highly recommend you watch it if you haven't. one of the best cbs from a solo artist in years.
stages: mcountdown 230309, music core 230311, music bank 230317, inkigayo 230319
ignore the fact this was almost five months late even though i started writing in like. november. i'm busy ok. it's planting season and i have to send so much post. the choreos post is the next most finished so that will probably be out before the styling second half one.
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raccoonfallsharder · 5 months
When I saw the first guardians film in middle school, my love of our favorite raccoon began. Finding a community of Rocket lovers after keeping it silently inside for so long is special (in a way I can't articulate without sounding goofy bc it's an anthropomorphic raccoon we're talking about here). I graduate from college this weekend and want to thank you for your stories getting me through hard times and motivationless days. It's given me a knew way to enjoy the movies I've watched so many times :) What was the media that got you super into Rocket and inspired your fiction writing? Much love!!
first and foremost, i want to congratulate you. school is not easy, and i swear it gets harder and feels more high-pressure/high-stakes every year. i hope that your time at college has given you more learning experiences than all-nighters, more opportunities than stressors, and more joy than hardship. and i hope that you are able to take everything you’ve earned and enjoy your freedom from university surrounded by good people, with plenty of time and resources to do the things you love. if you haven’t yet, please take time to sit and breathe and really soak up the fact that you did this. be proud of yourself. you fucken deserve it.
secondly, i read this while walking to the parking garage at 11pm after helping at an event for my college students (i work at a university) and i had to sit in my car and wait till i stopped tearing up so i could drive home. this truly made me so happy and im so glad my silly stories made things even just a little easier for you. ♡
so, my falling in love with rocket was a process. (cue me narrating this for three paragraphs like a schoolgirl with her first crush)
when we first saw rocket’s back in gotg1 i was like, oh. he’s in so much pain. between that + his fucken sarcasm, i complained afterward that the movie would’ve been so much better if he was the main character (lol). i started lazily dabbling in comics content then. i hadn’t been big into marvel comics before (more of a dc/image comics kid) but rocket and groot were becoming my faves. i loved gotg2. so much more focus on rocket, and yondu’s arc had me bawling like a baby. gotg2 made me like gotg1 more, which is part of how i judge the quality of a narrative series tbh (and why i think series are so hard to make). when the first gotg3 trailer came out and it was clear this was rocket’s story, i was obsessed. i didnt watch any additional trailers or read any more comics — rare for me. i wanted to go in completely blank. then i went back to the theatre to rewatch it three additional times (i have never before gone to see a movie more than once in the theatre). i was like… almost bursting with love for this stupid raccoon at this point.
then i got around to reading his grounded comic arc, and it was like — the dam burst. i hadn’t written fanfiction since 2017ish, and hadn’t been on tumblr since 2016, but i was like — i have to write about this fucken raccoon. i need to take care of him lol.
so when you ask what media - i guess all of it? in increments? because of course now ive watched most of his various cartoon incarnations, read probably 70% of the comics content, halfway through a stream of the 2021 game, have one of the novels (sitting on the tbr pile) and frankly the love just continues to grow.
now that ive taken up thirty-two years of your life, i just want to say im so glad you found this fandom and this community. he may be an anthropomorphic raccoon but he’s meaningful to people, in so many ways. im so very very glad that he could be that for you, and that you’re here.
congrats again, nonnie. i hope post-graduation life rewards you with supportive people who love and understand you, with joyful new experiences, good health, and everything you need to live happily and fully.
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troutfur · 5 months
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@gophergal @doritopaw101 Great minds think alike I see!
5. Yellowfang
Favorite character in TPB bar none. She made for excellent contrast to Fireheart and bounced off Cinderpelt perfectly. Definitely fits a similar niche to Jayf in the department of having an entertaining character with a sharp tongue. I live in bliss not having read Yellowfang's Secret. I hear she's totally butchered there but I refuse to see it. 🤗
4. Flametail
Half the reason I prefer the Po3 parentage reveal to have pushed Jay and Lion closer to Bramble. One of these days I need to revisit his PoV in OotS and his attitude towards his cousins shown there, if only to reacquaint myself with the ways in which canon disappointed me.
Of the relationships between the Po3 meddie apprentice generation, Jayfeather and Flametail had the only one I genuinely weep canon forgetting. They had legitimate buildup and I would have loved to see it develop.
The way Flamepaw idolizes his older cousin and shows this genuine enthusiasm for the job Jayfeather only has ever resented, the scene in which Jaypaw reacts to an insensitive comment by giving Flamepaw a scare but then gently explains his disability and why he doesn't bother focusing his eyes, the potential for Jay to seek refuge in their familial connection while still mad at Leaf and Squilf...
*clenches fist* I can't get over what we were robbed of.
3. Mothwing
I first became attached to her because one of the first things I learned through fandom osmosis, even before knwing her very well beyond my spoilers binge, was the constant attitude that her and Cloudtail were willfuly blind idiots. I'm not going to go on my tirade on how atheism can be rational even in a world in which deities of some kind are completely real. But it really got to me.
But besides that, I find her, her relationship with Hawkfrost, and the hardships she's had to navigate as an atheistic religious figurehead not only extremely compelling but also extremely resonant as a religious atheist since about age 15.
I honestly really hate how ASC has been treating her, especially with the latest books emphasizing her as the good kind of nonbeliever vis a vis Splashtail. I swear the only reason they are showing her as much sympathy as they are right now is that it's kind of hard not to when she's being contrasted to someone right out of a PureFlix Entertainment movie.
2. Leafpool
We love to see the world's most Catholic schoolgirl core kitty cat.
Leafpool hits a couple notes on the themes my history with the religion I was raised with got me obsessed with and I greatly appreciate her on her own. But to be perfectly honest where I think she shines best is in relationship with my blorbo Jayfeather. Their tenous, mutually frustrating, and abrassive relationship is one of those dynamics that just gets me to spill out words on the page whenever I'm writing them interacting.
I'm honestly really disappointed that so much of the fanon seems to focus on giving them a more smooth relationship that's almost pseudoparental and kind of Leafpool wish fulfillment. Which is really at odds with how I see them in canon, where at best they are cordial co-workers, and even then only after the mess in OotS is sorted out.
I get the urge of wanting to dote on Leafie, I also get it from time to time, but I feel that it really leaves on the table a very interesting canonical facet of both these characters. (Also let's be real, it honestly stinks of people sanding off all the flaws off their faves given one of the main ways Leafpool let out her frustrations was in making ableist remarks. It is perfectly reasonable that given the society of WC she'd have those attitudes, people. It's fine to let her have that as flaw.)
The blorbo of all time! ❤
I don't know if I've told the story in this blog before but I actually came into the series primed to like him, if only for familiarity bias. For the longest time I knew Warriors as those books that every furry my age seemed to have read and which I saw discourse about ocassionally in my dashboard. His name came up a lot and was seared into my mind so of course when I really got into the thick of reading it I was curious to see what the fuzz was about.
But I do love him for his own characteristics. For one, I'm a sucker for the asshole with a chip on their shoulder character type. I also really like his and his siblings' megalomania and overall bratiness over Po3 (and I really wish they had gotten worse tbh). He also resonates with quite a few themes of my raised Catholic brand of religious trauma. And the way his character arc was fumbled by the writing is a stimulating challenge to go "I can do better!" and then try to do better with.
But overall, it's really just that I have a great time whenever I'm reading/writing about, analyzing, reinterpreting, or doing research to write him. At the end of the day he's just fun to engage with.
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nicomrade · 1 year
so i reread the scott pilgrim comics this week for the first time since 2019? lots of stuff happened in my life in-between + i learned to actually like, pay attention when reading so this specific reread felt really important to me- the issue of reading it in french for the first time aside. heres some misc thoughts i had while reading! some of this stuff is drawing from conversations about the comics ive had with people over the years, i dont mean to break any new ground here, and i dont have a specific lense to look at the comics through so its not structured like analysis either. full thoughts under the cut! i hope you all like going on this little trip with me ^-^
so first of, the X motif! this i KNOW i saw someone else talk about. it comes up first on scott's jacket with the X-men patch (and it comes up again in that context- "then wolverine is crucified on a big X") and also on knives' scott-shrine, her dad slashes an X over scott's picture. these are the two biggest exemples but there really are Xs constantly in the imagerie of the comics, which is great and i love. the comic is about fighting ramona's exs, and this is foreshadowing that scott himself will be one, but its also generally about the baggage that comes with existing. at its core its really comics about dealing with whats over, so we get into scotts relationships w envy & kim & knives (& ramona), but we also get into his relationship with lisa (what couldve been) we also see him move flats (the end of an era!), in volume 1 scott tells knives about the house he grew up in that now belongs to another family, scott breaking his bass & no longer being in a band, etc. theres sooooo many flashback sequences in these comics and references to the past… its all about the X.!
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loosely related in the foreshadowing department there are genuinely so many background details of stories about people who dont matter to the comics that foreshadow later developments. the details of why Crash & the Boys changed drummers is straight up the dynamics of Clash at Demonhead, theres the Lucas Lee movie on the BG thats visually identical to scotts memory of when he got with kim- and the reveal that the lady in that movie wasnt dead is arguably foreshadowing for scott reviving in volume 6? if you know whats happening in the story, rereading the volumes really is so rewarding. it also helps on a first read cause unconsciously its not the first time you're hearing about these ideas so theyre easier to digest & accept. this is also what the character explicitely referencing what will happen later is for- "i wonder how the Boys & Crash can do music without instruments- maybe it will be relevant later in the evening" "i'd need a deus ex machina to beat todd", these help you accept when these things do seemingly "come out of nowhere" later in the scene (and poke cheerful fun at it lol these are fun comics)
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a personal fave of mine is the phrase "read the comic sometime" thats repeated in the early volumes at characters who werent there for something. its 4th-wall breaking, its fun, it nicely tells lost readers where to head to without re-dumping exposition, AND it helps keep track of who was where for what scenes … stuff like "when did stacey & ramona become friends??" or "i cant believe this is stacey & neils first meeting!" or "wallace was already introduced to ramona earlier" … its all fun and helps you stay on the ride. i think this is why i would read the comics back to back to back to back and retained very little. its easy to passively read these comics and its not a bad thing! though it is better to actively read them, and take these notes as fun jokes & reminders, and not life boats.
the 4th wall breaks are also great for the side characters having their own lives in the background. there are a lot more time indications in scott pilgrim than i remembered, if youre paying attention i think its really really easy to have a nice timeline in your head. but when stuff is broken to scott its not "i started dating mobile during X month" or "i came out X months ago" its "i started dating mobile during volume 3" and "i came out during volume 5" that way the reader can more easily relate it to the story that was happening at the time- and to keep in mind during a volume reread. its not a writing technique for EVERY comic, but its something that scott pilgrim gets to have BECAUSE its a comic- and unapologetically so! this is not a work that wants to be more novel than graphic to be taken seriously. its a comic, and its silly, and its also a work of art, and you have to respect it on its own terms.
theres also, uhm, ill be quick on this point cause its kind of weird how lesbians/sapphics are handled in the comics. its not BAD but theres clearly a bias towards male homosexuality being fleshed out and lesbianism not so much. but so the start of volume 4 is when kim & knives make out and it really starts this obsession in scott about this thing he cannot tell anyone about but is still thinking about, that prepares for roxies introduction- ramonas ex girlfriend. that i believe is also when wallace first asks if scotts broken out the "L-word" yet and it gives more context to scott assuming its lesbians? and him then going all "why does everyone keep asking me about lesbians!" but it is also kind of weird re: lesbian fetishism (which IS pointed out with scotts weird poster that no one likes but thats it). and all that with ZERO canon lesbians! roxie is pretty bi-coded i would say with her insistance on being "HALF-ninja", but ramona is described as an american ninja in the early volumes so its kind of loose. idk its weird and i like to think julie came out as a lesbian cause stephen & her being a comphet4comphet couple is really good to me
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a thing id never noticed before is that julie was suspecting stephen of having views on knives during volume 4? and its why she was so shitty to knives for a while there, and then its "worked out" at the end of the volume. this feeds into the constant fear of cheating during the story, theres of course todd & scott who do cheat, but also more grey areas of relationships. im thinking of ramonas anxieties around lisa, and when scott finds out roxie stayed over at ramona's. about stephen too, his response to julie apologizing for being jealous of knives is very… uncomfortable
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"i have nothing to fear!" "right yeah..." surely because hes starting to realize hes gay, and possibly because he's already vaguely started seeing joseph. we dont get more details on his relationships i am not going to accuse him of cheating LOL. i truly dont care. but its an anxiety that comes up again and again whenever relationships are starting to turn sour- "are they cheating?" and having been in my 20s for a little bit yeah i get it. scott not telling ramona about his job- not telling her much of ANYTHING during vol 4- and ramona not sharing much either are also part of this. theres a reason all of this happens in volume 4, and next volume ramona finds out scott cheated on knives with her. loss of intimacy and the breakdown of dialogue is all part of cheating anxieties, whether there is actual cheating or not. "what do i not know? what else are they keeping from me? they dont talk to me but they talk to them? are they cheating on me?"
theres a really neat thing the comics do to show the breakdown of scott and ramona's relationship in volume 5 and its the scene where ramona goes shopping and scott tags along. she spends it not saying anything (until she tells scott she doesnt even like his band) and scott obsessively talking about his comics (X-men!) while she doesnt look particularly interested.
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this is the scene where scott breaks up with knives again!!! the roles are reversed, scott is now the one talking about whatever while his girlfriend's unresponsive, and obviously ramona doesn't break up with him here and there, and they dont kiss in a goodwill, but the ressemblance is there. and like with the knives breakup scene, we have a good date variant of this! its their very first date from the first volume where scott does mostly talk about himself but ramona is having fun joking with him. here we are shown their relationship slowly crumbling and it lays the ground for ramona leaving at the end of the volume.
similarly to how scott battles all of ramonas evil exs (himself included), ramona does face all of scott's own exs. its not as spectacular but we see her fight knives in volume 2, then she fights envy in volume 3. we also have her comment on kim that she does like her (same with lisa, who is not strictly an ex but emotionally is treated as such. especially with how scott sleeping over at lisa's is paralleled with roxie sleeping over at ramona's) these are not comments she makes about stephen or julie, for exemple, its specifically women who had a close relationship with him. and uhm ramona also comments on liking wallace who- again- is not STRICLY an ex, but hes also part of that volume 4 cheating anxieties conversation, wallaces incessant flirting, mobile himself jokes (?) about finding wallace in the arms of another man, etc. but most convincingly to ME because we are talking about EXs here is the flashback of wallace inviting himself at scotts house being identical to lisas scene of inviting herself at scotts, scott saying the story of how he ended up living with wallace is "somewhat gay", and the general college flashbacks.
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i think this points to scott & wallace having briefly dated in the past, or (because hes paralleled with lisa) having a "what couldve been" relationship where they didnt make anything of it and now the time window's passed and emotionally? kind of feels like an ex. and if anything they ARE ex-roommates lol. this is not a scollace truthing thing, im a firm mobillace guy ok -_- im just saying its there. back to the point of ramona facing scott's exs as well, YES i am including herself in it. her going to the wilderness during vol6 parallels scott going to the countryside, the very place he faces negascott properly. and the way ramona talks when she comes back its easy to see that she did face herself on that trip. & the figurines agree with me that the idea of a negaramona does exist :)
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thats more or less all i had in mind, i also feel like i was finally able to properly enjoy the themes of the comics of facing your own shittiness and doing better, of the harms of being stuck in your own head, of never ending up like gideon (who is so attached to his exs that he literally cryogenizes them!) the warning of rewriting your own memories (or at least biased recollections of it) uhm how breakups suck! and how cheating is not always black & white but also fucking sucks !! being out of school (wanting to go back to school?) and looking for jobs- and yes if scotts life had a face i would punch it too its literally unfair how easily everything goes for him on that front, even freeloading with wallace (<- jealous). envys obsession with a guy who is so obviously shitty but who shes been best friends with since they were 11 is also kind of… ooh i get it now…. its yeah. i think they really are comics for being in your 20s, a lot about dating? but its so generally about human relationships and dealing with your baggage, i think it is still relatable without the specific romantic relationship experience.? i love these comics. everyone read scott pilgrim if you havent in a while (or ever!!!!) and try to think a little about it as you read it really is so worthwhile. and if anything theyre insanely funny, and wallace is there!
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hughiecampbelle · 1 month
Hi, I’m pretty new to making requests and I’m quite shy about it so I’ve tried making a few here and there recently but I’m still learning how much detail to include and stuff like that so please bear with me!
Firstly, congratulations on your achievement and I hope you are feeling better 😊 I saw on your posts that we can request specific characters for the ship so I would love to request to be shipped with Frenchie as he’s one of my fave characters in anything, not just in The Boys. I’m female (she/her pronouns), have dyed dark red hair, green eyes, only 5ft tall (but I love being short), and I have a lot of tattoos, including both my calves/upper arm/wrists/foot, and many of which I collected while travelling so they have very sentimental meaning. I’m British but not a Cockney like Butcher. My style is all over the place but I have a huge love for jackets and hats, and I love both black and pastel colours.
Hobbies - I write poetry, and have done since I was very young, but I’m still shy about it. I’m an amateur/hobbying archer (barebow recurve) and it’s really becoming a big passion of mine and makes me feel like a badass Robin Hood whenever I practice. I love a lot of media – movies/tv/videogames and co-run a movie club. I also absolutely adore a really diverse amount of music but rock and metal have a particularly special place in my heart and I love rock gigs. Two of my biggest passions are wildlife and travelling, I love all creatures and any time I’m travelling or caring for animals that’s my happy place. I take part in local quizzes and try (not very well) to learn various languages like Spanish, Finnish, Japanese and, yes, a little French as well. I love crafts and photography and try to be creative. My fave place I’ve ever been is southern Africa. Fave movies include Edward Scissorhands, Fight Club, Everything Everywhere All At Once.
Personality – I’m a Libra and naturally super flirty but I struggle with esteem issues so I tone it down because of that. I think my friends would say one of my best assets is being funny, not in a comedian kind of way but in general conversation, I have quite a strong sense of humour. I’m very emotional and sensitive but see these as positives and I have a strong sense of justice as well. I’m a proud nerd and love the family feeling that fandom brings. I think my HP house would be Ravenclaw. My dream job would be running a sanctuary for animals. I always fall for people I’m friends with first, and I love sweetness.
I hope this is all ok and enough/not too much!
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The second Frenchie sees you with your bow and arrow, that man swoons. He's a puddle of himself, a mess. For the first time in his life he's speechless. He absolutely adores watching you practice. You laugh at him, saying he has better things to do, but there is no place on Earth he'd rather be than with you
You two do this thing in the car or at the office where you switch off playing songs. Most of his French techno or rap, but there are definitely a few gems you've found because of him. He has an entire playlist of music you show him titled Mon Couer and he is constantly bragging about your perfect taste in rock and metal
Frenchie promises you, when this whole mess is over, when you finally take down Vought and Homelander, you'll travel the world. He makes you make a list of every place you want to see and he assured you, you'll see it all together. You'll be free to explore and travel. You'll never have to come back to this disaster of a city
That man loves your humor. If you can't laugh off the ridiculous and dangerous situations you find yourselves in, what's the point? He has a habit of making wildly inappropriate jokes that you can't help but laugh at. He's quick witted and he appreciates that you can keep up with him
Your sense of justice is what keeps both Frenchie and the team on the ground. It's what keeps everyone level headed in this fight instead of, like Butcher's thought process, an act of revenge. When the team is feeling defeated, you're the one to give him a pick-me-up speech, you're the one to remind them that this is a fight you can't give up on
Hope you like it my love!!!! Xoxoxo💜💜💜💜
Want to request a ship?
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4 years, 40 facts about me loving napo... let's go 🏃🏻‍♀️
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...or as @leonscape called it, 40 "Mopoleon" facts?! (picrew link)
the date of our "anniversary", June 19th, is one day after the date of the battle of Waterloo 💀
both our given names are of Italian origin
we're both leo zodiac signs
our birthdays are 8 days apart, in the same month
he's my first otome route ever played
i've only played his route once, in July 2019
i've never seen his dramatic ending
my first impression of him on a teaser tweet of ikevamp EN was that he looks like an asshole, and I didn't like his looks either...
my falling for him was utterly illogical as despite these thoughts I put him on my phone wallpaper a few days later (still before the release of ikevamp EN)
as of right now ao3 says he appears in 59 of my posted works: the total number of fics I have published with him is higher as a few of those are stand-alones in a multichapter fic (napoleon bday prompts 2019 +9, yumeweek 2020 +5, mini requests +4, headcanons +11 ) ...he appears in about 1/3 of all my fics!
we share a hobby of reading biographies! the official ikevamp character sheets state it as his hobby
our height difference is 18 cm
the @xxsycamore blog exists solely because of him, as well as my passion for writing - I started this blog because I wanted to express my love in some kind of creative way, as previously (and for the longest time) I thought my medium would be art instead of writing
despite that, my first ever posted fic is not with him but with Arthur!
I've always loved languages but he had influence over my choice of learning especially french in uni. It's hell but I don't regret it at all
I have a playlist with sleepy-themed songs for him 🥺
birds are my favorite animals (any kind) and he has a pet eagle!!
our mbti personality types are a so-called perfect match! infp + enfj
I don't like black-haired, blue-eyed men because of him, it was my type before him too! (not many such ikemens around but I have a handful of faves like that from other media)
as the fictional napoleon bonaparte is light years away from the historical figure, I thought I wouldn't be interested in learning about him - until I ended up reading multiple books on him, the thickest of which 680 pages... while I don't mix the two in my head, the napoleonic era history (+ russian empire history) is still pretty cool to know imo!
there's hardly any writer around here who hasn't received a napoleon request from me at least once... I'm so sorry...
it is implied in the game that napo has kissed boys (they were taking turns waking him up and they all know of his habit......) which gives me enough reason to headcanon him as bi....like me 🥺
I really suck at completing the bday creation challenges I host for him, as last year I did 0 prompts and the year before that 2....but in 2019 I did 10!
I love making bday gifts. I love birthdays. I don't have the exact number but last year a lot of characters received a bday fic from me but not napo 💀 partly because I was shadowbanned back then!
the only real tradition I have when it comes to his bday is to make homemade crepes since it's his favorite food! but my favorite part is eating them...
I still haven't watched the movie "Napoleon & Me"...
I don't have much napo merch, but I do have the Naplushieon doll which is plenty
I was still in highschool (11th grade) when I fell for him 🥺🥺🥺 it feels like ages ago
I love the song written for the ikevamp stage play and sung by his voice actor Nobunaga Shimazaki, "Lucida", so much you can even find it and play it on my blog... recently some kind soul uploaded the whole version on youtube (I've been waiting for so long....) and I haven't been the same since
my dream napo merch is the clothes hanger with his neck and face so that I can hang my silly little sundresses on him (I'm going to make it on my own actually, just watch)
after having so many random fic ideas for him that will never see the light of day, I accepted the facts at last and now I feel so much better and more chill
I'm currently working on fanart series where I try to post one tablet-drawn art of him every month... I have trouble keeping them simple as desired sometimes but I'm having lots of fun while learning (I still consider myself fairly new to drawing with my tablet)
once I wrote a death anniversary fic for napo!
the best napo song i've discovered so far is Wings by Su!YoON!
I don't know. anything. about his sequel. i just know the cgs. not that is hard to avoid spoilers LMAO
my most favorite napo cg is the 5th bday one (where they're in a field of roses) (it was on my phone's background for a very long time)
my most favorite napo card...that's a trick question but I think the one that is on the left banner in my blog (desktop view)
yes, yes I do want to go to Corsica one day what about it. I have a lot of other dream trip destinations too!
yes, I do love Napoleon cake (It's a russian recipe) (it was my bday cake in 2020)... but so do I love a whole lot of other cakes...!
Fact number 40 is that I love Napoleon a normal amount 😇 nono listen!! I do talk a lot about him, and here I tried compilating facts that are not too cheesy: believe it or not there are days I don't think about him, ok! I never pressure myself to get all the event bonus stories, or to always have a fic ready for him... in a world where im a worrywart about anything and everything, he's my safe place? my chill place? And if I begin to think about the gigantic mass of things surrounding him that are exactly aligning with what I love, with what comforts me, with what traits im looking for in a person, i'm going to get dizzy. So let's end this here with me saying, ily so much Napoleon 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 im such a nunuche sometimes but im your nunuche ‼️‼️
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itsmrvlxh50 · 6 months
Thanks @cherikdogfood for tagging me, I really enjoyed answering these questions.
Are you named after anyone?
Yes my great grandmother, and they told me she was a viery fierce and strong woman, she had also resisted to the Bulgarians during their occupation of Thrace in WW2. I am proud to be named after her!
When was the last time you cried?
Like real, physical tears? I never cried like that as far as I remember. I am physically unable to cry and currently working on that with my therapist, yk letting myself feel things. But this quite sobbing, when my team got knocked out of thecup a couple of months ago because of a shitty referee. I tend to get angry when feeling overwhelmed so I usually shout.
Do you have kids?
No, unless you count my pets
What sport do you play/have played?
A lot! I mainly did horseback riding my whole life but I also played basketball for about three tears and my team were in the first youth league at the time. I also played handball and tennis and did track and kick boxing. I also played football (where you kick the ball with your feet) for three years and I was a goalkeeper, I would have played in my national team if I didn’t have so many injures and an acl surgery during my second season and my exams and also the covid pandemic during my third season. But if I have to sum up, I do horseback riding for 15 years and football for 3, I hope I get back to it one day.
Do you use sarcasm?
Yeah, more now that I grew up.
What's the first thing you notice about people?
How tall they are, and their colour of their eyes!
What's your eye color?
Happy ending comedies or horror?
Happy ending comedies, B99 is a huge fave of mine.
Any talents?
I am a very good artist, I draw very well on pen (but I barely post it) and I have been writing screenplays ever since I was 5 y/o. I have a talent for languages as well but I barely use it since I hate learning grammar. I can speak 3 so far (my native Greek, English and French) and I still work on two more (German and Dutch).
Where were you born?
What are your hobbies?
I am a scout, I love horseback riding, I love to draw and write, watching movies and our favorite football team with my sister and play lots of sports. I also like to go for a run at 06:00 in the morning and recently got into watching F1.
Any pets?
Yes, my dog Teddy, my mom says he is a mini copy of me but he is afraid of everything in this world and I am of nothing. I also count my sister’s cat Kitty and my brother’s parrot Corey since we all live in the same house and because they are younger than me, I used to help take care of them.
How tall are you?
180cm (I think it’s 6ft)
Dream job?
Military officer! I want to join the Air Force. Or a police officer!!
Favorite food?
Rice with schnitzel and white sauce with mushrooms, cheese and bacon.
I know I am supposed to tag more people but I really have no idea who to tag, so I didn’t.
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piecesofeden11 · 10 months
I'm sorry; did you just say 'spontaneous root canal'??
6, 18, and 25 for the cozy asks for Cal and/or Merrin, please!
(Thanks tumblr for not saving this post as a draft the first time around ...) So yeah, I've been dealing with some major pain in my face for the past few weeks, which escalated into searing toothache last week so I had a spontaneous dentist date today, which turned into a spontaneous root canal (I believe that's the correct term). I underestimated how much that would hurt *after* it's done but my ibuprofen has finally kicked in so I'm better for now. And hopefully, this will end all the other pain, too. If not ... well, I have a scan scheduled for January ... but enough of my medical issues :D On to this delightful ask game, which I'm open to for any and all of my faves, or OCs but since no one knows them but a few select people ... well :D Come ask me! <3 For Merrical! 😍😍😍 gladly! 6. What's your OC's idea of a cozy night in? - Okay, so in my mind there's two very contrasting versions of Merrical. The one is very wholesome, very cute and shy and very much *first love*. Those two would probably curl up in Cal's bunk and have BD project them movie and they eat space popcorn and at some point Merrin falls asleep on Cal's shoulder, wrapped in his most comfortable poncho. Alternatively, Cal (and BD) would tinker on some gadget or another, while Merrin reads a book in the bunk and roasts Cal everytime he hisses because he cut/burned/pinched himself. On slightly more melancholic evenings, perhaps BD would provide them with Holo-Images of Dathomir, or even the Jedi Temple (which he would know from his time with Cordova, I believe). The second version in my mind? Well ... they'd maybe also start with a movie but end up having nice, slow, intense sex ;D 18. What does a lazy morning consist of? - Version 1: Cuddles! Talking, roasting each other gently. A lot of hand-holding involved. I head-canon both of them being a little obsessed with the other's hands. Cal's being all rough from his scrapper days, Merrin's softer, with her tattoos, but getting a little more scrapped up too. Exploring scars, just being silent together while waking up. BD is, of course, also there! Version 2, you guessed it, more sex ... Seriously. In my mind, these two are either super sweet and wholesome or just very, very randy :D 25. What's something you OC does to wind down after a long day? - Cal: Tinkering, Lightsaber Katas, Climbing. Sometimes reading, or, depending on how harsh the day was, straight up bed, face-down, out like a light. - Merrin: Reading, going through the Holonet to learn of all the places she hasn't seen. She won't admit it, but she likes when BD projects Starmaps for her and lets her browse those. Sometimes she'll go off to a place somewhere further away from the Mantis and go through magical rituals. I will not elaborate on Version 2 of them you know the drill! Thank you for the question, dear friend! 💕
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