#Hellcaster writes
spidrboots · 11 months
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how could he begin to explain his reasoning to steven when he could hardly understand it, himself ? it wasn’t that he couldn’t ( or shouldn’t ) date or find love because of his job. it was valentino & that stupid fucking contract that he made. it was the blood on his hands & the scars on his soul. love was as a privilege that he had since lost, again & again & again.
he couldn’t even fathom what would happen if an object of his affections dared return the feelings that he did his best to swallow down like a thick pill that would save him from himself. it simply couldn’t be. he hands steven a can of soda, one of the few things that charlie kept around the hotel, while he sipped from a mystery liquid in a tall glass.
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“ that’s a real sweet thought, kid. love, datin’, the whole thing ; it ain’t all bad, for all people. it just — it ain’t for me. i’m a natural flirt, s’all. but it’s cute to see a kid dreamin’ big. ”
@hellcasted . / continued from here .
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sanityshorror · 2 days
A little ashamed to amdemt this cuz you said yourself Juilius and Killan know only the characters in hellcast
But my brain has come up with little what ifs so here one and no I will never post this on another pale I need this out cuz I know my brain
So here the idea
I have these twin girls that were forced to sale their souls (demon oc doing)
So my brain went what if Julius adopted the girls?
So idk I will never write this and their just little silly family moments in my brain
Anon...i understand. Especially given how most so not understand the complex aspects of Hellcrew (props to you; so long at it's age appointment for you I encourage further research through their character tags/and/or questions!).
If you make an anon account just to get these things out... Just know I give all things related to my characters a kudos xD ... So yeah send?
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thevoxtek · 7 days
Hey Vox fans! Looking for a super cool and fun Hellaverse server to talk with other fans, share theories and content, and overall just have a good time? Look no further! Hellcast is a 15+ Hellaverse (but particularly Vox and Radiostatic themed) Discord server. We're extremely humble as of right now, but hopefully our ranks will grow soon! Hellcast is a completely supportive environment and I'm super excited for the opportunity to see other's art and discussion. Some cool Hellcast features: As you level up by talking in the server, you rank up! The lowest rank is Hellborn (Lvl. 5) and the highest rank a member can achieve is Deadly Sin (Lvl. 50) Hellaverse related questions every day! Space to share theories, art, writing, and headcanons as well as cool art you find across the internet. We hope to add even more cool events and features as people join! You can find the invite here. We hope to see you there!
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hellcaster901 · 4 years
Never Been Better
The Mandalorian x Reader
Second part to What Now?
Summary: It’s an unspoken tension between the two of you after what happened on the Razor Crest. 
Word Count: 8,454
Warning(s): SMUT!! (Again, please be safe, wrap it before you tap it, this is (again) just a fanfiction), some language, the usual smut (cream pie, oral-male receiving). Did some edits, but again, if you find something just act like you didnt see it.
A/N: I can’t stop thinking about this man, Pedro Pascal has my heart and so does the Mandalorian. I want to give a shout out to my best friend @13dead-ends​ we’ve been on the phone for hours for the past couple nights just writing and figuring things out. She is a new author to tumblr so please go get her a follow and I promise you she’s coming out with wonderful (and smutty) works! I hope you guys enjoy the second part to ‘What Now?’!!!!
What Now? (Pt 1) Say Something (Pt 3)
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“Are you sure it’s okay to be here?” You hum, watching as Mando lowered the ship onto the planet, the land becoming bigger as he grew closer to the land. 
“Its outer rim. Aprliria doesn’t exactly hold a lot of criminals.” 
With a slight jolt, Mando landed the ship, your eyes staring at the vast land of green grass and tall trees. For a while now, it’s been jumping from planet to planet looking for the Child’s kind, but with each planet, it left us more and more confused about if we were even on the right track. There was hardly anyone who knew what kind of creature the Child was, much less knew what planet would hold such a creature. Even if you knew where this planet was, you weren’t too sure Mando would even go. He’s grown fond of the child, the child himself looking at Mando as it’s father. The two of them had a bond that nothing could break, the Child was a part of Mando’s life, and leaving him was something the Mandalorian wasn’t sure he could do. 
You watched silently as Mando’s hands glided along the dashboard, landing the ship perfectly. The Child watched with wide eyes from his crib as he waited for the next movement. 
“Sweet thing.” You smiled, reaching for the greenling. He cooed at you as you picked him up, standing from the seat and resting the Child on your hip. “Are you ready to look around?” You whispered to him. He only let out a small squeal, answering your question. You only giggled, watching out of the corner of your eye as Mando turned in his chair, facing the two of you. “How long are we going to stay here?”
“As long as we need.” He answered, standing from his seat, the Child stared up at him, his hands reaching for him. Mando reached up, both of you watching as the Child wrapped his small hand around one of the Mandalorian’s fingers. You watched with a small smile, looking up at Mando, he tilted his helmet towards you, his eyes connecting with yours. 
It always felt like the air was ripped from his lungs when he looked into your eyes. Or at least hoped that he was. The way your eyes shined in the light, how wide and full of life they were. Ever since that night of passion, things were definitely different. Both Mando and you knew that things couldn’t go back to how they were, neither of you wanted that, but it was hard to label what’s between you two when the two of you didn’t even know what to call your ‘relationship’. It was unspoken what was going on, but a few things have changed. Longer glances at one another, small touches that lit both of your bodies on fire, and nights that the two of you shared together. 
It started to become a routine, the way Mando would lay awake in the middle of the night and hear you shuffle into his room, crawling into his bed and making yourself comfortable. At first it was he’d wake up to you sleeping by his side, curdled next to him with the blanket over your face, respecting Mando’s creed. When you’d wake up, he’d already be working on the ship, neither of you speaking about the previous night. What turned into once in a while, turned into every other night which turned to every night that you’d shuffle into his room, curling beside him and falling asleep. He didn’t mind, in all actuality, that’s what he waited for each night, to hear you shuffle into his room, your bare feet cautiously slapping against the metal of the ship looking for the cot and it dipping from your weight as you made yourself comfortable next to him. Mando was sure to keep his helmet on, not wanting to break his creed, but each time the room was pitch black, sheltering him from your gaze, and each morning he was gone before you were awake. You noticed the helmet, wondering if you should say anything about this unspoken routine, if it was too uncomfortable, but you figured if it was something Mando didn’t want, he would’ve said something by now. As the nights went on of you sleeping with him, you began to notice that he no longer wore his helmet to bed (as you stubbed your toes on it one night) trusting that you wouldn’t look. 
You weren’t sure why you started going to sleep with him. One night you were up, your body refusing to go to sleep, your mind too active. Thoughts of the child and Mando filling your head, and no matter how hard you tried, sleeping wasn’t an option. The decision to go to Mando was a difficult one, you weren’t sure if he was gonna tell you to go back to your own cot, or blow up at you, or what. It was a chance you were honestly willing to take. That night that you tiptoed to his room, you noticed he kept his room dark, hiding his identity from anyone or anything that could come and see him. You slipped into his bed, pulling the blanket over your head and like a light switch, you were out. After that night, neither of you spoke about it, leaving it almost like a secret between the two of you. A secret from who? No idea, but it was a secret you were excited to have.
Mando couldn’t help himself when he reached for you, his gloved hand cupping your cheek. He watched as your eyes widened, your lips parted as he rubbed your cheek with his thumb, taking in your beauty. He wasn’t exactly sure what he was feeling for you, it was a strong feeling he hasn’t felt for a long time, something that made him nervous. Nothing really made him nervous anymore, and the fact that you made him feel like that scared him. 
“We should find some lounging.” Mando spoke up, pulling his hand from your face, the warmth leaving with him as your cheek grew cold. With a swift nod, you turned from him, grabbing the small messenger bag and nestling the Child inside, looping it over your shoulder.
The walk towards the small town was filled with silence, Mando keeping an eye and ear out for danger, if that was even possible on this planet, but also trying to rack through his own thoughts. You on the other hand, it was clear that something was on your mind, and that something was the man covered in beskar armour that made you feel boneless little less than a month ago. It was hard not to think about that time against the cold metal, the way he grabbed you, felt inside you, everything about that time was branded in your memory, and it was something that you couldn’t forget. What you couldn’t forget the most was that he took his helmet off, for you. Even if you had to keep your eyes shut, the action itself was enough to make your heart swell with the possibility that there was something more there than sexual feelings. Of course there was, he wouldn’t be letting you crawl into his bed every night or leave the small touches like he did just a few moments ago. It was the matter of talking about what this was, that scared you, and him even. 
Things definitely changed, that was undeniable, it was the fact that you had to address it that made it difficult. 
In a short period of time the three of you made it to the small town, it being more active than the past towns you’ve been to. People walking through the crowds of people to shops, other folks just sitting at the tables enjoying the sunlight. It was a town that was very much alive. The people wore bright colored clothes, all enjoying one another’s company. They must’ve been new to visitors as they stared the two of you down. But no one made a move to figure out where you came from, they kept their distance.
You reached down for the little flap on the bag, lifting it and seeing the Child staring back up at you. “Whatcha doing?” You giggled, reaching in and tickling his chest. He only cooed, wiggling in the bag. “Okay.” You laughed, stopping in your tracks and reaching in. “Keep within my eyesight.” You mumbled, setting him down onto the gravel. He cooed loudly, wobbling towards Mando. You followed close behind, watching as the Child caught up to Mando, his small hand wrapping grabbing onto the dark cape. An amused smile grew on your face as you watched Mando turn around, his neck bending to see the Child staring up at him, his small green hands grabbing onto his leg. “Rather have you hold him than me.” You chuckle, crossing your arms over your chest. Mando glanced at you for a moment before reaching down and grabbing the Child, lifting him into his arms.
“Lets go.” He huffed. On the inside you knew that he loved this, the bond he had with this creature, he was just too tough to be open about it. With a smile, you followed, watching as the Child was staring at everyone and everything, taking in the life. Shortly you got to the small lounging, watching as Mando handed the Child back to you, heading up to talk to the owner for a room. You stood a few feet away, looking out at the crowd of people that were starting to gather further down the main street. You watched with a curious look, hearing Mando talk to the woman, trying to negotiate on a price for the room. Always trying to talk down the price. With a huff, Mando paid for the room, leaving the woman at the counter with a scowl on her face.
“Hey,” You softly spoke, glancing over at the woman. “What’s exactly going on here?” She sighed, leaning forward and staring down at the crowd of people.
“A festival, it's the beginning of the new season, it’s something to celebrate.” You nodded, listening to the woman. “It’s mostly a festival to be grateful for life.”
“That’s fun.” You smiled, looking back at the woman, she wasn’t smiling, just staring at you with a scowl. The smile fell from your face, wondering what Mando said to the woman to make her so mad. “Have a great one.” You hurried, looking forward, seeing Mando waiting. With a sheepish smile you caught up, following as he guided you towards the lounging.
He swung the door open, revealing two makeshift cots, and a window at the back of the room. It wasn’t the best option, but it was obviously better than what you had going on back on the ship. Mando didn’t say a word as he stepped inside, looking around. With a sigh, you set down the Child, watching as he waddled inside, making himself at home instantly as he explored the small room. You stepped in, closing the door behind you choosing the cot furthest away from the door, sitting down and watching the Child happily make his way around the room. 
“Did you hear what that woman said about what's going on?” you started, questioning yourself as to why you even started talking. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Mando walk over to the window, glancing out. His helmet tilting slightly towards you, a sign that he was listening. “It’s apparently a festival for the new season that's coming for the people.” You explained, turning and facing the bounty hunter. “A festival to be grateful for life as well.” You smiled, watching as he looked at you. It was hard to see what he was thinking about, hard to know what he looked like as he stared at you. You tried to pick up on any gestures he would do, hoping it would help you figure out what he was going through but sometimes you were still as confused as you were before. 
He said nothing, only crossed the room and sat on his cot, beginning to mess with his beskar. You bit the inside of your cheek, wondering if you should talk again or just leave it be and let him do what he needs to do.
“Would you like to walk around and see?” The modulated voice rung. You were honestly shocked that he said something, much less asking if you wanted to see what was going on. You thought if anything he’d want to stay low, leaving for dinner on the first day and seeing if this planet really is as safe as he thought it was. 
“Can we?” You whispered, patiently waiting like a child as he thought things over. He turned his heads towards you, his eyes looking over your excited form, the smile on your face as you thought about the festival. At that moment, he realized he could never say no to you.
Mando stayed a distance behind, watching as you walked through the crowds of people, The Child in the bag that hung on your hip, the flap open for him to sit and watch without trying to keep up with the two of you. He kept a close eye on the two of you, nothing else catching his eye as the three of you walked, wanting to make sure nothing happened to the two of you. He watched as you watched the people celebrate, your eyes gleaming as you saw the people dancing to the music he was sure you’ve never heard of. The face of pure curiosity on your face was enough to make his heart tug. 
Things were different, he didn’t talk about things because he wasn’t sure how to explain himself. That night, with you changed everything to him. He knew there was something there, there always was. The way he would catch you staring at him, or the way his heart would pick up as he got closer to the Razor’s Crest after he would catch a bounty. It was subtle things that he knew the both of you would pick up on, and that night changed it all. He cleared his throat, trying to steer his mind away from imagining that night once again. It was something he couldn’t stop thinking about. The way you gave yourself to him, the way you felt around him, he needs more.
He had to control himself.
The festival, the colors, the music and the people were all new to you. It was something unlike anything you’ve ever seen before in your life. It was a bit overwhelming. You looked down at the Child, watching as his wide eyes were staring at everything as well. You were sure the two of you looked alike, a pure look of excitement at the new things. You glanced over your shoulder, your eyes instantly landing on Mando as he followed close. You wondered if he was enjoying this just as much as you were. But you were sure he’s seen things like this all the time. You weren’t exactly too sure, he never spoke of past travels. He really never spoke to you about anything. Shaking your head, you tried to focus back on the festivities that were going on. Most of it was just dancing, the people enjoying the music and moving.
You gasped softly as you felt a small hand wrap around your wrist, tugging softly. Glancing down, you noticed a small child staring up at you, wide eyes, a smile on her face and sweat on her forehead. Her eyes kept flickering back and forth from you to the child quickly. I chuckled softly, crouching down, grabbing the Child in the bag and lifting him. “You can say ‘hi’.” I smiled, watching as her eyes got even wider. The Child cooed, lifting his hands to her, his little green fingers tickling her face. She giggled loudly, her hands going in excitement as she watched the Child. He cooed loudly, his arms going as he saw her own happiness. She calmed a bit, reaching into her pocket and pulling a beaded necklace. You smiled softly as you watched her look up at you, asking for silent permission. You nodded, watching as she lifted the beads up, the small string landing around his neck. Her smile grew, looking up at me with happy eyes. She reached back into her own pocket, pulling another string of beads out. She held it out to you, a wide smile on her face. With a smile, you ducked down, feeling the beads glide against your hair, and settling around your neck. You leaned back up, reaching and pulling your hair from under, the cool beads settling on the back of your neck. You looked over at Mando, smiling widely at him. Again, nothing. 
As you walked around and looked at everything the day slowly turned to night, the people of the planet were still going strong and dancing almost like they haven’t been dancing for the whole day. As the day went on, you noticed people were setting up strings of lights or torches for the people to still see as it got darker, lighting up the festivities. Mando was getting closer and closer as it was getting darker, keeping close as we walked. 
“He’s asleep.”
Your head whips around, looking up at Mando as he looks straight ahead. “What?” You watched as he looked at you, before glancing down at the bag. You looked down, a soft ‘awe’ leaving your lips. The Child was fast asleep, the necklace the little girl gave her held tightly in his hands. “I think we should get back.” You whispered, looking up at him. With a swift nod he turned, leading the way back. You followed, reaching a hand down to the Child, his arms stretching out, before holding onto your hand. 
You kept close to Mando, watching the way even as the people were enjoying their time, they were still moving out of the way for the bounty hunter. 
“I’m sorry I dragged you around all over this planet.” You spoke, glancing up at Mando. “I wanted to see what a festival was really like.” He nodded, still keeping his pace as the two of you walked back to the room. There was a tense silence between the two of you, an unspoken ‘thing’. And both of you knew what that was. 
Once back to the room, Mando quickly turned his back to you, working quietly on his beskar once again. You sighed softly, closing the door and walking over to your own cot. You softly pulled the Child out from the bag, his limp body heavier than you realized. You looked around the room, wondering if there was anything you could make a little cot with, but the blankets and items were things that the Mando and you would be using. With a heavy sigh, you gently laid the Child onto your cot, his little head sinking into the pillow. You chuckled softly as you grabbed the blanket and pulled it up, making a wall out of the blanket for him to stay in. You curled up besides the Child, resting your head on your arm as you looked over the strange creatures’ features. In a few short moments, the tiredness of walking around the festival soon encased you, leaving your eyes heavy as you fell asleep next to the child.
As it grew darker, and as you soon were asleep next to the Child, Mando found this the perfect time to take off his beskar. He knew he could trust you as he removed his helmet, setting it down besides him on the cot, removing the weight of his armour until he was in his pants and shirt. He slowly leaned back, the weight of the day present as his back strained from being in constant movement, his back popping in places that made him groan as he laid there. 
He heard the small snoring coming from you, turning his head and noticing the outline of your body in the dark, the way he wanted to feel the dips and curves of your body as you laid on your side. His mind was racing from remembering what you felt like under his hands that night, how soft you were, the way you gave yourself up to him. He only stares, thinking about you. The way you took care of the child, the way you took care of him. He wasn’t used to having someone there who really wanted to be there. It’s always been only him, and the fact that these two came into his life was… overwhelming, but not unwanted. He was content with watching over the two of you, knowing you both needed the sleep from the excitement today. Mando rarely needed the full 8 hours of sleep, needing only a couple hours to feel energized. But he wasn’t complaining, he was able to watch you and the Child.
He laid there, letting his mind race from what he was going to do about the Child, if finding it’s kind was the right choice. Of course it was, to keep him if they do find his people would be a selfish choice, but he wasn’t sure if that’s what he could do. 
His breath hitched lightly as he saw your body move, groaning as you twisted your body around, your back now facing Mando. He froze, knowing the room was dark enough that you couldn’t see his face, but he was more worried about her waking up and noticing Mando watching her. He only watched as you groggily sat up, a hand coming out to rub at your eyes as you adjusted to waking up. You looked over at the child, fixing the blanket that was disheveled from his movement and then stood up. Mando watched as you moved, standing from the bed, arching your back as you stretched, moaning softly as your own back popped. 
The soft moans had chills running down Mando’s back, hearing them once again was something he wasn’t sure he’d ever hear again. He noticed the way you glanced over at him, looking at his legs rather than his upper half. He noticed the way you kept his creed, even when you thought he was asleep. He watched as you walked towards the window, moving the curtains out of the way, looking at the crowds of people still celebrating. 
“How long have I been asleep?” You whispered to yourself, still standing there as you watched the people.
“Only a couple hours.” You froze in your spot, the unfiltered voice responding to your question. You instantly lifted a hand to your eyes, the curtain slipping from your hand, as you backed away from the light.
“I’m so sorry Mando, I didn’t realize you didn’t have your-”
“It’s fine.” He spoke, watching the way you still covered your eyes, your back to him. He felt his lips turn into a smile, watching the way you just stood there, trying to figure out what to do without seeing him. “It’s dark enough.” He spoke again, watching the way you still stood there, covering your eyes until you slowly let your hand drop. He watched as the light from outside bled through the thin curtain and onto your face, highlighting every detail on your face, and he knew that you were the most beautiful person he has ever seen in his whole life. 
“I don’t want you to break your creed, Mando.” You spoke softly, eyes still shut.
“I won’t.” He spoke softly, wondering at that moment if breaking his creed for you was a bad thing. But you kept your eyes shut, not trusting that the room was dark enough. You heard the cot shift, hearing Mando’s footsteps coming closer and closer. You tensed, not bothering to take another breath as you heard him get closer and closer. “You won't break it.” He whispered, grabbing onto your wrist lightly. You let him guide you away from the window, the light that was once shining on your face soon fading until there was only darkness. You couldn't stop the chills that ran down your back as you felt Mando’s thumb softly rub against the inside of your wrist as he guided you. It was such a small act, but there was so much intimacy behind it. At least, for you.
“I don’t want to open my eyes.” You whispered to him, letting out a breath you were holding the whole time.
“You don’t want to see me?” You could hear the teasing tone and the smile on his face, something you were grateful to hear without the helmet blocking his voice.
“Of course I do.” You whispered again, trying not to wake the child up. “But I can’t lose your trust.” There was a bit of silence, your words lingering in the air as you waited for Mando to say something. You waited for his voice, only hearing the soft noises coming from the Child as he slept and the people that were still celebrating. “Look,” you stared, letting your mind run a mile a minute, the anxiety of everything between the two of you rushing out, “I’m sorry if I did anything that you didn’t like or if any of this wasn’t what you-”
You gasped loudly as you felt Mando wrap an arm around your waist, tugging you roughly against his chest. In a swift move, he turned the both of you around, your back landing softly on the cot, Mando holding himself up above you, your hands against his chest as the two of you laid like that for a moment, the world stopping around you as you tried to control what was going on. 
“You didn’t do anything wrong.” He whispered to you, his hand pushing away some hair that fell over your face, tucking it gently behind your ear. To say you forgot how to breath was an understatement, you were sure that you had died and that this was simply heaven for you. His fingers slowly trailed down your jaw, tracing the curve as the roughness of his fingers left goosebumps down your arms. He saw the way his touch made you react, and it only made him want to see more of it, forgetting how addictive it was to see you in this state. His fingers moved lower, trailing down your neck, his fingers outlining the edge of the shirt you wore. “You never could.” He whispered lowly. It was low enough that you weren’t sure if it was meant for you or for himself, either way, it was enough to make a light blush appear on your face and chest. 
You kept your eyes shut, basking in the feeling of his fingers as he softly touched your neck and face. You listen to his breathing as he took his time tracing your features, taking in the feeling of his fingers as the two of you laid there. “Mando.” You whispered, feeling his fingers still for a moment until they continued their journey. He slowly trailed them to your lips, his calloused fingers tracing over them. You could feel his eyes as he followed his own fingers. “Mando.” You whispered again. “Kiss me.” Within a second, there was no turning back.
He grabbed the back of your head, pulling you up to him as you felt his lips crash against yours, his facial hair scratching against your skin as your lips moved together. Your hands grabbed at his shirt, pulling him even closer (if that was possible), wanting to feel his entire weight on you as you tasted him. His other hand caressed your side, his fingers digging softly into your hip before he grabbed the back of your knee, lifting it up and over his hip as he settled himself between your thighs. You gasped against his lips as you felt his bulge rub against your clothed center, the noise you made only spurring Mando on even more. He pulled away, his lips swollen as he tried to catch his breath, watching the way your own chest was heaving, the soft, sweet noises leaving your lips as he stayed above you. You felt his hands grab at your waist, his hands slowly pushing the flimsy shirt you wore up, exposing the skin he’s already seen. He watched the way your chest rose and fell a bit quicker, the way you gradually sounded more and more out of breath from just his small touches. As he got to your breasts he stopped, the shirt bunched up, your stomach exposed to him, his hands resting on your rib cage. It felt like an eternity as you both waited for the next move. “Please, Mando.” You begged softly, wanting more and more each second. He couldn’t refuse. He yanked the shirt off of you, your hair spiraling around you as he pulled the shirt off. You grabbed his hands, impatient with how slow he was taking things and guided his hands to your boobs, his hands greedily grabbing, a low moan coming from Mando as he felt the soft skin. 
He was rough as he pulled down the cups of your bra, his head ducking instantly as he latched onto a nipple, his tongue flicking against the hardened skin. You moaned softly, arching your back, Mando’s arm wrapping around you a bit tighter, pulling you even closer to his mouth. You clawed at his back, gathering at his shirt, pulling it to his shoulders. “Take it off.” You mewed, feeling Mando pull away from you. Mando tugged the shirt over his head, tossing it across the room. He notices the way you didn’t react, your hands laying still on his hips. You still had your eyes closed. He hovered above you, resting his weight on his forearms as he softly pressed his lips against yours.
“Open your eyes.” He whispered against your lips, peppering kisses along your cheeks and chin.
“Your creed.” You whispered back, feeling the way his facial hair scratched your skin. “I don’t want to-”
“Open your eyes.” He repeated, his tone a bit more stern this time. You took a deep breath, your eyes fluttering open. You were surprised with how dark it actually was in the room. You couldn’t see his facial features, but you could see the outline of his body above you. You reached for him, your hands caressing up his arms to his shoulders, feeling the muscles flex slightly, the healed skin from previous wounds brushing against your hand. He let you touch him, his own breathing quickening as you moved your hands down his chest. Unlike last time, you wanted to take a bit more time. You shoved against his shoulder, rolling the two of you over, straddling his hips as he let out a huff as he settled against the cot. He grabbed onto your hips as you settled yourself on top of him, his fingers digging softly into your skin.
The two of you didn’t say anything as you planted your hands on his chest, letting your hands roam around searching for scars. You felt his chest rise quickly as you started roaming, feeling the slight chest hair that was scattered along his skin. With it being so dark, you went with your touch, finding the scars and tracing a finger along them, wondering how he got each one. As you continue your travel, you touch one particular long scar, that starts near his hip bone, and ends at mid torso. You fixated on this scar, your fingers tracing over it over and over again. “How did you get this one?” You asked, feeling the new skin that grew. You felt Mando sigh, his hands moving down to your thighs, before moving back up to your hips.
“Bounty got a bit carried away when I located him.” He answered. You didn’t think you could ever get used to his voice without the helmet, the sound alone making you weak above him. You took a deep breath, leaning down peppering soft kisses along his chest, softly licking along the scars that you met along the way as you traveled down his chest. You heard the small gasps leaving his mouth as you got lower and lower, straddling his legs as you kissed along the longer scar, feeling his hands push back some of your hair that fell forward. You kissed along the band of his pants, feeling him twitch against the fabric as you edged closer to the edge, teasing him. You licked a strip from his hip bone to his stomach, Mando moaning as the air hit it, sending goosebumps up his body.
“Y/N.” He warned, feeling your lips turn up in a smile against his stomach, your fingers dancing along the waistband of his pants. You hooked your fingers along the band, tugging softly. Mando quickly got the hint, lifting his hips as you tugged the pants harshly down, his erection slapping against his stomach, a bead of precum slowly leaking from the tip. You fumbled for a moment as you pulled his clothing off, tossing them on the floor before you seated yourself between his legs. “You don’t-”
“Shh.” You whispered, smiling to yourself softly. You nervously pressed your hands against his thighs, feeling more scars as you moved them up, feeling the way he flexed against your touch. You noticed the way you felt the blanket on the cot shifted, his hands bunching at the blanket as you moved closer and closer to your target. You wrapped a hand around his length, Mando grunting as you squeezed your hand around him, the velvety skin feeling foreign but not unwelcome as you moved your hand up. Mando was obviously a bit larger than what you expected, even with sleeping with him the first time, it was still a surprise with how large he felt in your hand, the girth of him making you nervous. “You’re so big.” you whispered to yourself, a smile on your face when you heard Mando moan softly at your words. You leaned forward, giving his length an experimental lick. 
Mando gasped loudly, his hips rising as you pulled away. You smiled, his reaction only wanting you to hear more from him. You made yourself comfortable between his legs, leaning forward again and sucking the tip between your lips. He grunted as he felt the warmth of your mouth, his hands clenching onto the blanket a bit tighter as he felt your tongue flick at the tip. You moaned softly, tasting the precum that coated your tongue, the salty taste making you clench around nothing. You were positive that you were soaked, squeezing your thighs together as you slowly took more and more of Mando’s cock in your mouth. 
Mando was on the brink of exploding. All he wanted as to grab the back of your head and fuck your throat. As rough as it sounded, that’s all he wanted was to hear you gag around him, and to feel your throat tighten around him. But he stopped himself, grabbing at the blanket under him, focusing on the feeling of your mouth around him. He watched as you slowly started bobbing your head, feeling you take more into your mouth, the tip of his cock lightly hitting the back of your throat. He bucked softly at the sensation, making you gag around him. He growled loudly, the sound sending chills right down his back.
To your surprise, you liked it. 
You pulled back with a loud gasp, twisting your hand around his cock, spreading your spit around him, the wet sound adding to the soft pants that filled the room. Mando’s length twitched in your hand, his hips bucking as you stroked him, your thumb brushing along his tip, watching the way he gasped. You brushed some hair back over your shoulder, leaning back down and sliding his cock back in your mouth. “Fuck.” Mando cursed, his hand flying to the back of your head, his hand grabbing at your hair as you gagged around him, moaning softly as he tugged on your hair. Your scalp stung as he tugged on the strands, his hand gathering your hair to a makeshift pony. “Feels so good.” he rasped, the sound shooting straight to your core. You wanted to hear these sounds coming from him for the rest of your life. Seeing him like this, on his back and so vulnerable to you, made you want to be on your knees for him whenever he wanted. You bobbed your head a little faster, wrapping your hand around what you couldn’t fit in your mouth. “Maker.” He growled, his body tensing beneath you. “Stop. Stop.” He rasped, pushing gently at your shoulders, his cock slipping from your lips, a string of saliva trailing behind as you took a deep breath in, licking your swollen lips.
“Did I-” You barely got a sentence out before Mando pushed himself up, grabbing the back of your head and pulling you towards him, kissing you with a passion that made your whole body weak. Mando didn't say a word as he reached behind you, unhooking the flimsy material and tossing it across the room, grabbing your hips and tugging you on top of him, your breast pressed tightly against his chest. He pawed at your thighs, his short fingernails scratching against the tight material as he pulled you impossibly close to him. You gasped as you felt his length rub against your clothed center, trapping his throbbing length between your bodies. He held you against him as you wrapped your arms around his neck, hands weaving into his thick hair, kissing him with a passion that only he was able to pull from you. 
“I wanna feel you when I cum.” He whispered against your lips, dragging his lips against your cheek as he left open mouth kisses along your jaw, peppering them down to your neck. You moaned at his words, nodding softly. He tightened his hold on you, wanting you impossibly close. You gave your hips an experimental roll, gasping softly as you felt his length rub against you. Mando growled against your neck, his fingers digging roughly into your thighs. You were positive that you were going to end up with small bruises scattered along your hips and thighs and you were more than excited to be seeing them later on. Mandos' hands became frantic, grabbing at the thin material around your legs and hips, tugging on the waistband and pulling harshly. “Take them off.” He growled into your neck, his teeth digging into the skin. You pulled yourself off of him, pushing your hair back and tugging at the pants.
He could see the outline of your body as you moved quickly, shimming the material down your legs as you stepped out of them. Mando was impatient as he reached for you, a hand on your hip and the other on your thigh, sitting you right back onto his lap, his lips finding yours in the dark. “I’ve thought about you.” He whispered, his hands caressing your back, feeling every single inch of skin that was exposed to him. “Every night.”
You could’ve died hearing those words leave his mouth. 
“I have to.” You confessed, fingers digging into his tensed shoulders as he peppered kisses along your chest and neck. 
“I’ve wanted you every single night.” He continued, sucking harshly at the top of your breast, for sure leaving a bruising. You’d let him mark you how ever he wanted, as long as it was him. “You’re so soft.”
“Mando, please.” You begged, rolling your hips once again, feeling his cock drag between your folds. He grunted into your chest, feeling your wetness coat his cock. He trusted against you, the tip bumping your clit making you jolt in his arms. “I need you.”
“Say it again.” He growled, weaving his hand into your hair, grabbing a fist full and keeping you still. “Beg.” You realized that Mando was a very dominant person, someone who took what they wanted whenever they wanted, and that didn’t stop when it came to your body. 
“Please.” You pleaded, your voice sounding forgien to your own ears. “I want you in me.” You didn’t care if you sounded pathetic, you were desperate to feel him again. “I need you. Please.”
“You have no idea what I would do for you, my cyar’ika.” He whispered into your ear, lifting you against him. You moaned as you felt him reach for his cock from around you, rubbing the tip between your folds, smearing his precum and your juices around. He lined his cock to your entrance, holding you above him. “Do you want me?” he whispered against your lips.
“Yes.” You nodded frantically, “Always.” That was the correct answer for Mando as he pulled you down, his cock splitting you in half. You whined, dropping your head onto his shoulder, his cock stretching you wide open. It was a bit of a tight fit, both of you were panting by the time half of him was in you. You slowly worked yourself onto him, lifting your hips softly as you sunk down on him.
“Maker.” Mando huffed, “You’re so tight.” You whined into his shoulder, his arms wrapping around you as you finally sat on his thighs. His cock filling you to the brim, pulsing deep within you. Barely moving and you were already out of breath, already squirming against him as he was fully seated in you. Mando wasn’t doing any better, his hands had  a bruising grip on your thighs, his breath stilled as he let you adjust to this position. You took a deep breath, lifting your hips, his cock dragging against your walls. A rush of pleasure shook your body, chills spreading over your skin as you sat back down. Mando gasped against you, his hips bucking against you as he wanted more. But he wanted you to control the pace, take it the speed you need it at. And it was killing him not to flip you around and take you the way he wanted. 
You started lifting yourself on your knees, moving on top of Mando, feeling his cock become wetter and wetter with your juices as you moved. “You feel so good.” You moaned, the sound of your wetness coating him filling the sound in the room. You gained the confidence you needed, moving a little bit faster, bouncing on his cock as he plunged deep within you. 
“Fuck Y/N.” Mando growled, grabbing your hips and helping you ride him, lifting you a bit more and dragging you down a bit harder than what you could do on your own. The tip of his cock nudged your g-spot, making your eyes roll to the back of your head. You pushed at his shoulders, shoving him back onto the cot, planting your hands on his chest and lifting yourself up. Mando was sure that this sweet girl who was shy all the time wasn’t the one who was currently riding him. You were in control, riding him and taking what you wanted. He loved it. 
He reached for you, grabbing the back of your head, tugging you down harshly against him, your breast pressed tightly against his chest. You squealed as he tugged you down, a hand in your hair, keeping you to him. “You’re so fucking tight around me.” He moaned, your walls clenching around him in response. It was a mess between the two of you, bouncing on top of him, both of you chasing your climaxes, wanting to feel the other. “This pussy is mine.” He growled.
“Yes.” He didn’t leave any room for you to argue, not that you wanted to, you knew that you were his, even if it took this long to screw again, you knew that you were his no matter what. 
“Say it.” He huffed, spreading his legs, your own thighs spreading a bit wider, a slight burn from your muscles as he planted his feet and started thrusting up into you. You sobbed against him as his cock brutally nudged your g-spot, your body limp against him as he took control, a hand in your hair and an arm around your waist, keeping you tight to him. “Say you’re mine, sweet thing.” You weren’t even sure if you could speak as he set this brutal pace. 
“I’m yours.” You cried, hiding your face in his neck, muffling your cries as he fucked you. “I’m all yours.”
“You take me so well.” He marveled, his arm tightening around your waist before flipping the two of you over. Your breath hitched as he flipped you over, the scratching material of the blanket digging into your back as he settled himself between your legs, his hands traveling down your sides and to your thighs, hooking the back of your knees and lifting them. You moaned loudly as you felt the burning stretching at the back of your thighs as he lifted your knees towards your chest, spreading you for himself. “I could fuck you all day.” He whispered to you, grabbing himself and lining up to your entrance. Your jaw was slacked as you felt him rub your clit with his tip before slamming back in, the slight pain of this new position instantly making your thighs shake. You were his for the taking, and he was taking every last bit. “Ever since that night,” He huffed, thrusting into you slowly, feeling the way you clenched around him, almost making him lose his train of thought. “I’ve thought about having you in every way possible.” You whined, listening to his words, his cock sending waves of pleasure through your body. 
“Don’t stop.” you begged, feeling him slow down. “Please Mando, make me cum.” The begging really did it for him. He hovered above you, hooking your thighs over his arms as he fucked you hard. You were a mess, breathless moans, his skin slapping against yours, the wetness of your pussy was all the two of you could hear. You soon felt the familiar tightness in the pit of your stomach, your thighs beginning to shake as your climax was growing and growing. “Mando.” you cried, your walls fluttering around him as your pussy was becoming over sensitive to his movement.
“Cum around me, sweet thing.” he moaned, his own climax approaching as he felt you tighten around him. “Let me feel you.” You grabbed onto his forearms, his trusts speeding up becoming a bit more animalistic. You moaned loudly, that tightness in your stomach snapping as you came, gushing around his cock, gasping into his shoulder, whimpering at the over stimulation. “Cum inside me.” You begged. He growled into your shoulder as he felt your walls pulsating around him, his movements becoming irregular when he heard your words. He came a few thrusts after you, filling you to the brim with his cum. You gasped at the sensation, feeling Mando bite down on your shoulder, keeping his throbbing cock buried in you, giving you a few more soft thrusts.  
Your walls clenched around him, feeling his cock twitch and pulse within you, both of you wordless and out of breath from the orgasms. He slowly let go of your thighs, whimpering as they instantly began feeling sore. Your whole body was sore, you knew that tomorrow you were going to be walking funny, there was no way you weren’t.
You reached up, weaving a hand into his shaggy hair, scratching at his scalp as the two of you calmed down, relishing in one another as you tried to catch your breaths.
“Are you okay?” He whispered, caressing your thigh softly. It made you smirk, remembering him asking you the same question last time.
“I’ve never been better.” You whispered back, feeling a smile growing on his face. He pulled out of you, both of you moaning softly. You blushed as you felt his and your cum leaking from you, dripping onto the bed. He seattle himself next to you, lightly shoving his arm under your head. With a smirk you made yourself comfortable, rolling over and resting your head on his chest. “Is this okay?” You whispered, feeling him slowly place his hand on your back.
“Yes.” he answered, his thumb rubbing your back softly.
You groaned as you felt something touching your face, caressing at your cheek as you slept. You cracked an eye open, seeing the Child standing right in front of your face, holding one of his little hands to your cheek. Once he saw your eye open he cooed loudly, a smile on his little face. “What are you doing, sweet thing?” You whispered, clenching the scratchy blanket closer to your chest. You raised an arm, poking at his little chest. You lifted yourself up onto an elbow, glancing around the room. Mando was gone, your clothes still scattered everywhere, and the Child in the cot with you. “Where did he go?” You whispered to the child, wrapping the blanket around your body and standing. You were right, you were sore, legs wobbling as you stood, the evidence of last night covering the inside of your thighs. You blushed, as you collected your clothes that were scattered everywhere. 
As you grabbed your shirt, the door opened, Mando walking in with two bowls of food. You jumped lightly, seeing him standing there, in his beskar and helmet, and you, in a blanket.
“Sorry.” You chuckled, lightly, “Just woke up.” You smiled, again not sure of what facial expressions he was making under his helmet. 
“I brought food.” He commented, closing the door. You were unaware how small this room was, or if it was the fact that Mando just took up so much space. “For you and the child.” He added, stepping over to the child. He greedily accepted the food, holding the small bowl in between his hands, as he sat on the cot. 
“Let me get dressed.” You smiled again, shrugging a shoulder and turning. You barely took a step when you felt a gloved hand grab your wrist. You turned, Mando standing right in front of you. A word wasn’t spoken as he cupped the back of your head, leaning down and resting his helmet against your forehead. You smiled, closing your eyes and feeling the coolness against your skin. 
Tag List: @hayley-the-comet​
If you’d like to be tagged for anymore of my future works please let me know!
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dcmxnictrxnsmissixn · 5 years
@hellcasted​ | continued from here
...This kid was rather naive, wasn’t he? Acting all innocent and friendly to one of the strongest demons in all of Hell...even if he was new here, he must’ve heard of the Radio Demon. Someone who shouldn’t be trusted.
Yet, then again, Steven had claimed to be sent here due to a misunderstanding. Perhaps he really was a better person before he died? Yet, if so...misunderstanding or not, why would he be sent to Hell? You’d think the problem would solve itself and he’d be taken to Heaven--or at least some kind of Purgatory.
But nope. This cheerful, rather young-looking boy was in Hell--face-to-face with the Radio Demon, might I add. He said he wanted redemption? Demons couldn’t be redeemed. I mean, they’re in Hell for a reason! But, Alastor had to admit, this little guy reminded him of Charlie.
The innocent attitude, the hope for positive growth in a place like this...it was almost laughable how similar he and Hell’s own princess were. But, if he truly believed in such a cause...it could be entertaining to watch his belief fall to the ground along with this hotel.
Steven had also mentioned an ‘Angel’--did he mean Angel Dust? One of the other residents at the hotel? The one who never seemed to leave Alastor alone? This kid was friends with someone like him? The deer demon didn’t understand how he could tolerate such a...character.
Angel Dust was...annoying, if nothing else. I mean, he was a demon who was basically addicted to...well, to things that kids didn’t need to be worrying about. He’d be a horrible influence on this kid--and that’s when Al got an idea.
Maybe he’d befriend the boy instead. Not that he was a better influence than Angel--in fact, he was probably worse--but it’d be much more entertaining to watch Steven fail if he began to trust someone like Alastor.
Then, it’d be more than a failed attempt at achieving something good here in Hell--it’d be a full-on betrayal! That kind of stuff was just the best kind of entertainment--reality! Where there’s reality, there’s drama! Turmoil! Suffering! Entertainment! All he’d have to do was play nice. Become this kid’s friend--if you could even call it a friendship.
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“Angel? You don’t happen to mean Angel Dust, do you? Because, if so...then I’m afraid you’re friends with the wrong type of guy! Angel’s a bad influence. I, however, would be delighted to be your proper friend here in Hell!”
He gave the kid a smile that seemed as genuine as he could make it--the key word here being seemed.
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“My name is Alastor! I’m sure we’ll get along wonderfully!”
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medicinalvoodoo · 4 years
Are there and Hazbin blogs you really enjoy?
Yes actually! I have a couple. 
@radiohellcaster not only are they my best friend of years but they have an excellent Alastor portrayal that I believe is very in character. Their art is also amazing and I love them a lot
@radiodemonstatic I really like their portrayal of Alastor as well, it’s interesting how people can be so in character but so different like hellcaster and demonstatic here. I love their blog cause it’s pretty comedic with Alastor’s reactions and all the dad jokes. I also love their oc >:) 
@goodspiritradio THEIR WRITING IS ON P O I N T. I love their art and i love their portrayals of character. I love how feral and unhinged their human Alastor is. He’s a whole gremlin man and it fills me with great joy. I absolutely adore their art and roleplaying with them so far has been exciting and a blast.
@bigveee I love their Valentino it’s very comedic and on point. Also, they make him really tolerable. I usually can’t stand Valentino but I love the way they play him and the content that they post. 
@skippy-says-hello don’t really know if they are a hazbin blog, but they have a pretty cool ass oc. I roleplay with them a lot with both my Silas blog and my Vox blog. It’s really fun doing the mini plots and it’s interesting that their character who is a living human is in hell interacting with these demons. 
@dementedstatic another gremlin man. I’m not gonna lie, I love how energetic their Alastor is. He’s pretty all over the place to me and their writing is superb. They always seem to jot down little details in their writing whether it be just the tone of voice or how he stands. They have excellent responses and their deer man is just as feral and even more unhinged. I love the crazy bastard. 
@vodun-transmissions I love their genderbent Alastor. I’m not usually a fan of genderbent characters but the way they play her is flawless and stays true to canon Al’s personality. I also adore her name it’s very pretty. I love how she can be a little of a flirt and still has the “I take no shit” attitude. 
@girlishgiggle their mimzy is spot on gorgeous. She has such a great attitude and their aesthetics for her are just as great. I love the mun as well because their interactions with others make me really soft. It’s nice to know that this site still had nice people here. Also I love the things they post as Mimzy. 
@cheecytalkshowshitlord i don’t really interact with them much but I love the content they post. I can either relate to it, or it’s very funny. They have really nice art and I love the stuff they post.
and lassstttt
@serialxsocial While we’re not mutuals, I love their blogs. I’m not tagging all of them but they also play as Molly (pxppinmolly) which is how I found their Velvet blog. I love their portrayals for all their characters. They play as Molly, Velvet,and Mimzy and they do such an excellent job. Their Molly is a bad ass gangster chick and I adore that. She knows when people are using her, like *coughs*Valentino*coughs* but she goes along with it cause it benefits her. Their Mimzy is really good as well and their Velvet is a feral doll. She’s very feral and honestly it makes me laugh. It’s absolutely fantastic
i tried to avoid tagging people I’m not mutuals with mostly because I didn’t want to bother those blogs, however I did want it to be easy for the anon to just go and see their blogs just by clicking on the @. I probably could have done it a better way asddsfasad
so for everyone that I just tagged and bothered
i am
so very sorry
also there are a lot of blogs I follow, but I also don’t know a lot of them very well so I only tagged people I was comfortable with tagging. 
so yeah those are the hazbin blogs that I really enjoy
I would tag ragnomafioso and while I love their content, I also don’t interact or talk to them much either but there’s an extra there. They have a very good Angel Dust blog. 
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3x07 Chapter Forty-Two: The Man in Black
I’ve witnessed a number of people nope out of Riverdale as the seasons pass, but I still enjoy this delicious slice of Wednesday madness. I’ve only had one moment of true cringe, where I had to watch through my fingers—but that was more about second hand embarrassment then anything else (and idk, prob says more about me?) 
But. There’s a thing that happens in this episode that I was very legitimately disturbed by and had to take a little mini-break to deal with. I guess everyone has different limits or triggers, and the moment where the Sisters hold Betty down and forcefully drug her is mine. 
Because of this, I’ve totally forgotten most of this episode! This is the weird episode with Riley Keogh—remember??
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Looking like the hostage she truly is. 
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For someone who is institutionalized, her hair really is great this episode. 
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Before we get too far into this—let’s take a moment to revisit everyone’s respective Sisters of Quiet Mercy uniforms. I think it’s interesting. 
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First up: Polly, in 106.
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Cheryl, in 217. 
Please note how...absurd Betty’s Peter Pan collar is in comparison. Marvel at how high camp the Sisters truly are. It’s really something to behold. 
The note of comedy it strikes ends up being false, and this story ends up being the true horror show in this episode’s triptych structure. 
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Moment of appresh for Ethel’s “warrior board.” HELLCASTER + ETHEL. (Yet there are no pictures of Jughead, who plays as Hellcaster at this point. Remember, “Ethelhead”?)   
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Slip-on shoes, because laces are contraband. 
What I will grant this episode is it lets us into Betty’s brain in a more unfiltered way than we’ve ever really experienced—much more than her diary-writing narration in 104. No one can produce the written word without being on some level aware that posterity judges us. But conversely—no one can control their thoughts, and so there’s a level of honesty we get to experience here that is unique. 
This question of Betty and you-are-not-your-thoughts is very much connected to her darkness (...™), and we’ll revisit it, especially in season 3 (and presumably 4) as Betty copes with—among other things—being a serial killer’s and cult-member/FBI informant’s daughter. 
When I refer to Betty as Stone Cold Bitch Betty Cooper, I say it with endearment. She’s competent and wily. She can be ruthless. She’s very loyal. 
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Betty can also be manipulative. She coerces Cheryl into lying under oath (202). She gets the Pussycats to perform at Pop’s Retro Night by...announcing they already are (also 202). 
Betty, along with everyone else in Riverdale, exists in shades of gray. Perfect people are uninteresting, and Betty l i t e r a l l y spent the first season chafing against the strictures of the perfectionism that were expected of her, that she expected of herself. She’s protective of those she loves, and is willing to go above and beyond to aid them (she helped her mother dispose of a dead body her ‘brother’ killed in 213.) 
She’s a true Slytherin, is what I’m saying (with some Hufflepuff inflections for sure—justice, loyalty, etc etc), but she also would one hundo have been on Harry’s side in the Battle of Hogwarts.  
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Ethel’s interpretation of Betty as Queen Bee of Riverdale High isn’t so out of left field. Consider Betty’s argument with Kevin in 203, when she confronts him in Fox Forest. Consider the episode 312, Bizarrodale, later on in season 3—Riverdale’s version of The Zeppo—where our core 4 are sidelined and we spend our time with an alterna-four. Betty’s barely in that episode, for good reason.  
Ethel certainly doesn’t have the clearest view of Betty as she truly is (Cheryl, as HBIC, has obv claimed Queen Bee status of RHS; and Betty’s never seemed anything close to shallow), and neither does Kevin (“You live in this pale-pink world of milk shakes and first kisses and "Am I gonna date Archie or Jughead?" Maybe at one point, but certainly no longer.) But it’s also not without its truths.
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And then the Sisters drug her and it’s upsetting and the episode ends. 
Summary: One
The floggingink Memorial Peter Pan Collar Count: the fucking ur-Peter Pan collar
Best outfit: ...
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gif via @captainpoe​
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variantia · 4 years
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@partcfyouruniverse​ said : Perhaps some headcanons for amorette and my hellcasted steven?
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BELLUM.   headcanons ahoy !
He helps her write her own songs !   Amorette doesn’t often sing her own work because she thinks it’s no good, but looking at her song journal, Steven is able to pick out things that are promising and build on them.
She teaches him some cool dance moves !   Nothing too risque, but she’s got rhythm and it’s just FUN to dance with Steven, without a care in the world.
Obviously, Val uses Steven to keep Amorette in line once he finds out about the kid.   Every time Amorette does something he doesn’t like or shows hesitance about something he wants her to do, Val reminds her that it’s not HER safety she’s risking ; it’s the safety of that child she cares for.   “   Be a shame if something happened to him, wouldn’t it, doll ?   ”   She trusts the others at the hotel to defend Steven from any threat, but ... Val is an overlord.   The only ones who are really able to stand a chance against him are Charlie and Alastor, and they can’t be with Steven all the time, so these threats usually work very effectively to get Amorette to do whatever Val wants her to.
That said, Steven is also the main force that’s keeping her at the Hotel.   Every time she wants to leave because Val is trying to pull her back, Steven reminds her that she’s doing this because she wants to CHANGE and be better.   She can’t let anyone ruin that for her.   Of course, Steven doesn’t really know the extent to which Val is controlling Amorette and he definitely doesn’t know that Val hurts her, but she wants to be better for Steven.   And ... for herself.   Steven’s encouragement makes her feel like she’s worth trying.   She doesn’t want to let him down or screw up her redemption, and she makes sure everyone knows the situation so they can all be on high alert to keep Steven safe if Val or one of his goons comes around.
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taylunae · 5 years
OK... O. K. A. Y.
Listen y'all. I wasn't going to make up a list of thoughts for 3x21 because I'm a little late to the game, but let me tell you w h a t...... The minute Polly Annoying-Bob Cooper said serial killer genes... I was a goner, but more on that later.
My girlfriends dad, am I in heaven?
Dr. Curdle Jr is literally the best part so far
Ugh. I'm Hiram, I can buy things to control things, blah, blah, blah. Get a knew plotline
Yeah, Ronnie, your dad sucks. Iconic words.
Oohh Evelyn's hooked up to some kind of machine..... My guess? She's immortal.
Molly's got all kinds of connections, bitch is fabulous
SERIAL. KILLER. GENES. get the fuck out if here with that lazy-writing fucking nonsense.
Polly. Fuck off. You smug bitch.
Don't listen to them, Betty. He's not going to heal you. He's going to steal your kidney.
What the hell. Shadow Betty.
My guess is the stick he lit was some kind of hallucinogen, then he hypnotized her with the clacker balls, now she's in a state of in between and Edgar and Polly are feeding her false memories to fuck with her. No biggie.
What is this? A 12 step plan to fucking around with someone's head? Liiiiittttt.
Jughead, being the most supportive boyfriend ever.
Fuck me. God speed, my brave Hellcaster. Be safe.
I have such a hard time believing that Toni has bought in so thoroughly to the farm. Like she's supposed to be the investigative journalist for the Red and Black at Southside high. And she thinks that giving up on her kidneys is going to take away her pain? Sloppy.
Maybe it's just me... But the words there's nothing soft about me do not strike fear into my heart, it just made me giggle about penis jokes.
Fuck yoouuu, Polly.
Oh. My. GOD. That map, the kicking off chalices. Fucking gold.
Civilization? Like you mean, a mile away? Ok. Cool.
I am screeching. Jughead being chased my boy scouts. Comedic gold.
ETHEL! YAY! I hope.
Already not so yay about Ethel.
Why is Veronica asking Reggie to be in for old-times sake, as if they have a long history together? You literally dated for like 2 weeks. The epitome of high school dating. The writing on the show makes me want to throw up.
Harvest program.....sounds about right.
Why do I get the feeling that Ethel is up to something?
Ooooohhhh the Black....Hook? Should we call him Captain Hook?! I'd love that. Get him a pirates hat!!
Anytime KJ is throwing punches I'm here for it.
Ok that mouth guard shit was cool.
I can't believe Hiram is surprised that Veronica betrayed him. he's already made it abundantly clear with his abandonment of Hermione that family does not mean as much to him as he's always said.
He's just a manipulative asshole.
The fact that Jughead immediately assumed that he was going to have to dig up a dead body is why I watch the show.
It bothers me on a daily basis that there is no concrete evidence of what time. Riverdale is happening in. The cars are old, the houses look old, their outfits look dated, and yet they have iPhones? I'm so fucking confused.
Oh my God leave my angel alone.
Ooooohhhh Jason's gone.
Okay, some final thoughts. mostly I'm just very excited but there's only one episode left in this season. There has been so much inconsistency, so many plot lines started and not finished, and the writing has all around made me want to scratch my own eyes out. I'm so excited to get rid of this farmy cult bullshit. And I'm excited to move on to bigger and brighter things in season 4. although I don't know how they're going to redeem anybody for season 4. There is no way that they will be able to reform Alice and Polly and Kevin and fangs. They have absolutely decimated these characters and made them so unlikeable that I cannot see how they could possibly bring them back in a redeeming arc. also, on a side note, where the hell is Sweet Pea? He's been gone for, like, ever.
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spidrboots · 11 months
@hellcasted said ; “I like your boots!”
random asks . / always accepting !
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“ shucks, these old things ? ” angel makes a dramatic show of turning his head over his shoulder & examining his boots, lifting his heel from the ground & marveling at the tight leather. “ i’ve had ‘em forever, really. nice to see that you’ve got some taste, kid. ”
any chance that angel could get with someone complimenting him was a good time. & a sweet, genuine compliment on his boots — something that he loved, too — from a young child warmed his chest. it was different from what he was used to in a wonderful, beautiful way.
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“ i dunno if stilettos would really be your thing, but maybe we could get’cha some kickass combat boots or somethin’. ”
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hellcaster901 · 4 years
Hiii can you do a smut & fluff #144 and #145 that leads into #165 and #173 (first prompt list) for pedro pascal?🤍 I was thinking maybe like a ‘reader woke up in the middle of the night and is bugging pedro’ troupe?🤍🤍
Of course!! I did change the slight ‘bugging Pedro troupe’ to being comforted by Pedro! I hope this works!!
Ask Me and Prompt List
The Nightmare
Warnings: Smut, Fluff
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You gasped as you sat up, a light layer of sweat on your forehead as you tried to catch your breath. Whatever you were dreaming of, was enough to get your heartbeat rising, and enough to get you to wake up as if you just ran a 5k. You sat there, looking around your room, seeing the soft light from the moon peeking through the curtains shining brightly on the floor, the soft breeze from the cracked window moving the curtain lightly, chills running up your back as you felt the breeze touch your heated skin. 
The soft groaning of the door snapped you out of your daze, head whipping to the door, seeing the older man peeking through the crack. “You okay?” He spoke softly, pushing the door wider as he stepped in, leaning against the frame, arms crossed over his chest. You took in what he was wearing, a soft t-shirt and shorts, bare legs crossed at the ankle, his eyes trained on you. You nodded softly, dragging your knees up to your chest. “You sure?” He raised an eyebrow, a small smile on his face. “Heard you twisting and turning from the guest room.” You groaned softly, closing your eyes, 
“Just a nightmare.” You mumbled, turning back to the window, eyes trained on the curtain as it moved again, as if some grabbed it and flicked it away. A soft creak from the floor rang through the room, hearing Pedro’s movements as he stepped into your room, closing the door behind him as he walked towards your bed. Pedro has always been a great friend of yours, being by your side ever since you met him. ANd much like now, you always had a place for him to stay if he ever came into town.
“Move over.” He whispered,nudging you with his hand. You watched him out of the corner of your eye, scooting to the side, feeling the bed dip as he sat down, leaning back onto your pillows, a hand behind his head. 
“what are you doing?” You mumbled, looking back at him, raising an eyebrow at him. 
“Sticking with you, making sure you stop being such a baby.” He smirked, the slight teasing tone in his sleepy voice was enough to make you smile, already feeling yourself calm down as he laid there next to you. You rolled your eyes, flopping back onto the bed, head hitting the pillows next to him. “Go back to bed.” He spoke softly, turning his head towards you. You looked back at him, seeing that tired expression over his face. Whatever the dream was, it was far from your mind as you looked at him. There were always those feelings there for him, no matter how hard you tried to shove those feelings down, they always came back up.
You shifted on the bed, laying on your side as you looked at Pedro, a smile on his face as he watched you get comfortable, and he soon followed, turning on his side, facing you, a hand under his head supporting him. You smiled as he looked at you. “What?” You whispered. 
“What was your nightmare about?” He whispered back, his hand reaching up and tugging the blanket over your exposed shoulder. You tried to suppress the shiver that ran down your spine as you felt his finger tips brush against your skin. 
“I don’t know.” You mumbled, trying to rake your mind about what it could have been. “There was just... something horrible to it.” Another shiver running through your body as the breeze washed over you. Pedro noticed, adjusting himself as he lifted the blanket up, scooting closer to you as he nustled himself under the blanket. 
“Jesus, you’re cold.” He mumbled, his hand rubbing against your upper arm. You nodded, feeling your whole body heat up as he touched you. He scooted even closer, tugging you to him as he laid on his back, pulling you to his chest. “Is this okay?” He whispered, his breath tickling your ear. You took a deep breath, nodding as you settled against him, feeling his heat coat you in warmth. You tried to stop the rush of heat that went to your core as you laid against him, feeling his chest rise and fall. This was only as friends. Laying with him. He was comforting you as a friend. But the way your heart rate was picking up, more from him than the nightmare, you could not go back to sleep. 
The two of you laid there, the silence loud as he held you, a hand on the small of your back, his thumb rubbing small circles. No matter how long the two of you laid there, and no matter how long you kept your eyes shut, you couldn’t fall asleep, and you knew why. You looked up at Pedro, seeing that he was looking up at the ceiling, eyes blinking as he just stared. “What are you thinking about?” You mumbled to him. He looked down at you, taking in your sleepy form. 
“Everything.” He smiled, his fingers trailing softly along your arm that laid across his chest. The intimate touches make your heart flutter. “You?” 
“Everything.” You repeated back with a smile, your fingers messing with the hem of his shirt, fingers dipping into the neck line, softly grazing against his skin. You heard the hitch in his breath as you touched his skin, your eyes following your fingers as you traced random shapes along his skin. You felt as if every place on your body that he was touching was on fire, the hand on your arm, the hand on your back, you felt as if you were burning up underneath the blanket with him. And you were sure he felt the same. The way the hand on your back grabbed you a little harder, almost tugging you closer. A line was being crossed. Maybe that line was crossed when he first got into your bed, but there was no going back. The beating of your heart was thumping against your ribs, goosebumps rising on your skin as the hand on your back slowly lifted your shirt up, his warm hand sprawled across your soft skin, nails softly digging into your skin. You looked back up at him, finding that his eyes were already on you, the tension rising in the room. “Pedro…” You spoke softly, but he knew exactly what you meant.
He reached for you, cupping the back of your head, pulling you slightly towards him as he leaned down. It felt as if time stopped as you leaned forward, meeting him halfway, when finally his lips touched yours. It was hesitant, lips moving against one another, both of you so unsure of what was happening. You pulled away, feeling his breath fan along your lips, nose bumping against one another. Your eyes fluttered open, seeing his eyes were already opened, staring back at you. The line was crossed, and neither of you cared. 
You leaned back up, lips crashing together, his hand slipping into your hair, grabbing against the roots, keeping you close as you tasted him. He groaned softly as you clenched his shirt, lips passionately moving, a bit more urgency as the two of you held one another. Pedro grinned against your lips, holding you as if you were going to slip from his hands. He kissed you harder, deeper as he held you, his hands leaving trails of fire as he touched you. “Pedro.” You moaned against his lips, feeling him moan in response to your sounds. You molded against him, as if your whole body was melting as he touched you. He moaned your name, hands grabbing you greedly. 
You were completely mesmerized by him, the way it felt as if his hands were made to be touching you, his whole body pulling you in. He reached down, a hand grabbing at your waist, brushing against the slope of your ass, grabbing the plump flesh of your thighs, pulling it up and over his waist. You gasp softly, feeling your clothed core brushed against his thigh. His hand tightened on your thigh, fingers digging into the flesh as he felt your thigh brush against the tent in his shorts, hips bucking softly at the feeling. “I’m sorry.” He gasped, pulling away from you, resting his forehead against yours as you tried to catch your breath, a soft smile on your face as you Pedro did the same. You shook your head, speechless as he caressed your body. You gasped softly as the hand on your back moved, feeling up your back, a soft groan coming from Pedro as he felt that you weren’t wearing a bra. “Jesus.” He mumbled to himself, pulling you against him, practically on top of him as your chest pressed against his. 
“Pedro.” You whimpered softly, feeling your sensitive nipples brush against the fabrics, sending electricity through your body. 
“Do you like it when I touch you like this?” He mumbled, seeing the way you reacted to him barely touching you. Your reactive body only spurring him on to keep touching you. You nodded, feeling as if you were in a haze, a lustful haze as he continued to touch you. You bit your bottom lip,taking initiative as you pushed yourself up, swinging a leg over his hips, hair falling around your shoulders as you looked down at the blissful man. Pedro stared in amazement as you settled yourself on him, a soft gasp leaving both of your lips as you brushed against the large tent, feeling yourself getting wetter as you continued. 
His hands moved up your legs, squeezing at your hips, eyebrows furrowing slightly as you bucked at the feeling, brushing against his length. “We don’t have to.” He whimpered, swallowing as you grinded against him. You shook your head, planting your hands on his chest as you leaned down, kissing his chin as you moved down. You felt the way his body simply melted beneath you. 
“I want to.” you mumbled against his neck, dragging your lips across his skin, tasting him as you continued your assault. He groaned and moaned into your ear, hips bucking against yours as you nipped at his ear. Your reassurance and lips were enough to get Pedro going. 
“Lay back.” He growled, grabbing your hips and flipping the two of you over. You fell back with a small huff, a smile on your face as Pedro settled himself between your legs, leaning back on his knees. You felt the tightness in your stomach as you watched him cross his arms, grabbing the hem of his shirt and lifting it over his head, a soft shudder leaving your lips as he fell back on you, lips smashing against yours. He was desperate, needing to take what he could from you, what he wanted from you for so long, and now that you were here, in his arms, willing to give yourself to him, he was going to take everything he could. 
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, feeling the muscles in his back flex as he held himself above you, a groan coming from deep in his chest as he felt your fingers dig into him. You were a trembling mess in his hands, your body so responsive to his touch. “God, I’ve wanted you since forever.” He hummed, pulling away from you, staring down at your heaving body. Your face was flushed, mouth parted as you took deep breaths, hair sprawled on the pillow beneath you. He swore, you were the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. 
He looked down, hooking a finger underneath your shirt, tugging it suggestively. “Can I?” He smirked, knowing your answer already. You nodded, your mouth dry. “Use your words.” He chuckled. 
“Yes Pedro.” You breathed, goosebumps rising on your skin as you felt his hands brush against your skin, lifting the shirt up. You bit your bottom lip, sitting up, letting him pull the shirt off of you, feeling the cool breeze rush to your warm skin. You shivered, laying back, seeing the look of pure admiration as he stared down at you. 
“Take a picture.” You smirked, finger the waistband of his shorts, noticing the large bulge. He broke out in a large smile.
It felt as if time really did stop as he fell back on you, kissing every part of skin that was exposed, hands grabbing at your waist, lips leaving his mark all over you as you whimpered and moaned against him. “I can’t wait to have you.” He growled, fingers hooking into your sleeping pants, shoving the fabric down your legs. “Let me have you.” 
“Yes, yes, yes.” you begged, kicking the pants off your legs. You were drunk on his touch, mind hazy as you tried to focus on everything that he was doing, his mouth, the way his mouth felt, feeling how incredibly soaked you were. It was all so much. Having that nightmare was the best thing that could have happened. 
He touched you delicately, almost as if you were going to break under his touch. But he was just wanting to take this in, feeling how soft you were, feeling the way you arched to his touch. He kissed down your neck, hearing your sweet whimpers. “I gotta have you.” he growled again, kissing down your chest, soft lips wrapping around one of your peaked nipples. You weaved your hands into his shaggy hair, head thrown back as you felt his tongue flick at your sensitive nipple, teeth lightly scraping against the skin. 
“Take your pants off, now.” You choked, feeling him smile against your breast as he did what you asked. You needed him more than you ever needed anyone in your whole life. “I need you, please.” You begged, feeling him shift between your legs, kicking the shorts off the bed, grabbing a hold of your thighs. You whimpered as he lifted your legs, spreading them as he seated himself between them. He was staring down at your soaked pussy, licking his lips as he spread you even more for his eyes. 
“Jesus.” He moaned, gasping your name softly, slipping a hand between your thighs, two fingers slipping between your soaked folds before circling around your clit. You cried as you bucked against his fingers, hips moving as he teased you, gathering your juices on his finger, watching the way you clenched around nothing as he lightly teased your hole. “You’re so wet, is this what I did to you?” He teased, a soft mocking tone in his voice.
“Please, Pedro.” You whined, seeing that smirk on his face. You couldn’t handle the teasing, especially after all this time, all you needed was him. 
“You have a condom?” he smirked, leaning down, placing soft kisses along your face as he teased you, thick fingers slipping between your tight walls. 
“I… uh…” You moaned, not a single thought was in your mind as your body focused on the pleasure, feeling the tips of his fingers brush against that soft spot within you.
“Words, gorgeous.” He smiled, watching the way your face contorted to his touches, mouth gaped, eyes shut tight.
“No.” You smiled softly, hearing him groan against your lips. “I’m clean, I’m on the pill.” you gasped, feeling his fingers move faster, the obscene wetness filling the air. “Just fuck me already.”
“I can’t say no to you.” He slipped his fingers from you, a soft cry leaving your lips at the loss feeling, watching as he coated his cock with you juices, pumping softly, You stared down in complete awe at his size. He was bigger than most you have been with, his cock was long and thick, the head a dark red, already leaking precum as he pumped himself. 
You opened your mouth to speak, but the words were soon gone as you felt the push of the head of his cock against your entrance. 
“Fuck.” He growled, a hand reaching down and grabbing your shaking thigh, his cock splitting you open. He took his time, watching the way you slowly took his cock, inch by inch, he was sinking into your tight walls. “Fuck Y/N.” He growled again, watching the way your hips rose, trying to take more and more of him in. You felt absolutely spent already as he held you there, grabbing your thighs, and lifting them even higher, getting a better look at your puffy lips taking his cock. 
“Jesus Christ, Pedro.” A breathless chuckle leaving your lips, feeling fuller than ever, his cock hitting deep within you, feeling as if you could feel it in your throat. “Fuckfuckfuckfuck” You cried softly into the air, feeling him fully seated within you. He stopped, letting you adjust to him, staring down as you took deep breaths. He tried his best not to bust right there as you adjusted to his size, hips wiggling against his hips, soft breathless moans as he felt you clench around his cock. You looked absolutely gorgeous full of his cock as you laid there. 
“Jesus, stop that.” He chuckled breathlessly, dropping his head to your shoulder, trying his best not to stop fucking you into the bed. 
“You’re so big.” You smiled, already feeling that blissed out feeling covering your body. Pedro barely even moved, but the feeling of his cock alone was enough to make you feel so dumb. He choked out a moan as he felt you tighten around him again, hips involuntarily grinding against yours, the head of his cock bumping against that sweet spot once again. You gasped loudly, hips bucking at the pressure, Pedro’s hand coming down to grab your hip. 
“You keep doing that, I’m not going to last.” He whispered into your ear, leaving a soft kiss against your ear lobe. You giggled softly, hands holding onto his biceps, leaving your own kisses along his shoulder. 
“You can move.” you whispered against him, and he did, slowly dragging his cock from your walls, pulling until the tip was tight between your walls, before grinding back into you. A high pitched moan left your lips, full of desperation as you felt his cock practically break you in half. Pedro felt it too, the way your pussy practically choked his cock as he slowly moved against you, not wanting to overwhelm you with being too rough. 
“Y/N, you feel like heaven.” He groaned, rolling his hips against yours. You only responded with soft gasps and moans, small ‘more’ and ‘yes please’ as dragged his cock against your tight walls. You could tell he wanted more, you could tell that he was holding back, with the way he held your hip, the way he huffed against your neck when you clenched around him. You lifted your legs, hooking them around his hips, pressing a soft kiss where his shoulder met his neck.
“I can take it.” You hummed, hearing the choked moan as he nodded against you. “I want it.” you smiled, pressing more kisses along his shoulder. If he wasn’t careful, those words would have been enough to make him bust right there.
“You’re going to kill me.” He moaned into your neck, bracing himself against you as he began thrusting harder. His cock practically split you in half as you laid there. 
“Oh my god, Pedro.” You cried, fingers digging into his biceps as his hips slammed against yours, choked moans and groans as he felt you tighten around him. You tight velvet walls sucking him in more and more. He glanced down between your bodies, trying not to focus on the sweet noises you made, knowing if he focused just enough, he could cum in you with just the sounds of your moans. He was in awe as he stared down at where you were joined, his cock slipping in and out, his cock glistening with your juices as he pulled out, his cock twitching at the sight. 
You rolled your hips, meeting each of his thrusts, your pussy clenching around him as he gave you a hard thrust, a soft high pitched moan leaving your lips. You were close, your thighs shaking around his hips, your lower stomach tightening. Pedro smirked, feeling the way your body tensed around him. He turned his head, nose brushing against your cheek, lips leaving a sloppy kiss as he pulled back just an inch, nose brushing against yours as he huffed against your lips. “You feel so good.” he whispered, kissing your lips softly, a contrast to his hard thrusts. You nodded, not trusting yourself to say anything, but he wasn’t letting you off that easily. He weaved a hand into your hair, keeping you in place, as if you were going anywhere, keeping his eyes on your blissed face. “Tell me how good it feels.” 
“Pedro-” You gasped, toes curling, trembling against him as you grew closer, your once soft moans growing desperate.
“Tell me, and then you’ll cum.” He smirked. 
“You feel amazing.” You cried, feeling your whole body tense, clinging to Pedro as he moaned at your breathy words. “Your cock is so big. I feel so full.” 
“Fuck, come on.” He grunted, thrusting hard, needing to see you come loose around him. Your body arched against him, peaked breasts brushing against his chest, your whole body spazzing against him as that heat and tightness in your stomach rose and tightened until finally it felt as if your whole body was breaking beneath him. Pedro watched as you came, loud moans and cries of his name as you came around him. And that was it. 
“God damn it.” Pedro growled, slamming his hips against yours, his cock twitching within your walls. He gritted his teeth, head dropping back onto your shoulder, feeling his cock plunge deep within you before ropes and ropes of cum filled you up. You sighed happily as you felt him cum, filling you up even more, thrusting deeply as he rode his high out, your name leaving his lips like a prayer. 
Your whole body felt weightless as you relaxed, feeling the weight of the man rest on you, his own ragged breath fanning across your shoulder and neck. 
“I’m glad I had that nightmare.” You whispered. 
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hellcaster901 · 4 years
What Now?
The Mandalorian x Reader
Summary: After going through the market, things change between you and the Bounty Hunter. 
Word Count: 8,197
Warning(s): SMUT! (wrap it before you tap it, this is a fanfiction), language, slight choking kink, creampie, you know, the usual. I kinda did some edits, but whatever mistakes you find, it is what it is. 
A/N: After my first one shot of this lovely man, it’s hard not to think about him even more. Hope you guy’s enjoy!!!
Never Been Better (Pt 2) Say Something (Pt 3)
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“Look, I want to go.” You explained, a hand on your hip staring up at Mando. He stood by the ramp, staring back at you, the sunlight from the planet shining on his beskar helmet, making it almost too bright to stare at. “I want to help more.” 
“I’m just grabbing supplies, there’s no need for you to come with.” Mando remarked. You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Even more of a reason why I want to go.” You huffed, keeping your stance. You were prepared to stomp your foot like a child if it came down to that. “I’ve been cooped up in here, let me come.” You returned, your voice softer now, hoping that it’d show the Mandalorian how much this would mean to you. 
Ever since you first saw Mando it was on Tatooine when the Mechanic was fixing his ship, you fixated on the fact that he was going to be the one to take you away from the planet. Living there all your life, scavenging to survive wasn’t what you wanted for the rest of your years. And seeing the small child that he cared for, was enough of a reason to convince him to come with. If there was something you could do right, it was taking care of a youngling. Of course, being experienced at flying, shooting a blaster, or fixing a ship wasn’t on the list of things you could do, but you knew that that Child was going to be a handful sooner or later. Overall, offering your help was more of a ‘I need a ride to another planet, drop me off and never think of me again’ sort of thing. When you caught up to him before he was ready to leave, offering what little help you could give, he rejected the offer, leaving you on the planet. 
It wasn’t until weeks later that seeing the same ship, and seeing the same Mandalorian that it felt like fate. He still had the child, and was willing to accept your help with caring for it. He didn’t care to fill you in on how he came to possess the small green creature, all that he told you was that the Child was now in his care until they found his kind. And that was a good enough answer the Mandalorian was going to give you.
It’s been months since you joined the two of them, what turned into only a need for a ride to another home, turned into the ship that was now your home. Mando taking bounties here and there from the Guild and as he turned in the bounties, collecting the credits for it, he gave you a portion each time. No matter how many times you told him that being given a second chance was enough payment, he still always left credits on your sleeping cot, telling you to save them in case something were to happen. It was small things like that that made the small crush you harbored for him form. A crush on the Mandalorian seemed like a silly thing, of course it was, being that you never saw his face. But it didn’t stop the feelings. 
He wasn’t the stone cold Mandalorian you were sure people thought he was. Honestly, that’s what you thought he was the first time talking to him, but soon you came to find out he was actually human. Not just blood and bone, but he showed emotion, but in his own way. The first time you saw that was when he was caring for the Child. You knew he cared for that child like it was his own, protecting the child with everything in him. Soon, without you knowing, you became a part of that. 
He cared about you, in a way he wasn’t sure how to explain or show. He knew that he’d do anything to protect the two of you, even if it took his life. Within these short months, it surprised him with how easily you fell into place here. Making yourself comfortable and making the ship your home the second you stepped foot. It was hard not to like you. You kept your distance at first, nervous about the bounty hunter but soon you came out of your shell. You didn’t ask questions about his helmet, asking if you could see his face, but you did ask about his creed. You respected him enough to not ask him to take the helmet off, knowing that this creed was all he had. You didn’t know a lot about the Mandalorians, but you were willing to learn if Mando was willing to tell you.
“Do you even know how to shoot a blaster?” You shifted on your feet, shaking your head at the hunter. A sigh left his lips, before he tilted his head towards the door. You quickly followed, stepping down the ramp and after the Mandalorian. Glancing back at the ship, the ramp shut, leaving the sleeping Child. Mando was silent as you followed him, leading the way off the dirt trail and into the trees. When we got a certain distance Mando stopped short, turning around to face you. You tripped slightly, not wanting to bump into him at such short notice, staring wide eyed up at him.
“Here.” He spoke, the filtered voice making goosebumps rise on your arms. He lifts the blaster to you, your hand wrapping around the heavy weapon, weighting it before slipping it comfortable in your hand. You noticed Mando move out of the way, stepping close to your side. “You see that tree with the broken branch?” He pointed out, you followed the gloved finger, your eyes landing on the tree he was talking about. It was a ways away, but close enough where you both could see it. With a slight nod to Mando, you glanced back at him. It was like the air was ripped from your lungs as he stood a bit closer, close enough the sounds of his filtered breathing filled your ears. “Shoot it.” He spoke. You took a deep breath, turning back to the tree, trying to ignore the man that stood so close. With a deep breath, you lifted the blaster, pointing it towards the tree. On the exhale, you pulled the trigger, hitting the tree behind the target, a large burn spot on the bark. 
A wave of embarrassment and disappointment flows through you, cheeks growing hot as you glanced back at Mando with a disappointed frown. “Here” He mumbled, stepping directly behind you. Mando lightly kicked at your feet, moving your legs in a better stance. Mando noticed the way you tensed, not sure if it was from not shooting the target, or with him being so close. “Make sure to plant your feet.” He whispered, his hands moving to your hips. It became painfully aware for the both of you how close you were. The way Mando’s hands flexed against your hips, the thin shirt you wore catching on the groves of the gloves and lifting slightly as he moved his hands. “Keep yourself steady.” Mando saw the way you shuddered at his voice, trying to hide the way he was making you feel. He couldn’t help it either. You could lean back and you’d be leaning on his chest. He looked over your features as you looked back at him, the way your eyes widened at his touch, the way your lips parted as his fingers digging lightly into your hips. His eyes trailed over each and every feature, memorizing them. “Try again, keep yourself tight.” He managed out, trying to keep focus on the task, but the way she was reacting to a simple touch made his mind wonder. If you reacted this way with a single touch, what else would your body react to? 
You try to stay calm as he moves his hands up, the shirt catching on the gloves and lifting, revealing flush skin to his eyes. His hands trailed lightly on your back, the reaction you gave him only fueling him even more to find out what else you reacted to. You try to contain the shudder than trailed down your back as you felt his fingers wrap around your shoulders, his fingers brushing against the crook of your neck as he pulled your shoulders back, your chest pushing out. This didn’t go unnoticed, the small hitch in his breath was enough to let you know this was affecting him the way it was affecting you. From his height he only had to glance down, getting a small glance at the swell of your breasts, the way the shirt hid your cleavage from his greedy eyes. 
You lifted the blaster once again, aiming at the tree with the broken branch. Tightening yourself, and keeping your posture. With a deep breath, you pulled the trigger as you exhaled, watching as the broken branch was shot, the branch smoking from the heat. A disbelief chuckled left your lips, lowering the blaster as you stared at the smoking target with astonishment. You looked back at Mando, a grin on your face, ready to thank him for the help, but it soon felt like the world disappeared as your mind registered how close the two of you were. 
Eyes scanned over his helmet, wondering what he looked like underneath the beskar. If he was staring down at you with the same sort of dazed look, or if he was trying to mesmerize the grin you had on your face. He had to admit, the look on your face, the happiness that you shot the branch rather than the tree was enough to make his heart tug, a feeling he hasn’t felt in a long time. A small part of you wanted to do something, or say something, but another bigger part thought that doing anything would ruin what was going on. “Thank you.” You whispered, staring up at the visor of his helmet. With a swift nod, he pulled his hands away from your hips, breaking the spell the both of you were in.
He couldn’t let himself get caught up in you, he couldn’t let himself give in like that. No matter how many times he did think about how soft you’d be, or how sweet the sounds you’d make when he’d touch you, he had to keep his distance. “It’s different when it’s actually living.” He advised, walking past you. 
“At least I know.” You shrugged, hearing a small chuckle from the hunter. With a heavy heart, you followed Mando, shoving the blaster into the waistband of your pants and keeping a steady distance from him as he showed the way. There were a few moments of silence, both of you going over the small moment that just happened. You weren’t sure if it was anything to fret over, but of course that didn’t stop you from playing over each moment again and again in your mind. The way he grabbed you, man handling you, it was enough to make anyone’s knees weak. “Where are we again?” You called up to Mando, realizing that he never told you where the three of you landed at. 
The walk was short, hitting the small town in a matter of minutes. You soon realized that coming was probably the best decision you made. It was unlike anything you’ve seen. “Where are we again?” You repeated to Mando, jogging light to catch up with him. He tilted his head towards you, noticing the way you stared at the sight before you.
“Dantooine.” He quipped, watching as he saw that smile spread on your face. The small town was filled with colors, booths lined side by side of merchants selling goods of all kinds. The people of the small town mingling with one another, shopping along the booths of goods. 
“This was the headquarters to the rebellion during the Galactic Empire.” You smiled, watching the people shop. You noticed the curious tilt of his helmet as he stared down at you. “My mother told me stories about the rebellion.” You explained with a shrug of a shoulder. He only stared down at you, a wave of nervousness rising in you. “What do you need from here?” You asked, hoping to change the subject. 
“Need to see if there’s parts for the ship.” He explained, looking at the vast crowd of people, “Maybe anything else we need.” You nodded, waving a hand to the crowd.
“Lead the way.” You smiled. You weren’t sure, but it almost felt like he rolled his eyes before he took a step. With a smirk, you followed Mando as the two of you weaved through the people, your eyes looking at every booth you passed. Seeing all these exotic foods you’ve never seen, or the colorful beads the people had on display for jewelry, the fish people caught and the small trinkets people made. It was unlike anything you’ve seen before. 
Although your eyes were on the products, you soon began noticing the stares the two of you received. It was more what Mando was receiving. People moved out of the way, staring at the Mandalorian as he walked through the people, their gaze landing upon you as you walked through the crowds. Mando didn’t seem bothered by it, something he’s grown used to. For you, you stepped closer to Mando, ducking your head down, avoiding eye contact and only staring at what the booths were offering.
You watched as Mando made his way to one of the booths, talking to the older man that stood there. You stayed close, hearing the two men barter on what the price should really be for the parts Mando wanted. Your eyes wandered over the neighboring booths. Small trinkets people had to offer, things they wielded themselves and turned into small creatures and small toys for children, other booths with bright fabrics and gorgeous patterns. You soon saw a booth across the way with jewelry you haven’t seen before, the colors catching your attention. Weaving through the people you soon noticed the crystals on the table, different sizes and colors wrapped in wiring and hanging from a line of fabric. The older woman who sat there noticed you, cracking an eye open, a small smile spreading on her weathered face. You returned the smile, looking back down at the jewelry she displayed.
It wasn’t like the others you saw, the jewelry they made were from gold or silver, or even wielded metal into those large exquisite necklaces made for royalty, but these were gorgeous. The old woman watched as you looked over her artwork, lightly touching the items, the smooth silk of some of the cloth necklaces rubbing against your fingertips.
“They’re beautiful.” You smiled up at her, watching as she stood from her chair, waddling over to the necklaces. Her eyes raked over you, her eyes squinting as she took in your features before she looked down at the necklaces, grabbing one that she deemed the one. She held the necklace up by the two strings, the small crystal dangling, the sun making it look like it was glowing. It was a gorgeous piece, a pale white crystal wrapped with a bronze wiring, hanging from a thin cord of brown leather. She motioned to the necklace, still smiling up at you.
“Turn around.” The filtered voice made you jump, your head whipping around as Mando stared at the necklace.
“What?” Your face scrunched up at his request. But he simply reached across you, a small nod towards the old woman as she handed him the necklace. He held it up towards you, motioning for you to turn. With a nervous nod, you turn, grabbing the hair that hung loosely on your shoulders into one hand. His hands came into view, your eyes watching the necklace lower until you felt the cold crystal hit your chest, the chilled leather sending chills down your back as it laid on the crook of your neck. It felt like time had stopped when you felt his fingertips brush the back of your neck, tying the leather cords tightly together, his gloved fingers brushing against  your skin and lightly pulling the short strands of hair that got caught in the knot. You reached up to grab the crystal, the rough edges scrapping lightly against the pads of your fingertips. 
Mando tried his best to keep himself from touching you anymore. The way your skin looked in the sun only made him want to feel how smooth your skin looked, let his hands wander. He watched as you turned, bright wide eyes staring up at him, a small smile playing on your plump lips. “Thank you.” You whispered to him, his eyes glancing down to see your fingers twist and turn the crystal. He only nodded, looking back at the older woman.
“How much?” He asked. 
“15 credits.” The woman smiled. You glanced down, grabbing what credits you had in your pocket. “Thank you, sir.” Your head shot up, watching as Mando placed the credits in the woman’s hand.
“Mando, I-”
“We still need to get food.” He started, turning away from the booth. With a slight wave to the woman you followed Mando, grabbing his elbow. He turned quickly, staring down at you. You couldn’t help but be nervous whenever he looked at you, no matter how long you’ve been with him, his stare always made you feel like you were the only one there. 
“Thank you.” You whispered to him, reaching up for the necklace. Again, Mando wasn’t one for talking, wasn’t sure what to say when you grabbed him. The only thing he could do was nod, turning back around and going back on his mission to find the food he was talking about.
You followed silently, holding what food the two of you bought, keeping quiet as the two of you gathered the things you needed. Both of you knew there was a silent tension in the air, the events of him teaching you how to shoot a blaster and what happened with the necklace were in reply in your mind, going over each touch, each movement and each word or sound that came out of his mouth.
You took a deep breath as you sat on your sleeping cot, twisting and turning the necklace that laid on your chest. It’s been a week since the events of what happened at the market, neither of you bringing it up once you got back to the ship. You weren’t sure if it was awkward for him, but it was for you. Stepping around him within the ship, staying out of his way. There was a difference in the air, and you weren’t sure what to do about it.
You grabbed the thin blanket from the cot, wrapping it around you and leaving your small area, tiptoeing through the ship to the ramp. Keying into the pad, the ramp lowered, the night breeze washing over you. You weren’t really sure what you were doing, but you knew whatever it was, you had to be off the ship. Walking down the ramp, feeling your feet hit the soil from the planet, you sat down, the cold metal sending chills up your back. A week ago you left Dantooine, and since then it was just going from planet to planet, stopping wherever Mando thought was best. This planet, D’Qar, seemed safe, nothing seemed out of the ordinary from what Mando saw. 
You sat there silently, letting the night breeze wash over you, looking over the vast majority of the green land. 
Everything was confusing, the actions Mando showed you were confusing. You weren’t sure what was going on, if the way he was acting was he acted with all his female friends or if this was something different. It had to be different, the way he reacted with Cara was of a friend, you don’t think you’ve ever seen him act so… shy with her? You groaned softly, dropping your head. What am I doing? Freaking out about him like this? Just enjoy the fact you got off that damn planet and you have something good now. There’s no need to make things more awkward just because I have a silly crush. 
“What are you doing?” You turned in your seat, seeing the man of the hour standing there. Words couldn’t explain how different he looked. The beskar armor he wore was now gone, leaving him in his black shirt and pants, the helmet still on. 
“I needed some air.” You spoke quietly, watching as he stepped down the ramp. The nerves were back as you watched him step down, stopping next to you and sitting as well. “What are you doing?”
“I needed some air.” He repeated, you could hear the smile in his voice. You shook your head, staring at the green land. You sat there in silence, both of you enjoying the company of the other, something you were sure Mando would never admit but it was nice while you sat there. 
“Have you ever thought about changing your life?” you asked, still staring off at the land and the sky, not really sure where the question came from.
“What do you mean?” He knew what you meant, the question was something that was on his mind ever since he found the child, and even more now since you came into his life.
“You know what I mean.” You chuckled, looking down at your bare feet in the grass, wiggling your toes. “Leaving the Guild and the Mandalorian lifestyle behind.” You explained, looking up at him. “Settling down and raising the Child.” He noticed the way you didn’t mention yourself in this scenario. “I’m sure the Child would love that.” You chuckled.
“Once I take this helmet off in front of someone, I can never put it back on.” He explained, looking out in the distance. “This is the way.” 
“What if it isn't?” You questioned, noticing the way he sighed lightly. You imagined he thought about this a lot. Any one who was raised in this sort of condition probably does think about leaving, wonder what else is out there besides the Creed. “Leaving Tatooine was something I knew I had to do.” you explain, “And seeing you the first time felt like a gift from the Gods.” you smiled, watching as Mando turned to you, listening to your story. “It was like fate the second time you came and accepted my help. I knew that Tatooine wasn’t it for me.” 
“Did you think staying was your fate?” You watched the way the moon shined off the helmet, making you wonder if he ever came out by himself, taking the helmet off and enjoying the breeze on his face.
“For a while I did.” You admitted, thinking back to life on that planet. “There wasn’t a lot for me there, it always felt off.” Mando watched the way you shivered from the breeze, wrapping the blanket tighter around yourself.
“We should get back in.” He muttered, ready to stand. Before he could, your hand grabbed his wrist, stopping him. 
“I like it here.” You smiled, watching the way he tensed for a quick moment, before settling back on the ramp with you. He could feel your eyes searching over his helmet, and he could tell you were thinking about what he looked liked. Everyone did, but with you, you never asked him to take the helmet off or asked him for hints on what he looked like. You respected him to keep those questions to yourself. “Thank you again.” You softly spoke, smiling up.
“For Tatooine?” 
“For everything.” You realized you still had a hand on his wrist, noticing he didn’t have any gloves on. You decided to bite the bullet and let your hand travel down, your fingers touching the skin on his wrist. From the moonlight you can see his tan skin, his long fingers twitching lightly as you touched his wrist, your fingertips brushing lightly over the back of his palm, lightly tracing the veins that were prominent. “For taking me in,” You whispered, watching the way his fingers flex as you touched them, your fingertips lightly brushing over the coarse skin. “For giving me a home,” you started on his thumb, tracing the skin to the nail and back down before moving onto the next one, both Mando and you mesmerized at the actions. “For the necklace.” You smiled, lightly, feeling as though the crystal got heavier on your chest. 
You barely registered the blanket that slipped from your shoulders, exposing more of your skin to Mando than he’s seen. The short sleeve shirt you wore to bed hanging loosely on your shoulder, his eyes looking up and seeing the way your skin basically shines in the moonlight, your hair loose from whatever ponytail you had it, pieces of hair curling on the back of your neck and tops of your shoulders. He especially couldn’t forget the necklace, the brown leather cord complimenting your skin tone. He couldn’t stop himself from pulling his hand from your tracing, his fingers brushing against the skin of your shoulder. 
You gasped lightly at the touch, the action making you shudder, still staring down at your hand as you let him touch you. He dragged his fingers up your shoulder to your neck, his fingers lightly hooking onto the necklace, pulling it and letting it drop. You tried to keep your breathing under control, but he could hear the way your breath hitched when he played with some of the loose hair, tucking it behind your ear. You finally got the confidence and looked up at him, looking over the visor wondering what he looked like as he studied you. 
He definitely studied you, looking over your skin, your eyes, the way your lips parted as he stared over you. He was taking in everything he was seeing, like it was the last time. He wanted this look on your face burned into his mind, thinking of it whenever he could. And that scared him. 
You opened your mouth to say something, before a small gurgle was heard from the ship. You both glanced back at the opening, seeing the Child stand there, eyes droopy from sleep. “Oh sweet thing.” You whispered, standing from the ramp. Mando’s hand fell from you, a twinge of sadness running through him as he was robbed from this moment. He watched as you walked over to the Child, picking him up and wrapping him in the blanket with you.
You gave him a shrug and a sad smile, turning on your heels and bringing the kid back into the ship, rocking him lightly as he smiled up at you. Those giant eyes fluttering as he became more and more tired. “Tired thing.” You hummed, watching as his eyes fell shut, his small body becoming heavier. You chuckled lightly, glancing over at the Mandalorian as he stepped up the ramp, turning his back and pressing the keypad, the ramp lifting and shutting us in the ship.You gently set the Child in his small pod, his hands tightly grasping the blanket, not letting it go in his sleep. With a defeat sigh, you slipped the blanket from your shoulders, nestling it around the Child.
Mando watched as the blanket slipped from your shoulders, exposing that you weren’t exactly wearing any pants. The shirt hanging loosely around your form, hitting mid thigh. He couldn’t help the way the front of his pants tightened, wondering if there was anything else under the oversize shirt you wore.
You took a step back, pressing the pad and the door shutting on the child as he slept, hopefully through the night. You wrapped your arms around yourself turning and giving the Mandalorian a sheepish smile. You quickly became aware of the lack of close you were wearing, a slight breeze making goosebumps rise on your legs. 
“I should get to bed.” You shrugged, one hand reaching down and grabbing the hem of your shirt, tugging it further down your legs. Mando didn’t say anything, only a swift nod. You sheepishly walked past him, your gut turning as you felt a hand wrap around your wrist. You looked up at him, wide eyes as he stared forward. “Is everything okay?” You whispered, feeling the way his hand tightened around your small wrist.
It felt like time stopped as the two of you stood there, reminding you of when he was teaching you how to shoot the blaster. It all felt really… surreal to you. You waited for him to do something, but you could only focus on the fact the way your arm felt with his hand on it, almost like it was on fire. And it wasn’t something that you didn’t mind.
Everything in him told him to touch you, bring you closer till you were against his chest, his hands running up the back of your thighs, grabbing at every single piece of you as he could. But he couldn’t. “Take my blanket.” He finally said. You furrowed your eyebrows, tilting your head. You knew he wanted to say more, say something else, or do something else. But something was stopping him, you could basically see the internal war he was having within himself. 
It was now or never.
You slipped your arm from his hand, lifting it with hesitance to his helmet. With a shuddered breath you turned him towards you, the cold beskar cooling your hot hands. There was no resistance as he let you turn his head towards him, looking down at you with confusion and lust. You tried to convince yourself that if he were to reject you, tell you that this was something he never wanted, you’d be okay with being dropped off at the next planet, or even have them leave you at this planet. 
I took everything in you to let yourself be confident. Slowly, you turned, facing your body with his, your hands brushing along his arms as you reached for his hands. You could tell how tense he was, hearing how jagged his breath was as you touched his arms, your fingertips brushing against the material of his shirt as they moved down towards his hands. 
He could feel how shaky your hands were as they brushed against his. He watched as you pulled them up, guiding them to your waist. Mando’s breath hitched, the sound filling your ears and making your thighs clench. “I trust you.” Was all you said, looking up at him. “You can touch me.” Your voice was lower now, barely a whisper, something only the two of you could hear. 
“Are you sure?” Mando whispered back, his hands grabbing at the shirt. “Once I start, I might not be able to stop.” You could’ve died right there, those being the last words you ever heard, and you’d be happy. You wanted those words branded in your mind. You could barely speak, only clench your thighs even more, giving him a nod. “I need to hear you say it.” He spoke a little louder this time, his hands already lifting the shirt up slowly, seeing more and more skin revealed to him. 
“Yes.” In a split second he grabbed you, turning the both of you and pushing you against the wall of the ship. You gasped as the cold metal digging into your skin, cooling you down slightly. He held you there, hearing his jagged breathing through his helmet as he looked down at you, his hands slowly trailing down your hips. You said nothing, letting him control the pace, waiting on him to cross the line. You tried to keep the whimper in when you felt his hands on your thighs, his fingers digging into the flesh lightly, dragging a low moan from your throat.
The sound was enough to spur him on even more. All those nights imagining what you sounded like, and actually hearing it, was music to his ears. He had to hear more from you. He slipped his hands under the shirt, his calloused fingers brushing against your panties, up your stomach and resting right against your rib cage, the back of his hand brushing against the underside of your breasts. “Please.” You whimpered, the sound shooting straight to his cock. He couldn’t resist anymore, you were here, in his hands, willing to give yourself to him. 
You heard a low moan, almost a growl as he cupped your breast, his palms against your hard nipples, his fingers digging into the flesh. He couldn’t wait any longer. He grabbed the hem of the shirt, pulling it over your head and tossing it to the side, his greedy eyes taking it each and every piece that was displayed to him. You tried your best to not cover yourself, knowing that you trusted this man with your life. You felt confident as he stared down at you. 
“Gorgeous.” He mumbled, reaching for you again. Pulling you tight to him, his hands traveling frantically over your body, trying to touch each piece of you. You dropped your head to his shoulder, enjoying his hands, moans and whimpers leaving you as he grabbed your ass, kneading the soft flesh before his hands dragged across your back, up to your shoulders. You gasped as he spun you around, your back against his chest, his hands on your arms, keeping you tight to him. “I told you I wouldn't be able to stop.” it sounded almost like a warning, but it didn’t scare you away.
“I know.” you replied breathlessly, grinding against him, his bulge rubbing against your ass as you circled your hips. “I don’t want you to.” You felt his head drop to your shoulder, moaning as you continued to push back on him. All he wanted was to taste your skin, bite down on the flesh and leave marks he’d be able to see later, letting him know that you were marked as his. He snaked one of his hands down your stomach, digging his fingers lightly as he got to your panties, stopping at the hem. He was teasing you, letting a finger dip under the band, hearing the way you whimpered at him, moaning loudly when you moved your hips, trying to get him closer to where you needed him. “Please.” You begged, resting your forehead on the cold beskar. This man was going to be the death of you.
“What do you want.” His modulated voice filled your ears, one of his arms keeping you close to him while the other played at your panties.
“You.” You gasped, bucking your hips one again. “I want you everywhere.” All that was on your mind was him touching you, you didn’t care if you seemed desperate, cause you were. You were desperate for this man in every way possible. “Please Mando.”
Mando groaned, the sweets words you spoke made him want to bend you over and take you right there, give you what you wanted. The way you whimpered his name made rut against you, his cock twitching in his pants. He had to have you, feel you, taste you. “Close your eyes.” He whispered, his hand leaving your panties. You whimpered softly, shutting your eyes without a question, feeling Mando raise his head from your shoulder. There was subtle movement behind you before a loud thud that made you jump. “Keep them shut.” Your thighs clenched together, hearing his voice, his actual voice, against your ear. You were sure you were going to die when you felt his lips brush against your right shoulder, facial hair poking the skin as he peppered soft kisses. 
“Mando, you didn’t-”
“I wanted to.” He whispered against your shoulder, making his way towards your neck. You tried to suppress the giggle, the coarse facial hair tickling the sensitive skin, feeling his lips turn up in a smile. Of course you’ve imagined what he looked like. Imagining what facial expressions he made, the way he looked when he smiled, honestly anything. And to feel his lips on your shoulder at this very moment, was enough to make your knees weak. “I wanted to taste you.” He mumbled against your skin, chills running down your back. “Just don’t open your eyes.”
You reached behind you, your hand weaving into his thick hair, short nails digging into his scalp as you grabbed the short strands. The moan that left his lips was sinful, his teeth biting down on your neck. It was like a switch was flipped as he frantically grabbed you, keeping you close to him almost like he was hoping you’d just morph into him. He hooked a finger into your panties, pushing them down your hips, the fabric brushing your thighs as it fell around your ankles. You were quick to step out of them, kicking them to the side, knowing you were going to be looking for them later. 
Mando hummed against your shoulder, his hand reaching down and cupping your sex, one of his fingers dragging slowly between your folds. You gasped at the sensation, keeping your eyes shut as he continued to touch you, gathering the juices that leaked from you on his fingers. “You’re so wet.” Mando whispered against your ear, hearing your breath hitched at his words. “Barely even touched you.” It was almost like he was talking to himself, but you could hear the amusement in his voice, the way he was fascinated with the way your body was reacting to him. Of course he’s been with previous lovers, but the way you were reacting, letting him do what he wanted, it was something intoxicating and he wanted more. 
“Please, Mando.” you trembled, tilting your head to the side, your lips resting against his cheek. You hummed softly, feeling the hair prickel against your lips, his thick hair brushing against your forehead. “I need you.” With those simple words, he realized that he would do anything in the galaxy to hear you beg for him. 
You reached down, a small hand wrapping around his wrist, his fingers finding your clit and rubbing quick circles around the bundle of nerves. “Stars.” You groaned against his cheek. You reached your other hand behind you, grabbing his thick thigh, trailing up to feel the tent in his pants. A gasp left fell from your lips, feeling his thick bulge, his cock twitching as you rubbed the palm of your hand over it. Mando moaned against your neck, his hips thrusting up to meet your hand as you continued to rub against him, both of you moaning, needy messes as you pleasure each other. “Fuck.” Mando grunted, his other hand reaching around you grabbing one of your breasts, pinching and twisting at one of the hardened nipple. 
“I need you. Please Mando.” You begged into his cheek, whimpering as he pulled away from you. Your chest rose and fell, your mind trying to gather and process everything that was going on from the way his hands felt, to the way he kissed up your shoulder. You wanted to live in this moment for the rest of your life. Mando quickly worked at his pants, looking over your heaving form, the way your skin was flushed, thighs clenched together as you heard him work at his pants. He shoved them quickly, kicking them and stepping back to you, pulling you hard against him, the air ripped from your lungs as you felt his cock rub against the small of your back, trapped between your bodies. You’d give anything to find out what he tasted like. “Let me taste you.” You gasped, feeling him rut against you at the request.
Mando was sure he was going to bust from what you said, the image of looking down and seeing your plump lips wrapped around his cock, taking all of him in your mouth only made his cock twitch at what could be, and you noticed, your mouth watering. But he knew that’s not where he was going to finish tonight. “Another time, sweet girl.” He rasped, another pet name making you shudder. Another time. This wasn’t a one time thing for either of you. Mando leaned back, staring down at your exposed back, running his hands over the smooth skin, hearing the small whimpers and gasps you gave him, egging him on to keep touching you. He wrapped a large hand around your shoulder, pushing softly as you bent at the waist, hands coming up and steadying yourself on the walls of the ship. A chill of excitement ran through your body, a smile creeping on your face as he pawed at the curve of your ass, grabbing at the flesh. 
You arched your back, standing on your toes, giving Mando a better view. He groaned loudly, swallowing as you presented yourself to him. “Are you sure?” He whispered softly, leaning down and pressing soft kisses in between your shoulder blades. You only giggled, eyes still shut and turning your head to him.
“I’m literally bent over for you.” You giggled again, hearing a soft chuckle leaving his lips. The sound was foreign, but something you could get used to. “I’m sure Mando.” You confirmed, wiggling your ass against the curve of his cock. “I only want you.” He nipped at your skin playfully, reaching in between your bodies and grabbing a hold of his pulsing cock. He stroked himself a few times, staring down at the position he has you in, gathering the precum that leaked from the tip, using it as lubricant. You reached back, fingers wrapping around his length, your breath hitching. You knew he was huge, but this… this was something else. “You’re huge.” You mumbled, stroking his cock, feeling the way it twitched when your thumb brushed the tip. He was thick and long. Could he even fit? He bent at the knees, letting you guide him to your pussy, the head of his cock pushing past your soaked folds, teasing the entrance. Mando grabbed at your hips, watching as he pushed into you, his cock sinking in slowly, no resistance as he stretched you open. He felt you pull away, his hands tightening on your hips, keeping you against him. 
“Stars.” You gasped, his cock stretching you open like never before, the slight burn being cancelled out by the pure pleasure from him making you take him. He stilled for a moment, letting you adjust, watching the way your breathing picked up, your head falling forward back still arched for him. 
“You’re taking me so well.” He grunted, grabbing your hips and bringing you back to him. Low groans echoed through the ship as the back of your thighs met his, his cock filling you to the brim. It was unlike anything you’ve ever felt, eyes rolling back in your head as he waited, giving you a moment. “So tight.” He growled, his hips bucking, grinding into your ass, his cock pushing into you deeper. You gasped at the thrust, your mind telling you he was going to destroy you, but your pussy was loving each second of it. You clenched around him, gasping again as he grind against your ass. “Shit.” he greeted through his teeth.
“Move. Please.” You begged, wiggling your ass against him.
It was a storm of moving bodies, Mando grabbing at your waist, thrusting into you in a slow rhythm, watching his cock disappear and then glisten with your juices as he pulled out. He was speechless as your walls gripped him, squeezing around his cock tightly as he moved within you. 
You were a blubbering mess, moans and whimpers bouncing off the walls as he fucked you into oblivion, eyes rolling to the back of your head as his cock filled you like never before. The tip of his cock brushes against your g-spot, your legs shaky as they tried to keep you up. You were sure that if he didn’t have his hands on your waist you would’ve been on the floor in a matter of seconds. “Maker, you're huge.” You whined, feeling him pick up his pace, his thighs slapping onto yours loudly.  You felt as if he was splitting you in two, a bruising grip on your waist making sure you weren’t going anywhere. 
Mando growled as you clenched around him, your juices covering your inner thighs and his pelvis. The sight alone made him something snap in him. He reached up for your shoulder, pulling you upright, your back against his chest, his hand trailing to your neck. “Tell me to stop.” He grunted in your ear, not faltering his thrusts as you gasped against him, the hand around your neck only wrapped around, but the thought of his squeezing your throat made you whimper, your pussy fluttering around his cock. “Tell me to stop, and I won’t ruin you.” His voice, the way he smelt like sweat and sex made you dizzy. Everything about him and the position he had you in made you dizzy. He slowed his hips, painfully pulling out until the tip was all that was left, waiting on your response. “Tell me Y/N.” He growled into your ear, his other arm coming around and wrapping around your stomach, keeping you tight to him. 
“Ruin me.” You whined, reaching up and grabbing his wrist, “Don’t stop, please Mando.” He slammed back in, forcing a small yell from your lips as he fucked you with a brutal pace, his hand squeezing lightly around your neck, the leather cord against his palm, the crystal bouncing against your chest. “I trust you.” You moaned, resting your head on his shoulder. 
“Maker,” He marveled, seeing the way you gave yourself up to him, “How are you even real?” He remarked, squeezing his hand around your throat. “How are you so fucking perfect, sweet thing?” You noticed he talked more as he was balls deep in you, something that made you smile, before whining as he walked you forward, pushing you against the wall. Your breasts squished against the cold metal, hands planted on the wall as Mando kept his hand around your neck, the other gripping your hip. “You’re taking me so fucking well.” He panted, resting his head on your shoulder, staring down as he fucked into you. The coil that was building in your lower stomach was threatening to snap, threatening to push you over as he continued to fuck you, and Mando felt it. The way you tightened around him, your breathless whimpers fucking you harder. “Cum all over me.” He whispered in your ear, pinning you against him and the wall, his words tightening the coil in you, ready to snap. 
“Mando, I can’t-” You stopped, your thighs shaking as he drilled into you. You never felt more weightless than you did in this moment, feeling almost as if you died and went to heaven. It was all so much, his cock, his words, his hands over you. The coil was tightening and tightening until it finally… snapped. You twisted your head around, catching Mando’s lips with yours, moaning like a whore as you clamped around his cock, squeezing him as you came all over him, thighs basically becoming like liquid as the waves of pleasure washed over your body. 
You grind against him, the kiss was all teeth and tongue as you came around him, his hand tightening on your throat. “Fuck.” Mando growled, panting against your lips, feeling your cum drip over him. You were basically boneless against him, using his body to keep yourself up. 
“I want you to cum in me.” You whined, feeling his fingers dig into your hip. “I want it, give it to me.” He held you to him, his hips snapping against your ass as they began faltering. 
“Sweet thing.” He muttered into your ear, his breath picking up before he stilled against you, giving you harder slowed thrusts. Your body was basically made of chills as he growled in your ear, his cock twitching in you, filling your pussy up to the brim in his seed. Painting your walls white. 
Mando pulled away from your lips, his breath fanning against your lips as the two of you caught your breaths. The smell of sex filled the air, his chest tight against your back, slick with sweat as your bodies calmed down. Neither of you wanted to move from one another, but as his cock softened it was hard to stay still and not make a mess. 
“Are you okay?” Mando mumbled, loosening his hold on your neck. You hummed, giving him a small nod, resting your forehead against his. 
You weren’t sure what was going to happen after this, you weren’t sure if what he said before about this happening was true. But at this moment, you felt like the only two people in the world. You reached up, planting a soft kiss against his lips.
What now?
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hellcaster901 · 4 years
Say Something
The Mandalorian x Reader
Summary: After a bounty, and some insecurities, both of you decided to be honest.
Word Count: 6,321
Warning(s): SMUT! (No one under 18 PLS) also, please be safe, its a fanficiton wrap that shit up. Language, creampie, slight mutual masturbation? You know, its all the good stuff. 
A/N: I decided that this needed a third part! And thank you to @13dead-ends​ for being that bitch and helping me through this!!  And if there are any mistakes, please, ignore them and enjoy the reading! 
What Now? (Pt 1) Never Been Better (Pt 2)
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The trees swayed with the wind, every single leaf moving of their own accord as you watched, the midnight sky shining down on you and the razor crest, the moon giving off a light for the whole galaxy to see. The ship slightly moved and creaked from the wind pushing against it. You sat there, slouched in the passenger seat of the cockpit, knees up to your chest as you simply watched, waiting. 
You messed with your bottom lip, zoning out as you tried not to worry too much about what was going on with Mando. It’s been a week since he left, a week since he told you that the bounty would only take a day or two and he would be back. You tried your best to keep yourself busy, cleaning what you could, taking care of the child, fixing things that you could fix as you waited, but as each day passed, the nerves worsened and worsened. Which was… unlike you.
You worried, of course, there was always that chance that something would happen, but you knew that he was doing this long before he met you, long before he had either you or the child in his life, and for you to be worrying about it now when you were his…
What were you to him? 
You scoffed at your thoughts, rolling your eyes at your own insecurities. You knew what you were to Mando, even without the silly labels, you knew that there were more to the two of you than you could even describe with words. You spent every night in his arms, stolen moments with him, spokeless heavy touches as the two of you worked around the ship. He was more to you, meant more to you than anyone you have met in your life, and you were sure you meant the same for him. 
You shook your head of the silly thoughts, slouching further into the chair. It was silly to think such thoughts, even question everything that has happened. Those moments on his ship, at the festival, meant something, and honestly, you weren’t expecting a grand gesture of Mando expressing his love to you. You knew already. 
You jumped when you heard the door slide open, hearing the clanking of the ramp as it slid down to the ground. You sat up, wide eyed, looking back at the door, hearing the heavy footsteps walking up the ramp, a heavy grunt as something heavy was dropped. You stood quickly, pushing the door pad as you climbed down the ladder, your heart thumping wildly against your chest as you saw him. 
His back was to you, as he grabbed the bounty, picking him back up with a loud grunt, shoving the passed out man into the carbon-freezing chamber before a gush of smoke came from the machine, the man frozen. 
He must’ve not heard you as he slumped against the wall, huffing in pain as he grabbed his side, trying his best to stand. “Mando?” You whispered, his head tilting towards you, another grunt of pain as he pushed himself against the wall, standing on his feet. “Are you okay?” You moved, grabbing the medpack rushing to his side before he could even say what was wrong with him. He didn’t say anything as he watched you open the box, your worried eyes looking up at him. “What happened?” You spoke softly, resting a hand on his arm. 
“Stop.” He grunted roughly, flinching away from your touch, pushing himself off the wall as he limped around you. “I don’t need your help.” You said nothing as you watched him, lines forming between your eyebrows as you took in what he said. 
“You’re hurt, Mando. Let me at least see what’s wrong.” You huffed, trying to play off what he said didn’t feel like a punch to the heart. You turned towards him, seeing that he was clenching his upper left chest, a growing patch of darkness growing. “You’re bleeding, let me-”
“Stop!” He huffed, turning towards you. Your body went rigged, your mind feeling like it was short circuiting as you heard the tone in his voice, the way he yelled at you. He could see it too, the way you held the med box closer to your chest, fingers tight around the box as you stared at him, eyes wide, mouth gaped as you took in the way he was acting towards you. 
He opened his mouth to speak, say something to you, but nothing was coming out, and right now, he had to take care of himself. Mando turned from you without a word, soft grunts of pain as he limped towards the cockpit. You swallowed thickly, setting the med box on your hip. You blink blankly towards the ladder, not honestly sure what happened. There was rarely a time where he spoke like that to you, much less flinch away from you. 
Maybe you weren’t something to him…
You sighed deeply, eyes closing at the fleeting thought. You knew that wasn’t it, and you were being childish by simply thinking this was more than him just frustrated with such a bounty. Selfish even to think that this was about you rather than him being hurt. With a deep breath, holding the box to your hip, you walked towards the ladder as well, climbing up, knowing that he needed at least something. The door to the cockpit slid open, Mando sitting at his seat, some of his beskar thrown to the side as he looked over himself. 
He heard you, head tilting towards you, not a word spoken as you slowly walked over. You placed a hand on his chair, tugging it softly, hoping he would get the hint. And he did, letting you turn the chair towards one of the passenger seats as you sat down, placing the box on your lap. You tried not to take too long of a glance towards him, the layer of beskar he wore was gone, leaving him in a thin layer of clothing, chunks cut and slashed, exposing tan skin. 
It was silent as you rummage through the box, grabbing some bandages, glancing up at the wounded man. “Lift your shirt.” You whispered, scooting towards the edge of the seat. Mando didn’t move, but you could feel his eyes searching you. “Up.” You mumbled, gesturing to the bandages in your hand. You tried not to look up at his visor, patiently waiting as he pushed himself off the back of the seat, his right hand grabbing the hem of his shirt, lifting it with a strain grunt. You kept you face blank as he lifted his shirt, trying not to show a reaction to the bruising that was scattered along his chest, deep and dark shades of purples and blues. You swallowed thickly, eyes trained on him as he slipped an arm from his sleeve, exposing the long slash. 
Not only was the slash a bit ugly, but seeing him this exposed to you, with so much light still within the room, made your whole body light up. You felt each scar multiple times, felt how smooth his skin could be, felt each part of his body, but now as you stared at it, the moonlight shining brightly against his tan skin, it was as if you were really looking at him for the first time. 
You pulled the cleansing-fluid and a small rag from the medpack, leaning forward as you held the rag beneath the slash, pouring the fluid over the wound. Mando inhaled sharply, chest flexing under your hand. You gave him a sympathetic smile, watching as most of the blood washed away with the fluid. You patted the wound, most of the blood that was dried to his skin wiping away as you soon saw how it really looked. “I think we have some kolto in here.” You mumbled, keeping the rag on the wound as you dug around in the medpack. 
“I’m… sorry.” He muttered, noticing the way your body visibility stiffen at his voice. You shook your head, unrolling the bandages. You worked quietly, wrapping the bandages around the clean wound, looping it under his opposite arm and over the left shoulder, trying your best to make sure it was covered. You felt his eyes on you as you worked, reaching an arm over his chest,face inches away from his helmet as you sat back down, looping the bandage, trying to compose yourself. You were seeing skin that you’ve touched millions of times before, but something about actually seeing it was completely different. 
“Nothing to apologize for.” You spoke, looking up at the dark visor. “I’m… just glad you came back safe.” What you didn’t realize was that Mando constantly had the same thoughts you had. Knowing that what the two of you were, were more than anything you could describe with words, and he wasn’t the best with words on top of that. The best way he could express those emotions, was through actions. 
Your eyes dropped back to the medpack, shoving the materials back in, closing the box as you laid the rag on top of it, standing quickly to leave Mando to his thoughts. “Wait.” he mumbled, a hand grabbing your wrist. You stared down at the gloveless hand, thinking back to all those times those hands have touched you, and made you cry his name. 
You stood there, waiting for him to say something, feeling his fingers tighten around your wrist. You wish you could see what expression he had on his face, what he must be looking like right now. If he was staring up at you in confusion, or if he was deep in thought as he held you there. You wish you could really see the man you loved. 
Mando’s hand slowly dragged down your hand, fingertips leaving a trail of fire before he grabbed the medpack, placing it where you were sitting. “Come here.” He spoke softly, both hands reaching for you again, a soft grip on your wrist, while the other gently brushed against your thigh, fingertips leaving goosebumps in their wake. 
“You’re hurt.” You weakly protested, already feeling yourself moving closer to him, your body reacting to his simple touches. And he knew it. 
He shook his head, “I don’t care.” Knowing that you were going to listen either way. And you did, letting him take your wrist, a hand on your thigh lifting it and settling yourself on his lap, straddling him. You tried to shift your weight, not wanting to put too much on him as you sat there, staring down at his stomach, watching the way his torso rose and fell as he breathed in and out. “You’re not going to hurt me.” You shook your head, knowing that wasn’t the case. His hands made their way to the top of your thighs, thumbs gently rubbing against the fabric of your pants, fingers dipping into your flesh, enjoying the feeling of finally having you in his hands again. “I’ve thought about you.” he spoke again, noticing the way you perked at his words, eyes darting to his visor before back down to his stomach, looking over his bruising. “Every night.” He continued a smile growing on his lips, his hands squeezing your thighs, hearing the soft gasp you produced at his touch. 
“I thought about you too.” You whispered, not daring to look up at the man or focus on the way his hands felt so right on your thighs, instead, focusing on your own hands as they lightly touched his bruising, reminding you of the time at the festival as you traced his scars. 
Mando watched the way you avoided looking up at him, your eyes trained on his torso, he understood, but he wanted to see you, your eyes, your lips when you smile, the way a light blush grew on your cheeks when hit that perfect spot within you. He had to see it all. “Where’s the child?” 
You nodded towards the door, “Sleeping.” You hummed, trying to ignore the feeling of his hands moving upwards, fingers digging into your hips, moving you against his thigh. You suppressed the whimper, feeling the strong muscles rub right against your clothes clit, swallowing the sound. 
Mando reached a hand up, hooking a finger under your chin, making you finally look at him, or at least, his visor. He’s thought about this, long and hard ever since the festival, if breaking his creed, for you, was really that bad of an idea. He wanted to see you without the hue of his helmet, without having to be in the dark to be able to actually kiss you and taste you. He wanted you to be able to actually see him.  
You could tell that he was thinking, seeing the tilt in his helmet as he stared at you, eyes searching over your face. You only gave him a small smile, grabbing the hand that held your chin, and lifting the fingers to your lips, giving the rough digits soft kisses. 
Right there, he decided. 
Before you could do anything to stop him, he lifted his other hand quickly, making you blink as he grabbed his helmet, lifting the restriction off with a soft ‘hiss’ and clicking as he did so. You gasped loudly, dropping his hand, lifting your hands to your eyes as you quickly shielded yourself from seeing anything. “What are you doing?” You yelped, hearing the loud ‘clunk’ as the helmet dropped to the floor. “What is wrong with you??”
“Look at me.” He spoke softly, his actual voice sending chills down your spin. No matter how many times you heard it, it always made your body react the same way. You shook your head, feeling as if your heart was ready to explode at what he was doing. “Y/N, please.” he pleaded, wanting this, wanting you to see him. 
“Your creed, I can’t.” You whispered. He felt his heart swell once again, knowing how much you respected him as a Mandalorian, even as he decided to break his creed for you, you still couldn’t let him, knowing this meant more to him than anything. But as of lately, and ever since he met you, you meant more to him than a creed.
“Look at me.” He spoke again, softly this time, almost as if he was talking to a startled animal, trying to relax the poor creature. His hands gently pulled at your arms, watching as your fingers slipped from your face, eyes still shut tightly. He chuckled softly, seeing the rise in your eyebrow at the sound. “I’ve thought about this.” He whispered to you, watching as you took a breath in, tongue coming out and licking your bottom lip before letting the deep breath out, his cock twitched at the sight, finally able to see you. “Breaking my creed… for you, it’s what I want.”
“Din.” He rushed, watching your face contort at the name. “My name.” He clarified, “If you’re going to see me, I want to hear you say my name.” 
It was all so much, knowing that this is what he wanted to do, hearing his actual name, knowing that he was doing all of this… for you. “Are you sure?” You questioned, not wanting this just to be the spur of the moment decision, you wanted whatever he wanted. You jumped slightly as you felt two large hands cup your face in a loving embrace, thumbs rubbing at your cheeks.
“I’m sure.” 
You took a shuddered breath, opening your eyes. 
Din watched as your eyes slowly opened, eyes instantly locking onto his, lips parting as you took in what you saw. Your eyes moved along his face, taking in each and every detail, already trying to burn what you were looking at in your brain, wanting to look at him forever. You reached for him, fingers gently touching his check, his eyes shutting for a moment as he took in the feeling of your fingers on his face, already knowing that this was the right decision. 
“Din.” You whispered, his eyes flying open, hearing his name slip from your tongue. He hasn’t heard his name like that in a long time, with so much… love behind it. “You are… simply handsome.” You smiled, trying to look at everything at once. His dark thick eyebrows, dark brown eyes that seemed to only be locked on your face, and shaggy dark brown hair that fell over his forehead. But really caught your attention, was his strong pointed nose and his plump lips, parted as he let you look over him. The moonlight shining across his face, casting a shadow along his features as he stared back at you. He was simply the most gorgeous man you have seen. 
He let you explore, eyes on his face, almost like you were afraid he was going to slip away from your mind if you didn’t see every feature. Fingers gently caressing his face, the stubble and face hair scratching along your fingers as you slowly traced his bottom lip, his lips parting, exhaling a shaky breath as you continued your exploration. He knew this was the right choice, see how you didn’t run from him when he didn’t meet what you imagined. “How could you have been hiding such a handsome face from me?” You whispered to him, watching a slight blush rising to his cheeks. You raised an eyebrow, eyes locking onto his, seeing how easily he was able to make blush. You’ve always imagined what he looked like, what colored eyes and hair, what kind of structure he had, but this… you could’ve never imagined this. “I love you, Din.” You smiled, those three words finally making their way out. You supposed, if he was able to take his helmet off for you, you could at least say those three words that bounced around your head whenever you were around him. 
Without the helmet, you were free to see his facial expressions, and you didn’t realize how much you were missing out on. His jaw went slack, gulping visibility, eyebrows rising as he heard those three words. You suddenly felt nervous, maybe this wasn’t the right time to be saying something like that, especially after he just took the helmet off, after seeing what he really looked like. Maybe this was all overwhelming to Din. “I… I mean…” You choked out, your body tensing more and more when you realized he wasn’t saying anything, only staring at you with wide eyes. “Say something.” You whispered. 
But he didn’t, he simply cupped the back of your head, ignoring the sharp jab of pain from his sides as he pulled you to him, kissing you. You hummed in surprised, before all of the tension in your body melted away, your body slacking against him as he held you to him. His lips were soft and warm, your own parting slightly as he took his chance, his tongue slipping inside, moaning as he tasted you. Warmth consumed you as you kissed him, his strong hands keeping you there, your own clenching the torn shirt in your hands, trying your best to not bump against his bruising as you did so. 
No matter how many times the two of you have been in this position, it always took Din by surprise at how exhilarating you were. The way your body completely gave itself to him, how trusting you were as he held you, and how sweet the noises you made. He could never lose you. “I love you.” He mumbled against your lips, a soft whine filling his ears as you heard his words. “I love you, Cyar’ika.” 
You pulled back, noses still brushing against one another as you looked up at him, wide eyes staring back at one another. “Din.” You spoke softly, a smile growing on your face. He smiled back, only making your heart swell even more. He swiftly tugged you back against him, a groan mixed of pain and pleasure as he felt you, lips molding themselves to yours again. What was once just a kiss of passion, quickly intensed as he held you, a hand weaving into your hair, the other cupping your cheek. You felt dizzy, as if the world was spinning around you as Din held you, your whole body light as if all the air in your body was going straight to your head. Lips frantically moving against one another. It was all new. Of course, the two of you have been together before, but this time… the two of you knew what the other was feeling, what was going on, and what it could possibly become. The new found feelings you both confessed only fueled you two more. 
You slipped your hands under his torn shirt, fingers dancing across his chest, cautious of his wounds as you tugged it up, trying to feel and see more skin. Din pulled away quickly, sitting back, lust blown eyes watching as you pushed the mangled fabric up, careful as you lifted it over his head and down his arm, flinging it to the side. He lunged back on you, lips only inches away before you placed a hand on his chest, a groan of protest from deep in his chest as you pushed him back into the seat. You wanted to see him. Even with the light from the moon, you could tell what happened during this bounty took a toll on him, splotches of red skin, deep bruising that continued to bloom as he sat there. “I’m okay.” He spoke gently, noticing the way your eyebrows pulled closer together as you took in his state. 
“You look horrible.” You sadly smiled, trying to keep how you were really feeling deep within. He knew what he was doing, again, he’s been doing this long before you came into his life, but that didn’t make seeing him like this any easier. You felt his hands trail up your arm, light brushes of his fingertips sending shivers through your nerves. You leaned forward, noticing the way Din closed his eyes, ready to feel your lips against his. You smirked as you placed a kiss on his chin, feeling the facial hair brush against your lips, peppering light kisses down his neck, feeling the muscles move as he gulped. “Let me make you feel better.” You mumbled, lips brushing against his jaw, smiling when you felt him shiver. He weakly nodded, feeling his cock twitch yet again within his restraints. 
Soft kisses down his neck made him weak, melting into the seat as you did so, softly biting and sucking on his skin. His hands made do, running over your arms and shoulders, before trailing down your back, fingers digging into your sides, your shirt lifting slightly as he pulled you closer to him. You hummed, feeling the tips of your toes drag across the cold floor as he pulled you, strong muscles firmly rubbing against your throbbing pussy. You were a mess, and you just wanted him. “Din.” You whimpered against his neck, a deep guttural moan leaving his lips, finally hearing his name you were moaning. His heart was beating wildly within his chest, your lips on his neck and chest, his name coming out like sweat prayers as he grabbed your waist, it was all so intoxicating. He pulled you even closer, your head lifting up, nose brushing against his cheek as he held you to him, sensitive nipples brushing against the ridges of his chest, the fabric of your shirt collecting around your waist. 
“I need you.” Din mumbled, ducking down as he kissed along your neck, soft whimpers of pleasure as he tasted your skin. “Maker, I need you now.” he desperately moaned. You nodded wordlessly, leaned back pulling your tunic over your head. The fabric was barely off your arm as Din grabbed you again, dipping down as he lazily kissed along the tops of your breast, both moaning as he lifted one hand, cupping one breast as his lips wrapped around the nipple of your other. You trembled against his body, his heated mouth wrapped around your sensitive bud while the other nipple was pinched and pulled. You clenched your thighs, whole body heating up as he tasted you. 
“Din, please.” You whimpered. He groaned against your breast, feeling himself grow harder as he heard his name again. He didn’t think he’d ever get used to hearing you say his name like that. He continued his assault along your chest, ignoring your weak protests as he nipped and sucked, his free hand grabbing at the small of your back, pushing softly, arching your back, giving him more access. 
He mumbles something against your skin, not loud enough for you to pick up. You wrap your arms around his neck, gently dragging your fingers through his hair, scratching at his scalp as he grunts against you, hips bucking beneath you. You gasp as you felt him, hard and pulsing against you, just begging to be seated in you. You cupped his face, dragging him away from your chest, plump red lips parted as he looked up at you, a blissed look on his face. “Can I ride you?” You honestly didn’t mean for it to come out so innocently, but it worked in your favor when you saw his eyes widen, before he dumbly nodded, as if he’s never heard that before. And maybe he hasn’t.
You lift yourself off his lap, his hands slipping from your waist as you stand in front of him, a smile on your face. He reached for you, kissing along your stomach, feeling his lips turn up as he hooked his fingers into your pants, pushing the material away. He groaned loudly as he saw you, leaning back in his seat, eyes taking in your appearance. You shivered as you felt the cold air, brushing your heated core. “Every night,” He started, working at his own pants, popping the button and tugging on the zipper, “I thought about you.” You blushed, feeling flushed at his words. You kicked the pants away, Din’s hands grabbing you, tugging you back into his lap, pulling you back down as he kissed you. “Can I have you?” He mumbled against your lips,desperate to feel you wrapped around him and with no hesitation you nodded, not trusting yourself to say a word. You reached for his pants, Din lifting his hips as you tugged them down, watching as he sprung free. The tip was a dark red, precum already leaking from the top, making you lick your lips at the sight. He twitched at your reaction, his length throbbing as all he wanted to do was take you right then and there, but he knew you wanted to take your time. 
You gently wrapped a hand around his cock, spine tingling as he grunted, thrusting up to meet your hand. He felt hot and heavy within your hand, velvet skin moving against yours as you pumped him, twisting your hand slightly, watching as even more precum dripped, creating some lubricant for your hand. A whole week you went without him, and you thought it only affected you. “Stars, Y/N, please.” He begged, the pleading tone in his voice had the corner of your lips turn up. You ran your thumb across the slit, feeling the wetness collect as you smeared it along his cock, feeling and watching the way he twitched in your hand. Din slipped a hand between your bodies, finding your soaked pussy, your hips grinding against the slightest touch.
“Maker.” You gasped, dropping your head onto his shoulder, feeling his fingers slip past your folds, slipping two fingers into your heat a little too easily. You bucked against the feeling, a muffled moan into his neck as he pumped his fingers. 
“So wet.” He mumbled, almost to himself, but you still shamefully nodded, eyes squeezed shut as he touched you. You couldn’t help but rock your hips at the divine feeling of his fingers rubbing at you sensitive tissue, pulling wet lewd noises from between your legs, and sinful moans from your lips. 
“I need you, Din.” kissing his neck, a high pitched whine leaving your lips as you lost the feeling of his fingers, the same hand grabbing his cock from you. He pulled you close, breasts squashed against his chest, positioning himself between your folds. He teases you, running the flushed tip of his cock back and forth, tapping against your clit, making you jump at the sharp contact, only whining more for him. “Please.” You begged again, kissing his shoulder. With your final beg, he finally pushed into your clenching hole, his own head dropping onto your shoulder as you slowly sunk down onto him. 
“Oh, fuck.” He huffed, feeling you clench around him. You squeezed around him, trembling as you felt him stretch you open, perfectly rubbing against your swollen walls as you lowered yourself down, his hands gripping the flesh of your hips, guiding you. Even though it was only a week without him, it was as if your whole body forgot how thick he was, and just how well he fit within your soaked walls. 
You shuddered against him as you felt him fully seated within you, letting yourself adjust to his size, enjoying the way he felt within you and the way he twitched as you squeezed him. You pulled away from him, his own head lifting as the two of you looked at one another. He looked as if he was completely enthralled, heavy eyelids, lines creased between his eyebrows as he felt you. You felt drunk, drunk on Din, drunk on the way he felt within you, drunk on everything he was, and he looked like he felt the same. 
You cupped his face, looking over each of his features as he felt you, the shaky breath, the crease in his eyebrows, the absolute fucked out look on his face, and you just started. You gave your hips an experimental grind, watching as his lips parted even more, the crease in his eyebrows growing as he groaned, hands gripping your hips even tighter. You wanted to see every face he made as you rode him. 
You lifted yourself up, feeling the sweet drag of his cock, his hands helping you before dragging you back down, your ass slapping against the tops of his thighs. You whined softly, drowning in his scent as he pushed some hair back from your face, cupping your cheek as you continued to move. You lifted your hips slowly, feeling the tip of his cock hit the spongy spot within you, your whole body erupting in chills. You felt as if you couldn’t look away from him, afraid of missing any small detail of him, and you felt as if he felt the same way, his own eyes on your face. “Gods, look at you…” He mumbled, in complete awe of you. You felt dizzy as you nodded, shivering as he spoke. He leaned forward, hands tightening within your hair as he placed kisses along your shoulder, mumbling words against your skin. “So good, wrapped around me.” You nodded, bracing the back of the seat, giving yourself more leverage. You feel absolutely filled to the brim, his cock hitting deeper than you’ve felt before. “Din.” You mumbled, his name falling from your lips like a prayer. His lips brushed against your ear, slurring about how well you’re taking him. You don’t think you could ever get used to his voice without the helmet, it was all so much. With a trembling hand, you shift your fingers through his hair, finding the sweaty curls at the nape of his neck, a slight smile on our face, you never really took Din to have curly hair. 
He shudders as you tug on them softly, bucking his hips at the sensation, your toes curling as if you felt him in your throat. “Do it again.” He groaned against your neck, gripping your waist even tighter, helping you ride him. You tugged on his curls, gasping as he pulled his head back, capturing your lips in a searing kiss. He couldn’t handle it anymore, he needed more. He grabbed you, bringing you harder against his thrusts, skin slapping against skin, a rhythm that made your mind go blank as you held onto the seat. 
“I-I…” You wanted to say so much, wanted to tell him how good you felt, how bad you wanted this to last, but all you could say was mindless words and grains as he fucked up into you. Din didn’t stay still for long, thrusting into you, almost as if he couldn’t bear to be outside of you, short hard thrusts making you cry each time.
“So good.” Din mumbled, flexing within you, grunting as he felt you clench around him, sucking him deeper within you. “Feel perfect around me.” He huffed, biting down on your bottom lip, loving the way your breasts bounced against his chest, watching the way your hair fanned out, a thin layer of sweat along your forehead, making you look absolutely crazed. You looked as if you’ve been fucked all night, and he knew he needed to make that happen. He released your lip with a small slap, “Gotta have you all the time, sweet thing.” Chills ran down your back at the nickname, “Can’t stand not having you wrapped around me.” A small whimpered left your lips, his words only sending more heat to your lower stomach. 
He could feel you get tighter and tighter around him, incoherent mumbles as you breathed. He knew you were close, from the way you felt around him to the fingers you were digging into the nape of his neck. He had to feel it. He grabbed your hair, tugging you back, seeing the blissful state on your face as you looked down at him, bright cheeks and parted plump lips. “You’re close.” He stated, watching as you nodded, feeling the heat build and build. “Lemme feel it.” He sighed, bringing you harder against him, hearing the lewd wetness of your pussy. He glanced down, watching the way his cock slipped from you and sheathed right back within your soaked walls, glistening more and more with each thrust. “Maker.” He gasped, twitching at the sight. You clenched around him at the feeling, shuddering as you bucked against him, whimpering and begging him to keep going. “I’m not gonna stop.” You dropped your head back onto his shoulder, not trusting your neck to keep your head up, but Din had other plans. “No, come on.” He mumbled, pulling you back up, eyes back on his. “Keep riding me.” He felt your thighs twitching, body losing its rhythm as you tried to keep up the pace. Fingers wrapping around your neck softly, just enough to make you look at him. “Say my name when you cum.” 
He felt you clench around him at his words before finally her whole body went tense. You spasmed against him, a single sharp cry of his name. “Din!” He felt you tightening around him more and more, tighter than he’s ever felt. You bucked against him, feeling your juices seap from where the two of you were joined, coating the inside of your thighs and his as you bounced on his cock. Legs and thighs twitching like mad as you stared down at Din, jaw slacked, eyebrows scrunched together. You heard the low rumble in his chest as he felt you, his cock pulsing as he grabbed your hips. You collapsed against him, wanting to worry about his bruising, but was surprised when he pulled you even closer, breaths mixing together as he lifted you up and down on his cock. 
“I wanna see you cum, Din.” You whispered weakly, your walls clenching wildly around him, feeling overly sensitive as he continued to bounce you on top of him. His thrust soon became frantic, chasing his own high as he drove himself harder within you, ripping more weak whimpers and cries from your lips. “I gotta see you cum.” You whispered against his lips, smiling slightly as he nodded wordlessly. 
Your walls fluttered around him as he pulsed, a deep groan of your name as he stilled within you, grinding you against his thighs as thick, ropes of cum filled you. You watched as his jaw dropped, eyes firmly shut, ragged breaths as he bucked against you, his cock twitching and pulsing as you milked him dry. 
The cockpit felt as if it was a sauna, thick air around the two of you, the smell of sweat and sexs filled the air as the two of you took deep breaths in, trying to calm down from such an activity. Din peeled his fingers from you, dragging his hands up your back, feeling the cool layer of sweat that covered your bodies. You felt sticky, tired and completely fucked out as you sat on Din, his cock softening but neither of you cared to move. 
“I love you.” You whispered once again, nudging his cheek with your nose, a cheeky smile on your face as he dropped his head back to the seat, eyes shut. You kissed down his neck, tasting the sweat as you moved to the other side of his neck, peppering more kisses. He hummed at your actions, fingers gently caressing your back. 
“I love you.” He whispered back, the words sending chills down your spine. 
“Do you need me to move?” You mumbled, moving your hips slightly, smirking as he gripped your thighs, stopping you. 
“No.” He shook, keeping you to him, enjoying the weight of you on him. “Just stay right there.”
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@hayley-the-comet @unciejensen @talesfromtheguild @roxypeanut @sirianisrock @yelyahcardella @officiallyunofficialperson @luna6499 @bxxbxy @readsalot73 @blblalabla @blackravena @crowwleys @mcueveryday @anthenglen @mazzellobaby @triggerhappyflygirl @himarisolace 
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hellcaster901 · 4 years
Man Without Sin
Sherlock Holmes x Female reader
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Summary: With your little brother missing, your father decides they need the best Detective on the job.
Word Count: 3,890
Warning(s): SMUT! (please be aware this is a fanfiction, be safe please), creampie, FLUFF
A/N: After watching Enola Holmes, I could not get this man out of my mind, so I just wanted to give it a try and write a oneshot for him, and this is what I got! Hopefully you guys like it, and you enjoy it. I just wanna say a big thank you to my good friend @13dead-ends​ mostly because she was so cool with letting me write for her man and for being my proof reader. Hope you guys enjoy!
Sherlock Holmes was a cocky bastard. Too smart for his own good sort of cocky bastard, and you did everything in your power to remind him that he wasn’t one of a kind.
It all started when your brother mysteriously vanished, leaving you and your father alone in the house, wondering why or where he left. You asked your father to trust in you that you could solve it, figure out why he ever left in the first place and where you could find him, but he didn’t have any faith in you, rather all his faith was in the one and famous Sherlock Holmes, the one true detective that could solve any mystery and any puzzle, and you’d be damn if you’d let this man solve your brother's case, without you. 
When Sherlock first came into your life, your father did everything he could to make the investigation easier for him, offering the spare room in the house, giving him any information that he could about your brother, paying the detective in any way he can. You could not handle it. Especially since Sherlock’s first suspect… was you. 
 “It's a bit strange that a boy of his age would just up and vanish. What was his age, 16?”
“He is 16.” You corrected the detective. You couldn’t help the tone in your voice as you answered.  You put your hands on your hips as you watched him pace around your brother’s room, looking at all of the trinkets and books the young boy collected throughout the years. Watching as he picked up said items, studying each and every one of them. “He wouldn’t have just left.” You stated, voice a little softer, looking at everything in his room. “That isn’t like him.”
“You never truly know someone, even if they are a sibling.”
“Are you suggesting you know my own brother better than I do?” You snapped, head whipping around to look at Mr. Holmes. You could see that he had a shocked look on his face at your little outburst, but quickly was able to shake it off. “Just because you’re a hot-shot detective doesn’t mean you instantly know a person by their possessions.” 
“I’m suggesting that it’s strange a young man of his age disappeared and there’s no witnesses.” He stared. You could see the look on his face, the way his eyes search yours, trying to find any hint of doubt or lies that hide, yet there was none, and you knew what he was doing.
“Mr. Holmes,” You coldly smiled, taking a step into the room, “Are you accusing me of being involved with my brother’s disappearance?” He chuckled lightly, shaking his head, the black curls atop of his head shaking with his movement as he smirked. 
“Everyone’s a suspect until I say they aren’t.”
You may have been a little emotional, and you may have been a bit unfair. He was helping, giving his time to search for your brother, but accusing you was the last straw. Not only could you not stand the man, he apparently had a way with making it the most difficult week of your life for you. Constantly in the way, constantly underestimating you as you tried to help, and constantly giving you that bloody smirk of his that made your blood boil, and your knees weak. No matter how hard you tried to push the thought to the back of your mind, he was attractive, but that didn’t help his giant ego. 
Sadly, that’s how you ended up in this situation, lost in an abandoned building all because your leads all ended up here, and somehow, your own ego to find your brother and not trust the actual detective, ended you up here, walking the empty, decaying walls, looking for clues. You didn’t even tell your father where you were, trusting that this could be your chance to show that you were just as capable. And you knew you were, each lead, each witness said that they saw a disheveled man, close to the image of your brother on the missing person’s posters, come here around this time, everyday. 
You trusted your gut as you walked through the halls, the floorboards creaking beneath you as you took were timid steps. As you walked, you noticed the many supplies and boxes laying around, what was in them you didn’t care for, you just knew that your brother was in this building. 
As you walked through the first floor, you soon began hearing boards creaking above you, heavy footsteps walking around, and muffled voices. You felt your heart race in your chest, hearing more than one voice, and hearing more than one set of footsteps. You didn’t expect to be more than your brother just here, and that made you nervous. 
You grabbed at your skirts, lifting them and walking up the steps, the boards groaning at each movement. You took it slow, the muffled voices becoming a bit more clearer as you walked, and as you got closer, you could distinctly make out your brother’s voice. Shaky and panicky.  You stayed calm besides the rush of confidence and nervousness washed over you. Taking a step onto the landing, you looked up and over the railing. You noticed one of the doors was cracked open, exposing the well lit room, men walking past the cracked door. They were older men, a rugged look to them as they stood there, yelling about shipments and the impact it could make on their business
You took a small step forward, the floorboards moaning beneath you at your weight, a few of the boards cracking beneath, trying to get a better look at your brother. You held your breath as you watched, eyes watching the door frantically as the men walked passed. When finally, the sight of your brother, disheveled and scared stepped into your view. A sense of relief and proudness washed over you. A relief that your brother was alive, and proud that you were able to do this by yourself. 
He stood there, eyes wide, undershirt and trousers wrinkled and covered in dirt. You wanted to yell for him, to scream for him to follow you, to get out of here. But you knew this was more than just him running away. You took another step, wanting to get a closer look, when the board beneath you cracked loudly, before it finally snapped. 
You screamed as your leg broke through the board, the wood scratching against your leg, pulling and tearing at your undergarments and skirts. 
“Who the hell are you?” You looked up, seeing a large man standing at the tops of the stairs, some other men standing behind you, your brother staring down at you with wide eyes. He shook his head at you, a look on his face you’ve never seen before. It was pure fear. You watched as the man opened his mouth again, ready to demand my name, when the boards creaked beneath you again, cracking under your weight. 
“Y/N!” You looked down at the bottom of the stairs, seeing Sherlock standing there. And that's when you fell.
Your eyelids fluttered open, your eyes focusing on the paintings that covered the wall. Paintings of you as a child, your mother and father. You smiled softly at the painting, seeing how happy they were, you bundled in your mother’s arms. Your eyes shifted to the large painting hanging next to it, one of you, older now, probably 10, standing behind your father as he held your little brother. 
Your brother @@
With a gasp you jerked from where you laid, yelling your brother’s name, knowing you saw him. You stood up, wincing at the slight pain in your legs and hips, falling back onto the couch you once were. 
You stared down at your skirts, touching the dirty, torn fabric, everything coming back. Seeing him with those men, standing there on the landing, falling through the boards, seeing Sherlock.
“Y/N.” you were torn from your trance, looking up at the doorway to see Sherlock standing there. You wondered what you looked like after seeing him, standing there, dirty and debris covering his vest and white undershirt, his hair was no longer put together and neat, more as disheveled, almost like he was constantly running a hand through it. 
“I saw him.” You whispered, looking down at the state you were in. “I found him.” You took a shaky breath in, looking back up at the detective. “We need to go find him.” You shook your head, standing up, ignoring the pain that shot up your leg. 
“Y/N.” He spoke again, coming towards you, placing a hand on your upper arm. “You need to rest, you’ve-”
“No.” You snapped, pulling your arm away from his, shaking your head. You felt your hair brush against your shoulders. You looked down, noticing that your blouse was torn from the neck down, exposing your chest and your corset. You were a mess, but for the moment, all you wanted was your baby brother home. “I saw him. I found him.” You snapped again, waving a hand at Sherlock, everything that happened in the last couple hours rushing over you. “I can find him again, I just need to-”
“Stop.” Sherlock barked, grabbing your arms. He turned you, shaking you lightly as you stood there before him, eyes wide and lips parted as you looked over his features. He was upset, either at losing your brother after looking for so long, or you were just annoying him. 
“Don’t you dare tell me what to do.” You scoffed, trying to tug yourself from his hands, but to no prevail, he held on, keeping you in your place. “Let go.” You huffed, wiggling around to get out of his grasp. But he had a tight hold on you, not letting you go, not letting you go back out and getting yourself hurt. “I need to find him.”
“You did.” He yelled, making you flinch in his hands, stopping your wiggling around. “You found him,” He repeated again, but his tone was much softer than before, his blue eyes searching yours, trying to calm you down. “But this is more than either of us thought it was.” He explained, his hands feeling like fire on your arms as you listened. “He’s dealing with something illegal, something that could get him, and everyone one involved hurt.”
“He’s not.” You shook your head, not believing that your brother would put himself into a situation like that. “You’re lying.” You whispered, pulling from his hands, and this time he let you go. “Why are you lying?” 
“Why would I lie to you?” He cooly spoke. 
“You are.” You scoffed. “I’m looking for him.” You pushed past the large man, gasping as you felt one of his hands on your wrist, tugging you back. “Don’t you dare.” You gasped, turning on your heels and lifting a hand. Before you could even smack him, your hand slapping his chiseled face, he caught your wrist, tugging you to him. 
You huffed as you fell against his chest, his other hand wrapping around your waist, fingers hooking onto the bottom of your corset, keeping you close, the other hand still holding onto your wrist. You moved against him, but he kept you tight, not letting you move.
“You a stubborn girl.” he grunted, his eyes shifting down to see your bosom rubbing against his chest, the corset scratching against the vest. “Stop moving.” He held you tighter, arm keeping you against him. You looked up, ready to scream and kick and cry, but everything was washed away when you realized how close the two of you have become. “Being upset isn’t going to save him.” He whispered, slowly letting go of your wrist. But by this point, you weren’t freaking out, whatever he was doing, held you in a trance. “Let me save him.” And just like that, that trance was gone. 
“You save him?” You whispered, raising an eyebrow. “You’re not doing anything without me.” You fumed, getting heated up once again. “What makes you think that I’m not capable of saving my own-”
Sherlock was fed up with listening to you talk. 
And to shut you up, he cupped the back of your head, and kissed you. 
You were shocked when his lips met yours, stealing the breath from your lungs as he crushed you against him, shutting you up with his lips. Your eyes fluttered shut, melting into him as everything from today was erased from your mind the second his lips touched yours. He smelt like sweat, like an old house, which you were sure was from the abandoned home you were just in. 
Sherlock draped both his arms around your waist,your own hands making their way up his large arms before resting on his back, lips moving together, nose bumping as he inhaled you. You felt as if your knees were going to give out on you, but you knew that he was going to catch you if they did. It must’ve been a sight to see the two of you, one covered in dirt and grime, while the other barely had a blouse on with a torn skirt and exposed corset. 
It was as if the adrenaline from today was finally catching up for the two of you, your arms tugging him impossibly closer, lips sliding against one another. Soon what was a hesitant kiss, turned into one filled with passion. He lifted you up, walking you towards the table that sat in the middle of the room, placing you on top. He was gentle, still minding the bruise and cuts that you once just obtained. “You need to let me find your brother.��� He mumbled against your lips, hands making their way up your back, fingers dragging along the bumps of the tight lace of your corset.
You pulled away, furrowed eyebrows at the man.
“You must be joking.” You tried to ignore the way his flushed cheeks, the newly red and plumpness to his lips made those butterflies that were once in your stomach travel down south. “You’re not looking for him without me.” 
“Y/N.” He huffed, fingers playing with the tight lace at the bottom of your corset, it was distracting, and he knew that it was. “It’s not safe for a lady-”
“Don’t you dare.” You groaned, shoving at his chest. “Either I’m looking with you, or I’m looking without you.” You pointed, watching the way his eyebrows scrunched together. “That’s final.” You could see that he was thinking about it before he finally huffed.
He tugged you back, soft lips meeting yours as his hands grabbed at your skirts lifting them to around your waist. “Strong Headed girl.” He groaned, settling himself between your thighs. You gasped as you felt him rut against you, his length rubbing against your most sensitive parts. “Most difficult girl.” 
You smirked against his lips, a strong sense of pride as you realized that you were able to frustrate this man to the point of taking you on the table. And if that wasn’t a boost to your ego, frustrating England’s most profound detective, you weren’t sure what was. 
There was no time to waste as the two of you frantic pulled at one another’s clothes. Your hands slipping between your bodies as you unbutton his pants, hearing the small gasps that left his lips when you shoved the barrier down, exposing him to your curious eyes. You pulled away from him, nervously looking down. 
This was the most unlady like situation you’ve ever been in, but Sherlock Holmes was the exception for acting in such a manner. 
You grew hot at the sight, unknowing licking your lips as you looked back at Sherlock. No words were spoken as he leaned down, kissing you as his hands worked at your own undergarments, shoving them to your ankles, hanging on one foot while he tugged you close to the edge of the table. 
You winced at the slight pull from your legs, the newly fresh wounds pulling against your skin as he lifted a leg up, hooking it around his hip.
From the past couple weeks of pent up anger and frustration at one another, this was bound to happen, the passing looks, the arguments, all of it, was leading up to this single moment. 
“Sherlock.” You gasped, finger digging into his arms as he nudged against you, his length slipping between your lips, smearing your juices over your throbbing sex and down his cock. 
“Do you realize how long I’ve wanted to shut you up with this?” He groaned against your ear, both of you looking down, one hand holding up your thigh around his waist, while the other held your skirts up, exposing the intoxicating sight to you both. You reached down, grabbing more of the skirts as you pulled them up, more light being exposed to the obscene sight. “Such a stubborn girl should know her place.” He whispered, thrusting against you, the tip of his cock bumping against your clit, making you jerk against the table. 
“Sherlock, please.” You begged. Even though his words were enough to make your blood boil any other time, this time, you wanted to hear more and more of his filthy words. 
He grabbed the back of your neck, lifting his head to look at you, keeping you in place as he rested his forehead against yours. “You better be quiet.” He warned. You nodded, biting down on your bottom lip. Neither of you wanted your father walking in to see his daughter being used by the detective he idolized. 
He reached between your heaving bodies, wrapping a large hand around his length as he lined himself up with you, slowly pushing against your entrance, squeezing between your tight walls. You gasped loudly, hiding your head in the crook of his neck, hearing the soft moans of this wonderous man. 
“Sherlock!” You croaked out, a hand clenching your skirts while the other grabbed at his vest. Pushing him or tugging him closer, you weren’t sure. The way this man was barely in you, and you were already a whimpering mess was uncalled for. He stretched you out deliciously, the slight burn of your walls opening for him made you cry against his neck. He left soft kisses against your shoulder, shushing you as you cried out a little too loud when he filled you to the hilt. 
“Look at you, stubborn girl.” He whispered against your ear, chills running down your back at the thickness of his voice, his cock and the stupid pet name he gave you. 
He slowly pulled out of you, snapping his hips against yours. You bit down on the fabric of his vest, trying to cover the sounds this man was pulling from you. He wasn’t gentle, showing you that if you were going to be a part of the hunt for your brother, that he was in charge. 
You tried to keep quiet, but it was no use as he fucked you, the edge of the table digging into the back of your thighs. You moans were choked and intertwined with quiet sobs against his shirt, tears filling your eyes as he took you.
“Such a smart girl,” he grunted, weaving a hand into your hair, tugging your head back to look at him. You gasped at the sudden movement, his hands moving down to grasp your chin in his hand, making you look at him, fingers digging into your skin. “But I finally left you speechless.” He smirked. You opened your mouth to make a smart comment to him, but was met with a hard thrust, making whatever sarcastic comment you were going to say, not worth it at that moment.  
Sherlock was a sight for sore eyes. Face was scrunched up in pure pleasure, eyes looking over your face as his lips parted when he gave you another hard thrust. He was enjoying this just as much as you were, it was a stress reliever for the two of you. You reached up, cupping the side of his face, tugging him down and kissed his pink lips, drinking down his grunts as he chased his high.
“I’m close Sherlock.” You mumbled against his lips, his hand that grasped your chin fell to your bosom, fingers digging into the corset, locking you in place as he bucked into you. “Let me feel you.” You whispered, licking his bottom lip. You were so desperately close, almost like a tornado was happening within your stomach, your walls fluttering around his cock as you desperately wanted to reach your own climax.
Sherlock’s hand that was wrapped around your thigh tightened, lifting the leg even higher around his hip, his cock splitting you open even more. “Sherlock!” You cried against his lips, feeling his cock bump against your g-spot with each hard stroke. “Yes, right there.” You no longer cared if you sounded like a whore in a brothel, all you wanted was this man to make you feel like you were on a cloud.
“Let go Y/N.” He grunted, his hand that was once grabbing your corset wrapping around your body, tugging you right to the edge of the table. “Let me feel you sweet girl.”
It was as if your whole body locked up around him, your thighs clenching together in a tight embrace around his hips, your walls squeezing his cock like a vice. His name left your lips like a prayer, your orgasm taking a hold of your body as held onto him for dear life. 
Sherlock growled into your neck as he came, desperately bucking into your tight walls as he emptied himself, crushing you against him. He rutted against you, a few final thrusts as he came, his seed filling you, his cock twitching as he slowly came to a stop. 
You dropped your head onto his shoulder, trying to catch your breath after such an intense moment, your hand shakily reaching for his hair, playing with the few strands at the nape of his neck. He moaned softly, a smile spreading on your face that you realized that this man liked his hair being played with. He pulled away from you, his softened cock slipping from your swollen walls. You whimpered as he did so, feeling the mixture of cum already leaking from you. You blushed as you looked up at him, lowering your skirt. He only smirked up at you as he tucked himself back into his pants. 
You reached for your undergarments, pulling them up your bruised legs, trying to ignore the sticky liquid between your thighs as you fixed what was left of your skirts. Before you could even try to jump off the table, Sherlock was there, hands on your hips as he helped you down.
“Thank you.” You whispered, looking up at him. He stared down at you, a look you’ve never seen before on this man on his face. “I trust you.” You spoke, placing your hands on top of his. “I trust that you can find my brother.” The corner of his lip turned up.
“I trust that we can find your brother.” He corrected you.
Taglist: @thereisa8ella​
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hellcaster901 · 4 years
Prompt 11 w/ Daryl Dixon x reader like some really smutty stuff
The Run
Warnings: SMUT, 18+
A/N: SORRY FOR IT BEING SO LATE! Am SLOWLY getting off my hiatus, but I am coming back to catch up on the anons i’ve missed. I hope you like it!
“Are you kidding me?” Daryl yelled, chasing after you in the house, not even caring that the neighbors could see him yelling at you, or the fact that you had tears running down your face. 
“Are you kidding me?” You yelled back, turning on your heels, facing Daryl with wide eyes. “I had that shit under control.” You pointed, seeing his chest rising and falling, the anger in his eyes, and it was because of you. “If you didn’t have to be mister save the day all the fucking time I would’ve had it!” You felt more tears fall, dropping off your cheeks and landing on your shirt. 
“Oh, so you’re just gonna be risking your life like that on every run?” He yelled, his voice rising the more he talked. 
“I had it under control!” You screamed, trying to get it through his thick skull. “I’m not some damsel in distress that needs you saving me every second. I have gotten this far surviving on my own!” You knew what he was trying to say, that maybe you could be reckless sometimes, and maybe you do need someone there for you, but sometimes doesnt mean all the time, and you weren’t expecting to have a babysitter everytime you went outside the walls. 
“Yeah, risking your life for some bottles of water is really something.” He scoffed, turning his back on you. 
“Are you serious?” you scoffed back, lifting a hand and wiping away some of the tears. “Do you just want me staying here? Playing some little house wife for you to come back to when you go out on the runs?” You bit back, feeling what was once some saddness, was now turning into anger as you stood there, wondering if maybe Daryl did want you staying here from now on, not contributing to the group anymore. 
He stood there, silent, letting your words sink in. You were hoping he would say no, say that they need you on the runs, that being stuck here wouldn’t do anyone any good. but he didn’t, he simply stayed quiet. 
“Fuck you, Daryl.” You mumbled, shaking your head as you walked passed him, not wanting to be in the same house as him. 
You barely got a foot away from him before he grabbed you, a strong hand wrapping around your wrist, tugging you back. 
“Let go of-”
“Shut up.” He growled, cupping the back of your head before pulling you close, lips clashing together. You moaned in surprised, pushing against his chest, not wanting to give in so easily. But the grip he had on you, and the arm that was wrapped tightly around your waist, it was a waste of time trying to get away from him. And after a short time struggling, you finally melted against him. Hands that were once pushing him away, were now grabbing his shirt, tugging him close, feeling his lips move against yours as you greedily accepted what he was giving you. You knew giving into him this easily was going to be a slippery slope for you, but right now, that didn’t matter. 
He held you close, lips moving against yours passionately. But you could tell there was frustration behind it as well. The way his hands gripped into your skin, almost like you were going to slip away, trying everything he can to make sure that didnt happen. 
“Daryl.” you mumbled against his lips, trying to pull away, trying to explain to him, but he wasn’t having any of it. 
“Stop talking.” He mumbled back, walking the two of you towards the couch, pushing you back onto the cushions, looking up at him with swollen lips and wide eyes.
“Daryl I-”
“I said, stop talking” he huffed, grabbing your face, squeezing your cheeks together, keeping you in place. “I’m sick and tired of you not listening.” He clenched his teeth together, staring down at you, his eyes wondering over your body. You could see the thoughts running through his mind, trying to figure out what he wanted to do with you. You took a deep breath, clenching your thighs together at just the mere thought of him taking you here. It was so wrong in so many ways, but you couldn’t bring yourself to stop any of it. “Take off your pants”
Chills ran down your back at his command, but all you did was stare at him, wondering if this was really happening.
“I said,” He paused, leaning down, hand still clenching your face, his own only an inch away from yours “Take off your pants.” he lowly said. He released your face, leaning back and watching you. 
It was almost like your body had a mind of its own, your hands reaching for your pants, slipping and finding the waistband of your pants, finding the button and undoing it quickly, shoving at the material quickly. The rough fabric rubbing against your skin. You kicked them quickly, the pants and shoes being shoved away as you sat there, the breeze making goosebumps rise along your skin. You sat there, thighs clenched together as he stared down at you, almost like you were some piece of meat.
And you liked it. 
You wanted to say something, you wanted to ask him what else he wanted, but at the same time, you knew that if you did it would probably just start more problems for you. And you sat there, quietly waiting for his next command. 
“Your shirt.” He mumbled, his eyes flickering down to your chest for a brief moment before back to yours. 
You moved quickly, arching your back as you pulled the shirt up, flinging it over your head and onto the floor. The hair that was loosely in your ponytail now hanging freely along your shoulders.
He didnt say a word as he reached down to his pants, fingers working at the belt, slowly dragging the leather piece open. It was almost instantaneously your mouth went dry as he pulled the belt from the loops, tossing it to the side carelessly as he grabbed at his pants. Tugging it open, slowly pulling at the zipper. You stared, swallowing as he pushed the pants down, tanned skin exposed to your eyes.
Your eyes widen as his cock slipped from his pants, bobbing lightly, hard and red. He was impressive, long but girthy, chills running down your back at the sheer size. 
You licked your lips, wanting to feel the weight of it in your mouth, and that's what you were going to do. 
You looked up at Daryl, licking your lips as you pushed yourself off the back of the couch, slipping down the cushions as you dropped to your knees. You were surprised that he didn’t say anything, simply just watched as you dropped down. You took a deep breath, shaky hands sliding up his legs and to his thighs, feeling the muscles flex underneath your palms. You slowly wrapped a hand around his length, smirking as you felt it flex in your hand, a soft grunt leaving his mouth as you slowly started stroking. You could feel him tense under your hand, moaning softly at your hand. 
“Jesus” he sighed, dropping his head back. The smirk stayed on your face as you leaned forward, giving the tip a small lick, feeling a rush of chills as he groaned louder. You took a deep breath, bringing your hand down to the base of his cock, before leaning forward again, his cock sliding between your lips and against your tongue as you took him. “Fuck!” 
You moaned softly, slowly moving your head, letting your tongue circle around the tip of his cock, feeling it pulse and harden even more in your mouth. You squeezed your thighs together, feeling yourself get wetter and wetter as you sucked him off, hearing his mumbles. 
“Stop.” he mumbled softly, dragging his hand through your hair, grabbing at your locks, pulling you off his cock. He pulled you away, you gasped as you looked up at him, spit covering your swollen red lips. The two of you barely said anything as he pulled on your hair, lifting yourself up as he grabbed your hips, turning you around and pushing you back onto the couch, knees hitting the soft cushions, hands grabbing at the back holding yourself up. You breathed deeply as you felt his hands roam over your skin, rough fingers grabbing at the waistband of your underwear, tugging them down, the loose fabric wrapped around your knees as you kneeled there. 
You shivered, goosebumps rising on your skin as you heard him step closer, feeling his thighs brush against the back of your thighs, his cock brushing against the rise of your ass, some precum smearing along your skin. You sighed, feeling him grab himself, lining himself up with your entrance, dragging the tip through your soaked lips. 
“Daryl.” You mumbled, dropping your head against the back of the couch, wiggling your ass just a little bit. Not a word as he slowly sank into your warm walls, stretching you to his size. You gasped, a slight pain to be stretched, feeling each inch force itself between your walls, waves of pleasure mixed with pain shooting to your stomach, your legs already shaking, and he barely moved.
“Jesus Christ.” He gasped, staring down at where the two of you were joined, watching as he was fully seated in you, pulling out slowly to see his cock already wet from your juices.
“Oh my god.” You gasped, your toes curling. Daryl set a steady pace, watching the way his cock split you open, just slowly working himself into you, enjoy the steady pace. But you? You wanted more, you wanted to be dominated, you wanted to just feel… dirty afterwards.
You bit your bottom lip,wiggling your hips just a little bit, hoping that he would catch on to what you wanted. And he did, he knew that you wanted it harder. 
He reached for you, grabbing one of your shoulders, pulling you up and against his chest, gasping at the sudden movement. His body grinding against yours.
“What do you want?” He growled into your ear, his rough hands reaching around and grabbing at your breast, roughly grabbing against the fabric, pulling the cups down, his warm hands gripping you. “Tell me.” 
“Harder.” You whimpered, reaching and grabbing his wrist. “Fuck me harder, please.” You begged.
He huffed against your ear, pushing you back down against the couch, grabbing at your hips. “Stay still.” He mumbled, his grip tight on you as he adjusted himself, planting his feet, and started moving. 
A small shriek left your mouth as he began moving, hips slamming against your ass, his cock slamming into you over and over. The sound of skin slapping against skip echoed through the living room. You were a blabbing mess, moans and whimpers filling the air, huffs coming from Daryl as he used you. “Daryl.” you whimpered, feeling his hands tightening on your skin, bringing you back against his thrust harder, his cock hitting you perfectly each time, feeling it in your gut as he slammed into you. “Oh my fucking god, Daryl.” You cried, feeling your walls flutter around him, getting wetter and wetter. Your juices drip from his cock.
He placed a hand against your back, pushing you into the cushions, face squished against the fabric. He grabbed at your wrists, tugging them, keeping them behind you as he held onto them in one hand, keeping you trapped there, and you didn’t want to be anywhere else. 
At this angle, it felt as if he went deeper, if that was even possible. You could feel the soreness settling in already, the back of your thighs, you were sure, were red and bright. And you loved every second of it. 
“Don’t stop. Don’t stop.” You repeated, begging over and over again, feeling the tightness in your stomach building and building with each thrust. Daryl not letting up at all as he fucked you. 
“I’m close.” He grunted, fingers digging into your wrist, a hand gripping the flesh of your ass. “Gonna pull out-”
“No!” You gasped, knowing it was going to make a mess, knowing that there was going to be a stain, and honestly, there was a part of you that wanted that mess, but there was also a part of you that didn't want to be constantly teased about it whenever someone came over. “Don’t ruin the sofa!” You gasped out, knowing this was a ridiculous excuse. You heard Daryl chuckle, his hips faltering, his pace losing their rhythm. He grabbed at your arm, his hands grabbing at your elbows, pulling you up slightly off the couch. 
“I’ll just have to cum inside you then.” He huffed again, his pace picking up just a bit. You nodded lazily, feeling that build up in your stomach become tighter and tighter, needing that release. 
Skin slapping against skin as he continued to use you, the bruising pace quickening as you felt his cock twitch, the member pulsing inside you. You gasped lightly, feeling the way his thighs and stomach tighten against your thighs and ass. “Please please please.” You begged, feeling him twitch one again. 
“Fuck fuck fuck.” He grunted, snapping his hips, and finally.
“Oh my god.” You smiled, feeling him thrust against you a few more times and finally he came, filling you up to the brim, his cum  covering your walls in white as he grunted at each wave. 
“Come on. Come on.” He grunted, continuing his trust, wanting you to cum. “Lets go, lets go.” He encouraged, thrusting just a bit hard, his cum leaking from you and around his cock, dripping down your thigh.
The two of you were still making a mess either way. 
“Daryl.” you warned, feeling that tightness in your stomach, expanding and expanding. “I’m-”
“Lets go.” He huffed, drilling into you until that tightness finally… snapped. 
“Daryl!” You cried out, your thighs clenched together, feeling yours and his cum dripping down your thighs. “Oh my-”  You moaned lowly, dropping your head, his hands still grabbing at your elbows as the two of you rode out your orgasms together. 
He lazily thrusted into you, feeling those lasting waves as the two of you calmed down. He let go of your arms, instantly dropping to the couch in pure euphoria as you kneeled there, just processing everything that had happened. You moaned softly as you felt him slip from you, your swollen lips covered with cum, the sticky fluid dripping from you even more now that he was no longer in you. 
“Get dressed.” He mumbled, grabbing his pants, tugging them on. “They’re gonna wonder where we are.” You hummed at his words, sitting up slowly, whimpering at the soreness between your thighs. 
“Mmm, let them talk.” You smiled, looking over your shoulder at him. You locked eyes, giving him a tired smile. And much to your surprised, he gave you one right back.
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hellcaster901 · 4 years
For the follower celebration of your still doing it; will you do #39 “I’m in love with you” where the reader and mando are in a rough scuffle to get a bounty that ends in both of them getting significantly hurt and then once they’re back on the crest the reader is super out of it and high off their mind on pain killers and is taking gibberish but then randomly blurts out their feelings. And then is avoiding mando the next day or something. Make it smut , angst, fluff or whatever! I have full faith in your ability and you could go comepletely off script too if you have a better idea lol
I LOVE IT!!! Now I did go a bit off script here, but I hope that you enjoy it!!!!!!!! And sorry again for being late!!
The Med-Shot
Warnings: NONE besides some FLUFFY SHIT
Ask me is HERE and my prompt list is HERE
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“Lead him away.” Mando spoke to you, keeping an eye on the bounties. The two of you waiting for the perfect moment to run. Usually you wouldn’t be scared, this was Mando, the mandalorian that everyone was scared of, but these two bounties didn’t back down. They knew Mando was chasing them, but they also knew he was wanted, and they had their own agenda. 
“What?” You whispered, head wiping to look up at him. Seeing the street lights shining off his visor. He kept his eyes on the two of them, watching their every move. “What makes you think I can take one of these guys.” You huffed. He looked down at you, seeing your own reflection in his helmet. 
“Trust me.” He spoke, his modulated voice filling your ears. You took a deep breath looking back at the two of the bounties, knowing you could trust Mando. 
You moved swiftly through the alleyways, looking behind your shoulder, not seeing the second bounty. You knew that Mando had the other one, and this one, strangely took a liking to you, eyes drawn on you the second they saw the two of you. Not having much skills in combat, your best move was to book it and hide, wait for Mando to save you. As much as you hated being the typical damsel in distress, there was only so much that you could do. 
Your legs burned as you ran, lungs practically on fire, but all you could think of was Mando, if he was okay, if he got the bounty, if he was alive. Who are you kidding. Its Mando of all people, that man knew what he was doing, if there was any inkling of doubt, you clearly didn’t-
“There you are!” You heard, a strong arm wrapping around your waist, tugging you back. Feet lifting off the ground, the air being ripped from your lungs.You barely had time to scream for help, or scream for Mando as you felt a sharp sting in the back of your neck. You thrashed in the bounty’s arms, and then... darkness.
Your head felt heavy, dropping back as you tried to keep it up, eyes trying to open as you tried to figure out what happened. You remember Mando, the bounties and running and-
“Mando?” you whispered, suddenly realizing that the world was moving around you, hearing footsteps in the gravel, but you knew that you weren’t walking. “Mando I-”
“Shh.” You heard a voice, feeling hands tighten around your knees and back. You looked up, expecting to see the helmet, but all you saw was the face of the bounty. 
“No.” You mumbled, trying to move, but everything felt heavy, your arms, legs, it felt as if there were pounds and pounds of weight resting on your limbs, restricting you to being held like a child. “No.” You did your best to shake your head, everything becoming blurry as you tried to fight. 
“Mando ain’t saving you now.” The voice spoke, and once again, pure darkness. 
There was a sharp stiffness in your neck, more like there was stiffness in your whole body. Eyes heavy as you tried to piece together what was going on. Yours eyes fluttered open, everything in your body telling you just to go back to sleep, and just to let whatever was going to happen, happen. 
You looked around, hearing grunts, things crashing and breaking. You were in a warehouse, boxes of… something stacked high, boxing you into wherever you were. You moved an arm, feeling a burning sensation on your wrists as you moved. You looked down at yourself, your legs and arms tied together to the chair.
“You fucking kidding me?” You mumbled, moving your legs against the tight rope, the material only rubbing your skin more raw as you moved. You soon realized in your haze of barely moving, the crashes stopped.
You froze in your seat, staring down at the wooden floor, trying to listen to the noises around you. Footsteps slowly approaching you, the sound was either coming from behind you or in front of you. “Mando?” You whispered, voice trembling, the footsteps stopping right behind you. You felt gloved hands working at the rope, loosening your restrictions. 
“Are you okay?” Came the modulated voice. You let out a deep sigh, not realizing how long you were holding your breath. He came around you, his beskar coming into view. You chuckled lightly, pulling your hands around you, rubbing at the sore skin. 
“I’m fine.” You whispered, watching as he kneeled down, gloved fingers working on your restraints on your ankles. Your eyes fluttered, looking around the room, noticing how dark it was becoming, almost like everything was closing around you. “Mando?” You noticed that he looked up at you, his hands on your ankles. “Its… I can’t…” your lungs felt like they were constricting, the back of your neck was on fire, the walls of the warehouse closing in on you. “Mando…”
“Y/N!” You felt as if you weighed a million tons but at the same time you felt as if you were weightless sitting in the chair, your chest rising and falling. “Y/N? Hey, are you there?” He rushed, reaching for you. You nodded, but you weren’t too sure what you were really nodding at. 
“I can’t…” You whispered breathless. You barely had to say another one as Mando stood up, reaching for you. Slipping an arm under your legs and back, picking you up effortlessly. “No.” You groaned, giggling just a bit at the end, not sure what you were finding so funny. “I can walk.” You giggled again, feeling the cold beskar against your heating skin. You felt the rumbling of his chest, hearing the deep tone of his voice, but nothing he said made any sense, the words going in one ear and out the other. “What?” You asked, lifting your head up, looking up at the Mandalorian. 
You stared up at the man, again not taking in anything he was saying, but rather trying to piece together what this man was really all about. He was here, helping you, when you were sure that you weren’t really that much of a help back on the ship besides watching over the little goblin, which he barely got himself into any trouble, so your job was almost non existent. 
You heard him groan, the noise that meant frustration, made you clench your thighs together, a smirk playing on your lips as you heard it. “What are you saying?” You giggled lightly, hearing the words he was speaking but not processing them. There was something entirely wrong with what was going on with you, but at the moment you couldn’t care about what was going on, just that this man had you in his arms. 
As he carried you back to the ship, all you could do was stare up at him, a stupid smile on your face, imagining what this man actually looked like under that helmet. “What?” Said Mando, feeling your eyes on him. You only giggled, rolling your heavy head to the side, watching as the trees went by as Mando carried you, seeing the ship become closer and closer. 
“Mando.” You spoke softly, rolling your head back to look at the man. Ever since he took you on, helping with the child, being there with him and seeing how he takes care of you, you couldn’t help but form a sort of crush on him. And as the time went on, that crush turned into something more and more. Until finally one day, you realized that this man had your heart. “I’m in love with you.” You spoke softly, not even realizing the impact of your words as you spoke them, those simple, heavy words, not triggering that ‘oh shit’ thought in your head as you spoke them. 
Mando stopped walking, hands tightening where they were on your back and your legs, his helmet tilting down to look at you. He saw the way you looked, completely dazed out of it, eyes barely opened, a small smile on your face. Whatever the bounties gave you knocked you out, making you say things you didn’t mean, that's what this had to be. “Why’d you stop walking?” You asked, eyebrows furrowed together, your feet kicking lightly as if you were trying to walk now. Of course, this had to be you just saying things, just mumbling nonsense. He could tell that you didn’t even understand what you said, didn’t realize the words that you said to him. But that didn’t stop the heat that bloomed in his stomach, or the hot chills that ran up his back at those words. He simply continued walking in complete silence, listening to your mumbles as he made it to the ship. 
You groaned loudly as you felt a small tugging on your blanket, small coos coming from your side as you tried to ignore them, tugging the blanket back to your chest, feeling the mysterious tugging stop. For only a second, because it came back again, a bit harder this time. Another loud groan left your lips as you looked up, feeling a sharp pain in the back of your neck, making you hiss as you dropped your head back, reaching a hand up and rubbing against your swollen neck. You felt around, feeling a small bump on the back of your neck, a small scab already forming. You tried sitting up, your whole body feeling sore, limbs heavy as you moved along your cot, cracking an eye open to find that two large eyes stared up at you from the ground. The Child stared up at you, ears perked, and head tilting to the side as he heard you stretching, back popping and a satisfied groan as you felt the stiffness wash away. “What are you doing?” You smiled, bending down, trying to ignore the screaming muscles as you picked up the child. Usually he felt as if he weighed nothing, but as your muscles screamed, it felt as if the little goblin weighed a Wampa. He cooed loudly, a little giggle as you held him close.
You wobbled out of your small ‘room’, making your way towards the cockpit, dreading the short climb up the ladder as you stepped int. Mando’s helmet tilted towards you, not saying a thing as he looked back towards the galaxy. You felt a strong tension in the air, a slight awkwardness as you stood there, and as you looked down at the child, you felt that he could sense it too with the way he looked back and forth between you and Mando.
“What happened?” You spoke softly, taking a seat in the passenger seat, setting the child on your lap. You saw the tilt of his helmet towards you before he spoke. 
“Got the bounties.” he spoke sternly, making you sit up straight at his tone. You’ve heard him be stern with you before, what you liked to call, his bounty talk. And the only time you remember hearing it, was when you first met him. Not knowing who you were, you heard it before, and you’re hearing it now. “Do you remember?” He spoke again. 
You thought for a moment, trying to think back to how far, and honestly, all you did remember was from when Mando told you to lead one of them away, and then waking up. You made a face, tryin to search your mind at what happened, why couldn’t you remember what happened after that? “I… don’t?” You mumbled, out of the corner of your eye you saw as Mando turned the chair, facing  you now as you thought, staring down at your shoe. “I just remember… running from one, leading them away.” you corrected, “And then…” It was like a light bulb went off as you reached for the back of your neck, feeling the scabbed bump. “He stabbed me with something!” You gasped, looking up. “What the hell was that?” You mumbled, feeling the swelled bump. 
“It was a med-shot.” He mumbled again, turning back in his seat, turning his attention right back to his ship. “They didn’t give you enough.” He spoke again, that same strain still in his voice. And you knew it was aimed at you. But for what?
“Was I just out then?” You asked, knowing that those things just knock you right out. 
“You were in and out of it, talking nonsense.” 
You purse your lips. Wondering if the sterniness in his voice was aimed at you letting yourself get knocked out, or simply that it was the effects of the shot that made you overthink things? You silently nodded to yourself, staring off once again, just thinking. 
Through the next couple days, you soon noticed that Mando did his best to keep his distance from you, and you didn’t understand one bit about what was going on. No matter how many times you would talk to him, it was short, firm answers. It felt as if it was getting worse and worse the more you tried. Going out of your way to ask him small questions, trying to see if anything happened, if he would change his tone, yet he never did. Constantly firm, and probably avoiding eye contact. You supposed that you didn’t know if you ever did make eye contact with him through his helmet, but everytime he looked at you, you knew. You could feel his eyes on you, and lately… you haven’t felt that. 
You took a deep breath, setting the child in the makeshift bed Mando made him, his little body settling into his net as you leaned back, pushed the button and watched the door slide shut. You had to talk to Mando, understand what happened. You most likely said something, but you couldn't imagine what it could be that you said. Something about what he looked like? Did you offend him in any way?
You sighed as you climbed the ladder, lifting yourself up to the platform. He didn’t even look back as he leaned forward, pressing a button within his control panel, and leaning back into his seat. You took hesitant steps towards the passenger seat, sitting down and looking out into the galaxy, seeing all the planets and stars zoom by. The tension that you and the Child sensed were still there, hanging thick in the air. Probably a bit thicker now that you were fully aware of what happened, or at least… knew that something happened. “I’m sorry.” You spoke, not really sure how you were going to start the conversion, but you supposed that was the best way. 
You saw the tilt in his helmet towards you, seeing the dark visor before he spoke, “For what?”
“For whatever I did, or said when I was on that med-shot.” You spoke softly, noticing the way he tensed at your words, turning back to the galaxy. You sighed, looking back to the galaxy as well, wondering if he was going to say something back, or if that was it. You apologized and now whatever else was to happen, it was because he couldn’t let go of it.
“You really don’t remember?” He asked, that sternness that you’ve heard in the last couple days, was gone. You straightened at the tone, a soft smile spread along your lips as you heard his softer tone. 
“I don’t, I’m sorry.” You knew he wanted to say more, knew that there was more to the story then you saying a bunch of nonsense words. “Whatever I said, I really am sorry. I could take it back if I could.” Mando turned to you, and you definitely knew when he was looking at you. 
“You said….” He trailed off, making you wonder if what you said was just overall embarrassing to say, “You loved me.” He admitted. And just like that, your whole body went stiff, as if the calmed nerves you had before suddenly snapped into anxiety, just hearing those words. But what was he expecting? You just say that you take it back, that you didn’t know what you were talking about? 
“I…” You started, not even knowing if you were going to just finally admit to those feelings since drugged you decided to do it for you, or just to tell him that there’s no feelings for him. Tell the truth, or simply lie? “That’s not… how I imagined myself saying those words.” You chuckled softly, looking down at your feet, toes wiggling together in nervousness. You had to be mature about it, be a woman, and if he didn’t feel the same, you could cry to yourself later, but now was the time to be confident. 
“What?” Mando spoke, his voice low and questioning.
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled again, shaking your head at why you thought your response was the best choice. “I just…” You had no room to explain, you couldn’t play this off as a joke, or simply say that you didn’t remember, you were in for it now. Your eyes shot up to him, feeling as if you were making eye contact with him, taking a deep breath. “I do… love you.” You spoke, trying to remind yourself that this was the time to be confident. “Drugged up me thought that was the best way to confess those feelings, apparently.” You laughed softly, trying to lighten the tension, but you could tell that Mando didn’t know what to say, his body language and the fact that he hasn’t moved in the last minute tells you a lot of what you need to know. 
After a few long seconds, you finally took the hint that he wasn’t going to say anything. You took a deep breath, standing from the seat, looking back at him. With a small, sad smile, you turned, descending the ladder, and making your way back to your cot, with your head held high. 
You weren’t sure how long you sat there, an elbow on your knee, head resting on your palm as you just thought about that moment, thought about how you really did tell him how you felt, and how empowering it felt just to be able to get that off your chest. Of course, it wasn’t the most ideal situation to ever tell someone that you love them, but you did it! Even if he sat there, not responding to what you said. You groaned, falling back on your cot, huffing as you felt the hard bed, staring up at the ceiling. “What’s wrong with you?” You whispered to yourself, shaking your head. It felt right at the time to confess those feelings, but now… what was going to happen? Was he going to send you away and just be done with you? You had to talk to him, you had to tell him to forget about it all, act like nothing happened. 
You sat up quickly, your body moving on its own as you walked towards your door. You pressed the pad quickly, ready to go back up to the cockpit, ready to tell him that everything you said was a joke at most! That you’re okay with keeping things professional and no longer have that friendship anymore. 
You took a deep breath, watching as the door opened, ready to take a step when you saw the dark visor of the man on your mind. Your eyes widen, staring back at him, feeling your hands get extremely sweaty. “Mando-”
“Do you really?” He spoke, his modulated voice filling the air. You knew you couldn’t act stupid, you knew that could only get you so far, as of now, it was the best option to just be honest. Before you could answer he crossed the threshold, gloved hands coming up and cupping your face, holding you there. “If it’s not true, tell me now and we won’t talk about it again.” He said, and you could hear how frantic he sounded. You could feel his eyes searching frantically on your face from behind the visor. 
“Yes.” You muttered, a soft smile on your face. “I love you.” You could hear a soft gasp leave his lips, hearing you say it. You reached up, wrapping your hands around his wrists, feeling the heat through his sleeves as the two of you stood there. He pulled you close, resting the cold metal of his helmet against your forehead. Even without the words, you could feel what he wanted to say with this single action, and that was enough for you.
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